--- currentMenu: features-responses --- # Responses The responses feature is very **versatile** and can be used as an **alternative** for **custom API's** for simple apps/websites that mainly use **static content**. Using Responses (and collections) can **replace** a simple **API** and can **save** hundreds of hours of development time on the right project. Using responses for static content can save many hours when the client wants to change some of that content, instead of having a developer change all the hard coded content and make a new build and have QA release it, the client/PM can change the content themself in NStack. No new build needed, no developer or QA time needed. **Use cases:** - Store static content (can be easily modified on NStack if needed) - Store default configurations You can find examples on how to implement **Responses** for the following platforms: * [iOS](../../docs/guides/iOS/ios-responses.html) * [Vapor](../../docs/guides/Vapor/vapor-responses.html) A guide about **Responses** can be found [here](../../docs/guides/Non-devs/responses.html)