Change Log === v1.9.5 *(27.11.2015)* --- * **New API:** * `ImageLoader.displayImage(..., ImageSize targetImageSize, ...)` * CircleBitmapDisplayer * Better rendering of scaled images. * Fixed bugs: * inPurgeable and inInputShareable causes file descriptor leak on KitKat ([#1020]( * markSupported() ([#1026]( v1.9.4 *(29.05.2015)* --- * **New API:** * `ImageLoader.setDefaultLoadingListener(ImageLoadingListener)` * "Disc -> Disk" migration (deleted DiscCacheAware, MemoryCacheAware) * Video thumbnails support (`file://...`) * Fixed 0-length files problem v1.9.3 *(06.09.2014)* --- * Introduced `ImageScaleType.NONE_SAFE` * Video thumbnails support (`content://...`) * Animated drawables support (for `.showImageOnLoading()`, `.showImageOnFail()`, `.showImageForEmptyUri()`) * Fixed bugs: * `loadImageSync(...)` bug ([#636]( * NPE if no free space while init disk cache * "Bitmap too large ..." for all ImageScaleTypes * contacts photo considering v1.9.2 *(24.05.2014)* --- * New Disk cache API (preparing renaming `disc` -> `disk`) * ImageLoader can be called out of the Main thread. Callback will be delivered on separate thread. * Prevented broken image files (#511) * Interrupt non-actual tasks * `LruDiscCache` is default limited cache * Renaming: `ImageNonViewAware` -> `NonViewAware`. Extracted `ViewAware` from `ImageViewAware`. * Introduced `DiskCache` and `MemoryCache` interfaces instead of deprecated `DiscCacheAware` and `MemoryCacheAware`. * Removed `LimitedDiscCache`, `TotalSizeLimitedDiscCache`, `FileCountLimitedDiscCache`. Use `LruDisckCache` instead. v1.9.1 *(27.12.2013)* --- * **Changed API:** * `BitmapDisplayer.display(...) : Bitmap` -> `BitmapDisplayer.display(...) : void` * **New API:** * Added possibility to listen image loading progress by listener - `ImageLoadingProgressListener` * Non-actual downloads are interrupted (if loaded less than 75%) * Re-designed `RoundedBitmapDisplayer`. Added `RoundedVignetteBitmapDisplayer`. **NOTE:** New `RoundedBitmapDisplayer`'s behaviour can vary from old one. Also consider ["RoundedImageView" project]( for usage if new `RoundedBitmapDisplayer` doesn't work for you. * Maximum GL texture size is considered while decode images ([#281]( * `loadImage(...)` call cancels previous task for the same image URI ([#475]( * Fixed StrictMode warning `Explicit termination method 'close' not called` ([#482]( * `LruMemoryCache` is default memory cache for Android < 2.3 too. v1.9.0 *(27.11.2013)* --- * **Changed API:** * `BitmapDisplayer.display(..., ImageView, ...)` -> `BitmapDisplayer.display(..., ImageAware, ...)` * **New API:** * `ImageAware` * `ImageLoader.displayImage(..., ImageAware, ...)` * `ImageLoader.loadImageSync(...) : Bitmap` for synchronous loading of image * `DisplayImageOptions.considerExifParams(boolean)` * `DisplayImageOptions.showImageOnLoading(...)` (instead of `.showStubImage(...)`) * `ImageLoader` can process any view (or any other object) which implements `ImageAware` interface. E.g. `ImageViewAware` is adapter of `ImageView` for `ImageAware` * EXIF parameters of image are not considered by default anymore. Use new API to enable it. * Optimized image loading (prevented double-request on image loading, reuse existing stream) * Fixed bugs: * `loadImage(...)` bug (frequent `onLoadingCancelled()`) ([#356]( * Prevented NPE if `Context.getCacheDir()` returns `null` ([#392]( v1.8.6 *(25.07.2013)* --- * **Changed API:** `ImageLoaderConfiguration.enableLogging()` -> `ImageLoaderConfiguration.writeDebugLogs()` * **Fixed memory leak** ([#263]( * Added the bug of `loadImage(...)` method (`onLoadingCancelled()` is fired always) :) v1.8.5 *(30.06.2013)* --- * **Changed API:** `ImageLoaderConfiguration.discCacheExtraOptions(...)