openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: API description: This is the public API for Setup an application and use Application-Id and Rest-Api-Key version: '2.5' servers: - url: variables: {} security: - AppId: [] ApiKey: [] paths: /api/v2/scropper: post: summary: "Return the focal point of an image" tags: - Scropper description: "**Get focal point on a image**\n\n\n_Initial response time can be 15sec in case you hit a cold container_\n\n\n####" operationId: postGetFocalPoint requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string in: header description: '**Required** if no file, only jpg, png' example: https://example.jpg file: type: string format: binary in: header description: '**Required** if no url, only jpg, png' data-center: type: string description: 'Optional, default is AWS: Ireland(Options AWS: Ireland)' example: 'AWS: Ireland' required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Scropper' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/stagger: post: summary: "Get a tag from a text" tags: - Stagger description: "Detect the language of the text, translate to english and find tag" operationId: postGettag requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: required: - text properties: text: type: string description: 'The given text you would like to find a tag in' example: prisen er for høj data-center: type: string description: 'Optional, default is AWS: Ireland(Options AWS: Ireland)' example: aws:ireland required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/collections/{collectionId}: get: tags: - Collections summary: View description: >- Get a id of content collection operationId: getView parameters: - in: path name: collectionId required: true description: 'ID of content collection' example: 66 schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/collections/{collectionId}/items: post: tags: - Collections summary: Createitem description: >- Create a new item to a array type collection operationId: postCreateItem parameters: - name: collectionId in: path description: 'Collection ID' example: 66 style: simple required: true schema: type: integer requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CollectionResponse' required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId}: delete: tags: - Collections summary: Delete item description: 'Delete an item' operationId: deleteItem parameters: - name: collectionId in: path required: true example: 66 schema: type: integer - name: itemId in: path required: true example: 489 schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "204": description: 'User was deleted.' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' get: tags: - Collections summary: View item description: 'Return an item from a collection' operationId: Viewitem parameters: - name: collectionId in: path required: true example: 66 description: collectionId schema: type: integer - name: itemId in: path required: true example: 489 description: itemId schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Collection does not have write access for api' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId}/update: post: tags: - Collections summary: Update description: 'Update an item in the project' operationId: getUpdateCollection parameters: - name: collectionId in: path required: true description: the id of the collection schema: type: integer - name: itemId in: path required: true description: the id of the item you wish to update schema: type: integer requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: properties: key0int: type: integer format: int32 key1string: type: string key2float: type: number format: double key3wysiwygsim: type: string key4asset: type: string key5boolean: type: boolean key6wysiwygadvanced: type: string required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Collection does not have write access for api' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read the response message_' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/responses/{id_or_slug}: get: tags: - Responses summary: Show description: Get one response operationId: getShowResponse parameters: - name: id_or_slug in: path description: _**required** ID or slug of content type_ [15, "terms", "about"] required: true schema: type: string - name: data description: 'default true - should the object be in data' example: true in: query schema: type: boolean responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TestResponses' "401": description: 'Collection does not have write access for api' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/files: post: tags: - Files summary: Store description: "Store a file" operationId: getStoreFile requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: required: - name - file - privacy properties: name: type: string tags: type: string gone_at: type: string file: type: string privacy: type: string required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Collection does not have write access for api' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/localize/{platform-slug}/languages: get: tags: - Localize summary: Indexlanguages description: "Get available languages for a platform" operationId: getIndexlanguages parameters: - name: platform-slug example: mobile in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: Server: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: nginx/1.15.8 Transfer-Encoding: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: chunked Connection: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: keep-alive Cache-Control: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: no-cache, private Date: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 11:59:25 GMT content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Indexlanguages' example: data: - id: 11 name: English (UK) locale: en-GB direction: LRM is_default: true is_best_fit: true - id: 14 name: Spanish (Spain) locale: