/* ==UserStyle== @name Minimal Transparent Whatsapp ☺ @description A super minimal dark theme for Whatsapp. 20 settings including Background Image, Custom Colors and Fonts, Privacy and more. @namespace nufrankz.org @version 4.1.30 @author nufrankz (https://github.com/nufrankz) @homepageURL http://nufrankz.org/ @supportURL https://github.com/nufrankz/whatsapp-css/issues @license MIT @preprocessor stylus @var color light-bg "Light Background" rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) @var color transparency-color "Transparency" rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45) @var color text "Text" #fff @var color accent "Accent" #00ffd1 @var range faded-elements "Faded Elements" [0.35, 0, 0.9, 0.01] @var color body-bg "Body Background" #111 @var range bg-blur "Background Blur" [0,0,100,1,'px'] @var range doodles-opacity "Doodles Opacity" [0,0,1,0.05] @var number app-width "App Width" [100,0,100,1,"vw"] @var number app-height "App Height" [100,0,100,1,"vh"] @var select bg-image "Background Image" { "Color": "bg-image-color", "Custom URL *": "bg-image-custom", } @var text bg-image-url "Background Image URL" '"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nufrankz/whatsapp-css/master/assets/images/bg-night-sky.jpg"' @var select bg-size "Background Size" { "Full Width *": "cover", "Full Height": "contain", "No Scale": "auto", "Stretch": "100% 100%" } @var range bg-brightness "Background Image Brightness" [100,0,100,1,"%"] @var range bg-saturate "Background Image Saturation" [100,0,100,1,"%"] @var select background-position "Background Position" { "Left Top": "left top", "Left Center": "left center", "Left Bottom": "left bottom", "Right Top": "right top", "Right Center": "right center", "Right Bottom": "right bottom", "Center Top": "center top", "Center Center *": "center center", "Center Bottom": "center bottom" } @var select intro-image "Intro Image" { "Default": "intro-default", "None": "intro-none", "Custom URL *": "intro-custom" } @var text intro-custom-url "Intro Image URL" '"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nufrankz/whatsapp-css/master/assets/images/intro-connection.png"' @var select font-family "Font Family" { "Default *": "font-default", "Helvetica": "font-helvetica", "Times New Roman": "font-times", "Console": "font-console", "Old Console": "font-old-console", "Custom Font": "font-custom" } @var text font-custom-input "Custom Font Family" "'Comic Sans'" @var checkbox private-mode "Private Mode" 0 @var select doodles-color "Doodles Color" { "White *": "doodles-white", "Dark": "doodles-dark" } @var checkbox startup "Startup Mod" 1 @var checkbox backdrop-filter "Blurry Transparency" 0 } ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("web.whatsapp.com") { :root, .dark { /* Custom */ --light-bg: light-bg !important; 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align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .app-wrapper-web ._3QfZd { top: 0; left: 0; width: var(--app-width); height: var(--app-height); } } /* Custom App Size on Small Resolutions */ @media screen and (max-width: 1440px) { ._3QfZd { width: var(--app-width)!important; height: var(--app-height)!important; align-self: center!important; top: calc((calc(100vh - var(--app-height))/2))!important; left: calc((calc(100vw - var(--app-width))/2))!important; } } /* Doodles */ [data-asset-chat-background-light], [data-asset-chat-background-dark] { opacity: var(--doodles-opacity) !important; background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nufrankz/whatsapp-css/master/assets/data-asset-chat-background.png) !important; if(doodles-color==doodles-dark) { filter: invert(100%)!important; } } /* Emoji Selection */ html[dir] .emojik.apple, ._1DniN { filter: grayscale(50%); opacity: 0.5; transition: all 0.15s ease; } html[dir] ._3PX6A .emojik:focus, html[dir] .emojik.selected, html[dir] .dXdpP:focus img, html[dir] .emoji:hover, html[dir] .emojik:hover, ._1DniN:hover, html[dir] .zlxY1:focus img { transform: scale(1.1); transition: all 0.15s ease; filter: grayscale(0); opacity: 1; } html[dir] ._3g-3H, html[dir] ._2n3FI { margin-bottom: 14px; } /* progressbar Fix */ progress[value]::-webkit-progress-bar { background-color: transparent; } progress[value]::-webkit-progress-value { background-color: transparent; transition: all 1s ease; } progress[value]::-moz-progress-bar { background-color: transparent; transition: width 0.45s ease; } /* QR */ html[dir] ._1yHR2 { padding: 10px; background-color: var(--body-bg); } /* Startup Mod */ if startup { #initial_startup { z-index: 1; } #initial_startup .spinner-container { display: none !important; } html[dir] ._37lq_ { padding-top: 0; } html[dir="ltr"] ._37lq_ { left: 0; margin-left: auto; } .progress-container { width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; } progress { vertical-align: 0; position: fixed; bottom: 0; height: 6px; transition: all 1s ease; } html[dir] .G8bNp { transform-origin: unset; } html[dir="ltr"] ._3QfZd, html[dir="rtl"] ._3QfZd { animation: fade-in 0.9s; } @keyframes fade-in { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } } /* Intro Image */ [data-asset-intro-image-light], [data-asset-intro-image-dark] { if(intro-image==intro-custom) { background-image: url(intro-custom-url)!important; } else if(intro-image==intro-none) { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nufrankz/whatsapp-css/master/assets/images/bg-custom-color.png)!important; } } /* Private Mode */ if private-mode { ._2aBzC, html[dir] ._24wtQ, html[dir="ltr"] ._2uaUb, img { filter: blur(6px) grayscale(100%); opacity: 0.7; transition: all 0.2s ease; transition-delay: 0.5s; } ._2aBzC:hover, html[dir] ._24wtQ:hover, html[dir="ltr"] ._2uaUb:hover, img:hover { filter: none; opacity: 1; } } }