@prefix : . @prefix math-meta: . @prefix math: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdf: . a owl:Ontology ; owl:imports . :3Dgeo1 math-meta:description "This CD defines symbols for 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """The symbol is used to indicate a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The circle may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1 . _:n1 math:arguments _:n2 . _:n2 rdf:first _:n3 . _:n3 math:value "The circle c with center at A and passing through the point B is given by:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2 rdf:rest _:n4 . _:n4 rdf:first _:n5 . _:n5 math:arguments _:n6 . _:n6 rdf:first _:n7 . _:n7 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n6 rdf:rest _:n8 . _:n8 rdf:first _:n9 ; rdf:rest _:na . _:n6 a rdf:List . _:n5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2 a rdf:List . _:n1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol is used to indicate the set of the two endpoints of a segment in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the segment as second argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:nb . _:nb math:arguments _:nc . _:nc rdf:first _:nd . _:nd math:value "The set E of the two endpoints of a segment s is given by:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:nc rdf:rest _:ne . _:ne rdf:first _:nf . _:nf math:arguments _:ng . _:ng rdf:first _:nh . _:nh math:name "E" ; a math:Variable . _:ng rdf:rest _:ni . _:ni rdf:first _:nj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng a rdf:List . _:nf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc a rdf:List . _:nb math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol is used to indicate a line of 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The line may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:nk . _:nk math:arguments _:nl . _:nl rdf:first _:nm . _:nm math:value """Given points A and B in 3-dimensional space, a line l through A and B is defined by:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:nl rdf:rest _:nn . _:nn rdf:first _:no . _:no math:arguments _:np . _:np rdf:first _:nq . _:nq math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:np rdf:rest _:nr . _:nr rdf:first _:ns ; rdf:rest _:nt . _:np a rdf:List . _:no math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl a rdf:List . _:nk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol is used to indicate the midpoint of a segment in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the segment as second argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:nu . _:nu math:arguments _:nv . _:nv rdf:first _:nw . _:nw math:value "The midpoint M of the segment s is given by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:nv rdf:rest _:nx . _:nx rdf:first _:ny . _:ny math:arguments _:nz . _:nz rdf:first _:n10 . _:n10 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nz rdf:rest _:n11 . _:n11 rdf:first _:n12 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nz a rdf:List . _:ny math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nv a rdf:List . _:nu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol is used to indicate a plane in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The plane may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n13 . _:n13 math:arguments _:n14 . _:n14 rdf:first _:n15 . _:n15 math:value "Given points A, B and C in 3-dimensional space, a plane p through A, B and C is defined by:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n14 rdf:rest _:n16 . _:n16 rdf:first _:n17 . _:n17 math:arguments _:n18 . _:n18 rdf:first _:n19 . _:n19 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n18 rdf:rest _:n1a . _:n1a rdf:first _:n1b ; rdf:rest _:n1c . _:n18 a rdf:List . _:n17 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n16 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n14 a rdf:List . _:n13 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol is used to indicate a point of 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The point may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1d . _:n1d math:arguments _:n1e . _:n1e rdf:first _:n1f . _:n1f math:value "Given two lines l and m, a point A on l and m is defined by:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1e rdf:rest _:n1g . _:n1g rdf:first _:n1h . _:n1h math:arguments _:n1i . _:n1i rdf:first _:n1j . _:n1j math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n1i rdf:rest _:n1k . _:n1k rdf:first _:n1l ; rdf:rest _:n1m . _:n1i a rdf:List . _:n1h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1g rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1e a rdf:List . _:n1d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol is used to indicate a segment of a line in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The segment is contained in the affine part of the line. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the endpoints as second and third arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1n . _:n1n math:arguments _:n1o . _:n1o rdf:first _:n1p . _:n1p math:value "The segment s with endpoints A and B is given by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1o rdf:rest _:n1q . _:n1q rdf:first _:n1r . _:n1r math:arguments _:n1s . _:n1s rdf:first _:n1t . _:n1t math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:n1s rdf:rest _:n1u . _:n1u rdf:first _:n1v ; rdf:rest _:n1w . _:n1s a rdf:List . _:n1r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1o a rdf:List . _:n1n math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol is used to indicate a sphere in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The sphere may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1x . _:n1x math:arguments _:n1y . _:n1y rdf:first _:n1z . _:n1z math:value "The sphere s with center at A and passing through the point B is given by:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1y rdf:rest _:n20 . _:n20 rdf:first _:n21 . _:n21 math:arguments _:n22 . _:n22 rdf:first _:n23 . _:n23 math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:n22 rdf:rest _:n24 . _:n24 rdf:first _:n25 ; rdf:rest _:n26 . _:n22 a rdf:List . _:n21 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n20 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1y a rdf:List . _:n1x math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo1 . :3Dgeo2 math-meta:description "This CD defines symbols for 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """The symbol is a boolean n-ary function. Its arguments should be points. When applied to a sequence of points in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, its evaluated to true if and only if there is a line on which all arguments lie.""" ; math-meta:example _:n27 . _:n27 math:arguments _:n28 . _:n28 rdf:first _:n29 . _:n29 math:value "This example states that the points A, B, C, and D are collinear."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n28 rdf:rest _:n2a . _:n2a rdf:first _:n2b . _:n2b math:arguments _:n2c . _:n2c rdf:first _:n2d . _:n2d math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n2c rdf:rest _:n2e . _:n2e rdf:first _:n2f ; rdf:rest _:n2g . _:n2c a rdf:List . _:n2b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n28 a rdf:List . _:n27 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo2 . math-meta:description """The symbol is a boolean n-ary function. Its arguments should be points. When applied to a sequence of points in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, its evaluated to true if and only if there is a plane on which all arguments lie.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2h . _:n2h math:arguments _:n2i . _:n2i rdf:first _:n2j . _:n2j math:value "This example states that the points A, B, C, and D are coplanar."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2i rdf:rest _:n2k . _:n2k rdf:first _:n2l . _:n2l math:arguments _:n2m . _:n2m rdf:first _:n2n . _:n2n math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n2m rdf:rest _:n2o . _:n2o rdf:first _:n2p ; rdf:rest _:n2q . _:n2m a rdf:List . _:n2l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2i a rdf:List . _:n2h math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo2 . math-meta:description """The statement that a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean space has a given point as center. Takes the circle as first argument and the point as second argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2r . _:n2r math:arguments _:n2s . _:n2s rdf:first _:n2t . _:n2t math:value "The circle c with center at A and passing through the point B is given by:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2s rdf:rest _:n2u . _:n2u rdf:first _:n2v . _:n2v math:arguments _:n2w . _:n2w rdf:first _:n2x . _:n2x math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n2w rdf:rest _:n2y . _:n2y rdf:first _:n2z ; rdf:rest _:n30 . _:n2w a rdf:List . _:n2v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2u rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2s a rdf:List . _:n2r math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo2 . math-meta:description """The symbol represents the logical incidence function which is a binary function taking arguments representing geometric objects like points and lines and returning a boolean value. It is true if and only if the first argument is incident to the second.""" ; math-meta:example _:n31 . _:n31 math:arguments _:n32 . _:n32 rdf:first _:n33 . _:n33 math:value "That a point A is incident to a line l is given by:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n32 rdf:rest _:n34 . _:n34 rdf:first _:n35 . _:n35 math:arguments _:n36 . _:n36 rdf:first _:n37 . _:n37 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n36 rdf:rest _:n38 . _:n38 rdf:first _:n39 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n36 a rdf:List . _:n35 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n34 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n32 a rdf:List . _:n31 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo2 . math-meta:description "The statement that one point is the midpoint of two others." ; math-meta:example _:n3a . _:n3a math:arguments _:n3b . _:n3b rdf:first _:n3c . _:n3c math:value "This example states that C is the midpoint of A and B."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3b rdf:rest _:n3d . _:n3d rdf:first _:n3e . _:n3e math:arguments _:n3f . _:n3f rdf:first _:n3g . _:n3g math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n3f rdf:rest _:n3h . _:n3h rdf:first _:n3i ; rdf:rest _:n3j . _:n3f a rdf:List . _:n3e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3b a rdf:List . _:n3a math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo2 . math-meta:description """The symbol represents a binary boolean function with input two lines or segments. Its value is true whenever the first argument is parallel to the second.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3k . _:n3k math:arguments _:n3l . _:n3l rdf:first _:n3m . _:n3m math:value "This example states that the lines l and m are parallel."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3l rdf:rest _:n3n . _:n3n rdf:first _:n3o . _:n3o math:arguments _:n3p . _:n3p rdf:first _:n3q . _:n3q math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:n3p rdf:rest _:n3r . _:n3r rdf:first _:n3s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3p a rdf:List . _:n3o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3n rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3l a rdf:List . _:n3k math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo2 . math-meta:description """The symbol represents a binary boolean function with a line as first argument and a plane as second argument. Its value is true whenever the first argument is normal to the second.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3t . _:n3t math:arguments _:n3u . _:n3u rdf:first _:n3v . _:n3v math:value "This example states that the line l is normal to the plane p."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3u rdf:rest _:n3w . _:n3w rdf:first _:n3x . _:n3x math:arguments _:n3y . _:n3y rdf:first _:n3z . _:n3z math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:n3y rdf:rest _:n40 . _:n40 rdf:first _:n41 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3y a rdf:List . _:n3x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3w rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3u a rdf:List . _:n3t math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo2 . math-meta:description """The symbol represents a binary boolean function with input two lines or segments. Its value is true whenever the first argument is perpendicular to the second.""" ; math-meta:example _:n42 . _:n42 math:arguments _:n43 . _:n43 rdf:first _:n44 . _:n44 math:value "This example states that the lines l and m are perpendicular."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n43 rdf:rest _:n45 . _:n45 rdf:first _:n46 . _:n46 math:arguments _:n47 . _:n47 rdf:first _:n48 . _:n48 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:n47 rdf:rest _:n49 . _:n49 rdf:first _:n4a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n47 a rdf:List . _:n46 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n45 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n43 a rdf:List . _:n42 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo2 . math-meta:description """The symbol represents a binary boolean function with input two planes. Its value is true whenever the first argument is parallel to the second.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4b . _:n4b math:arguments _:n4c . _:n4c rdf:first _:n4d . _:n4d math:value "This example states that the planes m and n are parallel."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4c rdf:rest _:n4e . _:n4e rdf:first _:n4f . _:n4f math:arguments _:n4g . _:n4g rdf:first _:n4h . _:n4h math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n4g rdf:rest _:n4i . _:n4i rdf:first _:n4j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4g a rdf:List . _:n4f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4c a rdf:List . _:n4b math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo2 . math-meta:description """The statement that a sphere in 3-dimensional Euclidean space has a given point as center. Takes the sphere as first argument and the point as second argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4k . _:n4k math:arguments _:n4l . _:n4l rdf:first _:n4m . _:n4m math:value "The sphere s with center at A and passing through the point B is given by:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4l rdf:rest _:n4n . _:n4n rdf:first _:n4o . _:n4o math:arguments _:n4p . _:n4p rdf:first _:n4q . _:n4q math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:n4p rdf:rest _:n4r . _:n4r rdf:first _:n4s ; rdf:rest _:n4t . _:n4p a rdf:List . _:n4o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4n rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4l a rdf:List . _:n4k math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :3Dgeo2 . :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols which represent five fundamental physical constants and the Planck units that they define.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org. Author: Joseph B. Collins (2009), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. Copyright Notice: This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "k ~ 1.3806504*10^(-23) joule kelvin^-1" ; math-meta:description """The Boltzmann constant relates energy at the particle level with temperature observed at the bulk level via the ideal gas law, pV = NkT. By measurement it is found to be approximately equal to 1.3806504(24)*10^(-23) joule per kelvin. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, \"k\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n4u . _:n4u math:arguments _:n4v . _:n4v rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n4w . _:n4w rdf:first _:n4x . _:n4x math:arguments _:n4y . _:n4y rdf:first _:n4z . _:n4z math:arguments _:n50 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4y rdf:rest _:n51 . _:n51 rdf:first _:n52 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4y a rdf:List . _:n4x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4w rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4v a rdf:List . _:n4u math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "k ~ 1.3806504*10^(-23) joule kelvin^-1" ; math-meta:description """The value of the Coulomb constant is implied by international definitions of the speed of light and the vacuum permeability. By definition, its exact value is equal to (299,792,458)^2 * 10^-7 N m^2 C^-2. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, \"k\" subscripted with the upright letter \"e\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n53 . _:n53 math:arguments _:n54 . _:n54 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n55 . _:n55 rdf:first _:n56 . _:n56 math:arguments _:n57 . _:n57 rdf:first _:n58 . _:n58 math:arguments _:n59 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n57 rdf:rest _:n5a . _:n5a rdf:first _:n5b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n57 a rdf:List . _:n56 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n55 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n54 a rdf:List . _:n53 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "q_P = sqrt(h-bar*c*4*pi*eps0)" , "q_P ~ 1.875545870(47) * 10^−18 coulomb" ; math-meta:description """The Planck charge is defined to be sqrt(h-bar*c*4*pi*eps0). Its value derived from measurement is 1.875545870(47) * 10^−18 coulomb. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, \"q\", subscripted with an upright capital \"P\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5c . _:n5c math:arguments _:n5d . _:n5d rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5e . _:n5e rdf:first _:n5f . _:n5f math:arguments _:n5g . _:n5g rdf:first _:n5h . _:n5h math:arguments _:n5i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5g rdf:rest _:n5j . _:n5j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5g a rdf:List . _:n5f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5d a rdf:List . _:n5c math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Planck constant ~ 6.62606896 * 10^–34 J s" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fundamental constant equal to the ratio of the energy of a photon to its frequency. By measurement it is found to be approximately equal to 6.62606896(33)*10^(-34) J s [CODATA 2006]. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, \"h\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5k . _:n5k math:arguments _:n5l . _:n5l rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5m . _:n5m rdf:first _:n5n . _:n5n math:arguments _:n5o . _:n5o rdf:first _:n5p . _:n5p math:arguments _:n5q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5o rdf:rest _:n5r . _:n5r rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5s . _:n5o a rdf:List . _:n5n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5m rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5l a rdf:List . _:n5k math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "l_P = sqrt(h-bar*G/(c^3))" , "l_P ~ 1.616252(81) * 10^−35 metre" ; math-meta:description """The Planck length is defined to be sqrt(h-bar*G/(c^3)). Its value derived from measurement is 1.616252(81) * 10^−35 metre. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, \"l\", subscripted with an upright capital \"P\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5t . _:n5t math:arguments _:n5u . _:n5u rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5v . _:n5v rdf:first _:n5w . _:n5w math:arguments _:n5x . _:n5x rdf:first _:n5y . _:n5y math:arguments _:n5z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5x rdf:rest _:n60 . _:n60 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5x a rdf:List . _:n5w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5v rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5u a rdf:List . _:n5t math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "m_P = sqrt(h-bar*c/G)" , "m_P ~ 2.17644(11) * 10^−8 kilogram" ; math-meta:description """The Planck mass is defined to be sqrt(h-bar*c/G). Its value derived from measurement is 2.17644(11) * 10^−8 kilogram. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, \"m\", subscripted with an upright capital \"P\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n61 . _:n61 math:arguments _:n62 . _:n62 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n63 . _:n63 rdf:first _:n64 . _:n64 math:arguments _:n65 . _:n65 rdf:first _:n66 . _:n66 math:arguments _:n67 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n65 rdf:rest _:n68 . _:n68 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n65 a rdf:List . _:n64 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n63 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n62 a rdf:List . _:n61 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "l_P = sqrt(h-bar*c^5/(G*k^3))" , "l_P ~ 1.416785(71) × 10^32 kelvin" ; math-meta:description """The Planck temperature is defined to be sqrt(h-bar*c^5/(G*k^3)). Its value derived from measurement is 1.416785(71) × 10^32 kelvin. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, \"T\", subscripted with an upright capital \"P\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n69 . _:n69 math:arguments _:n6a . _:n6a rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6b . _:n6b rdf:first _:n6c . _:n6c math:arguments _:n6d . _:n6d rdf:first _:n6e . _:n6e math:arguments _:n6f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6d rdf:rest _:n6g . _:n6g rdf:first _:n6h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6d a rdf:List . _:n6c math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6b rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6a a rdf:List . _:n69 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "t_P = sqrt(h-bar*G/(c^5))" , "t_P ~ 5.39124(27) * 10^−44 second" ; math-meta:description """The Planck time is defined to be sqrt(h-bar*G/(c^5)). Its value derived from measurement is 5.39124(27) * 10^−44 second. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, \"t\", subscripted with an upright capital \"P\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6i . _:n6i math:arguments _:n6j . _:n6j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6k . _:n6k rdf:first _:n6l . _:n6l math:arguments _:n6m . _:n6m rdf:first _:n6n . _:n6n math:arguments _:n6o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6m rdf:rest _:n6p . _:n6p rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6m a rdf:List . _:n6l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6j a rdf:List . _:n6i math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "G ~ 6.6742(10)*10^-11 newton metre^2 per kilogram^2" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the constant of proportionality in Newton's law of universal gravitation. By measurement it is found to be approximately equal to 6.6742(10)*10^-11 newton metre^2 per kilogram^2. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, \"G\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6q . _:n6q math:arguments _:n6r . _:n6r rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6s . _:n6s rdf:first _:n6t . _:n6t math:arguments _:n6u . _:n6u rdf:first _:n6v . _:n6v math:arguments _:n6w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6u rdf:rest _:n6x . _:n6x rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6y . _:n6u a rdf:List . _:n6t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6s rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6r a rdf:List . _:n6q math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "reduced Planck constant = h/(2*pi)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the Planck constant divided by 2*pi. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, h with a horizontal bar (\"h-bar\"), Unicode: U+210F , HTML: ℏ.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6z . _:n6z math:arguments _:n70 . _:n70 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n71 . _:n71 rdf:first _:n72 . _:n72 math:arguments _:n73 . _:n73 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n74 . _:n74 rdf:first _:n75 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n73 a rdf:List . _:n72 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n71 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n70 a rdf:List . _:n6z math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The speed of light is 299,792,458 metre per second" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the speed of light in a vacuum. Its value is implied by the definition of the metre [17th CGPM (1983)]. Consequently, the speed of light is defined to be exactly 299,792,458 metre per second (in the SI). It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, \"c\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n76 . _:n76 math:arguments _:n77 . _:n77 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n78 . _:n78 rdf:first _:n79 . _:n79 math:arguments _:n7a . _:n7a rdf:first _:n7b . _:n7b math:value "299792458"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7a rdf:rest _:n7c . _:n7c rdf:first _:n7d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7a a rdf:List . _:n79 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n78 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n77 a rdf:List . _:n76 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :FundamentalPhysicalConstants1 . :SIUsed_OffSystemMeasuredUnits1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols to represent units that are off-system with respect to the SI system of units, but are retained for use with the SI. Each unit is determined by experimental measurement. (DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/DIS 80000-1 - \"Quantities and units\", 2008).""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org. Author: Joseph B. Collins (2009), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. Copyright Notice: This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 astronomical unit ~ 1.49597870691 * 10^11 metre" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one astronomical unit of distance. It has the short symbol form, \"ua\". It is the mean distance between the sun and the earth. Its measured value is 1 ua = 1.49597870691(6) * 10^11 m [DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/DIS 80000-1, International Organization for Standardization, 2008]""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7e . _:n7e math:arguments _:n7f . _:n7f rdf:first _:n7g . _:n7g math:arguments _:n7h . _:n7h rdf:first _:n7i . _:n7i math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7h rdf:rest _:n7j . _:n7j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7h a rdf:List . _:n7g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7f rdf:rest _:n7k . _:n7k rdf:first _:n7l . _:n7l math:arguments _:n7m . _:n7m rdf:first _:n7n . _:n7n math:arguments _:n7o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7m rdf:rest _:n7p . _:n7p rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7m a rdf:List . _:n7l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7f a rdf:List . _:n7e math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemMeasuredUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 dalton ~ 1.660538782 * 10^–27 kilogram" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one dalton of mass. It has the short symbol form, \"Da\". The dalton is one-twelth the mass of an atom of Carbon-12 at rest and in its ground state. Its measured value is 1 Da = 1.660538782(83) * 10^–27 kg [CODATA 2006]""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7q . _:n7q math:arguments _:n7r . _:n7r rdf:first _:n7s . _:n7s math:arguments _:n7t . _:n7t rdf:first _:n7u . _:n7u math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7t rdf:rest _:n7v . _:n7v rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7t a rdf:List . _:n7s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7r rdf:rest _:n7w . _:n7w rdf:first _:n7x . _:n7x math:arguments _:n7y . _:n7y rdf:first _:n7z . _:n7z math:arguments _:n80 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7y rdf:rest _:n81 . _:n81 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7y a rdf:List . _:n7x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7w rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7r a rdf:List . _:n7q math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemMeasuredUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 electronvolt = 1.602176487 * 10^–19 joule" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one electronvolt of energy. It has the short symbol form, \"eV\". It is the kinetic energy acquired by an electron in passing through a potential difference of 1 volt in a vacuum. Its measured value is 1 eV = 1.602176487(40) * 10^–19 J [CODATA 2006]""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n82 . _:n82 math:arguments _:n83 . _:n83 rdf:first _:n84 . _:n84 math:arguments _:n85 . _:n85 rdf:first _:n86 . _:n86 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n85 rdf:rest _:n87 . _:n87 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n85 a rdf:List . _:n84 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n83 rdf:rest _:n88 . _:n88 rdf:first _:n89 . _:n89 math:arguments _:n8a . _:n8a rdf:first _:n8b . _:n8b math:arguments _:n8c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8a rdf:rest _:n8d . _:n8d rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8a a rdf:List . _:n89 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n88 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n83 a rdf:List . _:n82 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemMeasuredUnits1 . :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols to represent units that are off-system with respect to the SI system of units, but are retained for use with the SI. (DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/DIS 80000-1 - \"Quantities and units\", 2008).""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org. Author: Joseph B. Collins (2009), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. Copyright Notice: This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 bel = (ln(10))/2 neper" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the dimensionless measure of one bel. It has the short symbol form, \"B\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8e . _:n8e math:arguments _:n8f . _:n8f rdf:first _:n8g . _:n8g math:arguments _:n8h . _:n8h rdf:first _:n8i . _:n8i math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8h rdf:rest _:n8j . _:n8j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8h a rdf:List . _:n8g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8f rdf:rest _:n8k . _:n8k rdf:first _:n8l . _:n8l math:arguments _:n8m . _:n8m rdf:first _:n8n . _:n8n math:arguments _:n8o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8m rdf:rest _:n8p . _:n8p rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8m a rdf:List . _:n8l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8f a rdf:List . _:n8e math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 day = 24 hour" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one day of time. It has the short symbol form, \"d\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8q . _:n8q math:arguments _:n8r . _:n8r rdf:first _:n8s . _:n8s math:arguments _:n8t . _:n8t rdf:first _:n8u . _:n8u math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8t rdf:rest _:n8v . _:n8v rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8t a rdf:List . _:n8s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8r rdf:rest _:n8w . _:n8w rdf:first _:n8x . _:n8x math:arguments _:n8y . _:n8y rdf:first _:n8z . _:n8z math:value "24"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8y rdf:rest _:n90 . _:n90 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8y a rdf:List . _:n8x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8w rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8r a rdf:List . _:n8q math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 degree of arc = pi/180 radian" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the angular measure of one degree of arc. It has the short symbol form of the degree symbol, a superscript circle, Unicode: U+00B0 or HTML: °.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n91 . _:n91 math:arguments _:n92 . _:n92 rdf:first _:n93 . _:n93 math:arguments _:n94 . _:n94 rdf:first _:n95 . _:n95 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n94 rdf:rest _:n96 . _:n96 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n94 a rdf:List . _:n93 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n92 rdf:rest _:n97 . _:n97 rdf:first _:n98 . _:n98 math:arguments _:n99 . _:n99 rdf:first _:n9a . _:n9a math:arguments _:n9b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n99 rdf:rest _:n9c . _:n9c rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n99 a rdf:List . _:n98 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n97 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n92 a rdf:List . _:n91 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 hour = 60 minute" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one hour of time. It has the short symbol form, \"h\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9d . _:n9d math:arguments _:n9e . _:n9e rdf:first _:n9f . _:n9f math:arguments _:n9g . _:n9g rdf:first _:n9h . _:n9h math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9g rdf:rest _:n9i . _:n9i rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9g a rdf:List . _:n9f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9e rdf:rest _:n9j . _:n9j rdf:first _:n9k . _:n9k math:arguments _:n9l . _:n9l rdf:first _:n9m . _:n9m math:value "60"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9l rdf:rest _:n9n . _:n9n rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9l a rdf:List . _:n9k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9e a rdf:List . _:n9d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 litre = 1 decimetre^3" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the volume measure of one litre. It has the short symbol form, \"l\" or \"L\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9o . _:n9o math:arguments _:n9p . _:n9p rdf:first _:n9q . _:n9q math:arguments _:n9r . _:n9r rdf:first _:n9s . _:n9s math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9r rdf:rest _:n9t . _:n9t rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9r a rdf:List . _:n9q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9p rdf:rest _:n9u . _:n9u rdf:first _:n9v . _:n9v math:arguments _:n9w . _:n9w rdf:first _:n9x . _:n9x math:arguments _:n9y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9w rdf:rest _:n9z . _:n9z rdf:first _:na0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9w a rdf:List . _:n9v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9u rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9p a rdf:List . _:n9o math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 minute = 60 seconds" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one minute of time. It has the short symbol form, \"min\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:na1 . _:na1 math:arguments _:na2 . _:na2 rdf:first _:na3 . _:na3 math:arguments _:na4 . _:na4 rdf:first _:na5 . _:na5 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na4 rdf:rest _:na6 . _:na6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na4 a rdf:List . _:na3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na2 rdf:rest _:na7 . _:na7 rdf:first _:na8 . _:na8 math:arguments _:na9 . _:na9 rdf:first _:naa . _:naa math:value "60"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na9 rdf:rest _:nab . _:nab rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na9 a rdf:List . _:na8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na2 a rdf:List . _:na1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 minute of arc = 1/60 degree of arc" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the angular measure of one minute of arc. It has the short symbol form, \"'\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nac . _:nac math:arguments _:nad . _:nad rdf:first _:nae . _:nae math:arguments _:naf . _:naf rdf:first _:nag . _:nag math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:naf rdf:rest _:nah . _:nah rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naf a rdf:List . _:nae math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nad rdf:rest _:nai . _:nai rdf:first _:naj . _:naj math:arguments _:nak . _:nak rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nal . _:nal rdf:first _:nam ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nak a rdf:List . _:naj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nai rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nad a rdf:List . _:nac math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 neper = ln(e) = 1" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the dimensionless measure of one neper, the natural unit for representing logarithms of ratios of field amplitudes, such as voltage or pressure. It has the short symbol form, \"Np\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nan . _:nan math:arguments _:nao . _:nao rdf:first _:nap . _:nap math:arguments _:naq . _:naq rdf:first _:nar . _:nar math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:naq rdf:rest _:nas . _:nas rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naq a rdf:List . _:nap math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nao rdf:rest _:nat . _:nat rdf:first _:nau . _:nau math:arguments _:nav . _:nav rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:naw . _:naw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nav a rdf:List . _:nau math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nat rdf:rest _:nax . _:nax rdf:first _:nay . _:nay math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nax rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nao a rdf:List . _:nan math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 second of arc = 1/60 minute of arc" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the angular measure of one second of arc. It has the short symbol form, '\"'.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:naz . _:naz math:arguments _:nb0 . _:nb0 rdf:first _:nb1 . _:nb1 math:arguments _:nb2 . _:nb2 rdf:first _:nb3 . _:nb3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb2 rdf:rest _:nb4 . _:nb4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb2 a rdf:List . _:nb1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb0 rdf:rest _:nb5 . _:nb5 rdf:first _:nb6 . _:nb6 math:arguments _:nb7 . _:nb7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nb8 . _:nb8 rdf:first _:nb9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb7 a rdf:List . _:nb6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb0 a rdf:List . _:naz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 tonne = 1000 kilogram" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the mass measure of one tonne. It has the short symbol form, \"t\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nba . _:nba math:arguments _:nbb . _:nbb rdf:first _:nbc . _:nbc math:arguments _:nbd . _:nbd rdf:first _:nbe . _:nbe math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbd rdf:rest _:nbf . _:nbf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbd a rdf:List . _:nbc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbb rdf:rest _:nbg . _:nbg rdf:first _:nbh . _:nbh math:arguments _:nbi . _:nbi rdf:first _:nbj . _:nbj math:value "1000"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbi rdf:rest _:nbk . _:nbk rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbi a rdf:List . _:nbh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbb a rdf:List . _:nba math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1 . :SI_BaseQuantities math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols which represent the seven base quantities of the SI (Syst\\'{e}me International) system of quantities for describing quantity dimensions. (DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/DIS 80000-1 - \"Quantities and units\", 2008)""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org. Author: Joseph B. Collins (2009), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. Copyright Notice: This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the SI base quantity of amount of substance. It has the short symbol form, \"N\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseQuantities . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the SI base quantity of electrical current. It has the short symbol form, \"I\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseQuantities . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the SI base quantity of length. It has the short symbol form, \"L\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseQuantities . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the SI base quantity of luminous intensity. It has the short symbol form, \"J\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseQuantities . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the SI base quantity of mass. It has the short symbol form, \"M\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseQuantities . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the proposed SI base quantity of dimension one, or the dimensionless quantity. It has the short symbol form, \"1\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseQuantities . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the SI base quantity of thermodynamic temperature. It has the short symbol form, \"\\Theta;\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseQuantities . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the SI base quantity of time. It has the short symbol form, \"T\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseQuantities . :SI_BaseUnits1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols to represent the seven base units of the SI (Syst\\'eme International) system of units. (DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/DIS 80000-1 - \"Quantities and units\", 2008). Each unit refers to a corresponding base quantity in SI_BaseQuantities.ocd.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org. Author: Joseph B. Collins (2009), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. Copyright Notice: This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """This is a base unit for the SI system. It is defined physically as that constant electric current which, if maintained in two parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible circular cross-section, and placed 1 metre apart in vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2 × 10–7 newton per metre of length [9th CGPM (1948)].""" , "ampere = unit(current)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one ampere, the standard SI unit of measure for quantities of electric current. It has the short symbol form, \"A\", in upright roman font.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nbl . _:nbl math:arguments _:nbm . _:nbm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nbn . _:nbn rdf:first _:nbo . _:nbo math:arguments _:nbp . _:nbp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbm a rdf:List . _:nbl math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """This is a base unit for the SI system. It is defined physically as the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540×10^12 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian [16th CGPM (1979)].""" , "candela = unit(luminous intensity)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one candela, the standard SI unit measure for quantities of luminous intensity. It has the short symbol form, \"cd\", in upright roman font.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nbq . _:nbq math:arguments _:nbr . _:nbr rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nbs . _:nbs rdf:first _:nbt . _:nbt math:arguments _:nbu . _:nbu rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbr a rdf:List . _:nbq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """This is a base unit for the SI system. It is defined physically as equal to the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water [International Temperature Scale of 1990, ITS-90, adopted by CIPM in 1989]. The isotopic composition of the water is defined by Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water.""" , "kelvin = unit(temperature)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one kelvin, the standard SI unit of measure for quantities of thermodynamic temperature. It has the short symbol form, \"K\", in upright roman font.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nbv . _:nbv math:arguments _:nbw . _:nbw rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nbx . _:nbx rdf:first _:nby . _:nby math:arguments _:nbz . _:nbz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nby math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbw a rdf:List . _:nbv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """This is a base unit for the SI system. It is defined physically as the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram stored at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in in Sèvres, France [3rd CGPM (1901)]. A proposal is pending to redefine the standard mass in terms of natural constants.""" , "kilogram = unit(mass)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one kilogram of mass, the standard SI unit of measure for quantities of mass. It has the short symbol form, \"kg\", in upright roman font.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nc0 . _:nc0 math:arguments _:nc1 . _:nc1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nc2 . _:nc2 rdf:first _:nc3 . _:nc3 math:arguments _:nc4 . _:nc4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc1 a rdf:List . _:nc0 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """This is a base unit for the SI system. It is defined physically as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second. This definition was provided in 1983 by the seventeenth General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) [17th CGPM (1983)].""" , "metre = unit(length)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one metre of length, the standard SI unit of measure for quantities of length or physical distance. It has the short symbol form, \"m\", in upright roman font.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nc5 . _:nc5 math:arguments _:nc6 . _:nc6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nc7 . _:nc7 rdf:first _:nc8 . _:nc8 math:arguments _:nc9 . _:nc9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc6 a rdf:List . _:nc5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """This is a base unit for the SI system. It is defined physically as the amount of substance of a system which contains as many \"elemental entities\" as there are atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12 [14th CGPM (1971)].""" , "mole = unit(amount of substance)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one mole, the standard SI unit measure for quantities of amount of substance. It has the short symbol form, \"mol\", in upright roman font.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nca . _:nca math:arguments _:ncb . _:ncb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncc . _:ncc rdf:first _:ncd . _:ncd math:arguments _:nce . _:nce rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncb a rdf:List . _:nca math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "one = unit(one) = 1" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the dimensionless unit corresponding to the dimensionless quantity dimension. It has the short symbol form, \"1\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ncf . _:ncf math:arguments _:ncg . _:ncg rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nch . _:nch rdf:first _:nci . _:nci math:arguments _:ncj . _:ncj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nci math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nch rdf:rest _:nck . _:nck rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncg a rdf:List . _:ncf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """This is a base unit for the SI system. It is defined physically as the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom [13th CGPM (1967)]. This definition refers to a caesium atom at rest at a temperature of 0 kelvin (absolute zero). The ground state is defined at zero magnetic field [1997 meeting of the BIPM].""" , "second = unit(time)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one second of time, the standard SI unit of measure for quantities of time. It has the short symbol form, \"s\", in upright roman font.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ncl . _:ncl math:arguments _:ncm . _:ncm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncn . _:ncn rdf:first _:nco . _:nco math:arguments _:ncp . _:ncp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nco math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncm a rdf:List . _:ncl math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_BaseUnits1 . :SI_DerivedQuantities1 a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org. Author: Joseph B. Collins (2009), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. Copyright Notice: This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(Celsius temperature) = temperature" , "num(Celsius temperature) + 273.15 = num(temperature)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of Celsius temperature. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of temperature is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"T\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ncq . _:ncq math:arguments _:ncr . _:ncr rdf:first _:ncs . _:ncs math:arguments _:nct . _:nct rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncs math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncr rdf:rest _:ncu . _:ncu rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncr a rdf:List . _:ncq math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:ncv . _:ncv math:arguments _:ncw . _:ncw rdf:first _:ncx . _:ncx math:arguments _:ncy . _:ncy rdf:first _:ncz . _:ncz math:arguments _:nd0 . _:nd0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncy rdf:rest _:nd1 . _:nd1 rdf:first _:nd2 . _:nd2 math:value "273.15"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nd1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncy a rdf:List . _:ncx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncw rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(absorbed dose) = dim(energy/mass)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of absorbed dose is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"D\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nd3 . _:nd3 math:arguments _:nd4 . _:nd4 rdf:first _:nd5 . _:nd5 math:arguments _:nd6 . _:nd6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nd5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd4 rdf:rest _:nd7 . _:nd7 rdf:first _:nd8 . _:nd8 math:arguments _:nd9 . _:nd9 rdf:first _:nda . _:nda math:arguments _:ndb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd9 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nd8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd4 a rdf:List . _:nd3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(angle) = one" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the quantity of a geometric planar angle. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of angle is commonly represented with the italic, lower case greek variable, e.g., \"\\theta;\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ndc . _:ndc math:arguments _:ndd . _:ndd rdf:first _:nde . _:nde math:arguments _:ndf . _:ndf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nde math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndd rdf:rest _:ndg . _:ndg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndd a rdf:List . _:ndc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(area) = length*length" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the physical quantity of area." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ndh . _:ndh math:arguments _:ndi . _:ndi rdf:first _:ndj . _:ndj math:arguments _:ndk . _:ndk rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndi rdf:rest _:ndl . _:ndl rdf:first _:ndm . _:ndm math:arguments _:ndn . _:ndn rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ndo . _:ndo rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndn a rdf:List . _:ndm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndi a rdf:List . _:ndh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(capacitance) = dim(charge/voltage) = current^2*time^4/(mass*length^2)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of electric capacitance. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of capacitance is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"C\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ndp . _:ndp math:arguments _:ndq . _:ndq rdf:first _:ndr . _:ndr math:arguments _:nds . _:nds rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndq rdf:rest _:ndt . _:ndt rdf:first _:ndu . _:ndu math:arguments _:ndv . _:ndv rdf:first _:ndw . _:ndw math:arguments _:ndx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndt rdf:rest _:ndy . _:ndy rdf:first _:ndz . _:ndz math:arguments _:ne0 . _:ne0 rdf:first _:ne1 ; rdf:rest _:ne2 ; a rdf:List . _:ndz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndq a rdf:List . _:ndp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(catalytic activity) = (amount of substance)/time" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of catalytic activity, an amount of catalyst that effects a rate of catalytic conversion of an amount of substance.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ne3 . _:ne3 math:arguments _:ne4 . _:ne4 rdf:first _:ne5 . _:ne5 math:arguments _:ne6 . _:ne6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ne5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne4 rdf:rest _:ne7 . _:ne7 rdf:first _:ne8 . _:ne8 math:arguments _:ne9 . _:ne9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nea . _:nea rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne9 a rdf:List . _:ne8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne4 a rdf:List . _:ne3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(charge) = current*time" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of electric charge. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of charge is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"Q\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:neb . _:neb math:arguments _:nec . _:nec rdf:first _:ned . _:ned math:arguments _:nee . _:nee rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ned math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nec rdf:rest _:nef . _:nef rdf:first _:neg . _:neg math:arguments _:neh . _:neh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nei . _:nei rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neh a rdf:List . _:neg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nef rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nec a rdf:List . _:neb math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(concentration) = (amount of substance)/length^3" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of concentration, the amount of a substance in a volume.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nej . _:nej math:arguments _:nek . _:nek rdf:first _:nel . _:nel math:arguments _:nem . _:nem rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nel math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nek rdf:rest _:nen . _:nen rdf:first _:neo . _:neo math:arguments _:nep . _:nep rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:neq . _:neq rdf:first _:ner ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nep a rdf:List . _:neo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nen rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nek a rdf:List . _:nej math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(conductance) = dim(current/voltage) = current^2*time^3/(mass*length^2)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of electrical conductance, the inverse of resistance. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of conductance is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"G\" or \"S\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nes . _:nes math:arguments _:net . _:net rdf:first _:neu . _:neu math:arguments _:nev . _:nev rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:neu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:net rdf:rest _:new . _:new rdf:first _:nex . _:nex math:arguments _:ney . _:ney rdf:first _:nez . _:nez math:arguments _:nf0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ney rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nex math:operator ; a math:Application . _:new rdf:rest _:nf1 . _:nf1 rdf:first _:nf2 . _:nf2 math:arguments _:nf3 . _:nf3 rdf:first _:nf4 ; rdf:rest _:nf5 ; a rdf:List . _:nf2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:net a rdf:List . _:nes math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(density) = mass/(length^3)" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the physical quantity of volumic mass density." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nf6 . _:nf6 math:arguments _:nf7 . _:nf7 rdf:first _:nf8 . _:nf8 math:arguments _:nf9 . _:nf9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf7 rdf:rest _:nfa . _:nfa rdf:first _:nfb . _:nfb math:arguments _:nfc . _:nfc rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfd . _:nfd rdf:first _:nfe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfc a rdf:List . _:nfb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfa rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf7 a rdf:List . _:nf6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(energy) = dim(force)*length = mass*length^2/(time^2)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of energy. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of energy is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"E\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nff . _:nff math:arguments _:nfg . _:nfg rdf:first _:nfh . _:nfh math:arguments _:nfi . _:nfi rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfg rdf:rest _:nfj . _:nfj rdf:first _:nfk . _:nfk math:arguments _:nfl . _:nfl rdf:first _:nfm . _:nfm math:arguments _:nfn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfl rdf:rest _:nfo . _:nfo rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfl a rdf:List . _:nfk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfj rdf:rest _:nfp . _:nfp rdf:first _:nfq . _:nfq math:arguments _:nfr . _:nfr rdf:first _:nfs ; rdf:rest _:nft ; a rdf:List . _:nfq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfg a rdf:List . _:nff math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(entropy) = dim(energy/temperature)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of entropy, a measure of the disorder of a system.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nfu . _:nfu math:arguments _:nfv . _:nfv rdf:first _:nfw . _:nfw math:arguments _:nfx . _:nfx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfv rdf:rest _:nfy . _:nfy rdf:first _:nfz . _:nfz math:arguments _:ng0 . _:ng0 rdf:first _:ng1 . _:ng1 math:arguments _:ng2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfv a rdf:List . _:nfu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(equivalent dose) = dim(energy/mass)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of equivalent dose of ionizing radiation. Equivalent dose is similar to absorbed dose but is weighted to reflect differing biological effects and different radiation types. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of equivalent dose is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"H\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ng3 . _:ng3 math:arguments _:ng4 . _:ng4 rdf:first _:ng5 . _:ng5 math:arguments _:ng6 . _:ng6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng4 rdf:rest _:ng7 . _:ng7 rdf:first _:ng8 . _:ng8 math:arguments _:ng9 . _:ng9 rdf:first _:nga . _:nga math:arguments _:ngb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng9 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng4 a rdf:List . _:ng3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(force) = mass*length/(time^2)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of force. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of force is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"F\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ngc . _:ngc math:arguments _:ngd . _:ngd rdf:first _:nge . _:nge math:arguments _:ngf . _:ngf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nge math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngd rdf:rest _:ngg . _:ngg rdf:first _:ngh . _:ngh math:arguments _:ngi . _:ngi rdf:first _:ngj . _:ngj math:arguments _:ngk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngi rdf:rest _:ngl . _:ngl rdf:first _:ngm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngi a rdf:List . _:ngh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngd a rdf:List . _:ngc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(frequency) = one/time" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of frequency. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of frequency is commonly represented with the italic, lower case greek variable, \"\\omega;\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ngn . _:ngn math:arguments _:ngo . _:ngo rdf:first _:ngp . _:ngp math:arguments _:ngq . _:ngq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngo rdf:rest _:ngr . _:ngr rdf:first _:ngs . _:ngs math:arguments _:ngt . _:ngt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngu . _:ngu rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngt a rdf:List . _:ngs math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngo a rdf:List . _:ngn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(heat) = dim(energy) = mass*length^2/(time^2)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of energy that is transferred from one object to another due to a difference in temperature.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ngv . _:ngv math:arguments _:ngw . _:ngw rdf:first _:ngx . _:ngx math:arguments _:ngy . _:ngy rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngw rdf:rest _:ngz . _:ngz rdf:first _:nh0 . _:nh0 math:arguments _:nh1 . _:nh1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngz rdf:rest _:nh2 . _:nh2 rdf:first _:nh3 . _:nh3 math:arguments _:nh4 . _:nh4 rdf:first _:nh5 ; rdf:rest _:nh6 ; a rdf:List . _:nh3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngw a rdf:List . _:ngv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """dim(illuminance) = dim(luminous flux)/(length^2) = (luminous intensity)/(length^2)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of illuminance. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of illuminance is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"E\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nh7 . _:nh7 math:arguments _:nh8 . _:nh8 rdf:first _:nh9 . _:nh9 math:arguments _:nha . _:nha rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh8 rdf:rest _:nhb . _:nhb rdf:first _:nhc . _:nhc math:arguments _:nhd . _:nhd rdf:first _:nhe . _:nhe math:arguments _:nhf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhd rdf:rest _:nhg . _:nhg rdf:first _:nhh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhd a rdf:List . _:nhc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhb rdf:rest _:nhi . _:nhi rdf:first _:nhj . _:nhj math:arguments _:nhk . _:nhk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhl ; a rdf:List . _:nhj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh8 a rdf:List . _:nh7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(inductance) = dim(voltage)*time/current = mass*length^2/(current^2*time^2)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of electrical inductance. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of inductance is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"L\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nhm . _:nhm math:arguments _:nhn . _:nhn rdf:first _:nho . _:nho math:arguments _:nhp . _:nhp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nho math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhn rdf:rest _:nhq . _:nhq rdf:first _:nhr . _:nhr math:arguments _:nhs . _:nhs rdf:first _:nht . _:nht math:arguments _:nhu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhs rdf:rest _:nhv . _:nhv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhs a rdf:List . _:nhr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhq rdf:rest _:nhw . _:nhw rdf:first _:nhx . _:nhx math:arguments _:nhy . _:nhy rdf:first _:nhz ; rdf:rest _:ni0 ; a rdf:List . _:nhx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhn a rdf:List . _:nhm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """dim(luminous flux) = (luminous intensity)*dim(solid angle) = (luminous intensity)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of luminous flux. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of luminous flux is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"Φv\" (\\phi; sub V).""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ni1 . _:ni1 math:arguments _:ni2 . _:ni2 rdf:first _:ni3 . _:ni3 math:arguments _:ni4 . _:ni4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni2 rdf:rest _:ni5 . _:ni5 rdf:first _:ni6 . _:ni6 math:arguments _:ni7 . _:ni7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni8 . _:ni8 rdf:first _:ni9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni7 a rdf:List . _:ni6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni2 a rdf:List . _:ni1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(magnetic flux) = dim(energy/current) = mass*length^2/(current*time^2)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of magnetic flux. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of magnetic flux is commonly represented with the italic, upper case greek letter, \"\\Phi;\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nia . _:nia math:arguments _:nib . _:nib rdf:first _:nic . _:nic math:arguments _:nid . _:nid rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nic math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nib rdf:rest _:nie . _:nie rdf:first _:nif . _:nif math:arguments _:nig . _:nig rdf:first _:nih . _:nih math:arguments _:nii ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nig rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nif math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nie rdf:rest _:nij . _:nij rdf:first _:nik . _:nik math:arguments _:nil . _:nil rdf:first _:nim ; rdf:rest _:nin ; a rdf:List . _:nik math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nij rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nib a rdf:List . _:nia math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """dim(magnetic flux density) = dim(magnetic flux)/(length^2) = mass/(current*time^2)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of magnetic flux density. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of magnetic flux density is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"B\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nio . _:nio math:arguments _:nip . _:nip rdf:first _:niq . _:niq math:arguments _:nir . _:nir rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nip rdf:rest _:nis . _:nis rdf:first _:nit . _:nit math:arguments _:niu . _:niu rdf:first _:niv . _:niv math:arguments _:niw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niu rdf:rest _:nix . _:nix rdf:first _:niy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niu a rdf:List . _:nit math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nis rdf:rest _:niz . _:niz rdf:first _:nj0 . _:nj0 math:arguments _:nj1 . _:nj1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nj2 ; a rdf:List . _:nj0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nip a rdf:List . _:nio math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(moment of force) = length*dim(force) = mass*length^2/(time^2)" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the physical quantity of force." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nj3 . _:nj3 math:arguments _:nj4 . _:nj4 rdf:first _:nj5 . _:nj5 math:arguments _:nj6 . _:nj6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj4 rdf:rest _:nj7 . _:nj7 rdf:first _:nj8 . _:nj8 math:arguments _:nj9 . _:nj9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nja . _:nja rdf:first _:njb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj9 a rdf:List . _:nj8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj7 rdf:rest _:njc . _:njc rdf:first _:njd . _:njd math:arguments _:nje . _:nje rdf:first _:njf ; rdf:rest _:njg ; a rdf:List . _:njd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj4 a rdf:List . _:nj3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(momentum) = mass*length/time" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the physical quantity of momentum." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:njh . _:njh math:arguments _:nji . _:nji rdf:first _:njj . _:njj math:arguments _:njk . _:njk rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nji rdf:rest _:njl . _:njl rdf:first _:njm . _:njm math:arguments _:njn . _:njn rdf:first _:njo . _:njo math:arguments _:njp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njn rdf:rest _:njq . _:njq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njn a rdf:List . _:njm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nji a rdf:List . _:njh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(power) = dim(energy)/time = mass*length^2/(time^3)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of power, or energy divided by time. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of power is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"P\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:njr . _:njr math:arguments _:njs . _:njs rdf:first _:njt . _:njt math:arguments _:nju . _:nju rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njs rdf:rest _:njv . _:njv rdf:first _:njw . _:njw math:arguments _:njx . _:njx rdf:first _:njy . _:njy math:arguments _:njz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njx rdf:rest _:nk0 . _:nk0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njx a rdf:List . _:njw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njv rdf:rest _:nk1 . _:nk1 rdf:first _:nk2 . _:nk2 math:arguments _:nk3 . _:nk3 rdf:first _:nk4 ; rdf:rest _:nk5 ; a rdf:List . _:nk2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njs a rdf:List . _:njr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(pressure) = dim(force)/dim(area) = mass/(length*time*time)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of pressure. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of pressure is commonly represented with the italic, lower case letter, \"p\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nk6 . _:nk6 math:arguments _:nk7 . _:nk7 rdf:first _:nk8 . _:nk8 math:arguments _:nk9 . _:nk9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk7 rdf:rest _:nka . _:nka rdf:first _:nkb . _:nkb math:arguments _:nkc . _:nkc rdf:first _:nkd . _:nkd math:arguments _:nke ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkc rdf:rest _:nkf . _:nkf rdf:first _:nkg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkc a rdf:List . _:nkb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nka rdf:rest _:nkh . _:nkh rdf:first _:nki . _:nki math:arguments _:nkj . _:nkj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkk ; a rdf:List . _:nki math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk7 a rdf:List . _:nk6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(radioactivity) = dim(1/time)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of radio nuclide activity, or radioactivity. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of radioactivity is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"A\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nkl . _:nkl math:arguments _:nkm . _:nkm rdf:first _:nkn . _:nkn math:arguments _:nko . _:nko rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkm rdf:rest _:nkp . _:nkp rdf:first _:nkq . _:nkq math:arguments _:nkr . _:nkr rdf:first _:nks . _:nks math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkr rdf:rest _:nkt . _:nkt rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkr a rdf:List . _:nkq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkm a rdf:List . _:nkl math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(resistance) = dim(voltage/current) = mass*length^2/(current^2*time^3)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of electrical resistance, the resistance that an electrical circuit has to electrical current. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of electrical resistance is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"R\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nku . _:nku math:arguments _:nkv . _:nkv rdf:first _:nkw . _:nkw math:arguments _:nkx . _:nkx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkv rdf:rest _:nky . _:nky rdf:first _:nkz . _:nkz math:arguments _:nl0 . _:nl0 rdf:first _:nl1 . _:nl1 math:arguments _:nl2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nky rdf:rest _:nl3 . _:nl3 rdf:first _:nl4 . _:nl4 math:arguments _:nl5 . _:nl5 rdf:first _:nl6 ; rdf:rest _:nl7 ; a rdf:List . _:nl4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkv a rdf:List . _:nku math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(solid angle) = one" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the quantity of a two dimensional, geometric solid angle. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of solid angle is commonly represented with the italic, upper case greek variable, \"\\Omega;\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nl8 . _:nl8 math:arguments _:nl9 . _:nl9 rdf:first _:nla . _:nla math:arguments _:nlb . _:nlb rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nla math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl9 rdf:rest _:nlc . _:nlc rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl9 a rdf:List . _:nl8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(speed) = length/time" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of speed. It is the size of the derivative of position with respect to time.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nld . _:nld math:arguments _:nle . _:nle rdf:first _:nlf . _:nlf math:arguments _:nlg . _:nlg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nlf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nle rdf:rest _:nlh . _:nlh rdf:first _:nli . _:nli math:arguments _:nlj . _:nlj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nlk . _:nlk rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlj a rdf:List . _:nli math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nle a rdf:List . _:nld math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(voltage) = dim(energy/charge) = mass*length^2/(current*time^3)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of voltage or electric tension. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of voltage is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, \"V\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nll . _:nll math:arguments _:nlm . _:nlm rdf:first _:nln . _:nln math:arguments _:nlo . _:nlo rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nln math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlm rdf:rest _:nlp . _:nlp rdf:first _:nlq . _:nlq math:arguments _:nlr . _:nlr rdf:first _:nls . _:nls math:arguments _:nlt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlr rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nlq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlp rdf:rest _:nlu . _:nlu rdf:first _:nlv . _:nlv math:arguments _:nlw . _:nlw rdf:first _:nlx ; rdf:rest _:nly ; a rdf:List . _:nlv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlm a rdf:List . _:nll math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "dim(volume) = length^3" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the physical quantity of volume. It has the short symbol form, \"V\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nlz . _:nlz math:arguments _:nm0 . _:nm0 rdf:first _:nm1 . _:nm1 math:arguments _:nm2 . _:nm2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nm1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nm0 rdf:rest _:nm3 . _:nm3 rdf:first _:nm4 . _:nm4 math:arguments _:nm5 . _:nm5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nm6 . _:nm6 rdf:first _:nm7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nm5 a rdf:List . _:nm4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nm3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nm0 a rdf:List . _:nlz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_DerivedQuantities1 . :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 math-meta:description """2010-08-25 This CD defines symbols to represent the names of named derived units the SI (Syst\\'eme International) system of units. (DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/DIS 80000-1 - \"Quantities and units\", 2008). Each unit refers to a corresponding derived quantity in SI_DerivedQuantities.ocd.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org. Author: Joseph B. Collins (2009), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. Copyright Notice: This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(becquerel) = 1/(second)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of radio nuclide activity, or radioactivity. A becquerel of activity represents one nuclear decay event per second. It has the short symbol form, \"Bq\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(coulomb) = ampere*second" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of electric charge. It has the short symbol form, \"C\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(degree Celsius) = unit(kelvin)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of Celsius temperature. It has the short symbol form, \"ºC\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(farad) = unit(coulomb/volt)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of electric capacitance. It has the short symbol form, \"F\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "gram = kilogram/1000" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents one gram. This unit is implied by the incorporation of the prefix \"kilo\" in the base unit standard, kilogram. Since SI prefixes may not, by SI standard, be presented by prepending to \"kilogram\", the gram is introduced for the application of prefixes. By itself, gram should not appear in SI compliant presentation. It has the short symbol form, \"g\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(gray) = unit(joule/kilogram)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of absorbed dose of ionizing, radiation. A gray of absorbed dose represents one joule of energy absorbed per kilogram of mass. It has the short symbol form, \"Gy\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(henry) = unit(volt*second/ampere)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of electrical inductance. It has the short symbol form, \"H\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(hertz) = one/second" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of frequency. It has the short symbol form, \"Hz\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(joule) = unit(newton)*metre" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of energy. It has the short symbol form, \"J\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(katal) = mole/second" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of equivalent dose of catalytic activity. A katal of catalytic activity represents the amount of catalyst to effect one mole of catalytic conversion per second. It has the short symbol form, \"kat\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(lumen) = unit(candela*steradian)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of luminous flux. It has the short symbol form, \"lm\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(lux) = unit(lumen/(metre^2))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of illuminance. It has the short symbol form, \"lx\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(newton) = kilogram*metre/second^2" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of force. It has the short symbol form, \"N\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(ohm) = unit(volt/ampere)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of electrical resistance. It has the short symbol form, \"\\Omega;\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(pascal) = unit(newton)/length^2" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of pressure. It has the short symbol form, \"Pa\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """This is a dimensionless derived unit for the SI system. It is the angle subtended at the center of a circular arc with length the same as the radius of the corresponding circle.""" , "unit(radian) = 1" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents one radian, the natural unit of measure for angle. It has the short symbol form, \"rad\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(siemens) = unit(ampere/volt)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of electrical conductance. It is not plural. It has the short symbol form, \"S\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(sievert) = unit(joule/kilogram)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of equivalent dose of ionizing, radiation. A sievert of equivalent dose represents one joule of biologically damaging energy absorbed per kilogram of mass. It has the short symbol form, \"Sv\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """One steradian is defined as the solid angle subtended at the center of a sphere of radius r by a part of the surface of the sphere having an area r*r.""" , "unit(steradian) = 1" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents one steradian, the natural unit of measure for solid angle. It has the short symbol form, \"sr\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(tesla) = unit(weber)/(metre^2)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of magnetic flux density. It has the short symbol form, \"T\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(volt) = unit(joule/coulomb)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of voltage or electric tension. It has the short symbol form, \"V\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(watt) = unit(joule)/second" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of power, a joule per second. It has the short symbol form, \"W\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unit(weber) = unit(joule/ampere)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an SI unit of magnetic flux. It has the short symbol form, \"Wb\".""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_NamedDerivedUnits1 . :SI_functions1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols for functions applied to SI quantities and units.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org. Author: Joseph B. Collins (2009), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. Copyright Notice: This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """For named SI derived quantities and named units, the value returned by the dim operator shall be defined for each case.""" , """The dim operator acts as the identity operation when applied to an SI base quantity.""" , """The dim operator applied to a multiplicative inverse of a quantity is equal to the multiplicative inverse of the dim operator applied to the same quantity.""" , """The dim operator applied to a product is equal to the associative product of the dim operator applied to the individual factors.""" , """The dim operator applied to a product is equal to the commutative product of the dim operator applied to the factors.""" , """The dim operator returns a value of one when applied to a dimensionless quantity or number.""" , """The dim operator returns the corresponding SI base quantity when applied to an SI base unit.""" ; math-meta:description """The symbol to represent the function that returns the physical dimension of its argument in terms of products of powers of SI base quantities. The dim operation may be meaningfully applied to SI quantities, SI units, and numbers without physical dimension.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_functions1 . math-meta:description """The symbol to represent the function to return the kind of a quantity. The value of this function is referred to, but not defined in the SI. Its value, kind(Q) for a given quantity, Q, is left to the user to assign.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_functions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The num operator applied to an SI base quantity or unit returns the value one.""" , "The num operator may be applied to any physical quantity." , """The quantity num(Q)*unit(Q), may replace any quantity, Q, in a set of physical relations, if all such quantities in the set of relations are so replaced. The quantity num(Q)*unit(Q) is not always the same as Q, however dim(Q) = dim(num(Q)*unit(Q)).""" ; math-meta:description """The symbol to represent the function to return the numerical value of a quantity in terms of a product of powers of SI base units.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_functions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The unit operator applied to a multiplicative inverse of a quantity is equal to the multiplicative inverse of the unit operator applied to the same quantity.""" , """The unit operator applied to a product is equal to the associative product of the unit operator applied to the factors.""" , """The unit operator applied to a product is equal to the commutative product of the unit operator applied to the factors.""" , """The unit operator applied to an SI base quantity returns the corresponding SI base unit.""" , """The unit operator applied to an SI base unit or SI coherent unit acts as the identity operator, returning that unit.""" , """The unit operator applied to any derived quantity is equal to the unit operator applied to the result of applying the dim operator to the same quantity, i.e., unit(Q) = unit(dim(Q)).""" , "The unit operator may be applied to any physical quantity." , """The unit operator returns a value of one when applied to a dimensionless quantity or number.""" ; math-meta:description """The symbol to represent the function that returns the units of its argument in terms of a product of powers of SI base units.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :SI_functions1 . :aggregate_cats math-meta:description """A CD of basic aggregate category constructors. This CD holds constructors of individual instances of the categories, with defining properties of the categories.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a generic type for aggregates (or collections of objects.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :aggregate_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "continuous set type has set type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of continuous sets." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nm8 . _:nm8 math:arguments _:nm9 . _:nm9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nma . _:nma rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nm9 a rdf:List . _:nm8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :aggregate_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty """discrete set type does not have continuous set type or piecewise continuous set type""" , "discrete set type has set type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of discrete sets." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nmb . _:nmb math:arguments _:nmc . _:nmc rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nmd . _:nmd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nmc a rdf:List . _:nmb math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:nme . _:nme math:arguments _:nmf . _:nmf rdf:first _:nmg . _:nmg math:arguments _:nmh . _:nmh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nmi . _:nmi rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nmh a rdf:List . _:nmg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nmf rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nme math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :aggregate_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "finite set type has set type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of finite sets." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nmj . _:nmj math:arguments _:nmk . _:nmk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nml . _:nml rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nmk a rdf:List . _:nmj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :aggregate_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "infinite set type does not have finite set type" , "infinite set type has set type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of infinite sets." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nmm . _:nmm math:arguments _:nmn . _:nmn rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nmo . _:nmo rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nmn a rdf:List . _:nmm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :aggregate_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "multisetType is an aggregate type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of multisets." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nmp . _:nmp math:arguments _:nmq . _:nmq rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nmr . _:nmr rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nmq a rdf:List . _:nmp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :aggregate_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "non-continuous set type does not have continuous set type" , "non-continuous set type has set type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of non-continuous sets." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nms . _:nms math:arguments _:nmt . _:nmt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nmu . _:nmu rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nmt a rdf:List . _:nms math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:nmv . _:nmv math:arguments _:nmw . _:nmw rdf:first _:nmx . _:nmx math:arguments _:nmy . _:nmy rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nmz . _:nmz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nmy a rdf:List . _:nmx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nmw rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nmv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :aggregate_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "piecewise continuous set type has set type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of piecewise continuous sets." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nn0 . _:nn0 math:arguments _:nn1 . _:nn1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nn2 . _:nn2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nn1 a rdf:List . _:nn0 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :aggregate_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "setType is an aggregate type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of sets." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nn3 . _:nn3 math:arguments _:nn4 . _:nn4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nn5 . _:nn5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nn4 a rdf:List . _:nn3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :aggregate_cats . :alg1 math-meta:description """A CD of basic algebraic concepts At present this CD only holds definitions of zero and one. They are deliberately defined here without specifying any particular structure (e.g. a group) to which they correspond.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "The one of the integers is 1" , "for all a | 1 * a = a" , "for all a | a * 1 = a" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the multiplicative identity element." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nn6 . _:nn6 math:binder ; math:body _:nn7 . _:nn7 math:arguments _:nn8 . _:nn8 rdf:first _:nn9 . _:nn9 math:arguments _:nna . _:nna rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nnb . _:nnb rdf:first _:nnc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nna a rdf:List . _:nn9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nn8 rdf:rest _:nnd . _:nnd rdf:first _:nne . _:nne math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nnd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nn8 a rdf:List . _:nn7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nn6 math:variables _:nnf . _:nnf rdf:first _:nng . _:nng math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nnf rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nn6 a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:nnh . _:nnh math:binder ; math:body _:nni . _:nni math:arguments _:nnj . _:nnj rdf:first _:nnk . _:nnk math:arguments _:nnl . _:nnl rdf:first _:nnm . _:nnm math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nnl rdf:rest _:nnn . _:nnn rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nnl a rdf:List . _:nnk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nnj rdf:rest _:nno . _:nno rdf:first _:nnp . _:nnp math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nno rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nnj a rdf:List . _:nni math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nnh math:variables _:nnq . _:nnq rdf:first _:nnr . _:nnr math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nnq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nnh a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:nns . _:nns math:binder ; math:body _:nnt . _:nnt math:arguments _:nnu . _:nnu rdf:first _:nnv . _:nnv math:arguments _:nnw . _:nnw rdf:first _:nnx . _:nnx math:arguments _:nny ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nnw rdf:rest _:nnz . _:nnz rdf:first _:no0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nnw a rdf:List . _:nnv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nnu rdf:rest _:no1 . _:no1 rdf:first _:no2 . _:no2 math:arguments _:no3 . _:no3 rdf:first _:no4 ; rdf:rest _:no5 ; a rdf:List . _:no2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:no1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nnu a rdf:List . _:nnt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nns math:variables _:no6 . _:no6 rdf:first _:no7 . _:no7 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:no6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nns a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :alg1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The zero of the integers is 0" , "for all a | 0 * a = 0" , "for all a | a + 0 = a" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the additive identity element." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:no8 . _:no8 math:binder ; math:body _:no9 . _:no9 math:arguments _:noa . _:noa rdf:first _:nob . _:nob math:arguments _:noc . _:noc rdf:first _:nod . _:nod math:arguments _:noe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:noc rdf:rest _:nof . _:nof rdf:first _:nog ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:noc a rdf:List . _:nob math:operator ; a math:Application . _:noa rdf:rest _:noh . _:noh rdf:first _:noi . _:noi math:arguments _:noj . _:noj rdf:first _:nok ; rdf:rest _:nol ; a rdf:List . _:noi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:noh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:noa a rdf:List . _:no9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:no8 math:variables _:nom . _:nom rdf:first _:non . _:non math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nom rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:no8 a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:noo . _:noo math:binder ; math:body _:nop . _:nop math:arguments _:noq . _:noq rdf:first _:nor . _:nor math:arguments _:nos . _:nos rdf:first _:not . _:not math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nos rdf:rest _:nou . _:nou rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nos a rdf:List . _:nor math:operator ; a math:Application . _:noq rdf:rest _:nov . _:nov rdf:first _:now . _:now math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nov rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:noq a rdf:List . _:nop math:operator ; a math:Application . _:noo math:variables _:nox . _:nox rdf:first _:noy . _:noy math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nox rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:noo a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:noz . _:noz math:binder ; math:body _:np0 . _:np0 math:arguments _:np1 . _:np1 rdf:first _:np2 . _:np2 math:arguments _:np3 . _:np3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:np4 . _:np4 rdf:first _:np5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:np3 a rdf:List . _:np2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:np1 rdf:rest _:np6 . _:np6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:np1 a rdf:List . _:np0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:noz math:variables _:np7 . _:np7 rdf:first _:np8 . _:np8 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:np7 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:noz a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :alg1 . :altenc math-meta:description """A CD of alternative encoding symbols This CD is motivated in part by a desire to maintain compatibility with the MathML semantics element, In order for it to be possible for OpenMath to express symbols in an alternative encoding (this facilitates the exact translation and representation of objects) we use the OpenMath attribution nodes (which performs a similar role to the MathML semantics nodes). The formats and descriptions of common syntaxes are held in this CD; at present this only includes LaTeX and MathML.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Alternative encodings in OpenMath are dealt with by using OMATTR symbols together with the alternative encoding placed in a string. The string encoding must be valid XML, and so non-XML valid characters must themselves be encoded as suggested in \"Draft of the OpenMath Standard\". For alternative encodings to be represented in OpenMath, one must define a symbol to describe the encoding.""" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "A symbol which heads a piece of LaTeX encoding in an attribution." ; math-meta:example _:np9 . _:np9 math:arguments _:npa . _:npa rdf:first _:npb . _:npb math:arguments _:npc . _:npc rdf:first _:npd . _:npd math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:npe . _:npe math:value "\\sin(1.5)"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:npd a math:AttributionPair . _:npc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:npb math:target _:npf . _:npf math:arguments _:npg . _:npg rdf:first _:nph . _:nph math:value "1.5"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:npg rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:npf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:npb a math:Attribution . _:npa rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:np9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol , math-meta:AttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :altenc . math-meta:description """A symbol which heads a piece of MathML encoding in an attribution. The MathML encoding is an XML encoding, and the details may be found at: http://www.w3.org/Math/Overview.html""" ; math-meta:example _:npi . _:npi math:arguments _:npj . _:npj rdf:first _:npk . _:npk math:arguments _:npl . _:npl rdf:first _:npm . _:npm math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:npn . _:npn math:value "\\sin(1.5)"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:npm a math:AttributionPair . _:npl rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:npk math:target _:npo . _:npo math:arguments _:npp . _:npp rdf:first _:npq . _:npq math:value "1.5"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:npp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:npo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:npk a math:Attribution . _:npj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:npi math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:npr . _:npr math:arguments _:nps . _:nps rdf:first _:npt . _:npt math:arguments _:npu . _:npu rdf:first _:npv . _:npv math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:npw . _:npw math:encoding "MathML-Presentaion" ; math:value """ 3 """ ; a math:Foreign . _:npv a math:AttributionPair . _:npu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:npt math:target _:npx . _:npx math:arguments _:npy . _:npy rdf:first _:npz . _:npz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:npy rdf:rest _:nq0 . _:nq0 rdf:first _:nq1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:npy a rdf:List . _:npx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:npt a math:Attribution . _:nps rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:npr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol , math-meta:AttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :altenc . :arith1 math-meta:description "This CD defines symbols for common arithmetic functions." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x,y | abs(x) + abs(y) >= abs(x+y)" ; math-meta:description """A unary operator which represents the absolute value of its argument. The argument should be numerically valued. In the complex case this is often referred to as the modulus.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nq2 . _:nq2 math:binder ; math:body _:nq3 . _:nq3 math:arguments _:nq4 . _:nq4 rdf:first _:nq5 . _:nq5 math:arguments _:nq6 . _:nq6 rdf:first _:nq7 . _:nq7 math:arguments _:nq8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nq6 rdf:rest _:nq9 . _:nq9 rdf:first _:nqa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nq6 a rdf:List . _:nq5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nq4 rdf:rest _:nqb . _:nqb rdf:first _:nqc . _:nqc math:arguments _:nqd . _:nqd rdf:first _:nqe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nqc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nqb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nq4 a rdf:List . _:nq3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nq2 math:variables _:nqf . _:nqf rdf:first _:nqg . _:nqg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nqf rdf:rest _:nqh . _:nqh rdf:first _:nqi . _:nqi math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nqh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nqf a rdf:List . _:nq2 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "whenever not(a=0) then a/a = 1" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a (binary) division function denoting the first argument right-divided by the second, i.e. divide(a,b)=a*inverse(b). It is the inverse of the multiplication function defined by the symbol times in this CD.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nqj . _:nqj math:binder ; math:body _:nqk . _:nqk math:arguments _:nql . _:nql rdf:first _:nqm . _:nqm math:arguments _:nqn . _:nqn rdf:first _:nqo . _:nqo math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nqn rdf:rest _:nqp . _:nqp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nqn a rdf:List . _:nqm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nql rdf:rest _:nqq . _:nqq rdf:first _:nqr . _:nqr math:arguments _:nqs . _:nqs rdf:first _:nqt ; rdf:rest _:nqu ; a rdf:List . _:nqr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nqq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nql a rdf:List . _:nqk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nqj math:variables _:nqv . _:nqv rdf:first _:nqw . _:nqw math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nqv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nqj a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all integers a,b | There does not exist a c such that a/c is an Integer and b/c is an Integer and c > gcd(a,b). Note that this implies that gcd(a,b) > 0""" ; math-meta:description """The symbol to represent the n-ary function to return the gcd (greatest common divisor) of its arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:nqx . _:nqx math:arguments _:nqy . _:nqy rdf:first _:nqz . _:nqz math:value "gcd(6,9) = 3"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:nqy rdf:rest _:nr0 . _:nr0 rdf:first _:nr1 . _:nr1 math:arguments _:nr2 . _:nr2 rdf:first _:nr3 . _:nr3 math:arguments _:nr4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nr2 rdf:rest _:nr5 . _:nr5 rdf:first _:nr6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nr2 a rdf:List . _:nr1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nr0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nqy a rdf:List . _:nqx math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:nr7 . _:nr7 math:binder ; math:body _:nr8 . _:nr8 math:arguments _:nr9 . _:nr9 rdf:first _:nra . _:nra math:arguments _:nrb . _:nrb rdf:first _:nrc . _:nrc math:arguments _:nrd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nrb rdf:rest _:nre . _:nre rdf:first _:nrf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nrb a rdf:List . _:nra math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nr9 rdf:rest _:nrg . _:nrg rdf:first _:nrh . _:nrh math:arguments _:nri . _:nri rdf:first _:nrj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nrh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nrg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nr9 a rdf:List . _:nr8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nr7 math:variables _:nrk . _:nrk rdf:first _:nrl . _:nrl math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nrk rdf:rest _:nrm . _:nrm rdf:first _:nrn . _:nrn math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nrm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nrk a rdf:List . _:nr7 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all integers a,b | There does not exist a c>0 such that c/a is an Integer and c/b is an Integer and lcm(a,b) > c.""" , "lcm(a,b) = a*b/gcd(a,b)" ; math-meta:description """The symbol to represent the n-ary function to return the least common multiple of its arguments.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nro . _:nro math:arguments _:nrp . _:nrp rdf:first _:nrq . _:nrq math:arguments _:nrr . _:nrr rdf:first _:nrs . _:nrs math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nrr rdf:rest _:nrt . _:nrt rdf:first _:nru . _:nru math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nrt rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nrr a rdf:List . _:nrq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nrp rdf:rest _:nrv . _:nrv rdf:first _:nrw . _:nrw math:arguments _:nrx . _:nrx rdf:first _:nry . _:nry math:arguments _:nrz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nrx rdf:rest _:ns0 . _:ns0 rdf:first _:ns1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nrx a rdf:List . _:nrw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nrv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nrp a rdf:List . _:nro math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:ns2 . _:ns2 math:binder ; math:body _:ns3 . _:ns3 math:arguments _:ns4 . _:ns4 rdf:first _:ns5 . _:ns5 math:arguments _:ns6 . _:ns6 rdf:first _:ns7 . _:ns7 math:arguments _:ns8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ns6 rdf:rest _:ns9 . _:ns9 rdf:first _:nsa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ns6 a rdf:List . _:ns5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ns4 rdf:rest _:nsb . _:nsb rdf:first _:nsc . _:nsc math:arguments _:nsd . _:nsd rdf:first _:nse ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nsc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nsb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ns4 a rdf:List . _:ns3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ns2 math:variables _:nsf . _:nsf rdf:first _:nsg . _:nsg math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nsf rdf:rest _:nsh . _:nsh rdf:first _:nsi . _:nsi math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nsh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nsf a rdf:List . _:ns2 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all a,b | a - b = a + (-b)" ; math-meta:description """The symbol representing a binary minus function. This is equivalent to adding the additive inverse.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nsj . _:nsj math:binder ; math:body _:nsk . _:nsk math:arguments _:nsl . _:nsl rdf:first _:nsm . _:nsm math:arguments _:nsn . _:nsn rdf:first _:nso . _:nso math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nsn rdf:rest _:nsp . _:nsp rdf:first _:nsq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nsn a rdf:List . _:nsm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nsl rdf:rest _:nsr . _:nsr rdf:first _:nss . _:nss math:arguments _:nst . _:nst rdf:first _:nsu ; rdf:rest _:nsv ; a rdf:List . _:nss math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nsr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nsl a rdf:List . _:nsk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nsj math:variables _:nsw . _:nsw rdf:first _:nsx . _:nsx math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nsw rdf:rest _:nsy . _:nsy rdf:first _:nsz . _:nsz math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nsy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nsw a rdf:List . _:nsj a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all a,b | a + b = b + a" ; math-meta:description "The symbol representing an n-ary commutative function plus." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nt0 . _:nt0 math:binder ; math:body _:nt1 . _:nt1 math:arguments _:nt2 . _:nt2 rdf:first _:nt3 . _:nt3 math:arguments _:nt4 . _:nt4 rdf:first _:nt5 . _:nt5 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nt4 rdf:rest _:nt6 . _:nt6 rdf:first _:nt7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nt4 a rdf:List . _:nt3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nt2 rdf:rest _:nt8 . _:nt8 rdf:first _:nt9 . _:nt9 math:arguments _:nta . _:nta rdf:first _:ntb ; rdf:rest _:ntc ; a rdf:List . _:nt9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nt8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nt2 a rdf:List . _:nt1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nt0 math:variables _:ntd . _:ntd rdf:first _:nte . _:nte math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ntd rdf:rest _:ntf . _:ntf rdf:first _:ntg . _:ntg math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ntf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ntd a rdf:List . _:nt0 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """if n is an integer then x^0 = 1, x^n = x * x^(n-1)""" , "x\\in C implies x^a = exp(a ln x)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a power function. The first argument is raised to the power of the second argument. When the second argument is not an integer, powering is defined in terms of exponentials and logarithms for the complex and real numbers. This operator can represent general powering.""" ; math-meta:example _:nth . _:nth math:arguments _:nti . _:nti rdf:first _:ntj . _:ntj math:arguments _:ntk . _:ntk rdf:first _:ntl . _:ntl math:arguments _:ntm . _:ntm rdf:first _:ntn ; rdf:rest _:nto ; a rdf:List . _:ntl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ntk rdf:rest _:ntp . _:ntp rdf:first _:ntq . _:ntq math:arguments _:ntr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ntp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ntk a rdf:List . _:ntj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nti rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nth math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:nts . _:nts math:arguments _:ntt . _:ntt rdf:first _:ntu . _:ntu math:arguments _:ntv . _:ntv rdf:first _:ntw . _:ntw math:arguments _:ntx . _:ntx rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nty ; a rdf:List . _:ntw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ntv rdf:rest _:ntz . _:ntz rdf:first _:nu0 . _:nu0 math:arguments _:nu1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ntz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ntv a rdf:List . _:ntu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ntt rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nts math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:nu2 . _:nu2 math:arguments _:nu3 . _:nu3 rdf:first _:nu4 . _:nu4 math:arguments _:nu5 . _:nu5 rdf:first _:nu6 . _:nu6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nu5 rdf:rest _:nu7 . _:nu7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nu5 a rdf:List . _:nu4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nu3 rdf:rest _:nu8 . _:nu8 rdf:first _:nu9 . _:nu9 math:arguments _:nua . _:nua rdf:first _:nub . _:nub math:arguments _:nuc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nua rdf:rest _:nud . _:nud rdf:first _:nue ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nua a rdf:List . _:nu9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nu8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nu3 a rdf:List . _:nu2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:nuf . _:nuf math:arguments _:nug . _:nug rdf:first _:nuh . _:nuh math:arguments _:nui . _:nui rdf:first _:nuj . _:nuj math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nui rdf:rest _:nuk . _:nuk rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nui a rdf:List . _:nuh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nug rdf:rest _:nul . _:nul rdf:first _:num . _:num math:arguments _:nun . _:nun rdf:first _:nuo . _:nuo math:arguments _:nup ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nun rdf:rest _:nuq . _:nuq rdf:first _:nur ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nun a rdf:List . _:num math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nul rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nug a rdf:List . _:nuf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:description """An operator taking two arguments, the first being the range of multiplication e.g. an integral interval, the second being the function to be multiplied. Note that the product may be over an infinite interval.""" ; math-meta:example _:nus . _:nus math:arguments _:nut . _:nut rdf:first _:nuu . _:nuu math:value """This represents the statement that the factorial of n is equal to the product of all the integers between 1 and n inclusive."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:nut rdf:rest _:nuv . _:nuv rdf:first _:nuw . _:nuw math:arguments _:nux . _:nux rdf:first _:nuy . _:nuy math:arguments _:nuz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nux rdf:rest _:nv0 . _:nv0 rdf:first _:nv1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nux a rdf:List . _:nuw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nuv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nut a rdf:List . _:nus math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all a,n | power(root(a,n),n) = a (if the root exists!)" , "x\\in C implies root(x,n) = exp(ln(x)/n)" ; math-meta:description """A binary operator which represents its first argument \"lowered\" to its n'th root where n is the second argument. This is the inverse of the operation represented by the power symbol defined in this CD. Care should be taken as to the precise meaning of this operator, in particular which root is represented, however it is here to represent the general notion of taking n'th roots. As inferred by the signature relevant to this symbol, the function represented by this symbol is the single valued function, the specific root returned is the one indicated by the first CMP. Note also that the converse of the second CMP is not valid in general.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nv2 . _:nv2 math:arguments _:nv3 . _:nv3 rdf:first _:nv4 . _:nv4 math:arguments _:nv5 . _:nv5 rdf:first _:nv6 . _:nv6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nv5 rdf:rest _:nv7 . _:nv7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nv5 a rdf:List . _:nv4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nv3 rdf:rest _:nv8 . _:nv8 rdf:first _:nv9 . _:nv9 math:arguments _:nva . _:nva rdf:first _:nvb . _:nvb math:arguments _:nvc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nva rdf:rest _:nvd . _:nvd rdf:first _:nve ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nva a rdf:List . _:nv9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nv8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nv3 a rdf:List . _:nv2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:nvf . _:nvf math:binder ; math:body _:nvg . _:nvg math:arguments _:nvh . _:nvh rdf:first _:nvi . _:nvi math:arguments _:nvj . _:nvj rdf:first _:nvk . _:nvk math:arguments _:nvl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nvj rdf:rest _:nvm . _:nvm rdf:first _:nvn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nvj a rdf:List . _:nvi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nvh rdf:rest _:nvo . _:nvo rdf:first _:nvp . _:nvp math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nvo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nvh a rdf:List . _:nvg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nvf math:variables _:nvq . _:nvq rdf:first _:nvr . _:nvr math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nvq rdf:rest _:nvs . _:nvs rdf:first _:nvt . _:nvt math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nvs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nvq a rdf:List . _:nvf a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:description """An operator taking two arguments, the first being the range of summation, e.g. an integral interval, the second being the function to be summed. Note that the sum may be over an infinite interval.""" ; math-meta:example _:nvu . _:nvu math:arguments _:nvv . _:nvv rdf:first _:nvw . _:nvw math:value """This represents the summation of the reciprocals of all the integers between 1 and 10 inclusive."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:nvv rdf:rest _:nvx . _:nvx rdf:first _:nvy . _:nvy math:arguments _:nvz . _:nvz rdf:first _:nw0 . _:nw0 math:arguments _:nw1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nvz rdf:rest _:nw2 . _:nw2 rdf:first _:nw3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nvz a rdf:List . _:nvy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nvx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nvv a rdf:List . _:nvu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all a,b | a * 0 = 0 and a * b = a * (b - 1) + a" , "for all a,b,c | a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c" ; math-meta:description "The symbol representing an n-ary multiplication function." ; math-meta:example _:nw4 . _:nw4 math:arguments _:nw5 . _:nw5 rdf:first _:nw6 . _:nw6 math:arguments _:nw7 . _:nw7 rdf:first _:nw8 . _:nw8 math:arguments _:nw9 . _:nw9 rdf:first _:nwa ; rdf:rest _:nwb ; a rdf:List . _:nw8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nw7 rdf:rest _:nwc . _:nwc rdf:first _:nwd . _:nwd math:arguments _:nwe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nwc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nw7 a rdf:List . _:nw6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nw5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nw4 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:nwf . _:nwf math:binder ; math:body _:nwg . _:nwg math:arguments _:nwh . _:nwh rdf:first _:nwi . _:nwi math:arguments _:nwj . _:nwj rdf:first _:nwk . _:nwk math:arguments _:nwl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nwj rdf:rest _:nwm . _:nwm rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nwj a rdf:List . _:nwi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nwh rdf:rest _:nwn . _:nwn rdf:first _:nwo . _:nwo math:arguments _:nwp . _:nwp rdf:first _:nwq ; rdf:rest _:nwr ; a rdf:List . _:nwo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nwn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nwh a rdf:List . _:nwg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nwf math:variables _:nws . _:nws rdf:first _:nwt . _:nwt math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nws rdf:rest _:nwu . _:nwu rdf:first _:nwv . _:nwv math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nwu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nws a rdf:List . _:nwf a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:nww . _:nww math:binder ; math:body _:nwx . _:nwx math:arguments _:nwy . _:nwy rdf:first _:nwz . _:nwz math:arguments _:nx0 . _:nx0 rdf:first _:nx1 . _:nx1 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nx0 rdf:rest _:nx2 . _:nx2 rdf:first _:nx3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nx0 a rdf:List . _:nwz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nwy rdf:rest _:nx4 . _:nx4 rdf:first _:nx5 . _:nx5 math:arguments _:nx6 . _:nx6 rdf:first _:nx7 ; rdf:rest _:nx8 ; a rdf:List . _:nx5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nx4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nwy a rdf:List . _:nwx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nww math:variables _:nx9 . _:nx9 rdf:first _:nxa . _:nxa math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nx9 rdf:rest _:nxb . _:nxb rdf:first _:nxc . _:nxc math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nxb rdf:rest _:nxd . _:nxd rdf:first _:nxe . _:nxe math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nxd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nx9 a rdf:List . _:nww a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all a | a + (-a) = 0" ; math-meta:description "This symbol denotes unary minus, i.e. the additive inverse." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nxf . _:nxf math:binder ; math:body _:nxg . _:nxg math:arguments _:nxh . _:nxh rdf:first _:nxi . _:nxi math:arguments _:nxj . _:nxj rdf:first _:nxk . _:nxk math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nxj rdf:rest _:nxl . _:nxl rdf:first _:nxm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nxj a rdf:List . _:nxi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nxh rdf:rest _:nxn . _:nxn rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nxh a rdf:List . _:nxg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nxf math:variables _:nxo . _:nxo rdf:first _:nxp . _:nxp math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nxo rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nxf a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith1 . :arith2 math-meta:description """Further to the basic arithmetic functions, we define some more common arithmetic operations. This includes a commutative times which exhibits the use of inheritance within the CD's.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "inverse(inverse(a))=a" ; math-meta:description """A unary operator which represents the inverse of an element of a set. This symbol could be used to represent additive or multiplicative inverses.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nxq . _:nxq math:binder ; math:body _:nxr . _:nxr math:arguments _:nxs . _:nxs rdf:first _:nxt . _:nxt math:arguments _:nxu . _:nxu rdf:first _:nxv . _:nxv math:arguments _:nxw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nxu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nxt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nxs rdf:rest _:nxx . _:nxx rdf:first _:nxy . _:nxy math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nxx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nxs a rdf:List . _:nxr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nxq math:variables _:nxz . _:nxz rdf:first _:ny0 . _:ny0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nxz rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nxq a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all a,b | a * b = b * a" ; math-meta:description """The symbol representing an n-ary multiplication function inheriting from the times in arith1, but with the extra property that here it must be commutative.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:ny1 . _:ny1 math:binder ; math:body _:ny2 . _:ny2 math:arguments _:ny3 . _:ny3 rdf:first _:ny4 . _:ny4 math:arguments _:ny5 . _:ny5 rdf:first _:ny6 . _:ny6 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ny5 rdf:rest _:ny7 . _:ny7 rdf:first _:ny8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ny5 a rdf:List . _:ny4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ny3 rdf:rest _:ny9 . _:ny9 rdf:first _:nya . _:nya math:arguments _:nyb . _:nyb rdf:first _:nyc ; rdf:rest _:nyd ; a rdf:List . _:nya math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ny9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ny3 a rdf:List . _:ny2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ny1 math:variables _:nye . _:nye rdf:first _:nyf . _:nyf math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nye rdf:rest _:nyg . _:nyg rdf:first _:nyh . _:nyh math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nyg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nye a rdf:List . _:ny1 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith2 . :arith3 math-meta:description "Extended GCD" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """The symbol represents the n-ary function, a_1,...,a_n to return a list consisting of the gcd (greatest common divisor) of its arguments, together with n elements x_1,...,x_n such that gcd(a_1,...,a_n)=x_1 a_1+...+x_n a_n""" ; math-meta:example _:nyi . _:nyi math:arguments _:nyj . _:nyj rdf:first _:nyk . _:nyk math:arguments _:nyl . _:nyl rdf:first _:nym . _:nym math:arguments _:nyn . _:nyn rdf:first _:nyo ; rdf:rest _:nyp ; a rdf:List . _:nym math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nyl rdf:rest _:nyq . _:nyq rdf:first _:nyr . _:nyr math:arguments _:nys ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nyq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nyl a rdf:List . _:nyk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nyj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nyi math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :arith3 . :asymp1 math-meta:description "This CD provides a representation of various asymptotic set constructors (O, \\Omega, etc.) The constructors represent sets of functions : R -> R." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """O(g) = { f:reals -> reals | exists c in positive reals and M in the naturals such that forall n geq M. |f(n)| leq c*g(n)}""" ; math-meta:description """The O symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to reals. The condition f(n)=O(g(n)) is intended to express an upper bound condition on f.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nyt . _:nyt math:arguments _:nyu . _:nyu rdf:first _:nyv . _:nyv math:arguments _:nyw . _:nyw rdf:first _:nyx . _:nyx math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nyw rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nyv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nyu rdf:rest _:nyy . _:nyy rdf:first _:nyz . _:nyz math:arguments _:nz0 . _:nz0 rdf:first _:nz1 . _:nz1 math:arguments _:nz2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nz0 rdf:rest _:nz3 . _:nz3 rdf:first _:nz4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nz0 a rdf:List . _:nyz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nyy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nyu a rdf:List . _:nyt math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :asymp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """f(x) is Omega(g(x)) if and only if it is not true that f(x) is O(g(x))""" ; math-meta:description """The Omega symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to positive reals. The Omega symbol represents a set of functions such that for any function in the set Omega(g(x)), f(x); it is not true that f(x) is in O(g(x)).""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nz5 . _:nz5 math:arguments _:nz6 . _:nz6 rdf:first _:nz7 . _:nz7 math:arguments _:nz8 . _:nz8 rdf:first _:nz9 . _:nz9 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nz8 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nz7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nz6 rdf:rest _:nza . _:nza rdf:first _:nzb . _:nzb math:arguments _:nzc . _:nzc rdf:first _:nzd . _:nzd math:arguments _:nze ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nzc rdf:rest _:nzf . _:nzf rdf:first _:nzg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nzc a rdf:List . _:nzb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nza rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nz6 a rdf:List . _:nz5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :asymp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """f(x) is asymptotic g(x) if and only if the limit as x tends to infinity of f(x)/g(x) = 1""" ; math-meta:description """The asymptotic symbol represents a binary relation between two functions of type reals to reals. The asymptotic relation between two functions returns true if the two functions have the same rate of growth and more precisely there ratio approaches 1 as the variable approaches infinity. Formally we say that f(x) is asymptotic to g(x) if and only if the limit as x tends to infinity of f(x)/g(x) = 1.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nzh . _:nzh math:arguments _:nzi . _:nzi rdf:first _:nzj . _:nzj math:arguments _:nzk . _:nzk rdf:first _:nzl . _:nzl math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nzk rdf:rest _:nzm . _:nzm rdf:first _:nzn . _:nzn math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nzm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nzk a rdf:List . _:nzj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nzi rdf:rest _:nzo . _:nzo rdf:first _:nzp . _:nzp math:arguments _:nzq . _:nzq rdf:first _:nzr . _:nzr math:arguments _:nzs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nzq rdf:rest _:nzt . _:nzt rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nzq a rdf:List . _:nzp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nzo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nzi a rdf:List . _:nzh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :asymp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """o(g) = {f : reals -> reals | the limit as x tends to infinity of f(x)/g(x) is 0}""" ; math-meta:description """The o symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to positive reals. The condition f(n) = o(g(n)) is intended to express a lower bouund condition on f. Formally we say that f(n) = o(g(n)) if and only if the limit as n tends to infinity of f(n)/g(n) exists and is equal to 0.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:nzu . _:nzu math:arguments _:nzv . _:nzv rdf:first _:nzw . _:nzw math:arguments _:nzx . _:nzx rdf:first _:nzy . _:nzy math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nzx rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nzw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nzv rdf:rest _:nzz . _:nzz rdf:first _:n100 . _:n100 math:arguments _:n101 . _:n101 rdf:first _:n102 . _:n102 math:arguments _:n103 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n101 rdf:rest _:n104 . _:n104 rdf:first _:n105 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n101 a rdf:List . _:n100 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nzz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nzv a rdf:List . _:nzu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :asymp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """f(x) = omega(g(x)) if and only if there is an epsilon > 0 and an infinite sequence x_1, x_2, x_3, ... such that for all j then abs(f(x_j)) > epsilon * g(x_j).""" , """f(x) is omega(g(x)) if and only if it is not true that f(x) is o(g(x))""" ; math-meta:description """The omega symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to positive reals. The omega symbol represents a set of functions such that for any function in the set omega(g(x)), f(x); it is not true that f(x) is in o(g(x)). Formally we say that f(x) = omega(g(x)) if and only if there is an epsilon > 0 and an infinite sequence x_1, x_2, x_3, ... such that for all j then abs(f(x_j)) > epsilon * g(x_j).""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n106 . _:n106 math:arguments _:n107 . _:n107 rdf:first _:n108 . _:n108 math:arguments _:n109 . _:n109 rdf:first _:n10a . _:n10a math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n109 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n108 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n107 rdf:rest _:n10b . _:n10b rdf:first _:n10c . _:n10c math:arguments _:n10d . _:n10d rdf:first _:n10e . _:n10e math:arguments _:n10f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n10d rdf:rest _:n10g . _:n10g rdf:first _:n10h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n10d a rdf:List . _:n10c math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n10b rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n107 a rdf:List . _:n106 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n10i . _:n10i math:arguments _:n10j . _:n10j rdf:first _:n10k . _:n10k math:arguments _:n10l . _:n10l rdf:first _:n10m . _:n10m math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n10l rdf:rest _:n10n . _:n10n rdf:first _:n10o . _:n10o math:arguments _:n10p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n10n rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n10l a rdf:List . _:n10k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n10j rdf:rest _:n10q . _:n10q rdf:first _:n10r . _:n10r math:binder ; math:body _:n10s . _:n10s math:arguments _:n10t . _:n10t rdf:first _:n10u ; rdf:rest _:n10v ; a rdf:List . _:n10s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n10r math:variables _:n10w . _:n10w rdf:first _:n10x . _:n10x math:name "epsilon" ; a math:Variable . _:n10w rdf:rest _:n10y . _:n10y rdf:first _:n10z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n10w a rdf:List . _:n10r a math:Binding . _:n10q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n10j a rdf:List . _:n10i math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :asymp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """f(x) = theta(g(x)) if and only if there are constants c_1 not= 0 and c_2 not= 0 and x_0 such that for all x > x_0 it is true that c_1*g(x) < f(x) < c_2*g(x)""" ; math-meta:description """The theta symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to positive reals. The theta symbol represents a set of functions which all have the same 'rate of growth'. Formally we say that f(x) = theta(g(x)) if and only if there are constants c_1 not= 0 and c_2 not= 0 and x_0 such that for all x > x_0 it is true that c_1*g(x) < f(x) < c_2*g(x).""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n110 . _:n110 math:arguments _:n111 . _:n111 rdf:first _:n112 . _:n112 math:arguments _:n113 . _:n113 rdf:first _:n114 . _:n114 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n113 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n112 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n111 rdf:rest _:n115 . _:n115 rdf:first _:n116 . _:n116 math:arguments _:n117 . _:n117 rdf:first _:n118 . _:n118 math:arguments _:n119 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n117 rdf:rest _:n11a . _:n11a rdf:first _:n11b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n117 a rdf:List . _:n116 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n115 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n111 a rdf:List . _:n110 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :asymp1 . :bigfloat1 math-meta:description """This CD provides a common representation of \"bigfloats\" in a mantissa/ radix/exponent format. There is a further version, which provides an opportunity to state a precision (only required in a different radix). No operations are defined here -- see arith and alg.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , """Written by James Davenport on 1999-07-13. bigfloatprec added 1999-07-21.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "bigfloat(m,r,e)=m*r^e" ; math-meta:description """The bigfloat constructor takes three arguments, a mantissa, a base and the exponent.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n11c . _:n11c math:arguments _:n11d . _:n11d rdf:first _:n11e . _:n11e math:arguments _:n11f . _:n11f rdf:first _:n11g . _:n11g math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n11f rdf:rest _:n11h . _:n11h rdf:first _:n11i . _:n11i math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:n11h rdf:rest _:n11j . _:n11j rdf:first _:n11k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n11f a rdf:List . _:n11e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n11d rdf:rest _:n11l . _:n11l rdf:first _:n11m . _:n11m math:arguments _:n11n . _:n11n rdf:first _:n11o . _:n11o math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n11n rdf:rest _:n11p . _:n11p rdf:first _:n11q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n11n a rdf:List . _:n11m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n11l rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n11d a rdf:List . _:n11c math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :bigfloat1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """bigfloatprec(f,r,p)=f However, if converted to radix r, only p digits in that radix are significant. This usually means that it originated in radix r, and has since (e.g. for display purposes) been converted into its current radix. For exposition, f = m*r^e.""" ; math-meta:description """The bigfloat \"with precision specified in (another) radix\" constructor. Takes 3 arguments, the first argument is a floating point number constructed with the bigfloat constructor, the second is the new radix, whilst the third specifies how many digits are significant.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n11r . _:n11r math:arguments _:n11s . _:n11s rdf:first _:n11t . _:n11t math:arguments _:n11u . _:n11u rdf:first _:n11v . _:n11v math:arguments _:n11w . _:n11w rdf:first _:n11x ; rdf:rest _:n11y ; a rdf:List . _:n11v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n11u rdf:rest _:n11z . _:n11z rdf:first _:n120 . _:n120 math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:n11z rdf:rest _:n121 . _:n121 rdf:first _:n122 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n11u a rdf:List . _:n11t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n11s rdf:rest _:n123 . _:n123 rdf:first _:n124 . _:n124 math:arguments _:n125 . _:n125 rdf:first _:n126 . _:n126 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n125 rdf:rest _:n127 . _:n127 rdf:first _:n128 ; rdf:rest _:n129 . _:n125 a rdf:List . _:n124 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n123 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n11s a rdf:List . _:n11r math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :bigfloat1 . :calculus1 math-meta:description """This CD is intended to be compatible with the calculus operations in Content MathML. Integration is just for the univariate case and is either definite or indefinite.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all a < b < c | integral over [a,c] = integral over [a,b] + integral over [b,c]""" , "for all a,b | integral from a to b = -integral from b to a" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent definite integration of unary functions. It takes two arguments; the first being the range (e.g. a set) of integration, and the second the function.""" ; math-meta:example _:n12a . _:n12a math:arguments _:n12b . _:n12b rdf:first _:n12c . _:n12c math:value """An example to represent the definite integration of sin(x) between the points -1.0 and 1.0."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n12b rdf:rest _:n12d . _:n12d rdf:first _:n12e . _:n12e math:arguments _:n12f . _:n12f rdf:first _:n12g . _:n12g math:arguments _:n12h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n12f rdf:rest _:n12i . _:n12i rdf:first _:n12j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n12f a rdf:List . _:n12e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n12d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n12b a rdf:List . _:n12a math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n12k . _:n12k math:arguments _:n12l . _:n12l rdf:first _:n12m . _:n12m math:value """An example to represent the definite integration of f(x), for x in the set C:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n12l rdf:rest _:n12n . _:n12n rdf:first _:n12o . _:n12o math:arguments _:n12p . _:n12p rdf:first _:n12q . _:n12q math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n12p rdf:rest _:n12r . _:n12r rdf:first _:n12s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n12p a rdf:List . _:n12o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n12n rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n12l a rdf:List . _:n12k math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n12t . _:n12t math:binder ; math:body _:n12u . _:n12u math:arguments _:n12v . _:n12v rdf:first _:n12w . _:n12w math:arguments _:n12x . _:n12x rdf:first _:n12y . _:n12y math:arguments _:n12z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n12x rdf:rest _:n130 . _:n130 rdf:first _:n131 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n12x a rdf:List . _:n12w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n12v rdf:rest _:n132 . _:n132 rdf:first _:n133 . _:n133 math:arguments _:n134 . _:n134 rdf:first _:n135 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n133 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n132 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n12v a rdf:List . _:n12u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n12t math:variables _:n136 . _:n136 rdf:first _:n137 . _:n137 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n136 rdf:rest _:n138 . _:n138 rdf:first _:n139 . _:n139 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n138 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n136 a rdf:List . _:n12t a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n13a . _:n13a math:binder ; math:body _:n13b . _:n13b math:arguments _:n13c . _:n13c rdf:first _:n13d . _:n13d math:arguments _:n13e . _:n13e rdf:first _:n13f . _:n13f math:arguments _:n13g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n13e rdf:rest _:n13h . _:n13h rdf:first _:n13i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n13e a rdf:List . _:n13d math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n13c rdf:rest _:n13j . _:n13j rdf:first _:n13k . _:n13k math:arguments _:n13l . _:n13l rdf:first _:n13m ; rdf:rest _:n13n ; a rdf:List . _:n13k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n13j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n13c a rdf:List . _:n13b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n13a math:variables _:n13o . _:n13o rdf:first _:n13p . _:n13p math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n13o rdf:rest _:n13q . _:n13q rdf:first _:n13r . _:n13r math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n13q rdf:rest _:n13s . _:n13s rdf:first _:n13t . _:n13t math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n13s rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n13o a rdf:List . _:n13a a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :calculus1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """diff(lambda y:a(y) * b(y))(x) = diff(lambda y:a(y))(x) * b(x) + a(x) * diff(lambda y:b(y))(x)""" , "diff(lambda y:a(y) + b(y))(x) = diff(lambda y:a(y))(x) + diff(lambda y:b(y))(x)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to express ordinary differentiation of a unary function. The single argument is the unary function.""" ; math-meta:example _:n13u . _:n13u math:arguments _:n13v . _:n13v rdf:first _:n13w . _:n13w math:value """This represents the equation: derivative(x + 1.0) = 1.0"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n13v rdf:rest _:n13x . _:n13x rdf:first _:n13y . _:n13y math:arguments _:n13z . _:n13z rdf:first _:n140 . _:n140 math:arguments _:n141 ; math:operator _:n142 ; a math:Application . _:n13z rdf:rest _:n143 . _:n143 rdf:first _:n144 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n13z a rdf:List . _:n13y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n13x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n13v a rdf:List . _:n13u math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n145 . _:n145 math:arguments _:n146 . _:n146 rdf:first _:n147 . _:n147 math:arguments _:n148 . _:n148 rdf:first _:n149 . _:n149 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n148 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n147 math:operator _:n14a . _:n14a math:arguments _:n14b . _:n14b rdf:first _:n14c . _:n14c math:binder ; math:body _:n14d ; math:variables _:n14e ; a math:Binding . _:n14b rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n14a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n147 a math:Application . _:n146 rdf:rest _:n14f . _:n14f rdf:first _:n14g . _:n14g math:arguments _:n14h . _:n14h rdf:first _:n14i . _:n14i math:arguments _:n14j ; math:operator _:n14k ; a math:Application . _:n14h rdf:rest _:n14l . _:n14l rdf:first _:n14m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n14h a rdf:List . _:n14g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n14f rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n146 a rdf:List . _:n145 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n14n . _:n14n math:arguments _:n14o . _:n14o rdf:first _:n14p . _:n14p math:arguments _:n14q . _:n14q rdf:first _:n14r . _:n14r math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n14q rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n14p math:operator _:n14s . _:n14s math:arguments _:n14t . _:n14t rdf:first _:n14u . _:n14u math:binder ; math:body _:n14v ; math:variables _:n14w ; a math:Binding . _:n14t rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n14s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n14p a math:Application . _:n14o rdf:rest _:n14x . _:n14x rdf:first _:n14y . _:n14y math:arguments _:n14z . _:n14z rdf:first _:n150 . _:n150 math:arguments _:n151 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n14z rdf:rest _:n152 . _:n152 rdf:first _:n153 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n14z a rdf:List . _:n14y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n14x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n14o a rdf:List . _:n14n math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :calculus1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """application of integrate followed by differentiate is the identity function, that is: diff(lambda y:integral(lambda z:f(z))(y)) = f""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent indefinite integration of unary functions. The argument is the unary function.""" ; math-meta:example _:n154 . _:n154 math:arguments _:n155 . _:n155 rdf:first _:n156 . _:n156 math:value """An example which represents the equation: integral(x +-> sin(x)) w.r.t. x = x +-> -cos(x)"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n155 rdf:rest _:n157 . _:n157 rdf:first _:n158 . _:n158 math:arguments _:n159 . _:n159 rdf:first _:n15a . _:n15a math:arguments _:n15b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n159 rdf:rest _:n15c . _:n15c rdf:first _:n15d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n159 a rdf:List . _:n158 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n157 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n155 a rdf:List . _:n154 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n15e . _:n15e math:arguments _:n15f . _:n15f rdf:first _:n15g . _:n15g math:arguments _:n15h . _:n15h rdf:first _:n15i . _:n15i math:binder ; math:body _:n15j . _:n15j math:arguments _:n15k ; math:operator _:n15l ; a math:Application . _:n15i math:variables _:n15m . _:n15m rdf:first _:n15n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n15i a math:Binding . _:n15h rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n15g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n15f rdf:rest _:n15o . _:n15o rdf:first _:n15p . _:n15p math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n15o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n15f a rdf:List . _:n15e math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :calculus1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to express the nth-iterated ordinary differentiation of a unary function. The first argument is n, and the second the unary function.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n15q . _:n15q math:arguments _:n15r . _:n15r rdf:first _:n15s . _:n15s math:arguments _:n15t . _:n15t rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n15u . _:n15u rdf:first _:n15v . _:n15v math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n15u rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n15t a rdf:List . _:n15s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n15r rdf:rest _:n15w . _:n15w rdf:first _:n15x . _:n15x math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n15w rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n15r a rdf:List . _:n15q math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n15y . _:n15y math:arguments _:n15z . _:n15z rdf:first _:n160 . _:n160 math:arguments _:n161 . _:n161 rdf:first _:n162 . _:n162 math:arguments _:n163 . _:n163 rdf:first _:n164 ; rdf:rest _:n165 ; a rdf:List . _:n162 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n161 rdf:rest _:n166 . _:n166 rdf:first _:n167 . _:n167 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n166 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n161 a rdf:List . _:n160 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n15z rdf:rest _:n168 . _:n168 rdf:first _:n169 . _:n169 math:arguments _:n16a . _:n16a rdf:first _:n16b . _:n16b math:arguments _:n16c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n16a rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n169 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n168 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n15z a rdf:List . _:n15y math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :calculus1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """\\frac{\\partial^{n+m}}{\\partial x^n\\partial y^m} f(x,y,z) = \\frac{\\partial^n}{\\partial x^n}(\\frac{\\partial^m}{\\partial y^m}(f(x,y,z)))""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to express the nth-iterated partial differentiation of a function of more than one variable. It has three arguments, the first is a list of positive integers which index the variables of the function, the second is a list of integers which specify the order of differentiation with respect to the corresponding variable, the third argument is the function. Application of the symbol should be taken as meaning the following: differentiation of the third argument with respect to the variables indexed by the first argument. The orders of differentiation are specified by the second argument, in the following manner: The i'th element of the second argument is the order of differentiation of the variable indexed by the i'th element of the first argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n16d . _:n16d math:arguments _:n16e . _:n16e rdf:first _:n16f . _:n16f math:arguments _:n16g . _:n16g rdf:first _:n16h . _:n16h math:arguments _:n16i . _:n16i rdf:first _:n16j ; rdf:rest _:n16k ; a rdf:List . _:n16h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n16g rdf:rest _:n16l . _:n16l rdf:first _:n16m . _:n16m math:arguments _:n16n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n16l rdf:rest _:n16o . _:n16o rdf:first _:n16p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n16g a rdf:List . _:n16f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n16e rdf:rest _:n16q . _:n16q rdf:first _:n16r . _:n16r math:arguments _:n16s . _:n16s rdf:first _:n16t . _:n16t math:arguments _:n16u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n16s rdf:rest _:n16v . _:n16v rdf:first _:n16w ; rdf:rest _:n16x . _:n16s a rdf:List . _:n16r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n16q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n16e a rdf:List . _:n16d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :calculus1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to express partial differentiation of a function of more than one variable. It has two arguments, the first is a list of integers which index the variables of the function, the second is the function.""" ; math-meta:example _:n16y . _:n16y math:arguments _:n16z . _:n16z rdf:first _:n170 . _:n170 math:value """An example to represent the equation: \\partial^2{xyz}/ \\partial{x}\\partial{z} = y"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n16z rdf:rest _:n171 . _:n171 rdf:first _:n172 . _:n172 math:arguments _:n173 . _:n173 rdf:first _:n174 . _:n174 math:arguments _:n175 ; math:operator _:n176 ; a math:Application . _:n173 rdf:rest _:n177 . _:n177 rdf:first _:n178 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n173 a rdf:List . _:n172 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n171 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n16z a rdf:List . _:n16y math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :calculus1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to express partial differentiation of a function of more than one variable. It has three arguments, the first is a list of integers which give the degrees by which the function is differentiated by the corresponding variable. The second is the total degree (which should therefore be the sum of the values in the first list, but may be given symbolically). The third is the function.""" ; math-meta:example _:n179 . _:n179 math:arguments _:n17a . _:n17a rdf:first _:n17b . _:n17b math:value """An example to represent the equation: \\partial^2{xyz}/ \\partial{x}\\partial{z} = y"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n17a rdf:rest _:n17c . _:n17c rdf:first _:n17d . _:n17d math:arguments _:n17e . _:n17e rdf:first _:n17f . _:n17f math:arguments _:n17g ; math:operator _:n17h ; a math:Application . _:n17e rdf:rest _:n17i . _:n17i rdf:first _:n17j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n17e a rdf:List . _:n17d math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n17c rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n17a a rdf:List . _:n179 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :calculus1 . :calculus2 math-meta:description "This CD provides a vocabulary for talking about integrals." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the integrand of the integral." ; math-meta:example _:n17k . _:n17k math:arguments _:n17l . _:n17l rdf:first _:n17m . _:n17m math:arguments _:n17n . _:n17n rdf:first _:n17o . _:n17o math:arguments _:n17p . _:n17p rdf:first _:n17q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n17o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n17n rdf:rest _:n17r . _:n17r rdf:first _:n17s . _:n17s math:arguments _:n17t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n17r rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n17n a rdf:List . _:n17m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n17l rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n17k math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :calculus2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the variable with respect to which an integral is calculated.""" ; math-meta:example _:n17u . _:n17u math:arguments _:n17v . _:n17v rdf:first _:n17w . _:n17w math:arguments _:n17x . _:n17x rdf:first _:n17y . _:n17y math:arguments _:n17z . _:n17z rdf:first _:n180 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n17y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n17x rdf:rest _:n181 . _:n181 rdf:first _:n182 . _:n182 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n181 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n17x a rdf:List . _:n17w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n17v rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n17u math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :calculus2 . :cc math-meta:description """CC Type Attribution for OM Initial version: O. Caprotti (May 20, 1999) Revised: O. Caprotti (Aug 20, 1999), split-up so that it uses symbols from lc, omtypes.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "Attribution tag to denote type-judgement" ; a math:Symbol , math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :cc . math-meta:description "Attribution tag to denote type-judgement with coercion" ; a math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :cc . :coercions math-meta:description """Coercion Functions among OM Types Initial version: O. Caprotti""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "The function that converts an integer to a float." ; math-meta:example _:n183 . _:n183 math:arguments _:n184 . _:n184 rdf:first _:n185 . _:n185 math:arguments _:n186 . _:n186 rdf:first _:n187 . _:n187 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n186 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n185 math:target _:n188 . _:n188 math:arguments _:n189 . _:n189 rdf:first _:n18a . _:n18a math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n189 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n188 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n185 a math:Attribution . _:n184 rdf:rest _:n18b . _:n18b rdf:first _:n18c . _:n18c math:value "is well-typed object."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n18b rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n184 a rdf:List . _:n183 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :coercions . :combinat1 math-meta:description "This CD defines some basic combinatorics definitions." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , """Written by S. Dalmas (INRIA Sophia Antipolis) for the Esprit OpenMath project.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "Bell(n) = the sum from k=0 to n of Stirling2(n,k)" ; math-meta:description """The Bell numbers: Bell(n) is the total number of possible partitions of a set of n elements.""" ; math-meta:example _:n18d . _:n18d math:arguments _:n18e . _:n18e rdf:first _:n18f . _:n18f math:arguments _:n18g . _:n18g rdf:first _:n18h . _:n18h math:arguments _:n18i . _:n18i rdf:first _:n18j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n18h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n18g rdf:rest _:n18k . _:n18k rdf:first _:n18l . _:n18l math:value "877"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n18k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n18g a rdf:List . _:n18f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n18e rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n18d math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n18m . _:n18m math:arguments _:n18n . _:n18n rdf:first _:n18o . _:n18o math:arguments _:n18p . _:n18p rdf:first _:n18q . _:n18q math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n18p rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n18o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n18n rdf:rest _:n18r . _:n18r rdf:first _:n18s . _:n18s math:arguments _:n18t . _:n18t rdf:first _:n18u . _:n18u math:arguments _:n18v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n18t rdf:rest _:n18w . _:n18w rdf:first _:n18x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n18t a rdf:List . _:n18s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n18r rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n18n a rdf:List . _:n18m math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :combinat1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """Fibonacci(0) = 0, Fibonacci(1) = 1, and Fibonacci(n + 1) = Fibonacci(n) + Fibonacci(n - 1)""" ; math-meta:description """The Fibonacci numbers, defined by the linear recurrence: Fibonacci(0) = 0, Fibonacci(1) = 1, and Fibonacci(n + 1) = Fibonacci(n) + Fibonacci(n - 1). Note that some authors define Fibonacci(0) = 1.""" ; math-meta:example _:n18y . _:n18y math:arguments _:n18z . _:n18z rdf:first _:n190 . _:n190 math:arguments _:n191 . _:n191 rdf:first _:n192 . _:n192 math:arguments _:n193 . _:n193 rdf:first _:n194 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n192 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n191 rdf:rest _:n195 . _:n195 rdf:first _:n196 . _:n196 math:value "55"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n195 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n191 a rdf:List . _:n190 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n18z rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n18y math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n197 . _:n197 math:arguments _:n198 . _:n198 rdf:first _:n199 . _:n199 math:arguments _:n19a . _:n19a rdf:first _:n19b . _:n19b math:arguments _:n19c . _:n19c rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n19b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n19a rdf:rest _:n19d . _:n19d rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n19a a rdf:List . _:n199 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n198 rdf:rest _:n19e . _:n19e rdf:first _:n19f . _:n19f math:arguments _:n19g . _:n19g rdf:first _:n19h . _:n19h math:arguments _:n19i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n19g rdf:rest _:n19j . _:n19j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n19g a rdf:List . _:n19f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n19e rdf:rest _:n19k . _:n19k rdf:first _:n19l . _:n19l math:arguments _:n19m . _:n19m rdf:first _:n19n ; rdf:rest _:n19o ; a rdf:List . _:n19l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n19k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n198 a rdf:List . _:n197 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :combinat1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """Stirling1(n,m) = the sum k=0 to n-m of (-1)^k * binomial(n-1+k, n-m+k) * binomial(2n-m,n-m-k) * Stirling2(n,m)""" ; math-meta:description """The Stirling numbers of the first kind. (-1)^(n-m)*Stirling1(n,m) is the number of permutations of n symbols which have exactly m cycles. Note that there are a few slightly different definitions of these numbers.""" ; math-meta:example _:n19p . _:n19p math:arguments _:n19q . _:n19q rdf:first _:n19r . _:n19r math:arguments _:n19s . _:n19s rdf:first _:n19t . _:n19t math:arguments _:n19u . _:n19u rdf:first _:n19v ; rdf:rest _:n19w ; a rdf:List . _:n19t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n19s rdf:rest _:n19x . _:n19x rdf:first _:n19y . _:n19y math:value "-9450"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n19x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n19s a rdf:List . _:n19r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n19q rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n19p math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n19z . _:n19z math:arguments _:n1a0 . _:n1a0 rdf:first _:n1a1 . _:n1a1 math:arguments _:n1a2 . _:n1a2 rdf:first _:n1a3 . _:n1a3 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n1a2 rdf:rest _:n1a4 . _:n1a4 rdf:first _:n1a5 . _:n1a5 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n1a4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1a2 a rdf:List . _:n1a1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1a0 rdf:rest _:n1a6 . _:n1a6 rdf:first _:n1a7 . _:n1a7 math:arguments _:n1a8 . _:n1a8 rdf:first _:n1a9 . _:n1a9 math:arguments _:n1aa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1a8 rdf:rest _:n1ab . _:n1ab rdf:first _:n1ac ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1a8 a rdf:List . _:n1a7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1a6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1a0 a rdf:List . _:n19z math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :combinat1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """Stirling2(n,m) = 1/m! * the sum from k=0 to m of (-1)^(m-k) * binomial(m,k) * k^n""" ; math-meta:description """The Stirling numbers of the second kind. Stirling2(n, m) is the number of partitions of a set with n elements into m non empty subsets. Note that there are a few slightly different definitions of these numbers.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1ad . _:n1ad math:arguments _:n1ae . _:n1ae rdf:first _:n1af . _:n1af math:arguments _:n1ag . _:n1ag rdf:first _:n1ah . _:n1ah math:arguments _:n1ai . _:n1ai rdf:first _:n1aj ; rdf:rest _:n1ak ; a rdf:List . _:n1ah math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ag rdf:rest _:n1al . _:n1al rdf:first _:n1am . _:n1am math:value "301"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1al rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ag a rdf:List . _:n1af math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ae rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1ad math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1an . _:n1an math:arguments _:n1ao . _:n1ao rdf:first _:n1ap . _:n1ap math:arguments _:n1aq . _:n1aq rdf:first _:n1ar . _:n1ar math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n1aq rdf:rest _:n1as . _:n1as rdf:first _:n1at . _:n1at math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n1as rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1aq a rdf:List . _:n1ap math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ao rdf:rest _:n1au . _:n1au rdf:first _:n1av . _:n1av math:arguments _:n1aw . _:n1aw rdf:first _:n1ax . _:n1ax math:arguments _:n1ay ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1aw rdf:rest _:n1az . _:n1az rdf:first _:n1b0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1aw a rdf:List . _:n1av math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1au rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ao a rdf:List . _:n1an math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :combinat1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "binomial(n,m) = n!/(m!*(n-m)!)" ; math-meta:description """The binomial coefficients. binomial(n, m) is the number of ways of choosing m objects from a collection of n distinct objects without regard to the order.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1b1 . _:n1b1 math:arguments _:n1b2 . _:n1b2 rdf:first _:n1b3 . _:n1b3 math:arguments _:n1b4 . _:n1b4 rdf:first _:n1b5 . _:n1b5 math:arguments _:n1b6 . _:n1b6 rdf:first _:n1b7 ; rdf:rest _:n1b8 ; a rdf:List . _:n1b5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1b4 rdf:rest _:n1b9 . _:n1b9 rdf:first _:n1ba . _:n1ba math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1b9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1b4 a rdf:List . _:n1b3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1b2 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1b1 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1bb . _:n1bb math:arguments _:n1bc . _:n1bc rdf:first _:n1bd . _:n1bd math:arguments _:n1be . _:n1be rdf:first _:n1bf . _:n1bf math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n1be rdf:rest _:n1bg . _:n1bg rdf:first _:n1bh . _:n1bh math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n1bg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1be a rdf:List . _:n1bd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1bc rdf:rest _:n1bi . _:n1bi rdf:first _:n1bj . _:n1bj math:arguments _:n1bk . _:n1bk rdf:first _:n1bl . _:n1bl math:arguments _:n1bm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1bk rdf:rest _:n1bn . _:n1bn rdf:first _:n1bo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1bk a rdf:List . _:n1bj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1bi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1bc a rdf:List . _:n1bb math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :combinat1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "multinomial(n, n1, ... nk) is equal to n!/(n1!*n2! ...*nk!) where n=n1+...+nk" ; math-meta:description """The multinomial coefficient, multinomial(n, n1, ... nk) is the number of ways of choosing ni objects of type i (i from 1 to k) without regard to order, in such a way that the total number of objects chosen is n. multinomial(n, n1, ... nk) is equal to n!/(n1!*n2! ...*nk!).""" ; math-meta:example _:n1bp . _:n1bp math:arguments _:n1bq . _:n1bq rdf:first _:n1br . _:n1br math:arguments _:n1bs . _:n1bs rdf:first _:n1bt . _:n1bt math:arguments _:n1bu . _:n1bu rdf:first _:n1bv ; rdf:rest _:n1bw ; a rdf:List . _:n1bt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1bs rdf:rest _:n1bx . _:n1bx rdf:first _:n1by . _:n1by math:value "560"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1bx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1bs a rdf:List . _:n1br math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1bq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1bp math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1bz . _:n1bz math:arguments _:n1c0 . _:n1c0 rdf:first _:n1c1 . _:n1c1 math:arguments _:n1c2 . _:n1c2 rdf:first _:n1c3 . _:n1c3 math:arguments _:n1c4 . _:n1c4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1c5 ; a rdf:List . _:n1c3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1c2 rdf:rest _:n1c6 . _:n1c6 rdf:first _:n1c7 . _:n1c7 math:arguments _:n1c8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1c6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1c2 a rdf:List . _:n1c1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1c0 rdf:rest _:n1c9 . _:n1c9 rdf:first _:n1ca . _:n1ca math:arguments _:n1cb . _:n1cb rdf:first _:n1cc . _:n1cc math:arguments _:n1cd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1cb rdf:rest _:n1ce . _:n1ce rdf:first _:n1cf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1cb a rdf:List . _:n1ca math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1c9 rdf:rest _:n1cg . _:n1cg rdf:first _:n1ch . _:n1ch math:arguments _:n1ci . _:n1ci rdf:first _:n1cj ; rdf:rest _:n1ck ; a rdf:List . _:n1ch math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1cg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1c0 a rdf:List . _:n1bz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :combinat1 . :complex1 math-meta:description """This CD is intended to be `compatible' with the MathML view of operations on and constructors for complex numbers.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all r,a | argument(complex_polar(r,a)=a)" , "the argument of x+i*y = arctan(y,x) (two-argument arctan from transc2)" , "the argument of x+i*y = arctan(y/x) (if x is positive)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the unary function which returns the argument of a complex number, viz. the angle which a straight line drawn from the number to zero makes with the Real line (measured anti-clockwise). The argument to the symbol is the complex number whos argument is being taken.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1cl . _:n1cl math:binder ; math:body _:n1cm . _:n1cm math:arguments _:n1cn . _:n1cn rdf:first _:n1co . _:n1co math:arguments _:n1cp . _:n1cp rdf:first _:n1cq . _:n1cq math:arguments _:n1cr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1cp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1co math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1cn rdf:rest _:n1cs . _:n1cs rdf:first _:n1ct . _:n1ct math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n1cs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1cn a rdf:List . _:n1cm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1cl math:variables _:n1cu . _:n1cu rdf:first _:n1cv . _:n1cv math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:n1cu rdf:rest _:n1cw . _:n1cw rdf:first _:n1cx . _:n1cx math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n1cw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1cu a rdf:List . _:n1cl a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1cy . _:n1cy math:arguments _:n1cz . _:n1cz rdf:first _:n1d0 . _:n1d0 math:arguments _:n1d1 . _:n1d1 rdf:first _:n1d2 . _:n1d2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1d1 rdf:rest _:n1d3 . _:n1d3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1d1 a rdf:List . _:n1d0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1cz rdf:rest _:n1d4 . _:n1d4 rdf:first _:n1d5 . _:n1d5 math:arguments _:n1d6 . _:n1d6 rdf:first _:n1d7 . _:n1d7 math:arguments _:n1d8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1d6 rdf:rest _:n1d9 . _:n1d9 rdf:first _:n1da ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1d6 a rdf:List . _:n1d5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1d4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1cz a rdf:List . _:n1cy math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1db . _:n1db math:arguments _:n1dc . _:n1dc rdf:first _:n1dd . _:n1dd math:arguments _:n1de . _:n1de rdf:first _:n1df . _:n1df math:arguments _:n1dg . _:n1dg rdf:first _:n1dh ; rdf:rest _:n1di ; a rdf:List . _:n1df math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1de rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1dd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1dc rdf:rest _:n1dj . _:n1dj rdf:first _:n1dk . _:n1dk math:arguments _:n1dl . _:n1dl rdf:first _:n1dm . _:n1dm math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1dl rdf:rest _:n1dn . _:n1dn rdf:first _:n1do ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1dl a rdf:List . _:n1dk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1dj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1dc a rdf:List . _:n1db math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :complex1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x,y | complex_cartesian(x,y) = x + iy" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a constructor function for complex numbers specified as the Cartesian coordinates of the relevant point on the complex plane. It takes two arguments, the first is a number x to denote the real part and the second a number y to denote the imaginary part of the complex number x + i y. (Where i is the square root of -1.)""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1dp . _:n1dp math:binder ; math:body _:n1dq . _:n1dq math:arguments _:n1dr . _:n1dr rdf:first _:n1ds . _:n1ds math:arguments _:n1dt . _:n1dt rdf:first _:n1du . _:n1du math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1dt rdf:rest _:n1dv . _:n1dv rdf:first _:n1dw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1dt a rdf:List . _:n1ds math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1dr rdf:rest _:n1dx . _:n1dx rdf:first _:n1dy . _:n1dy math:arguments _:n1dz . _:n1dz rdf:first _:n1e0 ; rdf:rest _:n1e1 ; a rdf:List . _:n1dy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1dx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1dr a rdf:List . _:n1dq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1dp math:variables _:n1e2 . _:n1e2 rdf:first _:n1e3 . _:n1e3 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1e2 rdf:rest _:n1e4 . _:n1e4 rdf:first _:n1e5 . _:n1e5 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1e4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1e2 a rdf:List . _:n1dp a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :complex1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all r,a | complex_polar(r,a) = r*e^(a*i)" , """for all x | if a is a real number and k is an integer then complex_polar(x,a) = complex_polar(x,a+2*pi*k)""" , """for all x,y,r,a | (r sin a = y and r cos a = x) implies (complex_polar(r,a) = complex_cartesian(x,y)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a constructor function for complex numbers specified as the polar coordinates of the relevant point on the complex plane. It takes two arguments, the first is a nonnegative number r to denote the magnitude and the second a number theta (given in radians) to denote the argument of the complex number r e^(i theta). (i and e are defined as in this CD).""" ; math-meta:example _:n1e6 . _:n1e6 math:arguments _:n1e7 . _:n1e7 rdf:first _:n1e8 . _:n1e8 math:value "i = complex_polar(1,pi/2)"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1e7 rdf:rest _:n1e9 . _:n1e9 rdf:first _:n1ea . _:n1ea math:arguments _:n1eb . _:n1eb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1ec . _:n1ec rdf:first _:n1ed ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1eb a rdf:List . _:n1ea math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1e9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1e7 a rdf:List . _:n1e6 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1ee . _:n1ee math:binder ; math:body _:n1ef . _:n1ef math:arguments _:n1eg . _:n1eg rdf:first _:n1eh . _:n1eh math:arguments _:n1ei . _:n1ei rdf:first _:n1ej . _:n1ej math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ei rdf:rest _:n1ek . _:n1ek rdf:first _:n1el ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ei a rdf:List . _:n1eh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1eg rdf:rest _:n1em . _:n1em rdf:first _:n1en . _:n1en math:arguments _:n1eo . _:n1eo rdf:first _:n1ep ; rdf:rest _:n1eq ; a rdf:List . _:n1en math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1em rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1eg a rdf:List . _:n1ef math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ee math:variables _:n1er . _:n1er rdf:first _:n1es . _:n1es math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:n1er rdf:rest _:n1et . _:n1et rdf:first _:n1eu . _:n1eu math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n1et rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1er a rdf:List . _:n1ee a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1ev . _:n1ev math:binder ; math:body _:n1ew . _:n1ew math:arguments _:n1ex . _:n1ex rdf:first _:n1ey . _:n1ey math:arguments _:n1ez . _:n1ez rdf:first _:n1f0 . _:n1f0 math:arguments _:n1f1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ez rdf:rest _:n1f2 . _:n1f2 rdf:first _:n1f3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ez a rdf:List . _:n1ey math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ex rdf:rest _:n1f4 . _:n1f4 rdf:first _:n1f5 . _:n1f5 math:arguments _:n1f6 . _:n1f6 rdf:first _:n1f7 ; rdf:rest _:n1f8 ; a rdf:List . _:n1f5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1f4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ex a rdf:List . _:n1ew math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ev math:variables _:n1f9 . _:n1f9 rdf:first _:n1fa . _:n1fa math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1f9 rdf:rest _:n1fb . _:n1fb rdf:first _:n1fc . _:n1fc math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1fb rdf:rest _:n1fd . _:n1fd rdf:first _:n1fe . _:n1fe math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:n1fd rdf:rest _:n1ff . _:n1ff rdf:first _:n1fg . _:n1fg math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ff rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1f9 a rdf:List . _:n1ev a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1fh . _:n1fh math:binder ; math:body _:n1fi . _:n1fi math:arguments _:n1fj . _:n1fj rdf:first _:n1fk . _:n1fk math:arguments _:n1fl . _:n1fl rdf:first _:n1fm . _:n1fm math:arguments _:n1fn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1fl rdf:rest _:n1fo . _:n1fo rdf:first _:n1fp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1fl a rdf:List . _:n1fk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1fj rdf:rest _:n1fq . _:n1fq rdf:first _:n1fr . _:n1fr math:arguments _:n1fs . _:n1fs rdf:first _:n1ft ; rdf:rest _:n1fu ; a rdf:List . _:n1fr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1fq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1fj a rdf:List . _:n1fi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1fh math:variables _:n1fv . _:n1fv rdf:first _:n1fw . _:n1fw math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1fv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1fh a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :complex1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "if a is a complex number then (conjugate(a) + a) is a real number" ; math-meta:description "A unary operator representing the complex conjugate of its argument." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1fx . _:n1fx math:arguments _:n1fy . _:n1fy rdf:first _:n1fz . _:n1fz math:arguments _:n1g0 . _:n1g0 rdf:first _:n1g1 . _:n1g1 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n1g0 rdf:rest _:n1g2 . _:n1g2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1g0 a rdf:List . _:n1fz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1fy rdf:rest _:n1g3 . _:n1g3 rdf:first _:n1g4 . _:n1g4 math:arguments _:n1g5 . _:n1g5 rdf:first _:n1g6 . _:n1g6 math:arguments _:n1g7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1g5 rdf:rest _:n1g8 . _:n1g8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1g5 a rdf:List . _:n1g4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1g3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1fy a rdf:List . _:n1fx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :complex1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x,y | y = imaginary(x+iy)" ; math-meta:description "This represents the imaginary part of a complex number" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1g9 . _:n1g9 math:binder ; math:body _:n1ga . _:n1ga math:arguments _:n1gb . _:n1gb rdf:first _:n1gc . _:n1gc math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1gb rdf:rest _:n1gd . _:n1gd rdf:first _:n1ge . _:n1ge math:arguments _:n1gf . _:n1gf rdf:first _:n1gg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1ge math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1gd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1gb a rdf:List . _:n1ga math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1g9 math:variables _:n1gh . _:n1gh rdf:first _:n1gi . _:n1gi math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1gh rdf:rest _:n1gj . _:n1gj rdf:first _:n1gk . _:n1gk math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1gj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1gh a rdf:List . _:n1g9 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :complex1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x,y | x = real(x+iy)" ; math-meta:description "This represents the real part of a complex number" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1gl . _:n1gl math:binder ; math:body _:n1gm . _:n1gm math:arguments _:n1gn . _:n1gn rdf:first _:n1go . _:n1go math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1gn rdf:rest _:n1gp . _:n1gp rdf:first _:n1gq . _:n1gq math:arguments _:n1gr . _:n1gr rdf:first _:n1gs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1gq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1gp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1gn a rdf:List . _:n1gm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1gl math:variables _:n1gt . _:n1gt rdf:first _:n1gu . _:n1gu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1gt rdf:rest _:n1gv . _:n1gv rdf:first _:n1gw . _:n1gw math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1gv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1gt a rdf:List . _:n1gl a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :complex1 . :dimensions1 math-meta:description "This CD defines symbols which represent basic physical dimensions." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "acceleration = length/(time^2)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the acceleration physical dimension. It is the second derivative of distance with respect to time.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1gx . _:n1gx math:arguments _:n1gy . _:n1gy rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1gz . _:n1gz rdf:first _:n1h0 . _:n1h0 math:arguments _:n1h1 . _:n1h1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1h2 . _:n1h2 rdf:first _:n1h3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1h1 a rdf:List . _:n1h0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1gz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1gy a rdf:List . _:n1gx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "area = length*length" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the area physical dimension." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1h4 . _:n1h4 math:arguments _:n1h5 . _:n1h5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1h6 . _:n1h6 rdf:first _:n1h7 . _:n1h7 math:arguments _:n1h8 . _:n1h8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1h9 . _:n1h9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1h8 a rdf:List . _:n1h7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1h6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1h5 a rdf:List . _:n1h4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "charge = current/voltage" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the charge physical dimension." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "concentration = mass/length^3" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the concentration physical dimension, it is the amount of a substance in a volume.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "current = voltage*charge" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the current physical dimension." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "density = mass/volume" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the density physical dimension, it is the mass per unit volume.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1ha . _:n1ha math:arguments _:n1hb . _:n1hb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1hc . _:n1hc rdf:first _:n1hd . _:n1hd math:arguments _:n1he . _:n1he rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1hf . _:n1hf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1he a rdf:List . _:n1hd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1hc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1hb a rdf:List . _:n1ha math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the spatial difference between two points. The direction of the displacement is taken into account as well as the distance between the points.""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "energy = force*length" , "energy = mass*length^2/time^2" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the energy physical dimension." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1hg . _:n1hg math:arguments _:n1hh . _:n1hh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1hi . _:n1hi rdf:first _:n1hj . _:n1hj math:arguments _:n1hk . _:n1hk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1hl . _:n1hl rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1hk a rdf:List . _:n1hj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1hi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1hh a rdf:List . _:n1hg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "force = mass*length/time^2" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the force physical dimension." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1hm . _:n1hm math:arguments _:n1hn . _:n1hn rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1ho . _:n1ho rdf:first _:n1hp . _:n1hp math:arguments _:n1hq . _:n1hq rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1hr . _:n1hr rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1hq a rdf:List . _:n1hp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ho rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1hn a rdf:List . _:n1hm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the length physical dimension." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the mass physical dimension." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "momentum = mass*velocity" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the momentum physical dimension, it is mass times velocity.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1hs . _:n1hs math:arguments _:n1ht . _:n1ht rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1hu . _:n1hu rdf:first _:n1hv . _:n1hv math:arguments _:n1hw . _:n1hw rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1hx . _:n1hx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1hw a rdf:List . _:n1hv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1hu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ht a rdf:List . _:n1hs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "power = energy/time" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the power physical dimension, it is energy per time.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1hy . _:n1hy math:arguments _:n1hz . _:n1hz rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1i0 . _:n1i0 rdf:first _:n1i1 . _:n1i1 math:arguments _:n1i2 . _:n1i2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1i3 . _:n1i3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1i2 a rdf:List . _:n1i1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1i0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1hz a rdf:List . _:n1hy math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "pressure = force/area" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the pressure physical dimension." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1i4 . _:n1i4 math:arguments _:n1i5 . _:n1i5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1i6 . _:n1i6 rdf:first _:n1i7 . _:n1i7 math:arguments _:n1i8 . _:n1i8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1i9 . _:n1i9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1i8 a rdf:List . _:n1i7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1i6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1i5 a rdf:List . _:n1i4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "resistance = voltage/current" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the resistance physical dimension, it is the resistance that an electrical circuit has to flow of charge.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "speed = length/time" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the speed physical dimension. It is the size of the derivative of distance with respect to time.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1ia . _:n1ia math:arguments _:n1ib . _:n1ib rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1ic . _:n1ic rdf:first _:n1id . _:n1id math:arguments _:n1ie . _:n1ie rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1if . _:n1if rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ie a rdf:List . _:n1id math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ic rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ib a rdf:List . _:n1ia math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the temperature physical dimension." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the time physical dimension. Note that the main units for time are defined in the units_time1 CD.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "speed is the Euclidean norm of velocity" , "velocity = displacement/second" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the velocity physical dimension. It is the derivative of (vector) distance with respect to time.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1ig . _:n1ig math:arguments _:n1ih . _:n1ih rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1ii . _:n1ii rdf:first _:n1ij . _:n1ij math:arguments _:n1ik . _:n1ik rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1ij math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ii rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ih a rdf:List . _:n1ig math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "voltage = current/charge" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the voltage physical dimension." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "volume = length*length*length" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the volume physical dimension." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1il . _:n1il math:arguments _:n1im . _:n1im rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1in . _:n1in rdf:first _:n1io . _:n1io math:arguments _:n1ip . _:n1ip rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1iq . _:n1iq rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1ir . _:n1ip a rdf:List . _:n1io math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1in rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1im a rdf:List . _:n1il math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :dimensions1 . :directives1 math-meta:description """The primal objective of OpenMath objects is to represent mathematical expressions. In this Content Dictionary another objective is addressed, namely to express an action related to a mathematical expression. Such a request for an action is generally referred to as a query. The specific queries are called directives. In this CD we define some. An entity (software) carrying out the query is referred to as a service. The service might return an OpenMath object. To formalize this object, we also introduce the symbol response in this CD. amc 2004-03-18: added the directive explore. amc 2004-03-24: removed redundancies.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:commentedProperty "The response to the decide query is logically equivalent to the truth of the argument." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a clause. When applied to a clause, it asks whether the clause holds.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1is . _:n1is math:arguments _:n1it . _:n1it rdf:first _:n1iu . _:n1iu math:value "The question if sin(Pi) is equal to zero can be phrased as follows."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1it rdf:rest _:n1iv . _:n1iv rdf:first _:n1iw . _:n1iw math:arguments _:n1ix . _:n1ix rdf:first _:n1iy . _:n1iy math:arguments _:n1iz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ix rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1iw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1iv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1it a rdf:List . _:n1is math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1j0 . _:n1j0 math:arguments _:n1j1 . _:n1j1 rdf:first _:n1j2 . _:n1j2 math:arguments _:n1j3 . _:n1j3 rdf:first _:n1j4 . _:n1j4 math:arguments _:n1j5 . _:n1j5 rdf:first _:n1j6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1j4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1j3 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1j2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1j1 rdf:rest _:n1j7 . _:n1j7 rdf:first _:n1j8 . _:n1j8 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n1j7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1j1 a rdf:List . _:n1j0 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :directives1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """Asking to disprove C amounts to asking for a proof that C does not hold. (In other words, this symbol is completely redundant, even in multi-valued logic.***)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a clause. When applied to a clause C, it asks for a proof of that C does not hold.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1j9 . _:n1j9 math:arguments _:n1ja . _:n1ja rdf:first _:n1jb . _:n1jb math:arguments _:n1jc . _:n1jc rdf:first _:n1jd . _:n1jd math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n1jc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1jb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ja rdf:rest _:n1je . _:n1je rdf:first _:n1jf . _:n1jf math:arguments _:n1jg . _:n1jg rdf:first _:n1jh . _:n1jh math:arguments _:n1ji ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1jg rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1jf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1je rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ja a rdf:List . _:n1j9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :directives1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a mathematical expression. When applied to a mathematical expression, it asks for an evaluation or simplification of the expression. The evaluation or simplification to be carried out by a service is a simpler mathematical expression (in some definition of complexity of objects) which is equal to the argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1jj . _:n1jj math:arguments _:n1jk . _:n1jk rdf:first _:n1jl . _:n1jl math:value """The value of sin(Pi) is zero. The expression below asks for sin(Pi) to be evaluated, and so a service receiving the object is supposed to return zero."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1jk rdf:rest _:n1jm . _:n1jm rdf:first _:n1jn . _:n1jn math:arguments _:n1jo . _:n1jo rdf:first _:n1jp . _:n1jp math:arguments _:n1jq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1jo rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1jn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1jm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1jk a rdf:List . _:n1jj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :directives1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The type of the responded object should be equal to the specification, that is the second argument of the evaluate_to_type.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a mathematical expression and a type. When applied to a mathematical expression E and a type T, it asks for an evaluation or simplification of E to a mathematical expression of type T.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1jr . _:n1jr math:arguments _:n1js . _:n1js rdf:first _:n1jt . _:n1jt math:value """The value of (7*6)/2 is a natural number. The expression below asks for this integer."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1js rdf:rest _:n1ju . _:n1ju rdf:first _:n1jv . _:n1jv math:arguments _:n1jw . _:n1jw rdf:first _:n1jx . _:n1jx math:arguments _:n1jy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1jw rdf:rest _:n1jz . _:n1jz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1jw a rdf:List . _:n1jv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ju rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1js a rdf:List . _:n1jr math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1k0 . _:n1k0 math:arguments _:n1k1 . _:n1k1 rdf:first _:n1k2 . _:n1k2 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:n1k3 . _:n1k3 math:name "T" ; a math:Variable . _:n1k2 a math:AttributionPair . _:n1k1 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1k0 math:target _:n1k4 . _:n1k4 math:arguments _:n1k5 . _:n1k5 rdf:first _:n1k6 . _:n1k6 math:arguments _:n1k7 . _:n1k7 rdf:first _:n1k8 . _:n1k8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1k7 rdf:rest _:n1k9 . _:n1k9 rdf:first _:n1ka ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1k7 a rdf:List . _:n1k6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1k5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1k4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1k0 a math:Attribution . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :directives1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """A response R should satisfy the requirement that R implies the assertion.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function whose argument should be a mathematical assertion. When applied to an assertion A, it asks for conditions under which the assertion holds.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1kb . _:n1kb math:arguments _:n1kc . _:n1kc rdf:first _:n1kd . _:n1kd math:value """Given the Pappos configuration P, the Pappos thesis T asserts that three points of the configuration are collinear. A conceivable answer to the explore directive with the assertion that in configuration P the thesis T holds, is a nondegeneracy condition that makes the assertion valid."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1kc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1kb math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1ke . _:n1ke math:arguments _:n1kf . _:n1kf rdf:first _:n1kg . _:n1kg math:arguments _:n1kh . _:n1kh rdf:first _:n1ki . _:n1ki math:arguments _:n1kj . _:n1kj rdf:first _:n1kk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1ki math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1kh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1kg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1kf rdf:rest _:n1kl . _:n1kl rdf:first _:n1km . _:n1km math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n1kl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1kf a rdf:List . _:n1ke math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :directives1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The body of argument with the binder x replaced by the response should be a true statement.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a binder, whose body should be a clause. When bound to a variable (or list of variables) x with body P(x), it asks for a mathematical expression A such that P(A) holds.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1kn . _:n1kn math:arguments _:n1ko . _:n1ko rdf:first _:n1kp . _:n1kp math:value "Searching for a real number x such that sin(x) = 0"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1ko rdf:rest _:n1kq . _:n1kq rdf:first _:n1kr . _:n1kr math:binder ; math:body _:n1ks . _:n1ks math:arguments _:n1kt . _:n1kt rdf:first _:n1ku ; rdf:rest _:n1kv ; a rdf:List . _:n1ks math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1kr math:variables _:n1kw . _:n1kw rdf:first _:n1kx . _:n1kx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1kw rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1kr a math:Binding . _:n1kq rdf:rest _:n1ky . _:n1ky rdf:first _:n1kz . _:n1kz math:value "is to be compared to asking for an inverse of x:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1ky rdf:rest _:n1l0 . _:n1l0 rdf:first _:n1l1 . _:n1l1 math:arguments _:n1l2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1l0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ko a rdf:List . _:n1kn math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1l3 . _:n1l3 math:arguments _:n1l4 . _:n1l4 rdf:first _:n1l5 . _:n1l5 math:arguments _:n1l6 . _:n1l6 rdf:first _:n1l7 . _:n1l7 math:binder ; math:body _:n1l8 . _:n1l8 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n1l7 math:variables _:n1l9 . _:n1l9 rdf:first _:n1la ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1l7 a math:Binding . _:n1l6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1l5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1l4 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1l3 math:operator _:n1lb . _:n1lb math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n1l3 a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :directives1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a mathematical expression. When applied to a mathematical expression, it asks for mathematical expressions related to the argument. If the argument is a single OpenMath symbol, the service might respond by the list of all properties in the CD containing the argument. Alternatively, the service can provide a list of CDs which use the CD in which the argument occurs. Another service might return all documents in which the symbol occurs. If the argument is a more complicated object, the same services could be called for, but then with all OpenMath symbols occurring in the argument instead of the single one.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1lc . _:n1lc math:arguments _:n1ld . _:n1ld rdf:first _:n1le . _:n1le math:value "Looking up sin is expressed as follows:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1ld rdf:rest _:n1lf . _:n1lf rdf:first _:n1lg . _:n1lg math:arguments _:n1lh . _:n1lh rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1lg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1lf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ld a rdf:List . _:n1lc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :directives1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a clause. When applied to a clause C, it asks for a proof of C.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :directives1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, the first of which should be a clause and the second of which should be a symbol indicating a logic theory. When applied to arguments C, T, it asks for a proof of C in theory T.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :directives1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function of one argument, which should be a query. When applied to a query, it refers to the response a service might give. It will mainly be used in this CD to express formal mathematical properties of queries.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :directives1 . :ecc math-meta:description """Extended Calculus of Constructions Primitives Initial version: O. Caprotti (July 1, 1999) Revised: O. Caprotti (September 8, 1999)""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """The pairing constructor. It takes two OpenMath objects as first element and second element of the pair, and a third optional OpenMath object that represents the type of the pair.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1li . _:n1li math:arguments _:n1lj . _:n1lj rdf:first _:n1lk . _:n1lk math:arguments _:n1ll . _:n1ll rdf:first _:n1lm . _:n1lm math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1ll rdf:rest _:n1ln . _:n1ln rdf:first _:n1lo . _:n1lo math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1ln rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ll a rdf:List . _:n1lk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1lj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1li math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ecc . math-meta:description """The first projection function that extracts the first component of a Pair. It satisfies the sigma-reduction rule.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1lp . _:n1lp math:arguments _:n1lq . _:n1lq rdf:first _:n1lr . _:n1lr math:arguments _:n1ls . _:n1ls rdf:first _:n1lt . _:n1lt math:arguments _:n1lu . _:n1lu rdf:first _:n1lv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1lt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ls rdf:rest _:n1lw . _:n1lw rdf:first _:n1lx . _:n1lx math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1lw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ls a rdf:List . _:n1lr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1lq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1lp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ecc . math-meta:description """The second projection function that extracts the second component of a Pair. It satisfies sigma-reduction rule.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1ly . _:n1ly math:arguments _:n1lz . _:n1lz rdf:first _:n1m0 . _:n1m0 math:arguments _:n1m1 . _:n1m1 rdf:first _:n1m2 . _:n1m2 math:arguments _:n1m3 . _:n1m3 rdf:first _:n1m4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1m2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1m1 rdf:rest _:n1m5 . _:n1m5 rdf:first _:n1m6 . _:n1m6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1m5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1m1 a rdf:List . _:n1m0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1lz rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1ly math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ecc . math-meta:description """The binder symbol used to construct the type of Cartesian products. The (either plain or attributed) variables might occur in the body \\OM\\ object.""" ; a math-meta:BinderSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ecc . math-meta:description """The n-ary tupling constructor when n>2. The arguments are the element of the tuple. Tuple objects can also be constructed by successive nesting of Pair.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1m7 . _:n1m7 math:arguments _:n1m8 . _:n1m8 rdf:first _:n1m9 . _:n1m9 math:arguments _:n1ma . _:n1ma rdf:first _:n1mb . _:n1mb math:arguments _:n1mc . _:n1mc rdf:first _:n1md ; rdf:rest _:n1me ; a rdf:List . _:n1mb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ma rdf:rest _:n1mf . _:n1mf rdf:first _:n1mg . _:n1mg math:arguments _:n1mh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1mf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ma a rdf:List . _:n1m9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1m8 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1m7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ecc . math-meta:description "Attribution tag to denote type-judgement" ; a math:Symbol , math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ecc . math-meta:description "Attribution tag to denote type-judgement with coercion" ; a math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ecc . :equations1 math-meta:description """Symbols to provide a vocabulary for talking about properties of (systems of) equations.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "A predicate to indicate that an equation or system of equations is dense." ; math-meta:example _:n1mi . _:n1mi math:arguments _:n1mj . _:n1mj rdf:first _:n1mk . _:n1mk math:arguments _:n1ml . _:n1ml rdf:first _:n1mm . _:n1mm math:name "eqns" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ml rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1mk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1mj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1mi math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :equations1 . math-meta:description """A predicate to indicate that an equation or system of equations is linear, i.e. is expressed in terms of constants and first order terms.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1mn . _:n1mn math:arguments _:n1mo . _:n1mo rdf:first _:n1mp . _:n1mp math:arguments _:n1mq . _:n1mq rdf:first _:n1mr . _:n1mr math:arguments _:n1ms . _:n1ms rdf:first _:n1mt ; rdf:rest _:n1mu ; a rdf:List . _:n1mr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1mq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1mp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1mo rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1mn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :equations1 . math-meta:description """A predicate to indicate that an equation or system of equations is non-linear, i.e. contains terms of order greater than 1.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1mv . _:n1mv math:arguments _:n1mw . _:n1mw rdf:first _:n1mx . _:n1mx math:arguments _:n1my . _:n1my rdf:first _:n1mz . _:n1mz math:arguments _:n1n0 . _:n1n0 rdf:first _:n1n1 ; rdf:rest _:n1n2 ; a rdf:List . _:n1mz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1my rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1mx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1mw rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1mv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :equations1 . math-meta:description "A predicate to indicate that an equation or system of equations is sparse." ; math-meta:example _:n1n3 . _:n1n3 math:arguments _:n1n4 . _:n1n4 rdf:first _:n1n5 . _:n1n5 math:arguments _:n1n6 . _:n1n6 rdf:first _:n1n7 . _:n1n7 math:name "eqns" ; a math:Variable . _:n1n6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1n5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1n4 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1n3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :equations1 . :error a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the error which is raised when an application reads a symbol which is not present in the mentioned content dictionary. When receiving such a symbol, the application should act as if it had received the OpenMath error object constructed from unexpected_symbol and the unexpected symbol as in the example below.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1n8 . _:n1n8 math:arguments _:n1n9 . _:n1n9 rdf:first _:n1na . _:n1na math:value "The application received a mistyped symbol"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1n9 rdf:rest _:n1nb . _:n1nb rdf:first _:n1nc . _:n1nc math:arguments _:n1nd . _:n1nd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1nc math:symbol ; a math:Error . _:n1nb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1n9 a rdf:List . _:n1n8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ErrorSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :error . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the error which is raised when an application reads a symbol which is present in the mentioned content dictionary, but which it has not implemented. When receiving such a symbol, the application should act as if it had received the OpenMath error object constructed from unhandled_symbol and the unhandled symbol as in the example below.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1ne . _:n1ne math:arguments _:n1nf . _:n1nf rdf:first _:n1ng . _:n1ng math:value "The application does not implement the Complex numbers:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1nf rdf:rest _:n1nh . _:n1nh rdf:first _:n1ni . _:n1ni math:arguments _:n1nj . _:n1nj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1ni math:symbol ; a math:Error . _:n1nh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1nf a rdf:List . _:n1ne math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ErrorSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :error . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the error which is raised when an application reads a symbol where the mentioned content dictionary is not present. When receiving such a symbol, the application should act as if it had received the OpenMath error object constructed from unsupported_CD and the symbol from the unsupported Content Dictionary as in the example below.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1nk . _:n1nk math:arguments _:n1nl . _:n1nl rdf:first _:n1nm . _:n1nm math:value "The application does not know about the CD specfun1"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1nl rdf:rest _:n1nn . _:n1nn rdf:first _:n1no . _:n1no math:arguments _:n1np . _:n1np rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1no math:symbol ; a math:Error . _:n1nn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1nl a rdf:List . _:n1nk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ErrorSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :error . :expint math-meta:description """This content dictionary contains symbols to describe the Exponential integral and associated functions.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """The symbol E defines the generalised exponential integral as in Abramovitz & Stegun equation 5.1.4. This is an ordinary integral: $$E_n(z)=\\int_1^{-\\infty}\\frac{e^{-zt}}{t^n} dt\\qquad(\\Re z>0)$$ which is then extended by analytic continuation (this latter is not currently represented in the FMPs) to the complex plane slit along the negative real axis. Note that OpenMath's definition is curried, i.e. E(n) is a function.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1nq . _:n1nq math:arguments _:n1nr . _:n1nr rdf:first _:n1ns . _:n1ns math:arguments _:n1nt . _:n1nt rdf:first _:n1nu . _:n1nu math:arguments _:n1nv . _:n1nv rdf:first _:n1nw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1nu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1nt rdf:rest _:n1nx . _:n1nx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1nt a rdf:List . _:n1ns math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1nr rdf:rest _:n1ny . _:n1ny rdf:first _:n1nz . _:n1nz math:arguments _:n1o0 . _:n1o0 rdf:first _:n1o1 . _:n1o1 math:arguments _:n1o2 ; math:operator _:n1o3 ; a math:Application . _:n1o0 rdf:rest _:n1o4 . _:n1o4 rdf:first _:n1o5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1o0 a rdf:List . _:n1nz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ny rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1nr a rdf:List . _:n1nq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :expint . math-meta:description """The symbol Ei defines the basic exponential integral as in Abramovitz & Stegun equation 5.1.2. This is a Cauchy principal value integral: $$Ei(x)=\\int_{-\\infty}^x\\frac{e^t}t dt\\qquad(x>0)$$ which is then extended by analytic continuation (this latter is not currently represented in the FMPs) to the complex plane slit along the negative real axis""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1o6 . _:n1o6 math:arguments _:n1o7 . _:n1o7 rdf:first _:n1o8 . _:n1o8 math:arguments _:n1o9 . _:n1o9 rdf:first _:n1oa . _:n1oa math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1o9 rdf:rest _:n1ob . _:n1ob rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1o9 a rdf:List . _:n1o8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1o7 rdf:rest _:n1oc . _:n1oc rdf:first _:n1od . _:n1od math:arguments _:n1oe . _:n1oe rdf:first _:n1of . _:n1of math:arguments _:n1og ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1oe rdf:rest _:n1oh . _:n1oh rdf:first _:n1oi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1oe a rdf:List . _:n1od math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1oc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1o7 a rdf:List . _:n1o6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :expint . math-meta:description """The symbol li defines the basic logarithmic integral as in Abramovitz & Stegun equation 5.1.2. This is a Cauchy principal value integral: $$li(x)=\\int_0^x\\frac1{\\ln t}t dt\\qquad(x>1)$$ which is then extended by analytic continuation (this latter is not currently represented in the FMPs) to the complex plane slit along the negative real axis""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1oj . _:n1oj math:arguments _:n1ok . _:n1ok rdf:first _:n1ol . _:n1ol math:arguments _:n1om . _:n1om rdf:first _:n1on . _:n1on math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1om rdf:rest _:n1oo . _:n1oo rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1om a rdf:List . _:n1ol math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ok rdf:rest _:n1op . _:n1op rdf:first _:n1oq . _:n1oq math:arguments _:n1or . _:n1or rdf:first _:n1os . _:n1os math:arguments _:n1ot ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1or rdf:rest _:n1ou . _:n1ou rdf:first _:n1ov ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1or a rdf:List . _:n1oq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1op rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ok a rdf:List . _:n1oj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :expint . :field1 math-meta:description "A CD of basic functions for field theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-02-26" . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field. It returns the addition map on the field. We allow for the map to be n-ary.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1ow . _:n1ow math:arguments _:n1ox . _:n1ox rdf:first _:n1oy . _:n1oy math:value "The identity field(R,+,0,-,*,1,inv) is +."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1ox rdf:rest _:n1oz . _:n1oz rdf:first _:n1p0 . _:n1p0 math:arguments _:n1p1 . _:n1p1 rdf:first _:n1p2 . _:n1p2 math:arguments _:n1p3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1p1 rdf:rest _:n1p4 . _:n1p4 rdf:first _:n1p5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1p1 a rdf:List . _:n1p0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1oz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ox a rdf:List . _:n1ow math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a field S. When applied to S its value is the monoid underlying S.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1p6 . _:n1p6 math:arguments _:n1p7 . _:n1p7 rdf:first _:n1p8 . _:n1p8 math:arguments _:n1p9 . _:n1p9 rdf:first _:n1pa . _:n1pa math:arguments _:n1pb . _:n1pb rdf:first _:n1pc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1pa math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1p9 rdf:rest _:n1pd . _:n1pd rdf:first _:n1pe . _:n1pe math:arguments _:n1pf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1pd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1p9 a rdf:List . _:n1p8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1p7 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1p6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field S (for instance constructed by field). When applied to S, its value should be the set of elements of S.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1pg . _:n1pg math:arguments _:n1ph . _:n1ph rdf:first _:n1pi . _:n1pi math:value "The carrier of field(R,+,0,-,*,1,inv) is R."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1ph rdf:rest _:n1pj . _:n1pj rdf:first _:n1pk . _:n1pk math:arguments _:n1pl . _:n1pl rdf:first _:n1pm . _:n1pm math:arguments _:n1pn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1pl rdf:rest _:n1po . _:n1po rdf:first _:n1pp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1pl a rdf:List . _:n1pk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1pj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ph a rdf:List . _:n1pg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments. Its first argument should be a field. The second should be an arithmetic expression A, whose operators are times, plus, minus, unary_minus, and power, and whose leaves are members of the carrier of G. When applied to G and A, it denotes the element (of G) that is the element obtained from the leaves of A by applying the operations of G instead of those from the CD arith1 according to A. Here multiplication, addition, subtraction, minus, and power take over the roles of times, plus, minus, unary_minus, and power, respectively. Also, an integer m occurring in A will be interpreted as a member of G by interpreting it as the sum of m copies of the identity element, the symbol alg1.one will be interpreted as the identity, and the symbol alg1.zero will be interpreted as the zero of G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1pq . _:n1pq math:arguments _:n1pr . _:n1pr rdf:first _:n1ps . _:n1ps math:arguments _:n1pt . _:n1pt rdf:first _:n1pu . _:n1pu math:arguments _:n1pv . _:n1pv rdf:first _:n1pw ; rdf:rest _:n1px ; a rdf:List . _:n1pu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1pt rdf:rest _:n1py . _:n1py rdf:first _:n1pz . _:n1pz math:value "18"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1py rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1pt a rdf:List . _:n1ps math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1pr rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1pq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor for fields. It takes seven arguments R, a, o, n, m, e, i: which are, respectively, a set R to specify the elements in the field, a binary operation a on R, an element o of R, and a unary operation n on R such that [R,a,o,n] is a commutative group, a binary operation m on R, an element e of R, and a map from R - {o} to itself such that [R,m,e] is a monoid and such that [R - {o},m',e,i] is a group, where m' is the restriction of m to R -{o}.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1q0 . _:n1q0 math:arguments _:n1q1 . _:n1q1 rdf:first _:n1q2 . _:n1q2 math:value """This example represents the field of rational numbers. The field addition is binary addition, the field multiplication is binary multiplication."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1q1 rdf:rest _:n1q3 . _:n1q3 rdf:first _:n1q4 . _:n1q4 math:arguments _:n1q5 . _:n1q5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1q6 . _:n1q6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1q7 . _:n1q5 a rdf:List . _:n1q4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1q3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1q1 a rdf:List . _:n1q0 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field. It returns the identity element of the field.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1q8 . _:n1q8 math:arguments _:n1q9 . _:n1q9 rdf:first _:n1qa . _:n1qa math:value "The identity field(R,+,0,-,*,1,inv) is 1."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1q9 rdf:rest _:n1qb . _:n1qb rdf:first _:n1qc . _:n1qc math:arguments _:n1qd . _:n1qd rdf:first _:n1qe . _:n1qe math:arguments _:n1qf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1qd rdf:rest _:n1qg . _:n1qg rdf:first _:n1qh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1qd a rdf:List . _:n1qc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1qb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1q9 a rdf:List . _:n1q8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field S. It returns the map sending a nonzero element of S to its multiplicative inverse.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1qi . _:n1qi math:arguments _:n1qj . _:n1qj rdf:first _:n1qk . _:n1qk math:value "The inverse of field(R,+,0,-,*,1,inv) is inv."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1qj rdf:rest _:n1ql . _:n1ql rdf:first _:n1qm . _:n1qm math:arguments _:n1qn . _:n1qn rdf:first _:n1qo . _:n1qo math:arguments _:n1qp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1qn rdf:rest _:n1qq . _:n1qq rdf:first _:n1qr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1qn a rdf:List . _:n1qm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ql rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1qj a rdf:List . _:n1qi math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_commutative(G) then for all a,b in carrier(G) a*b = b*a" ; math-meta:description """The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative field.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1qs . _:n1qs math:arguments _:n1qt . _:n1qt rdf:first _:n1qu . _:n1qu math:arguments _:n1qv . _:n1qv rdf:first _:n1qw . _:n1qw math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n1qv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1qu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1qt rdf:rest _:n1qx . _:n1qx rdf:first _:n1qy . _:n1qy math:binder ; math:body _:n1qz . _:n1qz math:arguments _:n1r0 . _:n1r0 rdf:first _:n1r1 ; rdf:rest _:n1r2 ; a rdf:List . _:n1qz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1qy math:variables _:n1r3 . _:n1r3 rdf:first _:n1r4 . _:n1r4 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n1r3 rdf:rest _:n1r5 . _:n1r5 rdf:first _:n1r6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1r3 a rdf:List . _:n1qy a math:Binding . _:n1qx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1qt a rdf:List . _:n1qs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_subfield(G,H) then H is a nonempty set of elements of the carrier of G and H is closed under multiplication and taking inverses.""" ; math-meta:description """The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a subfield of the second.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field S. It returns the map sending an element of S to its additive inverse.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1r7 . _:n1r7 math:arguments _:n1r8 . _:n1r8 rdf:first _:n1r9 . _:n1r9 math:value "The minus of field(R,+,0,-,*,1,inv) is -."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1r8 rdf:rest _:n1ra . _:n1ra rdf:first _:n1rb . _:n1rb math:arguments _:n1rc . _:n1rc rdf:first _:n1rd . _:n1rd math:arguments _:n1re ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1rc rdf:rest _:n1rf . _:n1rf rdf:first _:n1rg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1rc a rdf:List . _:n1rb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ra rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1r8 a rdf:List . _:n1r7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field S. It returns the multiplication map on the field. We allow for the map to be n-ary.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1rh . _:n1rh math:arguments _:n1ri . _:n1ri rdf:first _:n1rj . _:n1rj math:value "The multiplication of field(R,+,0,-,*,1,inv) is *."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1ri rdf:rest _:n1rk . _:n1rk rdf:first _:n1rl . _:n1rl math:arguments _:n1rm . _:n1rm rdf:first _:n1rn . _:n1rn math:arguments _:n1ro ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1rm rdf:rest _:n1rp . _:n1rp rdf:first _:n1rq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1rm a rdf:List . _:n1rl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1rk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ri a rdf:List . _:n1rh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a field S. When applied to S its value is the multiplicative group on the nonzero elements of S.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1rr . _:n1rr math:arguments _:n1rs . _:n1rs rdf:first _:n1rt . _:n1rt math:arguments _:n1ru . _:n1ru rdf:first _:n1rv . _:n1rv math:arguments _:n1rw . _:n1rw rdf:first _:n1rx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1rv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ru rdf:rest _:n1ry . _:n1ry rdf:first _:n1rz . _:n1rz math:arguments _:n1s0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ry rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ru a rdf:List . _:n1rt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1rs rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1rr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This is a symbol with two or three arguments. Its first argument should be an element g of a field and the second argument should be an integer. The optional third argument is the field G containing g. It denotes the element g^k in G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1s1 . _:n1s1 math:arguments _:n1s2 . _:n1s2 rdf:first _:n1s3 . _:n1s3 math:arguments _:n1s4 . _:n1s4 rdf:first _:n1s5 . _:n1s5 math:arguments _:n1s6 . _:n1s6 rdf:first _:n1s7 ; rdf:rest _:n1s8 ; a rdf:List . _:n1s5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1s4 rdf:rest _:n1s9 . _:n1s9 rdf:first _:n1sa . _:n1sa math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1s9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1s4 a rdf:List . _:n1s3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1s2 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1s1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor symbol with one or two arguments. The first argument is a list or set, D, of field elements. The optional second argument is the field G containing D. It denotes the subfield of G generated by D.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1sb . _:n1sb math:arguments _:n1sc . _:n1sc rdf:first _:n1sd . _:n1sd math:arguments _:n1se . _:n1se rdf:first _:n1sf . _:n1sf math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:n1se rdf:rest _:n1sg . _:n1sg rdf:first _:n1sh . _:n1sh math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n1sg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1se a rdf:List . _:n1sd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1sc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1sb math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n1si . _:n1si math:arguments _:n1sj . _:n1sj rdf:first _:n1sk . _:n1sk math:value """This example represents the subfield of the multiplicative field of the nonzero reals generated by the constants Pi and E:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1sj rdf:rest _:n1sl . _:n1sl rdf:first _:n1sm . _:n1sm math:arguments _:n1sn . _:n1sn rdf:first _:n1so . _:n1so math:arguments _:n1sp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1sn rdf:rest _:n1sq . _:n1sq rdf:first _:n1sr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1sn a rdf:List . _:n1sm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1sl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1sj a rdf:List . _:n1si math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field. It returns the binary operation of subtraction on the field.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1ss . _:n1ss math:arguments _:n1st . _:n1st rdf:first _:n1su . _:n1su math:value """The subtraction of field(R,+,0,-,*,1,inv) is the map sending the pair (r,s) of elements of R to r-s."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1st rdf:rest _:n1sv . _:n1sv rdf:first _:n1sw . _:n1sw math:arguments _:n1sx . _:n1sx rdf:first _:n1sy . _:n1sy math:arguments _:n1sz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1sx rdf:rest _:n1t0 . _:n1t0 rdf:first _:n1t1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1sx a rdf:List . _:n1sw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1sv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1st a rdf:List . _:n1ss math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field. It returns the zero element of the field.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1t2 . _:n1t2 math:arguments _:n1t3 . _:n1t3 rdf:first _:n1t4 . _:n1t4 math:value "The identity field(R,+,0,-,*,1,inv) is 0."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1t3 rdf:rest _:n1t5 . _:n1t5 rdf:first _:n1t6 . _:n1t6 math:arguments _:n1t7 . _:n1t7 rdf:first _:n1t8 . _:n1t8 math:arguments _:n1t9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1t7 rdf:rest _:n1ta . _:n1ta rdf:first _:n1tb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1t7 a rdf:List . _:n1t6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1t5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1t3 a rdf:List . _:n1t2 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field1 . :field2 math-meta:description "Basic functions for homomorphisms in field theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-03-05" . math-meta:commentedProperty "conjugation(M,x) (y) = x * y * x^ {-1}." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a field M and a nonzero element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes conjugation on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1tc . _:n1tc math:binder ; math:body _:n1td . _:n1td math:arguments _:n1te . _:n1te rdf:first _:n1tf . _:n1tf math:arguments _:n1tg . _:n1tg rdf:first _:n1th . _:n1th math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1tg rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1tf math:operator _:n1ti . _:n1ti math:arguments _:n1tj . _:n1tj rdf:first _:n1tk ; rdf:rest _:n1tl ; a rdf:List . _:n1ti math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1tf a math:Application . _:n1te rdf:rest _:n1tm . _:n1tm rdf:first _:n1tn . _:n1tn math:arguments _:n1to . _:n1to rdf:first _:n1tp ; rdf:rest _:n1tq ; a rdf:List . _:n1tn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1tm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1te a rdf:List . _:n1td math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1tc math:variables _:n1tr . _:n1tr rdf:first _:n1ts . _:n1ts math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1tr rdf:rest _:n1tt . _:n1tt rdf:first _:n1tu . _:n1tu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1tt rdf:rest _:n1tv . _:n1tv rdf:first _:n1tw . _:n1tw math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1tv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1tr a rdf:List . _:n1tc a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_automorphism(M,f) then is_isomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a field M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a field automorphism f of M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1tx . _:n1tx math:arguments _:n1ty . _:n1ty rdf:first _:n1tz . _:n1tz math:arguments _:n1u0 . _:n1u0 rdf:first _:n1u1 . _:n1u1 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1u0 rdf:rest _:n1u2 . _:n1u2 rdf:first _:n1u3 . _:n1u3 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n1u2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1u0 a rdf:List . _:n1tz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ty rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1tx math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1u4 . _:n1u4 math:arguments _:n1u5 . _:n1u5 rdf:first _:n1u6 . _:n1u6 math:arguments _:n1u7 . _:n1u7 rdf:first _:n1u8 . _:n1u8 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1u7 rdf:rest _:n1u9 . _:n1u9 rdf:first _:n1ua . _:n1ua math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n1u9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1u7 a rdf:List . _:n1u6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1u5 rdf:rest _:n1ub . _:n1ub rdf:first _:n1uc . _:n1uc math:arguments _:n1ud . _:n1ud rdf:first _:n1ue . _:n1ue math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ud rdf:rest _:n1uf . _:n1uf rdf:first _:n1ug ; rdf:rest _:n1uh . _:n1ud a rdf:List . _:n1uc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ub rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1u5 a rdf:List . _:n1u4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_endomorphism(M,f) then is_homomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a field M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a field endomorphism from M to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1ui . _:n1ui math:arguments _:n1uj . _:n1uj rdf:first _:n1uk . _:n1uk math:arguments _:n1ul . _:n1ul rdf:first _:n1um . _:n1um math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ul rdf:rest _:n1un . _:n1un rdf:first _:n1uo . _:n1uo math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n1un rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ul a rdf:List . _:n1uk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1uj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1ui math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1up . _:n1up math:arguments _:n1uq . _:n1uq rdf:first _:n1ur . _:n1ur math:arguments _:n1us . _:n1us rdf:first _:n1ut . _:n1ut math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1us rdf:rest _:n1uu . _:n1uu rdf:first _:n1uv . _:n1uv math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n1uu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1us a rdf:List . _:n1ur math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1uq rdf:rest _:n1uw . _:n1uw rdf:first _:n1ux . _:n1ux math:arguments _:n1uy . _:n1uy rdf:first _:n1uz . _:n1uz math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1uy rdf:rest _:n1v0 . _:n1v0 rdf:first _:n1v1 ; rdf:rest _:n1v2 . _:n1uy a rdf:List . _:n1ux math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1uw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1uq a rdf:List . _:n1up math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_homomorphism(M,N,f) then, for each pair of elements x, y of M, we have f(x * y) = f(x) * f(y).""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are fields M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a field homomorphism from M to N.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1v3 . _:n1v3 math:arguments _:n1v4 . _:n1v4 rdf:first _:n1v5 . _:n1v5 math:arguments _:n1v6 . _:n1v6 rdf:first _:n1v7 . _:n1v7 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1v6 rdf:rest _:n1v8 . _:n1v8 rdf:first _:n1v9 . _:n1v9 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n1v8 rdf:rest _:n1va . _:n1va rdf:first _:n1vb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1v6 a rdf:List . _:n1v5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1v4 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1v3 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1vc . _:n1vc math:arguments _:n1vd . _:n1vd rdf:first _:n1ve . _:n1ve math:arguments _:n1vf . _:n1vf rdf:first _:n1vg . _:n1vg math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1vf rdf:rest _:n1vh . _:n1vh rdf:first _:n1vi . _:n1vi math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n1vh rdf:rest _:n1vj . _:n1vj rdf:first _:n1vk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1vf a rdf:List . _:n1ve math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1vd rdf:rest _:n1vl . _:n1vl rdf:first _:n1vm . _:n1vm math:binder ; math:body _:n1vn . _:n1vn math:arguments _:n1vo . _:n1vo rdf:first _:n1vp ; rdf:rest _:n1vq ; a rdf:List . _:n1vn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1vm math:variables _:n1vr . _:n1vr rdf:first _:n1vs . _:n1vs math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1vr rdf:rest _:n1vt . _:n1vt rdf:first _:n1vu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1vr a rdf:List . _:n1vm a math:Binding . _:n1vl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1vd a rdf:List . _:n1vc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are fields M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a field isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1vv . _:n1vv math:arguments _:n1vw . _:n1vw rdf:first _:n1vx . _:n1vx math:arguments _:n1vy . _:n1vy rdf:first _:n1vz . _:n1vz math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1vy rdf:rest _:n1w0 . _:n1w0 rdf:first _:n1w1 . _:n1w1 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n1w0 rdf:rest _:n1w2 . _:n1w2 rdf:first _:n1w3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1vy a rdf:List . _:n1vx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1vw rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1vv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are fields. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1w4 . _:n1w4 math:arguments _:n1w5 . _:n1w5 rdf:first _:n1w6 . _:n1w6 math:arguments _:n1w7 . _:n1w7 rdf:first _:n1w8 . _:n1w8 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1w7 rdf:rest _:n1w9 . _:n1w9 rdf:first _:n1wa . _:n1wa math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n1w9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1w7 a rdf:List . _:n1w6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1w5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1w4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "left_multiplication(M,x) (y) = x * y." