const fs = require('fs'); const nodeModulesExist = fs.existsSync('node_modules'); const envInitialized = fs.existsSync('apps/api/src/.env'); async function reInstallProject() { const inquirer = require('inquirer'); const questions = [ { type: 'list', name: 'reinstall', message: 'Are you changing branches like socks? just came from another branch? Do you wish us to reinstall the project for you?', choices: ['Yes', 'No'], }, ]; await inquirer.prompt(questions).then(async (answers) => { if (answers.reinstall === 'No') { return; } return await setupProject(); }); } const RUN_PROJECT = 'Run the project'; const TEST_PROJECT = 'Test the project'; const API_AND_WORKER_ONLY = 'API & Worker only'; const API_TESTS = 'API tests'; const API_E2E_TESTS = 'API E2E tests'; const API_INTEGRATION_TESTS = 'API integration tests'; const DEV_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP = 'Development environment setup'; const WEB_PROJECT_AND_WIDGET = 'Web project and Widget app'; const WEB_PROJECT = 'Web project (Web, API, Worker, WS)'; const WEB_TESTS = 'WEB tests'; const RUN_CYPRESS_UI = 'Open Cypress UI'; const RUN_CYPRESS_CLI = 'Run Cypress tests - CLI'; const RUN_CYPRESS_COMPONENT_CLI = 'Run Cypress Component test - CLI'; async function setupRunner() { const ora = require('ora'); const shell = require('shelljs'); const waitPort = require('wait-port'); const inquirer = require('inquirer'); const questions = [ { type: 'list', name: 'action', message: 'How can I help you today?', choices: [RUN_PROJECT, TEST_PROJECT, DEV_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP], }, { type: 'list', name: 'runConfiguration', message: 'What section of the project you want to run?', choices: [WEB_PROJECT, WEB_PROJECT_AND_WIDGET, API_AND_WORKER_ONLY], when(answers) { return answers.action === RUN_PROJECT; }, }, { type: 'list', name: 'runConfiguration', message: 'What section of the project you want to run?', choices: [WEB_TESTS, API_TESTS], when(answers) { return answers.action === TEST_PROJECT; }, }, { type: 'list', name: 'runApiConfiguration', message: 'What section of the project you want to run?', choices: [API_INTEGRATION_TESTS, API_E2E_TESTS], when(answers) { return answers.runConfiguration === API_TESTS; }, }, { type: 'list', name: 'runWebConfiguration', message: 'What section of the project you want to run?', choices: [RUN_CYPRESS_UI, RUN_CYPRESS_CLI, RUN_CYPRESS_COMPONENT_CLI], when(answers) { return answers.runConfiguration === WEB_TESTS; }, }, ]; inquirer.prompt(questions).then(async (answers) => { if (answers.action === DEV_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP) { shell.exec('npm run dev-environment-setup'); } else if (answers.runConfiguration === WEB_PROJECT_AND_WIDGET) { shell.exec('nx run-many --target=build --projects=@novu/api,@novu/worker'); shell.exec('npm run start:dev', { async: true }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 3000, }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 3004, }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 4500, }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 4200, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(` Everything is running 🎊 Web: Widget: API: Worker: `); } else if (answers.runConfiguration === WEB_PROJECT) { try { shell.exec('nx run-many --target=build --projects=@novu/api,@novu/worker,@novu/ws'); shell.exec('npm run start:api', { async: true }); shell.exec('npm run start:ws', { async: true }); shell.exec('npm run start:worker', { async: true }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 3000, }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 3002, }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 3004, }); shell.exec('npm run start:web', { async: true }); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(` Everything is running 🎊 Web: API: WS: Worker: `); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to spin up the project ❌`, e); } } else if (answers.runConfiguration === API_AND_WORKER_ONLY) { shell.exec('nx run-many --target=build --projects=@novu/api,@novu/worker'); shell.exec('npm run start:api', { async: true }); shell.exec('npm run start:worker', { async: true }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 3000, }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 3004, }); console.log(` Everything is running 🎊 API: Worker: `); } else if (answers.runApiConfiguration === API_INTEGRATION_TESTS) { shell.exec('nx run-many --target=build --projects=@novu/api,@novu/worker'); shell.exec('npm run start:worker:test', { async: true }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 1342, }); shell.exec('npm run start:integration:api', { async: true }); } else if (answers.runApiConfiguration === API_E2E_TESTS) { shell.exec('nx run-many --target=build --projects=@novu/api,@novu/worker'); shell.exec('npm run start:worker:test', { async: true }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 1342, }); shell.exec('npm run start:e2e:api', { async: true }); } else if ([RUN_CYPRESS_CLI, RUN_CYPRESS_UI].includes(answers.runWebConfiguration)) { shell.exec('nx run-many --target=build --projects=@novu/api,@novu/worker,@novu/ws'); shell.exec('npm run start:api:test', { async: true }); shell.exec('npm run start:worker:test', { async: true }); shell.exec('npm run start:ws:test', { async: true }); shell.exec('cd apps/web && npm run start', { async: true }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 1336, }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 1340, }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 1342, }); await waitPort({ host: 'localhost', port: 4200, }); if (answers.runWebConfiguration === RUN_CYPRESS_UI) { shell.exec('cd apps/web && npm run cypress:open'); } else if (answers.runWebConfiguration === RUN_CYPRESS_CLI) { shell.exec('cd apps/web && npm run cypress:run'); } } else if (answers.runWebConfiguration === RUN_CYPRESS_COMPONENT_CLI) { shell.exec('npm run nx build @novu/web'); shell.exec('cd apps/web && npm run cypress:run:components'); } return true; }); } const informAboutInitialSetup = () => { const rlp = require('readline'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const rl = rlp.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); rl.question( 'Looks like its the first time running this project on your machine. We will start by installing pnpm dependencies. ' + '\nDo you want to continue? Yes/No\n', function (answer) { if (answer.toLowerCase() === 'yes' || answer.toLowerCase() === 'y') { rl.close(); resolve(); return; } reject('exit.. because dependencies are mandatory.'); } ); }); }; const setupProject = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; const cmd = isWindows ? 'cmd' : 'npm'; const args = isWindows ? ['/c', 'npm run setup:project'] : ['run setup:project']; const command = spawn(cmd, args, { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit', }); function onExit() { command.kill('SIGINT'); } process.on('SIGTERM', onExit); process.on('SIGINT', onExit); command.on('exit', (exitCode) => { if (parseInt(exitCode) !== 0) { return reject(new Error(exitCode)); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Finished installing building project!'); resolve(); }); }); async function main() { if (!nodeModulesExist || !envInitialized) { await informAboutInitialSetup(); await setupProject(); } showWelcomeScreen(); await setupRunner(); } main().catch((rej) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(rej); process.kill(, 'SIGTERM'); }); function showWelcomeScreen() { const chalk = require('chalk'); const gradient = require('gradient-string'); const textGradient = gradient('#0099F7', '#ff3432'); const logoGradient = gradient('#212121', '#ec0f0d'); const logo = ` @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ `; const items = logo.split('\n').map((row) => logoGradient(row)); /* eslint-disable no-console */ console.log(chalk.bold(items.join('\n'))); console.log(chalk.bold(` Hi, I'm Jarvis by NOVU!`)); console.log(chalk.bold(textGradient(` Welcome to the codebase of the open-source notification infrastructure\n`))); /* eslint-enable no-console */ }