use strict; use warnings; #################################################### ######### Description #### #################################################### # 1. Creates a list that compares functions between GENOMES ## 2. The table contains the number of pegs that are doing the same function # Uses bindings files from the tar download from RAST ######### Subs and variables ####################### my @GENOMES=qx/ls data\/bindings\/*.bindings/; ## Read all cvs my @ID=qx/ls data\/annotations\/*.txt/; ## Read all text files my $N=scalar @GENOMES; ## Number of files my %GENOME_NAMES; ## Hash Genome_Id -> Organisms Name my %FUNC; my %GENES; my @functions; my $Id_file=$ARGV[0]; sub readOrganisms; sub CountFunctions; sub headers; sub Output; #################################################### ################################# ###### Main program #################################################### %GENOME_NAMES=readOrganisms($Id_file,@ID); ##Read txt files and fill Hash Genome_Id -> Organisms Name %FUNC=CountFunctions($N,\%GENES,@GENOMES); ##Store in FUNC The number of fucntion and in GENES the pegs of the functions headers(\%GENOME_NAMES,@GENOMES); Output($N,\%GENES,%FUNC); #################################################### #################################################### sub readOrganisms{ my $file=shift; my @ID=@_; my %GENOME_NAMES; open(FILE,"data/$file") or die "Could not open file $file $!"; foreach my $ID(@ID){ #print "En el for ID $ID\n"; while ( my $line = ) { $line=~s/\n|\r//g; my @st=split("\t",$line); my $Id=$st[0]; my $name=$st[2]; $GENOME_NAMES{$Id}=$name; print "$Id => $GENOME_NAMES{$Id}\n"; } } close FILE; return (%GENOME_NAMES); } #................................................................ sub CountFunctions{ my $N=shift; my $refGENES=shift; my @GENOMES=@_; my $count=0; my %FUNC; foreach my $genome(@GENOMES){ chomp $genome; print "genome: $genome count $count\n"; open(FILE,$genome) or die "Could not open file $genome $!"; my %FUNCTION; ##For each genome a Hash of array HAsh keys:functions Array Contents: gene with that function while ( my $line = ) { my @st=split("\t",$line); my $func=$st[1]; my $gen=$st[2]; chomp $gen; #print "#$gen# GEn \n"; if(!exists $FUNCTION{$func}) { #print "New Function $func !!! \n "; $FUNCTION{$func}=[]; } if (!($gen~~$FUNCTION{$func})){ push (@{$FUNCTION{$func}}, $gen); my $size=scalar @{$FUNCTION{$func}}; #print "Size $size \n"; #print "$func => @{$FUNCTION{$func}}\n"; } } close FILE; foreach my $element(keys %FUNCTION){ ##Looking the function of the genome number $count if(!exists $FUNC{$element}) { ## IF not exists FUNC function creates an array for all the genomes with zeros $FUNC{$element} = []; $refGENES->{$element}=[]; for (my $i=0;$i<$N;$i++){ $FUNC{$element}[$i]=0; $refGENES->{$element}[$i]=""; } } ##In the corresponding genome fill the number of gene with that function $FUNC{$element}[$count]=scalar @{$FUNCTION{$element}}; $refGENES->{$element}[$count]=join(',', @{ $FUNCTION{$element} } ); } $count++; } return %FUNC; } sub headers{ my $refNAMES=shift; my @GENOMES=@_; open (FILE,">output/FunctionTable.csv") or die "Could not open file Salida $!"; open (PEGS,">output/PegsTable.csv") or die "Could not open file Salida $!"; my $headers="FUNCTION\t"; foreach my $genome(@GENOMES){ chomp $genome; $genome=~s/\.bindings//; $genome=~s/data\/bindings\///; print "#$genome# => #$refNAMES->{$genome}#\n"; $headers=$headers.$refNAMES->{$genome}."\t"; } print FILE "$headers\n"; print PEGS "$headers\n"; close FILE; close PEGS; } sub Output{ my $N=shift; my $refGENES=shift; my %FUNC=(@_); open (FILE,">>output/FunctionTable.csv") or die "Could not open file Salida $!"; open (PEGS,">>output/PegsTable.csv") or die "Could not open file Salida $!"; foreach my $func(sort keys %FUNC){ #print "$func\n"; my $line = $func."\t"; my $peg= $func."\t"; for (my $i=0;$i<$N;$i++){ my $numberFunc=scalar $FUNC{$func}[$i]; $line=$line.$numberFunc."\t"; $peg=$peg.$refGENES->{$func}[$i]."\t"; } print FILE "$line\n"; print PEGS "$peg\n"; } close FILE; close PEGS; }