function Get-SqlServer-Enum-SqlLogins { <# .SYNOPSIS This script can be used to obtain a list of all logins from a SQL Server as a sysadmin or user with the PUBLIC role. .DESCRIPTION This module can be used to obtain a list of all logins from a SQL Server with any login. Selecting all of the logins from the master..syslogins table is restricted to sysadmins. However, logins with the PUBLIC role (everyone) can quickly enumerate all SQL Server logins using the SUSER_SNAME function by fuzzing the principal_id parameter. This is pretty simple, because the principal ids assigned to logins are incremental. Once logins have been enumerated they can be verified via sp_defaultdb error ananlysis. This is important, because not all of the principal ids resolve to SQL logins. Some resolve to roles etc. .EXAMPLE Below is an example of how to enumerate logins from a SQL Server using the current Windows user context or "trusted connection". PS C:\> Get-SqlServer-Enum-SqlLogins -SQLServerInstance "SQLSERVER1\SQLEXPRESS" .EXAMPLE Below is an example of how to enumerate logins from a SQL Server using a SQL Server login". PS C:\> Get-SqlServer-Enum-SqlLogins -SQLServerInstance "SQLSERVER1\SQLEXPRESS" -SqlUser MyUser -SqlPass MyPassword! .EXAMPLE Below is an example of how to enumerate logins from a SQL Server using a SQL Server login". PS C:\> Get-SqlServer-Enum-SqlLogins -SQLServerInstance "SQLSERVER1\SQLEXPRESS" -SqlUser MyUser -SqlPass MyPassword! | Export-Csv c:\temp\sqllogins.csv -NoTypeInformation .EXAMPLE Below is an example of how to enumerate logins from a SQL Server using a SQL Server login with non default fuzznum". PS C:\> Get-SqlServer-Enum-SqlLogins -SQLServerInstance "SQLSERVER1\SQLEXPRESS" -SqlUser MyUser -SqlPass MyPassword! -FuzzNum 500 .LINKS .NOTES Author: Scott Sutherland - 2014, NetSPI Version: Get-SqlServer-Enum-SqlLogins v1.0 Comments: This should work on SQL Server 2005 and Above. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Set SQL or Domain Login username.')] [string]$SqlUser, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Set SQL or Domain Login password.')] [string]$SqlPass, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Set target SQL Server instance.')] [string]$SqlServerInstance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Max SID to fuzz.')] [string]$FuzzNum ) #------------------------------------------------ # Set default values #------------------------------------------------ if(!$FuzzNum) { [int]$FuzzNum = 300 } # ----------------------------------------------- # Connect to the sql server # ----------------------------------------------- # Create fun connection object $conn = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection # Set authentication type and create connection string if($SqlUser) { # SQL login / alternative domain credentials Write-Output -InputObject "[*] Attempting to authenticate to $SqlServerInstance with the Login $SqlUser..." $conn.ConnectionString = "Server=$SqlServerInstance;Database=master;User ID=$SqlUser;Password=$SqlPass;" [string]$ConnectUser = $SqlUser } else { # Trusted connection Write-Output -InputObject "[*] Attempting to authenticate to $SqlServerInstance as the current Windows user..." $conn.ConnectionString = "Server=$SqlServerInstance;Database=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;" $UserDomain = [Environment]::UserDomainName $Username = [Environment]::UserName $ConnectUser = "$UserDomain\$Username" } # Attempt database connection try { $conn.Open() $conn.Close() Write-Host -Object '[*] Connected.' -ForegroundColor 'green' } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Host -Object '[*] Connection failed' -ForegroundColor 'red' Write-Host -Object "[*] Error: $ErrorMessage" -ForegroundColor 'red' # Clean up credentials manager entry if ($DomainUserCheck) { $CredManDel = 'cmdkey /delete:'+$SqlServerInstanceCol Write-Verbose -Message "Command: $CredManDel" $ExecManDel = Invoke-Expression -Command $CredManDel } Break } # ----------------------------------------------- # Enumerate sql server logins with SUSER_NAME() # ----------------------------------------------- Write-Host -Object "[*] Fuzzing $FuzzNum SQL Server principal_ids..." # Open database connection $conn.Open() # Create table to store results $MyQueryResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $MyQueryResultsClean = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $MyQueryResultsClean.Columns.Add('name') # Creat loop to fuzz principal_id number $PrincipalID = 0 do { # incrememt number $PrincipalID++ # Setup query $query = "SELECT SUSER_NAME($PrincipalID) as name" # Execute query $cmd = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand -ArgumentList ($query, $conn) # Parse results $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() $MyQueryResults.Load($results) } while ($PrincipalID -le $FuzzNum-1) # Filter list of sql logins $MyQueryResults | Select-Object name -Unique | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get sql login name $SqlLoginName = $ # add cleaned up list to new data table $null = $MyQueryResultsClean.Rows.Add($SqlLoginName) } # Close database connection $conn.Close() # Display initial login count $SqlLoginCount = $MyQueryResultsClean.Rows.Count Write-Host "[*] $SqlLoginCount SQL Server logins and roles were found." # ---------------------------------------------------- # Validate sql login with sp_defaultdb error ananlysis # ---------------------------------------------------- # Status user Write-Host -Object '[*] Identifying the logins...' # Open database connection $conn.Open() # Create table to store results $SqlLoginVerified = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $SqlLoginVerified.Columns.Add('name') # Check if sql logins are valid #$MyQueryResultsClean | Sort-Object name $MyQueryResultsClean | Sort-Object -Property name | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get sql login name $SqlLoginNameTest = $ # Setup query $query = "EXEC sp_defaultdb '$SqlLoginNameTest', 'NOTAREALDATABASE1234ABCD'" # Execute query $cmd = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand -ArgumentList ($query, $conn) try { $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message # Check the error message for a signature that means the login is real if (($ErrorMessage -like '*NOTAREALDATABASE*') -or ($ErrorMessage -like '*alter the login*')) { $null = $SqlLoginVerified.Rows.Add($SqlLoginNameTest) } } } # Close database connection $conn.Close() # Display verified logins $SqlLoginVerifiedCount = $SqlLoginVerified.Rows.Count if ($SqlLoginVerifiedCount -ge 1) { Write-Host -Object "[*] $SqlLoginVerifiedCount logins verified:" -ForegroundColor 'green' $SqlLoginVerified | Select-Object name -Unique| Sort-Object -Property name } else { Write-Host -Object '[*] No verified logins found.' -ForegroundColor 'red' } # Clean up credentials manager entry if ($DomainUserCheck) { $CredManDel = 'cmdkey /delete:'+$SqlServerInstanceCol Write-Verbose -Message "Command: $CredManDel" $ExecManDel = Invoke-Expression -Command $CredManDel } }