--- currentMenu: features-localize --- # Localize Localize is the most used feature of NStack and can/**should** be used **in all apps**. Localize is a way to **manage** all the **text** on all the platforms, it manages **translations** and allows you to **update text** in apps **without** having to **release** a **new version**. This way the PM or the client can change any text in the project straight from the NStack website. **Use cases:** - Button titles - Screen titles - Base urls (Useful when the backend is not stable yet or the app is working with a beta api for the time being) - URLs for terms of service You can find examples on how to implement **Localize** for the following platforms: * [iOS](../../docs/guides/iOS/ios-localize.html) * [Android](../../docs/guides/Android/android-localize.html) * [Vapor](../../docs/guides/Vapor/vapor-localize.html) There are 2 guides about **Localize**: * [beginner](../../docs/guides/Non-devs/localize-for-beginners.html) * [expert](../../docs/guides/Non-devs/localize-for-experts.html)