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a field M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes left multiplication on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1wb . _:n1wb math:binder ; math:body _:n1wc . _:n1wc math:arguments _:n1wd . _:n1wd rdf:first _:n1we . _:n1we math:arguments _:n1wf . _:n1wf rdf:first _:n1wg . _:n1wg math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1wf rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1we math:operator _:n1wh . _:n1wh math:arguments _:n1wi . _:n1wi rdf:first _:n1wj ; rdf:rest _:n1wk ; a rdf:List . _:n1wh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1we a math:Application . _:n1wd rdf:rest _:n1wl . _:n1wl rdf:first _:n1wm . _:n1wm math:arguments _:n1wn . _:n1wn rdf:first _:n1wo ; rdf:rest _:n1wp ; a rdf:List . _:n1wm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1wl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1wd a rdf:List . _:n1wc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1wb math:variables _:n1wq . _:n1wq rdf:first _:n1wr . _:n1wr math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1wq rdf:rest _:n1ws . _:n1ws rdf:first _:n1wt . _:n1wt math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ws rdf:rest _:n1wu . _:n1wu rdf:first _:n1wv . _:n1wv math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1wu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1wq a rdf:List . _:n1wb a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "right_multiplication(M,x) (y) = y * x." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a field M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1ww . _:n1ww math:binder ; math:body _:n1wx . _:n1wx math:arguments _:n1wy . _:n1wy rdf:first _:n1wz . _:n1wz math:arguments _:n1x0 . _:n1x0 rdf:first _:n1x1 . _:n1x1 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1x0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1wz math:operator _:n1x2 . _:n1x2 math:arguments _:n1x3 . _:n1x3 rdf:first _:n1x4 ; rdf:rest _:n1x5 ; a rdf:List . _:n1x2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1wz a math:Application . _:n1wy rdf:rest _:n1x6 . _:n1x6 rdf:first _:n1x7 . _:n1x7 math:arguments _:n1x8 . _:n1x8 rdf:first _:n1x9 ; rdf:rest _:n1xa ; a rdf:List . _:n1x7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1x6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1wy a rdf:List . _:n1wx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ww math:variables _:n1xb . _:n1xb rdf:first _:n1xc . _:n1xc math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1xb rdf:rest _:n1xd . _:n1xd rdf:first _:n1xe . _:n1xe math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1xd rdf:rest _:n1xf . _:n1xf rdf:first _:n1xg . _:n1xg math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1xf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1xb a rdf:List . _:n1ww a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field2 . :field3 math-meta:description """A CD of functions for basic constructions in field theory.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-02-25" . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a univariate polynomial ring R over a field, and whose second argument is an irreducible polynomial f in this polynomial ring R. So, when applied to R and f, the function has value the quotient ring R/(f).""" ; math-meta:example _:n1xh . _:n1xh math:arguments _:n1xi . _:n1xi rdf:first _:n1xj . _:n1xj math:value "The finite field GF(2)[X]/(X^2+X+1) is represented by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1xi rdf:rest _:n1xk . _:n1xk rdf:first _:n1xl . _:n1xl math:operator _:n1xm . _:n1xm math:arguments _:n1xn . _:n1xn rdf:first _:n1xo ; rdf:rest _:n1xp ; a rdf:List . _:n1xm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1xl a math:Application . _:n1xk rdf:rest _:n1xq . _:n1xq rdf:first _:n1xr . _:n1xr math:value "or by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1xq rdf:rest _:n1xs . _:n1xs rdf:first _:n1xt . _:n1xt math:arguments _:n1xu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1xs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1xi a rdf:List . _:n1xh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field3 . math-meta:description """This is a unary function. Its argument should be a domain (as in CD ring4). It denotes the fraction field of the domain.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1xv . _:n1xv math:arguments _:n1xw . _:n1xw rdf:first _:n1xx . _:n1xx math:value "The rationals equals fraction_field(Integers)"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1xw rdf:rest _:n1xy . _:n1xy rdf:first _:n1xz . _:n1xz math:arguments _:n1y0 . _:n1y0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1y1 . _:n1y1 rdf:first _:n1y2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1y0 a rdf:List . _:n1xz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1xy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1xw a rdf:List . _:n1xv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a natural number p which is zero or a prime number, the second argument a list or a set L. When evaluated on such arguments p and L, the function represents the field of rational functions in L over the rationals if p = 0 and over the field of integers mod p if p is a prime.""" ; math-meta:example _:n1y3 . _:n1y3 math:arguments _:n1y4 . _:n1y4 rdf:first _:n1y5 . _:n1y5 math:value "The rational function field Q(a,b) in the indeterminates a, b is"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1y4 rdf:rest _:n1y6 . _:n1y6 rdf:first _:n1y7 . _:n1y7 math:arguments _:n1y8 . _:n1y8 rdf:first _:n1y9 . _:n1y9 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1y8 rdf:rest _:n1ya . _:n1ya rdf:first _:n1yb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1y8 a rdf:List . _:n1y7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1y6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1y4 a rdf:List . _:n1y3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field3 . :field4 math-meta:description """A CD of functions for morphisms of fields.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-07-07" . math-meta:description """This is a function with a single argument which must be a field. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field4 . math-meta:description """Same as quotient_by_poly_map in CD ring5, except that R and the quotient ring R[X]/(f) are fields (so f is irreducible in R[X]).""" ; math-meta:example _:n1yc . _:n1yc math:arguments _:n1yd . _:n1yd rdf:first _:n1ye . _:n1ye math:value "An element aX + b of the finite field GF(3)[X]/(X^2+1) is represented by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1yd rdf:rest _:n1yf . _:n1yf rdf:first _:n1yg . _:n1yg math:arguments _:n1yh . _:n1yh rdf:first _:n1yi . _:n1yi math:arguments _:n1yj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1yh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1yg math:operator _:n1yk . _:n1yk math:arguments _:n1yl . _:n1yl rdf:first _:n1ym ; rdf:rest _:n1yn ; a rdf:List . _:n1yk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1yg a math:Application . _:n1yf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1yd a rdf:List . _:n1yc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field4 . math-meta:commentedProperty "later" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function. Its first argument should be a field_by_poly(R,f). Its second argument should be a list L of elements of F, the coefficient field of the univariate polynomial ring R = F[X]. The length of the list L should be equal to the degree d of f. When applied to R and L, it represents the element L[0] + L[1] x + L[2] x^2 + ... + L[d-1] ^(d-1) of R/(f), where x stands for the image of x under the natural quotient map R -> R/(f). If the first argument is a field_by_conway(p,n), defined in the CD finfield1, then the same interpretation holds, where R and f are respectively poly_ring_d(GFp(p),1) and conway_polynomial(p,n).""" ; math-meta:example _:n1yo . _:n1yo math:arguments _:n1yp . _:n1yp rdf:first _:n1yq . _:n1yq math:value "The element x+1 of the Conway field of order 4:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1yp rdf:rest _:n1yr . _:n1yr rdf:first _:n1ys . _:n1ys math:arguments _:n1yt . _:n1yt rdf:first _:n1yu . _:n1yu math:arguments _:n1yv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1yt rdf:rest _:n1yw . _:n1yw rdf:first _:n1yx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1yt a rdf:List . _:n1ys math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1yr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1yp a rdf:List . _:n1yo math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field4 . math-meta:description """This is a function with three arguments the first two of which must be fields F and K. The third argument should be a set or a list L of ordered pairs (lists of length 2). Each pair [x,y] from L consists of an element x from F and an element y from K. when applied to F, K, and L, the symbol represents the homomorphism from F to K that maps the first entry x of each pair [x,y] to the second entry y of the same pair.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :field4 . :fieldname1 math-meta:description """A CD of functions for basic constructions in field theory.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-02-25" . math-meta:commentedProperty """The field of complex numbers is (C, +,0,-,*,1,/), where +,-,*,/ are the standard arithmetic operations.""" ; math-meta:description "This is a symbol representing the field of complex numbers." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1yy . _:n1yy math:arguments _:n1yz . _:n1yz rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1z0 . _:n1z0 rdf:first _:n1z1 . _:n1z1 math:arguments _:n1z2 . _:n1z2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1z3 . _:n1z3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1z4 . _:n1z2 a rdf:List . _:n1z1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1z0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1yz a rdf:List . _:n1yy math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fieldname1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The carrier set of this field is the set of rational numbers." , """The field of rational numbers is (Q, +,0,-,*,1,/), where +,-,*,/ are the standard arithmetic operations.""" ; math-meta:description "This is a symbol representing the field of rational numbers." ; math-meta:example _:n1z5 . _:n1z5 math:arguments _:n1z6 . _:n1z6 rdf:first _:n1z7 . _:n1z7 math:arguments _:n1z8 . _:n1z8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1z9 . _:n1z9 rdf:first _:n1za . _:n1za math:arguments _:n1zb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1z9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1z8 a rdf:List . _:n1z7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1z6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1z5 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1zc . _:n1zc math:arguments _:n1zd . _:n1zd rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1ze . _:n1ze rdf:first _:n1zf . _:n1zf math:arguments _:n1zg . _:n1zg rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1zh . _:n1zh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1zi . _:n1zg a rdf:List . _:n1zf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ze rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1zd a rdf:List . _:n1zc math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n1zj . _:n1zj math:arguments _:n1zk . _:n1zk rdf:first _:n1zl . _:n1zl math:arguments _:n1zm . _:n1zm rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1zl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1zk rdf:rest _:n1zn . _:n1zn rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1zk a rdf:List . _:n1zj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fieldname1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The field of real numbers is (R, +,0,-,*,1,/), where +,-,*,/ are the standard arithmetic operations.""" ; math-meta:description "This is a symbol representing the field of real numbers." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n1zo . _:n1zo math:arguments _:n1zp . _:n1zp rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1zq . _:n1zq rdf:first _:n1zr . _:n1zr math:arguments _:n1zs . _:n1zs rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1zt . _:n1zt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n1zu . _:n1zs a rdf:List . _:n1zr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1zq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1zp a rdf:List . _:n1zo math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fieldname1 . :finfield1 math-meta:description "A CD to instantiate finite fields." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Built by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-02-25. The information on Conway polynomials is largely taken from Frank Luebeck.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. Its arguments should be a prime number p and a positive integer n. Before defining which of the possible f(X) is the Conway polynomial we introduce an ordering of the (univariate) polynomials of degree n over GF(p). Here the coefficients of the polynomials are taken in {0, ..., p-1}, the indeterminate is X. Let g(X) = g_nX^n + ... + g_0 and h(X) = h_nX^n + ... + h_0. Then we define g < h if and only if there is an index k with g_i = h_i for i > k and (-1)^{n-k} g_k < (-1)^{n-k} h_k. The Conway polynomial f_{p,n}(X) for GF(p^n) is defined recursively as the smallest polynomial of degree n with respect to this ordering such that: 1) f_{p,n}(X) is monic, 2) f_{p,n}(X) is primitive, that is, it is irreducible and its zeros are generators of the (cyclic) multiplicative group of GF(p^n), 3) for each proper divisor m of n we have that f_{p,m}(X^{(p^n-1) / (p^m-1)})= 0 mod f_{p,n}(X); that is, the ((p^n-1) / (p^m-1))-th power of a zero of f_{p,n}(X) is a zero of f_{p,m}(X).""" ; math-meta:example _:n1zv . _:n1zv math:arguments _:n1zw . _:n1zw rdf:first _:n1zx . _:n1zx math:value "Some Conway polynomials for p = 2."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n1zw rdf:rest _:n1zy . _:n1zy rdf:first _:n1zz . _:n1zz math:arguments _:n200 . _:n200 rdf:first _:n201 . _:n201 math:arguments _:n202 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n200 rdf:rest _:n203 . _:n203 rdf:first _:n204 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n200 a rdf:List . _:n1zz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1zy rdf:rest _:n205 . _:n205 rdf:first _:n206 . _:n206 math:arguments _:n207 . _:n207 rdf:first _:n208 ; rdf:rest _:n209 ; a rdf:List . _:n206 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n205 rdf:rest _:n20a . _:n20a rdf:first _:n20b . _:n20b math:arguments _:n20c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n20a rdf:rest _:n20d . _:n20d rdf:first _:n20e ; rdf:rest _:n20f . _:n1zw a rdf:List . _:n1zv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:comment """The existence of these polynomials can be shown with the Chinese Remainder Theorem, see W. Nickel, Endliche Koerper in dem gruppentheoretischen Programmsystem GAP, Diploma thesis, RWTH Aachen (1988) Conway polynomials were defined by R. Parker. Their purpose is to provide a standard notation for elements in a finite field GF(p^n) with p^n elements, p being a prime. This is for example used within computer algebra systems to have data of finite field elements which can easily be ported between different programs. The Conway polynomials are also used in data bases like the Modular Atlas character tables, this was the original motivation for their definition. The computation method of computing the minimal polynomials of all compatible elements was rediscovered in L.S.Heath and N.A.Loehr, New algorithms for generating Conway polynomials over finite fields, Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (Baltimore, MD, 1999), 429--437, ACM, New York (1999) There are basically two methods to compute Conway polynomials. The first is to run through all polynomials of degree n over GF(p) with respect to the ordering defined above and to check the necessary conditions (for primitivity one has to check that for each proper (maximal) divisor k of p^n-1 we have that f_{p,n}(X) does not divide X^k-1). The second possibility is to take any representation of GF(p^n) and to enumerate all elements in that field which fulfill the compatibility condition 3. above. Then check for each of these elements if it is primitive and if yes compute its minimal polynomial over GF(p). The smallest polynomial found this way is the Conway polynomial. Both methods were used by R. Parker to compute a long list of Conway polynomials. These are available in computer algebra systems like GAP or Magma and they are used in several other programs, like the MeatAxe.""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :finfield1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "later" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument is the base b, a primitive element of a finite field F. The second argument is a nonzero element x in F. It returns the smallest nonnegative integer i such that x=b^i.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :finfield1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a prime number p, the second argument a positive integer n. This symbol returns the field GF(q)[X]/ (C(X)), where q = p^n, X is an indeterminate, C(X) is the Conway polynomial f_{n,p}(X), and (C(X)) is the ideal in the polynomial ring GF(q)[X] generated by C(X).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :finfield1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary Boolean function. The first argument should be a finite field, the second a an element of that field. When applied to such arguments, the value represented is true if the second argument is a primitive element of the field, that is, a generator of the multiplicative group of the field.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :finfield1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a Boolean-valued function with two arguments, the first of which should be a prime number p, and the second of which should be a polynomial with coefficients in GF(p). When applied to p and f, this symbol represents the value true if and only if f is a primitive polynomial, that is, f is irreducible over GF(p), so GF(p)[X]/(f) is a finite field of order p^n, where n is the degree of f, and the image of X in GF(p)[X]/(f) is a generator of the (cyclic) multiplicative group of GF(p)[X]/(f).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :finfield1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function with one or two arguments. Its first argument should be an element x of a finite field F. The second argument should be a subfield K of F. It returns the minimal polynomial of x over K. If there is only one argument, K defaults to the prime subfield of F.""" ; math-meta:example _:n20g . _:n20g math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :finfield1 . math-meta:description """This symbol has one or two arguments. If there is only one argument, it must be a prime power q. The optional second argument is a polynomial m which is primitive over the prime subfield of GF(q). This symbol returns a primitive element for GF(q) with minimal polynomial m. If there is only one argument, then the minimal polynomial is assumed to be the conway polynomial for GF(q).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :finfield1 . :fns1 math-meta:description """This CD is intended to be `compatible' with the corresponding elements in Content MathML. In this CD we give a set of functions concerning functions themselves. Functions can be constructed from expressions via a lambda expression. Also there are basic function functions like compose, etc.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """x is in the domain of f if and only if there exists a y in the range of f and f(x) = y""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the domain of a given function, which is the set of values it is defined over.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n20h . _:n20h math:arguments _:n20i . _:n20i rdf:first _:n20j . _:n20j math:arguments _:n20k . _:n20k rdf:first _:n20l . _:n20l math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n20k rdf:rest _:n20m . _:n20m rdf:first _:n20n . _:n20n math:arguments _:n20o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n20m rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n20k a rdf:List . _:n20j math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n20i rdf:rest _:n20p . _:n20p rdf:first _:n20q . _:n20q math:binder ; math:body _:n20r . _:n20r math:arguments _:n20s . _:n20s rdf:first _:n20t ; rdf:rest _:n20u ; a rdf:List . _:n20r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n20q math:variables _:n20v . _:n20v rdf:first _:n20w . _:n20w math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n20v rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n20q a math:Binding . _:n20p rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n20i a rdf:List . _:n20h math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . math-meta:description """Deprecated. This symbol was intended to model MathML domainofapplication but as defined it is a synonym for domain. In MathML3, MathML compatibility is defined to use the new restriction symbol.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x | identity(x)=x" ; math-meta:description "The identity function, it takes one argument and returns the same value." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n20x . _:n20x math:binder ; math:body _:n20y . _:n20y math:arguments _:n20z . _:n20z rdf:first _:n210 . _:n210 math:arguments _:n211 . _:n211 rdf:first _:n212 . _:n212 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n211 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n210 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n20z rdf:rest _:n213 . _:n213 rdf:first _:n214 . _:n214 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n213 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n20z a rdf:List . _:n20y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n20x math:variables _:n215 . _:n215 rdf:first _:n216 . _:n216 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n215 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n20x a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "x in the domain of f implies f(x) is in the image f" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the image of a given function, which is the set of values the domain of the given function maps to.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n217 . _:n217 math:arguments _:n218 . _:n218 rdf:first _:n219 . _:n219 math:arguments _:n21a . _:n21a rdf:first _:n21b . _:n21b math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n21a rdf:rest _:n21c . _:n21c rdf:first _:n21d . _:n21d math:arguments _:n21e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n21c rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n21a a rdf:List . _:n219 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n218 rdf:rest _:n21f . _:n21f rdf:first _:n21g . _:n21g math:arguments _:n21h . _:n21h rdf:first _:n21i . _:n21i math:arguments _:n21j ; math:operator _:n21k ; a math:Application . _:n21h rdf:rest _:n21l . _:n21l rdf:first _:n21m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n21h a rdf:List . _:n21g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n21f rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n218 a rdf:List . _:n217 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """(inverse(f))(f(x)) = x if f is injective, that is (for all x,y | f(x) = f(y) implies x=y) implies (inverse(f))(f(z)) = z""" , """f(inverse(f(y))=y if f is defined at inverse(f)(y) that is, if there exists an x s.t. inverse(f)(y) = x then this implies f(inverse(f)(y)) = y""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to describe the inverse of its argument (a function). This inverse may only be partially defined because the function may not have been surjective. If the function is not surjective the inverse function is ill-defined without further stipulations. No assumptions are made on the semantics of this inverse.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n21n . _:n21n math:arguments _:n21o . _:n21o rdf:first _:n21p . _:n21p math:binder ; math:body _:n21q . _:n21q math:arguments _:n21r . _:n21r rdf:first _:n21s . _:n21s math:arguments _:n21t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n21r rdf:rest _:n21u . _:n21u rdf:first _:n21v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n21r a rdf:List . _:n21q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n21p math:variables _:n21w . _:n21w rdf:first _:n21x . _:n21x math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n21w rdf:rest _:n21y . _:n21y rdf:first _:n21z . _:n21z math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n21y rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n21w a rdf:List . _:n21p a math:Binding . _:n21o rdf:rest _:n220 . _:n220 rdf:first _:n221 . _:n221 math:arguments _:n222 . _:n222 rdf:first _:n223 . _:n223 math:arguments _:n224 ; math:operator _:n225 ; a math:Application . _:n222 rdf:rest _:n226 . _:n226 rdf:first _:n227 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n222 a rdf:List . _:n221 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n220 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n21o a rdf:List . _:n21n math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n228 . _:n228 math:arguments _:n229 . _:n229 rdf:first _:n22a . _:n22a math:binder ; math:body _:n22b . _:n22b math:arguments _:n22c . _:n22c rdf:first _:n22d . _:n22d math:arguments _:n22e ; math:operator _:n22f ; a math:Application . _:n22c rdf:rest _:n22g . _:n22g rdf:first _:n22h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n22c a rdf:List . _:n22b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n22a math:variables _:n22i . _:n22i rdf:first _:n22j . _:n22j math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n22i rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n22a a math:Binding . _:n229 rdf:rest _:n22k . _:n22k rdf:first _:n22l . _:n22l math:arguments _:n22m . _:n22m rdf:first _:n22n . _:n22n math:arguments _:n22o ; math:operator _:n22p ; a math:Application . _:n22m rdf:rest _:n22q . _:n22q rdf:first _:n22r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n22m a rdf:List . _:n22l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n22k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n229 a rdf:List . _:n228 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent anonymous functions as lambda expansions. It is used in a binder that takes two further arguments, the first of which is a list of variables, and the second of which is an expression, and it forms the function which is the lambda extraction of the expression""" ; math-meta:example _:n22s . _:n22s math:arguments _:n22t . _:n22t rdf:first _:n22u . _:n22u math:value """An example to show the connection between curried and uncurried applications of a binary function f (lambda(x,y).(f))(a,b)= (lambda(x).((lambda(y).(f))(b)))(a)"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n22t rdf:rest _:n22v . _:n22v rdf:first _:n22w . _:n22w math:binder ; math:body _:n22x . _:n22x math:arguments _:n22y . _:n22y rdf:first _:n22z ; rdf:rest _:n230 ; a rdf:List . _:n22x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n22w math:variables _:n231 . _:n231 rdf:first _:n232 . _:n232 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n231 rdf:rest _:n233 . _:n233 rdf:first _:n234 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n231 a rdf:List . _:n22w a math:Binding . _:n22v rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n22t a rdf:List . _:n22s math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:BinderSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all f,g,x | left_compose(f,g)(x) = f(g(x))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the function which forms the left-composition of its two (function) arguments.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n235 . _:n235 math:binder ; math:body _:n236 . _:n236 math:arguments _:n237 . _:n237 rdf:first _:n238 . _:n238 math:arguments _:n239 . _:n239 rdf:first _:n23a . _:n23a math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n239 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n238 math:operator _:n23b . _:n23b math:arguments _:n23c . _:n23c rdf:first _:n23d ; rdf:rest _:n23e ; a rdf:List . _:n23b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n238 a math:Application . _:n237 rdf:rest _:n23f . _:n23f rdf:first _:n23g . _:n23g math:arguments _:n23h . _:n23h rdf:first _:n23i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n23g math:operator _:n23j . _:n23j math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n23g a math:Application . _:n23f rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n237 a rdf:List . _:n236 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n235 math:variables _:n23k . _:n23k rdf:first _:n23l . _:n23l math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n23k rdf:rest _:n23m . _:n23m rdf:first _:n23n . _:n23n math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n23m rdf:rest _:n23o . _:n23o rdf:first _:n23p . _:n23p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n23o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n23k a rdf:List . _:n235 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to describe the left inverse of its argument (a function). This inverse may only be partially defined because the function may not have been surjective. If the function is not surjective the left inverse function is ill-defined without further stipulations. No other assumptions are made on the semantics of this left inverse.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "the range of f is a subset of the image of f" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the range of a function, that is a set that the function will map to. The single argument should be the function whos range is being queried. It should be noted that this is not necessarily equal to the image, it is merely required to contain the image.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n23q . _:n23q math:arguments _:n23r . _:n23r rdf:first _:n23s . _:n23s math:arguments _:n23t . _:n23t rdf:first _:n23u . _:n23u math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n23t rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n23s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n23r rdf:rest _:n23v . _:n23v rdf:first _:n23w . _:n23w math:arguments _:n23x . _:n23x rdf:first _:n23y . _:n23y math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n23x rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n23w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n23v rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n23r a rdf:List . _:n23q math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . math-meta:description """restriction takes two arguments, a function f, and a set S, which should be a subset of domain(f) and returns the function f restricted to S.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n23z . _:n23z math:arguments _:n240 . _:n240 rdf:first _:n241 . _:n241 math:arguments _:n242 . _:n242 rdf:first _:n243 . _:n243 math:arguments _:n244 . _:n244 rdf:first _:n245 ; rdf:rest _:n246 ; a rdf:List . _:n243 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n242 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n241 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n240 rdf:rest _:n247 . _:n247 rdf:first _:n248 . _:n248 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n247 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n240 a rdf:List . _:n23z math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n249 . _:n249 math:arguments _:n24a . _:n24a rdf:first _:n24b . _:n24b math:arguments _:n24c . _:n24c rdf:first _:n24d . _:n24d math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n24c rdf:rest _:n24e . _:n24e rdf:first _:n24f . _:n24f math:arguments _:n24g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n24e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n24c a rdf:List . _:n24b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n24a rdf:rest _:n24h . _:n24h rdf:first _:n24i . _:n24i math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n24h rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n24a a rdf:List . _:n249 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to describe the right inverse of its argument (a function). This inverse may only be partially defined because the function may not have been surjective. If the function is not surjective the right inverse function is ill-defined without further stipulations. No other assumptions are made on the semantics of this right inverse.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns1 . :fns2 math-meta:description """This CD holds further functions concerning functions themselves. A particularly interesting function is apply_to_list which applies an nary function to all the elements in a specified list. For example, such a function can be used to form sums and products in conjunction with plus and times respectively.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the repeated application of an n-ary function on the elements of a given list. For example when used with plus or times this can represent sums and products. The symbol takes two arguments; the first of which is the n-ary function, the second a list.""" ; math-meta:example _:n24j . _:n24j math:arguments _:n24k . _:n24k rdf:first _:n24l . _:n24l math:value "For all n 1 + 2 + ... + n = n(n+1)/2."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n24k rdf:rest _:n24m . _:n24m rdf:first _:n24n . _:n24n math:binder ; math:body _:n24o . _:n24o math:arguments _:n24p . _:n24p rdf:first _:n24q ; rdf:rest _:n24r ; a rdf:List . _:n24o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n24n math:variables _:n24s . _:n24s rdf:first _:n24t . _:n24t math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n24s rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n24n a math:Binding . _:n24m rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n24k a rdf:List . _:n24j math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n24u . _:n24u math:arguments _:n24v . _:n24v rdf:first _:n24w . _:n24w math:value """One may form a set in the following way. This gives the set {1^2, 2^2, ... , 10^2 }"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n24v rdf:rest _:n24x . _:n24x rdf:first _:n24y . _:n24y math:arguments _:n24z . _:n24z rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n250 . _:n250 rdf:first _:n251 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n24z a rdf:List . _:n24y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n24x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n24v a rdf:List . _:n24u math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "x in the kernal of f implies that f(x) = 0" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the kernel of a given function. This may be defined as the subset of the range of the given function which maps to the identity element of the image of the given function, however no semantics are assumed. The kernel of a function is also known as the null space of the function.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n252 . _:n252 math:arguments _:n253 . _:n253 rdf:first _:n254 . _:n254 math:arguments _:n255 . _:n255 rdf:first _:n256 . _:n256 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n255 rdf:rest _:n257 . _:n257 rdf:first _:n258 . _:n258 math:arguments _:n259 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n257 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n255 a rdf:List . _:n254 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n253 rdf:rest _:n25a . _:n25a rdf:first _:n25b . _:n25b math:arguments _:n25c . _:n25c rdf:first _:n25d . _:n25d math:arguments _:n25e ; math:operator _:n25f ; a math:Application . _:n25c rdf:rest _:n25g . _:n25g rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n25c a rdf:List . _:n25b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n25a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n253 a rdf:List . _:n252 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the chains of application or a binary predicate typified by a < b < c. In particular it is used to support the usage in MathML, where transative relations are classed as nary, but the underlying OpenMath symbols are binary. The symbol takes two arguments; the first of which is the binary predicate, the second a list. It is true if every application of the predicate on a pair of elements of the list, taken in order, returns true, otherwise it is false.""" ; math-meta:example _:n25h . _:n25h math:arguments _:n25i . _:n25i rdf:first _:n25j . _:n25j math:value "a < b < c."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n25i rdf:rest _:n25k . _:n25k rdf:first _:n25l . _:n25l math:arguments _:n25m . _:n25m rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n25n . _:n25n rdf:first _:n25o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n25m a rdf:List . _:n25l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n25k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n25i a rdf:List . _:n25h math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n25p . _:n25p math:arguments _:n25q . _:n25q rdf:first _:n25r . _:n25r math:arguments _:n25s . _:n25s rdf:first _:n25t . _:n25t math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n25s rdf:rest _:n25u . _:n25u rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n25s a rdf:List . _:n25r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n25q rdf:rest _:n25v . _:n25v rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n25q a rdf:List . _:n25p math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n25w . _:n25w math:arguments _:n25x . _:n25x rdf:first _:n25y . _:n25y math:arguments _:n25z . _:n25z rdf:first _:n260 . _:n260 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n25z rdf:rest _:n261 . _:n261 rdf:first _:n262 . _:n262 math:arguments _:n263 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n261 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n25z a rdf:List . _:n25y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n25x rdf:rest _:n264 . _:n264 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n25x a rdf:List . _:n25w math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n265 . _:n265 math:arguments _:n266 . _:n266 rdf:first _:n267 . _:n267 math:arguments _:n268 . _:n268 rdf:first _:n269 . _:n269 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n268 rdf:rest _:n26a . _:n26a rdf:first _:n26b . _:n26b math:arguments _:n26c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n26a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n268 a rdf:List . _:n267 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n266 rdf:rest _:n26d . _:n26d rdf:first _:n26e . _:n26e math:arguments _:n26f . _:n26f rdf:first _:n26g . _:n26g math:arguments _:n26h ; math:operator _:n26i ; a math:Application . _:n26f rdf:rest _:n26j . _:n26j rdf:first _:n26k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n26f a rdf:List . _:n26e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n26d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n266 a rdf:List . _:n265 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "right_compose(f,g)(x) = g(f(x))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function forming the right-composition of its two functional arguments.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n26l . _:n26l math:binder ; math:body _:n26m . _:n26m math:arguments _:n26n . _:n26n rdf:first _:n26o . _:n26o math:arguments _:n26p . _:n26p rdf:first _:n26q . _:n26q math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n26p rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n26o math:operator _:n26r . _:n26r math:arguments _:n26s . _:n26s rdf:first _:n26t ; rdf:rest _:n26u ; a rdf:List . _:n26r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n26o a math:Application . _:n26n rdf:rest _:n26v . _:n26v rdf:first _:n26w . _:n26w math:arguments _:n26x . _:n26x rdf:first _:n26y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n26w math:operator _:n26z . _:n26z math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n26w a math:Application . _:n26v rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n26n a rdf:List . _:n26m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n26l math:variables _:n270 . _:n270 rdf:first _:n271 . _:n271 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n270 rdf:rest _:n272 . _:n272 rdf:first _:n273 . _:n273 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n272 rdf:rest _:n274 . _:n274 rdf:first _:n275 . _:n275 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n274 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n270 a rdf:List . _:n26l a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns2 . :fns3 math-meta:description "Symbols to make statements about properties of a function" , """This CD holds further functions concerning functions themselves. A particularly interesting function is function which constructs a function with given domain and range.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "A predicate to indicate that a function is continuous everywhere." ; math-meta:example _:n276 . _:n276 math:arguments _:n277 . _:n277 rdf:first _:n278 . _:n278 math:arguments _:n279 . _:n279 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n278 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n277 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n276 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns3 . math-meta:description """A predicate to indicate that a function is continuous over a particular region or range.""" ; math-meta:example _:n27a . _:n27a math:arguments _:n27b . _:n27b rdf:first _:n27c . _:n27c math:value "1/x is continuous on the real interval [1,10]"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n27b rdf:rest _:n27d . _:n27d rdf:first _:n27e . _:n27e math:arguments _:n27f . _:n27f rdf:first _:n27g . _:n27g math:binder ; math:body _:n27h ; math:variables _:n27i ; a math:Binding . _:n27f rdf:rest _:n27j . _:n27j rdf:first _:n27k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n27f a rdf:List . _:n27e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n27d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n27b a rdf:List . _:n27a math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns3 . math-meta:description """A predicate to indicate that a function is differentiable over its whole domain.""" ; math-meta:example _:n27l . _:n27l math:arguments _:n27m . _:n27m rdf:first _:n27n . _:n27n math:arguments _:n27o . _:n27o rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n27n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n27m rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n27l math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns3 . math-meta:description """A predicate to indicate that a function is differentiable on a region.""" ; math-meta:example _:n27p . _:n27p math:arguments _:n27q . _:n27q rdf:first _:n27r . _:n27r math:arguments _:n27s . _:n27s rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n27t . _:n27t rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n27s a rdf:List . _:n27r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n27q rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n27p math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The domain of the function f constructed this way is the first argument" , "The range of the function f constructed this way is the second argument" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes a function constructor. When aplied to at least two arguments, which are sets, the first argument is the domain and the second the range of the function. When applied to at least three arguments, the first two of which are stes and the third of which is a lambda expression, the third argument gives the function specification.""" ; math-meta:example _:n27u . _:n27u math:arguments _:n27v . _:n27v rdf:first _:n27w . _:n27w math:value """The following object defines a function from the natural numbers into the integers specificied by the fact that n maps to n(n+1)/2."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n27v rdf:rest _:n27x . _:n27x rdf:first _:n27y . _:n27y math:arguments _:n27z . _:n27z rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n280 . _:n280 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n281 . _:n27z a rdf:List . _:n27y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n27x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n27v a rdf:List . _:n27u math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n282 . _:n282 math:arguments _:n283 . _:n283 rdf:first _:n284 . _:n284 math:arguments _:n285 . _:n285 rdf:first _:n286 . _:n286 math:arguments _:n287 . _:n287 rdf:first _:n288 ; rdf:rest _:n289 ; a rdf:List . _:n286 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n285 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n284 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n283 rdf:rest _:n28a . _:n28a rdf:first _:n28b . _:n28b math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:n28a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n283 a rdf:List . _:n282 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n28c . _:n28c math:arguments _:n28d . _:n28d rdf:first _:n28e . _:n28e math:arguments _:n28f . _:n28f rdf:first _:n28g . _:n28g math:arguments _:n28h . _:n28h rdf:first _:n28i ; rdf:rest _:n28j ; a rdf:List . _:n28g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n28f rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n28e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n28d rdf:rest _:n28k . _:n28k rdf:first _:n28l . _:n28l math:name "Y" ; a math:Variable . _:n28k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n28d a rdf:List . _:n28c math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns3 . math-meta:description """A predicate to indicate that a function is piecewise continuous everywhere, i.e. continuous at all but a finite number of points in its domain.""" ; math-meta:example _:n28m . _:n28m math:arguments _:n28n . _:n28n rdf:first _:n28o . _:n28o math:value "1/x is continuous everywhere except x=0."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n28n rdf:rest _:n28p . _:n28p rdf:first _:n28q . _:n28q math:arguments _:n28r . _:n28r rdf:first _:n28s . _:n28s math:binder ; math:body _:n28t ; math:variables _:n28u ; a math:Binding . _:n28r rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n28q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n28p rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n28n a rdf:List . _:n28m math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns3 . math-meta:description """A predicate to indicate that a function is continuous at all but a finite number of points in a region.""" ; math-meta:example _:n28v . _:n28v math:arguments _:n28w . _:n28w rdf:first _:n28x . _:n28x math:value "tan is piecewise continuous over the real interval [0,pi]"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n28w rdf:rest _:n28y . _:n28y rdf:first _:n28z . _:n28z math:arguments _:n290 . _:n290 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n291 . _:n291 rdf:first _:n292 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n290 a rdf:List . _:n28z math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n28y rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n28w a rdf:List . _:n28v math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns3 . math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the specification of a function. It is a unary function. When aplied to its argument, which should be a function applied to three arguments, it returns the third argument of the function, that is, the function specification.""" ; math-meta:example _:n293 . _:n293 math:arguments _:n294 . _:n294 rdf:first _:n295 . _:n295 math:value """The following object defines a function from the natural numbers into the integers specificied by the fact that n maps to n(n+1)/2."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n294 rdf:rest _:n296 . _:n296 rdf:first _:n297 . _:n297 math:arguments _:n298 . _:n298 rdf:first _:n299 . _:n299 math:arguments _:n29a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n298 rdf:rest _:n29b . _:n29b rdf:first _:n29c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n298 a rdf:List . _:n297 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n296 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n294 a rdf:List . _:n293 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n29d . _:n29d math:arguments _:n29e . _:n29e rdf:first _:n29f . _:n29f math:arguments _:n29g . _:n29g rdf:first _:n29h . _:n29h math:arguments _:n29i . _:n29i rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n29j ; a rdf:List . _:n29h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n29g rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n29f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n29e rdf:rest _:n29k . _:n29k rdf:first _:n29l . _:n29l math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n29k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n29e a rdf:List . _:n29d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :fns3 . :freealg1 math-meta:description "This CD defines elements of a free algebra." ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description "Multiplication in the free algebra." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :freealg1 . :gen_hyperbolic1 math-meta:description """This CD contains a symbol to represent the generalised hyperbolic function, and facts relating it to other functions.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all z \\in C F^1_{1,0} (z) = e^z" , "for all z \\in C F^{-1}_{2,-1} (z) = sin(z)" , "for all z \\in C F^{-1}_{2,0} (z) = cos(z)" , "for all z \\in C F^{1}_{2,0} (z) = cosh(z)" , "for all z \\in C F^{1}_{2,1} (z) = sinh(z)" , """for complex \\alpha, integral n and r an integer between 0 and r (inclusive) (F^\\alpha_{n,r})(x) = \\Sigma^\\infty_{k=0}{\\frac{\\alpha^k}{(nk+r)!}x^{nk+r}}""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the generalised hyperbolic function as recorded by Riccati. It is intended to be applied in the curried form, that is, the symbol should be applied to three arguments in order to return a function which should be applied to one argument. The generalised hyperbolic function may be defined as an infinite sum as in the first CMP/FMP .""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n29m . _:n29m math:arguments _:n29n . _:n29n rdf:first _:n29o . _:n29o math:arguments _:n29p . _:n29p rdf:first _:n29q . _:n29q math:arguments _:n29r . _:n29r rdf:first _:n29s ; rdf:rest _:n29t ; a rdf:List . _:n29q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n29p rdf:rest _:n29u . _:n29u rdf:first _:n29v . _:n29v math:arguments _:n29w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n29u rdf:rest _:n29x . _:n29x rdf:first _:n29y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n29p a rdf:List . _:n29o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n29n rdf:rest _:n29z . _:n29z rdf:first _:n2a0 . _:n2a0 math:arguments _:n2a1 . _:n2a1 rdf:first _:n2a2 . _:n2a2 math:arguments _:n2a3 ; math:operator _:n2a4 ; a math:Application . _:n2a1 rdf:rest _:n2a5 . _:n2a5 rdf:first _:n2a6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2a1 a rdf:List . _:n2a0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n29z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n29n a rdf:List . _:n29m math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2a7 . _:n2a7 math:binder ; math:body _:n2a8 . _:n2a8 math:arguments _:n2a9 . _:n2a9 rdf:first _:n2aa . _:n2aa math:arguments _:n2ab . _:n2ab rdf:first _:n2ac . _:n2ac math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ab rdf:rest _:n2ad . _:n2ad rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ab a rdf:List . _:n2aa math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2a9 rdf:rest _:n2ae . _:n2ae rdf:first _:n2af . _:n2af math:arguments _:n2ag . _:n2ag rdf:first _:n2ah ; rdf:rest _:n2ai ; a rdf:List . _:n2af math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ae rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2a9 a rdf:List . _:n2a8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2a7 math:variables _:n2aj . _:n2aj rdf:first _:n2ak . _:n2ak math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n2aj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2a7 a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2al . _:n2al math:binder ; math:body _:n2am . _:n2am math:arguments _:n2an . _:n2an rdf:first _:n2ao . _:n2ao math:arguments _:n2ap . _:n2ap rdf:first _:n2aq . _:n2aq math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ap rdf:rest _:n2ar . _:n2ar rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ap a rdf:List . _:n2ao math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2an rdf:rest _:n2as . _:n2as rdf:first _:n2at . _:n2at math:arguments _:n2au . _:n2au rdf:first _:n2av ; rdf:rest _:n2aw ; a rdf:List . _:n2at math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2as rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2an a rdf:List . _:n2am math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2al math:variables _:n2ax . _:n2ax rdf:first _:n2ay . _:n2ay math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ax rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2al a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2az . _:n2az math:binder ; math:body _:n2b0 . _:n2b0 math:arguments _:n2b1 . _:n2b1 rdf:first _:n2b2 . _:n2b2 math:arguments _:n2b3 . _:n2b3 rdf:first _:n2b4 . _:n2b4 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n2b3 rdf:rest _:n2b5 . _:n2b5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2b3 a rdf:List . _:n2b2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2b1 rdf:rest _:n2b6 . _:n2b6 rdf:first _:n2b7 . _:n2b7 math:arguments _:n2b8 . _:n2b8 rdf:first _:n2b9 ; rdf:rest _:n2ba ; a rdf:List . _:n2b7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2b6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2b1 a rdf:List . _:n2b0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2az math:variables _:n2bb . _:n2bb rdf:first _:n2bc . _:n2bc math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n2bb rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2az a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2bd . _:n2bd math:binder ; math:body _:n2be . _:n2be math:arguments _:n2bf . _:n2bf rdf:first _:n2bg . _:n2bg math:arguments _:n2bh . _:n2bh rdf:first _:n2bi . _:n2bi math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n2bh rdf:rest _:n2bj . _:n2bj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2bh a rdf:List . _:n2bg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2bf rdf:rest _:n2bk . _:n2bk rdf:first _:n2bl . _:n2bl math:arguments _:n2bm . _:n2bm rdf:first _:n2bn ; rdf:rest _:n2bo ; a rdf:List . _:n2bl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2bk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2bf a rdf:List . _:n2be math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2bd math:variables _:n2bp . _:n2bp rdf:first _:n2bq . _:n2bq math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n2bp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2bd a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2br . _:n2br math:binder ; math:body _:n2bs . _:n2bs math:arguments _:n2bt . _:n2bt rdf:first _:n2bu . _:n2bu math:arguments _:n2bv . _:n2bv rdf:first _:n2bw . _:n2bw math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n2bv rdf:rest _:n2bx . _:n2bx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2bv a rdf:List . _:n2bu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2bt rdf:rest _:n2by . _:n2by rdf:first _:n2bz . _:n2bz math:arguments _:n2c0 . _:n2c0 rdf:first _:n2c1 ; rdf:rest _:n2c2 ; a rdf:List . _:n2bz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2by rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2bt a rdf:List . _:n2bs math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2br math:variables _:n2c3 . _:n2c3 rdf:first _:n2c4 . _:n2c4 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n2c3 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2br a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gen_hyperbolic1 . :generic_alg_cats math-meta:description """A CD of generic algebraic categories. This CD holds information relating to the heirarchical sturcture of the algebraic category system.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "An Abelian group is a group" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of Abelian group." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2c5 . _:n2c5 math:arguments _:n2c6 . _:n2c6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2c7 . _:n2c7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2c6 a rdf:List . _:n2c5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "An Abelian monoid is a monoid" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of Abelian monoid." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2c8 . _:n2c8 math:arguments _:n2c9 . _:n2c9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2ca . _:n2ca rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2c9 a rdf:List . _:n2c8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "An Abelian semigroup is a semigroup" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of Abelian semigroup." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2cb . _:n2cb math:arguments _:n2cc . _:n2cc rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2cd . _:n2cd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2cc a rdf:List . _:n2cb math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "A Euclidean domain is a ring" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of Euclidean domain." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2ce . _:n2ce math:arguments _:n2cf . _:n2cf rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2cg . _:n2cg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2cf a rdf:List . _:n2ce math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "A field is a ring" , "A field is an Abelian group under +" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of field." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2ch . _:n2ch math:arguments _:n2ci . _:n2ci rdf:first _:n2cj . _:n2cj math:arguments _:n2ck . _:n2ck rdf:first _:n2cl . _:n2cl math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ck rdf:rest _:n2cm . _:n2cm rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ck a rdf:List . _:n2cj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ci rdf:rest _:n2cn . _:n2cn rdf:first _:n2co . _:n2co math:arguments _:n2cp . _:n2cp rdf:first _:n2cq . _:n2cq math:arguments _:n2cr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2cp rdf:rest _:n2cs . _:n2cs rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2cp a rdf:List . _:n2co math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2cn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ci a rdf:List . _:n2ch math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2ct . _:n2ct math:arguments _:n2cu . _:n2cu rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2cv . _:n2cv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2cu a rdf:List . _:n2ct math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "A group is a monoid" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of group." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2cw . _:n2cw math:arguments _:n2cx . _:n2cx rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2cy . _:n2cy rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2cx a rdf:List . _:n2cw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of groupoid." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "An integral domain is a ring" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of integral domain." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2cz . _:n2cz math:arguments _:n2d0 . _:n2d0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2d1 . _:n2d1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2d0 a rdf:List . _:n2cz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "A monoid is a groupoid" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of monoid." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2d2 . _:n2d2 math:arguments _:n2d3 . _:n2d3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2d4 . _:n2d4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2d3 a rdf:List . _:n2d2 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "A non-commutative ring is a ring" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of non-commutative ring." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2d5 . _:n2d5 math:arguments _:n2d6 . _:n2d6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2d7 . _:n2d7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2d6 a rdf:List . _:n2d5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "An ordered Abelian group is an Abelian group" , "An ordered Abelian group is an ordered group" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of ordered Abelian group." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2d8 . _:n2d8 math:arguments _:n2d9 . _:n2d9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2da . _:n2da rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2d9 a rdf:List . _:n2d8 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2db . _:n2db math:arguments _:n2dc . _:n2dc rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2dd . _:n2dd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2dc a rdf:List . _:n2db math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "An ordered Abelian monoid is an Abelian monoid" , "An ordered Abelian monoid is an ordered monoid" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of ordered Abelian monoid." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2de . _:n2de math:arguments _:n2df . _:n2df rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2dg . _:n2dg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2df a rdf:List . _:n2de math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2dh . _:n2dh math:arguments _:n2di . _:n2di rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2dj . _:n2dj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2di a rdf:List . _:n2dh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "An ordered group is a group" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of ordered group." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2dk . _:n2dk math:arguments _:n2dl . _:n2dl rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2dm . _:n2dm rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2dl a rdf:List . _:n2dk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "An ordered monoid is a monoid" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of ordered monoid." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2dn . _:n2dn math:arguments _:n2do . _:n2do rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2dp . _:n2dp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2do a rdf:List . _:n2dn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "An ordered ring is a ring" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of ordered ring." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2dq . _:n2dq math:arguments _:n2dr . _:n2dr rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2ds . _:n2ds rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2dr a rdf:List . _:n2dq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "A ring is a group under addition" , "A ring is a ringoid" , "A ring is a semigroup under multiplication" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of ring." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2dt . _:n2dt math:arguments _:n2du . _:n2du rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2dv . _:n2dv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2du a rdf:List . _:n2dt math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2dw . _:n2dw math:arguments _:n2dx . _:n2dx rdf:first _:n2dy . _:n2dy math:arguments _:n2dz . _:n2dz rdf:first _:n2e0 . _:n2e0 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n2dz rdf:rest _:n2e1 . _:n2e1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2dz a rdf:List . _:n2dy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2dx rdf:rest _:n2e2 . _:n2e2 rdf:first _:n2e3 . _:n2e3 math:arguments _:n2e4 . _:n2e4 rdf:first _:n2e5 . _:n2e5 math:arguments _:n2e6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2e4 rdf:rest _:n2e7 . _:n2e7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2e4 a rdf:List . _:n2e3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2e2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2dx a rdf:List . _:n2dw math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2e8 . _:n2e8 math:arguments _:n2e9 . _:n2e9 rdf:first _:n2ea . _:n2ea math:arguments _:n2eb . _:n2eb rdf:first _:n2ec . _:n2ec math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n2eb rdf:rest _:n2ed . _:n2ed rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2eb a rdf:List . _:n2ea math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2e9 rdf:rest _:n2ee . _:n2ee rdf:first _:n2ef . _:n2ef math:arguments _:n2eg . _:n2eg rdf:first _:n2eh . _:n2eh math:arguments _:n2ei ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2eg rdf:rest _:n2ej . _:n2ej rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2eg a rdf:List . _:n2ef math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ee rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2e9 a rdf:List . _:n2e8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the generic category of ringoid." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . math-meta:commentedProperty "A semigroup is a groupoid" ; math-meta:description "This Symbol represents the generic category of semigroup." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2ek . _:n2ek math:arguments _:n2el . _:n2el rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2em . _:n2em rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2el a rdf:List . _:n2ek math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :generic_alg_cats . :gp1 math-meta:description "A CD of functions for group theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , """Written by A. Solomon on 1998-11-19 Modified by David Carlisle 1998-04-28 This is the old version of group1. It is now deprecated in facour of the Cds in the riaca_algebra CD group.""" . math-meta:description """This is the constructor for a character table. Usage: CharacterTable(centralizer_primes, centralizer_indices, classnames, power_map, irreducibles_matrix) If G has n conjugacy classes then: * centralizer_primes is of the form [p1, .., pk] i < j implies that pi < pj and the pi are precisely the primes which divide the order of some centralizer of a conjugacy class * centralizer_indices is of the form [[i11, ...,i1k] ... [in1,...ink]] so the centralizer of class 1 has order p1^i11 ... pk^i1k etc * classnames is a list of n strings which name the conjugacy classes in line with the convention used in the Atlas of Finite Groups * power_map is of the form [list1, ..., listk] where listi[j] is the name of the class where elements of class j go when raised to the power pi. * irreducibles_matrix: rows correspond to irreducible characters, columns are conjugacy classes. Entries are the value of an element of the column's conjugacy class under the character of the row.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:description """Refers to the character table of its argument which must be a group.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The conjugacy class in G with respect to h = {g^(-1) h g | g in G}" ; math-meta:description """The binary function whose value is the set of elements which are conjugate to the second argument in the first.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2en . _:n2en math:arguments _:n2eo . _:n2eo rdf:first _:n2ep . _:n2ep math:arguments _:n2eq . _:n2eq rdf:first _:n2er . _:n2er math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2eq rdf:rest _:n2es . _:n2es rdf:first _:n2et . _:n2et math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:n2es rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2eq a rdf:List . _:n2ep math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2eo rdf:rest _:n2eu . _:n2eu rdf:first _:n2ev . _:n2ev math:arguments _:n2ew . _:n2ew rdf:first _:n2ex . _:n2ex math:arguments _:n2ey ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ew rdf:rest _:n2ez . _:n2ez rdf:first _:n2f0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ew a rdf:List . _:n2ev math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2eu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2eo a rdf:List . _:n2en math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """A group is closed under its operation. A groups operation is associative. A group has an identity element. Every element of a group has an inverse.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor for groups. It takes four arguments in the following order; a set to specify the elements in the group, a binary operation to specify the group operation, a unary operation to specify inverses of group elements and an element to specify the identity. Both the binary and unary operations should act on elements of the set and return an element of the set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2f1 . _:n2f1 math:arguments _:n2f2 . _:n2f2 rdf:first _:n2f3 . _:n2f3 math:value """This example represents the group which has as elements all positive and negative even numbers, the group operation is binary addition, inverses are the negative of the element and the identity is the zero element."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2f2 rdf:rest _:n2f4 . _:n2f4 rdf:first _:n2f5 . _:n2f5 math:arguments _:n2f6 . _:n2f6 rdf:first _:n2f7 . _:n2f7 math:arguments _:n2f8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2f6 rdf:rest _:n2f9 . _:n2f9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2fa . _:n2f6 a rdf:List . _:n2f5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2f4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2f2 a rdf:List . _:n2f1 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2fb . _:n2fb math:arguments _:n2fc . _:n2fc rdf:first _:n2fd . _:n2fd math:arguments _:n2fe . _:n2fe rdf:first _:n2ff . _:n2ff math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2fe rdf:rest _:n2fg . _:n2fg rdf:first _:n2fh . _:n2fh math:arguments _:n2fi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2fg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2fe a rdf:List . _:n2fd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2fc rdf:rest _:n2fj . _:n2fj rdf:first _:n2fk . _:n2fk math:arguments _:n2fl . _:n2fl rdf:first _:n2fm . _:n2fm math:arguments _:n2fn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2fl rdf:rest _:n2fo . _:n2fo rdf:first _:n2fp ; rdf:rest _:n2fq . _:n2fl a rdf:List . _:n2fk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2fj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2fc a rdf:List . _:n2fb math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """d in the derived subgroup of G implies there exist x,y in G such that d=x y x^(-1) y^(-1)""" ; math-meta:description """The unary function whose value is the subgroup of argument generated by all products of the form xyx^-1y^-1.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2fr . _:n2fr math:arguments _:n2fs . _:n2fs rdf:first _:n2ft . _:n2ft math:arguments _:n2fu . _:n2fu rdf:first _:n2fv . _:n2fv math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:n2fu rdf:rest _:n2fw . _:n2fw rdf:first _:n2fx . _:n2fx math:arguments _:n2fy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2fw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2fu a rdf:List . _:n2ft math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2fs rdf:rest _:n2fz . _:n2fz rdf:first _:n2g0 . _:n2g0 math:binder ; math:body _:n2g1 . _:n2g1 math:arguments _:n2g2 . _:n2g2 rdf:first _:n2g3 ; rdf:rest _:n2g4 ; a rdf:List . _:n2g1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2g0 math:variables _:n2g5 . _:n2g5 rdf:first _:n2g6 . _:n2g6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2g5 rdf:rest _:n2g7 . _:n2g7 rdf:first _:n2g8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2g5 a rdf:List . _:n2g0 a math:Binding . _:n2fz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2fs a rdf:List . _:n2fr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:description "The unary function which returns the set of elements of a group." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:description """The n-ary function Group. The group generated by its arguments. The arguments must have a natural group operation associated with them.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_abelian(G) then for all a,b in element_set(G) a*b = b*a" ; math-meta:description "The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is an abelian group" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2g9 . _:n2g9 math:arguments _:n2ga . _:n2ga rdf:first _:n2gb . _:n2gb math:arguments _:n2gc . _:n2gc rdf:first _:n2gd . _:n2gd math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2gc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2gb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ga rdf:rest _:n2ge . _:n2ge rdf:first _:n2gf . _:n2gf math:binder ; math:body _:n2gg . _:n2gg math:arguments _:n2gh . _:n2gh rdf:first _:n2gi ; rdf:rest _:n2gj ; a rdf:List . _:n2gg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2gf math:variables _:n2gk . _:n2gk rdf:first _:n2gl . _:n2gl math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n2gk rdf:rest _:n2gm . _:n2gm rdf:first _:n2gn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2gk a rdf:List . _:n2gf a math:Binding . _:n2ge rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ga a rdf:List . _:n2g9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """is_normal(G,H) implies that for all g in G and h in H then g^-1*h*g is in H""" ; math-meta:description """If G, H are the group arguments, then IsNormal(G,H) returns true precisely when G is normal in H. That is, g^-1*h*g is defined and contained in H for all h in H and g in G.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2go . _:n2go math:arguments _:n2gp . _:n2gp rdf:first _:n2gq . _:n2gq math:arguments _:n2gr . _:n2gr rdf:first _:n2gs . _:n2gs math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2gr rdf:rest _:n2gt . _:n2gt rdf:first _:n2gu . _:n2gu math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:n2gt rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2gr a rdf:List . _:n2gq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2gp rdf:rest _:n2gv . _:n2gv rdf:first _:n2gw . _:n2gw math:binder ; math:body _:n2gx . _:n2gx math:arguments _:n2gy . _:n2gy rdf:first _:n2gz ; rdf:rest _:n2h0 ; a rdf:List . _:n2gx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2gw math:variables _:n2h1 . _:n2h1 rdf:first _:n2h2 . _:n2h2 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n2h1 rdf:rest _:n2h3 . _:n2h3 rdf:first _:n2h4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2h1 a rdf:List . _:n2gw a math:Binding . _:n2gv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2gp a rdf:List . _:n2go math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "A is a subgroup of B implies element_set(A) is a subset of element_set(B)" ; math-meta:description "The binary function whose value is true if the second argument is a subgroup of the first." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2h5 . _:n2h5 math:arguments _:n2h6 . _:n2h6 rdf:first _:n2h7 . _:n2h7 math:arguments _:n2h8 . _:n2h8 rdf:first _:n2h9 . _:n2h9 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n2h8 rdf:rest _:n2ha . _:n2ha rdf:first _:n2hb . _:n2hb math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ha rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2h8 a rdf:List . _:n2h7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2h6 rdf:rest _:n2hc . _:n2hc rdf:first _:n2hd . _:n2hd math:arguments _:n2he . _:n2he rdf:first _:n2hf . _:n2hf math:arguments _:n2hg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2he rdf:rest _:n2hh . _:n2hh rdf:first _:n2hi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2he a rdf:List . _:n2hd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2hc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2h6 a rdf:List . _:n2h5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """n in the normal closure (A,B) implies there exists a in A and b in B s.t. n = b^(-1) a b""" ; math-meta:description """The binary function whose value is the set of conjugates of the elements of the second group by elements of the first, where multiplication between them is defined.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2hj . _:n2hj math:arguments _:n2hk . _:n2hk rdf:first _:n2hl . _:n2hl math:arguments _:n2hm . _:n2hm rdf:first _:n2hn . _:n2hn math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n2hm rdf:rest _:n2ho . _:n2ho rdf:first _:n2hp . _:n2hp math:arguments _:n2hq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ho rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2hm a rdf:List . _:n2hl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2hk rdf:rest _:n2hr . _:n2hr rdf:first _:n2hs . _:n2hs math:binder ; math:body _:n2ht . _:n2ht math:arguments _:n2hu . _:n2hu rdf:first _:n2hv ; rdf:rest _:n2hw ; a rdf:List . _:n2ht math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2hs math:variables _:n2hx . _:n2hx rdf:first _:n2hy . _:n2hy math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n2hx rdf:rest _:n2hz . _:n2hz rdf:first _:n2i0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2hx a rdf:List . _:n2hs a math:Binding . _:n2hr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2hk a rdf:List . _:n2hj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:description """The binary function whose value is the factor group of the first argument by the second, assuming the second is normal in the first.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:description """The binary function whose value is a set of representatives for the right cosets of the second argument as a subgroup of the first.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . math-meta:description "The largest p-subgroup of the argument (up to conjugacy)." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :gp1 . :graph1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols for handling directed and undirected graphs. Authored by Hans Cuypers and Erik Postma. This version is edited by amc; bugfix JHD after Robbins.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the set of arrows of a directed graph. It takes one argument, the directed graph." ; math-meta:example _:n2i1 . _:n2i1 math:arguments _:n2i2 . _:n2i2 rdf:first _:n2i3 . _:n2i3 math:value "The arrow set of the loop consists of one loop."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2i2 rdf:rest _:n2i4 . _:n2i4 rdf:first _:n2i5 . _:n2i5 math:arguments _:n2i6 . _:n2i6 rdf:first _:n2i7 . _:n2i7 math:arguments _:n2i8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2i6 rdf:rest _:n2i9 . _:n2i9 rdf:first _:n2ia ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2i6 a rdf:List . _:n2i5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2i4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2i2 a rdf:List . _:n2i1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph1 . math-meta:description "This symbol refers to a digraph. It has two arguments. The first is the set of vertices, the second is the set of arrows. Arrows are represented by lists of length two, where a list represents the arrow from the first element to the second." ; math-meta:example _:n2ib . _:n2ib math:arguments _:n2ic . _:n2ic rdf:first _:n2id . _:n2id math:value "The two-sided infinite directed path."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2ic rdf:rest _:n2ie . _:n2ie rdf:first _:n2if . _:n2if math:arguments _:n2ig . _:n2ig rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2ih . _:n2ih rdf:first _:n2ii ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ig a rdf:List . _:n2if math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ie rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ic a rdf:List . _:n2ib math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Every edge in an undirected graph Gamma is a subset of the vertex set of size two." ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the set of edges of an undirected graph. It takes one argument, the undirected graph." ; math-meta:example _:n2ij . _:n2ij math:arguments _:n2ik . _:n2ik rdf:first _:n2il . _:n2il math:value "Given a graph Gamma and two of its vertices v and w, this predicate asserts that they are adjacent."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2ik rdf:rest _:n2im . _:n2im rdf:first _:n2in . _:n2in math:arguments _:n2io . _:n2io rdf:first _:n2ip . _:n2ip math:arguments _:n2iq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2io rdf:rest _:n2ir . _:n2ir rdf:first _:n2is ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2io a rdf:List . _:n2in math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2im rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ik a rdf:List . _:n2ij math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2it . _:n2it math:binder ; math:body _:n2iu . _:n2iu math:arguments _:n2iv . _:n2iv rdf:first _:n2iw . _:n2iw math:arguments _:n2ix . _:n2ix rdf:first _:n2iy . _:n2iy math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ix rdf:rest _:n2iz . _:n2iz rdf:first _:n2j0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ix a rdf:List . _:n2iw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2iv rdf:rest _:n2j1 . _:n2j1 rdf:first _:n2j2 . _:n2j2 math:arguments _:n2j3 . _:n2j3 rdf:first _:n2j4 ; rdf:rest _:n2j5 ; a rdf:List . _:n2j2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2j1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2iv a rdf:List . _:n2iu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2it math:variables _:n2j6 . _:n2j6 rdf:first _:n2j7 . _:n2j7 math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:n2j6 rdf:rest _:n2j8 . _:n2j8 rdf:first _:n2j9 . _:n2j9 math:name "Gamma" ; a math:Variable . _:n2j8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2j6 a rdf:List . _:n2it a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents an undirected graph. It takes two arguments: the vertex set of the graph and the edge set. The vertices can be arbitrary OpenMath objects. Each edge should be a set consisting of two vertices.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2ja . _:n2ja math:arguments _:n2jb . _:n2jb rdf:first _:n2jc . _:n2jc math:value "A path of length 2."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2jb rdf:rest _:n2jd . _:n2jd rdf:first _:n2je . _:n2je math:arguments _:n2jf . _:n2jf rdf:first _:n2jg . _:n2jg math:arguments _:n2jh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2jf rdf:rest _:n2ji . _:n2ji rdf:first _:n2jj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2jf a rdf:List . _:n2je math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2jd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2jb a rdf:List . _:n2ja math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph1 . math-meta:description "Given an arrow, this symbol refers to the vertex where the arrow starts. It takes one argument, the arrow." ; math-meta:example _:n2jk . _:n2jk math:arguments _:n2jl . _:n2jl rdf:first _:n2jm . _:n2jm math:value "The arrow [a, b] starts at a."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2jl rdf:rest _:n2jn . _:n2jn rdf:first _:n2jo . _:n2jo math:arguments _:n2jp . _:n2jp rdf:first _:n2jq . _:n2jq math:arguments _:n2jr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2jp rdf:rest _:n2js . _:n2js rdf:first _:n2jt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2jp a rdf:List . _:n2jo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2jn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2jl a rdf:List . _:n2jk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph1 . math-meta:description "Given an arrow, this symbol refers to the vertex the arrow points to. It takes one argument, the arrow." ; math-meta:example _:n2ju . _:n2ju math:arguments _:n2jv . _:n2jv rdf:first _:n2jw . _:n2jw math:value "The arrow [a, b] points to b."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2jv rdf:rest _:n2jx . _:n2jx rdf:first _:n2jy . _:n2jy math:arguments _:n2jz . _:n2jz rdf:first _:n2k0 . _:n2k0 math:arguments _:n2k1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2jz rdf:rest _:n2k2 . _:n2k2 rdf:first _:n2k3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2jz a rdf:List . _:n2jy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2jx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2jv a rdf:List . _:n2ju math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph1 . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the vertex set of a (directed or undirected) graph. It takes one argument, the graph." ; math-meta:example _:n2k4 . _:n2k4 math:arguments _:n2k5 . _:n2k5 rdf:first _:n2k6 . _:n2k6 math:value "If Gamma is a graph, the following function tests whether its argument v is a vertex of Gamma."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2k5 rdf:rest _:n2k7 . _:n2k7 rdf:first _:n2k8 . _:n2k8 math:binder ; math:body _:n2k9 . _:n2k9 math:arguments _:n2ka . _:n2ka rdf:first _:n2kb ; rdf:rest _:n2kc ; a rdf:List . _:n2k9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2k8 math:variables _:n2kd . _:n2kd rdf:first _:n2ke . _:n2ke math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:n2kd rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2k8 a math:Binding . _:n2k7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2k5 a rdf:List . _:n2k4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph1 . :graph2 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols for handling directed and undirected graphs. Authored by Arjeh---to be merged with version of Erik Postma.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function whose argument is an undirected graph. When applied to an undirected graph G, it represents the automorphism group of G. The resulting automorphism group is represented as a permutation group on the vertices of the graph G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2kf . _:n2kf math:arguments _:n2kg . _:n2kg rdf:first _:n2kh . _:n2kh math:value """The automorphism group of a path of length 2 (on three nodes) is the permutation group of order two interchanging the two end nodes."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2kg rdf:rest _:n2ki . _:n2ki rdf:first _:n2kj . _:n2kj math:arguments _:n2kk . _:n2kk rdf:first _:n2kl . _:n2kl math:arguments _:n2km ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2kk rdf:rest _:n2kn . _:n2kn rdf:first _:n2ko ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2kk a rdf:List . _:n2kj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ki rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2kg a rdf:List . _:n2kf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_automorphism(M,f) then is_isomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a graph M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a graph automorphism f of M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2kp . _:n2kp math:arguments _:n2kq . _:n2kq rdf:first _:n2kr . _:n2kr math:arguments _:n2ks . _:n2ks rdf:first _:n2kt . _:n2kt math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ks rdf:rest _:n2ku . _:n2ku rdf:first _:n2kv . _:n2kv math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ku rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ks a rdf:List . _:n2kr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2kq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2kp math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2kw . _:n2kw math:arguments _:n2kx . _:n2kx rdf:first _:n2ky . _:n2ky math:arguments _:n2kz . _:n2kz rdf:first _:n2l0 . _:n2l0 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2kz rdf:rest _:n2l1 . _:n2l1 rdf:first _:n2l2 . _:n2l2 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2l1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2kz a rdf:List . _:n2ky math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2kx rdf:rest _:n2l3 . _:n2l3 rdf:first _:n2l4 . _:n2l4 math:arguments _:n2l5 . _:n2l5 rdf:first _:n2l6 . _:n2l6 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2l5 rdf:rest _:n2l7 . _:n2l7 rdf:first _:n2l8 ; rdf:rest _:n2l9 . _:n2l5 a rdf:List . _:n2l4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2l3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2kx a rdf:List . _:n2kw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_endomorphism(M,f) then is_homomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a graph M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a graph endomorphism from M to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2la . _:n2la math:arguments _:n2lb . _:n2lb rdf:first _:n2lc . _:n2lc math:arguments _:n2ld . _:n2ld rdf:first _:n2le . _:n2le math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ld rdf:rest _:n2lf . _:n2lf rdf:first _:n2lg . _:n2lg math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2lf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ld a rdf:List . _:n2lc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2lb rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2la math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2lh . _:n2lh math:arguments _:n2li . _:n2li rdf:first _:n2lj . _:n2lj math:arguments _:n2lk . _:n2lk rdf:first _:n2ll . _:n2ll math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2lk rdf:rest _:n2lm . _:n2lm rdf:first _:n2ln . _:n2ln math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2lm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2lk a rdf:List . _:n2lj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2li rdf:rest _:n2lo . _:n2lo rdf:first _:n2lp . _:n2lp math:arguments _:n2lq . _:n2lq rdf:first _:n2lr . _:n2lr math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2lq rdf:rest _:n2ls . _:n2ls rdf:first _:n2lt ; rdf:rest _:n2lu . _:n2lq a rdf:List . _:n2lp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2lo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2li a rdf:List . _:n2lh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_homomorphism(M,N,f) then, for each pair of vertices x, y of M, we have if {x,y} is an edge of M, then {f(x), f(y)} is an edge of N.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are graphs M, N, the third is a map f from the vertex set of M to the vertex set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a graph homomorphism from M to N.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2lv . _:n2lv math:arguments _:n2lw . _:n2lw rdf:first _:n2lx . _:n2lx math:arguments _:n2ly . _:n2ly rdf:first _:n2lz . _:n2lz math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ly rdf:rest _:n2m0 . _:n2m0 rdf:first _:n2m1 . _:n2m1 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n2m0 rdf:rest _:n2m2 . _:n2m2 rdf:first _:n2m3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ly a rdf:List . _:n2lx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2lw rdf:rest _:n2m4 . _:n2m4 rdf:first _:n2m5 . _:n2m5 math:binder ; math:body _:n2m6 . _:n2m6 math:arguments _:n2m7 . _:n2m7 rdf:first _:n2m8 ; rdf:rest _:n2m9 ; a rdf:List . _:n2m6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2m5 math:variables _:n2ma . _:n2ma rdf:first _:n2mb . _:n2mb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ma rdf:rest _:n2mc . _:n2mc rdf:first _:n2md ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ma a rdf:List . _:n2m5 a math:Binding . _:n2m4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2lw a rdf:List . _:n2lv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are graphs M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a graph isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2me . _:n2me math:arguments _:n2mf . _:n2mf rdf:first _:n2mg . _:n2mg math:arguments _:n2mh . _:n2mh rdf:first _:n2mi . _:n2mi math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2mh rdf:rest _:n2mj . _:n2mj rdf:first _:n2mk . _:n2mk math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n2mj rdf:rest _:n2ml . _:n2ml rdf:first _:n2mm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2mh a rdf:List . _:n2mg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2mf rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2me math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are graphs. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2mn . _:n2mn math:arguments _:n2mo . _:n2mo rdf:first _:n2mp . _:n2mp math:arguments _:n2mq . _:n2mq rdf:first _:n2mr . _:n2mr math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2mq rdf:rest _:n2ms . _:n2ms rdf:first _:n2mt . _:n2mt math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ms rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2mq a rdf:List . _:n2mp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2mo rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2mn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :graph2 . :group1 math-meta:description "A CD of basic functions for group theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Written by A. Solomon on 1998-11-19 Modified by David Carlisle 1998-04-28 Severely edited by Arjeh M. Cohen in 2003""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a group G (for instance constructed by group). When applied to G, its value should be the set of elements of G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2mu . _:n2mu math:arguments _:n2mv . _:n2mv rdf:first _:n2mw . _:n2mw math:value "The carrier of group(G,*,e,inverse) is G."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2mv rdf:rest _:n2mx . _:n2mx rdf:first _:n2my . _:n2my math:arguments _:n2mz . _:n2mz rdf:first _:n2n0 . _:n2n0 math:arguments _:n2n1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2mz rdf:rest _:n2n2 . _:n2n2 rdf:first _:n2n3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2mz a rdf:List . _:n2my math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2mx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2mv a rdf:List . _:n2mu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments. Its first argument should be a group. The second should be an arithmetic expression A, whose operators are times and power, and whose leaves are members of the carrier of G. When applied to G and A, it denotes the element (of G) that is obtained from the leaves of A by applying the multiplication and the power map of G instead of the times and power from the CD arith1 appearing in A. The symbol alg1.one occurring in A will be interpreted as the identity of G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2n4 . _:n2n4 math:arguments _:n2n5 . _:n2n5 rdf:first _:n2n6 . _:n2n6 math:arguments _:n2n7 . _:n2n7 rdf:first _:n2n8 . _:n2n8 math:arguments _:n2n9 . _:n2n9 rdf:first _:n2na ; rdf:rest _:n2nb ; a rdf:List . _:n2n8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2n7 rdf:rest _:n2nc . _:n2nc rdf:first _:n2nd . _:n2nd math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n2nc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2n7 a rdf:List . _:n2n6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2n5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2n4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """A group is closed under its operation. A groups operation is associative. A group has an identity element. Every element of a group has an inverse.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor for groups. It takes four arguments in the following order: a set to specify the elements in the group, a binary operation to specify the group operation, an element to specify the identity, and a unary operation to specify inverses of group elements. Both the binary and unary operations should act on elements of the set and return an element of the set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2ne . _:n2ne math:arguments _:n2nf . _:n2nf rdf:first _:n2ng . _:n2ng math:value """This example represents the group which has as elements all positive and negative even numbers, the group operation is binary addition, inverses are the negative of the element and the identity is the zero element."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2nf rdf:rest _:n2nh . _:n2nh rdf:first _:n2ni . _:n2ni math:arguments _:n2nj . _:n2nj rdf:first _:n2nk . _:n2nk math:arguments _:n2nl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2nj rdf:rest _:n2nm . _:n2nm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n2nn . _:n2nj a rdf:List . _:n2ni math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2nh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2nf a rdf:List . _:n2ne math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2no . _:n2no math:arguments _:n2np . _:n2np rdf:first _:n2nq . _:n2nq math:arguments _:n2nr . _:n2nr rdf:first _:n2ns . _:n2ns math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2nr rdf:rest _:n2nt . _:n2nt rdf:first _:n2nu . _:n2nu math:arguments _:n2nv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2nt rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2nr a rdf:List . _:n2nq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2np rdf:rest _:n2nw . _:n2nw rdf:first _:n2nx . _:n2nx math:arguments _:n2ny . _:n2ny rdf:first _:n2nz . _:n2nz math:arguments _:n2o0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ny rdf:rest _:n2o1 . _:n2o1 rdf:first _:n2o2 ; rdf:rest _:n2o3 . _:n2ny a rdf:List . _:n2nx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2nw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2np a rdf:List . _:n2no math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a group. It returns the identity element of the group.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2o4 . _:n2o4 math:arguments _:n2o5 . _:n2o5 rdf:first _:n2o6 . _:n2o6 math:value "The identity of group(G,*,e,inverse) is e."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2o5 rdf:rest _:n2o7 . _:n2o7 rdf:first _:n2o8 . _:n2o8 math:arguments _:n2o9 . _:n2o9 rdf:first _:n2oa . _:n2oa math:arguments _:n2ob ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2o9 rdf:rest _:n2oc . _:n2oc rdf:first _:n2od ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2o9 a rdf:List . _:n2o8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2o7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2o5 a rdf:List . _:n2o4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a group G. It returns the map sending an element of G to its inverse.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2oe . _:n2oe math:arguments _:n2of . _:n2of rdf:first _:n2og . _:n2og math:value "The inversion of group(G,*,e,inverse) is inverse."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2of rdf:rest _:n2oh . _:n2oh rdf:first _:n2oi . _:n2oi math:arguments _:n2oj . _:n2oj rdf:first _:n2ok . _:n2ok math:arguments _:n2ol ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2oj rdf:rest _:n2om . _:n2om rdf:first _:n2on ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2oj a rdf:List . _:n2oi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2oh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2of a rdf:List . _:n2oe math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_commutative(G) then for all a,b in carrier(G) a*b = b*a" ; math-meta:description """The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative group.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2oo . _:n2oo math:arguments _:n2op . _:n2op rdf:first _:n2oq . _:n2oq math:arguments _:n2or . _:n2or rdf:first _:n2os . _:n2os math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2or rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2oq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2op rdf:rest _:n2ot . _:n2ot rdf:first _:n2ou . _:n2ou math:binder ; math:body _:n2ov . _:n2ov math:arguments _:n2ow . _:n2ow rdf:first _:n2ox ; rdf:rest _:n2oy ; a rdf:List . _:n2ov math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ou math:variables _:n2oz . _:n2oz rdf:first _:n2p0 . _:n2p0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n2oz rdf:rest _:n2p1 . _:n2p1 rdf:first _:n2p2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2oz a rdf:List . _:n2ou a math:Binding . _:n2ot rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2op a rdf:List . _:n2oo math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """is_normal(G,H) implies that for all g in G and h in H then inverse(g)*h*g is in H.""" ; math-meta:description """If G, H are the group arguments, then IsNormal(G,H) returns true precisely when H is normal in G. That is, inverse(g)*h*g is defined and contained in H for all h in H and g in G.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2p3 . _:n2p3 math:arguments _:n2p4 . _:n2p4 rdf:first _:n2p5 . _:n2p5 math:arguments _:n2p6 . _:n2p6 rdf:first _:n2p7 . _:n2p7 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2p6 rdf:rest _:n2p8 . _:n2p8 rdf:first _:n2p9 . _:n2p9 math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:n2p8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2p6 a rdf:List . _:n2p5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2p4 rdf:rest _:n2pa . _:n2pa rdf:first _:n2pb . _:n2pb math:binder ; math:body _:n2pc . _:n2pc math:arguments _:n2pd . _:n2pd rdf:first _:n2pe ; rdf:rest _:n2pf ; a rdf:List . _:n2pc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2pb math:variables _:n2pg . _:n2pg rdf:first _:n2ph . _:n2ph math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n2pg rdf:rest _:n2pi . _:n2pi rdf:first _:n2pj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2pg a rdf:List . _:n2pb a math:Binding . _:n2pa rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2p4 a rdf:List . _:n2p3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_subgroup(G,H) then H is a nonempty set of elements of G and H is closed under multiplication and taking inverses.""" ; math-meta:description """The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a subgroup of the second.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a group G. When applied to G its value is the monoid underlying G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2pk . _:n2pk math:arguments _:n2pl . _:n2pl rdf:first _:n2pm . _:n2pm math:arguments _:n2pn . _:n2pn rdf:first _:n2po . _:n2po math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2pn rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2pm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2pl rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2pk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a group G. It returns the multiplication map on G. We allow for the map to be n-ary.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2pp . _:n2pp math:arguments _:n2pq . _:n2pq rdf:first _:n2pr . _:n2pr math:value "The multiplication of group(G,*,inverse,e) is *."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2pq rdf:rest _:n2ps . _:n2ps rdf:first _:n2pt . _:n2pt math:arguments _:n2pu . _:n2pu rdf:first _:n2pv . _:n2pv math:arguments _:n2pw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2pu rdf:rest _:n2px . _:n2px rdf:first _:n2py ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2pu a rdf:List . _:n2pt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ps rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2pq a rdf:List . _:n2pp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """n in the normal closure (A,B) implies there exists a in A and b in B s.t. n = b^(-1) a b""" ; math-meta:description """The binary function whose value is the set of conjugates of the elements of the second group by elements of the first, where multiplication between them is defined.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2pz . _:n2pz math:arguments _:n2q0 . _:n2q0 rdf:first _:n2q1 . _:n2q1 math:arguments _:n2q2 . _:n2q2 rdf:first _:n2q3 . _:n2q3 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n2q2 rdf:rest _:n2q4 . _:n2q4 rdf:first _:n2q5 . _:n2q5 math:arguments _:n2q6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2q4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2q2 a rdf:List . _:n2q1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2q0 rdf:rest _:n2q7 . _:n2q7 rdf:first _:n2q8 . _:n2q8 math:binder ; math:body _:n2q9 . _:n2q9 math:arguments _:n2qa . _:n2qa rdf:first _:n2qb ; rdf:rest _:n2qc ; a rdf:List . _:n2q9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2q8 math:variables _:n2qd . _:n2qd rdf:first _:n2qe . _:n2qe math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n2qd rdf:rest _:n2qf . _:n2qf rdf:first _:n2qg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2qd a rdf:List . _:n2q8 a math:Binding . _:n2q7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2q0 a rdf:List . _:n2pz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:description """This is a symbol with three arguments. The first argument is a group G. Its second argument is an element g of G and the third argument is an integer k. It denotes the element g^k in G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2qh . _:n2qh math:arguments _:n2qi . _:n2qi rdf:first _:n2qj . _:n2qj math:arguments _:n2qk . _:n2qk rdf:first _:n2ql . _:n2ql math:arguments _:n2qm . _:n2qm rdf:first _:n2qn ; rdf:rest _:n2qo ; a rdf:List . _:n2ql math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2qk rdf:rest _:n2qp . _:n2qp rdf:first _:n2qq . _:n2qq math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n2qp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2qk a rdf:List . _:n2qj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2qi rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2qh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor symbol with one or two arguments. The first argument is a list or set, D, of group elements. The optional second argument is the group G containing D. It denotes the subgroup of G generated by D.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2qr . _:n2qr math:arguments _:n2qs . _:n2qs rdf:first _:n2qt . _:n2qt math:arguments _:n2qu . _:n2qu rdf:first _:n2qv . _:n2qv math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:n2qu rdf:rest _:n2qw . _:n2qw rdf:first _:n2qx . _:n2qx math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2qw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2qu a rdf:List . _:n2qt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2qs rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2qr math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n2qy . _:n2qy math:arguments _:n2qz . _:n2qz rdf:first _:n2r0 . _:n2r0 math:value """This example represents the subgroup of the multiplicative group of the nonzero reals generated by the constants Pi and E:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2qz rdf:rest _:n2r1 . _:n2r1 rdf:first _:n2r2 . _:n2r2 math:arguments _:n2r3 . _:n2r3 rdf:first _:n2r4 . _:n2r4 math:arguments _:n2r5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2r3 rdf:rest _:n2r6 . _:n2r6 rdf:first _:n2r7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2r3 a rdf:List . _:n2r2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2r1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2qz a rdf:List . _:n2qy math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group1 . :group2 math-meta:description "A CD of functions like homomorphisms for groups" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-02-20. Edited AMC 2004-03-02""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "conjugation(M,x) (y) = x * y * x^ {-1}." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a group M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes conjugation on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2r8 . _:n2r8 math:binder ; math:body _:n2r9 . _:n2r9 math:arguments _:n2ra . _:n2ra rdf:first _:n2rb . _:n2rb math:arguments _:n2rc . _:n2rc rdf:first _:n2rd . _:n2rd math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2rc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2rb math:operator _:n2re . _:n2re math:arguments _:n2rf . _:n2rf rdf:first _:n2rg ; rdf:rest _:n2rh ; a rdf:List . _:n2re math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2rb a math:Application . _:n2ra rdf:rest _:n2ri . _:n2ri rdf:first _:n2rj . _:n2rj math:arguments _:n2rk . _:n2rk rdf:first _:n2rl ; rdf:rest _:n2rm ; a rdf:List . _:n2rj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ri rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ra a rdf:List . _:n2r9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2r8 math:variables _:n2rn . _:n2rn rdf:first _:n2ro . _:n2ro math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2rn rdf:rest _:n2rp . _:n2rp rdf:first _:n2rq . _:n2rq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2rp rdf:rest _:n2rr . _:n2rr rdf:first _:n2rs . _:n2rs math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2rr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2rn a rdf:List . _:n2r8 a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_automorphism(M,f) then is_isomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a group M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a group automorphism f of M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2rt . _:n2rt math:arguments _:n2ru . _:n2ru rdf:first _:n2rv . _:n2rv math:arguments _:n2rw . _:n2rw rdf:first _:n2rx . _:n2rx math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2rw rdf:rest _:n2ry . _:n2ry rdf:first _:n2rz . _:n2rz math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ry rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2rw a rdf:List . _:n2rv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ru rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2rt math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2s0 . _:n2s0 math:arguments _:n2s1 . _:n2s1 rdf:first _:n2s2 . _:n2s2 math:arguments _:n2s3 . _:n2s3 rdf:first _:n2s4 . _:n2s4 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2s3 rdf:rest _:n2s5 . _:n2s5 rdf:first _:n2s6 . _:n2s6 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2s5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2s3 a rdf:List . _:n2s2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2s1 rdf:rest _:n2s7 . _:n2s7 rdf:first _:n2s8 . _:n2s8 math:arguments _:n2s9 . _:n2s9 rdf:first _:n2sa . _:n2sa math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2s9 rdf:rest _:n2sb . _:n2sb rdf:first _:n2sc ; rdf:rest _:n2sd . _:n2s9 a rdf:List . _:n2s8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2s7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2s1 a rdf:List . _:n2s0 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_endomorphism(M,f) then is_homomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a group M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a group endomorphism from M to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2se . _:n2se math:arguments _:n2sf . _:n2sf rdf:first _:n2sg . _:n2sg math:arguments _:n2sh . _:n2sh rdf:first _:n2si . _:n2si math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2sh rdf:rest _:n2sj . _:n2sj rdf:first _:n2sk . _:n2sk math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2sj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2sh a rdf:List . _:n2sg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2sf rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2se math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2sl . _:n2sl math:arguments _:n2sm . _:n2sm rdf:first _:n2sn . _:n2sn math:arguments _:n2so . _:n2so rdf:first _:n2sp . _:n2sp math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2so rdf:rest _:n2sq . _:n2sq rdf:first _:n2sr . _:n2sr math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2sq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2so a rdf:List . _:n2sn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2sm rdf:rest _:n2ss . _:n2ss rdf:first _:n2st . _:n2st math:arguments _:n2su . _:n2su rdf:first _:n2sv . _:n2sv math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2su rdf:rest _:n2sw . _:n2sw rdf:first _:n2sx ; rdf:rest _:n2sy . _:n2su a rdf:List . _:n2st math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ss rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2sm a rdf:List . _:n2sl math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_homomorphism(M,N,f) then, for each pair of elements x, y of M, we have f(x * y) = f(x) * f(y).""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first two arguments are groups M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a group homomorphism from M to N.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2sz . _:n2sz math:arguments _:n2t0 . _:n2t0 rdf:first _:n2t1 . _:n2t1 math:arguments _:n2t2 . _:n2t2 rdf:first _:n2t3 . _:n2t3 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2t2 rdf:rest _:n2t4 . _:n2t4 rdf:first _:n2t5 . _:n2t5 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n2t4 rdf:rest _:n2t6 . _:n2t6 rdf:first _:n2t7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2t2 a rdf:List . _:n2t1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2t0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2sz math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n2t8 . _:n2t8 math:arguments _:n2t9 . _:n2t9 rdf:first _:n2ta . _:n2ta math:arguments _:n2tb . _:n2tb rdf:first _:n2tc . _:n2tc math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2tb rdf:rest _:n2td . _:n2td rdf:first _:n2te . _:n2te math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n2td rdf:rest _:n2tf . _:n2tf rdf:first _:n2tg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2tb a rdf:List . _:n2ta math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2t9 rdf:rest _:n2th . _:n2th rdf:first _:n2ti . _:n2ti math:binder ; math:body _:n2tj . _:n2tj math:arguments _:n2tk . _:n2tk rdf:first _:n2tl ; rdf:rest _:n2tm ; a rdf:List . _:n2tj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ti math:variables _:n2tn . _:n2tn rdf:first _:n2to . _:n2to math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2tn rdf:rest _:n2tp . _:n2tp rdf:first _:n2tq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2tn a rdf:List . _:n2ti a math:Binding . _:n2th rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2t9 a rdf:List . _:n2t8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are groups M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a group isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2tr . _:n2tr math:arguments _:n2ts . _:n2ts rdf:first _:n2tt . _:n2tt math:arguments _:n2tu . _:n2tu rdf:first _:n2tv . _:n2tv math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2tu rdf:rest _:n2tw . _:n2tw rdf:first _:n2tx . _:n2tx math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n2tw rdf:rest _:n2ty . _:n2ty rdf:first _:n2tz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2tu a rdf:List . _:n2tt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ts rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2tr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are groups. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2u0 . _:n2u0 math:arguments _:n2u1 . _:n2u1 rdf:first _:n2u2 . _:n2u2 math:arguments _:n2u3 . _:n2u3 rdf:first _:n2u4 . _:n2u4 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2u3 rdf:rest _:n2u5 . _:n2u5 rdf:first _:n2u6 . _:n2u6 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n2u5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2u3 a rdf:List . _:n2u2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2u1 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2u0 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "left_multiplication(M,x) (y) = x * y." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a group M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes left multiplication on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2u7 . _:n2u7 math:binder ; math:body _:n2u8 . _:n2u8 math:arguments _:n2u9 . _:n2u9 rdf:first _:n2ua . _:n2ua math:arguments _:n2ub . _:n2ub rdf:first _:n2uc . _:n2uc math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ub rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2ua math:operator _:n2ud . _:n2ud math:arguments _:n2ue . _:n2ue rdf:first _:n2uf ; rdf:rest _:n2ug ; a rdf:List . _:n2ud math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ua a math:Application . _:n2u9 rdf:rest _:n2uh . _:n2uh rdf:first _:n2ui . _:n2ui math:arguments _:n2uj . _:n2uj rdf:first _:n2uk ; rdf:rest _:n2ul ; a rdf:List . _:n2ui math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2uh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2u9 a rdf:List . _:n2u8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2u7 math:variables _:n2um . _:n2um rdf:first _:n2un . _:n2un math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2um rdf:rest _:n2uo . _:n2uo rdf:first _:n2up . _:n2up math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2uo rdf:rest _:n2uq . _:n2uq rdf:first _:n2ur . _:n2ur math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2uq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2um a rdf:List . _:n2u7 a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "right_inverse_multiplication(M,x) (y) = y * x^(-1)." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a group M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by the inverse of x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2us . _:n2us math:binder ; math:body _:n2ut . _:n2ut math:arguments _:n2uu . _:n2uu rdf:first _:n2uv . _:n2uv math:arguments _:n2uw . _:n2uw rdf:first _:n2ux . _:n2ux math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2uw rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2uv math:operator _:n2uy . _:n2uy math:arguments _:n2uz . _:n2uz rdf:first _:n2v0 ; rdf:rest _:n2v1 ; a rdf:List . _:n2uy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2uv a math:Application . _:n2uu rdf:rest _:n2v2 . _:n2v2 rdf:first _:n2v3 . _:n2v3 math:arguments _:n2v4 . _:n2v4 rdf:first _:n2v5 ; rdf:rest _:n2v6 ; a rdf:List . _:n2v3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2v2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2uu a rdf:List . _:n2ut math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2us math:variables _:n2v7 . _:n2v7 rdf:first _:n2v8 . _:n2v8 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2v7 rdf:rest _:n2v9 . _:n2v9 rdf:first _:n2va . _:n2va math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2v9 rdf:rest _:n2vb . _:n2vb rdf:first _:n2vc . _:n2vc math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2vb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2v7 a rdf:List . _:n2us a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "right_multiplication(M,x) (y) = y * x." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a group M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2vd . _:n2vd math:binder ; math:body _:n2ve . _:n2ve math:arguments _:n2vf . _:n2vf rdf:first _:n2vg . _:n2vg math:arguments _:n2vh . _:n2vh rdf:first _:n2vi . _:n2vi math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2vh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2vg math:operator _:n2vj . _:n2vj math:arguments _:n2vk . _:n2vk rdf:first _:n2vl ; rdf:rest _:n2vm ; a rdf:List . _:n2vj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2vg a math:Application . _:n2vf rdf:rest _:n2vn . _:n2vn rdf:first _:n2vo . _:n2vo math:arguments _:n2vp . _:n2vp rdf:first _:n2vq ; rdf:rest _:n2vr ; a rdf:List . _:n2vo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2vn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2vf a rdf:List . _:n2ve math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2vd math:variables _:n2vs . _:n2vs rdf:first _:n2vt . _:n2vt math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2vs rdf:rest _:n2vu . _:n2vu rdf:first _:n2vv . _:n2vv math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2vu rdf:rest _:n2vw . _:n2vw rdf:first _:n2vx . _:n2vx math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2vw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2vs a rdf:List . _:n2vd a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group2 . :group3 math-meta:description "A CD of group constructions" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-02-20." . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a vector space or a module V. When applied to V it represents the group of all invertible linear transformations of V.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments. The first should be a positive integer n, the second a field F. When applied to n and F it represents the group of all invertible linear transformations of the vector space over F of dimension n.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a a module V over a commutative ring. When applied to V it represents the group of all invertible linear transformations of V of determinant 1.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments. The first should be a positive integer n, the second a field F. When applied to n and F it represents the group of all invertible linear transformations of the vector space over F of dimension n having determinant 1.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a set X. When applied to a set X it represents the group of all even permutations on X .""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a natural number n. When applied to n it represents the group of all even permutations on the set {1,2, ...,n}.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This is a function with a single argument which must be a group. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """d is in the center of G if and only if for all g in G we have g d= d g.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function whose argument should be a group G. Its value is the biggest subgroup of G all of whose elements commute with all elements of G.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2vy . _:n2vy math:arguments _:n2vz . _:n2vz rdf:first _:n2w0 . _:n2w0 math:arguments _:n2w1 . _:n2w1 rdf:first _:n2w2 . _:n2w2 math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:n2w1 rdf:rest _:n2w3 . _:n2w3 rdf:first _:n2w4 . _:n2w4 math:arguments _:n2w5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2w3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2w1 a rdf:List . _:n2w0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2vz rdf:rest _:n2w6 . _:n2w6 rdf:first _:n2w7 . _:n2w7 math:binder ; math:body _:n2w8 . _:n2w8 math:arguments _:n2w9 . _:n2w9 rdf:first _:n2wa ; rdf:rest _:n2wb ; a rdf:List . _:n2w8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2w7 math:variables _:n2wc . _:n2wc rdf:first _:n2wd . _:n2wd math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n2wc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2w7 a math:Binding . _:n2w6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2vz a rdf:List . _:n2vy math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """d is in the centralizer of g in G if and only if g d= d g.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbols represents a binary function whose first argument should be a group G and whose second argument should be an element g or a list of elements L of the group G. Its value is the subgroup of G of all elements commuting with g or, if the second argument is a list, all elements of L.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2we . _:n2we math:arguments _:n2wf . _:n2wf rdf:first _:n2wg . _:n2wg math:arguments _:n2wh . _:n2wh rdf:first _:n2wi . _:n2wi math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:n2wh rdf:rest _:n2wj . _:n2wj rdf:first _:n2wk . _:n2wk math:arguments _:n2wl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2wj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2wh a rdf:List . _:n2wg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2wf rdf:rest _:n2wm . _:n2wm rdf:first _:n2wn . _:n2wn math:arguments _:n2wo . _:n2wo rdf:first _:n2wp . _:n2wp math:arguments _:n2wq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2wo rdf:rest _:n2wr . _:n2wr rdf:first _:n2ws ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2wo a rdf:List . _:n2wn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2wm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2wf a rdf:List . _:n2we math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """d in the derived subgroup of G if and only if there exist lists x,y of elements of G of equal length such that d is the product x_1 y_1 x_1^(-1) y_1^(-1) ... x_n y_n x_n^(-1) y_n^(-1).""" ; math-meta:description """The unary function whose value is the subgroup of argument generated by all products of the form xyx^-1y^-1.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2wt . _:n2wt math:arguments _:n2wu . _:n2wu rdf:first _:n2wv . _:n2wv math:arguments _:n2ww . _:n2ww rdf:first _:n2wx . _:n2wx math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ww rdf:rest _:n2wy . _:n2wy rdf:first _:n2wz . _:n2wz math:arguments _:n2x0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2wy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ww a rdf:List . _:n2wv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2wu rdf:rest _:n2x1 . _:n2x1 rdf:first _:n2x2 . _:n2x2 math:binder ; math:body _:n2x3 . _:n2x3 math:arguments _:n2x4 . _:n2x4 rdf:first _:n2x5 ; rdf:rest _:n2x6 ; a rdf:List . _:n2x3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2x2 math:variables _:n2x7 . _:n2x7 rdf:first _:n2x8 . _:n2x8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2x7 rdf:rest _:n2x9 . _:n2x9 rdf:first _:n2xa ; rdf:rest _:n2xb . _:n2x7 a rdf:List . _:n2x2 a math:Binding . _:n2x1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2wu a rdf:List . _:n2wt math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This is a binary function whose first argument should be a group G and whose second argument should be a natural number n. It refers to the direct product of n copies of G.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This is an n-ary function whose arguments must be groups. It refers to the direct product of its arguments.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function. The argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on such an argument, the function represents the free group generated by the entries of the list or set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n2xc . _:n2xc math:arguments _:n2xd . _:n2xd rdf:first _:n2xe . _:n2xe math:value "The free group on the letters a, b:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n2xd rdf:rest _:n2xf . _:n2xf rdf:first _:n2xg . _:n2xg math:arguments _:n2xh . _:n2xh rdf:first _:n2xi . _:n2xi math:arguments _:n2xj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2xh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2xg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2xf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2xd a rdf:List . _:n2xc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a monoid M. When applied to M it represents the group of all invertible elements of M.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """d is in the normalizer of X in G if and only if g X= X g.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbols represents a binary function whose first argument should be a group G and whose second argument should be a set of elements or a subgroup L of the group G. Its value is the subgroup of G of all elements normalizing L.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2xk . _:n2xk math:arguments _:n2xl . _:n2xl rdf:first _:n2xm . _:n2xm math:arguments _:n2xn . _:n2xn rdf:first _:n2xo . _:n2xo math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:n2xn rdf:rest _:n2xp . _:n2xp rdf:first _:n2xq . _:n2xq math:arguments _:n2xr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2xp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2xn a rdf:List . _:n2xm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2xl rdf:rest _:n2xs . _:n2xs rdf:first _:n2xt . _:n2xt math:arguments _:n2xu . _:n2xu rdf:first _:n2xv . _:n2xv math:arguments _:n2xw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2xu rdf:rest _:n2xx . _:n2xx rdf:first _:n2xy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2xu a rdf:List . _:n2xt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2xs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2xl a rdf:List . _:n2xk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """The binary function whose value is the factor group of the first argument by the second, assuming the second is normal in the first.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function with two arguments, the first is a group G and the second a prime number p. When applied to G and p, it represents a Sylow p-subgroup of G (which is unique up to conjugacy in G).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a set X. When applied to a set X it represents the group of all permutations on X .""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The carrier set of symmetric_groupn(k) consists of all permutations with support in the integers {1,...,k}.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a natural number n. When applied to n it represents the group of all permutations on the set {1,2,... ,n}.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2xz . _:n2xz math:arguments _:n2y0 . _:n2y0 rdf:first _:n2y1 . _:n2y1 math:arguments _:n2y2 . _:n2y2 rdf:first _:n2y3 . _:n2y3 math:arguments _:n2y4 . _:n2y4 rdf:first _:n2y5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2y3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2y2 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2y1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2y0 rdf:rest _:n2y6 . _:n2y6 rdf:first _:n2y7 . _:n2y7 math:arguments _:n2y8 . _:n2y8 rdf:first _:n2y9 . _:n2y9 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n2y8 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2y7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2y6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2y0 a rdf:List . _:n2xz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group3 . :group4 math-meta:description "A CD of sets constructed from groups" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-03-02. Edited AMC 2004-03-05""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "x and y are conjugate if and only if there is h in G such that x = h y h^(-1)." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a boolean ternary function whose first argument is a group G and whose second and third arguments are elements x and y of G. Its value on G, x, and y is true if and only if x and y are conjugate in G.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2ya . _:n2ya math:arguments _:n2yb . _:n2yb rdf:first _:n2yc . _:n2yc math:arguments _:n2yd . _:n2yd rdf:first _:n2ye . _:n2ye math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2yd rdf:rest _:n2yf . _:n2yf rdf:first _:n2yg . _:n2yg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2yf rdf:rest _:n2yh . _:n2yh rdf:first _:n2yi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2yd a rdf:List . _:n2yc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2yb rdf:rest _:n2yj . _:n2yj rdf:first _:n2yk . _:n2yk math:binder ; math:body _:n2yl . _:n2yl math:arguments _:n2ym . _:n2ym rdf:first _:n2yn ; rdf:rest _:n2yo ; a rdf:List . _:n2yl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2yk math:variables _:n2yp . _:n2yp rdf:first _:n2yq . _:n2yq math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:n2yp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2yk a math:Binding . _:n2yj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2yb a rdf:List . _:n2ya math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The conjugacy class in G of h is the subset {g^(-1) h g | g in G} of G." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function, whose first argument is a group G and whose second argument is an element x of G. Its value on G and x is the set of elements which are conjugate to x in G.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2yr . _:n2yr math:arguments _:n2ys . _:n2ys rdf:first _:n2yt . _:n2yt math:arguments _:n2yu . _:n2yu rdf:first _:n2yv . _:n2yv math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2yu rdf:rest _:n2yw . _:n2yw rdf:first _:n2yx . _:n2yx math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:n2yw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2yu a rdf:List . _:n2yt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ys rdf:rest _:n2yy . _:n2yy rdf:first _:n2yz . _:n2yz math:arguments _:n2z0 . _:n2z0 rdf:first _:n2z1 . _:n2z1 math:arguments _:n2z2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2z0 rdf:rest _:n2z3 . _:n2z3 rdf:first _:n2z4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2z0 a rdf:List . _:n2yz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2yy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2ys a rdf:List . _:n2yr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function whose argument should be a group. Its value on a group is a set of representatives of the conjugacy classes of that group.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function whose argument should be a group. Its value on a group is the set of conjugacy classes of that group.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a ternary function whose first argument is a group G, whose second argument is a subgroup H of G, and whose third argument is an element x of G. Its value on G, H, and x is the left coset of H in G containing x, that is, the set x H.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a quaternary function whose first argument is a group G, whose second argument is a subgroup H of G, whose third argument is left_transversal T of H in G, and whose fourth argument is an element of G. It assigns to G, H, T, g the element of t of T representing the left coset of H containing g, that is, t H = g H .""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:description "The binary function whose value is the set of left cosets of the second argument in the first." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:description """The binary function whose value is a set of representatives for the left cosets of the second argument as a subgroup of the first.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a ternary function whose first argument is a group G, whose second argument is a subgroup H of G, and whose third argument is an element x of G. Its value on G, H, and x is the right coset of H in G containing x, that is, the set H x.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a quaternary function whose first argument is a group G, whose second argument is a subgroup H of G, whose third argument is right_transversal T of H in G, and whose fourth argument is an element of G. It assigns to G, H, T, g the element of t of T representing the right coset of H containing g, that is, H t = H g.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:description "The binary function whose value is the set of right cosets of the second argument in the first." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . math-meta:description """The binary function whose value is a set of representatives for the right cosets of the second argument as a subgroup of the first.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group4 . :group5 math-meta:description """A CD of functions for relating group elements to their images in quotients.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """The left and right quotients have a natural group structure if and only if H is a normal subgroup of G.""" , "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-07-07" . math-meta:description """This is a function with three arguments the first two of which must be groups F and K. The third argument should be a set or a list L of ordered pairs (lists of length 2). Each pair [x,y] from L consists of an element x from F and an element y from K. When applied to F, K, and L, the symbol represents the group homomorphism from F to K that maps the first entry x of each pair [x,y] to the second entry y of the same pair.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The image of an element x is the right coset of x with respect to H." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a group G and whose second argument is an subgroup H of G. When applied to G and H, its value is the natural quotient map from G to the quotient group G/H, sending x to the right coset Hx of G.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2z5 . _:n2z5 math:arguments _:n2z6 . _:n2z6 rdf:first _:n2z7 . _:n2z7 math:arguments _:n2z8 . _:n2z8 rdf:first _:n2z9 . _:n2z9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2z8 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2z7 math:operator _:n2za . _:n2za math:arguments _:n2zb . _:n2zb rdf:first _:n2zc . _:n2zc math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2zb rdf:rest _:n2zd . _:n2zd rdf:first _:n2ze ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2zb a rdf:List . _:n2za math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2z7 a math:Application . _:n2z6 rdf:rest _:n2zf . _:n2zf rdf:first _:n2zg . _:n2zg math:arguments _:n2zh . _:n2zh rdf:first _:n2zi . _:n2zi math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2zh rdf:rest _:n2zj . _:n2zj rdf:first _:n2zk ; rdf:rest _:n2zl . _:n2zh a rdf:List . _:n2zg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2zf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2z6 a rdf:List . _:n2z5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The image of an element x is the left coset of x with respect to H." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a group G and whose second argument is an subgroup H of G. When applied to G and H, its value is the natural quotient map from G to the quotient group G/H, sending x to the left coset xH of G.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n2zm . _:n2zm math:arguments _:n2zn . _:n2zn rdf:first _:n2zo . _:n2zo math:arguments _:n2zp . _:n2zp rdf:first _:n2zq . _:n2zq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n2zp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2zo math:operator _:n2zr . _:n2zr math:arguments _:n2zs . _:n2zs rdf:first _:n2zt . _:n2zt math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2zs rdf:rest _:n2zu . _:n2zu rdf:first _:n2zv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2zs a rdf:List . _:n2zr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2zo a math:Application . _:n2zn rdf:rest _:n2zw . _:n2zw rdf:first _:n2zx . _:n2zx math:arguments _:n2zy . _:n2zy rdf:first _:n2zz . _:n2zz math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2zy rdf:rest _:n300 . _:n300 rdf:first _:n301 ; rdf:rest _:n302 . _:n2zy a rdf:List . _:n2zx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2zw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2zn a rdf:List . _:n2zm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :group5 . :groupname1 math-meta:description "Well known groups in group theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-04-15" . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a natural number n. When applied to n it represents the cyclic group of order n.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :groupname1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The dihedral group of order 2n is isomorphic to the group generated by a, b with presentation a^2 = b^n = 1 and a b a = b^(-1).""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a positive integer n. When applied to n it represents the dihedral group of order 2n. This is the group of all isometries (including reflections) of the regular n-gon in the plane.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n303 . _:n303 math:arguments _:n304 . _:n304 rdf:first _:n305 . _:n305 math:arguments _:n306 . _:n306 rdf:first _:n307 . _:n307 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n306 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n305 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n304 rdf:rest _:n308 . _:n308 rdf:first _:n309 . _:n309 math:arguments _:n30a . _:n30a rdf:first _:n30b . _:n30b math:arguments _:n30c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n30a rdf:rest _:n30d . _:n30d rdf:first _:n30e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n30a a rdf:List . _:n309 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n308 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n304 a rdf:List . _:n303 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :groupname1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a positive integer. When applied to n it represents the generalized quaternion group of order 4n. This is the group with three generators a, b, and c and relations c = a^2 = b^n, c*a = a*c , b*c = c*b, a*b = b*a*c, and c^2 = 1.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :groupname1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The center of Q has order 2." , "The derived subgroup of Q coincides with the center of Q." , """The quaternion group is isomorphic to the group generated by a, b with presentation a^2 = b^2 = aba^(-1)b^(-1) and a^4 = 1.""" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the quaternion group of order 8." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n30f . _:n30f math:arguments _:n30g . _:n30g rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n30h . _:n30h rdf:first _:n30i . _:n30i math:arguments _:n30j . _:n30j rdf:first _:n30k . _:n30k math:arguments _:n30l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n30j rdf:rest _:n30m . _:n30m rdf:first _:n30n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n30j a rdf:List . _:n30i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n30h rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n30g a rdf:List . _:n30f math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :groupname1 . :hypergeo0 math-meta:description """This CD defines some basic hypergeometric integrals and symbols necessary to define hypergeometric functions. These functions are described in the following books. (1) Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Abramowitz, Stegun (2) Higher transcendental functions. Vol. III. Krieger Publishing Co., Inc., Melbourne, Fla., 1981, Erdlyi, Arthur; Magnus, Wilhelm; Oberhettinger, Fritz; Tricomi, Francesco G. (3) From Gauss to Painleve, Vieweg, Katsunori Iwasaki, Hironobu Kimura, Shun Shimomura, Masaaki Yoshida""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:commentedProperty "beta(p,q)=\\frac{gamma(p)gamma(q)}{gamma(p+q)}(p,q \\not\\in Z_{<=0})" ; math-meta:description "Euler's beta function" ; math-meta:example _:n30o . _:n30o math:arguments _:n30p . _:n30p rdf:first _:n30q . _:n30q math:value "beta(p,q)=\\int_0^1 t^{p-1} (1-t)^{q-1} dt (Re(p),Re(q)>0)"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n30p rdf:rest _:n30r . _:n30r rdf:first _:n30s . _:n30s math:arguments _:n30t . _:n30t rdf:first _:n30u . _:n30u math:arguments _:n30v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n30t rdf:rest _:n30w . _:n30w rdf:first _:n30x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n30t a rdf:List . _:n30s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n30r rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n30p a rdf:List . _:n30o math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n30y . _:n30y math:arguments _:n30z . _:n30z rdf:first _:n310 . _:n310 math:arguments _:n311 . _:n311 rdf:first _:n312 . _:n312 math:arguments _:n313 . _:n313 rdf:first _:n314 ; rdf:rest _:n315 ; a rdf:List . _:n312 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n311 rdf:rest _:n316 . _:n316 rdf:first _:n317 . _:n317 math:arguments _:n318 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n316 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n311 a rdf:List . _:n310 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n30z rdf:rest _:n319 . _:n319 rdf:first _:n31a . _:n31a math:arguments _:n31b . _:n31b rdf:first _:n31c . _:n31c math:arguments _:n31d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n31b rdf:rest _:n31e . _:n31e rdf:first _:n31f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n31b a rdf:List . _:n31a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n319 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n30z a rdf:List . _:n30y math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeo0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "gamma(z)=\\int_0^{+\\infty} t^{z-1} e^{-z} dt (Re(z)>0)" ; math-meta:description "Euler's gamma function" ; math-meta:example _:n31g . _:n31g math:arguments _:n31h . _:n31h rdf:first _:n31i . _:n31i math:value "gamma(n) = (n-1)! (n \\in N)"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n31h rdf:rest _:n31j . _:n31j rdf:first _:n31k . _:n31k math:arguments _:n31l . _:n31l rdf:first _:n31m . _:n31m math:arguments _:n31n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n31l rdf:rest _:n31o . _:n31o rdf:first _:n31p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n31l a rdf:List . _:n31k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n31j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n31h a rdf:List . _:n31g math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n31q . _:n31q math:arguments _:n31r . _:n31r rdf:first _:n31s . _:n31s math:arguments _:n31t . _:n31t rdf:first _:n31u . _:n31u math:arguments _:n31v . _:n31v rdf:first _:n31w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n31u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n31t rdf:rest _:n31x . _:n31x rdf:first _:n31y . _:n31y math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n31x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n31t a rdf:List . _:n31s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n31r rdf:rest _:n31z . _:n31z rdf:first _:n320 . _:n320 math:arguments _:n321 . _:n321 rdf:first _:n322 . _:n322 math:arguments _:n323 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n321 rdf:rest _:n324 . _:n324 rdf:first _:n325 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n321 a rdf:List . _:n320 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n31z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n31r a rdf:List . _:n31q math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeo0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "pochhammer(a,n) = gamma(a+n)/gamma(a)" ; math-meta:description "Pochhammer symbol" ; math-meta:example _:n326 . _:n326 math:arguments _:n327 . _:n327 rdf:first _:n328 . _:n328 math:value "pochhammer(a,n) = \\prod_0^{n-1} (a+i)"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n327 rdf:rest _:n329 . _:n329 rdf:first _:n32a . _:n32a math:arguments _:n32b . _:n32b rdf:first _:n32c . _:n32c math:arguments _:n32d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n32b rdf:rest _:n32e . _:n32e rdf:first _:n32f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n32b a rdf:List . _:n32a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n329 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n327 a rdf:List . _:n326 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n32g . _:n32g math:arguments _:n32h . _:n32h rdf:first _:n32i . _:n32i math:arguments _:n32j . _:n32j rdf:first _:n32k . _:n32k math:name "alpha" ; a math:Variable . _:n32j rdf:rest _:n32l . _:n32l rdf:first _:n32m . _:n32m math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n32l rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n32j a rdf:List . _:n32i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n32h rdf:rest _:n32n . _:n32n rdf:first _:n32o . _:n32o math:arguments _:n32p . _:n32p rdf:first _:n32q . _:n32q math:arguments _:n32r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n32p rdf:rest _:n32s . _:n32s rdf:first _:n32t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n32p a rdf:List . _:n32o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n32n rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n32h a rdf:List . _:n32g math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeo0 . :hypergeo1 math-meta:description """This CD defines the Gauss hypergeometric function, confluent hypergeometric functions, and generalized hypergeometric functions in one variable. These functions are described in the following books. (1) Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Abramowitz, Stegun (2) Higher transcendental functions. Vol. III. Krieger Publishing Co., Inc., Melbourne, Fla., 1981, Erdlyi, Arthur; Magnus, Wilhelm; Oberhettinger, Fritz; Tricomi, Francesco G. (3) From Gauss to Painleve, Vieweg, Katsunori Iwasaki, Hironobu Kimura, Shun Shimomura, Masaaki Yoshida.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:commentedProperty """hypergeometric0F1(;a;z) =\\sum_{n=0}^{+\\infty} \\frac{1}{pochhammer(a,n)pochhammer(1,n)} z^n""" ; math-meta:description "Hypergeometric function {}_0 F_1." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n32u . _:n32u math:arguments _:n32v . _:n32v rdf:first _:n32w . _:n32w math:arguments _:n32x . _:n32x rdf:first _:n32y . _:n32y math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n32x rdf:rest _:n32z . _:n32z rdf:first _:n330 . _:n330 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n32z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n32x a rdf:List . _:n32w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n32v rdf:rest _:n331 . _:n331 rdf:first _:n332 . _:n332 math:arguments _:n333 . _:n333 rdf:first _:n334 . _:n334 math:arguments _:n335 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n333 rdf:rest _:n336 . _:n336 rdf:first _:n337 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n333 a rdf:List . _:n332 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n331 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n32v a rdf:List . _:n32u math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeo1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """hypergeometric1F1(a,b;z) =\\sum_{n=0}^{+\\infty} \\frac{pochhammer(a,n)}{pochhammer(1,n)pochhammer(b,n)} z^n""" ; math-meta:description "Kummer's confluent hypergeometric function." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n338 . _:n338 math:arguments _:n339 . _:n339 rdf:first _:n33a . _:n33a math:arguments _:n33b . _:n33b rdf:first _:n33c . _:n33c math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n33b rdf:rest _:n33d . _:n33d rdf:first _:n33e . _:n33e math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n33d rdf:rest _:n33f . _:n33f rdf:first _:n33g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n33b a rdf:List . _:n33a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n339 rdf:rest _:n33h . _:n33h rdf:first _:n33i . _:n33i math:arguments _:n33j . _:n33j rdf:first _:n33k . _:n33k math:arguments _:n33l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n33j rdf:rest _:n33m . _:n33m rdf:first _:n33n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n33j a rdf:List . _:n33i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n33h rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n339 a rdf:List . _:n338 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeo1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """hypergeometric2F1(a,b,c;z) =\\sum_{n=0}^{+\\infty} \\frac{pochhammer(a,n)pochhammer(b,n)}{pochhammer(c,n)pochhammer(1,n)} z^n""" ; math-meta:description """The Gauss hypergeometric function. This function has a branch cut on [1,+infinity).""" ; math-meta:example _:n33o . _:n33o math:arguments _:n33p . _:n33p rdf:first _:n33q . _:n33q math:value "z (1-z) d^2 F/dz^2 + (c - (a+b+1) z) d F/dz - a b F = 0"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n33p rdf:rest _:n33r . _:n33r rdf:first _:n33s . _:n33s math:arguments _:n33t . _:n33t rdf:first _:n33u . _:n33u math:arguments _:n33v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n33t rdf:rest _:n33w . _:n33w rdf:first _:n33x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n33t a rdf:List . _:n33s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n33r rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n33p a rdf:List . _:n33o math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n33y . _:n33y math:arguments _:n33z . _:n33z rdf:first _:n340 . _:n340 math:arguments _:n341 . _:n341 rdf:first _:n342 . _:n342 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n341 rdf:rest _:n343 . _:n343 rdf:first _:n344 . _:n344 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n343 rdf:rest _:n345 . _:n345 rdf:first _:n346 ; rdf:rest _:n347 . _:n341 a rdf:List . _:n340 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n33z rdf:rest _:n348 . _:n348 rdf:first _:n349 . _:n349 math:arguments _:n34a . _:n34a rdf:first _:n34b . _:n34b math:arguments _:n34c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n34a rdf:rest _:n34d . _:n34d rdf:first _:n34e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n34a a rdf:List . _:n349 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n348 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n33z a rdf:List . _:n33y math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeo1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """hypergeometric_pFq(a,b;z) =\\sum_{n=0}^{+\\infty} \\frac{\\Pi_i pochhammer(a_i,n)}{\\Pi_i pochhammer(b_i,n)pochhammer(1,n)} z^n""" ; math-meta:description """Generalized hypergeometric function. This function has a branch cut on [1,+infinity).""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n34f . _:n34f math:arguments _:n34g . _:n34g rdf:first _:n34h . _:n34h math:arguments _:n34i . _:n34i rdf:first _:n34j . _:n34j math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n34i rdf:rest _:n34k . _:n34k rdf:first _:n34l . _:n34l math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n34k rdf:rest _:n34m . _:n34m rdf:first _:n34n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n34i a rdf:List . _:n34h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n34g rdf:rest _:n34o . _:n34o rdf:first _:n34p . _:n34p math:arguments _:n34q . _:n34q rdf:first _:n34r . _:n34r math:arguments _:n34s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n34q rdf:rest _:n34t . _:n34t rdf:first _:n34u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n34q a rdf:List . _:n34p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n34o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n34g a rdf:List . _:n34f math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeo1 . :hypergeon0 math-meta:description """This CD defines some supplementary symbols necessary for hypergeon1 and hypergeon2 (hypergeometric series of n variables). These symbols may be included in CD's linalg, logic, poly, and set.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:commentedProperty "$ Z^m \\times Z^n = Z^{m+n} $" ; math-meta:description """the cartesian product of n copies of the first argument. Binary function.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n34v . _:n34v math:arguments _:n34w . _:n34w rdf:first _:n34x . _:n34x math:arguments _:n34y . _:n34y rdf:first _:n34z . _:n34z math:arguments _:n350 . _:n350 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n351 ; a rdf:List . _:n34z math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n34y rdf:rest _:n352 . _:n352 rdf:first _:n353 . _:n353 math:arguments _:n354 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n352 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n34y a rdf:List . _:n34x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n34w rdf:rest _:n355 . _:n355 rdf:first _:n356 . _:n356 math:arguments _:n357 . _:n357 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n358 . _:n358 rdf:first _:n359 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n357 a rdf:List . _:n356 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n355 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n34w a rdf:List . _:n34v math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeon0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "$\\kernel(D,A) = \\{ x \\in D | A x = 0 \\}$" ; math-meta:description """It returns the kernel of the map defined by a matrix in a specified domain.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n35a . _:n35a math:arguments _:n35b . _:n35b rdf:first _:n35c . _:n35c math:arguments _:n35d . _:n35d rdf:first _:n35e . _:n35e math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:n35d rdf:rest _:n35f . _:n35f rdf:first _:n35g . _:n35g math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n35f rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n35d a rdf:List . _:n35c math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n35b rdf:rest _:n35h . _:n35h rdf:first _:n35i . _:n35i math:arguments _:n35j . _:n35j rdf:first _:n35k . _:n35k math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:n35j rdf:rest _:n35l . _:n35l rdf:first _:n35m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n35j a rdf:List . _:n35i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n35h rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n35b a rdf:List . _:n35a math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeon0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "$u = u_{+} - u_{-}$" ; math-meta:description """The argument is a vector. It replaces positive elements in the vector to zero and negative elements to their absolute values.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n35n . _:n35n math:arguments _:n35o . _:n35o rdf:first _:n35p . _:n35p math:name "u" ; a math:Variable . _:n35o rdf:rest _:n35q . _:n35q rdf:first _:n35r . _:n35r math:arguments _:n35s . _:n35s rdf:first _:n35t . _:n35t math:arguments _:n35u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n35s rdf:rest _:n35v . _:n35v rdf:first _:n35w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n35s a rdf:List . _:n35r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n35q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n35o a rdf:List . _:n35n math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeon0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "$x^e = \\prod_{i=1}^n x_i ^ {e_i}$" ; math-meta:description "multi_power is for using the multi-index notation." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n35x . _:n35x math:arguments _:n35y . _:n35y rdf:first _:n35z . _:n35z math:arguments _:n360 . _:n360 rdf:first _:n361 . _:n361 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n360 rdf:rest _:n362 . _:n362 rdf:first _:n363 . _:n363 math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:n362 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n360 a rdf:List . _:n35z math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n35y rdf:rest _:n364 . _:n364 rdf:first _:n365 . _:n365 math:arguments _:n366 . _:n366 rdf:first _:n367 . _:n367 math:arguments _:n368 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n366 rdf:rest _:n369 . _:n369 rdf:first _:n36a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n366 a rdf:List . _:n365 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n364 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n35y a rdf:List . _:n35x math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeon0 . math-meta:description """The argument is a vector. It replaces negative elements in the vector to zero.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeon0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "$x^n=x x x \\where{n=3}$" ; math-meta:description """The word \"where\" is often used in mathematical expressions to set variables or to say side conditions. CDname logic1.implies can be used for these purposes, but \"where\" will be more intuitive and more friendly expression for authors.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n36b . _:n36b math:arguments _:n36c . _:n36c rdf:first _:n36d . _:n36d math:binder ; math:body _:n36e . _:n36e math:arguments _:n36f . _:n36f rdf:first _:n36g . _:n36g math:arguments _:n36h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n36f rdf:rest _:n36i . _:n36i rdf:first _:n36j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n36f a rdf:List . _:n36e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n36d math:variables _:n36k . _:n36k rdf:first _:n36l . _:n36l math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n36k rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n36d a math:Binding . _:n36c rdf:rest _:n36m . _:n36m rdf:first _:n36n . _:n36n math:arguments _:n36o . _:n36o rdf:first _:n36p . _:n36p math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n36o rdf:rest _:n36q . _:n36q rdf:first _:n36r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n36o a rdf:List . _:n36n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n36m rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n36c a rdf:List . _:n36b math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :hypergeon0 . :icc math-meta:description """ICC Typing Attributes for OM Initial version: O. Caprotti (July 1, 1999)""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Revised by W.A. Naylor on 2000-02-02 to reflect the name change of setname, also adding CDUses.""" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """Constructor for Inductive Types. Takes arguments the constructor functions for the inhabitants of the type and their signatures.""" ; math-meta:example _:n36s . _:n36s math:arguments _:n36t . _:n36t rdf:first _:n36u . _:n36u math:arguments _:n36v . _:n36v rdf:first _:n36w . _:n36w math:arguments _:n36x . _:n36x rdf:first _:n36y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n36w math:target _:n36z . _:n36z math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n36w a math:Attribution . _:n36v rdf:rest _:n370 . _:n370 rdf:first _:n371 . _:n371 math:arguments _:n372 ; math:target ; a math:Attribution . _:n370 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n36v a rdf:List . _:n36u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n36t rdf:rest _:n373 . _:n373 rdf:first _:n374 . _:n374 math:value """is the defining mathematical property for the symbolic type nat of the inductively defined natural numbers with 0 and succ as constructor functions."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n373 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n36t a rdf:List . _:n36s math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :icc . math-meta:description "Attribution tag to denote type-judgement" ; a math:Symbol , math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :icc . math-meta:description "Attribution tag to denote type-judgement with coercion" ; a math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :icc . :indnat math-meta:description """Inductive definition of natural numbers Initial version: O.C (Jan. 2000)""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """Attribution tag to denote the type of inductively defined natural numbers. It is also denoted as setname1:N.""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :indnat . math-meta:description """Addition of natural numbers defined recursively by using the successor.""" ; math-meta:example _:n375 . _:n375 math:arguments _:n376 . _:n376 rdf:first _:n377 . _:n377 math:arguments _:n378 . _:n378 rdf:first _:n379 . _:n379 math:arguments _:n37a . _:n37a rdf:first _:n37b ; rdf:rest _:n37c ; a rdf:List . _:n379 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n378 rdf:rest _:n37d . _:n37d rdf:first _:n37e . _:n37e math:arguments _:n37f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n37d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n378 a rdf:List . _:n377 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n376 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n375 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :indnat . math-meta:description """Successor function on the natural number. Constructor for the inductively defined natural numbers. Takes argument a a natural number and returns a natural number.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :indnat . math-meta:description """Multiplication of natural numbers defined recursively by using the successor and plus.""" ; math-meta:example _:n37g . _:n37g math:arguments _:n37h . _:n37h rdf:first _:n37i . _:n37i math:arguments _:n37j . _:n37j rdf:first _:n37k . _:n37k math:arguments _:n37l . _:n37l rdf:first _:n37m ; rdf:rest _:n37n ; a rdf:List . _:n37k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n37j rdf:rest _:n37o . _:n37o rdf:first _:n37p . _:n37p math:arguments _:n37q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n37o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n37j a rdf:List . _:n37i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n37h rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n37g math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :indnat . math-meta:description """The natural number 0, also constant base function for the inductive definition of the type of natural numbers""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :indnat . :integer1 math-meta:description """This CD holds a collection of basic integer functions. This CD is intended to be `compatible' with the corresponding elements in Content MathML.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "factorial n = product [1..n]" ; math-meta:description "The symbol to represent a unary factorial function on non-negative integers." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n37r . _:n37r math:arguments _:n37s . _:n37s rdf:first _:n37t . _:n37t math:arguments _:n37u . _:n37u rdf:first _:n37v . _:n37v math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n37u rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n37t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n37s rdf:rest _:n37w . _:n37w rdf:first _:n37x . _:n37x math:arguments _:n37y . _:n37y rdf:first _:n37z . _:n37z math:arguments _:n380 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n37y rdf:rest _:n381 . _:n381 rdf:first _:n382 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n37y a rdf:List . _:n37x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n37w rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n37s a rdf:List . _:n37r math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "b is a factor of a iff remainder of a divided by b = 0" ; math-meta:description """This is the binary OpenMath operator that is used to indicate the mathematical relationship a \"is a factor of\" b, where a is the first argument and b is the second. This relationship is true if and only if b mod a = 0.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n383 . _:n383 math:arguments _:n384 . _:n384 rdf:first _:n385 . _:n385 math:arguments _:n386 . _:n386 rdf:first _:n387 . _:n387 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n386 rdf:rest _:n388 . _:n388 rdf:first _:n389 . _:n389 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n388 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n386 a rdf:List . _:n385 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n384 rdf:rest _:n38a . _:n38a rdf:first _:n38b . _:n38b math:arguments _:n38c . _:n38c rdf:first _:n38d . _:n38d math:arguments _:n38e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n38c rdf:rest _:n38f . _:n38f rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n38c a rdf:List . _:n38b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n38a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n384 a rdf:List . _:n383 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all a,b with a,b Integers | a = b * quotient(a,b) + remainder(a,b) and abs(remainder(a,b)) is less than abs(b) and a*remainder(a,b) >= 0""" ; math-meta:description """The symbol to represent the integer (binary) division operator. That is, for integers a and b, quotient(a,b) denotes q such that a=b*q+r, with |r| less than |b| and a*r positive.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n38g . _:n38g math:binder ; math:body _:n38h . _:n38h math:arguments _:n38i . _:n38i rdf:first _:n38j . _:n38j math:arguments _:n38k . _:n38k rdf:first _:n38l . _:n38l math:arguments _:n38m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n38k rdf:rest _:n38n . _:n38n rdf:first _:n38o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n38k a rdf:List . _:n38j math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n38i rdf:rest _:n38p . _:n38p rdf:first _:n38q . _:n38q math:arguments _:n38r . _:n38r rdf:first _:n38s ; rdf:rest _:n38t ; a rdf:List . _:n38q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n38p rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n38i a rdf:List . _:n38h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n38g math:variables _:n38u . _:n38u rdf:first _:n38v . _:n38v math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n38u rdf:rest _:n38w . _:n38w rdf:first _:n38x . _:n38x math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n38w rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n38u a rdf:List . _:n38g a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all a,b with a,b Integers | a = b * quotient(a,b) + remainder(a,b) and abs(remainder(a,b)) is less than abs(b) and a*remainder(a,b) >= 0""" ; math-meta:description """The symbol to represent the integer remainder after (binary) division. For integers a and b, remainder(a,b) denotes r such that a=b*q+r, with |r| less than |b| and a*r positive.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n38y . _:n38y math:binder ; math:body _:n38z . _:n38z math:arguments _:n390 . _:n390 rdf:first _:n391 . _:n391 math:arguments _:n392 . _:n392 rdf:first _:n393 . _:n393 math:arguments _:n394 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n392 rdf:rest _:n395 . _:n395 rdf:first _:n396 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n392 a rdf:List . _:n391 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n390 rdf:rest _:n397 . _:n397 rdf:first _:n398 . _:n398 math:arguments _:n399 . _:n399 rdf:first _:n39a ; rdf:rest _:n39b ; a rdf:List . _:n398 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n397 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n390 a rdf:List . _:n38z math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n38y math:variables _:n39c . _:n39c rdf:first _:n39d . _:n39d math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n39c rdf:rest _:n39e . _:n39e rdf:first _:n39f . _:n39f math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n39e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n39c a rdf:List . _:n38y a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer1 . :integer2 math-meta:description "This CD holds a collection of basic modular arithmetic for integers." ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a bivariate function, whose arguments should be integers. If a, m are integers, then class(a,m) denotes the residue class a mod m in setname2.Zm.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """For two integers a and b, the number a divides b if and only, in the magma Z with multiplication, a is a left divisor of b.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a bivariate Boolean function, whose arguments should be integers. When applied to integers a and b, it denotes the property that a divides b.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n39g . _:n39g math:arguments _:n39h . _:n39h rdf:first _:n39i . _:n39i math:arguments _:n39j . _:n39j rdf:first _:n39k . _:n39k math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n39j rdf:rest _:n39l . _:n39l rdf:first _:n39m . _:n39m math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n39l rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n39j a rdf:List . _:n39i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n39h rdf:rest _:n39n . _:n39n rdf:first _:n39o . _:n39o math:arguments _:n39p . _:n39p rdf:first _:n39q . _:n39q math:arguments _:n39r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n39p rdf:rest _:n39s . _:n39s rdf:first _:n39t ; rdf:rest _:n39u . _:n39p a rdf:List . _:n39o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n39n rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n39h a rdf:List . _:n39g math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a Boolean valued trivariate function, whose arguments should be integers. When applied to integers a, b, m, it denotes the Boolean evalue of the assertion that a and b are equal modulo m.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer2 . math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the univariate Euler totient function. If m is an integer, then euler(m) denotes the order of the multiplicative group of invertible elements in the residue class ring Z/mZ.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a univariate function, whose argument should be an integer. When applied to an integer m, it denotes the equivalence relation of being equal modulo m on Z.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a Boolean valued trivariate function, whose arguments should be integers. When applied to integers a, b, m, it denotes the Boolean evalue of the assertion that a and b are not equal modulo m.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer2 . math-meta:description """This symbol denotes a binary function. Its first argument shoud be a prime number p, the second an integer n. When applied to p and n, it represents the highest power of p occurring in a factorization of n.""" ; math-meta:example _:n39v . _:n39v math:arguments _:n39w . _:n39w rdf:first _:n39x . _:n39x math:value "There are two factors 2 in 60:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n39w rdf:rest _:n39y . _:n39y rdf:first _:n39z . _:n39z math:arguments _:n3a0 . _:n3a0 rdf:first _:n3a1 . _:n3a1 math:arguments _:n3a2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3a0 rdf:rest _:n3a3 . _:n3a3 rdf:first _:n3a4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3a0 a rdf:List . _:n39z math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n39y rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n39w a rdf:List . _:n39v math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :integer2 . :interval1 math-meta:description """This CD holds symbols which describe both discrete and continuous 1-dimensional intervals (with open/closed end points). There is also an oriented_interval, for use in integration""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """A symbol to denote a discrete 1 dimensional interval from the first argument to the second (inclusive), where the discretisation occurs at unit intervals. The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3a5 . _:n3a5 math:arguments _:n3a6 . _:n3a6 rdf:first _:n3a7 . _:n3a7 math:value "The integer interval 1, 2, ..., 10."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3a6 rdf:rest _:n3a8 . _:n3a8 rdf:first _:n3a9 . _:n3a9 math:arguments _:n3aa . _:n3aa rdf:first _:n3ab . _:n3ab math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3aa rdf:rest _:n3ac . _:n3ac rdf:first _:n3ad ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3aa a rdf:List . _:n3a9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3a8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3a6 a rdf:List . _:n3a5 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3ae . _:n3ae math:arguments _:n3af . _:n3af rdf:first _:n3ag . _:n3ag math:arguments _:n3ah . _:n3ah rdf:first _:n3ai . _:n3ai math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n3ah rdf:rest _:n3aj . _:n3aj rdf:first _:n3ak . _:n3ak math:arguments _:n3al ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3aj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ah a rdf:List . _:n3ag math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3af rdf:rest _:n3am . _:n3am rdf:first _:n3an . _:n3an math:arguments _:n3ao . _:n3ao rdf:first _:n3ap . _:n3ap math:arguments _:n3aq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ao rdf:rest _:n3ar . _:n3ar rdf:first _:n3as ; rdf:rest _:n3at . _:n3ao a rdf:List . _:n3an math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3am rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3af a rdf:List . _:n3ae math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval1 . math-meta:description """A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval without any information about the character of the end points (used in definite integration). The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3au . _:n3au math:arguments _:n3av . _:n3av rdf:first _:n3aw . _:n3aw math:value "The interval 1.0, ..., 10.0."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3av rdf:rest _:n3ax . _:n3ax rdf:first _:n3ay . _:n3ay math:arguments _:n3az . _:n3az rdf:first _:n3b0 . _:n3b0 math:value "1.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n3az rdf:rest _:n3b1 . _:n3b1 rdf:first _:n3b2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3az a rdf:List . _:n3ay math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ax rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3av a rdf:List . _:n3au math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3b3 . _:n3b3 math:arguments _:n3b4 . _:n3b4 rdf:first _:n3b5 . _:n3b5 math:arguments _:n3b6 . _:n3b6 rdf:first _:n3b7 . _:n3b7 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n3b6 rdf:rest _:n3b8 . _:n3b8 rdf:first _:n3b9 . _:n3b9 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n3b8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3b6 a rdf:List . _:n3b5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3b4 rdf:rest _:n3ba . _:n3ba rdf:first _:n3bb . _:n3bb math:arguments _:n3bc . _:n3bc rdf:first _:n3bd . _:n3bd math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n3bc rdf:rest _:n3be . _:n3be rdf:first _:n3bf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3bc a rdf:List . _:n3bb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ba rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3b4 a rdf:List . _:n3b3 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3bg . _:n3bg math:arguments _:n3bh . _:n3bh rdf:first _:n3bi . _:n3bi math:arguments _:n3bj . _:n3bj rdf:first _:n3bk . _:n3bk math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n3bj rdf:rest _:n3bl . _:n3bl rdf:first _:n3bm . _:n3bm math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n3bl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3bj a rdf:List . _:n3bi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3bh rdf:rest _:n3bn . _:n3bn rdf:first _:n3bo . _:n3bo math:arguments _:n3bp . _:n3bp rdf:first _:n3bq . _:n3bq math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n3bp rdf:rest _:n3br . _:n3br rdf:first _:n3bs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3bp a rdf:List . _:n3bo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3bn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3bh a rdf:List . _:n3bg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval1 . math-meta:description """A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval with both end points included in the interval. The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3bt . _:n3bt math:arguments _:n3bu . _:n3bu rdf:first _:n3bv . _:n3bv math:value "The continuous closed interval [1,10]."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3bu rdf:rest _:n3bw . _:n3bw rdf:first _:n3bx . _:n3bx math:arguments _:n3by . _:n3by rdf:first _:n3bz . _:n3bz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3by rdf:rest _:n3c0 . _:n3c0 rdf:first _:n3c1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3by a rdf:List . _:n3bx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3bw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3bu a rdf:List . _:n3bt math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3c2 . _:n3c2 math:arguments _:n3c3 . _:n3c3 rdf:first _:n3c4 . _:n3c4 math:arguments _:n3c5 . _:n3c5 rdf:first _:n3c6 . _:n3c6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n3c5 rdf:rest _:n3c7 . _:n3c7 rdf:first _:n3c8 . _:n3c8 math:arguments _:n3c9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3c7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3c5 a rdf:List . _:n3c4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3c3 rdf:rest _:n3ca . _:n3ca rdf:first _:n3cb . _:n3cb math:arguments _:n3cc . _:n3cc rdf:first _:n3cd . _:n3cd math:arguments _:n3ce ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3cc rdf:rest _:n3cf . _:n3cf rdf:first _:n3cg ; rdf:rest _:n3ch . _:n3cc a rdf:List . _:n3cb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ca rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3c3 a rdf:List . _:n3c2 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval1 . math-meta:description """A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval with the first point included in the interval, but the last excluded. The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3ci . _:n3ci math:arguments _:n3cj . _:n3cj rdf:first _:n3ck . _:n3ck math:value """The continuous interval closed at the lower bound and open at the higher bound [1,10)."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3cj rdf:rest _:n3cl . _:n3cl rdf:first _:n3cm . _:n3cm math:arguments _:n3cn . _:n3cn rdf:first _:n3co . _:n3co math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3cn rdf:rest _:n3cp . _:n3cp rdf:first _:n3cq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3cn a rdf:List . _:n3cm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3cl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3cj a rdf:List . _:n3ci math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3cr . _:n3cr math:arguments _:n3cs . _:n3cs rdf:first _:n3ct . _:n3ct math:arguments _:n3cu . _:n3cu rdf:first _:n3cv . _:n3cv math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n3cu rdf:rest _:n3cw . _:n3cw rdf:first _:n3cx . _:n3cx math:arguments _:n3cy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3cw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3cu a rdf:List . _:n3ct math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3cs rdf:rest _:n3cz . _:n3cz rdf:first _:n3d0 . _:n3d0 math:arguments _:n3d1 . _:n3d1 rdf:first _:n3d2 . _:n3d2 math:arguments _:n3d3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3d1 rdf:rest _:n3d4 . _:n3d4 rdf:first _:n3d5 ; rdf:rest _:n3d6 . _:n3d1 a rdf:List . _:n3d0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3cz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3cs a rdf:List . _:n3cr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval1 . math-meta:description """A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval with the first point excluded from the interval, but the last included. The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3d7 . _:n3d7 math:arguments _:n3d8 . _:n3d8 rdf:first _:n3d9 . _:n3d9 math:value """The continuous interval open at the lower bound and closed at the higher bound (1,10]."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3d8 rdf:rest _:n3da . _:n3da rdf:first _:n3db . _:n3db math:arguments _:n3dc . _:n3dc rdf:first _:n3dd . _:n3dd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3dc rdf:rest _:n3de . _:n3de rdf:first _:n3df ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3dc a rdf:List . _:n3db math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3da rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3d8 a rdf:List . _:n3d7 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3dg . _:n3dg math:arguments _:n3dh . _:n3dh rdf:first _:n3di . _:n3di math:arguments _:n3dj . _:n3dj rdf:first _:n3dk . _:n3dk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n3dj rdf:rest _:n3dl . _:n3dl rdf:first _:n3dm . _:n3dm math:arguments _:n3dn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3dl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3dj a rdf:List . _:n3di math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3dh rdf:rest _:n3do . _:n3do rdf:first _:n3dp . _:n3dp math:arguments _:n3dq . _:n3dq rdf:first _:n3dr . _:n3dr math:arguments _:n3ds ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3dq rdf:rest _:n3dt . _:n3dt rdf:first _:n3du ; rdf:rest _:n3dv . _:n3dq a rdf:List . _:n3dp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3do rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3dh a rdf:List . _:n3dg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval1 . math-meta:description """A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval with both end points excluded from the interval. The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3dw . _:n3dw math:arguments _:n3dx . _:n3dx rdf:first _:n3dy . _:n3dy math:value "The continuous open interval (1,10)."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3dx rdf:rest _:n3dz . _:n3dz rdf:first _:n3e0 . _:n3e0 math:arguments _:n3e1 . _:n3e1 rdf:first _:n3e2 . _:n3e2 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3e1 rdf:rest _:n3e3 . _:n3e3 rdf:first _:n3e4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3e1 a rdf:List . _:n3e0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3dz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3dx a rdf:List . _:n3dw math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3e5 . _:n3e5 math:arguments _:n3e6 . _:n3e6 rdf:first _:n3e7 . _:n3e7 math:arguments _:n3e8 . _:n3e8 rdf:first _:n3e9 . _:n3e9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n3e8 rdf:rest _:n3ea . _:n3ea rdf:first _:n3eb . _:n3eb math:arguments _:n3ec ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ea rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3e8 a rdf:List . _:n3e7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3e6 rdf:rest _:n3ed . _:n3ed rdf:first _:n3ee . _:n3ee math:arguments _:n3ef . _:n3ef rdf:first _:n3eg . _:n3eg math:arguments _:n3eh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ef rdf:rest _:n3ei . _:n3ei rdf:first _:n3ej ; rdf:rest _:n3ek . _:n3ef a rdf:List . _:n3ee math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ed rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3e6 a rdf:List . _:n3e5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval1 . math-meta:description """A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval without any information about the character of the end points (used in definite integration). The arguments are the start and the end points of the integration, in either order.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3el . _:n3el math:arguments _:n3em . _:n3em rdf:first _:n3en . _:n3en math:arguments _:n3eo . _:n3eo rdf:first _:n3ep . _:n3ep math:arguments _:n3eq . _:n3eq rdf:first _:n3er ; rdf:rest _:n3es ; a rdf:List . _:n3ep math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3eo rdf:rest _:n3et . _:n3et rdf:first _:n3eu . _:n3eu math:arguments _:n3ev ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3et rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3eo a rdf:List . _:n3en math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3em rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3el math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval1 . :interval_types math-meta:description """A CD of basic interval type constructors. This CD holds constructors of individual instances of the different types of intervals.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , """maybe we should also include some 'complex interval' symbols, could have cartesian varieties, i.e. 'square', as well as polar varieties, i.e. 'round'""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "algebraic interval type has continuous set type" , "algebraic interval type has real interval type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of algebraic intervals." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3ew . _:n3ew math:arguments _:n3ex . _:n3ex rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3ey . _:n3ey rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ex a rdf:List . _:n3ew math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3ez . _:n3ez math:arguments _:n3f0 . _:n3f0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3f1 . _:n3f1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3f0 a rdf:List . _:n3ez math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval_types . math-meta:commentedProperty "integer interval type has discrete set type" , "integer interval type has rational interval type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of integer intervals." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3f2 . _:n3f2 math:arguments _:n3f3 . _:n3f3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3f4 . _:n3f4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3f3 a rdf:List . _:n3f2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3f5 . _:n3f5 math:arguments _:n3f6 . _:n3f6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3f7 . _:n3f7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3f6 a rdf:List . _:n3f5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval_types . math-meta:commentedProperty "interval type has set type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of intervals." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3f8 . _:n3f8 math:arguments _:n3f9 . _:n3f9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3fa . _:n3fa rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3f9 a rdf:List . _:n3f8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval_types . math-meta:commentedProperty "rational interval type has algebraic interval type" , "rational interval type has continuous set type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of rational intervals." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3fb . _:n3fb math:arguments _:n3fc . _:n3fc rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3fd . _:n3fd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3fc a rdf:List . _:n3fb math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3fe . _:n3fe math:arguments _:n3ff . _:n3ff rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3fg . _:n3fg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ff a rdf:List . _:n3fe math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval_types . math-meta:commentedProperty "real interval type has continuous set type" , "real interval type has interval type" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the type of real intervals." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3fh . _:n3fh math:arguments _:n3fi . _:n3fi rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3fj . _:n3fj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3fi a rdf:List . _:n3fh math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3fk . _:n3fk math:arguments _:n3fl . _:n3fl rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3fm . _:n3fm rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3fl a rdf:List . _:n3fk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :interval_types . :intpath1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols to express pathes for integration for complex integral in one variable. Our pathes lie in the one dimensional complex projective space = the Riemann sphere. These pathes are sufficiently rich to express most pathes of integrations in the complex special function theory in one variables. The theory of twisted cycles ([1] and [2]) answers to the question of telling the exact space of cycles (pathes) defined by symbols in this CD. Our symbols are enough to express integral pathes when integrand functions are solutions of ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients. The details will be discussed in a separate paper. [1] P.Deligne, Equation differentiel dans le champ complex, Springer Lecture Note in Mathematics, 163. [2] K.Matsumoto, H.Majima, N.Takayama, Quadratic relations for confluent hypergeometric functions. Tohoku Mathematical Journal 52 (2000), 489--514.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """The symbol circle(c,r) is the circle in the Riemann sphere of which center is c and the radius is r. The direction of the circle is the counter clockwise. When the center is intpath1.infty, the radius should be given in the standard coordinate t=1/z at the infinity.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3fn . _:n3fn math:arguments _:n3fo . _:n3fo rdf:first _:n3fp . _:n3fp math:value "The residue of 1/z is equal to 2 pi sqrt(-1)."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3fo rdf:rest _:n3fq . _:n3fq rdf:first _:n3fr . _:n3fr math:arguments _:n3fs . _:n3fs rdf:first _:n3ft . _:n3ft math:arguments _:n3fu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3fs rdf:rest _:n3fv . _:n3fv rdf:first _:n3fw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3fs a rdf:List . _:n3fr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3fq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3fo a rdf:List . _:n3fn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :intpath1 . math-meta:description """The symbol circle_with_starting_point(c,r,z0) is the circle in the Riemann sphere of which center is c and the radius is r. The direction of the circle is the counter clockwise and the staring point is z0.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3fx . _:n3fx math:arguments _:n3fy . _:n3fy rdf:first _:n3fz . _:n3fz math:value """The integral representation of the beta function B(p,q) by the twisted cycle is as follows."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3fy rdf:rest _:n3g0 . _:n3g0 rdf:first _:n3g1 . _:n3g1 math:arguments _:n3g2 . _:n3g2 rdf:first _:n3g3 . _:n3g3 math:arguments _:n3g4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3g2 rdf:rest _:n3g5 . _:n3g5 rdf:first _:n3g6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3g2 a rdf:List . _:n3g1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3g0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3fy a rdf:List . _:n3fx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :intpath1 . math-meta:description """The symbol closed_path(start_end,points_in, points_out) is a closed path with the starting point \"start_end\". The direction of the path is counter clockwise. It contains the set of points \"points_in\" in the inside of the path. The winding number of the path for each point in the set points_in is 1. The path is zero homotope in the space (P^1 - points_in).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :intpath1 . math-meta:description """The infty on the Riemann sphere. When the coordinate of the complex plane is z, we call t=1/z the standard coordinate around the infinity of the Riemann sphere.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :intpath1 . math-meta:description """The symbol path_in_sector(c,t1,t2) is an outgoing path in a sufficiently small sector with the center c and the angles t1 and t2. The path starts from the point c and it is sufficiently short. When the center is intpath1.infty, the angle should be given in the coordinate t=1/z.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3g7 . _:n3g7 math:arguments _:n3g8 . _:n3g8 rdf:first _:n3g9 . _:n3g9 math:value "The Airy integral is expressed as follows."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3g8 rdf:rest _:n3ga . _:n3ga rdf:first _:n3gb . _:n3gb math:arguments _:n3gc . _:n3gc rdf:first _:n3gd . _:n3gd math:arguments _:n3ge ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3gc rdf:rest _:n3gf . _:n3gf rdf:first _:n3gg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3gc a rdf:List . _:n3gb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ga rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3g8 a rdf:List . _:n3g7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :intpath1 . math-meta:description """The symbol path_in_sector2(c,t1,t2,z0) is an outgoing path in the sector with the center c and the angles t1 and t2. The path is the segment from the point c to the point z0 which lies in the sector.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :intpath1 . math-meta:description """The symbol segment(a,b) is the segment from the point a to the point b in the complex plane. If the arguments are sectors given by path_in_sector, it means the segment from a point in the circular border of the sector to a point in the circular border of the another sector.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3gh . _:n3gh math:arguments _:n3gi . _:n3gi rdf:first _:n3gj . _:n3gj math:value """The beta function B(p,q) [Re(p)>0, Re(q)>0] is defined by the following integral."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3gi rdf:rest _:n3gk . _:n3gk rdf:first _:n3gl . _:n3gl math:arguments _:n3gm . _:n3gm rdf:first _:n3gn . _:n3gn math:arguments _:n3go ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3gm rdf:rest _:n3gp . _:n3gp rdf:first _:n3gq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3gm a rdf:List . _:n3gl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3gk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3gi a rdf:List . _:n3gh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :intpath1 . :lc math-meta:description """Lambda Calculus Initial version: O. Caprotti""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """The abstraction constructor. It is followed by a list of variables and an OpenMath object.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :lc . math-meta:description """The type constructor of dependant function space. It binds the (type-attributed) variables in the body, that is an OpenMath object.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3gr . _:n3gr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :lc . math-meta:description """The type constructor of non-dependant function space. The first n-1 children denote the types of the arguments, the last denotes the return type. Contrary to sts:mapsto, arguments cannot be variables but have to be OpenMath objects that map to ground OpenMath terms (they contain no variables).""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :lc . math-meta:description "Attribution tag to denote type-judgement" ; a math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :lc . math-meta:description "Attribution tag to denote type-judgement with coercion" ; a math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :lc . :limit1 math-meta:description """This CD holds the basic notion of the limits of unary functions whilst its variable tend (either from above, below or both sides) to a particular value.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol is used within a limit construct to show the limit is being approached from above. It takes no arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3gs . _:n3gs math:arguments _:n3gt . _:n3gt rdf:first _:n3gu . _:n3gu math:value "The limit of sin(x) as x tends to 0 from above"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3gt rdf:rest _:n3gv . _:n3gv rdf:first _:n3gw . _:n3gw math:arguments _:n3gx . _:n3gx rdf:first _:n3gy . _:n3gy math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3gx rdf:rest _:n3gz . _:n3gz rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3h0 . _:n3gx a rdf:List . _:n3gw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3gv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3gt a rdf:List . _:n3gs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :limit1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used within a limit construct to show the limit is being approached from below. It takes no arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3h1 . _:n3h1 math:arguments _:n3h2 . _:n3h2 rdf:first _:n3h3 . _:n3h3 math:value "The limit of sin(x) as x tends to 0 from below"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3h2 rdf:rest _:n3h4 . _:n3h4 rdf:first _:n3h5 . _:n3h5 math:arguments _:n3h6 . _:n3h6 rdf:first _:n3h7 . _:n3h7 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3h6 rdf:rest _:n3h8 . _:n3h8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3h9 . _:n3h6 a rdf:List . _:n3h5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3h4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3h2 a rdf:List . _:n3h1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :limit1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used within a limit construct to show the limit is being approached from both sides. It takes no arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3ha . _:n3ha math:arguments _:n3hb . _:n3hb rdf:first _:n3hc . _:n3hc math:value "The limit of sin(x) as x tends to 0 from either direction"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3hb rdf:rest _:n3hd . _:n3hd rdf:first _:n3he . _:n3he math:arguments _:n3hf . _:n3hf rdf:first _:n3hg . _:n3hg math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3hf rdf:rest _:n3hh . _:n3hh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3hi . _:n3hf a rdf:List . _:n3he math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3hd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3hb a rdf:List . _:n3ha math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :limit1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the limit of a unary function. It takes 3 arguments: the limiting value of the argument, the method of approach (either null, above, below or both_sides) and the function.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3hj . _:n3hj math:arguments _:n3hk . _:n3hk rdf:first _:n3hl . _:n3hl math:value "The limit of sin(x) as x tends to 0"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3hk rdf:rest _:n3hm . _:n3hm rdf:first _:n3hn . _:n3hn math:arguments _:n3ho . _:n3ho rdf:first _:n3hp . _:n3hp math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3ho rdf:rest _:n3hq . _:n3hq rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3hr . _:n3ho a rdf:List . _:n3hn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3hm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3hk a rdf:List . _:n3hj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :limit1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used within a limit construct to avoid specifying the method of approach to the limit. It takes no arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3hs . _:n3hs math:arguments _:n3ht . _:n3ht rdf:first _:n3hu . _:n3hu math:value "The limit of sin(x) as x tends to 0"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3ht rdf:rest _:n3hv . _:n3hv rdf:first _:n3hw . _:n3hw math:arguments _:n3hx . _:n3hx rdf:first _:n3hy . _:n3hy math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3hx rdf:rest _:n3hz . _:n3hz rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n3i0 . _:n3hx a rdf:List . _:n3hw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3hv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ht a rdf:List . _:n3hs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :limit1 . :linalg1 math-meta:description "Operations on Matrices (independent of the matrix representation)." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "The determinant of an identity matrix is 1" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the unary function which returns the determinant of its argument, the argument should be a square matrix.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3i1 . _:n3i1 math:arguments _:n3i2 . _:n3i2 rdf:first _:n3i3 . _:n3i3 math:arguments _:n3i4 . _:n3i4 rdf:first _:n3i5 . _:n3i5 math:arguments _:n3i6 . _:n3i6 rdf:first _:n3i7 ; rdf:rest _:n3i8 ; a rdf:List . _:n3i5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3i4 rdf:rest _:n3i9 . _:n3i9 rdf:first _:n3ia . _:n3ia math:arguments _:n3ib ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3i9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3i4 a rdf:List . _:n3i3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3i2 rdf:rest _:n3ic . _:n3ic rdf:first _:n3id . _:n3id math:arguments _:n3ie . _:n3ie rdf:first _:n3if . _:n3if math:arguments _:n3ig ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ie rdf:rest _:n3ih . _:n3ih rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ie a rdf:List . _:n3id math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ic rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3i2 a rdf:List . _:n3i1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the function which allows individual entries to be selected from a matrix. It takes three arguments, the first is the index of the row and the second is the index of the column of the required element, the third argument is the matrix in question. The indexing is one based, i.e. the element in the top left hand corner is indexed by (1,1).""" ; math-meta:example _:n3ii . _:n3ii math:arguments _:n3ij . _:n3ij rdf:first _:n3ik . _:n3ik math:value """Representation of a specification of selection of the top left hand entry to the matrix M."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3ij rdf:rest _:n3il . _:n3il rdf:first _:n3im . _:n3im math:arguments _:n3in . _:n3in rdf:first _:n3io . _:n3io math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3in rdf:rest _:n3ip . _:n3ip rdf:first _:n3iq ; rdf:rest _:n3ir . _:n3in a rdf:List . _:n3im math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3il rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ij a rdf:List . _:n3ii math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "outerproduct(a,b)_{i,j} = a_i * b_j" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the outer product function. It takes two vector arguments and returns a matrix. It is defined as follows: if we write the {i,j}'th element of the matrix to be returned as m_{i,j}, then: m_{i,j}=a_i * b_j where a_i,b_j are the i'th and j'th elements of a, b respectively.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3is . _:n3is math:arguments _:n3it . _:n3it rdf:first _:n3iu . _:n3iu math:arguments _:n3iv . _:n3iv rdf:first _:n3iw . _:n3iw math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n3iv rdf:rest _:n3ix . _:n3ix rdf:first _:n3iy . _:n3iy math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:n3ix rdf:rest _:n3iz . _:n3iz rdf:first _:n3j0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3iv a rdf:List . _:n3iu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3it rdf:rest _:n3j1 . _:n3j1 rdf:first _:n3j2 . _:n3j2 math:arguments _:n3j3 . _:n3j3 rdf:first _:n3j4 . _:n3j4 math:arguments _:n3j5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3j3 rdf:rest _:n3j6 . _:n3j6 rdf:first _:n3j7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3j3 a rdf:List . _:n3j2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3j1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3it a rdf:List . _:n3is math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """a.b = |a| * |b| * cos(\\theta), where \\theta is the angle between the two vectors that is |atan(a_2/a_1)-atan(b_2/b_1)|. N.B. The FMP displays the two dimensional case only.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the scalar product function. It takes two vector arguments and returns a scalar value. The scalar product of two vectors a, b is defined as |a| * |b| * cos(\\theta), where \\theta is the angle between the two vectors and |.| is a euclidean size function. Note that the scalar product is often referred to as the dot product.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3j8 . _:n3j8 math:arguments _:n3j9 . _:n3j9 rdf:first _:n3ja . _:n3ja math:arguments _:n3jb . _:n3jb rdf:first _:n3jc . _:n3jc math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n3jb rdf:rest _:n3jd . _:n3jd rdf:first _:n3je . _:n3je math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n3jd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3jb a rdf:List . _:n3ja math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3j9 rdf:rest _:n3jf . _:n3jf rdf:first _:n3jg . _:n3jg math:arguments _:n3jh . _:n3jh rdf:first _:n3ji . _:n3ji math:arguments _:n3jj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3jh rdf:rest _:n3jk . _:n3jk rdf:first _:n3jl ; rdf:rest _:n3jm . _:n3jh a rdf:List . _:n3jg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3jf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3j9 a rdf:List . _:n3j8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function that denotes the transpose of the given matrix or vector""" ; math-meta:example _:n3jn . _:n3jn math:arguments _:n3jo . _:n3jo rdf:first _:n3jp . _:n3jp math:value """A representation of the equation transpose matrix([0,1],[2,3]) = matrix([0,2],[1,3]) N.B. in this example the row oriented view of matrix construction is being assumed."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3jo rdf:rest _:n3jq . _:n3jq rdf:first _:n3jr . _:n3jr math:arguments _:n3js . _:n3js rdf:first _:n3jt . _:n3jt math:arguments _:n3ju ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3js rdf:rest _:n3jv . _:n3jv rdf:first _:n3jw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3js a rdf:List . _:n3jr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3jq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3jo a rdf:List . _:n3jn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the function which allows individual entries to be selected from a vector, or a matrixrow. It takes two arguments. The first argument is the position in the vector (or matrixrow) of the required entry, the second argument is the vector (or matrixrow) in question. The indexing is one based, i.e. the first element is indexed by one.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3jx . _:n3jx math:arguments _:n3jy . _:n3jy rdf:first _:n3jz . _:n3jz math:value """Representation of a specification of selection of the second element of the specific vector [3,6,9]. N.B. in this example the row oriented view of vector construction is being assumed"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3jy rdf:rest _:n3k0 . _:n3k0 rdf:first _:n3k1 . _:n3k1 math:arguments _:n3k2 . _:n3k2 rdf:first _:n3k3 . _:n3k3 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3k2 rdf:rest _:n3k4 . _:n3k4 rdf:first _:n3k5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3k2 a rdf:List . _:n3k1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3k0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3jy a rdf:List . _:n3jx math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n3k6 . _:n3k6 math:arguments _:n3k7 . _:n3k7 rdf:first _:n3k8 . _:n3k8 math:value """Representation of a specification of selection of the second element of the specific matrixrow [0,1,0]. N.B. in this example the row oriented view of matrixrow construction is being assumed"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3k7 rdf:rest _:n3k9 . _:n3k9 rdf:first _:n3ka . _:n3ka math:arguments _:n3kb . _:n3kb rdf:first _:n3kc . _:n3kc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3kb rdf:rest _:n3kd . _:n3kd rdf:first _:n3ke ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3kb a rdf:List . _:n3ka math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3k9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3k7 a rdf:List . _:n3k6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """if we write a as [a_1,a_2,a_3] and b as [b_1,b_2,b_3] then the vector product denoted a x b = [a_2b_3 - a_3b_2 , a_3b_1 - a_1b_3 , a_1b_2 - a_2b_1]""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the vector product function. It takes two three dimensional vector arguments and returns a three dimensional vector. It is defined as follows: if we write a as [a_1,a_2,a_3] and b as [b_1,b_2,b_3] then the vector product denoted a x b = [a_2b_3 - a_3b_2 , a_3b_1 - a_1b_3 , a_1b_2 - a_2b_1]. Note that the vector product is often referred to as the cross product.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3kf . _:n3kf math:arguments _:n3kg . _:n3kg rdf:first _:n3kh . _:n3kh math:arguments _:n3ki . _:n3ki rdf:first _:n3kj . _:n3kj math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n3ki rdf:rest _:n3kk . _:n3kk rdf:first _:n3kl . _:n3kl math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n3kk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ki a rdf:List . _:n3kh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3kg rdf:rest _:n3km . _:n3km rdf:first _:n3kn . _:n3kn math:arguments _:n3ko . _:n3ko rdf:first _:n3kp . _:n3kp math:arguments _:n3kq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ko rdf:rest _:n3kr . _:n3kr rdf:first _:n3ks ; rdf:rest _:n3kt . _:n3ko a rdf:List . _:n3kn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3km rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3kg a rdf:List . _:n3kf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg1 . :linalg2 math-meta:description """This CD treats matrices and vectors in a row oriented fashion (using matrixrow's).""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary matrix constructor which requires matrixrow's as arguments. It is used to represent matrices.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3ku . _:n3ku math:arguments _:n3kv . _:n3kv rdf:first _:n3kw . _:n3kw math:value "Representation of a 2x2 identity matrix"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3kv rdf:rest _:n3kx . _:n3kx rdf:first _:n3ky . _:n3ky math:arguments _:n3kz . _:n3kz rdf:first _:n3l0 . _:n3l0 math:arguments _:n3l1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3kz rdf:rest _:n3l2 . _:n3l2 rdf:first _:n3l3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3kz a rdf:List . _:n3ky math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3kx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3kv a rdf:List . _:n3ku math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary constructor used to represent rows of matrices. Its arguments should be members of a ring.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3l4 . _:n3l4 math:arguments _:n3l5 . _:n3l5 rdf:first _:n3l6 . _:n3l6 math:value """Representation of a row of a matrix of length two containing the integers [1,0]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3l5 rdf:rest _:n3l7 . _:n3l7 rdf:first _:n3l8 . _:n3l8 math:arguments _:n3l9 . _:n3l9 rdf:first _:n3la . _:n3la math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3l9 rdf:rest _:n3lb . _:n3lb rdf:first _:n3lc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3l9 a rdf:List . _:n3l8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3l7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3l5 a rdf:List . _:n3l4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents an n-ary function used to construct (or describe) vectors. Vectors in this CD are considered to be row vectors and must therefore be transposed to be considered as column vectors.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3ld . _:n3ld math:arguments _:n3le . _:n3le rdf:first _:n3lf . _:n3lf math:value """An example of vector using n arguments. The specific vector constructed in this example is [3,6,9]."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3le rdf:rest _:n3lg . _:n3lg rdf:first _:n3lh . _:n3lh math:arguments _:n3li . _:n3li rdf:first _:n3lj . _:n3lj math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3li rdf:rest _:n3lk . _:n3lk rdf:first _:n3ll ; rdf:rest _:n3lm . _:n3li a rdf:List . _:n3lh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3lg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3le a rdf:List . _:n3ld math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg2 . :linalg3 math-meta:description """This CD treats matrices and vectors in a column oriented fashion (using matrixcolumn's).""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary matrix constructor which requires matrixcolumn's as arguments. It is used to represent matrices.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3ln . _:n3ln math:arguments _:n3lo . _:n3lo rdf:first _:n3lp . _:n3lp math:value "Representation of a 2x2 identity matrix"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3lo rdf:rest _:n3lq . _:n3lq rdf:first _:n3lr . _:n3lr math:arguments _:n3ls . _:n3ls rdf:first _:n3lt . _:n3lt math:arguments _:n3lu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ls rdf:rest _:n3lv . _:n3lv rdf:first _:n3lw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ls a rdf:List . _:n3lr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3lq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3lo a rdf:List . _:n3ln math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary constructor used to represent columns of matrices. Its arguments should be members of a ring.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3lx . _:n3lx math:arguments _:n3ly . _:n3ly rdf:first _:n3lz . _:n3lz math:value """Representation of a column of a matrix of length two containing the integers [1,0]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3ly rdf:rest _:n3m0 . _:n3m0 rdf:first _:n3m1 . _:n3m1 math:arguments _:n3m2 . _:n3m2 rdf:first _:n3m3 . _:n3m3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3m2 rdf:rest _:n3m4 . _:n3m4 rdf:first _:n3m5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3m2 a rdf:List . _:n3m1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3m0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ly a rdf:List . _:n3lx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents an n-ary function used to construct (or describe) vectors. Vectors in this CD are considered to be column vectors, and must therefore be transposed to be considered as row vectors.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3m6 . _:n3m6 math:arguments _:n3m7 . _:n3m7 rdf:first _:n3m8 . _:n3m8 math:value """An example of vector using n arguments. The specific vector constructed in this example is transpose of [3,6,9]."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3m7 rdf:rest _:n3m9 . _:n3m9 rdf:first _:n3ma . _:n3ma math:arguments _:n3mb . _:n3mb rdf:first _:n3mc . _:n3mc math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3mb rdf:rest _:n3md . _:n3md rdf:first _:n3me ; rdf:rest _:n3mf . _:n3mb a rdf:List . _:n3ma math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3m9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3m7 a rdf:List . _:n3m6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg3 . :linalg4 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols for basic linear algebra. Regardless of the way of forming vectors and matrices, this CD deals with eigenvalues, eigenvectors and related concepts.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """p(eigenvalue(A,i)) = det(A-eigenvalue(A,i)I) = 0 where p is the characteristic equation of A""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the polynomial which appears in the left hand side of the characteristic equation of a matrix. It takes one argument which should be the matrix. A definition of the characteristic equation is given in Elementary Linear Algebra, Stanley I. Grossman in Definition 2 of chapter 6, page 535.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3mg . _:n3mg math:arguments _:n3mh . _:n3mh rdf:first _:n3mi . _:n3mi math:arguments _:n3mj . _:n3mj rdf:first _:n3mk . _:n3mk math:arguments _:n3ml . _:n3ml rdf:first _:n3mm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3mk math:operator _:n3mn . _:n3mn math:arguments _:n3mo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3mk a math:Application . _:n3mj rdf:rest _:n3mp . _:n3mp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3mj a rdf:List . _:n3mi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3mh rdf:rest _:n3mq . _:n3mq rdf:first _:n3mr . _:n3mr math:arguments _:n3ms . _:n3ms rdf:first _:n3mt . _:n3mt math:arguments _:n3mu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ms rdf:rest _:n3mv . _:n3mv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ms a rdf:List . _:n3mr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3mq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3mh a rdf:List . _:n3mg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg4 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the function which takes one matrix argument and returns the number of columns in that matrix.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3mw . _:n3mw math:arguments _:n3mx . _:n3mx rdf:first _:n3my . _:n3my math:value """Specification of the number of columns in the matrix: [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3mx rdf:rest _:n3mz . _:n3mz rdf:first _:n3n0 . _:n3n0 math:arguments _:n3n1 . _:n3n1 rdf:first _:n3n2 . _:n3n2 math:arguments _:n3n3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3n1 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3n0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3mz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3mx a rdf:List . _:n3mw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg4 . math-meta:commentedProperty "A*eigenvector(A,i) = eigenvalue(A,i)*eigenvector(A,i)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the eigenvalue of a matrix. It takes two arguments the first should be the matrix, the second should be an index to specify the eigenvalue. The ordering imposed on the eigenvalues is first on the modulus of the value, and second on the argument of the value. A definition of eigenvalue is given in Elementary Linear Algebra, Stanley I. Grossman in Definition 1 of chapter 6, page 533.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3n4 . _:n3n4 math:arguments _:n3n5 . _:n3n5 rdf:first _:n3n6 . _:n3n6 math:arguments _:n3n7 . _:n3n7 rdf:first _:n3n8 . _:n3n8 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n3n7 rdf:rest _:n3n9 . _:n3n9 rdf:first _:n3na . _:n3na math:arguments _:n3nb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3n9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3n7 a rdf:List . _:n3n6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3n5 rdf:rest _:n3nc . _:n3nc rdf:first _:n3nd . _:n3nd math:arguments _:n3ne . _:n3ne rdf:first _:n3nf . _:n3nf math:arguments _:n3ng ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ne rdf:rest _:n3nh . _:n3nh rdf:first _:n3ni ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ne a rdf:List . _:n3nd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3nc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3n5 a rdf:List . _:n3n4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg4 . math-meta:commentedProperty "A*eigenvector(A) = eigenvalue(A)*eigenvector(A)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the eigenvector of a matrix. It takes two arguments the first should be the matrix, the second should be an index to specify which eigenvalue this eigenvector should be paired with. The ordering is as given in the eigenvalue symbol. A definition of eigenvector is given in Elementary Linear Algebra, Stanley I. Grossman in Definition 1 of chapter 6, page 533.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3nj . _:n3nj math:arguments _:n3nk . _:n3nk rdf:first _:n3nl . _:n3nl math:arguments _:n3nm . _:n3nm rdf:first _:n3nn . _:n3nn math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n3nm rdf:rest _:n3no . _:n3no rdf:first _:n3np . _:n3np math:arguments _:n3nq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3no rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3nm a rdf:List . _:n3nl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3nk rdf:rest _:n3nr . _:n3nr rdf:first _:n3ns . _:n3ns math:arguments _:n3nt . _:n3nt rdf:first _:n3nu . _:n3nu math:arguments _:n3nv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3nt rdf:rest _:n3nw . _:n3nw rdf:first _:n3nx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3nt a rdf:List . _:n3ns math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3nr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3nk a rdf:List . _:n3nj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg4 . math-meta:commentedProperty "the rank of an nxn identity matrix is n" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the function which takes one matrix argument and returns the number of linearly independent rows (or columns) of that matrix.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3ny . _:n3ny math:arguments _:n3nz . _:n3nz rdf:first _:n3o0 . _:n3o0 math:arguments _:n3o1 . _:n3o1 rdf:first _:n3o2 . _:n3o2 math:arguments _:n3o3 . _:n3o3 rdf:first _:n3o4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3o2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3o1 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3o0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3nz rdf:rest _:n3o5 . _:n3o5 rdf:first _:n3o6 . _:n3o6 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n3o5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3nz a rdf:List . _:n3ny math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg4 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the function which takes one matrix argument and returns the number of rows in that matrix.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3o7 . _:n3o7 math:arguments _:n3o8 . _:n3o8 rdf:first _:n3o9 . _:n3o9 math:value """Specification of the number of rows in the matrix: [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3o8 rdf:rest _:n3oa . _:n3oa rdf:first _:n3ob . _:n3ob math:arguments _:n3oc . _:n3oc rdf:first _:n3od . _:n3od math:arguments _:n3oe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3oc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3ob math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3oa rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3o8 a rdf:List . _:n3o7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg4 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the function which takes one vector argument and returns the length of that vector.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3of . _:n3of math:arguments _:n3og . _:n3og rdf:first _:n3oh . _:n3oh math:value "the length of the vector [1,2,3] = 3"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3og rdf:rest _:n3oi . _:n3oi rdf:first _:n3oj . _:n3oj math:arguments _:n3ok . _:n3ok rdf:first _:n3ol . _:n3ol math:arguments _:n3om ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ok rdf:rest _:n3on . _:n3on rdf:first _:n3oo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ok a rdf:List . _:n3oj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3oi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3og a rdf:List . _:n3of math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg4 . :linalg5 math-meta:description """This CD contains symbols which represent a number of special types of matrix.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "The complex conjugate of a Hermitian matrix equals its transpose" , "The diagonal elements of a Hermitian matrix will be real" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a Hermitian matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of values which determine the upper triangle of the matrix. The lower triangle of the matrix is specified by the following relation: M^* = transpose(M), were M^* denotes the matrix consisting of all the complex conjugates of M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3op . _:n3op math:arguments _:n3oq . _:n3oq rdf:first _:n3or . _:n3or math:value """An example to describe the Hermitian matrix: [[1+i , 2+2i] [2-2i, 3+3i]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3oq rdf:rest _:n3os . _:n3os rdf:first _:n3ot . _:n3ot math:arguments _:n3ou . _:n3ou rdf:first _:n3ov . _:n3ov math:arguments _:n3ow ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ou rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3ot math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3os rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3oq a rdf:List . _:n3op math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3ox . _:n3ox math:arguments _:n3oy . _:n3oy rdf:first _:n3oz . _:n3oz math:arguments _:n3p0 . _:n3p0 rdf:first _:n3p1 . _:n3p1 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n3p0 rdf:rest _:n3p2 . _:n3p2 rdf:first _:n3p3 . _:n3p3 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n3p2 rdf:rest _:n3p4 . _:n3p4 rdf:first _:n3p5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3p0 a rdf:List . _:n3oz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3oy rdf:rest _:n3p6 . _:n3p6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3oy a rdf:List . _:n3ox math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The complex conjugate of an anti-Hermitian matrix equals minus its transpose" , "an anti-hermitian matrix will have zero on the diagonal" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an anti-Hermitian matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of values which determine the upper triangle of the matrix. The lower triangle of the matrix is specified by the following relation: - M^* = transpose(M), were M^* denotes the matrix consisting of all the complex conjugates of M. This rules implies that the main diagonal is zero, therefore the argument should not include it.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3p7 . _:n3p7 math:arguments _:n3p8 . _:n3p8 rdf:first _:n3p9 . _:n3p9 math:value """An example to describe the anti-Hermitian matrix: [[0 , 1+i] [-1+i , 0 ]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3p8 rdf:rest _:n3pa . _:n3pa rdf:first _:n3pb . _:n3pb math:arguments _:n3pc . _:n3pc rdf:first _:n3pd . _:n3pd math:arguments _:n3pe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3pc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3pb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3pa rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3p8 a rdf:List . _:n3p7 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3pf . _:n3pf math:arguments _:n3pg . _:n3pg rdf:first _:n3ph . _:n3ph math:arguments _:n3pi . _:n3pi rdf:first _:n3pj . _:n3pj math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n3pi rdf:rest _:n3pk . _:n3pk rdf:first _:n3pl . _:n3pl math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n3pk rdf:rest _:n3pm . _:n3pm rdf:first _:n3pn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3pi a rdf:List . _:n3ph math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3pg rdf:rest _:n3po . _:n3po rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3pg a rdf:List . _:n3pf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a (p,q) banded matrix, it takes one argument. A (p,q) banded matrix should always be square. The lower non-zero subdiagonal is the first element of the argument, whilst the highest non-zero super-diagonal is given by the last element of the argument. The argument determines the band of possibly non-zero entries which are positioned around the diagonal. It should be a vector of vectors, we note that they will not all be the same length, however the length of the vectors determine p and q. The longest element specifies the diagonal of the matrix and hence the size of the matrix. Every element not in the band is zero.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3pp . _:n3pp math:arguments _:n3pq . _:n3pq rdf:first _:n3pr . _:n3pr math:value """A specification of the (2,1) banded matrix: [ [1 2 3 0 0] [4 5 6 7 0] [0 8 9 10 11] [0 0 12 13 14] [0 0 0 15 16]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3pq rdf:rest _:n3ps . _:n3ps rdf:first _:n3pt . _:n3pt math:arguments _:n3pu . _:n3pu rdf:first _:n3pv . _:n3pv math:arguments _:n3pw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3pu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3pt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ps rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3pq a rdf:List . _:n3pp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "the rank of a non-zero constant matrix = 1" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a matrix which has all entries of the same value. It takes two arguments, the first is the size of the matrix, the second is the constant which determines every element.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3px . _:n3px math:arguments _:n3py . _:n3py rdf:first _:n3pz . _:n3pz math:arguments _:n3q0 . _:n3q0 rdf:first _:n3q1 . _:n3q1 math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:n3q0 rdf:rest _:n3q2 . _:n3q2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3q0 a rdf:List . _:n3pz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3py rdf:rest _:n3q3 . _:n3q3 rdf:first _:n3q4 . _:n3q4 math:arguments _:n3q5 . _:n3q5 rdf:first _:n3q6 . _:n3q6 math:arguments _:n3q7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3q5 rdf:rest _:n3q8 . _:n3q8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3q5 a rdf:List . _:n3q4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3q3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3py a rdf:List . _:n3px math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "given a diagonal matrix, it is equal to its transpose" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes an n_ary function which is used to construct an (nxn) diagonal matrix, that is a matrix where every non-diagonal element is zero, the diagonal elements are equal to the n arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3q9 . _:n3q9 math:arguments _:n3qa . _:n3qa rdf:first _:n3qb . _:n3qb math:value "The diagonal matrix with diagonal elements [1,2,3]"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3qa rdf:rest _:n3qc . _:n3qc rdf:first _:n3qd . _:n3qd math:arguments _:n3qe . _:n3qe rdf:first _:n3qf . _:n3qf math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3qe rdf:rest _:n3qg . _:n3qg rdf:first _:n3qh ; rdf:rest _:n3qi . _:n3qe a rdf:List . _:n3qd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3qc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3qa a rdf:List . _:n3q9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all M | identity(rowcount M) * M = M * identity(columncount M) = M" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes a unary function which is used to construct an (nxn) identity matrix where n is the single positive integral argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3qj . _:n3qj math:arguments _:n3qk . _:n3qk rdf:first _:n3ql . _:n3ql math:value "A representation of the 2x2 identity matrix [[1,0],[0,1]]"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3qk rdf:rest _:n3qm . _:n3qm rdf:first _:n3qn . _:n3qn math:arguments _:n3qo . _:n3qo rdf:first _:n3qp . _:n3qp math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3qo rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3qn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3qm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3qk a rdf:List . _:n3qj math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3qq . _:n3qq math:binder ; math:body _:n3qr . _:n3qr math:arguments _:n3qs . _:n3qs rdf:first _:n3qt . _:n3qt math:arguments _:n3qu . _:n3qu rdf:first _:n3qv . _:n3qv math:arguments _:n3qw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3qu rdf:rest _:n3qx . _:n3qx rdf:first _:n3qy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3qu a rdf:List . _:n3qt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3qs rdf:rest _:n3qz . _:n3qz rdf:first _:n3r0 . _:n3r0 math:arguments _:n3r1 . _:n3r1 rdf:first _:n3r2 ; rdf:rest _:n3r3 ; a rdf:List . _:n3r0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3qz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3qs a rdf:List . _:n3qr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3qq math:variables _:n3r4 . _:n3r4 rdf:first _:n3r5 . _:n3r5 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n3r4 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3qq a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "the transpose of a lower-Hessenberg matrix is upper-Hessenberg" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a lower-Hessenberg matrix, it takes one argument, the argument is a vector of vectors representing the non-zero elements. The first element of the argument specifies the value of the first super-diagonal, the subsequent elements specify the value of the diagonal and subsequent subdiagonals, all other elements are zero.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3r6 . _:n3r6 math:arguments _:n3r7 . _:n3r7 rdf:first _:n3r8 . _:n3r8 math:value """A specification of a lower-Hessenberg matrix of dimension 5: [[1 2 0 0 0] [3 4 5 0 0] [6 7 8 9 0] [0 10 11 12 13] [0 0 14 15 16]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3r7 rdf:rest _:n3r9 . _:n3r9 rdf:first _:n3ra . _:n3ra math:arguments _:n3rb . _:n3rb rdf:first _:n3rc . _:n3rc math:arguments _:n3rd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3rb rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3ra math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3r9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3r7 a rdf:List . _:n3r6 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3re . _:n3re math:arguments _:n3rf . _:n3rf rdf:first _:n3rg . _:n3rg math:arguments _:n3rh . _:n3rh rdf:first _:n3ri . _:n3ri math:arguments _:n3rj . _:n3rj rdf:first _:n3rk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3ri math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3rh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3rg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3rf rdf:rest _:n3rl . _:n3rl rdf:first _:n3rm . _:n3rm math:arguments _:n3rn . _:n3rn rdf:first _:n3ro . _:n3ro math:name "VV2" ; a math:Variable . _:n3rn rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3rm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3rl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3rf a rdf:List . _:n3re math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "the product of two lower-triangular matrices is lower-triangular" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a lower-triangular matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3rp . _:n3rp math:arguments _:n3rq . _:n3rq rdf:first _:n3rr . _:n3rr math:value """An example to describe the lower triangular matrix: [[1,0,0] [2,3,0] [4,5,6]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3rq rdf:rest _:n3rs . _:n3rs rdf:first _:n3rt . _:n3rt math:arguments _:n3ru . _:n3ru rdf:first _:n3rv . _:n3rv math:arguments _:n3rw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ru rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3rt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3rs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3rq a rdf:List . _:n3rp math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3rx . _:n3rx math:arguments _:n3ry . _:n3ry rdf:first _:n3rz . _:n3rz math:arguments _:n3s0 . _:n3s0 rdf:first _:n3s1 . _:n3s1 math:name "VV1" ; a math:Variable . _:n3s0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3rz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ry rdf:rest _:n3s2 . _:n3s2 rdf:first _:n3s3 . _:n3s3 math:arguments _:n3s4 . _:n3s4 rdf:first _:n3s5 . _:n3s5 math:arguments _:n3s6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3s4 rdf:rest _:n3s7 . _:n3s7 rdf:first _:n3s8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3s4 a rdf:List . _:n3s3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3s2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ry a rdf:List . _:n3rx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty """the scalar matrix of size n, where the scalar multiple is s = s * identity(n)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a matrix which is a scalar constant times the identity matrix. It should take two arguments, the first specifes the number of rows and columns in the matrix respectively and the third specifies the scalar multiplier.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3s9 . _:n3s9 math:arguments _:n3sa . _:n3sa rdf:first _:n3sb . _:n3sb math:arguments _:n3sc . _:n3sc rdf:first _:n3sd . _:n3sd math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3sc rdf:rest _:n3se . _:n3se rdf:first _:n3sf . _:n3sf math:value "1.5"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n3se rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3sc a rdf:List . _:n3sb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3sa rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3s9 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3sg . _:n3sg math:arguments _:n3sh . _:n3sh rdf:first _:n3si . _:n3si math:arguments _:n3sj . _:n3sj rdf:first _:n3sk . _:n3sk math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n3sj rdf:rest _:n3sl . _:n3sl rdf:first _:n3sm . _:n3sm math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:n3sl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3sj a rdf:List . _:n3si math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3sh rdf:rest _:n3sn . _:n3sn rdf:first _:n3so . _:n3so math:arguments _:n3sp . _:n3sp rdf:first _:n3sq . _:n3sq math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:n3sp rdf:rest _:n3sr . _:n3sr rdf:first _:n3ss ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3sp a rdf:List . _:n3so math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3sn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3sh a rdf:List . _:n3sg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The elements on the diagonal of a skew-symmetric matrix are zero" , "for a skew-symmetric matrix M, M = - transpose M" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a skew-symmetric matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix. For j>i the ij'th element of the matrix is the (j-i+1)'th element of the i'th element of the argument. This determines the elements above the diagonal of the matrix, the elements below the diagonal of the matrix must conform to the rule M = - transpose M. This rule implies that the elements on the diagonal must be equal to 0, therefore we do not include these in the argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3st . _:n3st math:arguments _:n3su . _:n3su rdf:first _:n3sv . _:n3sv math:value """An example to represent the skew-symmetric matrix: [[ 0, 2, 3, 4] [-2, 0, 6, 7] [-3,-6, 0, 9] [-4,-7,-9, 0]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3su rdf:rest _:n3sw . _:n3sw rdf:first _:n3sx . _:n3sx math:arguments _:n3sy . _:n3sy rdf:first _:n3sz . _:n3sz math:arguments _:n3t0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3sy rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3sx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3sw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3su a rdf:List . _:n3st math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3t1 . _:n3t1 math:arguments _:n3t2 . _:n3t2 rdf:first _:n3t3 . _:n3t3 math:arguments _:n3t4 . _:n3t4 rdf:first _:n3t5 . _:n3t5 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n3t4 rdf:rest _:n3t6 . _:n3t6 rdf:first _:n3t7 . _:n3t7 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n3t6 rdf:rest _:n3t8 . _:n3t8 rdf:first _:n3t9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3t4 a rdf:List . _:n3t3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3t2 rdf:rest _:n3ta . _:n3ta rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3t2 a rdf:List . _:n3t1 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3tb . _:n3tb math:arguments _:n3tc . _:n3tc rdf:first _:n3td . _:n3td math:arguments _:n3te . _:n3te rdf:first _:n3tf . _:n3tf math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:n3te rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3td math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3tc rdf:rest _:n3tg . _:n3tg rdf:first _:n3th . _:n3th math:arguments _:n3ti . _:n3ti rdf:first _:n3tj . _:n3tj math:arguments _:n3tk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ti rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3th math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3tg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3tc a rdf:List . _:n3tb math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for a symmetric matrix M, M = transpose M" , """the dimension of a symmetric matrix = the length of the vector which defines it""" , "the sum of a symmetric matrix and its transpose is symmetric" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a symmetric matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix. For j>=i the ij'th element of the matrix is the (j-i+1)'th element of the i'th element of the argument. This determines the upper triangle of the matrix, the lower triangle is specified by the rule M = transpose M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3tl . _:n3tl math:arguments _:n3tm . _:n3tm rdf:first _:n3tn . _:n3tn math:value """An example to represent the symmetric matrix: [[1,2,3,4] [2,5,6,7] [3,6,8,9] [4,7,9,10]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3tm rdf:rest _:n3to . _:n3to rdf:first _:n3tp . _:n3tp math:arguments _:n3tq . _:n3tq rdf:first _:n3tr . _:n3tr math:arguments _:n3ts ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3tq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3tp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3to rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3tm a rdf:List . _:n3tl math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3tt . _:n3tt math:arguments _:n3tu . _:n3tu rdf:first _:n3tv . _:n3tv math:arguments _:n3tw . _:n3tw rdf:first _:n3tx . _:n3tx math:arguments _:n3ty . _:n3ty rdf:first _:n3tz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3tx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3tw rdf:rest _:n3u0 . _:n3u0 rdf:first _:n3u1 . _:n3u1 math:arguments _:n3u2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3u0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3tw a rdf:List . _:n3tv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3tu rdf:rest _:n3u3 . _:n3u3 rdf:first _:n3u4 . _:n3u4 math:arguments _:n3u5 . _:n3u5 rdf:first _:n3u6 . _:n3u6 math:name "VV2" ; a math:Variable . _:n3u5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3u4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3u3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3tu a rdf:List . _:n3tt math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3u7 . _:n3u7 math:arguments _:n3u8 . _:n3u8 rdf:first _:n3u9 . _:n3u9 math:arguments _:n3ua . _:n3ua rdf:first _:n3ub . _:n3ub math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:n3ua rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3u9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3u8 rdf:rest _:n3uc . _:n3uc rdf:first _:n3ud . _:n3ud math:arguments _:n3ue . _:n3ue rdf:first _:n3uf . _:n3uf math:arguments _:n3ug ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ue rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3ud math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3uc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3u8 a rdf:List . _:n3u7 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3uh . _:n3uh math:arguments _:n3ui . _:n3ui rdf:first _:n3uj . _:n3uj math:arguments _:n3uk . _:n3uk rdf:first _:n3ul . _:n3ul math:arguments _:n3um . _:n3um rdf:first _:n3un ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3ul math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3uk rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3uj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ui rdf:rest _:n3uo . _:n3uo rdf:first _:n3up . _:n3up math:arguments _:n3uq . _:n3uq rdf:first _:n3ur . _:n3ur math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:n3uq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3up math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3uo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ui a rdf:List . _:n3uh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The product of two tridiagonal matrices is tridiagonal" , "a tridiagonal matrix is a (1,1) banded matrix" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a tridiagonal matrix, it takes one argument which should be a vector of vectors which should have three elements. These should be vectors representing the sub-diagonal, the diagonal and the super-diagonal in that order.