function Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess { <# .SYNOPSIS This script obtains a list of all of the SQL Server instances registered on the domain by querying a domain controller for MSSQLsvc Service Principle Names. Then it checks if the current or provided user has access to the SQL Server instances found. Finally, it queries accessible SQL Server instances for basic information that could be used to escalate privileges on the server such as sysadmin privileges, shared service accounts, service accounts configured with Domain Admin privileges, and database links. .DESCRIPTION This module obtains a list of all of the SQL Server instances registered on the domain by querying a domain controller for MSSQLsvc Service Principle Names. Then it checks if the current or provided user has access to the SQL Server instances found. Finally, it queries accessible SQL Server instances for basic information that could be used to escalate privileges on the server such as sysadmin privileges, shared service accounts, service accounts configured with Domain Admin privileges, and database links. An option has also been added so a custom query can be defined by the user. The module allows users authenticate to the SQL Server instances as the current domain user or a provided SQL user. Alternative domain credentials can also be used via the Windows RunAs command. .EXAMPLE Returns a list of SQL Server instances on the current user's domain that they have access to. This is the default output. PS C:\Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Start Time: 04/09/2014 17:02:33 [*] Domain: [*] DC: [*] Getting list of SQL Server instances from DC as mydomain\myuser... [*] 5 SQL Server instances found in LDAP. [*] Attempting to login into 5 SQL Server instances as mydomain\myuser... [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Failed - is not responding to pings [-] Failed - ( is up, but authentication/query failed [+] SUCCESS! -,1433 ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No [+] SUCCESS! -\SQLEXPRESS ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No [+] SUCCESS! -\AppData ( - Sysadmin: Yes - SvcIsDA: Yes [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] 3 of 5 SQL Server instances could be accessed. [*] End Time: 04/03/2014 10:58:00 [*] Total Time: 00:03:00 [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .EXAMPLE Returns a list of SQL Server instances imported from a file and on the current user's domain that they have access to. PS C:\Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess -File c:\Temp\Servers.txt [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Start Time: 04/09/2014 17:02:33 [*] Domain: [*] DC: [*] Getting list of SQL Server instances from DC as mydomain\myuser... [*] 2 SQL Server instances found in LDAP. [*] 3 SQL Server instances found in c:\Temp\Servers.txt. [*] Attempting to login into 5 SQL Server instances as mydomain\myuser... [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Failed - is not responding to pings [-] Failed - ( is up, but authentication/query failed [+] SUCCESS! -,1433 ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No [+] SUCCESS! -\SQLEXPRESS ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No [+] SUCCESS! -\AppData ( - Sysadmin: Yes - SvcIsDA: Yes [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] 3 of 5 SQL Server instances could be accessed. [*] End Time: 04/03/2014 10:58:00 [*] Total Time: 00:03:00 [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .EXAMPLE Returns a list of SQL Server instances on the current user's domain and attempts to authenticate to them using provided SQL Server credentials. PS C:\Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess -SQLUser test -SQLPass $up3r$3cur3P@$$w0rd [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Start Time: 04/09/2014 17:02:33 [*] Domain: [*] DC: [*] Getting list of SQL Server instances from DC as mydomain\myuser... [*] 5 SQL Server instances found in LDAP. [*] Attempting to login into 5 SQL Server instances as test... [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Failed - is not responding to pings [-] Failed - ( is up, but authentication/query failed [+] Failed -,1433 ( - is up, but authentication/query failed [+] Failed -\SQLEXPRESS ( - is up, but authentication/query failed [+] SUCCESS! -\AppData ( - Sysadmin: Yes - SvcIsDA: Yes [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] 1 of 5 SQL Server instances could be accessed. [*] End Time: 04/03/2014 10:58:00 [*] Total Time: 00:03:00 [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .EXAMPLE Returns a list of SQL Server instances on the current user's domain that they have access to. This also displays a data