library(fpp3) #1. Download data file <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx") download.file("", file) mytourism <- readxl::read_excel(file) #2. Create a tsibble mytourism <- mytourism |> mutate(Quarter = yearquarter(Quarter)) |> as_tsibble(index = Quarter, key = c(Region, State, Purpose)) #3. Find combination of Region and Purpose with maximum number of overnight trips on average mytourism |> as_tibble() |> group_by(Region, Purpose) |> summarise(Trips = mean(Trips), .groups="drop") |> filter(Trips == max(Trips)) #4. Create new tsibble with total number of trips by state state_tourism <- my_tourism |> group_by(State) |> summarise(Trips = sum(Trips))