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3us . _:n3us math:arguments _:n3ut . _:n3ut rdf:first _:n3uu . _:n3uu math:arguments _:n3uv . _:n3uv rdf:first _:n3uw . _:n3uw math:arguments _:n3ux . _:n3ux rdf:first _:n3uy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3uw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3uv rdf:rest _:n3uz . _:n3uz rdf:first _:n3v0 . _:n3v0 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3uz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3uv a rdf:List . _:n3uu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ut rdf:rest _:n3v1 . _:n3v1 rdf:first _:n3v2 . _:n3v2 math:arguments _:n3v3 . _:n3v3 rdf:first _:n3v4 . _:n3v4 math:arguments _:n3v5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3v3 rdf:rest _:n3v6 . _:n3v6 rdf:first _:n3v7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3v3 a rdf:List . _:n3v2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3v1 rdf:rest _:n3v8 . _:n3v8 rdf:first _:n3v9 . _:n3v9 math:arguments _:n3va . _:n3va rdf:first _:n3vb ; rdf:rest _:n3vc ; a rdf:List . _:n3v9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3v8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ut a rdf:List . _:n3us math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3vd . _:n3vd math:arguments _:n3ve . _:n3ve rdf:first _:n3vf . _:n3vf math:arguments _:n3vg . _:n3vg rdf:first _:n3vh . _:n3vh math:arguments _:n3vi . _:n3vi rdf:first _:n3vj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3vh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3vg rdf:rest _:n3vk . _:n3vk rdf:first _:n3vl . _:n3vl math:arguments _:n3vm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3vk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3vg a rdf:List . _:n3vf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ve rdf:rest _:n3vn . _:n3vn rdf:first _:n3vo . _:n3vo math:arguments _:n3vp . _:n3vp rdf:first _:n3vq . _:n3vq math:name "VV3" ; a math:Variable . _:n3vp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3vo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3vn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ve a rdf:List . _:n3vd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "the transpose of an upper-Hessenberg matrix is lower-Hessenberg" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an upper-Hessenberg matrix, it takes one argument, the argument is a vector of vectors representing the non-zero elements. The first element of the argument specifies the value of the first subdiagonal, the subsequent elements specify the value of the diagonal and subsequent super-diagonals, all other elements are zero.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3vr . _:n3vr math:arguments _:n3vs . _:n3vs rdf:first _:n3vt . _:n3vt math:value """A specification of an upper-Hessenberg matrix of dimension 5: [[1 2 3 0 0] [4 5 6 7 0] [0 8 9 10 11] [0 0 12 13 14] [0 0 0 15 16]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3vs rdf:rest _:n3vu . _:n3vu rdf:first _:n3vv . _:n3vv math:arguments _:n3vw . _:n3vw rdf:first _:n3vx . _:n3vx math:arguments _:n3vy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3vw rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3vv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3vu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3vs a rdf:List . _:n3vr math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3vz . _:n3vz math:arguments _:n3w0 . _:n3w0 rdf:first _:n3w1 . _:n3w1 math:arguments _:n3w2 . _:n3w2 rdf:first _:n3w3 . _:n3w3 math:arguments _:n3w4 . _:n3w4 rdf:first _:n3w5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3w3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3w2 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3w1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3w0 rdf:rest _:n3w6 . _:n3w6 rdf:first _:n3w7 . _:n3w7 math:arguments _:n3w8 . _:n3w8 rdf:first _:n3w9 . _:n3w9 math:name "VV2" ; a math:Variable . _:n3w8 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3w7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3w6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3w0 a rdf:List . _:n3vz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty "the product of two upper-triangular matrices is upper-triangular" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an upper-triangular matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3wa . _:n3wa math:arguments _:n3wb . _:n3wb rdf:first _:n3wc . _:n3wc math:value """An example to describe the upper triangular matrix: [[1,2,3] [0,4,5] [0,0,6]]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3wb rdf:rest _:n3wd . _:n3wd rdf:first _:n3we . _:n3we math:arguments _:n3wf . _:n3wf rdf:first _:n3wg . _:n3wg math:arguments _:n3wh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3wf rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3we math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3wd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3wb a rdf:List . _:n3wa math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3wi . _:n3wi math:arguments _:n3wj . _:n3wj rdf:first _:n3wk . _:n3wk math:arguments _:n3wl . _:n3wl rdf:first _:n3wm . _:n3wm math:name "VV1" ; a math:Variable . _:n3wl rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3wk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3wj rdf:rest _:n3wn . _:n3wn rdf:first _:n3wo . _:n3wo math:arguments _:n3wp . _:n3wp rdf:first _:n3wq . _:n3wq math:arguments _:n3wr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3wp rdf:rest _:n3ws . _:n3ws rdf:first _:n3wt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3wp a rdf:List . _:n3wo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3wn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3wj a rdf:List . _:n3wi math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all M | zero(rowcount M,rowcount M) * M = M * zero(columncount M,columncount M) = zero(rowcount M,columncount M)""" , "for all M | M + zero(rowcount M,columncount M) = M" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes a function with two integral arguments m,n which is used to construct an (mxn) zero matrix.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3wu . _:n3wu math:arguments _:n3wv . _:n3wv rdf:first _:n3ww . _:n3ww math:value "A representation of the 2x2 zero matrix [[0,0],[0,0]]"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3wv rdf:rest _:n3wx . _:n3wx rdf:first _:n3wy . _:n3wy math:arguments _:n3wz . _:n3wz rdf:first _:n3x0 . _:n3x0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3wz rdf:rest _:n3x1 . _:n3x1 rdf:first _:n3x2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3wz a rdf:List . _:n3wy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3wx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3wv a rdf:List . _:n3wu math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3x3 . _:n3x3 math:binder ; math:body _:n3x4 . _:n3x4 math:arguments _:n3x5 . _:n3x5 rdf:first _:n3x6 . _:n3x6 math:arguments _:n3x7 . _:n3x7 rdf:first _:n3x8 . _:n3x8 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n3x7 rdf:rest _:n3x9 . _:n3x9 rdf:first _:n3xa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3x7 a rdf:List . _:n3x6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3x5 rdf:rest _:n3xb . _:n3xb rdf:first _:n3xc . _:n3xc math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n3xb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3x5 a rdf:List . _:n3x4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3x3 math:variables _:n3xd . _:n3xd rdf:first _:n3xe . _:n3xe math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n3xd rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3x3 a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n3xf . _:n3xf math:binder ; math:body _:n3xg . _:n3xg math:arguments _:n3xh . _:n3xh rdf:first _:n3xi . _:n3xi math:arguments _:n3xj . _:n3xj rdf:first _:n3xk . _:n3xk math:arguments _:n3xl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3xj rdf:rest _:n3xm . _:n3xm rdf:first _:n3xn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3xj a rdf:List . _:n3xi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3xh rdf:rest _:n3xo . _:n3xo rdf:first _:n3xp . _:n3xp math:arguments _:n3xq . _:n3xq rdf:first _:n3xr ; rdf:rest _:n3xs ; a rdf:List . _:n3xp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3xo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3xh a rdf:List . _:n3xg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3xf math:variables _:n3xt . _:n3xt rdf:first _:n3xu . _:n3xu math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n3xt rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3xf a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg5 . :linalg6 math-meta:description "Symbols for describing sparse matrices" , "This CD contains symbols for the construction of some new matrices from old ones." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """If A is an m x r matrix B is an n x s matrix, then their Kronecker product is the m n x rs matrix whose i + (k-1) m, j + (l-1) n entry is A_{i,j} B_{k,l},""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes a n-nary function which is used to construct the tensor product matrix of its arguments, which must be matrices.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3xv . _:n3xv math:arguments _:n3xw . _:n3xw rdf:first _:n3xx . _:n3xx math:arguments _:n3xy . _:n3xy rdf:first _:n3xz . _:n3xz math:arguments _:n3y0 . _:n3y0 rdf:first _:n3y1 ; rdf:rest _:n3y2 ; a rdf:List . _:n3xz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3xy rdf:rest _:n3y3 . _:n3y3 rdf:first _:n3y4 . _:n3y4 math:arguments _:n3y5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3y3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3xy a rdf:List . _:n3xx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3xw rdf:rest _:n3y6 . _:n3y6 rdf:first _:n3y7 . _:n3y7 math:arguments _:n3y8 . _:n3y8 rdf:first _:n3y9 . _:n3y9 math:arguments _:n3ya ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3y8 rdf:rest _:n3yb . _:n3yb rdf:first _:n3yc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3y8 a rdf:List . _:n3y7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3y6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3xw a rdf:List . _:n3xv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . math-meta:description """This symbol may be used for representing matrices, it is designed for efficiently representing sparse matrices where every row has at least one non-zero entry. This is an n+1 ary symbol, where n is the number of rows in the matrix. The first argument must be the number of columns in the matrix, every following argument of the symbol must be an application of a sparseMatrixRow symbol which has arguments which are sparseMatrixElement2, one sparseMatrixElement2 element for each row in the matrix, in the order in which they occur in the matrix. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3yd . _:n3yd math:arguments _:n3ye . _:n3ye rdf:first _:n3yf . _:n3yf math:value """The matrix $$ \\left ( \\begin{array}{ccccc} 5&0&0&0&0\\\\ 0&0&2&0&0\\\\ 1&0&0&0&0\\\\ 0&0&0&0&1 \\end{array}\\right ) $$ may be represented as:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3ye rdf:rest _:n3yg . _:n3yg rdf:first _:n3yh . _:n3yh math:arguments _:n3yi . _:n3yi rdf:first _:n3yj . _:n3yj math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3yi rdf:rest _:n3yk . _:n3yk rdf:first _:n3yl ; rdf:rest _:n3ym . _:n3yi a rdf:List . _:n3yh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3yg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ye a rdf:List . _:n3yd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . math-meta:description """This symbol may be used to represent matrices which have no zero rows, and for which every row is in Z_2 efficiently. The first argument is the number of columns in the matrix, the following arguments are sparseMatrixRow elements where the arguments are sparseMatrixElement4 elements. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3yn . _:n3yn math:arguments _:n3yo . _:n3yo rdf:first _:n3yp . _:n3yp math:value """The matrix $$ \\left ( \\begin{array}{ccccc} 1&0&0&0&1\\\\ 0&0&1&0&0\\\\ 0&0&0&1&0\\\\ 0&0&0&0&1 \\end{array}\\right ) $$ may be represented as:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3yo rdf:rest _:n3yq . _:n3yq rdf:first _:n3yr . _:n3yr math:arguments _:n3ys . _:n3ys rdf:first _:n3yt . _:n3yt math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3ys rdf:rest _:n3yu . _:n3yu rdf:first _:n3yv ; rdf:rest _:n3yw . _:n3ys a rdf:List . _:n3yr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3yq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3yo a rdf:List . _:n3yn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . math-meta:description """This symbol may be used for representing matrices, it is designed for efficiently representing sparse matrices. The symbol is n+2 ary, where the first argument is the number of rows in the matrix, the second argument is the number of columns in the matrix and n is the number of non-zero entries. The following arguments must be applications of the symbol sparseMatrixElement1. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3yx . _:n3yx math:arguments _:n3yy . _:n3yy rdf:first _:n3yz . _:n3yz math:value """The matrix $$ \\left ( \\begin{array}{ccccc} 5&0&0&0&0\\\\ 0&0&6&0&0\\\\ 0&0&0&0&0\\\\ 0&0&0&0&1 \\end{array}\\right ) $$ may be represented as:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3yy rdf:rest _:n3z0 . _:n3z0 rdf:first _:n3z1 . _:n3z1 math:arguments _:n3z2 . _:n3z2 rdf:first _:n3z3 . _:n3z3 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3z2 rdf:rest _:n3z4 . _:n3z4 rdf:first _:n3z5 ; rdf:rest _:n3z6 . _:n3z2 a rdf:List . _:n3z1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3z0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3yy a rdf:List . _:n3yx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . math-meta:description """This symbol may be used for representing matrices which have all entries in the modular field Z_2, i.e. 1 or 0. It allows efficient representation of sparse matrices, more so than the 'sparseMatrix' symbol, since the value of the entries with values of 1 need not be stored, only their positions. The symbol is n+2 ary, where the first argument is the number of rows in the matrix, the second argument is the number of columns in the matrix. The following arguments are sparseMatrixElement3 elements described in this content dictionary. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3z7 . _:n3z7 math:arguments _:n3z8 . _:n3z8 rdf:first _:n3z9 . _:n3z9 math:value """The matrix $$ \\left ( \\begin{array}{ccccc} 1&0&0&0&0\\\\ 0&0&1&0&0\\\\ 0&0&0&0&0\\\\ 0&0&0&0&1 \\end{array}\\right ) $$ may be represented as:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3z8 rdf:rest _:n3za . _:n3za rdf:first _:n3zb . _:n3zb math:arguments _:n3zc . _:n3zc rdf:first _:n3zd . _:n3zd math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3zc rdf:rest _:n3ze . _:n3ze rdf:first _:n3zf ; rdf:rest _:n3zg . _:n3zc a rdf:List . _:n3zb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3za rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3z8 a rdf:List . _:n3z7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . math-meta:description """This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix in the following way. It takes three arguments, the first of which represents the column index, the second of which represents the row index and the third represents the value. The indexing is one based; that is an element in the top left position of the matrix will have first and second indices of 1,1 respectively. Applications of this symbol will be expected as arguments of the symbol sparseMatrix in this content dictionary.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . math-meta:description """This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix in the following way. It takes two arguments, the first of which represents the column index, the second of which represents the value of the element. The row index is deduced from the index of the sparseMatrixRow symbols of which applications of this symbol are arguments. Applications of this symbol occur as arguments of arguments of the symbol nonZeroRowSparseMatrix only.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . math-meta:description """This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix over Z_2 in the following way. The first and second arguments are the column and row indices of the non-zero elements respectively i.e. elements with value 1. Applications of this symbol occur as arguments of arguments of the symbol sparseMatrix01 only.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . math-meta:description """This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix over Z_2 in the following way. The single argument is the column index of non-zero elements of the matrix, i.e. elements with value 1. Applications of this symbol occur as arguments of arguments of the symbol nonZeroRowSparseMatrix01 only.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . math-meta:description """This symbol may be used to represent rows of sparse matrices, it is a fairly general symbol in that it may be used to represent rows of any type of sparse matrix from this CD. However the particular type of sparse matrix must have as elements symbols of the corresponding type, as described in that symbols description.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . math-meta:description """This symbol denotes a n-nary function which is used to construct the tensor product vector of its arguments, which must be vectors.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg6 . :linalg7 math-meta:description "A CD of structured vectors" , "This CD contains symbols for the construction of matrices from lists." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """If V is a constant vector of length n, with constant value c and i is in the integral interval [1,n] then V.i = c""" ; math-meta:description """The constant symbol represents the constant vector. It takes two parameters, the length (dimension) of the vector and the constant value, which all the elements are equal to.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n3zh . _:n3zh math:arguments _:n3zi . _:n3zi rdf:first _:n3zj . _:n3zj math:arguments _:n3zk . _:n3zk rdf:first _:n3zl . _:n3zl math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n3zk rdf:rest _:n3zm . _:n3zm rdf:first _:n3zn . _:n3zn math:arguments _:n3zo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3zm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3zk a rdf:List . _:n3zj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3zi rdf:rest _:n3zp . _:n3zp rdf:first _:n3zq . _:n3zq math:arguments _:n3zr . _:n3zr rdf:first _:n3zs . _:n3zs math:arguments _:n3zt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3zr rdf:rest _:n3zu . _:n3zu rdf:first _:n3zv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3zr a rdf:List . _:n3zq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3zp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3zi a rdf:List . _:n3zh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg7 . math-meta:description """This symbol denotes a binary function. Its first argument must be a ring R, its second argument must be list L of lists of equal lengths whose entries belong to the ring R, up to ring1.expression. When applied to R and L it represents the matrix whose i,j entry consists of the j-th entry from the list L[i]. In particular, the matrix has length(L) rows and length(L[1]) columns.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg7 . math-meta:description """This symbol denotes a binary function. Its first argument must be a ring R, its second argument must be list L with entries belonging to the ring R, up to ring1.expression. When applied to R and L it represents the vector of the same length as the list L whose i-th coordinate is L[i] (or ring1.expression(L[i])).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg7 . math-meta:description """The sparse symbol is a constructor for sparse vectors, it is (n+1)-ary, where the first parameter is the length (dimension) of the vector, and every following parameter specifies a possibly non-zero element in the following way. The parameter is a list which should have length two. The first element in the list is the position (one based), whilst the second element in the list is the value. Every other element of the vector is implicitly zero.""" ; math-meta:example _:n3zw . _:n3zw math:arguments _:n3zx . _:n3zx rdf:first _:n3zy . _:n3zy math:value """This example shows a representation of the sparse matrix $$\\left (\\begin{array}[c]1\\\\0\\\\0\\\\0\\\\0\\end{array}\\right$$"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n3zx rdf:rest _:n3zz . _:n3zz rdf:first _:n400 . _:n400 math:arguments _:n401 . _:n401 rdf:first _:n402 . _:n402 math:arguments _:n403 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n401 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n400 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3zz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3zx a rdf:List . _:n3zw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg7 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If M is an n*m matrix and V is a zero vector of length m then V*M = V2 where V2 is a zero vector of length n""" , """If M is an n*m matrix and V is a zero vector of length n then M*V = V2 where V2 is a zero vector of length m""" , """If V is a zero vector of length n and V2 is a vector of length n then V+V2 = V2+V = V2""" , """If V is a zero vector of length n and i is in the integral interval [1,n] then V.i = 0""" ; math-meta:description """The zero symbol represents the zero vector, it takes one parameter which should be the length (dimension in some terminology) of the vector.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n404 . _:n404 math:binder ; math:body _:n405 . _:n405 math:arguments _:n406 . _:n406 rdf:first _:n407 . _:n407 math:arguments _:n408 . _:n408 rdf:first _:n409 . _:n409 math:arguments _:n40a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n408 rdf:rest _:n40b . _:n40b rdf:first _:n40c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n408 a rdf:List . _:n407 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n406 rdf:rest _:n40d . _:n40d rdf:first _:n40e . _:n40e math:arguments _:n40f . _:n40f rdf:first _:n40g ; rdf:rest _:n40h ; a rdf:List . _:n40e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n40d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n406 a rdf:List . _:n405 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n404 math:variables _:n40i . _:n40i a rdf:List . _:n404 a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n40j . _:n40j math:binder ; math:body _:n40k . _:n40k math:arguments _:n40l . _:n40l rdf:first _:n40m . _:n40m math:arguments _:n40n . _:n40n rdf:first _:n40o . _:n40o math:arguments _:n40p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n40n rdf:rest _:n40q . _:n40q rdf:first _:n40r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n40n a rdf:List . _:n40m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n40l rdf:rest _:n40s . _:n40s rdf:first _:n40t . _:n40t math:arguments _:n40u . _:n40u rdf:first _:n40v ; rdf:rest _:n40w ; a rdf:List . _:n40t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n40s rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n40l a rdf:List . _:n40k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n40j math:variables _:n40x . _:n40x a rdf:List . _:n40j a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n40y . _:n40y math:binder ; math:body _:n40z . _:n40z math:arguments _:n410 . _:n410 rdf:first _:n411 . _:n411 math:arguments _:n412 . _:n412 rdf:first _:n413 . _:n413 math:arguments _:n414 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n412 rdf:rest _:n415 . _:n415 rdf:first _:n416 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n412 a rdf:List . _:n411 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n410 rdf:rest _:n417 . _:n417 rdf:first _:n418 . _:n418 math:arguments _:n419 . _:n419 rdf:first _:n41a ; rdf:rest _:n41b ; a rdf:List . _:n418 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n417 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n410 a rdf:List . _:n40z math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n40y math:variables _:n41c . _:n41c a rdf:List . _:n40y a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n41d . _:n41d math:arguments _:n41e . _:n41e rdf:first _:n41f . _:n41f math:arguments _:n41g . _:n41g rdf:first _:n41h . _:n41h math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n41g rdf:rest _:n41i . _:n41i rdf:first _:n41j . _:n41j math:arguments _:n41k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n41i rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n41g a rdf:List . _:n41f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n41e rdf:rest _:n41l . _:n41l rdf:first _:n41m . _:n41m math:arguments _:n41n . _:n41n rdf:first _:n41o . _:n41o math:arguments _:n41p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n41n rdf:rest _:n41q . _:n41q rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n41n a rdf:List . _:n41m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n41l rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n41e a rdf:List . _:n41d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :linalg7 . :list1 math-meta:description """This CD is intended to be `compatible' with MathML list constructs.""" , """This CD is intended to be `compatible' with MathML list constructs. A.M. Cohen slightly edited the description of the suchthat symbol (eq, \"the set\" replaced by \"a set X\").""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the list construct which is an n-ary function. The list entries must be given explicitly.""" ; math-meta:example _:n41r . _:n41r math:arguments _:n41s . _:n41s rdf:first _:n41t . _:n41t math:value "The list 3, 6, 9."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n41s rdf:rest _:n41u . _:n41u rdf:first _:n41v . _:n41v math:arguments _:n41w . _:n41w rdf:first _:n41x . _:n41x math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n41w rdf:rest _:n41y . _:n41y rdf:first _:n41z ; rdf:rest _:n420 . _:n41w a rdf:List . _:n41v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n41u rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n41s a rdf:List . _:n41r math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a mapping function which may be used to construct lists; it takes as arguments a function from X to Y and a list over X in that order. The value that is returned is a list of values in Y. The argument list may be a set or an integer_interval.""" ; math-meta:example _:n421 . _:n421 math:arguments _:n422 . _:n422 rdf:first _:n423 . _:n423 math:value """The list of even values between 0 and 20 in ascending order, that is the values 2x in ascending order, where x ranges over the integral interval [0,10]."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n422 rdf:rest _:n424 . _:n424 rdf:first _:n425 . _:n425 math:arguments _:n426 . _:n426 rdf:first _:n427 . _:n427 math:binder ; math:body _:n428 ; math:variables _:n429 ; a math:Binding . _:n426 rdf:rest _:n42a . _:n42a rdf:first _:n42b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n426 a rdf:List . _:n425 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n424 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n422 a rdf:List . _:n421 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the suchthat function which may be used to construct lists; it takes two arguments. The first argument should be a set X which contains the elements of the list, the second argument should be a predicate, that is a function from the set X to the booleans which describes if an element is to be in the list returned.""" ; math-meta:example _:n42c . _:n42c math:arguments _:n42d . _:n42d rdf:first _:n42e . _:n42e math:value """This example shows how to construct the list of even positive integers less than 100, using the suchthat constructor."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n42d rdf:rest _:n42f . _:n42f rdf:first _:n42g . _:n42g math:arguments _:n42h . _:n42h rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n42i . _:n42i rdf:first _:n42j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n42h a rdf:List . _:n42g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n42f rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n42d a rdf:List . _:n42c math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list1 . :list2 math-meta:description "Several basic list functions are given in this CD." ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description "The operation of joining one list to another" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n42k . _:n42k math:binder ; math:body _:n42l . _:n42l math:arguments _:n42m . _:n42m rdf:first _:n42n . _:n42n math:arguments _:n42o . _:n42o rdf:first _:n42p . _:n42p math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n42o rdf:rest _:n42q . _:n42q rdf:first _:n42r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n42o a rdf:List . _:n42n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n42m rdf:rest _:n42s . _:n42s rdf:first _:n42t . _:n42t math:arguments _:n42u . _:n42u rdf:first _:n42v ; rdf:rest _:n42w ; a rdf:List . _:n42t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n42s rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n42m a rdf:List . _:n42l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n42k math:variables _:n42x . _:n42x rdf:first _:n42y . _:n42y math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n42x rdf:rest _:n42z . _:n42z rdf:first _:n430 . _:n430 math:name "lst1" ; a math:Variable . _:n42z rdf:rest _:n431 . _:n431 rdf:first _:n432 . _:n432 math:name "lst2" ; a math:Variable . _:n431 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n42x a rdf:List . _:n42k a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n433 . _:n433 math:binder ; math:body _:n434 . _:n434 math:arguments _:n435 . _:n435 rdf:first _:n436 . _:n436 math:name "lst" ; a math:Variable . _:n435 rdf:rest _:n437 . _:n437 rdf:first _:n438 . _:n438 math:arguments _:n439 . _:n439 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n43a ; a rdf:List . _:n438 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n437 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n435 a rdf:List . _:n434 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n433 math:variables _:n43b . _:n43b rdf:first _:n43c . _:n43c math:name "lst" ; a math:Variable . _:n43b rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n433 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "cons(first(lst),rest(lst))=lst" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the cons list function. It takes 2 arguments: the second must be a list, where the elements have the same type as the type of the first. The function denotes a new list which has the first argument as its first element followed by the elements of the second argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n43d . _:n43d math:binder ; math:body _:n43e . _:n43e math:arguments _:n43f . _:n43f rdf:first _:n43g . _:n43g math:arguments _:n43h . _:n43h rdf:first _:n43i . _:n43i math:arguments _:n43j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n43h rdf:rest _:n43k . _:n43k rdf:first _:n43l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n43h a rdf:List . _:n43g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n43f rdf:rest _:n43m . _:n43m rdf:first _:n43n . _:n43n math:name "lst" ; a math:Variable . _:n43m rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n43f a rdf:List . _:n43e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n43d math:variables _:n43o . _:n43o rdf:first _:n43p . _:n43p math:name "lst" ; a math:Variable . _:n43o rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n43d a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function which returns the first elements of its argument, which should be a list.""" ; math-meta:example _:n43q . _:n43q math:arguments _:n43r . _:n43r rdf:first _:n43s . _:n43s math:value "Specification of the first element of the list [1,2,3]"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n43r rdf:rest _:n43t . _:n43t rdf:first _:n43u . _:n43u math:arguments _:n43v . _:n43v rdf:first _:n43w . _:n43w math:arguments _:n43x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n43v rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n43u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n43t rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n43r a rdf:List . _:n43q math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n43y . _:n43y math:arguments _:n43z . _:n43z rdf:first _:n440 . _:n440 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n43z rdf:rest _:n441 . _:n441 rdf:first _:n442 . _:n442 math:arguments _:n443 . _:n443 rdf:first _:n444 . _:n444 math:arguments _:n445 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n443 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n442 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n441 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n43z a rdf:List . _:n43y math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list2 . math-meta:description """This symbol has two arguments, an element and a list. It is used to denote that the element is in the given list.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list2 . math-meta:description """This symbol takes a positive integer n and a list, and represents the n-th element of that list.""" ; math-meta:example _:n446 . _:n446 math:arguments _:n447 . _:n447 rdf:first _:n448 . _:n448 math:arguments _:n449 . _:n449 rdf:first _:n44a . _:n44a math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n449 rdf:rest _:n44b . _:n44b rdf:first _:n44c . _:n44c math:arguments _:n44d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n44b rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n449 a rdf:List . _:n448 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n447 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n446 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n44e . _:n44e math:arguments _:n44f . _:n44f rdf:first _:n44g . _:n44g math:arguments _:n44h . _:n44h rdf:first _:n44i . _:n44i math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n44h rdf:rest _:n44j . _:n44j rdf:first _:n44k . _:n44k math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n44j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n44h a rdf:List . _:n44g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n44f rdf:rest _:n44l . _:n44l rdf:first _:n44m . _:n44m math:arguments _:n44n . _:n44n rdf:first _:n44o . _:n44o math:arguments _:n44p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n44n rdf:rest _:n44q . _:n44q rdf:first _:n44r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n44n a rdf:List . _:n44m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n44l rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n44f a rdf:List . _:n44e math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list2 . math-meta:description "The empty list" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function which returns a list made up of all the elements except the first of its argument, which should be a list.""" ; math-meta:example _:n44s . _:n44s math:arguments _:n44t . _:n44t rdf:first _:n44u . _:n44u math:value "Specification of the list [1,2,3], apart from the first element"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n44t rdf:rest _:n44v . _:n44v rdf:first _:n44w . _:n44w math:arguments _:n44x . _:n44x rdf:first _:n44y . _:n44y math:arguments _:n44z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n44x rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n44w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n44v rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n44t a rdf:List . _:n44s math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n450 . _:n450 math:arguments _:n451 . _:n451 rdf:first _:n452 . _:n452 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n451 rdf:rest _:n453 . _:n453 rdf:first _:n454 . _:n454 math:arguments _:n455 . _:n455 rdf:first _:n456 . _:n456 math:arguments _:n457 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n455 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n454 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n453 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n451 a rdf:List . _:n450 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list2 . math-meta:description "The reverse of a list" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n458 . _:n458 math:arguments _:n459 . _:n459 rdf:first _:n45a . _:n45a math:arguments _:n45b . _:n45b rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n45a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n459 rdf:rest _:n45c . _:n45c rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n459 a rdf:List . _:n458 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n45d . _:n45d math:binder ; math:body _:n45e . _:n45e math:arguments _:n45f . _:n45f rdf:first _:n45g . _:n45g math:arguments _:n45h . _:n45h rdf:first _:n45i . _:n45i math:arguments _:n45j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n45h rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n45g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n45f rdf:rest _:n45k . _:n45k rdf:first _:n45l . _:n45l math:arguments _:n45m . _:n45m rdf:first _:n45n ; rdf:rest _:n45o ; a rdf:List . _:n45l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n45k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n45f a rdf:List . _:n45e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n45d math:variables _:n45p . _:n45p rdf:first _:n45q . _:n45q math:name "lst" ; a math:Variable . _:n45p rdf:rest _:n45r . _:n45r rdf:first _:n45s . _:n45s math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n45r rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n45p a rdf:List . _:n45d a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the number of elements in a list. It is either a non-negative integer.""" ; math-meta:example _:n45t . _:n45t math:arguments _:n45u . _:n45u rdf:first _:n45v . _:n45v math:value "The size of the list (3,6,9) = 3"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n45u rdf:rest _:n45w . _:n45w rdf:first _:n45x . _:n45x math:arguments _:n45y . _:n45y rdf:first _:n45z . _:n45z math:arguments _:n460 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n45y rdf:rest _:n461 . _:n461 rdf:first _:n462 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n45y a rdf:List . _:n45x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n45w rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n45u a rdf:List . _:n45t math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list2 . :list3 math-meta:description "Several basic list functions related to length are given in this CD." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-03-02" . math-meta:description """This symbol takes two arguments both a list. It represents a function which returns a list made up of all the elements of the first list which are not in the second.""" ; math-meta:example _:n463 . _:n463 math:arguments _:n464 . _:n464 rdf:first _:n465 . _:n465 math:value "Specification of the list [1,..,6], apart from the first 3 elements."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n464 rdf:rest _:n466 . _:n466 rdf:first _:n467 . _:n467 math:arguments _:n468 . _:n468 rdf:first _:n469 . _:n469 math:arguments _:n46a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n468 rdf:rest _:n46b . _:n46b rdf:first _:n46c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n468 a rdf:List . _:n467 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n466 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n464 a rdf:List . _:n463 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument should be a list L and whose second argument should be a positive integer i such that the absolute value of i is in the interval [1..n], where n is the length of L. If i is positive, it returns the i-th entry L[i] of L, if i is negative it returns the (n+1-i)-th entry of L.""" ; math-meta:example _:n46d . _:n46d math:arguments _:n46e . _:n46e rdf:first _:n46f . _:n46f math:value "The second entry of the list [1,2,3] is 2."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n46e rdf:rest _:n46g . _:n46g rdf:first _:n46h . _:n46h math:arguments _:n46i . _:n46i rdf:first _:n46j . _:n46j math:arguments _:n46k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n46i rdf:rest _:n46l . _:n46l rdf:first _:n46m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n46i a rdf:List . _:n46h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n46g rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n46e a rdf:List . _:n46d math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n46n . _:n46n math:arguments _:n46o . _:n46o rdf:first _:n46p . _:n46p math:value """Specification of the second element of the list [1,..,6] counted from the end."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n46o rdf:rest _:n46q . _:n46q rdf:first _:n46r . _:n46r math:arguments _:n46s . _:n46s rdf:first _:n46t . _:n46t math:arguments _:n46u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n46s rdf:rest _:n46v . _:n46v rdf:first _:n46w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n46s a rdf:List . _:n46r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n46q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n46o a rdf:List . _:n46n math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function whose argument should be a list. It returns the length of its argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:n46x . _:n46x math:arguments _:n46y . _:n46y rdf:first _:n46z . _:n46z math:value "The length of the list [1,2,3] is 3."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n46y rdf:rest _:n470 . _:n470 rdf:first _:n471 . _:n471 math:arguments _:n472 . _:n472 rdf:first _:n473 . _:n473 math:arguments _:n474 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n472 rdf:rest _:n475 . _:n475 rdf:first _:n476 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n472 a rdf:List . _:n471 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n470 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n46y a rdf:List . _:n46x math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function with two arguments, the first of which is a natural number and the second of which is a list. The first argument is the length of the list.""" ; math-meta:example _:n477 . _:n477 math:arguments _:n478 . _:n478 rdf:first _:n479 . _:n479 math:value "A list L of length 3:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n478 rdf:rest _:n47a . _:n47a rdf:first _:n47b . _:n47b math:arguments _:n47c . _:n47c rdf:first _:n47d . _:n47d math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n47c rdf:rest _:n47e . _:n47e rdf:first _:n47f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n47c a rdf:List . _:n47b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n47a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n478 a rdf:List . _:n477 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list3 . math-meta:description """This symbol takes two lists as arguments, L and M say. The second argument is a list containing only entries from [1..n], where n is the length of L. The symbol represents the function which returns a list whose length is equal to the length of M, and having at position k the value of L at position M_k.""" ; math-meta:example _:n47g . _:n47g math:arguments _:n47h . _:n47h rdf:first _:n47i . _:n47i math:arguments _:n47j . _:n47j rdf:first _:n47k . _:n47k math:arguments _:n47l . _:n47l rdf:first _:n47m ; rdf:rest _:n47n ; a rdf:List . _:n47k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n47j rdf:rest _:n47o . _:n47o rdf:first _:n47p . _:n47p math:arguments _:n47q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n47o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n47j a rdf:List . _:n47i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n47h rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n47g math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :list3 . :logic1 math-meta:description "This CD holds the basic logic functions." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x | x and not(x) = false" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the logical and function which is an n-ary function taking boolean arguments and returning a boolean value. It is true if all arguments are true or false otherwise.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n47r . _:n47r math:binder ; math:body _:n47s . _:n47s math:arguments _:n47t . _:n47t rdf:first _:n47u . _:n47u math:arguments _:n47v . _:n47v rdf:first _:n47w . _:n47w math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n47v rdf:rest _:n47x . _:n47x rdf:first _:n47y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n47v a rdf:List . _:n47u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n47t rdf:rest _:n47z . _:n47z rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n47t a rdf:List . _:n47s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n47r math:variables _:n480 . _:n480 rdf:first _:n481 . _:n481 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n480 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n47r a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The condition (A is equivalent to B) is equivalent to the condition that (A implies B and B implies A)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to show that two boolean expressions are logically equivalent, that is have the same boolean value for any inputs.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n482 . _:n482 math:arguments _:n483 . _:n483 rdf:first _:n484 . _:n484 math:arguments _:n485 . _:n485 rdf:first _:n486 . _:n486 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n485 rdf:rest _:n487 . _:n487 rdf:first _:n488 . _:n488 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n487 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n485 a rdf:List . _:n484 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n483 rdf:rest _:n489 . _:n489 rdf:first _:n48a . _:n48a math:arguments _:n48b . _:n48b rdf:first _:n48c . _:n48c math:arguments _:n48d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n48b rdf:rest _:n48e . _:n48e rdf:first _:n48f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n48b a rdf:List . _:n48a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n489 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n483 a rdf:List . _:n482 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "not false = true" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the boolean value false." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n48g . _:n48g math:arguments _:n48h . _:n48h rdf:first _:n48i . _:n48i math:arguments _:n48j . _:n48j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n48i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n48h rdf:rest _:n48k . _:n48k rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n48h a rdf:List . _:n48g math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x | false implies x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the logical implies function which takes two boolean expressions as arguments. It evaluates to false if the first argument is true and the second argument is false, otherwise it evaluates to true.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n48l . _:n48l math:binder ; math:body _:n48m . _:n48m math:arguments _:n48n . _:n48n rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n48o . _:n48o rdf:first _:n48p . _:n48p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n48o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n48n a rdf:List . _:n48m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n48l math:variables _:n48q . _:n48q rdf:first _:n48r . _:n48r math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n48q rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n48l a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x | not(not(x))=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the logical not function which takes one boolean argument, and returns the opposite boolean value.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n48s . _:n48s math:binder ; math:body _:n48t . _:n48t math:arguments _:n48u . _:n48u rdf:first _:n48v . _:n48v math:arguments _:n48w . _:n48w rdf:first _:n48x . _:n48x math:arguments _:n48y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n48w rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n48v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n48u rdf:rest _:n48z . _:n48z rdf:first _:n490 . _:n490 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n48z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n48u a rdf:List . _:n48t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n48s math:variables _:n491 . _:n491 rdf:first _:n492 . _:n492 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n491 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n48s a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all a,b | not(a and b)= (not(a) or not(b))" , "for all x | x or not(x) = true" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the logical or function which is an n-ary function taking boolean arguments and returning a boolean value. It is true if any of the arguments are true or false otherwise.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n493 . _:n493 math:binder ; math:body _:n494 . _:n494 math:arguments _:n495 . _:n495 rdf:first _:n496 . _:n496 math:arguments _:n497 . _:n497 rdf:first _:n498 . _:n498 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n497 rdf:rest _:n499 . _:n499 rdf:first _:n49a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n497 a rdf:List . _:n496 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n495 rdf:rest _:n49b . _:n49b rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n495 a rdf:List . _:n494 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n493 math:variables _:n49c . _:n49c rdf:first _:n49d . _:n49d math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n49c rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n493 a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n49e . _:n49e math:binder ; math:body _:n49f . _:n49f math:arguments _:n49g . _:n49g rdf:first _:n49h . _:n49h math:arguments _:n49i . _:n49i rdf:first _:n49j . _:n49j math:arguments _:n49k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n49i rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n49h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n49g rdf:rest _:n49l . _:n49l rdf:first _:n49m . _:n49m math:arguments _:n49n . _:n49n rdf:first _:n49o ; rdf:rest _:n49p ; a rdf:List . _:n49m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n49l rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n49g a rdf:List . _:n49f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n49e math:variables _:n49q . _:n49q rdf:first _:n49r . _:n49r math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n49q rdf:rest _:n49s . _:n49s rdf:first _:n49t . _:n49t math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n49s rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n49q a rdf:List . _:n49e a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "not true = false" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the boolean value true." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n49u . _:n49u math:arguments _:n49v . _:n49v rdf:first _:n49w . _:n49w math:arguments _:n49x . _:n49x rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n49w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n49v rdf:rest _:n49y . _:n49y rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n49v a rdf:List . _:n49u math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x | x xor not(x) = true" , "for all x | x xor x = false" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the logical xor function which is an n-ary function taking boolean arguments and returning a boolean value. It is true if there are an odd number of true arguments or false otherwise.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n49z . _:n49z math:binder ; math:body _:n4a0 . _:n4a0 math:arguments _:n4a1 . _:n4a1 rdf:first _:n4a2 . _:n4a2 math:arguments _:n4a3 . _:n4a3 rdf:first _:n4a4 . _:n4a4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4a3 rdf:rest _:n4a5 . _:n4a5 rdf:first _:n4a6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4a3 a rdf:List . _:n4a2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4a1 rdf:rest _:n4a7 . _:n4a7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4a1 a rdf:List . _:n4a0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n49z math:variables _:n4a8 . _:n4a8 rdf:first _:n4a9 . _:n4a9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4a8 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n49z a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4aa . _:n4aa math:binder ; math:body _:n4ab . _:n4ab math:arguments _:n4ac . _:n4ac rdf:first _:n4ad . _:n4ad math:arguments _:n4ae . _:n4ae rdf:first _:n4af . _:n4af math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ae rdf:rest _:n4ag . _:n4ag rdf:first _:n4ah ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ae a rdf:List . _:n4ad math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ac rdf:rest _:n4ai . _:n4ai rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ac a rdf:List . _:n4ab math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4aa math:variables _:n4aj . _:n4aj rdf:first _:n4ak . _:n4ak math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4aj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4aa a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic1 . :logic3 math-meta:description """This CD holds the symbols for constructing formal proofs in the (classical) propositional and predicate calculus (first-order).""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the generation of a line of a proof by application of Generalisation. The first argument is the new well-formed formula (forall x.B) and the second is the line number in the proof for B.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4al . _:n4al math:arguments _:n4am . _:n4am rdf:first _:n4an . _:n4an math:arguments _:n4ao . _:n4ao rdf:first _:n4ap . _:n4ap math:binder ; math:body _:n4aq . _:n4aq math:arguments _:n4ar ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ap math:variables _:n4as . _:n4as rdf:first _:n4at ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ap a math:Binding . _:n4ao rdf:rest _:n4au . _:n4au rdf:first _:n4av . _:n4av math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n4au rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ao a rdf:List . _:n4an math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4am rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4al math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents that a wellformed formula is a hypothesis of a deduction of the propositional or predicate calculus.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4aw . _:n4aw math:arguments _:n4ax . _:n4ax rdf:first _:n4ay . _:n4ay math:arguments _:n4az . _:n4az rdf:first _:n4b0 . _:n4b0 math:arguments _:n4b1 . _:n4b1 rdf:first _:n4b2 ; rdf:rest _:n4b3 ; a rdf:List . _:n4b0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4az rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ay math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ax rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4aw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the generation of a line of a proof by application of Modus Ponens. The first argument is the new well-formed formula (B), the second is the line number in the proof for A and the third is the line number in the proof for A implies B.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4b4 . _:n4b4 math:arguments _:n4b5 . _:n4b5 rdf:first _:n4b6 . _:n4b6 math:arguments _:n4b7 . _:n4b7 rdf:first _:n4b8 . _:n4b8 math:arguments _:n4b9 . _:n4b9 rdf:first _:n4ba ; rdf:rest _:n4bb ; a rdf:List . _:n4b8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4b7 rdf:rest _:n4bc . _:n4bc rdf:first _:n4bd . _:n4bd math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n4bc rdf:rest _:n4be . _:n4be rdf:first _:n4bf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4b7 a rdf:List . _:n4b6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4b5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4b4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a line in a formal proof which is an instance of an axiom. The first child is the line in the proof: the second is the axiom used.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4bg . _:n4bg math:arguments _:n4bh . _:n4bh rdf:first _:n4bi . _:n4bi math:arguments _:n4bj . _:n4bj rdf:first _:n4bk . _:n4bk math:arguments _:n4bl . _:n4bl rdf:first _:n4bm ; rdf:rest _:n4bn ; a rdf:List . _:n4bk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4bj rdf:rest _:n4bo . _:n4bo rdf:first _:n4bp . _:n4bp math:arguments _:n4bq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4bo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4bj a rdf:List . _:n4bi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4bh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4bg math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n4br . _:n4br math:arguments _:n4bs . _:n4bs rdf:first _:n4bt . _:n4bt math:arguments _:n4bu . _:n4bu rdf:first _:n4bv . _:n4bv math:arguments _:n4bw . _:n4bw rdf:first _:n4bx ; rdf:rest _:n4by ; a rdf:List . _:n4bv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4bu rdf:rest _:n4bz . _:n4bz rdf:first _:n4c0 . _:n4c0 math:arguments _:n4c1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4bz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4bu a rdf:List . _:n4bt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4bs rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4br math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n4c2 . _:n4c2 math:arguments _:n4c3 . _:n4c3 rdf:first _:n4c4 . _:n4c4 math:arguments _:n4c5 . _:n4c5 rdf:first _:n4c6 . _:n4c6 math:arguments _:n4c7 . _:n4c7 rdf:first _:n4c8 ; rdf:rest _:n4c9 ; a rdf:List . _:n4c6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4c5 rdf:rest _:n4ca . _:n4ca rdf:first _:n4cb . _:n4cb math:arguments _:n4cc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ca rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4c5 a rdf:List . _:n4c4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4c3 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4c2 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:comment """Note how the issue of substitution is dealt with in the specification of axiom 4 of the predicate calculus. Essentially, it has to be assumed that beta-reduction takes place when the axiom is instantiated.""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to claim, with proof (the third child), that a statement (the first child) is a deduction of the classical predicate calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens, forall-introduction and exists-elimination, from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving applications of Modus Ponens, and generalisation from instantiations of the Axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', together with forall-instantiation and moving forall inside implication, but need not be), and the hypotheses (elements of the set which is the second child).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to state, with justification, that a statement is a theorem of the classical first-order predicate calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens, and generalisation from instantiations of the Axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', together with forall-instantiation and moving forall inside implication, but need not be), and the hypotheses (elements of the set which is the second child).""" ; math-meta:example _:n4cd . _:n4cd math:arguments _:n4ce . _:n4ce rdf:first _:n4cf . _:n4cf math:arguments _:n4cg . _:n4cg rdf:first _:n4ch . _:n4ch math:binder ; math:body _:n4ci . _:n4ci math:arguments _:n4cj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ch math:variables _:n4ck . _:n4ck rdf:first _:n4cl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ch a math:Binding . _:n4cg rdf:rest _:n4cm . _:n4cm rdf:first _:n4cn . _:n4cn math:arguments _:n4co ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4cm rdf:rest _:n4cp . _:n4cp rdf:first _:n4cq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4cg a rdf:List . _:n4cf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ce rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4cd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to claim, with proof (the third child), that a statement (the first child) is a deduction of the classical propositional calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', but need not be), and the hypotheses (elements of the set which is the second child).""" ; math-meta:example _:n4cr . _:n4cr math:arguments _:n4cs . _:n4cs rdf:first _:n4ct . _:n4ct math:arguments _:n4cu . _:n4cu rdf:first _:n4cv . _:n4cv math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n4cu rdf:rest _:n4cw . _:n4cw rdf:first _:n4cx . _:n4cx math:arguments _:n4cy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4cw rdf:rest _:n4cz . _:n4cz rdf:first _:n4d0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4cu a rdf:List . _:n4ct math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4cs rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4cr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to state, with proof (the second child), that a statement (the first child) is a theorem of the classical propositional calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', but need not be).""" ; math-meta:example _:n4d1 . _:n4d1 math:arguments _:n4d2 . _:n4d2 rdf:first _:n4d3 . _:n4d3 math:arguments _:n4d4 . _:n4d4 rdf:first _:n4d5 . _:n4d5 math:arguments _:n4d6 . _:n4d6 rdf:first _:n4d7 ; rdf:rest _:n4d8 ; a rdf:List . _:n4d5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4d4 rdf:rest _:n4d9 . _:n4d9 rdf:first _:n4da . _:n4da math:arguments _:n4db ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4d9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4d4 a rdf:List . _:n4d3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4d2 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4d1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol expresses whether or not there is a deduction of the form quoted. Hence for items of type complete_pred_deduction, it is always true""" ; math-meta:example _:n4dc . _:n4dc math:arguments _:n4dd . _:n4dd rdf:first _:n4de . _:n4de math:arguments _:n4df . _:n4df rdf:first _:n4dg . _:n4dg math:arguments _:n4dh . _:n4dh rdf:first _:n4di ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4dg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4df rdf:rest _:n4dj . _:n4dj rdf:first _:n4dk . _:n4dk math:arguments _:n4dl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4dj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4df a rdf:List . _:n4de math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4dd rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4dc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:comment "The Deduction Theorem (of propositional calculus)." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol expresses whether or not there is a theorem of the form quoted. Hence for items of type complete_prop_theorem, it is always true""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to claim that a statement (the first child) is a deduction of the classical predicate calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens, forall-introduction and exists-elimination, from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving applications of Modus Ponens, and generalisation from instantiations of the Axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', together with forall-instantiation and moving forall inside implication, but need not be), and the hypotheses (elements of the set which is the second child).""" ; math-meta:example _:n4dm . _:n4dm math:arguments _:n4dn . _:n4dn rdf:first _:n4do . _:n4do math:arguments _:n4dp . _:n4dp rdf:first _:n4dq . _:n4dq math:arguments _:n4dr . _:n4dr rdf:first _:n4ds ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4dq math:operator _:n4dt . _:n4dt math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n4dq a math:Application . _:n4dp rdf:rest _:n4du . _:n4du rdf:first _:n4dv . _:n4dv math:arguments _:n4dw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4du rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4dp a rdf:List . _:n4do math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4dn rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4dm math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4dx . _:n4dx math:arguments _:n4dy . _:n4dy rdf:first _:n4dz . _:n4dz math:arguments _:n4e0 . _:n4e0 rdf:first _:n4e1 . _:n4e1 math:name "T" ; a math:Variable . _:n4e0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4dz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4dy rdf:rest _:n4e2 . _:n4e2 rdf:first _:n4e3 . _:n4e3 math:arguments _:n4e4 . _:n4e4 rdf:first _:n4e5 . _:n4e5 math:name "T" ; a math:Variable . _:n4e4 rdf:rest _:n4e6 . _:n4e6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4e4 a rdf:List . _:n4e3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4e2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4dy a rdf:List . _:n4dx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to claim that a statement is a theorem of the classical first-order predicate calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens, and generalisation from instantiations of the Axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', together with forall-instantiation and moving forall inside implication, but need not be).""" ; math-meta:example _:n4e7 . _:n4e7 math:arguments _:n4e8 . _:n4e8 rdf:first _:n4e9 . _:n4e9 math:arguments _:n4ea . _:n4ea rdf:first _:n4eb . _:n4eb math:binder ; math:body _:n4ec . _:n4ec math:arguments _:n4ed ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4eb math:variables _:n4ee . _:n4ee rdf:first _:n4ef ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4eb a math:Binding . _:n4ea rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4e9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4e8 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4e7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a sequence of justified well-formed formulae (i.e. objects of type ProofLine). The single argument is a List of ProofLine objects.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4eg . _:n4eg math:arguments _:n4eh . _:n4eh rdf:first _:n4ei . _:n4ei math:arguments _:n4ej . _:n4ej rdf:first _:n4ek . _:n4ek math:arguments _:n4el . _:n4el rdf:first _:n4em ; rdf:rest _:n4en ; a rdf:List . _:n4ek math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ej rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ei math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4eh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4eg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to claim that a statement (the first child) is a deduction of the classical propositional calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', but need not be), and the hypotheses (elements of the set which is the second child).""" ; math-meta:example _:n4eo . _:n4eo math:arguments _:n4ep . _:n4ep rdf:first _:n4eq . _:n4eq math:arguments _:n4er . _:n4er rdf:first _:n4es . _:n4es math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n4er rdf:rest _:n4et . _:n4et rdf:first _:n4eu . _:n4eu math:arguments _:n4ev ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4et rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4er a rdf:List . _:n4eq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ep rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4eo math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4ew . _:n4ew math:arguments _:n4ex . _:n4ex rdf:first _:n4ey . _:n4ey math:arguments _:n4ez . _:n4ez rdf:first _:n4f0 . _:n4f0 math:name "T" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ez rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ey math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ex rdf:rest _:n4f1 . _:n4f1 rdf:first _:n4f2 . _:n4f2 math:arguments _:n4f3 . _:n4f3 rdf:first _:n4f4 . _:n4f4 math:name "T" ; a math:Variable . _:n4f3 rdf:rest _:n4f5 . _:n4f5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4f3 a rdf:List . _:n4f2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4f1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ex a rdf:List . _:n4ew math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to claim that a statement is a theorem of the classical propositional calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', but need not be).""" ; math-meta:example _:n4f6 . _:n4f6 math:arguments _:n4f7 . _:n4f7 rdf:first _:n4f8 . _:n4f8 math:arguments _:n4f9 . _:n4f9 rdf:first _:n4fa . _:n4fa math:arguments _:n4fb . _:n4fb rdf:first _:n4fc ; rdf:rest _:n4fd ; a rdf:List . _:n4fa math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4f9 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4f8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4f7 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4f6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :logic3 . :magma1 math-meta:description "Basic functions for magma theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-10-03 Edited by AMC 2004-0302""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a magma G (for instance constructed by magma). When applied to G, its value should be the set of elements of a magma.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4fe . _:n4fe math:arguments _:n4ff . _:n4ff rdf:first _:n4fg . _:n4fg math:value "The carrier of magma(G,*) is G."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4ff rdf:rest _:n4fh . _:n4fh rdf:first _:n4fi . _:n4fi math:arguments _:n4fj . _:n4fj rdf:first _:n4fk . _:n4fk math:arguments _:n4fl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4fj rdf:rest _:n4fm . _:n4fm rdf:first _:n4fn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4fj a rdf:List . _:n4fi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4fh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ff a rdf:List . _:n4fe math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_associative(G) then for all a,b in carrier(G) (a*b) * c = a*(b*c)" ; math-meta:description """The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is an associative magma.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n4fo . _:n4fo math:arguments _:n4fp . _:n4fp rdf:first _:n4fq . _:n4fq math:arguments _:n4fr . _:n4fr rdf:first _:n4fs . _:n4fs math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n4fr rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4fq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4fp rdf:rest _:n4ft . _:n4ft rdf:first _:n4fu . _:n4fu math:binder ; math:body _:n4fv . _:n4fv math:arguments _:n4fw . _:n4fw rdf:first _:n4fx ; rdf:rest _:n4fy ; a rdf:List . _:n4fv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4fu math:variables _:n4fz . _:n4fz rdf:first _:n4g0 . _:n4g0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n4fz rdf:rest _:n4g1 . _:n4g1 rdf:first _:n4g2 ; rdf:rest _:n4g3 . _:n4fz a rdf:List . _:n4fu a math:Binding . _:n4ft rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4fp a rdf:List . _:n4fo math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_commutative(G) then for all a,b in carrier(G) a*b = b*a" ; math-meta:description """The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative magma.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n4g4 . _:n4g4 math:arguments _:n4g5 . _:n4g5 rdf:first _:n4g6 . _:n4g6 math:arguments _:n4g7 . _:n4g7 rdf:first _:n4g8 . _:n4g8 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n4g7 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4g6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4g5 rdf:rest _:n4g9 . _:n4g9 rdf:first _:n4ga . _:n4ga math:binder ; math:body _:n4gb . _:n4gb math:arguments _:n4gc . _:n4gc rdf:first _:n4gd ; rdf:rest _:n4ge ; a rdf:List . _:n4gb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ga math:variables _:n4gf . _:n4gf rdf:first _:n4gg . _:n4gg math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n4gf rdf:rest _:n4gh . _:n4gh rdf:first _:n4gi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4gf a rdf:List . _:n4ga a math:Binding . _:n4g9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4g5 a rdf:List . _:n4g4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a binary boolean function, whose arguments should be a magma and an element of the element set of the magma. When applied to the arguments M and x, it returns true if the element x is an identity of the magma M, that is, x*y = y* x = y for all elements y of M.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_submagma(G,H) then H is a set of elements of G and H is closed under multiplication.""" ; math-meta:description """The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a submagma of the first.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a ternary function. Its first argument should be a magma M and the second and third arguments should be elements of M. When applied to M, a, and b, it denotes the fact that a is a left_divisor of b in M. This means that there is v in M such that av=b.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4gj . _:n4gj math:arguments _:n4gk . _:n4gk rdf:first _:n4gl . _:n4gl math:arguments _:n4gm . _:n4gm rdf:first _:n4gn . _:n4gn math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4gm rdf:rest _:n4go . _:n4go rdf:first _:n4gp . _:n4gp math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n4go rdf:rest _:n4gq . _:n4gq rdf:first _:n4gr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4gm a rdf:List . _:n4gl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4gk rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4gj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function. Its first argument should be a magma M, the second argument a list L of elements of M. When applied to M and L, it denotes the left product (L[1] * ( ... (L[n-1] * L[n]) ... )) of all elements in the list L.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4gs . _:n4gs math:arguments _:n4gt . _:n4gt rdf:first _:n4gu . _:n4gu math:arguments _:n4gv . _:n4gv rdf:first _:n4gw . _:n4gw math:arguments _:n4gx . _:n4gx rdf:first _:n4gy ; rdf:rest _:n4gz ; a rdf:List . _:n4gw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4gv rdf:rest _:n4h0 . _:n4h0 rdf:first _:n4h1 . _:n4h1 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n4h0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4gv a rdf:List . _:n4gu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4gt rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4gs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "A magma is closed under its operation." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor for magmas. It takes two arguments in the following order: a set to specify the elements in the magma and a binary operation to specify the magma operation. The binary operation should act on elements of the set and return an element of the set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4h2 . _:n4h2 math:arguments _:n4h3 . _:n4h3 rdf:first _:n4h4 . _:n4h4 math:value """This example represents the magma which has as elements all integers, and the magma operation is addition of the square of the first argument to the second."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4h3 rdf:rest _:n4h5 . _:n4h5 rdf:first _:n4h6 . _:n4h6 math:arguments _:n4h7 . _:n4h7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n4h8 . _:n4h8 rdf:first _:n4h9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4h7 a rdf:List . _:n4h6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4h5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4h3 a rdf:List . _:n4h2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4ha . _:n4ha math:arguments _:n4hb . _:n4hb rdf:first _:n4hc . _:n4hc math:arguments _:n4hd . _:n4hd rdf:first _:n4he . _:n4he math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n4hd rdf:rest _:n4hf . _:n4hf rdf:first _:n4hg . _:n4hg math:arguments _:n4hh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4hf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4hd a rdf:List . _:n4hc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4hb rdf:rest _:n4hi . _:n4hi rdf:first _:n4hj . _:n4hj math:arguments _:n4hk . _:n4hk rdf:first _:n4hl . _:n4hl math:arguments _:n4hm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4hk rdf:rest _:n4hn . _:n4hn rdf:first _:n4ho ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4hk a rdf:List . _:n4hj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4hi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4hb a rdf:List . _:n4ha math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a magma G. It returns the multiplication map on G. We allow for the map to be n-ary.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4hp . _:n4hp math:arguments _:n4hq . _:n4hq rdf:first _:n4hr . _:n4hr math:value "The multiplication of magma(G,*) is *."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4hq rdf:rest _:n4hs . _:n4hs rdf:first _:n4ht . _:n4ht math:arguments _:n4hu . _:n4hu rdf:first _:n4hv . _:n4hv math:arguments _:n4hw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4hu rdf:rest _:n4hx . _:n4hx rdf:first _:n4hy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4hu a rdf:List . _:n4ht math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4hs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4hq a rdf:List . _:n4hp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a ternary function. Its first argument should be a magma M and the second and third arguments should be elements of M. When applied to M, a, and b, it denotes the fact that a is a right_divisor of b in M. This means that there is v in M such that va = b.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4hz . _:n4hz math:arguments _:n4i0 . _:n4i0 rdf:first _:n4i1 . _:n4i1 math:arguments _:n4i2 . _:n4i2 rdf:first _:n4i3 . _:n4i3 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4i2 rdf:rest _:n4i4 . _:n4i4 rdf:first _:n4i5 . _:n4i5 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n4i4 rdf:rest _:n4i6 . _:n4i6 rdf:first _:n4i7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4i2 a rdf:List . _:n4i1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4i0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4hz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function. Its first argument should be a magma M, the second argument a list L of elements of M When applied to M and L, it denotes the right product (( ... (L[1] * L[2]) * ... ) * L[n]) of all elements in the list L.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4i8 . _:n4i8 math:arguments _:n4i9 . _:n4i9 rdf:first _:n4ia . _:n4ia math:arguments _:n4ib . _:n4ib rdf:first _:n4ic . _:n4ic math:arguments _:n4id . _:n4id rdf:first _:n4ie ; rdf:rest _:n4if ; a rdf:List . _:n4ic math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ib rdf:rest _:n4ig . _:n4ig rdf:first _:n4ih . _:n4ih math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n4ig rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ib a rdf:List . _:n4ia math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4i9 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4i8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor symbol with two arguments. The first argument is a magma M, the second a list or set, D, of elements of M. When applied to M and D, it denotes the submagma of M generated by D.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4ii . _:n4ii math:arguments _:n4ij . _:n4ij rdf:first _:n4ik . _:n4ik math:arguments _:n4il . _:n4il rdf:first _:n4im . _:n4im math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4il rdf:rest _:n4in . _:n4in rdf:first _:n4io . _:n4io math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:n4in rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4il a rdf:List . _:n4ik math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ij rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ii math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n4ip . _:n4ip math:arguments _:n4iq . _:n4iq rdf:first _:n4ir . _:n4ir math:value """This example represents the submagma of the multiplicative magma of the nonzero reals generated by the constants Pi and E:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4iq rdf:rest _:n4is . _:n4is rdf:first _:n4it . _:n4it math:arguments _:n4iu . _:n4iu rdf:first _:n4iv . _:n4iv math:arguments _:n4iw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4iu rdf:rest _:n4ix . _:n4ix rdf:first _:n4iy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4iu a rdf:List . _:n4it math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4is rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4iq a rdf:List . _:n4ip math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma1 . :magma2 math-meta:description "Basic functions for magma theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-10-03 Edited by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-03-02""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_automorphism(M,f) then is_isomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a magma M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a magma automorphism f of M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4iz . _:n4iz math:arguments _:n4j0 . _:n4j0 rdf:first _:n4j1 . _:n4j1 math:arguments _:n4j2 . _:n4j2 rdf:first _:n4j3 . _:n4j3 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4j2 rdf:rest _:n4j4 . _:n4j4 rdf:first _:n4j5 . _:n4j5 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4j4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4j2 a rdf:List . _:n4j1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4j0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4iz math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4j6 . _:n4j6 math:arguments _:n4j7 . _:n4j7 rdf:first _:n4j8 . _:n4j8 math:arguments _:n4j9 . _:n4j9 rdf:first _:n4ja . _:n4ja math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4j9 rdf:rest _:n4jb . _:n4jb rdf:first _:n4jc . _:n4jc math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4jb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4j9 a rdf:List . _:n4j8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4j7 rdf:rest _:n4jd . _:n4jd rdf:first _:n4je . _:n4je math:arguments _:n4jf . _:n4jf rdf:first _:n4jg . _:n4jg math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4jf rdf:rest _:n4jh . _:n4jh rdf:first _:n4ji ; rdf:rest _:n4jj . _:n4jf a rdf:List . _:n4je math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4jd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4j7 a rdf:List . _:n4j6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_endomorphism(M,f) then is_homomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a magma M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a magma endomorphism from M to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4jk . _:n4jk math:arguments _:n4jl . _:n4jl rdf:first _:n4jm . _:n4jm math:arguments _:n4jn . _:n4jn rdf:first _:n4jo . _:n4jo math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4jn rdf:rest _:n4jp . _:n4jp rdf:first _:n4jq . _:n4jq math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4jp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4jn a rdf:List . _:n4jm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4jl rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4jk math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4jr . _:n4jr math:arguments _:n4js . _:n4js rdf:first _:n4jt . _:n4jt math:arguments _:n4ju . _:n4ju rdf:first _:n4jv . _:n4jv math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ju rdf:rest _:n4jw . _:n4jw rdf:first _:n4jx . _:n4jx math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4jw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ju a rdf:List . _:n4jt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4js rdf:rest _:n4jy . _:n4jy rdf:first _:n4jz . _:n4jz math:arguments _:n4k0 . _:n4k0 rdf:first _:n4k1 . _:n4k1 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4k0 rdf:rest _:n4k2 . _:n4k2 rdf:first _:n4k3 ; rdf:rest _:n4k4 . _:n4k0 a rdf:List . _:n4jz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4jy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4js a rdf:List . _:n4jr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_homomorphism(M,N,f) then, for each pair of elements x, y of M, we have f(x * y) = f(x) * f(y).""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are magmas M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a magma homomorphism from M to N.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4k5 . _:n4k5 math:arguments _:n4k6 . _:n4k6 rdf:first _:n4k7 . _:n4k7 math:arguments _:n4k8 . _:n4k8 rdf:first _:n4k9 . _:n4k9 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4k8 rdf:rest _:n4ka . _:n4ka rdf:first _:n4kb . _:n4kb math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ka rdf:rest _:n4kc . _:n4kc rdf:first _:n4kd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4k8 a rdf:List . _:n4k7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4k6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4k5 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4ke . _:n4ke math:arguments _:n4kf . _:n4kf rdf:first _:n4kg . _:n4kg math:arguments _:n4kh . _:n4kh rdf:first _:n4ki . _:n4ki math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4kh rdf:rest _:n4kj . _:n4kj rdf:first _:n4kk . _:n4kk math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n4kj rdf:rest _:n4kl . _:n4kl rdf:first _:n4km ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4kh a rdf:List . _:n4kg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4kf rdf:rest _:n4kn . _:n4kn rdf:first _:n4ko . _:n4ko math:binder ; math:body _:n4kp . _:n4kp math:arguments _:n4kq . _:n4kq rdf:first _:n4kr ; rdf:rest _:n4ks ; a rdf:List . _:n4kp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ko math:variables _:n4kt . _:n4kt rdf:first _:n4ku . _:n4ku math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4kt rdf:rest _:n4kv . _:n4kv rdf:first _:n4kw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4kt a rdf:List . _:n4ko a math:Binding . _:n4kn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4kf a rdf:List . _:n4ke math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are magmas M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a magma isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4kx . _:n4kx math:arguments _:n4ky . _:n4ky rdf:first _:n4kz . _:n4kz math:arguments _:n4l0 . _:n4l0 rdf:first _:n4l1 . _:n4l1 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4l0 rdf:rest _:n4l2 . _:n4l2 rdf:first _:n4l3 . _:n4l3 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n4l2 rdf:rest _:n4l4 . _:n4l4 rdf:first _:n4l5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4l0 a rdf:List . _:n4kz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ky rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4kx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are magmas. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4l6 . _:n4l6 math:arguments _:n4l7 . _:n4l7 rdf:first _:n4l8 . _:n4l8 math:arguments _:n4l9 . _:n4l9 rdf:first _:n4la . _:n4la math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4l9 rdf:rest _:n4lb . _:n4lb rdf:first _:n4lc . _:n4lc math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n4lb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4l9 a rdf:List . _:n4l8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4l7 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4l6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma2 . :magma3 math-meta:description "Basic functions for magma theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-10-03 Edited by AMC 2004-03-02""" . math-meta:description """This is a function with a single argument which must be a magma. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma3 . math-meta:description """This is an n-ary function whose arguments must be magmas. It refers to the direct product of its arguments.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on such an argument, the function represents the free magma generated by the entries of the list or set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4ld . _:n4ld math:arguments _:n4le . _:n4le rdf:first _:n4lf . _:n4lf math:value "The free magma on the letters a, b:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4le rdf:rest _:n4lg . _:n4lg rdf:first _:n4lh . _:n4lh math:arguments _:n4li . _:n4li rdf:first _:n4lj . _:n4lj math:arguments _:n4lk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4li rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4lh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4lg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4le a rdf:List . _:n4ld math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :magma3 . :mathmlattr math-meta:description """This CD holds symbols denoting various types of numbers, vectors and similar constructs. Principally these are required for compatibility with MathML.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the class attribute of the object. The annotation should be an OpenMath string representing the value of the class attribute.""" ; a math-meta:AttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmlattr . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the definitionURL attribute of the object. The annotation should be an OpenMath string representing the value of the definitionURL attribute.""" ; a math-meta:AttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmlattr . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify an attribute of the object. The annotation should be an quadruple of strings constructed via a head foreign_attribute.""" ; a math:Symbol , math-meta:AttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmlattr . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the head of the OpenMath application to construct the object used as the value of the foreign attribution. The four arguments of this function should be OpenMath strings representing in order, the Namespace, prefix and local name and value of the MathML attribute.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4ll . _:n4ll math:arguments _:n4lm . _:n4lm rdf:first _:n4ln . _:n4ln math:value """The MathML attribute xmlns:other=\"http://example.com\" other:att=\"bla\" on the object x may be represented by:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4lm rdf:rest _:n4lo . _:n4lo rdf:first _:n4lp . _:n4lp math:arguments _:n4lq . _:n4lq rdf:first _:n4lr . _:n4lr math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:n4ls ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4lq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4lp math:target _:n4lt . _:n4lt math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4lp a math:Attribution . _:n4lo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4lm a rdf:List . _:n4ll math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmlattr . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the MathML \"other\" attribute of the object. The annotation should be an OpenMath string representing the value of the other attribute.""" ; a math-meta:AttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmlattr . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the style attribute of the object. The annotation should be an OpenMath string representing the value of the style attribute.""" ; a math-meta:AttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmlattr . :mathmlkeys math-meta:description "MathML3 and OpenMath provide semantic annotation facilities where the relation of the annotation to the annotated object is specified by special symols called keys. This content dictionary provides some keys for specifying the relations in semantic annotations." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This key specifies that the corresponding value is an alternate representation of the annotated element in some unspecified way.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4lu . _:n4lu math:arguments _:n4lv . _:n4lv rdf:first _:n4lw . _:n4lw math:value """An OpenMath expression and one of its alternate representations: the presentation MathML delivered in the context of a spanish speaking user."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4lv rdf:rest _:n4lx . _:n4lx rdf:first _:n4ly . _:n4ly math:arguments _:n4lz . _:n4lz rdf:first _:n4m0 . _:n4m0 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:n4m1 ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4lz rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ly math:target _:n4m2 . _:n4m2 math:arguments _:n4m3 . _:n4m3 rdf:first _:n4m4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4m2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ly a math:Attribution . _:n4lx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4lv a rdf:List . _:n4lu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol , math-meta:AttributionSymbol ; rdfs:comment """This key specifies that the corresponding value is an alternate representation of the annotated or attributed expression, it is expected that the encoding of the annotation is read either from the annotation content: in the case of MathML's annotation elements and in the case of the OMFOREIGN OpenMath expression, the encoding is provided as an attribute value. This annotation key is used as the default relation for annotation and annotation-xml elements of MathML 3 that do not specify keys.""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmlkeys . math-meta:description """This key specifies that the corresponding value is the content MathML equivalent of the annotated element.""" ; a math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmlkeys . :mathmltypes math-meta:description """This CD holds symbols denoting various types of numbers, vectors and similar constructs. Principally these are required for compatibility with MathML.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of a complex number specified in terms of its real and imaginary parts.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4m5 . _:n4m5 math:arguments _:n4m6 . _:n4m6 rdf:first _:n4m7 . _:n4m7 math:value """The variable z is attributed with a type for complex numbers represented in their Cartesian form."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4m6 rdf:rest _:n4m8 . _:n4m8 rdf:first _:n4m9 . _:n4m9 math:arguments _:n4ma . _:n4ma rdf:first _:n4mb . _:n4mb math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4ma rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4m9 math:target _:n4mc . _:n4mc math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4m9 a math:Attribution . _:n4m8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4m6 a rdf:List . _:n4m5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of a complex number specified in terms of its modulus and argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4md . _:n4md math:arguments _:n4me . _:n4me rdf:first _:n4mf . _:n4mf math:value """The variable z is attributed with a type for complex numbers represented in their polar form."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4me rdf:rest _:n4mg . _:n4mg rdf:first _:n4mh . _:n4mh math:arguments _:n4mi . _:n4mi rdf:first _:n4mj . _:n4mj math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4mi rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4mh math:target _:n4mk . _:n4mk math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4mh a math:Attribution . _:n4mg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4me a rdf:List . _:n4md math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey a type for the common constants, pi ~= 3.1415, e ~= 2.718, i = square root of -1, gamma ~= .5772, NaN, infinity (all in the nums cd), true and false (in the logic cd). Also for MathML variables declared to have type constant, as in x.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4ml . _:n4ml math:arguments _:n4mm . _:n4mm rdf:first _:n4mn . _:n4mn math:value "The variable z is attributed with a type for constants."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4mm rdf:rest _:n4mo . _:n4mo rdf:first _:n4mp . _:n4mp math:arguments _:n4mq . _:n4mq rdf:first _:n4mr . _:n4mr math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4mq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4mp math:target _:n4ms . _:n4ms math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4mp a math:Attribution . _:n4mo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4mm a rdf:List . _:n4ml math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type for a function name.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4mt . _:n4mt math:arguments _:n4mu . _:n4mu rdf:first _:n4mv . _:n4mv math:value "The variable f is attributed to say it represents a function."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4mu rdf:rest _:n4mw . _:n4mw rdf:first _:n4mx . _:n4mx math:arguments _:n4my . _:n4my rdf:first _:n4mz . _:n4mz math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4my rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4mx math:target _:n4n0 . _:n4n0 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4mx a math:Attribution . _:n4mw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4mu a rdf:List . _:n4mt math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of an integer.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4n1 . _:n4n1 math:arguments _:n4n2 . _:n4n2 rdf:first _:n4n3 . _:n4n3 math:value "The variable z is attributed with a type for integers."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4n2 rdf:rest _:n4n4 . _:n4n4 rdf:first _:n4n5 . _:n4n5 math:arguments _:n4n6 . _:n4n6 rdf:first _:n4n7 . _:n4n7 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4n6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4n5 math:target _:n4n8 . _:n4n8 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4n5 a math:Attribution . _:n4n4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4n2 a rdf:List . _:n4n1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type for a list.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4n9 . _:n4n9 math:arguments _:n4na . _:n4na rdf:first _:n4nb . _:n4nb math:value "The variable z is attributed with a type for lists."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4na rdf:rest _:n4nc . _:n4nc rdf:first _:n4nd . _:n4nd math:arguments _:n4ne . _:n4ne rdf:first _:n4nf . _:n4nf math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4ne rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4nd math:target _:n4ng . _:n4ng math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4nd a math:Attribution . _:n4nc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4na a rdf:List . _:n4n9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type for a matrix (n tuple of rows, where each row is an m tuple for some m, it should be noted that each row must be the same length).""" ; math-meta:example _:n4nh . _:n4nh math:arguments _:n4ni . _:n4ni rdf:first _:n4nj . _:n4nj math:value "The variable z is attributed with a type for matrices."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4ni rdf:rest _:n4nk . _:n4nk rdf:first _:n4nl . _:n4nl math:arguments _:n4nm . _:n4nm rdf:first _:n4nn . _:n4nn math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4nm rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4nl math:target _:n4no . _:n4no math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4nl a math:Attribution . _:n4nk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ni a rdf:List . _:n4nh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of a rational number.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4np . _:n4np math:arguments _:n4nq . _:n4nq rdf:first _:n4nr . _:n4nr math:value "The variable z is attributed with a type for rational numbers."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4nq rdf:rest _:n4ns . _:n4ns rdf:first _:n4nt . _:n4nt math:arguments _:n4nu . _:n4nu rdf:first _:n4nv . _:n4nv math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4nu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4nt math:target _:n4nw . _:n4nw math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4nt a math:Attribution . _:n4ns rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4nq a rdf:List . _:n4np math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of a real number.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4nx . _:n4nx math:arguments _:n4ny . _:n4ny rdf:first _:n4nz . _:n4nz math:value "The variable z is attributed with a type for real numbers."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4ny rdf:rest _:n4o0 . _:n4o0 rdf:first _:n4o1 . _:n4o1 math:arguments _:n4o2 . _:n4o2 rdf:first _:n4o3 . _:n4o3 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4o2 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4o1 math:target _:n4o4 . _:n4o4 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4o1 a math:Attribution . _:n4o0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ny a rdf:List . _:n4nx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type for a set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4o5 . _:n4o5 math:arguments _:n4o6 . _:n4o6 rdf:first _:n4o7 . _:n4o7 math:value "The variable z is attributed with a type for sets."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4o6 rdf:rest _:n4o8 . _:n4o8 rdf:first _:n4o9 . _:n4o9 math:arguments _:n4oa . _:n4oa rdf:first _:n4ob . _:n4ob math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4oa rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4o9 math:target _:n4oc . _:n4oc math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4o9 a math:Attribution . _:n4o8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4o6 a rdf:List . _:n4o5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the type of the object.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4od . _:n4od math:arguments _:n4oe . _:n4oe rdf:first _:n4of . _:n4of math:value """The variable z is attributed with a type for complex numbers, to be represented in polar notation."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4oe rdf:rest _:n4og . _:n4og rdf:first _:n4oh . _:n4oh math:arguments _:n4oi . _:n4oi rdf:first _:n4oj . _:n4oj math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4oi rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4oh math:target _:n4ok . _:n4ok math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4oh a math:Attribution . _:n4og rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4oe a rdf:List . _:n4od math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol , math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of a (column) vector, an n-tuple of entries.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4ol . _:n4ol math:arguments _:n4om . _:n4om rdf:first _:n4on . _:n4on math:value "The variable z is attributed with a type for vectors."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4om rdf:rest _:n4oo . _:n4oo rdf:first _:n4op . _:n4op math:arguments _:n4oq . _:n4oq rdf:first _:n4or . _:n4or math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n4oq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4op math:target _:n4os . _:n4os math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n4op a math:Attribution . _:n4oo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4om a rdf:List . _:n4ol math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :mathmltypes . :meta math-meta:description """This is a content dictionary to represent content dictionaries, so that they may be passed between OpenMath compliant application in a similar way to mathematical objects. The information written here is taken from chapter 4 of the current draft of the \"OpenMath Standard\".""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """The top level element for the Content Dictionary. It just acts as a container for the elements described below.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An optional element. If it is used it contains a string representing the URI to be used as the base for generated canonical URI references for symbols in the CD.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the element of a content dictionary which explains some aspect of that content dictionary. It should have one string argument which makes that explanation.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element which contains a date as a string in the ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. This gives the date at which the Content Dictionary was last edited.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the element which contains the definition of each symbol in a content dictionary. That is: it must contain a 'Name' element and a 'Description' element, and it may contain an arbitrary number of 'Example', 'FMP' or 'CMP' elements.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element which contains the string corresponding to the name of the CD. The string must match the syntax for CD names given in the OpenMath Standard. Here and elsewhere white space occurring at the beginning or end of the string will be ignored.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element which contains a date as a string in the ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. This gives the date at which the Content Dictionary is next scheduled for review. It should be expected to be stable until at least this date.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element which contains a revision number (or minor version number) This should be a non-negative integer starting from zero for each new version. Additional examples would be typical changes to a CD requiring a new revision number.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element giving information on the status of the CD. The content of the element must be one of the following strings. official (approved by the OpenMath Society), experimental (currently being tested), private (used by a private group of OpenMath users), or obsolete (an obsolete CD kept only for archival purposes).""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An optional element. If it is used it contains a string representing the URL where the canonical reference copy of this CD is stored.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element which contains zero or more CDNames which correspond to the CDs that this CD depends on, i.e. uses in examples and FMPs. If the CD is dependent on any other CDs they may be present here.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element which contains a version number for the CD. This should be a non negative integer. Any change to the CD that affects existing OpenMath applications that support this CD should result in an increase in the version number.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An optional element (which may be repeated many times) which contains a string corresponding to a property of the symbol being defined.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element which contains a string corresponding to the description of either the CD or the symbol (depending on which is the enclosing element).""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element which contains an arbitrary number of children, each of which is either a string or an OpenMath Object. These children give examples in natural language, or in OpenMath, of the enclosing symbol definition.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An optional element which contains an OpenMath Object. This corresponds to a property of the symbol being defined.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element containing the string corresponding to the name of the symbol being defined. This must match the syntax for symbol names given in the OpenMath Standard. Here and elsewhere white space occurring at the begining or end of the string will be ignored.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . math-meta:description """An element containing the string corresponding to the role of the symbol being defined.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta . :meta_cats math-meta:description "This CD holds symbols for making meta statements about categories" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "This symbol is intended to denote the type of a category." ; math-meta:example _:n4ot . _:n4ot math:arguments _:n4ou . _:n4ou rdf:first _:n4ov . _:n4ov math:value "the type of field is Category"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4ou rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ot math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta_cats . math-meta:description """These objects have categories as there types and specific implementations of their functions. *** details to be worked out *** *** for now *** The first argument is a Category, the remaining arguments are the functions (e.g. lambda bindings or unapplied functions).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta_cats . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the notion of category inclusion. It takes two arguments, which should both be categories. It implies that axioms of the second argument apply to the first, and that function signatures in the second category are also in the first.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4ow . _:n4ow math:arguments _:n4ox . _:n4ox rdf:first _:n4oy . _:n4oy math:value "field has group"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4ox rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ow math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta_cats . math-meta:description "This symbol is unary and returns the type of its argument." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :meta_cats . :metagrp math-meta:description """This is a content dictionary to represent Content Dictionary Group Files, so that they may be encoded as OpenMath Objects, which is a possible way of passing this information between OpenMath Applications.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "1999-05-04 First Draft. David Carlisle" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the element of a CDGroup which explains some aspect of the corresponding content dictionary. It should have one string argument which makes that explanation.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metagrp . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the outermost element of a CDGroup. It has an arbitrary number of arguments which may be elements of type corresponding to the other symbols defined in this file.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metagrp . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes the CDGroupDescription element. It has one string argument, this should be the contents of the CDGroupDescription element intended to describe the mathematical area of the CDGroup.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metagrp . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes each CDGroupMember element. It has one string argument, this should be the contents of the intended CDGroupMember element of the CDGroup. This should be used to identify each member of the CDGroup.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metagrp . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes the name of that CDGroup, it has one argument that should be a string corresponding to the name. The syntactical requirements are given in the OpenMath standard.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metagrp . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes the CDGroupURL element. It has one string argument which should describe the URL for that CDGroup, not necessarily for the member Content Dictionaries, The syntactical requirements are given in the OpenMath standard.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metagrp . math-meta:description "" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metagrp . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes each CDName element. It has one string argument, this should be the string corresponding to the name of a content dictionary which is in this CDGroup.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metagrp . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes each CDURL element. It has one string argument, this should be the string corresponding to the contents of the CDURL element for each Content Dictionary in the CDGroup. The element is optional, in case it is missing, the location of the CDGroup identified by the element CDGroupURL is assumed.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metagrp . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes each CDVersion element. It has one integral argument, this should specify which version of the content dictionary is to be taken as member of the CDGroup. The element is optional. In case it is missing, the last version is the one included in the CDGroup.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metagrp . :metasig math-meta:description """This is a content dictionary to represent Content Dictionary Signature Files, so that they may be encoded as OpenMath Objects, which is a possible way of passing this information between OpenMath Applications.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "1999-05-04 First Draft. David Carlisle" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the element of a signature file which explains some aspect of that signature file. It should have one string argument which makes that explanation.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metasig . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the element of a signature file which specifies the earliest possible revision date of the signature file. It should have one string argument which specifies that date. The date should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2000-02-29.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metasig . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the element of a signature file which specifies the status of that signature file. It should have one string argument, which should be one of 'official' (approved by the OpenMath Society according to the procedure outlined in the OpenMath standard), 'experimental' (currently being tested), 'private' (used by a private group of OpenMath users) or 'obsolete' (an obsolete signature file, kept only for archival purposes).""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metasig . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the outermost element of the Signature File which is characterized by two required attributes that identify the type system and the Content Dictionary whose signatures are defined. The value of the XML attribute 'type' is the name of the Content Dictionary or of the CDGroup that represents the type system. The value of the XML attribute 'cd' is the name of the Content Dictionary whose symbols are assigned signatures in this Signature File. It has an arbitrary number of arguments which may be elements of type corresponding to the other symbols defined in this file.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metasig . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the element of a signature file which specifies the signature of a symbol. It should take two string children, the first should be the symbol who's signature is being specified, the second should be an 'OMOBJ' element which specifies the signature. Additionally the second argument should specify an object which must represent a valid type in the type system identified by the XML attribute 'type' corresponding to the element which corresponds to the symbol 'CDSignatures' enclosing this symbol.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :metasig . :minmax1 math-meta:description "This CD holds the definitions of min and max." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the unary maximum function which takes a set as its argument and returns the maximum element in that set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4oz . _:n4oz math:arguments _:n4p0 . _:n4p0 rdf:first _:n4p1 . _:n4p1 math:value "Representation of the equation maximum{1,9,5} = 9."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4p0 rdf:rest _:n4p2 . _:n4p2 rdf:first _:n4p3 . _:n4p3 math:arguments _:n4p4 . _:n4p4 rdf:first _:n4p5 . _:n4p5 math:arguments _:n4p6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4p4 rdf:rest _:n4p7 . _:n4p7 rdf:first _:n4p8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4p4 a rdf:List . _:n4p3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4p2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4p0 a rdf:List . _:n4oz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :minmax1 . math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the unary minimum function which takes a set as its argument and returns the minimum element in that set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4p9 . _:n4p9 math:arguments _:n4pa . _:n4pa rdf:first _:n4pb . _:n4pb math:value "Representation of the equation minimum{1,9,5} = 1."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4pa rdf:rest _:n4pc . _:n4pc rdf:first _:n4pd . _:n4pd math:arguments _:n4pe . _:n4pe rdf:first _:n4pf . _:n4pf math:arguments _:n4pg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4pe rdf:rest _:n4ph . _:n4ph rdf:first _:n4pi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4pe a rdf:List . _:n4pd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4pc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4pa a rdf:List . _:n4p9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :minmax1 . :monoid1 math-meta:description "Basic functions for monoid theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-05-17 Edited by AMC 2004-03-02""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a monoid M (for instance constructed by monoid). When applied to M, its value should be the set of elements of a monoid.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4pj . _:n4pj math:arguments _:n4pk . _:n4pk rdf:first _:n4pl . _:n4pl math:value "The carrier of monoid(M,*,e) is M."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4pk rdf:rest _:n4pm . _:n4pm rdf:first _:n4pn . _:n4pn math:arguments _:n4po . _:n4po rdf:first _:n4pp . _:n4pp math:arguments _:n4pq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4po rdf:rest _:n4pr . _:n4pr rdf:first _:n4ps ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4po a rdf:List . _:n4pn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4pm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4pk a rdf:List . _:n4pj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a ternary function. Its first argument should be a monoid M and the second and third arguments should be elements of M. When applied to M, a, and b, it denotes the fact that a is a divisor of b in M. This means that there are u,v in carrier(M) such that uav=b.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4pt . _:n4pt math:arguments _:n4pu . _:n4pu rdf:first _:n4pv . _:n4pv math:arguments _:n4pw . _:n4pw rdf:first _:n4px . _:n4px math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4pw rdf:rest _:n4py . _:n4py rdf:first _:n4pz . _:n4pz math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n4py rdf:rest _:n4q0 . _:n4q0 rdf:first _:n4q1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4pw a rdf:List . _:n4pv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4pu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4pt math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments. Its first argument should be a monoid. The second should be an arithmetic expression A, whose operators are times and power, and whose leaves are members of the carrier of G. The second argument of power should be nonnegative. When applied to G and A, it denotes the element (of G) that is obtained from the leaves of A by applying the multiplication and the power map of G instead of the times and power from the CD arith1 appearing in A. The symbol alg1.one occurring in A will be interpreted as the identity of G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4q2 . _:n4q2 math:arguments _:n4q3 . _:n4q3 rdf:first _:n4q4 . _:n4q4 math:arguments _:n4q5 . _:n4q5 rdf:first _:n4q6 . _:n4q6 math:arguments _:n4q7 . _:n4q7 rdf:first _:n4q8 ; rdf:rest _:n4q9 ; a rdf:List . _:n4q6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4q5 rdf:rest _:n4qa . _:n4qa rdf:first _:n4qb . _:n4qb math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n4qa rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4q5 a rdf:List . _:n4q4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4q3 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4q2 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a monoid. It returns the identity element of the monoid.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4qc . _:n4qc math:arguments _:n4qd . _:n4qd rdf:first _:n4qe . _:n4qe math:value "The identity of monoid(M,*,e) is e."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4qd rdf:rest _:n4qf . _:n4qf rdf:first _:n4qg . _:n4qg math:arguments _:n4qh . _:n4qh rdf:first _:n4qi . _:n4qi math:arguments _:n4qj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4qh rdf:rest _:n4qk . _:n4qk rdf:first _:n4ql ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4qh a rdf:List . _:n4qg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4qf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4qd a rdf:List . _:n4qc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function. Its argument should be a monoid M. When applied to M, it denotes the submonoid of M consisting of all invertible elements in M. This is a group.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4qm . _:n4qm math:arguments _:n4qn . _:n4qn rdf:first _:n4qo . _:n4qo math:arguments _:n4qp . _:n4qp rdf:first _:n4qq . _:n4qq math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4qp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4qo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4qn rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4qm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_commutative(M) then for all a,b in carrier(M) a*b = b*a" ; math-meta:description """The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative monoid.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n4qr . _:n4qr math:arguments _:n4qs . _:n4qs rdf:first _:n4qt . _:n4qt math:arguments _:n4qu . _:n4qu rdf:first _:n4qv . _:n4qv math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4qu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4qt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4qs rdf:rest _:n4qw . _:n4qw rdf:first _:n4qx . _:n4qx math:binder ; math:body _:n4qy . _:n4qy math:arguments _:n4qz . _:n4qz rdf:first _:n4r0 ; rdf:rest _:n4r1 ; a rdf:List . _:n4qy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4qx math:variables _:n4r2 . _:n4r2 rdf:first _:n4r3 . _:n4r3 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n4r2 rdf:rest _:n4r4 . _:n4r4 rdf:first _:n4r5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4r2 a rdf:List . _:n4qx a math:Binding . _:n4qw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4qs a rdf:List . _:n4qr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """x is invertible in M if and only if there is a in carrier(M) with a*x = x*a = 1.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function, whose first argument is a monoid M and whose second argument is an element x of M. Its value is true iff the argument if x is invertible (that is, has a left and a right inverse) in M.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n4r6 . _:n4r6 math:arguments _:n4r7 . _:n4r7 rdf:first _:n4r8 . _:n4r8 math:arguments _:n4r9 . _:n4r9 rdf:first _:n4ra . _:n4ra math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4r9 rdf:rest _:n4rb . _:n4rb rdf:first _:n4rc . _:n4rc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4rb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4r9 a rdf:List . _:n4r8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4r7 rdf:rest _:n4rd . _:n4rd rdf:first _:n4re . _:n4re math:binder ; math:body _:n4rf . _:n4rf math:arguments _:n4rg . _:n4rg rdf:first _:n4rh ; rdf:rest _:n4ri ; a rdf:List . _:n4rf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4re math:variables _:n4rj . _:n4rj rdf:first _:n4rk . _:n4rk math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n4rj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4re a math:Binding . _:n4rd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4r7 a rdf:List . _:n4r6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_submonoid(M,N) then N is a nonempty set of elements of M and N is closed under multiplication and taking inverses.""" ; math-meta:description """The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a submonoid of the second.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """A monoid is closed under its operation. A monoid operation is associative. A monoid has an identity element.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor for monoids. It takes three arguments in the following order: a set to specify the elements in the monoid, a binary operation to specify the monoid operation, and an element to specify the identity. The binary operation should act on elements of the set and return an element of the set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4rl . _:n4rl math:arguments _:n4rm . _:n4rm rdf:first _:n4rn . _:n4rn math:value """This example represents the monoid which has as elements all positive and negative even numbers, the monoid operation is binary addition, inverses are the negative of the element and the identity is the zero element."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4rm rdf:rest _:n4ro . _:n4ro rdf:first _:n4rp . _:n4rp math:arguments _:n4rq . _:n4rq rdf:first _:n4rr . _:n4rr math:arguments _:n4rs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4rq rdf:rest _:n4rt . _:n4rt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n4ru . _:n4rq a rdf:List . _:n4rp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ro rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4rm a rdf:List . _:n4rl math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4rv . _:n4rv math:arguments _:n4rw . _:n4rw rdf:first _:n4rx . _:n4rx math:arguments _:n4ry . _:n4ry rdf:first _:n4rz . _:n4rz math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ry rdf:rest _:n4s0 . _:n4s0 rdf:first _:n4s1 . _:n4s1 math:arguments _:n4s2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4s0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ry a rdf:List . _:n4rx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4rw rdf:rest _:n4s3 . _:n4s3 rdf:first _:n4s4 . _:n4s4 math:arguments _:n4s5 . _:n4s5 rdf:first _:n4s6 . _:n4s6 math:arguments _:n4s7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4s5 rdf:rest _:n4s8 . _:n4s8 rdf:first _:n4s9 ; rdf:rest _:n4sa . _:n4s5 a rdf:List . _:n4s4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4s3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4rw a rdf:List . _:n4rv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a monoid M. It returns the multiplication map on M. We allow for the map to be n-ary.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4sb . _:n4sb math:arguments _:n4sc . _:n4sc rdf:first _:n4sd . _:n4sd math:value "The multiplication of monoid(M,*,e) is *."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4sc rdf:rest _:n4se . _:n4se rdf:first _:n4sf . _:n4sf math:arguments _:n4sg . _:n4sg rdf:first _:n4sh . _:n4sh math:arguments _:n4si ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4sg rdf:rest _:n4sj . _:n4sj rdf:first _:n4sk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4sg a rdf:List . _:n4sf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4se rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4sc a rdf:List . _:n4sb math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n4sl . _:n4sl math:arguments _:n4sm . _:n4sm rdf:first _:n4sn . _:n4sn math:value """The product a_1 * ... * a_n of elements a_1, ..., a_n of M can be expressed as follows."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4sm rdf:rest _:n4so . _:n4so rdf:first _:n4sp . _:n4sp math:arguments _:n4sq . _:n4sq rdf:first _:n4sr . _:n4sr math:arguments _:n4ss ; math:operator _:n4st ; a math:Application . _:n4sq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4sp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4so rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4sm a rdf:List . _:n4sl math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a monoid M. When applied to M its value is the semigroup underlying M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4su . _:n4su math:arguments _:n4sv . _:n4sv rdf:first _:n4sw . _:n4sw math:arguments _:n4sx . _:n4sx rdf:first _:n4sy . _:n4sy math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4sx rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4sw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4sv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4su math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor symbol with two arguments. The first argument is a monoid M, the second a list or set, D, of elements of M. When applied to M and D, it denotes the submonoid of M generated by D.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4sz . _:n4sz math:arguments _:n4t0 . _:n4t0 rdf:first _:n4t1 . _:n4t1 math:arguments _:n4t2 . _:n4t2 rdf:first _:n4t3 . _:n4t3 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4t2 rdf:rest _:n4t4 . _:n4t4 rdf:first _:n4t5 . _:n4t5 math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:n4t4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4t2 a rdf:List . _:n4t1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4t0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4sz math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n4t6 . _:n4t6 math:arguments _:n4t7 . _:n4t7 rdf:first _:n4t8 . _:n4t8 math:value """This example represents the submonoid of the multiplicative monoid of the nonzero reals generated by the constants Pi and E:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4t7 rdf:rest _:n4t9 . _:n4t9 rdf:first _:n4ta . _:n4ta math:arguments _:n4tb . _:n4tb rdf:first _:n4tc . _:n4tc math:arguments _:n4td ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4tb rdf:rest _:n4te . _:n4te rdf:first _:n4tf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4tb a rdf:List . _:n4ta math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4t9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4t7 a rdf:List . _:n4t6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid1 . :monoid2 math-meta:description "Basic functions for monoid theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-10-03" . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_automorphism(M,f) then is_isomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a monoid M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a monoid automorphism f of M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4tg . _:n4tg math:arguments _:n4th . _:n4th rdf:first _:n4ti . _:n4ti math:arguments _:n4tj . _:n4tj rdf:first _:n4tk . _:n4tk math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4tj rdf:rest _:n4tl . _:n4tl rdf:first _:n4tm . _:n4tm math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4tl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4tj a rdf:List . _:n4ti math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4th rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4tg math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4tn . _:n4tn math:arguments _:n4to . _:n4to rdf:first _:n4tp . _:n4tp math:arguments _:n4tq . _:n4tq rdf:first _:n4tr . _:n4tr math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4tq rdf:rest _:n4ts . _:n4ts rdf:first _:n4tt . _:n4tt math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ts rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4tq a rdf:List . _:n4tp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4to rdf:rest _:n4tu . _:n4tu rdf:first _:n4tv . _:n4tv math:arguments _:n4tw . _:n4tw rdf:first _:n4tx . _:n4tx math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4tw rdf:rest _:n4ty . _:n4ty rdf:first _:n4tz ; rdf:rest _:n4u0 . _:n4tw a rdf:List . _:n4tv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4tu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4to a rdf:List . _:n4tn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_endomorphism(M,f) then is_homomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a monoid M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a monoid endomorphism from M to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4u1 . _:n4u1 math:arguments _:n4u2 . _:n4u2 rdf:first _:n4u3 . _:n4u3 math:arguments _:n4u4 . _:n4u4 rdf:first _:n4u5 . _:n4u5 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4u4 rdf:rest _:n4u6 . _:n4u6 rdf:first _:n4u7 . _:n4u7 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4u6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4u4 a rdf:List . _:n4u3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4u2 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4u1 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4u8 . _:n4u8 math:arguments _:n4u9 . _:n4u9 rdf:first _:n4ua . _:n4ua math:arguments _:n4ub . _:n4ub rdf:first _:n4uc . _:n4uc math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ub rdf:rest _:n4ud . _:n4ud rdf:first _:n4ue . _:n4ue math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ud rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ub a rdf:List . _:n4ua math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4u9 rdf:rest _:n4uf . _:n4uf rdf:first _:n4ug . _:n4ug math:arguments _:n4uh . _:n4uh rdf:first _:n4ui . _:n4ui math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4uh rdf:rest _:n4uj . _:n4uj rdf:first _:n4uk ; rdf:rest _:n4ul . _:n4uh a rdf:List . _:n4ug math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4uf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4u9 a rdf:List . _:n4u8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_homomorphism(M,N,f) then, for each pair of elements x, y of M, we have f(x * y) = f(x) * f(y).""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are monoids M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a monoid homomorphism from M to N.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4um . _:n4um math:arguments _:n4un . _:n4un rdf:first _:n4uo . _:n4uo math:arguments _:n4up . _:n4up rdf:first _:n4uq . _:n4uq math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4up rdf:rest _:n4ur . _:n4ur rdf:first _:n4us . _:n4us math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ur rdf:rest _:n4ut . _:n4ut rdf:first _:n4uu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4up a rdf:List . _:n4uo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4un rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4um math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4uv . _:n4uv math:arguments _:n4uw . _:n4uw rdf:first _:n4ux . _:n4ux math:arguments _:n4uy . _:n4uy rdf:first _:n4uz . _:n4uz math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4uy rdf:rest _:n4v0 . _:n4v0 rdf:first _:n4v1 . _:n4v1 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n4v0 rdf:rest _:n4v2 . _:n4v2 rdf:first _:n4v3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4uy a rdf:List . _:n4ux math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4uw rdf:rest _:n4v4 . _:n4v4 rdf:first _:n4v5 . _:n4v5 math:binder ; math:body _:n4v6 . _:n4v6 math:arguments _:n4v7 . _:n4v7 rdf:first _:n4v8 ; rdf:rest _:n4v9 ; a rdf:List . _:n4v6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4v5 math:variables _:n4va . _:n4va rdf:first _:n4vb . _:n4vb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4va rdf:rest _:n4vc . _:n4vc rdf:first _:n4vd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4va a rdf:List . _:n4v5 a math:Binding . _:n4v4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4uw a rdf:List . _:n4uv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are monoids M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a monoid isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4ve . _:n4ve math:arguments _:n4vf . _:n4vf rdf:first _:n4vg . _:n4vg math:arguments _:n4vh . _:n4vh rdf:first _:n4vi . _:n4vi math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4vh rdf:rest _:n4vj . _:n4vj rdf:first _:n4vk . _:n4vk math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n4vj rdf:rest _:n4vl . _:n4vl rdf:first _:n4vm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4vh a rdf:List . _:n4vg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4vf rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ve math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are monoids. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4vn . _:n4vn math:arguments _:n4vo . _:n4vo rdf:first _:n4vp . _:n4vp math:arguments _:n4vq . _:n4vq rdf:first _:n4vr . _:n4vr math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4vq rdf:rest _:n4vs . _:n4vs rdf:first _:n4vt . _:n4vt math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n4vs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4vq a rdf:List . _:n4vp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4vo rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4vn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "left_multiplication(M,x) (y) = x * y." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a monoid M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes left multiplication on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n4vu . _:n4vu math:binder ; math:body _:n4vv . _:n4vv math:arguments _:n4vw . _:n4vw rdf:first _:n4vx . _:n4vx math:arguments _:n4vy . _:n4vy rdf:first _:n4vz . _:n4vz math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n4vy rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4vx math:operator _:n4w0 . _:n4w0 math:arguments _:n4w1 . _:n4w1 rdf:first _:n4w2 ; rdf:rest _:n4w3 ; a rdf:List . _:n4w0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4vx a math:Application . _:n4vw rdf:rest _:n4w4 . _:n4w4 rdf:first _:n4w5 . _:n4w5 math:arguments _:n4w6 . _:n4w6 rdf:first _:n4w7 ; rdf:rest _:n4w8 ; a rdf:List . _:n4w5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4w4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4vw a rdf:List . _:n4vv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4vu math:variables _:n4w9 . _:n4w9 rdf:first _:n4wa . _:n4wa math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4w9 rdf:rest _:n4wb . _:n4wb rdf:first _:n4wc . _:n4wc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4wb rdf:rest _:n4wd . _:n4wd rdf:first _:n4we . _:n4we math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n4wd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4w9 a rdf:List . _:n4vu a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "right_multiplication(M,x) (y) = y * x." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a monoid M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n4wf . _:n4wf math:binder ; math:body _:n4wg . _:n4wg math:arguments _:n4wh . _:n4wh rdf:first _:n4wi . _:n4wi math:arguments _:n4wj . _:n4wj rdf:first _:n4wk . _:n4wk math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n4wj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4wi math:operator _:n4wl . _:n4wl math:arguments _:n4wm . _:n4wm rdf:first _:n4wn ; rdf:rest _:n4wo ; a rdf:List . _:n4wl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4wi a math:Application . _:n4wh rdf:rest _:n4wp . _:n4wp rdf:first _:n4wq . _:n4wq math:arguments _:n4wr . _:n4wr rdf:first _:n4ws ; rdf:rest _:n4wt ; a rdf:List . _:n4wq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4wp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4wh a rdf:List . _:n4wg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4wf math:variables _:n4wu . _:n4wu rdf:first _:n4wv . _:n4wv math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4wu rdf:rest _:n4ww . _:n4ww rdf:first _:n4wx . _:n4wx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ww rdf:rest _:n4wy . _:n4wy rdf:first _:n4wz . _:n4wz math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n4wy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4wu a rdf:List . _:n4wf a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid2 . :monoid3 math-meta:description "Monoid constructions" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-10-02 Edited AMC 2004-03-05 Edited AMC 2004-06-27""" . math-meta:description """This is a function with a single argument which must be a monoid. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid3 . math-meta:description "This symbol represents a binary concatenation operation on strings." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The size of cyclickl(k,l) equals k+l." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function of two natural numbers, the first of which should be positive. When evaluated at k and l, it denotes the cyclic monoid with a cycle of length l and a tail (including the identity element) of length k.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4x0 . _:n4x0 math:arguments _:n4x1 . _:n4x1 rdf:first _:n4x2 . _:n4x2 math:arguments _:n4x3 . _:n4x3 rdf:first _:n4x4 . _:n4x4 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:n4x3 rdf:rest _:n4x5 . _:n4x5 rdf:first _:n4x6 . _:n4x6 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:n4x5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4x3 a rdf:List . _:n4x2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4x1 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4x0 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4x7 . _:n4x7 math:arguments _:n4x8 . _:n4x8 rdf:first _:n4x9 . _:n4x9 math:arguments _:n4xa . _:n4xa rdf:first _:n4xb . _:n4xb math:arguments _:n4xc . _:n4xc rdf:first _:n4xd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4xb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4xa rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4x9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4x8 rdf:rest _:n4xe . _:n4xe rdf:first _:n4xf . _:n4xf math:arguments _:n4xg . _:n4xg rdf:first _:n4xh . _:n4xh math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:n4xg rdf:rest _:n4xi . _:n4xi rdf:first _:n4xj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4xg a rdf:List . _:n4xf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4xe rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4x8 a rdf:List . _:n4x7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid3 . math-meta:description """This is a binary function whose first argument should be a monoid M and whose second argument should be a natural number n. It refers to the direct product of n copies of M.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid3 . math-meta:description """This is an n-ary function whose arguments must be monoids. It refers to the direct product of its arguments.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a constant. It represents the empty string.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function. The argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on such an argument, the function represents the free monoid generated by the entries of the list or set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4xk . _:n4xk math:arguments _:n4xl . _:n4xl rdf:first _:n4xm . _:n4xm math:value "The free monoid on the letters a, b:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4xl rdf:rest _:n4xn . _:n4xn rdf:first _:n4xo . _:n4xo math:arguments _:n4xp . _:n4xp rdf:first _:n4xq . _:n4xq math:arguments _:n4xr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4xp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4xo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4xn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4xl a rdf:List . _:n4xk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The left regular representation is a homomorphism of monoids from M to the maps monoid on M.""" , """The left regular representation on M applied to the element x of M represents left multiplication by x on M""" ; math-meta:description """This is a unary function whose argument must be a monoid M. When applied to M, it represents the map from M to the maps monoid on M that assigns to m left multiplication by m on M.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n4xs . _:n4xs math:binder ; math:body _:n4xt . _:n4xt math:arguments _:n4xu . _:n4xu rdf:first _:n4xv . _:n4xv math:arguments _:n4xw . _:n4xw rdf:first _:n4xx . _:n4xx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4xw rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4xv math:operator _:n4xy . _:n4xy math:arguments _:n4xz . _:n4xz rdf:first _:n4y0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4xy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4xv a math:Application . _:n4xu rdf:rest _:n4y1 . _:n4y1 rdf:first _:n4y2 . _:n4y2 math:arguments _:n4y3 . _:n4y3 rdf:first _:n4y4 ; rdf:rest _:n4y5 ; a rdf:List . _:n4y2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4y1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4xu a rdf:List . _:n4xt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4xs math:variables _:n4y6 . _:n4y6 rdf:first _:n4y7 . _:n4y7 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4y6 rdf:rest _:n4y8 . _:n4y8 rdf:first _:n4y9 . _:n4y9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4y8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4y6 a rdf:List . _:n4xs a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n4ya . _:n4ya math:binder ; math:body _:n4yb . _:n4yb math:arguments _:n4yc . _:n4yc rdf:first _:n4yd . _:n4yd math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4yc rdf:rest _:n4ye . _:n4ye rdf:first _:n4yf . _:n4yf math:arguments _:n4yg . _:n4yg rdf:first _:n4yh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4yf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ye rdf:rest _:n4yi . _:n4yi rdf:first _:n4yj . _:n4yj math:arguments _:n4yk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4yi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4yc a rdf:List . _:n4yb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ya math:variables _:n4yl . _:n4yl rdf:first _:n4ym . _:n4ym math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4yl rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ya a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid3 . math-meta:description """This is a unary function whose argument must be a set X or a positive integer. When applied to X, it refers to the monoid of all functions from X to X if X is a set and to {1,...,X} if X is an integer, whose binary operation is composition of maps and whose identity element is the identity map on the set X, respectively {1,...,X}.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function. The argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on such an argument, the function represents the set of all strings whose characters are entries of the list or set.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :monoid3 . :moreerrors a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the error which is returned when an application raises an error due to algorithmic restrictions of the implementations. This includes operations not implemented or partially implemented, divisions by zero and other domain errors. It will have at least one argument, which is a string describing the problem. It may have a second argument which is relevant to the error.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4yn . _:n4yn math:arguments _:n4yo . _:n4yo rdf:first _:n4yp . _:n4yp math:value "An application returns an 'algorithm' error"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4yo rdf:rest _:n4yq . _:n4yq rdf:first _:n4yr . _:n4yr math:arguments _:n4ys . _:n4ys rdf:first _:n4yt . _:n4yt math:value "multiplication by $\\sqrt{-1}$ has not been implemented"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4ys rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4yr math:symbol ; a math:Error . _:n4yq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4yo a rdf:List . _:n4yn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ErrorSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :moreerrors . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the error which is returned when an application encounters some asynchronous error, for example if a limit in memory has been reached, or an error has occurred in some system call (I/O error, disk full, machine down). It should have one argument, which is a string describing the problem.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4yu . _:n4yu math:arguments _:n4yv . _:n4yv rdf:first _:n4yw . _:n4yw math:value "An application returns an 'asynchronousError' error"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4yv rdf:rest _:n4yx . _:n4yx rdf:first _:n4yy . _:n4yy math:arguments _:n4yz . _:n4yz rdf:first _:n4z0 . _:n4z0 math:value "A 'disk-full' error occured"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4yz rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4yy math:symbol ; a math:Error . _:n4yx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4yv a rdf:List . _:n4yu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ErrorSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :moreerrors . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the error which is returned when an application detects a lexical or syntactic error. It should have one argument which is a string, which should explain the error that occurred.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4z1 . _:n4z1 math:arguments _:n4z2 . _:n4z2 rdf:first _:n4z3 . _:n4z3 math:value "An application returns an 'encoding error'"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4z2 rdf:rest _:n4z4 . _:n4z4 rdf:first _:n4z5 . _:n4z5 math:arguments _:n4z6 . _:n4z6 rdf:first _:n4z7 . _:n4z7 math:value """The symbol may not take a String as first argument"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4z6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4z5 math:symbol ; a math:Error . _:n4z4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4z2 a rdf:List . _:n4z1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ErrorSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :moreerrors . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the error which is returned when an application reads an error caused by the limitations of an implementation when dealing with OpenMath objects such as limits on the size of objects or on the kind of objects manipulated. This can include limits on the size of a bytearray or integer, a limit on the number of arguments of an application or the inability to deal with Unicode characters outside ISO latin 1. It will have at least one argument, which is a string describing the problem. It may have a second argument which is relevant to the error.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4z8 . _:n4z8 math:arguments _:n4z9 . _:n4z9 rdf:first _:n4za . _:n4za math:value "An application returns a 'limitation' error"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4z9 rdf:rest _:n4zb . _:n4zb rdf:first _:n4zc . _:n4zc math:arguments _:n4zd . _:n4zd rdf:first _:n4ze . _:n4ze math:value "Integers $> 2^{32}-1$ are meaningless to this application"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4zd rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4zc math:symbol ; a math:Error . _:n4zb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4z9 a rdf:List . _:n4z8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ErrorSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :moreerrors . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the error which is returned when an application reads an error caused by an unexpected problem. It will have at least one argument, which is a string describing the problem. It may have a second argument which is relevant to the error.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4zf . _:n4zf math:arguments _:n4zg . _:n4zg rdf:first _:n4zh . _:n4zh math:value "An application returns an 'unexpected' error"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4zg rdf:rest _:n4zi . _:n4zi rdf:first _:n4zj . _:n4zj math:arguments _:n4zk . _:n4zk rdf:first _:n4zl . _:n4zl math:value "A kill was executed on the process whilst it was evaluating the expression"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4zk rdf:rest _:n4zm . _:n4zm rdf:first _:n4zn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4zk a rdf:List . _:n4zj math:symbol ; a math:Error . _:n4zi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4zg a rdf:List . _:n4zf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ErrorSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :moreerrors . :multiset1 math-meta:description """This CD defines the set functions and constructors for basic multiset theory. It is intended to be `compatible' with the corresponding elements in MathML i.e. set operations acting on sets of type=multiset.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Based on set1.ocd" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents an n-ary construction function for constructing the Cartesian product of multisets. It takes n multiset arguments in order to construct their Cartesian product.""" ; math-meta:example _:n4zo . _:n4zo math:arguments _:n4zp . _:n4zp rdf:first _:n4zq . _:n4zq math:value """An example to show the representation of the Cartesian product of multisets: AxBxC."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n4zp rdf:rest _:n4zr . _:n4zr rdf:first _:n4zs . _:n4zs math:arguments _:n4zt . _:n4zt rdf:first _:n4zu . _:n4zu math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n4zt rdf:rest _:n4zv . _:n4zv rdf:first _:n4zw ; rdf:rest _:n4zx . _:n4zt a rdf:List . _:n4zs math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4zr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4zp a rdf:List . _:n4zo math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The intersection of A with the empty (multi) set is the empty (multi) set""" , "The union of A with the empty (multi) set is A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the empty multiset, that is the multiset which contains no members. It takes no parameters.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n4zy . _:n4zy math:arguments _:n4zz . _:n4zz rdf:first _:n500 . _:n500 math:arguments _:n501 . _:n501 rdf:first _:n502 . _:n502 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n501 rdf:rest _:n503 . _:n503 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n501 a rdf:List . _:n500 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4zz rdf:rest _:n504 . _:n504 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4zz a rdf:List . _:n4zy math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n505 . _:n505 math:arguments _:n506 . _:n506 rdf:first _:n507 . _:n507 math:arguments _:n508 . _:n508 rdf:first _:n509 . _:n509 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n508 rdf:rest _:n50a . _:n50a rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n508 a rdf:List . _:n507 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n506 rdf:rest _:n50b . _:n50b rdf:first _:n50c . _:n50c math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n50b rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n506 a rdf:List . _:n505 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "if a is in A and a is in B then a is in A intersection B" ; math-meta:description """This symbol has two arguments, an element and a multiset. It is used to denote that the element is in the given multiset.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n50d . _:n50d math:arguments _:n50e . _:n50e rdf:first _:n50f . _:n50f math:arguments _:n50g . _:n50g rdf:first _:n50h . _:n50h math:arguments _:n50i . _:n50i rdf:first _:n50j ; rdf:rest _:n50k ; a rdf:List . _:n50h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n50g rdf:rest _:n50l . _:n50l rdf:first _:n50m . _:n50m math:arguments _:n50n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n50l rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n50g a rdf:List . _:n50f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n50e rdf:rest _:n50o . _:n50o rdf:first _:n50p . _:n50p math:arguments _:n50q . _:n50q rdf:first _:n50r . _:n50r math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n50q rdf:rest _:n50s . _:n50s rdf:first _:n50t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n50q a rdf:List . _:n50p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n50o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n50e a rdf:List . _:n50d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """(A intersect B) is a subset of A and (A intersect B) is a subset of B""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the n-ary intersection of multisets. It takes multisets as arguments, and denotes the multiset that contains all the elements that occur in all of them, with multiplicity the minimum of their multiplicities in all multisets.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n50u . _:n50u math:arguments _:n50v . _:n50v rdf:first _:n50w . _:n50w math:arguments _:n50x . _:n50x rdf:first _:n50y . _:n50y math:arguments _:n50z . _:n50z rdf:first _:n510 ; rdf:rest _:n511 ; a rdf:List . _:n50y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n50x rdf:rest _:n512 . _:n512 rdf:first _:n513 . _:n513 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n512 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n50x a rdf:List . _:n50w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n50v rdf:rest _:n514 . _:n514 rdf:first _:n515 . _:n515 math:arguments _:n516 . _:n516 rdf:first _:n517 . _:n517 math:arguments _:n518 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n516 rdf:rest _:n519 . _:n519 rdf:first _:n51a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n516 a rdf:List . _:n515 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n514 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n50v a rdf:List . _:n50u math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the multiset construct. It is either an n-ary function, in which case the multiset entries are given explicitly, or it works on an elements construct. There is no implied ordering to the elements of a multiset.""" ; math-meta:example _:n51b . _:n51b math:arguments _:n51c . _:n51c rdf:first _:n51d . _:n51d math:value "The multiset {4, 1, 0, 1 4}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n51c rdf:rest _:n51e . _:n51e rdf:first _:n51f . _:n51f math:arguments _:n51g . _:n51g rdf:first _:n51h . _:n51h math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n51g rdf:rest _:n51i . _:n51i rdf:first _:n51j ; rdf:rest _:n51k . _:n51g a rdf:List . _:n51f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n51e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n51c a rdf:List . _:n51b math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:description """This symbol has two arguments, an element and a multiset. It is used to denote that the element is not in the given multiset.""" ; math-meta:example _:n51l . _:n51l math:arguments _:n51m . _:n51m rdf:first _:n51n . _:n51n math:value "4 is not in {1,1,2,3}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n51m rdf:rest _:n51o . _:n51o rdf:first _:n51p . _:n51p math:arguments _:n51q . _:n51q rdf:first _:n51r . _:n51r math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n51q rdf:rest _:n51s . _:n51s rdf:first _:n51t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n51q a rdf:List . _:n51p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n51o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n51m a rdf:List . _:n51l math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:description """This symbol has two (multiset) arguments. It is used to denote that the first multiset is not a proper subset of the second. A proper subset of a multiset is a subset of the multiset but not actually equal to it.""" ; math-meta:example _:n51u . _:n51u math:arguments _:n51v . _:n51v rdf:first _:n51w . _:n51w math:value "{1,2,1} is not a proper subset of {1,2,1}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n51v rdf:rest _:n51x . _:n51x rdf:first _:n51y . _:n51y math:arguments _:n51z . _:n51z rdf:first _:n520 . _:n520 math:arguments _:n521 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n51z rdf:rest _:n522 . _:n522 rdf:first _:n523 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n51z a rdf:List . _:n51y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n51x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n51v a rdf:List . _:n51u math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:description """This symbol has two (multiset) arguments. It is used to denote that the first multiset is not a subset of the second.""" ; math-meta:example _:n524 . _:n524 math:arguments _:n525 . _:n525 rdf:first _:n526 . _:n526 math:value "{2,3,3} is not a subset of {1,2,3}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n525 rdf:rest _:n527 . _:n527 rdf:first _:n528 . _:n528 math:arguments _:n529 . _:n529 rdf:first _:n52a . _:n52a math:arguments _:n52b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n529 rdf:rest _:n52c . _:n52c rdf:first _:n52d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n529 a rdf:List . _:n528 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n527 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n525 a rdf:List . _:n524 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:description """This symbol has two (multiset) arguments. It is used to denote that the first multiset is a proper subset of the second, that is a subset of the second multiset but not actually equal to it.""" ; math-meta:example _:n52e . _:n52e math:arguments _:n52f . _:n52f rdf:first _:n52g . _:n52g math:value "{2,3} is a proper subset of {2,2,3}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n52f rdf:rest _:n52h . _:n52h rdf:first _:n52i . _:n52i math:arguments _:n52j . _:n52j rdf:first _:n52k . _:n52k math:arguments _:n52l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n52j rdf:rest _:n52m . _:n52m rdf:first _:n52n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n52j a rdf:List . _:n52i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n52h rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n52f a rdf:List . _:n52e math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "the difference of A and B is a subset of A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the multiset difference of two multisets. It takes two multisets as arguments, and denotes the multiset that contains all the elements that occur in the first multiset with strictly greater multiplicity than in the second. The multiplicity in the result is the difference of the two.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n52o . _:n52o math:arguments _:n52p . _:n52p rdf:first _:n52q . _:n52q math:arguments _:n52r . _:n52r rdf:first _:n52s . _:n52s math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n52r rdf:rest _:n52t . _:n52t rdf:first _:n52u . _:n52u math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n52t rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n52r a rdf:List . _:n52q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n52p rdf:rest _:n52v . _:n52v rdf:first _:n52w . _:n52w math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n52v rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n52p a rdf:List . _:n52o math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the number of elements in a multiset. It is either a non-negative integer, or an infinite cardinal number. The symbol infinity may be used for an unspecified infinite cardinal.""" ; math-meta:example _:n52x . _:n52x math:arguments _:n52y . _:n52y rdf:first _:n52z . _:n52z math:value "The size of the multiset{3,3,9} = 3"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n52y rdf:rest _:n530 . _:n530 rdf:first _:n531 . _:n531 math:arguments _:n532 . _:n532 rdf:first _:n533 . _:n533 math:arguments _:n534 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n532 rdf:rest _:n535 . _:n535 rdf:first _:n536 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n532 a rdf:List . _:n531 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n530 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n52y a rdf:List . _:n52x math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """if B is a subset of A and C is a subset of B then C is a subset of A""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol has two (multiset) arguments. It is used to denote that the first set is a subset of the second, i.e. every element of the first occurs with multiplicity at least as much in the second.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n537 . _:n537 math:arguments _:n538 . _:n538 rdf:first _:n539 . _:n539 math:arguments _:n53a . _:n53a rdf:first _:n53b . _:n53b math:arguments _:n53c . _:n53c rdf:first _:n53d ; rdf:rest _:n53e ; a rdf:List . _:n53b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n53a rdf:rest _:n53f . _:n53f rdf:first _:n53g . _:n53g math:arguments _:n53h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n53f rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n53a a rdf:List . _:n539 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n538 rdf:rest _:n53i . _:n53i rdf:first _:n53j . _:n53j math:arguments _:n53k . _:n53k rdf:first _:n53l . _:n53l math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n53k rdf:rest _:n53m . _:n53m rdf:first _:n53n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n53k a rdf:List . _:n53j math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n53i rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n538 a rdf:List . _:n537 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "A is a subset of (A union B) and B is a subset of (A union B)" , """for all sets A,B and C union(A,intersect(B,C)) = intersect(union(A,B),union(A,C))""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the n-ary union of multisets. It takes multisets as arguments, and denotes the multiset that contains all the elements that occur in any of them, with multiplicity the sum of all the multiplicities in the multiset arguments.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n53o . _:n53o math:arguments _:n53p . _:n53p rdf:first _:n53q . _:n53q math:arguments _:n53r . _:n53r rdf:first _:n53s . _:n53s math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n53r rdf:rest _:n53t . _:n53t rdf:first _:n53u . _:n53u math:arguments _:n53v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n53t rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n53r a rdf:List . _:n53q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n53p rdf:rest _:n53w . _:n53w rdf:first _:n53x . _:n53x math:arguments _:n53y . _:n53y rdf:first _:n53z . _:n53z math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n53y rdf:rest _:n540 . _:n540 rdf:first _:n541 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n53y a rdf:List . _:n53x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n53w rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n53p a rdf:List . _:n53o math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n542 . _:n542 math:binder ; math:body _:n543 . _:n543 math:arguments _:n544 . _:n544 rdf:first _:n545 . _:n545 math:arguments _:n546 . _:n546 rdf:first _:n547 . _:n547 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n546 rdf:rest _:n548 . _:n548 rdf:first _:n549 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n546 a rdf:List . _:n545 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n544 rdf:rest _:n54a . _:n54a rdf:first _:n54b . _:n54b math:arguments _:n54c . _:n54c rdf:first _:n54d ; rdf:rest _:n54e ; a rdf:List . _:n54b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n54a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n544 a rdf:List . _:n543 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n542 math:variables _:n54f . _:n54f rdf:first _:n54g . _:n54g math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n54f rdf:rest _:n54h . _:n54h rdf:first _:n54i . _:n54i math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n54h rdf:rest _:n54j . _:n54j rdf:first _:n54k . _:n54k math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n54j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n54f a rdf:List . _:n542 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :multiset1 . :numerical1 math-meta:description """This CD contains descriptors of tolerances (errors) for numerical methods. Note that there are two kinds: the (input) request for a computation within a certain error bound, and an (output) estimated bound for the error. Either kind can be relative or absolute. While it would be normal to respond to a relative_error_requested with a relative_error_bound, this might be meaningless if |computed| is small, so an absolute_error-bound might be the right response.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol marks an estimated upper bound for the absolute error ( |true-computed| ) on a computation.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :numerical1 . math-meta:description """This symbol marks a requirement for the absolute error ( |true-computed| ) on a computation.""" ; math-meta:example _:n54l . _:n54l math:arguments _:n54m . _:n54m rdf:first _:n54n . _:n54n math:arguments _:n54o . _:n54o rdf:first _:n54p . _:n54p math:value "1.0E-6"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n54o rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n54n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n54m rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n54l math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :numerical1 . math-meta:description """This symbol marks an estimated upper bound for the relative error ( |true-computed|/|computed| ) on a computation.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :numerical1 . math-meta:description """This symbol marks a requirement for the relative error ( |true-computed|/|computed| ) on a computation.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :numerical1 . :numerical2 math-meta:description """This CD contains descriptors of symbols used by search-based numerical algorithms.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to describe the minimum distance between two distinct objects, i.e. if the distance is less than this they are considered to be the same.""" ; math-meta:example _:n54q . _:n54q math:arguments _:n54r . _:n54r rdf:first _:n54s . _:n54s math:arguments _:n54t . _:n54t rdf:first _:n54u . _:n54u math:value "1.0E-16"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n54t rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n54s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n54r rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n54q math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :numerical2 . math-meta:description """This symbol marks an initial value for a parameter, for example this could be the point from which a newton iteration would start.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :numerical2 . :nums1 math-meta:description """This CD is intended to be `compatible' with the MathML view of constructors for numbers (integers to an arbitrary base, rationals) and symbols for some common numerical constants. This CD holds a set of symbols for creating numbers, including some defined constants (i.e. nullary constructors).""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "NaN is not equal to NaN" ; math-meta:description """A symbol to convey the notion of not-a-number. The result of an ill-posed floating computation. See IEEE standard for floating point representations.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n54v . _:n54v math:arguments _:n54w . _:n54w rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n54x . _:n54x rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n54w a rdf:List . _:n54v math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :nums1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the constructor function for floating point numbers, specifying the base. It takes two arguments, the first is a positive integer to denote the base to which the number is represented, the second argument is a string which contains an optional sign and the digits of the number, using 0-9a-z and optionally a \".\" (as a consequence of this no radix greater than 36 is supported).""" ; math-meta:example _:n54y . _:n54y math:arguments _:n54z . _:n54z rdf:first _:n550 . _:n550 math:value "A representation of 8.5 (radix 10) base 8"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n54z rdf:rest _:n551 . _:n551 rdf:first _:n552 . _:n552 math:arguments _:n553 . _:n553 rdf:first _:n554 . _:n554 math:value "8.5"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n553 rdf:rest _:n555 . _:n555 rdf:first _:n556 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n553 a rdf:List . _:n552 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n551 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n54z a rdf:List . _:n54y math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :nums1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the constructor function for integers, specifying the base. It takes two arguments, the first is a positive integer to denote the base to which the number is represented, the second argument is a string which contains an optional sign and the digits of the integer, using 0-9a-z (as a consequence of this no radix greater than 36 is supported). Base 16 and base 10 are already covered in the encodings of integers.""" ; math-meta:example _:n557 . _:n557 math:arguments _:n558 . _:n558 rdf:first _:n559 . _:n559 math:value "A representation of 8 (radix 10) base 8"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n558 rdf:rest _:n55a . _:n55a rdf:first _:n55b . _:n55b math:arguments _:n55c . _:n55c rdf:first _:n55d . _:n55d math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n55c rdf:rest _:n55e . _:n55e rdf:first _:n55f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n55c a rdf:List . _:n55b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n55a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n558 a rdf:List . _:n557 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :nums1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "e = the sum as j ranges from 0 to infinity of 1/(j!)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the base of the natural logarithm, approximately 2.718. See Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, section 4.1.""" ; math-meta:example _:n55g . _:n55g math:arguments _:n55h . _:n55h rdf:first _:n55i . _:n55i math:value "2.718 = The decimal approximation to 3 significant places of e"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n55h rdf:rest _:n55j . _:n55j rdf:first _:n55k . _:n55k math:arguments _:n55l . _:n55l rdf:first _:n55m . _:n55m math:value "2.718"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n55l rdf:rest _:n55n . _:n55n rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n55l a rdf:List . _:n55k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n55j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n55h a rdf:List . _:n55g math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n55o . _:n55o math:arguments _:n55p . _:n55p rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n55q . _:n55q rdf:first _:n55r . _:n55r math:arguments _:n55s . _:n55s rdf:first _:n55t . _:n55t math:arguments _:n55u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n55s rdf:rest _:n55v . _:n55v rdf:first _:n55w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n55s a rdf:List . _:n55r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n55q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n55p a rdf:List . _:n55o math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :nums1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "gamma = limit_(m -> infinity)(sum_(j ranges from 1 to m)(1/j) - ln m)" ; math-meta:description """A symbol to convey the notion of the gamma constant as defined in Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, section 6.1.3. It is the limit of 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/m - ln m as m tends to infinity, this is approximately 0.5772 15664.""" ; math-meta:example _:n55x . _:n55x math:arguments _:n55y . _:n55y rdf:first _:n55z . _:n55z math:value "0.577 = The decimal approximation to 3 significant places of gamma"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n55y rdf:rest _:n560 . _:n560 rdf:first _:n561 . _:n561 math:arguments _:n562 . _:n562 rdf:first _:n563 . _:n563 math:value "0.577"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n562 rdf:rest _:n564 . _:n564 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n562 a rdf:List . _:n561 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n560 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n55y a rdf:List . _:n55x math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n565 . _:n565 math:arguments _:n566 . _:n566 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n567 . _:n567 rdf:first _:n568 . _:n568 math:arguments _:n569 . _:n569 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n56a . _:n56a rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n56b . _:n569 a rdf:List . _:n568 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n567 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n566 a rdf:List . _:n565 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :nums1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "i^2 = -1" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the square root of -1." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n56c . _:n56c math:arguments _:n56d . _:n56d rdf:first _:n56e . _:n56e math:arguments _:n56f . _:n56f rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n56g . _:n56g rdf:first _:n56h . _:n56h math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n56g rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n56f a rdf:List . _:n56e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n56d rdf:rest _:n56i . _:n56i rdf:first _:n56j . _:n56j math:arguments _:n56k . _:n56k rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n56j math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n56i rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n56d a rdf:List . _:n56c math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :nums1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "if x is a real number then x < infinity" ; math-meta:description "A symbol to represent the notion of infinity." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n56l . _:n56l math:arguments _:n56m . _:n56m rdf:first _:n56n . _:n56n math:arguments _:n56o . _:n56o rdf:first _:n56p . _:n56p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n56o rdf:rest _:n56q . _:n56q rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n56o a rdf:List . _:n56n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n56m rdf:rest _:n56r . _:n56r rdf:first _:n56s . _:n56s math:arguments _:n56t . _:n56t rdf:first _:n56u . _:n56u math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n56t rdf:rest _:n56v . _:n56v rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n56t a rdf:List . _:n56s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n56r rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n56m a rdf:List . _:n56l math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :nums1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "pi = 4 * the sum as j ranges from 0 to infinity of ((1/(4j+1))-(1/(4j+3)))" ; math-meta:description """A symbol to convey the notion of pi, approximately 3.142. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.""" ; math-meta:example _:n56w . _:n56w math:arguments _:n56x . _:n56x rdf:first _:n56y . _:n56y math:value "3.142 = The decimal approximation to 3 significant places of pi"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n56x rdf:rest _:n56z . _:n56z rdf:first _:n570 . _:n570 math:arguments _:n571 . _:n571 rdf:first _:n572 . _:n572 math:value "3.142"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n571 rdf:rest _:n573 . _:n573 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n571 a rdf:List . _:n570 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n56z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n56x a rdf:List . _:n56w math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n574 . _:n574 math:arguments _:n575 . _:n575 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n576 . _:n576 rdf:first _:n577 . _:n577 math:arguments _:n578 . _:n578 rdf:first _:n579 . _:n579 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n578 rdf:rest _:n57a . _:n57a rdf:first _:n57b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n578 a rdf:List . _:n577 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n576 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n575 a rdf:List . _:n574 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :nums1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the constructor function for rational numbers. It takes two arguments, the first is an integer p to denote the numerator and the second a nonzero integer q to denote the denominator of the rational p/q.""" ; math-meta:example _:n57c . _:n57c math:arguments _:n57d . _:n57d rdf:first _:n57e . _:n57e math:value "A representation of the rational number 1/2"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n57d rdf:rest _:n57f . _:n57f rdf:first _:n57g . _:n57g math:arguments _:n57h . _:n57h rdf:first _:n57i . _:n57i math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n57h rdf:rest _:n57j . _:n57j rdf:first _:n57k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n57h a rdf:List . _:n57g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n57f rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n57d a rdf:List . _:n57c math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :nums1 . :omtypes math-meta:description """Types for OM Declaration of symbols for names of types of OpenMath objects An OpenMath object which uses any of the symbols here defined, has to use them in accordance with their description. Initial version: O. Caprotti""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "The type of byte arrays" ; math-meta:example _:n57l . _:n57l math:arguments _:n57m . _:n57m rdf:first _:n57n . _:n57n math:arguments _:n57o . _:n57o rdf:first _:n57p . _:n57p math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n57o rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n57n math:target _:n57q . _:n57q math:value "Hkw2Hs3Kd9kjasdk"^^xsd:base64Binary ; a math:Literal . _:n57n a math:Attribution . _:n57m rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n57l math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :omtypes . math-meta:description "The type of floating point numbers" ; math-meta:example _:n57r . _:n57r math:arguments _:n57s . _:n57s rdf:first _:n57t . _:n57t math:arguments _:n57u . _:n57u rdf:first _:n57v . _:n57v math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n57u rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n57t math:target _:n57w . _:n57w math:value "1.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n57t a math:Attribution . _:n57s rdf:rest _:n57x . _:n57x rdf:first _:n57y . _:n57y math:value "is well-typed."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n57x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n57s a rdf:List . _:n57r math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :omtypes . math-meta:description "The type of integers" ; math-meta:example _:n57z . _:n57z math:arguments _:n580 . _:n580 rdf:first _:n581 . _:n581 math:arguments _:n582 . _:n582 rdf:first _:n583 . _:n583 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n582 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n581 math:target _:n584 . _:n584 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n581 a math:Attribution . _:n580 rdf:rest _:n585 . _:n585 rdf:first _:n586 . _:n586 math:value "is well-typed object."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n585 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n580 a rdf:List . _:n57z math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :omtypes . math-meta:description "The type of symbolic type symtype" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :omtypes . math-meta:description "The type of character strings" ; math-meta:example _:n587 . _:n587 math:arguments _:n588 . _:n588 rdf:first _:n589 . _:n589 math:arguments _:n58a . _:n58a rdf:first _:n58b . _:n58b math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n58a rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n589 math:target _:n58c . _:n58c math:value "hello world"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n589 a math:Attribution . _:n588 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n587 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :omtypes . math-meta:description "The type of symbolic types introduced in other CDs" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :omtypes . :opnode math-meta:description """This CD contains constructors for the operators used to describe the operations corresponding to operation nodes which occur in straight line programs.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "A constant value, constructs the divide for division nodes." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :opnode . math-meta:description "A constant value, constructs the minus for subtraction nodes." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :opnode . math-meta:description "A constant value, constructs the plus for addition nodes." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :opnode . math-meta:description """A unary function, takes a node of an slp, returns the value of the polynomial which corresponds to this node of the slp.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :opnode . math-meta:description "A constant value, constructs the times for multiplication nodes." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :opnode . :permgp1 math-meta:description "A CD of functions for permutation groups" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """First version written by A. Solomon 1998-11-19. Modified by David Carlisle 1999-04-28. Rebuilt by Arjeh M. Cohen 2002-12-16.""" . math-meta:description """This is a function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. When evaluated with argument G it returns a list of points permuted by G such that the stabilizer of all elements of the list in G is trivial. Besides, the list is minimal with respect to the latter property (in the sense that the stabilizer in G of the elements of no proper subset is trivial).""" ; math-meta:example _:n58d . _:n58d math:arguments _:n58e . _:n58e rdf:first _:n58f . _:n58f math:value "The following expression represents a base."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n58e rdf:rest _:n58g . _:n58g rdf:first _:n58h . _:n58h math:arguments _:n58i . _:n58i rdf:first _:n58j . _:n58j math:arguments _:n58k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n58i rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n58h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n58g rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n58e a rdf:List . _:n58d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This is a function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. When evaluated with argument G it returns the list of permutations which occur in the definition of G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n58l . _:n58l math:arguments _:n58m . _:n58m rdf:first _:n58n . _:n58n math:value "The following expression evaluates to the list of permutations [(1,5,4)(2,6),(3,6)(1,4,5)]."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n58m rdf:rest _:n58o . _:n58o rdf:first _:n58p . _:n58p math:arguments _:n58q . _:n58q rdf:first _:n58r . _:n58r math:arguments _:n58s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n58q rdf:rest _:n58t . _:n58t rdf:first _:n58u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n58q a rdf:List . _:n58p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n58o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n58m a rdf:List . _:n58l math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents an n-ary function. The first argument is a group operation (usually, left_compose or right_compose), the other n-1 arguments represent permutations. When evaluated on such arguments, the function represents the permutation group generated by the last n-1 arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n58v . _:n58v math:arguments _:n58w . _:n58w rdf:first _:n58x . _:n58x math:value "The permutation group generated by (1,5,4)(2,6) and (1,4,5)(3,6)"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n58w rdf:rest _:n58y . _:n58y rdf:first _:n58z . _:n58z math:arguments _:n590 . _:n590 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n591 . _:n591 rdf:first _:n592 ; rdf:rest _:n593 . _:n590 a rdf:List . _:n58z math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n58y rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n58w a rdf:List . _:n58v math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This is a Boolean function with two arguments. The first argument should be a permutation, the second a permutation group. When evaluated with first argument x and second argument G, it returns true if and only if x belongs to G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n594 . _:n594 math:arguments _:n595 . _:n595 rdf:first _:n596 . _:n596 math:value "The following expression evaluates to the boolean false."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n595 rdf:rest _:n597 . _:n597 rdf:first _:n598 . _:n598 math:arguments _:n599 . _:n599 rdf:first _:n59a . _:n59a math:arguments _:n59b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n599 rdf:rest _:n59c . _:n59c rdf:first _:n59d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n599 a rdf:List . _:n598 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n597 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n595 a rdf:List . _:n594 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """The unary function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. Its value is true if and only if G acts primitively on the support of G. This means that there is no proper subset B of the support of G with more than one element such that the image of B under an element of G meets B in a proper nonempty subset of B.""" ; math-meta:example _:n59e . _:n59e math:arguments _:n59f . _:n59f rdf:first _:n59g . _:n59g math:value "The following expression evaluates to the boolean true."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n59f rdf:rest _:n59h . _:n59h rdf:first _:n59i . _:n59i math:arguments _:n59j . _:n59j rdf:first _:n59k . _:n59k math:arguments _:n59l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n59j rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n59i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n59h rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n59f a rdf:List . _:n59e math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This is a Boolean function with two arguments, both of which are permutation groups. When evaluated with first argument H and second argument G it returns true if and only if H is a subgroup of G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n59m . _:n59m math:arguments _:n59n . _:n59n rdf:first _:n59o . _:n59o math:value "The following expression evaluates to the boolean false."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n59n rdf:rest _:n59p . _:n59p rdf:first _:n59q . _:n59q math:arguments _:n59r . _:n59r rdf:first _:n59s . _:n59s math:arguments _:n59t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n59r rdf:rest _:n59u . _:n59u rdf:first _:n59v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n59r a rdf:List . _:n59q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n59p rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n59n a rdf:List . _:n59m math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This is a Boolean function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. When evaluated at a permutation group G, it returns the value true if and only if the permutation group argument acts transitively on the support of G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n59w . _:n59w math:arguments _:n59x . _:n59x rdf:first _:n59y . _:n59y math:value "The following boolean value is false."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n59x rdf:rest _:n59z . _:n59z rdf:first _:n5a0 . _:n5a0 math:arguments _:n5a1 . _:n5a1 rdf:first _:n5a2 . _:n5a2 math:arguments _:n5a3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5a1 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5a0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n59z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n59x a rdf:List . _:n59w math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """The binary function whose first argument should be a permutation group G. If the second argument is an element of the support of G, the value is the orbit of the second argument under the action of G. Otherwise, it is the singleton consisting of the second argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5a4 . _:n5a4 math:arguments _:n5a5 . _:n5a5 rdf:first _:n5a6 . _:n5a6 math:value "The following expression evaluates to the set {2,3,6}."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5a5 rdf:rest _:n5a7 . _:n5a7 rdf:first _:n5a8 . _:n5a8 math:arguments _:n5a9 . _:n5a9 rdf:first _:n5aa . _:n5aa math:arguments _:n5ab ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5a9 rdf:rest _:n5ac . _:n5ac rdf:first _:n5ad ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5a9 a rdf:List . _:n5a8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5a7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5a5 a rdf:List . _:n5a4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This is a function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. When evaluated at a permutation group G, it returns the set of all orbits of G on elements from the support of G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5ae . _:n5ae math:arguments _:n5af . _:n5af rdf:first _:n5ag . _:n5ag math:value "The following expression evaluates to the list of sets [{2,3,6},{1,4,5}]."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5af rdf:rest _:n5ah . _:n5ah rdf:first _:n5ai . _:n5ai math:arguments _:n5aj . _:n5aj rdf:first _:n5ak . _:n5ak math:arguments _:n5al ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5aj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5ai math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ah rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5af a rdf:List . _:n5ae math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This is a function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. When evaluated with argument G it returns the size of the group G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5am . _:n5am math:arguments _:n5an . _:n5an rdf:first _:n5ao . _:n5ao math:value "The following expression evaluates to 18."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5an rdf:rest _:n5ap . _:n5ap rdf:first _:n5aq . _:n5aq math:arguments _:n5ar . _:n5ar rdf:first _:n5as . _:n5as math:arguments _:n5at ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ar rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5aq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ap rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5an a rdf:List . _:n5am math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This is a function with two arguments. The first argument should be a permutation group G, the second argument a point x permuted by G. When evaluated at G and x, it returns a list of three lists X,V,B. The first list, X, enumerates the points of the G-orbit of x. The second list and the third list both have the same length as X, say n. The second list represents a map V from [1,...,n] to {-m,...,-1,0,1,...,m}, where m is the number of generators of G, and the third list represents a map B from [1,...,n] to X. These maps satisfy the following properties: X(1) = B(1) = x. Moreover, V(i) = 0 if and only if i = 1. For each index i distinct from 1, the value B(i) is equal to X(j) for some index j smaller than i. If V(i) is positive, then X(i) is the image of B(i) under the V(i)-th generator of G. If V(i) is negative, then B(i) is the image of X(i) under the (-V(i))-th generator of G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5au . _:n5au math:arguments _:n5av . _:n5av rdf:first _:n5aw . _:n5aw math:value "The following expression represents a Schreier tree."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5av rdf:rest _:n5ax . _:n5ax rdf:first _:n5ay . _:n5ay math:arguments _:n5az . _:n5az rdf:first _:n5b0 . _:n5b0 math:arguments _:n5b1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5az rdf:rest _:n5b2 . _:n5b2 rdf:first _:n5b3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5az a rdf:List . _:n5ay math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ax rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5av a rdf:List . _:n5au math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This is an n-ary function with n at least 2. The first argument is a permutation group G, the other arguments are elements x_2,x_3,...,x_n upon which G acts. The value is the subgroup of G consisting of all permutations which stabilize each of x_2,x_3,...,x_n.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5b4 . _:n5b4 math:arguments _:n5b5 . _:n5b5 rdf:first _:n5b6 . _:n5b6 math:value """The following expression stands for the stabilizer of 1 and 2 in the permutation group generated by the permutations (1,5,4)(2,6) and (3,6)(1,4,5)."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5b5 rdf:rest _:n5b7 . _:n5b7 rdf:first _:n5b8 . _:n5b8 math:arguments _:n5b9 . _:n5b9 rdf:first _:n5ba . _:n5ba math:arguments _:n5bb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5b9 rdf:rest _:n5bc . _:n5bc rdf:first _:n5bd ; rdf:rest _:n5be . _:n5b9 a rdf:List . _:n5b8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5b7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5b5 a rdf:List . _:n5b4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This function takes one argument which should be a permutation group. When applied to the permutation group G, its value is a list consisting of two lists B, H of equal length. The first list B is a base for G, whereas the i-th entry H[i] of the second list is the stabilizer in G of the elements B[1], ..., B[i].""" ; math-meta:example _:n5bf . _:n5bf math:arguments _:n5bg . _:n5bg rdf:first _:n5bh . _:n5bh math:value "The following expression represents a stabilizer chain."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5bg rdf:rest _:n5bi . _:n5bi rdf:first _:n5bj . _:n5bj math:arguments _:n5bk . _:n5bk rdf:first _:n5bl . _:n5bl math:arguments _:n5bm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5bk rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5bj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5bi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5bg a rdf:List . _:n5bf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . math-meta:description """This represents a unary function whose argument should be a permutation group. When evaluated at a permutation group G, it is the set of points which are moved a member of G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5bn . _:n5bn math:arguments _:n5bo . _:n5bo rdf:first _:n5bp . _:n5bp math:value "The following expression evaluates to the set {1,2,3,4,5,6}."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5bo rdf:rest _:n5bq . _:n5bq rdf:first _:n5br . _:n5br math:arguments _:n5bs . _:n5bs rdf:first _:n5bt . _:n5bt math:arguments _:n5bu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5bs rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5br math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5bq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5bo a rdf:List . _:n5bn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp1 . :permgp2 math-meta:description """A CD of functions for permutation groups. Primarily for defining the best known permutation groups.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Built by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-02-16." . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function. Its argument is either a positive integer or a set. When evaluated on a set, it represents the permutation group of all even permutations of that set. When evaluated on a positive integer n, it represents the permutation group of all even permutations of the set {1,..., n}.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5bv . _:n5bv math:arguments _:n5bw . _:n5bw rdf:first _:n5bx . _:n5bx math:value """The permutation group generated by (1,2,3) and (3,4,5) is equal to the alternating group on {1,2,3,4,5}."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5bw rdf:rest _:n5by . _:n5by rdf:first _:n5bz . _:n5bz math:arguments _:n5c0 . _:n5c0 rdf:first _:n5c1 . _:n5c1 math:arguments _:n5c2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5c0 rdf:rest _:n5c3 . _:n5c3 rdf:first _:n5c4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5c0 a rdf:List . _:n5bz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5by rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5bw a rdf:List . _:n5bv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function whose argument should be a positive integer. When evaluated at the integer n, it represents the permutation group generated by the permutation (1,2,...,n).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The group is generated by the permutations (1,2,...,n) and (1,n)(2,n-1)(3,n-3) ....(n/2-1/2,n/2+1/2) if n is odd and by the permutations (1,2,...,n) and (1,n)(2,n-1)(3,n-3) ....(n/2-1,n/2+1) if n is odd.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function whose argument should be a positive integer. When evaluated at the integer n, it represents the dihedral group of all 2n permutations of {1,2,...,n} preserving the n-gon 1,2,...,n.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5c5 . _:n5c5 math:arguments _:n5c6 . _:n5c6 rdf:first _:n5c7 . _:n5c7 math:value """The dihedral group on 3 (letters) coincides with the symmetric group on 3 (letters)."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5c6 rdf:rest _:n5c8 . _:n5c8 rdf:first _:n5c9 . _:n5c9 math:arguments _:n5ca . _:n5ca rdf:first _:n5cb . _:n5cb math:arguments _:n5cc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ca rdf:rest _:n5cd . _:n5cd rdf:first _:n5ce ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ca a rdf:List . _:n5c9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5c8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5c6 a rdf:List . _:n5c5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the quaternion group of order 8, viewed as a permutation group by means of the regular representation (multiplication from the right). It is generated by (1,2,3,4)(5,8,6,7) and (1,5,2,6)(3,7,4,8). (In the usual notation, the 8 elements are 1, -1, i, -i, j, -j, k, -k.)""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5cf . _:n5cf math:arguments _:n5cg . _:n5cg rdf:first _:n5ch . _:n5ch math:arguments _:n5ci . _:n5ci rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5cj . _:n5cj rdf:first _:n5ck . _:n5ck math:arguments _:n5cl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5cj rdf:rest _:n5cm . _:n5cm rdf:first _:n5cn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ci a rdf:List . _:n5ch math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5cg rdf:rest _:n5co . _:n5co rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5cg a rdf:List . _:n5cf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function. Its argument is either a positive integer or a set. When evaluated on a set, it represents the permutation group of all permutations of that set. When evaluated on a positive integer n, it represents the permutation group of all permutations of the set {1,..., n}.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5cp . _:n5cp math:arguments _:n5cq . _:n5cq rdf:first _:n5cr . _:n5cr math:value """The permutation group generated by (1,2) and (2,3) is equal to the symmetric group on {1,2,3}."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5cq rdf:rest _:n5cs . _:n5cs rdf:first _:n5ct . _:n5ct math:arguments _:n5cu . _:n5cu rdf:first _:n5cv . _:n5cv math:arguments _:n5cw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5cu rdf:rest _:n5cx . _:n5cx rdf:first _:n5cy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5cu a rdf:List . _:n5ct math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5cs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5cq a rdf:List . _:n5cp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the Klein Vierer group of order 4, viewed as a permutation group of degree 4. It consists of the identity, (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), and (1,4)(2,3).""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5cz . _:n5cz math:arguments _:n5d0 . _:n5d0 rdf:first _:n5d1 . _:n5d1 math:arguments _:n5d2 . _:n5d2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5d3 . _:n5d3 rdf:first _:n5d4 . _:n5d4 math:arguments _:n5d5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5d3 rdf:rest _:n5d6 . _:n5d6 rdf:first _:n5d7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5d2 a rdf:List . _:n5d1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5d0 rdf:rest _:n5d8 . _:n5d8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5d0 a rdf:List . _:n5cz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgp2 . :permgrp math-meta:description "A CD of functions for permutation groups" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , """Written by A. Solomon on 1998-11-19 Modified by David Carlisle 1999-04-28""" . math-meta:description """The unary function whose value is true iff its permutation group argument acts primitively.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgrp . math-meta:description """The unary function whose value is true iff the permutation group argument acts transitively.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgrp . math-meta:description """The binary function whose value is the set of integers which are in the orbit of the second argument under the action of the first argument which is a permutation group.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgrp . math-meta:description """The first argument is a permutation group, the second is some object (point or set) upon which the first argument acts. The value is the subgroup of the first argument which stabilize the second argument.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permgrp . :permut1 math-meta:description "A CD of functions for permutations" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , """Written by A. Solomon on 1998-11-19 Modified by David Carlisle 1999-04-28 Renamed from comb to permut1 1999-05-19 Modified by A. Solomon to remove ambiguity from definition of Permutation as reported by JHD 2000-02-05.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "permutation(2,3,...,n, 1)^n = permutation()" ; math-meta:description """The n-ary constructor permutation. The arguments are the integers 1 .. n in some order. permutation(p1, ..., pn) is the function which takes 1 to p1, 2 to p2 and so on.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5d9 . _:n5d9 math:arguments _:n5da . _:n5da rdf:first _:n5db . _:n5db math:arguments _:n5dc . _:n5dc rdf:first _:n5dd . _:n5dd math:arguments _:n5de . _:n5de rdf:first _:n5df ; rdf:rest _:n5dg ; a rdf:List . _:n5dd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5dc rdf:rest _:n5dh . _:n5dh rdf:first _:n5di . _:n5di math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5dh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5dc a rdf:List . _:n5db math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5da rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5d9 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n5dj . _:n5dj math:arguments _:n5dk . _:n5dk rdf:first _:n5dl . _:n5dl math:arguments _:n5dm . _:n5dm rdf:first _:n5dn . _:n5dn math:arguments _:n5do . _:n5do rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5dp ; a rdf:List . _:n5dn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5dm rdf:rest _:n5dq . _:n5dq rdf:first _:n5dr . _:n5dr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5dq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5dm a rdf:List . _:n5dl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5dk rdf:rest _:n5ds . _:n5ds rdf:first _:n5dt . _:n5dt math:arguments _:n5du . _:n5du rdf:first _:n5dv . _:n5dv math:arguments _:n5dw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5du rdf:rest _:n5dx . _:n5dx rdf:first _:n5dy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5du a rdf:List . _:n5dt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ds rdf:rest _:n5dz . _:n5dz rdf:first _:n5e0 . _:n5e0 math:arguments _:n5e1 . _:n5e1 rdf:first _:n5e2 ; rdf:rest _:n5e3 ; a rdf:List . _:n5e0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5dz rdf:rest _:n5e4 . _:n5e4 rdf:first _:n5e5 . _:n5e5 math:arguments _:n5e6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5e4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5dk a rdf:List . _:n5dj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permut1 . :permutation1 math-meta:description """This CD defines permutations with finite support. In order to make available permutations of arbitrary objects, permutations are defined as sets of cycles. The set on which the permutation acts is not specified. To this end, cycles of length 0 or 1 do not occur in permutations. When viewed as the set of cycles which are its arguments, the symbol permutation has a normal form constructor.""" , """This CD defines permutations with finite support. In order to make available permutations of arbitrary objects, permutations are defined as sets of cycles. The set on which the permutation acts is not specified. To this end, cycles of length 0 or 1 do not occur in permutations. When viewed as the set of cycles which are its arguments, the symbol permutation has a normal form constructor. All symbols defined in this CD may appear as the head of an application. For such symbols, we distinguish between functions and constructors. A function is thought of as a mathematical function, which can be evaluated on its arguments, a constructor uses its arguments as fields of a structure. (In principle, the arguments of a constructor should be accessible; we have not introduced separate symbols to enable access because the `destruction' of the mathematical object can take place in phrasebooks.) The constructors in this CD are cycle, permutation, list_perm, and endomap. The operations inverse, left_compose, right_compose are also defined in this CD, although the most general purpose version already occurs in fns1, fns2. The reasons is two-fold: first, strictly speaking, our permutations are not maps, and so these notions havfe to redefined. A more practical reason is that with dynamical loading, it is easier to encode and decode a new symbol in the CD at hand rather than a symbol in a CD that is previously dealt with. Revision 0.1: fix added; error in support example corrected. Revision 0.2: added endomap. Help of Henny Wilbrink.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbols is a binary function whose first argument is a permutation (or a endomap) and whose second argument is a point. When applied to permutation or endomap p and point x, it represents the image of the point x under the permutation p.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5e7 . _:n5e7 math:arguments _:n5e8 . _:n5e8 rdf:first _:n5e9 . _:n5e9 math:value "The permutation (1,5,4)(6,7) sends 1 to 5, so"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5e8 rdf:rest _:n5ea . _:n5ea rdf:first _:n5eb . _:n5eb math:arguments _:n5ec . _:n5ec rdf:first _:n5ed . _:n5ed math:arguments _:n5ee ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ec rdf:rest _:n5ef . _:n5ef rdf:first _:n5eg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ec a rdf:List . _:n5eb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ea rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5e8 a rdf:List . _:n5e7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If are_distinct(a_1,...,a_n) is true then a_1,...,a_n is a valid argument sequence of cycle.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary boolean function. When applied to a_1, ..., a_n, it is true if and only if the arguments are mutually distinct (that is, a_i and a_j are equal only if i=j).""" ; math-meta:example _:n5eh . _:n5eh math:arguments _:n5ei . _:n5ei rdf:first _:n5ej . _:n5ej math:value "The following expression evaluates to false."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5ei rdf:rest _:n5ek . _:n5ek rdf:first _:n5el . _:n5el math:arguments _:n5em . _:n5em rdf:first _:n5en . _:n5en math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5em rdf:rest _:n5eo . _:n5eo rdf:first _:n5ep ; rdf:rest _:n5eq . _:n5em a rdf:List . _:n5el math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ek rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ei a rdf:List . _:n5eh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for i = 1,..., n cycle(a_i, a_{i+1},...,a_n,a_1,...,a_{i-1}) = cycle(a_1, a_2,...,a_n).""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary function, with n at least 1. It marks a relation on the set of its arguments a_1, a_2,...,a_n consisting of the pairs (a_i,a_{i+1}) for i=1,...,n-1 and the pair (a_n,a_1). The arguments a_i should all be distinct. The number n is referred to as the length of the cycle.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5er . _:n5er math:arguments _:n5es . _:n5es rdf:first _:n5et . _:n5et math:value """The following expression represents the relation on the set {\"jan\",\"piet\",\"klaas\"} whose members are (\"jan\",\"piet\"), (\"piet\",\"klaas\"), and (\"klaas\",\"jan\")."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5es rdf:rest _:n5eu . _:n5eu rdf:first _:n5ev . _:n5ev math:arguments _:n5ew . _:n5ew rdf:first _:n5ex . _:n5ex math:value "jan"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5ew rdf:rest _:n5ey . _:n5ey rdf:first _:n5ez ; rdf:rest _:n5f0 . _:n5ew a rdf:List . _:n5ev math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5eu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5es a rdf:List . _:n5er math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which is a permutation. When applied to a permutation P, it represents the multiset of lengths of cycles occurring as arguments of P.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5f1 . _:n5f1 math:arguments _:n5f2 . _:n5f2 rdf:first _:n5f3 . _:n5f3 math:value """The cycle type of the permutation (4,3,2,1)(5,6)(\"jan\",\"piet\") equals {4,2,2}:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5f2 rdf:rest _:n5f4 . _:n5f4 rdf:first _:n5f5 . _:n5f5 math:arguments _:n5f6 . _:n5f6 rdf:first _:n5f7 . _:n5f7 math:arguments _:n5f8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5f6 rdf:rest _:n5f9 . _:n5f9 rdf:first _:n5fa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5f6 a rdf:List . _:n5f5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5f4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5f2 a rdf:List . _:n5f1 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n5fb . _:n5fb math:binder ; math:body _:n5fc . _:n5fc math:arguments _:n5fd . _:n5fd rdf:first _:n5fe . _:n5fe math:arguments _:n5ff . _:n5ff rdf:first _:n5fg . _:n5fg math:arguments _:n5fh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ff rdf:rest _:n5fi . _:n5fi rdf:first _:n5fj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ff a rdf:List . _:n5fe math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5fd rdf:rest _:n5fk . _:n5fk rdf:first _:n5fl . _:n5fl math:arguments _:n5fm . _:n5fm rdf:first _:n5fn ; rdf:rest _:n5fo ; a rdf:List . _:n5fl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5fk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5fd a rdf:List . _:n5fc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5fb math:variables _:n5fp . _:n5fp rdf:first _:n5fq . _:n5fq math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n5fp rdf:rest _:n5fr . _:n5fr rdf:first _:n5fs . _:n5fs math:name "Q" ; a math:Variable . _:n5fr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5fp a rdf:List . _:n5fb a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol has one argument which should be a endomap p. It returns the list of cycles of p.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5ft . _:n5ft math:arguments _:n5fu . _:n5fu rdf:first _:n5fv . _:n5fv math:value "The following two objects represent the same list."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5fu rdf:rest _:n5fw . _:n5fw rdf:first _:n5fx . _:n5fx math:arguments _:n5fy . _:n5fy rdf:first _:n5fz . _:n5fz math:arguments _:n5g0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5fy rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5fx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5fw rdf:rest _:n5g1 . _:n5g1 rdf:first _:n5g2 . _:n5g2 math:arguments _:n5g3 . _:n5g3 rdf:first _:n5g4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5g2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5g1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5fu a rdf:List . _:n5ft math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument which is a endomap. When applied to a endomap whose arguments are a_1,...,a_n, it represents the set {1,...,n}.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5g5 . _:n5g5 math:arguments _:n5g6 . _:n5g6 rdf:first _:n5g7 . _:n5g7 math:value "The following expression represents the set {1,2,3,4,5}."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5g6 rdf:rest _:n5g8 . _:n5g8 rdf:first _:n5g9 . _:n5g9 math:arguments _:n5ga . _:n5ga rdf:first _:n5gb . _:n5gb math:arguments _:n5gc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ga rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5g9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5g8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5g6 a rdf:List . _:n5g5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary constructor. Its arguments should be positive integers. When applied to arguments a_1,...,a_n, the resulting value is the map sending i to a_i for i=1,...,n.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5gd . _:n5gd math:arguments _:n5ge . _:n5ge rdf:first _:n5gf . _:n5gf math:value """The following expression represents the map on on {1,2,3,4,5} sending 1, 2, and 5 to 2, and 3 and 4 to 1."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5ge rdf:rest _:n5gg . _:n5gg rdf:first _:n5gh . _:n5gh math:arguments _:n5gi . _:n5gi rdf:first _:n5gj . _:n5gj math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5gi rdf:rest _:n5gk . _:n5gk rdf:first _:n5gl ; rdf:rest _:n5gm . _:n5gi a rdf:List . _:n5gh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5gg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ge a rdf:List . _:n5gd math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5gn . _:n5gn math:arguments _:n5go . _:n5go rdf:first _:n5gp . _:n5gp math:value "The following expression evaluates to true."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5go rdf:rest _:n5gq . _:n5gq rdf:first _:n5gr . _:n5gr math:arguments _:n5gs . _:n5gs rdf:first _:n5gt . _:n5gt math:arguments _:n5gu ; math:operator _:n5gv ; a math:Application . _:n5gs rdf:rest _:n5gw . _:n5gw rdf:first _:n5gx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5gs a rdf:List . _:n5gr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5gq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5go a rdf:List . _:n5gn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function. Its arguments should be endomaps with identical domain D. When applied to arguments P1 and P2, the resulting value is the endomap which maps x in D to P1(P2(x)).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function. Its arguments should be endomaps with identical domain D. When applied to arguments P1 and P2, the resulting value is the endomap which maps x in D to P2(P1(x)).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments. The first argument should be a permutation, the second argument a set. When applied to a permutation g and a set X, it represents the subset A of X all points that do not belong to the support of g.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5gy . _:n5gy math:arguments _:n5gz . _:n5gz rdf:first _:n5h0 . _:n5h0 math:value """The following expression represents the set {1,2}."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5gz rdf:rest _:n5h1 . _:n5h1 rdf:first _:n5h2 . _:n5h2 math:arguments _:n5h3 . _:n5h3 rdf:first _:n5h4 . _:n5h4 math:arguments _:n5h5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5h3 rdf:rest _:n5h6 . _:n5h6 rdf:first _:n5h7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5h3 a rdf:List . _:n5h2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5h1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5gz a rdf:List . _:n5gy math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function. Its argument should be a permutation. When applied to argument P, the resulting value is the inverse permutation of P.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5h8 . _:n5h8 math:arguments _:n5h9 . _:n5h9 rdf:first _:n5ha . _:n5ha math:value """The following two expressions represent the same permutation of {1,2,3,4,5}."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5h9 rdf:rest _:n5hb . _:n5hb rdf:first _:n5hc . _:n5hc math:arguments _:n5hd . _:n5hd rdf:first _:n5he . _:n5he math:arguments _:n5hf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5hd rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5hc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5hb rdf:rest _:n5hg . _:n5hg rdf:first _:n5hh . _:n5hh math:arguments _:n5hi . _:n5hi rdf:first _:n5hj ; rdf:rest _:n5hk ; a rdf:List . _:n5hh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5hg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5h9 a rdf:List . _:n5h8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol has one argument which should be a endomap p. It returns true if {a_1,...,a_n}={1,...,n} where a_1,...a_n are the arguments of p and false otherwise.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5hl . _:n5hl math:arguments _:n5hm . _:n5hm rdf:first _:n5hn . _:n5hn math:value "The following expression evaluates to true."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5hm rdf:rest _:n5ho . _:n5ho rdf:first _:n5hp . _:n5hp math:arguments _:n5hq . _:n5hq rdf:first _:n5hr . _:n5hr math:arguments _:n5hs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5hq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5hp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ho rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5hm a rdf:List . _:n5hl math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5ht . _:n5ht math:arguments _:n5hu . _:n5hu rdf:first _:n5hv . _:n5hv math:value "The following expression evaluates to false."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5hu rdf:rest _:n5hw . _:n5hw rdf:first _:n5hx . _:n5hx math:arguments _:n5hy . _:n5hy rdf:first _:n5hz . _:n5hz math:arguments _:n5i0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5hy rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5hx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5hw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5hu a rdf:List . _:n5ht math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary function. Its arguments should be positive integers. When applied to arguments a_1,...,a_n, the resulting value is true if a_i is at most n for all i, otherwise it is false.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5i1 . _:n5i1 math:arguments _:n5i2 . _:n5i2 rdf:first _:n5i3 . _:n5i3 math:value "The following expression evaluates to true"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5i2 rdf:rest _:n5i4 . _:n5i4 rdf:first _:n5i5 . _:n5i5 math:arguments _:n5i6 . _:n5i6 rdf:first _:n5i7 . _:n5i7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5i6 rdf:rest _:n5i8 . _:n5i8 rdf:first _:n5i9 ; rdf:rest _:n5ia . _:n5i6 a rdf:List . _:n5i5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5i4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5i2 a rdf:List . _:n5i1 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5ib . _:n5ib math:arguments _:n5ic . _:n5ic rdf:first _:n5id . _:n5id math:value "The following expression evaluates to false"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5ic rdf:rest _:n5ie . _:n5ie rdf:first _:n5if . _:n5if math:arguments _:n5ig . _:n5ig rdf:first _:n5ih . _:n5ih math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5ig rdf:rest _:n5ii . _:n5ii rdf:first _:n5ij ; rdf:rest _:n5ik . _:n5ig a rdf:List . _:n5if math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ie rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ic a rdf:List . _:n5ib math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary function. Its arguments should be positive integers. When applied to arguments a_1,...,a_n, the resulting value is true if a_i is at most n for all i and all a_i are distinct, otherwise it is false.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5il . _:n5il math:arguments _:n5im . _:n5im rdf:first _:n5in . _:n5in math:value "The following expression evaluates to false"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5im rdf:rest _:n5io . _:n5io rdf:first _:n5ip . _:n5ip math:arguments _:n5iq . _:n5iq rdf:first _:n5ir . _:n5ir math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5iq rdf:rest _:n5is . _:n5is rdf:first _:n5it ; rdf:rest _:n5iu . _:n5iq a rdf:List . _:n5ip math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5io rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5im a rdf:List . _:n5il math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5iv . _:n5iv math:arguments _:n5iw . _:n5iw rdf:first _:n5ix . _:n5ix math:value "The following expression evaluates to false"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5iw rdf:rest _:n5iy . _:n5iy rdf:first _:n5iz . _:n5iz math:arguments _:n5j0 . _:n5j0 rdf:first _:n5j1 . _:n5j1 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5j0 rdf:rest _:n5j2 . _:n5j2 rdf:first _:n5j3 ; rdf:rest _:n5j4 . _:n5j0 a rdf:List . _:n5iz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5iy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5iw a rdf:List . _:n5iv math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5j5 . _:n5j5 math:arguments _:n5j6 . _:n5j6 rdf:first _:n5j7 . _:n5j7 math:value "The following expression evaluates to true"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5j6 rdf:rest _:n5j8 . _:n5j8 rdf:first _:n5j9 . _:n5j9 math:arguments _:n5ja . _:n5ja rdf:first _:n5jb . _:n5jb math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5ja rdf:rest _:n5jc . _:n5jc rdf:first _:n5jd ; rdf:rest _:n5je . _:n5ja a rdf:List . _:n5j9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5j8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5j6 a rdf:List . _:n5j5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_perm(A) is true then permutation(A) is well defined." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with one argument. If the argument is not a set of cycles of length at least 2, the boolean value is false. Otherwise it is true if and only if the cycles are disjoint (that is, all entries of all cycles in the argument are mutually distinct.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5jf . _:n5jf math:arguments _:n5jg . _:n5jg rdf:first _:n5jh . _:n5jh math:value "The following value is the boolean false"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5jg rdf:rest _:n5ji . _:n5ji rdf:first _:n5jj . _:n5jj math:arguments _:n5jk . _:n5jk rdf:first _:n5jl . _:n5jl math:arguments _:n5jm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5jk rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5jj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ji rdf:rest _:n5jn . _:n5jn rdf:first _:n5jo . _:n5jo math:value "whereas the following value is true"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5jn rdf:rest _:n5jp . _:n5jp rdf:first _:n5jq . _:n5jq math:arguments _:n5jr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5jp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5jg a rdf:List . _:n5jf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_permutation(A) is true then permutation(A) is well defined." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with one argument. If the argument is not a set of cycles of length at least 2, the boolean value is false. Otherwise it is true if and only if the cycles are disjoint (that is, all entries of all cycles in the argument are mutually distinct.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5js . _:n5js math:arguments _:n5jt . _:n5jt rdf:first _:n5ju . _:n5ju math:value "The following value is the boolean false"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5jt rdf:rest _:n5jv . _:n5jv rdf:first _:n5jw . _:n5jw math:arguments _:n5jx . _:n5jx rdf:first _:n5jy . _:n5jy math:arguments _:n5jz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5jx rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5jw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5jv rdf:rest _:n5k0 . _:n5k0 rdf:first _:n5k1 . _:n5k1 math:value "whereas the following value is true"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5k0 rdf:rest _:n5k2 . _:n5k2 rdf:first _:n5k3 . _:n5k3 math:arguments _:n5k4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5k2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5jt a rdf:List . _:n5js math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function. Its arguments should be permutations. When applied to arguments P1 and P2, the resulting value is the permutation which maps x in Support(P1) union Support(P2) to P1(P2(x)).""" ; math-meta:example _:n5k5 . _:n5k5 math:arguments _:n5k6 . _:n5k6 rdf:first _:n5k7 . _:n5k7 math:value """Left and right composition of two permutations may lead to distinct results:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5k6 rdf:rest _:n5k8 . _:n5k8 rdf:first _:n5k9 . _:n5k9 math:arguments _:n5ka . _:n5ka rdf:first _:n5kb . _:n5kb math:arguments _:n5kc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ka rdf:rest _:n5kd . _:n5kd rdf:first _:n5ke ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ka a rdf:List . _:n5k9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5k8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5k6 a rdf:List . _:n5k5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument, which must be a cycle. When applied to cycle(a_1,a_2,...,a_n), it returns the number n. This number is referred to as the length of the cycle.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5kf . _:n5kf math:arguments _:n5kg . _:n5kg rdf:first _:n5kh . _:n5kh math:value "The following expression should evaluate to 3."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5kg rdf:rest _:n5ki . _:n5ki rdf:first _:n5kj . _:n5kj math:arguments _:n5kk . _:n5kk rdf:first _:n5kl . _:n5kl math:arguments _:n5km ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5kk rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5kj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ki rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5kg a rdf:List . _:n5kf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary constructor. Its arguments should be distinct positive integers in the interval [1,n]. When applied to arguments a_1,...,a_n, the resulting value is the permutation mapping i to a_i for i=1,...,n.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5kn . _:n5kn math:arguments _:n5ko . _:n5ko rdf:first _:n5kp . _:n5kp math:value """The following two expressions represent the same permutation of {1,2,3,4,5}."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5ko rdf:rest _:n5kq . _:n5kq rdf:first _:n5kr . _:n5kr math:arguments _:n5ks . _:n5ks rdf:first _:n5kt . _:n5kt math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5ks rdf:rest _:n5ku . _:n5ku rdf:first _:n5kv ; rdf:rest _:n5kw . _:n5ks a rdf:List . _:n5kr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5kq rdf:rest _:n5kx . _:n5kx rdf:first _:n5ky . _:n5ky math:arguments _:n5kz . _:n5kz rdf:first _:n5l0 ; rdf:rest _:n5l1 ; a rdf:List . _:n5ky math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5kx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ko a rdf:List . _:n5kn math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5l2 . _:n5l2 math:arguments _:n5l3 . _:n5l3 rdf:first _:n5l4 . _:n5l4 math:value "The following expression evaluates to true."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5l3 rdf:rest _:n5l5 . _:n5l5 rdf:first _:n5l6 . _:n5l6 math:arguments _:n5l7 . _:n5l7 rdf:first _:n5l8 . _:n5l8 math:arguments _:n5l9 ; math:operator _:n5la ; a math:Application . _:n5l7 rdf:rest _:n5lb . _:n5lb rdf:first _:n5lc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5l7 a rdf:List . _:n5l6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5l5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5l3 a rdf:List . _:n5l2 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument which is a permutation whose support consists of positive integers. When applied to such a permutation P, it represents the list of length n whose i-th entry is the image of i under P, where n is the maximum of the support of P.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5ld . _:n5ld math:arguments _:n5le . _:n5le rdf:first _:n5lf . _:n5lf math:value "The following two expressions represent the same list."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5le rdf:rest _:n5lg . _:n5lg rdf:first _:n5lh . _:n5lh math:arguments _:n5li . _:n5li rdf:first _:n5lj . _:n5lj math:arguments _:n5lk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5li rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5lh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5lg rdf:rest _:n5ll . _:n5ll rdf:first _:n5lm . _:n5lm math:arguments _:n5ln . _:n5ln rdf:first _:n5lo ; rdf:rest _:n5lp ; a rdf:List . _:n5lm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ll rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5le a rdf:List . _:n5ld math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument which is a permutation whose support consists of positive integers. When applied to such a permutation P, it represents the list of length n whose i-th entry is the image of i under P. Here n is at least the maximum of the support of P.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5lq . _:n5lq math:arguments _:n5lr . _:n5lr rdf:first _:n5ls . _:n5ls math:value """The following two expressions represent the same list."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5lr rdf:rest _:n5lt . _:n5lt rdf:first _:n5lu . _:n5lu math:arguments _:n5lv . _:n5lv rdf:first _:n5lw . _:n5lw math:arguments _:n5lx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5lv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5lu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5lt rdf:rest _:n5ly . _:n5ly rdf:first _:n5lz . _:n5lz math:arguments _:n5m0 . _:n5m0 rdf:first _:n5m1 ; rdf:rest _:n5m2 ; a rdf:List . _:n5lz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ly rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5lr a rdf:List . _:n5lq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The order of a permutation is the least common multiple of the elements of its cycle type.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument which should be a permutation. When applied to a permutation P, it represents the least positive integer n for which composition of n copies of P represents the identity (that is, a permutation with empty support). Note: in this definition of the order, it does not matter whether left_compose or right_compose is being used.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5m3 . _:n5m3 math:arguments _:n5m4 . _:n5m4 rdf:first _:n5m5 . _:n5m5 math:value """The order of the permutation (4,3,2,1)(5,6)(\"jan\",\"piet\") equals 4:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5m4 rdf:rest _:n5m6 . _:n5m6 rdf:first _:n5m7 . _:n5m7 math:arguments _:n5m8 . _:n5m8 rdf:first _:n5m9 . _:n5m9 math:arguments _:n5ma ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5m8 rdf:rest _:n5mb . _:n5mb rdf:first _:n5mc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5m8 a rdf:List . _:n5m7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5m6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5m4 a rdf:List . _:n5m3 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n5md . _:n5md math:binder ; math:body _:n5me . _:n5me math:arguments _:n5mf . _:n5mf rdf:first _:n5mg . _:n5mg math:arguments _:n5mh . _:n5mh rdf:first _:n5mi . _:n5mi math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n5mh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5mg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5mf rdf:rest _:n5mj . _:n5mj rdf:first _:n5mk . _:n5mk math:arguments _:n5ml . _:n5ml rdf:first _:n5mm ; rdf:rest _:n5mn ; a rdf:List . _:n5mk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5mj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5mf a rdf:List . _:n5me math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5md math:variables _:n5mo . _:n5mo rdf:first _:n5mp . _:n5mp math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n5mo rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5md a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary function. Its arguments should be positive integers. When applied to arguments a_1,...,a_n, the resulting value is the permutation mapping i to a_i.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5mq . _:n5mq math:arguments _:n5mr . _:n5mr rdf:first _:n5ms . _:n5ms math:value """The following two expressions represent the same permutation of {1,2,3,4,5}."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5mr rdf:rest _:n5mt . _:n5mt rdf:first _:n5mu . _:n5mu math:arguments _:n5mv . _:n5mv rdf:first _:n5mw . _:n5mw math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5mv rdf:rest _:n5mx . _:n5mx rdf:first _:n5my ; rdf:rest _:n5mz . _:n5mv a rdf:List . _:n5mu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5mt rdf:rest _:n5n0 . _:n5n0 rdf:first _:n5n1 . _:n5n1 math:arguments _:n5n2 . _:n5n2 rdf:first _:n5n3 ; rdf:rest _:n5n4 ; a rdf:List . _:n5n1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5n0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5mr a rdf:List . _:n5mq math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5n5 . _:n5n5 math:arguments _:n5n6 . _:n5n6 rdf:first _:n5n7 . _:n5n7 math:value "The following expression evaluates to true."