es-ES direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 6 name: Danish locale: da-DK direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false "401": description: 'Collection does not have write access for api' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/localize/{platform-slug}/languages/best_fit: get: tags: - Localize summary: Languagebestfit description: "Get best fit language from accept-language header" operationId: getLanguageBestFit parameters: - name: platform-slug in: path required: true example: mobile schema: type: string responses: "200": description: '' headers: Server: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: nginx/1.15.8 Transfer-Encoding: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: chunked Connection: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: keep-alive Cache-Control: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: no-cache, private Date: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 11:59:34 GMT content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Languagebestfit' example: data: id: 11 name: English (UK) locale: en-GB direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false meta: Accept-Language: null "401": description: 'Collection does not have write access for api' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/localize/resources/platforms/{platform-slug}: get: tags: - Localize summary: Indexresource description: 'Request details' operationId: getIndexResource parameters: - name: platform-slug in: path example: mobile required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Localize' "401": description: 'Collection does not have write access for api' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/localize/resources/{id}: get: tags: - Localize summary: Showresource operationId: showResourceById parameters: - in: path name: id description: show a resource in the project from the showResourceId example: 44 required: true schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Showresource' "401": description: 'Collection does not have write access for api' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/content/localize/proposals: post: tags: - Localize summary: Store proposal description: Store the localize proposal operationId: storeProposal requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: required: - key - value - locale - platform - guid - section properties: key: type: string value: type: string locale: type: string platform: type: string guid: type: string section: type: string required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "201": description: Successfully created "401": description: 'Collection does not have write access for api' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Preconditions failed' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false get: tags: - Localize summary: Indexproposal description: get proposal by guid operationId: Indexproposal parameters: - name: state in: header description: '**optional, default unaccepted** *Options: unaccepted, accepted, all*' example: unaccepted style: simple schema: type: string - name: guid in: header description: '**optional** _shows if the proposal is deletable or not for the specfied guid_' style: simple schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Datum' "401": description: 'Collection does not have write access for api' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/localize/proposals/{proposalId}: delete: tags: - Localize summary: Deleteproposal description: "Delete a specified proposal" operationId: deleteProposal parameters: - name: guid in: query description: 'guid of the item to delete' example: "aabc1234" required: true explode: true schema: type: string - name: proposalId in: path description: 'id of proposal to delete' example: 1234 required: true explode: true schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IndexProposal' "401": description: 'Invalid guid' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/content/dashboards/visualizations/{key}: get: tags: - Dashboards summary: Visualization description: "Get visualization" operationId: getVisualization parameters: - name: key in: path description: 'id of visualization' example: VIS-623d06a0-25e1-4f58-8a82-f5541cccee54 required: true schema: type: string - name: mode in: query description: '**Optional** _standard (default)_' example: standard schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Visualization' "401": description: 'Invalid guid' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/content/dashboards/{key}: get: tags: - Dashboards summary: Dashboard description: "Get Dashboard by key" operationId: getDashboard parameters: - name: key in: path description: 'The key used to get Dashboard' example: DAS-8ddbde18-9d2a-4532-b114-aea3024a1635 required: true style: simple schema: type: string - name: mode in: header description: '**Optional** _standard (default)_' style: simple schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardById' "401": description: 'Invalid guid' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/content/terms: get: tags: - Terms summary: Index description: List all Terms operationId: getTerms parameters: - name: N-Meta in: header description: '' style: simple schema: type: string - name: Accept-Language in: header description: '' style: simple schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Terms' "401": description: 'Invalid guid' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/content/terms/{id}/versions: get: tags: - Terms summary: Index Versions description: 'Get Versions from slugOrId' operationId: getIndexVersions parameters: - name: guid in: query description: 'The id of the version of the object' example: 2 required: true style: simple schema: type: string - name: id in: path description: 'The Id of the object' required: true example: 9 style: simple schema: type: string - name: N-Meta in: header