` -> `ImageLoaderConfiguration.discCacheExtraOptions(..., BitmapProcessor)` ([#314]( * **New API:** * `ImageLoaderConfiguration.memoryCacheSizePercentage(int)` ([#279]( * `DisplayImageOptions.cacheInMemory(boolean)`, `.cacheOnDisc(boolean)`, `.resetViewBeforeLoading(boolean)` ([#252]( * Added `LoadedFrom` flag to `BitmapDisplayer.display(..., LoadedFrom)` about image source ([#149](, [#239]( * Added `L.disableLogging()` and `L.enableLogging()` to off/on logs completely ([#270]( * Prevent image decoding if image is reused ([#247]( * Not set cache dir on SD card if no appropriate permission ([#311]( * Increased buffer size for image downloads (8 KB -> 32 KB) ([#249]( * Fixed bugs: * Prevent recycling of cached in memory images ([#259]( * ConcurrentModificationException in `LruMemoryCache` ([#265]( * File counting if cached files disappeared `LimitedDiscCache` ([#316]( * NPE for ImageView without LayoutParams ([#272]( * NPE in `LoadAndDisplayImageTask` ([#271]( * NPE in ImageLoaderEngine ([#301]( * RoundedBitmapDisplayer doesn't display round corner correctly for CENTER_CROP ([#315]( v1.8.4 *(13.04.2013)* --- * Travis CI, added Unit tests ([#189]( * **New API:** `DisplayImageOptions.handler(Handler)` ([#231]( * Fixed bugs: * `ConcurrentModificationException` in `BaseMemoryCache` ([#229]( * `NullPointerException` in `LimitedDiscCache` ([#234]( * `NullPointerException` in `LruMemoryCache` ([#233]( * Improved work with Strings on UI thread ([#244]( v1.8.3 *(31.03.2013)* --- * Android 2.0+ support * Added EXIF orientation support ([#172]( * **New API:** * `ImageLoaderConfiguration.imageDecoder(ImageDecoder)` * `DisplayImageOptions.decodingOptions(BitmapFactory.Options)` * Handled disc cache non-availability * Use `LruMemoryCache` as default memory cache for API >= 9, `LRULimitedMemoryCache` - for API < 9. Default memory cache size - 1/8 of available app memory. * Improved `LimitedDiscCache` and `FuzzyKeyMemoryCache` performance * Fixed bugs: * `.denyCacheImageMultipleSizesInMemory` doesn't work if own memory cache is set * `java.lang.NoSuchMethodError` in sample app ([#206]( v1.8.2 *(13.03.2013)* --- * **Changed API:** * `ImageDownloader.getStream***(URI, ...)` -> `ImageDownloader.getStream***(String, ...)` * Made `FailReason` as a class instead of enum. Can be used in switches: `FailReason.getType()` * Removed `ImageLoader.offOutOfMemoryHandling()`. ImageLoader doesn't handle OutOfMemoryError by default anymore (but still catches it for callbacks). * **New API:** * `ImageLoader.taskExecutor(Executor)` and `ImageLoader.taskExecutorForCachedImages(Executor)` ([#187]( * `ImageLoader.destroy()` * Handled SD card unmount ([#170]( * Added `Scheme` class * Fixed bugs: * problem of loading of local files with encoded symbols in path ([#179]( * minor mistake in `getImageSizeScaleTo()` method ([#200]( * possible concurrency issue in memory caches ([#116]( * wrong visibility of methods `ImageLoader.denyNetworkDownloads(boolean)` and `ImageLoader.handleSlowNetworks(boolean)` v1.8.1 *(08.03.2013)* --- * **Changed API:** * `ImageLoader.denyNetworkDownloads()` -> `ImageLoader.denyNetworkDownloads(true)` * `ImageLoader.allowNetworkDownloads()` -> `ImageLoader.denyNetworkDownloads(false)` * **New API:** * `ImageLoader.denyNetworkDownloads(boolean)` * `ImageLoader.handleSlowNetwork(boolean)`. `FlushedInsputStream` isn't used for downloads by default. * Handled HTTP(S) redirects * Added `LruMemoryCache` (based on Android's LruCache), uses only strong references. * Fixed `DisplayImageOptions.cloneFrom(...)` ([#173]( * Fixed ConcurrentModification issue in `MemoryCacheUtil. findCacheKeysForImageUri(...)` ([#174]( * Fixed issue "Disc Cache can't find image by URI with special/local UTF-8 characters" * Improved calculation of target image size to scale (consider measured View width and height) v1.8.0 *(10.02.2013)* --- * **Changed API:** * Signatures: * `ImageLoader.loadImage(Context, ...)` -> `ImageLoader.loadImage(...)` * `ImageDownloader.getStream(URI)` -> `ImageDownloader.getStream(URI, Object)` ([#150]( * `ImageLoadingListener.onLoading***(...)` -> `ImageLoadingListener.onLoading***(String, View, ...)` ([#130]( * Constructor `PauseOnScrollListener(...)` -> `PauseOnScrollListener(ImageLoader, ...)