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5n6 rdf:rest _:n5n8 . _:n5n8 rdf:first _:n5n9 . _:n5n9 math:arguments _:n5na . _:n5na rdf:first _:n5nb . _:n5nb math:arguments _:n5nc ; math:operator _:n5nd ; a math:Application . _:n5na rdf:rest _:n5ne . _:n5ne rdf:first _:n5nf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5na a rdf:List . _:n5n9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5n8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5n6 a rdf:List . _:n5n5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """For a valid argument A the inverse of permutation(A) is a permutation again (that is, evaluates to permutation(C) for suitable argument C).""" , """For valid arguments A and B both left_compose and right compose of permutation(A) and permutation(B) are permutations again (that is, evaluate to permutation(C) and permutation(D), respectively, for suitable C and D).""" , "permutation() is the identity." ; math-meta:description """This symbols is an n-ary function whose arguments are cycles of length at least 2 with the property that all entries of all cycles are mutually distinct. The permutation symbol constructs a bijective map from the set X of entries of the cycles to X. The map is defined as follows: if E occurs as an entry of a cycle, then the permutation maps E to the entry following E in the same cycle if it exists and to the first entry in the same cycle otherwise.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5ng . _:n5ng math:arguments _:n5nh . _:n5nh rdf:first _:n5ni . _:n5ni math:value """The permutation (1,5,4,2)(6,7) sending 1 to 5, 5 to 4, 4 to 2, 2 to 1, 6 to 7, 7 to 6, is given by"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5nh rdf:rest _:n5nj . _:n5nj rdf:first _:n5nk . _:n5nk math:arguments _:n5nl . _:n5nl rdf:first _:n5nm . _:n5nm math:arguments _:n5nn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5nl rdf:rest _:n5no . _:n5no rdf:first _:n5np ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5nl a rdf:List . _:n5nk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5nj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5nh a rdf:List . _:n5ng math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5nq . _:n5nq math:arguments _:n5nr . _:n5nr rdf:first _:n5ns . _:n5ns math:value """The following two expressions represent the same permutation of {1,2,3,4,5}."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5nr rdf:rest _:n5nt . _:n5nt rdf:first _:n5nu . _:n5nu math:arguments _:n5nv . _:n5nv rdf:first _:n5nw . _:n5nw math:arguments _:n5nx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5nv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5nu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5nt rdf:rest _:n5ny . _:n5ny rdf:first _:n5nz . _:n5nz math:arguments _:n5o0 . _:n5o0 rdf:first _:n5o1 ; rdf:rest _:n5o2 ; a rdf:List . _:n5nz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ny rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5nr a rdf:List . _:n5nq math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5o3 . _:n5o3 math:arguments _:n5o4 . _:n5o4 rdf:first _:n5o5 . _:n5o5 math:value """Left and right composition of two permutations may lead to distinct results:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5o4 rdf:rest _:n5o6 . _:n5o6 rdf:first _:n5o7 . _:n5o7 math:arguments _:n5o8 . _:n5o8 rdf:first _:n5o9 . _:n5o9 math:arguments _:n5oa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5o8 rdf:rest _:n5ob . _:n5ob rdf:first _:n5oc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5o8 a rdf:List . _:n5o7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5o6 rdf:rest _:n5od . _:n5od rdf:first _:n5oe . _:n5oe math:arguments _:n5of . _:n5of rdf:first _:n5og ; rdf:rest _:n5oh ; a rdf:List . _:n5oe math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5od rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5o4 a rdf:List . _:n5o3 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n5oi . _:n5oi math:arguments _:n5oj . _:n5oj rdf:first _:n5ok . _:n5ok math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5oj rdf:rest _:n5ol . _:n5ol rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5oj a rdf:List . _:n5oi math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function. Its argument should be a positive integer. When applied to argument n, the resulting value is the set of all permutations of the set {1,..., n}.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5om . _:n5om math:arguments _:n5on . _:n5on rdf:first _:n5oo . _:n5oo math:value """Both sides of the following equality represent the two permutations on {1,2}."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5on rdf:rest _:n5op . _:n5op rdf:first _:n5oq . _:n5oq math:arguments _:n5or . _:n5or rdf:first _:n5os . _:n5os math:arguments _:n5ot ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5or rdf:rest _:n5ou . _:n5ou rdf:first _:n5ov ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5or a rdf:List . _:n5oq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5op rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5on a rdf:List . _:n5om math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function. Its arguments should be permutations. When applied to arguments P1 and P2, the resulting value is the permutation which maps x in Support(P1) union Support(P2) to P2(P1(x)).""" ; math-meta:example _:n5ow . _:n5ow math:arguments _:n5ox . _:n5ox rdf:first _:n5oy . _:n5oy math:value """Left and right composition of two permutations may lead to distinct results. Compare the following with the corresponding example in the definition of left_compose."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5ox rdf:rest _:n5oz . _:n5oz rdf:first _:n5p0 . _:n5p0 math:arguments _:n5p1 . _:n5p1 rdf:first _:n5p2 . _:n5p2 math:arguments _:n5p3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5p1 rdf:rest _:n5p4 . _:n5p4 rdf:first _:n5p5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5p1 a rdf:List . _:n5p0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5oz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ox a rdf:List . _:n5ow math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If the cycle type of a permutation P equals [a_1,...,a_m], then the sign is equal to (-1)^(s-m) where b = a_1+...+a_m.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument which should be a permutation. When applied to a permutation P, it represents the sign of P, which is equal to -1 if P is an odd permutation and equal to 1 otherwise.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5p6 . _:n5p6 math:arguments _:n5p7 . _:n5p7 rdf:first _:n5p8 . _:n5p8 math:value """The sign of the permutation (4,3,2,1)(5,6)(\"jan\",\"piet\") equals -1:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5p7 rdf:rest _:n5p9 . _:n5p9 rdf:first _:n5pa . _:n5pa math:arguments _:n5pb . _:n5pb rdf:first _:n5pc . _:n5pc math:arguments _:n5pd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5pb rdf:rest _:n5pe . _:n5pe rdf:first _:n5pf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5pb a rdf:List . _:n5pa math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5p9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5p7 a rdf:List . _:n5p6 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n5pg . _:n5pg math:binder ; math:body _:n5ph . _:n5ph math:arguments _:n5pi . _:n5pi rdf:first _:n5pj . _:n5pj math:arguments _:n5pk . _:n5pk rdf:first _:n5pl . _:n5pl math:arguments _:n5pm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5pk rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5pj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5pi rdf:rest _:n5pn . _:n5pn rdf:first _:n5po . _:n5po math:arguments _:n5pp . _:n5pp rdf:first _:n5pq ; rdf:rest _:n5pr ; a rdf:List . _:n5po math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5pn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5pi a rdf:List . _:n5ph math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5pg math:variables _:n5ps . _:n5ps rdf:first _:n5pt . _:n5pt math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n5ps rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5pg a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with one argument which is a permutation. When applied to a permutation P whose arguments are the cycles A1,...,An, it represents the set A which is the union of the entries of all Ai for i=1,...,n.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5pu . _:n5pu math:arguments _:n5pv . _:n5pv rdf:first _:n5pw . _:n5pw math:value """The following expression represents the set {jan,piet,klaas,4,5}."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5pv rdf:rest _:n5px . _:n5px rdf:first _:n5py . _:n5py math:arguments _:n5pz . _:n5pz rdf:first _:n5q0 . _:n5q0 math:arguments _:n5q1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5pz rdf:rest _:n5q2 . _:n5q2 rdf:first _:n5q3 ; rdf:rest _:n5q4 . _:n5pz a rdf:List . _:n5py math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5px rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5pv a rdf:List . _:n5pu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :permutation1 . :physical_consts1 math-meta:description "This CD defines symbols which represent some elementary physical constants." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "Avogadros constant is 6.0221367*10^(23) +/- 3.6*10^(17)." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the number of atoms in 12 grammes of pure carbon(12). It is approximately 6.0221367*10^(23) +/- 3.6*10^(17).""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5q5 . _:n5q5 math:arguments _:n5q6 . _:n5q6 rdf:first _:n5q7 . _:n5q7 math:arguments _:n5q8 . _:n5q8 rdf:first _:n5q9 . _:n5q9 math:arguments _:n5qa . _:n5qa rdf:first _:n5qb ; rdf:rest _:n5qc ; a rdf:List . _:n5q9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5q8 rdf:rest _:n5qd . _:n5qd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5q8 a rdf:List . _:n5q7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5q6 rdf:rest _:n5qe . _:n5qe rdf:first _:n5qf . _:n5qf math:arguments _:n5qg . _:n5qg rdf:first _:n5qh . _:n5qh math:arguments _:n5qi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5qg rdf:rest _:n5qj . _:n5qj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5qg a rdf:List . _:n5qf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5qe rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5q6 a rdf:List . _:n5q5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The Boltzmann constant is equal to 1.380658*10^(-23) +/- 1.2*10^(-28) Joules per Kelvin.""" ; math-meta:description """A constant which describes the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy for molecules in an ideal gas. It is approximately 1.380658*10^(-23) +/- 1.2*10^(-28) Joules per Kelvin.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5qk . _:n5qk math:binder ; math:body _:n5ql . _:n5ql math:arguments _:n5qm . _:n5qm rdf:first _:n5qn . _:n5qn math:arguments _:n5qo . _:n5qo rdf:first _:n5qp . _:n5qp math:arguments _:n5qq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5qo rdf:rest _:n5qr . _:n5qr rdf:first _:n5qs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5qo a rdf:List . _:n5qn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5qm rdf:rest _:n5qt . _:n5qt rdf:first _:n5qu . _:n5qu math:arguments _:n5qv . _:n5qv rdf:first _:n5qw ; rdf:rest _:n5qx ; a rdf:List . _:n5qu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5qt rdf:rest _:n5qy . _:n5qy rdf:first _:n5qz . _:n5qz math:arguments _:n5r0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5qy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5qm a rdf:List . _:n5ql math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5qk math:variables _:n5r1 . _:n5r1 rdf:first _:n5r2 . _:n5r2 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n5r1 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5qk a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Faradays constant is 96485.309 +/- 0.029 Coulombs per mole." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the electric charge carried by one mole of electrons. It is approximately 96485.309 +/- 0.029 Coulombs per mole.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5r3 . _:n5r3 math:binder ; math:body _:n5r4 . _:n5r4 math:arguments _:n5r5 . _:n5r5 rdf:first _:n5r6 . _:n5r6 math:arguments _:n5r7 . _:n5r7 rdf:first _:n5r8 . _:n5r8 math:arguments _:n5r9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5r7 rdf:rest _:n5ra . _:n5ra rdf:first _:n5rb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5r7 a rdf:List . _:n5r6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5r5 rdf:rest _:n5rc . _:n5rc rdf:first _:n5rd . _:n5rd math:arguments _:n5re . _:n5re rdf:first _:n5rf ; rdf:rest _:n5rg ; a rdf:List . _:n5rd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5rc rdf:rest _:n5rh . _:n5rh rdf:first _:n5ri . _:n5ri math:arguments _:n5rj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5rh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5r5 a rdf:List . _:n5r4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5r3 math:variables _:n5rk . _:n5rk rdf:first _:n5rl . _:n5rl math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:n5rk rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5r3 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The Loschmidt constant is 2.686763 * 10^(25) +/- 2.3 * 10^(20) per metre cubed.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the number of particles per unit volume of an ideal gas at standard temperature and pressure. It is approximately 2.686763 * 10^(25) +/- 2.3 * 10^(20) per metre cubed.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5rm . _:n5rm math:binder ; math:body _:n5rn . _:n5rn math:arguments _:n5ro . _:n5ro rdf:first _:n5rp . _:n5rp math:arguments _:n5rq . _:n5rq rdf:first _:n5rr . _:n5rr math:arguments _:n5rs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5rq rdf:rest _:n5rt . _:n5rt rdf:first _:n5ru ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5rq a rdf:List . _:n5rp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ro rdf:rest _:n5rv . _:n5rv rdf:first _:n5rw . _:n5rw math:arguments _:n5rx . _:n5rx rdf:first _:n5ry ; rdf:rest _:n5rz ; a rdf:List . _:n5rw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5rv rdf:rest _:n5s0 . _:n5s0 rdf:first _:n5s1 . _:n5s1 math:arguments _:n5s2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5s0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ro a rdf:List . _:n5rn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5rm math:variables _:n5s3 . _:n5s3 rdf:first _:n5s4 . _:n5s4 math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:n5s3 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5rm a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The Planck constant is 6.6260755*10^(-34) +/- 4.0*10^(-40) Joule seconds this is equivalent to There exists P s.t. 6.626075... -4.0... < P and 6.626075... +4.0... > P and Planck constant = P*Joule*second""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fundamental constant equal to the ratio of the energy of a quantum of energy to its frequency. It is approximately equal to 6.6260755*10^(-34) +/- 4.0*10^(-40) Joule seconds.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5s5 . _:n5s5 math:binder ; math:body _:n5s6 . _:n5s6 math:arguments _:n5s7 . _:n5s7 rdf:first _:n5s8 . _:n5s8 math:arguments _:n5s9 . _:n5s9 rdf:first _:n5sa . _:n5sa math:arguments _:n5sb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5s9 rdf:rest _:n5sc . _:n5sc rdf:first _:n5sd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5s9 a rdf:List . _:n5s8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5s7 rdf:rest _:n5se . _:n5se rdf:first _:n5sf . _:n5sf math:arguments _:n5sg . _:n5sg rdf:first _:n5sh ; rdf:rest _:n5si ; a rdf:List . _:n5sf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5se rdf:rest _:n5sj . _:n5sj rdf:first _:n5sk . _:n5sk math:arguments _:n5sl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5sj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5s7 a rdf:List . _:n5s6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5s5 math:variables _:n5sm . _:n5sm rdf:first _:n5sn . _:n5sn math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n5sm rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5s5 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the absolute zero of temperature, synonymous with the object of that temperature having zero latent heat.""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The gas constant is 8.31451 +/- 7.0*10^(-05) Joules per mole per Kelvin.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the constant which is equal to the ratio of the pressure times the volume and the temperature of an ideal gas. It is approximately 8.31451 +/- 7.0*10^(-05) Joules per mole per Kelvin.""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The gravitational constant is approximately 6.672*10^(-11) Newton square metres per kilogramme squared""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the constant of proportionality in Newtons law of universal gravitation which states; Two bodies attract each other with equal and opposite forces; the magnitude of this force is proportional to the product of the two masses and is also proportional to the inverse square of the distance between the centers of mass of the two bodies. It is approximately equal to: 6.672*10^(-11) Newton square metres per kilogramme squared.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5so . _:n5so math:arguments _:n5sp . _:n5sp rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5sq . _:n5sq rdf:first _:n5sr . _:n5sr math:arguments _:n5ss . _:n5ss rdf:first _:n5st . _:n5st math:arguments _:n5su ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ss rdf:rest _:n5sv . _:n5sv rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5sw . _:n5ss a rdf:List . _:n5sr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5sq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5sp a rdf:List . _:n5so math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "one light year is approximately 9221136415095314 metres" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the distant for which a beam of light would take a year to traverse, in a vacuum.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5sx . _:n5sx math:arguments _:n5sy . _:n5sy rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5sz . _:n5sz rdf:first _:n5t0 . _:n5t0 math:arguments _:n5t1 . _:n5t1 rdf:first _:n5t2 . _:n5t2 math:value "9221136415095314"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5t1 rdf:rest _:n5t3 . _:n5t3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5t1 a rdf:List . _:n5t0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5sz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5sy a rdf:List . _:n5sx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The magnetic constant is equal to 4 pi x 10^(-7) H/m." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the ratio of the magnetic flux density in a substance to the external field strength for vacuum. It is equal to 4 pi x 10^(-7) H/m.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5t4 . _:n5t4 math:arguments _:n5t5 . _:n5t5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5t6 . _:n5t6 rdf:first _:n5t7 . _:n5t7 math:arguments _:n5t8 . _:n5t8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5t9 . _:n5t9 rdf:first _:n5ta ; rdf:rest _:n5tb . _:n5t8 a rdf:List . _:n5t7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5t6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5t5 a rdf:List . _:n5t4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the number of atoms in one gramme of carbon(12)." ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The speed of light is approximately 299792458 metres per second" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the speed of light in a vacuum. It is approximately 299792458 metres per second.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5tc . _:n5tc math:arguments _:n5td . _:n5td rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n5te . _:n5te rdf:first _:n5tf . _:n5tf math:arguments _:n5tg . _:n5tg rdf:first _:n5th . _:n5th math:value "299792458"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5tg rdf:rest _:n5ti . _:n5ti rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5tg a rdf:List . _:n5tf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5te rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5td a rdf:List . _:n5tc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the zero of the Celsius temperature scale." ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the zero of the Fahrenheit temperature scale." ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :physical_consts1 . :piece1 math-meta:description """This CD is intended to be compatible with the corresponding elements in Content MathML 2. In this CD we give a set of operators for piece-wise defined expressions.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol introduces the 'default' value of a piecewise construct. If none of the previous piece constructs can provide the value, this will. It has a single child, the value.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5tj . _:n5tj math:arguments _:n5tk . _:n5tk rdf:first _:n5tl . _:n5tl math:arguments _:n5tm . _:n5tm rdf:first _:n5tn . _:n5tn math:arguments _:n5to . _:n5to rdf:first _:n5tp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5tn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5tm rdf:rest _:n5tq . _:n5tq rdf:first _:n5tr . _:n5tr math:arguments _:n5ts ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5tq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5tm a rdf:List . _:n5tl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5tk rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5tj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :piece1 . math-meta:description """This introduces an individual component of a piecewise definition. It has precisely two arguments: the first is the value, and the second is a Boolean (meant to be a predicate) which is true if and only if this piece is to provide the value of the piecewise construct.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5tt . _:n5tt math:arguments _:n5tu . _:n5tu rdf:first _:n5tv . _:n5tv math:arguments _:n5tw . _:n5tw rdf:first _:n5tx . _:n5tx math:arguments _:n5ty . _:n5ty rdf:first _:n5tz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5tx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5tw rdf:rest _:n5u0 . _:n5u0 rdf:first _:n5u1 . _:n5u1 math:arguments _:n5u2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5u0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5tw a rdf:List . _:n5tv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5tu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5tt math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :piece1 . math-meta:description """This operator heads an expression that is being defined piecewise. Its arguments are n objects built with the piece constructor, optionally followed by one built with otherwise constructor.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5u3 . _:n5u3 math:arguments _:n5u4 . _:n5u4 rdf:first _:n5u5 . _:n5u5 math:arguments _:n5u6 . _:n5u6 rdf:first _:n5u7 . _:n5u7 math:arguments _:n5u8 . _:n5u8 rdf:first _:n5u9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5u7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5u6 rdf:rest _:n5ua . _:n5ua rdf:first _:n5ub . _:n5ub math:arguments _:n5uc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ua rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5u6 a rdf:List . _:n5u5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5u4 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5u3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :piece1 . :plangeo1 math-meta:description "This CD defines symbols for planar Euclidean geometry." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "The statement that a set of points is collinear." ; math-meta:example _:n5ud . _:n5ud math:arguments _:n5ue . _:n5ue rdf:first _:n5uf . _:n5uf math:value "This example states that A, B, C, and D are collinear."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5ue rdf:rest _:n5ug . _:n5ug rdf:first _:n5uh . _:n5uh math:arguments _:n5ui . _:n5ui rdf:first _:n5uj . _:n5uj math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n5ui rdf:rest _:n5uk . _:n5uk rdf:first _:n5ul ; rdf:rest _:n5um . _:n5ui a rdf:List . _:n5uh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ug rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ue a rdf:List . _:n5ud math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol is a constructor with two arguments. Its first argument should be a configuration, its second argument a statement about the configuration, called thesis. When applied to a configuration C and a thesis T, the OpenMath object assertion(C,T) expresses the assertion that T holds in C.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5un . _:n5un math:arguments _:n5uo . _:n5uo rdf:first _:n5up . _:n5up math:value """The assertion that two distinct lines meet in only one point can be expressed as follows using the assertion symbol."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5uo rdf:rest _:n5uq . _:n5uq rdf:first _:n5ur . _:n5ur math:arguments _:n5us . _:n5us rdf:first _:n5ut . _:n5ut math:arguments _:n5uu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5us rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5ur math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5uq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5uo a rdf:List . _:n5un math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol represents a configuration in Euclidean planar geometry consisting of a sequence of geometric objects like points, lines, etc, but also of other configurations.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5uv . _:n5uv math:arguments _:n5uw . _:n5uw rdf:first _:n5ux . _:n5ux math:value """The configuration of a point A and a line l incident to A is defined by:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5uw rdf:rest _:n5uy . _:n5uy rdf:first _:n5uz . _:n5uz math:arguments _:n5v0 . _:n5v0 rdf:first _:n5v1 . _:n5v1 math:arguments _:n5v2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5v0 rdf:rest _:n5v3 . _:n5v3 rdf:first _:n5v4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5v0 a rdf:List . _:n5uz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5uy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5uw a rdf:List . _:n5uv math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5v5 . _:n5v5 math:arguments _:n5v6 . _:n5v6 rdf:first _:n5v7 . _:n5v7 math:value """The prevous configuration of a point A and a line l incident with A can be extended by adding a second point B incident with l:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5v6 rdf:rest _:n5v8 . _:n5v8 rdf:first _:n5v9 . _:n5v9 math:arguments _:n5va . _:n5va rdf:first _:n5vb . _:n5vb math:arguments _:n5vc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5va rdf:rest _:n5vd . _:n5vd rdf:first _:n5ve ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5va a rdf:List . _:n5v9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5v8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5v6 a rdf:List . _:n5v5 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n5vf . _:n5vf math:arguments _:n5vg . _:n5vg rdf:first _:n5vh . _:n5vh math:value "We describe a triangle on the distinct points A, B, C and lines a, b, c:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5vg rdf:rest _:n5vi . _:n5vi rdf:first _:n5vj . _:n5vj math:arguments _:n5vk . _:n5vk rdf:first _:n5vl . _:n5vl math:arguments _:n5vm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5vk rdf:rest _:n5vn . _:n5vn rdf:first _:n5vo ; rdf:rest _:n5vp . _:n5vk a rdf:List . _:n5vj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5vi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5vg a rdf:List . _:n5vf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol represents the logical incidence function which is a binary function taking arguments representing geometric objects like points and lines and returning a boolean value. It is true if and only if the first argument is incident to the second.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5vq . _:n5vq math:arguments _:n5vr . _:n5vr rdf:first _:n5vs . _:n5vs math:value """That a point A is incident to a line l is given by:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5vr rdf:rest _:n5vt . _:n5vt rdf:first _:n5vu . _:n5vu math:arguments _:n5vv . _:n5vv rdf:first _:n5vw . _:n5vw math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n5vv rdf:rest _:n5vx . _:n5vx rdf:first _:n5vy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5vv a rdf:List . _:n5vu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5vt rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5vr a rdf:List . _:n5vq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol is used to indicate a line of planar Euclidean geometry by a variable. The line may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5vz . _:n5vz math:arguments _:n5w0 . _:n5w0 rdf:first _:n5w1 . _:n5w1 math:value """Given points A and B, a line l through A and B is defined by:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5w0 rdf:rest _:n5w2 . _:n5w2 rdf:first _:n5w3 . _:n5w3 math:arguments _:n5w4 . _:n5w4 rdf:first _:n5w5 . _:n5w5 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:n5w4 rdf:rest _:n5w6 . _:n5w6 rdf:first _:n5w7 ; rdf:rest _:n5w8 . _:n5w4 a rdf:List . _:n5w3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5w2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5w0 a rdf:List . _:n5vz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo1 . math-meta:description """The symbol is used to indicate a point of planar Euclidean geometry by a variable. The point may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5w9 . _:n5w9 math:arguments _:n5wa . _:n5wa rdf:first _:n5wb . _:n5wb math:value """Given two lines l and m, a point A on l and m is defined by:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5wa rdf:rest _:n5wc . _:n5wc rdf:first _:n5wd . _:n5wd math:arguments _:n5we . _:n5we rdf:first _:n5wf . _:n5wf math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n5we rdf:rest _:n5wg . _:n5wg rdf:first _:n5wh ; rdf:rest _:n5wi . _:n5we a rdf:List . _:n5wd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5wc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5wa a rdf:List . _:n5w9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If A and B are objects of the same type, then they are not incident." ; math-meta:description """The symbol represents the type of the basic geometric objects: points, lines, configuration.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n5wj . _:n5wj math:arguments _:n5wk . _:n5wk rdf:first _:n5wl . _:n5wl math:arguments _:n5wm . _:n5wm rdf:first _:n5wn . _:n5wn math:arguments _:n5wo . _:n5wo rdf:first _:n5wp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5wn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5wm rdf:rest _:n5wq . _:n5wq rdf:first _:n5wr . _:n5wr math:arguments _:n5ws ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5wq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5wm a rdf:List . _:n5wl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5wk rdf:rest _:n5wt . _:n5wt rdf:first _:n5wu . _:n5wu math:arguments _:n5wv . _:n5wv rdf:first _:n5ww . _:n5ww math:arguments _:n5wx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5wv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5wu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5wt rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5wk a rdf:List . _:n5wj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo1 . :plangeo2 math-meta:description "This CD defines symbols for planar Euclidean geometry." ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """The corner between two halflines L and M, both starting at the same point. Given three points A, B and C, the corner A, B, C is the corner of the two halflines BA and BC. Corresponding to the two cases, the symbol can have as arguments two halflines or three points.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5wy . _:n5wy math:arguments _:n5wz . _:n5wz rdf:first _:n5x0 . _:n5x0 math:arguments _:n5x1 . _:n5x1 rdf:first _:n5x2 . _:n5x2 math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:n5x1 rdf:rest _:n5x3 . _:n5x3 rdf:first _:n5x4 . _:n5x4 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n5x3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5x1 a rdf:List . _:n5x0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5wz rdf:rest _:n5x5 . _:n5x5 rdf:first _:n5x6 . _:n5x6 math:value "or"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5x5 rdf:rest _:n5x7 . _:n5x7 rdf:first _:n5x8 . _:n5x8 math:arguments _:n5x9 . _:n5x9 rdf:first _:n5xa ; rdf:rest _:n5xb ; a rdf:List . _:n5x8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5x7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5wz a rdf:List . _:n5wy math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo2 . math-meta:description "The endpoint of a halfline." ; math-meta:example _:n5xc . _:n5xc math:arguments _:n5xd . _:n5xd rdf:first _:n5xe . _:n5xe math:value "The endpoint of a halfline H is given by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5xd rdf:rest _:n5xf . _:n5xf rdf:first _:n5xg . _:n5xg math:arguments _:n5xh . _:n5xh rdf:first _:n5xi . _:n5xi math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:n5xh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5xg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5xf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5xd a rdf:List . _:n5xc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo2 . math-meta:description "The two endpoints of a segment." ; math-meta:example _:n5xj . _:n5xj math:arguments _:n5xk . _:n5xk rdf:first _:n5xl . _:n5xl math:value "The set of the two endpoints of a segment S is given by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5xk rdf:rest _:n5xm . _:n5xm rdf:first _:n5xn . _:n5xn math:arguments _:n5xo . _:n5xo rdf:first _:n5xp . _:n5xp math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n5xo rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5xn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5xm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5xk a rdf:List . _:n5xj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo2 . math-meta:description """The halfline starting at A and going through B. The symbol takes as arguments the points A and B.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5xq . _:n5xq math:arguments _:n5xr . _:n5xr rdf:first _:n5xs . _:n5xs math:arguments _:n5xt . _:n5xt rdf:first _:n5xu . _:n5xu math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n5xt rdf:rest _:n5xv . _:n5xv rdf:first _:n5xw . _:n5xw math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n5xv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5xt a rdf:List . _:n5xs math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5xr rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5xq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo2 . math-meta:description """The segment of a line between two points of the line. The segment is contained in the affine part of the line. The symbol takes as arguments the two points.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5xx . _:n5xx math:arguments _:n5xy . _:n5xy rdf:first _:n5xz . _:n5xz math:value "The segment AB:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5xy rdf:rest _:n5y0 . _:n5y0 rdf:first _:n5y1 . _:n5y1 math:arguments _:n5y2 . _:n5y2 rdf:first _:n5y3 . _:n5y3 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n5y2 rdf:rest _:n5y4 . _:n5y4 rdf:first _:n5y5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5y2 a rdf:List . _:n5y1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5y0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5xy a rdf:List . _:n5xx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo2 . :plangeo3 math-meta:description "This CD defines symbols for planar Euclidean geometry related to distance." ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """Given a point p and a line L, this defines the segment starting at p and ending in the unique point of L closest to p.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5y6 . _:n5y6 math:arguments _:n5y7 . _:n5y7 rdf:first _:n5y8 . _:n5y8 math:arguments _:n5y9 . _:n5y9 rdf:first _:n5ya . _:n5ya math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n5y9 rdf:rest _:n5yb . _:n5yb rdf:first _:n5yc . _:n5yc math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:n5yb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5y9 a rdf:List . _:n5y8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5y7 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5y6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description "Angle of a corner, always measured in positive (anti-clockwise) direction." ; math-meta:example _:n5yd . _:n5yd math:arguments _:n5ye . _:n5ye rdf:first _:n5yf . _:n5yf math:value "Notice that"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5ye rdf:rest _:n5yg . _:n5yg rdf:first _:n5yh . _:n5yh math:arguments _:n5yi . _:n5yi rdf:first _:n5yj . _:n5yj math:arguments _:n5yk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5yi rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5yh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5yg rdf:rest _:n5yl . _:n5yl rdf:first _:n5ym . _:n5ym math:arguments _:n5yn . _:n5yn rdf:first _:n5yo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5ym math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5yl rdf:rest _:n5yp . _:n5yp rdf:first _:n5yq . _:n5yq math:value "are not the same."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5yp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ye a rdf:List . _:n5yd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description """an arc of a circle M from A to B is the set of points of M that are encountered when traversing the circle clockwise from A to B.""" ; math-meta:example _:n5yr . _:n5yr math:arguments _:n5ys . _:n5ys rdf:first _:n5yt . _:n5yt math:arguments _:n5yu . _:n5yu rdf:first _:n5yv . _:n5yv math:arguments _:n5yw . _:n5yw rdf:first _:n5yx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5yv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5yu rdf:rest _:n5yy . _:n5yy rdf:first _:n5yz . _:n5yz math:arguments _:n5z0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5yy rdf:rest _:n5z1 . _:n5z1 rdf:first _:n5z2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5yu a rdf:List . _:n5yt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5ys rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5yr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description "The statement that a set of points is on one circle." ; math-meta:example _:n5z3 . _:n5z3 math:arguments _:n5z4 . _:n5z4 rdf:first _:n5z5 . _:n5z5 math:value "This example states that A, B, C, and D lie on one circle."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5z4 rdf:rest _:n5z6 . _:n5z6 rdf:first _:n5z7 . _:n5z7 math:arguments _:n5z8 . _:n5z8 rdf:first _:n5z9 . _:n5z9 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n5z8 rdf:rest _:n5za . _:n5za rdf:first _:n5zb ; rdf:rest _:n5zc . _:n5z8 a rdf:List . _:n5z7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5z6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5z4 a rdf:List . _:n5z3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description "Defines the center of a circle." ; math-meta:example _:n5zd . _:n5zd math:arguments _:n5ze . _:n5ze rdf:first _:n5zf . _:n5zf math:value "The circle C with center A and radius 1 is given by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5ze rdf:rest _:n5zg . _:n5zg rdf:first _:n5zh . _:n5zh math:arguments _:n5zi . _:n5zi rdf:first _:n5zj . _:n5zj math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n5zi rdf:rest _:n5zk . _:n5zk rdf:first _:n5zl ; rdf:rest _:n5zm . _:n5zi a rdf:List . _:n5zh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5zg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ze a rdf:List . _:n5zd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description "Gives the center of the circle" ; math-meta:example _:n5zn . _:n5zn math:arguments _:n5zo . _:n5zo rdf:first _:n5zp . _:n5zp math:value "If C is the circle of the previous example then the following gives A."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5zo rdf:rest _:n5zq . _:n5zq rdf:first _:n5zr . _:n5zr math:arguments _:n5zs . _:n5zs rdf:first _:n5zt . _:n5zt math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n5zs rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5zr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5zq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5zo a rdf:List . _:n5zn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description "Center of gravity of a number of points." ; math-meta:example _:n5zu . _:n5zu math:arguments _:n5zv . _:n5zv rdf:first _:n5zw . _:n5zw math:value "The center of gravity G of three points A, B and C is defined as follows."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5zv rdf:rest _:n5zx . _:n5zx rdf:first _:n5zy . _:n5zy math:arguments _:n5zz . _:n5zz rdf:first _:n600 . _:n600 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n5zz rdf:rest _:n601 . _:n601 rdf:first _:n602 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5zz a rdf:List . _:n5zy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5zx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5zv a rdf:List . _:n5zu math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n603 . _:n603 math:arguments _:n604 . _:n604 rdf:first _:n605 . _:n605 math:arguments _:n606 . _:n606 rdf:first _:n607 . _:n607 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n606 rdf:rest _:n608 . _:n608 rdf:first _:n609 . _:n609 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n608 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n606 a rdf:List . _:n605 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n604 rdf:rest _:n60a . _:n60a rdf:first _:n60b . _:n60b math:arguments _:n60c . _:n60c rdf:first _:n60d . _:n60d math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n60c rdf:rest _:n60e . _:n60e rdf:first _:n60f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n60c a rdf:List . _:n60b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n60a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n604 a rdf:List . _:n603 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description """The symbol represents a circle. The circle may be subject to constraints.""" ; math-meta:example _:n60g . _:n60g math:arguments _:n60h . _:n60h rdf:first _:n60i . _:n60i math:value "The circle C with center A and radius 1 is given by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n60h rdf:rest _:n60j . _:n60j rdf:first _:n60k . _:n60k math:arguments _:n60l . _:n60l rdf:first _:n60m . _:n60m math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n60l rdf:rest _:n60n . _:n60n rdf:first _:n60o ; rdf:rest _:n60p . _:n60l a rdf:List . _:n60k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n60j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n60h a rdf:List . _:n60g math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description """The distance between two affine points is the Euclidean distance. The distance between two geometric objects O and O' is the infimum of the distances between two affine points, one on O and one on O'.""" ; math-meta:example _:n60q . _:n60q math:arguments _:n60r . _:n60r rdf:first _:n60s . _:n60s math:value "The distance between two points A and B."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n60r rdf:rest _:n60t . _:n60t rdf:first _:n60u . _:n60u math:arguments _:n60v . _:n60v rdf:first _:n60w . _:n60w math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n60v rdf:rest _:n60x . _:n60x rdf:first _:n60y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n60v a rdf:List . _:n60u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n60t rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n60r a rdf:List . _:n60q math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description "The statement that one point is the midpoint of two others." ; math-meta:example _:n60z . _:n60z math:arguments _:n610 . _:n610 rdf:first _:n611 . _:n611 math:value "This example states that C is the midpoint of A and B."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n610 rdf:rest _:n612 . _:n612 rdf:first _:n613 . _:n613 math:arguments _:n614 . _:n614 rdf:first _:n615 . _:n615 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n614 rdf:rest _:n616 . _:n616 rdf:first _:n617 ; rdf:rest _:n618 . _:n614 a rdf:List . _:n613 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n612 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n610 a rdf:List . _:n60z math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description "The midpoint between two points or two endpoints of a segment." ; math-meta:example _:n619 . _:n619 math:arguments _:n61a . _:n61a rdf:first _:n61b . _:n61b math:value """The midpoint of two points A and B is the same as the midpoint of the segment S on A and B."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n61a rdf:rest _:n61c . _:n61c rdf:first _:n61d . _:n61d math:arguments _:n61e . _:n61e rdf:first _:n61f . _:n61f math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n61e rdf:rest _:n61g . _:n61g rdf:first _:n61h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n61e a rdf:List . _:n61d math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n61c rdf:rest _:n61i . _:n61i rdf:first _:n61j . _:n61j math:value "equals"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n61i rdf:rest _:n61k . _:n61k rdf:first _:n61l . _:n61l math:arguments _:n61m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n61k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n61a a rdf:List . _:n619 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description """parallel is a binary boolean function with input two lines, halflines or segments. Its value is true whenever the two inputs are parallel.""" ; math-meta:example _:n61n . _:n61n math:arguments _:n61o . _:n61o rdf:first _:n61p . _:n61p math:value "Testing parallelism of two lines L and M."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n61o rdf:rest _:n61q . _:n61q rdf:first _:n61r . _:n61r math:arguments _:n61s . _:n61s rdf:first _:n61t . _:n61t math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:n61s rdf:rest _:n61u . _:n61u rdf:first _:n61v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n61s a rdf:List . _:n61r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n61q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n61o a rdf:List . _:n61n math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description """Given two distinct points A and B, this is the line of all points at equal distance to both A and B.""" ; math-meta:example _:n61w . _:n61w math:arguments _:n61x . _:n61x rdf:first _:n61y . _:n61y math:arguments _:n61z . _:n61z rdf:first _:n620 . _:n620 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n61z rdf:rest _:n621 . _:n621 rdf:first _:n622 . _:n622 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n621 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n61z a rdf:List . _:n61y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n61x rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n61w math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description """perpendicular is a binary boolean function with input two lines, halflines or segments. Its value is true whenever the two inputs are perpendicular to each other.""" ; math-meta:example _:n623 . _:n623 math:arguments _:n624 . _:n624 rdf:first _:n625 . _:n625 math:value "Testing perpendicularity of two lines L and M."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n624 rdf:rest _:n626 . _:n626 rdf:first _:n627 . _:n627 math:arguments _:n628 . _:n628 rdf:first _:n629 . _:n629 math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:n628 rdf:rest _:n62a . _:n62a rdf:first _:n62b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n628 a rdf:List . _:n627 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n626 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n624 a rdf:List . _:n623 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description """Given a point p and a line L, this defines the line through p perpendicular to L.""" ; math-meta:example _:n62c . _:n62c math:arguments _:n62d . _:n62d rdf:first _:n62e . _:n62e math:arguments _:n62f . _:n62f rdf:first _:n62g . _:n62g math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n62f rdf:rest _:n62h . _:n62h rdf:first _:n62i . _:n62i math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:n62h rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n62f a rdf:List . _:n62e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n62d rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n62c math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If p is incident with the circle C, the polar line of p with respect to C is the tangent line at p with respect to C.""" ; math-meta:description """Given a point p and a circle C this defines the polar line of p with respect to C.""" ; math-meta:example _:n62j . _:n62j math:arguments _:n62k . _:n62k rdf:first _:n62l . _:n62l math:arguments _:n62m . _:n62m rdf:first _:n62n . _:n62n math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n62m rdf:rest _:n62o . _:n62o rdf:first _:n62p . _:n62p math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n62o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n62m a rdf:List . _:n62l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n62k rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n62j math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description "The radius of a circle." ; math-meta:example _:n62q . _:n62q math:arguments _:n62r . _:n62r rdf:first _:n62s . _:n62s math:value "The assertion that the radius of the circle C is 1:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n62r rdf:rest _:n62t . _:n62t rdf:first _:n62u . _:n62u math:arguments _:n62v . _:n62v rdf:first _:n62w . _:n62w math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n62v rdf:rest _:n62x . _:n62x rdf:first _:n62y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n62v a rdf:List . _:n62u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n62t rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n62r a rdf:List . _:n62q math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description "Gives the radius of a circle." ; math-meta:example _:n62z . _:n62z math:arguments _:n630 . _:n630 rdf:first _:n631 . _:n631 math:value "The radius of the circle C is given by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n630 rdf:rest _:n632 . _:n632 rdf:first _:n633 . _:n633 math:arguments _:n634 . _:n634 rdf:first _:n635 . _:n635 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n634 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n633 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n632 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n630 a rdf:List . _:n62z math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . math-meta:description """Given a line L and a circle C this boolean checks whether L is a tangent line to C.""" ; math-meta:example _:n636 . _:n636 math:arguments _:n637 . _:n637 rdf:first _:n638 . _:n638 math:arguments _:n639 . _:n639 rdf:first _:n63a . _:n63a math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:n639 rdf:rest _:n63b . _:n63b rdf:first _:n63c . _:n63c math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n63b rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n639 a rdf:List . _:n638 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n637 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n636 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo3 . :plangeo4 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols for planar Euclidean geometry. In particular, it is concerned with projective and affine coordinates of points and lines.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This function yields the affine coordinates vector if applied to a point or line with coordinates in the affine plane.""" ; math-meta:example _:n63d . _:n63d math:arguments _:n63e . _:n63e rdf:first _:n63f . _:n63f math:value """The affine coordinates (1/3,2/3) are expressed as follows for the point A with projective coordinates (1,2,3)."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n63e rdf:rest _:n63g . _:n63g rdf:first _:n63h . _:n63h math:arguments _:n63i . _:n63i rdf:first _:n63j . _:n63j math:arguments _:n63k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n63i rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n63h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n63g rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n63e a rdf:List . _:n63d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo4 . math-meta:description """This function yields the coordinates vector if applied to a point or line with coordinates.""" ; math-meta:example _:n63l . _:n63l math:arguments _:n63m . _:n63m rdf:first _:n63n . _:n63n math:value "To extract the coordinates of a point A with coordinates (1,2,3):"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n63m rdf:rest _:n63o . _:n63o rdf:first _:n63p . _:n63p math:arguments _:n63q . _:n63q rdf:first _:n63r . _:n63r math:arguments _:n63s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n63q rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n63p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n63o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n63m a rdf:List . _:n63l math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n63t . _:n63t math:arguments _:n63u . _:n63u rdf:first _:n63v . _:n63v math:arguments _:n63w . _:n63w rdf:first _:n63x . _:n63x math:arguments _:n63y . _:n63y rdf:first _:n63z ; rdf:rest _:n640 ; a rdf:List . _:n63x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n63w rdf:rest _:n641 . _:n641 rdf:first _:n642 . _:n642 math:arguments _:n643 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n641 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n63w a rdf:List . _:n63v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n63u rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n63t math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo4 . math-meta:description "Boolean function testing whether a point or line is affine." ; math-meta:example _:n644 . _:n644 math:arguments _:n645 . _:n645 rdf:first _:n646 . _:n646 math:arguments _:n647 . _:n647 rdf:first _:n648 . _:n648 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n647 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n646 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n645 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n644 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n649 . _:n649 math:binder ; math:body _:n64a . _:n64a math:arguments _:n64b . _:n64b rdf:first _:n64c . _:n64c math:binder ; math:body _:n64d . _:n64d math:arguments _:n64e . _:n64e rdf:first _:n64f ; rdf:rest _:n64g ; a rdf:List . _:n64d math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n64c math:variables _:n64h . _:n64h rdf:first _:n64i . _:n64i math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n64h rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n64c a math:Binding . _:n64b rdf:rest _:n64j . _:n64j rdf:first _:n64k . _:n64k math:arguments _:n64l . _:n64l rdf:first _:n64m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n64k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n64j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n64b a rdf:List . _:n64a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n649 math:variables _:n64n . _:n64n rdf:first _:n64o . _:n64o math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:n64n rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n649 a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n64p . _:n64p math:binder ; math:body _:n64q . _:n64q math:arguments _:n64r . _:n64r rdf:first _:n64s . _:n64s math:binder ; math:body _:n64t . _:n64t math:arguments _:n64u . _:n64u rdf:first _:n64v ; rdf:rest _:n64w ; a rdf:List . _:n64t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n64s math:variables _:n64x . _:n64x rdf:first _:n64y . _:n64y math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n64x rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n64s a math:Binding . _:n64r rdf:rest _:n64z . _:n64z rdf:first _:n650 . _:n650 math:arguments _:n651 . _:n651 rdf:first _:n652 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n650 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n64z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n64r a rdf:List . _:n64q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n64p math:variables _:n653 . _:n653 rdf:first _:n654 . _:n654 math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:n653 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n64p a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo4 . math-meta:description "Defines the affine coordinates of an affine point or line." ; math-meta:example _:n655 . _:n655 math:arguments _:n656 . _:n656 rdf:first _:n657 . _:n657 math:value "Assign the affine coordinates (1/3,2/3) to A."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n656 rdf:rest _:n658 . _:n658 rdf:first _:n659 . _:n659 math:arguments _:n65a . _:n65a rdf:first _:n65b . _:n65b math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n65a rdf:rest _:n65c . _:n65c rdf:first _:n65d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n65a a rdf:List . _:n659 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n658 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n656 a rdf:List . _:n655 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo4 . math-meta:description """This symbol defines the coordinates of a point or a line. The coordinates are the projective coordinates and consist of a vector of length 3. Points whose third coordinates are zero are the points at infinity. The line whose first two coordinates are zero is the line at infinity.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n65e . _:n65e math:binder ; math:body _:n65f . _:n65f math:arguments _:n65g . _:n65g rdf:first _:n65h . _:n65h math:binder ; math:body _:n65i . _:n65i math:arguments _:n65j . _:n65j rdf:first _:n65k ; rdf:rest _:n65l ; a rdf:List . _:n65i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n65h math:variables _:n65m . _:n65m rdf:first _:n65n . _:n65n math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n65m rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n65h a math:Binding . _:n65g rdf:rest _:n65o . _:n65o rdf:first _:n65p . _:n65p math:arguments _:n65q . _:n65q rdf:first _:n65r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n65p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n65o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n65g a rdf:List . _:n65f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n65e math:variables _:n65s . _:n65s rdf:first _:n65t . _:n65t math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:n65s rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n65e a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo4 . :plangeo5 math-meta:description """This CD contains symbols for generating polynomial systems from affine planar geometry configurations.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function of one argument which must be a configuration or an assertion (as defined in plangeo1). When applied to a configuration C, it stands for the same configuration but now with coordinates attached to each object of C. The new variables are bound within an OMBIND element with head element the lambda symbol. The bound variables (placed within an OMBVAR element) are the new variables, and the last argument of OMBIND is the expression C in which each object is coordinatized. If an object already has coordinates, these are left as they are. If not, then new variables are introduced to coordinatize the object. When applied to an assertion of the form assertion(C,S), it leads to the same result except that the last argument of OMBIND is the assertion whose configuration argument is the expression C in which each object is coordinatized, and whose thesis argument is S.""" ; math-meta:example _:n65u . _:n65u math:arguments _:n65v . _:n65v rdf:first _:n65w . _:n65w math:value """The coordinatized version of the affine triangle with points A,B,C and lines a, b, c (through B and C, A and C, and A and B respectively) described in two ways:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n65v rdf:rest _:n65x . _:n65x rdf:first _:n65y . _:n65y math:arguments _:n65z . _:n65z rdf:first _:n660 . _:n660 math:arguments _:n661 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n65z rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n65y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n65x rdf:rest _:n662 . _:n662 rdf:first _:n663 . _:n663 math:binder ; math:body _:n664 . _:n664 math:arguments _:n665 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n663 math:variables _:n666 . _:n666 rdf:first _:n667 ; rdf:rest _:n668 ; a rdf:List . _:n663 a math:Binding . _:n662 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n65v a rdf:List . _:n65u math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n669 . _:n669 math:arguments _:n66a . _:n66a rdf:first _:n66b . _:n66b math:value """The coordinatization of the assertion that two distinct lines meet in only one point is expressed as follows."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n66a rdf:rest _:n66c . _:n66c rdf:first _:n66d . _:n66d math:arguments _:n66e . _:n66e rdf:first _:n66f . _:n66f math:arguments _:n66g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n66e rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n66d math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n66c rdf:rest _:n66h . _:n66h rdf:first _:n66i . _:n66i math:value "It is equivalent to following expression."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n66h rdf:rest _:n66j . _:n66j rdf:first _:n66k . _:n66k math:binder ; math:body _:n66l ; math:variables _:n66m ; a math:Binding . _:n66j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n66a a rdf:List . _:n669 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo5 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function in one argument, which should be a coordinatized configuration (that is, each geometric object involved has coordinates). When evaluated at a configuration C it represents a function (given by a lambda binder) mapping the new parameters (arising when the inequality properties in the configuration are being translated into polynomials) to a list of polynomials in the coordinates that are variables which, when equated to zero, represent conditions equivalent to those describing the configuration C. When evaluated at an assertion assertion(C,S) it represents a function (given by a lambda binder) mapping the new parameters (arising when the inequality properties in the configuration are being translated into polynomials) to a list of polynomials in the coordinates that are variables which, when equated to zero, represent conditions equivalent to those describing the configuration C.""" ; math-meta:example _:n66n . _:n66n math:arguments _:n66o . _:n66o rdf:first _:n66p . _:n66p math:value "The following expression is an ideal of a coordinatized triangle."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n66o rdf:rest _:n66q . _:n66q rdf:first _:n66r . _:n66r math:arguments _:n66s . _:n66s rdf:first _:n66t . _:n66t math:arguments _:n66u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n66s rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n66r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n66q rdf:rest _:n66v . _:n66v rdf:first _:n66w . _:n66w math:value "Its evaluation should be equivalent to"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n66v rdf:rest _:n66x . _:n66x rdf:first _:n66y . _:n66y math:binder ; math:body _:n66z ; math:variables _:n670 ; a math:Binding . _:n66x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n66o a rdf:List . _:n66n math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo5 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean valued function of one argument which must be a configuration. When applied to an argument C, it represent the value true if C is a configuration such that each object occurring in C (as well as in its subconfigurations) has coordinates (that is, the set_affine_coordinates field is present as an argument to the object), and value false otherwise. If an object already has coordinates, these are left as they are. If not, then new variables are introduced to coordinatize the object.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo5 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function in one argument, which should be an assertion whose configuration is coordinatized (that is, each geometric object involved has coordinates). When evaluated at an assertion assertion(C,T) it represents the assertion that the constant polynomial 1 belongs to the ideal of the polynomial ring over a coefficient ring R containing the rationals and all global (unbound) coordinates of C, in the bound variables of ideal(C) and an external variable t, generated by ideal(C)[bound variables] and 1-f_T t. Here f_T is a polynomial such that f_T=0 is equivalent to the thesis T being true. This means f_T is in the radical ideal of ideal(C)[bound variables]. The interpretation is as follows: There are no parameter choices for the bound variables such that f_T is nonzero. In other words, for all parameter choices of a coordinatization of C, we must have f_T=0. So the truth of the assertion that thesis T holds in configuration C is reflected by the truth of polynomial_assertion(C,T).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo5 . :plangeo6 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols for planar Euclidean geometry related to conics. amc: 18 March 2004 added are_on_conic""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:commentedProperty """If G is the conic determined by A,B,C,D, and E, whereas F is a point incident with G, then A,B,C,D, E, and F are on a conic.""" ; math-meta:description """The symbol is a boolean n-ary function. Its arguments should be points. When applied to a sequence of points, its evaluated to true if and only if there is a conic on which all arguments lie.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n671 . _:n671 math:arguments _:n672 . _:n672 rdf:first _:n673 . _:n673 math:arguments _:n674 . _:n674 rdf:first _:n675 . _:n675 math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:n674 rdf:rest _:n676 . _:n676 rdf:first _:n677 . _:n677 math:arguments _:n678 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n676 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n674 a rdf:List . _:n673 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n672 rdf:rest _:n679 . _:n679 rdf:first _:n67a . _:n67a math:arguments _:n67b . _:n67b rdf:first _:n67c . _:n67c math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n67b rdf:rest _:n67d . _:n67d rdf:first _:n67e ; rdf:rest _:n67f . _:n67b a rdf:List . _:n67a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n679 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n672 a rdf:List . _:n671 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo6 . math-meta:description """The symbol represents a conic. The conic may be subject to constraints.""" ; math-meta:example _:n67g . _:n67g math:arguments _:n67h . _:n67h rdf:first _:n67i . _:n67i math:value "The conic G, incident to A,B,C,D and E is given by"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n67h rdf:rest _:n67j . _:n67j rdf:first _:n67k . _:n67k math:arguments _:n67l . _:n67l rdf:first _:n67m . _:n67m math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n67l rdf:rest _:n67n . _:n67n rdf:first _:n67o ; rdf:rest _:n67p . _:n67l a rdf:List . _:n67k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n67j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n67h a rdf:List . _:n67g math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :plangeo6 . :poly math-meta:description """This CD contains generic operators to deal with various forms of polynomials. The arithmetic operators from arith1 etc. are valid on these polynomials: there is also the operator \"power\" from this CD, which creates formal powers. More specific operations for Distributed Multivariate Polynomials can be found in polyd.ocd, and for Recursive polynomials in polyr.ocd.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Definition of operations" , "Definition of some constructors" , """Original OpenMath v1.1 Poly 1997 Update to Current Format 1999-07-07 DPC Move the names of rings to setname.ocd 1999-11-09 JHD Split into poly{,d,r} 1999-11-14 JHD Updated following Abbott/Strotmann/Davenport at Dagstuhl October 2001 JHD""" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """The coefficient with respect to a list of variables (the second argument) raised to a list of powers (the third argument). Zero if no such term is present. Not all variables need be specified.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description "The coefficient ring." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description """Conversion between polynomial rings. The first argument is a polynomial and the second is a polynomial ring. This represents the conversion of the given polynomial as an element of the given ring. A program that can compute the conversion is required to return a polynomial in the given ring.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:commentedProperty "degree(x^n)=n" ; math-meta:description """The total degree of its argument. The value returned is a non-negative integer. We note that the degree of 0 is undefined. Note that this operation takes no account of any weights that have been defined: see weighted_degree in polyd.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n67q . _:n67q math:arguments _:n67r . _:n67r rdf:first _:n67s . _:n67s math:arguments _:n67t . _:n67t rdf:first _:n67u . _:n67u math:arguments _:n67v . _:n67v rdf:first _:n67w ; rdf:rest _:n67x ; a rdf:List . _:n67u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n67t rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n67s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n67r rdf:rest _:n67y . _:n67y rdf:first _:n67z . _:n67z math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n67y rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n67r a rdf:List . _:n67q math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:commentedProperty "degreeWrt(x^ny^m,x)=n" ; math-meta:description """The degree with respect to a variable (the second argument). We note that the degree of 0 is undefined.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n680 . _:n680 math:arguments _:n681 . _:n681 rdf:first _:n682 . _:n682 math:arguments _:n683 . _:n683 rdf:first _:n684 . _:n684 math:arguments _:n685 . _:n685 rdf:first _:n686 ; rdf:rest _:n687 ; a rdf:List . _:n684 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n683 rdf:rest _:n688 . _:n688 rdf:first _:n689 . _:n689 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n688 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n683 a rdf:List . _:n682 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n681 rdf:rest _:n68a . _:n68a rdf:first _:n68b . _:n68b math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n68a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n681 a rdf:List . _:n680 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:commentedProperty "discriminant(p,x)=resultant(p,diff(p,x),x)/leading_coefficient(p,x)" ; math-meta:description """Function taking two arguments, it represents the discriminant of a polynomial, which is the first argument, with respect to the given variable which is the second argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n68c . _:n68c math:arguments _:n68d . _:n68d rdf:first _:n68e . _:n68e math:arguments _:n68f . _:n68f rdf:first _:n68g . _:n68g math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n68f rdf:rest _:n68h . _:n68h rdf:first _:n68i . _:n68i math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n68h rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n68f a rdf:List . _:n68e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n68d rdf:rest _:n68j . _:n68j rdf:first _:n68k . _:n68k math:arguments _:n68l . _:n68l rdf:first _:n68m . _:n68m math:arguments _:n68n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n68l rdf:rest _:n68o . _:n68o rdf:first _:n68p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n68l a rdf:List . _:n68k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n68j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n68d a rdf:List . _:n68c math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description "Evaluation of a polynomial at a value or vector of values." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description """Converts a factored or squarefreed form into the expanded polynomial over the same ring, so that factored(recursive) -> recursive, etc.""" ; math-meta:example _:n68q . _:n68q math:arguments _:n68r . _:n68r rdf:first _:n68s . _:n68s math:arguments _:n68t . _:n68t rdf:first _:n68u . _:n68u math:arguments _:n68v . _:n68v rdf:first _:n68w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n68u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n68t rdf:rest _:n68x . _:n68x rdf:first _:n68y . _:n68y math:arguments _:n68z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n68x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n68t a rdf:List . _:n68s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n68r rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n68q math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description """The decomposition of its argument into irreducible factors. A program that can compute the factorization is required to return a \"factored\" object - see above. It is currently an open question whether powers of 1 can be omitted.""" ; math-meta:example _:n690 . _:n690 math:arguments _:n691 . _:n691 rdf:first _:n692 . _:n692 math:arguments _:n693 . _:n693 rdf:first _:n694 . _:n694 math:arguments _:n695 . _:n695 rdf:first _:n696 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n694 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n693 rdf:rest _:n697 . _:n697 rdf:first _:n698 . _:n698 math:arguments _:n699 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n697 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n693 a rdf:List . _:n692 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n691 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n690 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description """The constructor for a factorization. Its arguments are formal powers (see previous operator), where the polynomials are supposed to be irreducible (except possibly for a content from the ground ring). Note that \"factored\" is not a call to factorise something, rather a statement that we know a factorisation.""" ; math-meta:example _:n69a . _:n69a math:arguments _:n69b . _:n69b rdf:first _:n69c . _:n69c math:arguments _:n69d . _:n69d rdf:first _:n69e . _:n69e math:arguments _:n69f . _:n69f rdf:first _:n69g ; rdf:rest _:n69h ; a rdf:List . _:n69e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n69d rdf:rest _:n69i . _:n69i rdf:first _:n69j . _:n69j math:arguments _:n69k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n69i rdf:rest _:n69l . _:n69l rdf:first _:n69m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n69d a rdf:List . _:n69c math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n69b rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n69a math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description """The n-ary greatest common divisor of its polynomial arguments. This is unique up to units.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x,y lcm(x,y) = (x*y)/gcd(x,y)" ; math-meta:description """The least common multiple of its polynomial arguments. This is unique up to units, but the choice must be compatible with that made for gcd: see the CMP/FMP.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n69n . _:n69n math:binder ; math:body _:n69o . _:n69o math:arguments _:n69p . _:n69p rdf:first _:n69q . _:n69q math:arguments _:n69r . _:n69r rdf:first _:n69s . _:n69s math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n69r rdf:rest _:n69t . _:n69t rdf:first _:n69u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n69r a rdf:List . _:n69q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n69p rdf:rest _:n69v . _:n69v rdf:first _:n69w . _:n69w math:arguments _:n69x . _:n69x rdf:first _:n69y ; rdf:rest _:n69z ; a rdf:List . _:n69w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n69v rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n69p a rdf:List . _:n69o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n69n math:variables _:n6a0 . _:n6a0 rdf:first _:n6a1 . _:n6a1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6a0 rdf:rest _:n6a2 . _:n6a2 rdf:first _:n6a3 . _:n6a3 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n6a2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6a0 a rdf:List . _:n69n a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description """The leading coefficient with respect to a variable (the second argument). We note that the leading coefficient of 0 is undefined.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description """The constructor for a factorization. Its arguments are formal powers (see operator above), where nothing in particular is assumed about the polynomials (they may or may not be irreducible, or relatively prime).""" ; math-meta:example _:n6a4 . _:n6a4 math:arguments _:n6a5 . _:n6a5 rdf:first _:n6a6 . _:n6a6 math:arguments _:n6a7 . _:n6a7 rdf:first _:n6a8 . _:n6a8 math:arguments _:n6a9 . _:n6a9 rdf:first _:n6aa ; rdf:rest _:n6ab ; a rdf:List . _:n6a8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6a7 rdf:rest _:n6ac . _:n6ac rdf:first _:n6ad . _:n6ad math:arguments _:n6ae ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ac rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6a7 a rdf:List . _:n6a6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6a5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6a4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description """Takes a polynomial and a (non-negative) integer and produces a formal power. Although OpenMath does not specify operational semantics, the idea here is that these powers are not evaluated. We note that the power from arith1 would suggest the expanded form.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6af . _:n6af math:arguments _:n6ag . _:n6ag rdf:first _:n6ah . _:n6ah math:arguments _:n6ai . _:n6ai rdf:first _:n6aj . _:n6aj math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ai rdf:rest _:n6ak . _:n6ak rdf:first _:n6al . _:n6al math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6ak rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ai a rdf:List . _:n6ah math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ag rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6af math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:commentedProperty """if for all f,g in R[x] | if there exists an a in R s.t. f(a) = g(a) = 0 then resultant(f,g,x) = 0""" ; math-meta:description """Function taking three arguments, it represents the resultant of two polynomials, which are the first two arguments, with respect to the given variable which is the third argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6am . _:n6am math:binder ; math:body _:n6an . _:n6an math:arguments _:n6ao . _:n6ao rdf:first _:n6ap . _:n6ap math:arguments _:n6aq . _:n6aq rdf:first _:n6ar . _:n6ar math:arguments _:n6as ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6aq rdf:rest _:n6at . _:n6at rdf:first _:n6au ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6aq a rdf:List . _:n6ap math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ao rdf:rest _:n6av . _:n6av rdf:first _:n6aw . _:n6aw math:arguments _:n6ax . _:n6ax rdf:first _:n6ay ; rdf:rest _:n6az ; a rdf:List . _:n6aw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6av rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ao a rdf:List . _:n6an math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6am math:variables _:n6b0 . _:n6b0 rdf:first _:n6b1 . _:n6b1 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n6b0 rdf:rest _:n6b2 . _:n6b2 rdf:first _:n6b3 . _:n6b3 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n6b2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6b0 a rdf:List . _:n6am a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:comment """We note that the polynomials utilised in the following FMP are recursive in nature, however the resultant symbol may be used also on dense polynomials.""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description """The square-free decomposition of its argument. A program that can compute the factorization is required to return a \"squarefreed\" object.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6b4 . _:n6b4 math:arguments _:n6b5 . _:n6b5 rdf:first _:n6b6 . _:n6b6 math:arguments _:n6b7 . _:n6b7 rdf:first _:n6b8 . _:n6b8 math:arguments _:n6b9 . _:n6b9 rdf:first _:n6ba ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6b8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6b7 rdf:rest _:n6bb . _:n6bb rdf:first _:n6bc . _:n6bc math:arguments _:n6bd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6bb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6b7 a rdf:List . _:n6b6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6b5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6b4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . math-meta:description """The constructor for a square-free factorization. Its arguments should have the structure of the above \"factored\", where the polynomials should be square-free. Note that this is not necessarily a minimal square-free decomposition: some exponents can occur more than once. Again, this is a statement that we have a square-free factorisation, rather than a request to compute one.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6be . _:n6be math:arguments _:n6bf . _:n6bf rdf:first _:n6bg . _:n6bg math:arguments _:n6bh . _:n6bh rdf:first _:n6bi . _:n6bi math:arguments _:n6bj . _:n6bj rdf:first _:n6bk ; rdf:rest _:n6bl ; a rdf:List . _:n6bi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6bh rdf:rest _:n6bm . _:n6bm rdf:first _:n6bn . _:n6bn math:arguments _:n6bo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6bm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6bh a rdf:List . _:n6bg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6bf rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6be math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :poly . :polyd math-meta:description """This CD contains operators to deal with polynomials and more precisely Distributed Multivariate Polynomials.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Definition of data-structure constructors" , "Definition of operations" , "Definition of some other constructors" , "Definitions related to orderings" , """Original OpenMath v1.1 Poly 1997 Update to Current Format 1999-07-07 DPC Move the names of rings to setname.ocd 1999-11-09 JHD Delete those items moved to the new poly.ocd 1999-11-14 JHD Update following Abbott/Davenport/Strotmann at Dagstuhl 2001-10-12 JHD Added example to weighted_degree 2002-09-17 JHD""" , "Polynomial rings constructors" , """The following orders on terms have their standards definitions, see, for example, \"Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms\", D. Cox, J.B. Little and D. O'Shea, Springer Verlag.""" , """The polynomial x^2*y^6 + 3*y^5 can be encoded as DMP(poly_ring_d(Z, 2), SDMP(term(1, 2, 6), term(3, 0, 5))) if the variables are anonymous, or if they are named, as DMP(poly_ring_d_named(Z, x,y), SDMP(term(1, 2, 6), term(3, 0, 5))) The polynomial 2*y^3*z^5 + x + 1 can be DMP(poly_ring_d(Q, 3), SDMP(term(2, 0, 3, 5), term(1, 1, 0, 0), term(1, 0, 0, 0))) Note that these are not real encodings but a \"term-like\" encoding (whose understanding should be trivial) meant for the human readers of this dictionary. Of course, actual encodings can be more compact...""" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , """This is our attempt at defining a first Content Dictionary to deal with polynomials. There are many possible choices for a polynomial CD, and several questions to answer. The reader may feel that this content dictionary is quite different in spirit from the \"Basic\" one. Although it basically defines a set of concepts related to polynomials (such as degree, factorization, resultant...), there are two new points here: - a certain emphasis on representation issues (including structural constraints on some OM objects), - an attempt to specify some \"computational behaviour\" of an OM application that handles (part of) this CD. As some people may disagree with some of our choices, we will try to justify them in this rather long foreword. 1. Representation issues One of the interest of OM is certainly to enable the use of specialized servers. It is important to promote the writing of OM-compliant servers by placing as few constraints as possible on the programmers of these packages. This CD has been designed with the idea that it could be simple to use for a server dealing only with polynomial computations. Hence we have used a particular representation for polynomials (distributed with dense monomials). This representation is rather abstract in the sense that it does not introduce names for variables. It explicitly contains the polynomial ring a polynomial belongs to as the set of the coefficients and the number of variables. It seems (from our experience) that this information is necessary for most specialized servers. Expressing constraints on the structure of OM objects made from the symbols in this CD is not always easy. One of the main reason is that a symbol such as \"gcd\" is meant to denote the GCD of a set of polynomials, no matter how the polynomials are represented. Such a function should thus accept both \"symbolic\" arguments (a list of symbolic object meant to be polynomials) and the polynomials in the specific representation defined in this CD. Of course, another solution will be to have one \"gcd\" for one (or several) particular representation and another \"gcd\" to express the general notion of polynomial \"gcd\". We though that the solution we chose was more in the spirit of \"Basic\" and the discussions of the last OpenMath meeting. A question which is not entirely answered is whether or not it is interesting to have \"symbolic\" objects inside some constructors (such as a power which is not an OM integer in \"Monom\" or a symbolic \"PolyRingD\" (a variable) as an argument of \"DMP\"). We explicitly forbid that in the first version of this CD. Note that we did not try to express the constraints with signatures in this version because we did not find a really satisfactory solution. 2. Specifying some \"computational behaviour\" Of course it would be of no use to exactly specify the behaviour of any OM application that receives an OM object. There are (at least) two reasons for that: - an OM object is intended to represent a mathematical object and thus the same OM object could be sent to a typesetter as well as to a symbolic computation system, - even when dealing with programs that compute, exact specifications could be impossible or too much constraining for a given system. On the other hand, we believe that one of the goal of OM is certainly that a program needing to factorize an integer could transparently use Maple, Axiom or Pari to do the job. This is of course possible only if all severs that \"implement\" (in the sense of really performing) the mathematical notion of integer factorization answer in a similar way. In other words, we should not hesitate to specify what a particulary useful class of OM applications (the \"computing\" ones) should return (the form of the result) everytime compliance to this specification is simple enough because it is obviously very useful. We have tried to express this idea in this CD through some comments and the use of symbols such as \"factored\" or \"groebnered\" that describe the required results of some functions. The general \"compliance\" rule can be stated as: an OM application that understands this CD and implements some of the polynomials operation described is required to implement them using the constructors defined in this CD, as indicated in the comments associated with the operations. This means that if the OM version of a computer algebra system claims to implement polynomial factorization, another application can send him an OM object as described in the \"factor\" comment (the symbol \"factor\" applied to one argument, a DMP) and the result will be return as defined : a \"factored\" symbol whose arguments are described in the corresponding entry of the poly CD.""" , "We need a few more orderings..." . math-meta:description """The constructor of DMPs. The first argument is the polynomial ring containing the polynomial and the second is a \"SDMP\". Should be of the form DMP(PolyRingD(...), SDMP(...))""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The constructor for lists of multivariate polynomial members of the same polynomial ring. The first argument is a polynomial ring and the rest are \"SDMP\"s. DMPL can be attributed with the \"ordering\" symbol to indicate a particular ordering for monomials of all its polynomials. Should be of the form DMPL(PolyRingD(...), SDMP(...)+)""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The constructor for multivariate polynomials without any indication of variables or domain for the coefficients. Its arguments are just \"term\"s. No terms should differ only by the coefficient (i.e it is not permitted to have both \"2*x*y\" and \"x*y\" as terms in a SDMP). SDMP can be attributed with the \"ordering\" symbol to indicate a particular ordering of its terms. This attribute shall not be set if the SDMP is part of DMPL that has this attribute set. If the SDMP is ordered, explicitly or implicitly via an outer ordering, the terms must be in decreasing order with respect to this order. The zero polynomial is represented by an SDMP with no terms.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description "Indicates a variable that we do not want to name" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """This attribute, attached to a groebnered object, says 'true' if the base is fully reduced, i.e. no monomial is divisible by the leading monomial of any other polynomial.""" ; a math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """This is an ordering, which is partially in terms of one ordering, and partially in terms of another. First argument is a number of variables. Second is ordering to apply on the first so many variables. Third is an ordering on the rest, to be used to break ties.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6bp . _:n6bp math:arguments _:n6bq . _:n6bq rdf:first _:n6br . _:n6br math:arguments _:n6bs . _:n6bs rdf:first _:n6bt . _:n6bt math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6bs rdf:rest _:n6bu . _:n6bu rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6bv . _:n6bv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6bs a rdf:List . _:n6br math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6bq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6bp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """Total degree order, graded with the lexicographic ordering. Note that, if a poly_ring_d_named is used, lexigographic refers to the order of the variables in the poly_ring_d_named, not to their order as strings.""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """Total degree order, graded with the reverse lexicographic ordering. Note that, if a poly_ring_d_named is used, lexigographic refers to the order of the variables in the poly_ring_d_named, not to their order as strings.""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The groebner basis (lt-reduced, minimal) of a set of polynomials, with respect to a given ordering. First argument is an ordering, the second is a list of polynomials. A program that can compute the basis is required to return a \"groebnered\" object.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The constructor for a Groebner basis (reduced, minimal). The first argument is an ordering, the second is the Groebner Basis itself (with respect to the ordering) that should be represented as a DMPL.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The lexicographic ordering of terms. Note that, if a poly_ring_d_named is used, lexigographic refers to the order of the variables in the poly_ring_d_named, not to their order as strings.""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The argument is a matrix with as many columns as indeterminates (= rank). Each row in turm is multiplied by the column vector of exponents to produce a weighting for comparison purposes.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """Used as an attribute to indicate an ordering of the terms in a polynomial or list of polynomials. The value of this attribute should be one of the constructors specifying ordering.""" ; a math:Symbol , math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The sum. The argument is a DMPL. The sum lies within the same \"PolyRingD\" i.e. a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same \"poly_ring_d\" (or \"poly_ring_d_named\").""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The constructor of polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the second is the number of variables as an integer.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The constructor of polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the remaining arguments are the names of the variables. The first variable given is the most important from the point of view of lexicographic ordering, then the second, and so on.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The power. First argument is a DMP, second argument is the integer power. The power lies within the same \"PolyRingD\" i.e. a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same \"poly_ring_d\" (or \"poly_ring_d_named\").""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The reduction of a polynomial with respect to a Groebner basis. First argument is a DMP, the second argument is a \"groebnered\" object. i.e. a program implementing this operation should return a DMP which represents the polynomial reduced with respect to the Groebner basis.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The reverse lexicographic ordering of terms. Note that, if a poly_ring_d_named is used, lexigographic refers to the order of the variables in the poly_ring_d_named, not to their order as strings.""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The constructor of terms. Valid applications are of the form Term(coeff, exp1, exp2, ... expn) which represents the term coeff * var1^exp1*...varn^expn where n is the number of variables, expi are non-negative integers. coeff should be non-zero.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The product. The argument is a DMPL. The product lies within the same \"PolyRingD\" i.e. a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same \"poly_ring_d\" (or \"poly_ring_d_named\").""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The first argument is a list of integers to act as variable weights, and the second is an ordering. The result is an ordering.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . math-meta:description """The total degree of its argument, taking into account any weights declared. The value returned is an integer: non-negative if the weights are. We note that the degree of 0 is undefined.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6bw . _:n6bw math:arguments _:n6bx . _:n6bx rdf:first _:n6by . _:n6by math:arguments _:n6bz . _:n6bz rdf:first _:n6c0 . _:n6c0 math:arguments _:n6c1 . _:n6c1 rdf:first _:n6c2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6c0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6bz rdf:rest _:n6c3 . _:n6c3 rdf:first _:n6c4 . _:n6c4 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6c3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6bz a rdf:List . _:n6by math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6bx rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6bw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd . :polyd1 math-meta:description """This CD contains operators to deal with polynomials and more precisely Distributed Multivariate Polynomials.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Definition of data-structure constructors" , "Definition of operations" , """Original OpenMath v1.1 Poly 1997 Update to Current Format 1999-07-07 DPC Move the names of rings to setname.ocd 1999-11-09 JHD Delete those items moved to the new poly.ocd 1999-11-14 JHD Move items pertaining to orderings to polyd2 and those involving Groebner bases to polygb1 and polygb2. 2004-07-07 AMC Comments also edited by AMC""" , "Polynomial rings constructors" , """The polynomial x^2*y^6 + 3*y^5 can be encoded as DMP(poly_ring_d(Z, 2), SDMP(term(1, 2, 6), term(3, 0, 5))) The polynomial 2*y^3*z^5 + x + 1 can be DMP(poly_ring_d(Q, 3), SDMP(term(2, 0, 3, 5), term(1, 1, 0, 0), term(1, 0, 0, 0))) Note that these are not real encodings but a \"term-like\" encoding (whose understanding should be trivial) meant for the human readers of this dictionary. Of course, actual encodings can be more compact...""" , """This is our attempt at defining a first Content Dictionary to deal with polynomials. There are many possible choices for a polynomial CD, and several questions to answer. 1. Representation issues One of the interests of OM is certainly to enable the use of specialized servers. It is important to promote the writing of OM-compliant servers by placing as few constraints as possible on the programmers of these packages. This CD has been designed with the idea that it could be simple to use for a server dealing only with polynomial computations. Hence we have used a particular representation for polynomials (distributed with dense monomials). This representation is rather abstract in the sense that it does not introduce names for variables. It explicitly contains the polynomial ring a polynomial belongs to as the set of the coefficients and the number of variables. It seems (from our experience) that this information is necessary for most specialized servers. Expressing constraints on the structure of OM objects made from the symbols in this CD is not always easy. One of the main reason is that a symbol such as \"gcd\" is meant to denote the GCD of a set of polynomials, no matter how the polynomials are represented. Such a function should thus accept both \"symbolic\" arguments (a list of symbolic object meant to be polynomials) and the polynomials in the specific representation defined in this CD. Of course, another solution will be to have one \"gcd\" for one (or several) particular representation and another \"gcd\" to express the general notion of polynomial \"gcd\". A question which is not entirely answered is whether or not it is interesting to have \"symbolic\" objects inside some constructors (such as a power which is not an OM integer in \"Monom\" or a symbolic \"poly_ring_d\" (a variable) as an argument of \"DMP\"). We explicitly forbid that in the first version of this CD. 2. Specifying some \"computational behaviour\" Of course it would be of no use to exactly specify the behaviour of any OM application that receives an OM object. There are (at least) two reasons for that: - an OM object is intended to represent a mathematical object and thus the same OM object could be sent to a typesetter as well as to a symbolic computation system, - even when dealing with programs that compute, exact specifications could be impossible or too much constraining for a given system. On the other hand, we believe that one of the goals of OM is certainly that a program needing to factorize an integer could transparently use Maple, Axiom or Pari to do the job. This is of course possible only if all severs that \"implement\" (in the sense of really performing) the mathematical notion of integer factorization answer in a similar way. In other words, we should not hesitate to specify what a particulary useful class of OM applications (the \"computing\" ones) should return (the form of the result) everytime compliance to this specification is simple enough because it is obviously very useful. We have tried to express this idea in the polydx CDs through some comments and the use of symbols such as \"factored\" or \"groebner_basis\" that describe the required results of some functions. The general \"compliance\" rule can be stated as: an OM application that understands this CD and implements some of the polynomials operation described is required to implement them using the constructors defined in this CD, as indicated in the comments associated with the operations. This means that if the OM version of a computer algebra system claims to implement polynomial factorization, another application can send him an OM object as described in the \"factor\" comment (the symbol \"factor\" applied to one argument, a DMP) and the result will be return as defined: a \"factored\" symbol whose arguments are described in the corresponding entry of the poly CD.""" . math-meta:description """The constructor of DMPs. The first argument is the polynomial ring containing the polynomial and the second is a \"SDMP\". Should be of the form DMP(poly_ring_d(...), SDMP(...))""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """The constructor for lists of multivariate polynomial members of the same polynomial ring. The first argument is a polynomial ring and the rest are \"SDMP\"s. DMPL can be attributed with the \"ordering\" symbol to indicate a particular ordering for monomials of all its polynomials. Should be of the form DMPL(poly_ring_d(...), SDMP(...)+)""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """The constructor for multivariate polynomials without any indication of variables or domain for the coefficients. Its arguments are just \"monomial\"s. No monomials should differ only by the coefficient (i.e it is not permitted to have both \"2*x*y\" and \"x*y\" as monomials in a SDMP). SDMP can be attributed with the \"ordering\" symbol to indicate a particular ordering of its monomials. This attribute shall not be set if the SDMP is part of DMPL that has this attribute set.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """This is a unary function, whose argument should be a DMP f. When applied to f, it represents the first argument of f, that is, ring of the form poly_ring_d(...) used to define f.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description "Indicates a variable that we do not want to name" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """The sum. The argument is a DMPL. The sum lies within the same \"poly_ring_d\", i.e., a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same \"poly_ring_d\".""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """The sum. The argument is a DMPL. The sum lies within the same \"poly_ring_d\", i.e., a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same \"poly_ring_d\".""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """The constructor of polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the second is the number of variables as an integer.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6c5 . _:n6c5 math:arguments _:n6c6 . _:n6c6 rdf:first _:n6c7 . _:n6c7 math:value "The ring of polynomials over the rationals in two variables."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6c6 rdf:rest _:n6c8 . _:n6c8 rdf:first _:n6c9 . _:n6c9 math:arguments _:n6ca . _:n6ca rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6cb . _:n6cb rdf:first _:n6cc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ca a rdf:List . _:n6c9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6c8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6c6 a rdf:List . _:n6c5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """The constructor of polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the remaining arguments are the names of the variables. The first variable given is the most important from the point of view of lexicographic ordering, then the second, and so on.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6cd . _:n6cd math:arguments _:n6ce . _:n6ce rdf:first _:n6cf . _:n6cf math:value """By Use of the expression symbol from the CD ring1, an arithmetic expression can be interpreted as a member of poly_ring_d_named. For instance,"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6ce rdf:rest _:n6cg . _:n6cg rdf:first _:n6ch . _:n6ch math:arguments _:n6ci . _:n6ci rdf:first _:n6cj . _:n6cj math:arguments _:n6ck ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ci rdf:rest _:n6cl . _:n6cl rdf:first _:n6cm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ci a rdf:List . _:n6ch math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6cg rdf:rest _:n6cn . _:n6cn rdf:first _:n6co . _:n6co math:value "represents the object"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6cn rdf:rest _:n6cp . _:n6cp rdf:first _:n6cq . _:n6cq math:arguments _:n6cr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6cp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ce a rdf:List . _:n6cd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """The power. First argument is a DMP, second argument is the integer power. The power lies within the same \"poly_ring_d\", i.e., a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same \"poly_ring_d\".""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """This is a unary function, whose argument can be a DMP, a poly_ring_d, or a poly_ring_d_named. When applied to its argument, it represents the number of variables of the polynomial ring involved.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """The constructor of monomials. Valid applications are of the form Term(coeff, exp1, exp2, ... expn) which represents the monomial coeff * var1^exp1*...varn^expn where n is the number of variables, expi are non-negative integers.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """The product. The argument is a DMPL. The product lies within the same \"poly_ring_d\", i.e., a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same \"poly_ring_d\".""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . math-meta:description """This is a unary function, whose argument is a poly_ring_d_named. When applied to its argument, it represents the list of variables of the polynomial ring.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd1 . :polyd2 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols for ordering of monomial for Distributed Multivariate Polynomials, which were defined in polyd1.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Definition of some other constructors" , """Original OpenMath v1.1 Poly 1997 Update to Current Format 1999-07-07 DPC Move the names of rings to setname.ocd 1999-11-09 JHD Delete those items moved to the new poly.ocd 1999-11-14 JHD Delete those items pertaining to Groebner bases 2004-07-07 AMC These are of use for canonical ways of writing polynomials and for Groebner bases""" , """The following orders on monomials have their standards definitions, see, for example, \"Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms\", D. Cox, J.B. Little and D. O'Shea, Springer Verlag.""" , "We need a few more orderings..." . math-meta:description """This is an ordering, which is partially in terms of one ordering, and partially in terms of another. First argument is a number of variables. Second is ordering to apply on the first so many variables. Third is an ordering on the rest, to be used to break ties.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6cs . _:n6cs math:arguments _:n6ct . _:n6ct rdf:first _:n6cu . _:n6cu math:arguments _:n6cv . _:n6cv rdf:first _:n6cw . _:n6cw math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6cv rdf:rest _:n6cx . _:n6cx rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6cy . _:n6cy rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6cv a rdf:List . _:n6cu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ct rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6cs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd2 . math-meta:description "Total degree order, graded with the lexicographic ordering." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd2 . math-meta:description "Total degree order, graded with the reverse lexicographic ordering." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd2 . math-meta:description "The lexicographic ordering of monomials." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd2 . math-meta:description """The argument is a matrix with as many columns as indeterminates (= rank). Each row in turm is multiplied by the column vector of exponents to produce a weighting for comparison purposes.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd2 . math-meta:description """Used as an attribute to indicate an ordering of the monomials in a polynomial or list of polynomials. The value of this attribute should be one of the constructors specifying ordering.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd2 . math-meta:description "The reverse lexicographic ordering of monomials" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd2 . math-meta:description """The first argument is a list of integers to act as variable weights, and the second is an ordering. The result is an ordering.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd2 . math-meta:description """The total degree of its argument, taking into account any weights declared. The value returned is an integer: non-negative if the weights are. We note that the degree of 0 is undefined.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6cz . _:n6cz math:arguments _:n6d0 . _:n6d0 rdf:first _:n6d1 . _:n6d1 math:arguments _:n6d2 . _:n6d2 rdf:first _:n6d3 . _:n6d3 math:arguments _:n6d4 . _:n6d4 rdf:first _:n6d5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6d3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6d2 rdf:rest _:n6d6 . _:n6d6 rdf:first _:n6d7 . _:n6d7 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6d6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6d2 a rdf:List . _:n6d1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6d0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6cz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd2 . :polyd3 math-meta:description "This CD contains conversions between different data structures for polynomials." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "first attempt" . math-meta:description """This a binary function. Its first argument should be a DMP f, its second argument a list of positive integers L. When applied to f and L, it represents the DMP with coefficients from the poly_ring_d whose variables only have indices i for i not occurring in the list L, and whose monomials are built up from the variables indexed by the entries of L.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments. The first argument is a ring R and the second argument is a list L. The entries of L are elements of R or can be cast canconically onto elements of R. When applied to R and L, the symbol denotes the distributed (univariate) polynomial over R with terms (L[i-1],i) for i running over the indices of L (i=1, ..., length(L)).""" ; math-meta:example _:n6d8 . _:n6d8 math:arguments _:n6d9 . _:n6d9 rdf:first _:n6da . _:n6da math:value """The polynomial X^2+4X+7 with integers coefficients can be represented, without recourse to X, by"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6d9 rdf:rest _:n6db . _:n6db rdf:first _:n6dc . _:n6dc math:arguments _:n6dd . _:n6dd rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6de . _:n6de rdf:first _:n6df ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6dd a rdf:List . _:n6dc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6db rdf:rest _:n6dg . _:n6dg rdf:first _:n6dh . _:n6dh math:value "Thus, the above expression is semantically equivalent to"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6dg rdf:rest _:n6di . _:n6di rdf:first _:n6dj . _:n6dj math:arguments _:n6dk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6di rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6d9 a rdf:List . _:n6d8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function. Its argument is a DMP with named variables. When applied to R, the symbol denotes the arithmetic expression that is the sum of the terms.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6dl . _:n6dl math:arguments _:n6dm . _:n6dm rdf:first _:n6dn . _:n6dn math:value """The polynomial X^2+4X+7 with integers coefficients has poly_d_named form"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6dm rdf:rest _:n6do . _:n6do rdf:first _:n6dp . _:n6dp math:arguments _:n6dq . _:n6dq rdf:first _:n6dr . _:n6dr math:arguments _:n6ds ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6dq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6dp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6do rdf:rest _:n6dt . _:n6dt rdf:first _:n6du . _:n6du math:value "This expression represents"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6dt rdf:rest _:n6dv . _:n6dv rdf:first _:n6dw . _:n6dw math:arguments _:n6dx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6dv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6dm a rdf:List . _:n6dl math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function. The first argument is a DMP and the second argument is a list of objects, typically variables or arithmetic expressions, at least as many as there are variables in the ring to which the DMP belongs. When applied to R and L, the symbol denotes the arithmetic expression that is the sum of the terms with the i-th variable of the ring of the DMP being substituted by the i-th expression or variable of the list L.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6dy . _:n6dy math:arguments _:n6dz . _:n6dz rdf:first _:n6e0 . _:n6e0 math:value """The polynomial X^2+4X+7 with integer coefficients has poly_d form"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6dz rdf:rest _:n6e1 . _:n6e1 rdf:first _:n6e2 . _:n6e2 math:arguments _:n6e3 . _:n6e3 rdf:first _:n6e4 . _:n6e4 math:arguments _:n6e5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6e3 rdf:rest _:n6e6 . _:n6e6 rdf:first _:n6e7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6e3 a rdf:List . _:n6e2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6e1 rdf:rest _:n6e8 . _:n6e8 rdf:first _:n6e9 . _:n6e9 math:value "This expression represents"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6e8 rdf:rest _:n6ea . _:n6ea rdf:first _:n6eb . _:n6eb math:arguments _:n6ec ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ea rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6dz a rdf:List . _:n6dy math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:comment """This expression is very close to a substitute, or an application of the DMP, as viewed as a function, to as many arguments as there are variables.""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyd3 . :polygb math-meta:description """This CD contains operators for Groebner basis computations with polynomial expressions. It is derived from surgery of polyd.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Definition of operations" , "Definition of some constructors" . math-meta:description """This attribute, attached to a groebnered object, says 'true' if the base is fully reduced, i.e. no monomial is divisible by the leading monomial of any other polynomial.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polygb . math-meta:description """The groebner basis (reduced, minimal) of a set of polynomials, with respect to a given ordering. First argument is a list of variables, the second is an ordering, the third is a list of polynomials. A program that can compute the basis is required to return a \"groebner_basis\" object.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6ed . _:n6ed math:arguments _:n6ee . _:n6ee rdf:first _:n6ef . _:n6ef math:arguments _:n6eg . _:n6eg rdf:first _:n6eh . _:n6eh math:arguments _:n6ei . _:n6ei rdf:first _:n6ej ; rdf:rest _:n6ek ; a rdf:List . _:n6eh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6eg rdf:rest _:n6el . _:n6el rdf:first _:n6em . _:n6em math:arguments _:n6en ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6el rdf:rest _:n6eo . _:n6eo rdf:first _:n6ep ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6eg a rdf:List . _:n6ef math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ee rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6ed math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polygb . math-meta:description """The constructor for a Groebner basis (reduced, minimal). The first is a list of variables, the second argument is an ordering, the third is the Groebner Basis itself (with respect to the ordering) that should be represented as a polynomial expression.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polygb . math-meta:description """The constructor for a Groebner basis (reduced, minimal). The first argument is an ordering, the second is the Groebner Basis itself (with respect to the ordering) that should be represented as a DMPL.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polygb . math-meta:description """The reduction of a polynomial with respect to a list P of polynomials. First argument is a polynomial expression p, the second argument is the list P of polynomials, the third argument is a list of variables, the fourth argument is a monomial reduction ordering. A program implementing this operation should return a polynomial which represents a polynomial reduced from p with respect to P. This means that p is expressible as the sum of the returned polynomial and a linear combination of the polynomials from P with coefficients being polynomials in the variables given in the third argument, and that no monomial of the returned polynomial is divisible by the leading monomial of an element from P.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6eq . _:n6eq math:arguments _:n6er . _:n6er rdf:first _:n6es . _:n6es math:arguments _:n6et . _:n6et rdf:first _:n6eu . _:n6eu math:arguments _:n6ev . _:n6ev rdf:first _:n6ew ; rdf:rest _:n6ex ; a rdf:List . _:n6eu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6et rdf:rest _:n6ey . _:n6ey rdf:first _:n6ez . _:n6ez math:arguments _:n6f0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ey rdf:rest _:n6f1 . _:n6f1 rdf:first _:n6f2 ; rdf:rest _:n6f3 . _:n6et a rdf:List . _:n6es math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6er rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6eq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polygb . :polygb2 math-meta:description """This CD contains operators for Groebner basis computations with polynomial expressions. It adds features to polygb1 like testing membership of an ideal, and of the radical ideal of an ideal, and providing insight as to how to change the ideal minimally so as to let this happen. Suggestion: polygb3 is to contain a trace of the GB computation. polygb4 is to contain S poly""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function of at least 3 arguments. The first argument is a list of variables. The second and third argument are lists of polynomials in the variables from the first argument, C and T respectively. When applied to its arguments, it represents the boolean value of the assertion that all elements t in T can be written as t = f_1*c_1 + ... + f_n*c_n (c_i in C). If the optional 4th argument is 1, those f_i are returned.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6f4 . _:n6f4 math:arguments _:n6f5 . _:n6f5 rdf:first _:n6f6 . _:n6f6 math:arguments _:n6f7 . _:n6f7 rdf:first _:n6f8 . _:n6f8 math:arguments _:n6f9 . _:n6f9 rdf:first _:n6fa ; rdf:rest _:n6fb ; a rdf:List . _:n6f8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6f7 rdf:rest _:n6fc . _:n6fc rdf:first _:n6fd . _:n6fd math:arguments _:n6fe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6fc rdf:rest _:n6ff . _:n6ff rdf:first _:n6fg ; rdf:rest _:n6fh . _:n6f7 a rdf:List . _:n6f6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6f5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6f4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polygb2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function of at least 4 arguments. The first argument is a polynomial p, the second is a list of variables, the third is an ordering the fourth is a list of polynomials B, and, optionally, the fifth is a polynomial_ring. When applied to its arguments, it represents the boolean value of the assertion that p belongs to the ideal generated by B.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6fi . _:n6fi math:arguments _:n6fj . _:n6fj rdf:first _:n6fk . _:n6fk math:arguments _:n6fl . _:n6fl rdf:first _:n6fm . _:n6fm math:arguments _:n6fn . _:n6fn rdf:first _:n6fo ; rdf:rest _:n6fp ; a rdf:List . _:n6fm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6fl rdf:rest _:n6fq . _:n6fq rdf:first _:n6fr . _:n6fr math:arguments _:n6fs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6fq rdf:rest _:n6ft . _:n6ft rdf:first _:n6fu ; rdf:rest _:n6fv . _:n6fl a rdf:List . _:n6fk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6fj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6fi math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polygb2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function of at least 4 arguments. The first argument should be a polynomial p, the second is a list of variables, the third is an ordering the fourth is a list of polynomials B, and optionally: the fifth is a polynomial_ring. When applied to its arguments, it represents the boolean value of the assertion that p belongs to the radical ideal generated by B.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6fw . _:n6fw math:arguments _:n6fx . _:n6fx rdf:first _:n6fy . _:n6fy math:value "The following evaluates to true:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6fx rdf:rest _:n6fz . _:n6fz rdf:first _:n6g0 . _:n6g0 math:arguments _:n6g1 . _:n6g1 rdf:first _:n6g2 . _:n6g2 math:arguments _:n6g3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6g1 rdf:rest _:n6g4 . _:n6g4 rdf:first _:n6g5 ; rdf:rest _:n6g6 . _:n6g1 a rdf:List . _:n6g0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6fz rdf:rest _:n6g7 . _:n6g7 rdf:first _:n6g8 . _:n6g8 math:value "The following evaluates to false:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6g7 rdf:rest _:n6g9 . _:n6g9 rdf:first _:n6ga . _:n6ga math:arguments _:n6gb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6g9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6fx a rdf:List . _:n6fw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polygb2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with 3 arguments. First argument is a list of variables, the second is an ordering, the third is a list B of polynomials. [Optionally, the fourth is a polynomial ring.] When applied to its arguments, it represents the polynomial in the Groebner basis of B with respect to the ordering with the least leading monomial.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6gc . _:n6gc math:arguments _:n6gd . _:n6gd rdf:first _:n6ge . _:n6ge math:value "The following evaluates to the polynomial 1-2y^3+y^6 (up to a scalar multiple)"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6gd rdf:rest _:n6gf . _:n6gf rdf:first _:n6gg . _:n6gg math:arguments _:n6gh . _:n6gh rdf:first _:n6gi . _:n6gi math:arguments _:n6gj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6gh rdf:rest _:n6gk . _:n6gk rdf:first _:n6gl ; rdf:rest _:n6gm . _:n6gh a rdf:List . _:n6gg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6gf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6gd a rdf:List . _:n6gc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polygb2 . :polynomial1 math-meta:description """This CD holds a collection of basic constructs for univariate polynomials over rings. The data structures for polynomials can be arithmetic expressions, for instance using the ring1.expression symbol, or DMP as in the CD polyd1.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function whose first argument should be a polynomial f and whose second argument should be a non-negative integer n. It represents the coefficient of the i-th power of the variable in the polynomial f.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6gn . _:n6gn math:arguments _:n6go . _:n6go rdf:first _:n6gp . _:n6gp math:value """The coefficient of the first power of X in the polynomial (X+1)^2 in (Z/7Z)[X] is equal to 2."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6go rdf:rest _:n6gq . _:n6gq rdf:first _:n6gr . _:n6gr math:arguments _:n6gs . _:n6gs rdf:first _:n6gt . _:n6gt math:arguments _:n6gu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6gs rdf:rest _:n6gv . _:n6gv rdf:first _:n6gw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6gs a rdf:List . _:n6gr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6gq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6go a rdf:List . _:n6gn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function whose argument should be a polynomial. It represents the coefficient ring of the polynomial.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6gx . _:n6gx math:arguments _:n6gy . _:n6gy rdf:first _:n6gz . _:n6gz math:value "The coefficient ring is often explicitly given as part of the polynomial:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6gy rdf:rest _:n6h0 . _:n6h0 rdf:first _:n6h1 . _:n6h1 math:arguments _:n6h2 . _:n6h2 rdf:first _:n6h3 . _:n6h3 math:arguments _:n6h4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6h2 rdf:rest _:n6h5 . _:n6h5 rdf:first _:n6h6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6h2 a rdf:List . _:n6h1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6h0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6gy a rdf:List . _:n6gx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be univariate polynomial. When applied to a polynomial, it represents its degree, that is the highest power of the variable occurring in a term of the polynomial. If the polynomial has no terms, it is the zero polynomial, in which case the value represented is -1.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial1 . math-meta:description "Expands a polynomial." ; math-meta:example _:n6h7 . _:n6h7 math:arguments _:n6h8 . _:n6h8 rdf:first _:n6h9 . _:n6h9 math:value "The following expression is equivalent to the arithmetic expression X^2+2X+1 in (Z/7Z)[X]."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6h8 rdf:rest _:n6ha . _:n6ha rdf:first _:n6hb . _:n6hb math:arguments _:n6hc . _:n6hc rdf:first _:n6hd . _:n6hd math:arguments _:n6he ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6hc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6hb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ha rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6h8 a rdf:List . _:n6h7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be univariate polynomial. When applied to a polynomial, it represents the coefficient of the monomial of highest degree. If the polynomial is zero, the value represented is zero.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The leading term of a nonzero polynomial is the product of the leading monomial and the leading coefficient of the polynomial.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a nonzero univariate polynomial. When applied to such a polynomial, it represents the highest power of the variable occurring in the polynomial.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6hf . _:n6hf math:arguments _:n6hg . _:n6hg rdf:first _:n6hh . _:n6hh math:arguments _:n6hi . _:n6hi rdf:first _:n6hj . _:n6hj math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n6hi rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6hh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6hg rdf:rest _:n6hk . _:n6hk rdf:first _:n6hl . _:n6hl math:arguments _:n6hm . _:n6hm rdf:first _:n6hn . _:n6hn math:arguments _:n6ho ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6hm rdf:rest _:n6hp . _:n6hp rdf:first _:n6hq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6hm a rdf:List . _:n6hl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6hk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6hg a rdf:List . _:n6hf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be univariate polynomial. When applied to a polynomial, it represents its leading term, that is the term that is the product of the highest power of the variable and its coefficient. If the polynomial is zero, the value represented is zero.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial1 . :polynomial2 math-meta:description """This CD holds a collection of basic modular arithmetic for univariate polynomials over rings. The data structures for polynomials can be arithmetic expressions, for instance using the ring1.expression symbol, or DMP as in the CD polyd1.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a bivariate function, whose arguments should be polynomials. If a, m are polynomials in a polynomial ring R[X], then class(a,m) denotes the residue class a mod m in the quotient ring R[X]/ (mR[X]).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The polynomial a divides the polynomial b with the same coefficient ring as a if and only there is a polynomial q over this coefficient ring such that a * q = b.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a bivariate Boolean function, whose arguments should be polynomials in the same polynomial ring. When applied to a and b, it denotes the property that a divides b.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6hr . _:n6hr math:arguments _:n6hs . _:n6hs rdf:first _:n6ht . _:n6ht math:arguments _:n6hu . _:n6hu rdf:first _:n6hv . _:n6hv math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6hu rdf:rest _:n6hw . _:n6hw rdf:first _:n6hx . _:n6hx math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n6hw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6hu a rdf:List . _:n6ht math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6hs rdf:rest _:n6hy . _:n6hy rdf:first _:n6hz . _:n6hz math:arguments _:n6i0 . _:n6i0 rdf:first _:n6i1 . _:n6i1 math:arguments _:n6i2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6i0 rdf:rest _:n6i3 . _:n6i3 rdf:first _:n6i4 ; rdf:rest _:n6i5 . _:n6i0 a rdf:List . _:n6hz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6hy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6hs a rdf:List . _:n6hr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a Boolean valued trivariate function, whose arguments should be polynomials. When applied to polynomials a, b, m, it denotes the Boolean evalue of the assertion that a and b are equal modulo m.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "modulo_relation(m)(a,b) is equivalent to eqmod(a,b,m)." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a univariate function, whose argument should be a polynomial. When applied to a polynomial m, it denotes the equivalence relation of being equal modulo m.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6i6 . _:n6i6 math:arguments _:n6i7 . _:n6i7 rdf:first _:n6i8 . _:n6i8 math:arguments _:n6i9 . _:n6i9 rdf:first _:n6ia . _:n6ia math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6i9 rdf:rest _:n6ib . _:n6ib rdf:first _:n6ic . _:n6ic math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ib rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6i9 a rdf:List . _:n6i8 math:operator _:n6id . _:n6id math:arguments _:n6ie . _:n6ie rdf:first _:n6if . _:n6if math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ie rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6id math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6i8 a math:Application . _:n6i7 rdf:rest _:n6ig . _:n6ig rdf:first _:n6ih . _:n6ih math:arguments _:n6ii . _:n6ii rdf:first _:n6ij . _:n6ij math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ii rdf:rest _:n6ik . _:n6ik rdf:first _:n6il ; rdf:rest _:n6im . _:n6ii a rdf:List . _:n6ih math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ig rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6i7 a rdf:List . _:n6i6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial2 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a Boolean valued trivariate function, whose arguments should be polynomials. When applied to polynomials a, b, m, it denotes the Boolean evalue of the assertion that a and b are not equal modulo m.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial2 . :polynomial3 math-meta:description """This CD holds a collection of basic modular arithmetic for polynomials over fields. The data structures for polynomials can be arithmetic expressions, for instance using the ring1.expression symbol, or DMP as in the CD polyd1.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a polynomial f. When applied to f, it represents a complete list of irreducible factors of f.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6in . _:n6in math:arguments _:n6io . _:n6io rdf:first _:n6ip . _:n6ip math:value "The following expression represents the list [X+1,X+1] of rational polynomials."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6io rdf:rest _:n6iq . _:n6iq rdf:first _:n6ir . _:n6ir math:arguments _:n6is . _:n6is rdf:first _:n6it . _:n6it math:arguments _:n6iu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6is rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6ir math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6iq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6io a rdf:List . _:n6in math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial3 . math-meta:description "The n-ary greatest common divisor for univariate polynomials over fields." ; math-meta:example _:n6iv . _:n6iv math:arguments _:n6iw . _:n6iw rdf:first _:n6ix . _:n6ix math:value "The gcd(X,Y,Z)."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6iw rdf:rest _:n6iy . _:n6iy rdf:first _:n6iz . _:n6iz math:arguments _:n6j0 . _:n6j0 rdf:first _:n6j1 . _:n6j1 math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:n6j0 rdf:rest _:n6j2 . _:n6j2 rdf:first _:n6j3 ; rdf:rest _:n6j4 . _:n6j0 a rdf:List . _:n6iz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6iy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6iw a rdf:List . _:n6iv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """For all a,b with a,b univariate polynomials over a field F we have a = b * quotient(a,b) + remainder(a,b) and degree(remainder(a,b)) is less than degree(b).""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the binary division operator on univariate polynomials over fields. That is, for univariate polynomials a and b, quotient(a,b) denotes the polynomial q such that a=b*q+r, with degree(r) less than degree(b).""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6j5 . _:n6j5 math:binder ; math:body _:n6j6 . _:n6j6 math:arguments _:n6j7 . _:n6j7 rdf:first _:n6j8 . _:n6j8 math:arguments _:n6j9 . _:n6j9 rdf:first _:n6ja . _:n6ja math:arguments _:n6jb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6j9 rdf:rest _:n6jc . _:n6jc rdf:first _:n6jd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6j9 a rdf:List . _:n6j8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6j7 rdf:rest _:n6je . _:n6je rdf:first _:n6jf . _:n6jf math:arguments _:n6jg . _:n6jg rdf:first _:n6jh ; rdf:rest _:n6ji ; a rdf:List . _:n6jf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6je rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6j7 a rdf:List . _:n6j6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6j5 math:variables _:n6jj . _:n6jj rdf:first _:n6jk . _:n6jk math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6jj rdf:rest _:n6jl . _:n6jl rdf:first _:n6jm . _:n6jm math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n6jl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6jj a rdf:List . _:n6j5 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial3 . math-meta:description """The symbol represents a binary function, whose arguments should be univariate polynomials in the same polynomial ring whose coefficient ring is a field. When applied to a and b, it represents the polynomial remainder after division of a by b.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:comment """For univariate polynomials a and b, remainder(a,b) denotes r such that a=b*q+r, with degree(r) less than degree(b). See remainder for a formal statement of this property.""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polynomial3 . :polyoperators1 math-meta:description "We define several polynomial operators." ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description "Expands a polynomial. Acts as expand(expresion)." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyoperators1 . math-meta:description """The action of factoring a polynomial into irreducible factors (I know this is field dependent but lets keep it simple by now).""" ; math-meta:example _:n6jn . _:n6jn math:arguments _:n6jo . _:n6jo rdf:first _:n6jp . _:n6jp math:arguments _:n6jq . _:n6jq rdf:first _:n6jr . _:n6jr math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:n6jq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6jp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6jo rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6jn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyoperators1 . math-meta:description """The action of returning a list composed of the irreducible factors of a polynomial. (I know this is field dependent but lets keep it simple by now).""" ; math-meta:example _:n6js . _:n6js math:arguments _:n6jt . _:n6jt rdf:first _:n6ju . _:n6ju math:value "The gcd(X,Y,Z)."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6jt rdf:rest _:n6jv . _:n6jv rdf:first _:n6jw . _:n6jw math:arguments _:n6jx . _:n6jx rdf:first _:n6jy . _:n6jy math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:n6jx rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6jw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6jv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6jt a rdf:List . _:n6js math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyoperators1 . math-meta:description "The n-ary greatest common divisor for univariate polynomials." ; math-meta:example _:n6jz . _:n6jz math:arguments _:n6k0 . _:n6k0 rdf:first _:n6k1 . _:n6k1 math:value "The gcd(X,Y,Z)."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6k0 rdf:rest _:n6k2 . _:n6k2 rdf:first _:n6k3 . _:n6k3 math:arguments _:n6k4 . _:n6k4 rdf:first _:n6k5 . _:n6k5 math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:n6k4 rdf:rest _:n6k6 . _:n6k6 rdf:first _:n6k7 ; rdf:rest _:n6k8 . _:n6k4 a rdf:List . _:n6k3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6k2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6k0 a rdf:List . _:n6jz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyoperators1 . :polyr math-meta:description """This CD contains operators to deal with polynomials and more precisely Recursive Polynomials. Note that polynomials are regarded as univariates in their most significant variable (as defined by the order in PolynomialRingR: the first variable to appear is the most significant), with monomials in decreasing order of exponent, and coefficients being polynomials in the rest of the variables. This means that polynomials have a unique representation, except for the fact that yz \\in Z[x,y,z] could also be represented as x^0yz. This latter is discouraged, but currently not expressly forbidden.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Definition of data-structure constructors" , """Original OpenMath v1.1 Poly 1997 Update to Current Format 1999-07-07 DPC Move the names of rings to setname1.ocd 1999-11-09 JHD Delete those items moved to the new poly.ocd 1999-11-14 JHD Convert to recursive polynomials 1999-11-20 JHD""" , "Polynomial ring constructor" , """The polynomial x^2*y^6 + 3*y^5 can be conceptually encoded as poly_r_rep(x, term(2,poly_r_rep(y, term(6,1))), term(0,poly_r_rep(y, term(5,3)))) It lies in polynomial_ring_r(Z,x,y) (and other rings, of course) The polynomial 2*y^3*z^5 + x + 1 can be conceptually encoded as poly_r_rep(x, term(1,1), term(0,poly_r_rep(y, term(3,poly_r_rep(z, term(5,2))), term(0,1))))""" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """A constructor for the representation of polynomials. The first argument is the polynomial variable, the rest are monomials (in decreasing order of exponent).""" ; math-meta:example _:n6k9 . _:n6k9 math:arguments _:n6ka . _:n6ka rdf:first _:n6kb . _:n6kb math:value """The polynomial x^2*y^6 + 3*x^0*y^5 = x^2*y^6 + 3*y^5 may be encoded as:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6ka rdf:rest _:n6kc . _:n6kc rdf:first _:n6kd . _:n6kd math:arguments _:n6ke . _:n6ke rdf:first _:n6kf . _:n6kf math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ke rdf:rest _:n6kg . _:n6kg rdf:first _:n6kh ; rdf:rest _:n6ki . _:n6ke a rdf:List . _:n6kd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6kc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ka a rdf:List . _:n6k9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyr . math-meta:description """The constructor of Recursive Polynomials. The first argument is the polynomial ring containing the polynomial and the second is a \"poly_r_rep\".""" ; math-meta:example _:n6kj . _:n6kj math:arguments _:n6kk . _:n6kk rdf:first _:n6kl . _:n6kl math:value """The polynomial x^2*y^6 + 3*x^0*y^5 = x^2*y^6 + 3*y^5 in the polynomial ring with the integers as the coefficient ring and variables x,y in that order may be encoded as:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6kk rdf:rest _:n6km . _:n6km rdf:first _:n6kn . _:n6kn math:arguments _:n6ko . _:n6ko rdf:first _:n6kp . _:n6kp math:arguments _:n6kq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ko rdf:rest _:n6kr . _:n6kr rdf:first _:n6ks ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ko a rdf:List . _:n6kn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6km rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6kk a rdf:List . _:n6kj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyr . math-meta:description """The constructor of a recursive polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the rest are the variables (in order).""" ; math-meta:example _:n6kt . _:n6kt math:arguments _:n6ku . _:n6ku rdf:first _:n6kv . _:n6kv math:arguments _:n6kw . _:n6kw rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6kx . _:n6kx rdf:first _:n6ky . _:n6ky math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6kx rdf:rest _:n6kz . _:n6kz rdf:first _:n6l0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6kw a rdf:List . _:n6kv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ku rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6kt math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyr . math-meta:description """A constructor for monomials, that is products of powers and elements of the base ring. First argument is from N (the exponent of the variable implied by an outer poly_r_rep) second argument is a coefficient (from the ground field, or a polynomial in lesser variables).""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyr . :polyslp math-meta:description """This CD contains operators to deal with polynomials and more precisely polynomials held in Straight Line Program representation.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Definition of data-structure constructors" , "Definition of some functions which are specific to slps" , "Definition of some functions which are very useful for slps" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This constructor takes one argument, which is a value from the coefficient ring. It is intended to represent a constant node.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """A unary function taking an slp as argument and returning the greatest depth of any leaf node, that is the length of the longest contiguous path to any leaf node.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """This constructor takes one argument, which is a variable. The return value is intended to represent an input node.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """Takes as argument a node of an slp. Returns the value of the left hand pointer of the node.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """A unary function taking an slp as argument and returning the length of this slp.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """This is a Monte-Carlo equality test, it takes three arguments, the first two are slps representing polynomials, the third argument is the maximum probability of incorrectness that is required of the equality test. (Monte-Carlo equality tests are very important for slps as they offer the only tractable method of solving the equality problem in many cases)""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """Takes an slp as the first argument, the second argument is the position of the required node. Returns the node of the slp at this position.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """This constructor takes three arguments. The first argument is a symbol from opnode, meant to specify whether the node is a plus, minus times or divide node, the second and third arguments are integers, which are the numbers of the lines which are the arguments of the operation""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """The constructor of the polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring, (the ring of the coefficients), the rest are the variables, in any order.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6l1 . _:n6l1 math:arguments _:n6l2 . _:n6l2 rdf:first _:n6l3 . _:n6l3 math:value """An example to represent a polynomial ring over the integers, with the two variables x,y. viz. Z[x,y]"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6l2 rdf:rest _:n6l4 . _:n6l4 rdf:first _:n6l5 . _:n6l5 math:arguments _:n6l6 . _:n6l6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6l7 . _:n6l7 rdf:first _:n6l8 ; rdf:rest _:n6l9 . _:n6l6 a rdf:List . _:n6l5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6l4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6l2 a rdf:List . _:n6l1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """The constructor of Polynomials built with Straight Line Program representation. The first argument is the polynomial ring containing the polynomial built with poly_ring_SLP, The second argument is the program body built with prog_body.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6la . _:n6la math:arguments _:n6lb . _:n6lb rdf:first _:n6lc . _:n6lc math:value """The polynomial x^2 + y^2, which may be represented as the Straight Line Program : line 1 : InputNode x line 2 : InputNode y line 3 : OperationNode times line 1, line 1 line 4 : OperationNode times line 2, line 2 line 5 : OperationNode plus line 3, line 4 > may be encoded as :"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6lb rdf:rest _:n6ld . _:n6ld rdf:first _:n6le . _:n6le math:arguments _:n6lf . _:n6lf rdf:first _:n6lg . _:n6lg math:arguments _:n6lh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6lf rdf:rest _:n6li . _:n6li rdf:first _:n6lj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6lf a rdf:List . _:n6le math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ld rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6lb a rdf:List . _:n6la math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """The constructor of the body of the straight line program the arguments represent straight line instructions, as constructed by the following three constructors, op_node, inp_node and const_node, possibly wrapped in the return symbol (from the opnode CD). The order is taken to be the order in which they appear.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """A quotient function for polynomials represented by slps. It is a requirement that this is an exact division.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """Takes an slp as the argument, and returns the return node of the slp.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:description """Takes as argument a node of an slp. Returns the value of the right hand pointer of the node.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . math-meta:commentedProperty "The slp_degree of the polynomial x >= degree(x)" ; math-meta:description """A unary function taking an slp as argument and returning the apparent multiplicative degree of the slp, without performing any cancellation.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6lk . _:n6lk math:arguments _:n6ll . _:n6ll rdf:first _:n6lm . _:n6lm math:value "slpDegree(convert(x^2)@poly_ring_SLP - convert(x^2)@poly_ring_SLP) = 2"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6ll rdf:rest _:n6ln . _:n6ln rdf:first _:n6lo . _:n6lo math:arguments _:n6lp . _:n6lp rdf:first _:n6lq . _:n6lq math:arguments _:n6lr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6lp rdf:rest _:n6ls . _:n6ls rdf:first _:n6lt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6lp a rdf:List . _:n6lo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ln rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ll a rdf:List . _:n6lk math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n6lu . _:n6lu math:arguments _:n6lv . _:n6lv rdf:first _:n6lw . _:n6lw math:arguments _:n6lx . _:n6lx rdf:first _:n6ly . _:n6ly math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6lx rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6lw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6lv rdf:rest _:n6lz . _:n6lz rdf:first _:n6m0 . _:n6m0 math:arguments _:n6m1 . _:n6m1 rdf:first _:n6m2 . _:n6m2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6m1 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6m0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6lz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6lv a rdf:List . _:n6lu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyslp . :polysts math-meta:description """This CD holds the polynomial symbols used by the OpenMath Small Type System. PolynomialRing is the equivalent of an Axiom category, whereas PolynomialRingD and PolynomialRingR are functors returning elements of that category, polynomial rings with a specific representation (at the abstract OMtree level)""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , "Written 1999-11-20 JHD" . math-meta:description "The type of all polynomial rings, e.g. from polyr or polyd OCDs" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polysts . :polyu math-meta:description """This CD contains operators to deal with polynomials and more precisely Univariate Polynomials. Note that recursive polynomials are regarded as univariates in their most significant variable (as defined by the order in PolynomialRingR: the first variable to appear is the most significant), with monomials in decreasing order of exponent, and coefficients being polynomials in the rest of the variables, and therefore univariates are a special case. This is provided as a separate CD to allow for univariate-only operations (e.g. composition) and for systems that only understand univariates, e.g. NTL.""" , """This CD contains operators to deal with polynomials and more precisely Univariate Polynomials. Note that recursive polynomials are regarded as univariates in their most significant variable (as defined by the order in PolynomialRingR: the first variable to appear is the most significant), with monomials in decreasing order of exponent, and coefficients being polynomials in the rest of the variables, and therefore univariates are a special case. This is provided as a separate CD to allow for univariate-only operations (e.g. composition) and for systems that only understand univariates, e.g. NTL. These polynomials are also used to express minimal polynomials for algebraic extensions (see setname2).""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Based on recursive polynomials 2003-08-06 JHD" , "Definition of data-structure constructors" , "Polynomial ring constructor" , """The polynomial x^6 + 3*x^5 +2 can be conceptually encoded as poly_u_rep(x, term(6,1), term(5,3), term(0,2)) It lies in polynomial_ring_u(Z,x)""" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """A constructor for the representation of polynomials. The first argument is the polynomial variable, the rest are monomials (in decreasing order of exponent).""" ; math-meta:example _:n6m3 . _:n6m3 math:arguments _:n6m4 . _:n6m4 rdf:first _:n6m5 . _:n6m5 math:value "The polynomial x^6 + 3*x^5 + 2 may be encoded as:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6m4 rdf:rest _:n6m6 . _:n6m6 rdf:first _:n6m7 . _:n6m7 math:arguments _:n6m8 . _:n6m8 rdf:first _:n6m9 . _:n6m9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6m8 rdf:rest _:n6ma . _:n6ma rdf:first _:n6mb ; rdf:rest _:n6mc . _:n6m8 a rdf:List . _:n6m7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6m6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6m4 a rdf:List . _:n6m3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyu . math-meta:commentedProperty """Univariates are just recursive polynomials in one variable (though constructed using isomorphic, but different, constructors).""" ; math-meta:description """The constructor of a univariate polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the second is the variable.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6md . _:n6md math:arguments _:n6me . _:n6me rdf:first _:n6mf . _:n6mf math:arguments _:n6mg . _:n6mg rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6mh . _:n6mh rdf:first _:n6mi . _:n6mi math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6mh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6mg a rdf:List . _:n6mf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6me rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6md math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n6mj . _:n6mj math:arguments _:n6mk . _:n6mk rdf:first _:n6ml . _:n6ml math:arguments _:n6mm . _:n6mm rdf:first _:n6mn . _:n6mn math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6mm rdf:rest _:n6mo . _:n6mo rdf:first _:n6mp . _:n6mp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6mo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6mm a rdf:List . _:n6ml math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6mk rdf:rest _:n6mq . _:n6mq rdf:first _:n6mr . _:n6mr math:arguments _:n6ms . _:n6ms rdf:first _:n6mt . _:n6mt math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ms rdf:rest _:n6mu . _:n6mu rdf:first _:n6mv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ms a rdf:List . _:n6mr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6mq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6mk a rdf:List . _:n6mj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyu . math-meta:description """The constructor of Recursive Polynomials. The first argument is the polynomial ring containing the polynomial and the second is a \"poly_u_rep\".""" ; math-meta:example _:n6mw . _:n6mw math:arguments _:n6mx . _:n6mx rdf:first _:n6my . _:n6my math:value """The polynomial x^6 + 3*x^5 + 2 in the polynomial ring with the integers as the coefficient ring and variable x may be encoded as:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6mx rdf:rest _:n6mz . _:n6mz rdf:first _:n6n0 . _:n6n0 math:arguments _:n6n1 . _:n6n1 rdf:first _:n6n2 . _:n6n2 math:arguments _:n6n3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6n1 rdf:rest _:n6n4 . _:n6n4 rdf:first _:n6n5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6n1 a rdf:List . _:n6n0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6mz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6mx a rdf:List . _:n6mw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyu . math-meta:description """A constructor for monomials, that is products of powers and elements of the base ring. First argument is from N (the exponent of the variable implied by an outer poly_u_rep) second argument is a coefficient (from the ground field)""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :polyu . :prog1 math-meta:description """A CD for basic algorithmic concepts. We define the minimal machinery to write small programs in OpenMath encoding.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to assign values to variables. The syntax is assignment(variable, value), where variable is the encoding of an OpenMath variable (OMV) and value is an OpenMath object.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6n6 . _:n6n6 math:arguments _:n6n7 . _:n6n7 rdf:first _:n6n8 . _:n6n8 math:value "The assignment a := 125 is encoded as"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6n7 rdf:rest _:n6n9 . _:n6n9 rdf:first _:n6na . _:n6na math:arguments _:n6nb . _:n6nb rdf:first _:n6nc . _:n6nc math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6nb rdf:rest _:n6nd . _:n6nd rdf:first _:n6ne ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6nb a rdf:List . _:n6na math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6n9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6n7 a rdf:List . _:n6n6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is meant to represent an arbitray block of code. A block of code can be empty. The syntax is block(obj1, obj2,...,objN), where obji is the OpenMath encoding of the ith sentence (or action) inside the body.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6nf . _:n6nf math:arguments _:n6ng . _:n6ng rdf:first _:n6nh . _:n6nh math:value """The following block of code { a := 153; a := a+1; } is encoded as"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6ng rdf:rest _:n6ni . _:n6ni rdf:first _:n6nj . _:n6nj math:arguments _:n6nk . _:n6nk rdf:first _:n6nl . _:n6nl math:arguments _:n6nm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6nk rdf:rest _:n6nn . _:n6nn rdf:first _:n6no ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6nk a rdf:List . _:n6nj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ni rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ng a rdf:List . _:n6nf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """This symbol can be used to encode the arguments that will be pased to a function or procedure.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """This symbol can be used to encode the arguments that a function or procedure can receive.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """This symbol can be used to encode the for loop. The syntax is for(block1,conditional_block,block3,block4), where block1 is the inicialization block, conditional_block is the conditional block that determines the end of the loop, block3 is the incremental block and block4 is the body of the for loop. Each of this blocks should be present (althougth they can be empty).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """The block of code defining the body of the function. The syntax is function_block(local_var,block1), where local_var encodes the local variables (private to the function body) and block1 is the body of the function. Both locar_var and block1 should be present (and of course both can be also empty).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """Symbol function_call can be used to \"call\" already defined functions. The syntax is function_call(name, call_arguments), where name is the encoding of an OpenMath variable (OMV) representing the name of the function and call_arguments are the arguments to pass to the function. Both, name and call_arguments, should be present but call_arguments can be empty.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6np . _:n6np math:arguments _:n6nq . _:n6nq rdf:first _:n6nr . _:n6nr math:value "The function call \"MyFunction(100)\" is encoded as"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6nq rdf:rest _:n6ns . _:n6ns rdf:first _:n6nt . _:n6nt math:arguments _:n6nu . _:n6nu rdf:first _:n6nv . _:n6nv math:name "MyFunct" ; a math:Variable . _:n6nu rdf:rest _:n6nw . _:n6nw rdf:first _:n6nx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6nu a rdf:List . _:n6nt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ns rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6nq a rdf:List . _:n6np math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """The symbol function_definition can be is used to define a function. The syntax is function_definition(name, def_arguments, function_block), where name is the encoding of an OpenMath variable (OMV) representing the name of the funtion, def_arguments is the enconding of the arguments that the function receives and function_block is the body of the function (local variables declarations + body of the function). Functions are completely unaware of the rest of the \"world\" except for the information they received from the arguments. Functions are only allowed to return values by means of the return construct.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6ny . _:n6ny math:arguments _:n6nz . _:n6nz rdf:first _:n6o0 . _:n6o0 math:value """The function (in Maple notation), MyFunction:=proc(N) local i, Result; Result := 1; for i from 2 to N do Result := Result + i^10; od; Result; end;, is encoded as"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6nz rdf:rest _:n6o1 . _:n6o1 rdf:first _:n6o2 . _:n6o2 math:arguments _:n6o3 . _:n6o3 rdf:first _:n6o4 . _:n6o4 math:name "MyFunct" ; a math:Variable . _:n6o3 rdf:rest _:n6o5 . _:n6o5 rdf:first _:n6o6 ; rdf:rest _:n6o7 . _:n6o3 a rdf:List . _:n6o2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6o1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6nz a rdf:List . _:n6ny math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n6o8 . _:n6o8 math:arguments _:n6o9 . _:n6o9 rdf:first _:n6oa . _:n6oa math:value """The encoding of a function N --> 1+2^3+...+N^3 (uses the while loop) is"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6o9 rdf:rest _:n6ob . _:n6ob rdf:first _:n6oc . _:n6oc math:arguments _:n6od . _:n6od rdf:first _:n6oe . _:n6oe math:name "Prog1AddCubes" ; a math:Variable . _:n6od rdf:rest _:n6of . _:n6of rdf:first _:n6og ; rdf:rest _:n6oh . _:n6od a rdf:List . _:n6oc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ob rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6o9 a rdf:List . _:n6o8 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n6oi . _:n6oi math:arguments _:n6oj . _:n6oj rdf:first _:n6ok . _:n6ok math:value """The encoding of a function the compute the Nth term of the Fibonacci sequence is"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6oj rdf:rest _:n6ol . _:n6ol rdf:first _:n6om . _:n6om math:arguments _:n6on . _:n6on rdf:first _:n6oo . _:n6oo math:name "Prog1Fibonacci" ; a math:Variable . _:n6on rdf:rest _:n6op . _:n6op rdf:first _:n6oq ; rdf:rest _:n6or . _:n6on a rdf:List . _:n6om math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ol rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6oj a rdf:List . _:n6oi math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description "This symbol can be used to declare global variables as know to function." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """The symbol can be used to encode the if, then, else construct. The syntax is if(conditional_block,block1,block2), where the conditional_block is the block that determines wich of the block of codes block1 and block2 is going to be executed, block1 is the then block and block2 if the else block. The conditional_block and block1 are required but block2 is optional.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description "This symbol can be used to declare local variables." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """The block of code defining the body of the procedure. The syntax is procedure_block(local_var, global_var, block1), where local_var encodes the local variables (private to the procedure body), gloval_var are global variables that are know to the procedure and block1 is the body of the procedure. All these elements, locar_var, global_var and block1, should be present (but they can also be empty).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """Symbol procedure_call can be used to \"call\" already defined procedures. The syntax is procedure_call(name, call_arguments), where name is the encoding of an OpenMath variable (OMV) representing the name of the function and call_arguments are the arguments to pass to the function. Both, name and call_arguments, should be present but call_arguments can be empty.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """This symbol can be used to define a procedure. The sintax is procedure_definition(name, def_arguments, procedure_block), where name is the encoding of an OpenMath variable representing the name of the procedure, def_arguments encodes the argument the procedure can receive and procedure_block encodes the body of the procedure. Contrary to function procedures can have knowledge about global objects by means of the global_var construct (see procedure block).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description "This symbol can be used to return values from fuctions." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . math-meta:description """The symbol the while loop. The syntax is while(conditional_block, block1), where conditional_block is the block that determines when to stop the while loop and block1 is the body of the while loop.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :prog1 . :quant1 math-meta:description """This CD holds the definitions of the basic universal (\"for all\") quantifier and existential (\"there exists\") quantifier. It is intended to be `compatible' with the MathML elements representing these quantifiers.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the existential (\"there exists\") quantifier which takes two arguments. It must be placed within an OMBIND element. The first argument is the bound variables (placed within an OMBVAR element), and the second is an expression.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6os . _:n6os math:arguments _:n6ot . _:n6ot rdf:first _:n6ou . _:n6ou math:value """An example which represents the statement that there is no solution to x^n+y^n=z^n for n>2, that is: it is not true that there exists x,y,z,n | n>2 and x^n+y^n=z^n"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6ot rdf:rest _:n6ov . _:n6ov rdf:first _:n6ow . _:n6ow math:arguments _:n6ox . _:n6ox rdf:first _:n6oy . _:n6oy math:binder ; math:body _:n6oz ; math:variables _:n6p0 ; a math:Binding . _:n6ox rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6ow math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ov rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ot a rdf:List . _:n6os math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:BinderSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :quant1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the universal (\"for all\") quantifier which takes two arguments. It must be placed within an OMBIND element. The first argument is the bound variables (placed within an OMBVAR element), and the second is an expression.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6p1 . _:n6p1 math:arguments _:n6p2 . _:n6p2 rdf:first _:n6p3 . _:n6p3 math:value "An example to represent the statement for all real x, |sin(x)| <= 1"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6p2 rdf:rest _:n6p4 . _:n6p4 rdf:first _:n6p5 . _:n6p5 math:binder ; math:body _:n6p6 . _:n6p6 math:arguments _:n6p7 . _:n6p7 rdf:first _:n6p8 ; rdf:rest _:n6p9 ; a rdf:List . _:n6p6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6p5 math:variables _:n6pa . _:n6pa rdf:first _:n6pb . _:n6pb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6pa rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6p5 a math:Binding . _:n6p4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6p2 a rdf:List . _:n6p1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:BinderSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :quant1 . :rdf math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols for basic integration of RDF data into OpenMath. It should serve as a starting point for future integration scenarios of Linked Data and mathematics. Author: Ken Wenzel, Fraunhofer IWU""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the language of an RDF literal. The annotation value should be an OpenMath string.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6pc . _:n6pc math:arguments _:n6pd . _:n6pd rdf:first _:n6pe . _:n6pe math:value "An example to show the representation of the RDF literal \"This is an English text.\"@en."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6pd rdf:rest _:n6pf . _:n6pf rdf:first _:n6pg . _:n6pg math:arguments _:n6ph . _:n6ph rdf:first _:n6pi . _:n6pi math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:n6pj ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n6ph rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6pg math:target _:n6pk . _:n6pk math:value "This is an English text."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6pg a math:Attribution . _:n6pf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6pd a rdf:List . _:n6pc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol , math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rdf . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the type of an RDF literal which is represented as an OpenMath object. The annotation value should be an rdf.resource.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6pl . _:n6pl math:arguments _:n6pm . _:n6pm rdf:first _:n6pn . _:n6pn math:value """An example to show the representation of the typed RDF literal \"This is a string.\"^^ using a full IRI reference."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6pm rdf:rest _:n6po . _:n6po rdf:first _:n6pp . _:n6pp math:arguments _:n6pq . _:n6pq rdf:first _:n6pr . _:n6pr math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:n6ps ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n6pq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6pp math:target _:n6pt . _:n6pt math:value "This is a string."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6pp a math:Attribution . _:n6po rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6pm a rdf:List . _:n6pl math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol , math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rdf . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used as the head of the OpenMath application to construct a prefix mapping that can be used as a value of the prefixes attribution. The two arguments of this function should be OpenMath strings representing in order, the prefix and the corresponding namespace URI.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6pu . _:n6pu math:arguments _:n6pv . _:n6pv rdf:first _:n6pw . _:n6pw math:value """The prefix mappings rdfs: and foaf: for a rdf.resourceset may be represented by:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6pv rdf:rest _:n6px . _:n6px rdf:first _:n6py . _:n6py math:arguments _:n6pz . _:n6pz rdf:first _:n6q0 . _:n6q0 a owl:Class ; owl:intersectionOf _:n6q1 . _:n6pz rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6py math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6px rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6pv a rdf:List . _:n6pu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rdf . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify one or more RDF namespace prefixes. The annotation value should be a set1.set of pairs of strings (prefix name, namespace URI) constructed with the prefix symbol.""" ; a math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rdf . math-meta:description """This symbol represents an unary construction function for representing a specific RDF resource. It takes one string argument denoting an IRI reference as prefixed name in the form \"prefix:resourceName\" or as a full IRI in the form \">IRI<\".""" ; math-meta:example _:n6q2 . _:n6q2 math:arguments _:n6q3 . _:n6q3 rdf:first _:n6q4 . _:n6q4 math:value """An example to show the representation of the resource http://example.org/persons#Alice using a full IRI reference."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6q3 rdf:rest _:n6q5 . _:n6q5 rdf:first _:n6q6 . _:n6q6 math:arguments _:n6q7 . _:n6q7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6q6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6q5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6q3 a rdf:List . _:n6q2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n6q8 . _:n6q8 math:arguments _:n6q9 . _:n6q9 rdf:first _:n6qa . _:n6qa math:value """An example to show the representation of the resource http://example.org/persons#Alice using the prefixed name example:Alice."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6q9 rdf:rest _:n6qb . _:n6qb rdf:first _:n6qc . _:n6qc math:arguments _:n6qd . _:n6qd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6qc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6qb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6q9 a rdf:List . _:n6q8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rdf . math-meta:description """This symbol represents an unary construction function for constructing a set of RDF resources. It takes one string argument representing a Manchester Syntax description as described by http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-manchester-syntax/#Descriptions in order to construct a set of RDF resources. Please note that it may also be possible to represent the class description by using OpenMath set operations: rdf.resourceset( set1.intersect( rdf.resourceset(\"foaf:Person\"), set1.suchthat(rdf.resourceset(\"rdfs:Resource\"), fns1.lambda[$r -> set1.size(rdf.valueset(\"foaf:age\", $r) > 0)]) ) )""" ; math-meta:example _:n6qe . _:n6qe math:arguments _:n6qf . _:n6qf rdf:first _:n6qg . _:n6qg math:value "An example to show the representation of the class of FOAF persons with a known age."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6qf rdf:rest _:n6qh . _:n6qh rdf:first _:n6qi . _:n6qi math:arguments _:n6qj . _:n6qj rdf:first _:n6qk . _:n6qk a owl:Class ; owl:intersectionOf _:n6ql . _:n6qj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6qi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6qh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6qf a rdf:List . _:n6qe math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rdf . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function for accessing the value of an RDF property. It takes two arguments, a string denoting the property and an object denoting the RDF resource whose property value should be retrieved.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6qm . _:n6qm math:arguments _:n6qn . _:n6qn rdf:first _:n6qo . _:n6qo math:value """An example that retrieves the property value for http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/age of the resource http://example.org/persons#Alice."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6qn rdf:rest _:n6qp . _:n6qp rdf:first _:n6qq . _:n6qq math:arguments _:n6qr . _:n6qr rdf:first foaf:age ; rdf:rest _:n6qs . _:n6qs rdf:first _:n6qt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6qr a rdf:List . _:n6qq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6qp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6qn a rdf:List . _:n6qm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rdf . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function for accessing all values of multivalued RDF property. It takes two arguments, a string denoting the property and an object denoting the RDF resource whose property values should be retrieved.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6qu . _:n6qu math:arguments _:n6qv . _:n6qv rdf:first _:n6qw . _:n6qw math:value """An example that retrieves the property values for http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/knows of the resource http://example.org/persons#Alice and hence all persons known by Alice."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6qv rdf:rest _:n6qx . _:n6qx rdf:first _:n6qy . _:n6qy math:arguments _:n6qz . _:n6qz rdf:first _:n6r0 . _:n6r0 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n6qz rdf:rest _:n6r1 . _:n6r1 rdf:first _:n6r2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6qz a rdf:List . _:n6qy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6qx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6qv a rdf:List . _:n6qu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rdf . :relation0 math-meta:description """Binary relations properties, equivalence relation, orders, up to the definition of a setoid as a set with an equivalence relations defined on its elements. Initial version: O. Caprotti""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "Defined as [A:symtype][R: (relation A)](x,y:A)(R x y) -> (R y x) -> (relation1::eq x y)" ; math-meta:description "Proposition; the type of antisymmetric binary relations." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Defined as [A:symtype][R: (relation A)] (reflexive R) /\\ (symmetric R) /\\ (transitive R)" ; math-meta:description """Proposition; the type of equivalence relations, namely relations that are reflexive, symmetric and transitive.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Defined as [A:symtype][R: (relation A)](x:A) ~(R x x)" ; math-meta:description "Proposition; the type of irreflexive binary relations." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Defined as [A:symtype][R: (relation A)] (reflexive R) /\\ (antisymmetric R) /\\ (transitive R)" ; math-meta:description """Proposition; the type of order relations, namely relations that are reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Defined as [A:symtype][R: (relation A)] (symmetric R) /\\ (transitive R)" ; math-meta:description """Proposition; the type of partial_equivalence relations, namely relations that are symmetric, and transitive.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Defined as [A:symtype][R: (relation A)] (reflexive R) /\\ (transitive R)" ; math-meta:description """Proposition; the type of preorder relations, namely relations that are reflexive and transitive.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Defined as [A:symtype][R: (relation A)](x:A)(R x x)" ; math-meta:description "Proposition; the type of reflexive binary relations." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Is defined as \"[A:Set] A -> A -> Prop\"" ; math-meta:description "Type constructor; returns the type of binary relations on a set." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Defined as [A:symtype][R: (relation A)] (irreflexive R) /\\ (antisymmetric R) /\\ (transitive R)" ; math-meta:description """Proposition; the type of strict order relations, namely relations that are irreflexive, antisymmetric and transitive.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Defined as [A:symtype][R: (relation A)](x,y:A)(R x y) -> (R y x)" ; math-meta:description "Proposition; the type of symmetric binary relations." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Defined as [A:symtype][R: (relation A)](x,y,z:A)(R x y) -> (R y z) -> (R x z)" ; math-meta:description "Proposition; the type of transitive binary relations." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation0 . :relation1 math-meta:description """This CD holds the common arithmetic relations. It is intended to be `compatible' with the appropriate MathML elements.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "This symbol is used to denote the approximate equality of its two arguments." ; math-meta:example _:n6r3 . _:n6r3 math:arguments _:n6r4 . _:n6r4 rdf:first _:n6r5 . _:n6r5 math:value "\\pi is approximately 355/113"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6r4 rdf:rest _:n6r6 . _:n6r6 rdf:first _:n6r7 . _:n6r7 math:arguments _:n6r8 . _:n6r8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n6r9 . _:n6r9 rdf:first _:n6ra ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6r8 a rdf:List . _:n6r7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6r6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6r4 a rdf:List . _:n6r3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "a=b and b=c implies a=c" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the binary equality function." ; math-meta:example _:n6rb . _:n6rb math:arguments _:n6rc . _:n6rc rdf:first _:n6rd . _:n6rd math:value "An example which represents the statement 1 + 2 = 3."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6rc rdf:rest _:n6re . _:n6re rdf:first _:n6rf . _:n6rf math:arguments _:n6rg . _:n6rg rdf:first _:n6rh . _:n6rh math:arguments _:n6ri ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6rg rdf:rest _:n6rj . _:n6rj rdf:first _:n6rk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6rg a rdf:List . _:n6rf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6re rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6rc a rdf:List . _:n6rb math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n6rl . _:n6rl math:arguments _:n6rm . _:n6rm rdf:first _:n6rn . _:n6rn math:arguments _:n6ro . _:n6ro rdf:first _:n6rp . _:n6rp math:arguments _:n6rq . _:n6rq rdf:first _:n6rr ; rdf:rest _:n6rs ; a rdf:List . _:n6rp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ro rdf:rest _:n6rt . _:n6rt rdf:first _:n6ru . _:n6ru math:arguments _:n6rv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6rt rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ro a rdf:List . _:n6rn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6rm rdf:rest _:n6rw . _:n6rw rdf:first _:n6rx . _:n6rx math:arguments _:n6ry . _:n6ry rdf:first _:n6rz . _:n6rz math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ry rdf:rest _:n6s0 . _:n6s0 rdf:first _:n6s1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ry a rdf:List . _:n6rx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6rw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6rm a rdf:List . _:n6rl math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "a>=b and b>=c implies a>=c" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the binary greater than or equal to function which returns true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second, it returns false otherwise.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6s2 . _:n6s2 math:arguments _:n6s3 . _:n6s3 rdf:first _:n6s4 . _:n6s4 math:value "An example which represents the statement 1 + 2 >= 3"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6s3 rdf:rest _:n6s5 . _:n6s5 rdf:first _:n6s6 . _:n6s6 math:arguments _:n6s7 . _:n6s7 rdf:first _:n6s8 . _:n6s8 math:arguments _:n6s9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6s7 rdf:rest _:n6sa . _:n6sa rdf:first _:n6sb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6s7 a rdf:List . _:n6s6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6s5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6s3 a rdf:List . _:n6s2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n6sc . _:n6sc math:arguments _:n6sd . _:n6sd rdf:first _:n6se . _:n6se math:arguments _:n6sf . _:n6sf rdf:first _:n6sg . _:n6sg math:arguments _:n6sh . _:n6sh rdf:first _:n6si ; rdf:rest _:n6sj ; a rdf:List . _:n6sg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6sf rdf:rest _:n6sk . _:n6sk rdf:first _:n6sl . _:n6sl math:arguments _:n6sm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6sk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6sf a rdf:List . _:n6se math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6sd rdf:rest _:n6sn . _:n6sn rdf:first _:n6so . _:n6so math:arguments _:n6sp . _:n6sp rdf:first _:n6sq . _:n6sq math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6sp rdf:rest _:n6sr . _:n6sr rdf:first _:n6ss ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6sp a rdf:List . _:n6so math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6sn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6sd a rdf:List . _:n6sc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "a>b and b>c implies a>c" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the binary greater than function which returns true if the first argument is greater than the second, it returns false otherwise.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6st . _:n6st math:arguments _:n6su . _:n6su rdf:first _:n6sv . _:n6sv math:value "An example which represents the statement 1 + 2 > 2"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6su rdf:rest _:n6sw . _:n6sw rdf:first _:n6sx . _:n6sx math:arguments _:n6sy . _:n6sy rdf:first _:n6sz . _:n6sz math:arguments _:n6t0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6sy rdf:rest _:n6t1 . _:n6t1 rdf:first _:n6t2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6sy a rdf:List . _:n6sx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6sw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6su a rdf:List . _:n6st math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n6t3 . _:n6t3 math:arguments _:n6t4 . _:n6t4 rdf:first _:n6t5 . _:n6t5 math:arguments _:n6t6 . _:n6t6 rdf:first _:n6t7 . _:n6t7 math:arguments _:n6t8 . _:n6t8 rdf:first _:n6t9 ; rdf:rest _:n6ta ; a rdf:List . _:n6t7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6t6 rdf:rest _:n6tb . _:n6tb rdf:first _:n6tc . _:n6tc math:arguments _:n6td ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6tb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6t6 a rdf:List . _:n6t5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6t4 rdf:rest _:n6te . _:n6te rdf:first _:n6tf . _:n6tf math:arguments _:n6tg . _:n6tg rdf:first _:n6th . _:n6th math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6tg rdf:rest _:n6ti . _:n6ti rdf:first _:n6tj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6tg a rdf:List . _:n6tf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6te rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6t4 a rdf:List . _:n6t3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "a<=b and b<=c implies a<=c" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the binary less than or equal to function which returns true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second, it returns false otherwise.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6tk . _:n6tk math:arguments _:n6tl . _:n6tl rdf:first _:n6tm . _:n6tm math:value "An example which represents the statement 1 + 2 <= 4"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6tl rdf:rest _:n6tn . _:n6tn rdf:first _:n6to . _:n6to math:arguments _:n6tp . _:n6tp rdf:first _:n6tq . _:n6tq math:arguments _:n6tr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6tp rdf:rest _:n6ts . _:n6ts rdf:first _:n6tt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6tp a rdf:List . _:n6to math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6tn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6tl a rdf:List . _:n6tk math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n6tu . _:n6tu math:arguments _:n6tv . _:n6tv rdf:first _:n6tw . _:n6tw math:arguments _:n6tx . _:n6tx rdf:first _:n6ty . _:n6ty math:arguments _:n6tz . _:n6tz rdf:first _:n6u0 ; rdf:rest _:n6u1 ; a rdf:List . _:n6ty math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6tx rdf:rest _:n6u2 . _:n6u2 rdf:first _:n6u3 . _:n6u3 math:arguments _:n6u4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6u2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6tx a rdf:List . _:n6tw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6tv rdf:rest _:n6u5 . _:n6u5 rdf:first _:n6u6 . _:n6u6 math:arguments _:n6u7 . _:n6u7 rdf:first _:n6u8 . _:n6u8 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6u7 rdf:rest _:n6u9 . _:n6u9 rdf:first _:n6ua ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6u7 a rdf:List . _:n6u6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6u5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6tv a rdf:List . _:n6tu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "a ; a math:Application . _:n6ug rdf:rest _:n6uj . _:n6uj rdf:first _:n6uk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ug a rdf:List . _:n6uf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ue rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6uc a rdf:List . _:n6ub math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n6ul . _:n6ul math:arguments _:n6um . _:n6um rdf:first _:n6un . _:n6un math:arguments _:n6uo . _:n6uo rdf:first _:n6up . _:n6up math:arguments _:n6uq . _:n6uq rdf:first _:n6ur ; rdf:rest _:n6us ; a rdf:List . _:n6up math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6uo rdf:rest _:n6ut . _:n6ut rdf:first _:n6uu . _:n6uu math:arguments _:n6uv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ut rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6uo a rdf:List . _:n6un math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6um rdf:rest _:n6uw . _:n6uw rdf:first _:n6ux . _:n6ux math:arguments _:n6uy . _:n6uy rdf:first _:n6uz . _:n6uz math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6uy rdf:rest _:n6v0 . _:n6v0 rdf:first _:n6v1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6uy a rdf:List . _:n6ux math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6uw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6um a rdf:List . _:n6ul math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "it is not true that a=/b and b=/c implies a=/c" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the binary inequality function." ; math-meta:example _:n6v2 . _:n6v2 math:arguments _:n6v3 . _:n6v3 rdf:first _:n6v4 . _:n6v4 math:value "An example which represents the statement 1 + 2 not = 2"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6v3 rdf:rest _:n6v5 . _:n6v5 rdf:first _:n6v6 . _:n6v6 math:arguments _:n6v7 . _:n6v7 rdf:first _:n6v8 . _:n6v8 math:arguments _:n6v9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6v7 rdf:rest _:n6va . _:n6va rdf:first _:n6vb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6v7 a rdf:List . _:n6v6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6v5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6v3 a rdf:List . _:n6v2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n6vc . _:n6vc math:arguments _:n6vd . _:n6vd rdf:first _:n6ve . _:n6ve math:arguments _:n6vf . _:n6vf rdf:first _:n6vg . _:n6vg math:arguments _:n6vh . _:n6vh rdf:first _:n6vi ; rdf:rest _:n6vj ; a rdf:List . _:n6vg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6vf rdf:rest _:n6vk . _:n6vk rdf:first _:n6vl . _:n6vl math:arguments _:n6vm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6vk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6vf a rdf:List . _:n6ve math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6vd rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6vc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation1 . :relation2 math-meta:description """This CD holds further definitions of symbols that represent relations in some way; at present this only includes a definition for approx.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description "This symbol is used to denote the approximate equality of its two arguments." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation2 . :relation3 math-meta:description "This CD holds the basic equivalence relation notions." ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:commentedProperty "class(S,R,a) = {b in S | (a,b) in R}." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a ternary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S, and whose third argument is an element a of S. When applied to S, R, and a, it represents the set of all elements in S related to a by R, that is, the set {b in S | (a,b) in R}.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6vn . _:n6vn math:arguments _:n6vo . _:n6vo rdf:first _:n6vp . _:n6vp math:arguments _:n6vq . _:n6vq rdf:first _:n6vr . _:n6vr math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n6vq rdf:rest _:n6vs . _:n6vs rdf:first _:n6vt . _:n6vt math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6vs rdf:rest _:n6vu . _:n6vu rdf:first _:n6vv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6vq a rdf:List . _:n6vp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6vo rdf:rest _:n6vw . _:n6vw rdf:first _:n6vx . _:n6vx math:arguments _:n6vy . _:n6vy rdf:first _:n6vz . _:n6vz math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n6vy rdf:rest _:n6w0 . _:n6w0 rdf:first _:n6w1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6vy a rdf:List . _:n6vx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6vw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6vo a rdf:List . _:n6vn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The classes of a reflexive relation R on S cover S, as a in S belongs to class(S,R,a)." , "The classes of an equivalence relation R on S partition S." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S. When applied to S and R, it represents the set of all elements in S of the form class(S,R,a) for a in S.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6w2 . _:n6w2 math:arguments _:n6w3 . _:n6w3 rdf:first _:n6w4 . _:n6w4 math:arguments _:n6w5 . _:n6w5 rdf:first _:n6w6 . _:n6w6 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n6w5 rdf:rest _:n6w7 . _:n6w7 rdf:first _:n6w8 . _:n6w8 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6w7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6w5 a rdf:List . _:n6w4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6w3 rdf:rest _:n6w9 . _:n6w9 rdf:first _:n6wa . _:n6wa math:binder ; math:body _:n6wb . _:n6wb math:arguments _:n6wc . _:n6wc rdf:first _:n6wd ; rdf:rest _:n6we ; a rdf:List . _:n6wb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6wa math:variables _:n6wf . _:n6wf rdf:first _:n6wg . _:n6wg math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6wf rdf:rest _:n6wh . _:n6wh rdf:first _:n6wi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6wf a rdf:List . _:n6wa a math:Binding . _:n6w9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6w3 a rdf:List . _:n6w2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n6wj . _:n6wj math:arguments _:n6wk . _:n6wk rdf:first _:n6wl . _:n6wl math:arguments _:n6wm . _:n6wm rdf:first _:n6wn . _:n6wn math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n6wm rdf:rest _:n6wo . _:n6wo rdf:first _:n6wp . _:n6wp math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6wo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6wm a rdf:List . _:n6wl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6wk rdf:rest _:n6wq . _:n6wq rdf:first _:n6wr . _:n6wr math:binder ; math:body _:n6ws . _:n6ws math:arguments _:n6wt . _:n6wt rdf:first _:n6wu ; rdf:rest _:n6wv ; a rdf:List . _:n6ws math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6wr math:variables _:n6ww . _:n6ww rdf:first _:n6wx . _:n6wx math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ww rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6wr a math:Binding . _:n6wq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6wk a rdf:List . _:n6wj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S. When applied to S and R, it represents the smallest equivalence relation (with respect to inclusion) on S containing R.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """R is an equivalence relation on S if and only if R is a symmetric, reflexive, transitive relation on S.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the boolean binary function which returns true if and only if the second argument is a symmetric relation on the first.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6wy . _:n6wy math:arguments _:n6wz . _:n6wz rdf:first _:n6x0 . _:n6x0 math:arguments _:n6x1 . _:n6x1 rdf:first _:n6x2 . _:n6x2 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n6x1 rdf:rest _:n6x3 . _:n6x3 rdf:first _:n6x4 . _:n6x4 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6x3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6x1 a rdf:List . _:n6x0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6wz rdf:rest _:n6x5 . _:n6x5 rdf:first _:n6x6 . _:n6x6 math:arguments _:n6x7 . _:n6x7 rdf:first _:n6x8 . _:n6x8 math:arguments _:n6x9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6x7 rdf:rest _:n6xa . _:n6xa rdf:first _:n6xb ; rdf:rest _:n6xc . _:n6x7 a rdf:List . _:n6x6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6x5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6wz a rdf:List . _:n6wy math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "is_reflexive(S,R) if and only if, for all, a in S, we have (a,a) in R." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the boolean binary function which returns true if and only if the second argument is a reflexive relation on the first.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6xd . _:n6xd math:arguments _:n6xe . _:n6xe rdf:first _:n6xf . _:n6xf math:arguments _:n6xg . _:n6xg rdf:first _:n6xh . _:n6xh math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n6xg rdf:rest _:n6xi . _:n6xi rdf:first _:n6xj . _:n6xj math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6xi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6xg a rdf:List . _:n6xf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6xe rdf:rest _:n6xk . _:n6xk rdf:first _:n6xl . _:n6xl math:binder ; math:body _:n6xm . _:n6xm math:arguments _:n6xn . _:n6xn rdf:first _:n6xo ; rdf:rest _:n6xp ; a rdf:List . _:n6xm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6xl math:variables _:n6xq . _:n6xq rdf:first _:n6xr . _:n6xr math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6xq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6xl a math:Binding . _:n6xk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6xe a rdf:List . _:n6xd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "R a subset of S x S if and only if is_relation (S,R)." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function of two arguments, S and R. The first argument should be a set. When applied to S and R, the function returns true if and only if the second argument is a subset of the Cartesian product of S with itself.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6xs . _:n6xs math:arguments _:n6xt . _:n6xt rdf:first _:n6xu . _:n6xu math:arguments _:n6xv . _:n6xv rdf:first _:n6xw . _:n6xw math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6xv rdf:rest _:n6xx . _:n6xx rdf:first _:n6xy . _:n6xy math:arguments _:n6xz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6xx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6xv a rdf:List . _:n6xu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6xt rdf:rest _:n6y0 . _:n6y0 rdf:first _:n6y1 . _:n6y1 math:arguments _:n6y2 . _:n6y2 rdf:first _:n6y3 . _:n6y3 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n6y2 rdf:rest _:n6y4 . _:n6y4 rdf:first _:n6y5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6y2 a rdf:List . _:n6y1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6y0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6xt a rdf:List . _:n6xs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """is_symmetric(S,R) if and only if, for all a, b in S with (a,b) in R, we have (b,a) in R.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the boolean binary function which returns true if and only if the second argument is a symmetric relation on the first.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6y6 . _:n6y6 math:arguments _:n6y7 . _:n6y7 rdf:first _:n6y8 . _:n6y8 math:arguments _:n6y9 . _:n6y9 rdf:first _:n6ya . _:n6ya math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n6y9 rdf:rest _:n6yb . _:n6yb rdf:first _:n6yc . _:n6yc math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6yb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6y9 a rdf:List . _:n6y8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6y7 rdf:rest _:n6yd . _:n6yd rdf:first _:n6ye . _:n6ye math:binder ; math:body _:n6yf . _:n6yf math:arguments _:n6yg . _:n6yg rdf:first _:n6yh ; rdf:rest _:n6yi ; a rdf:List . _:n6yf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ye math:variables _:n6yj . _:n6yj rdf:first _:n6yk . _:n6yk math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6yj rdf:rest _:n6yl . _:n6yl rdf:first _:n6ym ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6yj a rdf:List . _:n6ye a math:Binding . _:n6yd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6y7 a rdf:List . _:n6y6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """R is transitive on S if and only if, for all a,b,c in S with (a,b) in R and (b,c) in R, wehave (a,c) in R.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the boolean binary function which returns true if and only if the second argument is a transitive relation on the first.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n6yn . _:n6yn math:arguments _:n6yo . _:n6yo rdf:first _:n6yp . _:n6yp math:arguments _:n6yq . _:n6yq rdf:first _:n6yr . _:n6yr math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n6yq rdf:rest _:n6ys . _:n6ys rdf:first _:n6yt . _:n6yt math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ys rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6yq a rdf:List . _:n6yp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6yo rdf:rest _:n6yu . _:n6yu rdf:first _:n6yv . _:n6yv math:binder ; math:body _:n6yw . _:n6yw math:arguments _:n6yx . _:n6yx rdf:first _:n6yy ; rdf:rest _:n6yz ; a rdf:List . _:n6yw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6yv math:variables _:n6z0 . _:n6z0 rdf:first _:n6z1 . _:n6z1 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6z0 rdf:rest _:n6z2 . _:n6z2 rdf:first _:n6z3 ; rdf:rest _:n6z4 . _:n6z0 a rdf:List . _:n6yv a math:Binding . _:n6yu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6yo a rdf:List . _:n6yn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S. When applied to S and R, it represents the smallest reflexive relation (with respect to inclusion) on S containing R.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S. When applied to S and R, it represents the smallest symmetric relation (with respect to inclusion) on S containing R.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S. When applied to S and R, it represents the smallest transitive relation (with respect to inclusion) on S containing R.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation3 . :relation4 math-meta:description """This CD holds further definitions of symbols that represent relations in some way; at present this only includes a definition for n-ary equality.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the n-ary version of equality. When applied to n arguments a1, ..., an, it represents the boolean expression that a1, a2, ,,, and an are equal.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :relation4 . :ring1 math-meta:description "A CD of basic functions for ring theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-02-25" . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring. It returns the addition on the ring. We will allow for the map to be n-ary.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6z5 . _:n6z5 math:arguments _:n6z6 . _:n6z6 rdf:first _:n6z7 . _:n6z7 math:value "The identity ring(R,+,0,-,*,1) is +."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6z6 rdf:rest _:n6z8 . _:n6z8 rdf:first _:n6z9 . _:n6z9 math:arguments _:n6za . _:n6za rdf:first _:n6zb . _:n6zb math:arguments _:n6zc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6za rdf:rest _:n6zd . _:n6zd rdf:first _:n6ze ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6za a rdf:List . _:n6z9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6z8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6z6 a rdf:List . _:n6z5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a ring S. When applied to S its value is the monoid underlying S.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6zf . _:n6zf math:arguments _:n6zg . _:n6zg rdf:first _:n6zh . _:n6zh math:arguments _:n6zi . _:n6zi rdf:first _:n6zj . _:n6zj math:arguments _:n6zk . _:n6zk rdf:first _:n6zl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6zj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6zi rdf:rest _:n6zm . _:n6zm rdf:first _:n6zn . _:n6zn math:arguments _:n6zo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6zm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6zi a rdf:List . _:n6zh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6zg rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6zf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring S (for instance constructed by ring). When applied to S, its value should be the set of elements of S.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6zp . _:n6zp math:arguments _:n6zq . _:n6zq rdf:first _:n6zr . _:n6zr math:value "The carrier of ring(R,+,0,-,*,1) is R."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6zq rdf:rest _:n6zs . _:n6zs rdf:first _:n6zt . _:n6zt math:arguments _:n6zu . _:n6zu rdf:first _:n6zv . _:n6zv math:arguments _:n6zw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6zu rdf:rest _:n6zx . _:n6zx rdf:first _:n6zy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6zu a rdf:List . _:n6zt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6zs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6zq a rdf:List . _:n6zp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments. Its first argument should be a ring. The second should be an arithmetic expression A, whose operators are times, plus, minus, unary_minus, and power, and whose leaves are members of the carrier of G. (Here an integer m will be interpreted as a member of G by interpreting it as the sum of m copies of the identity element, the symbol alg1.one will be interpreted as the identity, and the symbol alg1.zero will be interpreted as the zero of G.) When applied to G and A, it denotes the element (of G) that is the element obtained from the leaves by applying the arithmetic operations of G instead of those from the CD arith1.""" ; math-meta:example _:n6zz . _:n6zz math:arguments _:n700 . _:n700 rdf:first _:n701 . _:n701 math:arguments _:n702 . _:n702 rdf:first _:n703 . _:n703 math:arguments _:n704 . _:n704 rdf:first _:n705 ; rdf:rest _:n706 ; a rdf:List . _:n703 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n702 rdf:rest _:n707 . _:n707 rdf:first _:n708 . _:n708 math:value "18"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n707 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n702 a rdf:List . _:n701 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n700 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6zz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring. It returns the identity element of the ring.""" ; math-meta:example _:n709 . _:n709 math:arguments _:n70a . _:n70a rdf:first _:n70b . _:n70b math:value "The identity ring(R,+,0,-,*,1) is 1."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n70a rdf:rest _:n70c . _:n70c rdf:first _:n70d . _:n70d math:arguments _:n70e . _:n70e rdf:first _:n70f . _:n70f math:arguments _:n70g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n70e rdf:rest _:n70h . _:n70h rdf:first _:n70i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n70e a rdf:List . _:n70d math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n70c rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n70a a rdf:List . _:n709 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_commutative(G) then for all a,b in carrier(G) a*b = b*a" ; math-meta:description """The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative ring.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n70j . _:n70j math:arguments _:n70k . _:n70k rdf:first _:n70l . _:n70l math:arguments _:n70m . _:n70m rdf:first _:n70n . _:n70n math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n70m rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n70l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n70k rdf:rest _:n70o . _:n70o rdf:first _:n70p . _:n70p math:binder ; math:body _:n70q . _:n70q math:arguments _:n70r . _:n70r rdf:first _:n70s ; rdf:rest _:n70t ; a rdf:List . _:n70q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n70p math:variables _:n70u . _:n70u rdf:first _:n70v . _:n70v math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n70u rdf:rest _:n70w . _:n70w rdf:first _:n70x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n70u a rdf:List . _:n70p a math:Binding . _:n70o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n70k a rdf:List . _:n70j math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_subring(G,H) then H is a nonempty set of elements of the carrier of G and H is closed under multiplication and taking inverses.""" ; math-meta:description """The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a subring of the second.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring S. It returns the multiplication map on S. We allow for the map to be n-ary.""" ; math-meta:example _:n70y . _:n70y math:arguments _:n70z . _:n70z rdf:first _:n710 . _:n710 math:value "The multiplication of ring(R,+,0,-,*,1) is *."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n70z rdf:rest _:n711 . _:n711 rdf:first _:n712 . _:n712 math:arguments _:n713 . _:n713 rdf:first _:n714 . _:n714 math:arguments _:n715 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n713 rdf:rest _:n716 . _:n716 rdf:first _:n717 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n713 a rdf:List . _:n712 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n711 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n70z a rdf:List . _:n70y math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a ring S. When applied to S its value is the monoid underlying S.""" ; math-meta:example _:n718 . _:n718 math:arguments _:n719 . _:n719 rdf:first _:n71a . _:n71a math:arguments _:n71b . _:n71b rdf:first _:n71c . _:n71c math:arguments _:n71d . _:n71d rdf:first _:n71e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n71c math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n71b rdf:rest _:n71f . _:n71f rdf:first _:n71g . _:n71g math:arguments _:n71h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n71f rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n71b a rdf:List . _:n71a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n719 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n718 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring S. It returns the map sending an element of S to its additive inverse.""" ; math-meta:example _:n71i . _:n71i math:arguments _:n71j . _:n71j rdf:first _:n71k . _:n71k math:value "The minus of ring(R,+,0,-,*,1) is -."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n71j rdf:rest _:n71l . _:n71l rdf:first _:n71m . _:n71m math:arguments _:n71n . _:n71n rdf:first _:n71o . _:n71o math:arguments _:n71p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n71n rdf:rest _:n71q . _:n71q rdf:first _:n71r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n71n a rdf:List . _:n71m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n71l rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n71j a rdf:List . _:n71i math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This is a symbol with two or three arguments. Its first argument should be a an element g of a ring and the second argument should be an integer. The optional third argument is the ring G containing g. It denotes the element g^k in G.""" ; math-meta:example _:n71s . _:n71s math:arguments _:n71t . _:n71t rdf:first _:n71u . _:n71u math:arguments _:n71v . _:n71v rdf:first _:n71w . _:n71w math:arguments _:n71x . _:n71x rdf:first _:n71y ; rdf:rest _:n71z ; a rdf:List . _:n71w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n71v rdf:rest _:n720 . _:n720 rdf:first _:n721 . _:n721 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n720 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n71v a rdf:List . _:n71u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n71t rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n71s math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The distributive laws m(x,a(y,z)) = a(m(x,y),m(x,z)) and m(a(y,z),x) = a(m(y,x),m(z,x)), where x,y,z are elements of R, should hold.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor for rings. It takes six arguments R, a, o, i, m, e,: which are, respectively, a set R to specify the elements in the ring, a binary operation a on R, an element o of R, and a unary operation i on R such that [R,a,o,i] is a commutative group, a binary operation m on R and an element e of R such that [R,m,e] is a monoid.""" ; math-meta:example _:n722 . _:n722 math:arguments _:n723 . _:n723 rdf:first _:n724 . _:n724 math:value """This example represents the ring which has as elements all rational integers. The ring addition is binary addition, the ring multiplication is binary multiplication."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n723 rdf:rest _:n725 . _:n725 rdf:first _:n726 . _:n726 math:arguments _:n727 . _:n727 rdf:first _:n728 . _:n728 math:arguments _:n729 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n727 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n726 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n725 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n723 a rdf:List . _:n722 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n72a . _:n72a math:arguments _:n72b . _:n72b rdf:first _:n72c . _:n72c math:arguments _:n72d . _:n72d rdf:first _:n72e . _:n72e math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n72d rdf:rest _:n72f . _:n72f rdf:first _:n72g . _:n72g math:arguments _:n72h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n72f rdf:rest _:n72i . _:n72i rdf:first _:n72j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n72d a rdf:List . _:n72c math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n72b rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n72a math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor symbol with one or two arguments. The first argument is a list or set, D, of ring elements. The optional second argument is the ring G containing D. It denotes the subring of G generated by D.""" ; math-meta:example _:n72k . _:n72k math:arguments _:n72l . _:n72l rdf:first _:n72m . _:n72m math:arguments _:n72n . _:n72n rdf:first _:n72o . _:n72o math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:n72n rdf:rest _:n72p . _:n72p rdf:first _:n72q . _:n72q math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n72p rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n72n a rdf:List . _:n72m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n72l rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n72k math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n72r . _:n72r math:arguments _:n72s . _:n72s rdf:first _:n72t . _:n72t math:value """This example represents the subring of the multiplicative ring of the nonzero reals generated by the constants Pi and E:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n72s rdf:rest _:n72u . _:n72u rdf:first _:n72v . _:n72v math:arguments _:n72w . _:n72w rdf:first _:n72x . _:n72x math:arguments _:n72y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n72w rdf:rest _:n72z . _:n72z rdf:first _:n730 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n72w a rdf:List . _:n72v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n72u rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n72s a rdf:List . _:n72r math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring. It returns the binary operation of subtraction on the ring.""" ; math-meta:example _:n731 . _:n731 math:arguments _:n732 . _:n732 rdf:first _:n733 . _:n733 math:value """The subtraction of ring(R,+,0,-,*,1) is the map sending the pair (r,s) of elements of R to r-s."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n732 rdf:rest _:n734 . _:n734 rdf:first _:n735 . _:n735 math:arguments _:n736 . _:n736 rdf:first _:n737 . _:n737 math:arguments _:n738 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n736 rdf:rest _:n739 . _:n739 rdf:first _:n73a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n736 a rdf:List . _:n735 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n734 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n732 a rdf:List . _:n731 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . math-meta:description """This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring. It returns the zero element of the ring.""" ; math-meta:example _:n73b . _:n73b math:arguments _:n73c . _:n73c rdf:first _:n73d . _:n73d math:value "The identity ring(R,+,0,-,*,1) is 0."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n73c rdf:rest _:n73e . _:n73e rdf:first _:n73f . _:n73f math:arguments _:n73g . _:n73g rdf:first _:n73h . _:n73h math:arguments _:n73i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n73g rdf:rest _:n73j . _:n73j rdf:first _:n73k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n73g a rdf:List . _:n73f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n73e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n73c a rdf:List . _:n73b math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring1 . :ring2 math-meta:description "Basic functions for homomorphisms in ring theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-02-25" . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_automorphism(M,f) then is_isomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a ring M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a ring automorphism f of M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n73l . _:n73l math:arguments _:n73m . _:n73m rdf:first _:n73n . _:n73n math:arguments _:n73o . _:n73o rdf:first _:n73p . _:n73p math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n73o rdf:rest _:n73q . _:n73q rdf:first _:n73r . _:n73r math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n73q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n73o a rdf:List . _:n73n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n73m rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n73l math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n73s . _:n73s math:arguments _:n73t . _:n73t rdf:first _:n73u . _:n73u math:arguments _:n73v . _:n73v rdf:first _:n73w . _:n73w math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n73v rdf:rest _:n73x . _:n73x rdf:first _:n73y . _:n73y math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n73x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n73v a rdf:List . _:n73u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n73t rdf:rest _:n73z . _:n73z rdf:first _:n740 . _:n740 math:arguments _:n741 . _:n741 rdf:first _:n742 . _:n742 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n741 rdf:rest _:n743 . _:n743 rdf:first _:n744 ; rdf:rest _:n745 . _:n741 a rdf:List . _:n740 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n73z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n73t a rdf:List . _:n73s math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_endomorphism(M,f) then is_homomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a ring M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a ring endomorphism from M to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n746 . _:n746 math:arguments _:n747 . _:n747 rdf:first _:n748 . _:n748 math:arguments _:n749 . _:n749 rdf:first _:n74a . _:n74a math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n749 rdf:rest _:n74b . _:n74b rdf:first _:n74c . _:n74c math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n74b rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n749 a rdf:List . _:n748 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n747 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n746 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n74d . _:n74d math:arguments _:n74e . _:n74e rdf:first _:n74f . _:n74f math:arguments _:n74g . _:n74g rdf:first _:n74h . _:n74h math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n74g rdf:rest _:n74i . _:n74i rdf:first _:n74j . _:n74j math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n74i rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n74g a rdf:List . _:n74f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n74e rdf:rest _:n74k . _:n74k rdf:first _:n74l . _:n74l math:arguments _:n74m . _:n74m rdf:first _:n74n . _:n74n math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n74m rdf:rest _:n74o . _:n74o rdf:first _:n74p ; rdf:rest _:n74q . _:n74m a rdf:List . _:n74l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n74k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n74e a rdf:List . _:n74d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_homomorphism(M,N,f) then, for each pair of elements x, y of M, we have f(x * y) = f(x) * f(y).""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are rings M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a ring homomorphism from M to N.""" ; math-meta:example _:n74r . _:n74r math:arguments _:n74s . _:n74s rdf:first _:n74t . _:n74t math:arguments _:n74u . _:n74u rdf:first _:n74v . _:n74v math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n74u rdf:rest _:n74w . _:n74w rdf:first _:n74x . _:n74x math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n74w rdf:rest _:n74y . _:n74y rdf:first _:n74z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n74u a rdf:List . _:n74t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n74s rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n74r math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n750 . _:n750 math:arguments _:n751 . _:n751 rdf:first _:n752 . _:n752 math:arguments _:n753 . _:n753 rdf:first _:n754 . _:n754 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n753 rdf:rest _:n755 . _:n755 rdf:first _:n756 . _:n756 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n755 rdf:rest _:n757 . _:n757 rdf:first _:n758 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n753 a rdf:List . _:n752 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n751 rdf:rest _:n759 . _:n759 rdf:first _:n75a . _:n75a math:binder ; math:body _:n75b . _:n75b math:arguments _:n75c . _:n75c rdf:first _:n75d ; rdf:rest _:n75e ; a rdf:List . _:n75b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n75a math:variables _:n75f . _:n75f rdf:first _:n75g . _:n75g math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n75f rdf:rest _:n75h . _:n75h rdf:first _:n75i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n75f a rdf:List . _:n75a a math:Binding . _:n759 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n751 a rdf:List . _:n750 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are rings M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a ring isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n75j . _:n75j math:arguments _:n75k . _:n75k rdf:first _:n75l . _:n75l math:arguments _:n75m . _:n75m rdf:first _:n75n . _:n75n math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n75m rdf:rest _:n75o . _:n75o rdf:first _:n75p . _:n75p math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n75o rdf:rest _:n75q . _:n75q rdf:first _:n75r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n75m a rdf:List . _:n75l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n75k rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n75j math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are rings. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j.""" ; math-meta:example _:n75s . _:n75s math:arguments _:n75t . _:n75t rdf:first _:n75u . _:n75u math:arguments _:n75v . _:n75v rdf:first _:n75w . _:n75w math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n75v rdf:rest _:n75x . _:n75x rdf:first _:n75y . _:n75y math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n75x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n75v a rdf:List . _:n75u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n75t rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n75s math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "left_multiplication(M,x) (y) = x * y." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a ring M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes left multiplication on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n75z . _:n75z math:binder ; math:body _:n760 . _:n760 math:arguments _:n761 . _:n761 rdf:first _:n762 . _:n762 math:arguments _:n763 . _:n763 rdf:first _:n764 . _:n764 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n763 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n762 math:operator _:n765 . _:n765 math:arguments _:n766 . _:n766 rdf:first _:n767 ; rdf:rest _:n768 ; a rdf:List . _:n765 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n762 a math:Application . _:n761 rdf:rest _:n769 . _:n769 rdf:first _:n76a . _:n76a math:arguments _:n76b . _:n76b rdf:first _:n76c ; rdf:rest _:n76d ; a rdf:List . _:n76a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n769 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n761 a rdf:List . _:n760 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n75z math:variables _:n76e . _:n76e rdf:first _:n76f . _:n76f math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n76e rdf:rest _:n76g . _:n76g rdf:first _:n76h . _:n76h math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n76g rdf:rest _:n76i . _:n76i rdf:first _:n76j . _:n76j math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n76i rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n76e a rdf:List . _:n75z a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "right_multiplication(M,x) (y) = y * x." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a ring M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n76k . _:n76k math:binder ; math:body _:n76l . _:n76l math:arguments _:n76m . _:n76m rdf:first _:n76n . _:n76n math:arguments _:n76o . _:n76o rdf:first _:n76p . _:n76p math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n76o rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n76n math:operator _:n76q . _:n76q math:arguments _:n76r . _:n76r rdf:first _:n76s ; rdf:rest _:n76t ; a rdf:List . _:n76q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n76n a math:Application . _:n76m rdf:rest _:n76u . _:n76u rdf:first _:n76v . _:n76v math:arguments _:n76w . _:n76w rdf:first _:n76x ; rdf:rest _:n76y ; a rdf:List . _:n76v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n76u rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n76m a rdf:List . _:n76l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n76k math:variables _:n76z . _:n76z rdf:first _:n770 . _:n770 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n76z rdf:rest _:n771 . _:n771 rdf:first _:n772 . _:n772 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n771 rdf:rest _:n773 . _:n773 rdf:first _:n774 . _:n774 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n773 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n76z a rdf:List . _:n76k a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring2 . :ring3 math-meta:description """A CD of functions for basic constructions in ring theory. The quaternion definition is still very shaky.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-02-25" . math-meta:description """This is a symbol with two arguments. The first argument should be a ring S and the second argument a positive integer n. It denotes the direct product of n copies of S.""" ; math-meta:example _:n775 . _:n775 math:arguments _:n776 . _:n776 rdf:first _:n777 . _:n777 math:arguments _:n778 . _:n778 rdf:first _:n779 . _:n779 math:arguments _:n77a . _:n77a rdf:first _:n77b ; rdf:rest _:n77c ; a rdf:List . _:n779 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n778 rdf:rest _:n77d . _:n77d rdf:first _:n77e . _:n77e math:arguments _:n77f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n77d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n778 a rdf:List . _:n777 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n776 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n775 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:description """This is a symbol with two or more arguments, all of which are rings. It denotes the ring that is the direct product of its arguments.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a ring and the second a list or a set. When evaluated on such arguments R and L, the function represents the free ring over R generated by the elements (or entries) of L. This ring can also be viewed as the ring of non-commutative polynomials over R with variables the elements of L.""" ; math-meta:example _:n77g . _:n77g math:arguments _:n77h . _:n77h rdf:first _:n77i . _:n77i math:value "The free ring over R on the letters a, b:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n77h rdf:rest _:n77j . _:n77j rdf:first _:n77k . _:n77k math:arguments _:n77l . _:n77l rdf:first _:n77m . _:n77m math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n77l rdf:rest _:n77n . _:n77n rdf:first _:n77o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n77l a rdf:List . _:n77k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n77j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n77h a rdf:List . _:n77g math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument is a ring R and the second argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on R and such a second argument, the function represents the ideal in R generated by the entries of the list or set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n77p . _:n77p math:arguments _:n77q . _:n77q rdf:first _:n77r . _:n77r math:value "The ideal in the free ring on the letters a, b generated by a*b-b*a:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n77q rdf:rest _:n77s . _:n77s rdf:first _:n77t . _:n77t math:arguments _:n77u . _:n77u rdf:first _:n77v . _:n77v math:arguments _:n77w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n77u rdf:rest _:n77x . _:n77x rdf:first _:n77y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n77u a rdf:List . _:n77t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n77s rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n77q a rdf:List . _:n77p math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The ring of integers is (Z, +,0,-,*,1), where +,-,* are the standard arithmetic operations.""" ; math-meta:description "This is a symbol representing the ring of integers." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n77z . _:n77z math:arguments _:n780 . _:n780 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n781 . _:n781 rdf:first _:n782 . _:n782 math:arguments _:n783 . _:n783 rdf:first _:n784 . _:n784 math:arguments _:n785 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n783 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n782 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n781 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n780 a rdf:List . _:n77z math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The carrier of the multiplicative group of the ring R is the set of invertible elements of R.""" ; math-meta:description """This is a unary function, whose argument is a ring R. When applied to R, it denotes the set of invertible elements of R with respect to the multiplication on R.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n786 . _:n786 math:arguments _:n787 . _:n787 rdf:first _:n788 . _:n788 math:arguments _:n789 . _:n789 rdf:first _:n78a . _:n78a math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n789 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n788 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n787 rdf:rest _:n78b . _:n78b rdf:first _:n78c . _:n78c math:arguments _:n78d . _:n78d rdf:first _:n78e . _:n78e math:arguments _:n78f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n78d rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n78c math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n78b rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n787 a rdf:List . _:n786 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_ideal(S,I) then I is a nonempty set of elements of S and I is a subgroup of the additive group of S and closed under multiplication by elements of S.""" ; math-meta:description """The binary boolean function whose value is true if and only if the second argument is an ideal of the second.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The kernel of a ring homomorphism is an ideal." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function. Its argument is a ring homomorphism f : R -> S. When evaluated on f, the function represents the kernel in R of f, that is, the subset {x in R | f(x) = 0}.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n78g . _:n78g math:arguments _:n78h . _:n78h rdf:first _:n78i . _:n78i math:arguments _:n78j . _:n78j rdf:first _:n78k . _:n78k math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n78j rdf:rest _:n78l . _:n78l rdf:first _:n78m . _:n78m math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n78l rdf:rest _:n78n . _:n78n rdf:first _:n78o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n78j a rdf:List . _:n78i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n78h rdf:rest _:n78p . _:n78p rdf:first _:n78q . _:n78q math:arguments _:n78r . _:n78r rdf:first _:n78s . _:n78s math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n78r rdf:rest _:n78t . _:n78t rdf:first _:n78u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n78r a rdf:List . _:n78q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n78p rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n78h a rdf:List . _:n78g math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a ring and the second a list or a set. When evaluated on such arguments R and L, the function represents the free commutative ring over R generated by the elements (or entries) of L. This ring can also be viewed as the ring of polynomials over R with variables the elements of L.""" ; math-meta:example _:n78v . _:n78v math:arguments _:n78w . _:n78w rdf:first _:n78x . _:n78x math:value "The polynomial ring over R with variables a, b:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n78w rdf:rest _:n78y . _:n78y rdf:first _:n78z . _:n78z math:arguments _:n790 . _:n790 rdf:first _:n791 . _:n791 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n790 rdf:rest _:n792 . _:n792 rdf:first _:n793 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n790 a rdf:List . _:n78z math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n78y rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n78w a rdf:List . _:n78v math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The ring of 1 x 1 matrices over R is isomorphic to R." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument is a positive integer n, the second is a ring R. When evaluated on such argument n and R, the function represents the ring of n x n matrices over R.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n794 . _:n794 math:arguments _:n795 . _:n795 rdf:first _:n796 . _:n796 math:arguments _:n797 . _:n797 rdf:first _:n798 . _:n798 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n797 rdf:rest _:n799 . _:n799 rdf:first _:n79a . _:n79a math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n799 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n797 a rdf:List . _:n796 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n795 rdf:rest _:n79b . _:n79b rdf:first _:n79c . _:n79c math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n79b rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n795 a rdf:List . _:n794 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The multiplicative group of the ring R is the group of invertible elements of the multiplicative monoid of R.""" ; math-meta:description """This is a unary function, whose argument is a ring R. When applied to R, it denotes the group of invertible elements of R with respect to the multiplication on R.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n79d . _:n79d math:arguments _:n79e . _:n79e rdf:first _:n79f . _:n79f math:arguments _:n79g . _:n79g rdf:first _:n79h . _:n79h math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n79g rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n79f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n79e rdf:rest _:n79i . _:n79i rdf:first _:n79j . _:n79j math:arguments _:n79k . _:n79k rdf:first _:n79l . _:n79l math:arguments _:n79m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n79k rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n79j math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n79i rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n79e a rdf:List . _:n79d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a ring and the second a variable. When evaluated on such arguments R and X, the function represents the free commutative ring over R generated by X. This ring can also be viewed as the ring of polynomials over R with indeterminate X.""" ; math-meta:example _:n79n . _:n79n math:arguments _:n79o . _:n79o rdf:first _:n79p . _:n79p math:value "The polynomial ring over R with indeterminate X:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n79o rdf:rest _:n79q . _:n79q rdf:first _:n79r . _:n79r math:arguments _:n79s . _:n79s rdf:first _:n79t . _:n79t math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n79s rdf:rest _:n79u . _:n79u rdf:first _:n79v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n79s a rdf:List . _:n79r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n79q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n79o a rdf:List . _:n79n math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument is a ring R and the second argument is an element of R. When evaluated on R and such a second argument, the function represents the ideal in R generated by the second argument.""" ; math-meta:example _:n79w . _:n79w math:arguments _:n79x . _:n79x rdf:first _:n79y . _:n79y math:value "The ideal in the free ring over the rationals on the letters a, b generated by a*b-b*a:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n79x rdf:rest _:n79z . _:n79z rdf:first _:n7a0 . _:n7a0 math:arguments _:n7a1 . _:n7a1 rdf:first _:n7a2 . _:n7a2 math:arguments _:n7a3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7a1 rdf:rest _:n7a4 . _:n7a4 rdf:first _:n7a5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7a1 a rdf:List . _:n7a0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n79z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n79x a rdf:List . _:n79w math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . math-meta:description """This is a binary function, whose first argument is a ring R and whose second argument is an ideal I of R. When applied to R and I, it denotes the quotient ring of R by I.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7a6 . _:n7a6 math:arguments _:n7a7 . _:n7a7 rdf:first _:n7a8 . _:n7a8 math:value """The carrier of the ring of integers modulo 2 is introduced as Zm(2) in the CD setname2. The ring can also be defined as follows."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7a7 rdf:rest _:n7a9 . _:n7a9 rdf:first _:n7aa . _:n7aa math:arguments _:n7ab . _:n7ab rdf:first _:n7ac . _:n7ac math:arguments _:n7ad ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ab rdf:rest _:n7ae . _:n7ae rdf:first _:n7af ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ab a rdf:List . _:n7aa math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7a9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7a7 a rdf:List . _:n7a6 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n7ag . _:n7ag math:arguments _:n7ah . _:n7ah rdf:first _:n7ai . _:n7ai math:value """The ring (Z/2Z)[x]/(x^2+x+1)"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7ah rdf:rest _:n7aj . _:n7aj rdf:first _:n7ak . _:n7ak math:arguments _:n7al . _:n7al rdf:first _:n7am . _:n7am math:arguments _:n7an ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7al rdf:rest _:n7ao . _:n7ao rdf:first _:n7ap ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7al a rdf:List . _:n7ak math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7aj rdf:rest _:n7aq . _:n7aq rdf:first _:n7ar . _:n7ar math:value "Using the xref mechanism it can also be represented as"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7aq rdf:rest _:n7as . _:n7as rdf:first _:n7at . _:n7at math:arguments _:n7au ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7as rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ah a rdf:List . _:n7ag math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring3 . :ring4 math-meta:description """A CD of functions for further basic properties of rings""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-02-25" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a boolean unary function. The argument is a ring R. When evaluated on R, the function returns true if R is a domain and false otherwise. A domain is a commutative ring without zero divisors.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring4 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_commutative(G) and for all a in carrier(G) there is b in carrier(G) such that a*b = identity(G), then is_field(G).""" ; math-meta:description """This is unary boolean function whose argument should be a ring R. The value is true if and only if the ring is commutative and every nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7av . _:n7av math:arguments _:n7aw . _:n7aw rdf:first _:n7ax . _:n7ax math:arguments _:n7ay . _:n7ay rdf:first _:n7az . _:n7az math:arguments _:n7b0 . _:n7b0 rdf:first _:n7b1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7az math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ay rdf:rest _:n7b2 . _:n7b2 rdf:first _:n7b3 . _:n7b3 math:binder ; math:body _:n7b4 ; math:variables _:n7b5 ; a math:Binding . _:n7b2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ay a rdf:List . _:n7ax math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7aw rdf:rest _:n7b6 . _:n7b6 rdf:first _:n7b7 . _:n7b7 math:arguments _:n7b8 . _:n7b8 rdf:first _:n7b9 . _:n7b9 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n7b8 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7b7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7b6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7aw a rdf:List . _:n7av math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring4 . math-meta:description """The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a maximal ideal of the first.