import os import platform import subprocess import sys import sysconfig from setuptools import Command, Extension, find_packages, setup from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext import versioneer _version_module = None try: from packaging import version as _version_module except ImportError: try: from setuptools._vendor.packaging import version as _version_module except ImportError: pass min_python_version = "3.9" max_python_version = "3.13" # exclusive min_numpy_build_version = "1.11" min_numpy_run_version = "1.22" min_llvmlite_version = "0.43.0dev0" max_llvmlite_version = "0.44" if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): # Patch for #2555 to make wheels without libpython sysconfig.get_config_vars()['Py_ENABLE_SHARED'] = 0 def _guard_py_ver(): if _version_module is None: return parse = _version_module.parse min_py = parse(min_python_version) max_py = parse(max_python_version) cur_py = parse('.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3]))) if not min_py <= cur_py < max_py: msg = ('Cannot install on Python version {}; only versions >={},<{} ' 'are supported.') raise RuntimeError(msg.format(cur_py, min_py, max_py)) _guard_py_ver() class build_doc(Command): description = "build documentation" def run(self):['make', '-C', 'docs', 'html']) cmdclass = versioneer.get_cmdclass() cmdclass['build_doc'] = build_doc extra_link_args = [] install_name_tool_fixer = [] if sys.platform == 'darwin': install_name_tool_fixer += ['-headerpad_max_install_names'] if platform.machine() == 'ppc64le': extra_link_args += ['-pthread'] build_ext = cmdclass.get('build_ext', build_ext) numba_be_user_options = [ ('werror', None, 'Build extensions with -Werror'), ('wall', None, 'Build extensions with -Wall'), ('noopt', None, 'Build extensions without optimization'), ] class NumbaBuildExt(build_ext): user_options = build_ext.user_options + numba_be_user_options boolean_options = build_ext.boolean_options + ['werror', 'wall', 'noopt'] def initialize_options(self): super().initialize_options() self.werror = 0 self.wall = 0 self.noopt = 0 def run(self): extra_compile_args = [] if self.noopt: if sys.platform == 'win32': extra_compile_args.append('/Od') else: extra_compile_args.append('-O0') if self.werror: extra_compile_args.append('-Werror') if self.wall: extra_compile_args.append('-Wall') for ext in self.extensions: ext.extra_compile_args.extend(extra_compile_args) super().run() cmdclass['build_ext'] = NumbaBuildExt def is_building(): """ Parse the command and return whether a build is requested. If False is returned, only an informational command is run. If True is returned, information about C extensions will have to be passed to the setup() function. """ if len(sys.argv) < 2: # User forgot to give an argument probably, let setuptools handle that. return True build_commands = ['build', 'build_py', 'build_ext', 'build_clib' 'build_scripts', 'install', 'install_lib', 'install_headers', 'install_scripts', 'install_data', 'sdist', 'bdist', 'bdist_dumb', 'bdist_rpm', 'bdist_wininst', 'check', 'build_doc', 'bdist_wheel', 'bdist_egg', 'develop', 'easy_install', 'test'] return any(bc in sys.argv[1:] for bc in build_commands) def get_ext_modules(): """ Return a list of Extension instances for the setup() call. """ # Note we don't import NumPy at the toplevel, since # should be able to run without NumPy for pip to discover the # build dependencies. Need NumPy headers and libm linkage. import numpy as np np_compile_args = {'include_dirs': [np.get_include(),],} if sys.platform != 'win32': np_compile_args['libraries'] = ['m',] ext_devicearray = Extension(name='numba._devicearray', sources=['numba/_devicearray.cpp'], depends=['numba/_pymodule.h', 'numba/_devicearray.h'], include_dirs=['numba'], extra_compile_args=['-std=c++11'], ) ext_dynfunc = Extension(name='numba._dynfunc', sources=['numba/_dynfuncmod.c'], depends=['numba/_pymodule.h', 'numba/_dynfunc.c']) ext_dispatcher = Extension(name="numba._dispatcher", sources=['numba/_dispatcher.cpp', 'numba/_typeof.cpp', 'numba/_hashtable.cpp', 'numba/core/typeconv/typeconv.cpp'], depends=["numba/_pymodule.h", "numba/_typeof.h", "numba/_hashtable.h"], extra_compile_args=['-std=c++11'], **np_compile_args) ext_helperlib = Extension(name="numba._helperlib", sources=["numba/_helpermod.c", "numba/cext/utils.c", "numba/cext/dictobject.c", "numba/cext/listobject.c", ], # numba/_random.c needs pthreads extra_link_args=install_name_tool_fixer + extra_link_args, depends=["numba/_pymodule.h", "numba/_helperlib.c", "numba/_lapack.c", "numba/_random.c", "numba/", ], **np_compile_args) ext_typeconv = Extension(name="numba.core.typeconv._typeconv", sources=["numba/core/typeconv/typeconv.cpp", "numba/core/typeconv/_typeconv.cpp"], depends=["numba/_pymodule.h"], extra_compile_args=['-std=c++11'], ) ext_np_ufunc = Extension(name="", sources=["numba/np/ufunc/_internal.c"], depends=["numba/np/ufunc/_ufunc.c", "numba/np/ufunc/_internal.h", "numba/_pymodule.h"], **np_compile_args) ext_npyufunc_num_threads = Extension(name="", sources=[ "numba/np/ufunc/_num_threads.c"], depends=["numba/_pymodule.h"], ) ext_np_ufunc_backends = [] def check_file_at_path(path2file): """ Takes a list as a path, a single glob (*) is permitted as an entry which indicates that expansion at this location is required (i.e. version might not be known). """ found = None path2check = [os.path.split(os.path.split(sys.executable)[0])[0]] path2check += [os.getenv(n, '') for n in ['CONDA_PREFIX', 'PREFIX']] if sys.platform.startswith('win'): path2check += [os.path.join(p, 'Library') for p in path2check] for p in path2check: if p: if '*' in path2file: globloc = path2file.index('*') searchroot = os.path.join(*path2file[:globloc]) try: potential_locs = os.listdir(os.path.join(p, searchroot)) except BaseException: continue searchfor = path2file[globloc + 1:] for x in potential_locs: potpath = os.path.join(p, searchroot, x, *searchfor) if os.path.isfile(potpath): found = p # the latest is used elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, *path2file)): found = p # the latest is used return found # Set various flags for use in TBB and openmp. On OSX, also find OpenMP! have_openmp = True if sys.platform.startswith('win'): if 'MSC' in sys.version: cpp11flags = [] ompcompileflags = ['-openmp'] omplinkflags = [] else: # For non-MSVC toolchain e.g. gcc and clang with mingw cpp11flags = ['-std=c++11'] ompcompileflags = ['-fopenmp'] omplinkflags = ['-fopenmp'] elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): cpp11flags = ['-std=c++11'] # This is a bit unusual but necessary... # llvm (clang) OpenMP is used for headers etc at compile time # Intel OpenMP (libiomp5) provides the link library. # They are binary compatible and may not safely coexist in a process, as # libiomp5 is more prevalent and often linked in for NumPy it is used # here! ompcompileflags = ['-fopenmp'] omplinkflags = ['-fopenmp=libiomp5'] omppath = ['lib', 'clang', '*', 'include', 'omp.h'] have_openmp = check_file_at_path(omppath) else: cpp11flags = ['-std=c++11'] ompcompileflags = ['-fopenmp'] if platform.machine() == 'ppc64le': omplinkflags = ['-fopenmp'] else: omplinkflags = ['-fopenmp'] # Disable tbb if forced by user with NUMBA_DISABLE_TBB=1 if os.getenv("NUMBA_DISABLE_TBB"): print("TBB disabled") else: # Search for Intel TBB, first check env var TBBROOT then conda locations tbb_root = os.getenv('TBBROOT') if not tbb_root: tbb_root = check_file_at_path(['include', 'tbb', 'tbb.h']) if tbb_root: print("Using Intel TBB from:", tbb_root) ext_np_ufunc_tbb_backend = Extension( name='', sources=[ 'numba/np/ufunc/tbbpool.cpp', 