table object at the end that can feed the pipeline. You can make it pretty using the format-table syntax example below. PS C:Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess -ShowSum | format-table -AutoSize [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Start Time: 04/09/2014 17:02:33 [*] Domain: [*] DC: [*] Getting list of SQL Server instances from DC as mydomain\myuser... [*] 5 SQL Server instances found in LDAP. [*] Attempting to login into 5 SQL Server instances as mydomain\myuser... [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Failed - is not responding to pings [-] Failed - ( is up, but authentication/query failed [+] SUCCESS! -,1433 ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No [+] SUCCESS! -\SQLEXPRESS ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No [+] SUCCESS! -\AppData ( - Sysadmin: Yes - SvcIsDA: Yes [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] 3 of 5 SQL Server instances could be accessed. [*] End Time: 04/03/2014 10:58:00 [*] Total Time: 00:03:00 [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IpAddress Server Instance SQLVer OsVer Sysadmin SvcAcct SvcIsDA IsClustered DBLinks --------- ------ -------- ------ ----- -------- ------- ------- ----------- -------,1433 2008 Express Edition 7/2008 No NT AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE No No 4\SQLEXPRESS 2008 Express Edition 7/2008 No NT AUTHORITY\LocalSystem No No 1\AppData 2005 Standard Edition 2003 Yes NT AUTHORITY\sql_svc Yes No 0 .EXAMPLE Returns a list of SQL Server instances on the current user's domain that they have access to. This will display the default output, but also write the results to a CSV file. PS C:\Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess -ShowSum | export-csv c:\temp\mysqlaccess.csv [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Start Time: 04/09/2014 17:02:33 [*] Domain: [*] DC: [*] Getting list of SQL Server instances from DC as mydomain\myuser... [*] 5 SQL Server instances found in LDAP. [*] Attempting to login into 5 SQL Server instances as mydomain\myuser... [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Failed - is not responding to pings [-] Failed - ( is up, but authentication/query failed [+] SUCCESS! -,1433 ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No [+] SUCCESS! -\SQLEXPRESS ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No [+] SUCCESS! -\AppData ( - Sysadmin: Yes - SvcIsDA: Yes [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] 3 of 5 SQL Server instances could be accessed. [*] End Time: 04/03/2014 10:58:00 [*] Total Time: 00:03:00 [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .EXAMPLE Returns a list of SQL Server instances on the current user's domain that they have access to. This will display the default output, but also display a data table of SQL Servers that are accessible every time a successful connection is made. PS C:\Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess -ShowStatus [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Start Time: 04/09/2014 17:02:33 [*] Domain: [*] DC: [*] Getting list of SQL Server instances from DC as mydomain\myuser... [*] 5 SQL Server instances found in LDAP. [*] Attempting to login into 5 SQL Server instances as mydomain\myuser... [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Failed - is not responding to pings [-] Failed - ( is up, but authentication/query failed [+] SUCCESS! -,1433 ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No IpAddress Server Instance SQLVer OsVer Sysadmin SvcAcct SvcIsDA IsClustered DBLinks --------- ------ -------- ------ ----- -------- ------- ------- ----------- -------,1433 2008 Express Edition 7/2008 No NT AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE No No 4 [+] SUCCESS! -\SQLEXPRESS ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No IpAddress Server Instance SQLVer OsVer Sysadmin SvcAcct SvcIsDA IsClustered DBLinks --------- ------ -------- ------ ----- -------- ------- ------- ----------- -------,1433 2008 Express Edition 7/2008 No NT AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE No No 4\SQLEXPRESS 2008 Express Edition 7/2008 No NT AUTHORITY\LocalSystem No No 1 [+] SUCCESS! -\AppData ( - Sysadmin: Yes - SvcIsDA: Yes IpAddress Server Instance SQLVer OsVer Sysadmin SvcAcct SvcIsDA IsClustered DBLinks --------- ------ -------- ------ ----- -------- ------- ------- ----------- -------,1433 2008 Express Edition 7/2008 No NT AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE No No 4\SQLEXPRESS 2008 Express Edition 7/2008 No NT AUTHORITY\LocalSystem No No 1\AppData 2005 Standard Edition 2003 Yes NT AUTHORITY\sql_svc Yes No 0 [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] 3 of 5 SQL Server instances