function Get-SqlServer-Escalate-SpSource { <# .SYNOPSIS This script can be used to export custom stored procedures from all accessible databases on a SQL Server. .DESCRIPTION This script can be used to export custom stored procedures from all accessible databases on a SQL Server to .sql files in a provided output directory. It then searches for keywords that are commonly associated with vulnerabilities like hardcoded passwords, hardcoded crypto keys, execute as sysadmin, and sql injection. This script can accept SQL Credentials or use the current user's trusted connection. .EXAMPLE Exporting custom stored procedures from a remote SQL Server using a trusted connection. PS C:\> Get-SqlServer-Escalate-SpSource -SQLServerInstance SQLSERVER1\SQLEXPRESS .EXAMPLE Exporting custom stored procedures from a remote SQL Server using a SQL Login. PS C:\> Get-SqlServer-Escalate-SpSource -SQLServerInstance SQLSERVER1\SQLEXPRESS -SqlUser MyUser -SqlPass MyPass .EXAMPLE Exporting custom stored procedures from a remote SQL Server using a trusted connection, and set a custom output directory. PS C:\> Get-SqlServer-Escalate-SpSource -SqlServerInstance SQLSERVER1\SQLEXPRESS -OutDir .\myfolder\ .EXAMPLE Exporting custom stored procedures from a remote SQL Server using a trusted connection. The command below also checks the exported stored procedures interesting keywords they may indiciate things like hardcoded passwords, elevated execution, and SQL injection. PS C:\> Get-SqlServer-Escalate-SpSource -SqlServerInstance SQLSERVER1\SQLEXPRESS -RunChecks .EXAMPLE Exporting custom stored procedures from a remote SQL Server using a trusted connection. The -RunChecks switch checks the exported stored procedures for interesting keywords that may indiciate hardcoded passwords, elevated execution, and SQL injection. This syntax also targets a specific database and store procedure. PS C:\> Get-SqlServer-Escalate-SpSource -SqlServerInstance SQLSERVER1\SQLEXPRESS -RunChecks -Database mydb -Procedure mysp .EXAMPLE Exporting custom stored procedures from a remote SQL Server using a trusted connection. The command below also checks the exported stored procedures interesting keywords they may indiciate things like hardcoded passwords, elevated execution, and SQL injection. The -verbose flag will display the current keyword being search for as well as some additional information about the script's operation. PS C:\> Get-SqlServer-Escalate-SpSource -SqlServerInstance SQLSERVER1\SQLEXPRESS -RunChecks -verbose .LINK .NOTES Author: Scott Sutherland - 2014, NetSPI Version: Get-SqlServer-Escalate-SpSource v1.2 Comments: Should work on SQL Server 2005 and Above. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Set SQL Login username.')] [string]$SqlUser, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Set SQL Login password.')] [string]$SqlPass, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Set target SQL Server instance.')] [string]$SqlServerInstance, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Output directory.')] [string]$OutDir, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Database to target.')] [string]$Database, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Procedure to target.')] [string]$Procedure, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Search stored procedures for interesting strings.')] [switch]$RunChecks ) # ----------------------------------------------- # Connect to the sql server # ----------------------------------------------- # Create fun connection object $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection # Set authentication type and create connection string if($SqlUser -and $SqlPass){ # SQL login $conn.ConnectionString = "Server=$SqlServerInstance;Database=master;User ID=$SqlUser;Password=$SqlPass;" [string]$ConnectUser = $SqlUser }else{ # Trusted connection $conn.ConnectionString = "Server=$SqlServerInstance;Database=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;" $UserDomain = [Environment]::UserDomainName $Username = [Environment]::UserName $ConnectUser = "$UserDomain\$Username" } # Status User write-host "[*] Attempting to Connect to $SqlServerInstance as $ConnectUser..." # Attempt database connection try{ $conn.Open() write-host "[*] Connected." -foreground "green" }catch{ $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message write-host "[*] Connection failed" -foreground "red" write-host "[*] Error: $ErrorMessage" -foreground "red" Break } # ----------------------------------------------- # Create data tables # ----------------------------------------------- # Create data table to house list of non default databases $TableDatabases = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableDatabases.Columns.Add('name') | Out-Null # Create data table to house list of stored procedures $TableSP = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableSP.Columns.Add('ROUTINE_CATALOG') | Out-Null $TableSP.Columns.Add('SPECIFIC_SCHEMA') | Out-Null $TableSP.Columns.Add('ROUTINE_NAME') | Out-Null $TableSP.Columns.Add('ROUTINE_DEFINITION') | Out-Null # ----------------------------------------------- # Get list of accessible non default dateabases # ----------------------------------------------- # Check for user supplied database if ($Database) { $SqlDatabase = "and name like '$Database'" }else{ $SqlDatabase = "" } # Setup query to grab a list of accessible databases $QueryDatabases = "SELECT name from