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring4 . math-meta:description """The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a prime ideal of the first.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring4 . math-meta:commentedProperty """An element x of a ring R is a zero divisor if and only if it nonzero and there is a nonzero y in R such that x * y = 0 or y * x = 0.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a boolean binary function. The first argument is a ring R, the second is an element x of R. When evaluated on R and x, the function returns true if x a zero divisor and nonzero in R.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring4 . :ring5 math-meta:description """A CD of functions for relating ring elements their images in quotient rings""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-07-07" . math-meta:description """This is a function with a single argument which must be a ring. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring5 . math-meta:description """This is a function with three arguments the first two of which must be monoids F and K. The third argument should be a set or a list L of ordered pairs (lists of length 2). Each pair [x,y] from L consists of an element x from F and an element y from K. when applied to F, K, and L, the symbol represents the monoid homomorphism from F to K that maps the first entry x of each pair [x,y] to the second entry y of the same pair.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring5 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a ring R, and whose second argument is a univariate polynomial f with coefficients from R. So, if the indeterminate is X, when applied to R and f, the function has value the natural quotient map from R[X] to the quotient ring R[X]/(f).""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring5 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a ring R and whose second argument is an ideal I of R. When applied to R and I, its value is the natural quotient map from R to the quotient ring R/I.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ring5 . :ringname1 math-meta:description """A CD of names of frequently used rings in ring theory.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-03-08" . math-meta:commentedProperty "The carrier set of this ring is the set of integers." , "The integer 1 is the identity element of this ring." ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the ring of integers." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7ba . _:n7ba math:arguments _:n7bb . _:n7bb rdf:first _:n7bc . _:n7bc math:arguments _:n7bd . _:n7bd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7bc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7bb rdf:rest _:n7be . _:n7be rdf:first _:n7bf . _:n7bf math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7be rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7bb a rdf:List . _:n7ba math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7bg . _:n7bg math:arguments _:n7bh . _:n7bh rdf:first _:n7bi . _:n7bi math:arguments _:n7bj . _:n7bj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7bi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7bh rdf:rest _:n7bk . _:n7bk rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7bh a rdf:List . _:n7bg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ringname1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the ring of integers modulo m, where m is not necessarily a prime. It takes one argument, the integer m.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7bl . _:n7bl math:arguments _:n7bm . _:n7bm rdf:first _:n7bn . _:n7bn math:value "The ring of integers mod 12:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7bm rdf:rest _:n7bo . _:n7bo rdf:first _:n7bp . _:n7bp math:arguments _:n7bq . _:n7bq rdf:first _:n7br . _:n7br math:value "12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7bq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7bp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7bo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7bm a rdf:List . _:n7bl math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ringname1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The quaternion ring over R is isomorphic to the quotient of the free ring over R generated by i, j, k subject to the relations ij=-ji=k and i^2=j^2=k^2=-1.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function. Its argument is a ring R. When evaluated on R, the function represents the ring of quaternions over R, that is, the ring with basis 1,i,j,k over R such that ij=-ji=k, i^2=j^2=k^2=-1.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7bs . _:n7bs math:arguments _:n7bt . _:n7bt rdf:first _:n7bu . _:n7bu math:arguments _:n7bv . _:n7bv rdf:first _:n7bw . _:n7bw math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n7bv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7bu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7bt rdf:rest _:n7bx . _:n7bx rdf:first _:n7by . _:n7by math:arguments _:n7bz . _:n7bz rdf:first _:n7c0 . _:n7c0 math:arguments _:n7c1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7bz rdf:rest _:n7c2 . _:n7c2 rdf:first _:n7c3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7bz a rdf:List . _:n7by math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7bx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7bt a rdf:List . _:n7bs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :ringname1 . :rounding1 math-meta:description "A CD of basic rounding concepts" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , """Written by James Davenport, inspired by the need from bigfloat.ocd. Finished 1999-10-24.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x | ceiling(x)-1 < x <= ceiling x" ; math-meta:description "The round up (to +infinity) operation." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7c4 . _:n7c4 math:binder ; math:body _:n7c5 . _:n7c5 math:arguments _:n7c6 . _:n7c6 rdf:first _:n7c7 . _:n7c7 math:arguments _:n7c8 . _:n7c8 rdf:first _:n7c9 . _:n7c9 math:arguments _:n7ca ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7c8 rdf:rest _:n7cb . _:n7cb rdf:first _:n7cc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7c8 a rdf:List . _:n7c7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7c6 rdf:rest _:n7cd . _:n7cd rdf:first _:n7ce . _:n7ce math:arguments _:n7cf . _:n7cf rdf:first _:n7cg ; rdf:rest _:n7ch ; a rdf:List . _:n7ce math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7cd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7c6 a rdf:List . _:n7c5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7c4 math:variables _:n7ci . _:n7ci rdf:first _:n7cj . _:n7cj math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ci rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7c4 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rounding1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x | floor(x) <= x < floor(x)+1" ; math-meta:description "The round down (to -infinity) operation." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7ck . _:n7ck math:binder ; math:body _:n7cl . _:n7cl math:arguments _:n7cm . _:n7cm rdf:first _:n7cn . _:n7cn math:arguments _:n7co . _:n7co rdf:first _:n7cp . _:n7cp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7co rdf:rest _:n7cq . _:n7cq rdf:first _:n7cr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7co a rdf:List . _:n7cn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7cm rdf:rest _:n7cs . _:n7cs rdf:first _:n7ct . _:n7ct math:arguments _:n7cu . _:n7cu rdf:first _:n7cv ; rdf:rest _:n7cw ; a rdf:List . _:n7ct math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7cs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7cm a rdf:List . _:n7cl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ck math:variables _:n7cx . _:n7cx rdf:first _:n7cy . _:n7cy math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7cx rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7ck a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rounding1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x | Also round to even in event of a tie" , "for all x | x <= round(x)+1/2 and x >= round(x)-1/2" ; math-meta:description "The round to nearest operation." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7cz . _:n7cz math:binder ; math:body _:n7d0 . _:n7d0 math:arguments _:n7d1 . _:n7d1 rdf:first _:n7d2 . _:n7d2 math:arguments _:n7d3 . _:n7d3 rdf:first _:n7d4 . _:n7d4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7d3 rdf:rest _:n7d5 . _:n7d5 rdf:first _:n7d6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7d3 a rdf:List . _:n7d2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7d1 rdf:rest _:n7d7 . _:n7d7 rdf:first _:n7d8 . _:n7d8 math:arguments _:n7d9 . _:n7d9 rdf:first _:n7da ; rdf:rest _:n7db ; a rdf:List . _:n7d8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7d7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7d1 a rdf:List . _:n7d0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7cz math:variables _:n7dc . _:n7dc rdf:first _:n7dd . _:n7dd math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7dc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7cz a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7de . _:n7de math:binder ; math:body _:n7df . _:n7df math:arguments _:n7dg . _:n7dg rdf:first _:n7dh . _:n7dh math:arguments _:n7di . _:n7di rdf:first _:n7dj . _:n7dj math:arguments _:n7dk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7di rdf:rest _:n7dl . _:n7dl rdf:first _:n7dm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7di a rdf:List . _:n7dh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7dg rdf:rest _:n7dn . _:n7dn rdf:first _:n7do . _:n7do math:arguments _:n7dp . _:n7dp rdf:first _:n7dq ; rdf:rest _:n7dr ; a rdf:List . _:n7do math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7dn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7dg a rdf:List . _:n7df math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7de math:variables _:n7ds . _:n7ds rdf:first _:n7dt . _:n7dt math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ds rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7de a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rounding1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all x | trunc(x) <= x < trunc(x)+1 (x>0)" , "for all x | trunc(x) >= x > trunc(x)-1 (x<0)" ; math-meta:description "The round to zero operation." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7du . _:n7du math:binder ; math:body _:n7dv . _:n7dv math:arguments _:n7dw . _:n7dw rdf:first _:n7dx . _:n7dx math:arguments _:n7dy . _:n7dy rdf:first _:n7dz . _:n7dz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7dy rdf:rest _:n7e0 . _:n7e0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7dy a rdf:List . _:n7dx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7dw rdf:rest _:n7e1 . _:n7e1 rdf:first _:n7e2 . _:n7e2 math:arguments _:n7e3 . _:n7e3 rdf:first _:n7e4 ; rdf:rest _:n7e5 ; a rdf:List . _:n7e2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7e1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7dw a rdf:List . _:n7dv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7du math:variables _:n7e6 . _:n7e6 rdf:first _:n7e7 . _:n7e7 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7e6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7du a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7e8 . _:n7e8 math:binder ; math:body _:n7e9 . _:n7e9 math:arguments _:n7ea . _:n7ea rdf:first _:n7eb . _:n7eb math:arguments _:n7ec . _:n7ec rdf:first _:n7ed . _:n7ed math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ec rdf:rest _:n7ee . _:n7ee rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ec a rdf:List . _:n7eb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ea rdf:rest _:n7ef . _:n7ef rdf:first _:n7eg . _:n7eg math:arguments _:n7eh . _:n7eh rdf:first _:n7ei ; rdf:rest _:n7ej ; a rdf:List . _:n7eg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ef rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ea a rdf:List . _:n7e9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7e8 math:variables _:n7ek . _:n7ek rdf:first _:n7el . _:n7el math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ek rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7e8 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :rounding1 . :s_data1 math-meta:description """This CD holds the definitions of the basic statistical functions used on sample data. It is intended to be `compatible' with the MathML elements representing statistical functions, though it does not cover the concept of random variable which is mentioned in MathML.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "The mean of n arguments is their sum divided by their number" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an n-ary function denoting the mean of its arguments. That is, their sum divided by their number.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7em . _:n7em math:arguments _:n7en . _:n7en rdf:first _:n7eo . _:n7eo math:value "The mean of {1,2,3} is 2"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7en rdf:rest _:n7ep . _:n7ep rdf:first _:n7eq . _:n7eq math:arguments _:n7er . _:n7er rdf:first _:n7es . _:n7es math:arguments _:n7et ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7er rdf:rest _:n7eu . _:n7eu rdf:first _:n7ev ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7er a rdf:List . _:n7eq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ep rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7en a rdf:List . _:n7em math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7ew . _:n7ew math:arguments _:n7ex . _:n7ex rdf:first _:n7ey . _:n7ey math:arguments _:n7ez . _:n7ez rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n7f0 . _:n7f0 rdf:first _:n7f1 . _:n7f1 math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:n7f0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ez a rdf:List . _:n7ey math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ex rdf:rest _:n7f2 . _:n7f2 rdf:first _:n7f3 . _:n7f3 math:arguments _:n7f4 . _:n7f4 rdf:first _:n7f5 . _:n7f5 math:arguments _:n7f6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7f4 rdf:rest _:n7f7 . _:n7f7 rdf:first _:n7f8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7f4 a rdf:List . _:n7f3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7f2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ex a rdf:List . _:n7ew math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :s_data1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents an n-ary function denoting the median of its arguments. That is, if the data were placed in ascending order then it denotes the middle one (in the case of an odd amount of data) or the average of the middle two (in the case of an even amount of data).""" ; math-meta:example _:n7f9 . _:n7f9 math:arguments _:n7fa . _:n7fa rdf:first _:n7fb . _:n7fb math:value "The median of {1,2,3} is 2"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7fa rdf:rest _:n7fc . _:n7fc rdf:first _:n7fd . _:n7fd math:arguments _:n7fe . _:n7fe rdf:first _:n7ff . _:n7ff math:arguments _:n7fg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7fe rdf:rest _:n7fh . _:n7fh rdf:first _:n7fi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7fe a rdf:List . _:n7fd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7fc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7fa a rdf:List . _:n7f9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :s_data1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The mode of n arguments is that value which occurs with the greatest frequency." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents an n-ary function denoting the mode of its arguments. That is the value which occurs with the greatest frequency.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7fj . _:n7fj math:arguments _:n7fk . _:n7fk rdf:first _:n7fl . _:n7fl math:value "The mode of {1,1,2} is 1"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7fk rdf:rest _:n7fm . _:n7fm rdf:first _:n7fn . _:n7fn math:arguments _:n7fo . _:n7fo rdf:first _:n7fp . _:n7fp math:arguments _:n7fq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7fo rdf:rest _:n7fr . _:n7fr rdf:first _:n7fs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7fo a rdf:List . _:n7fn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7fm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7fk a rdf:List . _:n7fj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :s_data1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the i'th moment of a set of data. The first argument should be the degree of the moment (that is, for the i'th moment the first argument should be i), the second argument should be the point about which the moment is being taken and the rest of the arguments are treated as the data. For n data values x_1, x_2, ..., x_n the i'th moment about c is (1/n) ((x_1-c)^i + (x_2-c)^i + ... + (x_n-c)^i). See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, section 7.7.1.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7ft . _:n7ft math:arguments _:n7fu . _:n7fu rdf:first _:n7fv . _:n7fv math:value """This is an example to denote the 2'nd moment of a set of data about the origin."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7fu rdf:rest _:n7fw . _:n7fw rdf:first _:n7fx . _:n7fx math:arguments _:n7fy . _:n7fy rdf:first _:n7fz . _:n7fz math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7fy rdf:rest _:n7g0 . _:n7g0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n7g1 . _:n7fy a rdf:List . _:n7fx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7fw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7fu a rdf:List . _:n7ft math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :s_data1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The square of the standard deviation of n arguments is the sum of the squares of the differences from their mean divided by the number of arguments.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function requiring two or more arguments, denoting the sample standard deviation of its arguments. That is, the square root of (the sum of the squares of the deviations from the mean of the arguments, divided by the number of arguments). See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, (7.7.11) section 7.7.1.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7g2 . _:n7g2 math:arguments _:n7g3 . _:n7g3 rdf:first _:n7g4 . _:n7g4 math:value "This is an example to denote the standard deviation of a set of data"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7g3 rdf:rest _:n7g5 . _:n7g5 rdf:first _:n7g6 . _:n7g6 math:arguments _:n7g7 . _:n7g7 rdf:first _:n7g8 . _:n7g8 math:value "3.1"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n7g7 rdf:rest _:n7g9 . _:n7g9 rdf:first _:n7ga ; rdf:rest _:n7gb . _:n7g7 a rdf:List . _:n7g6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7g5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7g3 a rdf:List . _:n7g2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7gc . _:n7gc math:arguments _:n7gd . _:n7gd rdf:first _:n7ge . _:n7ge math:arguments _:n7gf . _:n7gf rdf:first _:n7gg . _:n7gg math:arguments _:n7gh . _:n7gh rdf:first _:n7gi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7gg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7gf rdf:rest _:n7gj . _:n7gj rdf:first _:n7gk . _:n7gk math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7gj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7gf a rdf:List . _:n7ge math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7gd rdf:rest _:n7gl . _:n7gl rdf:first _:n7gm . _:n7gm math:arguments _:n7gn . _:n7gn rdf:first _:n7go . _:n7go math:arguments _:n7gp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7gn rdf:rest _:n7gq . _:n7gq rdf:first _:n7gr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7gn a rdf:List . _:n7gm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7gl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7gd a rdf:List . _:n7gc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :s_data1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The variance of n arguments is the square of the standard deviation of those arguments.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function requiring two or more arguments, denoting the variance of its arguments. That is, the square of the standard deviation.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7gs . _:n7gs math:arguments _:n7gt . _:n7gt rdf:first _:n7gu . _:n7gu math:value "This is an example to denote the variance of a set of data"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7gt rdf:rest _:n7gv . _:n7gv rdf:first _:n7gw . _:n7gw math:arguments _:n7gx . _:n7gx rdf:first _:n7gy . _:n7gy math:value "3.1"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n7gx rdf:rest _:n7gz . _:n7gz rdf:first _:n7h0 ; rdf:rest _:n7h1 . _:n7gx a rdf:List . _:n7gw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7gv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7gt a rdf:List . _:n7gs math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7h2 . _:n7h2 math:arguments _:n7h3 . _:n7h3 rdf:first _:n7h4 . _:n7h4 math:arguments _:n7h5 . _:n7h5 rdf:first _:n7h6 . _:n7h6 math:arguments _:n7h7 . _:n7h7 rdf:first _:n7h8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7h6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7h5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7h4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7h3 rdf:rest _:n7h9 . _:n7h9 rdf:first _:n7ha . _:n7ha math:arguments _:n7hb . _:n7hb rdf:first _:n7hc . _:n7hc math:arguments _:n7hd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7hb rdf:rest _:n7he . _:n7he rdf:first _:n7hf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7hb a rdf:List . _:n7ha math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7h9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7h3 a rdf:List . _:n7h2 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :s_data1 . :s_dist1 math-meta:description """This CD holds the definitions of the basic statistical functions used on random variables. It is intended to be `compatible' with the MathML elements representing statistical functions.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "mean(f(X)) = int(x*f(x)) w.r.t. x over the range [-infinity,infinity]" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function denoting the mean of a distribution. The argument is a univariate function to describe the distribution. That is, if f is the function describing the distribution. The mean is the expression integrate(x*f(x)) w.r.t. x over the range (-infinity,infinity).""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7hg . _:n7hg math:arguments _:n7hh . _:n7hh rdf:first _:n7hi . _:n7hi math:arguments _:n7hj . _:n7hj rdf:first _:n7hk . _:n7hk math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7hj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7hi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7hh rdf:rest _:n7hl . _:n7hl rdf:first _:n7hm . _:n7hm math:arguments _:n7hn . _:n7hn rdf:first _:n7ho . _:n7ho math:arguments _:n7hp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7hn rdf:rest _:n7hq . _:n7hq rdf:first _:n7hr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7hn a rdf:List . _:n7hm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7hl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7hh a rdf:List . _:n7hg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :s_dist1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """the i'th moment of f(X) about c = integral of (x-c)^i*f(x) with respect to x, over the interval (-infinity,infinity)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a ternary function to denote the i'th moment of a distribution. The first argument should be the degree of the moment (that is, for the i'th moment the first argument should be i), the second argument is the value about which the moment is to be taken and the third argument is a univariate function to describe the distribution. That is, if f is the function which describe the distribution. The i'th moment of f about a is the integral of (x-a)^i*f(x) with respect to x, over the interval (-infinity,infinity).""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7hs . _:n7hs math:arguments _:n7ht . _:n7ht rdf:first _:n7hu . _:n7hu math:arguments _:n7hv . _:n7hv rdf:first _:n7hw . _:n7hw math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n7hv rdf:rest _:n7hx . _:n7hx rdf:first _:n7hy . _:n7hy math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n7hx rdf:rest _:n7hz . _:n7hz rdf:first _:n7i0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7hv a rdf:List . _:n7hu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ht rdf:rest _:n7i1 . _:n7i1 rdf:first _:n7i2 . _:n7i2 math:arguments _:n7i3 . _:n7i3 rdf:first _:n7i4 . _:n7i4 math:arguments _:n7i5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7i3 rdf:rest _:n7i6 . _:n7i6 rdf:first _:n7i7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7i3 a rdf:List . _:n7i2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7i1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ht a rdf:List . _:n7hs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :s_dist1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The standard deviation of a distribution is the arithmetical mean of the squares of the deviation of the distribution from the mean.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function denoting the standard deviation of a distribution. The argument is a univariate function to describe the distribution. The standard deviation of a distribution is the arithmetical mean of the squares of the deviation of the distribution from the mean.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7i8 . _:n7i8 math:arguments _:n7i9 . _:n7i9 rdf:first _:n7ia . _:n7ia math:arguments _:n7ib . _:n7ib rdf:first _:n7ic . _:n7ic math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ib rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7ia math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7i9 rdf:rest _:n7id . _:n7id rdf:first _:n7ie . _:n7ie math:arguments _:n7if . _:n7if rdf:first _:n7ig . _:n7ig math:arguments _:n7ih ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7if rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7ie math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7id rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7i9 a rdf:List . _:n7i8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :s_dist1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The variance of a distribution is the square of the standard deviation of the distribution.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function denoting the variance of a distribution. The argument is a function to describe the distribution. That is if f is the function which describes the distribution. The variance of a distribution is the square of the standard deviation of the distribution.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7ii . _:n7ii math:arguments _:n7ij . _:n7ij rdf:first _:n7ik . _:n7ik math:arguments _:n7il . _:n7il rdf:first _:n7im . _:n7im math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7il rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7ik math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ij rdf:rest _:n7in . _:n7in rdf:first _:n7io . _:n7io math:arguments _:n7ip . _:n7ip rdf:first _:n7iq . _:n7iq math:arguments _:n7ir ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ip rdf:rest _:n7is . _:n7is rdf:first _:n7it ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ip a rdf:List . _:n7io math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7in rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ij a rdf:List . _:n7ii math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :s_dist1 . :semigroup math-meta:description """The definition of a semigroup as setoid with a binary operation. Initial version: O. Caprotti""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """Is defined as Lambda {sg_Carrier:> Setoid; sg_op: mapsto(sg_Carrier sg_Carrier sg_Carrier)}. SigmaType{ sg_Carrier:> Setoid; sg_op: mapsto(sg_Carrier sg_Carrier sg_Carrier); (associative sg_Carrier sg_op) }""" ; math-meta:description """The contructor for the type of semigroups as a Setoid with a binary operation.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup . math-meta:commentedProperty """Is defined as Lambda {sg_Carrier:> Setoid; sg_op: mapsto(sg_Carrier sg_Carrier sg_Carrier)}. PiType{ x,y,z: sg_Carrier }. eq(sg_op(x, sg_op(y,z)), sg_op( sg_op(x,y),z))""" ; math-meta:description "The type of associative binary operation." ; math-meta:example _:n7iu . _:n7iu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup . math-meta:commentedProperty """Is defined as Lambda {sg_Carrier:> Setoid; sg_op: mapsto(sg_Carrier sg_Carrier sg_Carrier); proof: (associative sg_Carrier sg_op)}. Tuple (Setoid, sg_op, proof)""" ; math-meta:description """The contructor for the tuples consisting of a setoid, and an associative binary operation.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup . :semigroup1 math-meta:description "Basic functions for semigroup theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-05-17 Edited AMC 2004-0304""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a semigroup S (for instance constructed by semigroup). When applied to S, its value should be the set of elements of S.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7iv . _:n7iv math:arguments _:n7iw . _:n7iw rdf:first _:n7ix . _:n7ix math:value "The carrier of semigroup(S,*) is S."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7iw rdf:rest _:n7iy . _:n7iy rdf:first _:n7iz . _:n7iz math:arguments _:n7j0 . _:n7j0 rdf:first _:n7j1 . _:n7j1 math:arguments _:n7j2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7j0 rdf:rest _:n7j3 . _:n7j3 rdf:first _:n7j4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7j0 a rdf:List . _:n7iz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7iy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7iw a rdf:List . _:n7iv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments. Its first argument should be a semigroup G. The second should be an arithmetic expression A, whose operators are times and power, and whose leaves are members of the carrier of G. The second argument of power should be positive. When applied to G and A, it denotes the element (of G) that is obtained from the leaves of A by applying the multiplication and the power map of G instead of the times and power of the CD arith1 appearing in A.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7j5 . _:n7j5 math:arguments _:n7j6 . _:n7j6 rdf:first _:n7j7 . _:n7j7 math:arguments _:n7j8 . _:n7j8 rdf:first _:n7j9 . _:n7j9 math:arguments _:n7ja . _:n7ja rdf:first _:n7jb ; rdf:rest _:n7jc ; a rdf:List . _:n7j9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7j8 rdf:rest _:n7jd . _:n7jd rdf:first _:n7je . _:n7je math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7jd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7j8 a rdf:List . _:n7j7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7j6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7j5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a ternary function. Its first argument should be a semigroup S and the second and third arguments should be elements of S. When applied to S, a, and b, it denotes the fact that a is a divisor of b in S. This means that there are u,v in carrier(S) such that uav=b.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7jf . _:n7jf math:arguments _:n7jg . _:n7jg rdf:first _:n7jh . _:n7jh math:arguments _:n7ji . _:n7ji rdf:first _:n7jj . _:n7jj math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ji rdf:rest _:n7jk . _:n7jk rdf:first _:n7jl . _:n7jl math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n7jk rdf:rest _:n7jm . _:n7jm rdf:first _:n7jn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ji a rdf:List . _:n7jh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7jg rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7jf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_commutative(S) then for all a,b in carrier(S) a*b = b*a" ; math-meta:description """The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative semigroup.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7jo . _:n7jo math:arguments _:n7jp . _:n7jp rdf:first _:n7jq . _:n7jq math:arguments _:n7jr . _:n7jr rdf:first _:n7js . _:n7js math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n7jr rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7jq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7jp rdf:rest _:n7jt . _:n7jt rdf:first _:n7ju . _:n7ju math:binder ; math:body _:n7jv . _:n7jv math:arguments _:n7jw . _:n7jw rdf:first _:n7jx ; rdf:rest _:n7jy ; a rdf:List . _:n7jv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ju math:variables _:n7jz . _:n7jz rdf:first _:n7k0 . _:n7k0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n7jz rdf:rest _:n7k1 . _:n7k1 rdf:first _:n7k2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7jz a rdf:List . _:n7ju a math:Binding . _:n7jt rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7jp a rdf:List . _:n7jo math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_subsemigroup(S,T) then T is a set of elements of S and T is closed under multiplication.""" ; math-meta:description """The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a subsemigroup of the second.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function. Its argument should be a semigroup S. When applied to S, it denotes the magma with the same element set and binary operation as S.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7k3 . _:n7k3 math:arguments _:n7k4 . _:n7k4 rdf:first _:n7k5 . _:n7k5 math:arguments _:n7k6 . _:n7k6 rdf:first _:n7k7 . _:n7k7 math:arguments _:n7k8 . _:n7k8 rdf:first _:n7k9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7k7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7k6 rdf:rest _:n7ka . _:n7ka rdf:first _:n7kb . _:n7kb math:arguments _:n7kc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ka rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7k6 a rdf:List . _:n7k5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7k4 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7k3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a semigroup S. It returns the multiplication map on S. We allow for the map to be n-ary.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7kd . _:n7kd math:arguments _:n7ke . _:n7ke rdf:first _:n7kf . _:n7kf math:value "The multiplication of semigroup(S,*) is *."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7ke rdf:rest _:n7kg . _:n7kg rdf:first _:n7kh . _:n7kh math:arguments _:n7ki . _:n7ki rdf:first _:n7kj . _:n7kj math:arguments _:n7kk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ki rdf:rest _:n7kl . _:n7kl rdf:first _:n7km ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ki a rdf:List . _:n7kh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7kg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ke a rdf:List . _:n7kd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """A semigroup is closed under its operation. A semigroup operation is associative.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor for semigroups. It takes two arguments in the following order: a set to specify the elements in the semigroup, and a binary operation to specify the semigroup operation. The binary operation should act on elements of the set and return an element of the set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7kn . _:n7kn math:arguments _:n7ko . _:n7ko rdf:first _:n7kp . _:n7kp math:value """This example represents the semigroup of all functions f: R -> R with function composition as the operation."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7ko rdf:rest _:n7kq . _:n7kq rdf:first _:n7kr . _:n7kr math:arguments _:n7ks . _:n7ks rdf:first _:n7kt . _:n7kt math:arguments _:n7ku ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ks rdf:rest _:n7kv . _:n7kv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ks a rdf:List . _:n7kr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7kq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ko a rdf:List . _:n7kn math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7kw . _:n7kw math:arguments _:n7kx . _:n7kx rdf:first _:n7ky . _:n7ky math:arguments _:n7kz . _:n7kz rdf:first _:n7l0 . _:n7l0 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n7kz rdf:rest _:n7l1 . _:n7l1 rdf:first _:n7l2 . _:n7l2 math:arguments _:n7l3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7l1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7kz a rdf:List . _:n7ky math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7kx rdf:rest _:n7l4 . _:n7l4 rdf:first _:n7l5 . _:n7l5 math:arguments _:n7l6 . _:n7l6 rdf:first _:n7l7 . _:n7l7 math:arguments _:n7l8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7l6 rdf:rest _:n7l9 . _:n7l9 rdf:first _:n7la ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7l6 a rdf:List . _:n7l5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7l4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7kx a rdf:List . _:n7kw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a constructor symbol with two arguments. The first argument is a semigroup S, the second a list or set, D, of elements of S. When applied to S and D, it denotes the subsemigroup of S generated by D.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7lb . _:n7lb math:arguments _:n7lc . _:n7lc rdf:first _:n7ld . _:n7ld math:arguments _:n7le . _:n7le rdf:first _:n7lf . _:n7lf math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n7le rdf:rest _:n7lg . _:n7lg rdf:first _:n7lh . _:n7lh math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:n7lg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7le a rdf:List . _:n7ld math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7lc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7lb math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n7li . _:n7li math:arguments _:n7lj . _:n7lj rdf:first _:n7lk . _:n7lk math:value """This example represents the subsemigroup of the multiplicative semigroup of the nonzero reals generated by the constants Pi and E:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7lj rdf:rest _:n7ll . _:n7ll rdf:first _:n7lm . _:n7lm math:arguments _:n7ln . _:n7ln rdf:first _:n7lo . _:n7lo math:arguments _:n7lp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ln rdf:rest _:n7lq . _:n7lq rdf:first _:n7lr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ln a rdf:List . _:n7lm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ll rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7lj a rdf:List . _:n7li math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup1 . :semigroup2 math-meta:description "Basic functions for semigroup theory" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-10-03" . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_automorphism(M,f) then is_isomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a semigroup M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a semigroup automorphism f of M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7ls . _:n7ls math:arguments _:n7lt . _:n7lt rdf:first _:n7lu . _:n7lu math:arguments _:n7lv . _:n7lv rdf:first _:n7lw . _:n7lw math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7lv rdf:rest _:n7lx . _:n7lx rdf:first _:n7ly . _:n7ly math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7lx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7lv a rdf:List . _:n7lu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7lt rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7ls math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7lz . _:n7lz math:arguments _:n7m0 . _:n7m0 rdf:first _:n7m1 . _:n7m1 math:arguments _:n7m2 . _:n7m2 rdf:first _:n7m3 . _:n7m3 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7m2 rdf:rest _:n7m4 . _:n7m4 rdf:first _:n7m5 . _:n7m5 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7m4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7m2 a rdf:List . _:n7m1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7m0 rdf:rest _:n7m6 . _:n7m6 rdf:first _:n7m7 . _:n7m7 math:arguments _:n7m8 . _:n7m8 rdf:first _:n7m9 . _:n7m9 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7m8 rdf:rest _:n7ma . _:n7ma rdf:first _:n7mb ; rdf:rest _:n7mc . _:n7m8 a rdf:List . _:n7m7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7m6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7m0 a rdf:List . _:n7lz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "If is_endomorphism(M,f) then is_homomorphism(M,M,f)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a semigroup M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a semigroup endomorphism from M to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7md . _:n7md math:arguments _:n7me . _:n7me rdf:first _:n7mf . _:n7mf math:arguments _:n7mg . _:n7mg rdf:first _:n7mh . _:n7mh math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7mg rdf:rest _:n7mi . _:n7mi rdf:first _:n7mj . _:n7mj math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7mi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7mg a rdf:List . _:n7mf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7me rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7md math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7mk . _:n7mk math:arguments _:n7ml . _:n7ml rdf:first _:n7mm . _:n7mm math:arguments _:n7mn . _:n7mn rdf:first _:n7mo . _:n7mo math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7mn rdf:rest _:n7mp . _:n7mp rdf:first _:n7mq . _:n7mq math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7mp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7mn a rdf:List . _:n7mm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ml rdf:rest _:n7mr . _:n7mr rdf:first _:n7ms . _:n7ms math:arguments _:n7mt . _:n7mt rdf:first _:n7mu . _:n7mu math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7mt rdf:rest _:n7mv . _:n7mv rdf:first _:n7mw ; rdf:rest _:n7mx . _:n7mt a rdf:List . _:n7ms math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7mr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ml a rdf:List . _:n7mk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """If is_homomorphism(M,N,f) then, for each pair of elements x, y of M, we have f(x * y) = f(x) * f(y).""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are semigroups M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a semigroup homomorphism from M to N.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7my . _:n7my math:arguments _:n7mz . _:n7mz rdf:first _:n7n0 . _:n7n0 math:arguments _:n7n1 . _:n7n1 rdf:first _:n7n2 . _:n7n2 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7n1 rdf:rest _:n7n3 . _:n7n3 rdf:first _:n7n4 . _:n7n4 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n7n3 rdf:rest _:n7n5 . _:n7n5 rdf:first _:n7n6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7n1 a rdf:List . _:n7n0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7mz rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7my math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7n7 . _:n7n7 math:arguments _:n7n8 . _:n7n8 rdf:first _:n7n9 . _:n7n9 math:arguments _:n7na . _:n7na rdf:first _:n7nb . _:n7nb math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7na rdf:rest _:n7nc . _:n7nc rdf:first _:n7nd . _:n7nd math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n7nc rdf:rest _:n7ne . _:n7ne rdf:first _:n7nf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7na a rdf:List . _:n7n9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7n8 rdf:rest _:n7ng . _:n7ng rdf:first _:n7nh . _:n7nh math:binder ; math:body _:n7ni . _:n7ni math:arguments _:n7nj . _:n7nj rdf:first _:n7nk ; rdf:rest _:n7nl ; a rdf:List . _:n7ni math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7nh math:variables _:n7nm . _:n7nm rdf:first _:n7nn . _:n7nn math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7nm rdf:rest _:n7no . _:n7no rdf:first _:n7np ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7nm a rdf:List . _:n7nh a math:Binding . _:n7ng rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7n8 a rdf:List . _:n7n7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are semigroups M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a semigroup isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7nq . _:n7nq math:arguments _:n7nr . _:n7nr rdf:first _:n7ns . _:n7ns math:arguments _:n7nt . _:n7nt rdf:first _:n7nu . _:n7nu math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7nt rdf:rest _:n7nv . _:n7nv rdf:first _:n7nw . _:n7nw math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n7nv rdf:rest _:n7nx . _:n7nx rdf:first _:n7ny ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7nt a rdf:List . _:n7ns math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7nr rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7nq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup2 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are semigroups. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7nz . _:n7nz math:arguments _:n7o0 . _:n7o0 rdf:first _:n7o1 . _:n7o1 math:arguments _:n7o2 . _:n7o2 rdf:first _:n7o3 . _:n7o3 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7o2 rdf:rest _:n7o4 . _:n7o4 rdf:first _:n7o5 . _:n7o5 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:n7o4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7o2 a rdf:List . _:n7o1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7o0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7nz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "left_multiplication(M,x) (y) = x * y." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a semigroup M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes left multiplication on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7o6 . _:n7o6 math:binder ; math:body _:n7o7 . _:n7o7 math:arguments _:n7o8 . _:n7o8 rdf:first _:n7o9 . _:n7o9 math:arguments _:n7oa . _:n7oa rdf:first _:n7ob . _:n7ob math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n7oa rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7o9 math:operator _:n7oc . _:n7oc math:arguments _:n7od . _:n7od rdf:first _:n7oe ; rdf:rest _:n7of ; a rdf:List . _:n7oc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7o9 a math:Application . _:n7o8 rdf:rest _:n7og . _:n7og rdf:first _:n7oh . _:n7oh math:arguments _:n7oi . _:n7oi rdf:first _:n7oj ; rdf:rest _:n7ok ; a rdf:List . _:n7oh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7og rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7o8 a rdf:List . _:n7o7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7o6 math:variables _:n7ol . _:n7ol rdf:first _:n7om . _:n7om math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ol rdf:rest _:n7on . _:n7on rdf:first _:n7oo . _:n7oo math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7on rdf:rest _:n7op . _:n7op rdf:first _:n7oq . _:n7oq math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n7op rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ol a rdf:List . _:n7o6 a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "right_multiplication(M,x) (y) = y * x." ; math-meta:description """This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a semigroup M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by x.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7or . _:n7or math:binder ; math:body _:n7os . _:n7os math:arguments _:n7ot . _:n7ot rdf:first _:n7ou . _:n7ou math:arguments _:n7ov . _:n7ov rdf:first _:n7ow . _:n7ow math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ov rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7ou math:operator _:n7ox . _:n7ox math:arguments _:n7oy . _:n7oy rdf:first _:n7oz ; rdf:rest _:n7p0 ; a rdf:List . _:n7ox math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ou a math:Application . _:n7ot rdf:rest _:n7p1 . _:n7p1 rdf:first _:n7p2 . _:n7p2 math:arguments _:n7p3 . _:n7p3 rdf:first _:n7p4 ; rdf:rest _:n7p5 ; a rdf:List . _:n7p2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7p1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ot a rdf:List . _:n7os math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7or math:variables _:n7p6 . _:n7p6 rdf:first _:n7p7 . _:n7p7 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7p6 rdf:rest _:n7p8 . _:n7p8 rdf:first _:n7p9 . _:n7p9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7p8 rdf:rest _:n7pa . _:n7pa rdf:first _:n7pb . _:n7pb math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n7pa rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7p6 a rdf:List . _:n7or a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup2 . :semigroup3 math-meta:description "Semigroup constructions" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Initiated by Arjeh M. Cohen 2003-10-02" . math-meta:description """This is a function with a single argument which must be a semigroup. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The size of cyclic_semigroup(k,l) equals k+l." ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the cyclic semigroup with a cycle of length l and a tail of length k.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7pc . _:n7pc math:arguments _:n7pd . _:n7pd rdf:first _:n7pe . _:n7pe math:arguments _:n7pf . _:n7pf rdf:first _:n7pg . _:n7pg math:arguments _:n7ph . _:n7ph rdf:first _:n7pi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7pg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7pf rdf:rest _:n7pj . _:n7pj rdf:first _:n7pk . _:n7pk math:arguments _:n7pl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7pj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7pf a rdf:List . _:n7pe math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7pd rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7pc math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7pm . _:n7pm math:arguments _:n7pn . _:n7pn rdf:first _:n7po . _:n7po math:arguments _:n7pp . _:n7pp rdf:first _:n7pq . _:n7pq math:arguments _:n7pr . _:n7pr rdf:first _:n7ps ; rdf:rest _:n7pt ; a rdf:List . _:n7pq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7pp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7po math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7pn rdf:rest _:n7pu . _:n7pu rdf:first _:n7pv . _:n7pv math:arguments _:n7pw . _:n7pw rdf:first _:n7px . _:n7px math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:n7pw rdf:rest _:n7py . _:n7py rdf:first _:n7pz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7pw a rdf:List . _:n7pv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7pu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7pn a rdf:List . _:n7pm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup3 . math-meta:description """This is a binary function whose first argument should be a semigroup M and whose second argument should be a natural number n. It refers to the direct product of n copies of M.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup3 . math-meta:description """This is an n-ary function whose arguments must be semigroups. It refers to the direct product of its arguments.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function. The argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on such an argument, the function represents the free semigroup generated by the entries of the list or set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7q0 . _:n7q0 math:arguments _:n7q1 . _:n7q1 rdf:first _:n7q2 . _:n7q2 math:value "The free semigroup on the letters a, b:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7q1 rdf:rest _:n7q3 . _:n7q3 rdf:first _:n7q4 . _:n7q4 math:arguments _:n7q5 . _:n7q5 rdf:first _:n7q6 . _:n7q6 math:arguments _:n7q7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7q5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7q4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7q3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7q1 a rdf:List . _:n7q0 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """The left regular representation is a homomorphism of semigroups from M to the maps semigroup on M.""" , """The left regular representation on M applied to the element x of M represents left multiplication by x on M""" ; math-meta:description """This is a unary function whose argument must be a semigroup M. When applied to M, it represents the map from M to the maps semigroup on M that assigns to m left multiplication by m on M.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7q8 . _:n7q8 math:binder ; math:body _:n7q9 . _:n7q9 math:arguments _:n7qa . _:n7qa rdf:first _:n7qb . _:n7qb math:arguments _:n7qc . _:n7qc rdf:first _:n7qd . _:n7qd math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7qc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7qb math:operator _:n7qe . _:n7qe math:arguments _:n7qf . _:n7qf rdf:first _:n7qg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7qe math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7qb a math:Application . _:n7qa rdf:rest _:n7qh . _:n7qh rdf:first _:n7qi . _:n7qi math:arguments _:n7qj . _:n7qj rdf:first _:n7qk ; rdf:rest _:n7ql ; a rdf:List . _:n7qi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7qh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7qa a rdf:List . _:n7q9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7q8 math:variables _:n7qm . _:n7qm rdf:first _:n7qn . _:n7qn math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7qm rdf:rest _:n7qo . _:n7qo rdf:first _:n7qp . _:n7qp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7qo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7qm a rdf:List . _:n7q8 a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7qq . _:n7qq math:binder ; math:body _:n7qr . _:n7qr math:arguments _:n7qs . _:n7qs rdf:first _:n7qt . _:n7qt math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7qs rdf:rest _:n7qu . _:n7qu rdf:first _:n7qv . _:n7qv math:arguments _:n7qw . _:n7qw rdf:first _:n7qx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7qv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7qu rdf:rest _:n7qy . _:n7qy rdf:first _:n7qz . _:n7qz math:arguments _:n7r0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7qy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7qs a rdf:List . _:n7qr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7qq math:variables _:n7r1 . _:n7r1 rdf:first _:n7r2 . _:n7r2 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7r1 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7qq a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup3 . math-meta:description """This is a unary function whose argument must be a set X or a positive integer. When applied to X, it refers to the semigroup of all functions from X to X if X is a set and to {1,...,X} if X is an integer, whose binary operation is composition of maps and whose identity element is the identity map on the set X, respectively {1,...,X}.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup3 . :semigroup4 math-meta:description """A CD of functions for morphisms of semigroups.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Written by Arjeh M. Cohen 2004-07-07" . math-meta:description """This is a function with a single argument which must be a semigroup. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup4 . math-meta:description """This is a function with three arguments the first two of which must be semigroups F and K. The third argument should be a set or a list L of ordered pairs (lists of length 2). Each pair [x,y] from L consists of an element x from F and an element y from K. when applied to F, K, and L, the symbol represents the homomorphism from F to K that maps the first entry x of each pair [x,y] to the second entry y of the same pair.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :semigroup4 . :set1 math-meta:description """This CD defines the set functions and constructors for basic set theory. It is intended to be `compatible' with the corresponding elements in MathML.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents an n-ary construction function for constructing the Cartesian product of sets. It takes n set arguments in order to construct their Cartesian product.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7r3 . _:n7r3 math:arguments _:n7r4 . _:n7r4 rdf:first _:n7r5 . _:n7r5 math:value "An example to show the representation of the Cartesian product of sets: AxBxC."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7r4 rdf:rest _:n7r6 . _:n7r6 rdf:first _:n7r7 . _:n7r7 math:arguments _:n7r8 . _:n7r8 rdf:first _:n7r9 . _:n7r9 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7r8 rdf:rest _:n7ra . _:n7ra rdf:first _:n7rb ; rdf:rest _:n7rc . _:n7r8 a rdf:List . _:n7r7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7r6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7r4 a rdf:List . _:n7r3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The intersection of A with the emptyset is the emptyset" , "The union of A with the emptyset is A" , "the size of the empty set is zero" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the empty set, that is the set which contains no members. It takes no parameters.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7rd . _:n7rd math:arguments _:n7re . _:n7re rdf:first _:n7rf . _:n7rf math:arguments _:n7rg . _:n7rg rdf:first _:n7rh . _:n7rh math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7rg rdf:rest _:n7ri . _:n7ri rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7rg a rdf:List . _:n7rf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7re rdf:rest _:n7rj . _:n7rj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7re a rdf:List . _:n7rd math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7rk . _:n7rk math:arguments _:n7rl . _:n7rl rdf:first _:n7rm . _:n7rm math:arguments _:n7rn . _:n7rn rdf:first _:n7ro . _:n7ro math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7rn rdf:rest _:n7rp . _:n7rp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7rn a rdf:List . _:n7rm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7rl rdf:rest _:n7rq . _:n7rq rdf:first _:n7rr . _:n7rr math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7rq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7rl a rdf:List . _:n7rk math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7rs . _:n7rs math:arguments _:n7rt . _:n7rt rdf:first _:n7ru . _:n7ru math:arguments _:n7rv . _:n7rv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7ru math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7rt rdf:rest _:n7rw . _:n7rw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7rt a rdf:List . _:n7rs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "if a is in A and a is in B then a is in A intersect B" ; math-meta:description """This symbol has two arguments, an element and a set. It is used to denote that the element is in the given set.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7rx . _:n7rx math:arguments _:n7ry . _:n7ry rdf:first _:n7rz . _:n7rz math:arguments _:n7s0 . _:n7s0 rdf:first _:n7s1 . _:n7s1 math:arguments _:n7s2 . _:n7s2 rdf:first _:n7s3 ; rdf:rest _:n7s4 ; a rdf:List . _:n7s1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7s0 rdf:rest _:n7s5 . _:n7s5 rdf:first _:n7s6 . _:n7s6 math:arguments _:n7s7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7s5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7s0 a rdf:List . _:n7rz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ry rdf:rest _:n7s8 . _:n7s8 rdf:first _:n7s9 . _:n7s9 math:arguments _:n7sa . _:n7sa rdf:first _:n7sb . _:n7sb math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n7sa rdf:rest _:n7sc . _:n7sc rdf:first _:n7sd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7sa a rdf:List . _:n7s9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7s8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ry a rdf:List . _:n7rx math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "(A intersect B) is a subset of A and (A intersect B) is a subset of B" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the n-ary intersection of sets. It takes sets as arguments, and denotes the set that contains all the elements that occur in all of them.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7se . _:n7se math:arguments _:n7sf . _:n7sf rdf:first _:n7sg . _:n7sg math:arguments _:n7sh . _:n7sh rdf:first _:n7si . _:n7si math:arguments _:n7sj . _:n7sj rdf:first _:n7sk ; rdf:rest _:n7sl ; a rdf:List . _:n7si math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7sh rdf:rest _:n7sm . _:n7sm rdf:first _:n7sn . _:n7sn math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7sm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7sh a rdf:List . _:n7sg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7sf rdf:rest _:n7so . _:n7so rdf:first _:n7sp . _:n7sp math:arguments _:n7sq . _:n7sq rdf:first _:n7sr . _:n7sr math:arguments _:n7ss ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7sq rdf:rest _:n7st . _:n7st rdf:first _:n7su ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7sq a rdf:List . _:n7sp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7so rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7sf a rdf:List . _:n7se math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a mapping function which may be used to construct sets, it takes as arguments a function from X to Y and a set over X in that order. The value that is returned is a set of values in Y. The argument list may be a set or an integer_interval.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7sv . _:n7sv math:arguments _:n7sw . _:n7sw rdf:first _:n7sx . _:n7sx math:value """The set of even values between 0 and 20, that is the values 2x, where x ranges over the integral interval [0,10]."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7sw rdf:rest _:n7sy . _:n7sy rdf:first _:n7sz . _:n7sz math:arguments _:n7t0 . _:n7t0 rdf:first _:n7t1 . _:n7t1 math:binder ; math:body _:n7t2 ; math:variables _:n7t3 ; a math:Binding . _:n7t0 rdf:rest _:n7t4 . _:n7t4 rdf:first _:n7t5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7t0 a rdf:List . _:n7sz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7sy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7sw a rdf:List . _:n7sv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "if a is a member of a then it is not true that a is not a member of A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol has two arguments, an element and a set. It is used to denote that the element is not in the given set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7t6 . _:n7t6 math:arguments _:n7t7 . _:n7t7 rdf:first _:n7t8 . _:n7t8 math:value "4 is not in {1,2,3}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7t7 rdf:rest _:n7t9 . _:n7t9 rdf:first _:n7ta . _:n7ta math:arguments _:n7tb . _:n7tb rdf:first _:n7tc . _:n7tc math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7tb rdf:rest _:n7td . _:n7td rdf:first _:n7te ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7tb a rdf:List . _:n7ta math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7t9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7t7 a rdf:List . _:n7t6 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7tf . _:n7tf math:arguments _:n7tg . _:n7tg rdf:first _:n7th . _:n7th math:arguments _:n7ti . _:n7ti rdf:first _:n7tj . _:n7tj math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ti rdf:rest _:n7tk . _:n7tk rdf:first _:n7tl . _:n7tl math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7tk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ti a rdf:List . _:n7th math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7tg rdf:rest _:n7tm . _:n7tm rdf:first _:n7tn . _:n7tn math:arguments _:n7to . _:n7to rdf:first _:n7tp . _:n7tp math:arguments _:n7tq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7to rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7tn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7tm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7tg a rdf:List . _:n7tf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """A is not a proper subset of B implies that it is not true that A is a proper subset of B""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol has two (set) arguments. It is used to denote that the first set is not a proper subset of the second. A proper subset of a set is a subset of the set but not actually equal to it.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7tr . _:n7tr math:arguments _:n7ts . _:n7ts rdf:first _:n7tt . _:n7tt math:value "{1,2,3} is not a proper subset of {1,2,3}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7ts rdf:rest _:n7tu . _:n7tu rdf:first _:n7tv . _:n7tv math:arguments _:n7tw . _:n7tw rdf:first _:n7tx . _:n7tx math:arguments _:n7ty ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7tw rdf:rest _:n7tz . _:n7tz rdf:first _:n7u0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7tw a rdf:List . _:n7tv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7tu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ts a rdf:List . _:n7tr math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7u1 . _:n7u1 math:arguments _:n7u2 . _:n7u2 rdf:first _:n7u3 . _:n7u3 math:arguments _:n7u4 . _:n7u4 rdf:first _:n7u5 . _:n7u5 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7u4 rdf:rest _:n7u6 . _:n7u6 rdf:first _:n7u7 . _:n7u7 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n7u6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7u4 a rdf:List . _:n7u3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7u2 rdf:rest _:n7u8 . _:n7u8 rdf:first _:n7u9 . _:n7u9 math:arguments _:n7ua . _:n7ua rdf:first _:n7ub . _:n7ub math:arguments _:n7uc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ua rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7u9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7u8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7u2 a rdf:List . _:n7u1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """if A is not a subset of B then there exists an x in B s.t. x is not a member of B""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol has two (set) arguments. It is used to denote that the first set is not a subset of the second.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7ud . _:n7ud math:arguments _:n7ue . _:n7ue rdf:first _:n7uf . _:n7uf math:value "{2,3,4} is not a subset of {1,2,3}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7ue rdf:rest _:n7ug . _:n7ug rdf:first _:n7uh . _:n7uh math:arguments _:n7ui . _:n7ui rdf:first _:n7uj . _:n7uj math:arguments _:n7uk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ui rdf:rest _:n7ul . _:n7ul rdf:first _:n7um ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ui a rdf:List . _:n7uh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ug rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ue a rdf:List . _:n7ud math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7un . _:n7un math:arguments _:n7uo . _:n7uo rdf:first _:n7up . _:n7up math:arguments _:n7uq . _:n7uq rdf:first _:n7ur . _:n7ur math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7uq rdf:rest _:n7us . _:n7us rdf:first _:n7ut . _:n7ut math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n7us rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7uq a rdf:List . _:n7up math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7uo rdf:rest _:n7uu . _:n7uu rdf:first _:n7uv . _:n7uv math:binder ; math:body _:n7uw . _:n7uw math:arguments _:n7ux . _:n7ux rdf:first _:n7uy ; rdf:rest _:n7uz ; a rdf:List . _:n7uw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7uv math:variables _:n7v0 . _:n7v0 rdf:first _:n7v1 . _:n7v1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7v0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7uv a math:Binding . _:n7uu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7uo a rdf:List . _:n7un math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "A is a proper subset of B implies that A is a subset of B and A not= B" ; math-meta:description """This symbol has two (set) arguments. It is used to denote that the first set is a proper subset of the second, that is a subset of the second set but not actually equal to it.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7v2 . _:n7v2 math:arguments _:n7v3 . _:n7v3 rdf:first _:n7v4 . _:n7v4 math:value "{2,3} is a proper subset of {1,2,3}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7v3 rdf:rest _:n7v5 . _:n7v5 rdf:first _:n7v6 . _:n7v6 math:arguments _:n7v7 . _:n7v7 rdf:first _:n7v8 . _:n7v8 math:arguments _:n7v9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7v7 rdf:rest _:n7va . _:n7va rdf:first _:n7vb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7v7 a rdf:List . _:n7v6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7v5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7v3 a rdf:List . _:n7v2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7vc . _:n7vc math:arguments _:n7vd . _:n7vd rdf:first _:n7ve . _:n7ve math:arguments _:n7vf . _:n7vf rdf:first _:n7vg . _:n7vg math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7vf rdf:rest _:n7vh . _:n7vh rdf:first _:n7vi . _:n7vi math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n7vh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7vf a rdf:List . _:n7ve math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7vd rdf:rest _:n7vj . _:n7vj rdf:first _:n7vk . _:n7vk math:arguments _:n7vl . _:n7vl rdf:first _:n7vm . _:n7vm math:arguments _:n7vn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7vl rdf:rest _:n7vo . _:n7vo rdf:first _:n7vp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7vl a rdf:List . _:n7vk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7vj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7vd a rdf:List . _:n7vc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the set construct. It is an n-ary function. The set entries are given explicitly. There is no implied ordering to the elements of a set.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7vq . _:n7vq math:arguments _:n7vr . _:n7vr rdf:first _:n7vs . _:n7vs math:value "The set {3, 6, 9}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7vr rdf:rest _:n7vt . _:n7vt rdf:first _:n7vu . _:n7vu math:arguments _:n7vv . _:n7vv rdf:first _:n7vw . _:n7vw math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7vv rdf:rest _:n7vx . _:n7vx rdf:first _:n7vy ; rdf:rest _:n7vz . _:n7vv a rdf:List . _:n7vu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7vt rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7vr a rdf:List . _:n7vq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "the difference of A and B is a subset of A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the set difference of two sets. It takes two sets as arguments, and denotes the set that contains all the elements that occur in the first set, but not in the second.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7w0 . _:n7w0 math:arguments _:n7w1 . _:n7w1 rdf:first _:n7w2 . _:n7w2 math:arguments _:n7w3 . _:n7w3 rdf:first _:n7w4 . _:n7w4 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7w3 rdf:rest _:n7w5 . _:n7w5 rdf:first _:n7w6 . _:n7w6 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n7w5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7w3 a rdf:List . _:n7w2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7w1 rdf:rest _:n7w7 . _:n7w7 rdf:first _:n7w8 . _:n7w8 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7w7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7w1 a rdf:List . _:n7w0 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the number of elements in a set. It is either a non-negative integer, or an infinite cardinal number. The symbol infinity may be used for an unspecified infinite cardinal.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7w9 . _:n7w9 math:arguments _:n7wa . _:n7wa rdf:first _:n7wb . _:n7wb math:value "The size of the set{3,6,9} = 3"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7wa rdf:rest _:n7wc . _:n7wc rdf:first _:n7wd . _:n7wd math:arguments _:n7we . _:n7we rdf:first _:n7wf . _:n7wf math:arguments _:n7wg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7we rdf:rest _:n7wh . _:n7wh rdf:first _:n7wi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7we a rdf:List . _:n7wd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7wc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7wa a rdf:List . _:n7w9 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n7wj . _:n7wj math:arguments _:n7wk . _:n7wk rdf:first _:n7wl . _:n7wl math:value "The size of the set of integers is infinite"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7wk rdf:rest _:n7wm . _:n7wm rdf:first _:n7wn . _:n7wn math:arguments _:n7wo . _:n7wo rdf:first _:n7wp . _:n7wp math:arguments _:n7wq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7wo rdf:rest _:n7wr . _:n7wr rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7wo a rdf:List . _:n7wn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7wm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7wk a rdf:List . _:n7wj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "if B is a subset of A and C is a subset of B then C is a subset of A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol has two (set) arguments. It is used to denote that the first set is a subset of the second.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7ws . _:n7ws math:arguments _:n7wt . _:n7wt rdf:first _:n7wu . _:n7wu math:arguments _:n7wv . _:n7wv rdf:first _:n7ww . _:n7ww math:arguments _:n7wx . _:n7wx rdf:first _:n7wy ; rdf:rest _:n7wz ; a rdf:List . _:n7ww math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7wv rdf:rest _:n7x0 . _:n7x0 rdf:first _:n7x1 . _:n7x1 math:arguments _:n7x2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7x0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7wv a rdf:List . _:n7wu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7wt rdf:rest _:n7x3 . _:n7x3 rdf:first _:n7x4 . _:n7x4 math:arguments _:n7x5 . _:n7x5 rdf:first _:n7x6 . _:n7x6 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n7x5 rdf:rest _:n7x7 . _:n7x7 rdf:first _:n7x8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7x5 a rdf:List . _:n7x4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7x3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7wt a rdf:List . _:n7ws math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the suchthat function which may be used to construct sets, it takes two arguments. The first argument should be the set which contains the elements of the set we wish to represent, the second argument should be a predicate, that is a function from the set to the booleans which describes if an element is to be in the set returned.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7x9 . _:n7x9 math:arguments _:n7xa . _:n7xa rdf:first _:n7xb . _:n7xb math:value """This example shows how to construct the set of even integers, using the suchthat constructor."""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7xa rdf:rest _:n7xc . _:n7xc rdf:first _:n7xd . _:n7xd math:arguments _:n7xe . _:n7xe rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n7xf . _:n7xf rdf:first _:n7xg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7xe a rdf:List . _:n7xd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7xc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7xa a rdf:List . _:n7x9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "A is a subset of (A union B) and B is a subset of (A union B)" , """for all sets A,B and C union(A,intersect(B,C)) = intersect(union(A,B),union(A,C))""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to denote the n-ary union of sets. It takes sets as arguments, and denotes the set that contains all the elements that occur in any of them.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n7xh . _:n7xh math:arguments _:n7xi . _:n7xi rdf:first _:n7xj . _:n7xj math:arguments _:n7xk . _:n7xk rdf:first _:n7xl . _:n7xl math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7xk rdf:rest _:n7xm . _:n7xm rdf:first _:n7xn . _:n7xn math:arguments _:n7xo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7xm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7xk a rdf:List . _:n7xj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7xi rdf:rest _:n7xp . _:n7xp rdf:first _:n7xq . _:n7xq math:arguments _:n7xr . _:n7xr rdf:first _:n7xs . _:n7xs math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n7xr rdf:rest _:n7xt . _:n7xt rdf:first _:n7xu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7xr a rdf:List . _:n7xq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7xp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7xi a rdf:List . _:n7xh math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7xv . _:n7xv math:binder ; math:body _:n7xw . _:n7xw math:arguments _:n7xx . _:n7xx rdf:first _:n7xy . _:n7xy math:arguments _:n7xz . _:n7xz rdf:first _:n7y0 . _:n7y0 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7xz rdf:rest _:n7y1 . _:n7y1 rdf:first _:n7y2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7xz a rdf:List . _:n7xy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7xx rdf:rest _:n7y3 . _:n7y3 rdf:first _:n7y4 . _:n7y4 math:arguments _:n7y5 . _:n7y5 rdf:first _:n7y6 ; rdf:rest _:n7y7 ; a rdf:List . _:n7y4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7y3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7xx a rdf:List . _:n7xw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7xv math:variables _:n7y8 . _:n7y8 rdf:first _:n7y9 . _:n7y9 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7y8 rdf:rest _:n7ya . _:n7ya rdf:first _:n7yb . _:n7yb math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ya rdf:rest _:n7yc . _:n7yc rdf:first _:n7yd . _:n7yd math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:n7yc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7y8 a rdf:List . _:n7xv a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set1 . :set2 math-meta:description "This CD defines more set functions;" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "A lift_binary(op) B = { a op b: a in A and B in B }" ; math-meta:description """This symbol denotes the lift of a binary operator on elements of X to a component-wise operators on subsets of X.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7ye . _:n7ye math:arguments _:n7yf . _:n7yf rdf:first _:n7yg . _:n7yg math:value "{1,2} + {2,3} = {3,4,5}"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7yf rdf:rest _:n7yh . _:n7yh rdf:first _:n7yi . _:n7yi math:arguments _:n7yj . _:n7yj rdf:first _:n7yk . _:n7yk math:arguments _:n7yl ; math:operator _:n7ym ; a math:Application . _:n7yj rdf:rest _:n7yn . _:n7yn rdf:first _:n7yo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7yj a rdf:List . _:n7yi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7yh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7yf a rdf:List . _:n7ye math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n7yp . _:n7yp math:arguments _:n7yq . _:n7yq rdf:first _:n7yr . _:n7yr math:arguments _:n7ys . _:n7ys rdf:first _:n7yt . _:n7yt math:arguments _:n7yu . _:n7yu rdf:first _:n7yv ; rdf:rest _:n7yw ; a rdf:List . _:n7yt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ys rdf:rest _:n7yx . _:n7yx rdf:first _:n7yy . _:n7yy math:arguments _:n7yz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7yx rdf:rest _:n7z0 . _:n7z0 rdf:first _:n7z1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ys a rdf:List . _:n7yr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7yq rdf:rest _:n7z2 . _:n7z2 rdf:first _:n7z3 . _:n7z3 math:arguments _:n7z4 . _:n7z4 rdf:first _:n7z5 . _:n7z5 math:arguments _:n7z6 ; math:operator _:n7z7 ; a math:Application . _:n7z4 rdf:rest _:n7z8 . _:n7z8 rdf:first _:n7z9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7z4 a rdf:List . _:n7z3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7z2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7yq a rdf:List . _:n7yp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:comment """Note that, to write this as an FMP, we have to assume a universal U such that A, B and A lift_binary(op) B are subsets of U.""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set2 . :set3 math-meta:description "This CD defines more set functions." ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function whose argument should be a collection C of subsets of a given set. When applied to C, it represents the intersection over all members of C.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a unary function whose argument should be a collection C of subsets of a given set. When applied to C, it represents the union over all members of C.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set3 . math-meta:description """This symbol is a binary function whose first argument should be a set A and whose second argument should be a natural number k. When applied to A and k, it represents the Cartesian product of k copies of A.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument should be a set and whose second argument should be a natural number. When applied to a set X and a number k, it represents the collection of all subsets of X of size k.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function with three arguments. The first argument is a function assignment f (in the form of a lambda binding), the second argument is a set X. The third argument specifies a Boolean function P on X defining the subset Z of X (so Z = {x in X| P(x)}) on which the first argument f is defined, The symbol is used to denote the image {f(x) | x in X and P(x)} of application of the function f on the elements of Z.""" ; math-meta:example _:n7za . _:n7za math:arguments _:n7zb . _:n7zb rdf:first _:n7zc . _:n7zc math:value """One may form a set in the following way. This gives the set {2^2, 4^2, ... , 10^2 }"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7zb rdf:rest _:n7zd . _:n7zd rdf:first _:n7ze . _:n7ze math:arguments _:n7zf . _:n7zf rdf:first _:n7zg . _:n7zg math:binder ; math:body _:n7zh ; math:variables _:n7zi ; a math:Binding . _:n7zf rdf:rest _:n7zj . _:n7zj rdf:first _:n7zk ; rdf:rest _:n7zl . _:n7zf a rdf:List . _:n7ze math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7zd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7zb a rdf:List . _:n7za math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function with three arguments. The first argument is a function assignment f (in the form of a lambda binding), the second argument is a set X on which the first argument f is defined. The third argument specifies the range Y of the function. The symbol is used to denote the image {f(x) in Y | x in X} of application of the function f on the elements of X (so as to form a subset of Y).""" ; math-meta:example _:n7zm . _:n7zm math:arguments _:n7zn . _:n7zn rdf:first _:n7zo . _:n7zo math:value """One may form a set in the following way. This gives the set {1^2, 2^2, ... , 10^2 }"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7zn rdf:rest _:n7zp . _:n7zp rdf:first _:n7zq . _:n7zq math:arguments _:n7zr . _:n7zr rdf:first _:n7zs . _:n7zs math:binder ; math:body _:n7zt ; math:variables _:n7zu ; a math:Binding . _:n7zr rdf:rest _:n7zv . _:n7zv rdf:first _:n7zw ; rdf:rest _:n7zx . _:n7zr a rdf:List . _:n7zq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7zp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7zn a rdf:List . _:n7zm math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n7zy . _:n7zy math:arguments _:n7zz . _:n7zz rdf:first _:n800 . _:n800 math:value "The definition of a product of subsets X and Y of a group G:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n7zz rdf:rest _:n801 . _:n801 rdf:first _:n802 . _:n802 math:arguments _:n803 . _:n803 rdf:first _:n804 . _:n804 math:arguments _:n805 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n803 rdf:rest _:n806 . _:n806 rdf:first _:n807 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n803 a rdf:List . _:n802 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n801 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7zz a rdf:List . _:n7zy math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set3 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents a function with four arguments. The first argument is a function assignment f (in the form of a lambda binding), the second argument is a set X on which the first argument f is defined. The third argument specifies the range Y of the function. The fourth argument specifies a Boolean function P on X defining the subset Z of X (so Z = {x in X| P(x)}) on which the first argument f is defined, The symbol is used to denote the image {f(x) in Y | x in X and P(x)} of application of the function f on the elements of Z.""" ; math-meta:example _:n808 . _:n808 math:arguments _:n809 . _:n809 rdf:first _:n80a . _:n80a math:value """One may form a set in the following way. This gives the set {1^2, 2^2, ... , 10^2 }"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n809 rdf:rest _:n80b . _:n80b rdf:first _:n80c . _:n80c math:arguments _:n80d . _:n80d rdf:first _:n80e . _:n80e math:binder ; math:body _:n80f ; math:variables _:n80g ; a math:Binding . _:n80d rdf:rest _:n80h . _:n80h rdf:first _:n80i ; rdf:rest _:n80j . _:n80d a rdf:List . _:n80c math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n80b rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n809 a rdf:List . _:n808 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The intersection over all subsets of a given set X is the empty set." ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents unary function whose argument should be a set. When applied to a set X, it represents the collection of all subsets of X.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n80k . _:n80k math:arguments _:n80l . _:n80l rdf:first _:n80m . _:n80m math:arguments _:n80n . _:n80n rdf:first _:n80o . _:n80o math:arguments _:n80p . _:n80p rdf:first _:n80q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n80o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n80n rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n80m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n80l rdf:rest _:n80r . _:n80r rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n80l a rdf:List . _:n80k math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :set3 . :setname1 math-meta:description "This CD defines common sets of mathematics" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , """Written by J.H. Davenport on 1999-04-18. Revised to add Zm, GFp, GFpn on 1999-11-09. Revised to add QuotientField and A on 1999-11-19.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all z | if z is complex then there exist reals x,y s.t. z = x + i * y""" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the set of complex numbers." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n80s . _:n80s math:binder ; math:body _:n80t . _:n80t math:arguments _:n80u . _:n80u rdf:first _:n80v . _:n80v math:arguments _:n80w . _:n80w rdf:first _:n80x . _:n80x math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n80w rdf:rest _:n80y . _:n80y rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n80w a rdf:List . _:n80v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n80u rdf:rest _:n80z . _:n80z rdf:first _:n810 . _:n810 math:binder ; math:body _:n811 . _:n811 math:arguments _:n812 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n810 math:variables _:n813 . _:n813 rdf:first _:n814 ; rdf:rest _:n815 ; a rdf:List . _:n810 a math:Binding . _:n80z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n80u a rdf:List . _:n80t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n80s math:variables _:n816 . _:n816 rdf:first _:n817 . _:n817 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n816 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n80s a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all n | n in the natural numbers is equivalent to saying n=0 or n-1 is a natural number""" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the set of natural numbers (including zero)." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n818 . _:n818 math:binder ; math:body _:n819 . _:n819 math:arguments _:n81a . _:n81a rdf:first _:n81b . _:n81b math:arguments _:n81c . _:n81c rdf:first _:n81d . _:n81d math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n81c rdf:rest _:n81e . _:n81e rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n81c a rdf:List . _:n81b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n81a rdf:rest _:n81f . _:n81f rdf:first _:n81g . _:n81g math:arguments _:n81h . _:n81h rdf:first _:n81i ; rdf:rest _:n81j ; a rdf:List . _:n81g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n81f rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n81a a rdf:List . _:n819 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n818 math:variables _:n81k . _:n81k rdf:first _:n81l . _:n81l math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n81k rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n818 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all n | n is a positive prime number is equivalent to: n is a natural number and n > 1 and ((n=a*b and a and b are natural numbers) implies ((a=1 and b=n) or (b=1 and a=n)))""" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the set of positive prime numbers." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n81m . _:n81m math:binder ; math:body _:n81n . _:n81n math:arguments _:n81o . _:n81o rdf:first _:n81p . _:n81p math:arguments _:n81q . _:n81q rdf:first _:n81r . _:n81r math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n81q rdf:rest _:n81s . _:n81s rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n81q a rdf:List . _:n81p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n81o rdf:rest _:n81t . _:n81t rdf:first _:n81u . _:n81u math:arguments _:n81v . _:n81v rdf:first _:n81w ; rdf:rest _:n81x ; a rdf:List . _:n81u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n81t rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n81o a rdf:List . _:n81n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n81m math:variables _:n81y . _:n81y rdf:first _:n81z . _:n81z math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n81y rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n81m a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all a,b | a,b rational with a 1 and p/q = z""" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the set of rational numbers." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n820 . _:n820 math:binder ; math:body _:n821 . _:n821 math:arguments _:n822 . _:n822 rdf:first _:n823 . _:n823 math:arguments _:n824 . _:n824 rdf:first _:n825 . _:n825 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n824 rdf:rest _:n826 . _:n826 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n824 a rdf:List . _:n823 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n822 rdf:rest _:n827 . _:n827 rdf:first _:n828 . _:n828 math:binder ; math:body _:n829 . _:n829 math:arguments _:n82a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n828 math:variables _:n82b . _:n82b rdf:first _:n82c ; rdf:rest _:n82d ; a rdf:List . _:n828 a math:Binding . _:n827 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n822 a rdf:List . _:n821 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n820 math:variables _:n82e . _:n82e rdf:first _:n82f . _:n82f math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n82e rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n820 a math:Binding . math-meta:formalProperty _:n82g . _:n82g math:binder ; math:body _:n82h . _:n82h math:arguments _:n82i . _:n82i rdf:first _:n82j . _:n82j math:arguments _:n82k . _:n82k rdf:first _:n82l . _:n82l math:arguments _:n82m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n82k rdf:rest _:n82n . _:n82n rdf:first _:n82o ; rdf:rest _:n82p . _:n82k a rdf:List . _:n82j math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n82i rdf:rest _:n82q . _:n82q rdf:first _:n82r . _:n82r math:binder ; math:body _:n82s . _:n82s math:arguments _:n82t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n82r math:variables _:n82u . _:n82u rdf:first _:n82v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n82r a math:Binding . _:n82q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n82i a rdf:List . _:n82h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n82g math:variables _:n82w . _:n82w rdf:first _:n82x . _:n82x math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n82w rdf:rest _:n82y . _:n82y rdf:first _:n82z . _:n82z math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n82y rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n82w a rdf:List . _:n82g a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """S \\subset R and exists y in R : forall x in S x <= y) implies exists z in R such that (( forall x in S x <= z) and ((forall x in S x <= w) implies z <= w)""" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the set of real numbers." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n830 . _:n830 math:arguments _:n831 . _:n831 rdf:first _:n832 . _:n832 math:arguments _:n833 . _:n833 rdf:first _:n834 . _:n834 math:arguments _:n835 . _:n835 rdf:first _:n836 ; rdf:rest _:n837 ; a rdf:List . _:n834 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n833 rdf:rest _:n838 . _:n838 rdf:first _:n839 . _:n839 math:binder ; math:body _:n83a ; math:variables _:n83b ; a math:Binding . _:n838 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n833 a rdf:List . _:n832 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n831 rdf:rest _:n83c . _:n83c rdf:first _:n83d . _:n83d math:binder ; math:body _:n83e . _:n83e math:arguments _:n83f . _:n83f rdf:first _:n83g ; rdf:rest _:n83h ; a rdf:List . _:n83e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n83d math:variables _:n83i . _:n83i rdf:first _:n83j . _:n83j math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n83i rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n83d a math:Binding . _:n83c rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n831 a rdf:List . _:n830 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all z | the statements z is an integer and z is a natural number or -z is a natural number are equivalent""" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the set of integers, positive, negative and zero." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n83k . _:n83k math:binder ; math:body _:n83l . _:n83l math:arguments _:n83m . _:n83m rdf:first _:n83n . _:n83n math:arguments _:n83o . _:n83o rdf:first _:n83p . _:n83p math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n83o rdf:rest _:n83q . _:n83q rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n83o a rdf:List . _:n83n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n83m rdf:rest _:n83r . _:n83r rdf:first _:n83s . _:n83s math:arguments _:n83t . _:n83t rdf:first _:n83u ; rdf:rest _:n83v ; a rdf:List . _:n83s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n83r rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n83m a rdf:List . _:n83l math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n83k math:variables _:n83w . _:n83w rdf:first _:n83x . _:n83x math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n83w rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n83k a math:Binding . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname1 . :setname2 math-meta:description "This CD defines some common sets of mathematics." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" , """Written by J.H. Davenport on 1999-04-18. Revised to add Zm, GFp, GFpn on 1999-11-09. Revised to add QuotientField and A on 1999-11-19.""" , """Written by J.H. Davenport on 1999-04-18. Revised to add Zm, GFp, GFpn on 1999-11-09. Revised to add QuotientField and A on 1999-11-19. AlgebraicExtension added 2003-09-16""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "The algebraic numbers are a proper subset of the reals" , "The rationals are a proper subset of the algebraic numbers" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the set of algebraic numbers." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n83y . _:n83y math:arguments _:n83z . _:n83z rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n840 . _:n840 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n83z a rdf:List . _:n83y math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n841 . _:n841 math:arguments _:n842 . _:n842 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n843 . _:n843 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n842 a rdf:List . _:n841 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname2 . math-meta:description "This symbol represents an algebraic extension of any integral domain." ; math-meta:example _:n844 . _:n844 math:arguments _:n845 . _:n845 rdf:first _:n846 . _:n846 math:value """The complex numbers are the extension of the reals by a root of x^2+1"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n845 rdf:rest _:n847 . _:n847 rdf:first _:n848 . _:n848 math:arguments _:n849 . _:n849 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n84a . _:n84a rdf:first _:n84b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n849 a rdf:List . _:n848 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n847 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n845 a rdf:List . _:n844 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all b in the booleans | (there exists an nb in the booleans | nb not= b implies nb = not b)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the set of Booleans. That is the truth values, true and false.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n84c . _:n84c math:binder ; math:body _:n84d . _:n84d math:arguments _:n84e . _:n84e rdf:first _:n84f . _:n84f math:arguments _:n84g . _:n84g rdf:first _:n84h . _:n84h math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n84g rdf:rest _:n84i . _:n84i rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n84g a rdf:List . _:n84f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n84e rdf:rest _:n84j . _:n84j rdf:first _:n84k . _:n84k math:binder ; math:body _:n84l . _:n84l math:arguments _:n84m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n84k math:variables _:n84n . _:n84n rdf:first _:n84o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n84k a math:Binding . _:n84j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n84e a rdf:List . _:n84d math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n84c math:variables _:n84p . _:n84p rdf:first _:n84q . _:n84q math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n84p rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n84c a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "x^p = x mod p" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the finite field of integers modulo p, where p is a prime.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n84r . _:n84r math:arguments _:n84s . _:n84s rdf:first _:n84t . _:n84t math:arguments _:n84u . _:n84u rdf:first _:n84v . _:n84v math:arguments _:n84w . _:n84w rdf:first _:n84x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n84v math:target _:n84y . _:n84y math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n84v a math:Attribution . _:n84u rdf:rest _:n84z . _:n84z rdf:first _:n850 . _:n850 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n84z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n84u a rdf:List . _:n84t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n84s rdf:rest _:n851 . _:n851 rdf:first _:n852 . _:n852 math:arguments _:n853 . _:n853 rdf:first _:n854 . _:n854 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:n855 ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n853 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n852 math:target _:n856 . _:n856 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n852 a math:Attribution . _:n851 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n84s a rdf:List . _:n84r math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname2 . math-meta:description "This symbol represents the finite field with p^n elements, where p is a prime." ; math-meta:example _:n857 . _:n857 math:arguments _:n858 . _:n858 rdf:first _:n859 . _:n859 math:arguments _:n85a . _:n85a rdf:first _:n85b . _:n85b math:arguments _:n85c . _:n85c rdf:first _:n85d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n85b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n85a rdf:rest _:n85e . _:n85e rdf:first _:n85f . _:n85f math:arguments _:n85g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n85e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n85a a rdf:List . _:n859 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n858 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n857 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """1 is a quaternion and there exists i,j,k s.t. i,j,k are quaternions and i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = ijk = -1 with abs(i) not = abs(j) not = abs(k) not = 1 implies for all q, q a quaternion implies there exists r_0, r_1, r_2, r_3 reals s.t. q = r_0 + r_1*i + r_2*j + r_3*k""" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the set of quaternions." ; math-meta:example _:n85h . _:n85h math:arguments _:n85i . _:n85i rdf:first _:n85j . _:n85j math:value "There exists a,b in the quaternions s.t. a*b neq b*a"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n85i rdf:rest _:n85k . _:n85k rdf:first _:n85l . _:n85l math:binder ; math:body _:n85m . _:n85m math:arguments _:n85n . _:n85n rdf:first _:n85o ; rdf:rest _:n85p ; a rdf:List . _:n85m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n85l math:variables _:n85q . _:n85q rdf:first _:n85r . _:n85r math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n85q rdf:rest _:n85s . _:n85s rdf:first _:n85t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n85q a rdf:List . _:n85l a math:Binding . _:n85k rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n85i a rdf:List . _:n85h math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n85u . _:n85u math:arguments _:n85v . _:n85v rdf:first _:n85w . _:n85w math:arguments _:n85x . _:n85x rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n85y . _:n85y rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n85x a rdf:List . _:n85w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n85v rdf:rest _:n85z . _:n85z rdf:first _:n860 . _:n860 math:binder ; math:body _:n861 . _:n861 math:arguments _:n862 . _:n862 rdf:first _:n863 ; rdf:rest _:n864 ; a rdf:List . _:n861 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n860 math:variables _:n865 . _:n865 rdf:first _:n866 . _:n866 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:n865 rdf:rest _:n867 . _:n867 rdf:first _:n868 ; rdf:rest _:n869 . _:n865 a rdf:List . _:n860 a math:Binding . _:n85z rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n85v a rdf:List . _:n85u math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "R is a field iff QuotientField(R)=R" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the quotient field of any integral domain." ; math-meta:example _:n86a . _:n86a math:arguments _:n86b . _:n86b rdf:first _:n86c . _:n86c math:value "The rationals equals QuotientField(Integers)"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n86b rdf:rest _:n86d . _:n86d rdf:first _:n86e . _:n86e math:arguments _:n86f . _:n86f rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n86g . _:n86g rdf:first _:n86h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n86f a rdf:List . _:n86e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n86d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n86b a rdf:List . _:n86a math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n86i . _:n86i math:arguments _:n86j . _:n86j rdf:first _:n86k . _:n86k math:arguments _:n86l . _:n86l rdf:first _:n86m . _:n86m math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n86l rdf:rest _:n86n . _:n86n rdf:first _:n86o . _:n86o math:arguments _:n86p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n86n rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n86l a rdf:List . _:n86k math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n86j rdf:rest _:n86q . _:n86q rdf:first _:n86r . _:n86r math:arguments _:n86s . _:n86s rdf:first _:n86t . _:n86t math:arguments _:n86u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n86s rdf:rest _:n86v . _:n86v rdf:first _:n86w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n86s a rdf:List . _:n86r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n86q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n86j a rdf:List . _:n86i math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname2 . math-meta:commentedProperty """for all x in the integers modulo m | there exists an n such that n is an integer and n <= m and x^n = x""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the set of integers modulo m, where m is not necessarily a prime. It takes one argument, the integer m.""" ; math-meta:example _:n86x . _:n86x math:arguments _:n86y . _:n86y rdf:first _:n86z . _:n86z math:value "The integers mod 12:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n86y rdf:rest _:n870 . _:n870 rdf:first _:n871 . _:n871 math:arguments _:n872 . _:n872 rdf:first _:n873 . _:n873 math:value "12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n872 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n871 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n870 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n86y a rdf:List . _:n86x math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n874 . _:n874 math:arguments _:n875 . _:n875 rdf:first _:n876 . _:n876 math:value "The integers mod m:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n875 rdf:rest _:n877 . _:n877 rdf:first _:n878 . _:n878 math:arguments _:n879 . _:n879 rdf:first _:n87a . _:n87a math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n879 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n878 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n877 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n875 a rdf:List . _:n874 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:example _:n87b . _:n87b math:arguments _:n87c . _:n87c rdf:first _:n87d . _:n87d math:value "4*5=8 in Z mod 12"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n87c rdf:rest _:n87e . _:n87e rdf:first _:n87f . _:n87f math:arguments _:n87g . _:n87g rdf:first _:n87h . _:n87h math:arguments _:n87i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n87g rdf:rest _:n87j . _:n87j rdf:first _:n87k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n87g a rdf:List . _:n87f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n87e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n87c a rdf:List . _:n87b math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n87l . _:n87l math:binder ; math:body _:n87m . _:n87m math:arguments _:n87n . _:n87n rdf:first _:n87o . _:n87o math:arguments _:n87p . _:n87p rdf:first _:n87q . _:n87q math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n87p rdf:rest _:n87r . _:n87r rdf:first _:n87s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n87p a rdf:List . _:n87o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n87n rdf:rest _:n87t . _:n87t rdf:first _:n87u . _:n87u math:binder ; math:body _:n87v . _:n87v math:arguments _:n87w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n87u math:variables _:n87x . _:n87x rdf:first _:n87y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n87u a math:Binding . _:n87t rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n87n a rdf:List . _:n87m math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n87l math:variables _:n87z . _:n87z rdf:first _:n880 . _:n880 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n87z rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n87l a math:Binding . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname2 . :setname3 math-meta:description """The function_set operator generates the set of functions between the sets specified as its arguments.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """The function_set operator generates the set of functions between the sets specified as its arguments. cf Hom(A,B) in Category theory, and mapsto in the sts CD. For a set of n-argument functions, function_set will take n+1 arguments, specifying the sets of the n arguments and the range.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setname3 . :setoid math-meta:description """The definition of a setoid as a set with an equivalence relations defined on its elements. Initial version: O. Caprotti""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """Is defined as Lambda {Carrier:> symtype; Eq: (relation Carrier)}. SigmaType{ Carrier:> symtype; Eq: (relation Carrier); (equivalence Carrier Eq) }""" ; math-meta:description """The contructor for the type of set with an equivalence relation on it.""" ; math-meta:example _:n881 . _:n881 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setoid . math-meta:commentedProperty """Is defined as Lambda {Carrier:> symtype; Eq: (relation Carrier) proof: (equivalence Carrier Eq)}. Tuple (Carrier, Eq, proof)""" ; math-meta:description """The contructor for the tuples consisting of a set, an equivalence relation on the set, and a proof that the relation is actually an equivalence relation.""" ; math-meta:example _:n882 . _:n882 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :setoid . :sigma math-meta:description """Sigma Types for OM Declaration of symbols for types and objects An OpenMath object which uses any of the symbols here defined, has to use them in accordance with the definitions in ESPRIT deliverable 1.3.2b . Initial version: O. Caprotti and H. Elbers (July 2, 1998) Updated: O. Caprotti (March 5, 1999) Updated: O. Caprotti (May 20, 1999) added \"mapsto\", made a CDGroup""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """The pairing constructor. It takes two OpenMath objects as first element and second element of the pair, and a third optional OpenMath object that represents the type of this pair.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sigma . math-meta:description """The first projection function. It satisfies sigma-reduction.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sigma . math-meta:description """The second projection function. It satisfies sigma-reduction.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sigma . math-meta:description """The type constructor of cartesian products. It takes a list of type-attributed variables and an OpenMath object.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sigma . :sts math-meta:description "Definitions of the symbols used by the OpenMath Small Type System." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """Denotes an OpenMath object that is to be thought of as something that represents a numerical value, or a numerical value.""" ; math-meta:example _:n883 . _:n883 math:arguments _:n884 . _:n884 rdf:first _:n885 . _:n885 math:value "The generic signature for the function power:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n884 rdf:rest _:n886 . _:n886 rdf:first _:n887 . _:n887 math:arguments _:n888 . _:n888 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n889 . _:n889 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n88a . _:n888 a rdf:List . _:n887 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n886 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n884 a rdf:List . _:n883 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . math-meta:description "Denotes any OpenMath object." ; math-meta:example _:n88b . _:n88b math:arguments _:n88c . _:n88c rdf:first _:n88d . _:n88d math:value """The signature for list, to show that list has the signature: Object* -> Object"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n88c rdf:rest _:n88e . _:n88e rdf:first _:n88f . _:n88f math:arguments _:n88g . _:n88g rdf:first _:n88h . _:n88h math:arguments _:n88i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n88g rdf:rest _:n88j . _:n88j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n88g a rdf:List . _:n88f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n88e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n88c a rdf:List . _:n88b math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . math-meta:description """Denotes an OpenMath object that is to be thought of as something that represents a set of numerical values, or a set of numerical values.""" ; math-meta:example _:n88k . _:n88k math:arguments _:n88l . _:n88l rdf:first _:n88m . _:n88m math:value "The generic signature for the function arctan from transc3:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n88l rdf:rest _:n88n . _:n88n rdf:first _:n88o . _:n88o math:arguments _:n88p . _:n88p rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n88q . _:n88q rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n88p a rdf:List . _:n88o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n88n rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n88l a rdf:List . _:n88k math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . math-meta:description """An `attribution' object consists of pairs of keys and values. The use of the symbol `attribution' in a signature indicates that the symbol is to be used as a key.""" ; math-meta:example _:n88r . _:n88r math:arguments _:n88s . _:n88s rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n88r math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . math-meta:description """An `OMBIND' object has three parts: a \"binder\" such as \"lambda\" or \"for all\", a (list of) bound variables, and an expression. The use of `binder' in a signature indicates that we are describing something which can only be used as the first child of an OMBIND construct.""" ; math-meta:example _:n88t . _:n88t math:arguments _:n88u . _:n88u rdf:first _:n88v . _:n88v math:value "The signature of forall is:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n88u rdf:rest _:n88w . _:n88w rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n88u a rdf:List . _:n88t math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . math-meta:description """The error symbol is the 'return type' of error symbols in the error signature file.""" ; math-meta:example _:n88x . _:n88x math:arguments _:n88y . _:n88y rdf:first _:n88z . _:n88z math:arguments _:n890 . _:n890 rdf:first _:n891 . _:n891 math:name "OMSymbol" ; a math:Variable . _:n890 rdf:rest _:n892 . _:n892 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n890 a rdf:List . _:n88z math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n88y rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n88x math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the construction of a function type. The first n-1 children denote the types of the arguments, the last denotes the return type.""" ; math-meta:example _:n893 . _:n893 math:arguments _:n894 . _:n894 rdf:first _:n895 . _:n895 math:value "The signature of the power function: (Real , Integer) -> Real"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n894 rdf:rest _:n896 . _:n896 rdf:first _:n897 . _:n897 math:arguments _:n898 . _:n898 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n899 . _:n899 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n89a . _:n898 a rdf:List . _:n897 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n896 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n894 a rdf:List . _:n893 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . math-meta:description """Constructs a child of mapsto which denotes an arbitrary number of copies of the argument of nary.""" ; math-meta:example _:n89b . _:n89b math:arguments _:n89c . _:n89c rdf:first _:n89d . _:n89d math:value "The signature for list, an n-ary function:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n89c rdf:rest _:n89e . _:n89e rdf:first _:n89f . _:n89f math:arguments _:n89g . _:n89g rdf:first _:n89h . _:n89h math:arguments _:n89i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n89g rdf:rest _:n89j . _:n89j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n89g a rdf:List . _:n89f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n89e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n89c a rdf:List . _:n89b math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . math-meta:description """Constructs a child of mapsto which denotes an arbitrary number of copies of the argument of nassoc. The operator is associative on these arguments which means that repeated uses may be flattened/unflattened.""" ; math-meta:example _:n89k . _:n89k math:arguments _:n89l . _:n89l rdf:first _:n89m . _:n89m math:value "The signature for plus, an associative n-ary function:"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n89l rdf:rest _:n89n . _:n89n rdf:first _:n89o . _:n89o math:arguments _:n89p . _:n89p rdf:first _:n89q . _:n89q math:arguments _:n89r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n89p rdf:rest _:n89s . _:n89s rdf:first _:n89t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n89p a rdf:List . _:n89o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n89n rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n89l a rdf:List . _:n89k math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . math-meta:description """The structure element is used to represent a structure of a particular (algebraic) type.""" ; math-meta:example _:n89u . _:n89u math:arguments _:n89v . _:n89v rdf:first _:n89w . _:n89w math:value """The signature of a function which given a set will return an element of that set:"""^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n89v rdf:rest _:n89x . _:n89x rdf:first _:n89y . _:n89y math:arguments _:n89z . _:n89z rdf:first _:n8a0 . _:n8a0 math:arguments _:n8a1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n89z rdf:rest _:n8a2 . _:n8a2 rdf:first _:n8a3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n89z a rdf:List . _:n89y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n89x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n89v a rdf:List . _:n89u math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . math-meta:description """A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the type of the object.""" ; math-meta:example _:n8a4 . _:n8a4 math:arguments _:n8a5 . _:n8a5 rdf:first _:n8a6 . _:n8a6 math:value "The variable z is attributed with a type for complex numbers."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n8a5 rdf:rest _:n8a7 . _:n8a7 rdf:first _:n8a8 . _:n8a8 math:arguments _:n8a9 . _:n8a9 rdf:first _:n8aa . _:n8aa math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n8a9 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8a8 math:target _:n8ab . _:n8ab math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8a8 a math:Attribution . _:n8a7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8a5 a rdf:List . _:n8a4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol , math-meta:SemanticAttributionSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts . :sts2 math-meta:description """Symbols for constructing compound (parameterised) types in the OpenMath small type system.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "A constructor for an interval over a set." ; math-meta:example _:n8ac . _:n8ac math:arguments _:n8ad . _:n8ad rdf:first _:n8ae . _:n8ae math:value "A real interval"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n8ad rdf:rest _:n8af . _:n8af rdf:first _:n8ag . _:n8ag math:arguments _:n8ah . _:n8ah rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ag math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8af rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ad a rdf:List . _:n8ac math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts2 . math-meta:description "A constructor for the type of a homogeneous list" ; math-meta:example _:n8ai . _:n8ai math:arguments _:n8aj . _:n8aj rdf:first _:n8ak . _:n8ak math:value "A list of integers"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n8aj rdf:rest _:n8al . _:n8al rdf:first _:n8am . _:n8am math:arguments _:n8an . _:n8an rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8am math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8al rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8aj a rdf:List . _:n8ai math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts2 . math-meta:description "A constructor for the type of a matrix" ; math-meta:example _:n8ao . _:n8ao math:arguments _:n8ap . _:n8ap rdf:first _:n8aq . _:n8aq math:value "A matrix of integers"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n8ap rdf:rest _:n8ar . _:n8ar rdf:first _:n8as . _:n8as math:arguments _:n8at . _:n8at rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8as math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ar rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ap a rdf:List . _:n8ao math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts2 . math-meta:description "A constructor for the type of a square matrix" ; math-meta:example _:n8au . _:n8au math:arguments _:n8av . _:n8av rdf:first _:n8aw . _:n8aw math:value "A 2x2 square matrix of integers"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n8av rdf:rest _:n8ax . _:n8ax rdf:first _:n8ay . _:n8ay math:arguments _:n8az . _:n8az rdf:first _:n8b0 . _:n8b0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8az rdf:rest _:n8b1 . _:n8b1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8az a rdf:List . _:n8ay math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ax rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8av a rdf:List . _:n8au math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts2 . math-meta:description "A constructor for the type of a vector" ; math-meta:example _:n8b2 . _:n8b2 math:arguments _:n8b3 . _:n8b3 rdf:first _:n8b4 . _:n8b4 math:value "A vector of integers"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n8b3 rdf:rest _:n8b5 . _:n8b5 rdf:first _:n8b6 . _:n8b6 math:arguments _:n8b7 . _:n8b7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8b6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8b5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8b3 a rdf:List . _:n8b2 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts2 . math-meta:description "A constructor for the type of a vector of size n" ; math-meta:example _:n8b8 . _:n8b8 math:arguments _:n8b9 . _:n8b9 rdf:first _:n8ba . _:n8ba math:value "A 3-vector of integers"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n8b9 rdf:rest _:n8bb . _:n8bb rdf:first _:n8bc . _:n8bc math:arguments _:n8bd . _:n8bd rdf:first _:n8be . _:n8be math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8bd rdf:rest _:n8bf . _:n8bf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8bd a rdf:List . _:n8bc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8bb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8b9 a rdf:List . _:n8b8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :sts2 . :tensor1 math-meta:description """This CD defines content markup symbols which may be used to represent tensor formulae,particularly with index notation.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org. Author: Joseph B. Collins (2010), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. Copyright Notice: This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "partialdiff(Cartesian(i), Cartesian(j)) = Kronecker_tensor(i,j)" , "tuple(X, Y, Z) = tuple(Cartesian(1), Cartesian(2), Cartesian(3))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol takes one argument, a natural number, and returns the Cartesian coordinate, of a right handed Cartesian coordinate frame, corresponding to the value of the argument. These coordinates are commonly named X, Y, and Z in three dimensions, though X, Y, and Z are non-exclusively used for this and other purposes.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """tensor_selector(Kronecker_tensor, tuple(unit_Cartesian(1), unit_Cartesian(2), unit_Cartesian(3)), contra_index(i), covar_index(i)) = 1 OR tensor_selector(Kronecker_tensor, tuple(unit_Cartesian(1), unit_Cartesian(2), unit_Cartesian(3)), contra_index(i), covar_index(j)) = 0 AND (i != j)""" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the Kronecker tensor or Kronecker delta." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8bg . _:n8bg math:arguments _:n8bh . _:n8bh rdf:first _:n8bi . _:n8bi math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8bh rdf:rest _:n8bj . _:n8bj rdf:first _:n8bk . _:n8bk math:arguments _:n8bl . _:n8bl rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8bm . _:n8bm rdf:first _:n8bn ; rdf:rest _:n8bo . _:n8bl a rdf:List . _:n8bk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8bj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8bh a rdf:List . _:n8bg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "epsilon(i,j,k) = (i-j)(j-k)(k-i)/2, i,j,k in {1,2,3}" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the Levi-Civita alternating pseudo-tensor or permutation symbol. It's definition depends on the number of dimensions, d, of the space: it has as many indexes as there are dimensions in the space. It is totally antisymmetric, its value being: 1 for an even permutation of unequally valued indexes (e.g., (1,2,...,d)); -1 for an odd permutation of unequally valued indexes, and; 0 whenever two indexes take the same value.""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """unit_Cartesian(1) = basis_selector(tuple(unit_Cartesian(1), unit_Cartesian(2), unit_Cartesian(3)), covar_index(1))""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol takes 2 arguments, a tuple of basis elements and a covar_index or a contra_index, and returns the basis element indicated by the index value.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8bp . _:n8bp math:arguments _:n8bq . _:n8bq rdf:first _:n8br . _:n8br math:arguments _:n8bs . _:n8bs rdf:first _:n8bt . _:n8bt math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8bs rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8br math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8bq rdf:rest _:n8bu . _:n8bu rdf:first _:n8bv . _:n8bv math:arguments _:n8bw . _:n8bw rdf:first _:n8bx . _:n8bx math:arguments _:n8by ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8bw rdf:rest _:n8bz . _:n8bz rdf:first _:n8c0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8bw a rdf:List . _:n8bv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8bu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8bq a rdf:List . _:n8bp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . math-meta:description "This symbol takes a natural number as its argument and returns a contravariant index." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . math-meta:description "This symbol takes a natural number as its argument and returns a covariant index." ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "ds^2 = sum_i sum_j (dx^i g_i_j dx^j)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the metric tensor, typically depicted using a lower case g. The metric tensor is a nondegenerate, symmetric bilinear form. It defines the ideas of leng th and angle in a metric space, the most common example being the Euclidean metric. The square of a differential length, ds*ds, is given by the bilinear product of the coordinate differentials, dx^i, with the metric tensor.""" ; a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . math-meta:description """This symbol takes 3 arguments: a tensor, a basis, and a tuple of contravariant and/or covariant indexes. It returns the indexed tensor component in the given basis.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "(X, Y, Z) = tuple(X, Y, Z)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is an n-ary symbol, returning an n-tuple of the arguments. The number of arguments, n, is a non-negative integer. The elements of the n-tuple are ordered as the arguments are ordered. Elements of a tuple may have the same type and value as each other, or not. An n-tuple, unlike a list, is generally not mutable.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "tuple_selector(tuple(A, B), 1) = A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol takes 2 arguments, a tuple and a natural number index, and returns the tuple component indicated by the index value.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "partial(unit_Cartesian(i), Cartesian(j)) = 0" , "scalar_product(unit_Cartesian(i), unit_Cartesian(j)) = Kronecker_tensor(i,j)" , "tuple(e_x, e_y, e_z) = tuple(unit_Cartesian(1), unit_Cartesian(2), unit_Cartesian(3))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol takes one argument, a natural number, and returns the Cartesian basis element, of a right handed Cartesian coordinate frame, corresponding to the value of the argument. The unit_Cartesian basis elements are each constant with respect to position in the space and define an orthonormal vector space basis.""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :tensor1 . :transc1 math-meta:description """This CD holds the definitions of many transcendental functions. They are defined as in Abromowitz and Stegun (ninth printing on), with precise reductions to logs in the case of inverse functions. Note that, if signed zeros are supported, some strict inequalities have to become weak . It is intended to be `compatible' with the MathML elements denoting trancendental functions. Some additional functions are in the CD transc2.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "arccos(z) = -i ln(z+i \\sqrt(1-z^2))" , "x in [0,pi] implies arccos(cos x) = x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arccos function. This is the inverse of the cos function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8c1 . _:n8c1 math:arguments _:n8c2 . _:n8c2 rdf:first _:n8c3 . _:n8c3 math:arguments _:n8c4 . _:n8c4 rdf:first _:n8c5 . _:n8c5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8c4 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8c3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8c2 rdf:rest _:n8c6 . _:n8c6 rdf:first _:n8c7 . _:n8c7 math:arguments _:n8c8 . _:n8c8 rdf:first _:n8c9 . _:n8c9 math:arguments _:n8ca ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8c8 rdf:rest _:n8cb . _:n8cb rdf:first _:n8cc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8c8 a rdf:List . _:n8c7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8c6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8c2 a rdf:List . _:n8c1 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8cd . _:n8cd math:arguments _:n8ce . _:n8ce rdf:first _:n8cf . _:n8cf math:arguments _:n8cg . _:n8cg rdf:first _:n8ch . _:n8ch math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8cg rdf:rest _:n8ci . _:n8ci rdf:first _:n8cj . _:n8cj math:arguments _:n8ck ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ci rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8cg a rdf:List . _:n8cf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ce rdf:rest _:n8cl . _:n8cl rdf:first _:n8cm . _:n8cm math:arguments _:n8cn . _:n8cn rdf:first _:n8co . _:n8co math:arguments _:n8cp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8cn rdf:rest _:n8cq . _:n8cq rdf:first _:n8cr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8cn a rdf:List . _:n8cm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8cl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ce a rdf:List . _:n8cd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arccosh z = i * (pi - arccos z)" , "arccosh(z) = 2*ln(\\sqrt((z+1)/2) + \\sqrt((z-1)/2))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arccosh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8cs . _:n8cs math:arguments _:n8ct . _:n8ct rdf:first _:n8cu . _:n8cu math:arguments _:n8cv . _:n8cv rdf:first _:n8cw . _:n8cw math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8cv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8cu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ct rdf:rest _:n8cx . _:n8cx rdf:first _:n8cy . _:n8cy math:arguments _:n8cz . _:n8cz rdf:first _:n8d0 . _:n8d0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8cz rdf:rest _:n8d1 . _:n8d1 rdf:first _:n8d2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8cz a rdf:List . _:n8cy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8cx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ct a rdf:List . _:n8cs math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8d3 . _:n8d3 math:arguments _:n8d4 . _:n8d4 rdf:first _:n8d5 . _:n8d5 math:arguments _:n8d6 . _:n8d6 rdf:first _:n8d7 . _:n8d7 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8d6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8d5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8d4 rdf:rest _:n8d8 . _:n8d8 rdf:first _:n8d9 . _:n8d9 math:arguments _:n8da . _:n8da rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8db . _:n8db rdf:first _:n8dc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8da a rdf:List . _:n8d9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8d8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8d4 a rdf:List . _:n8d3 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arccot(-z) = - arccot(z)" , "arccot(x) = (i/2) * ln ((x - i)/(x + i))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arccot function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8dd . _:n8dd math:arguments _:n8de . _:n8de rdf:first _:n8df . _:n8df math:arguments _:n8dg . _:n8dg rdf:first _:n8dh . _:n8dh math:arguments _:n8di . _:n8di rdf:first _:n8dj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8dh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8dg rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8df math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8de rdf:rest _:n8dk . _:n8dk rdf:first _:n8dl . _:n8dl math:arguments _:n8dm . _:n8dm rdf:first _:n8dn . _:n8dn math:arguments _:n8do ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8dm rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8dl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8dk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8de a rdf:List . _:n8dd math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8dp . _:n8dp math:arguments _:n8dq . _:n8dq rdf:first _:n8dr . _:n8dr math:arguments _:n8ds . _:n8ds rdf:first _:n8dt . _:n8dt math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ds rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8dr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8dq rdf:rest _:n8du . _:n8du rdf:first _:n8dv . _:n8dv math:arguments _:n8dw . _:n8dw rdf:first _:n8dx . _:n8dx math:arguments _:n8dy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8dw rdf:rest _:n8dz . _:n8dz rdf:first _:n8e0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8dw a rdf:List . _:n8dv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8du rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8dq a rdf:List . _:n8dp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arccoth(z) = (ln(-1-z)-ln(1-z))/2" , "for all z | if z is not zero then arccoth(z) = i * arccot(i * z)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arccoth function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8e1 . _:n8e1 math:arguments _:n8e2 . _:n8e2 rdf:first _:n8e3 . _:n8e3 math:arguments _:n8e4 . _:n8e4 rdf:first _:n8e5 . _:n8e5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8e4 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8e3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8e2 rdf:rest _:n8e6 . _:n8e6 rdf:first _:n8e7 . _:n8e7 math:arguments _:n8e8 . _:n8e8 rdf:first _:n8e9 . _:n8e9 math:arguments _:n8ea ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8e8 rdf:rest _:n8eb . _:n8eb rdf:first _:n8ec ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8e8 a rdf:List . _:n8e7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8e6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8e2 a rdf:List . _:n8e1 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8ed . _:n8ed math:binder ; math:body _:n8ee . _:n8ee math:arguments _:n8ef . _:n8ef rdf:first _:n8eg . _:n8eg math:arguments _:n8eh . _:n8eh rdf:first _:n8ei . _:n8ei math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8eh rdf:rest _:n8ej . _:n8ej rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8eh a rdf:List . _:n8eg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ef rdf:rest _:n8ek . _:n8ek rdf:first _:n8el . _:n8el math:arguments _:n8em . _:n8em rdf:first _:n8en ; rdf:rest _:n8eo ; a rdf:List . _:n8el math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ek rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ef a rdf:List . _:n8ee math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ed math:variables _:n8ep . _:n8ep rdf:first _:n8eq . _:n8eq math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ep rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ed a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arccsc(-z) = - arccsc(z)" , "arccsc(z) = -i ln(i/z + \\sqrt(1 - 1/z^2))" , "arccsc(z) = i * arccsch(i * z)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arccsc function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8er . _:n8er math:arguments _:n8es . _:n8es rdf:first _:n8et . _:n8et math:arguments _:n8eu . _:n8eu rdf:first _:n8ev . _:n8ev math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8eu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8et math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8es rdf:rest _:n8ew . _:n8ew rdf:first _:n8ex . _:n8ex math:arguments _:n8ey . _:n8ey rdf:first _:n8ez . _:n8ez math:arguments _:n8f0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ey rdf:rest _:n8f1 . _:n8f1 rdf:first _:n8f2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ey a rdf:List . _:n8ex math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ew rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8es a rdf:List . _:n8er math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8f3 . _:n8f3 math:arguments _:n8f4 . _:n8f4 rdf:first _:n8f5 . _:n8f5 math:arguments _:n8f6 . _:n8f6 rdf:first _:n8f7 . _:n8f7 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8f6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8f5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8f4 rdf:rest _:n8f8 . _:n8f8 rdf:first _:n8f9 . _:n8f9 math:arguments _:n8fa . _:n8fa rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8fb . _:n8fb rdf:first _:n8fc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8fa a rdf:List . _:n8f9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8f8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8f4 a rdf:List . _:n8f3 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8fd . _:n8fd math:arguments _:n8fe . _:n8fe rdf:first _:n8ff . _:n8ff math:arguments _:n8fg . _:n8fg rdf:first _:n8fh . _:n8fh math:arguments _:n8fi . _:n8fi rdf:first _:n8fj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8fh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8fg rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ff math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8fe rdf:rest _:n8fk . _:n8fk rdf:first _:n8fl . _:n8fl math:arguments _:n8fm . _:n8fm rdf:first _:n8fn . _:n8fn math:arguments _:n8fo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8fm rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8fl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8fk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8fe a rdf:List . _:n8fd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arccsch(z) = i * arccsc(i * z)" , "arccsch(z) = ln(1/z + \\sqrt(1+(1/z)^2))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arccsch function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8fp . _:n8fp math:arguments _:n8fq . _:n8fq rdf:first _:n8fr . _:n8fr math:arguments _:n8fs . _:n8fs rdf:first _:n8ft . _:n8ft math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8fs rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8fr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8fq rdf:rest _:n8fu . _:n8fu rdf:first _:n8fv . _:n8fv math:arguments _:n8fw . _:n8fw rdf:first _:n8fx . _:n8fx math:arguments _:n8fy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8fw rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8fv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8fu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8fq a rdf:List . _:n8fp math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8fz . _:n8fz math:arguments _:n8g0 . _:n8g0 rdf:first _:n8g1 . _:n8g1 math:arguments _:n8g2 . _:n8g2 rdf:first _:n8g3 . _:n8g3 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8g2 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8g1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8g0 rdf:rest _:n8g4 . _:n8g4 rdf:first _:n8g5 . _:n8g5 math:arguments _:n8g6 . _:n8g6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8g7 . _:n8g7 rdf:first _:n8g8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8g6 a rdf:List . _:n8g5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8g4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8g0 a rdf:List . _:n8fz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arcsec(z) = -i ln(1/z + i \\sqrt(1-1/z^2))" , "for all z | arcsec z = i * arcsech z" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arcsec function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8g9 . _:n8g9 math:arguments _:n8ga . _:n8ga rdf:first _:n8gb . _:n8gb math:arguments _:n8gc . _:n8gc rdf:first _:n8gd . _:n8gd math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8gc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8gb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ga rdf:rest _:n8ge . _:n8ge rdf:first _:n8gf . _:n8gf math:arguments _:n8gg . _:n8gg rdf:first _:n8gh . _:n8gh math:arguments _:n8gi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8gg rdf:rest _:n8gj . _:n8gj rdf:first _:n8gk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8gg a rdf:List . _:n8gf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ge rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ga a rdf:List . _:n8g9 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8gl . _:n8gl math:binder ; math:body _:n8gm . _:n8gm math:arguments _:n8gn . _:n8gn rdf:first _:n8go . _:n8go math:arguments _:n8gp . _:n8gp rdf:first _:n8gq . _:n8gq math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8gp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8go math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8gn rdf:rest _:n8gr . _:n8gr rdf:first _:n8gs . _:n8gs math:arguments _:n8gt . _:n8gt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8gu ; a rdf:List . _:n8gs math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8gr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8gn a rdf:List . _:n8gm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8gl math:variables _:n8gv . _:n8gv rdf:first _:n8gw . _:n8gw math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8gv rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8gl a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arcsech(z) = 2 ln(\\sqrt((1+z)/(2z)) + \\sqrt((1-z)/(2z)))" , "for all x in (0..1] | arcsech x = ln(1/x + (1/(x^2) - 1)^(1/2))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arcsech function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8gx . _:n8gx math:arguments _:n8gy . _:n8gy rdf:first _:n8gz . _:n8gz math:arguments _:n8h0 . _:n8h0 rdf:first _:n8h1 . _:n8h1 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8h0 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8gz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8gy rdf:rest _:n8h2 . _:n8h2 rdf:first _:n8h3 . _:n8h3 math:arguments _:n8h4 . _:n8h4 rdf:first _:n8h5 . _:n8h5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8h4 rdf:rest _:n8h6 . _:n8h6 rdf:first _:n8h7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8h4 a rdf:List . _:n8h3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8h2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8gy a rdf:List . _:n8gx math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8h8 . _:n8h8 math:binder ; math:body _:n8h9 . _:n8h9 math:arguments _:n8ha . _:n8ha rdf:first _:n8hb . _:n8hb math:arguments _:n8hc . _:n8hc rdf:first _:n8hd . _:n8hd math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8hc rdf:rest _:n8he . _:n8he rdf:first _:n8hf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8hc a rdf:List . _:n8hb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ha rdf:rest _:n8hg . _:n8hg rdf:first _:n8hh . _:n8hh math:arguments _:n8hi . _:n8hi rdf:first _:n8hj ; rdf:rest _:n8hk ; a rdf:List . _:n8hh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8hg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ha a rdf:List . _:n8h9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8h8 math:variables _:n8hl . _:n8hl rdf:first _:n8hm . _:n8hm math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8hl rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8h8 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arcsin(z) = -i ln (sqrt(1-z^2)+iz)" , "x in [-(pi/2),(pi/2)] implies arcsin(sin x) = x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arcsin function. This is the inverse of the sin function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8hn . _:n8hn math:arguments _:n8ho . _:n8ho rdf:first _:n8hp . _:n8hp math:arguments _:n8hq . _:n8hq rdf:first _:n8hr . _:n8hr math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8hq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8hp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ho rdf:rest _:n8hs . _:n8hs rdf:first _:n8ht . _:n8ht math:arguments _:n8hu . _:n8hu rdf:first _:n8hv . _:n8hv math:arguments _:n8hw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8hu rdf:rest _:n8hx . _:n8hx rdf:first _:n8hy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8hu a rdf:List . _:n8ht math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8hs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ho a rdf:List . _:n8hn math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8hz . _:n8hz math:arguments _:n8i0 . _:n8i0 rdf:first _:n8i1 . _:n8i1 math:arguments _:n8i2 . _:n8i2 rdf:first _:n8i3 . _:n8i3 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8i2 rdf:rest _:n8i4 . _:n8i4 rdf:first _:n8i5 . _:n8i5 math:arguments _:n8i6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8i4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8i2 a rdf:List . _:n8i1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8i0 rdf:rest _:n8i7 . _:n8i7 rdf:first _:n8i8 . _:n8i8 math:arguments _:n8i9 . _:n8i9 rdf:first _:n8ia . _:n8ia math:arguments _:n8ib ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8i9 rdf:rest _:n8ic . _:n8ic rdf:first _:n8id ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8i9 a rdf:List . _:n8i8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8i7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8i0 a rdf:List . _:n8hz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arcsinh z = ln(z + \\sqrt(1+z^2))" , "arcsinh(z) = - i * arcsin(i * z)" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arcsinh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8ie . _:n8ie math:arguments _:n8if . _:n8if rdf:first _:n8ig . _:n8ig math:arguments _:n8ih . _:n8ih rdf:first _:n8ii . _:n8ii math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ih rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ig math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8if rdf:rest _:n8ij . _:n8ij rdf:first _:n8ik . _:n8ik math:arguments _:n8il . _:n8il rdf:first _:n8im . _:n8im math:arguments _:n8in ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8il rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ik math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ij rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8if a rdf:List . _:n8ie math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8io . _:n8io math:arguments _:n8ip . _:n8ip rdf:first _:n8iq . _:n8iq math:arguments _:n8ir . _:n8ir rdf:first _:n8is . _:n8is math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ir rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8iq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ip rdf:rest _:n8it . _:n8it rdf:first _:n8iu . _:n8iu math:arguments _:n8iv . _:n8iv rdf:first _:n8iw . _:n8iw math:arguments _:n8ix ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8iv rdf:rest _:n8iy . _:n8iy rdf:first _:n8iz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8iv a rdf:List . _:n8iu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8it rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ip a rdf:List . _:n8io math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arctan(z) = (i/2)ln((1-iz)/(1+iz))" , "x in (-(pi/2),(pi/2)) implies arctan(tan x) = x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arctan function. This is the inverse of the tan function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8j0 . _:n8j0 math:arguments _:n8j1 . _:n8j1 rdf:first _:n8j2 . _:n8j2 math:arguments _:n8j3 . _:n8j3 rdf:first _:n8j4 . _:n8j4 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8j3 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8j2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8j1 rdf:rest _:n8j5 . _:n8j5 rdf:first _:n8j6 . _:n8j6 math:arguments _:n8j7 . _:n8j7 rdf:first _:n8j8 . _:n8j8 math:arguments _:n8j9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8j7 rdf:rest _:n8ja . _:n8ja rdf:first _:n8jb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8j7 a rdf:List . _:n8j6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8j5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8j1 a rdf:List . _:n8j0 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8jc . _:n8jc math:arguments _:n8jd . _:n8jd rdf:first _:n8je . _:n8je math:arguments _:n8jf . _:n8jf rdf:first _:n8jg . _:n8jg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8jf rdf:rest _:n8jh . _:n8jh rdf:first _:n8ji . _:n8ji math:arguments _:n8jj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8jh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8jf a rdf:List . _:n8je math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8jd rdf:rest _:n8jk . _:n8jk rdf:first _:n8jl . _:n8jl math:arguments _:n8jm . _:n8jm rdf:first _:n8jn . _:n8jn math:arguments _:n8jo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8jm rdf:rest _:n8jp . _:n8jp rdf:first _:n8jq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8jm a rdf:List . _:n8jl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8jk rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8jd a rdf:List . _:n8jc math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arctanh(z) = - i * arctan(i * z)" , """for all x where 0 <= x^2 < 1 | arctanh(x) = 1/2 * ln((1 + x)/(1 - x))""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arctanh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8jr . _:n8jr math:arguments _:n8js . _:n8js rdf:first _:n8jt . _:n8jt math:arguments _:n8ju . _:n8ju rdf:first _:n8jv . _:n8jv math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ju rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8jt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8js rdf:rest _:n8jw . _:n8jw rdf:first _:n8jx . _:n8jx math:arguments _:n8jy . _:n8jy rdf:first _:n8jz . _:n8jz math:arguments _:n8k0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8jy rdf:rest _:n8k1 . _:n8k1 rdf:first _:n8k2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8jy a rdf:List . _:n8jx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8jw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8js a rdf:List . _:n8jr math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8k3 . _:n8k3 math:binder ; math:body _:n8k4 . _:n8k4 math:arguments _:n8k5 . _:n8k5 rdf:first _:n8k6 . _:n8k6 math:arguments _:n8k7 . _:n8k7 rdf:first _:n8k8 . _:n8k8 math:arguments _:n8k9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8k7 rdf:rest _:n8ka . _:n8ka rdf:first _:n8kb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8k7 a rdf:List . _:n8k6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8k5 rdf:rest _:n8kc . _:n8kc rdf:first _:n8kd . _:n8kd math:arguments _:n8ke . _:n8ke rdf:first _:n8kf ; rdf:rest _:n8kg ; a rdf:List . _:n8kd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8kc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8k5 a rdf:List . _:n8k4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8k3 math:variables _:n8kh . _:n8kh rdf:first _:n8ki . _:n8ki math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8kh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8k3 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "cos 2A = cos^2 A - sin^2 A" , "cos A = cos(-A)" , "cos(x) = (exp(ix)+exp(-ix))/2" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the cos function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8kj . _:n8kj math:arguments _:n8kk . _:n8kk rdf:first _:n8kl . _:n8kl math:arguments _:n8km . _:n8km rdf:first _:n8kn . _:n8kn math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8km rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8kl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8kk rdf:rest _:n8ko . _:n8ko rdf:first _:n8kp . _:n8kp math:arguments _:n8kq . _:n8kq rdf:first _:n8kr . _:n8kr math:arguments _:n8ks ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8kq rdf:rest _:n8kt . _:n8kt rdf:first _:n8ku ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8kq a rdf:List . _:n8kp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ko rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8kk a rdf:List . _:n8kj math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8kv . _:n8kv math:arguments _:n8kw . _:n8kw rdf:first _:n8kx . _:n8kx math:arguments _:n8ky . _:n8ky rdf:first _:n8kz . _:n8kz math:arguments _:n8l0 . _:n8l0 rdf:first _:n8l1 ; rdf:rest _:n8l2 ; a rdf:List . _:n8kz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ky rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8kx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8kw rdf:rest _:n8l3 . _:n8l3 rdf:first _:n8l4 . _:n8l4 math:arguments _:n8l5 . _:n8l5 rdf:first _:n8l6 . _:n8l6 math:arguments _:n8l7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8l5 rdf:rest _:n8l8 . _:n8l8 rdf:first _:n8l9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8l5 a rdf:List . _:n8l4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8l3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8kw a rdf:List . _:n8kv math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8la . _:n8la math:arguments _:n8lb . _:n8lb rdf:first _:n8lc . _:n8lc math:arguments _:n8ld . _:n8ld rdf:first _:n8le . _:n8le math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ld rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8lc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8lb rdf:rest _:n8lf . _:n8lf rdf:first _:n8lg . _:n8lg math:arguments _:n8lh . _:n8lh rdf:first _:n8li . _:n8li math:arguments _:n8lj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8lh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8lg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8lf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8lb a rdf:List . _:n8la math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "cosh A = 1/2 * (e^A + e^(-A))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the cosh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8lk . _:n8lk math:arguments _:n8ll . _:n8ll rdf:first _:n8lm . _:n8lm math:arguments _:n8ln . _:n8ln rdf:first _:n8lo . _:n8lo math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ln rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8lm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ll rdf:rest _:n8lp . _:n8lp rdf:first _:n8lq . _:n8lq math:arguments _:n8lr . _:n8lr rdf:first _:n8ls . _:n8ls math:arguments _:n8lt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8lr rdf:rest _:n8lu . _:n8lu rdf:first _:n8lv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8lr a rdf:List . _:n8lq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8lp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ll a rdf:List . _:n8lk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "cot A = 1/tan A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the cot function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8lw . _:n8lw math:arguments _:n8lx . _:n8lx rdf:first _:n8ly . _:n8ly math:arguments _:n8lz . _:n8lz rdf:first _:n8m0 . _:n8m0 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8lz rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ly math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8lx rdf:rest _:n8m1 . _:n8m1 rdf:first _:n8m2 . _:n8m2 math:arguments _:n8m3 . _:n8m3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8m4 . _:n8m4 rdf:first _:n8m5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8m3 a rdf:List . _:n8m2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8m1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8lx a rdf:List . _:n8lw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "coth A = 1/tanh A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the coth function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8m6 . _:n8m6 math:arguments _:n8m7 . _:n8m7 rdf:first _:n8m8 . _:n8m8 math:arguments _:n8m9 . _:n8m9 rdf:first _:n8ma . _:n8ma math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8m9 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8m8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8m7 rdf:rest _:n8mb . _:n8mb rdf:first _:n8mc . _:n8mc math:arguments _:n8md . _:n8md rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8me . _:n8me rdf:first _:n8mf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8md a rdf:List . _:n8mc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8mb rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8m7 a rdf:List . _:n8m6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "csc A = 1/sin A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the csc function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8mg . _:n8mg math:arguments _:n8mh . _:n8mh rdf:first _:n8mi . _:n8mi math:arguments _:n8mj . _:n8mj rdf:first _:n8mk . _:n8mk math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8mj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8mi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8mh rdf:rest _:n8ml . _:n8ml rdf:first _:n8mm . _:n8mm math:arguments _:n8mn . _:n8mn rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8mo . _:n8mo rdf:first _:n8mp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8mn a rdf:List . _:n8mm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ml rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8mh a rdf:List . _:n8mg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "csch A = 1/sinh A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the csch function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8mq . _:n8mq math:arguments _:n8mr . _:n8mr rdf:first _:n8ms . _:n8ms math:arguments _:n8mt . _:n8mt rdf:first _:n8mu . _:n8mu math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8mt rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ms math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8mr rdf:rest _:n8mv . _:n8mv rdf:first _:n8mw . _:n8mw math:arguments _:n8mx . _:n8mx rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8my . _:n8my rdf:first _:n8mz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8mx a rdf:List . _:n8mw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8mv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8mr a rdf:List . _:n8mq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "for all k if k is an integer then e^(z+2*pi*k*i)=e^z" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the exponentiation function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.2. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8n0 . _:n8n0 math:binder ; math:body _:n8n1 . _:n8n1 math:arguments _:n8n2 . _:n8n2 rdf:first _:n8n3 . _:n8n3 math:arguments _:n8n4 . _:n8n4 rdf:first _:n8n5 . _:n8n5 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:n8n4 rdf:rest _:n8n6 . _:n8n6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8n4 a rdf:List . _:n8n3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8n2 rdf:rest _:n8n7 . _:n8n7 rdf:first _:n8n8 . _:n8n8 math:arguments _:n8n9 . _:n8n9 rdf:first _:n8na ; rdf:rest _:n8nb ; a rdf:List . _:n8n8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8n7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8n2 a rdf:List . _:n8n1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8n0 math:variables _:n8nc . _:n8nc rdf:first _:n8nd . _:n8nd math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:n8nc rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8n0 a math:Binding . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "-pi < Im ln x <= pi" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the ln function (natural logarithm) as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.1. It takes one argument. Note the description in the CMP/FMP of the branch cut. If signed zeros are in use, the inequality needs to be non-strict.""" ; math-meta:example _:n8ne . _:n8ne math:arguments _:n8nf . _:n8nf rdf:first _:n8ng . _:n8ng math:value "ln 1 (which is 0)."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n8nf rdf:rest _:n8nh . _:n8nh rdf:first _:n8ni . _:n8ni math:arguments _:n8nj . _:n8nj rdf:first _:n8nk . _:n8nk math:value "1.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n8nj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ni math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8nh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8nf a rdf:List . _:n8ne math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8nl . _:n8nl math:arguments _:n8nm . _:n8nm rdf:first _:n8nn . _:n8nn math:arguments _:n8no . _:n8no rdf:first _:n8np . _:n8np math:arguments _:n8nq . _:n8nq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8np math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8no rdf:rest _:n8nr . _:n8nr rdf:first _:n8ns . _:n8ns math:arguments _:n8nt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8nr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8no a rdf:List . _:n8nn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8nm rdf:rest _:n8nu . _:n8nu rdf:first _:n8nv . _:n8nv math:arguments _:n8nw . _:n8nw rdf:first _:n8nx . _:n8nx math:arguments _:n8ny ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8nw rdf:rest _:n8nz . _:n8nz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8nw a rdf:List . _:n8nv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8nu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8nm a rdf:List . _:n8nl math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "a^b = c implies log_a c = b" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary log function; the first argument is the base, to which the second argument is log'ed. It is defined in Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, section 4.1""" ; math-meta:example _:n8o0 . _:n8o0 math:arguments _:n8o1 . _:n8o1 rdf:first _:n8o2 . _:n8o2 math:value "log 100 to base 10 (which is 2)."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n8o1 rdf:rest _:n8o3 . _:n8o3 rdf:first _:n8o4 . _:n8o4 math:arguments _:n8o5 . _:n8o5 rdf:first _:n8o6 . _:n8o6 math:value "10.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n8o5 rdf:rest _:n8o7 . _:n8o7 rdf:first _:n8o8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8o5 a rdf:List . _:n8o4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8o3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8o1 a rdf:List . _:n8o0 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8o9 . _:n8o9 math:arguments _:n8oa . _:n8oa rdf:first _:n8ob . _:n8ob math:arguments _:n8oc . _:n8oc rdf:first _:n8od . _:n8od math:arguments _:n8oe . _:n8oe rdf:first _:n8of ; rdf:rest _:n8og ; a rdf:List . _:n8od math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8oc rdf:rest _:n8oh . _:n8oh rdf:first _:n8oi . _:n8oi math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n8oh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8oc a rdf:List . _:n8ob math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8oa rdf:rest _:n8oj . _:n8oj rdf:first _:n8ok . _:n8ok math:arguments _:n8ol . _:n8ol rdf:first _:n8om . _:n8om math:arguments _:n8on ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ol rdf:rest _:n8oo . _:n8oo rdf:first _:n8op ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ol a rdf:List . _:n8ok math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8oj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8oa a rdf:List . _:n8o9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "sec A = 1/cos A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the sec function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8oq . _:n8oq math:arguments _:n8or . _:n8or rdf:first _:n8os . _:n8os math:arguments _:n8ot . _:n8ot rdf:first _:n8ou . _:n8ou math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ot rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8os math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8or rdf:rest _:n8ov . _:n8ov rdf:first _:n8ow . _:n8ow math:arguments _:n8ox . _:n8ox rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8oy . _:n8oy rdf:first _:n8oz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ox a rdf:List . _:n8ow math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ov rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8or a rdf:List . _:n8oq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "sech A = 1/cosh A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the sech function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8p0 . _:n8p0 math:arguments _:n8p1 . _:n8p1 rdf:first _:n8p2 . _:n8p2 math:arguments _:n8p3 . _:n8p3 rdf:first _:n8p4 . _:n8p4 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8p3 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8p2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8p1 rdf:rest _:n8p5 . _:n8p5 rdf:first _:n8p6 . _:n8p6 math:arguments _:n8p7 . _:n8p7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8p8 . _:n8p8 rdf:first _:n8p9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8p7 a rdf:List . _:n8p6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8p5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8p1 a rdf:List . _:n8p0 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "sin A = - sin(-A)" , "sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B" , "sin(x) = (exp(ix)-exp(-ix))/2i" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the sin function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8pa . _:n8pa math:arguments _:n8pb . _:n8pb rdf:first _:n8pc . _:n8pc math:arguments _:n8pd . _:n8pd rdf:first _:n8pe . _:n8pe math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8pd rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8pc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8pb rdf:rest _:n8pf . _:n8pf rdf:first _:n8pg . _:n8pg math:arguments _:n8ph . _:n8ph rdf:first _:n8pi . _:n8pi math:arguments _:n8pj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ph rdf:rest _:n8pk . _:n8pk rdf:first _:n8pl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ph a rdf:List . _:n8pg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8pf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8pb a rdf:List . _:n8pa math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8pm . _:n8pm math:arguments _:n8pn . _:n8pn rdf:first _:n8po . _:n8po math:arguments _:n8pp . _:n8pp rdf:first _:n8pq . _:n8pq math:arguments _:n8pr . _:n8pr rdf:first _:n8ps ; rdf:rest _:n8pt ; a rdf:List . _:n8pq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8pp rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8po math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8pn rdf:rest _:n8pu . _:n8pu rdf:first _:n8pv . _:n8pv math:arguments _:n8pw . _:n8pw rdf:first _:n8px . _:n8px math:arguments _:n8py ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8pw rdf:rest _:n8pz . _:n8pz rdf:first _:n8q0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8pw a rdf:List . _:n8pv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8pu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8pn a rdf:List . _:n8pm math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8q1 . _:n8q1 math:arguments _:n8q2 . _:n8q2 rdf:first _:n8q3 . _:n8q3 math:arguments _:n8q4 . _:n8q4 rdf:first _:n8q5 . _:n8q5 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8q4 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8q3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8q2 rdf:rest _:n8q6 . _:n8q6 rdf:first _:n8q7 . _:n8q7 math:arguments _:n8q8 . _:n8q8 rdf:first _:n8q9 . _:n8q9 math:arguments _:n8qa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8q8 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8q7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8q6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8q2 a rdf:List . _:n8q1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "sinh A = 1/2 * (e^A - e^(-A))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the sinh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8qb . _:n8qb math:arguments _:n8qc . _:n8qc rdf:first _:n8qd . _:n8qd math:arguments _:n8qe . _:n8qe rdf:first _:n8qf . _:n8qf math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8qe rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8qd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8qc rdf:rest _:n8qg . _:n8qg rdf:first _:n8qh . _:n8qh math:arguments _:n8qi . _:n8qi rdf:first _:n8qj . _:n8qj math:arguments _:n8qk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8qi rdf:rest _:n8ql . _:n8ql rdf:first _:n8qm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8qi a rdf:List . _:n8qh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8qg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8qc a rdf:List . _:n8qb math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "tan A = sin A / cos A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the tan function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8qn . _:n8qn math:arguments _:n8qo . _:n8qo rdf:first _:n8qp . _:n8qp math:arguments _:n8qq . _:n8qq rdf:first _:n8qr . _:n8qr math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8qq rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8qp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8qo rdf:rest _:n8qs . _:n8qs rdf:first _:n8qt . _:n8qt math:arguments _:n8qu . _:n8qu rdf:first _:n8qv . _:n8qv math:arguments _:n8qw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8qu rdf:rest _:n8qx . _:n8qx rdf:first _:n8qy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8qu a rdf:List . _:n8qt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8qs rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8qo a rdf:List . _:n8qn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "tanh A = sinh A / cosh A" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the tanh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8qz . _:n8qz math:arguments _:n8r0 . _:n8r0 rdf:first _:n8r1 . _:n8r1 math:arguments _:n8r2 . _:n8r2 rdf:first _:n8r3 . _:n8r3 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8r2 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8r1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8r0 rdf:rest _:n8r4 . _:n8r4 rdf:first _:n8r5 . _:n8r5 math:arguments _:n8r6 . _:n8r6 rdf:first _:n8r7 . _:n8r7 math:arguments _:n8r8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8r6 rdf:rest _:n8r9 . _:n8r9 rdf:first _:n8ra ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8r6 a rdf:List . _:n8r5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8r4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8r0 a rdf:List . _:n8qz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc1 . :transc2 math-meta:description """This CD holds the definition of a two-argument version of arctan, useful for defining the argument of a complex number, and equivalent to Fortran's ATAN2 function. It also holds a definition of the unwinding number, useful for writing correct relationships between elementary functions.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "$Re(y) < 0 \\implies Re(arctan(y,x)) < 0$." , "$Re(y)=0 and Re(x) < 0 \\implies Re(arctan(y,x))=\\pi$." , "$Re(y)=0 and Re(x)>0 \\implies Re(arctan(y,x))=0$." , "$Re(y)>0 \\implies Re(arctan(y,x))>0$." , "$x,y \\in {\\bf R} \\implies \\pi < arctan(y,x)\\le\\pi$." , "$x=0 \\implies |arctan(y,x)|=\\pi/2$." , "x not 0 implies tan(arctan(y,x))=y/x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the two-argument arctan function as in Fortran's ATAN2. arctan(y,x) is a value of arctan(y/x). For real x,y arctan(y,x) is positive when y is positive, negative when y is negative. If y is zero, the result is 0 if x is positive, and $\\pi$ if x is negative. If x is zero, the result has absolute value $\\pi/2$.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8rb . _:n8rb math:arguments _:n8rc . _:n8rc rdf:first _:n8rd . _:n8rd math:arguments _:n8re . _:n8re rdf:first _:n8rf . _:n8rf math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8re rdf:rest _:n8rg . _:n8rg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8re a rdf:List . _:n8rd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8rc rdf:rest _:n8rh . _:n8rh rdf:first _:n8ri . _:n8ri math:arguments _:n8rj . _:n8rj rdf:first _:n8rk . _:n8rk math:arguments _:n8rl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8rj rdf:rest _:n8rm . _:n8rm rdf:first _:n8rn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8rj a rdf:List . _:n8ri math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8rh rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8rc a rdf:List . _:n8rb math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8ro . _:n8ro math:arguments _:n8rp . _:n8rp rdf:first _:n8rq . _:n8rq math:arguments _:n8rr . _:n8rr rdf:first _:n8rs . _:n8rs math:arguments _:n8rt . _:n8rt rdf:first _:n8ru ; rdf:rest _:n8rv ; a rdf:List . _:n8rs math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8rr rdf:rest _:n8rw . _:n8rw rdf:first _:n8rx . _:n8rx math:arguments _:n8ry ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8rw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8rr a rdf:List . _:n8rq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8rp rdf:rest _:n8rz . _:n8rz rdf:first _:n8s0 . _:n8s0 math:arguments _:n8s1 . _:n8s1 rdf:first _:n8s2 . _:n8s2 math:arguments _:n8s3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8s1 rdf:rest _:n8s4 . _:n8s4 rdf:first _:n8s5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8s1 a rdf:List . _:n8s0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8rz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8rp a rdf:List . _:n8ro math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8s6 . _:n8s6 math:arguments _:n8s7 . _:n8s7 rdf:first _:n8s8 . _:n8s8 math:arguments _:n8s9 . _:n8s9 rdf:first _:n8sa . _:n8sa math:arguments _:n8sb . _:n8sb rdf:first _:n8sc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8sa math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8s9 rdf:rest _:n8sd . _:n8sd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8s9 a rdf:List . _:n8s8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8s7 rdf:rest _:n8se . _:n8se rdf:first _:n8sf . _:n8sf math:arguments _:n8sg . _:n8sg rdf:first _:n8sh . _:n8sh math:arguments _:n8si ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8sg rdf:rest _:n8sj . _:n8sj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8sg a rdf:List . _:n8sf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8se rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8s7 a rdf:List . _:n8s6 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8sk . _:n8sk math:arguments _:n8sl . _:n8sl rdf:first _:n8sm . _:n8sm math:arguments _:n8sn . _:n8sn rdf:first _:n8so . _:n8so math:arguments _:n8sp . _:n8sp rdf:first _:n8sq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8so math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8sn rdf:rest _:n8sr . _:n8sr rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8sn a rdf:List . _:n8sm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8sl rdf:rest _:n8ss . _:n8ss rdf:first _:n8st . _:n8st math:arguments _:n8su . _:n8su rdf:first _:n8sv . _:n8sv math:arguments _:n8sw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8su rdf:rest _:n8sx . _:n8sx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8su a rdf:List . _:n8st math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ss rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8sl a rdf:List . _:n8sk math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8sy . _:n8sy math:arguments _:n8sz . _:n8sz rdf:first _:n8t0 . _:n8t0 math:arguments _:n8t1 . _:n8t1 rdf:first _:n8t2 . _:n8t2 math:arguments _:n8t3 . _:n8t3 rdf:first _:n8t4 ; rdf:rest _:n8t5 ; a rdf:List . _:n8t2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8t1 rdf:rest _:n8t6 . _:n8t6 rdf:first _:n8t7 . _:n8t7 math:arguments _:n8t8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8t6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8t1 a rdf:List . _:n8t0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8sz rdf:rest _:n8t9 . _:n8t9 rdf:first _:n8ta . _:n8ta math:arguments _:n8tb . _:n8tb rdf:first _:n8tc . _:n8tc math:arguments _:n8td ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8tb rdf:rest _:n8te . _:n8te rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8tb a rdf:List . _:n8ta math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8t9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8sz a rdf:List . _:n8sy math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8tf . _:n8tf math:arguments _:n8tg . _:n8tg rdf:first _:n8th . _:n8th math:arguments _:n8ti . _:n8ti rdf:first _:n8tj . _:n8tj math:arguments _:n8tk . _:n8tk rdf:first _:n8tl ; rdf:rest _:n8tm ; a rdf:List . _:n8tj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ti rdf:rest _:n8tn . _:n8tn rdf:first _:n8to . _:n8to math:arguments _:n8tp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8tn rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ti a rdf:List . _:n8th math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8tg rdf:rest _:n8tq . _:n8tq rdf:first _:n8tr . _:n8tr math:arguments _:n8ts . _:n8ts rdf:first _:n8tt . _:n8tt math:arguments _:n8tu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ts rdf:rest _:n8tv . _:n8tv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ts a rdf:List . _:n8tr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8tq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8tg a rdf:List . _:n8tf math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8tw . _:n8tw math:arguments _:n8tx . _:n8tx rdf:first _:n8ty . _:n8ty math:arguments _:n8tz . _:n8tz rdf:first _:n8u0 . _:n8u0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8tz rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ty math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8tx rdf:rest _:n8u1 . _:n8u1 rdf:first _:n8u2 . _:n8u2 math:arguments _:n8u3 . _:n8u3 rdf:first _:n8u4 . _:n8u4 math:arguments _:n8u5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8u3 rdf:rest _:n8u6 . _:n8u6 rdf:first _:n8u7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8u3 a rdf:List . _:n8u2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8u1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8tx a rdf:List . _:n8tw math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc2 . math-meta:commentedProperty "unwind(z)=(z-ln exp z)/(2pi i)" , "unwind(z)=ceiling((Im z - pi)/(2pi))" , "z in C implies unwind(z) in Z" ; math-meta:description """The unwinding number denotes the extent to which $z=\\ln\\exp z$ is not true. It was orignally defined in Corless,R.M. & Jeffrey,D.J., The Unwinding Number. SIGSAM Bulletin 30(1996) 2, pp. 28-35. However, we take the definition (which has a change of sign) from Corless,R.M., Davenport,J.H., Jeffrey,D.J. & Watt,S.M., According to Abramowitz and Stegun. SIGSAM Bulletin 34(2000) 2, pp. 58--65. Note that the symbol is normally denoted by ${\\cal K}$.""" ; math-meta:example _:n8u8 . _:n8u8 math:arguments _:n8u9 . _:n8u9 rdf:first _:n8ua . _:n8ua math:arguments _:n8ub . _:n8ub rdf:first _:n8uc . _:n8uc math:arguments _:n8ud . _:n8ud rdf:first _:n8ue ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8uc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ub rdf:rest _:n8uf . _:n8uf rdf:first _:n8ug . _:n8ug math:arguments _:n8uh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8uf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ub a rdf:List . _:n8ua math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8u9 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8u8 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8ui . _:n8ui math:arguments _:n8uj . _:n8uj rdf:first _:n8uk . _:n8uk math:arguments _:n8ul . _:n8ul rdf:first _:n8um . _:n8um math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ul rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8uk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8uj rdf:rest _:n8un . _:n8un rdf:first _:n8uo . _:n8uo math:arguments _:n8up . _:n8up rdf:first _:n8uq . _:n8uq math:arguments _:n8ur ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8up rdf:rest _:n8us . _:n8us rdf:first _:n8ut ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8up a rdf:List . _:n8uo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8un rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8uj a rdf:List . _:n8ui math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8uu . _:n8uu math:arguments _:n8uv . _:n8uv rdf:first _:n8uw . _:n8uw math:arguments _:n8ux . _:n8ux rdf:first _:n8uy . _:n8uy math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ux rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8uw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8uv rdf:rest _:n8uz . _:n8uz rdf:first _:n8v0 . _:n8v0 math:arguments _:n8v1 . _:n8v1 rdf:first _:n8v2 . _:n8v2 math:arguments _:n8v3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8v1 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8v0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8uz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8uv a rdf:List . _:n8uu math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8v4 . _:n8v4 math:arguments _:n8v5 . _:n8v5 rdf:first _:n8v6 . _:n8v6 math:arguments _:n8v7 . _:n8v7 rdf:first _:n8v8 . _:n8v8 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8v7 rdf:rest _:n8v9 . _:n8v9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8v7 a rdf:List . _:n8v6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8v5 rdf:rest _:n8va . _:n8va rdf:first _:n8vb . _:n8vb math:arguments _:n8vc . _:n8vc rdf:first _:n8vd . _:n8vd math:arguments _:n8ve ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8vc rdf:rest _:n8vf . _:n8vf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8vc a rdf:List . _:n8vb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8va rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8v5 a rdf:List . _:n8v4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:comment "\\arcsin z = \\arctan\\frac z{\\sqrt{1-z^2}} +\\pi\\K(-\\ln(1+z))-\\pi\\K(-\\ln(1-z))." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc2 . :transc3 math-meta:description """This CD holds the definitions of many transcendental and related functions. They are defined as multi-valued functions with precise reductions to logs in the case of inverse functions. Note that we use the same names as in the single-valued case, even though it would be traditional to render them with capital letters. In sum is multi-valued, while is single-valued. Note that in many cases A+S only states the log restrictions under some circumstances: JHD has proved (22.8.2002) all the inverse trig. ones""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """arccos(z) = -i ln(z+i \\sqrt(1-z^2)), so the multi-valued equivalent is Arccos(z) = -i Ln(z+i \\Sqrt(1-z^2)), encoded as Arccos(z) = -i(ln(z+i \\sqrt(1-z^2)) union ln(z-i \\sqrt(1-z^2)))""" , "y in Arccos(x) <=> cos(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arccos function. This is the multivalued inverse of the cos function.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8vg . _:n8vg math:arguments _:n8vh . _:n8vh rdf:first _:n8vi . _:n8vi math:arguments _:n8vj . _:n8vj rdf:first _:n8vk . _:n8vk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8vj rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8vi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8vh rdf:rest _:n8vl . _:n8vl rdf:first _:n8vm . _:n8vm math:arguments _:n8vn . _:n8vn rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8vo . _:n8vo rdf:first _:n8vp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8vn a rdf:List . _:n8vm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8vl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8vh a rdf:List . _:n8vg math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8vq . _:n8vq math:arguments _:n8vr . _:n8vr rdf:first _:n8vs . _:n8vs math:arguments _:n8vt . _:n8vt rdf:first _:n8vu . _:n8vu math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8vt rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8vs math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8vr rdf:rest _:n8vv . _:n8vv rdf:first _:n8vw . _:n8vw math:arguments _:n8vx . _:n8vx rdf:first _:n8vy . _:n8vy math:binder ; math:body _:n8vz ; math:variables _:n8w0 ; a math:Binding . _:n8vx rdf:rest _:n8w1 . _:n8w1 rdf:first _:n8w2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8vx a rdf:List . _:n8vw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8vv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8vr a rdf:List . _:n8vq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:comment """Only stated in A+S for \\z^2|\\le 1, but proved for all z in JHD's OpenMath deliverable.""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Arccosh z = ln(z +-\\sqrt(z^2-1))" , "Arccosh(z) = i * Arccos(i * z)" , "y in Arccosh(x) <=> cosh(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the Arccosh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8w3 . _:n8w3 math:arguments _:n8w4 . _:n8w4 rdf:first _:n8w5 . _:n8w5 math:arguments _:n8w6 . _:n8w6 rdf:first _:n8w7 . _:n8w7 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8w6 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8w5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8w4 rdf:rest _:n8w8 . _:n8w8 rdf:first _:n8w9 . _:n8w9 math:arguments _:n8wa . _:n8wa rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8wb . _:n8wb rdf:first _:n8wc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8wa a rdf:List . _:n8w9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8w8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8w4 a rdf:List . _:n8w3 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8wd . _:n8wd math:arguments _:n8we . _:n8we rdf:first _:n8wf . _:n8wf math:arguments _:n8wg . _:n8wg rdf:first _:n8wh . _:n8wh math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8wg rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8wf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8we rdf:rest _:n8wi . _:n8wi rdf:first _:n8wj . _:n8wj math:arguments _:n8wk . _:n8wk rdf:first _:n8wl . _:n8wl math:arguments _:n8wm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8wk rdf:rest _:n8wn . _:n8wn rdf:first _:n8wo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8wk a rdf:List . _:n8wj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8wi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8we a rdf:List . _:n8wd math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8wp . _:n8wp math:arguments _:n8wq . _:n8wq rdf:first _:n8wr . _:n8wr math:arguments _:n8ws . _:n8ws rdf:first _:n8wt . _:n8wt math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8ws rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8wr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8wq rdf:rest _:n8wu . _:n8wu rdf:first _:n8wv . _:n8wv math:arguments _:n8ww . _:n8ww rdf:first _:n8wx . _:n8wx math:binder ; math:body _:n8wy ; math:variables _:n8wz ; a math:Binding . _:n8ww rdf:rest _:n8x0 . _:n8x0 rdf:first _:n8x1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ww a rdf:List . _:n8wv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8wu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8wq a rdf:List . _:n8wp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:comment "A+S says +/- i ..., but this is irrelevant since Arccos(iz)=-Arccos(iz)" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "arccot(-z) = - arccot(z)" , """arccot(z) = (i/2)ln((1+iz)/(1-iz)), so the multi-valued equivalent is Arccot(z) = (i/2)Ln((1+iz)/(1-iz)),""" , "y in Arccot(x) <=> cot(y)=x" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the multi-valued arccot function as the inverse of cot" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8x2 . _:n8x2 math:arguments _:n8x3 . _:n8x3 rdf:first _:n8x4 . _:n8x4 math:arguments _:n8x5 . _:n8x5 rdf:first _:n8x6 . _:n8x6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8x5 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8x4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8x3 rdf:rest _:n8x7 . _:n8x7 rdf:first _:n8x8 . _:n8x8 math:arguments _:n8x9 . _:n8x9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8xa . _:n8xa rdf:first _:n8xb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8x9 a rdf:List . _:n8x8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8x7 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8x3 a rdf:List . _:n8x2 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8xc . _:n8xc math:arguments _:n8xd . _:n8xd rdf:first _:n8xe . _:n8xe math:arguments _:n8xf . _:n8xf rdf:first _:n8xg . _:n8xg math:arguments _:n8xh . _:n8xh rdf:first _:n8xi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8xg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8xf rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8xe math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8xd rdf:rest _:n8xj . _:n8xj rdf:first _:n8xk . _:n8xk math:arguments _:n8xl . _:n8xl rdf:first _:n8xm . _:n8xm math:binder ; math:body _:n8xn ; math:variables _:n8xo ; a math:Binding . _:n8xl rdf:rest _:n8xp . _:n8xp rdf:first _:n8xq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8xl a rdf:List . _:n8xk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8xj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8xd a rdf:List . _:n8xc math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8xr . _:n8xr math:arguments _:n8xs . _:n8xs rdf:first _:n8xt . _:n8xt math:arguments _:n8xu . _:n8xu rdf:first _:n8xv . _:n8xv math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8xu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8xt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8xs rdf:rest _:n8xw . _:n8xw rdf:first _:n8xx . _:n8xx math:arguments _:n8xy . _:n8xy rdf:first _:n8xz . _:n8xz math:binder ; math:body _:n8y0 ; math:variables _:n8y1 ; a math:Binding . _:n8xy rdf:rest _:n8y2 . _:n8y2 rdf:first _:n8y3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8xy a rdf:List . _:n8xx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8xw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8xs a rdf:List . _:n8xr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Arccoth(z) = i * Arccot(i * z)" , "for all x arccoth(x) = 1/2 * ln((x + 1)/(x - 1))" , "y in Arccoth(x) <=> coth(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the Arccoth function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8y4 . _:n8y4 math:arguments _:n8y5 . _:n8y5 rdf:first _:n8y6 . _:n8y6 math:arguments _:n8y7 . _:n8y7 rdf:first _:n8y8 . _:n8y8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8y7 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8y6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8y5 rdf:rest _:n8y9 . _:n8y9 rdf:first _:n8ya . _:n8ya math:arguments _:n8yb . _:n8yb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8yc . _:n8yc rdf:first _:n8yd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8yb a rdf:List . _:n8ya math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8y9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8y5 a rdf:List . _:n8y4 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8ye . _:n8ye math:arguments _:n8yf . _:n8yf rdf:first _:n8yg . _:n8yg math:arguments _:n8yh . _:n8yh rdf:first _:n8yi . _:n8yi math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8yh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8yg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8yf rdf:rest _:n8yj . _:n8yj rdf:first _:n8yk . _:n8yk math:arguments _:n8yl . _:n8yl rdf:first _:n8ym . _:n8ym math:binder ; math:body _:n8yn ; math:variables _:n8yo ; a math:Binding . _:n8yl rdf:rest _:n8yp . _:n8yp rdf:first _:n8yq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8yl a rdf:List . _:n8yk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8yj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8yf a rdf:List . _:n8ye math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8yr . _:n8yr math:arguments _:n8ys . _:n8ys rdf:first _:n8yt . _:n8yt math:arguments _:n8yu . _:n8yu rdf:first _:n8yv . _:n8yv math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8yu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8yt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ys rdf:rest _:n8yw . _:n8yw rdf:first _:n8yx . _:n8yx math:arguments _:n8yy . _:n8yy rdf:first _:n8yz . _:n8yz math:binder ; math:body _:n8z0 ; math:variables _:n8z1 ; a math:Binding . _:n8yy rdf:rest _:n8z2 . _:n8z2 rdf:first _:n8z3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8yy a rdf:List . _:n8yx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8yw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ys a rdf:List . _:n8yr math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:comment """The condition 0\\le x^2 < 1 in A+S is not necessary The proof for Arctan is in JHD's OpenMath deliverable""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """arccsc(z) = -i ln (sqrt(1-1/z^2)+i/z), but the multivalued equivalent is Arccsc(z) = -i Ln (Sqrt(1-1/z^2)+i/z), which we translate into OpenMath as Arccsc(z) = -i [ Ln (sqrt(1-1/z^2)+i/z) union Ln (-sqrt(1-1/z^2)+i/z),""" , "y in Arccsc(x) <=> csc(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the multivalued arccsc function as the inverse of csc.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8z4 . _:n8z4 math:arguments _:n8z5 . _:n8z5 rdf:first _:n8z6 . _:n8z6 math:arguments _:n8z7 . _:n8z7 rdf:first _:n8z8 . _:n8z8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8z7 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8z6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8z5 rdf:rest _:n8z9 . _:n8z9 rdf:first _:n8za . _:n8za math:arguments _:n8zb . _:n8zb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8zc . _:n8zc rdf:first _:n8zd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8zb a rdf:List . _:n8za math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8z9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8z5 a rdf:List . _:n8z4 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n8ze . _:n8ze math:arguments _:n8zf . _:n8zf rdf:first _:n8zg . _:n8zg math:arguments _:n8zh . _:n8zh rdf:first _:n8zi . _:n8zi math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8zh rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8zg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8zf rdf:rest _:n8zj . _:n8zj rdf:first _:n8zk . _:n8zk math:arguments _:n8zl . _:n8zl rdf:first _:n8zm . _:n8zm math:binder ; math:body _:n8zn ; math:variables _:n8zo ; a math:Binding . _:n8zl rdf:rest _:n8zp . _:n8zp rdf:first _:n8zq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8zl a rdf:List . _:n8zk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8zj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8zf a rdf:List . _:n8ze math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Arccsch z = ln(1/z +-\\sqrt(1+1/z^2))" , "Arccsch(z) = i * Arccsc(i * z)" , "y in Arccsch(x) <=> csch(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the Arccsch function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n8zr . _:n8zr math:arguments _:n8zs . _:n8zs rdf:first _:n8zt . _:n8zt math:arguments _:n8zu . _:n8zu rdf:first _:n8zv . _:n8zv math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8zu rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8zt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8zs rdf:rest _:n8zw . _:n8zw rdf:first _:n8zx . _:n8zx math:arguments _:n8zy . _:n8zy rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n8zz . _:n8zz rdf:first _:n900 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8zy a rdf:List . _:n8zx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8zw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8zs a rdf:List . _:n8zr math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n901 . _:n901 math:arguments _:n902 . _:n902 rdf:first _:n903 . _:n903 math:arguments _:n904 . _:n904 rdf:first _:n905 . _:n905 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n904 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n903 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n902 rdf:rest _:n906 . _:n906 rdf:first _:n907 . _:n907 math:arguments _:n908 . _:n908 rdf:first _:n909 . _:n909 math:arguments _:n90a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n908 rdf:rest _:n90b . _:n90b rdf:first _:n90c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n908 a rdf:List . _:n907 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n906 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n902 a rdf:List . _:n901 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n90d . _:n90d math:arguments _:n90e . _:n90e rdf:first _:n90f . _:n90f math:arguments _:n90g . _:n90g rdf:first _:n90h . _:n90h math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n90g rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n90f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n90e rdf:rest _:n90i . _:n90i rdf:first _:n90j . _:n90j math:arguments _:n90k . _:n90k rdf:first _:n90l . _:n90l math:binder ; math:body _:n90m ; math:variables _:n90n ; a math:Binding . _:n90k rdf:rest _:n90o . _:n90o rdf:first _:n90p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n90k a rdf:List . _:n90j math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n90i rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n90e a rdf:List . _:n90d math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """arcsec(z) = -i ln(1/z+i \\sqrt(1-1/z^2)), so the multi-valued equivalent is Arcsec(z) = -i Ln(1/z+i \\Sqrt(1-1/z^2)), encoded as Arcsec(z) = -i(ln(1/z+i \\sqrt(1-1/z^2)) union ln(1/z-i \\sqrt(1-1/z^2)))""" , "y in Arcsec(x) <=> sec(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the multivalued arcsec function as the inverse of sec.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n90q . _:n90q math:arguments _:n90r . _:n90r rdf:first _:n90s . _:n90s math:arguments _:n90t . _:n90t rdf:first _:n90u . _:n90u math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n90t rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n90s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n90r rdf:rest _:n90v . _:n90v rdf:first _:n90w . _:n90w math:arguments _:n90x . _:n90x rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n90y . _:n90y rdf:first _:n90z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n90x a rdf:List . _:n90w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n90v rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n90r a rdf:List . _:n90q math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n910 . _:n910 math:arguments _:n911 . _:n911 rdf:first _:n912 . _:n912 math:arguments _:n913 . _:n913 rdf:first _:n914 . _:n914 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n913 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n912 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n911 rdf:rest _:n915 . _:n915 rdf:first _:n916 . _:n916 math:arguments _:n917 . _:n917 rdf:first _:n918 . _:n918 math:binder ; math:body _:n919 ; math:variables _:n91a ; a math:Binding . _:n917 rdf:rest _:n91b . _:n91b rdf:first _:n91c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n917 a rdf:List . _:n916 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n915 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n911 a rdf:List . _:n910 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Arcsech z = ln(1/z +-\\sqrt(1/z^2-1))" , "Arcsech(z) = i * Arcsec(i * z)" , "y in Arcsech(x) <=> sech(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the Arcsech function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n91d . _:n91d math:arguments _:n91e . _:n91e rdf:first _:n91f . _:n91f math:arguments _:n91g . _:n91g rdf:first _:n91h . _:n91h math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n91g rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n91f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n91e rdf:rest _:n91i . _:n91i rdf:first _:n91j . _:n91j math:arguments _:n91k . _:n91k rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n91l . _:n91l rdf:first _:n91m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n91k a rdf:List . _:n91j math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n91i rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n91e a rdf:List . _:n91d math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n91n . _:n91n math:arguments _:n91o . _:n91o rdf:first _:n91p . _:n91p math:arguments _:n91q . _:n91q rdf:first _:n91r . _:n91r math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n91q rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n91p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n91o rdf:rest _:n91s . _:n91s rdf:first _:n91t . _:n91t math:arguments _:n91u . _:n91u rdf:first _:n91v . _:n91v math:arguments _:n91w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n91u rdf:rest _:n91x . _:n91x rdf:first _:n91y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n91u a rdf:List . _:n91t math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n91s rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n91o a rdf:List . _:n91n math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n91z . _:n91z math:arguments _:n920 . _:n920 rdf:first _:n921 . _:n921 math:arguments _:n922 . _:n922 rdf:first _:n923 . _:n923 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n922 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n921 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n920 rdf:rest _:n924 . _:n924 rdf:first _:n925 . _:n925 math:arguments _:n926 . _:n926 rdf:first _:n927 . _:n927 math:binder ; math:body _:n928 ; math:variables _:n929 ; a math:Binding . _:n926 rdf:rest _:n92a . _:n92a rdf:first _:n92b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n926 a rdf:List . _:n925 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n924 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n920 a rdf:List . _:n91z math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:comment "A+S says +/- i ..., but this is irrelevant since Arcsec(iz)=-Arcsec(iz)" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """arcsin(z) = -i ln (sqrt(1-z^2)+iz), but the multivalued equivalent is Arcsin(z) = -i Ln (Sqrt(1-z^2)+iz), which we translate into OpenMath as Arcsin(z) = -i [ Ln (sqrt(1-z^2)+iz) union Ln (-sqrt(1-z^2)+iz)],""" , "y in Arcsin(x) <=> sin(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arcsin function. This is the multi-valued inverse of the sin function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n92c . _:n92c math:arguments _:n92d . _:n92d rdf:first _:n92e . _:n92e math:arguments _:n92f . _:n92f rdf:first _:n92g . _:n92g math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n92f rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n92e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n92d rdf:rest _:n92h . _:n92h rdf:first _:n92i . _:n92i math:arguments _:n92j . _:n92j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n92k . _:n92k rdf:first _:n92l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n92j a rdf:List . _:n92i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n92h rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n92d a rdf:List . _:n92c math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n92m . _:n92m math:arguments _:n92n . _:n92n rdf:first _:n92o . _:n92o math:arguments _:n92p . _:n92p rdf:first _:n92q . _:n92q math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n92p rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n92o math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n92n rdf:rest _:n92r . _:n92r rdf:first _:n92s . _:n92s math:arguments _:n92t . _:n92t rdf:first _:n92u . _:n92u math:binder ; math:body _:n92v ; math:variables _:n92w ; a math:Binding . _:n92t rdf:rest _:n92x . _:n92x rdf:first _:n92y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n92t a rdf:List . _:n92s math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n92r rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n92n a rdf:List . _:n92m math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:comment """Only stated in A+S for \\z^2|\\le 1, but proved for all z in JHD's OpenMath deliverable.""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Arcsinh z = ln(z +-\\sqrt(1+z^2))" , "Arcsinh(z) = - i * Arcsin(i * z)" , "y in Arcsinh(x) <=> sinh(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the Arcsinh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n92z . _:n92z math:arguments _:n930 . _:n930 rdf:first _:n931 . _:n931 math:arguments _:n932 . _:n932 rdf:first _:n933 . _:n933 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n932 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n931 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n930 rdf:rest _:n934 . _:n934 rdf:first _:n935 . _:n935 math:arguments _:n936 . _:n936 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n937 . _:n937 rdf:first _:n938 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n936 a rdf:List . _:n935 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n934 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n930 a rdf:List . _:n92z math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n939 . _:n939 math:arguments _:n93a . _:n93a rdf:first _:n93b . _:n93b math:arguments _:n93c . _:n93c rdf:first _:n93d . _:n93d math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n93c rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n93b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n93a rdf:rest _:n93e . _:n93e rdf:first _:n93f . _:n93f math:arguments _:n93g . _:n93g rdf:first _:n93h . _:n93h math:arguments _:n93i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n93g rdf:rest _:n93j . _:n93j rdf:first _:n93k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n93g a rdf:List . _:n93f math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n93e rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n93a a rdf:List . _:n939 math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n93l . _:n93l math:arguments _:n93m . _:n93m rdf:first _:n93n . _:n93n math:arguments _:n93o . _:n93o rdf:first _:n93p . _:n93p math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n93o rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n93n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n93m rdf:rest _:n93q . _:n93q rdf:first _:n93r . _:n93r math:arguments _:n93s . _:n93s rdf:first _:n93t . _:n93t math:binder ; math:body _:n93u ; math:variables _:n93v ; a math:Binding . _:n93s rdf:rest _:n93w . _:n93w rdf:first _:n93x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n93s a rdf:List . _:n93r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n93q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n93m a rdf:List . _:n93l math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty """arctan(z) = (i/2)ln((1-iz)/(1+iz)), so the multi-valued equivalent is Arctan(z) = (i/2)Ln((1-iz)/(1+iz)),""" , "y in Arctan(x) <=> tan(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the arctan function. This is the multi-valued inverse of the tan function.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n93y . _:n93y math:arguments _:n93z . _:n93z rdf:first _:n940 . _:n940 math:arguments _:n941 . _:n941 rdf:first _:n942 . _:n942 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n941 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n940 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n93z rdf:rest _:n943 . _:n943 rdf:first _:n944 . _:n944 math:arguments _:n945 . _:n945 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n946 . _:n946 rdf:first _:n947 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n945 a rdf:List . _:n944 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n943 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n93z a rdf:List . _:n93y math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n948 . _:n948 math:arguments _:n949 . _:n949 rdf:first _:n94a . _:n94a math:arguments _:n94b . _:n94b rdf:first _:n94c . _:n94c math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n94b rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n94a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n949 rdf:rest _:n94d . _:n94d rdf:first _:n94e . _:n94e math:arguments _:n94f . _:n94f rdf:first _:n94g . _:n94g math:binder ; math:body _:n94h ; math:variables _:n94i ; a math:Binding . _:n94f rdf:rest _:n94j . _:n94j rdf:first _:n94k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n94f a rdf:List . _:n94e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n94d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n949 a rdf:List . _:n948 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "Arctanh(z) = - i * Arctan(i * z)" , "for all x arctanh(x) = 1/2 * ln((1 + x)/(1 - x))" , "y in Arctanh(x) <=> tanh(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the Arctanh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n94l . _:n94l math:arguments _:n94m . _:n94m rdf:first _:n94n . _:n94n math:arguments _:n94o . _:n94o rdf:first _:n94p . _:n94p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n94o rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n94n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n94m rdf:rest _:n94q . _:n94q rdf:first _:n94r . _:n94r math:arguments _:n94s . _:n94s rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n94t . _:n94t rdf:first _:n94u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n94s a rdf:List . _:n94r math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n94q rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n94m a rdf:List . _:n94l math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n94v . _:n94v math:arguments _:n94w . _:n94w rdf:first _:n94x . _:n94x math:arguments _:n94y . _:n94y rdf:first _:n94z . _:n94z math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n94y rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n94x math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n94w rdf:rest _:n950 . _:n950 rdf:first _:n951 . _:n951 math:arguments _:n952 . _:n952 rdf:first _:n953 . _:n953 math:binder ; math:body _:n954 ; math:variables _:n955 ; a math:Binding . _:n952 rdf:rest _:n956 . _:n956 rdf:first _:n957 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n952 a rdf:List . _:n951 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n950 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n94w a rdf:List . _:n94v math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n958 . _:n958 math:arguments _:n959 . _:n959 rdf:first _:n95a . _:n95a math:arguments _:n95b . _:n95b rdf:first _:n95c . _:n95c math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n95b rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n95a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n959 rdf:rest _:n95d . _:n95d rdf:first _:n95e . _:n95e math:arguments _:n95f . _:n95f rdf:first _:n95g . _:n95g math:binder ; math:body _:n95h ; math:variables _:n95i ; a math:Binding . _:n95f rdf:rest _:n95j . _:n95j rdf:first _:n95k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n95f a rdf:List . _:n95e math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n95d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n959 a rdf:List . _:n958 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:comment """The condition 0\\le x^2 < 1 in A+S is not necessary The proof for Arctan is in JHD's OpenMath deliverable""" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "y in Ln(x) <=> exp(y)=x" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the ln function (natural logarithm) as a multivalued function.""" ; math-meta:example _:n95l . _:n95l math:arguments _:n95m . _:n95m rdf:first _:n95n . _:n95n math:value "Ln 1 (which is 0+2n\\pi i)."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n95m rdf:rest _:n95o . _:n95o rdf:first _:n95p . _:n95p math:arguments _:n95q . _:n95q rdf:first _:n95r . _:n95r math:value "1.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n95q rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n95p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n95o rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n95m a rdf:List . _:n95l math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n95s . _:n95s math:arguments _:n95t . _:n95t rdf:first _:n95u . _:n95u math:arguments _:n95v . _:n95v rdf:first _:n95w . _:n95w math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n95v rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n95u math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n95t rdf:rest _:n95x . _:n95x rdf:first _:n95y . _:n95y math:arguments _:n95z . _:n95z rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n960 . _:n960 rdf:first _:n961 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n95z a rdf:List . _:n95y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n95x rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n95t a rdf:List . _:n95s math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n962 . _:n962 math:arguments _:n963 . _:n963 rdf:first _:n964 . _:n964 math:arguments _:n965 . _:n965 rdf:first _:n966 . _:n966 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n965 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n964 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n963 rdf:rest _:n967 . _:n967 rdf:first _:n968 . _:n968 math:arguments _:n969 . _:n969 rdf:first _:n96a . _:n96a math:binder ; math:body _:n96b ; math:variables _:n96c ; a math:Binding . _:n969 rdf:rest _:n96d . _:n96d rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n969 a rdf:List . _:n968 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n967 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n963 a rdf:List . _:n962 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . math-meta:commentedProperty "a^b = c is equivalent to b in Log_a c" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents a binary log function; the first argument is the base, to which the second argument is log'ed. It is defined in Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, section 4.1""" ; math-meta:example _:n96e . _:n96e math:arguments _:n96f . _:n96f rdf:first _:n96g . _:n96g math:value "log 100 to base 10 (which is {2+2n\\pi i})."^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n96f rdf:rest _:n96h . _:n96h rdf:first _:n96i . _:n96i math:arguments _:n96j . _:n96j rdf:first _:n96k . _:n96k math:value "10.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n96j rdf:rest _:n96l . _:n96l rdf:first _:n96m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n96j a rdf:List . _:n96i math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n96h rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n96f a rdf:List . _:n96e math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n96n . _:n96n math:arguments _:n96o . _:n96o rdf:first _:n96p . _:n96p math:arguments _:n96q . _:n96q rdf:first _:n96r . _:n96r math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n96q rdf:rest _:n96s . _:n96s rdf:first _:n96t . _:n96t math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n96s rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n96q a rdf:List . _:n96p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n96o rdf:rest _:n96u . _:n96u rdf:first _:n96v . _:n96v math:arguments _:n96w . _:n96w rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n96x . _:n96x rdf:first _:n96y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n96w a rdf:List . _:n96v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n96u rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n96o a rdf:List . _:n96n math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :transc3 . :typesorts math-meta:description """Type Sorts as used in the Calculus of Constructions and in its Extensions. Initial version: O. Caprotti""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment "Definition of type constant for Propositions and Sets" , """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "The type of propositions" ; math-meta:example _:n96z . _:n96z math:arguments _:n970 . _:n970 rdf:first _:n971 . _:n971 math:arguments _:n972 . _:n972 rdf:first _:n973 . _:n973 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n972 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n971 math:target ; a math:Attribution . _:n970 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n96z math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :typesorts . math-meta:description """The cumulative type of the type of sets in a hierarchy of types.""" ; math-meta:example _:n974 . _:n974 math:arguments _:n975 . _:n975 rdf:first _:n976 . _:n976 math:arguments _:n977 . _:n977 rdf:first _:n978 . _:n978 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n977 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n976 math:target ; a math:Attribution . _:n975 rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n974 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :typesorts . math-meta:description "The type of sets in a hierarchy of types." ; math-meta:example _:n979 . _:n979 math:arguments _:n97a . _:n97a rdf:first _:n97b . _:n97b math:arguments _:n97c . _:n97c rdf:first _:n97d . _:n97d math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n97c rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n97b math:target ; a math:Attribution . _:n97a rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n979 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ConstantSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :typesorts . :units_binaryprefix1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols for the IEC binary prefixes to indicate unit multiplication by a power of 2.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $2^60$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $2^60$. The full technical name is exabinary.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n97e . _:n97e math:arguments _:n97f . _:n97f rdf:first _:n97g . _:n97g math:arguments _:n97h . _:n97h rdf:first _:n97i . _:n97i math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n97h rdf:rest _:n97j . _:n97j rdf:first _:n97k . _:n97k math:arguments _:n97l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n97j rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n97h a rdf:List . _:n97g math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n97f rdf:rest _:n97m . _:n97m rdf:first _:n97n . _:n97n math:arguments _:n97o . _:n97o rdf:first _:n97p . _:n97p math:arguments _:n97q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n97o rdf:rest _:n97r . _:n97r rdf:first _:n97s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n97o a rdf:List . _:n97n math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n97m rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n97f a rdf:List . _:n97e math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_binaryprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $2^30$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $2^30$. The full technical name is gigabinary.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n97t . _:n97t math:arguments _:n97u . _:n97u rdf:first _:n97v . _:n97v math:arguments _:n97w . _:n97w rdf:first _:n97x . _:n97x math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n97w rdf:rest _:n97y . _:n97y rdf:first _:n97z . _:n97z math:arguments _:n980 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n97y rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n97w a rdf:List . _:n97v math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n97u rdf:rest _:n981 . _:n981 rdf:first _:n982 . _:n982 math:arguments _:n983 . _:n983 rdf:first _:n984 . _:n984 math:arguments _:n985 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n983 rdf:rest _:n986 . _:n986 rdf:first _:n987 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n983 a rdf:List . _:n982 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n981 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n97u a rdf:List . _:n97t math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_binaryprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $2^10$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $2^10$. The full technical name is kilobinary.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n988 . _:n988 math:arguments _:n989 . _:n989 rdf:first _:n98a . _:n98a math:arguments _:n98b . _:n98b rdf:first _:n98c . _:n98c math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n98b rdf:rest _:n98d . _:n98d rdf:first _:n98e . _:n98e math:arguments _:n98f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n98d rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n98b a rdf:List . _:n98a math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n989 rdf:rest _:n98g . _:n98g rdf:first _:n98h . _:n98h math:arguments _:n98i . _:n98i rdf:first _:n98j . _:n98j math:arguments _:n98k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n98i rdf:rest _:n98l . _:n98l rdf:first _:n98m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n98i a rdf:List . _:n98h math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n98g rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n989 a rdf:List . _:n988 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_binaryprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $2^20$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $2^20$. The full technical name is megabinary.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n98n . _:n98n math:arguments _:n98o . _:n98o rdf:first _:n98p . _:n98p math:arguments _:n98q . _:n98q rdf:first _:n98r . _:n98r math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n98q rdf:rest _:n98s . _:n98s rdf:first _:n98t . _:n98t math:arguments _:n98u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n98s rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n98q a rdf:List . _:n98p math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n98o rdf:rest _:n98v . _:n98v rdf:first _:n98w . _:n98w math:arguments _:n98x . _:n98x rdf:first _:n98y . _:n98y math:arguments _:n98z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n98x rdf:rest _:n990 . _:n990 rdf:first _:n991 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n98x a rdf:List . _:n98w math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n98v rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n98o a rdf:List . _:n98n math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_binaryprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $2^50$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $2^50$. The full technical name is petabinary.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n992 . _:n992 math:arguments _:n993 . _:n993 rdf:first _:n994 . _:n994 math:arguments _:n995 . _:n995 rdf:first _:n996 . _:n996 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n995 rdf:rest _:n997 . _:n997 rdf:first _:n998 . _:n998 math:arguments _:n999 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n997 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n995 a rdf:List . _:n994 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n993 rdf:rest _:n99a . _:n99a rdf:first _:n99b . _:n99b math:arguments _:n99c . _:n99c rdf:first _:n99d . _:n99d math:arguments _:n99e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n99c rdf:rest _:n99f . _:n99f rdf:first _:n99g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n99c a rdf:List . _:n99b math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n99a rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n993 a rdf:List . _:n992 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_binaryprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $2^40$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $2^40$. The full technical name is terabinary.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n99h . _:n99h math:arguments _:n99i . _:n99i rdf:first _:n99j . _:n99j math:arguments _:n99k . _:n99k rdf:first _:n99l . _:n99l math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n99k rdf:rest _:n99m . _:n99m rdf:first _:n99n . _:n99n math:arguments _:n99o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n99m rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n99k a rdf:List . _:n99j math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n99i rdf:rest _:n99p . _:n99p rdf:first _:n99q . _:n99q math:arguments _:n99r . _:n99r rdf:first _:n99s . _:n99s math:arguments _:n99t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n99r rdf:rest _:n99u . _:n99u rdf:first _:n99v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n99r a rdf:List . _:n99q math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n99p rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n99i a rdf:List . _:n99h math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_binaryprefix1 . :units_imperial1 math-meta:description "This CD defines symbols to represent imperial standard measures." ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 acre = 4840 square yards" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one acre. This is a standard imperial measure for area.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n99w . _:n99w math:arguments _:n99x . _:n99x rdf:first _:n99y . _:n99y math:arguments _:n99z . _:n99z rdf:first _:n9a0 . _:n9a0 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n99z rdf:rest _:n9a1 . _:n9a1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n99z a rdf:List . _:n99y math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n99x rdf:rest _:n9a2 . _:n9a2 rdf:first _:n9a3 . _:n9a3 math:arguments _:n9a4 . _:n9a4 rdf:first _:n9a5 . _:n9a5 math:value "4840"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9a4 rdf:rest _:n9a6 . _:n9a6 rdf:first _:n9a7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9a4 a rdf:List . _:n9a3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9a2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n99x a rdf:List . _:n99w math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 bar = 100 000 Pascals" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one bar. This is the standard imperial measure for pressure.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9a8 . _:n9a8 math:arguments _:n9a9 . _:n9a9 rdf:first _:n9aa . _:n9aa math:arguments _:n9ab . _:n9ab rdf:first _:n9ac . _:n9ac math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ab rdf:rest _:n9ad . _:n9ad rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ab a rdf:List . _:n9aa math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9a9 rdf:rest _:n9ae . _:n9ae rdf:first _:n9af . _:n9af math:arguments _:n9ag . _:n9ag rdf:first _:n9ah . _:n9ah math:value "100000"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ag rdf:rest _:n9ai . _:n9ai rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ag a rdf:List . _:n9af math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ae rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9a9 a rdf:List . _:n9a8 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 degree Fahrenheit = 0.5556*(1-32) degrees Celsius" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one degree Fahrenheit. This is the standard imperial measure for temperature.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9aj . _:n9aj math:arguments _:n9ak . _:n9ak rdf:first _:n9al . _:n9al math:arguments _:n9am . _:n9am rdf:first _:n9an . _:n9an math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9am rdf:rest _:n9ao . _:n9ao rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9am a rdf:List . _:n9al math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ak rdf:rest _:n9ap . _:n9ap rdf:first _:n9aq . _:n9aq math:arguments _:n9ar . _:n9ar rdf:first _:n9as . _:n9as math:value "0.5556"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n9ar rdf:rest _:n9at . _:n9at rdf:first _:n9au ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ar a rdf:List . _:n9aq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ap rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ak a rdf:List . _:n9aj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 foot = 0.3048 metres" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one foot. This is the standard imperial measure for distance.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9av . _:n9av math:arguments _:n9aw . _:n9aw rdf:first _:n9ax . _:n9ax math:arguments _:n9ay . _:n9ay rdf:first _:n9az . _:n9az math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ay rdf:rest _:n9b0 . _:n9b0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ay a rdf:List . _:n9ax math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9aw rdf:rest _:n9b1 . _:n9b1 rdf:first _:n9b2 . _:n9b2 math:arguments _:n9b3 . _:n9b3 rdf:first _:n9b4 . _:n9b4 math:value "0.3048"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n9b3 rdf:rest _:n9b5 . _:n9b5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9b3 a rdf:List . _:n9b2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9b1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9aw a rdf:List . _:n9av math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 mile = 5280 feet" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one (land, or statute) mile. This is a standard imperial measure for distance, defined in terms of the foot.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9b6 . _:n9b6 math:arguments _:n9b7 . _:n9b7 rdf:first _:n9b8 . _:n9b8 math:arguments _:n9b9 . _:n9b9 rdf:first _:n9ba . _:n9ba math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9b9 rdf:rest _:n9bb . _:n9bb rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9b9 a rdf:List . _:n9b8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9b7 rdf:rest _:n9bc . _:n9bc rdf:first _:n9bd . _:n9bd math:arguments _:n9be . _:n9be rdf:first _:n9bf . _:n9bf math:value "5280"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9be rdf:rest _:n9bg . _:n9bg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9be a rdf:List . _:n9bd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9bc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9b7 a rdf:List . _:n9b6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 miles_per_hr = 1 mile in 1 hour" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one mile per hour. This is a standard imperial measure for speed.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9bh . _:n9bh math:arguments _:n9bi . _:n9bi rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n9bj . _:n9bj rdf:first _:n9bk . _:n9bk math:arguments _:n9bl . _:n9bl rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n9bm . _:n9bm rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9bl a rdf:List . _:n9bk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9bj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9bi a rdf:List . _:n9bh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 miles_per_hr_sqrd = 1 mile_per_hr (change) in 1 hour" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one mile per hour squared. This is a standard imperial measure for acceleration.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9bn . _:n9bn math:arguments _:n9bo . _:n9bo rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n9bp . _:n9bp rdf:first _:n9bq . _:n9bq math:arguments _:n9br . _:n9br rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n9bs . _:n9bs rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9br a rdf:List . _:n9bq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9bp rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9bo a rdf:List . _:n9bn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 pint = 0.568 litres" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one (imperial) pint. This is the standard imperial measure for volume. See units_us1 for the U.S. pint.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9bt . _:n9bt math:arguments _:n9bu . _:n9bu rdf:first _:n9bv . _:n9bv math:arguments _:n9bw . _:n9bw rdf:first _:n9bx . _:n9bx math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9bw rdf:rest _:n9by . _:n9by rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9bw a rdf:List . _:n9bv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9bu rdf:rest _:n9bz . _:n9bz rdf:first _:n9c0 . _:n9c0 math:arguments _:n9c1 . _:n9c1 rdf:first _:n9c2 . _:n9c2 math:value "0.568"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n9c1 rdf:rest _:n9c3 . _:n9c3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9c1 a rdf:List . _:n9c0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9bz rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9bu a rdf:List . _:n9bt math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 pound force = 4.44822 Newtons" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of force of one pound." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9c4 . _:n9c4 math:arguments _:n9c5 . _:n9c5 rdf:first _:n9c6 . _:n9c6 math:arguments _:n9c7 . _:n9c7 rdf:first _:n9c8 . _:n9c8 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9c7 rdf:rest _:n9c9 . _:n9c9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9c7 a rdf:List . _:n9c6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9c5 rdf:rest _:n9ca . _:n9ca rdf:first _:n9cb . _:n9cb math:arguments _:n9cc . _:n9cc rdf:first _:n9cd . _:n9cd math:value "4.448"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n9cc rdf:rest _:n9ce . _:n9ce rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9cc a rdf:List . _:n9cb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ca rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9c5 a rdf:List . _:n9c4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of the mass which weighs one pound under the influence of standard gravity.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9cf . _:n9cf math:arguments _:n9cg . _:n9cg rdf:first _:n9ch . _:n9ch math:arguments _:n9ci . _:n9ci rdf:first _:n9cj . _:n9cj math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ci rdf:rest _:n9ck . _:n9ck rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ci a rdf:List . _:n9ch math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9cg rdf:rest _:n9cl . _:n9cl rdf:first _:n9cm . _:n9cm math:arguments _:n9cn . _:n9cn rdf:first _:n9co . _:n9co math:value "453.59"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n9cn rdf:rest _:n9cp . _:n9cp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9cn a rdf:List . _:n9cm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9cl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9cg a rdf:List . _:n9cf math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 yard = 3 feet" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one yard. This is a standard imperial measure for distance, defined in terms of the foot.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9cq . _:n9cq math:arguments _:n9cr . _:n9cr rdf:first _:n9cs . _:n9cs math:arguments _:n9ct . _:n9ct rdf:first _:n9cu . _:n9cu math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ct rdf:rest _:n9cv . _:n9cv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ct a rdf:List . _:n9cs math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9cr rdf:rest _:n9cw . _:n9cw rdf:first _:n9cx . _:n9cx math:arguments _:n9cy . _:n9cy rdf:first _:n9cz . _:n9cz math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9cy rdf:rest _:n9d0 . _:n9d0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9cy a rdf:List . _:n9cx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9cw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9cr a rdf:List . _:n9cq math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_imperial1 . :units_metric1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols to represent the basic physical units in the SI (syst\\'eme international) system of units. It should probably be renamed units_si.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one Coulomb. This is the standard SI measure for charge.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one Joule. This is the standard SI measure for energy.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one Newton. This is the standard SI measure for force.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one Newton per square metre. This is another (deprecated in OpenMath) name for the standard SI measure for pressure, the Pascal.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9d1 . _:n9d1 math:arguments _:n9d2 . _:n9d2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n9d3 . _:n9d3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9d2 a rdf:List . _:n9d1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one Newton per square metre. This is the standard SI measure for pressure.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one Watt. This is the standard SI measure for power.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one amp. This is the standard SI measure for current.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one degree Celsius. This is a standard metric measure for temperature.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one degree Kelvin. This is a standard SI measure for temperature relative to absolute zero.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is a basic unit of the SI system" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one gramme. This is not quite the standard SI measure for mass, which is the kilogramme, but OpenMath chooses to regard the gramme as standard, otherwise one would have to call it the milli-kilogramme.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """A litre is, since 1964, a cubic decimetre, or a thousandth of a cubic metre, as the FMP below states.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one litre. This is a standard metric measure for physical volume.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9d4 . _:n9d4 math:arguments _:n9d5 . _:n9d5 rdf:first _:n9d6 . _:n9d6 math:arguments _:n9d7 . _:n9d7 rdf:first _:n9d8 . _:n9d8 math:value "1000"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9d7 rdf:rest _:n9d9 . _:n9d9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9d7 a rdf:List . _:n9d6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9d5 rdf:rest _:n9da . _:n9da rdf:first _:n9db . _:n9db math:arguments _:n9dc . _:n9dc rdf:first _:n9dd . _:n9dd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9dc rdf:rest _:n9de . _:n9de rdf:first _:n9df ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9dc a rdf:List . _:n9db math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9da rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9d5 a rdf:List . _:n9d4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """A lire is, since 1901 and until 1964, the volume occupied by a kilogramme of water at maximum density and standard pressure. The difference is about 0.0028%.""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the previous (1901-1964) measure of one litre. This used to be a standard metric measure for physical volume.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is a base unit for the SI system" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one metre. This is the standard SI unit measure for physical distance.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one metre squared. This is the standard SI measure for physical area.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9dg . _:n9dg math:arguments _:n9dh . _:n9dh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n9di . _:n9di rdf:first _:n9dj . _:n9dj math:arguments _:n9dk . _:n9dk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n9dl . _:n9dl rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9dk a rdf:List . _:n9dj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9di rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9dh a rdf:List . _:n9dg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one metre per second. This is the standard SI measure for speed.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one metre per second squared. This is the standard SI measure for acceleration.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "The Si unit is the same as the UTC unit, to which we refer" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one second. This is the standard SI measure for time.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9dm . _:n9dm math:arguments _:n9dn . _:n9dn rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n9do . _:n9do rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9dn a rdf:List . _:n9dm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one volt. This is the standard SI measure for voltage.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_metric1 . :units_ops1 math-meta:description "This CD defines various symbols for use in the manipulation of units." ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by 1,000" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by 1,000 ($10^{3}$)""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9dp . _:n9dp math:arguments _:n9dq . _:n9dq rdf:first _:n9dr . _:n9dr math:arguments _:n9ds . _:n9ds rdf:first _:n9dt . _:n9dt math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ds rdf:rest _:n9du . _:n9du rdf:first _:n9dv . _:n9dv math:arguments _:n9dw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9du rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ds a rdf:List . _:n9dr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9dq rdf:rest _:n9dx . _:n9dx rdf:first _:n9dy . _:n9dy math:arguments _:n9dz . _:n9dz rdf:first _:n9e0 . _:n9e0 math:arguments _:n9e1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9dz rdf:rest _:n9e2 . _:n9e2 rdf:first _:n9e3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9dz a rdf:List . _:n9dy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9dx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9dq a rdf:List . _:n9dp math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_ops1 . :units_siprefix1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols for the SI prefixes to indicate multiplication by a power of 10.