openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: 1.0.0 title: orb-fleet servers: - url: 'http://localhost:8203' paths: /agent_groups: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" get: summary: 'List current Agent Groups' operationId: listAgentGroups tags: - agent_groups parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Limit" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Offset" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Name" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Order" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Direction" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Tags" responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentGroupsPageRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed query parameters. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '404': description: A non-existent entity request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" post: summary: 'Create a new Agent Group' operationId: createAgentGroup tags: - agent_groups requestBody: $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/AgentGroupCreateReq" responses: '201': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentGroupObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed JSON. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '409': description: Entity already exist. '415': description: Missing or invalid content type. '422': description: Database can't process request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agent_groups/{id}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/AgentGroupId" get: summary: 'Get an existing Agent Group' operationId: readAgentGroup tags: - agent_groups responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentGroupObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed JSON. '404': description: A non-existent entity request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" put: summary: 'Update an existing Agent Group' operationId: updateAgentGroup tags: - agent_groups requestBody: required: true $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/AgentGroupUpdateReq" responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentGroupObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed JSON. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '422': description: Database can't process request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" delete: summary: 'Delete an existing Agent Group' operationId: deleteAgentGroup tags: - agent_groups responses: '204': description: AgentGroup removed. '400': description: Failed due to malformed AgentGroup ID. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agent_groups/validate: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" post: summary: 'Validate an Agent Group configuration without saving it' operationId: validateAgentGroup tags: - agent_groups requestBody: $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/AgentGroupCreateReq" responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentGroupValidateObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed JSON. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '415': description: Missing or invalid content type. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agents: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" get: summary: 'List current Agents' operationId: listAgents tags: - agents parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Limit" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Offset" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Name" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Order" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Direction" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Tags" responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentPageRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed query parameters. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '404': description: A non-existent entity request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" post: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" summary: 'Create a new Agent' operationId: createAgent tags: - agents requestBody: $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/AgentCreateReq" responses: '201': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed JSON. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '409': description: Entity already exist. '415': description: Missing or invalid content type. '422': description: Database can't process request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agents/{id}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/AgentId" get: summary: 'Get an existing Agent' operationId: readAgent tags: - agents responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed JSON. '404': description: A non-existent entity request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" put: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" summary: 'Update an existing Agent' operationId: updateAgent tags: - agents requestBody: required: true $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/AgentUpdateReq" responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed JSON. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '422': description: Database can't process request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" delete: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" summary: 'Delete an existing Agent' operationId: deleteAgent tags: - agents responses: '204': description: Agent removed. '400': description: Failed due to malformed Agent ID. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agents/{id}/matching_groups: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/AgentId" get: summary: 'Get matching groups for an existing Agent' operationId: matchingGroups tags: - agents responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentMatchingGroupsObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed JSON. '404': description: A non-existent entity request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agents/validate: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" post: summary: 'Validate an Agent configuration without saving it' operationId: validateAgent tags: - agents requestBody: $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/AgentCreateReq" responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentValidateObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed JSON. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '415': description: Missing or invalid content type. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agents/backends: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" get: summary: 'List of Agent backends' operationId: listAgentsBackends tags: - agents responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/AgentBackendsObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed query parameters. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '404': description: A non-existent entity request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agents/backends/pktvisor/taps: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" get: summary: 'List of pktvisor Taps available from current agents' operationId: listTaps tags: - agents responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/pktvisorTapsObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed query parameters. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '404': description: A non-existent entity request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agents/backends/pktvisor/inputs: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" get: summary: 'List of pktvisor Inputs available across current agents' operationId: listInputs tags: - agents responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/pktvisorInputsObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed query parameters. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '404': description: A non-existent entity request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agents/backends/pktvisor/handlers: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" get: summary: 'List of pktvisor Handlers available across current agents' operationId: listHandlers tags: - agents responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/pktvisorHandlersObjRes" '400': description: Failed due to malformed query parameters. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '404': description: A non-existent entity request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" /agent/{id}/rpc/reset: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Authorization" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/AgentId" post: summary: 'Request for reset agent remotely' operationId: resetAgent tags: - agents responses: '200': description: Agent was successful resquested to reset '400': description: Failed due to malformed JSON. '401': description: Missing or invalid access token provided. '404': description: A non-existent entity request. '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/ServiceErrorRes" components: securitySchemes: bearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT requestBodies: AgentGroupCreateReq: description: JSON-formatted document describing the new Agent Group configuration required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentGroupCreateReqSchema" AgentGroupUpdateReq: description: JSON-formatted document describing the updated Agent Group configuration required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentGroupUpdateReqSchema" AgentCreateReq: description: JSON-formatted document describing the new Agent configuration required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentCreateReqSchema" AgentUpdateReq: description: JSON-formatted document describing the updated Agent configuration required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentUpdateReqSchema" parameters: Name: name: name description: Name filter. Filtering is performed as a case-insensitive partial match. in: query schema: type: string required: false Order: name: order description: Order type. in: query schema: type: string default: id enum: - name - id required: false Direction: name: dir description: Order direction. in: query schema: type: string default: desc enum: - asc - desc required: false Limit: name: limit description: Size of the subset to retrieve. in: query schema: type: integer default: 10 maximum: 100 minimum: 1 required: false Offset: name: offset description: Number of items to skip during retrieval. in: query schema: type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 required: false Tags: name: tags description: Tags filter. Filtering is performed as a case-insensitive partial key value match. in: query schema: type: object example: "{\"key\":\"value\"}" required: false Authorization: name: Authorization description: User's access token (bearer auth) in: header bearerAuth: scheme: bearer type: http format: JWT required: true AgentGroupId: name: id description: Unique Agent Group identifier. in: path schema: type: string format: uuid required: true AgentId: name: id description: Unique Agent identifier. in: path schema: type: string format: uuid required: true responses: AgentGroupObjRes: description: Agent Group object content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentGroupsObjSchema" AgentGroupValidateObjRes: description: Agent Group object content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentGroupsValidateObjSchema" AgentGroupsPageRes: description: Data retrieved. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentGroupPageSchema" AgentObjRes: description: Agent object content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentObjSchema" AgentMatchingGroupsObjRes: description: Agent Matching Groups object content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentMatchingGroupsObjSchema" AgentValidateObjRes: description: Agent validation object content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentValidateObjSchema" AgentPageRes: description: Data retrieved. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentPageSchema" AgentBackendsObjRes: description: List of Agent backends object content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentBackendsObjSchema" pktvisorTapsObjRes: description: list of pktvisor Taps available from current agents content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PktvisorTapsObjSchema" pktvisorInputsObjRes: description: list of pktvisor Inputs available from current agents content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PktvisorInputsObjSchema" pktvisorHandlersObjRes: description: list of pktvisor Handlers available across current agents content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PktvisorHandlersObjSchema" ServiceErrorRes: description: Unexpected server-side error occurred. content: application/json: schema: type: string format: byte schemas: AgentGroupUpdateReqSchema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: A unique name label example: eu-agents description: type: string description: User description of this Agent Group example: An example agent group representing european dns nodes tags: type: object description: User defined key/values that will define the members of the group by matching against Agent tags example: region: eu node_type: dns AgentGroupCreateReqSchema: type: object required: - name - tags properties: name: type: string description: A unique name label example: eu-agents description: type: string description: User description of this Agent Group example: An example agent group representing european dns nodes tags: type: object description: User defined key/values that will define the members of the group by matching against Agent tags example: region: eu node_type: dns AgentGroupPageSchema: type: object properties: agent_groups: type: array minItems: 0 uniqueItems: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentGroupsObjSchema" total: type: integer description: Total number of items. offset: type: integer description: Number of items to skip during retrieval. limit: type: integer description: Maximum number of items to return in one page. required: - agent_groups AgentUpdateReqSchema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: A unique name label example: my-agent1 orb_tags: type: object description: User defined key/values that will define the members of the group by matching against Agent tags example: region: eu node_type: dns AgentCreateReqSchema: type: object required: - name - tags properties: name: type: string description: A unique name label example: my-agent1 orb_tags: type: object description: User defined key/values that will define the members of the group by matching against Agent tags example: region: eu node_type: dns AgentPageSchema: type: object properties: agents: type: array minItems: 0 uniqueItems: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AgentObjSchema" total: type: integer description: Total number of items. offset: type: integer description: Number of items to skip during retrieval. limit: type: integer description: Maximum number of items to return in one page. required: - agents ConfigEntrySchema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: Visual title of the config item shown in UI type: type: string description: "Data field type" enum: - string - password - int name: type: string description: The field label used in the JSON config object for this field description: type: string description: A description of the use of this configuration field example: title: Remote Host type: string name: remote_host description: The remote host to send Prometheus metrics too AgentGroupsObjSchema: type: object required: - id properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: Unique identifier (UUID) name: type: string description: A unique name label example: eu-agents description: type: string description: User description of this Agent Group example: An example agent group representing european dns nodes tags: type: object description: User defined key/values that will define the members of the group by matching against Agent tags example: region: eu node_type: dns ts_created: type: string format: date-time description: Timestamp of creation matching_agents: type: object description: Counts of agents currently matching this group properties: total: type: integer description: total agents matching online: type: integer description: total agents matching which are currently online AgentGroupsValidateObjSchema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: A unique name label example: eu-agents tags: type: object description: User defined key/values that will define the members of the group by matching against Agent tags example: region: eu node_type: dns matching_agents: type: object description: Counts of agents currently matching this group properties: total: type: integer description: total agents matching online: type: integer description: total agents matching which are currently online AgentObjSchema: type: object required: - id properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: Unique identifier (UUID) name: type: string description: A unique name label example: my-agent1 agent_tags: type: object description: Orb tags field sent in by the agent when it connects group by matching against Agent tags example: region: eu node_type: dns orb_tags: type: object description: Orb tags field defined through the API or UI example: region: eu node_type: dns ts_created: type: string format: date-time description: Timestamp of creation agent_metadata: type: object description: JSON object sent in by the agent representing its Capabilities example: region: eu node_type: dns state: type: string description: Current connection status of the agent, one of 'new', 'online', 'offline', 'stale', 'removed' example: 'online' last_hb_data: type: object description: JSON object sent in by the agent as its last heartbeat ts_last_hb: type: string format: date-time description: A time stamp of the last heartbeat that was received key: type: string format: uuid description: Agent key is a secret key that is generated at agent creation for authentication purposes channel_id: type: string format: uuid description: Communication channel ID (UUIDv4), unique to this agent and created at agent creation AgentMatchingGroupsObjSchema: type: array items: type: object properties: group_id: type: string format: uuid description: group id name: type: string description: group name example: 'group-1' AgentValidateObjSchema: type: object required: - id properties: name: type: string description: A unique name label example: my-agent1 orb_tags: type: object description: Orb tags field sent in by the agent when it connects group by matching against Agent tags example: region: eu node_type: dns AgentBackendsObjSchema: type: array items: type: object properties: backend: type: string description: avaliable backend name example: pktvisor description: type: string description: Description of this backend example: pktvisor observability agent from schema_version: type: string description: Version of the schema for this Backend example: '1.0' PktvisorTapsObjSchema: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: avaliable tap name example: anycast_dns input_type: type: string example: pcap config_predefined: type: array items: type: string example: iface agents: type: object properties: total: type: integer PktvisorInputsObjSchema: required: - iface type: object properties: pcap: type: object description: input type properties: filter: type: object properties: bpf: type: string description: tcpdump compatible filter expression for limiting the traffic examined (with BPF) config: type: object properties: iface: type: string description: The network interface to capture traffic from example: eth0 host_spec: type: string description: Subnets (comma separated) which should be considered belonging to this host, in CIDR form. Used for ingress/egress determination, defaults to host attached to the network interface example:,,2001:db8::/64 pcap_source: type: string description: Packet capture engine to use. Defaults to best for platform example: libpcap additionalProperties: type: string description: Input version example: pcap: "1.0": filter: bpf: udp port 53 and host config: iface: eth0 host_spec:,,2001:db8::/64 pcap_source: libpcap PktvisorHandlersObjSchema: type: object properties: additionalProperties: type: object properties: version: type: integer