master..sysdatabases where has_dbaccess(name)=1 and name not like 'tempdb' and name not like 'model' and name not like 'msdb' $SqlDatabase" # User status write-host "[*] Enumerating accessible databases..." # Query the databases and load the results into the TableDatabases data table object $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($QueryDatabases,$conn) $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() $TableDatabases.Load($results) # Check if any accessible databases where found if ($TableDatabases.rows.count -eq 0){ write-host "No accessible databases found." Break }else{ $DbCount = $TableDatabases.rows.count # Set status color if ( $DbCount -ne 0){ $LineColor = 'green' }else{ $LineColor = 'red' } write-host "[*] $DbCount accessible databases found." -foreground $LineColor } # ------------------------------------------------- # Get list of custom stored procedures for each db # ------------------------------------------------- if ($TableDatabases.rows.count -ne 0){ write-host "[*] Searching for custom stored procedures..." $x = 0 $TableDatabases | foreach { [string]$CurrentDatabase = $ # Check for user supplied stored procedure name if ($Procedure) { $SqlProcedure = "WHERE ROUTINE_NAME like '$Procedure'" }else{ $SqlProcedure = "" } # Setup query to grab a list of databases $QueryProcedures = "SELECT ROUTINE_CATALOG,SPECIFIC_SCHEMA,ROUTINE_NAME,ROUTINE_DEFINITION FROM $CurrentDatabase.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES $SqlProcedure order by ROUTINE_NAME" # Query the databases and load the results into the TableDatabase data table object $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($QueryProcedures,$conn) $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() $TableSP.Load($results) # Get sp count for each database if ($x -eq 0){ $x = $TableSP.rows.count write-host "[*] - Found $x in $CurrentDatabase" }else{ $CurrNumRows = $TableSP.rows.count $PrevNumRows = $x $FoundNumRows = $CurrNumRows-$PrevNumRows write-host "[*] - Found $FoundNumRows in $CurrentDatabase" $x = $TableSP.rows.count } } } # Get number of custom stored procedures found $SpCount = $TableSP.rows.count # Set status color if ( $SpCount -ne 0){ $LineColor = 'green' }else{ $LineColor = 'red' } write-host "[*] $SpCount custom stored procedures found across $DbCount databases." -foreground $LineColor if ($SpCount -ne 0) { #Create output directory if( $OutDir ){ $OutPutDir = "$OutDir\sp_source_output" }else{ $OutPutDir = ".\sp_source_output" } # Attempt to create output directory write-host "[*] Exporting source code to $OutPutDir..." write-verbose "[*] Attempting to create output directory..." $CheckOutDir = Test-Path $OutPutDir if($CheckOutDir){ write-host "[*] Error: Can't create directory `"$OutPutDir`", it already exists." -ForegroundColor Red break }else{ mkdir $OutPutDir | Out-Null write-verbose "[*] $OutPutDir created." } # ------------------------------------------------- # Output source code to txt files in folder structure # ------------------------------------------------- $TableDatabases | foreach { [string]$DirDb = $ mkdir $OutPutDir\exported_sp_tsql_files\$DirDb | Out-Null write-host "[*] - Exporting from $DirDb" $TableSP | where {$_.ROUTINE_CATALOG -eq $DirDb} | foreach { [string]$ProcName = $_.ROUTINE_NAME $_.ROUTINE_DEFINITION | Out-File $OutPutDir\exported_sp_tsql_files\$DirDb\$ProcName.sql } } # ------------------------------------------------- # Output source code to CSV file # ------------------------------------------------- write-verbose "[*] - Exporting stored procedures to $OutPutDir\exported_stored_procedures_source.csv..." $TableSP | Export-CSV $OutPutDir\exported_stored_procedures_source.csv if ($RunChecks){ # ------------------------------------------------- # Search source code for interesting keywords # ------------------------------------------------- # Create output file mkdir $OutPutDir\search-results-keywords | Out-Null $KeywordPath = "$OutPutDir\search-results-keywords\" # Create keywords array $InterestingKeywords =@("encr", "password", "with execute as", "trigger", "xp_cmdshell", "cmd", "openquery", "openrowset", "connect", "grant", "proxy", "osql" ) write-host "[*] Searching for interesting keywords..." write-host "[*] NOTE: THIS CAN TAKE A WHILE IF THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF PROCEDURES" $InterestingKeywords | foreach { write-verbose "[*] - Searching for string $_..." $KeywordFilePath = "$KeywordPath$_.txt" Get-ChildItem -Recurse $OutPutDir\exported_sp_tsql_files\ | Select-String -SimpleMatch "$_" | Out-File -Append $KeywordFilePath } # ------------------------------------------------- # Search source code for potential sqli keywords # ------------------------------------------------- # Create output file mkdir $OutPutDir\search-results-sqli | Out-Null $SQLPath = "$OutPutDir\search-results-sqli\sqli.txt" # Create potential sqli keywords array $SymAt = "@" [string]$SymOpen = "(" $SQLiKeywords =@("sp_executesql", "sp_sqlexec", "exec @", "exec (", "exec(", "execute @", "execute (", "execute(" ) $SQLiKeywords | foreach { write-verbose "[*] - Searching for string $_..." Get-ChildItem -Recurse $OutPutDir\ | Select-String -SimpleMatch "$_" >> $SQLPath } # Run a scan for three ticks in a row ''' Get-ChildItem -Recurse $OutPutDir\exported_sp_tsql_files\ | Select-String "'''" | Out-File -Append $SQLPath } } write-host "[*] All done, results can be found in $OutPutDir\" -foreground "green" }