could be accessed. [*] End Time: 04/03/2014 10:58:00 [*] Total Time: 00:03:00 [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .EXAMPLE Returns a list of SQL Server instances on the current user's domain that they have access to. This will display the default output, but also display the results of a custom query defined by the user. PS C:\Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess -query "select name as 'Databases' from master..sysdatabases where HAS_DBACCESS(name) = 1" [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Start Time: 04/09/2014 17:02:33 [*] Domain: [*] DC: [*] Getting list of SQL Server instances from DC as mydomain\myuser... [*] 5 SQL Server instances found in LDAP. [*] Attempting to login into 5 SQL Server instances as mydomain\myuser... [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Failed - is not responding to pings [-] Failed - ( is up, but authentication/query failed [+] SUCCESS! -,1433 ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No [+] Query sent: select name as 'Databases' from master..sysdatabases where HAS_DBACCESS(name) = 1 [+] Query output: Databases --------- master tempdb msdb [+] SUCCESS! -\SQLEXPRESS ( - Sysadmin: No - SvcIsDA: No [+] Query sent: select name as 'Databases' from master..sysdatabases where HAS_DBACCESS(name) = 1 [+] Query output: Databases --------- master tempdb msdb [+] SUCCESS! -\AppData ( - Sysadmin: Yes - SvcIsDA: Yes [+] Query sent: select name as 'Databases' from master..sysdatabases where HAS_DBACCESS(name) = 1 [+] Query output: Databases --------- master tempdb msdb PCIDataDB ApplicationDB CompanySecrects [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] 3 of 5 SQL Server instances could be accessed. [*] End Time: 04/03/2014 10:58:00 [*] Total Time: 00:03:00 [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .EXAMPLE Only return a list of SQL Servers found in Active Directory. PS C:\Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess -listonly [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Start Time: 04/09/2014 17:02:33 [*] Domain: [*] DC: [*] Getting list of SQL Server instances from DC as mydomain\myuser... [*] 5 SQL Server instances found in LDAP. [*] listing SQL Server instances... Server Instance ------ --------,1433,1433,1433\SQLEXPRESS\AppData .EXAMPLE Only return a list of SQL Servers found in Active Directory and write them to a csv file. PS C:\Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess -listonly | export-csv c:\temp\SQLServers.csv [*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] Start Time: 04/09/2014 17:02:33 [*] Domain: [*] DC: [*] Getting list of SQL Server instances from DC as mydomain\myuser... [*] 5 SQL Server instances found in LDAP. [*] listing SQL Server instances... PS C:\ .LINK to figure out workstation vs server .NOTES Author: Scott Sutherland - 2014, NetSPI Version: Get-SqlServer-Escalate-CheckAccess.psm1 v1.0 Comments: Should work on SQL Server 2005 and Above. Requires PowerShell v3. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Credentials to use when connecting to a Domain Controller.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Domain controller for Domain and Site that you want to query against.')] [string]$DomainController, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Maximum number of Objects to pull from AD, limit is 1,000 .')] [int]$Limit = 1000, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='scope of a search as either a base, one-level, or subtree search, default is subtree.')] [ValidateSet('Subtree','OneLevel','Base')] [string]$SearchScope = 'Subtree', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Distinguished Name Path to limit search to.')] [string]$SearchDN, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Only display a list of SQL Servers found in Active Directory.')] [switch]$ListOnly, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='At the end of the scan display the results in a pipeable datatable format.')] [switch]$ShowSum, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Display a status table after accessing each SQL Server instance successfully.')] [switch]$ShowStatus, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Set SQL Login username.')] [string]$SQLUser, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Set SQL Login password.')] [string]$SQLPass, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='File containing list of SQL servers. Accepts formats:,1433\CVM')] [string]$File, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Allows users to run a custom query on all accessible SQL Server instances.')] [string]$Query ) Begin { # Setup domain user and domain controller (if provided) if ($DomainController -and $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password) { $ObjDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry "LDAP://$($DomainController)", $Credential.UserName,$Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $ObjSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $ObjDomain } else { $ObjDomain = [ADSI]"" $ObjSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $ObjDomain } } Process { # Setup the user that will be used to connect to the SQL Servers found if($SQLUser -and $SQLPass){ $DBUser = $SQLUser }else{ $DBUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name } # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup data tables # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Create data table to house list of Domain Admins $TableDomainAdmins = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableDomainAdmins.Columns.Add('Account') | Out-Null # Create data table to house list of SQL Server found in LDAP $TableLDAP = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableLDAP.Columns.Add('Server') | Out-Null $TableLDAP.Columns.Add('Instance') | Out-Null # Create data table to house sql server query data $TableSQL = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableSQL.Columns.Add('IpAddress') | Out-Null $TableSQL.Columns.Add('Server') | Out-Null $TableSQL.Columns.Add('Instance') | Out-Null $TableSQL.Columns.Add('SQLVer') | Out-Null $TableSQL.Columns.Add('OsVer') | Out-Null $TableSQL.Columns.Add('Sysadmin') | Out-Null $TableSQL.Columns.Add('SvcAcct') | Out-Null $TableSQL.Columns.Add('SvcIsDA') | Out-Null $TableSQL.Columns.Add('IsClustered') | Out-Null $TableSQL.Columns.Add('DBLinks') | Out-Null # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of Domain Admins from domain controller via LDAP # ---------------------------------------------------------------- $CurrentDomain = $ObjDomain.distinguishedName $ObjSearcher.PageSize = $Limit $ObjSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,$CurrentDomain))" $ObjSearcher.SearchScope = $SearchScope $CurrentUser = $Credential.UserName if ($SearchDN) { $ObjSearcher.SearchDN = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://$($SearchDN)") } # Place a list of domain admin in data table $ObjSearcher.FindAll() | ForEach-Object { $TableDomainAdmins.Rows.Add($($ | Out-Null } # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of SQL Server instances from domain controller via LDAP # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup LDAP query parameters $CurrentDomain = $ObjDomain.distinguishedName $ObjSearcher.PageSize = $Limit $ObjSearcher.Filter = '(ServicePrincipalName=*MSSQLSvc*)' $ObjSearcher.SearchScope = $SearchScope if ($SearchDN) { $ObjSearcher.SearchDN = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://$($SearchDN)") } # Status user [string]$CurrentUser = $Credential.UserName if ($CurrentUser -eq ""){ $LDAPUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name }else{ $LDAPUser = $Credential.UserName } $StatusDomain = [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.domain]::GetCurrentDomain().PdcRoleOwner.Domain.Name $StatusDC = [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.domain]::GetCurrentDomain().PdcRoleOwner.Name $StartTime = Get-Date Write-Host '[*] ----------------------------------------------------------------------' Write-Host "[*] Start Time: $StartTime" Write-Host "[*] Domain: $StatusDomain" Write-Host "[*] DC: $StatusDC" Write-Host "[*] Getting list of SQL Server instances from DC as $LDAPUser..." # Get a count of the number of accounts that match the LDAP query $Records = $ObjSearcher.FindAll() $RecordCount = $Records.count # Check if any SQL Servers were found in Active Directory if ($RecordCount -gt 0){ # Process LDAP query results $ObjSearcher.FindAll() | ForEach-Object { # Start processing $SPN_Count = $['ServicePrincipalName'].count if ($SPN_Count -gt 0) { # Parse records from ldap foreach ($item in $['ServicePrincipalName']) { # Grab hostname and service type $SpnServer = $item.split('/')[1].split(':')[0] $SpnServerFull = $item.split('/')[1] $SpnService = $item.split('/')[0] # Filter for only SQL Server instances if ($SpnService -eq 'MSSQLsvc'){ # Check if a port or named instance is used $ConnectParse = $item.split("/")[1].split(":")[1] Add-Type -Assembly Microsoft.VisualBasic $ConType = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information]::IsNumeric($ConnectParse) if($Contype -eq 'True'){ $SpnServerInstance = $SpnServerFull -replace ':', ',' }else{ $SpnServerInstance = $SpnServerFull -replace ':', '\' } # Add SQL Server instance to list $TableLDAP.Rows.Add($SpnServer, $SpnServerInstance) | Out-Null } } } } # Status user $SQLServerCount = $TableLDAP.Rows.Count Write-Host "[*] $SQLServerCount