*UPDATE: If you use kuroir's SCSS-Package at the latest version you don't have to integrate this Snippets to Sublime Text 2 as they were reintegrated by kuroir!* This Package contains Snippets for use with SCSS and are forked from kuroir's SCSS-Package. #Additional SCSS Snippets * `+` -> `@include` * `++` -> `@extend` * `+++` -> `@import` * `=` -> `@mixin` * `for` -> `@for` * `if` -> `@if` * `@f` -> `@font-face` * `@m` -> `@media` #Sublime Text 2 Install ##Installation via Package Control: Search for "SCSS-Snippets"-Package. ##Manual Installation Open up Terminal.app and execute these commands: cd ~/Library/"Application Support"/"Sublime Text 2"/Packages/ git clone git://github.com/npostulart/SCSS-Snippets.git