{ // Default Profile File // ==================== // // Use '+shift+p' > Suricate: Add/Remove Profile to activate or deactivate // profiles. "description": "Default profile", // User Commands // ------------- // // Do not modify this file, create a copy in your User folder to modify the // commands here or to add new ones. // // Example // // // Packages/User/Default.suricate-profile // { // "user_commands": // { // "open_terminal_here": // { // "keys": ["ctrl+shift+t"], // "args": {"cmd": ["Console.exe", "-d", "${file_path}"]} // } // } // } // // overrides the shortcut of "open_terminal_here" command (see below) and // changes the shell command used to launch your own terminal. See commands // usage below. // // IMPORTANT: Use "user_commands" in your User folder, do NOT use "commands". // Profile files are loaded as any other Sublime Text settings file; setting // the "command" key in your User folder will cause the commands here to be // ignored. // Defaults // -------- // // Optionally, you can define the default values of each tag for the commands // in this profile. If no default is specified for a given tag, commands must // contain that tag in order to be added. "defaults": { "caption": "", "mnemonic": null, "group": null, "args": {}, "flags": null, "keys": [], "selector": null, "context": null, "context_menu": false }, "commands": { // Usage: // // "command_id": { // "caption": String: caption displayed on the GUI, // "mnemonic": String or null: key character for menus, // "group": String or null: group commands according to this tag, // "call": String: module.function (see more info below), // "args": {String: String}: arguments to be passed to call, // "flags": String or null: see supported flags below, // "keys": [String]: key binding, // "selector": String: scope selector, // "context": Array: Standard Sublime Text key binding context, // "context_menu": Bool: whether should appear in the context menu // } // // The "call" tag: // // Specifies the function to be called when executing the command, the // function must be located in a module that can be imported from Sublime // Text Python environment. Packages are loaded as modules and therefore // can be imported, e.g., "call": "Suricate.lib.settings.toggle_boolean" // calls the method 'toggle_boolean()' found in // 'Suricate/lib/settings.py'. // // To send a command directly to Sublime Text use `sublime.command_name`. // Note that in this case the "selector" declared here won't have any // effect since the command may have its own. // // Groups: // // Commands are organized internally in groups and grouped in menus // accordingly. However, certain group names have extra meanings // // - main.preferences Goes to menu Preferences->Package Settings->Suricate, // - main.* Goes to menu Suricate, // - .* Won't appear in menus, only key binding added if any // - *.dev Only added when dev_mode is active // // Key bindings: // // Key bindings here are remapped according to the "key_map" setting. By // default, the special key is remapped to ctrl in windows and linux, // and to super in osx. // // By default most of the key bindings here start with +o, which // interferes with Sublime Text's open file command. To override this // behaviour tweak "override_default_opening_key" setting. // // Alternatively, key bindings given inside "commands" can be ignored // adding `"ignore_default_keybindings": true` to the settings file. (Key // bindings given inside "user_commands" are always used). // // Supported flags: // // * Platforms: Linux, Windows, OSX // * Version control systems: Git, Svn, Surround // * Other: IsFile, IsDir, Never // // Platform specific tags: // // Tags ending with a platform name extension override the tag in the // given platform, for instance: // // { // "keys": ["ctrl+shift+o"], // "keys.osx": ["super+shift+o"] // } // // results in ctrl+shift+o in windows and linux but super+shift+o in osx. // Quick open/launch. "quick_open": { "caption": "Open File Quick Panel", "group": "quickpanel", "call": "Suricate.lib.navigator.launch", "args": {"mode": "open"}, "keys": ["+o", "+p"] }, "quick_launch": { "caption": "Launch File Quick Panel", "group": "quickpanel", "call": "Suricate.lib.navigator.launch", "args": {"mode": "launch"}, "keys": ["+o", "+;"] }, "add_to_quick_open": { "caption": "Add Current File To Quick Open", "group": "quickpanel", "flags": "IsFile", "call": "Suricate.lib.settings.append_value_to_array", "args": {"key": "quick_open_path_list", "value": "${file}"} }, // File attributes. "chmodx": { "caption": "Set Executable (chmod u+x)", "group": "osutil", "flags": "Linux|IsFile", "call": "Suricate.lib.osutil.executable", "args": {"path": "${file}"} }, "toggle_read_only": { "caption": "Toggle Read-Only", "group": "osutil", "flags": "Windows|Linux|IsFile", "call": "Suricate.lib.osutil.toggle_read_only", "args": {"path": "${file}"}, "context_menu": true }, // Open terminal. "open_terminal_here": { "caption": "Open Terminal Here...", "group": "launch", "flags": "Windows|Linux|IsFile", "call": "Suricate.lib.process.spawn", "args.windows": {"cmd": ["start", "cmd.exe"], "working_dir": "${file_path}"}, "args.linux": {"cmd": ["gnome-terminal"], "working_dir": "${file_path}"}, "context_menu": true }, // Build variables. "copy_build_variable": { "caption": "Build Variable To Clipboard", "group": "bvars", "call": "Suricate.lib.sublime_wrapper.copy_build_variable_to_clipboard" }, "paste_basename": { "caption": "Insert File Base Name", "flags": "IsFile", "group": "bvars", "call": "Suricate.lib.sublime_wrapper.paste_build_variable", "args": { "key": "file_base_name" }, "keys": ["+o", "+n"] }, // Date-time. "time_to_clipboard": { "caption": "Date-Time To Clipboard", "group": "datetime", "call": "Suricate.lib.datetimeutil.time_to_clipboard" }, "time_serie": { "caption": "Continue Time Serie", "group": "datetime", "call": "Suricate.lib.datetimeutil.continue_serie" }, // Text. "fill_current_line": { "caption": "Expand Current Line", "call": "Suricate.lib.text.fill_current_line", "keys": ["+o", "+e"] }, "split_current_line": { "caption": "Split Current Line", "call": "Suricate.lib.text.split_current_line", "keys": ["+o", "+j"] }, "randomize": { "caption": "Randomize", "call": "Suricate.lib.text.randomize" }, // Dictionaries. "switch_language": { "caption": "Quick Switch Dictionary", "call": "Suricate.lib.dictionaries.switch_language", "keys": ["shift+f6"] }, // Switchers. "theme_switcher": { "caption": "Switch Theme", "group": "settings", "call": "Suricate.lib.settings.set_from_resources", "args": { "key": "theme", "patterns": ["*.sublime-theme"], "settings_file": "Preferences.sublime-settings", "set_mode": "file_name" } }, "color_scheme_switcher": { "caption": "Switch Color Scheme", "group": "settings", "call": "Suricate.lib.settings.set_from_resources", "args": { "key": "color_scheme", "patterns": ["*.tmTheme"], "settings_file": "Preferences.sublime-settings", "set_mode": "file" } } } }