SQL Server instances found in LDAP." # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Get list of SQL Servers from a file (if one was provided) # ------------------------------------------------------------ if($File){ # Check if file exists [string]$FileExist = Test-Path $File if ($FileExist -eq 'True'){ # Import list of SQL Server instances from file to TableLDAP Get-Content $File | ForEach-Object { # Test current item $TheInstance = $_ # Parse server and instance If($TheInstance.Contains(',') -eq 'True'){ $TheServer = $TheInstance.split(',')[0] }elseif($TheInstance.Contains('\') -eq 'True'){ $TheServer = $TheInstance.split('\')[0] }else{ $TheServer = $TheInstance } # Add server and instance to TableLDAP datatable $TableLDAP.Rows.Add($TheServer,$TheInstance) | Out-Null } # Update counters $SQLServerFinalCount = $TableLDAP.Rows.Count $SQLServerList = $SQLServerFinalCount-$SQLServerCount Write-Host "[*] $SQLServerList SQL Server instances found in $File" }else{ # Status user Write-host '[-] The file provided does not exist.' } }else{ $SQLServerFinalCount = $TableLDAP.Rows.Count } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Only List SQL Servers Found # ------------------------------------------------------------ if ($ListOnly) { Write-Host "[*] Listing SQL Server instances..." $TableLDAP | sort server,instance Break } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Test access to each SQL Server instance and grab basic info # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Status user Write-Host "[*] Attempting to login into $SQLServerFinalCount SQL Server instances as $DBUser..." Write-Host '[*] ----------------------------------------------------------------------' # Display results in list view that can feed into the pipeline $TableLDAP | Sort-Object server,instance| select server,instance -unique | foreach { #------------------------ # Setup connection string #------------------------ $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SQLServer = $_.server $SQLInstance = $_.instance # Set authentication type if($SQLUser -and $SQLPass){ # SQL login $conn.ConnectionString = "Server=$SQLInstance;Database=master;User ID='$SQLUser';Password='$SQLPass';" }else{ # Trusted connection $conn.ConnectionString = "Server=$SQLInstance;Database=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;" } #------------------------- # Test database conection #------------------------- # Check if the server is up via ping if((Test-Connection -Cn $SQLServer -BufferSize 32 -Count 2 -ea 0 -quiet)) { # Attempt to authenticate and query remote SQL Server instance Try { # Get host ip address for SQL Server $SQLServerIP = [Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($SQLServer).AddressList.IPAddressToString.split(" ")[0] # Create connection to system and issue query $conn.Open() $sql= @" -- Setup reg path DECLARE @SQLServerInstance varchar(250) if @@SERVICENAME = 'MSSQLSERVER' BEGIN set @SQLServerInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLSERVER' END ELSE BEGIN set @SQLServerInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQL$'+cast(@@SERVICENAME as varchar(250)) END -- Grab service account from service's reg path DECLARE @ServiceaccountName varchar(250) EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @SQLServerInstance, N'ObjectName',@ServiceAccountName OUTPUT, N'no_output' DECLARE @MachineType SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions', @value_name = N'ProductType', @value = @MachineType output -- Grab more info about the server SELECT @@servername as server, @MachineType as MachineType, serverproperty('edition') as Edition, SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as sqlver, RIGHT(SUBSTRING(@@VERSION, CHARINDEX('Windows NT', @@VERSION), 14), 3) as osver, is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') as priv, (select SERVERPROPERTY('IsClustered')) as IsClustered, (select count(srvname) from master..sysservers) as DBLinks, @ServiceAccountName as SvcAcct "@ $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sql,$conn) $cmd.CommandTimeout = 0 $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() $MyTempTable = new-object 'System.Data.DataTable' $MyTempTable.Load($results) # Parse query data from SQL Server and add info to data table foreach ($row in $MyTempTable){ $Edition = $($MyTempTable.Edition) # Set the SQL Server version $SQLVersioncheck = $MyTempTable.sqlver.split('.')[0] if ( $SQLVersioncheck -eq '7' ){ $SQLVersion = "7 $Edition" } elseif ( $SQLVersioncheck -eq '8' ){ $SQLVersion = "2000 $Edition" } elseif ( $SQLVersioncheck -eq '9' ){ $SQLVersion = "2005 $Edition" } elseif ( $SQLVersioncheck -eq '10' ){ $SQLVersion = "2008 $Edition" } elseif ( $SQLVersioncheck -eq '11' ){ $SQLVersion = "2012 $Edition" } else { $SQLVersion = $MyTempTable.sqlver } # Set the Windows version $OSVersioncheck = $MyTempTable.osver.split('.')