'numba/np/ufunc/gufunc_scheduler.cpp', ], depends=['numba/np/ufunc/workqueue.h'], include_dirs=[os.path.join(tbb_root, 'include')], extra_compile_args=cpp11flags, extra_link_args=extra_link_args, libraries=['tbb'], # TODO: if --debug or -g, use 'tbb_debug' library_dirs=[ # for Linux os.path.join(tbb_root, 'lib', 'intel64', 'gcc4.4'), # for MacOS os.path.join(tbb_root, 'lib'), # for Windows os.path.join(tbb_root, 'lib', 'intel64', 'vc_mt'), ], ) ext_np_ufunc_backends.append(ext_np_ufunc_tbb_backend) else: print("TBB not found") # Disable OpenMP if forced by user with NUMBA_DISABLE_OPENMP=1 if os.getenv('NUMBA_DISABLE_OPENMP'): print("OpenMP disabled") elif have_openmp: print("Using OpenMP from:", have_openmp) # OpenMP backed work queue ext_np_ufunc_omppool_backend = Extension( name='', sources=[ 'numba/np/ufunc/omppool.cpp', 'numba/np/ufunc/gufunc_scheduler.cpp', ], depends=['numba/np/ufunc/workqueue.h'], extra_compile_args=ompcompileflags + cpp11flags, extra_link_args=omplinkflags, ) ext_np_ufunc_backends.append(ext_np_ufunc_omppool_backend) else: print("OpenMP not found") # Build the Numba workqueue implementation irrespective of whether the TBB # version is built. Users can select a backend via env vars. ext_np_ufunc_workqueue_backend = Extension( name='', sources=['numba/np/ufunc/workqueue.c', 'numba/np/ufunc/gufunc_scheduler.cpp'], depends=['numba/np/ufunc/workqueue.h'], extra_link_args=extra_link_args) ext_np_ufunc_backends.append(ext_np_ufunc_workqueue_backend) ext_mviewbuf = Extension(name='numba.mviewbuf', extra_link_args=install_name_tool_fixer, sources=['numba/mviewbuf.c']) ext_nrt_python = Extension(name='numba.core.runtime._nrt_python', sources=['numba/core/runtime/_nrt_pythonmod.c', 'numba/core/runtime/nrt.cpp'], depends=['numba/core/runtime/nrt.h', 'numba/_pymodule.h', 'numba/core/runtime/_nrt_python.c'], **np_compile_args) ext_jitclass_box = Extension(name='numba.experimental.jitclass._box', sources=['numba/experimental/jitclass/_box.c'], depends=['numba/experimental/_pymodule.h'], ) ext_cuda_extras = Extension(name='numba.cuda.cudadrv._extras', sources=['numba/cuda/cudadrv/_extras.c'], depends=['numba/_pymodule.h'], include_dirs=["numba"]) ext_modules = [ext_dynfunc, ext_dispatcher, ext_helperlib, ext_typeconv, ext_np_ufunc, ext_npyufunc_num_threads, ext_mviewbuf, ext_nrt_python, ext_jitclass_box, ext_cuda_extras, ext_devicearray] ext_modules += ext_np_ufunc_backends return ext_modules packages = find_packages(include=["numba", "numba.*"]) build_requires = ['numpy >={}'.format(min_numpy_build_version)] install_requires = [ 'llvmlite >={},<{}'.format(min_llvmlite_version, max_llvmlite_version), 'numpy >={}'.format(min_numpy_run_version), ] metadata = dict( name='numba', description="compiling Python code using LLVM", version=versioneer.get_version(), classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", "Topic :: Software Development :: Compilers", ], package_data={ # HTML templates for type annotations "numba.core.annotations": ["*.html"], # Various test data "": ["*.ptx", "*.cu"], "numba.cuda.tests.doc_examples.ffi": ["*.cu"], "numba.tests": ["pycc_distutils_usecase/*.py"], # Some C files are needed by pycc "numba": ["*.c", "*.h"], "numba.pycc": ["*.c", "*.h"], "numba.core.runtime": ["*.cpp", "*.c", "*.h"], "numba.cext": ["*.c", "*.h"], # numba gdb hook init command language file "numba.misc": ["cmdlang.gdb"], "numba.typed": ["py.typed"], "numba.cuda" : ["", "cuda_fp16.h", "cuda_fp16.hpp"] }, scripts=["bin/numba"], url="", packages=packages, setup_requires=build_requires, install_requires=install_requires, python_requires=">={}".format(min_python_version), license="BSD", cmdclass=cmdclass, ) with open('README.rst') as f: metadata['long_description'] = if is_building(): metadata['ext_modules'] = get_ext_modules() setup(**metadata)