#!/usr/bin/python3 # Mikael,@nsmfoo - blog.prowling.nu # Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, MacOS 11.x, using several brands of computers and types..but there is no guarantee that it will work anyway.. # Prerequisites: see README.md # Import stuff import subprocess import netifaces import os.path import dmidecode import random import uuid import re import time import base64 import sys # Welcome print('--- Generate VirtualBox templates to help thwart VM detection and more .. - Mikael, @nsmfoo ---') if not os.geteuid()==0: sys.exit("\n[*] You need to run this script as root\n") # Check dependencies dependencies = ["/usr/bin/cd-drive", "/usr/bin/acpidump", "DevManView.exe", "Volumeid.exe", "computer.lst", "user.lst", "/usr/bin/glxinfo", "/usr/sbin/smartctl"] for dep in dependencies: if not (os.path.exists(dep)): print('[WARNING] Dependencies are missing, please verify that you have installed: ', dep) exit() print('[*] Creating VirtualBox modifications ..') # Randomize serial def serial_randomize(start=0, string_length=10): rand = str(uuid.uuid4()) rand = rand.upper() rand = re.sub('-', '', rand) return rand[start:string_length] dmi_info = {} try: for v in dmidecode.get_by_type(0): if type(v) == dict and v['DMIType'] == 0: dmi_info['DmiBIOSVendor'] = "string:" + v['Vendor'] dmi_info['DmiBIOSVersion'] = "string:" + v['Version'].replace(" ", "") biosversion = v['BIOS Revision'] dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseDate'] = "string:" + v['Release Date'] except: # This typo is deliberate, as a previous version of py-dmidecode contained a typo dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseDate'] = "string:" + v['Relase Date'] try: dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMajor'], dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMinor'] = biosversion.split('.', 1) except: dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMajor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMinor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' # python-dmidecode does not currently reveal all values .. this is plan B dmi_firmware = subprocess.getoutput("dmidecode t0") try: dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor'], dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor'] = re.search( "Firmware Revision: ([0-9A-Za-z. ]*)", dmi_firmware).group(1).split('.', 1) except: dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' for v in dmidecode.get_by_type(2): if type(v) == dict and v['DMIType'] == 2: serial_number = v['Serial Number'] dmi_info['DmiBoardVersion'] = "string:" + v['Version'].replace(" ", "") dmi_info['DmiBoardProduct'] = "string:" + v['Product Name'].replace(" ", "") dmi_info['DmiBoardVendor'] = "string:" + v['Manufacturer'].replace(" ", "") # This is hopefully not the best solution .. try: s_number = [] if serial_number: # Get position if '/' in serial_number: for slash in re.finditer('/', serial_number): s_number.append(slash.start(0)) # Remove / from string new_serial = re.sub('/', '', serial_number) new_serial = serial_randomize(0, len(new_serial)) # Add / again for char in s_number: new_serial = new_serial[:char] + '/' + new_serial[char:] else: new_serial = serial_randomize(0, len(serial_number)) else: new_serial = "** No value to retrieve **" except: new_serial = "** No value to retrieve **" dmi_info['DmiBoardSerial'] = new_serial # python-dmidecode does not reveal all values .. this is plan B dmi_board = subprocess.getoutput("dmidecode -t2") try: asset_tag = re.search("Asset Tag: ([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", dmi_board).group(1) except: asset_tag = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBoardAssetTag'] = "string:" + asset_tag try: loc_chassis = re.search("Location In Chassis: ([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", dmi_board).group(1) except: loc_chassis = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBoardLocInChass'] = "string:" + loc_chassis.replace(" ", "") # Based on the list from https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0134_3.4.0.pdf board_dict = {'Unknown': 1, 'Other': 2, 'Server Blade': 3, 'Connectivity Switch': 4, 'System Management Module': 5, 'Processor Module': 6, 'I/O Module': 7, 'Memory Module': 8, 'Daughter board': 9, 'Motherboard': 10, 'Processor/Memory Module': 11, 'Processor/IO Module': 12, 'Interconnect board': 13} try: board_type = re.search("Type: ([0-9A-Za-z ]+)", dmi_board).group(1) board_type = str(board_dict.get(board_type)) except: board_type = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBoardBoardType'] = board_type for v in dmidecode.get_by_type(1): if type(v) == dict and v['DMIType'] == 1: dmi_info['DmiSystemSKU'] = v['SKU Number'] system_family = v['Family'] system_serial = v['Serial Number'] dmi_info['DmiSystemVersion'] = "string:" + v['Version'].replace(" ", "") dmi_info['DmiSystemProduct'] = "string:" + v['Product Name'].replace(" ", "") dmi_info['DmiSystemVendor'] = "string:" + v['Manufacturer'].replace(" ", "") if not system_family: dmi_info['DmiSystemFamily'] = "Not Specified" else: dmi_info['DmiSystemFamily'] = "string:" + system_family # Create a new UUID newuuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) dmi_info['DmiSystemUuid'] = newuuid.upper() # Create a new system serial number dmi_info['DmiSystemSerial'] = "string:" + (serial_randomize(0, len(system_serial))) for v in dmidecode.get_by_type(3): dmi_info['DmiChassisVendor'] = "string:" + v['Manufacturer'].replace(" ", "") chassi_serial = v['Serial Number'] dmi_info['DmiChassisVersion'] = "string:" + v['Version'].replace(" ", "") dmi_info['DmiChassisType'] = v['Type'] # Based on