` * `ImageDownloader` became interface, `URLConnectionImageDownloader` + `ExtendedImageDownloader` -> `BaseImageDownloader` * Renaming: `FileUtil` -> `IoUtil` * Removed deprecated `ImageScaleType.POWER_OF_2` and `ImageScaleType.EXACT` * Support of "content://", "assets://", "drawable://" URI schemes out of the box ([#162]( * **New API:** * `DisplayImageOptions.showImageOnFail(int)` * `DisplayImageOptions.preProcessor(BitmapProcessor)` and `DisplayImageOptions.postProcessor(BitmapProcessor)` ([#151]( * `DisplayImageOptions.extraForDownloader(Object)`, allows to pass auxiliary object which will be passed to `ImageDownloader.getStream(URI, Object)` ([#150]( * `ImageLoader.denyNetworkDownloads()` and `ImageLoader.allowNetworkDownloads()` ([#148]( * `FailReason.UNSUPPORTED_URI_SCHEME` and `FailReason.NETWORK_DENIED` * `ImageScaleType.NONE` * Added `DiscCacheUtil` * Prepared ImageLoader to be extandable for creation of multiple instances ([#158]( * Fixed bug "Images aren't loaded after "Clear Cache" in app info" ([#168]( * Switched to Apache 2.0 license v1.7.1 *(31.01.2013)* --- * Avoid I/O operations on the main thread, prevented ANR ([#129](, [#154]( * Correctly handled every ImageView's scale type in `RoundedBitmapDisplayer` ([#70]( * Prevented slow precaching modified date in LimitedAgeDiscCache constructor (for large number of images in cache) ([#141]( * **New API:** `ImageLoader.isInited()` method. Throw IllegalStateException on `displayImage(...)`, `loadImage(...)`, `getMemoryCache()`, `clearMemoryCache()`, `getDiscCache()`, `clearDiscCache()` calls if ImageLoader isn't inited with config. * Closed OutputStream after Bitmap compressing ([#115]( * Sample: Refactored resources v1.7.0 *(27.11.2012)* --- * Maven support * **New API:** * `ImageLoader.pause()` and `ImageLoader.resume()` ([#106]( * `PauseOnScrollListener` (instead of `OnScrollSmartOptions`) for convenient pause/resume ImageLoader on scroll/fling in list views ([#106]( * Prevented consuming of lot of memory by cacheKeysForImageViews ([#108]( v1.6.4 *(20.11.2012)* --- * **New API:** * `DisplayImageOptions.bitmapConfig(Bitmap.Config)` ([#101]( * `DisplayImageOptions.delayBeforeLoading(int)` ([#103]( * `OnScrollSmartOptions` for convenient control of loading delay on fling in ListViews, GridViews * Added `FadeInBitmapDisplayer` * Prevented recycling of using Bitmap ([#101]( v1.6.3 *(03.11.2012)* --- * **New API:** `ImageLoaderConfiguration.tasksProcessingOrder(QueueProcessingType)` ([#89]( * Added `MemoryCacheUtil` for work with memory cache * Fixed calculation of size the original image is needed scale to ([#93]( * Allowed to create multiple `ImageLoader` instances ([#92]( v1.6.2 *(28.10.2012)* --- * Prevented showing wrong bitmap in reused view ([#85]( * Fixed bug "double displaying" if image is cached in memory * Prevented "MissingFormatWidthException" ([#88]( v1.6.1 *(02.10.2012)* --- * **Changed API:** Renaming: * `ImageScaleType.POWER_OF_2` -> `IN_SAMPLE_POWER_OF_2` * `ImageScaleType.EXACT` -> `IN_SAMPLE_INT` * **New API:** `ImageScaleType.EXACTLY` and `ImageScaleType.EXACTLY_STRETCHED` * Prevented `ImageLoadingListener` callbacks firing and displaying image in view after ImageLoader was stopped * Fixed bug of calculation of original image scale for decoding v1.6.0 *(29.09.2012)* --- * **New API:** `ImageLoader.loadImage(...)` which loads image, decodes it to Bitmap and returns Bitmap in callback ([#51]( * Avoided unnecessary image downloads ([#44]( v1.5.6 *(20.09.2012)* --- * **Changed API:** Changed `FileNameGenerator` to interface (instead of abstract class) * **New API:** `BitmapDisplayer` and `DisplayImageOptions.displayer(...)` * Multithread displaying of cached images (instead of single-thread) * Correctly handle UTF-8 symbols and spaces in image URL ([#31]( v1.5.5 *(18.08.2012)* --- * **Changed API:** * Removed `DisplayImageOptions.transform()` * Changed `FileNameGenerator` to abstract class (instead of interface) * Fire `ImageLoadingListener` callbacks if image URI is null