########## weasis-pacs-connector configuration (version 6 or higher) ########## ##### All the Java system variables (ex. ${user.dir},${home.dir}...) placed in this file are replaced with their values. ##### ${server.host} is the server name of weasis-pacs-connector and ${server.base.url} the base URL (scheme :// host : port) ##### DICOM AETitle for weasis-pacs-connector aet=PACS-CONNECTOR ##### Build the xml manifest even no image has been found accept.noimage=false ##### Define the manifest version (default is 2.5, old one is 1 - required by weasis lesser than 2.5) ##### Can be overridden from URL with the parameter "mfv" (ex. http://localhost:8080/weasis-pacs-connector/viewer?patientID=962738&src=weasis1.jnlp&mfv=1) #manifest.version=1 ##### Maximum number of manifests treated simultaneous (if there are more they will be placed in a queue) thread.manifest.concurrency=5 ##### Max life time of a building manifest thread in milliseconds => 5 min thread.max.life.clyle=300000 ##### Cleaning thread frequency in milliseconds => 1 min thread.clean.frequency=60000 ##### To get Fully Qualified Domain Name behind load balancer for the property ${server.base.url}. ##### If not resolved from the DNS server FQDM is taken from the /etc/hosts on Unix server. server.canonical.hostname.mode=false ##### Additional parameters at the end of URL #request.addparams=&embedManifest ##### Name of the default jnlp template (must be placed in the same directory as this file). Default value is weasis.jnlp and weasis1.jnlp is for Weasis < 2.5 ##### Can be overridden from URL with the parameter "src" (ex. http://localhost:8080/weasis-pacs-connector/viewer?patientID=962738&src=weasis1.jnlp&mfv=1) #jnlp.default.name=weasis1.jnlp #jnlp.applet.name=weasisApplet1.jnlp ##### Request IDs allowed: patientID, studyUID, accessionNumber, seriesUID, objectUID ##### Called from the web context: /viewer, /viewer-applet, /manifest request.ids=patientID,studyUID,accessionNumber,seriesUID,objectUID ##### Request ID in combination with other IDs (must be only upper level or at the same level) # request.studyUID=patientID # request.accessionNumber=patientID # request.seriesUID=patientID,studyUID # request.objectUID=studyUID,seriesUID ##### Request levels allowed of the IHE IID profile: PATIENT, STUDY ##### Called from the web context: /IHEInvokeImageDisplay request.IID.level=PATIENT,STUDY ##### Encrypt all IDs. Key must have at least 10 to 30 characters. #encrypt.key=paraphraseForIDs ##### Provide IPs or hostnames (comma separated values) that are allowed to access weasis-pacs-connector. No value means no restriction. hosts.allow= ########## Manifest properties ########## # Base URL for getting the xml manifest manifest.base.url=${server.base.url} ########## Weasis properties ########## ##### Weasis base web context (${cdb} in jnlp template), default value is ${server.base.url}/weasis weasis.base.url=${server.base.url}/weasis ##### Weasis extension web context (${cdb-ext} in jnlp template), default value is ${server.base.url}/weasis-ext #weasis.ext.url=${server.base.url}/weasis-ext ##### Weasis default initial and maximum heap size in MB weasis.init.heap=128 weasis.max.heap=768 ########## Multi-archive properties ########## ##### Add additional archive properties. Allows to use simultaneously several archive ##### Properties filenames separate by a comma. A file must contain the archive properties (arc.* and wado.*) and it must be placed in the same directory as this file. #arc.config.list=dicom-dcm4chee.properties,db-dcm4chee.properties arc.config.list=dicom-dcm4chee.properties