description: '' style: simple schema: type: string - name: Accept-Language in: header description: '' style: simple schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsResponse' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/terms/{id}/versions/newest: get: tags: - Terms summary: getNewestVersion description: List newest Version operationId: getNewestVersion parameters: - name: guid in: query description: 'The id of the version of the object' required: true example: 2 style: simple schema: type: string - name: id in: path description: 'The id of the version' example: 9 required: true style: simple schema: type: string - name: N-Meta in: header description: '' style: simple schema: type: string - name: Accept-Language in: header required: true description: '' example: 1 style: simple schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsWithAccLanguage' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/terms/versions/{id}: get: tags: - Terms summary: getShowVersion description: Show version by id operationId: getShowVersion parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'The id of the object' example: 9 required: true style: simple schema: type: string - name: guid in: query description: 'the guid of the version of terms' example: 2 required: true style: simple explode: true schema: type: string - name: N-Meta in: header description: '' style: simple schema: type: string - name: Accept-Language required: true in: header description: '' example: 1 style: simple schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsWithAccLanguage' "204": description: 'User was deleted.' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Validation Error' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/content/terms/versions/views: post: tags: - Terms summary: StoreView description: Create a new View operationId: postStoreView parameters: - name: N-Meta in: header description: '' style: simple schema: type: string - name: Accept-Language in: header description: '' required: true style: simple schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: required: - term_version_id - guid - identifier - locale properties: term_version_id: type: integer guid: type: string identifier: type: string locale: type: string required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/notify/updates: get: tags: - Version control summary: Indexupdate description: "Update the application" operationId: getIndexupdate parameters: - name: platform in: query description: '**required** ["ios", "android", "windows"]' example: android required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string - name: current_version in: query description: '**required** Current version of app making the request' example: 2 required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string - name: last_version in: query description: '' example: 1 style: form explode: true schema: type: string - name: test in: query description: 'Enable test mode, false equals production' example: true style: form explode: true schema: type: boolean responses: "200": description: '' headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VersionControl' example: update: force update_versions: - id: 7 version: update: force new_in_version: false change_log: file_url: - id: 5 version: update: 'on' new_in_version: false change_log: file_url: - id: 4 version: update: 'on' new_in_version: false change_log: aaa22 file_url: new_in_version: false new_in_versions: [] "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/notify/updates/views: post: tags: - Version control summary: Update a view description: Register a view update operationId: postUpdateView requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: required: - guid - update_id - answer - type properties: guid: type: integer update_id: type: integer description: '**required** _Id of update where view was updated_' answer: type: string description: '**required** [_"no", "yes"_]' type: type: string description: '**required** ["_newer_version", "new_in_version_"]' required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/notify/messages: get: tags: - Messages summary: Messages description: Get message operationId: getMessages parameters: - name: platform in: query description: '**required** ["ios", "android", "windows"]' example: ios required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: '' headers: Server: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: nginx/1.15.8 Transfer-Encoding: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: chunked Connection: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: keep-alive Cache-Control: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: no-cache, private Date: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: Wed, 03 Jul 2019 10:53:42 GMT content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Messages' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Message not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/notify/rate_reminder: get: tags: - Rate reminders summary: GetShow description: "Get rate reminder" operationId: getRateReminder parameters: - name: platform in: query description: '' required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string - name: guid in: query description: '' required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateReminder' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/notify/rate_reminder/views: post: tags: - Rate reminders summary: Post Mark as seen description: "Post rate reminder" operationId: postRateReminder requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: required: - guid - platform - answer properties: guid: type: integer platform: type: string answer: type: string required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/notify/rate_reminder_v2: get: tags: - Rate reminders V2 summary: Get rate reminder v2 description: "Get rate reminder" operationId: getRateReminderV2 