> 🚧 Unfortunately, this plugin has reached the end of its life 😔
> The current version in the `master` branch requires a lot of fixing and refactoring (and is simply broken), so I can't just post it, although I really wanted to update the version before archiving the project
***QuickPuTTY*** is a plugin for [Sublime Text](https://sublimetext.com "Visit sublimetext.com") that allows you to save SSH sessions for quick access to them. It will be useful for those who often use SSH.
Supports folders with a unique navigation system, making it easy to add or remove sessions on the go (manual JSON editing is also possible).
Works with the free open source terminal emulator [PuTTY](https://putty.org "Visit putty.org").
Check out how quickly you can start an SSH session **without entering username and password**:
## Installation
Plugin is available on [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/QuickPuTTY "Visit QuickPuTTY page on packagecontrol.io") and can be installed as follows:
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P, then enter `Package Control: Install Package`
2. Choose `QuickPuTTY` in the list of available packages
After installation, you can find settings and README by going to `Preferences > Package Settings > QuickPuTTY` in nav-bar.
## Usage
#### Create folder
1. Go to `PuTTY > New session/folder` in the nav-bar and select `Folder` option
2. [Choose location](#choosing-location) to place new folder
3. Enter folder name
#### Create session
1. Go to `PuTTY > New session/folder` in the nav-bar and select `Session` option
2. [Choose location](#choosing-location) to place new session
3. Enter *server host/ip*, *port*, *username* and *password* (last two are optional)
#### Edit sessions and folders
1. Go to `PuTTY > Manage sessions` in the nav-bar
2. Change the data presented in plain json format
3. Do not forget to save the file
#### Remove session/folder
1. Go to `PuTTY > Remove session/folder` in the nav-bar
2. Select a session or folder you want to remove using the [*Choose location*](#choosing-location) system
### Choosing location
At each stage, you'll see a list of options:
| item | meaning |
| ### Choose location ### | Just a title |
| \ | Select this if you want to place session/folder in current location |
| {folder_â„–} | Select a folder name to navigate into it |
This plugin was tested in `Sublime Text 4143` on `Windows 10 (22H2)` and `Ubuntu 20.04.5` (iOS support coming soon).
If you find a bug, mistake, or typo, you are very welcome to open a [new GitHub issue](https://github.com/npanuhin/QuickPuTTY/issues/new "Create a new GitHub Issue in the QuickPuTTY repository") or contact me directly (e.g., on [npanuhin.me](https://npanuhin.me "Visit npanuhin.me")).
You can find the latest version of PuTTY on [putty.org](https://putty.org "Visit putty.org")
## Development
#### Code linting
pip install -U -r ".github/flake8.requirements.txt"
flake8 --show-source --statistics
# To install pre-commit hook:
pip install -U pre-commit
pre-commit install --config ".github/.pre-commit-config.yaml"
#### TODO
- "Do not forget to save the file" — add autosave
- JSON -> TOML (or other language with less "control characters")
- Test on iOS
Copyright © 2023 Nikita Panuhin ([MIT](https://npanuhin.me/license "Visit https://npanuhin.me/license"))