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^-18$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^-18$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9e4 . _:n9e4 math:arguments _:n9e5 . _:n9e5 rdf:first _:n9e6 . _:n9e6 math:arguments _:n9e7 . _:n9e7 rdf:first _:n9e8 . _:n9e8 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9e7 rdf:rest _:n9e9 . _:n9e9 rdf:first _:n9ea . _:n9ea math:arguments _:n9eb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9e9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9e7 a rdf:List . _:n9e6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9e5 rdf:rest _:n9ec . _:n9ec rdf:first _:n9ed . _:n9ed math:arguments _:n9ee . _:n9ee rdf:first _:n9ef . _:n9ef math:arguments _:n9eg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ee rdf:rest _:n9eh . _:n9eh rdf:first _:n9ei ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ee a rdf:List . _:n9ed math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ec rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9e5 a rdf:List . _:n9e4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $0.01$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $0.01$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9ej . _:n9ej math:arguments _:n9ek . _:n9ek rdf:first _:n9el . _:n9el math:arguments _:n9em . _:n9em rdf:first _:n9en . _:n9en math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9em rdf:rest _:n9eo . _:n9eo rdf:first _:n9ep . _:n9ep math:arguments _:n9eq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9eo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9em a rdf:List . _:n9el math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ek rdf:rest _:n9er . _:n9er rdf:first _:n9es . _:n9es math:arguments _:n9et . _:n9et rdf:first _:n9eu . _:n9eu math:arguments _:n9ev ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9et rdf:rest _:n9ew . _:n9ew rdf:first _:n9ex ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9et a rdf:List . _:n9es math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9er rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ek a rdf:List . _:n9ej math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $0.1$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $0.1$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9ey . _:n9ey math:arguments _:n9ez . _:n9ez rdf:first _:n9f0 . _:n9f0 math:arguments _:n9f1 . _:n9f1 rdf:first _:n9f2 . _:n9f2 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9f1 rdf:rest _:n9f3 . _:n9f3 rdf:first _:n9f4 . _:n9f4 math:arguments _:n9f5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9f3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9f1 a rdf:List . _:n9f0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ez rdf:rest _:n9f6 . _:n9f6 rdf:first _:n9f7 . _:n9f7 math:arguments _:n9f8 . _:n9f8 rdf:first _:n9f9 . _:n9f9 math:arguments _:n9fa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9f8 rdf:rest _:n9fb . _:n9fb rdf:first _:n9fc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9f8 a rdf:List . _:n9f7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9f6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ez a rdf:List . _:n9ey math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9fd . _:n9fd math:arguments _:n9fe . _:n9fe rdf:first _:n9ff . _:n9ff math:arguments _:n9fg . _:n9fg rdf:first _:n9fh . _:n9fh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9fg rdf:rest _:n9fi . _:n9fi rdf:first _:n9fj . _:n9fj math:arguments _:n9fk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9fi rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9fg a rdf:List . _:n9ff math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9fe rdf:rest _:n9fl . _:n9fl rdf:first _:n9fm . _:n9fm math:arguments _:n9fn . _:n9fn rdf:first _:n9fo . _:n9fo math:arguments _:n9fp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9fn rdf:rest _:n9fq . _:n9fq rdf:first _:n9fr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9fn a rdf:List . _:n9fm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9fl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9fe a rdf:List . _:n9fd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^18$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^18$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9fs . _:n9fs math:arguments _:n9ft . _:n9ft rdf:first _:n9fu . _:n9fu math:arguments _:n9fv . _:n9fv rdf:first _:n9fw . _:n9fw math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9fv rdf:rest _:n9fx . _:n9fx rdf:first _:n9fy . _:n9fy math:arguments _:n9fz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9fx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9fv a rdf:List . _:n9fu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ft rdf:rest _:n9g0 . _:n9g0 rdf:first _:n9g1 . _:n9g1 math:arguments _:n9g2 . _:n9g2 rdf:first _:n9g3 . _:n9g3 math:arguments _:n9g4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9g2 rdf:rest _:n9g5 . _:n9g5 rdf:first _:n9g6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9g2 a rdf:List . _:n9g1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9g0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ft a rdf:List . _:n9fs math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^-15$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^-15$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9g7 . _:n9g7 math:arguments _:n9g8 . _:n9g8 rdf:first _:n9g9 . _:n9g9 math:arguments _:n9ga . _:n9ga rdf:first _:n9gb . _:n9gb math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ga rdf:rest _:n9gc . _:n9gc rdf:first _:n9gd . _:n9gd math:arguments _:n9ge ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9gc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ga a rdf:List . _:n9g9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9g8 rdf:rest _:n9gf . _:n9gf rdf:first _:n9gg . _:n9gg math:arguments _:n9gh . _:n9gh rdf:first _:n9gi . _:n9gi math:arguments _:n9gj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9gh rdf:rest _:n9gk . _:n9gk rdf:first _:n9gl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9gh a rdf:List . _:n9gg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9gf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9g8 a rdf:List . _:n9g7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^9$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^9$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9gm . _:n9gm math:arguments _:n9gn . _:n9gn rdf:first _:n9go . _:n9go math:arguments _:n9gp . _:n9gp rdf:first _:n9gq . _:n9gq math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9gp rdf:rest _:n9gr . _:n9gr rdf:first _:n9gs . _:n9gs math:arguments _:n9gt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9gr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9gp a rdf:List . _:n9go math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9gn rdf:rest _:n9gu . _:n9gu rdf:first _:n9gv . _:n9gv math:arguments _:n9gw . _:n9gw rdf:first _:n9gx . _:n9gx math:arguments _:n9gy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9gw rdf:rest _:n9gz . _:n9gz rdf:first _:n9h0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9gw a rdf:List . _:n9gv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9gu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9gn a rdf:List . _:n9gm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $100$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $100$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9h1 . _:n9h1 math:arguments _:n9h2 . _:n9h2 rdf:first _:n9h3 . _:n9h3 math:arguments _:n9h4 . _:n9h4 rdf:first _:n9h5 . _:n9h5 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9h4 rdf:rest _:n9h6 . _:n9h6 rdf:first _:n9h7 . _:n9h7 math:arguments _:n9h8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9h6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9h4 a rdf:List . _:n9h3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9h2 rdf:rest _:n9h9 . _:n9h9 rdf:first _:n9ha . _:n9ha math:arguments _:n9hb . _:n9hb rdf:first _:n9hc . _:n9hc math:arguments _:n9hd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9hb rdf:rest _:n9he . _:n9he rdf:first _:n9hf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9hb a rdf:List . _:n9ha math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9h9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9h2 a rdf:List . _:n9h1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $1000$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $1000$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9hg . _:n9hg math:arguments _:n9hh . _:n9hh rdf:first _:n9hi . _:n9hi math:arguments _:n9hj . _:n9hj rdf:first _:n9hk . _:n9hk math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9hj rdf:rest _:n9hl . _:n9hl rdf:first _:n9hm . _:n9hm math:arguments _:n9hn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9hl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9hj a rdf:List . _:n9hi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9hh rdf:rest _:n9ho . _:n9ho rdf:first _:n9hp . _:n9hp math:arguments _:n9hq . _:n9hq rdf:first _:n9hr . _:n9hr math:arguments _:n9hs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9hq rdf:rest _:n9ht . _:n9ht rdf:first _:n9hu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9hq a rdf:List . _:n9hp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ho rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9hh a rdf:List . _:n9hg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^6$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^6$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9hv . _:n9hv math:arguments _:n9hw . _:n9hw rdf:first _:n9hx . _:n9hx math:arguments _:n9hy . _:n9hy rdf:first _:n9hz . _:n9hz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9hy rdf:rest _:n9i0 . _:n9i0 rdf:first _:n9i1 . _:n9i1 math:arguments _:n9i2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9i0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9hy a rdf:List . _:n9hx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9hw rdf:rest _:n9i3 . _:n9i3 rdf:first _:n9i4 . _:n9i4 math:arguments _:n9i5 . _:n9i5 rdf:first _:n9i6 . _:n9i6 math:arguments _:n9i7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9i5 rdf:rest _:n9i8 . _:n9i8 rdf:first _:n9i9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9i5 a rdf:List . _:n9i4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9i3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9hw a rdf:List . _:n9hv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^-6$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^-6$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9ia . _:n9ia math:arguments _:n9ib . _:n9ib rdf:first _:n9ic . _:n9ic math:arguments _:n9id . _:n9id rdf:first _:n9ie . _:n9ie math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9id rdf:rest _:n9if . _:n9if rdf:first _:n9ig . _:n9ig math:arguments _:n9ih ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9if rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9id a rdf:List . _:n9ic math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ib rdf:rest _:n9ii . _:n9ii rdf:first _:n9ij . _:n9ij math:arguments _:n9ik . _:n9ik rdf:first _:n9il . _:n9il math:arguments _:n9im ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ik rdf:rest _:n9in . _:n9in rdf:first _:n9io ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ik a rdf:List . _:n9ij math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ii rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ib a rdf:List . _:n9ia math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $0.001$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $0.001$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9ip . _:n9ip math:arguments _:n9iq . _:n9iq rdf:first _:n9ir . _:n9ir math:arguments _:n9is . _:n9is rdf:first _:n9it . _:n9it math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9is rdf:rest _:n9iu . _:n9iu rdf:first _:n9iv . _:n9iv math:arguments _:n9iw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9iu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9is a rdf:List . _:n9ir math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9iq rdf:rest _:n9ix . _:n9ix rdf:first _:n9iy . _:n9iy math:arguments _:n9iz . _:n9iz rdf:first _:n9j0 . _:n9j0 math:arguments _:n9j1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9iz rdf:rest _:n9j2 . _:n9j2 rdf:first _:n9j3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9iz a rdf:List . _:n9iy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ix rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9iq a rdf:List . _:n9ip math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^-9$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^-9$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9j4 . _:n9j4 math:arguments _:n9j5 . _:n9j5 rdf:first _:n9j6 . _:n9j6 math:arguments _:n9j7 . _:n9j7 rdf:first _:n9j8 . _:n9j8 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9j7 rdf:rest _:n9j9 . _:n9j9 rdf:first _:n9ja . _:n9ja math:arguments _:n9jb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9j9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9j7 a rdf:List . _:n9j6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9j5 rdf:rest _:n9jc . _:n9jc rdf:first _:n9jd . _:n9jd math:arguments _:n9je . _:n9je rdf:first _:n9jf . _:n9jf math:arguments _:n9jg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9je rdf:rest _:n9jh . _:n9jh rdf:first _:n9ji ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9je a rdf:List . _:n9jd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9jc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9j5 a rdf:List . _:n9j4 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^15$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^15$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9jj . _:n9jj math:arguments _:n9jk . _:n9jk rdf:first _:n9jl . _:n9jl math:arguments _:n9jm . _:n9jm rdf:first _:n9jn . _:n9jn math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9jm rdf:rest _:n9jo . _:n9jo rdf:first _:n9jp . _:n9jp math:arguments _:n9jq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9jo rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9jm a rdf:List . _:n9jl math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9jk rdf:rest _:n9jr . _:n9jr rdf:first _:n9js . _:n9js math:arguments _:n9jt . _:n9jt rdf:first _:n9ju . _:n9ju math:arguments _:n9jv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9jt rdf:rest _:n9jw . _:n9jw rdf:first _:n9jx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9jt a rdf:List . _:n9js math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9jr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9jk a rdf:List . _:n9jj math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^-12$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^-12$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9jy . _:n9jy math:arguments _:n9jz . _:n9jz rdf:first _:n9k0 . _:n9k0 math:arguments _:n9k1 . _:n9k1 rdf:first _:n9k2 . _:n9k2 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9k1 rdf:rest _:n9k3 . _:n9k3 rdf:first _:n9k4 . _:n9k4 math:arguments _:n9k5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9k3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9k1 a rdf:List . _:n9k0 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9jz rdf:rest _:n9k6 . _:n9k6 rdf:first _:n9k7 . _:n9k7 math:arguments _:n9k8 . _:n9k8 rdf:first _:n9k9 . _:n9k9 math:arguments _:n9ka ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9k8 rdf:rest _:n9kb . _:n9kb rdf:first _:n9kc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9k8 a rdf:List . _:n9k7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9k6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9jz a rdf:List . _:n9jy math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^12$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^12$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9kd . _:n9kd math:arguments _:n9ke . _:n9ke rdf:first _:n9kf . _:n9kf math:arguments _:n9kg . _:n9kg rdf:first _:n9kh . _:n9kh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9kg rdf:rest _:n9ki . _:n9ki rdf:first _:n9kj . _:n9kj math:arguments _:n9kk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ki rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9kg a rdf:List . _:n9kf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ke rdf:rest _:n9kl . _:n9kl rdf:first _:n9km . _:n9km math:arguments _:n9kn . _:n9kn rdf:first _:n9ko . _:n9ko math:arguments _:n9kp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9kn rdf:rest _:n9kq . _:n9kq rdf:first _:n9kr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9kn a rdf:List . _:n9km math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9kl rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ke a rdf:List . _:n9kd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^-24$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^-24$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9ks . _:n9ks math:arguments _:n9kt . _:n9kt rdf:first _:n9ku . _:n9ku math:arguments _:n9kv . _:n9kv rdf:first _:n9kw . _:n9kw math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9kv rdf:rest _:n9kx . _:n9kx rdf:first _:n9ky . _:n9ky math:arguments _:n9kz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9kx rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9kv a rdf:List . _:n9ku math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9kt rdf:rest _:n9l0 . _:n9l0 rdf:first _:n9l1 . _:n9l1 math:arguments _:n9l2 . _:n9l2 rdf:first _:n9l3 . _:n9l3 math:arguments _:n9l4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9l2 rdf:rest _:n9l5 . _:n9l5 rdf:first _:n9l6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9l2 a rdf:List . _:n9l1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9l0 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9kt a rdf:List . _:n9ks math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^24$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^24$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9l7 . _:n9l7 math:arguments _:n9l8 . _:n9l8 rdf:first _:n9l9 . _:n9l9 math:arguments _:n9la . _:n9la rdf:first _:n9lb . _:n9lb math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9la rdf:rest _:n9lc . _:n9lc rdf:first _:n9ld . _:n9ld math:arguments _:n9le ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9lc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9la a rdf:List . _:n9l9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9l8 rdf:rest _:n9lf . _:n9lf rdf:first _:n9lg . _:n9lg math:arguments _:n9lh . _:n9lh rdf:first _:n9li . _:n9li math:arguments _:n9lj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9lh rdf:rest _:n9lk . _:n9lk rdf:first _:n9ll ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9lh a rdf:List . _:n9lg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9lf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9l8 a rdf:List . _:n9l7 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^-21$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^-21$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9lm . _:n9lm math:arguments _:n9ln . _:n9ln rdf:first _:n9lo . _:n9lo math:arguments _:n9lp . _:n9lp rdf:first _:n9lq . _:n9lq math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9lp rdf:rest _:n9lr . _:n9lr rdf:first _:n9ls . _:n9ls math:arguments _:n9lt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9lr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9lp a rdf:List . _:n9lo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ln rdf:rest _:n9lu . _:n9lu rdf:first _:n9lv . _:n9lv math:arguments _:n9lw . _:n9lw rdf:first _:n9lx . _:n9lx math:arguments _:n9ly ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9lw rdf:rest _:n9lz . _:n9lz rdf:first _:n9m0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9lw a rdf:List . _:n9lv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9lu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ln a rdf:List . _:n9lm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is unit multiplication by $10^21$" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by $10^21$""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9m1 . _:n9m1 math:arguments _:n9m2 . _:n9m2 rdf:first _:n9m3 . _:n9m3 math:arguments _:n9m4 . _:n9m4 rdf:first _:n9m5 . _:n9m5 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9m4 rdf:rest _:n9m6 . _:n9m6 rdf:first _:n9m7 . _:n9m7 math:arguments _:n9m8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9m6 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9m4 a rdf:List . _:n9m3 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9m2 rdf:rest _:n9m9 . _:n9m9 rdf:first _:n9ma . _:n9ma math:arguments _:n9mb . _:n9mb rdf:first _:n9mc . _:n9mc math:arguments _:n9md ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9mb rdf:rest _:n9me . _:n9me rdf:first _:n9mf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9mb a rdf:List . _:n9ma math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9m9 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9m2 a rdf:List . _:n9m1 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_siprefix1 . :units_sts math-meta:description """This CD holds the units and dimension symbols used by the OpenMath Small Type System, when handling units and dimensions.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:description "The type of all unit prefixes, such as \"kilo\"." ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_sts . :units_time1 math-meta:description """This CD defines symbols to represent the basic physical units of time in the SI (syst\\'eme international) system of units. and therefore most other modern systems such as \"Imperial\" and \"U.S.\".""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 month = 28..31 days" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one month of (calendar) time." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9mg . _:n9mg math:arguments _:n9mh . _:n9mh rdf:first _:n9mi . _:n9mi math:arguments _:n9mj . _:n9mj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n9mk . _:n9mk rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9mj a rdf:List . _:n9mi math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9mh rdf:rest _:n9ml . _:n9ml rdf:first _:n9mm . _:n9mm math:arguments _:n9mn . _:n9mn rdf:first _:n9mo . _:n9mo math:value "28"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9mn rdf:rest _:n9mp . _:n9mp rdf:first _:n9mq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9mn a rdf:List . _:n9mm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ml rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9mh a rdf:List . _:n9mg math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_time1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 year = 12 months" , "1 year = 365..366 days" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one year of (calendar) time." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9mr . _:n9mr math:arguments _:n9ms . _:n9ms rdf:first _:n9mt . _:n9mt math:arguments _:n9mu . _:n9mu rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:n9mv . _:n9mv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9mu a rdf:List . _:n9mt math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ms rdf:rest _:n9mw . _:n9mw rdf:first _:n9mx . _:n9mx math:arguments _:n9my . _:n9my rdf:first _:n9mz . _:n9mz math:value "365"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9my rdf:rest _:n9n0 . _:n9n0 rdf:first _:n9n1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9my a rdf:List . _:n9mx math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9mw rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ms a rdf:List . _:n9mr math:operator ; a math:Application . math-meta:formalProperty _:n9n2 . _:n9n2 math:arguments _:n9n3 . _:n9n3 rdf:first _:n9n4 . _:n9n4 math:arguments _:n9n5 . _:n9n5 rdf:first _:n9n6 . _:n9n6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9n5 rdf:rest _:n9n7 . _:n9n7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9n5 a rdf:List . _:n9n4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9n3 rdf:rest _:n9n8 . _:n9n8 rdf:first _:n9n9 . _:n9n9 math:arguments _:n9na . _:n9na rdf:first _:n9nb . _:n9nb math:value "12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9na rdf:rest _:n9nc . _:n9nc rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9na a rdf:List . _:n9n9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9n8 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9n3 a rdf:List . _:n9n2 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_time1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 day = 24 hours" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one day of time. The definitions below ignore the possibilities of \"leap seconds\".""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9nd . _:n9nd math:arguments _:n9ne . _:n9ne rdf:first _:n9nf . _:n9nf math:arguments _:n9ng . _:n9ng rdf:first _:n9nh . _:n9nh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ng rdf:rest _:n9ni . _:n9ni rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ng a rdf:List . _:n9nf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ne rdf:rest _:n9nj . _:n9nj rdf:first _:n9nk . _:n9nk math:arguments _:n9nl . _:n9nl rdf:first _:n9nm . _:n9nm math:value "24"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9nl rdf:rest _:n9nn . _:n9nn rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9nl a rdf:List . _:n9nk math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9nj rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ne a rdf:List . _:n9nd math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_time1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 hour = 60 minutes" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one hour of time." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9no . _:n9no math:arguments _:n9np . _:n9np rdf:first _:n9nq . _:n9nq math:arguments _:n9nr . _:n9nr rdf:first _:n9ns . _:n9ns math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9nr rdf:rest _:n9nt . _:n9nt rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9nr a rdf:List . _:n9nq math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9np rdf:rest _:n9nu . _:n9nu rdf:first _:n9nv . _:n9nv math:arguments _:n9nw . _:n9nw rdf:first _:n9nx . _:n9nx math:value "60"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9nw rdf:rest _:n9ny . _:n9ny rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9nw a rdf:List . _:n9nv math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9nu rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9np a rdf:List . _:n9no math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_time1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 minute = 60 seconds" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one minute of time." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9nz . _:n9nz math:arguments _:n9o0 . _:n9o0 rdf:first _:n9o1 . _:n9o1 math:arguments _:n9o2 . _:n9o2 rdf:first _:n9o3 . _:n9o3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9o2 rdf:rest _:n9o4 . _:n9o4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9o2 a rdf:List . _:n9o1 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9o0 rdf:rest _:n9o5 . _:n9o5 rdf:first _:n9o6 . _:n9o6 math:arguments _:n9o7 . _:n9o7 rdf:first _:n9o8 . _:n9o8 math:value "60"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9o7 rdf:rest _:n9o9 . _:n9o9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9o7 a rdf:List . _:n9o6 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9o5 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9o0 a rdf:List . _:n9nz math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_time1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "This is a base unit for the SI system" ; math-meta:description """This symbol represents the measure of one second of time. This is the standard SI unit measure for time.""" ; a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_time1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 week = 7 days" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one week of time." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9oa . _:n9oa math:arguments _:n9ob . _:n9ob rdf:first _:n9oc . _:n9oc math:arguments _:n9od . _:n9od rdf:first _:n9oe . _:n9oe math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9od rdf:rest _:n9of . _:n9of rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9od a rdf:List . _:n9oc math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ob rdf:rest _:n9og . _:n9og rdf:first _:n9oh . _:n9oh math:arguments _:n9oi . _:n9oi rdf:first _:n9oj . _:n9oj math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9oi rdf:rest _:n9ok . _:n9ok rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9oi a rdf:List . _:n9oh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9og rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ob a rdf:List . _:n9oa math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_time1 . :units_us1 math-meta:description "This CD defines symbols to represent U.S. customary unit measures." ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 U.S. Survey acre = 4840 square U.S. Survey yards" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. Survey acre." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9ol . _:n9ol math:arguments _:n9om . _:n9om rdf:first _:n9on . _:n9on math:arguments _:n9oo . _:n9oo rdf:first _:n9op . _:n9op math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9oo rdf:rest _:n9oq . _:n9oq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9oo a rdf:List . _:n9on math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9om rdf:rest _:n9or . _:n9or rdf:first _:n9os . _:n9os math:arguments _:n9ot . _:n9ot rdf:first _:n9ou . _:n9ou math:value "4840"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ot rdf:rest _:n9ov . _:n9ov rdf:first _:n9ow ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ot a rdf:List . _:n9os math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9or rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9om a rdf:List . _:n9ol math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_us1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 U.S. Survey foot = 1200/3937 metres" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. Survey foot." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9ox . _:n9ox math:arguments _:n9oy . _:n9oy rdf:first _:n9oz . _:n9oz math:arguments _:n9p0 . _:n9p0 rdf:first _:n9p1 . _:n9p1 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9p0 rdf:rest _:n9p2 . _:n9p2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9p0 a rdf:List . _:n9oz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9oy rdf:rest _:n9p3 . _:n9p3 rdf:first _:n9p4 . _:n9p4 math:arguments _:n9p5 . _:n9p5 rdf:first _:n9p6 . _:n9p6 math:arguments _:n9p7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9p5 rdf:rest _:n9p8 . _:n9p8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9p5 a rdf:List . _:n9p4 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9p3 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9oy a rdf:List . _:n9ox math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_us1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 U.S. Survey mile = 5280 U.S. Survey feet" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. Survey mile." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9p9 . _:n9p9 math:arguments _:n9pa . _:n9pa rdf:first _:n9pb . _:n9pb math:arguments _:n9pc . _:n9pc rdf:first _:n9pd . _:n9pd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9pc rdf:rest _:n9pe . _:n9pe rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9pc a rdf:List . _:n9pb math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9pa rdf:rest _:n9pf . _:n9pf rdf:first _:n9pg . _:n9pg math:arguments _:n9ph . _:n9ph rdf:first _:n9pi . _:n9pi math:value "5280"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ph rdf:rest _:n9pj . _:n9pj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ph a rdf:List . _:n9pg math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9pf rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9pa a rdf:List . _:n9p9 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_us1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 U.S. dry pint = 0.5506104713575 litres" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. dry pint." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9pk . _:n9pk math:arguments _:n9pl . _:n9pl rdf:first _:n9pm . _:n9pm math:arguments _:n9pn . _:n9pn rdf:first _:n9po . _:n9po math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9pn rdf:rest _:n9pp . _:n9pp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9pn a rdf:List . _:n9pm math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9pl rdf:rest _:n9pq . _:n9pq rdf:first _:n9pr . _:n9pr math:arguments _:n9ps . _:n9ps rdf:first _:n9pt . _:n9pt math:value "0.551"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n9ps rdf:rest _:n9pu . _:n9pu rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ps a rdf:List . _:n9pr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9pq rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9pl a rdf:List . _:n9pk math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_us1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 U.S. liquid pint = 0.473176473 litres" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. liquid pint." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9pv . _:n9pv math:arguments _:n9pw . _:n9pw rdf:first _:n9px . _:n9px math:arguments _:n9py . _:n9py rdf:first _:n9pz . _:n9pz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9py rdf:rest _:n9q0 . _:n9q0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9py a rdf:List . _:n9px math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9pw rdf:rest _:n9q1 . _:n9q1 rdf:first _:n9q2 . _:n9q2 math:arguments _:n9q3 . _:n9q3 rdf:first _:n9q4 . _:n9q4 math:value "0.473"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n9q3 rdf:rest _:n9q5 . _:n9q5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9q3 a rdf:List . _:n9q2 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9q1 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9pw a rdf:List . _:n9pv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_us1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "1 U.S. Survey yard = 3 U.S. Survey feet" ; math-meta:description "This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. Survey yard." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9q6 . _:n9q6 math:arguments _:n9q7 . _:n9q7 rdf:first _:n9q8 . _:n9q8 math:arguments _:n9q9 . _:n9q9 rdf:first _:n9qa . _:n9qa math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9q9 rdf:rest _:n9qb . _:n9qb rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9q9 a rdf:List . _:n9q8 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9q7 rdf:rest _:n9qc . _:n9qc rdf:first _:n9qd . _:n9qd math:arguments _:n9qe . _:n9qe rdf:first _:n9qf . _:n9qf math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9qe rdf:rest _:n9qg . _:n9qg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9qe a rdf:List . _:n9qd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9qc rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9q7 a rdf:List . _:n9q6 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :units_us1 . :veccalc1 math-meta:description """This CD contains symbols to represent functions which are concerned with vector calculus.""" ; a math-meta:Library ; rdfs:comment """This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The copyright holder grants you permission to redistribute this document freely as a verbatim copy. Furthermore, the copyright holder permits you to develop any derived work from this document provided that the following conditions are met. a) The derived work acknowledges the fact that it is derived from this document, and maintains a prominent reference in the work to the original source. b) The fact that the derived work is not the original OpenMath document is stated prominently in the derived work. Moreover if both this document and the derived work are Content Dictionaries then the derived work must include a different CDName element, chosen so that it cannot be confused with any works adopted by the OpenMath Society. In particular, if there is a Content Dictionary Group whose name is, for example, `math' containing Content Dictionaries named `math1', `math2' etc., then you should not name a derived Content Dictionary `mathN' where N is an integer. However you are free to name it `private_mathN' or some such. This is because the names `mathN' may be used by the OpenMath Society for future extensions. c) The derived work is distributed under terms that allow the compilation of derived works, but keep paragraphs a) and b) intact. The simplest way to do this is to distribute the derived work under the OpenMath license, but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this license please contact the OpenMath society at http://www.openmath.org.""" . math-meta:commentedProperty """laplacian(F) = \\partial^2(F)/\\partial(x_1)^2 + ... + \\partial^2(F)/\\partial(x_n)^2""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the laplacian function. It takes one argument which should be a vector of scalar valued functions, intended to represent a vector valued function and returns a vector of functions. It should satisfy the defining relation: laplacian(F) = \\partial^2(F)/\\partial(x_1)^2 + ... + \\partial^2(F)/\\partial(x_n)^2""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :veccalc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """curl(F) = i X \\partial(F)/\\partial(x) + j X \\partial(F)/\\partial(y) + j X \\partial(F)/\\partial(Z)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the curl function. It takes one argument which should be a vector of scalar valued functions, intended to represent a vector valued function and returns a vector of functions. It should satisfy the defining relation: curl(F) = i X \\partial(F)/\\partial(x) + j X \\partial(F)/\\partial(y) + j X \\partial(F)/\\partial(Z) where i,j,k are the unit vectors corresponding to the x,y,z axes respectively and the multiplication X is cross multiplication.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9qh . _:n9qh math:arguments _:n9qi . _:n9qi rdf:first _:n9qj . _:n9qj math:arguments _:n9qk . _:n9qk rdf:first _:n9ql . _:n9ql math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:n9qk rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9qj math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9qi rdf:rest _:n9qm . _:n9qm rdf:first _:n9qn . _:n9qn math:arguments _:n9qo . _:n9qo rdf:first _:n9qp . _:n9qp math:arguments _:n9qq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9qo rdf:rest _:n9qr . _:n9qr rdf:first _:n9qs ; rdf:rest _:n9qt . _:n9qo a rdf:List . _:n9qn math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9qm rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9qi a rdf:List . _:n9qh math:operator ; a math:Application . a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :veccalc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """divergence(F) = \\partial(F_(x_1))/\\partial(x_1) + ... + \\partial(F_(x_n))/\\partial(x_n)""" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the divergence function. It takes one argument which should be a vector of scalar valued functions, intended to represent a vector valued function and returns a scalar value. It should satisfy the defining relation: divergence(F) = \\partial(F_(x_1))/\\partial(x_1) + ... + \\partial(F_(x_n))/\\partial(x_n)""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :veccalc1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "grad(F) = (\\partial(F)/\\partial(x_1), ... ,\\partial(F)/partial(x_n))" ; math-meta:description """This symbol is used to represent the grad function. It takes one argument which should be a scalar valued function and returns a vector of functions. It should satisfy the defining relation: grad(F) = (\\partial(F)/\\partial(x_1), ... ,\\partial(F)/partial(x_n))""" ; a math-meta:ApplicationSymbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :veccalc1 . :weylalgebra1 math-meta:description """This CD defines elements of the ring of differential operators with coefficients in the polynomial ring.""" ; a math-meta:Library . math-meta:commentedProperty """$ x^{m} \\partial_{x}^{n} \\partial_{y}^{r} \\cdot f = x^{m} \\frac{partial^{n+r} f}{\\partial x^{n} \\partial y^{r}} $""" ; math-meta:description "action of a differential operator to a function." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9qu . _:n9qu math:arguments _:n9qv . _:n9qv rdf:first _:n9qw . _:n9qw math:arguments _:n9qx . _:n9qx rdf:first _:n9qy . _:n9qy math:arguments _:n9qz . _:n9qz rdf:first _:n9r0 ; rdf:rest _:n9r1 ; a rdf:List . _:n9qy math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9qx rdf:rest _:n9r2 . _:n9r2 rdf:first _:n9r3 . _:n9r3 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9r2 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9qx a rdf:List . _:n9qw math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9qv rdf:rest _:n9r4 . _:n9r4 rdf:first _:n9r5 . _:n9r5 math:arguments _:n9r6 . _:n9r6 rdf:first _:n9r7 . _:n9r7 math:arguments _:n9r8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9r6 rdf:rest _:n9r9 . _:n9r9 rdf:first _:n9ra ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9r6 a rdf:List . _:n9r5 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9r4 rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9qv a rdf:List . _:n9qu math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :weylalgebra1 . math-meta:commentedProperty """$ x^{m} \\partial_{x}^{n} \\partial_{y}^{r} \\cdot f = x^{m} \\frac{partial^{n+r} f}{\\partial x^{n} \\partial y^{r}} $""" ; math-meta:description """action of a polynomial as a differential operator to a function. act_of_poly is equivalent to the composition of act and diffop.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9rb . _:n9rb math:arguments _:n9rc . _:n9rc rdf:first _:n9rd . _:n9rd math:arguments _:n9re . _:n9re rdf:first _:n9rf . _:n9rf math:arguments _:n9rg . _:n9rg rdf:first _:n9rh ; rdf:rest _:n9ri ; a rdf:List . _:n9rf math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9re rdf:rest _:n9rj . _:n9rj rdf:first _:n9rk . _:n9rk math:arguments _:n9rl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9rj rdf:rest _:n9rm . _:n9rm rdf:first _:n9rn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9re a rdf:List . _:n9rd math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9rc rdf:rest _:n9ro . _:n9ro rdf:first _:n9rp . _:n9rp math:arguments _:n9rq . _:n9rq rdf:first _:n9rr . _:n9rr math:arguments _:n9rs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9rq rdf:rest _:n9rt . _:n9rt rdf:first _:n9ru ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9rq a rdf:List . _:n9rp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ro rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9rc a rdf:List . _:n9rb math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :weylalgebra1 . math-meta:description "Differentiation of a given function in one variable." ; math-meta:example _:n9rv . _:n9rv math:arguments _:n9rw . _:n9rw rdf:first _:n9rx . _:n9rx math:value "$\\frac{d x^2}{dx} = 2 x$"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n9rw rdf:rest _:n9ry . _:n9ry rdf:first _:n9rz . _:n9rz math:arguments _:n9s0 . _:n9s0 rdf:first _:n9s1 . _:n9s1 math:arguments _:n9s2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9s0 rdf:rest _:n9s3 . _:n9s3 rdf:first _:n9s4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9s0 a rdf:List . _:n9rz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ry rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9rw a rdf:List . _:n9rv math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :weylalgebra1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "d/dq q = q d/dq + 1" ; math-meta:description """constructor of a differential operator from a polynomial or from an element of the finitely generated free algebra. The inverse of gr.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9s5 . _:n9s5 math:arguments _:n9s6 . _:n9s6 rdf:first _:n9s7 . _:n9s7 math:arguments _:n9s8 . _:n9s8 rdf:first _:n9s9 . _:n9s9 math:arguments _:n9sa . _:n9sa rdf:first _:n9sb ; rdf:rest _:n9sc ; a rdf:List . _:n9s9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9s8 rdf:rest _:n9sd . _:n9sd rdf:first _:n9se . _:n9se math:arguments _:n9sf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9sd rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9s8 a rdf:List . _:n9s7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9s6 rdf:rest _:n9sg . _:n9sg rdf:first _:n9sh . _:n9sh math:arguments _:n9si . _:n9si rdf:first _:n9sj . _:n9sj math:arguments _:n9sk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9si rdf:rest _:n9sl . _:n9sl rdf:first _:n9sm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9si a rdf:List . _:n9sh math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9sg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9s6 a rdf:List . _:n9s5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :weylalgebra1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "$\\gr( q \\partial_{q} + 1) = q p + 1 $" ; math-meta:description """the symbol polynomial of a given differential operator. The inverse of diffop.""" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9sn . _:n9sn math:arguments _:n9so . _:n9so rdf:first _:n9sp . _:n9sp math:arguments _:n9sq . _:n9sq rdf:first _:n9sr . _:n9sr math:arguments _:n9ss . _:n9ss rdf:first _:n9st ; rdf:rest _:n9su ; a rdf:List . _:n9sr math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9sq rdf:rest _:n9sv . _:n9sv rdf:first _:n9sw . _:n9sw math:arguments _:n9sx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9sv rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9sq a rdf:List . _:n9sp math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9so rdf:rest _:n9sy . _:n9sy rdf:first _:n9sz . _:n9sz math:arguments _:n9t0 . _:n9t0 rdf:first _:n9t1 . _:n9t1 math:arguments _:n9t2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9t0 rdf:rest _:n9t3 . _:n9t3 rdf:first _:n9t4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9t0 a rdf:List . _:n9sz math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9sy rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9so a rdf:List . _:n9sn math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :weylalgebra1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "$\\frac{\\partial^{2} x^{2} y}{\\partial x^{2}} = 2 y $" ; math-meta:description "partial differentiation of a given function." ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9t5 . _:n9t5 math:arguments _:n9t6 . _:n9t6 rdf:first _:n9t7 . _:n9t7 math:arguments _:n9t8 . _:n9t8 rdf:first _:n9t9 . _:n9t9 math:arguments _:n9ta . _:n9ta rdf:first _:n9tb ; rdf:rest _:n9tc ; a rdf:List . _:n9t9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9t8 rdf:rest _:n9td . _:n9td rdf:first _:n9te . _:n9te math:arguments _:n9tf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9td rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9t8 a rdf:List . _:n9t7 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9t6 rdf:rest _:n9tg . _:n9tg rdf:first _:n9th . _:n9th math:arguments _:n9ti . _:n9ti rdf:first _:n9tj . _:n9tj math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ti rdf:rest _:n9tk . _:n9tk rdf:first _:n9tl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ti a rdf:List . _:n9th math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9tg rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9t6 a rdf:List . _:n9t5 math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :weylalgebra1 . math-meta:commentedProperty "$\\partial_{q} q = \\partial{q} q + 1 $" ; math-meta:description "multiplication in D" ; math-meta:formalProperty _:n9tm . _:n9tm math:arguments _:n9tn . _:n9tn rdf:first _:n9to . _:n9to math:arguments _:n9tp . _:n9tp rdf:first _:n9tq . _:n9tq math:name "dq" ; a math:Variable . _:n9tp rdf:rest _:n9tr . _:n9tr rdf:first _:n9ts . _:n9ts math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:n9tr rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9tp a rdf:List . _:n9to math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9tn rdf:rest _:n9tt . _:n9tt rdf:first _:n9tu . _:n9tu math:arguments _:n9tv . _:n9tv rdf:first _:n9tw . _:n9tw math:arguments _:n9tx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9tv rdf:rest _:n9ty . _:n9ty rdf:first _:n9tz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9tv a rdf:List . _:n9tu math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9tt rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9tn a rdf:List . _:n9tm math:operator ; a math:Application . a math:Symbol ; rdfs:isDefinedBy :weylalgebra1 . _:n9 math:arguments _:ne5y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na rdf:first _:ne7c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:ns math:arguments _:ndqc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nt rdf:first _:ndqs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n12 math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:n1b math:arguments _:ndyy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1c rdf:first _:ne0f ; rdf:rest _:ne3q . _:n1l math:arguments _:ndp1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1m rdf:first _:ndpb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1v math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n1w rdf:first _:ndt4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n25 math:arguments _:neb6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n26 rdf:first _:necp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2f math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n2g rdf:first _:neym ; rdf:rest _:nezp . _:n2p math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n2q rdf:first _:nf1f ; rdf:rest _:nf2b . _:n2z math:arguments _:nej7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n30 rdf:first _:nekg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n39 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:n3i math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n3j rdf:first _:nehd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3s math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n41 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n4a math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n4j math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n4s math:arguments _:nen4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4t rdf:first _:neo5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n50 rdf:first _:nfef ; rdf:rest _:nfex ; a rdf:List . _:n52 math:arguments _:nffd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n59 rdf:first _:nfh5 ; rdf:rest _:nfhg ; a rdf:List . _:n5b math:arguments _:nfho ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5i rdf:first _:nfpx ; rdf:rest _:nfqu ; a rdf:List . _:n5q rdf:first _:nf4s ; rdf:rest _:nf5d ; a rdf:List . _:n5s rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5z rdf:first _:nfij ; rdf:rest _:nfiu ; a rdf:List . _:n67 rdf:first _:nfkn ; rdf:rest _:nflb ; a rdf:List . _:n6f rdf:first _:nfsl ; rdf:rest _:nft9 ; a rdf:List . _:n6h math:arguments _:nfto ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6o rdf:first _:nfmu ; rdf:rest _:nfns ; a rdf:List . _:n6w rdf:first _:nf8x ; rdf:rest _:nf99 ; a rdf:List . _:n6y rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfco . _:n75 math:arguments _:nf74 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7d math:arguments _:nf3e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7o rdf:first _:ng0i ; rdf:rest _:ng0q ; a rdf:List . _:n80 rdf:first _:nfyy ; rdf:rest _:nfz3 ; a rdf:List . _:n8c rdf:first _:nfwc ; rdf:rest _:nfx0 ; a rdf:List . _:n8o rdf:first _:ngic ; rdf:rest _:ngiu ; a rdf:List . _:n9b rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng8q ; a rdf:List . _:n9y rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngdt ; a rdf:List . _:na0 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nam math:value "60"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb9 math:value "60"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhz1 ; a rdf:List . _:ndx rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh65 ; a rdf:List . _:ne1 math:arguments _:nh6q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne2 rdf:first _:nh7y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ner math:arguments _:nhzo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhei ; a rdf:List . _:nf4 math:arguments _:nhfk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf5 rdf:first _:nhgr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfe math:arguments _:nhzj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfn rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfs math:arguments _:ngxb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nft rdf:first _:ngxk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni02 ; a rdf:List . _:ngb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhz4 ; a rdf:List . _:ngk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngrg ; a rdf:List . _:ngm math:arguments _:ngs2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh5 math:arguments _:nhzu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh6 rdf:first _:nhzx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhh math:arguments _:nhxj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhl rdf:first _:nhyx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhu rdf:first _:nhrn ; rdf:rest _:nhs5 ; a rdf:List . _:nhz math:arguments _:nht2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni0 rdf:first _:nhtx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni9 math:arguments _:nhx9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nii rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhji ; a rdf:List . _:nim math:arguments _:nhkg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nin rdf:first _:nhlb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niy math:arguments _:nho1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj2 rdf:first _:nhpd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njb math:arguments _:nhzb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njf math:arguments _:nhzd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njg rdf:first _:nhzg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njp rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhza ; a rdf:List . _:njz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk4 math:arguments _:ngzv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk5 rdf:first _:nh05 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nke rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkg math:arguments _:ngu8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkk rdf:first _:ngv9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhaw ; a rdf:List . _:nl6 math:arguments _:nhbm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl7 rdf:first _:nhc8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh2x ; a rdf:List . _:nlx math:arguments _:nh3d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nly rdf:first _:nh44 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nm7 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nnc math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nny rdf:first _:nbhg ; rdf:rest _:nbjd ; a rdf:List . _:no0 math:arguments _:nblg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:no4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:no5 rdf:first _:nbz6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:noe rdf:first _:nkuw ; rdf:rest _:nkwi ; a rdf:List . _:nog math:arguments _:nl0p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nok math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nol rdf:first _:n9xe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:np5 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nq1 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nq8 rdf:first _:njsd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nqa math:arguments _:njsi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nqe math:arguments _:njtd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nqt math:arguments _:nj0d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nqu rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nr4 rdf:first _:ni3z ; rdf:rest _:ni4e ; a rdf:List . _:nr6 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nrd rdf:first _:nh6e ; rdf:rest _:nh85 ; a rdf:List . _:nrf math:arguments _:nhbz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nrj math:binder ; math:body _:nhqw ; math:variables _:ni19 ; a math:Binding . _:nrz rdf:first _:ndtq ; rdf:rest _:ndxl ; a rdf:List . _:ns1 math:arguments _:ne37 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ns8 rdf:first _:nexy ; rdf:rest _:nf0d ; a rdf:List . _:nsa math:arguments _:nf3j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nse math:binder ; math:body _:nfi7 ; math:variables _:ngo0 ; a math:Binding . _:nsq math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nsu math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nsv rdf:first _:niaf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nt7 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ntb math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ntc rdf:first _:ni70 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ntn math:arguments _:njg3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nto rdf:first _:njju ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ntr rdf:first _:njko ; rdf:rest _:njnp ; a rdf:List . _:nty rdf:first _:njpz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nu1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nuc rdf:first _:nj41 ; rdf:rest _:nj4h ; a rdf:List . _:nue math:arguments _:nj4t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nup rdf:first _:nj7m ; rdf:rest _:nj8p ; a rdf:List . _:nur math:arguments _:nj97 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nuz rdf:first _:nk71 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nv1 math:arguments _:nk74 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nvc rdf:first _:njwl ; rdf:rest _:njx1 ; a rdf:List . _:nve math:arguments _:njxb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nvl rdf:first _:nk0i ; rdf:rest _:nk10 ; a rdf:List . _:nvn math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nw1 rdf:first _:nk33 ; rdf:rest _:nk3j ; a rdf:List . _:nw3 math:binder ; math:body _:nk45 ; math:variables _:nk5p ; a math:Binding . _:nwa math:arguments _:nick ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nwb rdf:first _:nidx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nwe rdf:first _:nigw ; rdf:rest _:nij3 ; a rdf:List . _:nwl rdf:first _:nikv ; rdf:rest _:nil5 ; a rdf:List . _:nwq math:arguments _:nimc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nwr rdf:first _:ninu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nx3 math:arguments _:nisd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nx7 math:arguments _:nitp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nx8 rdf:first _:niv2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nxm math:arguments _:ni7l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nxw rdf:first _:nkd6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ny8 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nyc math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nyd rdf:first _:nka2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nyo math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nyp rdf:first _:nkek ; rdf:rest _:nkf6 . _:nys rdf:first _:nkfn ; rdf:rest _:nkg2 ; a rdf:List . _:nz2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni05 ; a rdf:List . _:nz4 math:binder ; math:body _:ni1s ; math:variables _:ni1v ; a math:Binding . _:nze rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni66 ; a rdf:List . _:nzg math:binder ; math:body _:ni68 ; math:variables _:ni6k ; a math:Binding . _:nzs rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni4t ; a rdf:List . _:n103 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni1w ; a rdf:List . _:n105 math:binder ; math:body _:ni1y ; math:variables _:ni2j ; a math:Binding . _:n10f rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni4v ; a rdf:List . _:n10h math:binder ; math:body _:ni4x ; math:variables _:ni59 ; a math:Binding . _:n10p rdf:first _:ni5a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n10u math:arguments _:ni5b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n10v rdf:first _:ni64 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n10z math:name "seq" ; a math:Variable . _:n119 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni2k ; a rdf:List . _:n11b math:binder ; math:body _:ni49 ; math:variables _:ni4d ; a math:Binding . _:n11k math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:n11q math:arguments _:nkhw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n11x math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:n11y rdf:first _:nkju ; rdf:rest _:nkk3 . _:n122 math:arguments _:nkka ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n128 math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:n129 rdf:first _:nkla ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n12h rdf:first _:naxg ; rdf:rest _:naxy ; a rdf:List . _:n12j math:binder ; math:body _:nayd ; math:variables _:naz3 ; a math:Binding . _:n12s math:binder ; math:body _:nb0w ; math:variables _:nb12 ; a math:Binding . _:n12z rdf:first _:nae3 ; rdf:rest _:naeb ; a rdf:List . _:n131 math:binder ; math:body _:naev ; math:variables _:nafm ; a math:Binding . _:n135 math:arguments _:nag4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n13g rdf:first _:nale ; rdf:rest _:nam1 ; a rdf:List . _:n13i math:arguments _:name ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n13m math:arguments _:nanl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n13n rdf:first _:naq4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n141 rdf:first _:nl3z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n142 math:arguments _:nl1w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n144 math:value "1.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n14d math:arguments _:nklz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n14e rdf:first _:nklv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n14j rdf:first _:nknx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n14k math:arguments _:nkni ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n14m math:arguments _:nkpw ; math:operator _:nko6 ; a math:Application . _:n14v math:arguments _:nkrk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n14w rdf:first _:nkr8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n151 rdf:first _:nkux ; rdf:rest _:nkwc ; a rdf:List . _:n153 math:arguments _:nkwt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n15b rdf:first _:naa0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n15d math:binder ; math:body _:naaz ; math:variables _:nac4 ; a math:Binding . _:n15k rdf:first _:na79 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n15l math:arguments _:na4a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n15n math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n164 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n165 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n16c rdf:first _:nl6r ; rdf:rest _:nl76 ; a rdf:List . _:n16j math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n16k rdf:first _:njse ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n16n rdf:first _:njsf ; rdf:rest _:njsh ; a rdf:List . _:n16p math:arguments _:njsk ; math:operator _:njsj ; a math:Application . _:n16u rdf:first _:njsr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n16w math:arguments _:njss ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n16x rdf:first _:njsu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n175 rdf:first _:n9wh ; rdf:rest _:n9xf ; a rdf:List . _:n176 math:arguments _:n9vk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n178 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n17g rdf:first _:na24 ; rdf:rest _:na2d ; a rdf:List . _:n17h math:arguments _:n9y5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n17j math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n17q math:arguments _:ni6s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n17t rdf:first _:ni6z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n180 math:arguments _:ni6l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n18j math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n18v rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncf8 ; a rdf:List . _:n18x math:binder ; math:body _:ncfo ; math:variables _:ncge ; a math:Binding . _:n194 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n19i rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n19n math:arguments _:ncaq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n19o rdf:first _:ncb5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n19v math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n19w rdf:first _:nbz7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1aa rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nbn5 ; a rdf:List . _:n1ac math:binder ; math:body _:nbnf ; math:variables _:nbxf ; a math:Binding . _:n1aj math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1ak rdf:first _:nc7j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ay rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nc13 ; a rdf:List . _:n1b0 math:arguments _:nc1b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1b7 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1b8 rdf:first _:nb8z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1bm rdf:first _:nb59 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1bo math:arguments _:nb5g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1bv math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1bw rdf:first _:nbjq ; rdf:rest _:nbk4 . _:n1c5 rdf:first _:nb9v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1c8 rdf:first _:nbat ; rdf:rest _:nbbw ; a rdf:List . _:n1cd rdf:first _:nbcx ; rdf:rest _:nbei ; a rdf:List . _:n1cf math:arguments _:nben ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1cj math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ck rdf:first _:nbi2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1cr rdf:first _:ndbl ; rdf:rest _:ndc5 ; a rdf:List . _:n1d8 rdf:first _:ndf0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1da math:arguments _:ndfx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1dh math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1di rdf:first _:ndil ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1do math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1dw math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1e0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1e1 rdf:first _:ncju ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ed math:arguments _:nd9s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1el math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ep math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:n1eq rdf:first _:ncnp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1f1 rdf:first _:ncr6 ; rdf:rest _:nct5 ; a rdf:List . _:n1f3 math:arguments _:ncti ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1f7 math:arguments _:ncwx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1f8 rdf:first _:ncy7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1fn rdf:first _:nd2b ; rdf:rest _:nd2m ; a rdf:List . _:n1fp math:arguments _:nd36 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ft math:arguments _:nd4o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1fu rdf:first _:nd5i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1g7 rdf:first _:ndlw ; rdf:rest _:ndmu ; a rdf:List . _:n1gg math:arguments _:nclp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1gs math:arguments _:nckg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1h3 math:arguments _:ni71 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ir rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1iz rdf:first _:nku1 ; rdf:rest _:nku4 ; a rdf:List . _:n1j6 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ji rdf:first _:nktk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1jq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1jy rdf:first _:nktd ; rdf:rest _:nktj ; a rdf:List . _:n1ka math:name "T" ; a math:Variable . _:n1kk math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ku math:arguments _:nktl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1kv rdf:first _:nkto ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1l2 rdf:first _:nktx ; rdf:rest _:nku0 ; a rdf:List . _:n1la math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1lv math:arguments _:nku9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1m4 math:arguments _:nkug ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1md math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1me rdf:first _:nkuk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1mh rdf:first _:nkur ; rdf:rest _:nkuu ; a rdf:List . _:n1mt math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1mu rdf:first _:ni74 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1n1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n1n2 rdf:first _:ni75 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1nw math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n1o2 rdf:first _:ni89 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1o3 math:arguments _:ni87 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1o5 math:arguments _:ni8a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1og rdf:first _:ni76 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1oi math:arguments _:ni77 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1ot rdf:first _:ni7r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1ov math:arguments _:ni7s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1p3 rdf:first _:nkyd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1p5 math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:n1pc math:arguments _:nl0q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1pf rdf:first _:nl14 ; rdf:rest _:nl18 ; a rdf:List . _:n1pn rdf:first _:nkve ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1pp math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n1pw math:arguments _:nl34 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1px rdf:first _:nl3e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1q7 rdf:first _:nkuz ; rdf:rest _:nkva . _:n1qf rdf:first _:nkxd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1qh math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:n1qp rdf:first _:nkwv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1qr math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:n1r1 math:arguments _:nkzq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1r2 rdf:first _:nl06 ; rdf:rest _:nl0o . _:n1r6 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n1re rdf:first _:nkwd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1rg math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:n1ro rdf:first _:nkvx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1rq math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:n1rx math:arguments _:nl1b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1s0 rdf:first _:nl1p ; rdf:rest _:nl1t ; a rdf:List . _:n1s7 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n1s8 rdf:first _:nl2i ; rdf:rest _:nl33 . _:n1sp rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl1x ; a rdf:List . _:n1sr math:arguments _:nl1y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1sz rdf:first _:nkyv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1t1 math:binder ; math:body _:nkzd ; math:variables _:nkzl ; a math:Binding . _:n1t9 rdf:first _:nkxv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1tb math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:n1tk math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1tl rdf:first _:nl4x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1tp math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1tq rdf:first _:nl4y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1ug math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1uh rdf:first _:nl4o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1v1 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1v2 rdf:first _:nl4n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1vb math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n1vk math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n1vp math:arguments _:nl3j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1vq rdf:first _:nl40 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1vu math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n1w3 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n1wj math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1wk rdf:first _:nl4p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1wo math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1wp rdf:first _:nl4q ; rdf:rest _:nl4s . _:n1x4 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1x5 rdf:first _:nl4t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1x9 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n1xa rdf:first _:nl4u ; rdf:rest _:nl4w . _:n1xo math:arguments _:nl5e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1xp rdf:first _:nl5k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1xu rdf:first _:nl66 ; rdf:rest _:nl6s ; a rdf:List . _:n1y2 math:arguments _:nl5d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1yb math:arguments _:nl59 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1yj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl7t ; a rdf:List . _:n1ym math:arguments _:nl6u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1yn rdf:first _:nl70 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n1yv rdf:first _:nl7v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n1yx math:arguments _:nl80 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n1z4 rdf:first _:nl84 ; rdf:rest _:nl86 . _:n1zb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl8z ; a rdf:List . _:n1zi rdf:first _:nl8g ; rdf:rest _:nl8i . _:n1zu rdf:first _:nl8a ; rdf:rest _:nl8c . _:n202 rdf:first _:nl96 ; rdf:rest _:nl98 ; a rdf:List . _:n204 math:arguments _:nl99 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n208 math:arguments _:nl9v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n209 rdf:first _:nl9z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n20c rdf:first _:nlav ; rdf:rest _:nlbw ; a rdf:List . _:n20e math:arguments _:n9ux ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n20f rdf:first _:n9v1 ; rdf:rest _:n9xj . _:n20o rdf:first _:n9xm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n20t math:arguments _:n9xn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n20u rdf:first _:n9xt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n21e rdf:first _:n9y1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n21j rdf:first _:n9y2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n21k math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n21m math:arguments _:n9y3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n21t rdf:first _:n9y7 ; rdf:rest _:n9ye ; a rdf:List . _:n21v math:arguments _:n9yh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n224 rdf:first _:n9yp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n225 math:arguments _:n9ym ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n227 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n22e rdf:first _:n9yw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n22f math:arguments _:n9yt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n22h math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n22o rdf:first _:n9z1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n22p math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n22r math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n22z math:arguments _:n9zi ; math:operator _:n9ze ; a math:Application . _:n230 rdf:first _:n9zx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n234 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n23d math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n23e rdf:first _:n9z5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n23i math:arguments _:n9z7 ; math:operator _:n9z6 ; a math:Application . _:n245 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n246 rdf:first _:n9xk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n24g rdf:first _:n9xl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n24q math:arguments _:na06 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n24r rdf:first _:na0f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n251 math:arguments _:na0u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n259 rdf:first _:na02 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n25e rdf:first _:na04 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n25f math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n25o math:arguments _:na19 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n263 rdf:first _:na1h ; rdf:rest _:na1i ; a rdf:List . _:n26c rdf:first _:na1k ; rdf:rest _:na1q ; a rdf:List . _:n26h rdf:first _:na1s ; rdf:rest _:na1u ; a rdf:List . _:n26i math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n26k math:arguments _:na1v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n26t math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n26u rdf:first _:na23 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n26y math:arguments _:na26 ; math:operator _:na25 ; a math:Application . _:n27h math:arguments _:ni95 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n27i rdf:first _:ni94 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n27k math:arguments _:ni99 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n281 rdf:first _:na2w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n288 math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:n289 rdf:first _:na2a ; rdf:rest _:na2c . _:n28i math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:n28j rdf:first _:na2e ; rdf:rest _:na2g . _:n28t math:arguments _:ni90 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n28u rdf:first _:ni8z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n292 math:arguments _:ni9d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n29a rdf:first _:na30 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n29c math:binder ; math:body _:na3l ; math:variables _:na3y ; a math:Binding . _:n29j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:na2z . _:n29s math:name "alpha" ; a math:Variable . _:n29t rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n29w rdf:first _:ni9g ; rdf:rest _:ni9h ; a rdf:List . _:n29y math:arguments _:ni9i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2a3 rdf:first _:nia0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2a4 math:arguments _:ni9u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2a6 math:arguments _:nia1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ah math:arguments _:nibi ; math:operator _:nibb ; a math:Application . _:n2ai rdf:first _:nibk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2av math:arguments _:nibu ; math:operator _:nibn ; a math:Application . _:n2aw rdf:first _:nibw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2b9 math:arguments _:nic6 ; math:operator _:nibz ; a math:Application . _:n2ba rdf:first _:nic8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2bn math:arguments _:nici ; math:operator _:nicb ; a math:Application . _:n2bo rdf:first _:nicl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2c1 math:arguments _:nicy ; math:operator _:nicq ; a math:Application . _:n2c2 rdf:first _:nid0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2cr rdf:first _:nidz ; rdf:rest _:nied ; a rdf:List . _:n2e6 rdf:first _:nid9 ; rdf:rest _:nidm ; a rdf:List . _:n2ei rdf:first _:nidp ; rdf:rest _:nidw ; a rdf:List . _:n2ey rdf:first _:nab4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2f0 math:binder ; math:body _:nab7 ; math:variables _:nac9 ; a math:Binding . _:n2f8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:na7x ; a rdf:List . _:n2fa rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:na7y . _:n2fi rdf:first _:na3z ; rdf:rest _:na43 ; a rdf:List . _:n2fn rdf:first _:na46 ; rdf:rest _:na4w ; a rdf:List . _:n2fp math:arguments _:na4x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2fq rdf:first _:na5o ; rdf:rest _:na7l . _:n2fy rdf:first _:naca ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2g3 math:arguments _:nacb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2g4 rdf:first _:nach ; rdf:rest _:nadh . _:n2g8 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2gi math:arguments _:na7z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2gj rdf:first _:na8f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2gn math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n2gz math:arguments _:naa2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2h0 rdf:first _:naa8 ; rdf:rest _:nab1 . _:n2h4 math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:n2hg rdf:first _:na8s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2hi math:arguments _:na8t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2hq rdf:first _:na8v ; rdf:rest _:na8x ; a rdf:List . _:n2hv math:arguments _:na8y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2hw rdf:first _:na95 ; rdf:rest _:na9y . _:n2i0 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n2i8 rdf:first _:nafa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2ia math:arguments _:nafo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2ii math:arguments _:naet ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2iq rdf:first _:nae6 ; rdf:rest _:nae8 ; a rdf:List . _:n2is math:arguments _:nae9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2j0 math:arguments _:naec ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2j4 math:arguments _:naee ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2j5 rdf:first _:nael ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2jh rdf:first _:nadk ; rdf:rest _:nadn ; a rdf:List . _:n2jj math:arguments _:nadp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2jr rdf:first _:nafu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2jt math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n2k1 rdf:first _:nafz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2k3 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n2kb math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:n2kc rdf:first _:nae1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2km rdf:first _:nag5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2ko math:arguments _:nagv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2l8 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2l9 rdf:first _:naio ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2lt math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2lu rdf:first _:naim ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2m3 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2m8 math:arguments _:nah6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2m9 rdf:first _:nai0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2md math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2mm math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2n1 rdf:first _:naml ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2n3 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n2na math:arguments _:napm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2nb rdf:first _:napr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2nl rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nami ; a rdf:List . _:n2nn rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:namj . _:n2nv rdf:first _:naip ; rdf:rest _:nait ; a rdf:List . _:n2o0 rdf:first _:naiw ; rdf:rest _:najj ; a rdf:List . _:n2o2 math:arguments _:najk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2o3 rdf:first _:nak8 ; rdf:rest _:nam5 . _:n2ob rdf:first _:nane ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2od math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ol rdf:first _:nan5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2on math:name "inverse" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ox math:arguments _:nanq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2oy rdf:first _:nao8 ; rdf:rest _:naoq . _:n2p2 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n2pe math:arguments _:nar6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2pf rdf:first _:nard ; rdf:rest _:nas5 . _:n2pj math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:n2pw rdf:first _:namw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2py math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:n2q6 rdf:first _:napx ; rdf:rest _:napz ; a rdf:List . _:n2qb math:arguments _:naq0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2qc rdf:first _:naq8 ; rdf:rest _:nar3 . _:n2qg math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n2qn math:arguments _:napc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2qo rdf:first _:naph ; rdf:rest _:napj . _:n2r5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:naot ; a rdf:List . _:n2r7 math:arguments _:naou ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2rg math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2rh rdf:first _:naub ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2rl math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2rm rdf:first _:nauc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2sc math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2sd rdf:first _:natm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2sx math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2sy rdf:first _:natj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2t7 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2tg math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2tl math:arguments _:nas9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2tm rdf:first _:nasp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2tq math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2tz math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n2uf math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ug rdf:first _:nato ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2uk math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2ul rdf:first _:natp ; rdf:rest _:nats . _:n2v0 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2v1 rdf:first _:nau2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2v5 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2v6 rdf:first _:nau3 ; rdf:rest _:nau9 . _:n2vl math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2vm rdf:first _:natv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2vq math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n2vr rdf:first _:natx ; rdf:rest _:natz . _:n2w5 rdf:first _:naxh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2wa math:arguments _:naxi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2wb rdf:first _:naxp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2wl rdf:first _:naya ; rdf:rest _:nayc ; a rdf:List . _:n2wq rdf:first _:nayf ; rdf:rest _:nayj ; a rdf:List . _:n2ws math:arguments _:nayk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2x0 rdf:first _:nauo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2x5 math:arguments _:nauq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2x6 rdf:first _:nauw ; rdf:rest _:naxe . _:n2xa math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2xb rdf:first _:naup ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2xj rdf:first _:naz4 ; rdf:rest _:naz6 ; a rdf:List . _:n2xr rdf:first _:naz7 ; rdf:rest _:naz9 ; a rdf:List . _:n2xw rdf:first _:naza ; rdf:rest _:naze ; a rdf:List . _:n2xy math:arguments _:nazf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2y5 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n2yi math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n2yn math:arguments _:nazx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n2yo rdf:first _:nb03 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2z2 rdf:first _:nb0o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n2z4 math:binder ; math:body _:nb0q ; math:variables _:nb0z ; a math:Binding . _:n2ze math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:n2zk math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:n2zl rdf:first _:nb13 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n2zv math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:n301 math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:n302 rdf:first _:nb11 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n30c rdf:first _:nb32 ; rdf:rest _:nb34 ; a rdf:List . _:n30e math:arguments _:nb35 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n30l rdf:first _:nb14 ; rdf:rest _:nb16 ; a rdf:List . _:n30n math:arguments _:nb17 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n30v rdf:first _:nige ; rdf:rest _:nigs ; a rdf:List . _:n30x math:arguments _:nigt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n314 math:arguments _:nifu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n315 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n318 rdf:first _:nifx ; rdf:rest _:nig0 ; a rdf:List . _:n31d rdf:first _:nig1 ; rdf:rest _:nig7 ; a rdf:List . _:n31f math:arguments _:nig8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n31n rdf:first _:niff ; rdf:rest _:nifg ; a rdf:List . _:n31p math:arguments _:nifh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n31w math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n323 rdf:first _:niej ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n325 math:arguments _:niek ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n32d rdf:first _:niig ; rdf:rest _:niii ; a rdf:List . _:n32f math:arguments _:niij ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n32r rdf:first _:nii7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n32t math:arguments _:niid ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n335 rdf:first _:nij4 ; rdf:rest _:nij5 ; a rdf:List . _:n337 math:binder ; math:body _:nij7 ; math:variables _:nijw ; a math:Binding . _:n33g math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n33l rdf:first _:nijx ; rdf:rest _:nijy ; a rdf:List . _:n33n math:binder ; math:body _:nik0 ; math:variables _:nikt ; a math:Binding . _:n33v rdf:first _:nim2 ; rdf:rest _:nioo ; a rdf:List . _:n33x math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n346 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n347 rdf:first _:niku ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n34c rdf:first _:nikw ; rdf:rest _:nikx ; a rdf:List . _:n34e math:binder ; math:body _:nikz ; math:variables _:nim1 ; a math:Binding . _:n34n math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n34s rdf:first _:nios ; rdf:rest _:niot ; a rdf:List . _:n34u math:binder ; math:body _:niow ; math:variables _:niqq ; a math:Binding . _:n351 rdf:first _:nis6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n354 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nis8 ; a rdf:List . _:n359 math:arguments _:nis9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n35m math:binder ; math:body _:niqv ; math:variables _:nira ; a math:Binding . _:n35u rdf:first _:niqr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n35w math:arguments _:niqs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n368 rdf:first _:nirm ; rdf:rest _:nirq ; a rdf:List . _:n36a math:binder ; math:body _:nirs ; math:variables _:nis5 ; a math:Binding . _:n36h rdf:first _:nirb ; rdf:rest _:nird ; a rdf:List . _:n36j math:arguments _:nire ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n36r math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n36y math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n372 rdf:first _:nb4h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n37b math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n37c rdf:first _:nb4i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n37f rdf:first _:nb4l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n37m math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n37n rdf:first _:nb4q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n37q rdf:first _:nb4t ; rdf:rest _:nb4z ; a rdf:List . _:n380 rdf:first _:nb53 ; rdf:rest _:nb55 ; a rdf:List . _:n382 math:binder ; math:body _:nb57 ; math:variables _:nb58 ; a math:Binding . _:n38e rdf:first _:nb50 ; rdf:rest _:nb52 ; a rdf:List . _:n38m rdf:first _:nb5a ; rdf:rest _:nb5b ; a rdf:List . _:n38o math:arguments _:nb5c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n38s math:arguments _:nb5f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n38t rdf:first _:nb63 ; rdf:rest _:nb6u . _:n394 rdf:first _:nb6x ; rdf:rest _:nb6y ; a rdf:List . _:n396 math:arguments _:nb70 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n39a math:arguments _:nb73 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n39b rdf:first _:nb7p ; rdf:rest _:nb8f . _:n39r rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nb8g ; a rdf:List . _:n39t math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n39u rdf:first _:nb8h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3a2 rdf:first _:nb8i ; rdf:rest _:nb8k ; a rdf:List . _:n3a4 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3ad math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3al rdf:first _:nb8l ; rdf:rest _:nb8n ; a rdf:List . _:n3aq rdf:first _:nb8o ; rdf:rest _:nb8p ; a rdf:List . _:n3as math:arguments _:nb8q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3at rdf:first _:nb8u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3b2 math:value "10.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n3bf math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n3bs math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n3c1 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3c9 rdf:first _:nb9s ; rdf:rest _:nb9u ; a rdf:List . _:n3ce rdf:first _:nb9x ; rdf:rest _:nb9y ; a rdf:List . _:n3cg math:arguments _:nb9z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ch rdf:first _:nba3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3cq math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3cy rdf:first _:nbap ; rdf:rest _:nbar ; a rdf:List . _:n3d3 rdf:first _:nbas ; rdf:rest _:nbav ; a rdf:List . _:n3d5 math:arguments _:nbaw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3d6 rdf:first _:nbb0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3df math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3dn rdf:first _:nbab ; rdf:rest _:nbad ; a rdf:List . _:n3ds rdf:first _:nbae ; rdf:rest _:nbaf ; a rdf:List . _:n3du math:arguments _:nbag ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3dv rdf:first _:nbak ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3e4 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3ec rdf:first _:nb9e ; rdf:rest _:nb9g ; a rdf:List . _:n3eh rdf:first _:nb9h ; rdf:rest _:nb9i ; a rdf:List . _:n3ej math:arguments _:nb9j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ek rdf:first _:nb9n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3er math:arguments _:nb90 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3es rdf:first _:nb94 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ev rdf:first _:nb95 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3fu rdf:first _:nitj ; rdf:rest _:nitt ; a rdf:List . _:n3fw math:arguments _:nitu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3g4 rdf:first _:niui ; rdf:rest _:niw7 ; a rdf:List . _:n3g6 math:arguments _:niw8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ge rdf:first _:niyt ; rdf:rest _:nj0p ; a rdf:List . _:n3gg math:binder ; math:body _:nj0r ; math:variables _:nj18 ; a math:Binding . _:n3go rdf:first _:nisg ; rdf:rest _:nisr ; a rdf:List . _:n3gq math:binder ; math:body _:nist ; math:variables _:niti ; a math:Binding . _:n3h0 rdf:first _:nbbq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3h9 rdf:first _:nbbx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3hi rdf:first _:nbbj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3hr rdf:first _:nbba ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3i0 rdf:first _:nbc3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3i7 math:arguments _:nbic ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3i8 rdf:first _:nbih ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ib rdf:first _:nbir ; rdf:rest _:nbj6 ; a rdf:List . _:n3ig rdf:first _:nbj7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3iq math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3ir rdf:first _:nbjl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3j0 math:arguments _:nbh8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3j5 rdf:first _:nbhc ; rdf:rest _:nbhe ; a rdf:List . _:n3j7 math:arguments _:nbhf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3jj rdf:first _:nbeo ; rdf:rest _:nbfd ; a rdf:List . _:n3jl math:arguments _:nbfe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3jm rdf:first _:nbg5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3ju rdf:first _:nbhk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3jw math:arguments _:nbhx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3k5 math:arguments _:nbj8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ke math:arguments _:nbjf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3kq rdf:first _:nbc5 ; rdf:rest _:nbcv ; a rdf:List . _:n3ks math:arguments _:nbcw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3kt rdf:first _:nbds ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3l1 rdf:first _:nbjn ; rdf:rest _:nbjp ; a rdf:List . _:n3l3 math:arguments _:nbjr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3lc math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3ll math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3lm rdf:first _:nbjm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3lu rdf:first _:nbjy ; rdf:rest _:nbk0 ; a rdf:List . _:n3lw math:arguments _:nbk1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3m5 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3me math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3mf rdf:first _:nbjw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3mm math:arguments _:nbks ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3mo rdf:first _:nbkr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3mu rdf:first _:nbkw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3n3 rdf:first _:nbm2 ; rdf:rest _:nbmk ; a rdf:List . _:n3nb rdf:first _:nbk7 ; rdf:rest _:nbk9 ; a rdf:List . _:n3ng rdf:first _:nbka ; rdf:rest _:nbkc ; a rdf:List . _:n3ni math:arguments _:nbkd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3nq rdf:first _:nbkh ; rdf:rest _:nbkj ; a rdf:List . _:n3nv rdf:first _:nbkk ; rdf:rest _:nbkm ; a rdf:List . _:n3nx math:arguments _:nbkn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3o4 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n3oe rdf:first _:nbll ; rdf:rest _:nbm0 ; a rdf:List . _:n3om rdf:first _:nbld ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3oo math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3ow rdf:first _:nbsd ; rdf:rest _:nbsz ; a rdf:List . _:n3p5 math:arguments _:nbs8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3pe rdf:first _:nbt3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3pn math:arguments _:nbt0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3pw rdf:first _:nbp8 ; rdf:rest _:nbqa ; a rdf:List . _:n3q7 rdf:first _:nbp2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3qh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3qi rdf:first _:nbor ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3qw rdf:first _:nbmn ; rdf:rest _:nbmu ; a rdf:List . _:n3qy math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n3r2 math:arguments _:nbmv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3r3 rdf:first _:nbn3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3rd rdf:first _:nbvv ; rdf:rest _:nbwy ; a rdf:List . _:n3rk math:name "VV1" ; a math:Variable . _:n3rw rdf:first _:nbu5 ; rdf:rest _:nbuk ; a rdf:List . _:n3s6 rdf:first _:nbu0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3s8 math:arguments _:nbu2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ss math:arguments _:nbox ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3t0 rdf:first _:nbrn ; rdf:rest _:nbs4 ; a rdf:List . _:n3t9 math:arguments _:nbrh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3tk rdf:first _:nbrk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3ts rdf:first _:nbqo ; rdf:rest _:nbrd ; a rdf:List . _:n3tz math:name "VV1" ; a math:Variable . _:n3u2 rdf:first _:nbqf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3ug rdf:first _:nbql ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3un math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:n3uy math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:n3v5 rdf:first _:nbx3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3v7 math:arguments _:nbx8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3vb math:arguments _:nbxj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3vc rdf:first _:nbxl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3vj math:name "VV1" ; a math:Variable . _:n3vm rdf:first _:nbxo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3vy rdf:first _:nbun ; rdf:rest _:nbvp ; a rdf:List . _:n3w5 math:name "VV1" ; a math:Variable . _:n3wh rdf:first _:nbtg ; rdf:rest _:nbtx ; a rdf:List . _:n3wr rdf:first _:nbtb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n3wt math:arguments _:nbtc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3x2 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3xa math:arguments _:nbn6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3xl rdf:first _:nbnh ; rdf:rest _:nbnt ; a rdf:List . _:n3xn math:arguments _:nbnu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3xr math:arguments _:nbo4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3xs rdf:first _:nboh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3y1 math:arguments _:nbxp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3y2 rdf:first _:nbxr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n3y5 rdf:first _:nbxs ; rdf:rest _:nbxw ; a rdf:List . _:n3ya rdf:first _:nbxx ; rdf:rest _:nbys ; a rdf:List . _:n3yc math:arguments _:nbyu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3yl math:arguments _:nj1w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3ym rdf:first _:nj22 ; rdf:rest _:nj2n . _:n3yv math:arguments _:nj36 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n3yw rdf:first _:nj3e ; rdf:rest _:nj3t . _:n3z5 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3z6 rdf:first _:nj19 ; rdf:rest _:nj1u . _:n3zf math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n3zg rdf:first _:nj2p ; rdf:rest _:nj34 . _:n3zo rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nj64 ; a rdf:List . _:n3zt rdf:first _:nj65 ; rdf:rest _:nj6b ; a rdf:List . _:n3zv math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n403 rdf:first _:nj6c ; rdf:rest _:nj6e ; a rdf:List . _:n40a rdf:first _:nj3v ; rdf:rest _:nj3z ; a rdf:List . _:n40c math:arguments _:nj40 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n40g math:arguments _:nj47 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n40h rdf:first _:nj4e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n40p rdf:first _:nj4i ; rdf:rest _:nj4m ; a rdf:List . _:n40r math:arguments _:nj4n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n40v math:arguments _:nj4u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n40w rdf:first _:nj52 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n414 rdf:first _:nj56 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n416 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n41a math:arguments _:nj57 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n41b rdf:first _:nj5k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n41k rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nj5x ; a rdf:List . _:n41p rdf:first _:nj5y ; rdf:rest _:nj62 ; a rdf:List . _:n41z math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n420 rdf:first _:nj7b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n428 math:arguments _:nj6g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n429 rdf:first _:nj6f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n42b math:arguments _:nj6k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n42j math:binder ; math:body _:nj6p ; math:variables _:nj7a ; a math:Binding . _:n42r math:arguments _:nc0h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n42v math:arguments _:nc0l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n42w rdf:first _:nc0p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n43a rdf:first _:nc0s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n43j rdf:first _:nc0e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n43l math:arguments _:nc0f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n43x rdf:first _:nc01 ; rdf:rest _:nc04 ; a rdf:List . _:n445 rdf:first _:nbzy ; rdf:rest _:nc00 ; a rdf:List . _:n44d rdf:first _:nbzc ; rdf:rest _:nbzk ; a rdf:List . _:n44p rdf:first _:nbzl ; rdf:rest _:nbzn ; a rdf:List . _:n44r math:arguments _:nbzo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n44z rdf:first _:nc09 ; rdf:rest _:nc0c ; a rdf:List . _:n457 rdf:first _:nc06 ; rdf:rest _:nc08 ; a rdf:List . _:n45j rdf:first _:nc0u ; rdf:rest _:nc0w ; a rdf:List . _:n45n math:arguments _:nc0x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n45o rdf:first _:nc0z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n460 rdf:first _:nc14 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n462 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n46a rdf:first _:nc2k ; rdf:rest _:nc36 ; a rdf:List . _:n46c math:arguments _:nc37 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n46k rdf:first _:nc1p ; rdf:rest _:nc1x ; a rdf:List . _:n46m math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n46u rdf:first _:nc1z ; rdf:rest _:nc2f ; a rdf:List . _:n46w math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n474 rdf:first _:nc1c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n476 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n47f math:arguments _:nc1m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n47m math:arguments _:nc3e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n47n rdf:first _:nc3r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n47q rdf:first _:nc41 ; rdf:rest _:nc45 ; a rdf:List . _:n47y math:arguments _:nc4k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n48d rdf:first _:nc49 ; rdf:rest _:nc4b ; a rdf:List . _:n48f math:arguments _:nc4c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n48y rdf:first _:nc4i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n49a math:arguments _:nc4s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n49k rdf:first _:nc4w ; rdf:rest _:nc4y ; a rdf:List . _:n49o math:arguments _:nc4z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n49p rdf:first _:nc51 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4a6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ah math:arguments _:nc4o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ar rdf:first _:njbp ; rdf:rest _:njbx ; a rdf:List . _:n4at math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4b2 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n4b3 rdf:first _:njbz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ba math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n4bb rdf:first _:njbl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4bf math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n4bm math:arguments _:nj7o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4bn rdf:first _:nj7t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4bq rdf:first _:nj83 ; rdf:rest _:nj89 ; a rdf:List . _:n4bx math:arguments _:nj8b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4by rdf:first _:nj8n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4c1 rdf:first _:nj95 ; rdf:rest _:nj9v ; a rdf:List . _:n4c8 math:binder ; math:body _:nj9y ; math:variables _:njae ; a math:Binding . _:n4c9 rdf:first _:njaf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4cc rdf:first _:njb8 ; rdf:rest _:njbj ; a rdf:List . _:n4cj rdf:first _:njkl ; rdf:rest _:njku ; a rdf:List . _:n4cl math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4co rdf:first _:njkv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4cq math:arguments _:njr7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4cy rdf:first _:njrp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4d0 math:arguments _:njrq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4d7 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n4d8 rdf:first _:njg4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4db rdf:first _:njg7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4di math:arguments _:njs0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4dl rdf:first _:njs6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ds math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4dw rdf:first _:njrx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ed rdf:first _:nj7e ; rdf:rest _:nj7l ; a rdf:List . _:n4ef math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4em math:arguments _:njc1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4en rdf:first _:njds ; rdf:rest _:njg0 . _:n4ev rdf:first _:njro ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4fc math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n4fd rdf:first _:nj7c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4fl rdf:first _:nc6a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4fn math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n4fx math:arguments _:nc7l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4fy rdf:first _:nc89 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4g2 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n4g3 rdf:first _:nc7k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4gd math:arguments _:nc6k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ge rdf:first _:nc70 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4gi math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n4gr math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n4gy math:arguments _:nc9j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4gz rdf:first _:nc9l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4h9 math:binder ; math:body _:nc5y ; math:variables _:nc68 ; a math:Binding . _:n4hh rdf:first _:nc57 ; rdf:rest _:nc59 ; a rdf:List . _:n4hm rdf:first _:nc5a ; rdf:rest _:nc5k ; a rdf:List . _:n4ho math:arguments _:nc5n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4hw rdf:first _:nc6f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4hy math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:n4i7 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ie math:arguments _:nc9q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4if rdf:first _:nc9s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4iw rdf:first _:nc96 ; rdf:rest _:nc9g ; a rdf:List . _:n4iy math:arguments _:nc9h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ji math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4jj rdf:first _:ncb7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4k3 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4k4 rdf:first _:ncb4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4kd math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4km math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4kr math:arguments _:nc9x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ks rdf:first _:ncad ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4kw math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n4l5 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4lk rdf:first _:ncbb ; rdf:rest _:ncbd ; a rdf:List . _:n4ls math:arguments _:ncbg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4m1 math:encoding "MathML-presentation" ; math:value """ senx """ ; a math:Foreign . _:n4m4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n4p6 rdf:first _:ncc0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4p8 math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n4pg rdf:first _:ncbt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4pi math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n4pq rdf:first _:ncf9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ps math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4q1 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n4q8 math:arguments _:ncii ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4q9 rdf:first _:ncim ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4qj rdf:first _:ncfz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4ql math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:n4r0 math:arguments _:ncg7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4r1 rdf:first _:ncgo ; rdf:rest _:nch5 . _:n4r5 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n4rh math:arguments _:nch6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4ri rdf:first _:nchc ; rdf:rest _:nci4 . _:n4rs rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncf6 ; a rdf:List . _:n4ru rdf:first _:ncf7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4s2 rdf:first _:ncc7 ; rdf:rest _:ncca ; a rdf:List . _:n4s7 rdf:first _:nccc ; rdf:rest _:nccz ; a rdf:List . _:n4s9 math:arguments _:ncd0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4sa rdf:first _:ncdo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4si rdf:first _:ncfh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4sk math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ss rdf:first _:ncft ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4st math:arguments _:ncfq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4td rdf:first _:nci5 ; rdf:rest _:ncif ; a rdf:List . _:n4tf math:arguments _:ncig ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4tz math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4u0 rdf:first _:ncjx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4uk math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4ul rdf:first _:ncjt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4uu math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4v3 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4v8 math:arguments _:ncir ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4v9 rdf:first _:ncj7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4vd math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n4vm math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n4w2 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4w3 rdf:first _:ncjz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4w7 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4w8 rdf:first _:nck0 ; rdf:rest _:nck2 . _:n4wn math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4wo rdf:first _:nck3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4ws math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4wt rdf:first _:nck4 ; rdf:rest _:nck6 . _:n4xd math:arguments _:nck7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4xj math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:n4xr rdf:first _:nckd ; rdf:rest _:nckf ; a rdf:List . _:n4y0 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4y4 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4y5 rdf:first _:nckb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n4yh math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n4yk rdf:first _:nckc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n4zn math:arguments _:ncki ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n4zw math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n4zx rdf:first _:nckv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n50j math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n50k rdf:first _:nclx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n50n rdf:first _:ncly ; rdf:rest _:ncm0 ; a rdf:List . _:n50t math:arguments _:ncm1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n510 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n511 rdf:first _:ncl1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n518 rdf:first _:ncl2 ; rdf:rest _:ncl4 ; a rdf:List . _:n51a math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n51j math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n51k rdf:first _:nckw ; rdf:rest _:nckz . _:n51t math:arguments _:ncm5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n521 rdf:first _:ncmx ; rdf:rest _:ncn0 ; a rdf:List . _:n523 math:arguments _:ncn2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n52b rdf:first _:ncmm ; rdf:rest _:ncmp ; a rdf:List . _:n52d math:arguments _:ncmr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n52l rdf:first _:ncmd ; rdf:rest _:ncmf ; a rdf:List . _:n52n math:arguments _:ncmg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n534 rdf:first _:ncko ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n536 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n53d math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n53e rdf:first _:nclr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n53h rdf:first _:ncls ; rdf:rest _:nclv ; a rdf:List . _:n53n math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n53v rdf:first _:ncl5 ; rdf:rest _:ncl7 ; a rdf:List . _:n541 math:arguments _:ncl8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n549 math:arguments _:nclc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n54d math:arguments _:nclg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n54e rdf:first _:nclk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n556 math:arguments _:ncnc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n55f math:arguments _:ncn8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n55u rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncng ; a rdf:List . _:n55w math:binder ; math:body _:ncni ; math:variables _:ncno ; a math:Binding . _:n56b rdf:first _:ncpf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n57b math:arguments _:ncnr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n57k math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n58k rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncz9 ; a rdf:List . _:n58s rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncs6 ; a rdf:List . _:n58u math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n592 math:arguments _:ncph ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n593 rdf:first _:ncpv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n59b rdf:first _:nd07 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n59d math:arguments _:nd0c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n59l rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncx5 ; a rdf:List . _:n59t rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd23 ; a rdf:List . _:n59v math:arguments _:nd25 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5a3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncv6 ; a rdf:List . _:n5ab rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nct4 ; a rdf:List . _:n5ad math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5al rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncw4 ; a rdf:List . _:n5at rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd05 ; a rdf:List . _:n5b1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncya ; a rdf:List . _:n5b3 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5bb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncu5 ; a rdf:List . _:n5bd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5be rdf:first _:ncu7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5bm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd45 ; a rdf:List . _:n5bu rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncr4 ; a rdf:List . _:n5c2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd5a ; a rdf:List . _:n5c4 math:arguments _:nd5d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5cc rdf:first _:nd5f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5ce math:arguments _:nd5g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5cl rdf:first _:nd5k ; rdf:rest _:nd65 ; a rdf:List . _:n5cn math:arguments _:nd66 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5cw rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd4l ; a rdf:List . _:n5cy math:arguments _:nd4n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5d5 rdf:first _:nd6u ; rdf:rest _:nd75 ; a rdf:List . _:n5d7 math:arguments _:nd76 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5df math:arguments _:nd8p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5dg rdf:first _:nd8v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5dp rdf:first _:nd7k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5dw rdf:first _:nd7l ; rdf:rest _:nd7u ; a rdf:List . _:n5dy math:arguments _:nd7v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5e2 math:arguments _:nd8a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5e3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5e6 rdf:first _:nd8h ; rdf:rest _:nd8o ; a rdf:List . _:n5ee rdf:first _:ndf3 ; rdf:rest _:ndfk ; a rdf:List . _:n5eg math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5ep math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5eq rdf:first _:nk11 ; rdf:rest _:nk13 . _:n5ez math:value "piet"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n5f0 rdf:first _:njtc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5f8 rdf:first _:njza ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5fa math:arguments _:njzx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5fh rdf:first _:njyr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5fj math:arguments _:njys ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5fn math:arguments _:njyu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5fo rdf:first _:njz7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5g0 rdf:first _:ndcd ; rdf:rest _:ndci ; a rdf:List . _:n5g4 math:arguments _:ndcm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5gc rdf:first _:ndae ; rdf:rest _:ndaj ; a rdf:List . _:n5gl math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5gm rdf:first _:nd8w ; rdf:rest _:nd8z . _:n5gu rdf:first _:nd9b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5gv math:arguments _:nd91 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5gx math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5h5 rdf:first _:ndbm ; rdf:rest _:ndc4 ; a rdf:List . _:n5h7 math:arguments _:ndc7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5hf rdf:first _:ndd2 ; rdf:rest _:ndde ; a rdf:List . _:n5hj math:arguments _:nddf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5hk rdf:first _:nddl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5hs rdf:first _:ndan ; rdf:rest _:ndaq ; a rdf:List . _:n5i0 rdf:first _:ndas ; rdf:rest _:ndav ; a rdf:List . _:n5i9 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5ia rdf:first _:nda7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ij math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5ik rdf:first _:nda9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5it math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5iu rdf:first _:ndab ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5j3 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5j4 rdf:first _:ndac ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5jd math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5je rdf:first _:ndad ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5jm rdf:first _:njvx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5jr rdf:first _:njw8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5jz rdf:first _:ndax ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5k4 rdf:first _:ndb8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5kc rdf:first _:nddq ; rdf:rest _:nde6 ; a rdf:List . _:n5ke math:arguments _:nde7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5km rdf:first _:njte ; rdf:rest _:njth ; a rdf:List . _:n5kv math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5kw rdf:first _:nd9c ; rdf:rest _:nd9f . _:n5l0 math:arguments _:nd9h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5l1 rdf:first _:nd9n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5l9 rdf:first _:nda5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5la math:arguments _:nd9t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5lc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5lk rdf:first _:ndcs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5lo math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5lp rdf:first _:ndcx ; rdf:rest _:ndd0 . _:n5lx rdf:first _:njxz ; rdf:rest _:njye ; a rdf:List . _:n5m1 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5m2 rdf:first _:njyf ; rdf:rest _:njym . _:n5ma rdf:first _:nk0b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5mc math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5mm math:arguments _:nk03 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5mn rdf:first _:nk05 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5my math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5mz rdf:first _:njx2 ; rdf:rest _:njx5 . _:n5n3 math:arguments _:njx7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5n4 rdf:first _:njxe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5nc rdf:first _:njxx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5nd math:arguments _:njxl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5nf math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5nn rdf:first _:njtl ; rdf:rest _:njtp ; a rdf:List . _:n5np math:arguments _:njtt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5nx rdf:first _:njtx ; rdf:rest _:nju9 ; a rdf:List . _:n5o1 math:arguments _:njua ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5o2 rdf:first _:njug ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5oa rdf:first _:njul ; rdf:rest _:njv1 ; a rdf:List . _:n5oc math:arguments _:njv2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5og math:arguments _:njv8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5oh rdf:first _:njvq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ot rdf:first _:ndfm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5ov math:arguments _:ndfn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5p3 rdf:first _:nded ; rdf:rest _:ndet ; a rdf:List . _:n5p5 math:arguments _:ndeu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5pd rdf:first _:nk1p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5pf math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5pm rdf:first _:nk14 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5pq math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n5pr rdf:first _:nk15 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5q1 rdf:first _:njwm ; rdf:rest _:njwp ; a rdf:List . _:n5q3 math:arguments _:njwr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5q4 rdf:first _:njww ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5qb math:arguments _:ndhm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5qc rdf:first _:ndhs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5qi rdf:first _:ndhz ; rdf:rest _:ndid ; a rdf:List . _:n5qq rdf:first _:ndk7 ; rdf:rest _:ndkl ; a rdf:List . _:n5qs math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n5qw math:arguments _:ndkm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5qx rdf:first _:ndl2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5r0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ndlb ; a rdf:List . _:n5r9 rdf:first _:ndie ; rdf:rest _:ndig ; a rdf:List . _:n5rb math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:n5rf math:arguments _:ndih ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5rg rdf:first _:ndim ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5rj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ndir ; a rdf:List . _:n5rs rdf:first _:ndis ; rdf:rest _:ndj6 ; a rdf:List . _:n5ru math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:n5ry math:arguments _:ndj7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5rz rdf:first _:ndjn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5s2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ndjw ; a rdf:List . _:n5sb rdf:first _:ndg0 ; rdf:rest _:ndgf ; a rdf:List . _:n5sd math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:n5sh math:arguments _:ndgh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5si rdf:first _:ndgy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5sl rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ndh5 ; a rdf:List . _:n5su rdf:first _:ndh6 ; rdf:rest _:ndh9 ; a rdf:List . _:n5sw rdf:first _:ndhb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5ta math:arguments _:ndjx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5tb rdf:first _:ndk3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5tp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n5ts rdf:first _:ndmv ; rdf:rest _:ndni ; a rdf:List . _:n5tz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n5u2 rdf:first _:ndm4 ; rdf:rest _:ndms ; a rdf:List . _:n5u9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n5uc rdf:first _:ndlc ; rdf:rest _:ndm1 ; a rdf:List . _:n5ul math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n5um rdf:first _:ndp2 ; rdf:rest _:ndp4 . _:n5uu rdf:first _:ndnk ; rdf:rest _:ndox ; a rdf:List . _:n5v2 rdf:first _:nk2u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5v4 math:arguments _:nk2v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5vc rdf:first _:nk34 ; rdf:rest _:nk3h ; a rdf:List . _:n5ve math:arguments _:nk3i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5vm rdf:first _:nk3r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5vo math:arguments _:nk3s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5vp rdf:first _:nk43 ; rdf:rest _:nk5t . _:n5vy math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:n5w7 math:arguments _:nk2l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5w8 rdf:first _:nk2p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5wh math:arguments _:nk2c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5wi rdf:first _:nk2g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n5wp math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n5ws rdf:first _:nk5w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5wx rdf:first _:nk5x ; rdf:rest _:nk5z ; a rdf:List . _:n5xa math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n5xb rdf:first _:ndp8 ; rdf:rest _:ndpa . _:n5y5 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n5yk rdf:first _:ndq1 ; rdf:rest _:ndq4 ; a rdf:List . _:n5yo math:arguments _:ndq6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5yx math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n5z0 rdf:first _:ndqx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n5z2 math:arguments _:ndqy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5zb math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n5zc rdf:first _:ndpy ; rdf:rest _:ndq0 . _:n5zl math:arguments _:ndpp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n5zm rdf:first _:ndpt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n602 math:arguments _:ndqm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n60f math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n60o math:arguments _:ndpg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n60p rdf:first _:ndpk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n60y math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n617 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n618 rdf:first _:ndqk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n61h math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n61m rdf:first _:ndqd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n61v math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n62b math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n62y math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n63k rdf:first _:ndv1 ; rdf:rest _:ndve ; a rdf:List . _:n63s rdf:first _:ndtg ; rdf:rest _:ndtt ; a rdf:List . _:n63z math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:n640 rdf:first _:ndrs ; rdf:rest _:nds6 . _:n643 rdf:first _:nds7 ; rdf:rest _:ndtf ; a rdf:List . _:n64f math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n64g rdf:first _:ndtu ; rdf:rest _:ndu2 . _:n64m math:arguments _:ndu3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n64v math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n64w rdf:first _:ndua ; rdf:rest _:ndui . _:n652 math:arguments _:nduj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n65d math:arguments _:ndvf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n65k math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n65l rdf:first _:ndr0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n65r math:arguments _:ndr1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n661 rdf:first _:ndvr ; rdf:rest _:ndxy ; a rdf:List . _:n665 rdf:first _:ndyc ; rdf:rest _:ne1z ; a rdf:List . _:n667 math:name "xA" ; a math:Variable . _:n668 rdf:first _:ndy3 ; rdf:rest _:ne24 . _:n66g rdf:first _:ne2e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n66l math:arguments _:ne4a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n66m rdf:first _:ne40 ; rdf:rest _:ne77 ; a rdf:List . _:n66u rdf:first _:ne7j ; rdf:rest _:neb7 ; a rdf:List . _:n66z math:arguments _:nebg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n670 rdf:first _:nebc ; rdf:rest _:nee7 ; a rdf:List . _:n678 rdf:first _:neez ; rdf:rest _:nefp ; a rdf:List . _:n67e math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n67f rdf:first _:nefu ; rdf:rest _:nefy . _:n67o math:arguments _:nee8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n67p rdf:first _:neec ; rdf:rest _:neew . _:n67w math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n67x rdf:first _:neij ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n686 math:arguments _:neik ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n687 rdf:first _:neio ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n68n rdf:first _:nelf ; rdf:rest _:neln ; a rdf:List . _:n68p math:arguments _:nelp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n68w math:arguments _:nehe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n68z rdf:first _:nei4 ; rdf:rest _:neii ; a rdf:List . _:n696 math:arguments _:neit ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n699 rdf:first _:neja ; rdf:rest _:nejz ; a rdf:List . _:n69g math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n69h rdf:first _:neg1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n69k rdf:first _:neg2 ; rdf:rest _:neg8 ; a rdf:List . _:n69m math:arguments _:neg9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n69u math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n69y math:arguments _:nel6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n69z rdf:first _:nela ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6aa math:arguments _:negt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ab rdf:first _:neh5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ae rdf:first _:neh6 ; rdf:rest _:nehc ; a rdf:List . _:n6as rdf:first _:nelt ; rdf:rest _:nelz ; a rdf:List . _:n6au math:arguments _:nem0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ay math:binder ; math:body _:nem9 ; math:variables _:nemw ; a math:Binding . _:n6az rdf:first _:nemx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ba math:arguments _:nek2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6bd rdf:first _:nekk ; rdf:rest _:nel4 ; a rdf:List . _:n6bk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6bl rdf:first _:negh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6bo rdf:first _:negi ; rdf:rest _:negs ; a rdf:List . _:n6c2 math:arguments _:nena ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6cc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6ck rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nep5 ; a rdf:List . _:n6cm math:arguments _:nep6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6cr rdf:first _:nepi ; rdf:rest _:neqd ; a rdf:List . _:n6d5 math:arguments _:neqe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6df math:arguments _:nes2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6dk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nesr ; a rdf:List . _:n6ds rdf:first _:netv ; rdf:rest _:neui ; a rdf:List . _:n6dx rdf:first _:neuj ; rdf:rest _:neuu ; a rdf:List . _:n6e5 rdf:first _:ness ; rdf:rest _:netf ; a rdf:List . _:n6e7 math:arguments _:netg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ec rdf:first _:neti ; rdf:rest _:nett ; a rdf:List . _:n6ej math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ek rdf:first _:neuw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6en rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6ep math:arguments _:neux ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ew math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ex rdf:first _:nevp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6f0 rdf:first _:nevq ; rdf:rest _:new4 ; a rdf:List . _:n6f2 math:arguments _:new5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6f3 rdf:first _:new9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6fa math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6fb rdf:first _:nf0s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6fe rdf:first _:nf0t ; rdf:rest _:nf17 ; a rdf:List . _:n6fg math:arguments _:nf18 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6fh rdf:first _:nf1a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6fo math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6fp rdf:first _:newb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6fs rdf:first _:newc ; rdf:rest _:newe ; a rdf:List . _:n6fu math:arguments _:newf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6fv rdf:first _:newg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6g3 rdf:first _:nex9 ; rdf:rest _:nexb ; a rdf:List . _:n6g5 math:arguments _:nexc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6g6 rdf:first _:nexg ; rdf:rest _:neyg . _:n6gb rdf:first _:neyh ; rdf:rest _:nezm ; a rdf:List . _:n6gj rdf:first _:nezq ; rdf:rest _:nezs ; a rdf:List . _:n6gl math:arguments _:nezt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6gm rdf:first _:nezu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6gu rdf:first _:nf20 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6gw math:arguments _:nf2m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6h4 rdf:first _:nf1b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6h6 math:arguments _:nf1y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6he rdf:first _:nf2s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6ho rdf:first _:nf3b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6hq math:arguments _:nf3c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6i2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf3h ; a rdf:List . _:n6i4 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6i5 rdf:first _:nf3i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6il math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n6im rdf:first _:nf3f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6iu rdf:first _:nf3l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6j3 math:name "Y" ; a math:Variable . _:n6j4 rdf:first _:nf3k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6jb rdf:first _:nf47 ; rdf:rest _:nf4d ; a rdf:List . _:n6jd math:arguments _:nf4e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6jh math:arguments _:nf4h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ji rdf:first _:nf53 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6k7 math:name "Y" ; a math:Variable . _:n6k8 rdf:first _:nf5e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6kh math:arguments _:nf5g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ki rdf:first _:nf5s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6kq rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf67 ; a rdf:List . _:n6ks math:arguments _:nf69 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6l0 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n6l8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6l9 rdf:first _:nf8w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6lh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf78 ; a rdf:List . _:n6lj math:arguments _:nf7a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6lr rdf:first _:nf86 ; rdf:rest _:nf8v ; a rdf:List . _:n6lt math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6mb math:arguments _:nk60 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6mc rdf:first _:nk64 ; rdf:rest _:nk6e . _:n6mv math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n6n3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nk6g ; a rdf:List . _:n6n5 math:arguments _:nk6h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ne math:value "125"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6nm rdf:first _:nf8z ; rdf:rest _:nf91 ; a rdf:List . _:n6no math:arguments _:nf92 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6nx math:arguments _:nfey ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6o6 math:arguments _:nf9a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6o7 rdf:first _:nf9c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6og math:arguments _:nfbc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6oh rdf:first _:nfbf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6oq math:arguments _:nfd5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6or rdf:first _:nfd7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6oz math:arguments _:nffi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6p0 rdf:first _:nffe ; rdf:rest _:nfgv ; a rdf:List . _:n6p8 math:arguments _:nff1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6p9 rdf:first _:nff4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6pj math:value "en"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:n6ps math:arguments _:nk7h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6q1 rdf:first foaf:Person ; rdf:rest _:nk76 ; a rdf:List . _:n6ql rdf:first foaf:Person ; rdf:rest _:nk73 ; a rdf:List . _:n6qt math:arguments _:nk7a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6r2 math:arguments _:nk7e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ra math:arguments _:nfio ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6ri rdf:first _:nfh2 ; rdf:rest _:nfh4 ; a rdf:List . _:n6rk math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6rr math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6rs rdf:first _:nfgy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6rv rdf:first _:nfgz ; rdf:rest _:nfh1 ; a rdf:List . _:n6s1 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n6s9 rdf:first _:nfik ; rdf:rest _:nfim ; a rdf:List . _:n6sb math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6si math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6sj rdf:first _:nfif ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6sm rdf:first _:nfig ; rdf:rest _:nfii ; a rdf:List . _:n6ss math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n6t0 rdf:first _:nfhm ; rdf:rest _:nfhp ; a rdf:List . _:n6t2 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6t9 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ta rdf:first _:nfhh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6td rdf:first _:nfhj ; rdf:rest _:nfhl ; a rdf:List . _:n6tj math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n6tr rdf:first _:nfic ; rdf:rest _:nfie ; a rdf:List . _:n6tt math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6u0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6u1 rdf:first _:nfi6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6u4 rdf:first _:nfi9 ; rdf:rest _:nfib ; a rdf:List . _:n6ua math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n6ui rdf:first _:nfhd ; rdf:rest _:nfhf ; a rdf:List . _:n6uk math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6ur math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6us rdf:first _:nfh6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6uv rdf:first _:nfh7 ; rdf:rest _:nfh9 ; a rdf:List . _:n6v1 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n6v9 rdf:first _:nfi3 ; rdf:rest _:nfi5 ; a rdf:List . _:n6vb math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n6vi math:arguments _:nfhr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6vj rdf:first _:nfhv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6vm rdf:first _:nfi0 ; rdf:rest _:nfi2 ; a rdf:List . _:n6vv math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n6w1 math:binder ; math:body _:nfm7 ; math:variables _:nfmg ; a math:Binding . _:n6wd math:arguments _:nfmh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6we rdf:first _:nfmv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6wi math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n6wu math:arguments _:nfo3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6wv rdf:first _:nfo7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6x9 rdf:first _:nflo ; rdf:rest _:nflq ; a rdf:List . _:n6xb math:arguments _:nflr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6xc rdf:first _:nflv ; rdf:rest _:nfm5 . _:n6xo math:arguments _:nfka ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6xp rdf:first _:nfke ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6xz rdf:first _:nfit ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6y5 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n6yh math:arguments _:nfkp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6yi rdf:first _:nfle ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6ym math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n6yy math:arguments _:nfix ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6yz rdf:first _:nfk1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6z3 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n6z4 rdf:first _:nfiw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n6zc rdf:first _:nftp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6ze math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:n6zl math:arguments _:nfvs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n6zo rdf:first _:nfw4 ; rdf:rest _:nfw8 ; a rdf:List . _:n6zw rdf:first _:nfro ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n6zy math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n705 math:arguments _:nfwv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n706 rdf:first _:nfx5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n70g rdf:first _:nfst ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n70i math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:n70s math:arguments _:nfut ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n70t rdf:first _:nfva ; rdf:rest _:nfvr . _:n70x math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n715 rdf:first _:nfs1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n717 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:n71e math:arguments _:nfwb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n71h rdf:first _:nfwp ; rdf:rest _:nfws ; a rdf:List . _:n71p rdf:first _:nfse ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n71r math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:n71y math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n71z rdf:first _:nfxk ; rdf:rest _:nfxu . _:n729 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfrk ; a rdf:List . _:n72h rdf:first _:nfoi ; rdf:rest _:nfoo ; a rdf:List . _:n72j math:binder ; math:body _:nfox ; math:variables _:nfrf ; a math:Binding . _:n72y rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfxb ; a rdf:List . _:n730 math:arguments _:nfxc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n738 rdf:first _:nfu3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n73a math:binder ; math:body _:nfuj ; math:variables _:nfur ; a math:Binding . _:n73i rdf:first _:nftb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n73k math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:n744 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n745 rdf:first _:nfz2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n74p math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n74q rdf:first _:nfyz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n74z math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n758 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n75d math:arguments _:nfxv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n75e rdf:first _:nfyb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n75i math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n75r math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n767 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n768 rdf:first _:nfz5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n76c math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n76d rdf:first _:nfz6 ; rdf:rest _:nfz8 . _:n76s math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n76t rdf:first _:nfz9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n76x math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n76y rdf:first _:nfza ; rdf:rest _:nfzc . _:n77b math:arguments _:ng0v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n77c rdf:first _:ng10 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n77f rdf:first _:ng16 ; rdf:rest _:ng1d ; a rdf:List . _:n77o math:arguments _:ng0j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n77w rdf:first _:nfzd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n77y math:arguments _:nfzi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n785 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng3i ; a rdf:List . _:n78f rdf:first _:ng3e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n78o math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n78u math:arguments _:nfzw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n793 math:arguments _:ng0p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n79m rdf:first _:ng3d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n79v math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:n7a3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng03 ; a rdf:List . _:n7a5 math:arguments _:ng04 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ad rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng1g ; a rdf:List . _:n7af math:arguments _:ng1l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7an rdf:first _:ng20 ; rdf:rest _:ng24 ; a rdf:List . _:n7ap math:arguments _:ng25 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7au rdf:first _:ng2r ; rdf:rest _:ng3c ; a rdf:List . _:n7b1 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:n7b4 math:arguments _:ng3n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7b5 rdf:first _:ng3m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7c1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng50 ; a rdf:List . _:n7c3 math:arguments _:ng54 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ca rdf:first _:ng6l ; rdf:rest _:ng6o ; a rdf:List . _:n7cc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7cg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ch rdf:first _:ng6p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7cr math:arguments _:ng6s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7cv math:arguments _:ng6x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7cw rdf:first _:ng6z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7d6 math:arguments _:ng7w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7da math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n7db rdf:first _:ng85 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7dk rdf:first _:ng8i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7dm math:arguments _:ng8m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7dq math:arguments _:ng8u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7dr rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7e4 math:arguments _:ng70 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7e5 rdf:first _:ng79 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ei math:arguments _:ng7g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7ej rdf:first _:ng7p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7et rdf:first _:ng94 ; rdf:rest _:ng97 ; a rdf:List . _:n7ev math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7f6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng91 ; a rdf:List . _:n7f8 math:arguments _:ng92 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7fg rdf:first _:ngbg ; rdf:rest _:ngbj ; a rdf:List . _:n7fi math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7fq rdf:first _:ngb9 ; rdf:rest _:ngbe ; a rdf:List . _:n7fs math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7g1 rdf:first _:ngbl ; rdf:rest _:ngby . _:n7ga math:value "2.2"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n7gb rdf:first _:nga0 ; rdf:rest _:ngab . _:n7gi math:arguments _:ng99 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7gp rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng9u ; a rdf:List . _:n7gr math:arguments _:ng9v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7h0 math:value "2.2"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n7h1 rdf:first _:ngao ; rdf:rest _:ngaz . _:n7h8 math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:n7hd rdf:first _:ngal ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7hf math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7hp rdf:first _:ngca ; rdf:rest _:ngcc ; a rdf:List . _:n7hr math:binder ; math:body _:ngce ; math:variables _:ngcm ; a math:Binding . _:n7i0 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7i5 rdf:first _:ngcy ; rdf:rest _:ngd0 ; a rdf:List . _:n7i7 math:binder ; math:body _:ngd2 ; math:variables _:ngdi ; a math:Binding . _:n7ih rdf:first _:ngcn ; rdf:rest _:ngcv ; a rdf:List . _:n7ir rdf:first _:ngcx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7it math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7j2 rdf:first _:ngf1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7j4 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n7jb math:arguments _:nggv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7jc rdf:first _:nggx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7jn math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n7jx math:arguments _:ngfb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7jy rdf:first _:ngfr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7k2 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n7k9 math:arguments _:nggb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7kc rdf:first _:nggf ; rdf:rest _:nggh ; a rdf:List . _:n7kk rdf:first _:ngf6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7km math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ku rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngf0 ; a rdf:List . _:n7l3 rdf:first _:ngdj ; rdf:rest _:ngdl ; a rdf:List . _:n7l8 rdf:first _:ngdm ; rdf:rest _:ngea ; a rdf:List . _:n7la math:arguments _:ngeb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7lp rdf:first _:nggi ; rdf:rest _:nggs ; a rdf:List . _:n7lr math:arguments _:nggt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7mb math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7mc rdf:first _:ngi5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7mw math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7mx rdf:first _:ngi4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7n6 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7nf math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7nk math:arguments _:ngh2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7nl rdf:first _:nghi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7np math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ny math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n7oe math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7of rdf:first _:ngi7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7oj math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ok rdf:first _:ngi8 ; rdf:rest _:ngia . _:n7oz math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7p0 rdf:first _:ngib ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7p4 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7p5 rdf:first _:ngie ; rdf:rest _:ngig . _:n7pi math:arguments _:ngij ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7pl rdf:first _:ngip ; rdf:rest _:ngir ; a rdf:List . _:n7ps math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:n7pt rdf:first _:ngit ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7pz math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:n7q7 rdf:first _:ngix ; rdf:rest _:ngiz ; a rdf:List . _:n7qg math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7qk math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7ql rdf:first _:ngiv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7qx math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:n7r0 rdf:first _:ngiw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7rb math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n7rc rdf:first _:ngj0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7s3 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n7s4 rdf:first _:ngkm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7s7 rdf:first _:ngkn ; rdf:rest _:ngkp ; a rdf:List . _:n7sd math:arguments _:ngkq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7sk math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7sl rdf:first _:ngjt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7ss rdf:first _:ngju ; rdf:rest _:ngjw ; a rdf:List . _:n7su math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n7t2 math:arguments _:ngj2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7t3 rdf:first _:ngj1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7t5 math:arguments _:ngj6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7te math:arguments _:ngkx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7tq rdf:first _:ngku ; rdf:rest _:ngkw ; a rdf:List . _:n7ty rdf:first _:ngm7 ; rdf:rest _:ngma ; a rdf:List . _:n7u0 math:arguments _:ngmc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7uc rdf:first _:ngm4 ; rdf:rest _:ngm6 ; a rdf:List . _:n7uk rdf:first _:nglt ; rdf:rest _:nglw ; a rdf:List . _:n7um math:arguments _:ngly ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7uy math:arguments _:nglk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7uz rdf:first _:nglo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7v9 rdf:first _:nglb ; rdf:rest _:ngld ; a rdf:List . _:n7vb math:arguments _:ngle ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7vn rdf:first _:ngl4 ; rdf:rest _:ngl6 ; a rdf:List . _:n7vp math:arguments _:ngl7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7vy math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7vz rdf:first _:ngjs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7wg rdf:first _:ngja ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7wi math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n7wq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7wy math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:n7wz rdf:first _:ngki ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7x2 rdf:first _:ngkj ; rdf:rest _:ngkl ; a rdf:List . _:n7x8 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7xg math:binder ; math:body _:ngjj ; math:variables _:ngjr ; a math:Binding . _:n7xo rdf:first _:ngjx ; rdf:rest _:ngjz ; a rdf:List . _:n7xu math:arguments _:ngk0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7y2 math:arguments _:ngk4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7y6 math:arguments _:ngk8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7y7 rdf:first _:ngkd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7yl rdf:first _:ngmj ; rdf:rest _:ngmt ; a rdf:List . _:n7ym math:arguments _:ngmi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7yo math:arguments _:ngmu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7yv math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n7yw rdf:first _:ngn0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7yz rdf:first _:ngn1 ; rdf:rest _:ngn3 ; a rdf:List . _:n7z1 math:binder ; math:body _:ngn6 ; math:variables _:ngnw ; a math:Binding . _:n7z6 rdf:first _:ngo1 ; rdf:rest _:ngo3 ; a rdf:List . _:n7z7 math:arguments _:ngny ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7z9 math:arguments _:ngo4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7zh math:arguments _:ngpz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7zi rdf:first _:ngpy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7zk math:arguments _:ngq3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7zl rdf:first _:ngqd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n7zt math:arguments _:ngp4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7zu rdf:first _:ngp3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n7zw math:arguments _:ngp8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n7zx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n805 rdf:first _:ngpc ; rdf:rest _:ngpe ; a rdf:List . _:n807 math:arguments _:ngpf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n80f math:arguments _:ngqg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n80g rdf:first _:ngqf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n80i math:arguments _:ngqk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n80j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngqw . _:n80q math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:n812 rdf:first _:ngwn ; rdf:rest _:ngx7 ; a rdf:List . _:n814 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n815 rdf:first _:ngwm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n81i math:arguments _:ngso ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n81j rdf:first _:ngsr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n81w math:arguments _:ngqx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n81x rdf:first _:ngr0 ; rdf:rest _:ngsn . _:n82a rdf:first _:ngt8 ; rdf:rest _:ngtt ; a rdf:List . _:n82c math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n82d rdf:first _:ngt7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n82m rdf:first _:ngtw ; rdf:rest _:ngtx ; a rdf:List . _:n82o math:arguments _:ngty ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n82p rdf:first _:ngu1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n82t rdf:first _:ngu6 ; rdf:rest _:ngul ; a rdf:List . _:n82v math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:n836 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n837 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n83a math:arguments _:nguo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n83b rdf:first _:ngun ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n83g math:arguments _:ngvc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n83h rdf:first _:ngvv ; rdf:rest _:ngwl . _:n83u math:arguments _:ngsy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n83v rdf:first _:ngt1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n84b math:arguments _:nk9m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n84m rdf:first _:nk7j ; rdf:rest _:nk82 ; a rdf:List . _:n84o math:name "nb" ; a math:Variable . _:n84x math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:nk9c ; a math:AttributionPair . _:n855 math:arguments _:nk9f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n85d math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:n85g rdf:first _:nk9h ; rdf:rest _:nk9i ; a rdf:List . _:n85o math:arguments _:nke8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n85p rdf:first _:nkec ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n85t math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n863 math:arguments _:nka5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n864 rdf:first _:nka8 ; rdf:rest _:nkdz . _:n868 math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:n869 rdf:first _:nka4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n86h math:arguments _:nk9j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n86p rdf:first _:nk9k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n86u rdf:first _:nk9l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n86w math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:n87i rdf:first _:nk8w ; rdf:rest _:nk95 ; a rdf:List . _:n87k math:arguments _:nk9b ; math:target _:nk9a ; a math:Attribution . _:n87s math:arguments _:nk85 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n87w rdf:first _:nk87 ; rdf:rest _:nk8p ; a rdf:List . _:n87y math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:n88a rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n88i rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n89a rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n89i rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n89r rdf:first _:ngx9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n89t math:name "AbelianSemiGroup" ; a math:Variable . _:n8a1 rdf:first _:ngxa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8a3 math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:n8bn math:arguments _:nkew ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8bo rdf:first _:nkf9 ; rdf:rest _:nkff . _:n8by rdf:first _:nkeh ; rdf:rest _:nker ; a rdf:List . _:n8c0 math:arguments _:nkeu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ca rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8cc math:arguments _:nh2e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ck rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh2z ; a rdf:List . _:n8cp rdf:first _:nh30 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8cr math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8d2 math:arguments _:nh6x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8dc math:arguments _:nh7t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8dj math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8do rdf:first _:nh5v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8dy rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh5x ; a rdf:List . _:n8e0 math:arguments _:nh5y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ea rdf:first _:nhc0 ; rdf:rest _:nhcg ; a rdf:List . _:n8ec math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8en math:arguments _:nhcj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8eo rdf:first _:nhcl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8f0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8f2 math:arguments _:nh52 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8fc math:arguments _:nh5p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8fj math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8fo rdf:first _:nh5u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8fy rdf:first _:nhb7 ; rdf:rest _:nhbr ; a rdf:List . _:n8g8 math:arguments _:nhbt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8gi rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8gk math:arguments _:nh47 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8gu rdf:first _:nh4z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8h7 math:arguments _:nh98 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8hf math:arguments _:nha8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8hj math:arguments _:nhac ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8hk rdf:first _:nhae ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8hw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8hy math:arguments _:nh1g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8i6 rdf:first _:nh20 ; rdf:rest _:nh2a ; a rdf:List . _:n8ib rdf:first _:nh2b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8id math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8in rdf:first _:nh6b ; rdf:rest _:nh6p ; a rdf:List . _:n8ix rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8iz math:arguments _:nh6r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8j9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh34 ; a rdf:List . _:n8jb math:arguments _:nh35 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8jj rdf:first _:nh3q ; rdf:rest _:nh40 ; a rdf:List . _:n8jo rdf:first _:nh41 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8jq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8k0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8k2 math:arguments _:nh80 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8k9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh8d ; a rdf:List . _:n8kb math:arguments _:nh8e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8kf math:arguments _:nh8l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8kg rdf:first _:nh8n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ks rdf:first _:ngz7 ; rdf:rest _:ngzl ; a rdf:List . _:n8ku math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8l1 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n8l2 rdf:first _:ngzm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8l7 rdf:first _:ngzn ; rdf:rest _:ngzr ; a rdf:List . _:n8l9 math:arguments _:ngzs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8lj rdf:first _:nh00 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8lt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh0u ; a rdf:List . _:n8lv math:arguments _:nh0v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8m5 math:arguments _:nh0d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8mf math:arguments _:nh1e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8mp math:arguments _:nh0a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8mz math:arguments _:nh1c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8na math:arguments _:ngxr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8nb rdf:first _:ngy3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8nt rdf:first _:ngxi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ny rdf:first _:ngxn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8o8 math:value "100.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n8of math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n8og rdf:first _:ngxc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8on rdf:first _:ngxe ; rdf:rest _:ngxg ; a rdf:List . _:n8op math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n8oz math:arguments _:nh07 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8p9 math:arguments _:nh1a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8pj rdf:first _:ngy6 ; rdf:rest _:ngyk ; a rdf:List . _:n8pl math:arguments _:ngyl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ps math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:n8pt rdf:first _:ngyo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8py rdf:first _:ngyp ; rdf:rest _:ngyv ; a rdf:List . _:n8q0 math:arguments _:ngyw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8qa rdf:first _:ngz4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8qk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh0g ; a rdf:List . _:n8qm math:arguments _:nh0h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8qw rdf:first _:nh02 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8qy math:arguments _:nh03 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8r8 rdf:first _:nh17 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8ra math:arguments _:nh18 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8rl rdf:first _:nkfg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8rn math:arguments _:nkfl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ru math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n8rv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8ry rdf:first _:nkfr ; rdf:rest _:nkfs ; a rdf:List . _:n8s3 rdf:first _:nkfu ; rdf:rest _:nkfw ; a rdf:List . _:n8s5 math:arguments _:nkfx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8sc math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n8si rdf:first _:nkg3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8sq math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n8sw rdf:first _:nkga ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8t4 math:arguments _:nkgf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8t5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8t8 rdf:first _:nkgh ; rdf:rest _:nkgk ; a rdf:List . _:n8td rdf:first _:nkgl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8tl math:arguments _:nkgq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8tm rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n8tp rdf:first _:nkgs ; rdf:rest _:nkgv ; a rdf:List . _:n8tu rdf:first _:nkgw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8u5 rdf:first _:nkh1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8u7 math:arguments _:nkh6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8ue math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8uh rdf:first _:nkhx ; rdf:rest _:nkj9 ; a rdf:List . _:n8ur rdf:first _:nkh9 ; rdf:rest _:nkhf ; a rdf:List . _:n8ut math:arguments _:nkhg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8v3 rdf:first _:nkhk ; rdf:rest _:nkhu ; a rdf:List . _:n8ve rdf:first _:nkhv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8vp math:binder ; math:body _:nhfo ; math:variables _:nhfv ; a math:Binding . _:n8vz math:arguments _:nhfz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8w0 rdf:first _:nhfy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8w2 math:arguments _:nhg4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8wc math:binder ; math:body _:nhpg ; math:variables _:nhpo ; a math:Binding . _:n8wm rdf:first _:nhpq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8wo math:arguments _:nhq6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8wy math:arguments _:nhqo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8wz rdf:first _:nhqn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8x1 math:arguments _:nhqr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8xb math:binder ; math:body _:nhmp ; math:variables _:nhmw ; a math:Binding . _:n8xi math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n8xn math:arguments _:nhmy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8xo rdf:first _:nhmx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8xq math:arguments _:nhn0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8y0 math:arguments _:nhn3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8y1 rdf:first _:nhn2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8y3 math:arguments _:nhna ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8yd math:binder ; math:body _:nhw1 ; math:variables _:nhw8 ; a math:Binding . _:n8yn math:arguments _:nhwa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8yo rdf:first _:nhw9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8yq math:arguments _:nhwg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8z0 math:arguments _:nhwm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8z1 rdf:first _:nhwl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8z3 math:arguments _:nhwu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8zd math:binder ; math:body _:nhki ; math:variables _:nhkq ; a math:Binding . _:n8zn math:arguments _:nhkt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n8zo rdf:first _:nhks ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n8zq math:arguments _:nhky ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n900 math:binder ; math:body _:nhu6 ; math:variables _:nhue ; a math:Binding . _:n90a rdf:first _:nhug ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n90c math:arguments _:nhv4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n90m math:arguments _:nhvs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n90n rdf:first _:nhvr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n90p math:arguments _:nhvv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n90z math:binder ; math:body _:nhih ; math:variables _:nhio ; a math:Binding . _:n919 math:arguments _:nhiq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n91a rdf:first _:nhip ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n91c math:arguments _:nhiv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n91m math:binder ; math:body _:nhs7 ; math:variables _:nhse ; a math:Binding . _:n91w rdf:first _:nhsh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n91y math:arguments _:nht4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n928 math:arguments _:nhtu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n929 rdf:first _:nhtt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n92b math:arguments _:nhtz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n92l math:binder ; math:body _:nhdv ; math:variables _:nhe2 ; a math:Binding . _:n92v math:arguments _:nhe4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n92w rdf:first _:nhe3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n92y math:arguments _:nhe9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n938 math:binder ; math:body _:nhnt ; math:variables _:nho0 ; a math:Binding . _:n93i rdf:first _:nho2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n93k math:arguments _:nhok ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n93u math:arguments _:nhp2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n93v rdf:first _:nhp1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n93x math:arguments _:nhp8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n947 math:binder ; math:body _:nhhi ; math:variables _:nhhp ; a math:Binding . _:n94h math:arguments _:nhhr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n94i rdf:first _:nhhq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n94k math:arguments _:nhhy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n94u math:binder ; math:body _:nhqz ; math:variables _:nhr6 ; a math:Binding . _:n954 math:arguments _:nhr8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n955 rdf:first _:nhr7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n957 math:arguments _:nhrd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n95h math:arguments _:nhrj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n95i rdf:first _:nhri ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n95k math:arguments _:nhrt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n961 math:binder ; math:body _:nhd8 ; math:variables _:nhdf ; a math:Binding . _:n96b math:arguments _:nhdi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n96c rdf:first _:nhdh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n96m math:value "100.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:n96y math:binder ; math:body _:nhcx ; math:variables _:nhd6 ; a math:Binding . _:n97l rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkjb ; a rdf:List . _:n97q rdf:first _:nkjc ; rdf:rest _:nkje ; a rdf:List . _:n97s math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n980 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkjq ; a rdf:List . _:n985 rdf:first _:nkjr ; rdf:rest _:nkjt ; a rdf:List . _:n987 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n98f rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkk2 ; a rdf:List . _:n98k rdf:first _:nkk4 ; rdf:rest _:nkk6 ; a rdf:List . _:n98m math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n98u rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkjw ; a rdf:List . _:n98z rdf:first _:nkjy ; rdf:rest _:nkk0 ; a rdf:List . _:n991 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n999 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkjg ; a rdf:List . _:n99e rdf:first _:nkjh ; rdf:rest _:nkjj ; a rdf:List . _:n99g math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n99o rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkjl ; a rdf:List . _:n99t rdf:first _:nkjm ; rdf:rest _:nkjo ; a rdf:List . _:n99v math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9a7 math:arguments _:nhx7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9au math:arguments _:nhxa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9df math:arguments _:nkk7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9dw rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkke ; a rdf:List . _:n9e1 rdf:first _:nkkf ; rdf:rest _:nkki ; a rdf:List . _:n9e3 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9eb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nknb ; a rdf:List . _:n9eg rdf:first _:nknc ; rdf:rest _:nkne ; a rdf:List . _:n9ei math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9eq rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkmc ; a rdf:List . _:n9ev rdf:first _:nkmd ; rdf:rest _:nkmf ; a rdf:List . _:n9ex math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9f5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkm4 ; a rdf:List . _:n9fa rdf:first _:nkm5 ; rdf:rest _:nkm9 ; a rdf:List . _:n9fc math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9fk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nklx ; a rdf:List . _:n9fp rdf:first _:nkly ; rdf:rest _:nkm1 ; a rdf:List . _:n9fr math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9fz rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkkw ; a rdf:List . _:n9g4 rdf:first _:nkkx ; rdf:rest _:nkkz ; a rdf:List . _:n9g6 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9ge rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkn6 ; a rdf:List . _:n9gj rdf:first _:nkn7 ; rdf:rest _:nkn9 ; a rdf:List . _:n9gl math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9gt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nklc ; a rdf:List . _:n9gy rdf:first _:nkld ; rdf:rest _:nklf ; a rdf:List . _:n9h0 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9h8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nklr ; a rdf:List . _:n9hd rdf:first _:nkls ; rdf:rest _:nklu ; a rdf:List . _:n9hf math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9hn rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nklm ; a rdf:List . _:n9hs rdf:first _:nkln ; rdf:rest _:nklp ; a rdf:List . _:n9hu math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9i2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nklh ; a rdf:List . _:n9i7 rdf:first _:nkli ; rdf:rest _:nklk ; a rdf:List . _:n9i9 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9ih rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkmq ; a rdf:List . _:n9im rdf:first _:nkmr ; rdf:rest _:nkmt ; a rdf:List . _:n9io math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9iw rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkmi ; a rdf:List . _:n9j1 rdf:first _:nkmj ; rdf:rest _:nkmn ; a rdf:List . _:n9j3 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9jb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkmw ; a rdf:List . _:n9jg rdf:first _:nkmx ; rdf:rest _:nkmz ; a rdf:List . _:n9ji math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9jq rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkl1 ; a rdf:List . _:n9jv rdf:first _:nkl2 ; rdf:rest _:nkl4 ; a rdf:List . _:n9jx math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9k5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkn1 ; a rdf:List . _:n9ka rdf:first _:nkn2 ; rdf:rest _:nkn4 ; a rdf:List . _:n9kc math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9kk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkl6 ; a rdf:List . _:n9kp rdf:first _:nkl7 ; rdf:rest _:nkl9 ; a rdf:List . _:n9kr math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9kz rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nknn ; a rdf:List . _:n9l4 rdf:first _:nkno ; rdf:rest _:nknr ; a rdf:List . _:n9l6 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9le rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkkl ; a rdf:List . _:n9lj rdf:first _:nkkm ; rdf:rest _:nkkp ; a rdf:List . _:n9ll math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9lt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkng ; a rdf:List . _:n9ly rdf:first _:nknh ; rdf:rest _:nknk ; a rdf:List . _:n9m0 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9m8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkkr ; a rdf:List . _:n9md rdf:first _:nkks ; rdf:rest _:nkku ; a rdf:List . _:n9mf math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:n9mq math:value "31"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9n1 math:value "366"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ow math:arguments _:nhxh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9p7 rdf:first _:nhxd ; rdf:rest _:nhxf ; a rdf:List . _:n9qq rdf:first _:nhxl ; rdf:rest _:nhxz ; a rdf:List . _:n9qs math:arguments _:nhy0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9qt rdf:first _:nhyg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9r0 math:arguments _:nkqb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9r1 rdf:first _:nkqv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9r8 rdf:first _:nkr9 ; rdf:rest _:nkrb ; a rdf:List . _:n9ra math:arguments _:nkrc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9rh math:arguments _:nkru ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ri rdf:first _:nks9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9rl rdf:first _:nkse ; rdf:rest _:nkso ; a rdf:List . _:n9rn math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9rs rdf:first _:nksq ; rdf:rest _:nkss ; a rdf:List . _:n9ru math:arguments _:nksv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9s2 rdf:first _:nkpl ; rdf:rest _:nkpr ; a rdf:List . _:n9s4 math:arguments _:nkps ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9sb math:name "dq" ; a math:Variable . _:n9sc rdf:first _:nkny ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9sf rdf:first _:nknz ; rdf:rest _:nko5 ; a rdf:List . _:n9sk rdf:first _:nko8 ; rdf:rest _:nkof ; a rdf:List . _:n9sm math:arguments _:nkog ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9st math:arguments _:nkop ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9su rdf:first _:nkoz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9sx rdf:first _:nkp9 ; rdf:rest _:nkpf ; a rdf:List . _:n9t2 rdf:first _:nkpi ; rdf:rest _:nkpk ; a rdf:List . _:n9t4 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9tb math:arguments _:nkpx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9tc rdf:first _:nkq2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9tf rdf:first _:nkq3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9tl math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9tx rdf:first _:nkq8 ; rdf:rest _:nkqa ; a rdf:List . _:n9tz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9u0 math:binder ; math:body _:n9u1 ; math:variables _:n9u2 ; a math:Binding . _:n9u1 math:arguments _:nlac ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9u2 rdf:first _:n9uh ; rdf:rest _:n9ui ; a rdf:List . _:n9u3 rdf:first _:n9u4 ; rdf:rest _:n9u5 ; a rdf:List . _:n9u4 math:arguments _:nlc1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9u5 rdf:first _:n9u6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9u6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9u7 math:arguments _:n9u8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9u8 rdf:first _:n9u9 ; rdf:rest _:n9uq ; a rdf:List . _:n9u9 math:arguments _:n9ua ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ua rdf:first _:n9ub ; rdf:rest _:n9ud ; a rdf:List . _:n9ub math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9uc math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ud rdf:first _:n9uc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ue math:arguments _:n9uf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9uf rdf:first _:n9ug ; rdf:rest _:n9uk ; a rdf:List . _:n9ug math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9uh math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n9ui rdf:first _:n9us ; rdf:rest _:n9ut . _:n9uj math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9uk rdf:first _:n9uj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ul math:arguments _:n9um ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9um rdf:first _:n9un ; rdf:rest _:n9up ; a rdf:List . _:n9un math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9uo math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9up rdf:first _:n9uo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9uq rdf:first _:n9ue ; rdf:rest _:n9ur . _:n9ur rdf:first _:n9ul ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9us math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9ut rdf:first _:n9v8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9uu rdf:first _:n9uv ; rdf:rest _:n9uw ; a rdf:List . _:n9uv math:arguments _:n9u3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9uw rdf:first _:n9u7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9ux rdf:first _:n9uy ; rdf:rest _:n9uz ; a rdf:List . _:n9uy math:arguments _:nlbx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9uz rdf:first _:n9v0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9v0 math:arguments _:n9uu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9v1 math:arguments _:n9v2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9v2 rdf:first _:n9v3 ; rdf:rest _:n9w5 ; a rdf:List . _:n9v3 math:arguments _:n9v4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9v4 rdf:first _:n9v5 ; rdf:rest _:n9v7 ; a rdf:List . _:n9v5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9v6 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9v7 rdf:first _:n9v6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9v8 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n9v9 math:arguments _:n9va ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9va rdf:first _:n9vb ; rdf:rest _:n9w4 ; a rdf:List . _:n9vb math:arguments _:n9vc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9vc rdf:first _:n9vd ; rdf:rest _:n9vh ; a rdf:List . _:n9vd math:arguments _:n9ve ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ve rdf:first _:n9vf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9vf math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9vg math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9vh rdf:first _:n9vg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9vi math:arguments _:n9vj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9vj rdf:first _:n9vn ; rdf:rest _:n9w2 ; a rdf:List . _:n9vk rdf:first _:n9vl ; rdf:rest _:n9vm ; a rdf:List . _:n9vl math:arguments _:nl8m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9vm rdf:first _:n9u0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9vn math:arguments _:n9vo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9vo rdf:first _:n9vp ; rdf:rest _:n9vr ; a rdf:List . _:n9vp math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9vq math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9vr rdf:first _:n9vq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9vs math:arguments _:n9vt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9vt rdf:first _:n9vu ; rdf:rest _:n9vw ; a rdf:List . _:n9vu math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9vv math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9vw rdf:first _:n9vv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9vx math:arguments _:n9vy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9vy rdf:first _:n9vz ; rdf:rest _:n9w1 ; a rdf:List . _:n9vz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9w0 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9w1 rdf:first _:n9w0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9w2 rdf:first _:n9vs ; rdf:rest _:n9w3 . _:n9w3 rdf:first _:n9vx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9w4 rdf:first _:n9vi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9w5 rdf:first _:n9v9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9w6 math:arguments _:n9w7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9w7 rdf:first _:n9w8 ; rdf:rest _:n9xh ; a rdf:List . _:n9w8 math:arguments _:n9w9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9w9 rdf:first _:n9wa ; rdf:rest _:n9wc ; a rdf:List . _:n9wa math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9wb math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9wc rdf:first _:n9wb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9wd math:arguments _:n9we ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9we rdf:first _:n9wf ; rdf:rest _:n9xg ; a rdf:List . _:n9wf math:arguments _:n9wg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9wg rdf:first _:n9wi ; rdf:rest _:n9wm ; a rdf:List . _:n9wh math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n9wi math:arguments _:n9wj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9wj rdf:first _:n9wk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9wk math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9wl math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9wm rdf:first _:n9wl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9wn math:arguments _:n9wo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9wo rdf:first _:n9wp ; rdf:rest _:n9xb ; a rdf:List . _:n9wp math:arguments _:n9wq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9wq rdf:first _:n9wr ; rdf:rest _:n9wu ; a rdf:List . _:n9wr math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ws math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9wt math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9wu rdf:first _:n9ws ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9wv math:arguments _:n9ww ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9ww rdf:first _:n9wx ; rdf:rest _:n9wz ; a rdf:List . _:n9wx math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9wy math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9wz rdf:first _:n9wy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9x0 math:arguments _:n9x1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9x1 rdf:first _:n9x2 ; rdf:rest _:n9x5 ; a rdf:List . _:n9x2 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9x3 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9x4 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n9x5 rdf:first _:n9x3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9x6 math:arguments _:n9x7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9x7 rdf:first _:n9x8 ; rdf:rest _:n9xa ; a rdf:List . _:n9x8 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9x9 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9xa rdf:first _:n9x9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9xb rdf:first _:n9wv ; rdf:rest _:n9xc . _:n9xc rdf:first _:n9x0 ; rdf:rest _:n9xd . _:n9xd rdf:first _:n9x6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9xe math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9xf rdf:first _:n9wt ; rdf:rest _:n9xi . _:n9xg rdf:first _:n9wn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9xh rdf:first _:n9wd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9xi rdf:first _:n9x4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9xj rdf:first _:n9w6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9xk math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:n9xl math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9xm math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9xn rdf:first _:n9xo ; rdf:rest _:n9xs ; a rdf:List . _:n9xo math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9xp math:arguments _:n9xq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9xq rdf:first _:n9xr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9xr math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9xs rdf:first _:n9xp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9xt math:arguments _:n9xu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9xu rdf:first _:n9xw ; rdf:rest _:n9y0 ; a rdf:List . _:n9xv math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9xw math:arguments _:n9xx ; math:operator _:n9xv ; a math:Application . _:n9xx rdf:first _:n9xy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9xy math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n9xz math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9y0 rdf:first _:n9xz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9y1 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9y2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n9y3 rdf:first _:n9y4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9y4 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9y5 rdf:first _:n9yf ; rdf:rest _:na1j ; a rdf:List . _:n9y6 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9y7 math:arguments _:n9y8 ; math:operator _:n9y6 ; a math:Application . _:n9y8 rdf:first _:n9y9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9y9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n9ya math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9yb math:arguments _:n9yc ; math:operator _:n9ya ; a math:Application . _:n9yc rdf:first _:n9yd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9yd math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9ye rdf:first _:n9yb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9yf math:arguments _:n9yg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9yg rdf:first _:n9yl ; rdf:rest _:n9yx ; a rdf:List . _:n9yh rdf:first _:n9yi ; rdf:rest _:n9yk ; a rdf:List . _:n9yi math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n9yj math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9yk rdf:first _:n9yj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9yl math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9ym rdf:first _:n9yn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9yn math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9yo math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9yp math:arguments _:n9yq ; math:operator _:n9yo ; a math:Application . _:n9yq rdf:first _:n9yr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9yr math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n9ys math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9yt rdf:first _:n9yu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9yu math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9yv math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9yw math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9yx rdf:first _:n9ys ; rdf:rest _:n9z4 . _:n9yy math:arguments _:n9yz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:n9yz rdf:first _:n9z0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9z0 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9z1 math:arguments _:n9z2 ; math:operator _:n9yy ; a math:Application . _:n9z2 rdf:first _:n9z3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9z3 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9z4 rdf:first _:n9yv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9z5 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n9z6 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:n9z7 rdf:first _:n9z9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9z8 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:n9z9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n9za math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zc math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zd math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9ze math:binder ; math:body _:n9zd ; math:variables _:n9zf ; a math:Binding . _:n9zf rdf:first _:n9zb ; rdf:rest _:n9zg ; a rdf:List . _:n9zg rdf:first _:n9zc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9zh math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zi rdf:first _:n9zj ; rdf:rest _:n9zl ; a rdf:List . _:n9zj math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zk math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zl rdf:first _:n9zk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:n9zm math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zn math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zo math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zp math:binder ; math:body _:n9zo ; math:variables _:n9zq ; a math:Binding . _:n9zq rdf:first _:n9zn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9zr math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zs math:arguments _:n9zt ; math:operator _:n9zp ; a math:Application . _:n9zt rdf:first _:n9zu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9zu math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:n9zv math:binder ; math:body _:n9zs ; math:variables _:n9zw ; a math:Binding . _:n9zw rdf:first _:n9zm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9zx math:arguments _:n9zy ; math:operator _:n9zv ; a math:Application . _:n9zy rdf:first _:n9zz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:n9zz math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:na00 math:arguments _:na01 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na01 rdf:first _:na03 ; rdf:rest _:na0n ; a rdf:List . _:na02 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:na03 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na04 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na05 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:na06 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:na0e ; a rdf:List . _:na07 math:arguments _:na08 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na08 rdf:first _:na09 ; rdf:rest _:na0c ; a rdf:List . _:na09 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na0a math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na0b math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:na0c rdf:first _:na0a ; rdf:rest _:na0d . _:na0d rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na0e rdf:first _:na07 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na0f math:arguments _:na0g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na0g rdf:first _:na0h ; rdf:rest _:na0s ; a rdf:List . _:na0h math:arguments _:na0i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na0i rdf:first _:na0j ; rdf:rest _:na0q ; a rdf:List . _:na0j math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na0k math:arguments _:na0l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na0l rdf:first _:na0m ; rdf:rest _:na0p ; a rdf:List . _:na0m math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na0n rdf:first _:na05 ; rdf:rest _:na0t . _:na0o math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na0p rdf:first _:na0o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na0q rdf:first _:na0k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na0r math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na0s rdf:first _:na0r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na0t rdf:first _:na0b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na0u rdf:first _:na0v ; rdf:rest _:na15 ; a rdf:List . _:na0v math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na0w math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na0x math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na0y math:arguments _:na0z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na0z rdf:first _:na10 ; rdf:rest _:na12 ; a rdf:List . _:na10 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na11 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na12 rdf:first _:na11 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na13 math:binder ; math:body _:na0y ; math:variables _:na14 ; a math:Binding . _:na14 rdf:first _:na0x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na15 rdf:first _:na0w ; rdf:rest _:na16 . _:na16 rdf:first _:na13 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na17 math:binder ; math:body _:na00 ; math:variables _:na18 ; a math:Binding . _:na18 rdf:first _:n9za ; rdf:rest _:na1b ; a rdf:List . _:na19 rdf:first _:na1a ; rdf:rest _:na1e ; a rdf:List . _:na1a math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:na1b rdf:first _:n9zh ; rdf:rest _:na1g . _:na1c math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:na1d math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:na1e rdf:first _:na1c ; rdf:rest _:na1f . _:na1f rdf:first _:na1d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na1g rdf:first _:n9zr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na1h math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:na1i rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na1j rdf:first _:n9z8 ; rdf:rest _:na1r . _:na1k math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:na1l math:arguments _:na1m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na1m rdf:first _:na1n ; rdf:rest _:na1p ; a rdf:List . _:na1n math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:na1o math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:na1p rdf:first _:na1o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na1q rdf:first _:na1l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na1r rdf:first _:na17 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na1s math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:na1t math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:na1u rdf:first _:na1t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na1v rdf:first _:na1w ; rdf:rest _:na22 ; a rdf:List . _:na1w math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:na1x math:arguments _:na1y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na1y rdf:first _:na1z ; rdf:rest _:na21 ; a rdf:List . _:na1z math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:na20 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:na21 rdf:first _:na20 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na22 rdf:first _:na1x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na23 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:na24 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na25 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:na26 rdf:first _:na27 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na27 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na28 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:na29 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:na2a math:name "Y" ; a math:Variable . _:na2b math:name "Z" ; a math:Variable . _:na2c rdf:first _:na2b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na2d rdf:first _:na28 ; rdf:rest _:na2h . _:na2e math:name "Y" ; a math:Variable . _:na2f math:name "Z" ; a math:Variable . _:na2g rdf:first _:na2f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na2h rdf:first _:na29 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na2i math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na2j math:arguments _:na2k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na2k rdf:first _:na2l ; rdf:rest _:na2v ; a rdf:List . _:na2l math:arguments _:na2m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na2m rdf:first _:na2n ; rdf:rest _:na2t ; a rdf:List . _:na2n math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na2o math:arguments _:na2p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na2p rdf:first _:na2q ; rdf:rest _:na2s ; a rdf:List . _:na2q math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na2r math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na2s rdf:first _:na2r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na2t rdf:first _:na2o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na2u math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na2v rdf:first _:na2u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na2w math:binder ; math:body _:na2j ; math:variables _:na2x ; a math:Binding . _:na2x rdf:first _:na2i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na2y math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:na2z rdf:first _:na2y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na30 math:arguments _:na31 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na31 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:na3i ; a rdf:List . _:na32 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na33 math:arguments _:na34 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na34 rdf:first _:na35 ; rdf:rest _:na3f ; a rdf:List . _:na35 math:arguments _:na36 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na36 rdf:first _:na37 ; rdf:rest _:na3d ; a rdf:List . _:na37 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na38 math:arguments _:na39 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na39 rdf:first _:na3a ; rdf:rest _:na3c ; a rdf:List . _:na3a math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na3b math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na3c rdf:first _:na3b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na3d rdf:first _:na38 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na3e math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na3f rdf:first _:na3e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na3g math:binder ; math:body _:na33 ; math:variables _:na3h ; a math:Binding . _:na3h rdf:first _:na32 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na3i rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:na3j . _:na3j rdf:first _:na3g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na3k math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na3l math:arguments _:na3m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na3m rdf:first _:na3n ; rdf:rest _:na3x ; a rdf:List . _:na3n math:arguments _:na3o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na3o rdf:first _:na3p ; rdf:rest _:na3v ; a rdf:List . _:na3p math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na3q math:arguments _:na3r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na3r rdf:first _:na3s ; rdf:rest _:na3u ; a rdf:List . _:na3s math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na3t math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na3u rdf:first _:na3t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na3v rdf:first _:na3q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na3w math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na3x rdf:first _:na3w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na3y rdf:first _:na3k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na3z math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:na40 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:na41 math:name "unop" ; a math:Variable . _:na42 math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:na43 rdf:first _:na40 ; rdf:rest _:na44 . _:na44 rdf:first _:na41 ; rdf:rest _:na45 . _:na45 rdf:first _:na42 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na46 math:arguments _:na47 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na47 rdf:first _:na48 ; rdf:rest _:na4j ; a rdf:List . _:na48 math:arguments _:na49 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na49 rdf:first _:na4b ; rdf:rest _:na4d ; a rdf:List . _:na4a rdf:first _:na63 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na4b math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na4c math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:na4d rdf:first _:na4c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na4e math:arguments _:na4f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na4f rdf:first _:na4g ; rdf:rest _:na4i ; a rdf:List . _:na4g math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:na4h math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:na4i rdf:first _:na4h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na4j rdf:first _:na4e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na4k math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:na4l math:arguments _:na4m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na4m rdf:first _:na4o ; rdf:rest _:na4u ; a rdf:List . _:na4n math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:na4o math:arguments _:na4p ; math:operator _:na4n ; a math:Application . _:na4p rdf:first _:na4q ; rdf:rest _:na4s ; a rdf:List . _:na4q math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na4r math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:na4s rdf:first _:na4r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na4t math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:na4u rdf:first _:na4t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na4v math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:na4w rdf:first _:na4l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na4x rdf:first _:na4z ; rdf:rest _:na5n ; a rdf:List . _:na4y math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:na4z math:arguments _:na50 ; math:operator _:na4y ; a math:Application . _:na50 rdf:first _:na51 ; rdf:rest _:na5a ; a rdf:List . _:na51 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na52 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:na53 math:arguments _:na54 ; math:operator _:na52 ; a math:Application . _:na54 rdf:first _:na55 ; rdf:rest _:na59 ; a rdf:List . _:na55 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:na56 math:arguments _:na57 ; math:operator _:na4v ; a math:Application . _:na57 rdf:first _:na5i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na58 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:na59 rdf:first _:na58 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na5a rdf:first _:na53 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na5b math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:na5c math:arguments _:na5d ; math:operator _:na5b ; a math:Application . _:na5d rdf:first _:na5f ; rdf:rest _:na5m ; a rdf:List . _:na5e math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:na5f math:arguments _:na5g ; math:operator _:na5e ; a math:Application . _:na5g rdf:first _:na5h ; rdf:rest _:na5k ; a rdf:List . _:na5h math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na5i math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:na5j math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:na5k rdf:first _:na5j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na5l math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:na5m rdf:first _:na5l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na5n rdf:first _:na5c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na5o math:arguments _:na5p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na5p rdf:first _:na5q ; rdf:rest _:na6v ; a rdf:List . _:na5q math:arguments _:na5r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na5r rdf:first _:na5s ; rdf:rest _:na5u ; a rdf:List . _:na5s math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:na5t math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:na5u rdf:first _:na5t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na5v math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na5w math:arguments _:na5x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na5x rdf:first _:na5y ; rdf:rest _:na6s ; a rdf:List . _:na5y math:arguments _:na5z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na5z rdf:first _:na60 ; rdf:rest _:na62 ; a rdf:List . _:na60 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na61 math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:na62 rdf:first _:na61 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na63 math:binder ; math:body _:na56 ; math:variables _:na64 ; a math:Binding . _:na64 rdf:first _:na4k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na65 math:arguments _:na66 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na66 rdf:first _:na67 ; rdf:rest _:na6r ; a rdf:List . _:na67 math:arguments _:na68 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na68 rdf:first _:na6a ; rdf:rest _:na6g ; a rdf:List . _:na69 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:na6a math:arguments _:na6b ; math:operator _:na69 ; a math:Application . _:na6b rdf:first _:na6c ; rdf:rest _:na6e ; a rdf:List . _:na6c math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:na6d math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na6e rdf:first _:na6d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na6f math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na6g rdf:first _:na6f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na6h math:arguments _:na6i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na6i rdf:first _:na6k ; rdf:rest _:na6q ; a rdf:List . _:na6j math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:na6k math:arguments _:na6l ; math:operator _:na6j ; a math:Application . _:na6l rdf:first _:na6m ; rdf:rest _:na6o ; a rdf:List . _:na6m math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na6n math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:na6o rdf:first _:na6n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na6p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na6q rdf:first _:na6p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na6r rdf:first _:na6h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na6s rdf:first _:na65 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na6t math:binder ; math:body _:na5w ; math:variables _:na6u ; a math:Binding . _:na6u rdf:first _:na5v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na6v rdf:first _:na6t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na6w math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na6x math:arguments _:na6y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na6y rdf:first _:na6z ; rdf:rest _:na7i ; a rdf:List . _:na6z math:arguments _:na70 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na70 rdf:first _:na71 ; rdf:rest _:na73 ; a rdf:List . _:na71 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na72 math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:na73 rdf:first _:na72 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na74 math:arguments _:na75 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na75 rdf:first _:na77 ; rdf:rest _:na7h ; a rdf:List . _:na76 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:na77 math:arguments _:na78 ; math:operator _:na76 ; a math:Application . _:na78 rdf:first _:na7a ; rdf:rest _:na7f ; a rdf:List . _:na79 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:na7a math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na7b math:name "unop" ; a math:Variable . _:na7c math:arguments _:na7d ; math:operator _:na7b ; a math:Application . _:na7d rdf:first _:na7e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na7e math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na7f rdf:first _:na7c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na7g math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:na7h rdf:first _:na7g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na7i rdf:first _:na74 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na7j math:binder ; math:body _:na6x ; math:variables _:na7k ; a math:Binding . _:na7k rdf:first _:na6w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na7l rdf:first _:na7j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na7m math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na7n math:arguments _:na7o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na7o rdf:first _:na7p ; rdf:rest _:na7u ; a rdf:List . _:na7p math:arguments _:na7q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na7q rdf:first _:na7r ; rdf:rest _:na7t ; a rdf:List . _:na7r math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na7s math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:na7t rdf:first _:na7s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na7u rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na7v math:binder ; math:body _:na7n ; math:variables _:na7w ; a math:Binding . _:na7w rdf:first _:na7m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na7x rdf:first _:na7v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na7y rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na7z rdf:first _:na80 ; rdf:rest _:na8e ; a rdf:List . _:na80 math:arguments _:na81 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na81 rdf:first _:na82 ; rdf:rest _:na86 ; a rdf:List . _:na82 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:na83 math:arguments _:na84 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na84 rdf:first _:na85 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na85 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:na86 rdf:first _:na83 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na87 math:arguments _:na88 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na88 rdf:first _:na89 ; rdf:rest _:na8d ; a rdf:List . _:na89 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:na8a math:arguments _:na8b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na8b rdf:first _:na8c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na8c math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:na8d rdf:first _:na8a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na8e rdf:first _:na87 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na8f math:arguments _:na8g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na8g rdf:first _:na8h ; rdf:rest _:na8r ; a rdf:List . _:na8h math:arguments _:na8i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na8i rdf:first _:na8j ; rdf:rest _:na8l ; a rdf:List . _:na8j math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:na8k math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:na8l rdf:first _:na8k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na8m math:arguments _:na8n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na8n rdf:first _:na8o ; rdf:rest _:na8q ; a rdf:List . _:na8o math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:na8p math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:na8q rdf:first _:na8p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na8r rdf:first _:na8m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na8s math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:na8t rdf:first _:na8u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na8u math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:na8v math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:na8w math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:na8x rdf:first _:na8w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na8y rdf:first _:na8z ; rdf:rest _:na94 ; a rdf:List . _:na8z math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:na90 math:arguments _:na91 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na91 rdf:first _:na93 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na92 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na93 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:na94 rdf:first _:na90 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na95 math:arguments _:na96 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na96 rdf:first _:na97 ; rdf:rest _:na9b ; a rdf:List . _:na97 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:na98 math:arguments _:na99 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na99 rdf:first _:na9a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na9a math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:na9b rdf:first _:na98 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na9c math:arguments _:na9d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na9d rdf:first _:na9o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:na9e math:arguments _:na9f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na9f rdf:first _:na9g ; rdf:rest _:na9p ; a rdf:List . _:na9g math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:na9h math:arguments _:na9i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na9i rdf:first _:na9j ; rdf:rest _:na9m ; a rdf:List . _:na9j math:name "invb" ; a math:Variable . _:na9k math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:na9l math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:na9m rdf:first _:na9k ; rdf:rest _:na9n . _:na9n rdf:first _:na9l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na9o math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:na9p rdf:first _:na9h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na9q math:arguments _:na9r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na9r rdf:first _:na9s ; rdf:rest _:na9x ; a rdf:List . _:na9s math:arguments _:na9t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:na9t rdf:first _:na9u ; rdf:rest _:na9w ; a rdf:List . _:na9u math:name "invb" ; a math:Variable . _:na9v math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:na9w rdf:first _:na9v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na9x rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:na9y rdf:first _:na9e ; rdf:rest _:na9z . _:na9z rdf:first _:na9q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naa0 math:binder ; math:body _:na9c ; math:variables _:naa1 ; a math:Binding . _:naa1 rdf:first _:na92 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naa2 rdf:first _:naa3 ; rdf:rest _:naa7 ; a rdf:List . _:naa3 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:naa4 math:arguments _:naa5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naa5 rdf:first _:naa6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naa6 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:naa7 rdf:first _:naa4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naa8 math:arguments _:naa9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naa9 rdf:first _:naaa ; rdf:rest _:naae ; a rdf:List . _:naaa math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:naab math:arguments _:naac ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naac rdf:first _:naad ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naad math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:naae rdf:first _:naab ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naaf math:arguments _:naag ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naag rdf:first _:naah ; rdf:rest _:naax ; a rdf:List . _:naah math:arguments _:naai ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naai rdf:first _:naaj ; rdf:rest _:naam ; a rdf:List . _:naaj math:name "invg" ; a math:Variable . _:naak math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:naal math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:naam rdf:first _:naak ; rdf:rest _:naan . _:naan rdf:first _:naal ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naao math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naap math:arguments _:naaq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naaq rdf:first _:naar ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naar math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:naas math:arguments _:naat ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naat rdf:first _:naau ; rdf:rest _:naaw ; a rdf:List . _:naau math:name "invg" ; a math:Variable . _:naav math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:naaw rdf:first _:naav ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naax rdf:first _:naap ; rdf:rest _:naay . _:naay rdf:first _:naas ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naaz math:arguments _:nab0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nab0 rdf:first _:nab2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nab1 rdf:first _:naaf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nab2 math:arguments _:nab3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nab3 rdf:first _:nab6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nab4 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nab5 math:name "conj" ; a math:Variable . _:nab6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nab7 math:arguments _:nab8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nab8 rdf:first _:nab9 ; rdf:rest _:nac6 ; a rdf:List . _:nab9 math:arguments _:naba ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naba rdf:first _:nabb ; rdf:rest _:nabj ; a rdf:List . _:nabb math:name "conj" ; a math:Variable . _:nabc math:arguments _:nabd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nabd rdf:first _:nabe ; rdf:rest _:nabh ; a rdf:List . _:nabe math:name "invg" ; a math:Variable . _:nabf math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:nabg math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nabh rdf:first _:nabf ; rdf:rest _:nabi . _:nabi rdf:first _:nabg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nabj rdf:first _:nabc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nabk math:arguments _:nabl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nabl rdf:first _:nabn ; rdf:rest _:nabq ; a rdf:List . _:nabm math:name "invg" ; a math:Variable . _:nabn math:arguments _:nabo ; math:operator _:nabm ; a math:Application . _:nabo rdf:first _:nabp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nabp math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nabq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nabr math:arguments _:nabs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nabs rdf:first _:nabt ; rdf:rest _:nabx ; a rdf:List . _:nabt math:name "conj" ; a math:Variable . _:nabu math:arguments _:nabv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nabv rdf:first _:nabw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nabw math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nabx rdf:first _:nabu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naby math:arguments _:nabz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nabz rdf:first _:nac0 ; rdf:rest _:nac5 ; a rdf:List . _:nac0 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nac1 math:arguments _:nac2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nac2 rdf:first _:nac3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nac3 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nac4 rdf:first _:naao ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nac5 rdf:first _:nac1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nac6 rdf:first _:nabk ; rdf:rest _:nac7 . _:nac7 rdf:first _:nabr ; rdf:rest _:nac8 . _:nac8 rdf:first _:naby ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nac9 rdf:first _:nab5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naca math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nacb rdf:first _:nacc ; rdf:rest _:nacg ; a rdf:List . _:nacc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nacd math:arguments _:nace ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nace rdf:first _:nacf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nacf math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nacg rdf:first _:nacd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nach math:arguments _:naci ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naci rdf:first _:nacj ; rdf:rest _:nacn ; a rdf:List . _:nacj math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nack math:arguments _:nacl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nacl rdf:first _:nacm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nacm math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nacn rdf:first _:nack ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naco math:arguments _:nacp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nacp rdf:first _:nacq ; rdf:rest _:nad0 ; a rdf:List . _:nacq math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:nacr math:arguments _:nacs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nacs rdf:first _:nact ; rdf:rest _:nacx ; a rdf:List . _:nact math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nacu math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nacv math:name "invx" ; a math:Variable . _:nacw math:name "invy" ; a math:Variable . _:nacx rdf:first _:nacu ; rdf:rest _:nacy . _:nacy rdf:first _:nacv ; rdf:rest _:nacz . _:nacz rdf:first _:nacw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nad0 rdf:first _:nacr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nad1 math:arguments _:nad2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nad2 rdf:first _:nad3 ; rdf:rest _:nad8 ; a rdf:List . _:nad3 math:arguments _:nad4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nad4 rdf:first _:nad5 ; rdf:rest _:nad7 ; a rdf:List . _:nad5 math:name "invx" ; a math:Variable . _:nad6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nad7 rdf:first _:nad6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nad8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nad9 math:arguments _:nada ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nada rdf:first _:nadb ; rdf:rest _:nadg ; a rdf:List . _:nadb math:arguments _:nadc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nadc rdf:first _:nadd ; rdf:rest _:nadf ; a rdf:List . _:nadd math:name "invy" ; a math:Variable . _:nade math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nadf rdf:first _:nade ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nadg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nadh rdf:first _:naco ; rdf:rest _:nadi . _:nadi rdf:first _:nad1 ; rdf:rest _:nadj . _:nadj rdf:first _:nad9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nadk math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nadl math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nadm math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nadn rdf:first _:nadl ; rdf:rest _:nado . _:nado rdf:first _:nadm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nadp rdf:first _:nadq ; rdf:rest _:nae0 ; a rdf:List . _:nadq math:arguments _:nadr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nadr rdf:first _:nads ; rdf:rest _:nadu ; a rdf:List . _:nads math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nadt math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nadu rdf:first _:nadt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nadv math:arguments _:nadw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nadw rdf:first _:nadx ; rdf:rest _:nadz ; a rdf:List . _:nadx math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nady math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nadz rdf:first _:nady ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nae0 rdf:first _:nadv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nae1 math:arguments _:nae2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nae2 rdf:first _:nae4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nae3 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nae4 math:name "Gamma" ; a math:Variable . _:nae5 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nae6 math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:nae7 math:name "w" ; a math:Variable . _:nae8 rdf:first _:nae7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nae9 rdf:first _:naea ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naea math:name "Gamma" ; a math:Variable . _:naeb rdf:first _:nae5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naec rdf:first _:naed ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naed math:name "Gamma" ; a math:Variable . _:naee rdf:first _:naef ; rdf:rest _:naej ; a rdf:List . _:naef math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:naeg math:arguments _:naeh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naeh rdf:first _:naei ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naei math:name "Gamma" ; a math:Variable . _:naej rdf:first _:naeg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naek math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nael math:arguments _:naem ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naem rdf:first _:naen ; rdf:rest _:naer ; a rdf:List . _:naen math:arguments _:naeo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naeo rdf:first _:naep ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naep math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:naeq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:naer rdf:first _:naeq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naes math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:naet rdf:first _:naf6 ; rdf:rest _:naf9 ; a rdf:List . _:naeu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naev math:arguments _:naew ; math:operator _:naes ; a math:Application . _:naew rdf:first _:naf8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naex math:arguments _:naey ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naey rdf:first _:naez ; rdf:rest _:naf5 ; a rdf:List . _:naez math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naf0 math:arguments _:naf1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naf1 rdf:first _:naf2 ; rdf:rest _:naf4 ; a rdf:List . _:naf2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naf3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:naf4 rdf:first _:naf3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naf5 rdf:first _:naf0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naf6 math:binder ; math:body _:naex ; math:variables _:naf7 ; a math:Binding . _:naf7 rdf:first _:naeu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naf8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naf9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nafa math:arguments _:nafb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nafb rdf:first _:nafc ; rdf:rest _:nafn ; a rdf:List . _:nafc math:arguments _:nafd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nafd rdf:first _:nafe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nafe math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:naff math:arguments _:nafg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nafg rdf:first _:nafh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nafh math:arguments _:nafi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nafi rdf:first _:nafj ; rdf:rest _:nafl ; a rdf:List . _:nafj math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nafk math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nafl rdf:first _:nafk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nafm rdf:first _:naek ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nafn rdf:first _:naff ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nafo rdf:first _:nafp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nafp math:arguments _:nafq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nafq rdf:first _:nafr ; rdf:rest _:naft ; a rdf:List . _:nafr math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nafs math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:naft rdf:first _:nafs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nafu math:arguments _:nafv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nafv rdf:first _:nafw ; rdf:rest _:nafy ; a rdf:List . _:nafw math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nafx math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nafy rdf:first _:nafx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nafz math:arguments _:nag0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nag0 rdf:first _:nag1 ; rdf:rest _:nag3 ; a rdf:List . _:nag1 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nag2 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nag3 rdf:first _:nag2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nag4 rdf:first _:nagi ; rdf:rest _:nain ; a rdf:List . _:nag5 math:arguments _:nag6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nag6 rdf:first _:nag7 ; rdf:rest _:nagu ; a rdf:List . _:nag7 math:arguments _:nag8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nag8 rdf:first _:nag9 ; rdf:rest _:nagc ; a rdf:List . _:nag9 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:naga math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nagb math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nagc rdf:first _:naga ; rdf:rest _:nagd . _:nagd rdf:first _:nagb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nage math:arguments _:nagf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nagf rdf:first _:nagg ; rdf:rest _:nags ; a rdf:List . _:nagg math:arguments _:nagh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nagh rdf:first _:nagk ; rdf:rest _:nagm ; a rdf:List . _:nagi math:arguments _:nagj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nagj rdf:first _:nagt ; rdf:rest _:nah5 ; a rdf:List . _:nagk math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nagl math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nagm rdf:first _:nagl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nagn math:arguments _:nago ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nago rdf:first _:nagp ; rdf:rest _:nagr ; a rdf:List . _:nagp math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nagq math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nagr rdf:first _:nagq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nags rdf:first _:nagn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nagt math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nagu rdf:first _:nage ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nagv rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nah4 ; a rdf:List . _:nagw math:arguments _:nagx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nagx rdf:first _:nagy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nagy math:arguments _:nagz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nagz rdf:first _:nah0 ; rdf:rest _:nah2 ; a rdf:List . _:nah0 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nah1 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nah2 rdf:first _:nah1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nah3 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nah4 rdf:first _:nagw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nah5 rdf:first _:nah3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nah6 rdf:first _:nah7 ; rdf:rest _:nahy ; a rdf:List . _:nah7 math:arguments _:nah8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nah8 rdf:first _:nah9 ; rdf:rest _:nahd ; a rdf:List . _:nah9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naha math:arguments _:nahb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nahb rdf:first _:nahc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nahc math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nahd rdf:first _:naha ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nahe math:arguments _:nahf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nahf rdf:first _:nahg ; rdf:rest _:nahl ; a rdf:List . _:nahg math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nahh math:arguments _:nahi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nahi rdf:first _:nahk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nahj math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nahk math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nahl rdf:first _:nahh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nahm math:arguments _:nahn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nahn rdf:first _:naho ; rdf:rest _:nahx ; a rdf:List . _:naho math:arguments _:nahp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nahp rdf:first _:nahq ; rdf:rest _:nahs ; a rdf:List . _:nahq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nahr math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nahs rdf:first _:nahr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naht