@if (@X) == (@Y) @end /* JScript comment @echo off rem :: the first argument is the script name as it will be used for proper help message cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" "%~nx0" %* exit /b %errorlevel% @if (@X)==(@Y) @end JScript comment */ // used resources // update 12.10.15 // osvikvi(https://github.com/osvikvi) has nodited that the -password option is not set , so this is fixed //https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384058(v=vs.85).aspx //https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384055(v=vs.85).aspx //https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384059(v=vs.85).aspx // global variables and constants // ---------------------------------- // -- asynch requests not included -- // ---------------------------------- //todo - save responceStream instead of responceBody !! //todo - set all winthttp options ->//https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384108(v=vs.85).aspx //todo - log all options //todo - improve help message . eventual verbose option var ARGS = WScript.Arguments; var scriptName = ARGS.Item(0); var url = ""; var saveTo = ""; var user = 0; var pass = 0; var proxy = 0; var bypass = 0; var proxy_user = 0; var proxy_pass = 0; var certificate = 0; var force = true; var ignoreCertError = false; var body = ""; //ActiveX objects var WinHTTPObj = new ActiveXObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"); var FileSystemObj = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var AdoDBObj = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream"); // HttpRequest SetCredentials flags. var proxy_settings = 0; // HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_SERVER = 0; HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_PROXY = 1; //timeouts and their default values var RESOLVE_TIMEOUT = 0; var CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 90000; var SEND_TIMEOUT = 90000; var RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 90000; //HttpRequestMethod var http_method = 'GET'; //header var header_file = ""; //report var reportfile = ""; //test-this: var use_stream = false; //autologon policy var autologon_policy = 1; //0,1,2 //headers will be stored as multi-dimensional array var headers = []; //user-agent var ua = ""; //escape URL var escape = false; function printHelp() { WScript.Echo(scriptName + " - sends HTTP request and saves the request body as a file and/or a report of the sent request"); WScript.Echo(scriptName + " url [-force yes|no] [-user username -password password] [-proxy proxyserver:port] [-bypass bypass_list]"); WScript.Echo(" [-proxyuser proxy_username -proxypassword proxy_password] [-certificate certificateString]"); WScript.Echo(" [-method GET|POST|PATCH|DELETE|HEAD|OPTIONS|CONNECT]"); WScript.Echo(" [-saveTo file] - to print response to console use con"); WScript.Echo(" [-sendTimeout int(milliseconds)]"); WScript.Echo(" [-resolveTimeout int(milliseconds)]"); WScript.Echo(" [-connectTimeout int(milliseconds)]"); WScript.Echo(" [-receiveTimeout int(milliseconds)]"); WScript.Echo(" [-autologonPolicy 1|2|3]"); WScript.Echo(" [-proxySettings 1|2|3] (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384059(v=vs.85).aspx)"); //header WScript.Echo(" [-headers-file header_file]"); //reportfile WScript.Echo(" [-reportfile reportfile]"); WScript.Echo(" [-ua user-agent]"); WScript.Echo(" [-ua-file user-agent-file]"); WScript.Echo(" [-escape yes|no]"); WScript.Echo(" [-body body-string]"); WScript.Echo(" [-body-file body-file]"); WScript.Echo(" [-ignoreCertError yes|no]"); WScript.Echo("-force - decide to not or to overwrite if the local files exists"); WScript.Echo("-ignoreCertError - ignore certificate error"); WScript.Echo("proxyserver:port - the proxy server"); WScript.Echo("bypass- bypass list"); WScript.Echo("proxy_user , proxy_password - credentials for proxy server"); WScript.Echo("user , password - credentials for the server"); WScript.Echo("certificate - location of SSL certificate"); WScript.Echo("method - what HTTP method will be used.Default is GET"); WScript.Echo("saveTo - save the responce as binary file"); WScript.Echo(" "); WScript.Echo("Header file should contain key:value pairs.Lines starting with \"#\" will be ignored."); WScript.Echo("value should NOT be enclosed with quotes"); WScript.Echo(" "); WScript.Echo("Examples:"); WScript.Echo(scriptName + " http://somelink.com/somefile.zip -saveTo c:\\somefile.zip -certificate \"LOCAL_MACHINE\\Personal\\My Middle-Tier Certificate\""); WScript.Echo(scriptName + " http://somelink.com/something.html -method POST -certificate \"LOCAL_MACHINE\\Personal\\My Middle-Tier Certificate\" -header c:\\header_file -reportfile c:\\reportfile.txt"); WScript.Echo(scriptName + "\"http://somelink\" -method POST -header hdrs.txt -reportfile reportfile2.txt -saveTo responsefile2 -ua \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36\" -body-file some.json"); } function parseArgs() { // if (ARGS.Length < 2) { WScript.Echo("insufficient