[0]+'.'+$MyTempTable.osver.split(".")[1] if ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '6.3' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'ServerNT'){ $OSVersion = '2012' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '6.3' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'WinNT'){ $OSVersion = '8.1' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '6.2' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'ServerNT'){ $OSVersion = '2012' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '6.2' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'WinNT'){ $OSVersion = '8' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '6.1' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'ServerNT'){ $OSVersion = '2008 R2' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '6.1' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'WinNT'){ $OSVersion = '7' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '6.0' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'ServerNT'){ $OSVersion = '2008' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '6.0' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'WinNT'){ $OSVersion = 'Vista' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '5.2' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'ServerNT'){ $OSVersion = '2003' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '5.1' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'ServerNT'){ $OSVersion = '2003' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '5.1' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'WinNT'){ $OSVersion = 'XP' } elseif ( $OSVersioncheck -eq '5.0' -and $($MyTempTable.MachineType) -eq 'ServerNT'){ $OSVersion = '2000' } else { $OSVersion = $MyTempTable.osver } # Check if user is a sysadmin if ($($MyTempTable.priv) -eq 1){ $DBAaccess = 'Yes' }else{ $DBAaccess = 'No' } # Check if server is clustered if ($($MyTempTable.IsClustered) -eq 1){ $IsClustered = 'Yes' }else{ $IsClustered = 'No' } # Check if server has database links - removing one, because a link to # always exists to itself without data access if ($($MyTempTable.DBLinks) -le 1){ $DBLinks = 0 }else{ $DBLinks = $MyTempTable.DBLinks-1 } # Check if service account is a domain admin $IsDA = 'No' $JustAccount = $($MyTempTable.SvcAcct).split('\')[1] $TableDomainAdmins | ForEach-Object { $DAUser=$_.Account if( $DAUser.toLower() -eq $JustAccount.toLower()){ $IsDA = 'Yes' } } # Set service account $SQLServiceAccount = $($MyTempTable.SvcAcct) # Add the SQL Server information to the data table $TableSQL.Rows.Add($SQLServerIP, $SQLServer, $SQLInstance, $SQLVersion,$OSVersion,$DBAaccess,$($MyTempTable.SvcAcct),$IsDA,$IsClustered,$DBLinks) | Out-Null } # Set status color if ( $DBAaccess -eq 'Yes'){ $LineColor = 'red' } elseif ($IsDA -eq 'Yes' ){ $LineColor = 'red' } else{ $LineColor = 'green' } # Status user Write-Host "[+] SUCCESS! - $SQLInstance ($SQLServerIP) - Sysadmin: $DBAaccess - SvcIsDA: $IsDA" -foreground $LineColor # Run custom querys if($query){ # Status user Write-Host "[+] Custom query sent: $query" -foreground $LineColor Write-Host '[+] Query output:' -foreground $LineColor # Set custom SQL query $sql= @" -- custom query $query "@ $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sql,$conn) $cmd.CommandTimeout = 0 $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() $MyTempTable2 = new-object 'System.Data.DataTable' $MyTempTable2.Load($results) # Display custom query results $MyTempTable2 } # Show status table if($ShowStatus){ $TableSQL | Format-Table -Autosize } # close connection $conn.Close(); } Catch { # Status user Write-Host "[-] Failed - $SQLInstance ($SQLServerIP) is up, but authentication/query failed" } }else{ # Status user Write-Host "[-] Failed - $SQLInstance is not responding to pings" } } # End SQL Server ping loop #------------------------- # Display final results #------------------------- $EndTime = Get-Date $TotalTime = NEW-TIMESPAN –Start $Starttime –End $Endtime $SQLServerLoginCount = $TableSQL.Rows.count #Display total servers and time Write-Host '[*] ----------------------------------------------------------------------' Write-Host "[*] $SQLServerLoginCount of $SQLServerCount SQL Server instances could be accessed." Write-Host "[*] End Time: $Endtime" Write-Host "[*] Total Time: $TotalTime" Write-Host '[*] ----------------------------------------------------------------------' # Display final results table if($ShowSum){ $TableSQL } }else{ # Display fail Write-Host '[-] No SQL Servers were found in Active Directory.' } # End database loop } # End process } # End function