the list from https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0134_3.4.0.pdf chassi_dict = {'Other': 1, 'Unknown': 2, 'Desktop': 3, 'Low Profile Desktop': 4, 'Pizza Box': 5, 'Mini Tower': 6, 'Tower': 7, 'Portable': 8, 'Laptop': 9, 'Notebook': 10, 'Hand Held': 11, 'Docking Station': 12, 'All in One': 13, 'Sub Notebook': 14, 'Space-saving': 15, 'Lunch Box': 16, 'Main Server Chassis': 17, 'Expansion Chassis': 18, 'SubChassis': 19, 'Bus Expansion Chassis': 20, 'Peripheral Chassis': 21, 'RAID Chassis': 22, 'Rack Mount Chassis': 23, 'Sealed-case PC': 24, 'Multi-system chassis': 25, 'Compact PCI': 26, 'Advanced TCA': 27, 'Blade': 28, 'Blade Enclosure': 29, 'Tablet': 30, 'Convertible': 31, 'Detachable': 32, 'IoT Gateway': 33, 'Embedded PC': 34, 'Mini PC': 35, 'Stick PC': 36} dmi_info['DmiChassisType'] = str(chassi_dict.get(dmi_info['DmiChassisType'])) # python-dmidecode does not reveal all values .. this is plan B chassi = subprocess.getoutput("dmidecode -t3") try: dmi_info['DmiChassisAssetTag'] = "string:" + re.search("Asset Tag: ([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", chassi).group(1) except: dmi_info['DmiChassisAssetTag'] = '** No value to retrieve **' # Create a new chassi serial number dmi_info['DmiChassisSerial'] = "string:" + (serial_randomize(0, len(chassi_serial))) for v in dmidecode.get_by_type(4): dmi_info['DmiProcVersion'] = "string:" + v['Version'].replace(" ", "") dmi_info['DmiProcManufacturer'] = "string:" + v['Manufacturer'].replace(" ", "") # OEM strings try: for v in dmidecode.get_by_type(11): oem_ver = v['Strings']['3'] oem_rev = v['Strings']['2'] except: pass try: dmi_info['DmiOEMVBoxVer'] = "string:" + oem_ver dmi_info['DmiOEMVBoxRev'] = "string:" + oem_rev except: dmi_info['DmiOEMVBoxVer'] = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiOEMVBoxRev'] = '** No value to retrieve **' # Write all data collected so far to file name_of_file = dmi_info['DmiSystemProduct'].replace(' ', '').replace('string:', '') if name_of_file: file_name = dmi_info['DmiSystemProduct'].replace(" ", "").replace("/", "_").replace(",", "_").replace('string:', '') + '.sh' else: file_name = dmi_info['DmiChassisType'] + '_' + dmi_info['DmiBoardProduct'].replace("string:", "") + '.sh' logfile = open(file_name, 'w+') logfile.write('#Script generated on: ' + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + '\n') bash = """ if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "[*] Please add vm name!" echo "[*] Available vms:" VBoxManage list vms | awk -F'"' {' print $2 '} | sed 's/"//g' exit fi """ logfile.write(bash + '\n') for k, v in sorted(dmi_info.items()): if '** No value to retrieve **' in v: logfile.write('# VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/' + k + '\t' + v + '\n') else: logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/' + k + '\t\'' + v + '\'\n') # Disk information disk_dmi = {} disk_name = subprocess.getoutput("df -P / | tail -n 1 | awk '/.*/ { print $1 }'") # Handle Ubuntu live-cd if '/cow' in disk_name: disk_name = "/dev/sdb" # Disk serial try: if os.path.exists(disk_name): disk_serial = subprocess.getoutput("smartctl -i " + disk_name + " | grep -o 'Serial Number: [A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk '{print $3}'") if 'SG_IO' in disk_serial: print('[WARNING] Unable to acquire the disk serial number! Will add one, but please try to run this script on another machine instead..') disk_serial = 'HUA721010KLA330' disk_dmi['SerialNumber'] = (serial_randomize(0, len(disk_serial))) if (len(disk_dmi['SerialNumber']) > 20): disk_dmi['SerialNumber'] = disk_dmi['SerialNumber'][:20] except OSError: print('Error reading system disk..') # Disk firmware rev try: if os.path.exists(disk_name): disk_fwrev = subprocess.getoutput("smartctl -i " + disk_name + " | grep -o 'Firmware Version: [A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk '{print $3}'") disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision'] = disk_fwrev if 'SG_IO' in disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision']: print('[WARNING] Unable to acquire the disk firmware revision! Will add one, but please try to run this script on another machine instead..') disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision'] = 'LMP07L3Q' disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision'] = (serial_randomize(0, len(disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision']))) except OSError: print('Error reading system disk..') # Disk model number try: if os.path.exists(disk_name): disk_modelno = subprocess.getoutput("smartctl -i " + disk_name + " | grep -o 'Model Family: [A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk '{print $3}'") disk_dmi['ModelNumber'] = disk_modelno if 'SG_IO' in disk_dmi['ModelNumber']: print('[WARNING] Unable to acquire the disk model number! Will add one, but please try to run this script on another machine instead..') disk_vendor = 'SAMSUNG' disk_vendor_part1 = 'F8E36628D278' disk_vendor_part1 = (serial_randomize(0, len(disk_vendor_part1))) disk_vendor_part2 = '611D3' disk_vendor_part2 = (serial_randomize(0, len(disk_vendor_part2))) disk_dmi['ModelNumber'] = (serial_randomize(0, len(disk_dmi['ModelNumber']))) disk_dmi['ModelNumber'] = disk_vendor + ' ' + disk_vendor_part1 + '-' + disk_vendor_part2 except OSError: print('Error reading system disk..') logfile.write('controller=`VBoxManage showvminfo "$1" --machinereadable | grep SATA`\n') logfile.write('if [[ -z "$controller" ]]; then\n') for k, v in disk_dmi.items(): if '** No value to retrieve **' in v: logfile.write('# VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimaryMaster/' + k + '\t' + v + '\n') else: logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimaryMaster/' + k + '\t\'' + v + '\'\n') logfile.write('else\n') for k, v in disk_dmi.items(): if '** No value to retrieve **' in v: logfile.write('# VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/' + k + '\t' + v + '\n') else: logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/' + k + '\t\'' + v + '\'\n') logfile.write('fi\n') # CD-ROM information cdrom_dmi = {} if os.path.islink('/dev/cdrom'): # CD-ROM serial - No access to a computer with a CD-ROM to verify a switch to smartcrl, at the moment. cdrom_serial = subprocess.getoutput("hdparm -i /dev/cdrom | grep -o 'SerialNo=[A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk -F= '{print $2}'") if cdrom_serial: cdrom_dmi['ATAPISerialNumber'] = (serial_randomize(0, len(cdrom_serial))) else: cdrom_dmi['ATAPISerialNumber'] = "** No value to retrieve **" # CD-ROM firmeware rev cdrom_fwrev = subprocess.getoutput("cd-drive | grep Revision | grep ':' | awk {' print $3 \" \" $4'}") cdrom_dmi['ATAPIRevision'] = cdrom_fwrev.replace(" ", "") # CD-ROM Model numberA-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"- cdrom_modelno = subprocess.getoutput("cd-drive | grep Model | grep ':' | awk {' print $3 \" \" $4'}") cdrom_dmi['ATAPIProductId'] = cdrom_modelno # CD-ROM Vendor cdrom_vendor = subprocess.getoutput("cd-drive | grep Vendor | grep ':' | awk {' print $3 '}") cdrom_dmi['ATAPIVendorId'] = cdrom_vendor else: logfile.write('# No CD-ROM detected: ** No values to retrieve **\n') # And some more if os.path.islink('/dev/cdrom'): logfile.write('if [[ -z "$controller" ]]; then\n') for k, v in cdrom_dmi.items(): if '** No value to retrieve **' in v: logfile.write('# VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimarySlave/' + k + '\t' + v + '\n') else: logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimarySlave/' + k + '\t\'' + v + '\'\n') logfile.write('else\n') for k, v in cdrom_dmi.items(): if '** No value to retrieve **' in v: logfile.write('# VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port1/' + k + '\t' + v + '\n') else: logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port1/' + k + '\t\'' + v + '\'\n') logfile.write('fi\n') # Get and write DSDT image to file print('[*] Creating a DSDT file...') name_of_dsdt = dmi_info['DmiSystemProduct'].replace(' ', '').replace('string:', '') if name_of_dsdt: dsdt_name = 'DSDT_' + dmi_info['DmiSystemProduct'].replace(" ", "").replace("/", "_").replace("string:", "") + '.bin' os.system("dd if=/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT of=" + dsdt_name + " >/dev/null 2>&1") else: dsdt_name = 'DSDT_' + dmi_info['DmiChassisType'] + '_' + dmi_info['DmiBoardProduct'].replace("string:", "") + '.bin' os.system("dd if=/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT of=" + dsdt_name + " >/dev/null 2>&1") try: if os.path.isfile(dsdt_name): logfile.write('if [ ! -f "' + dsdt_name + '" ]; then echo "[WARNING] Unable to find the DSDT file!"; fi\t\n') logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "$1" "VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/CustomTable"\t "$PWD"/' + dsdt_name + '\n') print('[*] Finished: A DSDT dump has been created named:', dsdt_name) except: print('[WARNING] Unable to create the DSDT dump') pass acpi_dsdt = subprocess.getoutput('acpidump -s | grep DSDT | grep -o "\(([A-Za-z0-9].*)\)" | tr -d "()"') acpi_facp = subprocess.getoutput('acpidump -s | grep FACP | grep -o "\(([A-Za-z0-9].*)\)" | tr -d "()"') if "option requires" in acpi_dsdt: acpi_error = subprocess.getoutput("lsb_release -r | awk {' print $2 '}") print('The version of acpidump included in', acpi_error, 'is not supported') exit() else: acpi_list_dsdt = acpi_dsdt.split(' ') acpi_list_dsdt = list(filter(None, acpi_list_dsdt)) acpi_list_facp = acpi_facp.split(' ') acpi_list_facp = list(filter(None, acpi_list_facp)) # An attempt to solve some of the issues with the AcpiCreatorRev values, I blame the VBox team .. if isinstance(acpi_list_dsdt[5],str): acpi_list_dsdt[5] = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", acpi_list_dsdt[5]) logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/AcpiOemId\t\'' + acpi_list_dsdt[1] + '\'\n') logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/AcpiCreatorId\t\'' + acpi_list_dsdt[4] + '\'\n') logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/AcpiCreatorRev\t\'' + acpi_list_dsdt[5] + '\'\n') # Randomize MAC address, based on the host interface MAC find_int = netifaces.gateways()['default'][netifaces.AF_INET][1] macme = netifaces.ifaddresses(find_int)[netifaces.AF_LINK][0]['addr'] l = macme.split(':') mac_seed = l[0]+l[1]+l[2] pattern = re.compile("^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$") match = None while match is None: big_mac = mac_seed + "%02x:%02x:%02x" % ( random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), ) le_big_mac = re.sub(':', '', big_mac) match = pattern.match(le_big_mac) logfile.write('VBoxManage modifyvm "$1" --macaddress1\t' + le_big_mac + '\n') # Copy and set the CPU brand string cpu_brand = subprocess.getoutput("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -m 1 'model name' | cut -d ':' -f2 | sed 's/^ *//'") if len(cpu_brand) < 47: cpu_brand = cpu_brand.ljust(47,' ') eax_values=('80000002', '80000003', '80000004') registers=('eax', 'ebx', 'ecx', 'edx') i=4 while i<=47: for e in eax_values: for r in registers: k=i-4 if len(cpu_brand[k:i]): rebrand = subprocess.getoutput("echo -n '" + cpu_brand[k:i] + "' |od -A n -t x4 | sed 's/ //'") logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "$1" VBoxInternal/CPUM/HostCPUID/' + e + '/' + r + ' 0x' +rebrand + '\t\n') i=i+4 # Check the numbers of CPUs, should be 2 or more logfile.write('cpu_count=$(VBoxManage showvminfo --machinereadable "$1" | grep cpus=[0-9]* | sed "s/cpus=//")\t\n') logfile.write('if [ $cpu_count -lt "2" ]; then echo "[WARNING] CPU count is less than 2. Consider adding more!"; fi\t\n') # Check the set memory size. If it's less than 2GB notify user logfile.write('memory_size=$(VBoxManage showvminfo --machinereadable "$1" | grep memory=[0-9]* | sed "s/memory=//")\t\n') logfile.write('if [ $memory_size -lt "2048" ]; then echo "[WARNING] Memory size is 2GB or less. Consider adding more memory!"; fi\t\n') # Check if hostonlyifs IP address is the default logfile.write('net_used=$(VBoxManage showvminfo "$1" | grep NIC | grep -v disabled | grep -o "vboxnet.")