arguments"); printHelp(); WScript.Quit(43); } // !!! url = ARGS.Item(1); // !!! if (ARGS.Length % 2 != 0) { WScript.Echo("illegal arguments"); printHelp(); WScript.Quit(44); } for (var i = 2; i < ARGS.Length - 1; i = i + 2) { var arg = ARGS.Item(i).toLowerCase(); var next = ARGS.Item(i + 1); try { switch (arg) { // the try-catch is set mainly because of the parseInts case "-force": if (next == "no") { force = false; } break; case "-ignorecerterror": if (next == "yes") { ignoreCertError = true; } break; case "-escape": if (next == "yes") { escape = true; } break; case "-saveto": saveTo = next; break; case "-user": case "-u": user = next; break; case "-pass": case "-password": case "-p": pass = next; break; case "-proxy": proxy = next; break; case "-bypass": bypass = next; break; case "-proxyuser": case "-pu": proxy_user = next; break; case "-proxypassword": case "-pp": proxy_pass = next; break; case "-ua": ua = next; break; case "-ua-file": ua = readFile(next); break; case "-body": body = next; break; case "-usestream": //WScript.Echo("~~"); if (next.toLowerCase() === "yes") { use_stream = true }; break; case "-body-file": body = readFile(next); break; case "-certificate": certificate = next; break; case "-method": switch (next.toLowerCase()) { case "post": http_method = 'POST'; break; case "get": http_method = 'GET'; break; case "head": http_method = 'HEAD'; break; case "put": http_method = 'PUT'; break; case "options": http_method = 'OPTIONS'; break; case "connect": http_method = 'CONNECT'; break; case "patch": http_method = 'PATCH'; break; case "delete": http_method = 'DELETE'; break; default: WScript.Echo("Invalid http method passed " + next); WScript.Echo("possible values are GET,POST,DELETE,PUT,CONNECT,PATCH,HEAD,OPTIONS"); WScript.Quit(1326); break; } break; case "-headers-file": case "-header": headers = readPropFile(next); break; case "-reportfile": reportfile = next; break; //timeouts case "-sendtimeout": SEND_TIMEOUT = parseInt(next); break; case "-connecttimeout": CONNECT_TIMEOUT = parseint(next); break; case "-resolvetimeout": RESOLVE_TIMEOUT = parseInt(next); break; case "-receivetimeout": RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = parseInt(next); break; case "-autologonpolicy": autologon_policy = parseInt(next); if (autologon_policy > 2 || autologon_policy < 0) { WScript.Echo("out of autologon policy range"); WScript.Quit(87); }; break; case "-proxysettings": proxy_settings = parseInt(next); if (proxy_settings > 2 || proxy_settings < 0) { WScript.Echo("out of proxy settings range"); WScript.Quit(87); }; break; default: WScript.Echo("Invalid command line switch: " + arg); WScript.Quit(1405); break; } } catch (err) { WScript.Echo(err.message); WScript.Quit(1348); } } } stripTrailingSlash = function(path) { while (path.substr(path.length - 1, path.length) == '\\') { path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1); } return path; } function existsItem(path) { return FileSystemObj.FolderExists(path) || FileSystemObj.FileExists(path); } function deleteItem(path) { if (FileSystemObj.FileExists(path)) { FileSystemObj.DeleteFile(path); return true; } else if (FileSystemObj.FolderExists(path)) { FileSystemObj.DeleteFolder(stripTrailingSlash(path)); return true; } else { return false; } } //------------------------------- //---------------------- //---------- //----- //-- function request(url) { try { WinHTTPObj.Open(http_method, url, false); if (proxy != 0 && bypass != 0) { WinHTTPObj.SetProxy(proxy_settings, proxy, bypass); } if (proxy != 0) { WinHTTPObj.SetProxy(proxy_settings, proxy); } if (user != 0 && pass != 0) { WinHTTPObj.SetCredentials(user, pass, HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_SERVER); } if (proxy_user != 0 && proxy_pass != 0) { WinHTTPObj.SetCredentials(proxy_user, proxy_pass, HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_PROXY); } if (certificate != 0) { WinHTTPObj.SetClientCertificate(certificate); } if (ignoreCertError) { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20261520/microsoft-jscript-bypassing-certificate-error WScript.Echo("ignore cert error..."); WinHTTPObj.Option(4) = 0x3300; // SslErrorIgnoreFlags = IgnoreAll; } //set autologin policy WinHTTPObj.SetAutoLogonPolicy(autologon_policy); //set timeouts WinHTTPObj.SetTimeouts(RESOLVE_TIMEOUT, CONNECT_TIMEOUT, SEND_TIMEOUT, RECEIVE_TIMEOUT); if (headers.length !== 0) { WScript.Echo("Sending with headers:"); for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { WinHTTPObj.SetRequestHeader(headers[i][0], headers[i][1]); WScript.Echo(headers[i][0] + ":" + headers[i][1]); } WScript.Echo(""); } if (ua !