math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nahu math:arguments _:nahv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nahv rdf:first _:nahw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nahw math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nahx rdf:first _:nahu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nahy rdf:first _:nahe ; rdf:rest _:nahz . _:nahz rdf:first _:nahm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nai0 math:arguments _:nai1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nai1 rdf:first _:nai2 ; rdf:rest _:naij ; a rdf:List . _:nai2 math:arguments _:nai3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nai3 rdf:first _:nai7 ; rdf:rest _:naie ; a rdf:List . _:nai4 math:arguments _:nai5 ; math:operator _:naht ; a math:Application . _:nai5 rdf:first _:naif ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nai6 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nai7 math:arguments _:nai8 ; math:operator _:nai6 ; a math:Application . _:nai8 rdf:first _:nai9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nai9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naia math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:naib math:arguments _:naic ; math:operator _:naia ; a math:Application . _:naic rdf:first _:naid ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naid math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:naie rdf:first _:naib ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naif math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naig math:arguments _:naih ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naih rdf:first _:naii ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naii math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:naij rdf:first _:naig ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naik math:binder ; math:body _:nai4 ; math:variables _:nail ; a math:Binding . _:nail rdf:first _:nahj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naim math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nain rdf:first _:naik ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naio math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:naip math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:naiq math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nair math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:nais math:name "unop" ; a math:Variable . _:nait rdf:first _:naiq ; rdf:rest _:naiu . _:naiu rdf:first _:nair ; rdf:rest _:naiv . _:naiv rdf:first _:nais ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naiw math:arguments _:naix ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naix rdf:first _:naiy ; rdf:rest _:naj8 ; a rdf:List . _:naiy math:arguments _:naiz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naiz rdf:first _:naj0 ; rdf:rest _:naj2 ; a rdf:List . _:naj0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naj1 math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:naj2 rdf:first _:naj1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naj3 math:arguments _:naj4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naj4 rdf:first _:naj5 ; rdf:rest _:naj7 ; a rdf:List . _:naj5 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:naj6 math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:naj7 rdf:first _:naj6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naj8 rdf:first _:naj3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naj9 math:arguments _:naja ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naja rdf:first _:najc ; rdf:rest _:naji ; a rdf:List . _:najb math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:najc math:arguments _:najd ; math:operator _:najb ; a math:Application . _:najd rdf:first _:naje ; rdf:rest _:najg ; a rdf:List . _:naje math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:najf math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:najg rdf:first _:najf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:najh math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:naji rdf:first _:najh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:najj rdf:first _:naj9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:najk rdf:first _:najm ; rdf:rest _:nak7 ; a rdf:List . _:najl math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:najm math:arguments _:najn ; math:operator _:najl ; a math:Application . _:najn rdf:first _:najo ; rdf:rest _:najv ; a rdf:List . _:najo math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:najp math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:najq math:arguments _:najr ; math:operator _:najp ; a math:Application . _:najr rdf:first _:najs ; rdf:rest _:naju ; a rdf:List . _:najs math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:najt math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:naju rdf:first _:najt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:najv rdf:first _:najq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:najw math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:najx math:arguments _:najy ; math:operator _:najw ; a math:Application . _:najy rdf:first _:nak0 ; rdf:rest _:nak6 ; a rdf:List . _:najz math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nak0 math:arguments _:nak1 ; math:operator _:najz ; a math:Application . _:nak1 rdf:first _:nak2 ; rdf:rest _:nak4 ; a rdf:List . _:nak2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nak3 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nak4 rdf:first _:nak3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nak5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nak6 rdf:first _:nak5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nak7 rdf:first _:najx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nak8 math:arguments _:nak9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nak9 rdf:first _:naka ; rdf:rest _:nald ; a rdf:List . _:naka math:arguments _:nakb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nakb rdf:first _:nakc ; rdf:rest _:nake ; a rdf:List . _:nakc math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:nakd math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nake rdf:first _:nakd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nakf math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nakg math:arguments _:nakh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nakh rdf:first _:naki ; rdf:rest _:nala ; a rdf:List . _:naki math:arguments _:nakj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nakj rdf:first _:nakk ; rdf:rest _:nakm ; a rdf:List . _:nakk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nakl math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nakm rdf:first _:nakl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nakn math:arguments _:nako ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nako rdf:first _:nakp ; rdf:rest _:nal9 ; a rdf:List . _:nakp math:arguments _:nakq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nakq rdf:first _:naks ; rdf:rest _:naky ; a rdf:List . _:nakr math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:naks math:arguments _:nakt ; math:operator _:nakr ; a math:Application . _:nakt rdf:first _:naku ; rdf:rest _:nakw ; a rdf:List . _:naku math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:nakv math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nakw rdf:first _:nakv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nakx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naky rdf:first _:nakx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nakz math:arguments _:nal0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nal0 rdf:first _:nal2 ; rdf:rest _:nal8 ; a rdf:List . _:nal1 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nal2 math:arguments _:nal3 ; math:operator _:nal1 ; a math:Application . _:nal3 rdf:first _:nal4 ; rdf:rest _:nal6 ; a rdf:List . _:nal4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nal5 math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:nal6 rdf:first _:nal5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nal7 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nal8 rdf:first _:nal7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nal9 rdf:first _:nakz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nala rdf:first _:nakn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nalb math:binder ; math:body _:nakg ; math:variables _:nalc ; a math:Binding . _:nalc rdf:first _:nakf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nald rdf:first _:nalb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nale math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nalf math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nalg math:arguments _:nalh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nalh rdf:first _:nali ; rdf:rest _:nam2 ; a rdf:List . _:nali math:arguments _:nalj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nalj rdf:first _:nalk ; rdf:rest _:nalm ; a rdf:List . _:nalk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nall math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nalm rdf:first _:nall ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naln math:arguments _:nalo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nalo rdf:first _:nalq ; rdf:rest _:nam0 ; a rdf:List . _:nalp math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nalq math:arguments _:nalr ; math:operator _:nalp ; a math:Application . _:nalr rdf:first _:nalt ; rdf:rest _:naly ; a rdf:List . _:nals math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nalt math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nalu math:name "unop" ; a math:Variable . _:nalv math:arguments _:nalw ; math:operator _:nalu ; a math:Application . _:nalw rdf:first _:nalx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nalx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naly rdf:first _:nalv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nalz math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:nam0 rdf:first _:nalz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nam1 rdf:first _:nals ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nam2 rdf:first _:naln ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nam3 math:binder ; math:body _:nalg ; math:variables _:nam4 ; a math:Binding . _:nam4 rdf:first _:nalf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nam5 rdf:first _:nam3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nam6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nam7 math:arguments _:nam8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nam8 rdf:first _:nam9 ; rdf:rest _:namf ; a rdf:List . _:nam9 math:arguments _:nama ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nama rdf:first _:namb ; rdf:rest _:namd ; a rdf:List . _:namb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:namc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:namd rdf:first _:namc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:name rdf:first _:namk ; rdf:rest _:namv ; a rdf:List . _:namf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:namg math:binder ; math:body _:nam7 ; math:variables _:namh ; a math:Binding . _:namh rdf:first _:nam6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nami rdf:first _:namg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:namj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:namk math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:naml math:arguments _:namm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:namm rdf:first _:namn ; rdf:rest _:nams ; a rdf:List . _:namn math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:namo math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:namp math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:namq math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:namr math:name "inverse" ; a math:Variable . _:nams rdf:first _:namo ; rdf:rest _:namt . _:namt rdf:first _:namq ; rdf:rest _:namu . _:namu rdf:first _:namr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:namv rdf:first _:namp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:namw math:arguments _:namx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:namx rdf:first _:namy ; rdf:rest _:nan2 ; a rdf:List . _:namy math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:namz math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nan0 math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:nan1 math:name "inverse" ; a math:Variable . _:nan2 rdf:first _:namz ; rdf:rest _:nan3 . _:nan3 rdf:first _:nan0 ; rdf:rest _:nan4 . _:nan4 rdf:first _:nan1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nan5 math:arguments _:nan6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nan6 rdf:first _:nan7 ; rdf:rest _:nanb ; a rdf:List . _:nan7 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nan8 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nan9 math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:nana math:name "inverse" ; a math:Variable . _:nanb rdf:first _:nan8 ; rdf:rest _:nanc . _:nanc rdf:first _:nan9 ; rdf:rest _:nand . _:nand rdf:first _:nana ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nane math:arguments _:nanf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nanf rdf:first _:nang ; rdf:rest _:nank ; a rdf:List . _:nang math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nanh math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nani math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:nanj math:name "inverse" ; a math:Variable . _:nank rdf:first _:nanh ; rdf:rest _:nanm . _:nanl rdf:first _:nano ; rdf:rest _:napw ; a rdf:List . _:nanm rdf:first _:nani ; rdf:rest _:nann . _:nann rdf:first _:nanj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nano math:arguments _:nanp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nanp rdf:first _:nanw ; rdf:rest _:naog ; a rdf:List . _:nanq rdf:first _:nanr ; rdf:rest _:nao7 ; a rdf:List . _:nanr math:arguments _:nans ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nans rdf:first _:nant ; rdf:rest _:nany ; a rdf:List . _:nant math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nanu math:arguments _:nanv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nanv rdf:first _:nanx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nanw math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nanx math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nany rdf:first _:nanu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nanz math:arguments _:nao0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nao0 rdf:first _:nao1 ; rdf:rest _:nao5 ; a rdf:List . _:nao1 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nao2 math:arguments _:nao3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nao3 rdf:first _:nao4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nao4 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nao5 rdf:first _:nao2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nao6 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nao7 rdf:first _:nanz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nao8 math:arguments _:nao9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nao9 rdf:first _:naoa ; rdf:rest _:naof ; a rdf:List . _:naoa math:arguments _:naob ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naob rdf:first _:naoc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naoc math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:naod math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:naoe math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:naof rdf:first _:naod ; rdf:rest _:naoh . _:naog rdf:first _:nao6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naoh rdf:first _:naoe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naoi math:arguments _:naoj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naoj rdf:first _:naok ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naok math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:naol math:arguments _:naom ; math:operator _:naoi ; a math:Application . _:naom rdf:first _:naon ; rdf:rest _:naop ; a rdf:List . _:naon math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:naoo math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:naop rdf:first _:naoo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naoq rdf:first _:naol ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naor math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naos math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:naot rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naou rdf:first _:naov ; rdf:rest _:nap8 ; a rdf:List . _:naov math:arguments _:naow ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naow rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nap6 ; a rdf:List . _:naox math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naoy math:arguments _:naoz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naoz rdf:first _:nap2 ; rdf:rest _:nap3 ; a rdf:List . _:nap0 math:arguments _:nap1 ; math:operator _:naos ; a math:Application . _:nap1 rdf:first _:napa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nap2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nap3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nap4 math:binder ; math:body _:naoy ; math:variables _:nap5 ; a math:Binding . _:nap5 rdf:first _:naox ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nap6 rdf:first _:nap4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nap7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nap8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nap9 . _:nap9 rdf:first _:nap7 ; rdf:rest _:napb . _:napa math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:napb rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:napc rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nape ; a rdf:List . _:napd math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nape rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:napf . _:napf rdf:first _:napd ; rdf:rest _:napg . _:napg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naph math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:napi math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:napj rdf:first _:napi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:napk math:binder ; math:body _:nap0 ; math:variables _:napl ; a math:Binding . _:napl rdf:first _:naor ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:napm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:napo ; a rdf:List . _:napn math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:napo rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:napp . _:napp rdf:first _:napn ; rdf:rest _:napq . _:napq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:napr math:arguments _:naps ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naps rdf:first _:napt ; rdf:rest _:napv ; a rdf:List . _:napt math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:napu math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:napv rdf:first _:napu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:napw rdf:first _:napk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:napx math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:napy math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:napz rdf:first _:napy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naq0 rdf:first _:naq1 ; rdf:rest _:naq7 ; a rdf:List . _:naq1 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:naq2 math:arguments _:naq3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naq3 rdf:first _:naq6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naq4 math:arguments _:naq5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naq5 rdf:first _:naqf ; rdf:rest _:nauf ; a rdf:List . _:naq6 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:naq7 rdf:first _:naq2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naq8 math:arguments _:naq9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naq9 rdf:first _:naqa ; rdf:rest _:naqe ; a rdf:List . _:naqa math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:naqb math:arguments _:naqc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naqc rdf:first _:naqd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naqd math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:naqe rdf:first _:naqb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naqf math:arguments _:naqg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naqg rdf:first _:naqr ; rdf:rest _:natd ; a rdf:List . _:naqh math:arguments _:naqi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naqi rdf:first _:naqj ; rdf:rest _:naqt ; a rdf:List . _:naqj math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:naqk math:arguments _:naql ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naql rdf:first _:naqm ; rdf:rest _:naqp ; a rdf:List . _:naqm math:name "invb" ; a math:Variable . _:naqn math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:naqo math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:naqp rdf:first _:naqn ; rdf:rest _:naqq . _:naqq rdf:first _:naqo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naqr math:arguments _:naqs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naqs rdf:first _:nar2 ; rdf:rest _:nar8 ; a rdf:List . _:naqt rdf:first _:naqk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naqu math:arguments _:naqv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naqv rdf:first _:naqw ; rdf:rest _:nar1 ; a rdf:List . _:naqw math:arguments _:naqx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naqx rdf:first _:naqy ; rdf:rest _:nar0 ; a rdf:List . _:naqy math:name "invb" ; a math:Variable . _:naqz math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nar0 rdf:first _:naqz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nar1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nar2 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nar3 rdf:first _:naqh ; rdf:rest _:nar4 . _:nar4 rdf:first _:naqu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nar5 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nar6 rdf:first _:nar7 ; rdf:rest _:narc ; a rdf:List . _:nar7 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nar8 rdf:first _:nar5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nar9 math:arguments _:nara ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nara rdf:first _:narb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:narb math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:narc rdf:first _:nar9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nard math:arguments _:nare ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nare rdf:first _:narf ; rdf:rest _:narj ; a rdf:List . _:narf math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:narg math:arguments _:narh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:narh rdf:first _:nari ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nari math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:narj rdf:first _:narg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nark math:arguments _:narl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:narl rdf:first _:narm ; rdf:rest _:nas2 ; a rdf:List . _:narm math:arguments _:narn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:narn rdf:first _:naro ; rdf:rest _:narr ; a rdf:List . _:naro math:name "invg" ; a math:Variable . _:narp math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:narq math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:narr rdf:first _:narp ; rdf:rest _:nars . _:nars rdf:first _:narq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nart math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naru math:arguments _:narv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:narv rdf:first _:narw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:narw math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:narx math:arguments _:nary ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nary rdf:first _:narz ; rdf:rest _:nas1 ; a rdf:List . _:narz math:name "invg" ; a math:Variable . _:nas0 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nas1 rdf:first _:nas0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nas2 rdf:first _:naru ; rdf:rest _:nas3 . _:nas3 rdf:first _:narx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nas4 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nas5 rdf:first _:nark ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nas6 math:arguments _:nas7 ; math:operator _:nas4 ; a math:Application . _:nas7 rdf:first _:nas8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nas8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nas9 rdf:first _:nasa ; rdf:rest _:naso ; a rdf:List . _:nasa math:arguments _:nasb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nasb rdf:first _:nasc ; rdf:rest _:nasg ; a rdf:List . _:nasc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nasd math:arguments _:nase ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nase rdf:first _:nasf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nasf math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nasg rdf:first _:nasd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nash math:arguments _:nasi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nasi rdf:first _:nasj ; rdf:rest _:nasn ; a rdf:List . _:nasj math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nask math:arguments _:nasl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nasl rdf:first _:nasm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nasm math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nasn rdf:first _:nask ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naso rdf:first _:nash ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nasp math:arguments _:nasq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nasq rdf:first _:nass ; rdf:rest _:natc ; a rdf:List . _:nasr math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nass math:arguments _:nast ; math:operator _:nasr ; a math:Application . _:nast rdf:first _:nasw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nasu math:binder ; math:body _:nas6 ; math:variables _:nasv ; a math:Binding . _:nasv rdf:first _:nart ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nasw math:arguments _:nasx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nasx rdf:first _:nasy ; rdf:rest _:nat0 ; a rdf:List . _:nasy math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nasz math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nat0 rdf:first _:nasz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nat1 math:arguments _:nat2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nat2 rdf:first _:nat4 ; rdf:rest _:natb ; a rdf:List . _:nat3 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nat4 math:arguments _:nat5 ; math:operator _:nat3 ; a math:Application . _:nat5 rdf:first _:nat6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nat6 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nat7 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nat8 math:arguments _:nat9 ; math:operator _:nat7 ; a math:Application . _:nat9 rdf:first _:nata ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nata math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:natb rdf:first _:nat8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:natc rdf:first _:nat1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:natd rdf:first _:nasu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nate math:arguments _:natf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:natf rdf:first _:natg ; rdf:rest _:naua ; a rdf:List . _:natg math:arguments _:nath ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nath rdf:first _:nati ; rdf:rest _:natl ; a rdf:List . _:nati math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:natj math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:natk math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:natl rdf:first _:natk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:natm math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:natn math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nato math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:natp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:natq math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:natr math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nats rdf:first _:natr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:natt math:arguments _:natu ; math:operator _:natq ; a math:Application . _:natu rdf:first _:natw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:natv math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:natw math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:natx math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:naty math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:natz rdf:first _:naty ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nau0 math:binder ; math:body _:natt ; math:variables _:nau1 ; a math:Binding . _:nau1 rdf:first _:natn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nau2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nau3 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nau4 math:arguments _:nau5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nau5 rdf:first _:nau6 ; rdf:rest _:nau8 ; a rdf:List . _:nau6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nau7 math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nau8 rdf:first _:nau7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nau9 rdf:first _:nau4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naua rdf:first _:nau0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naub math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nauc math:arguments _:naud ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naud rdf:first _:naue ; rdf:rest _:naum ; a rdf:List . _:naue math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nauf rdf:first _:nate ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naug math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nauh math:arguments _:naui ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naui rdf:first _:nauj ; rdf:rest _:naul ; a rdf:List . _:nauj math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nauk math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:naul rdf:first _:nauk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naum rdf:first _:naug ; rdf:rest _:naun . _:naun rdf:first _:nauh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nauo math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:naup math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nauq rdf:first _:naur ; rdf:rest _:nauv ; a rdf:List . _:naur math:arguments _:naus ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naus rdf:first _:naut ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naut math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nauu math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nauv rdf:first _:nauu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nauw math:arguments _:naux ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naux rdf:first _:nauy ; rdf:rest _:nav2 ; a rdf:List . _:nauy math:arguments _:nauz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nauz rdf:first _:nav0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nav0 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nav1 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nav2 rdf:first _:nav1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nav3 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nav4 math:arguments _:nav5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nav5 rdf:first _:nav6 ; rdf:rest _:navs ; a rdf:List . _:nav6 math:arguments _:nav7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nav7 rdf:first _:nav8 ; rdf:rest _:navg ; a rdf:List . _:nav8 math:arguments _:nav9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nav9 rdf:first _:nava ; rdf:rest _:navc ; a rdf:List . _:nava math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:navb math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:navc rdf:first _:navb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:navd math:arguments _:nave ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nave rdf:first _:navf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:navf math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:navg rdf:first _:navd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:navh math:arguments _:navi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:navi rdf:first _:navj ; rdf:rest _:navr ; a rdf:List . _:navj math:arguments _:navk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:navk rdf:first _:navl ; rdf:rest _:navn ; a rdf:List . _:navl math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:navm math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:navn rdf:first _:navm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:navo math:arguments _:navp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:navp rdf:first _:navq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:navq math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:navr rdf:first _:navo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:navs rdf:first _:navh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:navt math:binder ; math:body _:nav4 ; math:variables _:navu ; a math:Binding . _:navu rdf:first _:nav3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:navv math:arguments _:navw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:navw rdf:first _:navx ; rdf:rest _:naxd ; a rdf:List . _:navx math:arguments _:navy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:navy rdf:first _:navz ; rdf:rest _:naxb ; a rdf:List . _:navz math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:naw0 math:arguments _:naw1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naw1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:naxa ; a rdf:List . _:naw2 math:arguments _:naw3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naw3 rdf:first _:nax2 ; rdf:rest _:nax9 ; a rdf:List . _:naw4 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:naw5 math:arguments _:naw6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naw6 rdf:first _:naw7 ; rdf:rest _:nawz ; a rdf:List . _:naw7 math:arguments _:naw8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naw8 rdf:first _:naw9 ; rdf:rest _:nawb ; a rdf:List . _:naw9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nawa math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nawb rdf:first _:nawa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nawc math:arguments _:nawd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nawd rdf:first _:nawe ; rdf:rest _:nawg ; a rdf:List . _:nawe math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nawf math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nawg rdf:first _:nawf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nawh math:arguments _:nawi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nawi rdf:first _:nawj ; rdf:rest _:nawp ; a rdf:List . _:nawj math:arguments _:nawk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nawk rdf:first _:nawl ; rdf:rest _:nawn ; a rdf:List . _:nawl math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nawm math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nawn rdf:first _:nawm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nawo math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nawp rdf:first _:nawo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nawq math:arguments _:nawr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nawr rdf:first _:naws ; rdf:rest _:nawy ; a rdf:List . _:naws math:arguments _:nawt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nawt rdf:first _:nawu ; rdf:rest _:naww ; a rdf:List . _:nawu math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nawv math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:naww rdf:first _:nawv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nawx math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nawy rdf:first _:nawx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nawz rdf:first _:nawc ; rdf:rest _:nax0 . _:nax0 rdf:first _:nawh ; rdf:rest _:nax1 . _:nax1 rdf:first _:nawq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nax2 math:binder ; math:body _:naw5 ; math:variables _:nax3 ; a math:Binding . _:nax3 rdf:first _:naw4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nax4 math:arguments _:nax5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nax5 rdf:first _:nax6 ; rdf:rest _:nax8 ; a rdf:List . _:nax6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nax7 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nax8 rdf:first _:nax7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nax9 rdf:first _:nax4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naxa rdf:first _:naw2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naxb rdf:first _:naw0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naxc math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:naxd rdf:first _:naxc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naxe rdf:first _:navt ; rdf:rest _:naxf . _:naxf rdf:first _:navv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naxg math:value "-1.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:naxh math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:naxi rdf:first _:naxj ; rdf:rest _:naxo ; a rdf:List . _:naxj math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:naxk math:arguments _:naxl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naxl rdf:first _:naxm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naxm math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:naxn math:value "1.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:naxo rdf:first _:naxk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naxp math:arguments _:naxq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naxq rdf:first _:naxu ; rdf:rest _:nay8 ; a rdf:List . _:naxr math:arguments _:naxs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naxs rdf:first _:naxt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naxt math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:naxu math:arguments _:naxv ; math:operator _:naxr ; a math:Application . _:naxv rdf:first _:naxw ; rdf:rest _:naxz ; a rdf:List . _:naxw math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:naxx math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:naxy rdf:first _:naxn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naxz rdf:first _:naxx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nay0 math:arguments _:nay1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nay1 rdf:first _:nay2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nay2 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nay3 math:arguments _:nay4 ; math:operator _:nay0 ; a math:Application . _:nay4 rdf:first _:nay5 ; rdf:rest _:nay7 ; a rdf:List . _:nay5 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nay6 math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:nay7 rdf:first _:nay6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nay8 rdf:first _:nay3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nay9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:naya math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nayb math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nayc rdf:first _:nayb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nayd math:arguments _:naye ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naye rdf:first _:nayo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nayf math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:nayg math:arguments _:nayh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nayh rdf:first _:nayi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nayi math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nayj rdf:first _:nayg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nayk rdf:first _:nayp ; rdf:rest _:naz2 ; a rdf:List . _:nayl math:arguments _:naym ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:naym rdf:first _:nayn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nayn math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nayo math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nayp math:arguments _:nayq ; math:operator _:nayl ; a math:Application . _:nayq rdf:first _:nayr ; rdf:rest _:nayt ; a rdf:List . _:nayr math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:nays math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nayt rdf:first _:nays ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nayu math:arguments _:nayv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nayv rdf:first _:nayw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nayw math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nayx math:arguments _:nayy ; math:operator _:nayu ; a math:Application . _:nayy rdf:first _:nayz ; rdf:rest _:naz1 ; a rdf:List . _:nayz math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:naz0 math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:naz1 rdf:first _:naz0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naz2 rdf:first _:nayx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naz3 rdf:first _:nay9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:naz4 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:naz5 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:naz6 rdf:first _:naz5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naz7 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:naz8 math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:naz9 rdf:first _:naz8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:naza math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:nazb math:arguments _:nazc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nazc rdf:first _:nazd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nazd math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:naze rdf:first _:nazb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nazf rdf:first _:nazj ; rdf:rest _:nazw ; a rdf:List . _:nazg math:arguments _:nazh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nazh rdf:first _:nazi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nazi math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nazj math:arguments _:nazk ; math:operator _:nazg ; a math:Application . _:nazk rdf:first _:nazl ; rdf:rest _:nazn ; a rdf:List . _:nazl math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:nazm math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nazn rdf:first _:nazm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nazo math:arguments _:nazp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nazp rdf:first _:nazq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nazq math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nazr math:arguments _:nazs ; math:operator _:nazo ; a math:Application . _:nazs rdf:first _:nazt ; rdf:rest _:nazv ; a rdf:List . _:nazt math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nazu math:name "d" ; a math:Variable . _:nazv rdf:first _:nazu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nazw rdf:first _:nazr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nazx rdf:first _:nazy ; rdf:rest _:nb02 ; a rdf:List . _:nazy math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:nazz math:arguments _:nb00 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb00 rdf:first _:nb01 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb01 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nb02 rdf:first _:nazz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb03 math:arguments _:nb04 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb04 rdf:first _:nb05 ; rdf:rest _:nb0l ; a rdf:List . _:nb05 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb06 math:arguments _:nb07 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb07 rdf:first _:nb08 ; rdf:rest _:nb0k ; a rdf:List . _:nb08 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nb09 math:arguments _:nb0a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb0a rdf:first _:nb0b ; rdf:rest _:nb0i ; a rdf:List . _:nb0b math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:nb0c math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nb0d math:arguments _:nb0e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb0e rdf:first _:nb0f ; rdf:rest _:nb0h ; a rdf:List . _:nb0f math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:nb0g math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb0h rdf:first _:nb0g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb0i rdf:first _:nb0c ; rdf:rest _:nb0j . _:nb0j rdf:first _:nb0d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb0k rdf:first _:nb09 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb0l rdf:first _:nb06 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb0m math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb0n math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nb0o math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nb0p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb0q math:arguments _:nb0r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb0r rdf:first _:nb0s ; rdf:rest _:nb0v ; a rdf:List . _:nb0s math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nb0t math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb0u math:name "h" ; a math:Variable . _:nb0v rdf:first _:nb0t ; rdf:rest _:nb0y . _:nb0w math:arguments _:nb0x ; math:operator _:nb0n ; a math:Application . _:nb0x rdf:first _:nb10 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb0y rdf:first _:nb0u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb0z rdf:first _:nb0p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb10 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb11 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb12 rdf:first _:nb0m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb13 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb14 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb15 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb16 rdf:first _:nb15 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb17 rdf:first _:nb18 ; rdf:rest _:nb31 ; a rdf:List . _:nb18 math:arguments _:nb19 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb19 rdf:first _:nb1a ; rdf:rest _:nb1c ; a rdf:List . _:nb1a math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb1b math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb1c rdf:first _:nb1b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb1d math:arguments _:nb1e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb1e rdf:first _:nb1p ; rdf:rest _:nb30 ; a rdf:List . _:nb1f math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb1g math:arguments _:nb1h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb1h rdf:first _:nb1i ; rdf:rest _:nb1o ; a rdf:List . _:nb1i math:arguments _:nb1j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb1j rdf:first _:nb1k ; rdf:rest _:nb1m ; a rdf:List . _:nb1k math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb1l math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb1m rdf:first _:nb1l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb1n math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb1o rdf:first _:nb1n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb1p math:binder ; math:body _:nb1g ; math:variables _:nb1q ; a math:Binding . _:nb1q rdf:first _:nb1f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb1r math:arguments _:nb1s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb1s rdf:first _:nb1t ; rdf:rest _:nb2y ; a rdf:List . _:nb1t math:arguments _:nb1u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb1u rdf:first _:nb1v ; rdf:rest _:nb1x ; a rdf:List . _:nb1v math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb1w math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb1x rdf:first _:nb1w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb1y math:arguments _:nb1z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb1z rdf:first _:nb20 ; rdf:rest _:nb2a ; a rdf:List . _:nb20 math:arguments _:nb21 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb21 rdf:first _:nb22 ; rdf:rest _:nb24 ; a rdf:List . _:nb22 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb23 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb24 rdf:first _:nb23 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb25 math:arguments _:nb26 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb26 rdf:first _:nb27 ; rdf:rest _:nb29 ; a rdf:List . _:nb27 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb28 math:value "-2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb29 rdf:first _:nb28 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb2a rdf:first _:nb25 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb2b math:arguments _:nb2c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb2c rdf:first _:nb2d ; rdf:rest _:nb2u ; a rdf:List . _:nb2d math:arguments _:nb2e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb2e rdf:first _:nb2f ; rdf:rest _:nb2h ; a rdf:List . _:nb2f math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb2g math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb2h rdf:first _:nb2g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb2i math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb2j math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb2k math:arguments _:nb2l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb2l rdf:first _:nb2m ; rdf:rest _:nb2o ; a rdf:List . _:nb2m math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb2n math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb2o rdf:first _:nb2n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb2p math:arguments _:nb2q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb2q rdf:first _:nb2r ; rdf:rest _:nb2t ; a rdf:List . _:nb2r math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb2s math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb2t rdf:first _:nb2s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb2u rdf:first _:nb2i ; rdf:rest _:nb2v . _:nb2v rdf:first _:nb2j ; rdf:rest _:nb2w . _:nb2w rdf:first _:nb2k ; rdf:rest _:nb2x . _:nb2x rdf:first _:nb2p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb2y rdf:first _:nb1y ; rdf:rest _:nb2z . _:nb2z rdf:first _:nb2b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb30 rdf:first _:nb1r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb31 rdf:first _:nb1d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb32 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb33 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb34 rdf:first _:nb33 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb35 rdf:first _:nb36 ; rdf:rest _:nb4d ; a rdf:List . _:nb36 math:arguments _:nb37 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb37 rdf:first _:nb38 ; rdf:rest _:nb3a ; a rdf:List . _:nb38 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb39 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb3a rdf:first _:nb39 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb3b math:arguments _:nb3c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb3c rdf:first _:nb3n ; rdf:rest _:nb4c ; a rdf:List . _:nb3d math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb3e math:arguments _:nb3f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb3f rdf:first _:nb3g ; rdf:rest _:nb3m ; a rdf:List . _:nb3g math:arguments _:nb3h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb3h rdf:first _:nb3i ; rdf:rest _:nb3k ; a rdf:List . _:nb3i math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb3j math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb3k rdf:first _:nb3j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb3l math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb3m rdf:first _:nb3l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb3n math:binder ; math:body _:nb3e ; math:variables _:nb3o ; a math:Binding . _:nb3o rdf:first _:nb3d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb3p math:arguments _:nb3q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb3q rdf:first _:nb3r ; rdf:rest _:nb4a ; a rdf:List . _:nb3r math:arguments _:nb3s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb3s rdf:first _:nb3t ; rdf:rest _:nb3v ; a rdf:List . _:nb3t math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb3u math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb3v rdf:first _:nb3u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb3w math:arguments _:nb3x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb3x rdf:first _:nb3y ; rdf:rest _:nb40 ; a rdf:List . _:nb3y math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb3z math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nb40 rdf:first _:nb3z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb41 math:arguments _:nb42 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb42 rdf:first _:nb43 ; rdf:rest _:nb47 ; a rdf:List . _:nb43 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb44 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb45 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb46 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb47 rdf:first _:nb44 ; rdf:rest _:nb48 . _:nb48 rdf:first _:nb45 ; rdf:rest _:nb49 . _:nb49 rdf:first _:nb46 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb4a rdf:first _:nb3w ; rdf:rest _:nb4b . _:nb4b rdf:first _:nb41 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb4c rdf:first _:nb3p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb4d rdf:first _:nb3b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb4e math:arguments _:nb4f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb4f rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nb4g ; a rdf:List . _:nb4g rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb4h math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:nb4e ; a math:AttributionPair . _:nb4i math:arguments _:nb4j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb4j rdf:first _:nb4k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb4k math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nb4l math:arguments _:nb4m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb4m rdf:first _:nb4n ; rdf:rest _:nb4p ; a rdf:List . _:nb4n math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nb4o math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nb4p rdf:first _:nb4o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb4q math:arguments _:nb4r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb4r rdf:first _:nb4s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb4s math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nb4t math:arguments _:nb4u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb4u rdf:first _:nb4v ; rdf:rest _:nb4x ; a rdf:List . _:nb4v math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nb4w math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nb4x rdf:first _:nb4w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb4y math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nb4z rdf:first _:nb4y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb50 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb51 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb52 rdf:first _:nb51 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb53 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb54 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nb55 rdf:first _:nb54 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb56 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nb57 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nb58 rdf:first _:nb56 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb59 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nb5a math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb5b rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb5c rdf:first _:nb5d ; rdf:rest _:nb5e ; a rdf:List . _:nb5d math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb5e rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb5f rdf:first _:nb5h ; rdf:rest _:nb61 ; a rdf:List . _:nb5g rdf:first _:nb5t ; rdf:rest _:nb8c ; a rdf:List . _:nb5h math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb5i math:arguments _:nb5j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb5j rdf:first _:nb5k ; rdf:rest _:nb60 ; a rdf:List . _:nb5k math:arguments _:nb5l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb5l rdf:first _:nb5m ; rdf:rest _:nb5s ; a rdf:List . _:nb5m math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb5n math:arguments _:nb5o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb5o rdf:first _:nb5p ; rdf:rest _:nb5r ; a rdf:List . _:nb5p math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb5q math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb5r rdf:first _:nb5q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb5s rdf:first _:nb5n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb5t math:arguments _:nb5u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb5u rdf:first _:nb62 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb5v math:arguments _:nb5w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb5w rdf:first _:nb5x ; rdf:rest _:nb5z ; a rdf:List . _:nb5x math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb5y math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb5z rdf:first _:nb5y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb60 rdf:first _:nb5v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb61 rdf:first _:nb5i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb62 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nb63 math:arguments _:nb64 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb64 rdf:first _:nb65 ; rdf:rest _:nb6f ; a rdf:List . _:nb65 math:arguments _:nb66 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb66 rdf:first _:nb67 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb67 math:arguments _:nb68 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb68 rdf:first _:nb69 ; rdf:rest _:nb6b ; a rdf:List . _:nb69 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb6a math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb6b rdf:first _:nb6a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb6c math:arguments _:nb6d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb6d rdf:first _:nb6e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb6e math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb6f rdf:first _:nb6c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb6g math:arguments _:nb6h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb6h rdf:first _:nb6i ; rdf:rest _:nb6t ; a rdf:List . _:nb6i math:arguments _:nb6j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb6j rdf:first _:nb6k ; rdf:rest _:nb6s ; a rdf:List . _:nb6k math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb6l math:arguments _:nb6m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb6m rdf:first _:nb6n ; rdf:rest _:nb6p ; a rdf:List . _:nb6n math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb6o math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb6p rdf:first _:nb6o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb6q math:arguments _:nb6r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb6r rdf:first _:nb6v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb6s rdf:first _:nb6l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb6t rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb6u rdf:first _:nb6g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb6v math:arguments _:nb6w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb6w rdf:first _:nb6z ; rdf:rest _:nb7h ; a rdf:List . _:nb6x math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb6y rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb6z math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nb70 rdf:first _:nb71 ; rdf:rest _:nb72 ; a rdf:List . _:nb71 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb72 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb73 rdf:first _:nb74 ; rdf:rest _:nb7o ; a rdf:List . _:nb74 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb75 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nb76 math:arguments _:nb77 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb77 rdf:first _:nb78 ; rdf:rest _:nb7n ; a rdf:List . _:nb78 math:arguments _:nb79 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb79 rdf:first _:nb7a ; rdf:rest _:nb7g ; a rdf:List . _:nb7a math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb7b math:arguments _:nb7c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb7c rdf:first _:nb7d ; rdf:rest _:nb7f ; a rdf:List . _:nb7d math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb7e math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb7f rdf:first _:nb7e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb7g rdf:first _:nb7b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb7h rdf:first _:nb75 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb7i math:arguments _:nb7j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb7j rdf:first _:nb7k ; rdf:rest _:nb7m ; a rdf:List . _:nb7k math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb7l math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb7m rdf:first _:nb7l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb7n rdf:first _:nb7i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb7o rdf:first _:nb76 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb7p math:arguments _:nb7q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb7q rdf:first _:nb7r ; rdf:rest _:nb81 ; a rdf:List . _:nb7r math:arguments _:nb7s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb7s rdf:first _:nb7t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb7t math:arguments _:nb7u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb7u rdf:first _:nb7v ; rdf:rest _:nb7x ; a rdf:List . _:nb7v math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb7w math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb7x rdf:first _:nb7w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb7y math:arguments _:nb7z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb7z rdf:first _:nb80 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nb80 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb81 rdf:first _:nb7y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb82 math:arguments _:nb83 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb83 rdf:first _:nb84 ; rdf:rest _:nb8e ; a rdf:List . _:nb84 math:arguments _:nb85 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb85 rdf:first _:nb86 ; rdf:rest _:nb8d ; a rdf:List . _:nb86 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb87 math:arguments _:nb88 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb88 rdf:first _:nb89 ; rdf:rest _:nb8b ; a rdf:List . _:nb89 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb8a math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb8b rdf:first _:nb8a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8c rdf:first _:nb6q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8d rdf:first _:nb87 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8e rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8f rdf:first _:nb82 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8g rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8h math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb8i math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb8j math:value "60"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb8k rdf:first _:nb8j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8l math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb8m math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb8n rdf:first _:nb8m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8o math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nb8p rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8q rdf:first _:nb8r ; rdf:rest _:nb8t ; a rdf:List . _:nb8r math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb8s math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nb8t rdf:first _:nb8s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8u math:arguments _:nb8v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb8v rdf:first _:nb8w ; rdf:rest _:nb8y ; a rdf:List . _:nb8w math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nb8x math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb8y rdf:first _:nb8x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb8z math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nb90 rdf:first _:nb91 ; rdf:rest _:nb93 ; a rdf:List . _:nb91 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb92 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb93 rdf:first _:nb92 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb94 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nb95 math:arguments _:nb96 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb96 rdf:first _:nb97 ; rdf:rest _:nb9d ; a rdf:List . _:nb97 math:arguments _:nb98 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb98 rdf:first _:nb99 ; rdf:rest _:nb9b ; a rdf:List . _:nb99 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9a math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9b rdf:first _:nb9a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb9c math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9d rdf:first _:nb9c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb9e math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9f math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9g rdf:first _:nb9f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb9h math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9i rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb9j rdf:first _:nb9k ; rdf:rest _:nb9m ; a rdf:List . _:nb9k math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9l math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9m rdf:first _:nb9l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb9n math:arguments _:nb9o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb9o rdf:first _:nb9p ; rdf:rest _:nb9r ; a rdf:List . _:nb9p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9q math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9r rdf:first _:nb9q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb9s math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9t math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9u rdf:first _:nb9t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb9v math:arguments _:nb9w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nb9w rdf:first _:nba5 ; rdf:rest _:nbaa ; a rdf:List . _:nb9x math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nb9y rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nb9z rdf:first _:nba0 ; rdf:rest _:nba2 ; a rdf:List . _:nba0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nba1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nba2 rdf:first _:nba1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nba3 math:arguments _:nba4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nba4 rdf:first _:nba6 ; rdf:rest _:nba8 ; a rdf:List . _:nba5 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nba6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nba7 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nba8 rdf:first _:nba7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nba9 math:name "nList" ; a math:Variable . _:nbaa rdf:first _:nba9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbab math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbac math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbad rdf:first _:nbac ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbae math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbaf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbag rdf:first _:nbah ; rdf:rest _:nbaj ; a rdf:List . _:nbah math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbai math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbaj rdf:first _:nbai ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbak math:arguments _:nbal ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbal rdf:first _:nbam ; rdf:rest _:nbao ; a rdf:List . _:nbam math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nban math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbao rdf:first _:nban ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbap math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbaq math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbar rdf:first _:nbaq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbas math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbat math:arguments _:nbau ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbau rdf:first _:nbb4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbav rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbaw rdf:first _:nbax ; rdf:rest _:nbaz ; a rdf:List . _:nbax math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbay math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbaz rdf:first _:nbay ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbb0 math:arguments _:nbb1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbb1 rdf:first _:nbb2 ; rdf:rest _:nbb5 ; a rdf:List . _:nbb2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbb3 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbb4 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbb5 rdf:first _:nbb3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbb6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbb7 math:arguments _:nbb8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbb8 rdf:first _:nbb9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbb9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbba math:binder ; math:body _:nbb7 ; math:variables _:nbbb ; a math:Binding . _:nbbb rdf:first _:nbb6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbbc math:arguments _:nbbd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbbd rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nbbl ; a rdf:List . _:nbbe math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbbf math:arguments _:nbbg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbbg rdf:first _:nbbh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbbh math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbbi math:name "nList2" ; a math:Variable . _:nbbj math:binder ; math:body _:nbbf ; math:variables _:nbbk ; a math:Binding . _:nbbk rdf:first _:nbbe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbbl rdf:first _:nbbi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbbm math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbbn math:arguments _:nbbo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbbo rdf:first _:nbbp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbbp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbbq math:binder ; math:body _:nbbn ; math:variables _:nbbr ; a math:Binding . _:nbbr rdf:first _:nbbm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbbs math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbbt math:arguments _:nbbu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbbu rdf:first _:nbbv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbbv math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbbw rdf:first _:nbbc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbbx math:binder ; math:body _:nbbt ; math:variables _:nbby ; a math:Binding . _:nbby rdf:first _:nbbs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbbz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbc0 math:arguments _:nbc1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbc1 rdf:first _:nbc2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbc2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbc3 math:binder ; math:body _:nbc0 ; math:variables _:nbc4 ; a math:Binding . _:nbc4 rdf:first _:nbbz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbc5 math:arguments _:nbc6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbc6 rdf:first _:nbc7 ; rdf:rest _:nbch ; a rdf:List . _:nbc7 math:arguments _:nbc8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbc8 rdf:first _:nbc9 ; rdf:rest _:nbcb ; a rdf:List . _:nbc9 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbca math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbcb rdf:first _:nbca ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbcc math:arguments _:nbcd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbcd rdf:first _:nbce ; rdf:rest _:nbcg ; a rdf:List . _:nbce math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbcf math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nbcg rdf:first _:nbcf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbch rdf:first _:nbcc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbci math:arguments _:nbcj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbcj rdf:first _:nbck ; rdf:rest _:nbcu ; a rdf:List . _:nbck math:arguments _:nbcl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbcl rdf:first _:nbcm ; rdf:rest _:nbco ; a rdf:List . _:nbcm math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbcn math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbco rdf:first _:nbcn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbcp math:arguments _:nbcq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbcq rdf:first _:nbcr ; rdf:rest _:nbct ; a rdf:List . _:nbcr math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbcs math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nbct rdf:first _:nbcs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbcu rdf:first _:nbcp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbcv rdf:first _:nbci ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbcw rdf:first _:nbcy ; rdf:rest _:nbdr ; a rdf:List . _:nbcx math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbcy math:arguments _:nbcz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbcz rdf:first _:nbd0 ; rdf:rest _:nbdc ; a rdf:List . _:nbd0 math:arguments _:nbd1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbd1 rdf:first _:nbd2 ; rdf:rest _:nbd4 ; a rdf:List . _:nbd2 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbd3 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbd4 rdf:first _:nbd3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbd5 math:arguments _:nbd6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbd6 rdf:first _:nbd7 ; rdf:rest _:nbd9 ; a rdf:List . _:nbd7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbd8 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nbd9 rdf:first _:nbd8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbda math:arguments _:nbdb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbdb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nbdw ; a rdf:List . _:nbdc rdf:first _:nbd5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbdd math:arguments _:nbde ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbde rdf:first _:nbdf ; rdf:rest _:nbdq ; a rdf:List . _:nbdf math:arguments _:nbdg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbdg rdf:first _:nbdh ; rdf:rest _:nbdj ; a rdf:List . _:nbdh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbdi math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbdj rdf:first _:nbdi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbdk math:arguments _:nbdl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbdl rdf:first _:nbdn ; rdf:rest _:nbdp ; a rdf:List . _:nbdm math:name "nlist2" ; a math:Variable . _:nbdn math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbdo math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nbdp rdf:first _:nbdo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbdq rdf:first _:nbdk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbdr rdf:first _:nbdd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbds math:arguments _:nbdt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbdt rdf:first _:nbdu ; rdf:rest _:nbem ; a rdf:List . _:nbdu math:arguments _:nbdv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbdv rdf:first _:nbdx ; rdf:rest _:nbe7 ; a rdf:List . _:nbdw rdf:first _:nbdm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbdx math:arguments _:nbdy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbdy rdf:first _:nbdz ; rdf:rest _:nbe1 ; a rdf:List . _:nbdz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbe0 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbe1 rdf:first _:nbe0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbe2 math:arguments _:nbe3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbe3 rdf:first _:nbe4 ; rdf:rest _:nbe6 ; a rdf:List . _:nbe4 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbe5 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nbe6 rdf:first _:nbe5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbe7 rdf:first _:nbe2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbe8 math:arguments _:nbe9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbe9 rdf:first _:nbea ; rdf:rest _:nbel ; a rdf:List . _:nbea math:arguments _:nbeb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbeb rdf:first _:nbec ; rdf:rest _:nbee ; a rdf:List . _:nbec math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbed math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbee rdf:first _:nbed ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbef math:arguments _:nbeg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbeg rdf:first _:nbeh ; rdf:rest _:nbek ; a rdf:List . _:nbeh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbei rdf:first _:nbda ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbej math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nbek rdf:first _:nbej ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbel rdf:first _:nbef ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbem rdf:first _:nbe8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nben rdf:first _:nbez ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbeo math:arguments _:nbep ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbep rdf:first _:nbeq ; rdf:rest _:nbfa ; a rdf:List . _:nbeq math:arguments _:nber ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nber rdf:first _:nbes ; rdf:rest _:nbey ; a rdf:List . _:nbes math:arguments _:nbet ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbet rdf:first _:nbeu ; rdf:rest _:nbew ; a rdf:List . _:nbeu math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbev math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbew rdf:first _:nbev ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbex math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbey rdf:first _:nbex ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbez math:arguments _:nbf0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbf0 rdf:first _:nbfb ; rdf:rest _:nbgx ; a rdf:List . _:nbf1 math:arguments _:nbf2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbf2 rdf:first _:nbf3 ; rdf:rest _:nbf9 ; a rdf:List . _:nbf3 math:arguments _:nbf4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbf4 rdf:first _:nbf5 ; rdf:rest _:nbf7 ; a rdf:List . _:nbf5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbf6 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbf7 rdf:first _:nbf6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbf8 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbf9 rdf:first _:nbf8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbfa rdf:first _:nbf1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbfb math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbfc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbfd rdf:first _:nbfc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbfe rdf:first _:nbff ; rdf:rest _:nbg4 ; a rdf:List . _:nbff math:arguments _:nbfg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbfg rdf:first _:nbfh ; rdf:rest _:nbg2 ; a rdf:List . _:nbfh math:arguments _:nbfi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbfi rdf:first _:nbfj ; rdf:rest _:nbfr ; a rdf:List . _:nbfj math:arguments _:nbfk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbfk rdf:first _:nbfl ; rdf:rest _:nbfp ; a rdf:List . _:nbfl math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbfm math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbfn math:arguments _:nbfo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbfo rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nbg7 ; a rdf:List . _:nbfp rdf:first _:nbfm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbfq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbfr rdf:first _:nbfq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbfs math:arguments _:nbft ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbft rdf:first _:nbfu ; rdf:rest _:nbg1 ; a rdf:List . _:nbfu math:arguments _:nbfv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbfv rdf:first _:nbfw ; rdf:rest _:nbfy ; a rdf:List . _:nbfw math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbfx math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbfy rdf:first _:nbfx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbfz math:name "nList" ; a math:Variable . _:nbg0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbg1 rdf:first _:nbg0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbg2 rdf:first _:nbfs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbg3 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbg4 rdf:first _:nbg3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbg5 math:arguments _:nbg6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbg6 rdf:first _:nbg8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbg7 rdf:first _:nbfz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbg8 math:arguments _:nbg9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbg9 rdf:first _:nbga ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbga math:arguments _:nbgb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbgb rdf:first _:nbgc ; rdf:rest _:nbh7 ; a rdf:List . _:nbgc math:arguments _:nbgd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbgd rdf:first _:nbge ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbge math:arguments _:nbgf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbgf rdf:first _:nbgg ; rdf:rest _:nbgq ; a rdf:List . _:nbgg math:arguments _:nbgh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbgh rdf:first _:nbgi ; rdf:rest _:nbgk ; a rdf:List . _:nbgi math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbgj math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbgk rdf:first _:nbgj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbgl math:arguments _:nbgm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbgm rdf:first _:nbgn ; rdf:rest _:nbgp ; a rdf:List . _:nbgn math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbgo math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbgp rdf:first _:nbgo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbgq rdf:first _:nbgl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbgr math:arguments _:nbgs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbgs rdf:first _:nbgt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbgt math:arguments _:nbgu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbgu rdf:first _:nbgv ; rdf:rest _:nbh6 ; a rdf:List . _:nbgv math:arguments _:nbgw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbgw rdf:first _:nbgy ; rdf:rest _:nbh0 ; a rdf:List . _:nbgx rdf:first _:nbfn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbgy math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbgz math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbh0 rdf:first _:nbgz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbh1 math:arguments _:nbh2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbh2 rdf:first _:nbh3 ; rdf:rest _:nbh5 ; a rdf:List . _:nbh3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbh4 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbh5 rdf:first _:nbh4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbh6 rdf:first _:nbh1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbh7 rdf:first _:nbgr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbh8 rdf:first _:nbh9 ; rdf:rest _:nbhb ; a rdf:List . _:nbh9 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbha math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbhb rdf:first _:nbha ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbhc math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbhd math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbhe rdf:first _:nbhd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbhf rdf:first _:nbhh ; rdf:rest _:nbhj ; a rdf:List . _:nbhg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbhh math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nbhi math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbhj rdf:first _:nbhi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbhk math:arguments _:nbhl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbhl rdf:first _:nbhm ; rdf:rest _:nbhw ; a rdf:List . _:nbhm math:arguments _:nbhn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbhn rdf:first _:nbho ; rdf:rest _:nbhq ; a rdf:List . _:nbho math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbhp math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbhq rdf:first _:nbhp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbhr math:arguments _:nbhs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbhs rdf:first _:nbht ; rdf:rest _:nbhv ; a rdf:List . _:nbht math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbhu math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbhv rdf:first _:nbhu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbhw rdf:first _:nbhr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbhx rdf:first _:nbhy ; rdf:rest _:nbia ; a rdf:List . _:nbhy math:arguments _:nbhz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbhz rdf:first _:nbi0 ; rdf:rest _:nbi4 ; a rdf:List . _:nbi0 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbi1 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbi2 math:arguments _:nbi3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbi3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nbig ; a rdf:List . _:nbi4 rdf:first _:nbi1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbi5 math:arguments _:nbi6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbi6 rdf:first _:nbi7 ; rdf:rest _:nbi9 ; a rdf:List . _:nbi7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbi8 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbi9 rdf:first _:nbi8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbia rdf:first _:nbi5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbib math:name "nList" ; a math:Variable . _:nbic rdf:first _:nbid ; rdf:rest _:nbif ; a rdf:List . _:nbid math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbie math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nbif rdf:first _:nbie ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbig rdf:first _:nbib ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbih math:arguments _:nbii ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbii rdf:first _:nbij ; rdf:rest _:nbiq ; a rdf:List . _:nbij math:arguments _:nbik ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbik rdf:first _:nbil ; rdf:rest _:nbio ; a rdf:List . _:nbil math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbim math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nbin math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbio rdf:first _:nbim ; rdf:rest _:nbip . _:nbip rdf:first _:nbin ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbiq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbir math:arguments _:nbis ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbis rdf:first _:nbit ; rdf:rest _:nbiv ; a rdf:List . _:nbit math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbiu math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nbiv rdf:first _:nbiu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbiw math:arguments _:nbix ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbix rdf:first _:nbiy ; rdf:rest _:nbj5 ; a rdf:List . _:nbiy math:arguments _:nbiz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbiz rdf:first _:nbj0 ; rdf:rest _:nbj3 ; a rdf:List . _:nbj0 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbj1 math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nbj2 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbj3 rdf:first _:nbj1 ; rdf:rest _:nbj4 . _:nbj4 rdf:first _:nbj2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbj5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbj6 rdf:first _:nbiw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbj7 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbj8 rdf:first _:nbj9 ; rdf:rest _:nbjc ; a rdf:List . _:nbj9 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbja math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjb math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjc rdf:first _:nbja ; rdf:rest _:nbje . _:nbjd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbje rdf:first _:nbjb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbjf rdf:first _:nbjg ; rdf:rest _:nbjj ; a rdf:List . _:nbjg math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbji math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjj rdf:first _:nbjh ; rdf:rest _:nbjk . _:nbjk rdf:first _:nbji ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbjl math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbjm math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjn math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjo math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjp rdf:first _:nbjo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbjq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjr rdf:first _:nbjs ; rdf:rest _:nbju ; a rdf:List . _:nbjs math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjt math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbju rdf:first _:nbjt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbjv math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjw math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjx math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjy math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbjz math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbk0 rdf:first _:nbjz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbk1 rdf:first _:nbk2 ; rdf:rest _:nbk5 ; a rdf:List . _:nbk2 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbk3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbk4 rdf:first _:nbjv ; rdf:rest _:nbk6 . _:nbk5 rdf:first _:nbk3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbk6 rdf:first _:nbjx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbk7 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbk8 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbk9 rdf:first _:nbk8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbka math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkb math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkc rdf:first _:nbkb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbkd rdf:first _:nbke ; rdf:rest _:nbkg ; a rdf:List . _:nbke math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkf math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkg rdf:first _:nbkf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbkh math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbki math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkj rdf:first _:nbki ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbkk math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkl math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkm rdf:first _:nbkl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbkn rdf:first _:nbko ; rdf:rest _:nbkq ; a rdf:List . _:nbko math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkp math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkq rdf:first _:nbkp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbkr math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbks rdf:first _:nbkt ; rdf:rest _:nbkv ; a rdf:List . _:nbkt math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbku math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkv rdf:first _:nbku ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbkw math:arguments _:nbkx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbkx rdf:first _:nbky ; rdf:rest _:nblc ; a rdf:List . _:nbky math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbkz math:arguments _:nbl0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbl0 rdf:first _:nbl1 ; rdf:rest _:nblb ; a rdf:List . _:nbl1 math:arguments _:nbl2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbl2 rdf:first _:nbl3 ; rdf:rest _:nbl5 ; a rdf:List . _:nbl3 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbl4 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbl5 rdf:first _:nbl4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbl6 math:arguments _:nbl7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbl7 rdf:first _:nbl8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbl8 math:arguments _:nbl9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbl9 rdf:first _:nbla ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbla math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nblb rdf:first _:nbl6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nblc rdf:first _:nbkz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbld math:arguments _:nble ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nble rdf:first _:nblf ; rdf:rest _:nblj ; a rdf:List . _:nblf math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nblg rdf:first _:nbn4 ; rdf:rest _:nbos ; a rdf:List . _:nblh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbli math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nblj rdf:first _:nblh ; rdf:rest _:nblk . _:nblk rdf:first _:nbli ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbll math:arguments _:nblm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nblm rdf:first _:nbln ; rdf:rest _:nblp ; a rdf:List . _:nbln math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nblo math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nblp rdf:first _:nblo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nblq math:arguments _:nblr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nblr rdf:first _:nbls ; rdf:rest _:nblu ; a rdf:List . _:nbls math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nblt math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nblu rdf:first _:nblt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nblv math:arguments _:nblw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nblw rdf:first _:nblx ; rdf:rest _:nblz ; a rdf:List . _:nblx math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbly math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nblz rdf:first _:nbly ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbm0 rdf:first _:nblq ; rdf:rest _:nbm1 . _:nbm1 rdf:first _:nblv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbm2 math:arguments _:nbm3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbm3 rdf:first _:nbm6 ; rdf:rest _:nbm8 ; a rdf:List . _:nbm4 math:arguments _:nbm5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbm5 rdf:first _:nbmg ; rdf:rest _:nbmt ; a rdf:List . _:nbm6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbm7 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbm8 rdf:first _:nbm7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbm9 math:arguments _:nbma ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbma rdf:first _:nbmb ; rdf:rest _:nbmd ; a rdf:List . _:nbmb math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbmc math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbmd rdf:first _:nbmc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbme math:arguments _:nbmf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbmf rdf:first _:nbmh ; rdf:rest _:nbmj ; a rdf:List . _:nbmg math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbmh math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbmi math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbmj rdf:first _:nbmi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbmk rdf:first _:nbm9 ; rdf:rest _:nbml . _:nbml rdf:first _:nbme ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbmm math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nbmn math:arguments _:nbmo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbmo rdf:first _:nbmp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbmp math:arguments _:nbmq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbmq rdf:first _:nbmr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbmr math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbms math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbmt rdf:first _:nbmm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbmu rdf:first _:nbms ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbmv rdf:first _:nbmw ; rdf:rest _:nbn2 ; a rdf:List . _:nbmw math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbmx math:arguments _:nbmy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbmy rdf:first _:nbmz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbmz math:arguments _:nbn0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbn0 rdf:first _:nbn1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbn1 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbn2 rdf:first _:nbmx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbn3 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbn4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nbn5 rdf:first _:nbm4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbn6 rdf:first _:nbn7 ; rdf:rest _:nbne ; a rdf:List . _:nbn7 math:arguments _:nbn8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbn8 rdf:first _:nbn9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbn9 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbna math:arguments _:nbnb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbnb rdf:first _:nbnc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbnc math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbnd math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nbne rdf:first _:nbna ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbnf math:arguments _:nbng ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbng rdf:first _:nbnp ; rdf:rest _:nbwx ; a rdf:List . _:nbnh math:arguments _:nbni ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbni rdf:first _:nbnj ; rdf:rest _:nbnr ; a rdf:List . _:nbnj math:arguments _:nbnk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbnk rdf:first _:nbnl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbnl math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbnm math:arguments _:nbnn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbnn rdf:first _:nbno ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbno math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbnp math:arguments _:nbnq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbnq rdf:first _:nbo0 ; rdf:rest _:nboq ; a rdf:List . _:nbnr rdf:first _:nbnm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbns math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbnt rdf:first _:nbns ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbnu rdf:first _:nbnv ; rdf:rest _:nbo3 ; a rdf:List . _:nbnv math:arguments _:nbnw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbnw rdf:first _:nbnx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbnx math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbny math:arguments _:nbnz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbnz rdf:first _:nbo2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbo0 math:arguments _:nbo1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbo1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbo2 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbo3 rdf:first _:nbny ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbo4 rdf:first _:nbo5 ; rdf:rest _:nbof ; a rdf:List . _:nbo5 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbo6 math:arguments _:nbo7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbo7 rdf:first _:nbo8 ; rdf:rest _:nboe ; a rdf:List . _:nbo8 math:arguments _:nbo9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbo9 rdf:first _:nboa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nboa math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbob math:arguments _:nboc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nboc rdf:first _:nbod ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbod math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nboe rdf:first _:nbob ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbof rdf:first _:nbo6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbog math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nboh math:arguments _:nboi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nboi rdf:first _:nboj ; rdf:rest _:nbop ; a rdf:List . _:nboj math:arguments _:nbok ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbok rdf:first _:nbol ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbol math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbom math:arguments _:nbon ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbon rdf:first _:nboo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nboo math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nbop rdf:first _:nbom ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nboq rdf:first _:nbog ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbor math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbos rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbot math:arguments _:nbou ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbou rdf:first _:nbov ; rdf:rest _:nbrj ; a rdf:List . _:nbov math:arguments _:nbow ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbow rdf:first _:nboz ; rdf:rest _:nbpw ; a rdf:List . _:nbox rdf:first _:nboy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nboy math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nboz math:arguments _:nbp0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbp0 rdf:first _:nbp1 ; rdf:rest _:nbp7 ; a rdf:List . _:nbp1 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbp2 math:arguments _:nbp3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbp3 rdf:first _:nbp4 ; rdf:rest _:nbp6 ; a rdf:List . _:nbp4 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbp5 math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:nbp6 rdf:first _:nbp5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbp7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbp8 math:arguments _:nbp9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbp9 rdf:first _:nbpa ; rdf:rest _:nbpe ; a rdf:List . _:nbpa math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpb math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpc math:value "12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpd math:value "15"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpe rdf:first _:nbpb ; rdf:rest _:nbpf . _:nbpf rdf:first _:nbpc ; rdf:rest _:nbpg . _:nbpg rdf:first _:nbpd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbph math:arguments _:nbpi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbpi rdf:first _:nbpj ; rdf:rest _:nbpp ; a rdf:List . _:nbpj math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpk math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpl math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nbpm math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpn math:value "13"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpo math:value "16"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpp rdf:first _:nbpk ; rdf:rest _:nbpq . _:nbpq rdf:first _:nbpm ; rdf:rest _:nbpr . _:nbpr rdf:first _:nbpn ; rdf:rest _:nbps . _:nbps rdf:first _:nbpo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbpt math:arguments _:nbpu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbpu rdf:first _:nbpv ; rdf:rest _:nbq0 ; a rdf:List . _:nbpv math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpw rdf:first _:nbpl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbpx math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpy math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbpz math:value "14"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbq0 rdf:first _:nbpx ; rdf:rest _:nbq1 . _:nbq1 rdf:first _:nbpy ; rdf:rest _:nbq2 . _:nbq2 rdf:first _:nbpz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbq3 math:arguments _:nbq4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbq4 rdf:first _:nbq5 ; rdf:rest _:nbq8 ; a rdf:List . _:nbq5 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbq6 math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbq7 math:value "11"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbq8 rdf:first _:nbq6 ; rdf:rest _:nbq9 . _:nbq9 rdf:first _:nbq7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbqa rdf:first _:nbph ; rdf:rest _:nbqb . _:nbqb rdf:first _:nbpt ; rdf:rest _:nbqc . _:nbqc rdf:first _:nbq3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbqd math:arguments _:nbqe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbqe rdf:first _:nbqi ; rdf:rest _:nbrf ; a rdf:List . _:nbqf math:arguments _:nbqg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbqg rdf:first _:nbqh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbqh math:name "VV1" ; a math:Variable . _:nbqi math:arguments _:nbqj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbqj rdf:first _:nbqk ; rdf:rest _:nbqn ; a rdf:List . _:nbqk math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbql math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:nbqm math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nbqn rdf:first _:nbqm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbqo math:arguments _:nbqp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbqp rdf:first _:nbqq ; rdf:rest _:nbqu ; a rdf:List . _:nbqq math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbqr math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbqs math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbqt math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbqu rdf:first _:nbqr ; rdf:rest _:nbqv . _:nbqv rdf:first _:nbqs ; rdf:rest _:nbqw . _:nbqw rdf:first _:nbqt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbqx math:arguments _:nbqy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbqy rdf:first _:nbqz ; rdf:rest _:nbr2 ; a rdf:List . _:nbqz math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbr0 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbr1 math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbr2 rdf:first _:nbr0 ; rdf:rest _:nbr3 . _:nbr3 rdf:first _:nbr1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbr4 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nbr5 math:arguments _:nbr6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbr6 rdf:first _:nbr7 ; rdf:rest _:nbr9 ; a rdf:List . _:nbr7 math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbr8 math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbr9 rdf:first _:nbr8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbra math:arguments _:nbrb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbrb rdf:first _:nbrc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbrc math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbrd rdf:first _:nbqx ; rdf:rest _:nbre . _:nbre rdf:first _:nbr5 ; rdf:rest _:nbrg . _:nbrf rdf:first _:nbr4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbrg rdf:first _:nbra ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbrh rdf:first _:nbri ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbri math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:nbrj rdf:first _:nbqd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbrk math:arguments _:nbrl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbrl rdf:first _:nbrm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbrm math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:nbrn math:arguments _:nbro ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbro rdf:first _:nbrp ; rdf:rest _:nbrs ; a rdf:List . _:nbrp math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbrq math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbrr math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbrs rdf:first _:nbrq ; rdf:rest _:nbrt . _:nbrt rdf:first _:nbrr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbru math:arguments _:nbrv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbrv rdf:first _:nbs5 ; rdf:rest _:nbvc ; a rdf:List . _:nbrw math:arguments _:nbrx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbrx rdf:first _:nbry ; rdf:rest _:nbs0 ; a rdf:List . _:nbry math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbrz math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbs0 rdf:first _:nbrz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbs1 math:arguments _:nbs2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbs2 rdf:first _:nbs3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbs3 math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbs4 rdf:first _:nbrw ; rdf:rest _:nbs7 . _:nbs5 math:arguments _:nbs6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbs6 rdf:first _:nbs9 ; rdf:rest _:nbta ; a rdf:List . _:nbs7 rdf:first _:nbs1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbs8 rdf:first _:nbsb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbs9 math:arguments _:nbsa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbsa rdf:first _:nbsc ; rdf:rest _:nbsy ; a rdf:List . _:nbsb math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:nbsc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbsd math:arguments _:nbse ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbse rdf:first _:nbsf ; rdf:rest _:nbsq ; a rdf:List . _:nbsf math:arguments _:nbsg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbsg rdf:first _:nbsh ; rdf:rest _:nbsj ; a rdf:List . _:nbsh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbsi math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbsj rdf:first _:nbsi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbsk math:arguments _:nbsl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbsl rdf:first _:nbsm ; rdf:rest _:nbsp ; a rdf:List . _:nbsm math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbsn math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbso math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbsp rdf:first _:nbsn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbsq rdf:first _:nbsk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbsr math:arguments _:nbss ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbss rdf:first _:nbst ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbst math:arguments _:nbsu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbsu rdf:first _:nbsv ; rdf:rest _:nbsx ; a rdf:List . _:nbsv math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbsw math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbsx rdf:first _:nbsw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbsy rdf:first _:nbso ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbsz rdf:first _:nbsr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbt0 rdf:first _:nbt1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbt1 math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:nbt2 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nbt3 math:arguments _:nbt4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbt4 rdf:first _:nbt5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbt5 math:arguments _:nbt6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbt6 rdf:first _:nbt7 ; rdf:rest _:nbt9 ; a rdf:List . _:nbt7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbt8 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbt9 rdf:first _:nbt8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbta rdf:first _:nbt2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbtb math:name "VV2" ; a math:Variable . _:nbtc rdf:first _:nbtd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbtd math:name "VV3" ; a math:Variable . _:nbte math:arguments _:nbtf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbtf rdf:first _:nbtp ; rdf:rest _:nbur ; a rdf:List . _:nbtg math:arguments _:nbth ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbth rdf:first _:nbti ; rdf:rest _:nbtl ; a rdf:List . _:nbti math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbtj math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbtk math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbtl rdf:first _:nbtj ; rdf:rest _:nbtm . _:nbtm rdf:first _:nbtk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbtn math:arguments _:nbto ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbto rdf:first _:nbtr ; rdf:rest _:nbtt ; a rdf:List . _:nbtp math:arguments _:nbtq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbtq rdf:first _:nbtz ; rdf:rest _:nbu4 ; a rdf:List . _:nbtr math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbts math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbtt rdf:first _:nbts ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbtu math:arguments _:nbtv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbtv rdf:first _:nbtw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbtw math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbtx rdf:first _:nbtn ; rdf:rest _:nbty . _:nbty rdf:first _:nbtu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbtz math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbu0 math:name "VV2" ; a math:Variable . _:nbu1 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nbu2 rdf:first _:nbu3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbu3 math:name "VV3" ; a math:Variable . _:nbu4 rdf:first _:nbu1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbu5 math:arguments _:nbu6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbu6 rdf:first _:nbu7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbu7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbu8 math:arguments _:nbu9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbu9 rdf:first _:nbua ; rdf:rest _:nbuc ; a rdf:List . _:nbua math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbub math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbuc rdf:first _:nbub ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbud math:arguments _:nbue ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbue rdf:first _:nbuf ; rdf:rest _:nbui ; a rdf:List . _:nbuf math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbug math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbuh math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbui rdf:first _:nbug ; rdf:rest _:nbuj . _:nbuj rdf:first _:nbuh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbuk rdf:first _:nbu8 ; rdf:rest _:nbul . _:nbul rdf:first _:nbud ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbum math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nbun math:arguments _:nbuo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbuo rdf:first _:nbup ; rdf:rest _:nbuu ; a rdf:List . _:nbup math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbuq math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbur rdf:first _:nbum ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbus math:value "12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbut math:value "15"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbuu rdf:first _:nbuq ; rdf:rest _:nbuv . _:nbuv rdf:first _:nbus ; rdf:rest _:nbuw . _:nbuw rdf:first _:nbut ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbux math:arguments _:nbuy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbuy rdf:first _:nbuz ; rdf:rest _:nbv4 ; a rdf:List . _:nbuz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbv0 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbv1 math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbv2 math:value "13"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbv3 math:value "16"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbv4 rdf:first _:nbv0 ; rdf:rest _:nbv5 . _:nbv5 rdf:first _:nbv1 ; rdf:rest _:nbv6 . _:nbv6 rdf:first _:nbv2 ; rdf:rest _:nbv7 . _:nbv7 rdf:first _:nbv3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbv8 math:arguments _:nbv9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbv9 rdf:first _:nbva ; rdf:rest _:nbvf ; a rdf:List . _:nbva math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbvb math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbvc rdf:first _:nbte ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbvd math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbve math:value "14"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbvf rdf:first _:nbvb ; rdf:rest _:nbvg . _:nbvg rdf:first _:nbvd ; rdf:rest _:nbvh . _:nbvh rdf:first _:nbve ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbvi math:arguments _:nbvj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbvj rdf:first _:nbvk ; rdf:rest _:nbvn ; a rdf:List . _:nbvk math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbvl math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbvm math:value "11"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbvn rdf:first _:nbvl ; rdf:rest _:nbvo . _:nbvo rdf:first _:nbvm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbvp rdf:first _:nbux ; rdf:rest _:nbvq . _:nbvq rdf:first _:nbv8 ; rdf:rest _:nbvr . _:nbvr rdf:first _:nbvi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbvs math:arguments _:nbvt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbvt rdf:first _:nbvu ; rdf:rest _:nbwc ; a rdf:List . _:nbvu math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbvv math:arguments _:nbvw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbvw rdf:first _:nbvx ; rdf:rest _:nbw2 ; a rdf:List . _:nbvx math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbvy math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbvz math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbw0 math:value "13"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbw1 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nbw2 rdf:first _:nbvy ; rdf:rest _:nbw3 . _:nbw3 rdf:first _:nbvz ; rdf:rest _:nbw4 . _:nbw4 rdf:first _:nbw0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbw5 math:arguments _:nbw6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbw6 rdf:first _:nbw7 ; rdf:rest _:nbwd ; a rdf:List . _:nbw7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbw8 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbw9 math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbwa math:value "12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbwb math:value "16"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbwc rdf:first _:nbw1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbwd rdf:first _:nbw8 ; rdf:rest _:nbwe . _:nbwe rdf:first _:nbw9 ; rdf:rest _:nbwf . _:nbwf rdf:first _:nbwa ; rdf:rest _:nbwg . _:nbwg rdf:first _:nbwb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbwh math:arguments _:nbwi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbwi rdf:first _:nbwj ; rdf:rest _:nbwn ; a rdf:List . _:nbwj math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbwk math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbwl math:value "11"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbwm math:value "15"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbwn rdf:first _:nbwk ; rdf:rest _:nbwo . _:nbwo rdf:first _:nbwl ; rdf:rest _:nbwp . _:nbwp rdf:first _:nbwm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbwq math:arguments _:nbwr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbwr rdf:first _:nbws ; rdf:rest _:nbwv ; a rdf:List . _:nbws math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbwt math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbwu math:value "14"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbwv rdf:first _:nbwt ; rdf:rest _:nbww . _:nbww rdf:first _:nbwu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbwx rdf:first _:nbot ; rdf:rest _:nbx1 . _:nbwy rdf:first _:nbw5 ; rdf:rest _:nbwz . _:nbwz rdf:first _:nbwh ; rdf:rest _:nbx0 . _:nbx0 rdf:first _:nbwq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbx1 rdf:first _:nbru ; rdf:rest _:nbx2 . _:nbx2 rdf:first _:nbvs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbx3 math:arguments _:nbx4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbx4 rdf:first _:nbx5 ; rdf:rest _:nbx7 ; a rdf:List . _:nbx5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbx6 math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:nbx7 rdf:first _:nbx6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbx8 rdf:first _:nbx9 ; rdf:rest _:nbxi ; a rdf:List . _:nbx9 math:arguments _:nbxa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbxa rdf:first _:nbxb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbxb math:arguments _:nbxc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbxc rdf:first _:nbxd ; rdf:rest _:nbxg ; a rdf:List . _:nbxd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbxe math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:nbxf rdf:first _:nbnd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbxg rdf:first _:nbxe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbxh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbxi rdf:first _:nbxh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbxj rdf:first _:nbxk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbxk math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:nbxl math:arguments _:nbxm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbxm rdf:first _:nbxn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbxn math:name "VV" ; a math:Variable . _:nbxo math:name "VV2" ; a math:Variable . _:nbxp rdf:first _:nbxq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbxq math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbxr math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nbxs math:arguments _:nbxt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbxt rdf:first _:nbxu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbxu math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbxv math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbxw rdf:first _:nbxv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbxx math:arguments _:nbxy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbxy rdf:first _:nbxz ; rdf:rest _:nby1 ; a rdf:List . _:nbxz math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nby0 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nby1 rdf:first _:nby0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nby2 math:arguments _:nby3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nby3 rdf:first _:nby4 ; rdf:rest _:nbye ; a rdf:List . _:nby4 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nby5 math:arguments _:nby6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nby6 rdf:first _:nby7 ; rdf:rest _:nbyd ; a rdf:List . _:nby7 math:arguments _:nby8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nby8 rdf:first _:nby9 ; rdf:rest _:nbyb ; a rdf:List . _:nby9 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nbya math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbyb rdf:first _:nbya ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbyc math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nbyd rdf:first _:nbyc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbye rdf:first _:nby5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbyf math:arguments _:nbyg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbyg rdf:first _:nbyh ; rdf:rest _:nbyr ; a rdf:List . _:nbyh math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nbyi math:arguments _:nbyj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbyj rdf:first _:nbyk ; rdf:rest _:nbyq ; a rdf:List . _:nbyk math:arguments _:nbyl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbyl rdf:first _:nbym ; rdf:rest _:nbyo ; a rdf:List . _:nbym math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nbyn math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbyo rdf:first _:nbyn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbyp math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbyq rdf:first _:nbyp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbyr rdf:first _:nbyi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbys rdf:first _:nby2 ; rdf:rest _:nbyt . _:nbyt rdf:first _:nbyf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbyu rdf:first _:nbyv ; rdf:rest _:nbzb ; a rdf:List . _:nbyv math:arguments _:nbyw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbyw rdf:first _:nbyx ; rdf:rest _:nbz0 ; a rdf:List . _:nbyx math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nbyy math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nbyz math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nbz0 rdf:first _:nbyy ; rdf:rest _:nbz1 . _:nbz1 rdf:first _:nbyz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbz2 math:arguments _:nbz3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbz3 rdf:first _:nbz4 ; rdf:rest _:nbz9 ; a rdf:List . _:nbz4 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nbz5 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nbz6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbz7 math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbz8 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nbz9 rdf:first _:nbz5 ; rdf:rest _:nbza . _:nbza rdf:first _:nbz8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbzb rdf:first _:nbz2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbzc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbzd math:arguments _:nbze ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbze rdf:first _:nbzf ; rdf:rest _:nbzi ; a rdf:List . _:nbzf math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbzg math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nbzh math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nbzi rdf:first _:nbzg ; rdf:rest _:nbzj . _:nbzj rdf:first _:nbzh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbzk rdf:first _:nbzd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbzl math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbzm math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nbzn rdf:first _:nbzm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbzo rdf:first _:nbzp ; rdf:rest _:nbzx ; a rdf:List . _:nbzp math:arguments _:nbzq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbzq rdf:first _:nbzr ; rdf:rest _:nbzt ; a rdf:List . _:nbzr math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nbzs math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nbzt rdf:first _:nbzs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbzu math:arguments _:nbzv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nbzv rdf:first _:nbzw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nbzw math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nbzx rdf:first _:nbzu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nbzy math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nbzz math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nc00 rdf:first _:nbzz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc01 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc02 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc03 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc04 rdf:first _:nc02 ; rdf:rest _:nc05 . _:nc05 rdf:first _:nc03 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc06 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc07 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nc08 rdf:first _:nc07 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc09 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc0a math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc0b math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc0c rdf:first _:nc0a ; rdf:rest _:nc0d . _:nc0d rdf:first _:nc0b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc0e math:name "lst" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0f rdf:first _:nc0g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc0g math:name "lst" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0h rdf:first _:nc0i ; rdf:rest _:nc0k ; a rdf:List . _:nc0i math:name "lst1" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0j math:name "lst2" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0k rdf:first _:nc0j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc0l rdf:first _:nc0m ; rdf:rest _:nc0o ; a rdf:List . _:nc0m math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0n math:name "lst1" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0o rdf:first _:nc0n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc0p math:name "lst2" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0q math:arguments _:nc0r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc0r rdf:first _:nc0t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc0s math:name "lst" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0t math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0u math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0v math:name "lst" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0w rdf:first _:nc0v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc0x rdf:first _:nc0y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc0y math:name "lst" ; a math:Variable . _:nc0z math:arguments _:nc10 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc10 rdf:first _:nc11 ; rdf:rest _:nc12 ; a rdf:List . _:nc11 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc12 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc13 rdf:first _:nc0q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc14 math:arguments _:nc15 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc15 rdf:first _:nc16 ; rdf:rest _:nc19 ; a rdf:List . _:nc16 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc17 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc18 math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc19 rdf:first _:nc17 ; rdf:rest _:nc1a . _:nc1a rdf:first _:nc18 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc1b rdf:first _:nc1f ; rdf:rest _:nc60 ; a rdf:List . _:nc1c math:arguments _:nc1d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc1d rdf:first _:nc1e ; rdf:rest _:nc1j ; a rdf:List . _:nc1e math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc1f math:arguments _:nc1g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc1g rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nc1o ; a rdf:List . _:nc1h math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc1i math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc1j rdf:first _:nc1h ; rdf:rest _:nc1k . _:nc1k rdf:first _:nc1i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc1l math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nc1m rdf:first _:nc1n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc1n math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:nc1o rdf:first _:nc1l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc1p math:arguments _:nc1q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc1q rdf:first _:nc1r ; rdf:rest _:nc1u ; a rdf:List . _:nc1r math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc1s math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc1t math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc1u rdf:first _:nc1s ; rdf:rest _:nc1v . _:nc1v rdf:first _:nc1t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc1w math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc1x rdf:first _:nc1w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc1y math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nc1z math:arguments _:nc20 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc20 rdf:first _:nc21 ; rdf:rest _:nc29 ; a rdf:List . _:nc21 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc22 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc23 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc24 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc25 math:arguments _:nc26 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc26 rdf:first _:nc2g ; rdf:rest _:nc55 ; a rdf:List . _:nc27 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc28 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc29 rdf:first _:nc22 ; rdf:rest _:nc2a . _:nc2a rdf:first _:nc23 ; rdf:rest _:nc2b . _:nc2b rdf:first _:nc24 ; rdf:rest _:nc2c . _:nc2c rdf:first _:nc27 ; rdf:rest _:nc2d . _:nc2d rdf:first _:nc28 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc2e math:value "-2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc2f rdf:first _:nc2e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc2g math:arguments _:nc2h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc2h rdf:first _:nc2i ; rdf:rest _:nc48 ; a rdf:List . _:nc2i math:arguments _:nc2j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc2j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc2k math:arguments _:nc2l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc2l rdf:first _:nc2m ; rdf:rest _:nc2s ; a rdf:List . _:nc2m math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc2n math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc2o math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc2p math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc2q math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc2r math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc2s rdf:first _:nc2n ; rdf:rest _:nc2t . _:nc2t rdf:first _:nc2o ; rdf:rest _:nc2u . _:nc2u rdf:first _:nc2p ; rdf:rest _:nc2v . _:nc2v rdf:first _:nc2q ; rdf:rest _:nc2w . _:nc2w rdf:first _:nc2r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc2x math:arguments _:nc2y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc2y rdf:first _:nc2z ; rdf:rest _:nc32 ; a rdf:List . _:nc2z math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc30 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc31 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc32 rdf:first _:nc30 ; rdf:rest _:nc33 . _:nc33 rdf:first _:nc31 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc34 math:arguments _:nc35 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc35 rdf:first _:nc3d ; rdf:rest _:nc3t ; a rdf:List . _:nc36 rdf:first _:nc2x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc37 rdf:first _:nc38 ; rdf:rest _:nc3b ; a rdf:List . _:nc38 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc39 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3a math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3b rdf:first _:nc39 ; rdf:rest _:nc3c . _:nc3c rdf:first _:nc3a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc3d math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nc3e rdf:first _:nc3f ; rdf:rest _:nc3m ; a rdf:List . _:nc3f math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3g math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3h math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3i math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nc3j math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3k math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3l math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3m rdf:first _:nc3g ; rdf:rest _:nc3n . _:nc3n rdf:first _:nc3h ; rdf:rest _:nc3o . _:nc3o rdf:first _:nc3j ; rdf:rest _:nc3p . _:nc3p rdf:first _:nc3k ; rdf:rest _:nc3q . _:nc3q rdf:first _:nc3l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc3r math:arguments _:nc3s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc3s rdf:first _:nc3u ; rdf:rest _:nc3y ; a rdf:List . _:nc3t rdf:first _:nc3i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc3u math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3v math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3w math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3x math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc3y rdf:first _:nc3v ; rdf:rest _:nc3z . _:nc3z rdf:first _:nc3w ; rdf:rest _:nc40 . _:nc40 rdf:first _:nc3x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc41 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc42 math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc43 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc44 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc45 rdf:first _:nc42 ; rdf:rest _:nc46 . _:nc46 rdf:first _:nc43 ; rdf:rest _:nc47 . _:nc47 rdf:first _:nc44 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc48 rdf:first _:nc34 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc49 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4a math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4b rdf:first _:nc4a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc4c rdf:first _:nc4d ; rdf:rest _:nc4f ; a rdf:List . _:nc4d math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4e math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4f rdf:first _:nc4e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc4g math:arguments _:nc4h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc4h rdf:first _:nc4j ; rdf:rest _:nc4n ; a rdf:List . _:nc4i math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4j math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4k rdf:first _:nc4m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc4l math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4m math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4n rdf:first _:nc4l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc4o rdf:first _:nc4p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc4p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4q math:arguments _:nc4r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc4r rdf:first _:nc4u ; rdf:rest _:nc53 ; a rdf:List . _:nc4s rdf:first _:nc4t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc4t math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4u math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4v math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4w math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4x math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nc4y rdf:first _:nc4x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc4z rdf:first _:nc50 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc50 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc51 math:arguments _:nc52 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc52 rdf:first _:nc54 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc53 rdf:first _:nc4v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc54 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nc55 rdf:first _:nc4g ; rdf:rest _:nc56 . _:nc56 rdf:first _:nc4q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc57 math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nc58 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nc59 rdf:first _:nc58 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc5a math:arguments _:nc5b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc5b rdf:first _:nc5c ; rdf:rest _:nc5e ; a rdf:List . _:nc5c math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nc5d math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nc5e rdf:first _:nc5d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc5f math:arguments _:nc5g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc5g rdf:first _:nc5h ; rdf:rest _:nc5j ; a rdf:List . _:nc5h math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nc5i math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nc5j rdf:first _:nc5i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc5k rdf:first _:nc5f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc5l math:binder ; math:body _:nc25 ; math:variables _:nc5m ; a math:Binding . _:nc5m rdf:first _:nc1y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc5n rdf:first _:nc5p ; rdf:rest _:nc5v ; a rdf:List . _:nc5o math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nc5p math:arguments _:nc5q ; math:operator _:nc5o ; a math:Application . _:nc5q rdf:first _:nc5r ; rdf:rest _:nc5t ; a rdf:List . _:nc5r math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nc5s math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nc5t rdf:first _:nc5s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc5u math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nc5v rdf:first _:nc5u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc5w math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nc5x math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nc5y math:arguments _:nc5z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc5z rdf:first _:nc61 ; rdf:rest _:nc67 ; a rdf:List . _:nc60 rdf:first _:nc5l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc61 math:arguments _:nc62 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc62 rdf:first _:nc63 ; rdf:rest _:nc65 ; a rdf:List . _:nc63 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nc64 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc65 rdf:first _:nc64 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc66 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nc67 rdf:first _:nc66 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc68 rdf:first _:nc5w ; rdf:rest _:nc69 ; a rdf:List . _:nc69 rdf:first _:nc5x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc6a math:arguments _:nc6b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc6b rdf:first _:nc6c ; rdf:rest _:nc6e ; a rdf:List . _:nc6c math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc6d math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nc6e rdf:first _:nc6d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc6f math:arguments _:nc6g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc6g rdf:first _:nc6h ; rdf:rest _:nc6j ; a rdf:List . _:nc6h math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc6i math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nc6j rdf:first _:nc6i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc6k rdf:first _:nc6l ; rdf:rest _:nc6z ; a rdf:List . _:nc6l math:arguments _:nc6m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc6m rdf:first _:nc6n ; rdf:rest _:nc6r ; a rdf:List . _:nc6n math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc6o math:arguments _:nc6p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc6p rdf:first _:nc6q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc6q math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc6r rdf:first _:nc6o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc6s math:arguments _:nc6t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc6t rdf:first _:nc6u ; rdf:rest _:nc6y ; a rdf:List . _:nc6u math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nc6v math:arguments _:nc6w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc6w rdf:first _:nc6x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc6x math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc6y rdf:first _:nc6v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc6z rdf:first _:nc6s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc70 math:arguments _:nc71 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc71 rdf:first _:nc75 ; rdf:rest _:nc7i ; a rdf:List . _:nc72 math:arguments _:nc73 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc73 rdf:first _:nc74 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc74 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc75 math:arguments _:nc76 ; math:operator _:nc72 ; a math:Application . _:nc76 rdf:first _:nc77 ; rdf:rest _:nc79 ; a rdf:List . _:nc77 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc78 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nc79 rdf:first _:nc78 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc7a math:arguments _:nc7b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc7b rdf:first _:nc7c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc7c math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc7d math:arguments _:nc7e ; math:operator _:nc7a ; a math:Application . _:nc7e rdf:first _:nc7f ; rdf:rest _:nc7h ; a rdf:List . _:nc7f math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nc7g math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc7h rdf:first _:nc7g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc7i rdf:first _:nc7d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc7j math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc7k math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nc7l rdf:first _:nc7m ; rdf:rest _:nc87 ; a rdf:List . _:nc7m math:arguments _:nc7n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc7n rdf:first _:nc7o ; rdf:rest _:nc7s ; a rdf:List . _:nc7o math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc7p math:arguments _:nc7q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc7q rdf:first _:nc7r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc7r math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc7s rdf:first _:nc7p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc7t math:arguments _:nc7u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc7u rdf:first _:nc7v ; rdf:rest _:nc7z ; a rdf:List . _:nc7v math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nc7w math:arguments _:nc7x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc7x rdf:first _:nc7y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc7y math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc7z rdf:first _:nc7w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc80 math:arguments _:nc81 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc81 rdf:first _:nc82 ; rdf:rest _:nc86 ; a rdf:List . _:nc82 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nc83 math:arguments _:nc84 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc84 rdf:first _:nc85 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc85 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc86 rdf:first _:nc83 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc87 rdf:first _:nc7t ; rdf:rest _:nc88 . _:nc88 rdf:first _:nc80 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc89 math:arguments _:nc8a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc8a rdf:first _:nc8e ; rdf:rest _:nc95 ; a rdf:List . _:nc8b math:arguments _:nc8c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc8c rdf:first _:nc8d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc8d math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc8e math:arguments _:nc8f ; math:operator _:nc8b ; a math:Application . _:nc8f rdf:first _:nc8j ; rdf:rest _:nc8p ; a rdf:List . _:nc8g math:arguments _:nc8h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc8h rdf:first _:nc8i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc8i math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc8j math:arguments _:nc8k ; math:operator _:nc8g ; a math:Application . _:nc8k rdf:first _:nc8l ; rdf:rest _:nc8n ; a rdf:List . _:nc8l math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc8m math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nc8n rdf:first _:nc8m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc8o math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nc8p rdf:first _:nc8o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc8q math:arguments _:nc8r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc8r rdf:first _:nc8s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc8s math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc8t math:arguments _:nc8u ; math:operator _:nc8q ; a math:Application . _:nc8u rdf:first _:nc8v ; rdf:rest _:nc94 ; a rdf:List . _:nc8v math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nc8w math:arguments _:nc8x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc8x rdf:first _:nc8y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc8y math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nc8z math:arguments _:nc90 ; math:operator _:nc8w ; a math:Application . _:nc90 rdf:first _:nc91 ; rdf:rest _:nc93 ; a rdf:List . _:nc91 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nc92 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nc93 rdf:first _:nc92 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc94 rdf:first _:nc8z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc95 rdf:first _:nc8t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc96 math:arguments _:nc97 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc97 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nc9f ; a rdf:List . _:nc98 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nc99 math:arguments _:nc9a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc9a rdf:first _:nc9b ; rdf:rest _:nc9c ; a rdf:List . _:nc9b math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nc9c rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc9d math:binder ; math:body _:nc99 ; math:variables _:nc9e ; a math:Binding . _:nc9e rdf:first _:nc98 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nc9f rdf:first _:nc9d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc9g rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc9h rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nc9i ; a rdf:List . _:nc9i rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc9j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nc9k ; a rdf:List . _:nc9k rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc9l math:arguments _:nc9m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc9m rdf:first _:nc9n ; rdf:rest _:nc9p ; a rdf:List . _:nc9n math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc9o math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc9p rdf:first _:nc9o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc9q rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nc9r ; a rdf:List . _:nc9r rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc9s math:arguments _:nc9t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc9t rdf:first _:nc9u ; rdf:rest _:nc9w ; a rdf:List . _:nc9u math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc9v math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nc9w rdf:first _:nc9v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nc9x rdf:first _:nc9y ; rdf:rest _:ncac ; a rdf:List . _:nc9y math:arguments _:nc9z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nc9z rdf:first _:nca0 ; rdf:rest _:nca4 ; a rdf:List . _:nca0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nca1 math:arguments _:nca2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nca2 rdf:first _:nca3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nca3 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nca4 rdf:first _:nca1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nca5 math:arguments _:nca6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nca6 rdf:first _:nca7 ; rdf:rest _:ncab ; a rdf:List . _:nca7 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nca8 math:arguments _:nca9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nca9 rdf:first _:ncaa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncaa math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:ncab rdf:first _:nca8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncac rdf:first _:nca5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncad math:arguments _:ncae ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncae rdf:first _:ncag ; rdf:rest _:ncaz ; a rdf:List . _:ncaf math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ncag math:arguments _:ncah ; math:operator _:ncaf ; a math:Application . _:ncah rdf:first _:ncai ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncai math:arguments _:ncaj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncaj rdf:first _:ncak ; rdf:rest _:ncam ; a rdf:List . _:ncak math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncal math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ncam rdf:first _:ncal ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncan math:arguments _:ncao ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncao rdf:first _:ncar ; rdf:rest _:ncay ; a rdf:List . _:ncap math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ncaq rdf:first _:ncb0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncar math:arguments _:ncas ; math:operator _:ncap ; a math:Application . _:ncas rdf:first _:ncat ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncat math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ncau math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ncav math:arguments _:ncaw ; math:operator _:ncau ; a math:Application . _:ncaw rdf:first _:ncax ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncax math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncay rdf:first _:ncav ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncaz rdf:first _:ncan ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncb0 math:arguments _:ncb1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncb1 rdf:first _:ncb2 ; rdf:rest _:ncb3 ; a rdf:List . _:ncb2 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ncb3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncb4 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ncb5 math:arguments _:ncb6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncb6 rdf:first _:ncb8 ; rdf:rest _:ncbs ; a rdf:List . _:ncb7 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ncb8 math:arguments _:ncb9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncb9 rdf:first _:ncba ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncba math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ncbb math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ncbc math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ncbd rdf:first _:ncbc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncbe math:arguments _:ncbf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncbf rdf:first _:ncbo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncbg rdf:first _:ncbh ; rdf:rest _:ncbl ; a rdf:List . _:ncbh math:value "http://example.com"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:ncbi math:value "other"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:ncbj math:value "att"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:ncbk math:value "bla"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:ncbl rdf:first _:ncbi ; rdf:rest _:ncbm . _:ncbm rdf:first _:ncbj ; rdf:rest _:ncbn . _:ncbn rdf:first _:ncbk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncbo math:arguments _:ncbp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncbp rdf:first _:ncbq ; rdf:rest _:ncbr ; a rdf:List . _:ncbq math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ncbr rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncbs rdf:first _:ncbe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncbt math:arguments _:ncbu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncbu rdf:first _:ncbv ; rdf:rest _:ncby ; a rdf:List . _:ncbv math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncbw math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncbx math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncby rdf:first _:ncbw ; rdf:rest _:ncbz . _:ncbz rdf:first _:ncbx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncc0 math:arguments _:ncc1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncc1 rdf:first _:ncc2 ; rdf:rest _:ncc5 ; a rdf:List . _:ncc2 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncc3 math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncc4 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncc5 rdf:first _:ncc3 ; rdf:rest _:ncc6 . _:ncc6 rdf:first _:ncc4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncc7 math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:ncc8 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:ncc9 math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:ncca rdf:first _:ncc8 ; rdf:rest _:nccb . _:nccb rdf:first _:ncc9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nccc math:arguments _:nccd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nccd rdf:first _:ncce ; rdf:rest _:ncco ; a rdf:List . _:ncce math:arguments _:nccf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nccf rdf:first _:nccg ; rdf:rest _:ncci ; a rdf:List . _:nccg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncch math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:ncci rdf:first _:ncch ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nccj math:arguments _:ncck ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncck rdf:first _:nccl ; rdf:rest _:nccn ; a rdf:List . _:nccl math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nccm math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nccn rdf:first _:nccm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncco rdf:first _:nccj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nccp math:arguments _:nccq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nccq rdf:first _:nccs ; rdf:rest _:nccy ; a rdf:List . _:nccr math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nccs math:arguments _:ncct ; math:operator _:nccr ; a math:Application . _:ncct rdf:first _:nccu ; rdf:rest _:nccw ; a rdf:List . _:nccu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nccv math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nccw rdf:first _:nccv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nccx math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nccy rdf:first _:nccx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nccz rdf:first _:nccp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncd0 rdf:first _:ncd2 ; rdf:rest _:ncdn ; a rdf:List . _:ncd1 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:ncd2 math:arguments _:ncd3 ; math:operator _:ncd1 ; a math:Application . _:ncd3 rdf:first _:ncd4 ; rdf:rest _:ncdb ; a rdf:List . _:ncd4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncd5 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:ncd6 math:arguments _:ncd7 ; math:operator _:ncd5 ; a math:Application . _:ncd7 rdf:first _:ncd8 ; rdf:rest _:ncda ; a rdf:List . _:ncd8 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ncd9 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ncda rdf:first _:ncd9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncdb rdf:first _:ncd6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncdc math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:ncdd math:arguments _:ncde ; math:operator _:ncdc ; a math:Application . _:ncde rdf:first _:ncdg ; rdf:rest _:ncdm ; a rdf:List . _:ncdf math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:ncdg math:arguments _:ncdh ; math:operator _:ncdf ; a math:Application . _:ncdh rdf:first _:ncdi ; rdf:rest _:ncdk ; a rdf:List . _:ncdi math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncdj math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ncdk rdf:first _:ncdj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncdl math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ncdm rdf:first _:ncdl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncdn rdf:first _:ncdd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncdo math:arguments _:ncdp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncdp rdf:first _:ncdq ; rdf:rest _:ncet ; a rdf:List . _:ncdq math:arguments _:ncdr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncdr rdf:first _:ncds ; rdf:rest _:ncdu ; a rdf:List . _:ncds math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:ncdt math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:ncdu rdf:first _:ncdt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncdv math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncdw math:arguments _:ncdx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncdx rdf:first _:ncdy ; rdf:rest _:nceq ; a rdf:List . _:ncdy math:arguments _:ncdz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncdz rdf:first _:nce0 ; rdf:rest _:nce2 ; a rdf:List . _:nce0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nce1 math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nce2 rdf:first _:nce1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nce3 math:arguments _:nce4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nce4 rdf:first _:nce5 ; rdf:rest _:ncep ; a rdf:List . _:nce5 math:arguments _:nce6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nce6 rdf:first _:nce8 ; rdf:rest _:ncee ; a rdf:List . _:nce7 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nce8 math:arguments _:nce9 ; math:operator _:nce7 ; a math:Application . _:nce9 rdf:first _:ncea ; rdf:rest _:ncec ; a rdf:List . _:ncea math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:nceb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncec rdf:first _:nceb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nced math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncee rdf:first _:nced ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncef math:arguments _:nceg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nceg rdf:first _:ncei ; rdf:rest _:nceo ; a rdf:List . _:nceh math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:ncei math:arguments _:ncej ; math:operator _:nceh ; a math:Application . _:ncej rdf:first _:ncek ; rdf:rest _:ncem ; a rdf:List . _:ncek math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncel math:name "elt" ; a math:Variable . _:ncem rdf:first _:ncel ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncen math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nceo rdf:first _:ncen ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncep rdf:first _:ncef ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nceq rdf:first _:nce3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncer math:binder ; math:body _:ncdw ; math:variables _:nces ; a math:Binding . _:nces rdf:first _:ncdv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncet rdf:first _:ncer ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nceu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncev math:arguments _:ncew ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncew rdf:first _:ncex ; rdf:rest _:ncf2 ; a rdf:List . _:ncex math:arguments _:ncey ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncey rdf:first _:ncez ; rdf:rest _:ncf1 ; a rdf:List . _:ncez math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncf0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncf1 rdf:first _:ncf0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncf2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncf3 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ncf4 math:binder ; math:body _:ncev ; math:variables _:ncf5 ; a math:Binding . _:ncf5 rdf:first _:nceu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncf6 rdf:first _:ncf4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncf7 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncf8 rdf:first _:ncf3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncf9 math:arguments _:ncfa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncfa rdf:first _:ncfb ; rdf:rest _:ncfe ; a rdf:List . _:ncfb math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfc math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfd math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfe rdf:first _:ncfc ; rdf:rest _:ncff . _:ncff rdf:first _:ncfd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncfg math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfh math:arguments _:ncfi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncfi rdf:first _:ncfj ; rdf:rest _:ncfm ; a rdf:List . _:ncfj math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfk math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfl math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfm rdf:first _:ncfk ; rdf:rest _:ncfn . _:ncfn rdf:first _:ncfl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncfo math:arguments _:ncfp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncfp rdf:first _:ncfs ; rdf:rest _:ncg6 ; a rdf:List . _:ncfq rdf:first _:ncfr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncfr math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfs math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ncft math:arguments _:ncfu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncfu rdf:first _:ncfv ; rdf:rest _:ncfx ; a rdf:List . _:ncfv math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfw math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfx rdf:first _:ncfw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncfy math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:ncfz math:arguments _:ncg0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncg0 rdf:first _:ncg1 ; rdf:rest _:ncg4 ; a rdf:List . _:ncg1 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ncg2 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:ncg3 math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:ncg4 rdf:first _:ncg2 ; rdf:rest _:ncg5 . _:ncg5 rdf:first _:ncg3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncg6 rdf:first _:ncfy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncg7 rdf:first _:ncg8 ; rdf:rest _:ncgn ; a rdf:List . _:ncg8 math:arguments _:ncg9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncg9 rdf:first _:ncga ; rdf:rest _:ncgf ; a rdf:List . _:ncga math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ncgb math:arguments _:ncgc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncgc rdf:first _:ncgd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncgd math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ncge rdf:first _:ncfg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncgf rdf:first _:ncgb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncgg math:arguments _:ncgh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncgh rdf:first _:ncgi ; rdf:rest _:ncgm ; a rdf:List . _:ncgi math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ncgj math:arguments _:ncgk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncgk rdf:first _:ncgl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncgl math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ncgm rdf:first _:ncgj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncgn rdf:first _:ncgg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncgo math:arguments _:ncgp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncgp rdf:first _:ncgq ; rdf:rest _:ncgv ; a rdf:List . _:ncgq math:arguments _:ncgr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncgr rdf:first _:ncgs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncgs math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ncgt math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ncgu math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ncgv rdf:first _:ncgt ; rdf:rest _:ncgw . _:ncgw rdf:first _:ncgu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncgx math:arguments _:ncgy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncgy rdf:first _:ncgz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncgz math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nch0 math:arguments _:nch1 ; math:operator _:ncgx ; a math:Application . _:nch1 rdf:first _:nch2 ; rdf:rest _:nch4 ; a rdf:List . _:nch2 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nch3 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nch4 rdf:first _:nch3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nch5 rdf:first _:nch0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nch6 rdf:first _:nch7 ; rdf:rest _:nchb ; a rdf:List . _:nch7 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nch8 math:arguments _:nch9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nch9 rdf:first _:ncha ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncha math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nchb rdf:first _:nch8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nchc math:arguments _:nchd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nchd rdf:first _:nchh ; rdf:rest _:nchp ; a rdf:List . _:nche math:arguments _:nchf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nchf rdf:first _:nchg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nchg math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nchh math:arguments _:nchi ; math:operator _:nche ; a math:Application . _:nchi rdf:first _:nchj ; rdf:rest _:nchl ; a rdf:List . _:nchj math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nchk math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nchl rdf:first _:nchk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nchm math:arguments _:nchn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nchn rdf:first _:ncho ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncho math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nchp rdf:first _:nchm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nchq math:arguments _:nchr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nchr rdf:first _:nchv ; rdf:rest _:nci3 ; a rdf:List . _:nchs math:arguments _:ncht ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncht rdf:first _:nchu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nchu math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nchv math:arguments _:nchw ; math:operator _:nchs ; a math:Application . _:nchw rdf:first _:nchx ; rdf:rest _:nchz ; a rdf:List . _:nchx math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nchy math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nchz rdf:first _:nchy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nci0 math:arguments _:nci1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nci1 rdf:first _:nci2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nci2 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nci3 rdf:first _:nci0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nci4 rdf:first _:nchq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nci5 math:arguments _:nci6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nci6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncie ; a rdf:List . _:nci7 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nci8 math:arguments _:nci9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nci9 rdf:first _:ncia ; rdf:rest _:ncib ; a rdf:List . _:ncia math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncib rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncic math:binder ; math:body _:nci8 ; math:variables _:ncid ; a math:Binding . _:ncid rdf:first _:nci7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncie rdf:first _:ncic ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncif rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncig rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncih ; a rdf:List . _:ncih rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncii rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncik ; a rdf:List . _:ncij math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncik rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncil . _:ncil rdf:first _:ncij ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncim math:arguments _:ncin ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncin rdf:first _:ncio ; rdf:rest _:nciq ; a rdf:List . _:ncio math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncip math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nciq rdf:first _:ncip ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncir rdf:first _:ncis ; rdf:rest _:ncj6 ; a rdf:List . _:ncis math:arguments _:ncit ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncit rdf:first _:nciu ; rdf:rest _:nciy ; a rdf:List . _:nciu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nciv math:arguments _:nciw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nciw rdf:first _:ncix ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncix math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nciy rdf:first _:nciv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nciz math:arguments _:ncj0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncj0 rdf:first _:ncj1 ; rdf:rest _:ncj5 ; a rdf:List . _:ncj1 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ncj2 math:arguments _:ncj3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncj3 rdf:first _:ncj4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncj4 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:ncj5 rdf:first _:ncj2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncj6 rdf:first _:nciz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncj7 math:arguments _:ncj8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncj8 rdf:first _:ncja ; rdf:rest _:ncjs ; a rdf:List . _:ncj9 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ncja math:arguments _:ncjb ; math:operator _:ncj9 ; a math:Application . _:ncjb rdf:first _:ncjc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncjc math:arguments _:ncjd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncjd rdf:first _:ncje ; rdf:rest _:ncjg ; a rdf:List . _:ncje math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncjf math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ncjg rdf:first _:ncjf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncjh math:arguments _:ncji ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncji rdf:first _:ncjk ; rdf:rest _:ncjr ; a rdf:List . _:ncjj math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ncjk math:arguments _:ncjl ; math:operator _:ncjj ; a math:Application . _:ncjl rdf:first _:ncjm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncjm math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ncjn math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ncjo math:arguments _:ncjp ; math:operator _:ncjn ; a math:Application . _:ncjp rdf:first _:ncjq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncjq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncjr rdf:first _:ncjo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncjs rdf:first _:ncjh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncjt math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ncju math:arguments _:ncjv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncjv rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncjy ; a rdf:List . _:ncjw math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ncjx math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ncjy rdf:first _:ncjw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncjz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nck0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nck1 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nck2 rdf:first _:nck1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nck3 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nck4 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nck5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nck6 rdf:first _:nck5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nck7 rdf:first _:nck8 ; rdf:rest _:ncka ; a rdf:List . _:nck8 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nck9 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ncka rdf:first _:nck9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nckb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nckc math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nckd math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ncke math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nckf rdf:first _:ncke ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nckg rdf:first _:nckh ; rdf:rest _:nckn ; a rdf:List . _:nckh math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncki rdf:first _:nckj ; rdf:rest _:nckl ; a rdf:List . _:nckj math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nckk math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nckl rdf:first _:nckk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nckm math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nckn rdf:first _:nckm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncko math:arguments _:nckp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nckp rdf:first _:nckq ; rdf:rest _:nckt ; a rdf:List . _:nckq math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nckr math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncks math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nckt rdf:first _:nckr ; rdf:rest _:ncku . _:ncku rdf:first _:ncks ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nckv math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nckw math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nckx math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncky math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nckz rdf:first _:nckx ; rdf:rest _:ncl0 . _:ncl0 rdf:first _:ncky ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncl1 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ncl2 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ncl3 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ncl4 rdf:first _:ncl3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncl5 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ncl6 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ncl7 rdf:first _:ncl6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncl8 rdf:first _:ncl9 ; rdf:rest _:nclb ; a rdf:List . _:ncl9 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ncla math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nclb rdf:first _:ncla ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nclc rdf:first _:ncld ; rdf:rest _:nclf ; a rdf:List . _:ncld math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ncle math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nclf rdf:first _:ncle ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nclg rdf:first _:nclh ; rdf:rest _:nclj ; a rdf:List . _:nclh math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ncli math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nclj rdf:first _:ncli ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nclk math:arguments _:ncll ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncll rdf:first _:nclm ; rdf:rest _:nclo ; a rdf:List . _:nclm math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ncln math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nclo rdf:first _:ncln ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nclp rdf:first _:nclq ; rdf:rest _:nclw ; a rdf:List . _:nclq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nclr math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ncls math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nclt math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nclu math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nclv rdf:first _:nclt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nclw rdf:first _:nclu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nclx math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ncly math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nclz math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ncm0 rdf:first _:nclz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncm1 rdf:first _:ncm2 ; rdf:rest _:ncm4 ; a rdf:List . _:ncm2 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ncm3 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ncm4 rdf:first _:ncm3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncm5 rdf:first _:ncm6 ; rdf:rest _:ncma ; a rdf:List . _:ncm6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncm7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncm8 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncm9 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncma rdf:first _:ncm7 ; rdf:rest _:ncmb . _:ncmb rdf:first _:ncm8 ; rdf:rest _:ncmc . _:ncmc rdf:first _:ncm9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncmd math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncme math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmf rdf:first _:ncme ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncmg rdf:first _:ncmh ; rdf:rest _:ncmk ; a rdf:List . _:ncmh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmi math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmj math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmk rdf:first _:ncmi ; rdf:rest _:ncml . _:ncml rdf:first _:ncmj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncmm math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmn math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmo math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmp rdf:first _:ncmn ; rdf:rest _:ncmq . _:ncmq rdf:first _:ncmo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncmr rdf:first _:ncms ; rdf:rest _:ncmv ; a rdf:List . _:ncms math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmt math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmu math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmv rdf:first _:ncmt ; rdf:rest _:ncmw . _:ncmw rdf:first _:ncmu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncmx math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmy math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncmz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncn0 rdf:first _:ncmy ; rdf:rest _:ncn1 . _:ncn1 rdf:first _:ncmz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncn2 rdf:first _:ncn3 ; rdf:rest _:ncn6 ; a rdf:List . _:ncn3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncn4 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncn5 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncn6 rdf:first _:ncn4 ; rdf:rest _:ncn7 . _:ncn7 rdf:first _:ncn5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncn8 rdf:first _:ncn9 ; rdf:rest _:ncnb ; a rdf:List . _:ncn9 math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncna math:value "10"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:ncnb rdf:first _:ncna ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncnc rdf:first _:ncnd ; rdf:rest _:ncnf ; a rdf:List . _:ncnd math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncne math:value "10.4"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:ncnf rdf:first _:ncne ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncng rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncnh math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ncni math:arguments _:ncnj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncnj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncnn ; a rdf:List . _:ncnk math:arguments _:ncnl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncnl rdf:first _:ncnm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncnm math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ncnn rdf:first _:ncnk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncno rdf:first _:ncnh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncnp math:arguments _:ncnq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncnq rdf:first _:ncnu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncnr rdf:first _:ncns ; rdf:rest _:ncos ; a rdf:List . _:ncns math:arguments _:ncnt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncnt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncnw ; a rdf:List . _:ncnu math:arguments _:ncnv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncnv rdf:first _:nco9 ; rdf:rest _:ncok ; a rdf:List . _:ncnw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncnx math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ncny math:arguments _:ncnz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncnz rdf:first _:nco0 ; rdf:rest _:ncop ; a rdf:List . _:nco0 math:arguments _:nco1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nco1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncob ; a rdf:List . _:nco2 math:arguments _:nco3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nco3 rdf:first _:nco4 ; rdf:rest _:ncoa ; a rdf:List . _:nco4 math:arguments _:nco5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nco5 rdf:first _:nco6 ; rdf:rest _:nco8 ; a rdf:List . _:nco6 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nco7 math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nco8 rdf:first _:nco7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nco9 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ncoa rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncob rdf:first _:nco2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncoc math:arguments _:ncod ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncod rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncoo ; a rdf:List . _:ncoe math:arguments _:ncof ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncof rdf:first _:ncog ; rdf:rest _:ncon ; a rdf:List . _:ncog math:arguments _:ncoh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncoh rdf:first _:ncoi ; rdf:rest _:ncol ; a rdf:List . _:ncoi math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncoj math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ncok rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncol rdf:first _:ncoj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncom math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncon rdf:first _:ncom ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncoo rdf:first _:ncoe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncop rdf:first _:ncoc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncoq math:binder ; math:body _:ncny ; math:variables _:ncor ; a math:Binding . _:ncor rdf:first _:ncnx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncos rdf:first _:ncoq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncot math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ncou math:arguments _:ncov ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncov rdf:first _:ncow ; rdf:rest _:ncpe ; a rdf:List . _:ncow math:arguments _:ncox ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncox rdf:first _:ncoy ; rdf:rest _:ncpa ; a rdf:List . _:ncoy math:arguments _:ncoz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncoz rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ncp1 ; a rdf:List . _:ncp0 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ncp1 rdf:first _:ncp0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncp2 math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ncp3 math:arguments _:ncp4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncp4 rdf:first _:ncp5 ; rdf:rest _:ncp7 ; a rdf:List . _:ncp5 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncp6 math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ncp7 rdf:first _:ncp6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncp8 math:binder ; math:body _:ncp3 ; math:variables _:ncp9 ; a math:Binding . _:ncp9 rdf:first _:ncp2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncpa rdf:first _:ncp8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncpb math:arguments _:ncpc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncpc rdf:first _:ncpd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncpd math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ncpe rdf:first _:ncpb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncpf math:binder ; math:body _:ncou ; math:variables _:ncpg ; a math:Binding . _:ncpg rdf:first _:ncot ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncph rdf:first _:ncpi ; rdf:rest _:ncpu ; a rdf:List . _:ncpi math:arguments _:ncpj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncpj rdf:first _:ncpk ; rdf:rest _:ncpn ; a rdf:List . _:ncpk math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncpl math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncpm math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncpn rdf:first _:ncpl ; rdf:rest _:ncpo . _:ncpo rdf:first _:ncpm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncpp math:arguments _:ncpq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncpq rdf:first _:ncpr ; rdf:rest _:ncpt ; a rdf:List . _:ncpr math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncps math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncpt rdf:first _:ncps ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncpu rdf:first _:ncpp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncpv math:arguments _:ncpw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncpw rdf:first _:ncpx ; rdf:rest _:ncq9 ; a rdf:List . _:ncpx math:arguments _:ncpy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncpy rdf:first _:ncpz ; rdf:rest _:ncq1 ; a rdf:List . _:ncpz math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncq0 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncq1 rdf:first _:ncq0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncq2 math:arguments _:ncq3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncq3 rdf:first _:ncq4 ; rdf:rest _:ncq7 ; a rdf:List . _:ncq4 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncq5 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncq6 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncq7 rdf:first _:ncq5 ; rdf:rest _:ncq8 . _:ncq8 rdf:first _:ncq6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncq9 rdf:first _:ncq2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncqa math:arguments _:ncqb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncqb rdf:first _:ncqc ; rdf:rest _:ncqo ; a rdf:List . _:ncqc math:arguments _:ncqd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncqd rdf:first _:ncqe ; rdf:rest _:ncqh ; a rdf:List . _:ncqe math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncqf math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncqg math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncqh rdf:first _:ncqf ; rdf:rest _:ncqi . _:ncqi rdf:first _:ncqg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncqj math:arguments _:ncqk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncqk rdf:first _:ncql ; rdf:rest _:ncqn ; a rdf:List . _:ncql math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncqm math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncqn rdf:first _:ncqm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncqo rdf:first _:ncqj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncqp math:arguments _:ncqq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncqq rdf:first _:ncqr ; rdf:rest _:ncr3 ; a rdf:List . _:ncqr math:arguments _:ncqs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncqs rdf:first _:ncqt ; rdf:rest _:ncqv ; a rdf:List . _:ncqt math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncqu math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncqv rdf:first _:ncqu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncqw math:arguments _:ncqx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncqx rdf:first _:ncqy ; rdf:rest _:ncr1 ; a rdf:List . _:ncqy math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncqz math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncr0 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncr1 rdf:first _:ncqz ; rdf:rest _:ncr2 . _:ncr2 rdf:first _:ncr0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncr3 rdf:first _:ncqw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncr4 rdf:first _:ncqa ; rdf:rest _:ncr5 . _:ncr5 rdf:first _:ncqp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncr6 math:arguments _:ncr7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncr7 rdf:first _:ncrd ; rdf:rest _:ncsa ; a rdf:List . _:ncr8 math:arguments _:ncr9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncr9 rdf:first _:ncra ; rdf:rest _:ncrp ; a rdf:List . _:ncra math:arguments _:ncrb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncrb rdf:first _:ncrc ; rdf:rest _:ncrg ; a rdf:List . _:ncrc math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncrd math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:ncre math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncrf math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncrg rdf:first _:ncre ; rdf:rest _:ncrh . _:ncrh rdf:first _:ncrf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncri math:arguments _:ncrj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncrj rdf:first _:ncrk ; rdf:rest _:ncrm ; a rdf:List . _:ncrk math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncrl math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncrm rdf:first _:ncrl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncrn math:arguments _:ncro ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncro rdf:first _:ncs0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncrp rdf:first _:ncri ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncrq math:arguments _:ncrr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncrr rdf:first _:ncrs ; rdf:rest _:ncs5 ; a rdf:List . _:ncrs math:arguments _:ncrt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncrt rdf:first _:ncru ; rdf:rest _:ncrw ; a rdf:List . _:ncru math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncrv math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncrw rdf:first _:ncrv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncrx math:arguments _:ncry ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncry rdf:first _:ncrz ; rdf:rest _:ncs3 ; a rdf:List . _:ncrz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncs0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ncs1 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncs2 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncs3 rdf:first _:ncs1 ; rdf:rest _:ncs4 . _:ncs4 rdf:first _:ncs2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncs5 rdf:first _:ncrx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncs6 rdf:first _:ncr8 ; rdf:rest _:ncs7 . _:ncs7 rdf:first _:ncrq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncs8 math:arguments _:ncs9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncs9 rdf:first _:ncsb ; rdf:rest _:ncsn ; a rdf:List . _:ncsa rdf:first _:ncrn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncsb math:arguments _:ncsc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncsc rdf:first _:ncsd ; rdf:rest _:ncsg ; a rdf:List . _:ncsd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncse math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncsf math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncsg rdf:first _:ncse ; rdf:rest _:ncsh . _:ncsh rdf:first _:ncsf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncsi math:arguments _:ncsj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncsj rdf:first _:ncsk ; rdf:rest _:ncsm ; a rdf:List . _:ncsk math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncsl math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncsm rdf:first _:ncsl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncsn rdf:first _:ncsi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncso math:arguments _:ncsp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncsp rdf:first _:ncsq ; rdf:rest _:nct3 ; a rdf:List . _:ncsq math:arguments _:ncsr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncsr rdf:first _:ncss ; rdf:rest _:ncsu ; a rdf:List . _:ncss math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncst math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncsu rdf:first _:ncst ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncsv math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ncsw math:arguments _:ncsx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncsx rdf:first _:ncsy ; rdf:rest _:nct1 ; a rdf:List . _:ncsy math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncsz math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nct0 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nct1 rdf:first _:ncsz ; rdf:rest _:nct2 . _:nct2 rdf:first _:nct0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nct3 rdf:first _:ncsw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nct4 rdf:first _:ncs8 ; rdf:rest _:nct6 . _:nct5 rdf:first _:ncsv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nct6 rdf:first _:ncso ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nct7 math:arguments _:nct8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nct8 rdf:first _:nct9 ; rdf:rest _:nctm ; a rdf:List . _:nct9 math:arguments _:ncta ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncta rdf:first _:nctb ; rdf:rest _:ncte ; a rdf:List . _:nctb math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nctc math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nctd math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncte rdf:first _:nctc ; rdf:rest _:nctf . _:nctf rdf:first _:nctd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nctg math:arguments _:ncth ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncth rdf:first _:nctj ; rdf:rest _:nctl ; a rdf:List . _:ncti rdf:first _:nctt ; rdf:rest _:ncvo ; a rdf:List . _:nctj math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nctk math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nctl rdf:first _:nctk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nctm rdf:first _:nctg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nctn math:arguments _:ncto ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncto rdf:first _:nctp ; rdf:rest _:ncu3 ; a rdf:List . _:nctp math:arguments _:nctq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nctq rdf:first _:nctr ; rdf:rest _:nctv ; a rdf:List . _:nctr math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncts math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nctt math:arguments _:nctu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nctu rdf:first _:ncu4 ; rdf:rest _:ncv2 ; a rdf:List . _:nctv rdf:first _:ncts ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nctw math:arguments _:nctx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nctx rdf:first _:ncty ; rdf:rest _:ncu1 ; a rdf:List . _:ncty math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nctz math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncu0 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncu1 rdf:first _:nctz ; rdf:rest _:ncu2 . _:ncu2 rdf:first _:ncu0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncu3 rdf:first _:nctw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncu4 math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:ncu5 rdf:first _:nct7 ; rdf:rest _:ncu6 . _:ncu6 rdf:first _:nctn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncu7 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncu8 math:arguments _:ncu9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncu9 rdf:first _:ncuh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ncua math:arguments _:ncub ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncub rdf:first _:ncuc ; rdf:rest _:ncup ; a rdf:List . _:ncuc math:arguments _:ncud ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncud rdf:first _:ncue ; rdf:rest _:ncui ; a rdf:List . _:ncue math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncuf math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncug math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncuh math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ncui rdf:first _:ncuf ; rdf:rest _:ncuj . _:ncuj rdf:first _:ncug ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncuk math:arguments _:ncul ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncul rdf:first _:ncum ; rdf:rest _:ncuo ; a rdf:List . _:ncum math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncun math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncuo rdf:first _:ncun ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncup rdf:first _:ncuk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncuq math:arguments _:ncur ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncur rdf:first _:ncus ; rdf:rest _:ncv5 ; a rdf:List . _:ncus math:arguments _:ncut ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncut rdf:first _:ncuu ; rdf:rest _:ncuw ; a rdf:List . _:ncuu math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncuv math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncuw rdf:first _:ncuv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncux math:arguments _:ncuy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncuy rdf:first _:ncuz ; rdf:rest _:ncv3 ; a rdf:List . _:ncuz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncv0 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncv1 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncv2 rdf:first _:ncu8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncv3 rdf:first _:ncv0 ; rdf:rest _:ncv4 . _:ncv4 rdf:first _:ncv1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncv5 rdf:first _:ncux ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncv6 rdf:first _:ncua ; rdf:rest _:ncv7 . _:ncv7 rdf:first _:ncuq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncv8 math:arguments _:ncv9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncv9 rdf:first _:ncva ; rdf:rest _:ncvn ; a rdf:List . _:ncva math:arguments _:ncvb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncvb rdf:first _:ncvc ; rdf:rest _:ncvg ; a rdf:List . _:ncvc math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncvd math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncve math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncvf math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncvg rdf:first _:ncvd ; rdf:rest _:ncvh . _:ncvh rdf:first _:ncve ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncvi math:arguments _:ncvj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncvj rdf:first _:ncvk ; rdf:rest _:ncvm ; a rdf:List . _:ncvk math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncvl math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncvm rdf:first _:ncvl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncvn rdf:first _:ncvi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncvo rdf:first _:ncvf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncvp math:arguments _:ncvq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncvq rdf:first _:ncvr ; rdf:rest _:ncw3 ; a rdf:List . _:ncvr math:arguments _:ncvs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncvs rdf:first _:ncvt ; rdf:rest _:ncvv ; a rdf:List . _:ncvt math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncvu math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncvv rdf:first _:ncvu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncvw math:arguments _:ncvx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncvx rdf:first _:ncvy ; rdf:rest _:ncw1 ; a rdf:List . _:ncvy math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncvz math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncw0 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncw1 rdf:first _:ncvz ; rdf:rest _:ncw2 . _:ncw2 rdf:first _:ncw0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncw3 rdf:first _:ncvw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncw4 rdf:first _:ncv8 ; rdf:rest _:ncw5 . _:ncw5 rdf:first _:ncvp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncw6 math:arguments _:ncw7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncw7 rdf:first _:ncw8 ; rdf:rest _:ncwm ; a rdf:List . _:ncw8 math:arguments _:ncw9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncw9 rdf:first _:ncwa ; rdf:rest _:ncwe ; a rdf:List . _:ncwa math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncwb math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncwc math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncwd math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncwe rdf:first _:ncwb ; rdf:rest _:ncwf . _:ncwf rdf:first _:ncwc ; rdf:rest _:ncwg . _:ncwg rdf:first _:ncwd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncwh math:arguments _:ncwi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncwi rdf:first _:ncwj ; rdf:rest _:ncwl ; a rdf:List . _:ncwj math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncwk math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncwl rdf:first _:ncwk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncwm rdf:first _:ncwh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncwn math:arguments _:ncwo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncwo rdf:first _:ncwp ; rdf:rest _:ncx4 ; a rdf:List . _:ncwp math:arguments _:ncwq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncwq rdf:first _:ncwr ; rdf:rest _:ncwt ; a rdf:List . _:ncwr math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncws math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncwt rdf:first _:ncws ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncwu math:arguments _:ncwv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncwv rdf:first _:ncww ; rdf:rest _:ncx1 ; a rdf:List . _:ncww math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncwx rdf:first _:ncx6 ; rdf:rest _:ncxm ; a rdf:List . _:ncwy math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncwz math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncx0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncx1 rdf:first _:ncwy ; rdf:rest _:ncx2 . _:ncx2 rdf:first _:ncwz ; rdf:rest _:ncx3 . _:ncx3 rdf:first _:ncx0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncx4 rdf:first _:ncwu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncx5 rdf:first _:ncw6 ; rdf:rest _:ncx7 . _:ncx6 math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:ncx7 rdf:first _:ncwn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncx8 math:arguments _:ncx9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncx9 rdf:first _:ncxb ; rdf:rest _:ncxq ; a rdf:List . _:ncxa math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ncxb math:arguments _:ncxc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncxc rdf:first _:ncxd ; rdf:rest _:ncxh ; a rdf:List . _:ncxd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncxe math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncxf math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncxg math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncxh rdf:first _:ncxe ; rdf:rest _:ncxi . _:ncxi rdf:first _:ncxf ; rdf:rest _:ncxj . _:ncxj rdf:first _:ncxg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncxk math:arguments _:ncxl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncxl rdf:first _:ncxn ; rdf:rest _:ncxp ; a rdf:List . _:ncxm rdf:first _:ncxa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncxn math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncxo math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncxp rdf:first _:ncxo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncxq rdf:first _:ncxk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncxr math:arguments _:ncxs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncxs rdf:first _:ncxt ; rdf:rest _:ncy9 ; a rdf:List . _:ncxt math:arguments _:ncxu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncxu rdf:first _:ncxv ; rdf:rest _:ncxx ; a rdf:List . _:ncxv math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncxw math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncxx rdf:first _:ncxw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncxy math:arguments _:ncxz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncxz rdf:first _:ncy0 ; rdf:rest _:ncy4 ; a rdf:List . _:ncy0 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncy1 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncy2 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncy3 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncy4 rdf:first _:ncy1 ; rdf:rest _:ncy5 . _:ncy5 rdf:first _:ncy2 ; rdf:rest _:ncy6 . _:ncy6 rdf:first _:ncy3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncy7 math:arguments _:ncy8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncy8 rdf:first _:ncyc ; rdf:rest _:ncyt ; a rdf:List . _:ncy9 rdf:first _:ncxy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncya rdf:first _:ncx8 ; rdf:rest _:ncyb . _:ncyb rdf:first _:ncxr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncyc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ncyd math:arguments _:ncye ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncye rdf:first _:ncyf ; rdf:rest _:ncys ; a rdf:List . _:ncyf math:arguments _:ncyg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncyg rdf:first _:ncyh ; rdf:rest _:ncyl ; a rdf:List . _:ncyh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncyi math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncyj math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncyk math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ncyl rdf:first _:ncyi ; rdf:rest _:ncym . _:ncym rdf:first _:ncyj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncyn math:arguments _:ncyo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncyo rdf:first _:ncyp ; rdf:rest _:ncyr ; a rdf:List . _:ncyp math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncyq math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncyr rdf:first _:ncyq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncys rdf:first _:ncyn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncyt rdf:first _:ncyk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncyu math:arguments _:ncyv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncyv rdf:first _:ncyw ; rdf:rest _:ncz8 ; a rdf:List . _:ncyw math:arguments _:ncyx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncyx rdf:first _:ncyy ; rdf:rest _:ncz0 ; a rdf:List . _:ncyy math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncyz math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncz0 rdf:first _:ncyz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncz1 math:arguments _:ncz2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncz2 rdf:first _:ncz3 ; rdf:rest _:ncz6 ; a rdf:List . _:ncz3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncz4 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncz5 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ncz6 rdf:first _:ncz4 ; rdf:rest _:ncz7 . _:ncz7 rdf:first _:ncz5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncz8 rdf:first _:ncz1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ncz9 rdf:first _:ncyd ; rdf:rest _:ncza . _:ncza rdf:first _:ncyu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nczb math:arguments _:nczc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nczc rdf:first _:nczd ; rdf:rest _:nczp ; a rdf:List . _:nczd math:arguments _:ncze ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ncze rdf:first _:nczf ; rdf:rest _:nczi ; a rdf:List . _:nczf math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nczg math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nczh math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nczi rdf:first _:nczg ; rdf:rest _:nczj . _:nczj rdf:first _:nczh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nczk math:arguments _:nczl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nczl rdf:first _:nczm ; rdf:rest _:nczo ; a rdf:List . _:nczm math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nczn math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nczo rdf:first _:nczn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nczp rdf:first _:nczk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nczq math:arguments _:nczr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nczr rdf:first _:nczs ; rdf:rest _:nd04 ; a rdf:List . _:nczs math:arguments _:nczt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nczt rdf:first _:nczu ; rdf:rest _:nczw ; a rdf:List . _:nczu math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nczv math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nczw rdf:first _:nczv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nczx math:arguments _:nczy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nczy rdf:first _:nczz ; rdf:rest _:nd02 ; a rdf:List . _:nczz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd00 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd01 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd02 rdf:first _:nd00 ; rdf:rest _:nd03 . _:nd03 rdf:first _:nd01 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd04 rdf:first _:nczx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd05 rdf:first _:nczb ; rdf:rest _:nd06 . _:nd06 rdf:first _:nczq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd07 math:arguments _:nd08 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd08 rdf:first _:nd09 ; rdf:rest _:nd0b ; a rdf:List . _:nd09 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd0a math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd0b rdf:first _:nd0a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd0c rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd17 ; a rdf:List . _:nd0d math:arguments _:nd0e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd0e rdf:first _:nd0f ; rdf:rest _:nd0r ; a rdf:List . _:nd0f math:arguments _:nd0g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd0g rdf:first _:nd0h ; rdf:rest _:nd0k ; a rdf:List . _:nd0h math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd0i math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd0j math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd0k rdf:first _:nd0i ; rdf:rest _:nd0l . _:nd0l rdf:first _:nd0j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd0m math:arguments _:nd0n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd0n rdf:first _:nd0o ; rdf:rest _:nd0q ; a rdf:List . _:nd0o math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd0p math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd0q rdf:first _:nd0p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd0r rdf:first _:nd0m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd0s math:arguments _:nd0t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd0t rdf:first _:nd0u ; rdf:rest _:nd16 ; a rdf:List . _:nd0u math:arguments _:nd0v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd0v rdf:first _:nd0w ; rdf:rest _:nd0y ; a rdf:List . _:nd0w math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd0x math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd0y rdf:first _:nd0x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd0z math:arguments _:nd10 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd10 rdf:first _:nd11 ; rdf:rest _:nd14 ; a rdf:List . _:nd11 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd12 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd13 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd14 rdf:first _:nd12 ; rdf:rest _:nd15 . _:nd15 rdf:first _:nd13 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd16 rdf:first _:nd0z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd17 rdf:first _:nd0d ; rdf:rest _:nd18 . _:nd18 rdf:first _:nd0s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd19 math:arguments _:nd1a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd1a rdf:first _:nd1b ; rdf:rest _:nd1n ; a rdf:List . _:nd1b math:arguments _:nd1c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd1c rdf:first _:nd1d ; rdf:rest _:nd1g ; a rdf:List . _:nd1d math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd1e math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd1f math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd1g rdf:first _:nd1e ; rdf:rest _:nd1h . _:nd1h rdf:first _:nd1f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd1i math:arguments _:nd1j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd1j rdf:first _:nd1k ; rdf:rest _:nd1m ; a rdf:List . _:nd1k math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd1l math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd1m rdf:first _:nd1l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd1n rdf:first _:nd1i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd1o math:arguments _:nd1p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd1p rdf:first _:nd1q ; rdf:rest _:nd22 ; a rdf:List . _:nd1q math:arguments _:nd1r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd1r rdf:first _:nd1s ; rdf:rest _:nd1u ; a rdf:List . _:nd1s math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd1t math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd1u rdf:first _:nd1t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd1v math:arguments _:nd1w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd1w rdf:first _:nd1x ; rdf:rest _:nd20 ; a rdf:List . _:nd1x math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd1y math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd1z math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd20 rdf:first _:nd1y ; rdf:rest _:nd21 . _:nd21 rdf:first _:nd1z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd22 rdf:first _:nd1v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd23 rdf:first _:nd19 ; rdf:rest _:nd24 . _:nd24 rdf:first _:nd1o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd25 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd37 ; a rdf:List . _:nd26 math:arguments _:nd27 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd27 rdf:first _:nd28 ; rdf:rest _:nd2o ; a rdf:List . _:nd28 math:arguments _:nd29 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd29 rdf:first _:nd2a ; rdf:rest _:nd2f ; a rdf:List . _:nd2a math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd2b math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nd2c math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd2d math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd2e math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd2f rdf:first _:nd2c ; rdf:rest _:nd2g . _:nd2g rdf:first _:nd2d ; rdf:rest _:nd2h . _:nd2h rdf:first _:nd2e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd2i math:arguments _:nd2j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd2j rdf:first _:nd2k ; rdf:rest _:nd2n ; a rdf:List . _:nd2k math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd2l math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd2m rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd2n rdf:first _:nd2l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd2o rdf:first _:nd2i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd2p math:arguments _:nd2q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd2q rdf:first _:nd2r ; rdf:rest _:nd35 ; a rdf:List . _:nd2r math:arguments _:nd2s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd2s rdf:first _:nd2t ; rdf:rest _:nd2w ; a rdf:List . _:nd2t math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd2u math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd2v math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd2w rdf:first _:nd2u ; rdf:rest _:nd2x . _:nd2x rdf:first _:nd2v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd2y math:arguments _:nd2z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd2z rdf:first _:nd30 ; rdf:rest _:nd33 ; a rdf:List . _:nd30 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd31 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd32 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd33 rdf:first _:nd31 ; rdf:rest _:nd34 . _:nd34 rdf:first _:nd32 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd35 rdf:first _:nd2y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd36 rdf:first _:nd39 ; rdf:rest _:nd3j ; a rdf:List . _:nd37 rdf:first _:nd26 ; rdf:rest _:nd38 . _:nd38 rdf:first _:nd2p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd39 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nd3a math:arguments _:nd3b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd3b rdf:first _:nd3c ; rdf:rest _:nd3p ; a rdf:List . _:nd3c math:arguments _:nd3d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd3d rdf:first _:nd3e ; rdf:rest _:nd3h ; a rdf:List . _:nd3e math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd3f math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd3g math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd3h rdf:first _:nd3f ; rdf:rest _:nd3i . _:nd3i rdf:first _:nd3g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd3j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd3k math:arguments _:nd3l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd3l rdf:first _:nd3m ; rdf:rest _:nd3o ; a rdf:List . _:nd3m math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd3n math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd3o rdf:first _:nd3n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd3p rdf:first _:nd3k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd3q math:arguments _:nd3r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd3r rdf:first _:nd3s ; rdf:rest _:nd44 ; a rdf:List . _:nd3s math:arguments _:nd3t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd3t rdf:first _:nd3u ; rdf:rest _:nd3w ; a rdf:List . _:nd3u math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd3v math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd3w rdf:first _:nd3v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd3x math:arguments _:nd3y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd3y rdf:first _:nd3z ; rdf:rest _:nd42 ; a rdf:List . _:nd3z math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd40 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd41 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd42 rdf:first _:nd40 ; rdf:rest _:nd43 . _:nd43 rdf:first _:nd41 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd44 rdf:first _:nd3x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd45 rdf:first _:nd3a ; rdf:rest _:nd46 . _:nd46 rdf:first _:nd3q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd47 math:arguments _:nd48 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd48 rdf:first _:nd49 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nd49 math:arguments _:nd4a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd4a rdf:first _:nd4b ; rdf:rest _:nd4d ; a rdf:List . _:nd4b math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd4c math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd4d rdf:first _:nd4c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd4e math:arguments _:nd4f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd4f rdf:first _:nd4g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nd4g math:arguments _:nd4h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd4h rdf:first _:nd4i ; rdf:rest _:nd4k ; a rdf:List . _:nd4i math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd4j math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd4k rdf:first _:nd4j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd4l rdf:first _:nd47 ; rdf:rest _:nd4m . _:nd4m rdf:first _:nd4e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd4n rdf:first _:nd4p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nd4o rdf:first _:nd4q ; rdf:rest _:nd5c ; a rdf:List . _:nd4p math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd4q math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nd4r math:arguments _:nd4s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd4s rdf:first _:nd4t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nd4t math:arguments _:nd4u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd4u rdf:first _:nd4v ; rdf:rest _:nd4y ; a rdf:List . _:nd4v math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd4w math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd4x math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd4y rdf:first _:nd4w ; rdf:rest _:nd4z . _:nd4z rdf:first _:nd4x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd50 math:arguments _:nd51 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd51 rdf:first _:nd53 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nd52 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nd53 math:arguments _:nd54 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd54 rdf:first _:nd55 ; rdf:rest _:nd58 ; a rdf:List . _:nd55 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd56 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd57 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd58 rdf:first _:nd56 ; rdf:rest _:nd59 . _:nd59 rdf:first _:nd57 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd5a rdf:first _:nd4r ; rdf:rest _:nd5b . _:nd5b rdf:first _:nd50 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd5c rdf:first _:nd52 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd5d rdf:first _:nd5e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nd5e math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd5f math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd5g rdf:first _:nd5h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nd5h math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd5i math:arguments _:nd5j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd5j rdf:first _:nd5r ; rdf:rest _:nd89 ; a rdf:List . _:nd5k math:arguments _:nd5l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd5l rdf:first _:nd5m ; rdf:rest _:nd5q ; a rdf:List . _:nd5m math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd5n math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd5o math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd5p math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd5q rdf:first _:nd5n ; rdf:rest _:nd5s . _:nd5r math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nd5s rdf:first _:nd5o ; rdf:rest _:nd5t . _:nd5t rdf:first _:nd5p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd5u math:arguments _:nd5v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd5v rdf:first _:nd5w ; rdf:rest _:nd60 ; a rdf:List . _:nd5w math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd5x math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd5y math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd5z math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd60 rdf:first _:nd5x ; rdf:rest _:nd61 . _:nd61 rdf:first _:nd5y ; rdf:rest _:nd64 . _:nd62 math:arguments _:nd63 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd63 rdf:first _:nd6d ; rdf:rest _:nd7s ; a rdf:List . _:nd64 rdf:first _:nd5z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd65 rdf:first _:nd5u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd66 rdf:first _:nd67 ; rdf:rest _:nd6s ; a rdf:List . _:nd67 math:arguments _:nd68 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd68 rdf:first _:nd69 ; rdf:rest _:nd6e ; a rdf:List . _:nd69 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6a math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6b math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6c math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6d math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nd6e rdf:first _:nd6a ; rdf:rest _:nd6f . _:nd6f rdf:first _:nd6b ; rdf:rest _:nd6g . _:nd6g rdf:first _:nd6c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd6h math:arguments _:nd6i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd6i rdf:first _:nd6j ; rdf:rest _:nd6n ; a rdf:List . _:nd6j math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6k math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6l math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6m math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6n rdf:first _:nd6k ; rdf:rest _:nd6q . _:nd6o math:arguments _:nd6p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd6p rdf:first _:nd6t ; rdf:rest _:nd7c ; a rdf:List . _:nd6q rdf:first _:nd6l ; rdf:rest _:nd6r . _:nd6r rdf:first _:nd6m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd6s rdf:first _:nd6h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd6t math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6u math:arguments _:nd6v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd6v rdf:first _:nd6w ; rdf:rest _:nd6y ; a rdf:List . _:nd6w math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6x math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd6y rdf:first _:nd6x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd6z math:arguments _:nd70 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd70 rdf:first _:nd71 ; rdf:rest _:nd74 ; a rdf:List . _:nd71 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd72 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nd73 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd74 rdf:first _:nd73 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd75 rdf:first _:nd6z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd76 rdf:first _:nd77 ; rdf:rest _:nd7i ; a rdf:List . _:nd77 math:arguments _:nd78 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd78 rdf:first _:nd79 ; rdf:rest _:nd7b ; a rdf:List . _:nd79 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd7a math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd7b rdf:first _:nd7a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd7c rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd7j . _:nd7d math:arguments _:nd7e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd7e rdf:first _:nd7f ; rdf:rest _:nd7h ; a rdf:List . _:nd7f math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd7g math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd7h rdf:first _:nd7g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd7i rdf:first _:nd7d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd7j rdf:first _:nd72 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd7k math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nd7l math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nd7m math:arguments _:nd7n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd7n rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd7t ; a rdf:List . _:nd7o math:arguments _:nd7p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd7p rdf:first _:nd7q ; rdf:rest _:nd7r ; a rdf:List . _:nd7q math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nd7r rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd7s rdf:first _:nd6o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd7t rdf:first _:nd7o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd7u rdf:first _:nd7m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd7v rdf:first _:nd7w ; rdf:rest _:nd88 ; a rdf:List . _:nd7w math:arguments _:nd7x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd7x rdf:first _:nd7y ; rdf:rest _:nd83 ; a rdf:List . _:nd7y math:arguments _:nd7z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd7z rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd81 ; a rdf:List . _:nd80 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nd81 rdf:first _:nd80 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd82 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nd83 rdf:first _:nd82 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd84 math:arguments _:nd85 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd85 rdf:first _:nd86 ; rdf:rest _:nd87 ; a rdf:List . _:nd86 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nd87 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd88 rdf:first _:nd84 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd89 rdf:first _:nd62 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd8a rdf:first _:nd8b ; rdf:rest _:nd8g ; a rdf:List . _:nd8b math:arguments _:nd8c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd8c rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd8e ; a rdf:List . _:nd8d math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nd8e rdf:first _:nd8d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd8f math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nd8g rdf:first _:nd8f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd8h math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nd8i math:arguments _:nd8j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd8j rdf:first _:nd8k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nd8k math:arguments _:nd8l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd8l rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nd8n ; a rdf:List . _:nd8m math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nd8n rdf:first _:nd8m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd8o rdf:first _:nd8i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd8p rdf:first _:nd8q ; rdf:rest _:nd8t ; a rdf:List . _:nd8q math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd8r math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd8s math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd8t rdf:first _:nd8r ; rdf:rest _:nd8u . _:nd8u rdf:first _:nd8s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd8v math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd8w math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd8x math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd8y math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd8z rdf:first _:nd8x ; rdf:rest _:nd90 . _:nd90 rdf:first _:nd8y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd91 rdf:first _:nd92 ; rdf:rest _:nd97 ; a rdf:List . _:nd92 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd93 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd94 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd95 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd96 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd97 rdf:first _:nd93 ; rdf:rest _:nd98 . _:nd98 rdf:first _:nd94 ; rdf:rest _:nd99 . _:nd99 rdf:first _:nd95 ; rdf:rest _:nd9a . _:nd9a rdf:first _:nd96 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd9b math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9c math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9d math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9e math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9f rdf:first _:nd9d ; rdf:rest _:nd9g . _:nd9g rdf:first _:nd9e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd9h rdf:first _:nd9i ; rdf:rest _:nd9l ; a rdf:List . _:nd9i math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9j math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9k math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9l rdf:first _:nd9j ; rdf:rest _:nd9m . _:nd9m rdf:first _:nd9k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd9n math:arguments _:nd9o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nd9o rdf:first _:nd9p ; rdf:rest _:nd9r ; a rdf:List . _:nd9p math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9q math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9r rdf:first _:nd9q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nd9s rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ndaa ; a rdf:List . _:nd9t rdf:first _:nd9u ; rdf:rest _:nda1 ; a rdf:List . _:nd9u math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9v math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9w math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9x math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9y math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nd9z math:arguments _:nda0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nda0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nda8 ; a rdf:List . _:nda1 rdf:first _:nd9v ; rdf:rest _:nda2 . _:nda2 rdf:first _:nd9w ; rdf:rest _:nda3 . _:nda3 rdf:first _:nd9x ; rdf:rest _:nda4 . _:nda4 rdf:first _:nd9y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nda5 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nda6 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nda7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nda8 rdf:first _:nda6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nda9 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndaa rdf:first _:nd9z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndab math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndac math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndad math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndae math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndaf math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndag math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndah math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndai math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndaj rdf:first _:ndaf ; rdf:rest _:ndak . _:ndak rdf:first _:ndag ; rdf:rest _:ndal . _:ndal rdf:first _:ndah ; rdf:rest _:ndam . _:ndam rdf:first _:ndai ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndan math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndao math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndap math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndaq rdf:first _:ndao ; rdf:rest _:ndar . _:ndar rdf:first _:ndap ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndas math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndat math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndau math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndav rdf:first _:ndat ; rdf:rest _:ndaw . _:ndaw rdf:first _:ndau ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndax math:arguments _:nday ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nday rdf:first _:ndaz ; rdf:rest _:ndb4 ; a rdf:List . _:ndaz math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndb0 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndb1 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndb2 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndb3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndb4 rdf:first _:ndb0 ; rdf:rest _:ndb5 . _:ndb5 rdf:first _:ndb1 ; rdf:rest _:ndb6 . _:ndb6 rdf:first _:ndb2 ; rdf:rest _:ndb7 . _:ndb7 rdf:first _:ndb3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndb8 math:arguments _:ndb9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndb9 rdf:first _:ndba ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndba math:arguments _:ndbb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndbb rdf:first _:ndbc ; rdf:rest _:ndbh ; a rdf:List . _:ndbc math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndbd math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndbe math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndbf math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndbg math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndbh rdf:first _:ndbd ; rdf:rest _:ndbi . _:ndbi rdf:first _:ndbe ; rdf:rest _:ndbj . _:ndbj rdf:first _:ndbf ; rdf:rest _:ndbk . _:ndbk rdf:first _:ndbg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndbl math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:ndbm math:arguments _:ndbn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndbn rdf:first _:ndbo ; rdf:rest _:ndbr ; a rdf:List . _:ndbo math:value "jan"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:ndbp math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndbq math:value "klaas"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:ndbr rdf:first _:ndbp ; rdf:rest _:ndbs . _:ndbs rdf:first _:ndbq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndbt math:arguments _:ndbu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndbu rdf:first _:ndbw ; rdf:rest _:ndby ; a rdf:List . _:ndbv math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ndbw math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndbx math:value "klaas"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:ndby rdf:first _:ndbx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndbz math:arguments _:ndc0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndc0 rdf:first _:ndc1 ; rdf:rest _:ndc3 ; a rdf:List . _:ndc1 math:value "piet"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:ndc2 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndc3 rdf:first _:ndc2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndc4 rdf:first _:ndbt ; rdf:rest _:ndc6 . _:ndc5 rdf:first _:ndbv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndc6 rdf:first _:ndbz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndc7 rdf:first _:ndc8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndc8 math:arguments _:ndc9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndc9 rdf:first _:ndca ; rdf:rest _:ndcc ; a rdf:List . _:ndca math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndcb math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndcc rdf:first _:ndcb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndcd math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndce math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndcf math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndcg math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndch math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndci rdf:first _:ndce ; rdf:rest _:ndcj . _:ndcj rdf:first _:ndcf ; rdf:rest _:ndck . _:ndck rdf:first _:ndcg ; rdf:rest _:ndcl . _:ndcl rdf:first _:ndch ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndcm rdf:first _:ndcn ; rdf:rest _:ndcq ; a rdf:List . _:ndcn math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndco math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndcp math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndcq rdf:first _:ndco ; rdf:rest _:ndcr . _:ndcr rdf:first _:ndcp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndcs math:arguments _:ndct ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndct rdf:first _:ndcu ; rdf:rest _:ndcw ; a rdf:List . _:ndcu math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndcv math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndcw rdf:first _:ndcv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndcx math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndcy math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndcz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndd0 rdf:first _:ndcy ; rdf:rest _:ndd1 . _:ndd1 rdf:first _:ndcz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndd2 math:arguments _:ndd3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndd3 rdf:first _:ndd4 ; rdf:rest _:ndd7 ; a rdf:List . _:ndd4 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndd5 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndd6 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndd7 rdf:first _:ndd5 ; rdf:rest _:ndd8 . _:ndd8 rdf:first _:ndd6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndd9 math:arguments _:ndda ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndda rdf:first _:nddb ; rdf:rest _:nddd ; a rdf:List . _:nddb math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nddc math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nddd rdf:first _:nddc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndde rdf:first _:ndd9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nddf rdf:first _:nddg ; rdf:rest _:nddj ; a rdf:List . _:nddg math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nddh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nddi math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nddj rdf:first _:nddh ; rdf:rest _:nddk . _:nddk rdf:first _:nddi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nddl math:arguments _:nddm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nddm rdf:first _:nddn ; rdf:rest _:nddp ; a rdf:List . _:nddn math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nddo math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nddp rdf:first _:nddo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nddq math:arguments _:nddr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nddr rdf:first _:ndds ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndds math:arguments _:nddt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nddt rdf:first _:nddu ; rdf:rest _:nddw ; a rdf:List . _:nddu math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nddv math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nddw rdf:first _:nddv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nddx math:arguments _:nddy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nddy rdf:first _:nddz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nddz math:arguments _:nde0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nde0 rdf:first _:nde1 ; rdf:rest _:nde4 ; a rdf:List . _:nde1 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nde2 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nde3 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nde4 rdf:first _:nde2 ; rdf:rest _:nde5 . _:nde5 rdf:first _:nde3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nde6 rdf:first _:nddx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nde7 rdf:first _:nde8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nde8 math:arguments _:nde9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nde9 rdf:first _:ndea ; rdf:rest _:ndec ; a rdf:List . _:ndea math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndeb math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndec rdf:first _:ndeb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nded math:arguments _:ndee ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndee rdf:first _:ndef ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndef math:arguments _:ndeg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndeg rdf:first _:ndeh ; rdf:rest _:ndej ; a rdf:List . _:ndeh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndei math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndej rdf:first _:ndei ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndek math:arguments _:ndel ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndel rdf:first _:ndem ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndem math:arguments _:nden ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nden rdf:first _:ndeo ; rdf:rest _:nder ; a rdf:List . _:ndeo math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndep math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndeq math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nder rdf:first _:ndep ; rdf:rest _:ndes . _:ndes rdf:first _:ndeq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndet rdf:first _:ndek ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndeu rdf:first _:ndev ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndev math:arguments _:ndew ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndew rdf:first _:ndex ; rdf:rest _:ndez ; a rdf:List . _:ndex math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndey math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndez rdf:first _:ndey ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndf0 math:arguments _:ndf1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndf1 rdf:first _:ndf2 ; rdf:rest _:ndfl ; a rdf:List . _:ndf2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndf3 math:arguments _:ndf4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndf4 rdf:first _:ndf5 ; rdf:rest _:ndfi ; a rdf:List . _:ndf5 math:arguments _:ndf6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndf6 rdf:first _:ndf7 ; rdf:rest _:ndfa ; a rdf:List . _:ndf7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndf8 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndf9 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndfa rdf:first _:ndf8 ; rdf:rest _:ndfb . _:ndfb rdf:first _:ndf9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndfc math:arguments _:ndfd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndfd rdf:first _:ndfe ; rdf:rest _:ndfh ; a rdf:List . _:ndfe math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndff math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ndfg math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndfh rdf:first _:ndfg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndfi rdf:first _:ndfc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndfj math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndfk rdf:first _:ndfj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndfl rdf:first _:ndff ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndfm math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndfn rdf:first _:ndfo ; rdf:rest _:ndfw ; a rdf:List . _:ndfo math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndfp math:arguments _:ndfq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndfq rdf:first _:ndfr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndfr math:arguments _:ndfs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndfs rdf:first _:ndft ; rdf:rest _:ndfv ; a rdf:List . _:ndft math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndfu math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndfv rdf:first _:ndfu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndfw rdf:first _:ndfp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndfx rdf:first _:ndfy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndfy math:arguments _:ndfz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndfz rdf:first _:ndg9 ; rdf:rest _:ndgp ; a rdf:List . _:ndg0 math:arguments _:ndg1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndg1 rdf:first _:ndg2 ; rdf:rest _:ndg5 ; a rdf:List . _:ndg2 math:value "6.6260755"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndg3 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndg4 math:value "-34"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndg5 rdf:first _:ndg3 ; rdf:rest _:ndg6 . _:ndg6 rdf:first _:ndg4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndg7 math:arguments _:ndg8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndg8 rdf:first _:ndga ; rdf:rest _:ndgd ; a rdf:List . _:ndg9 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ndga math:value "4.