parameters: - name: guid in: query description: 'id of the rate reminder' example: 236 required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string - name: platform in: header description: 'which platform' example: android required: true style: simple schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateReminderV2' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/notify/rate_reminder_v2/events: post: tags: - Rate reminders V2 summary: ActionEvents description: "Post rate reminder" operationId: postActionEvents requestBody: description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActionEventsRequest' example: guid: hasfdda-safsafad-asdasd-asdas action: masiakla-tutaj required: true x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/notify/rate_reminder_v2/2/answers: post: tags: - Rate reminders V2 summary: Answer description: "Post an answer" operationId: postAnswer requestBody: description: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnswerRequest' example: guid: hasfdda-safsafad-asdasd-asdas answer: negative required: true x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/notify/rate_reminder_v2/actions: get: tags: - Rate reminders V2 summary: Actions description: "Get rate reminder" operationId: getActionsV2 parameters: - name: action in: header description: '' style: simple schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActionEventsRequest' responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateReminder' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/geographic/continents: get: tags: - Continents summary: Get a list of continents description: "Retrieve a list of valid continents on Earth" operationId: getIndex responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Continents' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/geographic/continents/{id}: get: tags: - Continents summary: Get a continent by id description: "Retrieve a continent by id" operationId: getContinentById parameters: - name: id in: path description: '**required** _Continent id_' example: 45 required: true style: simple schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContinentsById' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/geographic/countries: get: tags: - Countries summary: GetIndex1 description: "Retrieve a list of valid countries on Earth" operationId: getShowCountries parameters: - name: limit in: query description: "_Eg: [/api/geographic/countries?limit=1] Default limit is 500_" style: form explode: true schema: type: integer - name: order_by_column in: header description: "_Eg; [/api/geographic/countries?order\\_by\\_column=name]_" style: simple schema: type: string - name: order_by_direction in: query description: " _Eg; [/api/geographic/countries?order\\_by\\_direction=asc]_" style: form explode: true schema: type: string - name: search in: header description: "_Eg: [/api/geographic/countries?search=Andorra]" style: simple schema: type: string - name: fields in: query description: "_Eg: [/api/geographic/countries?fields=name,code]_" style: form explode: true schema: type: string - name: continents in: header description: "_Eg: [/api/geographic/countries?continents=EU,AF]_" style: simple schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Countries' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' /api/v2/geographic/countries/{id}: get: tags: - Countries summary: Get details on country found by id description: >- Retrieve details of a specific country on Earth operationId: getShowCountry parameters: - name: id in: path description: '**required** _Country id_' example: 45 required: true style: simple schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Country' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/geographic/languages: get: tags: - Languages summary: Get Language description: "Retrieve a list of valid languages spoken by humans on Earth" operationId: getLanguages parameters: - name: limit in: header description: " _Eg: [/api/geographic/languages?limit=1] Default limit is 500_" style: simple schema: type: integer - name: search in: header description: "_Eg: [/api/geographic/languages?search=en]_" style: simple schema: type: string - name: fields in: header description: "_Eg: [/api/geographic/languages?fields=name,locale]_" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Indexlanguages' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/geographic/ip-address: get: tags: - IP Addresses summary: Get summary from Ip description: "Retrieve details based on the requestee's ip address" operationId: getDetailsByIp parameters: - name: ip in: query description: '_Eg: [] Default is your own_' example: required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IPResponse' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/geographic/time_zones: get: tags: - Time zones summary: GetIndex123 description: "Retrieve a list of valid timesones on Earth" operationId: getValidTimezones parameters: - name: limit in: header description: "_Eg: [/api/geographic/timezones?limit=1] Default limit is 1000_" style: simple schema: type: integer - name: order in: header description: "_Eg: [/api/geographic/timezones?order=name:desc]_" style: simple schema: type: string - name: search in: header description: "_Eg: [/api/geographic/timezones?search=Europe/Andorra]_" style: simple schema: type: string - name: fields in: header description: "_Eg: [/api/geographic/timezones?fields=name,abbr]_" style: simple schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timezones' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/geographic/time_zones/{id}: get: tags: - Time zones summary: GetShow123456 description: "Retrieve details of a timezone by id" operationId: getTimeZoneById parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'Timezone id' example: 1 required: true style: simple schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timezone' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/geographic/time_zones/by_lat_lng: get: tags: - Time zones summary: Show details by latitude and longitude description: "Retrieve details of a nearest timezone by lat lng" operationId: getShowbylatlng parameters: - name: lat_lng in: query description: '_Eg: 55.1231,12.1231_' example: 55.1231,12.1231 required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimezoneByLatLng' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/ugc/feedbacks: post: tags: - UGC summary: Feedback description: "Request details" operationId: getFeedback requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: required: - breadcrumbs[0][meta] - os - device - app_version - name - email - message - image - type - platform - meta[key] - breadcrumbs[0][event] - breadcrumbs[0][timestamp] properties: breadcrumbs[0][meta]: type: string os: type: string device: type: string app_version: type: string name: type: string email: type: string message: type: string image: type: string type: type: string platform: type: string meta[key]: type: string breadcrumbs[0][event]: type: string breadcrumbs[0][timestamp]: type: string required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/ugc/results: post: tags: - UGC summary: Get results description: "Get results" operationId: getFeedbackResult requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: required: - key - user - answer - points - tag properties: key: type: string user: type: string answer: type: array items: type: integer format: int32 description: '' points: type: integer format: int32 tag: type: string required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/ugc/push-logs: post: tags: - UGC summary: Get push logs description: "Get Push Logs" operationId: getPushLogs parameters: - name: provider in: header description: "_Eg: fcm, urban-airship_" example: fcm, urban-airship required: true style: simple schema: type: string - name: key in: header description: "_Eg: App key in fcm / ua_" example: App key in fcm / ua required: true style: simple schema: type: string - name: type in: header description: "_Eg: standard, freind-request, taxi-arrived etc_" example: standard, friend-request, taxi-arrived required: true style: simple schema: type: string - name: succeeded in: header description: "_Eg: Did push get sent?_" example: true required: true style: simple schema: type: boolean - name: request in: header description: "_Eg: Insert everything passed to provider_" example: Insert everything passed to provider style: simple schema: type: string - name: response in: header description: "_Eg: Insert everything received from provider_" example: Insert everything received from provider style: simple schema: type: string - name: user_id in: header description: "_Eg: User id_" example: 1213 style: simple schema: oneOf: - type: string - type: integer - name: relation_type in: header description: "_Eg: Booking, Company etc_" example: Booking style: simple schema: type: string - name: relation_id in: header description: "_Eg: Id of Booking, id of Company etc_" example: 4144 style: simple schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: 'OK' headers: {} "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/validator/email: get: tags: - Validator summary: Email description: "Validate email syntax" operationId: getEmail parameters: - name: email in: query description: 'Email to validate' required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Validation' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/validator/phone: get: tags: - Validator summary: Phone description: >- Validate phone number operationId: getPhone parameters: - name: phone in: query description: '**required** _Email to validate_' required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: integer format: int32 - name: fallback_country_code in: query description: "_Eg: [dk, gb, ...] - default is dk_" example: dk style: form schema: type: string - name: twilio in: query description: '_Validate against Twilio - Paid service!_' example: false style: form schema: type: boolean - name: twilio_type in: query description: '_Eg: ["all", "mobile", "landline"]_' example: all style: form schema: type: string responses: "200": description: 'OK' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Validation' "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false /api/v2/open: post: tags: - App open summary: Appopen description: '' operationId: postAppopen requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: encoding: {} schema: required: - platform - guid - version - last_updated - dev properties: platform: type: string description: '_Eg: ios/android/web_' guid: type: string description: '**required** `unique generated string` *Eg: 9bc4b39a-0af5-4b54-a5a5-88ad334dbd4b*' version: type: string description: '**required if not web** `format: xxx.yyy.zzz` Previous version of application (Auto update can have happened)' old_version: type: string description: '**required if not web** `format: xxx.yyy.zzz` Previous version of application (Auto update can have happened)' example: 2.0.0 / 212.01.1 last_updated: type: string description: 'Previous version of application (Auto update can have happened)' example: 2019-06-15T14:29:50+00:00 dev: type: boolean description: 'if true, bypass publishes and only use newest resource (set of key/values)' example: false test: type: boolean description: 'if true, used the app version from "test env' example: false required: false x-send-file-in-body: false responses: "200": description: '' headers: Server: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: nginx/1.15.8 Transfer-Encoding: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: chunked Connection: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: keep-alive Cache-Control: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: no-cache, private Date: content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 05:26:58 GMT