\t\n') logfile.write('hostint_ip=$(VBoxManage list hostonlyifs | grep "$net_used\|IPAddress:" | sed -n \'2p\' | awk {\' print $2 \'} | grep \'\')\t\n') logfile.write('if [ "$hostint_ip" == \'\' ]; then echo "[WARNING] You are using the default IP/IP-range. Consider changing the IP and the range used!"; fi\t\n') # Check which paravirtualization interface is being used (Setting it to "none" will mitigate the "cpuid feature" check) logfile.write('virtualization_type=$(VBoxManage showvminfo --machinereadable "$1" | grep -i ^paravirtprovider | cut -d "=" -f2 | sed \'s/"//g\')\t\n') logfile.write('if [ ! $virtualization_type == \'none\' ]; then echo "[WARNING] Please switch paravirtualization interface to: None!"; fi\t\n') # Check if audio support is enabled logfile.write('audio=$(VBoxManage showvminfo --machinereadable "$1" | grep audio | cut -d "=" -f2 | sed \'s/"//g\' | head -1)\t\n') logfile.write('if [ $audio == \'none\' ]; then echo "[WARNING] Please consider adding an audio device!"; fi\t\n') # Check if you have the correct DevManview binary for the target architecture arc_devman = subprocess.getoutput("file -b DevManView.exe | grep -o '80386\|64' | sed 's/80386/32/'") logfile.write('arc_devman=' + arc_devman + '\t\n') logfile.write('devman_arc=$(VBoxManage showvminfo --machinereadable "$1" | grep ostype | cut -d "=" -f2 | grep -o "(.*)" | sed \'s/(//;s/)//;s/-bit//\')\t\n') logfile.write('if [ $devman_arc != $arc_devman ]; then echo "[WARNING] Please use the DevManView version that coresponds to the guest architecture: $devman_arc "; fi\t\n') # Done! logfile.close() print('[*] Finished: A template shell script has been created named:', file_name) # Check file size try: if os.path.getsize(dsdt_name) > 64000: print('[WARNING] Size of the DSDT file is too large (> 64k). Try to build the template from another computer') except: pass print('[*] Creating guest based modification file (to be run inside the guest)...') # Write all data to file name_of_ps1 = dmi_info['DmiSystemProduct'].replace(' ', '').replace('string:', '') if name_of_ps1: file_name = dmi_info['DmiSystemProduct'].replace(" ", "").replace("/", "_").replace('string:', '') + '.ps1' else: file_name = dmi_info['DmiChassisType'] + '_' + dmi_info['DmiBoardProduct'].replace('string:', '') + '.ps1' logfile = open(file_name, 'w+') # Tested on DELL, Lenovo clients and some "noname" boxes, running Windows natively if ('DELL' in acpi_list_dsdt[1] or 'INTEL' in acpi_list_dsdt[1]): manu = acpi_list_dsdt[1] + '__' else: manu = acpi_list_dsdt[1] # OS version - W7 or W10 logfile.write('$version = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem).version\r\n') # DSDT logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\VBOX__ -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + ' -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\VBOX__ -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\VBOXBIOS -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___' + ' -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\VBOXBIOS -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___\\00000002 -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[3] + ' -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___\\00000002 -Recurse\r\n') if 'INTEL' in acpi_list_dsdt[1]: manu = acpi_list_dsdt[1] + '_' else: manu = acpi_list_dsdt[1] # FADT logfile.write('if ($version -like \'10.0*\') {\r\n') logfile.write('$oddity = "HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\" + (Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT" -Name)\r\n') logfile.write('if ($oddity -ne "HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '") {\r\n') logfile.write('Invoke-Expression ("Copy-Item -Path " + $oddity + " -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + ' -Recurse")\r\n') logfile.write('Invoke-Expression ("Remove-Item -Path " + $oddity + " -Recurse")\r\n') logfile.write('}\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\VBOXFACP -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_facp[2] + '___ -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\VBOXFACP -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_facp[2] + '___\\00000001 -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_facp[2] + '___\\' + acpi_list_facp[3] + ' -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_facp[2] + '___\\00000001 -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('}else{\r\n') #Win7 logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\VBOXFACP -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_facp[2] + '___ -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\VBOXFACP -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_facp[2] + '___\\00000001 -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_facp[2] + '___\\' + acpi_list_facp[3] + ' -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_facp[2] + '___\\00000001 -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('}\r\n') # RSDT logfile.write('if ($version -like \'10.0*\') {\r\n') logfile.write('$noproblem = "HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\" + (Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT" -Name)\r\n') logfile.write('if ($noproblem -ne "HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '") {\r\n') logfile.write('Invoke-Expression ("Copy-Item -Path " + $noproblem + " -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + ' -Recurse")\r\n') logfile.write('Invoke-Expression ("Remove-Item -Path " + $noproblem + " -Recurse")\r\n') logfile.write('}\r\n') logfile.write('$cinnamon = "HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\" + (Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT" -Name)\r\n') logfile.write('$the_mero = "HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\" + (Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT" -Name) + "\\" + (Get-ChildItem $cinnamon -Name)\r\n') logfile.write('Invoke-Expression ("Copy-Item -Path " + $the_mero + " -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___ -Recurse")\r\n') logfile.write('Invoke-Expression ("Remove-Item -Path " + $the_mero + " -Recurse")\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___\\00000001 -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[3] + ' -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___\\00000001 -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('}else{\r\n') #Win7 logfile.write('$check_exist = (Test-Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___\\00000001)\r\n') logfile.write('if ($check_exist) {\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___\\00000001 -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[3] + ' -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '___\\00000001 -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('}else{\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '\\00000001 -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[3] + ' -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list_dsdt[2] + '\\00000001 -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('}}\r\n') # W10 specific settings: logfile.write('if ($version -like \'10.0*\') {\r\n') # SDDT .. very beta .. new_SDDT1 = subprocess.getoutput("sudo acpidump -s | grep SSDT | grep -o '\(([A-Za-z0-9].*)\)' | head -n 1 | awk {' print $2 '}") new_SDDT2 = subprocess.getoutput("sudo acpidump -s | grep SSDT | grep -o '\(([A-Za-z0-9].*)\)' | head -n 1 | awk {' print $3 '}") new_SDDT3 = subprocess.getoutput("sudo acpidump -s | grep SSDT | grep -o '\(([A-Za-z0-9].*)\)' | head -n 1 | awk {' print $4 '}") # Check if the key is present.. apparently it is not always the case? Feedback welcome logfile.write('$check_exist = (Test-Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\SSDT)\r\n') logfile.write('if ($check_exist) {\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\SSDT\VBOX__ -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\SSDT\\' + new_SDDT1 + ' -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\SSDT\VBOX__ -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\SSDT\\' + new_SDDT1 + '\VBOXCPUT -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\SSDT\\' + new_SDDT1 + '\\' + new_SDDT2 + '___ -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\SSDT\\' + new_SDDT1 + '\VBOXCPUT -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Copy-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\SSDT\\' + new_SDDT1 + '\\' + new_SDDT2 + '___\\00000002 -Destination HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\SSDT\\' + new_SDDT1 + '\\' + new_SDDT2 + '___\\' + new_SDDT3 + ' -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\ACPI\SSDT\\' + new_SDDT1 + '\\' + new_SDDT2 + '___\\00000002 -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('}\r\n}\r\n') # SystemBiosVersion - TODO: get real values logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System -Name SystemBiosVersion -Value "'+ acpi_list_dsdt[1] + ' - ' + acpi_list_dsdt[0] + '" -PropertyType "String" -force\r\n') # VideoBiosVersion - TODO: get real values logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System -Name VideoBiosVersion -Value "' + acpi_list_dsdt[0] + '" -PropertyType "String" -force\r\n') # SystemBiosDate d_month, d_day, d_year = dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseDate'].split('/') d_month = d_month.replace('string:','') if len(d_year) > 2: d_year = d_year[2:] logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System -Name SystemBiosDate -Value "' + d_month + '/' + d_day + '/' + d_year + '" -PropertyType "String" -force\r\n') # OS Install Date (InstallDate) format = '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p' start = "1/1/2012 5:30 PM" end = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p") prop = random.random() stime = time.mktime(time.strptime(start, format)) etime = time.mktime(time.strptime(end, format)) ptime = stime + prop * (etime - stime) logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path \"HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\" -Name InstallDate -Value "' + hex(int(ptime)) + '" -PropertyType "DWord" -force\r\n') logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path \"HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SQM\" -Name InstallDate -Value "' + hex(int(ptime)) + '" -PropertyType "DWord" -force\r\n') # MachineGuid machineGuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography -Name MachineGuid -Value "' + machineGuid + '" -PropertyType "String" -force\r\n') # W10 specific settings: logfile.write('if ($version -like \'10.0*\') {\r\n') # DacType new_dactype1 = subprocess.getoutput("lspci | grep -i VGA | cut -d ':' -f3 | awk {' print $1 '}") new_dactype2 = subprocess.getoutput("lspci | grep -i VGA | cut -d ':' -f3 | awk {' print $2 '}") logfile.write('$DacType = ((Get-ItemProperty -path \'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\*\\0000\')."HardwareInformation.DacType")\r\n') logfile.write('if ($DacType -eq \'Oracle Corporation\') {\r\n') logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\*\\0000 -Name HardwareInformation.DacType -Value "' + new_dactype1 + " " + new_dactype2 + '" -PropertyType "String" -force }\r\n') logfile.write('$DacType = ((Get-ItemProperty -path \'HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\*\\0016\')."HardwareInformation.DacType")\r\n') logfile.write('if ($DacType -eq \'Oracle Corporation\') {\r\n') logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\*\\0016 -Name HardwareInformation.DacType -Value "' + new_dactype1 + " " + new_dactype2 + '" -PropertyType "String" -force }\r\n') # ChipType new_chiptype1 = subprocess.getoutput("glxinfo -B | grep 'OpenGL renderer string' | cut -d ':' -f2 | sed 's/Mesa DRI//' | awk {' print $1 '} ") new_chiptype2 = subprocess.getoutput("glxinfo -B | grep 'OpenGL renderer string' | cut -d ':' -f2 | sed 's/Mesa DRI//' | awk {' print $2 '} ") if 'Error: unable to open display' in new_chiptype1: print('[WARNING] Unable to retrieve correct information! You are probably using a server distribution (at least not in X). Will add some semi correct data ...') new_chiptype1 = subprocess.getoutput("lshw -c video | grep -i vendor: | awk ' { print $2 } '") new_chiptype2 = subprocess.getoutput("lshw -c video | grep -i vendor: | awk ' { print $3 } '") # Having access to only a limited amount of native Windows 10 installed hardware, I have at least noted that W10 reports Sandybridge/Ivybridge for systems that gxlinfo reports being equipped with Ivybridge. if 'Ivybridge' in new_chiptype2: new_chiptype2 = 'Sandybridge/Ivybridge' logfile.write('$ChipType = ((Get-ItemProperty -path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\*\\0000)."HardwareInformation.ChipType")\r\n') logfile.write('if ($ChipType -eq \'VirtualBox VESA BIOS\') {\r\n') logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\*\\0000 -Name HardwareInformation.ChipType -Value "' + new_chiptype1 + " " + new_chiptype2 + '" -PropertyType "String" -force }\r\n') logfile.write('$ChipType = ((Get-ItemProperty -path HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\*\\0016)."HardwareInformation.ChipType")\r\n') logfile.write('if ($ChipType -eq \'VirtualBox VESA BIOS\') {\r\n') logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\*\\0016 -Name HardwareInformation.ChipType -Value "' + new_chiptype1 + " " + new_chiptype2 + '" -PropertyType "String" -force }\r\n') # BiosString logfile.write('$BiosString = ((Get-ItemProperty -path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\*\\0000)."HardwareInformation.BiosString")\r\n') logfile.write('if ($BiosString -eq \'Oracle VM VirtualBox VBE Adapte\') {\r\n') logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\*\\0000 -Name HardwareInformation.BiosString -Value "' + new_chiptype1 + " " + new_chiptype2 + '" -PropertyType "String" -force }\r\n') logfile.write('$BiosString = ((Get-ItemProperty -path HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\*\\0016)."HardwareInformation.BiosString")\r\n') logfile.write('if ($BiosString -eq \'Oracle VM VirtualBox VBE Adapte\') {\r\n') logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\*\\0016 -Name HardwareInformation.BiosString -Value "' + new_chiptype1 + " " + new_chiptype2 + '" -PropertyType "String" -force }\r\n') logfile.write('}\r\n') # Requires a copy of the DevManView.exe for the target architecture. Reference: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/device_manager_view.html with open("DevManView.exe", "rb") as file: data = file.read() s = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf-8") logfile.write('$base64_devmanview = \'') logfile.write(s + '\'') DevManView = """\r\n [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('DevManView.exe',[System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64_devmanview))\r\n $devman = @'\r\n ./DevManView.exe /uninstall *"DEV_CAFE"* /use_wildcard\r\n '@\r\n Invoke-Expression -Command:$devman\r\n""" logfile.write(DevManView) # Second attempt to fill the clipbord buffer with something, will be evolved in future versions. Windows command courtesy of a tweet by @shanselman # Check if there is a user supplied list of things to populate the clipboard with if (os.path.exists("clipboard_buffer")): with open("clipboard_buffer", "rb") as file: data = file.read() s = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf-8") logfile.write('$base64_clipboard = \'') logfile.write(s + '\'') clipper = """\r\n [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("clipboard_buffer",[System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64_clipboard))\r\n $clippy = Get-Random -InputObject (get-content clipboard_buffer)\r\n Invoke-Expression "echo $clippy | clip"\r\n Remove-Item clipboard_buffer\r\n """ logfile.write(clipper + '\r\n') else: print("[Info] Could not find a user supplied file called: clipboard_buffer, a random string will be generated instead") palinka = """\r\n [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web")\r\n $length = Get-Random -minimum 5 -maximum 115\r\n $none = Get-Random -minimum 5 -maximum $length\r\n $clipboard = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword($length, $none)\r\n Invoke-Expression 'echo $clipboard | clip'\r\n """ logfile.write(palinka) # Start notepad with random files so that the system looks more homely(?), could easily be extended to other applications langered = """\r\n $location = "$ENV:userprofile\Desktop", "$ENV:userprofile\Documents", "$ENV:homedrive", "$ENV:userprofile\Downloads", "$ENV:userprofile\Pictures"\r\n $notepad = @()\r\n foreach ($x in $location){\r\n Get-ChildItem $x | where {$_.extension -eq ".txt"} | % {\r\n $notepad += $_.FullName\r\n }\r\n }\r\n $notepad = $notepad | Sort-Object -unique {Get-Random}\r\n $a = 0\r\n foreach ($knackered in $notepad) {\r\n if ($a -le 3) {\r\n Start-Process "C:\windows\system32\\notepad.exe" -ArgumentList $knackered -WindowStyle Minimized\r\n $a++\r\n }\r\n }\r\n """ logfile.write(langered) ################################################################ # "First" boot changes, requires reboot in order to be finalized ################################################################ # Check if this has been done before .. waldo_check = """ if (Test-Path "kummerspeck") {\r\n Remove-Item "kummerspeck"\r\n Remove-Item "DevManView.exe"\r\n [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")\r\n [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("You are now ready to infected!")\r\n exit\r\n } \r\n""" logfile.write(waldo_check + '\r\n') # Microsoft Product ID (ProductId) serial = [5,3,7,5] o = [] for x in serial: o.append("%s" % ''.join(["%s" % random.randint(0, 9) for num in range(0, x)])) newProductId = "{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}".format(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3]) logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path \"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\" -Name ProductId -Value "' + newProductId + '" -PropertyType "String" -force\r\n') logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path \"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Registration\" -Name ProductId -Value "' + newProductId + '" -PropertyType "String" -force\r\n') logfile.write('New-ItemProperty -Path \"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DefaultProductKey\" -Name ProductId -Value "' + newProductId + '" -PropertyType "String" -force\r\n') # Clear the Product key from the registry (prevents people from stealing it) logfile.write('$slmgr="cscript $ENV:windir\system32\slmgr.vbs /cpky"\r\n') logfile.write('iex $slmgr\r\n') logfile.write('$newProductId = "' + newProductId + '"\r\n') prodId = """\r\n $newProductId = $newProductId.ToCharArray()\r\n $convert = ""\r\n foreach ($x in $newProductId) {\r\n $convert += $x -as [int]\r\n }\r\n $newNewProductId = $convert -split "(..)" | ? { $_ }\r\n $convertID = @()\r\n foreach ($x in $newNewProductId) {\r\n $convertID += [Convert]::ToString($x,16)\r\n }\r\n $data = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DefaultProductKey" -Name DigitalProductId).DigitalProductId\r\n $convertData = ""\r\n foreach ($x in $data) {\r\n $convertData += [Convert]::ToString($x,16)\r\n }\r\n $con1 = $convertData.Substring(0,62)\r\n $con2 = $convertData.Substring(62)\r\n $con2 = $con2 -split "(..)" | ? { $_}\r\n $static = @("A4","00","00","00","03","00","00","00")\r\n # Finalize\r\n $hexDigitalProductId = $static + $convertID + $con2\r\n $hexHexDigitalProductId = @()\r\n foreach ($xxx in $hexDigitalProductId) {\r\n $hexHexDigitalProductId += "0x$xxx"\r\n }\r\n Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name DigitalProductId -Value ([byte[]] $hexHexDigitalProductId)\r\n Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Registration" -Name DigitalProductId -Value ([byte[]] $hexHexDigitalProductId)\r\n Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DefaultProductKey" -Name DigitalProductId -Value ([byte[]] $hexHexDigitalProductId)\r\n # Agree on the Volumeid EULA - Reference: https://peter.hahndorf.eu/blog/WorkAroundSysinternalsLicenseP.html\r\n $check_exist = (Test-Path HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals)\r\n if (-Not $check_exist) {\r\n New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals\r\n New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals\VolumeId\r\n New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals\VolumeId -Name EulaAccepted -Value "1" -PropertyType "Dword" -force\r\n }\r\n """ logfile.write(prodId +'\r\n') # Requires a copy of the VolumeId.exe - Reference: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897436.aspx with open("Volumeid.exe", "rb") as file: data = file.read() s = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf-8") logfile.write('$base64_volumeid = \'') logfile.write(s) logfile.write("\'\r\n[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('Volumeid.exe',[System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64_volumeid))\r\n") # Requires a file with a list of "computer"(host) names - A start would be to use a list from this site: https://www.outpost9.com/files/WordLists.html with open("computer.lst", "rb") as file: data = file.read() s = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf-8") logfile.write('$base64_computer = \'') logfile.write(s) logfile.write("\'\r\n[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('computer.lst',[System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64_computer))\r\n") # Requires a file with a list of "usernames" - A start would be to use a list from this site: https://www.outpost9.com/files/WordLists.html with open("user.lst", "rb") as file: data = file.read() s = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf-8") logfile.write('$base64_user = \'') logfile.write(s) logfile.write("\'\r\n[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('user.lst',[System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64_user))\r\n") user_computer = """\r\n $result = ""\r\n $char_set = "ABCDEF0123456789".ToCharArray()\r\n for ($x = 0; $x -lt 8; $x++) {\r\n $result += $char_set | Get-Random\r\n }\r\n $volid1 = $result.Substring(0,4)\r\n $volid2 = $result.Substring(4)\r\n $weltschmerz = "c:"\r\n $dieweltschmerz = "$weltschmerz $volid1-$volid2"\r\n Invoke-Expression "./volumeid.exe $dieweltschmerz"\r\n $computer = Get-Random -InputObject (get-content computer.lst)\r\n (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Rename($computer)\r\n $user = Get-Random -InputObject (get-content user.lst)\r\n $current_user = $ENV:username\r\n (Get-WmiObject Win32_UserAccount -Filter "Name='$current_user'").Rename($user)\r\n # Add waldo file\r\n New-Item kummerspeck -type file\r\n \r\n""" logfile.write(user_computer + '\r\n') # Chunk of Powershell code connected to the creation of random files and the randomization of the background image ps_blob = """ # Pop-up\r\n # Windows 10 (Enterprise..) does not ask for confirmation by default\r\n if ($version -notlike '10.0*') {\r\n [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")\r\n [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Before you continue, please make sure that you have disabled 'Delete File confirmation dialog' (Right-click Recycle Bin -> Properties)")\r\n }\r\n # RandomDate function\r\n function RandomDate {\r\n $days = Get-Random -minimum 300 -maximum 2190\r\n $hours = Get-Random -minimum 5 -maximum 24\r\n $minutes = Get-Random -minimum 20 -maximum 60\r\n $seconds = Get-Random -minimum 12 -maximum 60\r\n return $days,$hours,$minutes,$seconds\r\n }\r\n # Generate files\r\n function GenFiles([string]$status) {\r\n $TimeStamp = RandomDate\r\n $ext = Get-Random -input ".pdf",".txt",".docx",".doc",".xls", ".xlsx",".zip",".png",".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ".html", ".htm", ".ppt", ".pptx"\r\n $namely = Get-Random -InputObject (get-content computer.lst)\r\n if ($version -notlike '10.0*') {\r\n $location = Get-Random -input "$ENV:userprofile\Desktop\\", "$ENV:userprofile\Documents\\", "$ENV:homedrive\\", "$ENV:userprofile\Downloads\\", "$ENV:userprofile\Pictures\\"\r\n } else {\r\n $location = Get-Random -input "$ENV:userprofile\Desktop\\", "$ENV:userprofile\Documents\\", "$ENV:userprofile\Downloads\\", "$ENV:userprofile\Pictures\\"\r\n }\r\n $length = Get-Random -minimum 300 -maximum 4534350\r\n $buffer = New-Object Byte[] $length\r\n New-Item $location$namely$ext -type file -value $buffer\r\n Get-ChildItem $location$namely$ext | % {$_.CreationTime = ((get-date).AddDays(-$TimeStamp[0]).AddHours(-$TimeStamp[1]).AddMinutes(-$TimeStamp[2]).AddSeconds(-$TimeStamp[3])) }\r\n Get-ChildItem $location$namely$ext | % {$_.LastWriteTime = ((get-date).AddDays(-$TimeStamp[0]).AddHours(-$TimeStamp[1]).AddMinutes(-$TimeStamp[2]).AddSeconds(-$TimeStamp[3])) }\r\n if ($status -eq "delete"){\r\n # Now thrown them away!\r\n $shell = new-object -comobject "Shell.Application"\r\n $item = $shell.Namespace(0).ParseName("$location$namely$ext")\r\n $item.InvokeVerb("delete")\r\n }\r\n }\r\n # Generate files and then throw them away\r\n $amount = Get-Random -minimum 10 -maximum 30\r\n for ($x=0; $x -le $amount; $x++) {\r\n GenFiles delete\r\n }\r\n # Generate files, but these we keep\r\n $amount = Get-Random -minimum 15 -maximum 45\r\n for ($x=0; $x -le $amount; $x++) {\r\n GenFiles\r\n } # Set new background image (will only be visible after reboot)\r\n $image = Get-ChildItem -recurse c:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper -name -include *.jpg | Get-Random -Count 1\r\n Set-Itemproperty -path "HKCU:Control Panel\Desktop" -name WallPaper -value C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\$image\r\n """ logfile.write(ps_blob + '\r\n') # Associate file extensions. Reference: https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-insight/post/massive-adgholas-malvertising-campaigns-use-steganography-and-file-whitelisting-to-hide-in-plain-sight # Feel free to associate the file extensions with something else then Windows Media Player .. assocblob = """\r\n $assoc_ext = @('.divx=WMP11.AssocFile.WAV','.mkv=WMP11.AssocFile.WAV','.m4p=WMP11.AssocFile.WAV','.skype=WMP11.AssocFile.WAV','.flac=WMP11.AssocFile.WAV','.psd=WMP11.AssocFile.WAV','.torrent=WMP11.AssocFile.WAV')\r\n $cmd = 'cmd /c'\r\n $associ = 'assoc'\r\n foreach ($z in $assoc_ext) {\r\n Invoke-Expression $cmd$associ$z\r\n }\r\n """ logfile.write(assocblob + '\r\n') # De-associate file extensions. Reference: https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-insight/post/massive-adgholas-malvertising-campaigns-use-steganography-and-file-whitelisting-to-hide-in-plain-sight # Disabled by default in this version, enable if you wish #assocblob2 = """ #$assoc_remove = @('.py=','.saz=','.pcap=,'.chls=') #$cmd = 'cmd /c' #$associ 'assoc' #foreach ($z in $assoc_remove) { # Invoke-Expression $cmd$associ$z #} #""" #logfile.write(assocblob2 + '\r\n') # Sanitize logfile.write('Remove-Item Volumeid.exe, user.lst, computer.lst, DevManView.exe\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals\VolumeID -Recurse\r\n') logfile.write('Remove-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals -Recurse\r\n') # Reboot notification logfile.write('[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")\r\n') logfile.write('[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("The computer needs to reboot")\r\n') logfile.write('Restart-Computer\r\n') logfile.close() print('[*] Finished: A Powershell file has been created, named:', file_name)