--- currentMenu: features-collections --- # Collections The collections feature can be seen as a **more structured** version of the **responses** feature, and in turn it can be very **versatile** and a good **alternative** for **custom APIs** for simple apps/websites. In the collections feature you can **define** a **template** (e.g.: A Product which has a title, description and price), using this model you can **add collections** and **single** Products to be stored. An **example** could be: You have defined you **"Product"** template, a product should have a **title**, **description** and **price**. Using this template you can setup certain **collections**: - All products - Available products - Products on sale But you can also define a **single** product based on the **template**, an example for that could be "Product of the day", "Most popular product", ... A generic product is just **1 example** of what the collections could be used for and you can of course use **more templates** at the **same time**. On the **right project** with the **right planning** this feature can be very **powerful**. **Use cases:** - Store a list of All product/articles - Store a list of available products/ articles - Feature the "Product of the day" - Store an apps default configuration along with some premade configurations You can find examples on how to implement **Collections** for the following platforms: * [iOS](../../docs/guides/iOS/ios-collections.html) * [Android](../../docs/guides/Android/android-collections.html) You can read a guide about **Collections** [here](../../docs/guides/Non-devs/collections.html)