content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AppOpen' example: data: count: 74 update: newer_version: state: yes last_id: 621 version: 2.0 - 2.0 link: translate: title: New version is out, please update message: '' positiveBtn: Update negativeBtn: Cancel localize: - id: 938 url: last_updated_at: '"2019-06-16T14:29:50+00:00"' should_update: true language: id: 56 name: English locale: en_EN direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 939 url: last_updated_at: '"2019-06-16T14:44:30+00:00"' should_update: true language: id: 6 name: Danish locale: da-DK direction: LRM is_default: true is_best_fit: true - id: 940 url: http://nstack.test/api/v2/localize/resources/940 last_updated_at: '"2019-06-16T15:00:59+00:00"' should_update: true language: id: 44 name: Swedish locale: sv-SE direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 941 url: http://nstack.test/api/v2/localize/resources/941 last_updated_at: '"2019-06-16T15:00:59+00:00"' should_update: true language: id: 9 name: German (Germany) locale: de-DE direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 942 url: http://nstack.test/api/v2/localize/resources/942 last_updated_at: '"2019-06-16T15:00:59+00:00"' should_update: true language: id: 36 name: Polish locale: pl-PL direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false platform: android created_at: '"2019-06-17T05:26:58+00:00"' last_updated: '"2019-06-15T14:29:50+00:00"' meta: accept_Language: null "401": description: 'Missing Application Credentials' "403": description: 'Forbidden' "404": description: 'Entity not found' "412": description: 'Precondition failed _Please read response message_' "445": description: 'Entity not found' "500": description: 'Internal Server Error _Please read response message_' deprecated: false components: schemas: Indexlanguages: title: Indexlanguages required: - data type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Datum' description: '' example: data: - id: 11 name: English (UK) locale: en-GB direction: LRM is_default: true is_best_fit: true - id: 14 name: Spanish (Spain) locale: es-ES direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 6 name: Danish locale: da-DK direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false Datum: title: Datum required: - id - name - locale - direction - is_default - is_best_fit type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int32 name: type: string locale: type: string direction: type: string is_default: type: boolean is_best_fit: type: boolean example: id: 11 name: English (UK) locale: en-GB direction: LRM is_default: true is_best_fit: true Languagebestfit: title: Languagebestfit required: - data - meta type: object properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Datum' meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' example: data: id: 11 name: English (UK) locale: en-GB direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false meta: Accept-Language: null Meta: title: Meta required: - Accept-Language type: object properties: Accept-Language: type: string example: Accept-Language: null Language: title: Language required: - id - name - locale - direction - is_default - is_best_fit type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int32 name: type: string locale: type: string direction: type: string is_default: type: boolean is_best_fit: type: boolean example: id: 11 name: English (UK) locale: en-GB direction: LRM is_default: true is_best_fit: true Showresource: title: Showresource required: - data - meta type: object properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Datum' meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' TestResponse: title: Response required: - id - slug type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int32 slug: type: string TestResponses: title: Responses required: - data type: object properties: data: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TestResponse" Messages: title: Messages required: - data type: object properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' ActionEventsRequest: title: ActionEventsRequest description: either guid or action required: - guid - action type: object properties: guid: type: string action: type: string example: guid: 236 action: masiakla-tutaj AnswerRequest: title: AnswerRequest required: - guid - answer type: object properties: guid: type: string answer: type: string example: guid: hasfdda-safsafad-asdasd-asdas answer: negative AppOpen: title: App Open required: - data - meta type: object properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AppOpenData' meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AppOpenMeta' example: data: count: 74 update: newer_version: state: yes last_id: 621 version: 2.0 - 2.0 link: translate: title: New version is out, please update message: '' positiveBtn: Update negativeBtn: Cancel localize: - id: 938 url: last_updated_at: '"2019-06-16T14:29:50+00:00"' should_update: true language: id: 56 name: English locale: en_EN direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 939 url: last_updated_at: '"2019-06-16T14:44:30+00:00"' should_update: true language: id: 6 name: Danish locale: da-DK direction: LRM is_default: true is_best_fit: true - id: 940 url: http://nstack.test/api/v2/localize/resources/940 last_updated_at: '"2019-06-16T15:00:59+00:00"' should_update: true language: id: 44 name: Swedish locale: sv-SE direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 941 url: http://nstack.test/api/v2/localize/resources/941 last_updated_at: '"2019-06-16T15:00:59+00:00"' should_update: true language: id: 9 name: German (Germany) locale: de-DE direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 942 url: http://nstack.test/api/v2/localize/resources/942 last_updated_at: '"2019-06-16T15:00:59+00:00"' should_update: true language: id: 36 name: Polish locale: pl-PL direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false platform: android created_at: '"2019-06-17T05:26:58+00:00"' last_updated: '"2019-06-15T14:29:50+00:00"' meta: accept_Language: null AppOpenData: title: AppOpenData required: - count - update - localize - platform - created_at - last_updated - rate_reminder type: object properties: count: type: integer format: int32 update: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Update' rate_reminder: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateReminder' platform: type: string created_at: type: string last_updated: type: string example: count: 74 update: newer_version: state: yes last_id: 621 version: 2.0 - 2.0 link: translate: title: New version is out, please update message: '' positiveBtn: Update negativeBtn: Cancel localize: - id: 938 url: last_updated_at: 2019-06-16T14:29:50+00:00 should_update: true language: id: 56 name: English locale: en_EN direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 939 url: last_updated_at: 2019-06-16T14:44:30+00:00 should_update: true language: id: 6 name: Danish locale: da-DK direction: LRM is_default: true is_best_fit: true - id: 940 url: http://nstack.test/api/v2/localize/resources/940 last_updated_at: 2019-06-16T15:00:59+00:00 should_update: true language: id: 44 name: Swedish locale: sv-SE direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 941 url: http://nstack.test/api/v2/localize/resources/941 last_updated_at: 2019-06-16T15:00:59+00:00 should_update: true language: id: 9 name: German (Germany) locale: de-DE direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false - id: 942 url: http://nstack.test/api/v2/localize/resources/942 last_updated_at: 2019-06-16T15:00:59+00:00 should_update: true language: id: 36 name: Polish locale: pl-PL direction: LRM is_default: false is_best_fit: false platform: android created_at: 2019-06-17T05:26:58+00:00 last_updated: 2019-06-15T14:29:50+00:00 Update: title: Update required: - newer_version type: object properties: newer_version: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NewerVersion' example: newer_version: state: yes last_id: 621 version: 2.0 - 2.0 link: translate: title: New version is out, please update message: '' positiveBtn: Update negativeBtn: Cancel NewerVersion: title: NewerVersion required: - state - last_id - version - link - translate type: object properties: state: type: string last_id: type: integer format: int32 version: type: string link: type: string translate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TranslateImport' example: state: yes last_id: 621 version: 2.0 - 2.0 link: translate: title: New version is out, please update message: '' positiveBtn: Update negativeBtn: Cancel AppOpenMeta: title: AppOpenMeta required: - accept_Language type: object properties: accept_Language: type: string example: accept_Language: null TranslateImport: title: TranslateImport required: - submitBtn - title type: object properties: submitBtn: type: string title: type: string example: submitBtn: Upload file title: Import RateReminder: title: RateReminder required: - title - body - yesBtn - laterBtn - noBtn - link properties: title: type: string body: type: string yesBtn: type: string laterBtn: type: string noBtn: type: string link: type: string Scropper: title: Get focal point required: - xaxis - yaxis - face_bb properties: xaxis: type: number format: double yaxis: type: number format: double face_bb: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaceBb' FaceBb: title: FaceBb required: - top - bottom - left - right properties: bottom: type: number format: double left: type: number format: double right: type: number format: double top: type: number format: double VersionControl: title: Version Control required: - update - update_versions - new_in_version properties: update: type: string update_versions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateVersion' new_in_version: type: boolean UpdateVersion: title: Update version required: - id - version - update - new_in_version properties: id: type: integer version: type: string update: type: string new_in_version: type: boolean change_log: type: string file_url: type: string MarkAsSeenResponse: required: - data properties: data: type: object required: - id - guid - message_id - created properties: id: type: integer format: int32 guid: type: string message_id: type: integer format: int32 created: type: string format: 'date-time' CollectionResponse: title: Collection type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemResponse' ItemResponse: title: Item required: - itemId properties: itemId: type: integer itemValue0Int: type: integer itemValue1string: type: string itemValue2float: type: number format: double itemValue3wysiwygsim: type: string itemValue4asset: type: string itemValue5boolean: type: boolean itemValue6wysiwygadvanced: type: string x-send-file-in-body: false IndexProposal: type: object title: IndexProposal required: - key - value - locale - platform - guid - section properties: key: type: string value: type: string locale: type: string platform: type: string guid: type: string section: type: string Visualization: type: object title: Visualization required: - key properties: key: type: string mode: type: string DashboardById: title: Dashboard by id properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dashboard' Dashboard: title: Dashboard properties: id: type: integer name: type: string key: type: string theme: type: string logo_url: type: string items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardData' DashboardData: type: object title: Dashboard Data properties: id: type: integer x: type: integer y: type: integer width: type: integer height: type: integer Terms: type: object title: Terms required: - N-Meta - Acceptable-Language properties: N-Meta: type: object items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' Acceptable-Language: type: string items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Language' TermsByIndex: type: object title: Terms By index required: - slugOrId - N-Meta - Acceptable-Language properties: slugOrId: type: string N-Meta: type: object items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' Acceptable-Language: type: string items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Language' TermsByGUID: type: object title: Terms By guid required: - slugOrId - N-Meta - Acceptable-Language properties: slugOrId: type: string N-Meta: type: object items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' Acceptable-Language: type: string items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Language' ContinentsById: title: Continents By Id properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Continent' Continents: title: Continents required: - continent properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Continent' Continent: title: Continent required: - id - name - code - image_url properties: id: type: integer name: type: string code: type: string image_url: type: string Countries: title: Countries properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Country' Country: title: Country required: - id - code - code_iso - name - native - phone - continent - capital - capital_lat - capital_lng - currency - currency_name - language - image_1_url - image_2_url - capital_timezone properties: id: type: string code: type: string code_iso: type: string name: type: string native: type: string phone: type: integer continent: type: string capital: type: string capital_lat: type: number format: float capital_lng: type: number format: float currency: type: string currency_name: type: string language: type: string image_1_url: type: string image_2_url: type: string capital_timezone: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timezone' Timezones: title: Timezones properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timezone' TimezoneByLatLng: title: Timezone by Latitude and Longitude properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timezone' Timezone: title: Timezone required: - id - name - abbr - offset_sec - label properties: id: type: integer name: type: string abbr: type: string offset_sec: type: integer label: type: string Validation: title: User properties: "ok": type: boolean UGC: title: User Generated comments properties: type: type: string platform: type: string os: type: string app_version: type: string device: type: string name: type: string email: type: string message: type: string image: type: object description: 'jpg, jpeg, png' meta: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' breadcrumbs: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Breadcrumb' Breadcrumb: title: Breadcrumb properties: event: type: string timestamp: type: string description: 'YYYY-MM-DD' meta: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' RateReminderV2: title: Rate Reminder properties: id: type: integer poits_to_trigger: type: integer days_delay_on_skip: type: integer localization: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateReminder' Collection: title: Collection required: - k0int - key1string - key2float - key3wysiwygsim - key4asset - key5boolean - key6wysiwygadvanced properties: k0int: type: integer format: int32 key1string: type: string key2float: type: number format: double key3wysiwygsim: type: string key4asset: type: string key5boolean: type: boolean key6wysiwygadvanced: type: string Message: title: Message properties: id: type: integer message: type: string show_setting: type: string url: type: string nullable: true example: null localization: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Localization' Localization: title: Localization properties: okBtn: type: string example: Ok urlBtn: type: string example: Open URL Localize: title: Localize properties: id: type: integer url: type: string last_updated_at: type: string should_update: type: boolean language: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Language' IPResponse: title: IP Response properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IpData' IpData: title: IP data type: object properties: id: type: integer example: 8346961 ip_start: type: string example: ip_end: type: string example: country: type: string example: AU state_prov: type: string example: Victoria city: type: string example: Mount Beauty lat: type: number format: float example: -36.73628 lng: type: number format: float example: 147.17531 time_zone_offset: type: string example: 11 time_zone_name: type: string example: Australia/Melbourne isp_name": type: string example: N/A connection_type: type: string example: N/A type: type: string example: ipv4 required_ip: type: string example: TermsResponse: title: Terms Response properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Term' Term: title: Term properties: id: type: integer version: type: string version_name: type: string published_at: type: string has_viewed: type: boolean TermsWithAccLanguage: title: Terms with acceptable language properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermLanguage' TermLanguage: title: Term with language properties: id: type: integer version: type: string version_name: type: string published_at: type: string has_viewed: type: boolean content: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Content' Content: properties: data: type: string locale: type: string securitySchemes: AppId: type: apiKey in: header name: X-APPLICATION-ID description: '_Required Application id from_ [Nstack]( _known as_ **nstackAppid**' ApiKey: type: apiKey in: header name: X-REST-API-KEY description: '_Required Rest API key from_ [Nstack]( _known as_ **nstackRestKey**' tags: - name: Scropper - name: Stagger - name: Collections - name: Responses - name: Files - name: Localize - name: Dashboards - name: Terms - name: Version control - name: Messages - name: Rate reminders - name: Rate reminders V2 - name: Continents - name: Countries - name: Languages - name: IP Addresses - name: Time zones - name: UGC - name: Validator - name: App open - name: Admin API