== "") { //user-agent option from: //WinHttpRequestOption enumeration // other options can be added like bellow //https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384108(v=vs.85).aspx WinHTTPObj.Option(0) = ua; } if (escape) { WinHTTPObj.Option(3) = true; } if (trim(body) === "") { WinHTTPObj.Send(); } else { WinHTTPObj.Send(body); } var status = WinHTTPObj.Status } catch (err) { WScript.Echo(err.message); WScript.Quit(666); } //////////////////////// // report // //////////////////////// if (reportfile != "") { //var report_string=""; var n = "\r\n"; var report_string = "Status:" + n; report_string = report_string + " " + WinHTTPObj.Status; report_string = report_string + " " + WinHTTPObj.StatusText + n; report_string = report_string + " " + n; report_string = report_string + "Response:" + n; report_string = report_string + WinHTTPObj.ResponseText + n; report_string = report_string + " " + n; report_string = report_string + "Headers:" + n; report_string = report_string + WinHTTPObj.GetAllResponseHeaders() + n; WinHttpRequestOption_UserAgentString = 0; // Name of the user agent WinHttpRequestOption_URL = 1; // Current URL WinHttpRequestOption_URLCodePage = 2; // Code page WinHttpRequestOption_EscapePercentInURL = 3; // Convert percents // in the URL // rest of the options can be seen and eventually added using this as reference // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384108(v=vs.85).aspx report_string = report_string + "URL:" + n; report_string = report_string + WinHTTPObj.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_URL) + n; report_string = report_string + "URL Code Page:" + n; report_string = report_string + WinHTTPObj.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_URLCodePage) + n; report_string = report_string + "User Agent:" + n; report_string = report_string + WinHTTPObj.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_UserAgentString) + n; report_string = report_string + "Escapped URL:" + n; report_string = report_string + WinHTTPObj.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_EscapePercentInURL) + n; prepareateFile(force, reportfile); WScript.Echo("Writing report to " + reportfile); writeFile(reportfile, report_string); } switch (status) { case 200: WScript.Echo("Status: 200 OK"); break; default: WScript.Echo("Status: " + status); WScript.Echo("Status was not OK. More info -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes"); } //if as binary if (saveTo.toLowerCase() === "con") { WScript.Echo(WinHTTPObj.ResponseText); } if (saveTo !== "" && saveTo.toLowerCase() !== "con") { prepareateFile(force, saveTo); try { if (use_stream) { writeBinFile(saveTo, WinHTTPObj.ResponseStream); } else { writeBinFile(saveTo, WinHTTPObj.ResponseBody); } } catch (err) { WScript.Echo("Failed to save the file as binary.Attempt to save it as text"); AdoDBObj.Close(); prepareateFile(true, saveTo); writeFile(saveTo, WinHTTPObj.ResponseText); } } WScript.Quit(status); } //-- //----- //---------- //---------------------- //------------------------------- function prepareateFile(force, file) { if (force && existsItem(file)) { if (!deleteItem(file)) { WScript.Echo("Unable to delete " + file); WScript.Quit(8); } } else if (existsItem(file)) { WScript.Echo("Item " + file + " already exist"); WScript.Quit(9); } } function writeBinFile(fileName, data) { AdoDBObj.Type = 1; AdoDBObj.Open(); AdoDBObj.Position = 0; AdoDBObj.Write(data); AdoDBObj.SaveToFile(fileName, 2); AdoDBObj.Close(); } function writeFile(fileName, data) { AdoDBObj.Type = 2; AdoDBObj.CharSet = "iso-8859-1"; AdoDBObj.Open(); AdoDBObj.Position = 0; AdoDBObj.WriteText(data); AdoDBObj.SaveToFile(fileName, 2); AdoDBObj.Close(); } function readFile(fileName) { //check existence try { if (!FileSystemObj.FileExists(fileName)) { WScript.Echo("file " + fileName + " does not exist!"); WScript.Quit(13); } if (FileSystemObj.GetFile(fileName).Size === 0) { return ""; } var fileR = FileSystemObj.OpenTextFile(fileName, 1); var content = fileR.ReadAll(); fileR.Close(); return content; } catch (err) { WScript.Echo("Error while reading file: " + fileName); WScript.Echo(err.message); WScript.Echo("Will return empty string"); return ""; } } function readPropFile(fileName) { //check existence resultArray = []; if (!FileSystemObj.FileExists(fileName)) { WScript.Echo("(headers)file " + fileName + " does not exist!"); WScript.Quit(15); } if (FileSystemObj.GetFile(fileName).Size === 0) { return resultArray; } var fileR = FileSystemObj.OpenTextFile(fileName, 1); var line = ""; var k = ""; var v = ""; var lineN = 0; var index = 0; try { WScript.Echo("parsing headers form " + fileName + " property file "); while (!fileR.AtEndOfStream) { line = fileR.ReadLine(); lineN++; index = line.indexOf(":"); if (line.indexOf("#") === 0 || trim(line) === "") { continue; } if (index === -1 || index === line.length - 1 || index === 0) { WScript.Echo("Invalid line " + lineN); WScript.Quit(93); } k = trim(line.substring(0, index)); v = trim(line.substring(index + 1, line.length)); resultArray.push([k, v]); } fileR.Close(); return resultArray; } catch (err) { WScript.Echo("Error while reading headers file: " + fileName); WScript.Echo(err.message); WScript.Echo("Will return empty array"); return resultArray; } } function trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); } function main() { parseArgs(); request(url); } main();