##########  DICOM Query of archive (PACS, MACS or VNA) ##########
##########  Default configuration is intended to be used with dcm4chee 2.x) ##########

# ID of the archive (Mandatory property), alphanumeric value
# Query automatically the archive when true. Otherwise requires to have the archive ID in the request URL (ex. http://host?patientID=9702672&archive=1000) 
# list of previous archive IDs (separate by a comma) where the images has been migrated in this archive
# AET, hostname and port of the archive (Mandatory properties)

##### Using TLS to query
##### Need client authentication for TLS
##### File path or URL of key store containing the private key
##### Type of key store containing the private key, JKS by default
##### Password for key store containing the private key
##### Password for accessing the key in the key store, key store password by default
##### File path or URL of key store containing trusted certificates
##### Type of key store with trusted certificates, JKS by default
##### Password for key store with trusted certificates

##### Base URL of the WADO server (Mandatory property)
##### For dcm4chee-arc-light 5: 
##### For dcm4chee-arc-light 5 (accept all the syntaxes otherwise arc-light will uncompress all the images):
##### Set a DICOM tag list (comma-separated integer values) that will be used to override downloaded DICOM files by the values in the wado xml file.
##### Set a HTTP tag list (comma-separated key:value). The tags will be included in the HTTP header of each WADO request. 
##### Ex. wado.httpTags=X-Time:23424324,X-Value:32443432