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndgb math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndgc math:value "-40"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndgd rdf:first _:ndgb ; rdf:rest _:ndge . _:ndge rdf:first _:ndgc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndgf rdf:first _:ndg7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndgg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndgh rdf:first _:ndgi ; rdf:rest _:ndgx ; a rdf:List . _:ndgi math:arguments _:ndgj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndgj rdf:first _:ndgk ; rdf:rest _:ndgn ; a rdf:List . _:ndgk math:value "6.6260755"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndgl math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndgm math:value "-34"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndgn rdf:first _:ndgl ; rdf:rest _:ndgo . _:ndgo rdf:first _:ndgm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndgp rdf:first _:ndgg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndgq math:arguments _:ndgr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndgr rdf:first _:ndgs ; rdf:rest _:ndgv ; a rdf:List . _:ndgs math:value "4.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndgt math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndgu math:value "-40"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndgv rdf:first _:ndgt ; rdf:rest _:ndgw . _:ndgw rdf:first _:ndgu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndgx rdf:first _:ndgq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndgy math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:ndgz math:arguments _:ndh0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndh0 rdf:first _:ndh1 ; rdf:rest _:ndh3 ; a rdf:List . _:ndh1 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:ndh2 math:name "Joule" ; a math:Variable . _:ndh3 rdf:first _:ndh2 ; rdf:rest _:ndh4 . _:ndh4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndh5 rdf:first _:ndgz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndh6 math:value "6.672"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndh7 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndh8 math:value "-11"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndh9 rdf:first _:ndh7 ; rdf:rest _:ndha . _:ndha rdf:first _:ndh8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndhb math:arguments _:ndhc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndhc rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ndhl ; a rdf:List . _:ndhd math:arguments _:ndhe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndhe rdf:first _:ndhf ; rdf:rest _:ndhk ; a rdf:List . _:ndhf math:arguments _:ndhg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndhg rdf:first _:ndhh ; rdf:rest _:ndhi ; a rdf:List . _:ndhh math:value "1000"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndhi rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndhj math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndhk rdf:first _:ndhj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndhl rdf:first _:ndhd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndhm rdf:first _:ndhn ; rdf:rest _:ndhq ; a rdf:List . _:ndhn math:value "6.0221367"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndho math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndhp math:value "23"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndhq rdf:first _:ndho ; rdf:rest _:ndhr . _:ndhr rdf:first _:ndhp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndhs math:arguments _:ndht ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndht rdf:first _:ndhu ; rdf:rest _:ndhx ; a rdf:List . _:ndhu math:value "3.6"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndhv math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndhw math:value "17"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndhx rdf:first _:ndhv ; rdf:rest _:ndhy . _:ndhy rdf:first _:ndhw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndhz math:arguments _:ndi0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndi0 rdf:first _:ndi1 ; rdf:rest _:ndi4 ; a rdf:List . _:ndi1 math:value "6.0221367"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndi2 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndi3 math:value "23"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndi4 rdf:first _:ndi2 ; rdf:rest _:ndi5 . _:ndi5 rdf:first _:ndi3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndi6 math:arguments _:ndi7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndi7 rdf:first _:ndi8 ; rdf:rest _:ndib ; a rdf:List . _:ndi8 math:value "3.6"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndi9 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndia math:value "17"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndib rdf:first _:ndi9 ; rdf:rest _:ndic . _:ndic rdf:first _:ndia ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndid rdf:first _:ndi6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndie math:value "96485.309"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndif math:value "0.029"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndig rdf:first _:ndif ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndih rdf:first _:ndii ; rdf:rest _:ndik ; a rdf:List . _:ndii math:value "96485.309"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndij math:value "0.029"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndik rdf:first _:ndij ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndil math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ndim math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:ndin math:arguments _:ndio ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndio rdf:first _:ndip ; rdf:rest _:ndiq ; a rdf:List . _:ndip math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:ndiq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndir rdf:first _:ndin ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndis math:arguments _:ndit ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndit rdf:first _:ndiu ; rdf:rest _:ndix ; a rdf:List . _:ndiu math:value "2.686763"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndiv math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndiw math:value "25"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndix rdf:first _:ndiv ; rdf:rest _:ndiy . _:ndiy rdf:first _:ndiw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndiz math:arguments _:ndj0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndj0 rdf:first _:ndj1 ; rdf:rest _:ndj4 ; a rdf:List . _:ndj1 math:value "2.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndj2 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndj3 math:value "20"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndj4 rdf:first _:ndj2 ; rdf:rest _:ndj5 . _:ndj5 rdf:first _:ndj3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndj6 rdf:first _:ndiz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndj7 rdf:first _:ndj8 ; rdf:rest _:ndjm ; a rdf:List . _:ndj8 math:arguments _:ndj9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndj9 rdf:first _:ndja ; rdf:rest _:ndjd ; a rdf:List . _:ndja math:value "2.686763"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndjb math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndjc math:value "25"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndjd rdf:first _:ndjb ; rdf:rest _:ndje . _:ndje rdf:first _:ndjc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndjf math:arguments _:ndjg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndjg rdf:first _:ndjh ; rdf:rest _:ndjk ; a rdf:List . _:ndjh math:value "2.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndji math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndjj math:value "20"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndjk rdf:first _:ndji ; rdf:rest _:ndjl . _:ndjl rdf:first _:ndjj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndjm rdf:first _:ndjf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndjn math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:ndjo math:arguments _:ndjp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndjp rdf:first _:ndjq ; rdf:rest _:ndjv ; a rdf:List . _:ndjq math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:ndjr math:arguments _:ndjs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndjs rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ndju ; a rdf:List . _:ndjt math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndju rdf:first _:ndjt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndjv rdf:first _:ndjr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndjw rdf:first _:ndjo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndjx rdf:first _:ndjy ; rdf:rest _:ndk1 ; a rdf:List . _:ndjy math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndjz math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndk0 math:value "-7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndk1 rdf:first _:ndjz ; rdf:rest _:ndk2 . _:ndk2 rdf:first _:ndk0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndk3 math:arguments _:ndk4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndk4 rdf:first _:ndk5 ; rdf:rest _:ndk6 ; a rdf:List . _:ndk5 math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:ndk6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndk7 math:arguments _:ndk8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndk8 rdf:first _:ndk9 ; rdf:rest _:ndkc ; a rdf:List . _:ndk9 math:value "1.380658"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndka math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndkb math:value "-23"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndkc rdf:first _:ndka ; rdf:rest _:ndkd . _:ndkd rdf:first _:ndkb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndke math:arguments _:ndkf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndkf rdf:first _:ndkg ; rdf:rest _:ndkj ; a rdf:List . _:ndkg math:value "1.2"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndkh math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndki math:value "-28"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndkj rdf:first _:ndkh ; rdf:rest _:ndkk . _:ndkk rdf:first _:ndki ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndkl rdf:first _:ndke ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndkm rdf:first _:ndkn ; rdf:rest _:ndl1 ; a rdf:List . _:ndkn math:arguments _:ndko ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndko rdf:first _:ndkp ; rdf:rest _:ndks ; a rdf:List . _:ndkp math:value "1.380658"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndkq math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndkr math:value "-23"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndks rdf:first _:ndkq ; rdf:rest _:ndkt . _:ndkt rdf:first _:ndkr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndku math:arguments _:ndkv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndkv rdf:first _:ndkw ; rdf:rest _:ndkz ; a rdf:List . _:ndkw math:value "1.2"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ndkx math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndky math:value "-28"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndkz rdf:first _:ndkx ; rdf:rest _:ndl0 . _:ndl0 rdf:first _:ndky ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndl1 rdf:first _:ndku ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndl2 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndl3 math:arguments _:ndl4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndl4 rdf:first _:ndl5 ; rdf:rest _:ndla ; a rdf:List . _:ndl5 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndl6 math:arguments _:ndl7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndl7 rdf:first _:ndl8 ; rdf:rest _:ndl9 ; a rdf:List . _:ndl8 math:name "Joules" ; a math:Variable . _:ndl9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndla rdf:first _:ndl6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndlb rdf:first _:ndl3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndlc math:arguments _:ndld ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndld rdf:first _:ndle ; rdf:rest _:ndlm ; a rdf:List . _:ndle math:arguments _:ndlf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndlf rdf:first _:ndlg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndlg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndlh math:arguments _:ndli ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndli rdf:first _:ndlj ; rdf:rest _:ndll ; a rdf:List . _:ndlj math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndlk math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndll rdf:first _:ndlk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndlm rdf:first _:ndlh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndln math:arguments _:ndlo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndlo rdf:first _:ndlp ; rdf:rest _:ndlv ; a rdf:List . _:ndlp math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndlq math:arguments _:ndlr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndlr rdf:first _:ndls ; rdf:rest _:ndlu ; a rdf:List . _:ndls math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndlt math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndlu rdf:first _:ndlt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndlv rdf:first _:ndlq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndlw math:arguments _:ndlx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndlx rdf:first _:ndm3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndly math:arguments _:ndlz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndlz rdf:first _:ndm0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndm0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndm1 rdf:first _:ndln ; rdf:rest _:ndm2 . _:ndm2 rdf:first _:ndly ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndm3 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ndm4 math:arguments _:ndm5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndm5 rdf:first _:ndm6 ; rdf:rest _:ndme ; a rdf:List . _:ndm6 math:arguments _:ndm7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndm7 rdf:first _:ndm8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndm8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndm9 math:arguments _:ndma ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndma rdf:first _:ndmb ; rdf:rest _:ndmd ; a rdf:List . _:ndmb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndmc math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndmd rdf:first _:ndmc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndme rdf:first _:ndm9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndmf math:arguments _:ndmg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndmg rdf:first _:ndmh ; rdf:rest _:ndmo ; a rdf:List . _:ndmh math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndmi math:arguments _:ndmj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndmj rdf:first _:ndmk ; rdf:rest _:ndmn ; a rdf:List . _:ndmk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndml math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ndmm math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndmn rdf:first _:ndmm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndmo rdf:first _:ndmi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndmp math:arguments _:ndmq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndmq rdf:first _:ndmr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndmr math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndms rdf:first _:ndmf ; rdf:rest _:ndmt . _:ndmt rdf:first _:ndmp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndmu rdf:first _:ndml ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndmv math:arguments _:ndmw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndmw rdf:first _:ndmx ; rdf:rest _:ndn5 ; a rdf:List . _:ndmx math:arguments _:ndmy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndmy rdf:first _:ndmz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndmz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndn0 math:arguments _:ndn1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndn1 rdf:first _:ndn2 ; rdf:rest _:ndn4 ; a rdf:List . _:ndn2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndn3 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndn4 rdf:first _:ndn3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndn5 rdf:first _:ndn0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndn6 math:arguments _:ndn7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndn7 rdf:first _:ndn8 ; rdf:rest _:ndne ; a rdf:List . _:ndn8 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndn9 math:arguments _:ndna ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndna rdf:first _:ndnb ; rdf:rest _:ndnd ; a rdf:List . _:ndnb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndnc math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndnd rdf:first _:ndnc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndne rdf:first _:ndn9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndnf math:arguments _:ndng ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndng rdf:first _:ndnh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndnh math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ndni rdf:first _:ndn6 ; rdf:rest _:ndnj . _:ndnj rdf:first _:ndnf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndnk math:arguments _:ndnl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndnl rdf:first _:ndnm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndnm math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndnn math:arguments _:ndno ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndno rdf:first _:ndnp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndnp math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndnq math:arguments _:ndnr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndnr rdf:first _:ndns ; rdf:rest _:ndo3 ; a rdf:List . _:ndns math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ndnt math:arguments _:ndnu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndnu rdf:first _:ndnv ; rdf:rest _:ndnx ; a rdf:List . _:ndnv math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndnw math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ndnx rdf:first _:ndnw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndny math:arguments _:ndnz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndnz rdf:first _:ndo0 ; rdf:rest _:ndo2 ; a rdf:List . _:ndo0 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndo1 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ndo2 rdf:first _:ndo1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndo3 rdf:first _:ndnt ; rdf:rest _:ndo4 . _:ndo4 rdf:first _:ndny ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndo5 math:arguments _:ndo6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndo6 rdf:first _:ndo7 ; rdf:rest _:ndop ; a rdf:List . _:ndo7 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ndo8 math:arguments _:ndo9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndo9 rdf:first _:ndoa ; rdf:rest _:ndoc ; a rdf:List . _:ndoa math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndob math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ndoc rdf:first _:ndob ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndod math:arguments _:ndoe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndoe rdf:first _:ndof ; rdf:rest _:ndoh ; a rdf:List . _:ndof math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndog math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ndoh rdf:first _:ndog ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndoi math:arguments _:ndoj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndoj rdf:first _:ndok ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndok math:arguments _:ndol ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndol rdf:first _:ndom ; rdf:rest _:ndoo ; a rdf:List . _:ndom math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ndon math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ndoo rdf:first _:ndon ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndop rdf:first _:ndo8 ; rdf:rest _:ndoq . _:ndoq rdf:first _:ndod ; rdf:rest _:ndor . _:ndor rdf:first _:ndoi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndos math:arguments _:ndot ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndot rdf:first _:ndou ; rdf:rest _:ndow ; a rdf:List . _:ndou math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndov math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndow rdf:first _:ndov ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndox rdf:first _:ndnn ; rdf:rest _:ndoy . _:ndoy rdf:first _:ndnq ; rdf:rest _:ndoz . _:ndoz rdf:first _:ndo5 ; rdf:rest _:ndp0 . _:ndp0 rdf:first _:ndos ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndp1 rdf:first _:ndp5 ; rdf:rest _:ndp7 ; a rdf:List . _:ndp2 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndp3 math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:ndp4 rdf:first _:ndp3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndp5 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndp6 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ndp7 rdf:first _:ndp6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndp8 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndp9 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndpa rdf:first _:ndp9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndpb math:arguments _:ndpc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndpc rdf:first _:ndpd ; rdf:rest _:ndpf ; a rdf:List . _:ndpd math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndpe math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ndpf rdf:first _:ndpe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndpg rdf:first _:ndph ; rdf:rest _:ndpj ; a rdf:List . _:ndph math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndpi math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndpj rdf:first _:ndpi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndpk math:arguments _:ndpl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndpl rdf:first _:ndpm ; rdf:rest _:ndpo ; a rdf:List . _:ndpm math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndpn math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndpo rdf:first _:ndpn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndpp rdf:first _:ndpq ; rdf:rest _:ndps ; a rdf:List . _:ndpq math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndpr math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndps rdf:first _:ndpr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndpt math:arguments _:ndpu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndpu rdf:first _:ndpv ; rdf:rest _:ndpx ; a rdf:List . _:ndpv math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndpw math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndpx rdf:first _:ndpw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndpy math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndpz math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:ndq0 rdf:first _:ndpz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndq1 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndq2 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndq3 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndq4 rdf:first _:ndq2 ; rdf:rest _:ndq5 . _:ndq5 rdf:first _:ndq3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndq6 rdf:first _:ndq7 ; rdf:rest _:ndqa ; a rdf:List . _:ndq7 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndq8 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndq9 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqa rdf:first _:ndq8 ; rdf:rest _:ndqb . _:ndqb rdf:first _:ndq9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndqc rdf:first _:ndqi ; rdf:rest _:ndql ; a rdf:List . _:ndqd math:arguments _:ndqe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndqe rdf:first _:ndqf ; rdf:rest _:ndqh ; a rdf:List . _:ndqf math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqg math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqh rdf:first _:ndqg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndqi math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqj math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqk math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndql rdf:first _:ndqj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndqm rdf:first _:ndqn ; rdf:rest _:ndqq ; a rdf:List . _:ndqn math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqo math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqp math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqq rdf:first _:ndqo ; rdf:rest _:ndqr . _:ndqr rdf:first _:ndqp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndqs math:arguments _:ndqt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndqt rdf:first _:ndqu ; rdf:rest _:ndqw ; a rdf:List . _:ndqu math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqv math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqw rdf:first _:ndqv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndqx math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndqy rdf:first _:ndqz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndqz math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndr0 math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:ndr1 rdf:first _:ndr2 ; rdf:rest _:ndrq ; a rdf:List . _:ndr2 math:arguments _:ndr3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndr3 rdf:first _:ndr4 ; rdf:rest _:ndr9 ; a rdf:List . _:ndr4 math:arguments _:ndr5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndr5 rdf:first _:ndr6 ; rdf:rest _:ndr8 ; a rdf:List . _:ndr6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndr7 math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:ndr8 rdf:first _:ndr7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndr9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndra math:arguments _:ndrb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndrb rdf:first _:ndrc ; rdf:rest _:ndrh ; a rdf:List . _:ndrc math:arguments _:ndrd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndrd rdf:first _:ndre ; rdf:rest _:ndrg ; a rdf:List . _:ndre math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndrf math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:ndrg rdf:first _:ndrf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndrh rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndri math:arguments _:ndrj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndrj rdf:first _:ndrk ; rdf:rest _:ndrp ; a rdf:List . _:ndrk math:arguments _:ndrl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndrl rdf:first _:ndrm ; rdf:rest _:ndro ; a rdf:List . _:ndrm math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndrn math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:ndro rdf:first _:ndrn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndrp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndrq rdf:first _:ndra ; rdf:rest _:ndrr . _:ndrr rdf:first _:ndri ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndrs math:arguments _:ndrt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndrt rdf:first _:ndru ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndru math:arguments _:ndrv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndrv rdf:first _:ndrw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndrw math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndrx math:arguments _:ndry ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndry rdf:first _:ndrz ; rdf:rest _:nds5 ; a rdf:List . _:ndrz math:name "w" ; a math:Variable . _:nds0 math:arguments _:nds1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nds1 rdf:first _:nds2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nds2 math:arguments _:nds3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nds3 rdf:first _:nds4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nds4 math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:nds5 rdf:first _:nds0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nds6 rdf:first _:ndrx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nds7 math:arguments _:nds8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nds8 rdf:first _:nds9 ; rdf:rest _:ndtd ; a rdf:List . _:nds9 math:arguments _:ndsa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndsa rdf:first _:ndsb ; rdf:rest _:ndsl ; a rdf:List . _:ndsb math:arguments _:ndsc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndsc rdf:first _:ndsd ; rdf:rest _:ndsf ; a rdf:List . _:ndsd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndse math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:ndsf rdf:first _:ndse ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndsg math:arguments _:ndsh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndsh rdf:first _:ndsi ; rdf:rest _:ndsk ; a rdf:List . _:ndsi math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndsj math:name "w" ; a math:Variable . _:ndsk rdf:first _:ndsj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndsl rdf:first _:ndsg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndsm math:arguments _:ndsn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndsn rdf:first _:ndso ; rdf:rest _:ndsy ; a rdf:List . _:ndso math:arguments _:ndsp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndsp rdf:first _:ndsq ; rdf:rest _:ndss ; a rdf:List . _:ndsq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndsr math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:ndss rdf:first _:ndsr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndst math:arguments _:ndsu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndsu rdf:first _:ndsv ; rdf:rest _:ndsx ; a rdf:List . _:ndsv math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndsw math:name "w" ; a math:Variable . _:ndsx rdf:first _:ndsw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndsy rdf:first _:ndst ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndsz math:arguments _:ndt0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndt0 rdf:first _:ndt1 ; rdf:rest _:ndtc ; a rdf:List . _:ndt1 math:arguments _:ndt2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndt2 rdf:first _:ndt3 ; rdf:rest _:ndt6 ; a rdf:List . _:ndt3 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndt4 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndt5 math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:ndt6 rdf:first _:ndt5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndt7 math:arguments _:ndt8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndt8 rdf:first _:ndt9 ; rdf:rest _:ndtb ; a rdf:List . _:ndt9 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndta math:name "w" ; a math:Variable . _:ndtb rdf:first _:ndta ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndtc rdf:first _:ndt7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndtd rdf:first _:ndsm ; rdf:rest _:ndte . _:ndte rdf:first _:ndsz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndtf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndtg math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndth math:arguments _:ndti ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndti rdf:first _:ndtj ; rdf:rest _:ndts ; a rdf:List . _:ndtj math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndtk math:arguments _:ndtl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndtl rdf:first _:ndtm ; rdf:rest _:ndtp ; a rdf:List . _:ndtm math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndtn math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndto math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndtp rdf:first _:ndtn ; rdf:rest _:ndtr . _:ndtq math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ndtr rdf:first _:ndto ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndts rdf:first _:ndtk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndtt rdf:first _:ndth ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndtu math:arguments _:ndtv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndtv rdf:first _:ndtw ; rdf:rest _:ndty ; a rdf:List . _:ndtw math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndtx math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:ndty rdf:first _:ndtx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndtz math:arguments _:ndu0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndu0 rdf:first _:ndu1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndu1 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndu2 rdf:first _:ndtz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndu3 rdf:first _:ndu4 ; rdf:rest _:ndu9 ; a rdf:List . _:ndu4 math:arguments _:ndu5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndu5 rdf:first _:ndu6 ; rdf:rest _:ndu8 ; a rdf:List . _:ndu6 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndu7 math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:ndu8 rdf:first _:ndu7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndu9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndua math:arguments _:ndub ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndub rdf:first _:nduc ; rdf:rest _:ndue ; a rdf:List . _:nduc math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndud math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:ndue rdf:first _:ndud ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nduf math:arguments _:ndug ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndug rdf:first _:nduh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nduh math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndui rdf:first _:nduf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nduj rdf:first _:nduk ; rdf:rest _:ndv0 ; a rdf:List . _:nduk math:arguments _:ndul ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndul rdf:first _:ndum ; rdf:rest _:ndur ; a rdf:List . _:ndum math:arguments _:ndun ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndun rdf:first _:nduo ; rdf:rest _:nduq ; a rdf:List . _:nduo math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndup math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:nduq rdf:first _:ndup ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndur rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndus math:arguments _:ndut ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndut rdf:first _:nduu ; rdf:rest _:nduz ; a rdf:List . _:nduu math:arguments _:nduv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nduv rdf:first _:nduw ; rdf:rest _:nduy ; a rdf:List . _:nduw math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndux math:name "v" ; a math:Variable . _:nduy rdf:first _:ndux ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nduz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndv0 rdf:first _:ndus ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndv1 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndv2 math:arguments _:ndv3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndv3 rdf:first _:ndv4 ; rdf:rest _:ndvd ; a rdf:List . _:ndv4 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndv5 math:arguments _:ndv6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndv6 rdf:first _:ndv7 ; rdf:rest _:ndvb ; a rdf:List . _:ndv7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndv8 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndv9 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndva math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ndvb rdf:first _:ndv8 ; rdf:rest _:ndvc . _:ndvc rdf:first _:ndv9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndvd rdf:first _:ndv5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndve rdf:first _:ndv2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndvf rdf:first _:ndvg ; rdf:rest _:ndvq ; a rdf:List . _:ndvg math:arguments _:ndvh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndvh rdf:first _:ndvi ; rdf:rest _:ndvk ; a rdf:List . _:ndvi math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndvj math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndvk rdf:first _:ndvj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndvl math:arguments _:ndvm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndvm rdf:first _:ndvn ; rdf:rest _:ndvp ; a rdf:List . _:ndvn math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndvo math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndvp rdf:first _:ndvo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndvq rdf:first _:ndvl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndvr math:arguments _:ndvs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndvs rdf:first _:ndvt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndvt math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndvu math:arguments _:ndvv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndvv rdf:first _:ndvw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ndvw math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndvx math:arguments _:ndvy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndvy rdf:first _:ndvz ; rdf:rest _:ndwl ; a rdf:List . _:ndvz math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ndw0 math:arguments _:ndw1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndw1 rdf:first _:ndw2 ; rdf:rest _:ndwa ; a rdf:List . _:ndw2 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ndw3 math:arguments _:ndw4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndw4 rdf:first _:ndw5 ; rdf:rest _:ndw8 ; a rdf:List . _:ndw5 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndw6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndw7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndw8 rdf:first _:ndw6 ; rdf:rest _:ndw9 . _:ndw9 rdf:first _:ndw7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndwa rdf:first _:ndw3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndwb math:arguments _:ndwc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndwc rdf:first _:ndwd ; rdf:rest _:ndwf ; a rdf:List . _:ndwd math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ndwe math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndwf rdf:first _:ndwe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndwg math:arguments _:ndwh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndwh rdf:first _:ndwi ; rdf:rest _:ndwk ; a rdf:List . _:ndwi math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ndwj math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndwk rdf:first _:ndwj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndwl rdf:first _:ndw0 ; rdf:rest _:ndwm . _:ndwm rdf:first _:ndwb ; rdf:rest _:ndwn . _:ndwn rdf:first _:ndwg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndwo math:arguments _:ndwp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndwp rdf:first _:ndwq ; rdf:rest _:ndx2 ; a rdf:List . _:ndwq math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndwr math:arguments _:ndws ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndws rdf:first _:ndwt ; rdf:rest _:ndx1 ; a rdf:List . _:ndwt math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndwu math:arguments _:ndwv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndwv rdf:first _:ndww ; rdf:rest _:ndwz ; a rdf:List . _:ndww math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndwx math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndwy math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndwz rdf:first _:ndwx ; rdf:rest _:ndx0 . _:ndx0 rdf:first _:ndwy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndx1 rdf:first _:ndwu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndx2 rdf:first _:ndwr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndx3 math:arguments _:ndx4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndx4 rdf:first _:ndx5 ; rdf:rest _:ndxg ; a rdf:List . _:ndx5 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ndx6 math:arguments _:ndx7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndx7 rdf:first _:ndx8 ; rdf:rest _:ndxa ; a rdf:List . _:ndx8 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ndx9 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndxa rdf:first _:ndx9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndxb math:arguments _:ndxc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndxc rdf:first _:ndxd ; rdf:rest _:ndxf ; a rdf:List . _:ndxd math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ndxe math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndxf rdf:first _:ndxe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndxg rdf:first _:ndx6 ; rdf:rest _:ndxh . _:ndxh rdf:first _:ndxb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndxi math:arguments _:ndxj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndxj rdf:first _:ndxk ; rdf:rest _:ndxw ; a rdf:List . _:ndxk math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ndxl rdf:first _:ndva ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndxm math:arguments _:ndxn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndxn rdf:first _:ndxo ; rdf:rest _:ndxq ; a rdf:List . _:ndxo math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ndxp math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndxq rdf:first _:ndxp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndxr math:arguments _:ndxs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndxs rdf:first _:ndxt ; rdf:rest _:ndxv ; a rdf:List . _:ndxt math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ndxu math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ndxv rdf:first _:ndxu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndxw rdf:first _:ndxm ; rdf:rest _:ndxx . _:ndxx rdf:first _:ndxr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndxy rdf:first _:ndvu ; rdf:rest _:ndxz . _:ndxz rdf:first _:ndvx ; rdf:rest _:ndy0 . _:ndy0 rdf:first _:ndwo ; rdf:rest _:ndy1 . _:ndy1 rdf:first _:ndx3 ; rdf:rest _:ndy2 . _:ndy2 rdf:first _:ndxi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndy3 math:name "yA" ; a math:Variable . _:ndy4 math:name "xB" ; a math:Variable . _:ndy5 math:name "yB" ; a math:Variable . _:ndy6 math:name "xa" ; a math:Variable . _:ndy7 math:name "ya" ; a math:Variable . _:ndy8 math:name "za" ; a math:Variable . _:ndy9 math:name "xb" ; a math:Variable . _:ndya math:name "yb" ; a math:Variable . _:ndyb math:name "zb" ; a math:Variable . _:ndyc math:arguments _:ndyd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndyd rdf:first _:ndye ; rdf:rest _:ndyo ; a rdf:List . _:ndye math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndyf math:arguments _:ndyg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndyg rdf:first _:ndyh ; rdf:rest _:ndyn ; a rdf:List . _:ndyh math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndyi math:arguments _:ndyj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndyj rdf:first _:ndyk ; rdf:rest _:ndym ; a rdf:List . _:ndyk math:name "xA" ; a math:Variable . _:ndyl math:name "yA" ; a math:Variable . _:ndym rdf:first _:ndyl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndyn rdf:first _:ndyi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndyo rdf:first _:ndyf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndyp math:arguments _:ndyq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndyq rdf:first _:ndyr ; rdf:rest _:ndz2 ; a rdf:List . _:ndyr math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndys math:arguments _:ndyt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndyt rdf:first _:ndyu ; rdf:rest _:ndz1 ; a rdf:List . _:ndyu math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndyv math:arguments _:ndyw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndyw rdf:first _:ndyx ; rdf:rest _:ndz0 ; a rdf:List . _:ndyx math:name "xB" ; a math:Variable . _:ndyy rdf:first _:ndz8 ; rdf:rest _:ndzt ; a rdf:List . _:ndyz math:name "yB" ; a math:Variable . _:ndz0 rdf:first _:ndyz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndz1 rdf:first _:ndyv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndz2 rdf:first _:ndys ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndz3 math:arguments _:ndz4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndz4 rdf:first _:ndz5 ; rdf:rest _:ndzu ; a rdf:List . _:ndz5 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ndz6 math:arguments _:ndz7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndz7 rdf:first _:ndz9 ; rdf:rest _:ndzh ; a rdf:List . _:ndz8 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndz9 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ndza math:arguments _:ndzb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndzb rdf:first _:ndzc ; rdf:rest _:ndzf ; a rdf:List . _:ndzc math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndzd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndze math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ndzf rdf:first _:ndzd ; rdf:rest _:ndzg . _:ndzg rdf:first _:ndze ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndzh rdf:first _:ndza ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndzi math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:ndzj math:arguments _:ndzk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndzk rdf:first _:ndzl ; rdf:rest _:ndzn ; a rdf:List . _:ndzl math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ndzm math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ndzn rdf:first _:ndzm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndzo math:arguments _:ndzp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndzp rdf:first _:ndzq ; rdf:rest _:ndzs ; a rdf:List . _:ndzq math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ndzr math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ndzs rdf:first _:ndzr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndzt rdf:first _:ndzi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndzu rdf:first _:ndz6 ; rdf:rest _:ndzv . _:ndzv rdf:first _:ndzj ; rdf:rest _:ndzw . _:ndzw rdf:first _:ndzo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ndzx math:arguments _:ndzy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ndzy rdf:first _:ndzz ; rdf:rest _:ne09 ; a rdf:List . _:ndzz math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ne00 math:arguments _:ne01 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne01 rdf:first _:ne02 ; rdf:rest _:ne08 ; a rdf:List . _:ne02 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ne03 math:arguments _:ne04 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne04 rdf:first _:ne05 ; rdf:rest _:ne07 ; a rdf:List . _:ne05 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ne06 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ne07 rdf:first _:ne06 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne08 rdf:first _:ne03 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne09 rdf:first _:ne00 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne0a math:arguments _:ne0b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne0b rdf:first _:ne0c ; rdf:rest _:ne12 ; a rdf:List . _:ne0c math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ne0d math:arguments _:ne0e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne0e rdf:first _:ne0h ; rdf:rest _:ne0p ; a rdf:List . _:ne0f math:arguments _:ne0g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne0g rdf:first _:ne0q ; rdf:rest _:ne1e ; a rdf:List . _:ne0h math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ne0i math:arguments _:ne0j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne0j rdf:first _:ne0k ; rdf:rest _:ne0n ; a rdf:List . _:ne0k math:name "xa" ; a math:Variable . _:ne0l math:name "ya" ; a math:Variable . _:ne0m math:name "za" ; a math:Variable . _:ne0n rdf:first _:ne0l ; rdf:rest _:ne0o . _:ne0o rdf:first _:ne0m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne0p rdf:first _:ne0i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne0q math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne0r math:arguments _:ne0s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne0s rdf:first _:ne0t ; rdf:rest _:ne0v ; a rdf:List . _:ne0t math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ne0u math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne0v rdf:first _:ne0u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne0w math:arguments _:ne0x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne0x rdf:first _:ne0y ; rdf:rest _:ne10 ; a rdf:List . _:ne0y math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ne0z math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ne10 rdf:first _:ne0z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne11 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:ne12 rdf:first _:ne0d ; rdf:rest _:ne13 . _:ne13 rdf:first _:ne0r ; rdf:rest _:ne14 . _:ne14 rdf:first _:ne0w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne15 math:arguments _:ne16 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne16 rdf:first _:ne17 ; rdf:rest _:ne1u ; a rdf:List . _:ne17 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ne18 math:arguments _:ne19 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne19 rdf:first _:ne1a ; rdf:rest _:ne1j ; a rdf:List . _:ne1a math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ne1b math:arguments _:ne1c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne1c rdf:first _:ne1d ; rdf:rest _:ne1h ; a rdf:List . _:ne1d math:name "xb" ; a math:Variable . _:ne1e rdf:first _:ne11 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne1f math:name "yb" ; a math:Variable . _:ne1g math:name "zb" ; a math:Variable . _:ne1h rdf:first _:ne1f ; rdf:rest _:ne1i . _:ne1i rdf:first _:ne1g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne1j rdf:first _:ne1b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne1k math:arguments _:ne1l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne1l rdf:first _:ne1m ; rdf:rest _:ne1o ; a rdf:List . _:ne1m math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ne1n math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne1o rdf:first _:ne1n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne1p math:arguments _:ne1q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne1q rdf:first _:ne1r ; rdf:rest _:ne1t ; a rdf:List . _:ne1r math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ne1s math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ne1t rdf:first _:ne1s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne1u rdf:first _:ne18 ; rdf:rest _:ne1v . _:ne1v rdf:first _:ne1k ; rdf:rest _:ne1w . _:ne1w rdf:first _:ne1p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne1x math:arguments _:ne1y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne1y rdf:first _:ne25 ; rdf:rest _:ne2l ; a rdf:List . _:ne1z rdf:first _:ndyp ; rdf:rest _:ne20 . _:ne20 rdf:first _:ndz3 ; rdf:rest _:ne21 . _:ne21 rdf:first _:ndzx ; rdf:rest _:ne22 . _:ne22 rdf:first _:ne0a ; rdf:rest _:ne23 . _:ne23 rdf:first _:ne15 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne24 rdf:first _:ndy4 ; rdf:rest _:ne26 . _:ne25 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ne26 rdf:first _:ndy5 ; rdf:rest _:ne27 . _:ne27 rdf:first _:ndy6 ; rdf:rest _:ne28 . _:ne28 rdf:first _:ndy7 ; rdf:rest _:ne29 . _:ne29 rdf:first _:ndy8 ; rdf:rest _:ne2a . _:ne2a rdf:first _:ndy9 ; rdf:rest _:ne2b . _:ne2b rdf:first _:ndya ; rdf:rest _:ne2c . _:ne2c rdf:first _:ndyb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne2d math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:ne2e math:arguments _:ne2f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne2f rdf:first _:ne2g ; rdf:rest _:ne3w ; a rdf:List . _:ne2g math:arguments _:ne2h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne2h rdf:first _:ne2i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ne2i math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne2j math:arguments _:ne2k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne2k rdf:first _:ne2m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ne2l rdf:first _:ne2d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne2m math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne2n math:arguments _:ne2o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne2o rdf:first _:ne2p ; rdf:rest _:ne30 ; a rdf:List . _:ne2p math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ne2q math:arguments _:ne2r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne2r rdf:first _:ne2s ; rdf:rest _:ne2u ; a rdf:List . _:ne2s math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne2t math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ne2u rdf:first _:ne2t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne2v math:arguments _:ne2w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne2w rdf:first _:ne2x ; rdf:rest _:ne2z ; a rdf:List . _:ne2x math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne2y math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ne2z rdf:first _:ne2y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne30 rdf:first _:ne2q ; rdf:rest _:ne31 . _:ne31 rdf:first _:ne2v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne32 math:arguments _:ne33 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne33 rdf:first _:ne34 ; rdf:rest _:ne3n ; a rdf:List . _:ne34 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ne35 math:arguments _:ne36 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne36 rdf:first _:ne38 ; rdf:rest _:ne3a ; a rdf:List . _:ne37 rdf:first _:ne5x ; rdf:rest _:nebd ; a rdf:List . _:ne38 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne39 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ne3a rdf:first _:ne39 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne3b math:arguments _:ne3c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne3c rdf:first _:ne3d ; rdf:rest _:ne3f ; a rdf:List . _:ne3d math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne3e math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ne3f rdf:first _:ne3e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne3g math:arguments _:ne3h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne3h rdf:first _:ne3i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ne3i math:arguments _:ne3j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne3j rdf:first _:ne3k ; rdf:rest _:ne3m ; a rdf:List . _:ne3k math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ne3l math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ne3m rdf:first _:ne3l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne3n rdf:first _:ne35 ; rdf:rest _:ne3o . _:ne3o rdf:first _:ne3b ; rdf:rest _:ne3p . _:ne3p rdf:first _:ne3g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne3q rdf:first _:ne1x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne3r math:arguments _:ne3s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne3s rdf:first _:ne3t ; rdf:rest _:ne3v ; a rdf:List . _:ne3t math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne3u math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne3v rdf:first _:ne3u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne3w rdf:first _:ne2j ; rdf:rest _:ne3x . _:ne3x rdf:first _:ne2n ; rdf:rest _:ne3y . _:ne3y rdf:first _:ne32 ; rdf:rest _:ne3z . _:ne3z rdf:first _:ne3r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne40 math:name "xA" ; a math:Variable . _:ne41 math:name "yA" ; a math:Variable . _:ne42 math:name "xB" ; a math:Variable . _:ne43 math:name "yB" ; a math:Variable . _:ne44 math:name "xl" ; a math:Variable . _:ne45 math:name "yl" ; a math:Variable . _:ne46 math:name "zl" ; a math:Variable . _:ne47 math:name "xm" ; a math:Variable . _:ne48 math:name "ym" ; a math:Variable . _:ne49 math:name "zm" ; a math:Variable . _:ne4a rdf:first _:ne4b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ne4b math:arguments _:ne4c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne4c rdf:first _:ne4d ; rdf:rest _:ne73 ; a rdf:List . _:ne4d math:arguments _:ne4e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne4e rdf:first _:ne4f ; rdf:rest _:ne4p ; a rdf:List . _:ne4f math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne4g math:arguments _:ne4h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne4h rdf:first _:ne4i ; rdf:rest _:ne4o ; a rdf:List . _:ne4i math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne4j math:arguments _:ne4k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne4k rdf:first _:ne4l ; rdf:rest _:ne4n ; a rdf:List . _:ne4l math:name "xA" ; a math:Variable . _:ne4m math:name "yA" ; a math:Variable . _:ne4n rdf:first _:ne4m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne4o rdf:first _:ne4j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne4p rdf:first _:ne4g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne4q math:arguments _:ne4r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne4r rdf:first _:ne4s ; rdf:rest _:ne52 ; a rdf:List . _:ne4s math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne4t math:arguments _:ne4u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne4u rdf:first _:ne4v ; rdf:rest _:ne51 ; a rdf:List . _:ne4v math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne4w math:arguments _:ne4x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne4x rdf:first _:ne4y ; rdf:rest _:ne50 ; a rdf:List . _:ne4y math:name "xB" ; a math:Variable . _:ne4z math:name "yB" ; a math:Variable . _:ne50 rdf:first _:ne4z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne51 rdf:first _:ne4w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne52 rdf:first _:ne4t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne53 math:arguments _:ne54 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne54 rdf:first _:ne55 ; rdf:rest _:ne5r ; a rdf:List . _:ne55 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ne56 math:arguments _:ne57 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne57 rdf:first _:ne58 ; rdf:rest _:ne5a ; a rdf:List . _:ne58 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne59 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ne5a rdf:first _:ne59 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne5b math:arguments _:ne5c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne5c rdf:first _:ne5d ; rdf:rest _:ne5f ; a rdf:List . _:ne5d math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne5e math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ne5f rdf:first _:ne5e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne5g math:arguments _:ne5h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne5h rdf:first _:ne5i ; rdf:rest _:ne5q ; a rdf:List . _:ne5i math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ne5j math:arguments _:ne5k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne5k rdf:first _:ne5l ; rdf:rest _:ne5o ; a rdf:List . _:ne5l math:name "xl" ; a math:Variable . _:ne5m math:name "yl" ; a math:Variable . _:ne5n math:name "zl" ; a math:Variable . _:ne5o rdf:first _:ne5m ; rdf:rest _:ne5p . _:ne5p rdf:first _:ne5n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne5q rdf:first _:ne5j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne5r rdf:first _:ne56 ; rdf:rest _:ne5s . _:ne5s rdf:first _:ne5b ; rdf:rest _:ne5t . _:ne5t rdf:first _:ne5g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne5u math:arguments _:ne5v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne5v rdf:first _:ne5w ; rdf:rest _:ne6t ; a rdf:List . _:ne5w math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ne5x math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ne5y rdf:first _:ne69 ; rdf:rest _:ne6v ; a rdf:List . _:ne5z math:arguments _:ne60 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne60 rdf:first _:ne61 ; rdf:rest _:ne63 ; a rdf:List . _:ne61 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne62 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ne63 rdf:first _:ne62 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne64 math:arguments _:ne65 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne65 rdf:first _:ne66 ; rdf:rest _:ne68 ; a rdf:List . _:ne66 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne67 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ne68 rdf:first _:ne67 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne69 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ne6a math:arguments _:ne6b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne6b rdf:first _:ne6c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ne6c math:arguments _:ne6d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne6d rdf:first _:ne6e ; rdf:rest _:ne6g ; a rdf:List . _:ne6e math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ne6f math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ne6g rdf:first _:ne6f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne6h math:arguments _:ne6i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne6i rdf:first _:ne6j ; rdf:rest _:ne6s ; a rdf:List . _:ne6j math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:ne6k math:arguments _:ne6l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne6l rdf:first _:ne6n ; rdf:rest _:ne6q ; a rdf:List . _:ne6m math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne6n math:name "xm" ; a math:Variable . _:ne6o math:name "ym" ; a math:Variable . _:ne6p math:name "zm" ; a math:Variable . _:ne6q rdf:first _:ne6o ; rdf:rest _:ne6r . _:ne6r rdf:first _:ne6p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne6s rdf:first _:ne6k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne6t rdf:first _:ne5z ; rdf:rest _:ne6u . _:ne6u rdf:first _:ne64 ; rdf:rest _:ne6w . _:ne6v rdf:first _:ne6m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne6w rdf:first _:ne6a ; rdf:rest _:ne6x . _:ne6x rdf:first _:ne6h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne6y math:arguments _:ne6z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne6z rdf:first _:ne70 ; rdf:rest _:ne72 ; a rdf:List . _:ne70 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne71 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne72 rdf:first _:ne71 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne73 rdf:first _:ne4q ; rdf:rest _:ne74 . _:ne74 rdf:first _:ne53 ; rdf:rest _:ne75 . _:ne75 rdf:first _:ne5u ; rdf:rest _:ne76 . _:ne76 rdf:first _:ne6y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne77 rdf:first _:ne41 ; rdf:rest _:ne78 . _:ne78 rdf:first _:ne42 ; rdf:rest _:ne79 . _:ne79 rdf:first _:ne43 ; rdf:rest _:ne7a . _:ne7a rdf:first _:ne44 ; rdf:rest _:ne7b . _:ne7b rdf:first _:ne45 ; rdf:rest _:ne7e . _:ne7c math:arguments _:ne7d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne7d rdf:first _:ne7i ; rdf:rest _:ne83 ; a rdf:List . _:ne7e rdf:first _:ne46 ; rdf:rest _:ne7f . _:ne7f rdf:first _:ne47 ; rdf:rest _:ne7g . _:ne7g rdf:first _:ne48 ; rdf:rest _:ne7h . _:ne7h rdf:first _:ne49 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne7i math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne7j math:arguments _:ne7k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne7k rdf:first _:ne7l ; rdf:rest _:ne7w ; a rdf:List . _:ne7l math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne7m math:arguments _:ne7n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne7n rdf:first _:ne7o ; rdf:rest _:ne7v ; a rdf:List . _:ne7o math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne7p math:arguments _:ne7q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne7q rdf:first _:ne7r ; rdf:rest _:ne7u ; a rdf:List . _:ne7r math:name "xA" ; a math:Variable . _:ne7s math:name "yA" ; a math:Variable . _:ne7t math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ne7u rdf:first _:ne7s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne7v rdf:first _:ne7p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne7w rdf:first _:ne7m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne7x math:arguments _:ne7y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne7y rdf:first _:ne7z ; rdf:rest _:ne8h ; a rdf:List . _:ne7z math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne80 math:arguments _:ne81 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne81 rdf:first _:ne82 ; rdf:rest _:ne89 ; a rdf:List . _:ne82 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne83 rdf:first _:ne7t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne84 math:arguments _:ne85 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne85 rdf:first _:ne86 ; rdf:rest _:ne88 ; a rdf:List . _:ne86 math:name "xB" ; a math:Variable . _:ne87 math:name "yB" ; a math:Variable . _:ne88 rdf:first _:ne87 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne89 rdf:first _:ne84 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne8a math:arguments _:ne8b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne8b rdf:first _:ne8c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ne8c math:arguments _:ne8d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne8d rdf:first _:ne8e ; rdf:rest _:ne8g ; a rdf:List . _:ne8e math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne8f math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne8g rdf:first _:ne8f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne8h rdf:first _:ne80 ; rdf:rest _:ne8i . _:ne8i rdf:first _:ne8a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne8j math:arguments _:ne8k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne8k rdf:first _:ne8l ; rdf:rest _:ne98 ; a rdf:List . _:ne8l math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ne8m math:arguments _:ne8n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne8n rdf:first _:ne8p ; rdf:rest _:ne8x ; a rdf:List . _:ne8o math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ne8p math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ne8q math:arguments _:ne8r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne8r rdf:first _:ne8s ; rdf:rest _:ne8v ; a rdf:List . _:ne8s math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ne8t math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ne8u math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ne8v rdf:first _:ne8t ; rdf:rest _:ne8w . _:ne8w rdf:first _:ne8u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne8x rdf:first _:ne8q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne8y math:arguments _:ne8z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne8z rdf:first _:ne90 ; rdf:rest _:ne92 ; a rdf:List . _:ne90 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ne91 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ne92 rdf:first _:ne91 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne93 math:arguments _:ne94 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne94 rdf:first _:ne95 ; rdf:rest _:ne97 ; a rdf:List . _:ne95 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ne96 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ne97 rdf:first _:ne96 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne98 rdf:first _:ne8m ; rdf:rest _:ne99 . _:ne99 rdf:first _:ne8y ; rdf:rest _:ne9a . _:ne9a rdf:first _:ne93 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne9b math:arguments _:ne9c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne9c rdf:first _:ne9d ; rdf:rest _:ne9n ; a rdf:List . _:ne9d math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ne9e math:arguments _:ne9f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne9f rdf:first _:ne9g ; rdf:rest _:ne9m ; a rdf:List . _:ne9g math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ne9h math:arguments _:ne9i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne9i rdf:first _:ne9j ; rdf:rest _:ne9l ; a rdf:List . _:ne9j math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ne9k math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ne9l rdf:first _:ne9k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne9m rdf:first _:ne9h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne9n rdf:first _:ne9e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ne9o math:arguments _:ne9p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne9p rdf:first _:ne9q ; rdf:rest _:neac ; a rdf:List . _:ne9q math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ne9r math:arguments _:ne9s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne9s rdf:first _:ne9t ; rdf:rest _:nea1 ; a rdf:List . _:ne9t math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ne9u math:arguments _:ne9v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ne9v rdf:first _:ne9w ; rdf:rest _:ne9z ; a rdf:List . _:ne9w math:name "xa" ; a math:Variable . _:ne9x math:name "ya" ; a math:Variable . _:ne9y math:name "za" ; a math:Variable . _:ne9z rdf:first _:ne9x ; rdf:rest _:nea0 . _:nea0 rdf:first _:ne9y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nea1 rdf:first _:ne9u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nea2 math:arguments _:nea3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nea3 rdf:first _:nea4 ; rdf:rest _:nea6 ; a rdf:List . _:nea4 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nea5 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nea6 rdf:first _:nea5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nea7 math:arguments _:nea8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nea8 rdf:first _:nea9 ; rdf:rest _:neab ; a rdf:List . _:nea9 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:neaa math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:neab rdf:first _:neaa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neac rdf:first _:ne9r ; rdf:rest _:nead . _:nead rdf:first _:nea2 ; rdf:rest _:neae . _:neae rdf:first _:nea7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neaf math:arguments _:neag ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neag rdf:first _:neah ; rdf:rest _:neb3 ; a rdf:List . _:neah math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:neai math:arguments _:neaj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neaj rdf:first _:neak ; rdf:rest _:neas ; a rdf:List . _:neak math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:neal math:arguments _:neam ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neam rdf:first _:nean ; rdf:rest _:neaq ; a rdf:List . _:nean math:name "xb" ; a math:Variable . _:neao math:name "yb" ; a math:Variable . _:neap math:name "zb" ; a math:Variable . _:neaq rdf:first _:neao ; rdf:rest _:near . _:near rdf:first _:neap ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neas rdf:first _:neal ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neat math:arguments _:neau ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neau rdf:first _:neav ; rdf:rest _:neax ; a rdf:List . _:neav math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:neaw math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:neax rdf:first _:neaw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neay math:arguments _:neaz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neaz rdf:first _:neb0 ; rdf:rest _:neb2 ; a rdf:List . _:neb0 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:neb1 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:neb2 rdf:first _:neb1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neb3 rdf:first _:neai ; rdf:rest _:neb4 . _:neb4 rdf:first _:neat ; rdf:rest _:neb5 . _:neb5 rdf:first _:neay ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neb6 rdf:first _:nebe ; rdf:rest _:nec3 ; a rdf:List . _:neb7 rdf:first _:ne7x ; rdf:rest _:neb8 . _:neb8 rdf:first _:ne8j ; rdf:rest _:neb9 . _:neb9 rdf:first _:ne9b ; rdf:rest _:neba . _:neba rdf:first _:ne9o ; rdf:rest _:nebb . _:nebb rdf:first _:neaf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nebc math:name "xh" ; a math:Variable . _:nebd rdf:first _:ne8o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nebe math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:nebf math:name "yh" ; a math:Variable . _:nebg rdf:first _:nebh ; rdf:rest _:nee1 ; a rdf:List . _:nebh math:arguments _:nebi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nebi rdf:first _:nebj ; rdf:rest _:nebl ; a rdf:List . _:nebj math:name "xA" ; a math:Variable . _:nebk math:name "yA" ; a math:Variable . _:nebl rdf:first _:nebk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nebm math:arguments _:nebn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nebn rdf:first _:nebo ; rdf:rest _:nebr ; a rdf:List . _:nebo math:name "xB" ; a math:Variable . _:nebp math:name "yB" ; a math:Variable . _:nebq math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nebr rdf:first _:nebp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nebs math:arguments _:nebt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nebt rdf:first _:nebu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nebu math:arguments _:nebv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nebv rdf:first _:nebw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nebw math:arguments _:nebx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nebx rdf:first _:neby ; rdf:rest _:neca ; a rdf:List . _:neby math:arguments _:nebz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nebz rdf:first _:nec0 ; rdf:rest _:nec2 ; a rdf:List . _:nec0 math:name "xa" ; a math:Variable . _:nec1 math:name "xB" ; a math:Variable . _:nec2 rdf:first _:nec1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nec3 rdf:first _:nebq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nec4 math:arguments _:nec5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nec5 rdf:first _:nec6 ; rdf:rest _:nec8 ; a rdf:List . _:nec6 math:name "ya" ; a math:Variable . _:nec7 math:name "yB" ; a math:Variable . _:nec8 rdf:first _:nec7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nec9 math:name "za" ; a math:Variable . _:neca rdf:first _:nec4 ; rdf:rest _:necb . _:necb rdf:first _:nec9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:necc math:arguments _:necd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:necd rdf:first _:nece ; rdf:rest _:necg ; a rdf:List . _:nece math:name "xa" ; a math:Variable . _:necf math:name "za" ; a math:Variable . _:necg rdf:first _:necf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nech math:arguments _:neci ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neci rdf:first _:necj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:necj math:arguments _:neck ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neck rdf:first _:necl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:necl math:arguments _:necm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:necm rdf:first _:necn ; rdf:rest _:ned1 ; a rdf:List . _:necn math:arguments _:neco ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neco rdf:first _:necr ; rdf:rest _:nect ; a rdf:List . _:necp math:arguments _:necq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:necq rdf:first _:ned0 ; rdf:rest _:nedn ; a rdf:List . _:necr math:name "xA" ; a math:Variable . _:necs math:name "xb" ; a math:Variable . _:nect rdf:first _:necs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:necu math:arguments _:necv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:necv rdf:first _:necw ; rdf:rest _:necy ; a rdf:List . _:necw math:name "yA" ; a math:Variable . _:necx math:name "yb" ; a math:Variable . _:necy rdf:first _:necx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:necz math:name "zb" ; a math:Variable . _:ned0 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ned1 rdf:first _:necu ; rdf:rest _:ned2 . _:ned2 rdf:first _:necz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ned3 math:arguments _:ned4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ned4 rdf:first _:ned5 ; rdf:rest _:ned7 ; a rdf:List . _:ned5 math:name "xb" ; a math:Variable . _:ned6 math:name "zb" ; a math:Variable . _:ned7 rdf:first _:ned6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ned8 math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:ned9 math:arguments _:neda ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neda rdf:first _:nedb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nedb math:arguments _:nedc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nedc rdf:first _:nedd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nedd math:arguments _:nede ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nede rdf:first _:nedf ; rdf:rest _:nedz ; a rdf:List . _:nedf math:arguments _:nedg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nedg rdf:first _:nedh ; rdf:rest _:nedo ; a rdf:List . _:nedh math:arguments _:nedi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nedi rdf:first _:nedj ; rdf:rest _:nedl ; a rdf:List . _:nedj math:name "xA" ; a math:Variable . _:nedk math:name "xB" ; a math:Variable . _:nedl rdf:first _:nedk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nedm math:name "xh" ; a math:Variable . _:nedn rdf:first _:ned8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nedo rdf:first _:nedm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nedp math:arguments _:nedq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nedq rdf:first _:nedr ; rdf:rest _:nedx ; a rdf:List . _:nedr math:arguments _:neds ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neds rdf:first _:nedt ; rdf:rest _:nedv ; a rdf:List . _:nedt math:name "yA" ; a math:Variable . _:nedu math:name "yB" ; a math:Variable . _:nedv rdf:first _:nedu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nedw math:name "yh" ; a math:Variable . _:nedx rdf:first _:nedw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nedy math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nedz rdf:first _:nedp ; rdf:rest _:nee0 . _:nee0 rdf:first _:nedy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nee1 rdf:first _:nebm ; rdf:rest _:nee2 . _:nee2 rdf:first _:nebs ; rdf:rest _:nee3 . _:nee3 rdf:first _:necc ; rdf:rest _:nee4 . _:nee4 rdf:first _:nech ; rdf:rest _:nee5 . _:nee5 rdf:first _:ned3 ; rdf:rest _:nee6 . _:nee6 rdf:first _:ned9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nee7 rdf:first _:nebf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nee8 rdf:first _:nee9 ; rdf:rest _:neeb ; a rdf:List . _:nee9 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:neea math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:neeb rdf:first _:neea ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neec math:arguments _:need ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:need rdf:first _:neee ; rdf:rest _:neeg ; a rdf:List . _:neee math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:neef math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:neeg rdf:first _:neef ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neeh math:arguments _:neei ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neei rdf:first _:neej ; rdf:rest _:neel ; a rdf:List . _:neej math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:neek math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:neel rdf:first _:neek ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neem math:arguments _:neen ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neen rdf:first _:neeo ; rdf:rest _:neeq ; a rdf:List . _:neeo math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:neep math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:neeq rdf:first _:neep ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neer math:arguments _:nees ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nees rdf:first _:neet ; rdf:rest _:neev ; a rdf:List . _:neet math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:neeu math:name "E" ; a math:Variable . _:neev rdf:first _:neeu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neew rdf:first _:neeh ; rdf:rest _:neex . _:neex rdf:first _:neem ; rdf:rest _:neey . _:neey rdf:first _:neer ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neez math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nef0 math:arguments _:nef1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nef1 rdf:first _:nef2 ; rdf:rest _:nef4 ; a rdf:List . _:nef2 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nef3 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nef4 rdf:first _:nef3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nef5 math:arguments _:nef6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nef6 rdf:first _:nef7 ; rdf:rest _:nef9 ; a rdf:List . _:nef7 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nef8 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nef9 rdf:first _:nef8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nefa math:arguments _:nefb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nefb rdf:first _:nefc ; rdf:rest _:nefe ; a rdf:List . _:nefc math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nefd math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nefe rdf:first _:nefd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neff math:arguments _:nefg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nefg rdf:first _:nefh ; rdf:rest _:nefj ; a rdf:List . _:nefh math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nefi math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:nefj rdf:first _:nefi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nefk math:arguments _:nefl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nefl rdf:first _:nefm ; rdf:rest _:nefo ; a rdf:List . _:nefm math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nefn math:name "E" ; a math:Variable . _:nefo rdf:first _:nefn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nefp rdf:first _:nef0 ; rdf:rest _:nefq . _:nefq rdf:first _:nef5 ; rdf:rest _:nefr . _:nefr rdf:first _:nefa ; rdf:rest _:nefs . _:nefs rdf:first _:neff ; rdf:rest _:neft . _:neft rdf:first _:nefk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nefu math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nefv math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:nefw math:name "E" ; a math:Variable . _:nefx math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:nefy rdf:first _:nefv ; rdf:rest _:nefz . _:nefz rdf:first _:nefw ; rdf:rest _:neg0 . _:neg0 rdf:first _:nefx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neg1 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neg2 math:arguments _:neg3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neg3 rdf:first _:neg4 ; rdf:rest _:neg6 ; a rdf:List . _:neg4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neg5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neg6 rdf:first _:neg5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neg7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neg8 rdf:first _:neg7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neg9 rdf:first _:nega ; rdf:rest _:negg ; a rdf:List . _:nega math:arguments _:negb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:negb rdf:first _:negc ; rdf:rest _:nege ; a rdf:List . _:negc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:negd math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nege rdf:first _:negd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:negf math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:negg rdf:first _:negf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:negh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:negi math:arguments _:negj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:negj rdf:first _:negk ; rdf:rest _:negq ; a rdf:List . _:negk math:arguments _:negl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:negl rdf:first _:negm ; rdf:rest _:nego ; a rdf:List . _:negm math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:negn math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nego rdf:first _:negn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:negp math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:negq rdf:first _:negp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:negr math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:negs rdf:first _:negr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:negt rdf:first _:negu ; rdf:rest _:neh4 ; a rdf:List . _:negu math:arguments _:negv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:negv rdf:first _:negw ; rdf:rest _:negy ; a rdf:List . _:negw math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:negx math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:negy rdf:first _:negx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:negz math:arguments _:neh0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neh0 rdf:first _:neh1 ; rdf:rest _:neh3 ; a rdf:List . _:neh1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neh2 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neh3 rdf:first _:neh2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neh4 rdf:first _:negz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neh5 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neh6 math:arguments _:neh7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neh7 rdf:first _:neh8 ; rdf:rest _:neha ; a rdf:List . _:neh8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neh9 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neha rdf:first _:neh9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nehb math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nehc rdf:first _:nehb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nehd math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nehe rdf:first _:nehf ; rdf:rest _:nei2 ; a rdf:List . _:nehf math:arguments _:nehg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nehg rdf:first _:nehh ; rdf:rest _:nehj ; a rdf:List . _:nehh math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nehi math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nehj rdf:first _:nehi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nehk math:arguments _:nehl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nehl rdf:first _:nehm ; rdf:rest _:nehs ; a rdf:List . _:nehm math:arguments _:nehn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nehn rdf:first _:neho ; rdf:rest _:nehq ; a rdf:List . _:neho math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nehp math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nehq rdf:first _:nehp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nehr math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nehs rdf:first _:nehr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neht math:arguments _:nehu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nehu rdf:first _:nehv ; rdf:rest _:nei1 ; a rdf:List . _:nehv math:arguments _:nehw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nehw rdf:first _:nehx ; rdf:rest _:nehz ; a rdf:List . _:nehx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nehy math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nehz rdf:first _:nehy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nei0 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nei1 rdf:first _:nei0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nei2 rdf:first _:nehk ; rdf:rest _:nei3 . _:nei3 rdf:first _:neht ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nei4 math:arguments _:nei5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nei5 rdf:first _:nei6 ; rdf:rest _:nei8 ; a rdf:List . _:nei6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nei7 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nei8 rdf:first _:nei7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nei9 math:arguments _:neia ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neia rdf:first _:neib ; rdf:rest _:neih ; a rdf:List . _:neib math:value "-4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neic math:arguments _:neid ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neid rdf:first _:neie ; rdf:rest _:neig ; a rdf:List . _:neie math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neif math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neig rdf:first _:neif ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neih rdf:first _:neic ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neii rdf:first _:nei9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neij math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:neik rdf:first _:neil ; rdf:rest _:nein ; a rdf:List . _:neil math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neim math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nein rdf:first _:neim ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neio math:arguments _:neip ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neip rdf:first _:neiq ; rdf:rest _:neis ; a rdf:List . _:neiq math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:neir math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:neis rdf:first _:neir ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neit rdf:first _:neiu ; rdf:rest _:nej9 ; a rdf:List . _:neiu math:arguments _:neiv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neiv rdf:first _:neiw ; rdf:rest _:neiy ; a rdf:List . _:neiw math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neix math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neiy rdf:first _:neix ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neiz math:arguments _:nej0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nej0 rdf:first _:nej1 ; rdf:rest _:nej8 ; a rdf:List . _:nej1 math:value "-4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nej2 math:arguments _:nej3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nej3 rdf:first _:nej4 ; rdf:rest _:nej6 ; a rdf:List . _:nej4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nej5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nej6 rdf:first _:nej5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nej7 rdf:first _:nejf ; rdf:rest _:nek0 ; a rdf:List . _:nej8 rdf:first _:nej2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nej9 rdf:first _:neiz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neja math:arguments _:nejb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nejb rdf:first _:nejc ; rdf:rest _:neje ; a rdf:List . _:nejc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nejd math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neje rdf:first _:nejd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nejf math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nejg math:arguments _:nejh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nejh rdf:first _:neji ; rdf:rest _:nejo ; a rdf:List . _:neji math:arguments _:nejj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nejj rdf:first _:nejk ; rdf:rest _:nejm ; a rdf:List . _:nejk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nejl math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nejm rdf:first _:nejl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nejn math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nejo rdf:first _:nejn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nejp math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nejq math:arguments _:nejr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nejr rdf:first _:nejs ; rdf:rest _:nejy ; a rdf:List . _:nejs math:arguments _:nejt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nejt rdf:first _:neju ; rdf:rest _:nejw ; a rdf:List . _:neju math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nejv math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nejw rdf:first _:nejv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nejx math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nejy rdf:first _:nejx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nejz rdf:first _:nejg ; rdf:rest _:nek1 . _:nek0 rdf:first _:nejp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nek1 rdf:first _:nejq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nek2 rdf:first _:nek3 ; rdf:rest _:nekj ; a rdf:List . _:nek3 math:arguments _:nek4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nek4 rdf:first _:nek5 ; rdf:rest _:nek7 ; a rdf:List . _:nek5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nek6 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nek7 rdf:first _:nek6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nek8 math:arguments _:nek9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nek9 rdf:first _:neka ; rdf:rest _:neki ; a rdf:List . _:neka math:value "-4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nekb math:arguments _:nekc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nekc rdf:first _:nekd ; rdf:rest _:nekf ; a rdf:List . _:nekd math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neke math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nekf rdf:first _:neke ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nekg math:arguments _:nekh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nekh rdf:first _:neko ; rdf:rest _:nel5 ; a rdf:List . _:neki rdf:first _:nekb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nekj rdf:first _:nek8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nekk math:arguments _:nekl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nekl rdf:first _:nekm ; rdf:rest _:nekp ; a rdf:List . _:nekm math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nekn math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neko math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nekp rdf:first _:nekn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nekq math:arguments _:nekr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nekr rdf:first _:neks ; rdf:rest _:nel3 ; a rdf:List . _:neks math:arguments _:nekt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nekt rdf:first _:neku ; rdf:rest _:nel1 ; a rdf:List . _:neku math:arguments _:nekv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nekv rdf:first _:nekw ; rdf:rest _:neky ; a rdf:List . _:nekw math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nekx math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neky rdf:first _:nekx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nekz math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nel0 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nel1 rdf:first _:nekz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nel2 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nel3 rdf:first _:nel2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nel4 rdf:first _:nekq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nel5 rdf:first _:nel0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nel6 rdf:first _:nel7 ; rdf:rest _:nel9 ; a rdf:List . _:nel7 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nel8 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nel9 rdf:first _:nel8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nela math:arguments _:nelb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nelb rdf:first _:nelc ; rdf:rest _:nele ; a rdf:List . _:nelc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neld math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nele rdf:first _:neld ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nelf math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nelg math:arguments _:nelh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nelh rdf:first _:nelk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:neli math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nelj math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nelk math:binder ; math:body _:nelj ; math:variables _:nell ; a math:Binding . _:nell rdf:first _:neli ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nelm math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neln rdf:first _:nelg ; rdf:rest _:nelo . _:nelo rdf:first _:nelm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nelp rdf:first _:nelq ; rdf:rest _:nels ; a rdf:List . _:nelq math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nelr math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nels rdf:first _:nelr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nelt math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nelu math:arguments _:nelv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nelv rdf:first _:nelw ; rdf:rest _:nely ; a rdf:List . _:nelw math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nelx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nely rdf:first _:nelx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nelz rdf:first _:nelu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nem0 rdf:first _:nem1 ; rdf:rest _:nem7 ; a rdf:List . _:nem1 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nem2 math:arguments _:nem3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nem3 rdf:first _:nem4 ; rdf:rest _:nem6 ; a rdf:List . _:nem4 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nem5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nem6 rdf:first _:nem5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nem7 rdf:first _:nem2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nem8 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nem9 math:arguments _:nema ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nema rdf:first _:nemb ; rdf:rest _:nemu ; a rdf:List . _:nemb math:arguments _:nemc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nemc rdf:first _:nemd ; rdf:rest _:nemf ; a rdf:List . _:nemd math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:neme math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nemf rdf:first _:neme ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nemg math:arguments _:nemh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nemh rdf:first _:nemj ; rdf:rest _:nemm ; a rdf:List . _:nemi math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nemj math:arguments _:nemk ; math:operator _:nemi ; a math:Application . _:nemk rdf:first _:neml ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:neml math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nemm rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nemn math:arguments _:nemo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nemo rdf:first _:nemq ; rdf:rest _:nemt ; a rdf:List . _:nemp math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nemq math:arguments _:nemr ; math:operator _:nemp ; a math:Application . _:nemr rdf:first _:nems ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nems math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nemt rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nemu rdf:first _:nemg ; rdf:rest _:nemv . _:nemv rdf:first _:nemn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nemw rdf:first _:nem8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nemx math:arguments _:nemy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nemy rdf:first _:nemz ; rdf:rest _:nen7 ; a rdf:List . _:nemz math:arguments _:nen0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nen0 rdf:first _:nen1 ; rdf:rest _:nen5 ; a rdf:List . _:nen1 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nen2 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:nen3 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nen4 rdf:first _:nen8 ; rdf:rest _:nenk ; a rdf:List . _:nen5 rdf:first _:nen2 ; rdf:rest _:nen6 . _:nen6 rdf:first _:nen3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nen7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nen8 math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:nen9 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nena rdf:first _:nenb ; rdf:rest _:nep3 ; a rdf:List . _:nenb math:arguments _:nenc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nenc rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nene ; a rdf:List . _:nend math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nene rdf:first _:nend ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nenf math:arguments _:neng ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neng rdf:first _:nenh ; rdf:rest _:nenp ; a rdf:List . _:nenh math:arguments _:neni ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neni rdf:first _:nenj ; rdf:rest _:nenn ; a rdf:List . _:nenj math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nenk rdf:first _:nen9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nenl math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nenm math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nenn rdf:first _:nenl ; rdf:rest _:neno . _:neno rdf:first _:nenm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nenp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nenq math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:nenf ; a math:AttributionPair . _:nenr math:arguments _:nens ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nens rdf:first _:nent ; rdf:rest _:neox ; a rdf:List . _:nent math:arguments _:nenu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nenu rdf:first _:nenv ; rdf:rest _:nenz ; a rdf:List . _:nenv math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nenw math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nenx math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neny math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nenz rdf:first _:nenw ; rdf:rest _:neo0 . _:neo0 rdf:first _:nenx ; rdf:rest _:neo1 . _:neo1 rdf:first _:neny ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neo2 math:arguments _:neo3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neo3 rdf:first _:neo4 ; rdf:rest _:neoa ; a rdf:List . _:neo4 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neo5 math:arguments _:neo6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neo6 rdf:first _:neoh ; rdf:rest _:nep2 ; a rdf:List . _:neo7 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neo8 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neo9 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neoa rdf:first _:neo7 ; rdf:rest _:neob . _:neob rdf:first _:neo8 ; rdf:rest _:neoc . _:neoc rdf:first _:neo9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neod math:arguments _:neoe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neoe rdf:first _:neof ; rdf:rest _:neok ; a rdf:List . _:neof math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neog math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neoh math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:neoi math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neoj math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neok rdf:first _:neog ; rdf:rest _:neol . _:neol rdf:first _:neoi ; rdf:rest _:neom . _:neom rdf:first _:neoj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neon math:arguments _:neoo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neoo rdf:first _:neop ; rdf:rest _:neou ; a rdf:List . _:neop math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neoq math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neor math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neos math:name "s" ; a math:Variable . _:neot math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neou rdf:first _:neoq ; rdf:rest _:neov . _:neov rdf:first _:neor ; rdf:rest _:neow . _:neow rdf:first _:neot ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neox rdf:first _:neo2 ; rdf:rest _:neoy . _:neoy rdf:first _:neod ; rdf:rest _:neoz . _:neoz rdf:first _:neon ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nep0 math:arguments _:nep1 ; math:target _:nenr ; a math:Attribution . _:nep1 rdf:first _:nenq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nep2 rdf:first _:neos ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nep3 rdf:first _:nep0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nep4 math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nep5 rdf:first _:nep4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nep6 rdf:first _:nep7 ; rdf:rest _:neph ; a rdf:List . _:nep7 math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nep8 math:arguments _:nep9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nep9 rdf:first _:nepa ; rdf:rest _:nepg ; a rdf:List . _:nepa math:arguments _:nepb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nepb rdf:first _:nepc ; rdf:rest _:nepe ; a rdf:List . _:nepc math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nepd math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nepe rdf:first _:nepd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nepf math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nepg rdf:first _:nepf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neph rdf:first _:nep8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nepi math:arguments _:nepj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nepj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nepl ; a rdf:List . _:nepk math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nepl rdf:first _:nepk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nepm math:arguments _:nepn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nepn rdf:first _:nepo ; rdf:rest _:neqb ; a rdf:List . _:nepo math:arguments _:nepp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nepp rdf:first _:nepq ; rdf:rest _:nepw ; a rdf:List . _:nepq math:arguments _:nepr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nepr rdf:first _:neps ; rdf:rest _:nepu ; a rdf:List . _:neps math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nept math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nepu rdf:first _:nept ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nepv math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nepw rdf:first _:nepv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nepx math:arguments _:nepy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nepy rdf:first _:nepz ; rdf:rest _:neq5 ; a rdf:List . _:nepz math:arguments _:neq0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neq0 rdf:first _:neq1 ; rdf:rest _:neq3 ; a rdf:List . _:neq1 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neq2 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:neq3 rdf:first _:neq2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neq4 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neq5 rdf:first _:neq4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neq6 math:arguments _:neq7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neq7 rdf:first _:neq8 ; rdf:rest _:neqa ; a rdf:List . _:neq8 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neq9 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neqa rdf:first _:neq9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neqb rdf:first _:nepx ; rdf:rest _:neqc . _:neqc rdf:first _:neq6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neqd rdf:first _:nepm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neqe rdf:first _:neqf ; rdf:rest _:nes1 ; a rdf:List . _:neqf math:arguments _:neqg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neqg rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:neqi ; a rdf:List . _:neqh math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neqi rdf:first _:neqh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neqj math:arguments _:neqk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neqk rdf:first _:neql ; rdf:rest _:neqs ; a rdf:List . _:neql math:arguments _:neqm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neqm rdf:first _:neqn ; rdf:rest _:neqq ; a rdf:List . _:neqn math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neqo math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neqp math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neqq rdf:first _:neqo ; rdf:rest _:neqr . _:neqr rdf:first _:neqp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neqs rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neqt math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:neqj ; a math:AttributionPair . _:nequ math:arguments _:neqv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neqv rdf:first _:neqw ; rdf:rest _:nerw ; a rdf:List . _:neqw math:arguments _:neqx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neqx rdf:first _:neqy ; rdf:rest _:ner2 ; a rdf:List . _:neqy math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neqz math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ner0 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ner1 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ner2 rdf:first _:neqz ; rdf:rest _:ner3 . _:ner3 rdf:first _:ner0 ; rdf:rest _:ner4 . _:ner4 rdf:first _:ner1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ner5 math:arguments _:ner6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ner6 rdf:first _:ner7 ; rdf:rest _:nerb ; a rdf:List . _:ner7 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ner8 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ner9 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nera math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nerb rdf:first _:ner8 ; rdf:rest _:nerc . _:nerc rdf:first _:ner9 ; rdf:rest _:nerd . _:nerd rdf:first _:nera ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nere math:arguments _:nerf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nerf rdf:first _:nerg ; rdf:rest _:nerk ; a rdf:List . _:nerg math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nerh math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neri math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nerj math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nerk rdf:first _:nerh ; rdf:rest _:nerl . _:nerl rdf:first _:neri ; rdf:rest _:nerm . _:nerm rdf:first _:nerj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nern math:arguments _:nero ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nero rdf:first _:nerp ; rdf:rest _:nert ; a rdf:List . _:nerp math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nerq math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nerr math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ners math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nert rdf:first _:nerq ; rdf:rest _:neru . _:neru rdf:first _:nerr ; rdf:rest _:nerv . _:nerv rdf:first _:ners ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nerw rdf:first _:ner5 ; rdf:rest _:nerx . _:nerx rdf:first _:nere ; rdf:rest _:nery . _:nery rdf:first _:nern ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nerz math:arguments _:nes0 ; math:target _:nequ ; a math:Attribution . _:nes0 rdf:first _:neqt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nes1 rdf:first _:nerz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nes2 rdf:first _:nes3 ; rdf:rest _:nes6 ; a rdf:List . _:nes3 math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nes4 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nes5 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nes6 rdf:first _:nes4 ; rdf:rest _:nes7 . _:nes7 rdf:first _:nes5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nes8 math:arguments _:nes9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nes9 rdf:first _:nesa ; rdf:rest _:nesp ; a rdf:List . _:nesa math:arguments _:nesb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nesb rdf:first _:nesc ; rdf:rest _:nese ; a rdf:List . _:nesc math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nesd math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nese rdf:first _:nesd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nesf math:arguments _:nesg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nesg rdf:first _:nesh ; rdf:rest _:nesj ; a rdf:List . _:nesh math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nesi math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nesj rdf:first _:nesi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nesk math:arguments _:nesl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nesl rdf:first _:nesm ; rdf:rest _:neso ; a rdf:List . _:nesm math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nesn math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neso rdf:first _:nesn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nesp rdf:first _:nesf ; rdf:rest _:nesq . _:nesq rdf:first _:nesk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nesr rdf:first _:nes8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ness math:arguments _:nest ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nest rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nesv ; a rdf:List . _:nesu math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nesv rdf:first _:nesu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nesw math:arguments _:nesx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nesx rdf:first _:nesy ; rdf:rest _:netd ; a rdf:List . _:nesy math:arguments _:nesz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nesz rdf:first _:net0 ; rdf:rest _:net2 ; a rdf:List . _:net0 math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:net1 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:net2 rdf:first _:net1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:net3 math:arguments _:net4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:net4 rdf:first _:net5 ; rdf:rest _:net7 ; a rdf:List . _:net5 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:net6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:net7 rdf:first _:net6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:net8 math:arguments _:net9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:net9 rdf:first _:neta ; rdf:rest _:netc ; a rdf:List . _:neta math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:netb math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:netc rdf:first _:netb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:netd rdf:first _:net3 ; rdf:rest _:nete . _:nete rdf:first _:net8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:netf rdf:first _:nesw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:netg rdf:first _:neth ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:neth math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:neti math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:netj math:arguments _:netk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:netk rdf:first _:netl ; rdf:rest _:netn ; a rdf:List . _:netl math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:netm math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:netn rdf:first _:netm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neto math:arguments _:netp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:netp rdf:first _:netq ; rdf:rest _:nets ; a rdf:List . _:netq math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:netr math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nets rdf:first _:netr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nett rdf:first _:netj ; rdf:rest _:netu . _:netu rdf:first _:neto ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:netv math:arguments _:netw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:netw rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nety ; a rdf:List . _:netx math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nety rdf:first _:netx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:netz math:arguments _:neu0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neu0 rdf:first _:neu1 ; rdf:rest _:neug ; a rdf:List . _:neu1 math:arguments _:neu2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neu2 rdf:first _:neu3 ; rdf:rest _:neu5 ; a rdf:List . _:neu3 math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neu4 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neu5 rdf:first _:neu4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neu6 math:arguments _:neu7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neu7 rdf:first _:neu8 ; rdf:rest _:neua ; a rdf:List . _:neu8 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neu9 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neua rdf:first _:neu9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neub math:arguments _:neuc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neuc rdf:first _:neud ; rdf:rest _:neuf ; a rdf:List . _:neud math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neue math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neuf rdf:first _:neue ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neug rdf:first _:neu6 ; rdf:rest _:neuh . _:neuh rdf:first _:neub ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neui rdf:first _:netz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neuj math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neuk math:arguments _:neul ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neul rdf:first _:neum ; rdf:rest _:neuo ; a rdf:List . _:neum math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neun math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:neuo rdf:first _:neun ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neup math:arguments _:neuq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neuq rdf:first _:neur ; rdf:rest _:neut ; a rdf:List . _:neur math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:neus math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neut rdf:first _:neus ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neuu rdf:first _:neuk ; rdf:rest _:neuv . _:neuv rdf:first _:neup ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neuw math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:neux rdf:first _:neuy ; rdf:rest _:nevo ; a rdf:List . _:neuy math:arguments _:neuz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neuz rdf:first _:nev0 ; rdf:rest _:neva ; a rdf:List . _:nev0 math:arguments _:nev1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nev1 rdf:first _:nev2 ; rdf:rest _:nev8 ; a rdf:List . _:nev2 math:arguments _:nev3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nev3 rdf:first _:nev4 ; rdf:rest _:nev6 ; a rdf:List . _:nev4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nev5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nev6 rdf:first _:nev5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nev7 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nev8 rdf:first _:nev7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nev9 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neva rdf:first _:nev9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nevb math:arguments _:nevc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nevc rdf:first _:nevd ; rdf:rest _:nevn ; a rdf:List . _:nevd math:arguments _:neve ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neve rdf:first _:nevf ; rdf:rest _:nevl ; a rdf:List . _:nevf math:arguments _:nevg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nevg rdf:first _:nevh ; rdf:rest _:nevj ; a rdf:List . _:nevh math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nevi math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nevj rdf:first _:nevi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nevk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nevl rdf:first _:nevk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nevm math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nevn rdf:first _:nevm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nevo rdf:first _:nevb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nevp math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nevq math:arguments _:nevr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nevr rdf:first _:nevs ; rdf:rest _:nevy ; a rdf:List . _:nevs math:arguments _:nevt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nevt rdf:first _:nevu ; rdf:rest _:nevw ; a rdf:List . _:nevu math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nevv math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nevw rdf:first _:nevv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nevx math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nevy rdf:first _:nevx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nevz math:arguments _:new0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:new0 rdf:first _:new1 ; rdf:rest _:new3 ; a rdf:List . _:new1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:new2 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:new3 rdf:first _:new2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:new4 rdf:first _:nevz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:new5 rdf:first _:new6 ; rdf:rest _:new8 ; a rdf:List . _:new6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:new7 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:new8 rdf:first _:new7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:new9 math:arguments _:newa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:newa rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:newb math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:newc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:newd math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:newe rdf:first _:newd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:newf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:newg math:arguments _:newh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:newh rdf:first _:newi ; rdf:rest _:nex8 ; a rdf:List . _:newi math:arguments _:newj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:newj rdf:first _:newk ; rdf:rest _:newu ; a rdf:List . _:newk math:arguments _:newl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:newl rdf:first _:newm ; rdf:rest _:news ; a rdf:List . _:newm math:arguments _:newn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:newn rdf:first _:newo ; rdf:rest _:newq ; a rdf:List . _:newo math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:newp math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:newq rdf:first _:newp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:newr math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:news rdf:first _:newr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:newt math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:newu rdf:first _:newt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:newv math:arguments _:neww ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neww rdf:first _:newx ; rdf:rest _:nex7 ; a rdf:List . _:newx math:arguments _:newy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:newy rdf:first _:newz ; rdf:rest _:nex5 ; a rdf:List . _:newz math:arguments _:nex0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nex0 rdf:first _:nex1 ; rdf:rest _:nex3 ; a rdf:List . _:nex1 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nex2 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nex3 rdf:first _:nex2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nex4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nex5 rdf:first _:nex4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nex6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nex7 rdf:first _:nex6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nex8 rdf:first _:newv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nex9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nexa math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nexb rdf:first _:nexa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nexc rdf:first _:nexd ; rdf:rest _:nexf ; a rdf:List . _:nexd math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nexe math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nexf rdf:first _:nexe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nexg math:arguments _:nexh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nexh rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nexi math:arguments _:nexj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nexj rdf:first _:nexk ; rdf:rest _:neyf ; a rdf:List . _:nexk math:arguments _:nexl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nexl rdf:first _:nexm ; rdf:rest _:ney1 ; a rdf:List . _:nexm math:arguments _:nexn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nexn rdf:first _:nexo ; rdf:rest _:nexz ; a rdf:List . _:nexo math:arguments _:nexp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nexp rdf:first _:nexq ; rdf:rest _:nexw ; a rdf:List . _:nexq math:arguments _:nexr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nexr rdf:first _:nexs ; rdf:rest _:nexu ; a rdf:List . _:nexs math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:next math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nexu rdf:first _:next ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nexv math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nexw rdf:first _:nexv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nexx math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nexy math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nexz rdf:first _:nexx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ney0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ney1 rdf:first _:ney0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ney2 math:arguments _:ney3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ney3 rdf:first _:ney4 ; rdf:rest _:neye ; a rdf:List . _:ney4 math:arguments _:ney5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ney5 rdf:first _:ney6 ; rdf:rest _:neyc ; a rdf:List . _:ney6 math:arguments _:ney7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ney7 rdf:first _:ney8 ; rdf:rest _:neya ; a rdf:List . _:ney8 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ney9 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neya rdf:first _:ney9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neyb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neyc rdf:first _:neyb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neyd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:neye rdf:first _:neyd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neyf rdf:first _:ney2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neyg rdf:first _:nexi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neyh math:arguments _:neyi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neyi rdf:first _:neyj ; rdf:rest _:neyl ; a rdf:List . _:neyj math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neyk math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:neyl rdf:first _:neyk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neym math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:neyn math:arguments _:neyo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neyo rdf:first _:neyp ; rdf:rest _:neyr ; a rdf:List . _:neyp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:neyq math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:neyr rdf:first _:neyq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neys math:arguments _:neyt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neyt rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:neyu math:arguments _:neyv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neyv rdf:first _:neyw ; rdf:rest _:nezl ; a rdf:List . _:neyw math:arguments _:neyx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:neyx rdf:first _:neyz ; rdf:rest _:nez9 ; a rdf:List . _:neyy math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:neyz math:arguments _:nez0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nez0 rdf:first _:nez1 ; rdf:rest _:nez3 ; a rdf:List . _:nez1 math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nez2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nez3 rdf:first _:nez2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nez4 math:arguments _:nez5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nez5 rdf:first _:nez6 ; rdf:rest _:nez8 ; a rdf:List . _:nez6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nez7 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nez8 rdf:first _:nez7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nez9 rdf:first _:nez4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:neza math:arguments _:nezb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nezb rdf:first _:nezc ; rdf:rest _:nezj ; a rdf:List . _:nezc math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nezd math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:neze math:arguments _:nezf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nezf rdf:first _:nezg ; rdf:rest _:nezi ; a rdf:List . _:nezg math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nezh math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nezi rdf:first _:nezh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nezj rdf:first _:nezd ; rdf:rest _:nezk . _:nezk rdf:first _:neze ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nezl rdf:first _:neza ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nezm rdf:first _:neyn ; rdf:rest _:nezn . _:nezn rdf:first _:neys ; rdf:rest _:nezo . _:nezo rdf:first _:neyu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nezp rdf:first _:neyy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nezq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nezr math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nezs rdf:first _:nezr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nezt rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nezu math:arguments _:nezv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nezv rdf:first _:nezw ; rdf:rest _:nf0r ; a rdf:List . _:nezw math:arguments _:nezx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nezx rdf:first _:nezy ; rdf:rest _:nf0c ; a rdf:List . _:nezy math:arguments _:nezz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nezz rdf:first _:nf00 ; rdf:rest _:nf0a ; a rdf:List . _:nf00 math:arguments _:nf01 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf01 rdf:first _:nf02 ; rdf:rest _:nf08 ; a rdf:List . _:nf02 math:arguments _:nf03 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf03 rdf:first _:nf04 ; rdf:rest _:nf06 ; a rdf:List . _:nf04 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nf05 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf06 rdf:first _:nf05 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf07 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf08 rdf:first _:nf07 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf09 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf0a rdf:first _:nf09 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf0b math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf0c rdf:first _:nf0b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf0d rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf0e math:arguments _:nf0f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf0f rdf:first _:nf0g ; rdf:rest _:nf0q ; a rdf:List . _:nf0g math:arguments _:nf0h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf0h rdf:first _:nf0i ; rdf:rest _:nf0o ; a rdf:List . _:nf0i math:arguments _:nf0j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf0j rdf:first _:nf0k ; rdf:rest _:nf0m ; a rdf:List . _:nf0k math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf0l math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf0m rdf:first _:nf0l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf0n math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nf0o rdf:first _:nf0n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf0p math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf0q rdf:first _:nf0p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf0r rdf:first _:nf0e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf0s math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf0t math:arguments _:nf0u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf0u rdf:first _:nf0v ; rdf:rest _:nf0x ; a rdf:List . _:nf0v math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nf0w math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf0x rdf:first _:nf0w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf0y math:arguments _:nf0z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf0z rdf:first _:nf10 ; rdf:rest _:nf16 ; a rdf:List . _:nf10 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nf11 math:arguments _:nf12 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf12 rdf:first _:nf13 ; rdf:rest _:nf15 ; a rdf:List . _:nf13 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf14 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf15 rdf:first _:nf14 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf16 rdf:first _:nf11 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf17 rdf:first _:nf0y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf18 rdf:first _:nf19 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf19 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf1a math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf1b math:arguments _:nf1c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf1c rdf:first _:nf1d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf1d math:arguments _:nf1e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf1e rdf:first _:nf1g ; rdf:rest _:nf1x ; a rdf:List . _:nf1f math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nf1g math:arguments _:nf1h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf1h rdf:first _:nf1i ; rdf:rest _:nf1m ; a rdf:List . _:nf1i math:arguments _:nf1j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf1j rdf:first _:nf1k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf1k math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf1l math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nf1m rdf:first _:nf1l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf1n math:arguments _:nf1o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf1o rdf:first _:nf1p ; rdf:rest _:nf1w ; a rdf:List . _:nf1p math:arguments _:nf1q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf1q rdf:first _:nf1r ; rdf:rest _:nf1u ; a rdf:List . _:nf1r math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nf1s math:name "D" ; a math:Variable . _:nf1t math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf1u rdf:first _:nf1t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf1v math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf1w rdf:first _:nf1v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf1x rdf:first _:nf1n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf1y rdf:first _:nf1z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf1z math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf20 math:arguments _:nf21 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf21 rdf:first _:nf22 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf22 math:arguments _:nf23 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf23 rdf:first _:nf24 ; rdf:rest _:nf2l ; a rdf:List . _:nf24 math:arguments _:nf25 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf25 rdf:first _:nf26 ; rdf:rest _:nf2a ; a rdf:List . _:nf26 math:arguments _:nf27 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf27 rdf:first _:nf28 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf28 math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf29 math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nf2a rdf:first _:nf29 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf2b rdf:first _:nf1s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf2c math:arguments _:nf2d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf2d rdf:first _:nf2e ; rdf:rest _:nf2k ; a rdf:List . _:nf2e math:arguments _:nf2f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf2f rdf:first _:nf2g ; rdf:rest _:nf2i ; a rdf:List . _:nf2g math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nf2h math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf2i rdf:first _:nf2h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf2j math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf2k rdf:first _:nf2j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf2l rdf:first _:nf2c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf2m rdf:first _:nf2n ; rdf:rest _:nf2r ; a rdf:List . _:nf2n math:arguments _:nf2o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf2o rdf:first _:nf2p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf2p math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf2q math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf2r rdf:first _:nf2q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf2s math:arguments _:nf2t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf2t rdf:first _:nf2u ; rdf:rest _:nf3a ; a rdf:List . _:nf2u math:arguments _:nf2v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf2v rdf:first _:nf2w ; rdf:rest _:nf30 ; a rdf:List . _:nf2w math:arguments _:nf2x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf2x rdf:first _:nf2y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf2y math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf2z math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nf30 rdf:first _:nf2z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf31 math:arguments _:nf32 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf32 rdf:first _:nf33 ; rdf:rest _:nf39 ; a rdf:List . _:nf33 math:arguments _:nf34 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf34 rdf:first _:nf35 ; rdf:rest _:nf37 ; a rdf:List . _:nf35 math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nf36 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf37 rdf:first _:nf36 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf38 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf39 rdf:first _:nf38 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf3a rdf:first _:nf31 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf3b math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nf3c rdf:first _:nf3d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf3d math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nf3e rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf3g ; a rdf:List . _:nf3f math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nf3g rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf3h rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf3i math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nf3j rdf:first _:nf5c ; rdf:rest _:nf73 ; a rdf:List . _:nf3k math:name "Z" ; a math:Variable . _:nf3l math:arguments _:nf3m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf3m rdf:first _:nf3n ; rdf:rest _:nf46 ; a rdf:List . _:nf3n math:arguments _:nf3o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf3o rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf3q ; a rdf:List . _:nf3p math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nf3q rdf:first _:nf3p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf3r math:arguments _:nf3s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf3s rdf:first _:nf3t ; rdf:rest _:nf44 ; a rdf:List . _:nf3t math:arguments _:nf3u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf3u rdf:first _:nf3v ; rdf:rest _:nf3x ; a rdf:List . _:nf3v math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nf3w math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf3x rdf:first _:nf3w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf3y math:arguments _:nf3z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf3z rdf:first _:nf40 ; rdf:rest _:nf42 ; a rdf:List . _:nf40 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf41 math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nf42 rdf:first _:nf41 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf43 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf44 rdf:first _:nf3y ; rdf:rest _:nf45 . _:nf45 rdf:first _:nf43 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf46 rdf:first _:nf3r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf47 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nf48 math:arguments _:nf49 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf49 rdf:first _:nf4a ; rdf:rest _:nf4c ; a rdf:List . _:nf4a math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:nf4b math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf4c rdf:first _:nf4b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf4d rdf:first _:nf48 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf4e rdf:first _:nf4f ; rdf:rest _:nf4g ; a rdf:List . _:nf4f math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nf4g rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf4h rdf:first _:nf4i ; rdf:rest _:nf52 ; a rdf:List . _:nf4i math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nf4j math:arguments _:nf4k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf4k rdf:first _:nf4l ; rdf:rest _:nf50 ; a rdf:List . _:nf4l math:arguments _:nf4m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf4m rdf:first _:nf4n ; rdf:rest _:nf4u ; a rdf:List . _:nf4n math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nf4o math:arguments _:nf4p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf4p rdf:first _:nf4q ; rdf:rest _:nf4t ; a rdf:List . _:nf4q math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nf4r math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nf4s math:value "6.62606896"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nf4t rdf:first _:nf4r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf4u rdf:first _:nf4o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf4v math:arguments _:nf4w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf4w rdf:first _:nf4x ; rdf:rest _:nf4z ; a rdf:List . _:nf4x math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nf4y math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nf4z rdf:first _:nf4y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf50 rdf:first _:nf4v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf51 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf52 rdf:first _:nf4j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf53 math:arguments _:nf54 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf54 rdf:first _:nf55 ; rdf:rest _:nf5a ; a rdf:List . _:nf55 math:arguments _:nf56 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf56 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf57 math:arguments _:nf58 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf58 rdf:first _:nf59 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf59 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nf5a rdf:first _:nf57 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf5b math:value "-34"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf5c math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nf5d rdf:first _:nf51 ; rdf:rest _:nf5f . _:nf5e math:name "Z" ; a math:Variable . _:nf5f rdf:first _:nf5b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf5g rdf:first _:nf5h ; rdf:rest _:nf5r ; a rdf:List . _:nf5h math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf5i math:arguments _:nf5j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf5j rdf:first _:nf5k ; rdf:rest _:nf5q ; a rdf:List . _:nf5k math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf5l math:arguments _:nf5m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf5m rdf:first _:nf5n ; rdf:rest _:nf5p ; a rdf:List . _:nf5n math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf5o math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf5p rdf:first _:nf5o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf5q rdf:first _:nf5l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf5r rdf:first _:nf5i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf5s math:arguments _:nf5t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf5t rdf:first _:nf5u ; rdf:rest _:nf64 ; a rdf:List . _:nf5u math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf5v math:arguments _:nf5w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf5w rdf:first _:nf5x ; rdf:rest _:nf63 ; a rdf:List . _:nf5x math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf5y math:arguments _:nf5z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf5z rdf:first _:nf60 ; rdf:rest _:nf62 ; a rdf:List . _:nf60 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf61 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf62 rdf:first _:nf61 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf63 rdf:first _:nf5y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf64 rdf:first _:nf5v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf65 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nf66 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf67 rdf:first _:nf65 ; rdf:rest _:nf68 . _:nf68 rdf:first _:nf66 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf69 rdf:first _:nf6a ; rdf:rest _:nf71 ; a rdf:List . _:nf6a math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nf6b math:arguments _:nf6c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf6c rdf:first _:nf6d ; rdf:rest _:nf6n ; a rdf:List . _:nf6d math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf6e math:arguments _:nf6f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf6f rdf:first _:nf6g ; rdf:rest _:nf6m ; a rdf:List . _:nf6g math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf6h math:arguments _:nf6i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf6i rdf:first _:nf6j ; rdf:rest _:nf6l ; a rdf:List . _:nf6j math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf6k math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf6l rdf:first _:nf6k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf6m rdf:first _:nf6h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf6n rdf:first _:nf6e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf6o math:arguments _:nf6p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf6p rdf:first _:nf6q ; rdf:rest _:nf70 ; a rdf:List . _:nf6q math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf6r math:arguments _:nf6s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf6s rdf:first _:nf6t ; rdf:rest _:nf6z ; a rdf:List . _:nf6t math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf6u math:arguments _:nf6v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf6v rdf:first _:nf6w ; rdf:rest _:nf6y ; a rdf:List . _:nf6w math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf6x math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf6y rdf:first _:nf6x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf6z rdf:first _:nf6u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf70 rdf:first _:nf6r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf71 rdf:first _:nf6b ; rdf:rest _:nf72 . _:nf72 rdf:first _:nf6o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf73 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf74 rdf:first _:nf75 ; rdf:rest _:nf7e ; a rdf:List . _:nf75 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf76 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nf77 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf78 rdf:first _:nf76 ; rdf:rest _:nf79 . _:nf79 rdf:first _:nf77 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf7a rdf:first _:nf7b ; rdf:rest _:nf82 ; a rdf:List . _:nf7b math:arguments _:nf7c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf7c rdf:first _:nf7d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf7d math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nf7e rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf7f math:arguments _:nf7g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf7g rdf:first _:nf7h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf7h math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf7i math:arguments _:nf7j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf7j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf7m ; a rdf:List . _:nf7k math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf7l math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf7m rdf:first _:nf7k ; rdf:rest _:nf7n . _:nf7n rdf:first _:nf7l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf7o math:arguments _:nf7p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf7p rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf7s ; a rdf:List . _:nf7q math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf7r math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf7s rdf:first _:nf7q ; rdf:rest _:nf7t . _:nf7t rdf:first _:nf7r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf7u math:arguments _:nf7v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf7v rdf:first _:nf7w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf7w math:arguments _:nf7x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf7x rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf80 ; a rdf:List . _:nf7y math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf7z math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf80 rdf:first _:nf7y ; rdf:rest _:nf81 . _:nf81 rdf:first _:nf7z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf82 rdf:first _:nf7f ; rdf:rest _:nf83 . _:nf83 rdf:first _:nf7i ; rdf:rest _:nf84 . _:nf84 rdf:first _:nf7o ; rdf:rest _:nf85 . _:nf85 rdf:first _:nf7u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf86 math:arguments _:nf87 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf87 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf89 ; a rdf:List . _:nf88 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nf89 rdf:first _:nf88 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf8a math:arguments _:nf8b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf8b rdf:first _:nf8c ; rdf:rest _:nf8t ; a rdf:List . _:nf8c math:arguments _:nf8d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf8d rdf:first _:nf8e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf8e math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nf8f math:arguments _:nf8g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf8g rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf8j ; a rdf:List . _:nf8h math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf8i math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf8j rdf:first _:nf8h ; rdf:rest _:nf8k . _:nf8k rdf:first _:nf8i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf8l math:arguments _:nf8m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf8m rdf:first _:nf8n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf8n math:arguments _:nf8o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf8o rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nf8r ; a rdf:List . _:nf8p math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf8q math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf8r rdf:first _:nf8p ; rdf:rest _:nf8s . _:nf8s rdf:first _:nf8q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf8t rdf:first _:nf8f ; rdf:rest _:nf8u . _:nf8u rdf:first _:nf8l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf8v rdf:first _:nf8a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf8w math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nf8x math:value "6.6742"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nf8y math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf8z math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nf90 math:value "153"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf91 rdf:first _:nf90 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf92 rdf:first _:nf93 ; rdf:rest _:nf98 ; a rdf:List . _:nf93 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nf94 math:arguments _:nf95 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf95 rdf:first _:nf96 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf96 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nf97 math:value "-11"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf98 rdf:first _:nf94 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf99 rdf:first _:nf8y ; rdf:rest _:nf9l . _:nf9a rdf:first _:nf9b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf9b math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:nf9c math:arguments _:nf9d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf9d rdf:first _:nf9e ; rdf:rest _:nfbb ; a rdf:List . _:nf9e math:arguments _:nf9f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf9f rdf:first _:nf9g ; rdf:rest _:nf9i ; a rdf:List . _:nf9g math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nf9h math:name "Result" ; a math:Variable . _:nf9i rdf:first _:nf9h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf9j math:arguments _:nf9k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf9k rdf:first _:nf9m ; rdf:rest _:nfb9 ; a rdf:List . _:nf9l rdf:first _:nf97 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf9m math:arguments _:nf9n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf9n rdf:first _:nf9o ; rdf:rest _:nf9q ; a rdf:List . _:nf9o math:name "Result" ; a math:Variable . _:nf9p math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf9q rdf:first _:nf9p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nf9r math:arguments _:nf9s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf9s rdf:first _:nf9t ; rdf:rest _:nfb2 ; a rdf:List . _:nf9t math:arguments _:nf9u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf9u rdf:first _:nf9v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nf9v math:arguments _:nf9w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nf9w rdf:first _:nf9x ; rdf:rest _:nf9z ; a rdf:List . _:nf9x math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nf9y math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nf9z rdf:first _:nf9y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfa0 math:arguments _:nfa1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfa1 rdf:first _:nfa2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfa2 math:arguments _:nfa3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfa3 rdf:first _:nfa4 ; rdf:rest _:nfa6 ; a rdf:List . _:nfa4 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nfa5 math:name "N" ; a math:Variable . _:nfa6 rdf:first _:nfa5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfa7 math:arguments _:nfa8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfa8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfbe ; a rdf:List . _:nfa9 math:arguments _:nfaa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfaa rdf:first _:nfab ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfab math:arguments _:nfac ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfac rdf:first _:nfad ; rdf:rest _:nfaj ; a rdf:List . _:nfad math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nfae math:arguments _:nfaf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfaf rdf:first _:nfag ; rdf:rest _:nfai ; a rdf:List . _:nfag math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nfah math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfai rdf:first _:nfah ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfaj rdf:first _:nfae ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfak math:arguments _:nfal ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfal rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfb5 ; a rdf:List . _:nfam math:arguments _:nfan ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfan rdf:first _:nfao ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfao math:arguments _:nfap ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfap rdf:first _:nfaq ; rdf:rest _:nfb1 ; a rdf:List . _:nfaq math:name "Result" ; a math:Variable . _:nfar math:arguments _:nfas ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfas rdf:first _:nfat ; rdf:rest _:nfb0 ; a rdf:List . _:nfat math:arguments _:nfau ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfau rdf:first _:nfav ; rdf:rest _:nfax ; a rdf:List . _:nfav math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nfaw math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfax rdf:first _:nfaw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfay math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfaz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfb0 rdf:first _:nfaz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfb1 rdf:first _:nfar ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfb2 rdf:first _:nfa0 ; rdf:rest _:nfb3 . _:nfb3 rdf:first _:nfa9 ; rdf:rest _:nfb4 . _:nfb4 rdf:first _:nfam ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfb5 rdf:first _:nfay ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfb6 math:arguments _:nfb7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfb7 rdf:first _:nfb8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfb8 math:name "Result" ; a math:Variable . _:nfb9 rdf:first _:nf9r ; rdf:rest _:nfba . _:nfba rdf:first _:nfb6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfbb rdf:first _:nf9j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfbc rdf:first _:nfbd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfbd math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfbe rdf:first _:nfak ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfbf math:arguments _:nfbg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfbg rdf:first _:nfbh ; rdf:rest _:nfd4 ; a rdf:List . _:nfbh math:arguments _:nfbi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfbi rdf:first _:nfbj ; rdf:rest _:nfbl ; a rdf:List . _:nfbj math:name "Total" ; a math:Variable . _:nfbk math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nfbl rdf:first _:nfbk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfbm math:arguments _:nfbn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfbn rdf:first _:nfbo ; rdf:rest _:nfd1 ; a rdf:List . _:nfbo math:arguments _:nfbp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfbp rdf:first _:nfbq ; rdf:rest _:nfbs ; a rdf:List . _:nfbq math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nfbr math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfbs rdf:first _:nfbr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfbt math:arguments _:nfbu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfbu rdf:first _:nfbv ; rdf:rest _:nfbx ; a rdf:List . _:nfbv math:name "Total" ; a math:Variable . _:nfbw math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfbx rdf:first _:nfbw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfby math:arguments _:nfbz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfbz rdf:first _:nfc0 ; rdf:rest _:nfcx ; a rdf:List . _:nfc0 math:arguments _:nfc1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfc1 rdf:first _:nfc2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfc2 math:arguments _:nfc3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfc3 rdf:first _:nfc4 ; rdf:rest _:nfc6 ; a rdf:List . _:nfc4 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nfc5 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfc6 rdf:first _:nfc5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfc7 math:arguments _:nfc8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfc8 rdf:first _:nfc9 ; rdf:rest _:nfcw ; a rdf:List . _:nfc9 math:arguments _:nfca ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfca rdf:first _:nfcb ; rdf:rest _:nfcl ; a rdf:List . _:nfcb math:name "Total" ; a math:Variable . _:nfcc math:arguments _:nfcd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfcd rdf:first _:nfce ; rdf:rest _:nfck ; a rdf:List . _:nfce math:name "Total" ; a math:Variable . _:nfcf math:arguments _:nfcg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfcg rdf:first _:nfch ; rdf:rest _:nfcj ; a rdf:List . _:nfch math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nfci math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfcj rdf:first _:nfci ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfck rdf:first _:nfcf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfcl rdf:first _:nfcc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfcm math:arguments _:nfcn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfcn rdf:first _:nfcp ; rdf:rest _:nfcv ; a rdf:List . _:nfco rdf:first _:nfa7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfcp math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nfcq math:arguments _:nfcr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfcr rdf:first _:nfcs ; rdf:rest _:nfcu ; a rdf:List . _:nfcs math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nfct math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfcu rdf:first _:nfct ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfcv rdf:first _:nfcq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfcw rdf:first _:nfcm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfcx rdf:first _:nfc7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfcy math:arguments _:nfcz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfcz rdf:first _:nfd0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfd0 math:name "Total" ; a math:Variable . _:nfd1 rdf:first _:nfbt ; rdf:rest _:nfd2 . _:nfd2 rdf:first _:nfby ; rdf:rest _:nfd3 . _:nfd3 rdf:first _:nfcy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfd4 rdf:first _:nfbm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfd5 rdf:first _:nfd6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfd6 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfd7 math:arguments _:nfd8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfd8 rdf:first _:nfd9 ; rdf:rest _:nfew ; a rdf:List . _:nfd9 math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfda math:arguments _:nfdb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfdb rdf:first _:nfdc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfdc math:arguments _:nfdd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfdd rdf:first _:nfde ; rdf:rest _:nfet ; a rdf:List . _:nfde math:arguments _:nfdf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfdf rdf:first _:nfdg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfdg math:arguments _:nfdh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfdh rdf:first _:nfdi ; rdf:rest _:nfds ; a rdf:List . _:nfdi math:arguments _:nfdj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfdj rdf:first _:nfdk ; rdf:rest _:nfdm ; a rdf:List . _:nfdk math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfdl math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfdm rdf:first _:nfdl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfdn math:arguments _:nfdo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfdo rdf:first _:nfdp ; rdf:rest _:nfdr ; a rdf:List . _:nfdp math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfdq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfdr rdf:first _:nfdq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfds rdf:first _:nfdn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfdt math:arguments _:nfdu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfdu rdf:first _:nfdv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfdv math:arguments _:nfdw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfdw rdf:first _:nfdx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfdx math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfdy math:arguments _:nfdz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfdz rdf:first _:nfe0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfe0 math:arguments _:nfe1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfe1 rdf:first _:nfe2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfe2 math:arguments _:nfe3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfe3 rdf:first _:nfe4 ; rdf:rest _:nfes ; a rdf:List . _:nfe4 math:arguments _:nfe5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfe5 rdf:first _:nfe6 ; rdf:rest _:nfee ; a rdf:List . _:nfe6 math:name "Prog1Fibonacci" ; a math:Variable . _:nfe7 math:arguments _:nfe8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfe8 rdf:first _:nfe9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfe9 math:arguments _:nfea ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfea rdf:first _:nfeb ; rdf:rest _:nfed ; a rdf:List . _:nfeb math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfec math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfed rdf:first _:nfec ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfee rdf:first _:nfe7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfef math:value "1.3806504"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nfeg math:arguments _:nfeh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfeh rdf:first _:nfei ; rdf:rest _:nfer ; a rdf:List . _:nfei math:name "Prog1Fibonacci" ; a math:Variable . _:nfej math:arguments _:nfek ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfek rdf:first _:nfel ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfel math:arguments _:nfem ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfem rdf:first _:nfen ; rdf:rest _:nfep ; a rdf:List . _:nfen math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfeo math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfep rdf:first _:nfeo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfeq math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfer rdf:first _:nfej ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfes rdf:first _:nfeg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfet rdf:first _:nfdt ; rdf:rest _:nfeu . _:nfeu rdf:first _:nfdy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfev math:value "-23"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfew rdf:first _:nfda ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfex rdf:first _:nfeq ; rdf:rest _:nff0 . _:nfey rdf:first _:nfez ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfez math:value "100"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nff0 rdf:first _:nfev ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nff1 rdf:first _:nff2 ; rdf:rest _:nff3 ; a rdf:List . _:nff2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nff3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nff4 math:arguments _:nff5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nff5 rdf:first _:nff6 ; rdf:rest _:nffc ; a rdf:List . _:nff6 math:arguments _:nff7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nff7 rdf:first _:nff8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nff8 math:arguments _:nff9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nff9 rdf:first _:nffa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nffa math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nffb math:value "1.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nffc rdf:first _:nffb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nffd rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nffl ; a rdf:List . _:nffe math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfff math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nffg math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nffh math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nffi rdf:first _:nffj ; rdf:rest _:nfgq ; a rdf:List . _:nffj math:arguments _:nffk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nffk rdf:first _:nffm ; rdf:rest _:nffn ; a rdf:List . _:nffl rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nffm math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nffn rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nffo math:arguments _:nffp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nffp rdf:first _:nffq ; rdf:rest _:nffr ; a rdf:List . _:nffq math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nffr rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nffs math:arguments _:nfft ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfft rdf:first _:nffu ; rdf:rest _:nffv ; a rdf:List . _:nffu math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nffv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nffw math:arguments _:nffx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nffx rdf:first _:nffy ; rdf:rest _:nffz ; a rdf:List . _:nffy math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nffz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfg0 math:arguments _:nfg1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfg1 rdf:first _:nfg2 ; rdf:rest _:nfg4 ; a rdf:List . _:nfg2 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfg3 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfg4 rdf:first _:nfg3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfg5 math:arguments _:nfg6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfg6 rdf:first _:nfg7 ; rdf:rest _:nfgp ; a rdf:List . _:nfg7 math:arguments _:nfg8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfg8 rdf:first _:nfg9 ; rdf:rest _:nfgj ; a rdf:List . _:nfg9 math:arguments _:nfga ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfga rdf:first _:nfgb ; rdf:rest _:nfgd ; a rdf:List . _:nfgb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfgc math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfgd rdf:first _:nfgc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfge math:arguments _:nfgf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfgf rdf:first _:nfgg ; rdf:rest _:nfgi ; a rdf:List . _:nfgg math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfgh math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfgi rdf:first _:nfgh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfgj rdf:first _:nfge ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfgk math:arguments _:nfgl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfgl rdf:first _:nfgm ; rdf:rest _:nfgo ; a rdf:List . _:nfgm math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nfgn math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nfgo rdf:first _:nfgn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfgp rdf:first _:nfgk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfgq rdf:first _:nffo ; rdf:rest _:nfgr . _:nfgr rdf:first _:nffs ; rdf:rest _:nfgs . _:nfgs rdf:first _:nffw ; rdf:rest _:nfgt . _:nfgt rdf:first _:nfg0 ; rdf:rest _:nfgu . _:nfgu rdf:first _:nfg5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfgv rdf:first _:nfff ; rdf:rest _:nfgw . _:nfgw rdf:first _:nffg ; rdf:rest _:nfgx . _:nfgx rdf:first _:nffh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfgy math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfgz math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfh0 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfh1 rdf:first _:nfh0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfh2 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfh3 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfh4 rdf:first _:nfh3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfh5 math:value "1.3806504"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nfh6 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfh7 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfh8 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfh9 rdf:first _:nfh8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfha math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfhb math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfhc math:value "-23"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfhd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfhe math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfhf rdf:first _:nfhe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfhg rdf:first _:nfhb ; rdf:rest _:nfhi . _:nfhh math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfhi rdf:first _:nfhc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfhj math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfhk math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfhl rdf:first _:nfhk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfhm math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfhn math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfho rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfhq ; a rdf:List . _:nfhp rdf:first _:nfhn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfhq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfhr rdf:first _:nfhs ; rdf:rest _:nfhu ; a rdf:List . _:nfhs math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfht math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfhu rdf:first _:nfht ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfhv math:arguments _:nfhw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfhw rdf:first _:nfhx ; rdf:rest _:nfhz ; a rdf:List . _:nfhx math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfhy math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfhz rdf:first _:nfhy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfi0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfi1 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfi2 rdf:first _:nfi1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfi3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfi4 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfi5 rdf:first _:nfi4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfi6 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfi7 math:arguments _:nfi8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfi8 rdf:first _:nfj0 ; rdf:rest _:ngjh ; a rdf:List . _:nfi9 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfia math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfib rdf:first _:nfia ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfic math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfid math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfie rdf:first _:nfid ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfif math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfig math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfih math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfii rdf:first _:nfih ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfij math:value "1.3806504"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nfik math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfil math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfim rdf:first _:nfil ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfin math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfio rdf:first _:nfip ; rdf:rest _:nfir ; a rdf:List . _:nfip math:value "355"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfiq math:value "113"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfir rdf:first _:nfiq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfis math:value "-23"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfit math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfiu rdf:first _:nfin ; rdf:rest _:nfiv . _:nfiv rdf:first _:nfis ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfiw math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfix rdf:first _:nfiy ; rdf:rest _:nfjx ; a rdf:List . _:nfiy math:arguments _:nfiz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfiz rdf:first _:nfj2 ; rdf:rest _:nfj4 ; a rdf:List . _:nfj0 math:arguments _:nfj1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfj1 rdf:first _:nfkz ; rdf:rest _:nfoq ; a rdf:List . _:nfj2 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfj3 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfj4 rdf:first _:nfj3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfj5 math:arguments _:nfj6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfj6 rdf:first _:nfj7 ; rdf:rest _:nfj9 ; a rdf:List . _:nfj7 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfj8 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfj9 rdf:first _:nfj8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfja math:arguments _:nfjb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfjb rdf:first _:nfjc ; rdf:rest _:nfje ; a rdf:List . _:nfjc math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfjd math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfje rdf:first _:nfjd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfjf math:arguments _:nfjg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfjg rdf:first _:nfjh ; rdf:rest _:nfjn ; a rdf:List . _:nfjh math:arguments _:nfji ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfji rdf:first _:nfjj ; rdf:rest _:nfjl ; a rdf:List . _:nfjj math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfjk math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfjl rdf:first _:nfjk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfjm math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfjn rdf:first _:nfjm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfjo math:arguments _:nfjp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfjp rdf:first _:nfjq ; rdf:rest _:nfjw ; a rdf:List . _:nfjq math:arguments _:nfjr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfjr rdf:first _:nfjs ; rdf:rest _:nfju ; a rdf:List . _:nfjs math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfjt math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfju rdf:first _:nfjt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfjv math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfjw rdf:first _:nfjv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfjx rdf:first _:nfj5 ; rdf:rest _:nfjy . _:nfjy rdf:first _:nfja ; rdf:rest _:nfjz . _:nfjz rdf:first _:nfjf ; rdf:rest _:nfk0 . _:nfk0 rdf:first _:nfjo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfk1 math:arguments _:nfk2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfk2 rdf:first _:nfk3 ; rdf:rest _:nfk9 ; a rdf:List . _:nfk3 math:arguments _:nfk4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfk4 rdf:first _:nfk5 ; rdf:rest _:nfk7 ; a rdf:List . _:nfk5 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfk6 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfk7 rdf:first _:nfk6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfk8 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfk9 rdf:first _:nfk8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfka rdf:first _:nfkb ; rdf:rest _:nfkd ; a rdf:List . _:nfkb math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfkc math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfkd rdf:first _:nfkc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfke math:arguments _:nfkf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfkf rdf:first _:nfkg ; rdf:rest _:nfkm ; a rdf:List . _:nfkg math:arguments _:nfkh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfkh rdf:first _:nfki ; rdf:rest _:nfkk ; a rdf:List . _:nfki math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfkj math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfkk rdf:first _:nfkj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfkl math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfkm rdf:first _:nfkl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfkn math:value "2.17644"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nfko math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfkp rdf:first _:nfkq ; rdf:rest _:nflc ; a rdf:List . _:nfkq math:arguments _:nfkr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfkr rdf:first _:nfks ; rdf:rest _:nfku ; a rdf:List . _:nfks math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfkt math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfku rdf:first _:nfkt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfkv math:arguments _:nfkw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfkw rdf:first _:nfkx ; rdf:rest _:nfl1 ; a rdf:List . _:nfkx math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfky math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfkz math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfl0 math:value "-8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfl1 rdf:first _:nfky ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfl2 math:arguments _:nfl3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfl3 rdf:first _:nfl4 ; rdf:rest _:nfla ; a rdf:List . _:nfl4 math:arguments _:nfl5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfl5 rdf:first _:nfl6 ; rdf:rest _:nfl8 ; a rdf:List . _:nfl6 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfl7 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfl8 rdf:first _:nfl7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfl9 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfla rdf:first _:nfl9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nflb rdf:first _:nfko ; rdf:rest _:nfll . _:nflc rdf:first _:nfkv ; rdf:rest _:nfld . _:nfld rdf:first _:nfl2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfle math:arguments _:nflf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nflf rdf:first _:nflg ; rdf:rest _:nfln ; a rdf:List . _:nflg math:arguments _:nflh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nflh rdf:first _:nfli ; rdf:rest _:nflk ; a rdf:List . _:nfli math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nflj math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nflk rdf:first _:nflj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfll rdf:first _:nfl0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nflm math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfln rdf:first _:nflm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nflo math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nflp math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nflq rdf:first _:nflp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nflr rdf:first _:nfls ; rdf:rest _:nflu ; a rdf:List . _:nfls math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nflt math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nflu rdf:first _:nflt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nflv math:arguments _:nflw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nflw rdf:first _:nflx ; rdf:rest _:nflz ; a rdf:List . _:nflx math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfly math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nflz rdf:first _:nfly ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfm0 math:arguments _:nfm1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfm1 rdf:first _:nfm2 ; rdf:rest _:nfm4 ; a rdf:List . _:nfm2 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfm3 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfm4 rdf:first _:nfm3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfm5 rdf:first _:nfm0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfm6 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfm7 math:arguments _:nfm8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfm8 rdf:first _:nfm9 ; rdf:rest _:nfmf ; a rdf:List . _:nfm9 math:arguments _:nfma ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfma rdf:first _:nfmb ; rdf:rest _:nfmd ; a rdf:List . _:nfmb math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfmc math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfmd rdf:first _:nfmc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfme math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfmf rdf:first _:nfme ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfmg rdf:first _:nfm6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfmh rdf:first _:nfmi ; rdf:rest _:nfmt ; a rdf:List . _:nfmi math:arguments _:nfmj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfmj rdf:first _:nfml ; rdf:rest _:nfmn ; a rdf:List . _:nfmk math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfml math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfmm math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfmn rdf:first _:nfmm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfmo math:arguments _:nfmp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfmp rdf:first _:nfmq ; rdf:rest _:nfms ; a rdf:List . _:nfmq math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfmr math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfms rdf:first _:nfmr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfmt rdf:first _:nfmo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfmu math:value "5.39124"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nfmv math:arguments _:nfmw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfmw rdf:first _:nfmx ; rdf:rest _:nfo1 ; a rdf:List . _:nfmx math:arguments _:nfmy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfmy rdf:first _:nfmz ; rdf:rest _:nfni ; a rdf:List . _:nfmz math:arguments _:nfn0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfn0 rdf:first _:nfn1 ; rdf:rest _:nfng ; a rdf:List . _:nfn1 math:arguments _:nfn2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfn2 rdf:first _:nfn3 ; rdf:rest _:nfn6 ; a rdf:List . _:nfn3 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfn4 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfn5 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfn6 rdf:first _:nfn4 ; rdf:rest _:nfn7 . _:nfn7 rdf:first _:nfn5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfn8 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfn9 math:arguments _:nfna ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfna rdf:first _:nfnb ; rdf:rest _:nfne ; a rdf:List . _:nfnb math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfnc math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfnd math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfne rdf:first _:nfnc ; rdf:rest _:nfnf . _:nfnf rdf:first _:nfnd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfng rdf:first _:nfn9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfnh math:value "-44"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfni rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfnj math:arguments _:nfnk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfnk rdf:first _:nfnl ; rdf:rest _:nfo0 ; a rdf:List . _:nfnl math:arguments _:nfnm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfnm rdf:first _:nfnn ; rdf:rest _:nfnq ; a rdf:List . _:nfnn math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfno math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfnp math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfnq rdf:first _:nfno ; rdf:rest _:nfnr . _:nfnr rdf:first _:nfnp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfns rdf:first _:nfn8 ; rdf:rest _:nfo2 . _:nfnt math:arguments _:nfnu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfnu rdf:first _:nfnv ; rdf:rest _:nfny ; a rdf:List . _:nfnv math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfnw math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfnx math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfny rdf:first _:nfnw ; rdf:rest _:nfnz . _:nfnz rdf:first _:nfnx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfo0 rdf:first _:nfnt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfo1 rdf:first _:nfnj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfo2 rdf:first _:nfnh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfo3 rdf:first _:nfo4 ; rdf:rest _:nfo6 ; a rdf:List . _:nfo4 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfo5 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfo6 rdf:first _:nfo5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfo7 math:arguments _:nfo8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfo8 rdf:first _:nfo9 ; rdf:rest _:nfoh ; a rdf:List . _:nfo9 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfoa math:arguments _:nfob ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfob rdf:first _:nfoc ; rdf:rest _:nfof ; a rdf:List . _:nfoc math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:nfod math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfoe math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfof rdf:first _:nfod ; rdf:rest _:nfog . _:nfog rdf:first _:nfoe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfoh rdf:first _:nfoa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfoi math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfoj math:name "add" ; a math:Variable . _:nfok math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nfol math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfom math:name "mult" ; a math:Variable . _:nfon math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nfoo rdf:first _:nfoj ; rdf:rest _:nfop . _:nfop rdf:first _:nfok ; rdf:rest _:nfor . _:nfoq rdf:first _:nfmk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfor rdf:first _:nfol ; rdf:rest _:nfos . _:nfos rdf:first _:nfom ; rdf:rest _:nfot . _:nfot rdf:first _:nfon ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfou math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfov math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfow math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nfox math:arguments _:nfoy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfoy rdf:first _:nfoz ; rdf:rest _:nfre ; a rdf:List . _:nfoz math:arguments _:nfp0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfp0 rdf:first _:nfp1 ; rdf:rest _:nfpg ; a rdf:List . _:nfp1 math:arguments _:nfp2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfp2 rdf:first _:nfp3 ; rdf:rest _:nfp5 ; a rdf:List . _:nfp3 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfp4 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfp5 rdf:first _:nfp4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfp6 math:arguments _:nfp7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfp7 rdf:first _:nfp8 ; rdf:rest _:nfpa ; a rdf:List . _:nfp8 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfp9 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfpa rdf:first _:nfp9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfpb math:arguments _:nfpc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfpc rdf:first _:nfpd ; rdf:rest _:nfpf ; a rdf:List . _:nfpd math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nfpe math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfpf rdf:first _:nfpe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfpg rdf:first _:nfp6 ; rdf:rest _:nfph . _:nfph rdf:first _:nfpb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfpi math:arguments _:nfpj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfpj rdf:first _:nfpk ; rdf:rest _:nfrd ; a rdf:List . _:nfpk math:arguments _:nfpl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfpl rdf:first _:nfpn ; rdf:rest _:nfqf ; a rdf:List . _:nfpm math:name "mult" ; a math:Variable . _:nfpn math:arguments _:nfpo ; math:operator _:nfpm ; a math:Application . _:nfpo rdf:first _:nfpp ; rdf:rest _:nfpw ; a rdf:List . _:nfpp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfpq math:name "add" ; a math:Variable . _:nfpr math:arguments _:nfps ; math:operator _:nfpq ; a math:Application . _:nfps rdf:first _:nfpt ; rdf:rest _:nfpv ; a rdf:List . _:nfpt math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfpu math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nfpv rdf:first _:nfpu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfpw rdf:first _:nfpr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfpx math:value "1.87554587"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nfpy math:name "add" ; a math:Variable . _:nfpz math:arguments _:nfq0 ; math:operator _:nfpy ; a math:Application . _:nfq0 rdf:first _:nfq2 ; rdf:rest _:nfqe ; a rdf:List . _:nfq1 math:name "mult" ; a math:Variable . _:nfq2 math:arguments _:nfq3 ; math:operator _:nfq1 ; a math:Application . _:nfq3 rdf:first _:nfq4 ; rdf:rest _:nfq6 ; a rdf:List . _:nfq4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfq5 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfq6 rdf:first _:nfq5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfq7 math:name "mult" ; a math:Variable . _:nfq8 math:arguments _:nfq9 ; math:operator _:nfq7 ; a math:Application . _:nfq9 rdf:first _:nfqb ; rdf:rest _:nfqd ; a rdf:List . _:nfqa math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfqb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfqc math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nfqd rdf:first _:nfqc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfqe rdf:first _:nfq8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfqf rdf:first _:nfpz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfqg math:arguments _:nfqh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfqh rdf:first _:nfqk ; rdf:rest _:nfrc ; a rdf:List . _:nfqi math:name "mult" ; a math:Variable . _:nfqj math:value "-18"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfqk math:arguments _:nfql ; math:operator _:nfqi ; a math:Application . _:nfql rdf:first _:nfqn ; rdf:rest _:nfqt ; a rdf:List . _:nfqm math:name "add" ; a math:Variable . _:nfqn math:arguments _:nfqo ; math:operator _:nfqm ; a math:Application . _:nfqo rdf:first _:nfqp ; rdf:rest _:nfqr ; a rdf:List . _:nfqp math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfqq math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nfqr rdf:first _:nfqq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfqs math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfqt rdf:first _:nfqs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfqu rdf:first _:nfqa ; rdf:rest _:nfr7 . _:nfqv math:name "add" ; a math:Variable . _:nfqw math:arguments _:nfqx ; math:operator _:nfqv ; a math:Application . _:nfqx rdf:first _:nfqz ; rdf:rest _:nfrb ; a rdf:List . _:nfqy math:name "mult" ; a math:Variable . _:nfqz math:arguments _:nfr0 ; math:operator _:nfqy ; a math:Application . _:nfr0 rdf:first _:nfr1 ; rdf:rest _:nfr3 ; a rdf:List . _:nfr1 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfr2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfr3 rdf:first _:nfr2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfr4 math:name "mult" ; a math:Variable . _:nfr5 math:arguments _:nfr6 ; math:operator _:nfr4 ; a math:Application . _:nfr6 rdf:first _:nfr8 ; rdf:rest _:nfra ; a rdf:List . _:nfr7 rdf:first _:nfqj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfr8 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nfr9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfra rdf:first _:nfr9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfrb rdf:first _:nfr5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfrc rdf:first _:nfqw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfrd rdf:first _:nfqg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfre rdf:first _:nfpi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfrf rdf:first _:nfou ; rdf:rest _:nfrg ; a rdf:List . _:nfrg rdf:first _:nfov ; rdf:rest _:nfrh . _:nfrh rdf:first _:nfow ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfri math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfrj math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfrk rdf:first _:nfri ; rdf:rest _:nfrl . _:nfrl rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfrm . _:nfrm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfrn . _:nfrn rdf:first _:nfrj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfro math:arguments _:nfrp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfrp rdf:first _:nfrq ; rdf:rest _:nfrw ; a rdf:List . _:nfrq math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfrr math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfrs math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nfrt math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfru math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nfrv math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nfrw rdf:first _:nfrr ; rdf:rest _:nfrx . _:nfrx rdf:first _:nfrs ; rdf:rest _:nfry . _:nfry rdf:first _:nfrt ; rdf:rest _:nfrz . _:nfrz rdf:first _:nfru ; rdf:rest _:nfs0 . _:nfs0 rdf:first _:nfrv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfs1 math:arguments _:nfs2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfs2 rdf:first _:nfs3 ; rdf:rest _:nfs9 ; a rdf:List . _:nfs3 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfs4 math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfs5 math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nfs6 math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfs7 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nfs8 math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nfs9 rdf:first _:nfs4 ; rdf:rest _:nfsa . _:nfsa rdf:first _:nfs5 ; rdf:rest _:nfsb . _:nfsb rdf:first _:nfs6 ; rdf:rest _:nfsc . _:nfsc rdf:first _:nfs7 ; rdf:rest _:nfsd . _:nfsd rdf:first _:nfs8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfse math:arguments _:nfsf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfsf rdf:first _:nfsg ; rdf:rest _:nfsn ; a rdf:List . _:nfsg math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfsh math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfsi math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nfsj math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfsk math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nfsl math:value "1.3806504"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nfsm math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nfsn rdf:first _:nfsh ; rdf:rest _:nfso . _:nfso rdf:first _:nfsi ; rdf:rest _:nfsp . _:nfsp rdf:first _:nfsj ; rdf:rest _:nfsq . _:nfsq rdf:first _:nfsk ; rdf:rest _:nfsr . _:nfsr rdf:first _:nfsm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfss math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfst math:arguments _:nfsu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfsu rdf:first _:nfsv ; rdf:rest _:nft2 ; a rdf:List . _:nfsv math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfsw math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfsx math:value "-23"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfsy math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nfsz math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nft0 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nft1 math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nft2 rdf:first _:nfsw ; rdf:rest _:nft3 . _:nft3 rdf:first _:nfsy ; rdf:rest _:nft4 . _:nft4 rdf:first _:nfsz ; rdf:rest _:nft5 . _:nft5 rdf:first _:nft0 ; rdf:rest _:nft6 . _:nft6 rdf:first _:nft1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nft7 math:arguments _:nft8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nft8 rdf:first _:nfv0 ; rdf:rest _:nfyl ; a rdf:List . _:nft9 rdf:first _:nfss ; rdf:rest _:nfta . _:nfta rdf:first _:nfsx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nftb math:arguments _:nftc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nftc rdf:first _:nftd ; rdf:rest _:nftj ; a rdf:List . _:nftd math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfte math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nftf math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nftg math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfth math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nfti math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nftj rdf:first _:nfte ; rdf:rest _:nftk . _:nftk rdf:first _:nftf ; rdf:rest _:nftl . _:nftl rdf:first _:nftg ; rdf:rest _:nftm . _:nftm rdf:first _:nfth ; rdf:rest _:nftn . _:nftn rdf:first _:nfti ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfto rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nftx ; a rdf:List . _:nftp math:arguments _:nftq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nftq rdf:first _:nftr ; rdf:rest _:nfty ; a rdf:List . _:nftr math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfts math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nftt math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nftu math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nftv math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nftw math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nftx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfty rdf:first _:nfts ; rdf:rest _:nftz . _:nftz rdf:first _:nftt ; rdf:rest _:nfu0 . _:nfu0 rdf:first _:nftu ; rdf:rest _:nfu1 . _:nfu1 rdf:first _:nftv ; rdf:rest _:nfu2 . _:nfu2 rdf:first _:nftw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfu3 math:arguments _:nfu4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfu4 rdf:first _:nfu5 ; rdf:rest _:nfub ; a rdf:List . _:nfu5 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfu6 math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfu7 math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nfu8 math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfu9 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nfua math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nfub rdf:first _:nfu6 ; rdf:rest _:nfuc . _:nfuc rdf:first _:nfu7 ; rdf:rest _:nfud . _:nfud rdf:first _:nfu8 ; rdf:rest _:nfue . _:nfue rdf:first _:nfu9 ; rdf:rest _:nfuf . _:nfuf rdf:first _:nfua ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfug math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfuh math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfui math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfuj math:arguments _:nfuk ; math:operator _:nfui ; a math:Application . _:nfuk rdf:first _:nful ; rdf:rest _:nfuq ; a rdf:List . _:nful math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfum math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfun math:arguments _:nfuo ; math:operator _:nfum ; a math:Application . _:nfuo rdf:first _:nfup ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfup math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfuq rdf:first _:nfun ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfur rdf:first _:nfug ; rdf:rest _:nfus ; a rdf:List . _:nfus rdf:first _:nfuh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfut rdf:first _:nfuu ; rdf:rest _:nfv9 ; a rdf:List . _:nfuu math:arguments _:nfuv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfuv rdf:first _:nfuw ; rdf:rest _:nfv1 ; a rdf:List . _:nfuw math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfux math:arguments _:nfuy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfuy rdf:first _:nfuz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfuz math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nfv0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfv1 rdf:first _:nfux ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfv2 math:arguments _:nfv3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfv3 rdf:first _:nfv4 ; rdf:rest _:nfv8 ; a rdf:List . _:nfv4 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfv5 math:arguments _:nfv6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfv6 rdf:first _:nfv7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfv7 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nfv8 rdf:first _:nfv5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfv9 rdf:first _:nfv2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfva math:arguments _:nfvb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfvb rdf:first _:nfvc ; rdf:rest _:nfvh ; a rdf:List . _:nfvc math:arguments _:nfvd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfvd rdf:first _:nfve ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfve math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvf math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvg math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvh rdf:first _:nfvf ; rdf:rest _:nfvi . _:nfvi rdf:first _:nfvg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfvj math:arguments _:nfvk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfvk rdf:first _:nfvl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfvl math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvm math:arguments _:nfvn ; math:operator _:nfvj ; a math:Application . _:nfvn rdf:first _:nfvo ; rdf:rest _:nfvq ; a rdf:List . _:nfvo math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvp math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvq rdf:first _:nfvp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfvr rdf:first _:nfvm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfvs rdf:first _:nfvt ; rdf:rest _:nfvz ; a rdf:List . _:nfvt math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvu math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvv math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvw math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvx math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvy math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nfvz rdf:first _:nfvu ; rdf:rest _:nfw0 . _:nfw0 rdf:first _:nfvv ; rdf:rest _:nfw1 . _:nfw1 rdf:first _:nfvw ; rdf:rest _:nfw2 . _:nfw2 rdf:first _:nfvx ; rdf:rest _:nfw3 . _:nfw3 rdf:first _:nfvy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfw4 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfw5 math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfw6 math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nfw7 math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfw8 rdf:first _:nfw5 ; rdf:rest _:nfw9 . _:nfw9 rdf:first _:nfw6 ; rdf:rest _:nfwa . _:nfwa rdf:first _:nfw7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfwb rdf:first _:nfwd ; rdf:rest _:nfwj ; a rdf:List . _:nfwc math:value "1.602176487"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nfwd math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfwe math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfwf math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nfwg math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nfwh math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nfwi math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nfwj rdf:first _:nfwe ; rdf:rest _:nfwk . _:nfwk rdf:first _:nfwf ; rdf:rest _:nfwl . _:nfwl rdf:first _:nfwg ; rdf:rest _:nfwm . _:nfwm rdf:first _:nfwh ; rdf:rest _:nfwo . _:nfwn math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfwo rdf:first _:nfwi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfwp math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nfwq math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nfwr math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nfws rdf:first _:nfwq ; rdf:rest _:nfwt . _:nfwt rdf:first _:nfwr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfwu math:value "-19"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfwv rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfwy ; a rdf:List . _:nfww math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfwx math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfwy rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfx1 . _:nfwz math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nfx0 rdf:first _:nfwn ; rdf:rest _:nfxa . _:nfx1 rdf:first _:nfww ; rdf:rest _:nfx2 . _:nfx2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfx3 . _:nfx3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfx4 . _:nfx4 rdf:first _:nfwx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfx5 math:arguments _:nfx6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfx6 rdf:first _:nfx7 ; rdf:rest _:nfx9 ; a rdf:List . _:nfx7 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfx8 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfx9 rdf:first _:nfx8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfxa rdf:first _:nfwu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfxb rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfxc rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfxf ; a rdf:List . _:nfxd math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfxe math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfxf rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfxg . _:nfxg rdf:first _:nfxd ; rdf:rest _:nfxh . _:nfxh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfxi . _:nfxi rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfxj . _:nfxj rdf:first _:nfxe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfxk math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfxl math:arguments _:nfxm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfxm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfxp ; a rdf:List . _:nfxn math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfxo math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfxp rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfxq . _:nfxq rdf:first _:nfxn ; rdf:rest _:nfxr . _:nfxr rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfxs . _:nfxs rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nfxt . _:nfxt rdf:first _:nfxo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfxu rdf:first _:nfxl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfxv rdf:first _:nfxw ; rdf:rest _:nfya ; a rdf:List . _:nfxw math:arguments _:nfxx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfxx rdf:first _:nfxy ; rdf:rest _:nfy2 ; a rdf:List . _:nfxy math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfxz math:arguments _:nfy0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfy0 rdf:first _:nfy1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfy1 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nfy2 rdf:first _:nfxz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfy3 math:arguments _:nfy4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfy4 rdf:first _:nfy5 ; rdf:rest _:nfy9 ; a rdf:List . _:nfy5 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfy6 math:arguments _:nfy7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfy7 rdf:first _:nfy8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfy8 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nfy9 rdf:first _:nfy6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfya rdf:first _:nfy3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfyb math:arguments _:nfyc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfyc rdf:first _:nfye ; rdf:rest _:nfyx ; a rdf:List . _:nfyd math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nfye math:arguments _:nfyf ; math:operator _:nfyd ; a math:Application . _:nfyf rdf:first _:nfyg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfyg math:arguments _:nfyh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfyh rdf:first _:nfyi ; rdf:rest _:nfyk ; a rdf:List . _:nfyi math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfyj math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfyk rdf:first _:nfyj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfyl rdf:first _:nfwz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfym math:arguments _:nfyn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfyn rdf:first _:nfyp ; rdf:rest _:nfyw ; a rdf:List . _:nfyo math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nfyp math:arguments _:nfyq ; math:operator _:nfyo ; a math:Application . _:nfyq rdf:first _:nfyr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfyr math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfys math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nfyt math:arguments _:nfyu ; math:operator _:nfys ; a math:Application . _:nfyu rdf:first _:nfyv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfyv math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfyw rdf:first _:nfyt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfyx rdf:first _:nfym ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfyy math:value "1.660538782"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nfyz math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nfz0 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfz1 math:value "-27"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nfz2 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nfz3 rdf:first _:nfz0 ; rdf:rest _:nfz4 . _:nfz4 rdf:first _:nfz1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfz5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfz6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfz7 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfz8 rdf:first _:nfz7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfz9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfza math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nfzb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nfzc rdf:first _:nfzb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfzd math:arguments _:nfze ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfze rdf:first _:nfzf ; rdf:rest _:nfzh ; a rdf:List . _:nfzf math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfzg math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfzh rdf:first _:nfzg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfzi rdf:first _:nfzj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfzj math:arguments _:nfzk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfzk rdf:first _:nfzl ; rdf:rest _:nfzv ; a rdf:List . _:nfzl math:arguments _:nfzm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfzm rdf:first _:nfzn ; rdf:rest _:nfzp ; a rdf:List . _:nfzn math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfzo math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfzp rdf:first _:nfzo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfzq math:arguments _:nfzr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfzr rdf:first _:nfzs ; rdf:rest _:nfzu ; a rdf:List . _:nfzs math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nfzt math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nfzu rdf:first _:nfzt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfzv rdf:first _:nfzq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nfzw rdf:first _:nfzx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nfzx math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nfzy math:arguments _:nfzz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nfzz rdf:first _:ng00 ; rdf:rest _:ng02 ; a rdf:List . _:ng00 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ng01 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ng02 rdf:first _:ng01 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng03 rdf:first _:nfzy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng04 rdf:first _:ng05 ; rdf:rest _:ng0h ; a rdf:List . _:ng05 math:arguments _:ng06 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng06 rdf:first _:ng07 ; rdf:rest _:ng0b ; a rdf:List . _:ng07 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ng08 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ng09 math:arguments _:ng0a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng0a rdf:first _:ng1m ; rdf:rest _:ng51 ; a rdf:List . _:ng0b rdf:first _:ng08 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng0c math:arguments _:ng0d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng0d rdf:first _:ng0e ; rdf:rest _:ng0g ; a rdf:List . _:ng0e math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ng0f math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ng0g rdf:first _:ng0f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng0h rdf:first _:ng0c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng0i math:value "1.49597870691"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ng0j rdf:first _:ng0k ; rdf:rest _:ng0n ; a rdf:List . _:ng0k math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ng0l math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ng0m math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng0n rdf:first _:ng0l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng0o math:value "11"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng0p rdf:first _:ng0r ; rdf:rest _:ng0t ; a rdf:List . _:ng0q rdf:first _:ng0m ; rdf:rest _:ng0u . _:ng0r math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ng0s math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ng0t rdf:first _:ng0s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng0u rdf:first _:ng0o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng0v rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng0x ; a rdf:List . _:ng0w math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng0x rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng0y . _:ng0y rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng0z . _:ng0z rdf:first _:ng0w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng10 math:arguments _:ng11 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng11 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng13 ; a rdf:List . _:ng12 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng13 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng14 . _:ng14 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng15 . _:ng15 rdf:first _:ng12 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng16 math:arguments _:ng17 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng17 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng19 ; a rdf:List . _:ng18 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng19 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng1a . _:ng1a rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng1b . _:ng1b rdf:first _:ng18 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng1c math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng1d rdf:first _:ng1c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng1e math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng1f math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng1g rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng1h . _:ng1h rdf:first _:ng1e ; rdf:rest _:ng1i . _:ng1i rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng1j . _:ng1j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng1k . _:ng1k rdf:first _:ng1f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng1l rdf:first _:ng1n ; rdf:rest _:ng1z ; a rdf:List . _:ng1m math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ng1n math:arguments _:ng1o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng1o rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng1r ; a rdf:List . _:ng1p math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng1q math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng1r rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng1s . _:ng1s rdf:first _:ng1p ; rdf:rest _:ng1t . _:ng1t rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng1u . _:ng1u rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng1v . _:ng1v rdf:first _:ng1q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng1w math:arguments _:ng1x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng1x rdf:first _:ng1y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng1y math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng1z rdf:first _:ng1w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng20 math:arguments _:ng21 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng21 rdf:first _:ng22 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng22 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng23 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng24 rdf:first _:ng23 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng25 rdf:first _:ng26 ; rdf:rest _:ng2q ; a rdf:List . _:ng26 math:arguments _:ng27 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng27 rdf:first _:ng28 ; rdf:rest _:ng2c ; a rdf:List . _:ng28 math:arguments _:ng29 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng29 rdf:first _:ng2a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng2a math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng2b math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng2c rdf:first _:ng2b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng2d math:arguments _:ng2e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng2e rdf:first _:ng2f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng2f math:arguments _:ng2g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng2g rdf:first _:ng2h ; rdf:rest _:ng2o ; a rdf:List . _:ng2h math:arguments _:ng2i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng2i rdf:first _:ng2j ; rdf:rest _:ng2l ; a rdf:List . _:ng2j math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng2k math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng2l rdf:first _:ng2k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng2m math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng2n math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng2o rdf:first _:ng2m ; rdf:rest _:ng2p . _:ng2p rdf:first _:ng2n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng2q rdf:first _:ng2d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng2r math:arguments _:ng2s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng2s rdf:first _:ng2t ; rdf:rest _:ng2x ; a rdf:List . _:ng2t math:arguments _:ng2u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng2u rdf:first _:ng2v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng2v math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng2w math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng2x rdf:first _:ng2w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng2y math:arguments _:ng2z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng2z rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng3b ; a rdf:List . _:ng30 math:arguments _:ng31 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng31 rdf:first _:ng32 ; rdf:rest _:ng39 ; a rdf:List . _:ng32 math:arguments _:ng33 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng33 rdf:first _:ng34 ; rdf:rest _:ng36 ; a rdf:List . _:ng34 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng35 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng36 rdf:first _:ng35 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng37 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng38 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng39 rdf:first _:ng37 ; rdf:rest _:ng3a . _:ng3a rdf:first _:ng38 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng3b rdf:first _:ng30 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng3c rdf:first _:ng2y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng3d math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:ng3e math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:ng3f math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ng3g math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng3h math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng3i rdf:first _:ng3g ; rdf:rest _:ng3j . _:ng3j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng3k . _:ng3k rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng3l . _:ng3l rdf:first _:ng3h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng3m math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ng3n rdf:first _:ng3o ; rdf:rest _:ng4w ; a rdf:List . _:ng3o math:arguments _:ng3p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng3p rdf:first _:ng3q ; rdf:rest _:ng44 ; a rdf:List . _:ng3q math:arguments _:ng3r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng3r rdf:first _:ng3s ; rdf:rest _:ng3w ; a rdf:List . _:ng3s math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ng3t math:arguments _:ng3u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng3u rdf:first _:ng3v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng3v math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:ng3w rdf:first _:ng3t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng3x math:arguments _:ng3y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng3y rdf:first _:ng3z ; rdf:rest _:ng43 ; a rdf:List . _:ng3z math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ng40 math:arguments _:ng41 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng41 rdf:first _:ng42 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng42 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:ng43 rdf:first _:ng40 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng44 rdf:first _:ng3x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng45 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ng46 math:arguments _:ng47 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng47 rdf:first _:ng48 ; rdf:rest _:ng4t ; a rdf:List . _:ng48 math:arguments _:ng49 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng49 rdf:first _:ng4a ; rdf:rest _:ng4e ; a rdf:List . _:ng4a math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ng4b math:arguments _:ng4c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng4c rdf:first _:ng4d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng4d math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:ng4e rdf:first _:ng4b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng4f math:arguments _:ng4g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng4g rdf:first _:ng4k ; rdf:rest _:ng4s ; a rdf:List . _:ng4h math:arguments _:ng4i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng4i rdf:first _:ng4j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng4j math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:ng4k math:arguments _:ng4l ; math:operator _:ng4h ; a math:Application . _:ng4l rdf:first _:ng4m ; rdf:rest _:ng4o ; a rdf:List . _:ng4m math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ng4n math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ng4o rdf:first _:ng4n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng4p math:arguments _:ng4q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng4q rdf:first _:ng4r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng4r math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:ng4s rdf:first _:ng4p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng4t rdf:first _:ng4f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng4u math:binder ; math:body _:ng46 ; math:variables _:ng4v ; a math:Binding . _:ng4v rdf:first _:ng45 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng4w rdf:first _:ng4u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng4x math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:ng4y math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ng4z math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:ng50 rdf:first _:ng4x ; rdf:rest _:ng52 . _:ng51 rdf:first _:ng3f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng52 rdf:first _:ng4y ; rdf:rest _:ng53 . _:ng53 rdf:first _:ng4z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng54 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng6k ; a rdf:List . _:ng55 math:arguments _:ng56 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng56 rdf:first _:ng57 ; rdf:rest _:ng6g ; a rdf:List . _:ng57 math:arguments _:ng58 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng58 rdf:first _:ng59 ; rdf:rest _:ng5f ; a rdf:List . _:ng59 math:arguments _:ng5a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng5a rdf:first _:ng5b ; rdf:rest _:ng5d ; a rdf:List . _:ng5b math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:ng5c math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ng5d rdf:first _:ng5c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng5e math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:ng5f rdf:first _:ng5e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng5g math:arguments _:ng5h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng5h rdf:first _:ng5i ; rdf:rest _:ng5o ; a rdf:List . _:ng5i math:arguments _:ng5j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng5j rdf:first _:ng5k ; rdf:rest _:ng5m ; a rdf:List . _:ng5k math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ng5l math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:ng5m rdf:first _:ng5l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng5n math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:ng5o rdf:first _:ng5n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng5p math:arguments _:ng5q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng5q rdf:first _:ng5r ; rdf:rest _:ng5x ; a rdf:List . _:ng5r math:arguments _:ng5s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng5s rdf:first _:ng5t ; rdf:rest _:ng5v ; a rdf:List . _:ng5t math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:ng5u math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng5v rdf:first _:ng5u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng5w math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng5x rdf:first _:ng5w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng5y math:arguments _:ng5z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng5z rdf:first _:ng60 ; rdf:rest _:ng66 ; a rdf:List . _:ng60 math:arguments _:ng61 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng61 rdf:first _:ng62 ; rdf:rest _:ng64 ; a rdf:List . _:ng62 math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ng63 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng64 rdf:first _:ng63 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng65 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng66 rdf:first _:ng65 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng67 math:arguments _:ng68 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng68 rdf:first _:ng69 ; rdf:rest _:ng6f ; a rdf:List . _:ng69 math:arguments _:ng6a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng6a rdf:first _:ng6b ; rdf:rest _:ng6d ; a rdf:List . _:ng6b math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:ng6c math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng6d rdf:first _:ng6c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng6e math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng6f rdf:first _:ng6e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng6g rdf:first _:ng5g ; rdf:rest _:ng6h . _:ng6h rdf:first _:ng5p ; rdf:rest _:ng6i . _:ng6i rdf:first _:ng5y ; rdf:rest _:ng6j . _:ng6j rdf:first _:ng67 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng6k rdf:first _:ng55 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng6l math:arguments _:ng6m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng6m rdf:first _:ng6n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng6n math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng6o rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng6p math:arguments _:ng6q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng6q rdf:first _:ng6r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng6r math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng6s rdf:first _:ng6t ; rdf:rest _:ng6w ; a rdf:List . _:ng6t math:arguments _:ng6u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng6u rdf:first _:ng6v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng6v math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng6w rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng6x rdf:first _:ng6y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng6y math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng6z math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng70 rdf:first _:ng71 ; rdf:rest _:ng78 ; a rdf:List . _:ng71 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng72 math:arguments _:ng73 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng73 rdf:first _:ng74 ; rdf:rest _:ng77 ; a rdf:List . _:ng74 math:arguments _:ng75 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng75 rdf:first _:ng76 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng76 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng77 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng78 rdf:first _:ng72 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng79 math:arguments _:ng7a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng7a rdf:first _:ng7b ; rdf:rest _:ng7f ; a rdf:List . _:ng7b math:arguments _:ng7c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng7c rdf:first _:ng7d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng7d math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng7e math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng7f rdf:first _:ng7e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng7g rdf:first _:ng7h ; rdf:rest _:ng7o ; a rdf:List . _:ng7h math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng7i math:arguments _:ng7j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng7j rdf:first _:ng7k ; rdf:rest _:ng7n ; a rdf:List . _:ng7k math:arguments _:ng7l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng7l rdf:first _:ng7m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng7m math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng7n rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng7o rdf:first _:ng7i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng7p math:arguments _:ng7q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng7q rdf:first _:ng7r ; rdf:rest _:ng7v ; a rdf:List . _:ng7r math:arguments _:ng7s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng7s rdf:first _:ng7t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng7t math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng7u math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng7v rdf:first _:ng7u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng7w rdf:first _:ng7x ; rdf:rest _:ng84 ; a rdf:List . _:ng7x math:arguments _:ng7y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng7y rdf:first _:ng7z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng7z math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng80 math:arguments _:ng81 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng81 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng83 ; a rdf:List . _:ng82 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng83 rdf:first _:ng82 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng84 rdf:first _:ng80 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng85 math:arguments _:ng86 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng86 rdf:first _:ng87 ; rdf:rest _:ng8g ; a rdf:List . _:ng87 math:arguments _:ng88 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng88 rdf:first _:ng89 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng89 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng8a math:arguments _:ng8b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng8b rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng8d ; a rdf:List . _:ng8c math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng8d rdf:first _:ng8c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng8e math:arguments _:ng8f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng8f rdf:first _:ng9r ; rdf:rest _:ngi6 ; a rdf:List . _:ng8g rdf:first _:ng8a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng8h math:value "180"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng8i math:arguments _:ng8j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng8j rdf:first _:ng8k ; rdf:rest _:ng8l ; a rdf:List . _:ng8k math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng8l rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng8m rdf:first _:ng8n ; rdf:rest _:ng8t ; a rdf:List . _:ng8n math:arguments _:ng8o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng8o rdf:first _:ng8p ; rdf:rest _:ng8s ; a rdf:List . _:ng8p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng8q rdf:first _:ng8h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng8r math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng8s rdf:first _:ng8r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng8t rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng8u rdf:first _:ng8v ; rdf:rest _:ng8z ; a rdf:List . _:ng8v math:arguments _:ng8w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng8w rdf:first _:ng8x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng8x math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng8y math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng8z rdf:first _:ng8y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng90 math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:ng91 rdf:first _:ng90 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng92 rdf:first _:ng93 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng93 math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:ng94 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng95 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng96 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng97 rdf:first _:ng95 ; rdf:rest _:ng98 . _:ng98 rdf:first _:ng96 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng99 rdf:first _:ng9a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng9a math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:ng9b math:arguments _:ng9c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng9c rdf:first _:ng9p ; rdf:rest _:ng9t ; a rdf:List . _:ng9d math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng9e math:arguments _:ng9f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng9f rdf:first _:ng9g ; rdf:rest _:ng9o ; a rdf:List . _:ng9g math:arguments _:ng9h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng9h rdf:first _:ng9i ; rdf:rest _:ng9m ; a rdf:List . _:ng9i math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ng9j math:arguments _:ng9k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng9k rdf:first _:ng9l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng9l math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:ng9m rdf:first _:ng9j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng9n math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ng9o rdf:first _:ng9n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng9p math:binder ; math:body _:ng9e ; math:variables _:ng9q ; a math:Binding . _:ng9q rdf:first _:ng9d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng9r math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ng9s math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:ng9t rdf:first _:ng9s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng9u rdf:first _:ng9b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ng9v rdf:first _:ng9w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ng9w math:arguments _:ng9x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ng9x rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ng9z ; a rdf:List . _:ng9y math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:ng9z rdf:first _:ng9y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nga0 math:value "1.8"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nga1 math:value "1.1"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nga2 math:value "3.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nga3 math:value "2.4"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nga4 math:value "5.5"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nga5 math:value "2.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nga6 math:value "1.7"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nga7 math:value "1.8"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nga8 math:value "3.4"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nga9 math:value "4.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngaa math:value "3.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngab rdf:first _:nga1 ; rdf:rest _:ngac . _:ngac rdf:first _:nga2 ; rdf:rest _:ngad . _:ngad rdf:first _:nga3 ; rdf:rest _:ngae . _:ngae rdf:first _:nga4 ; rdf:rest _:ngaf . _:ngaf rdf:first _:nga5 ; rdf:rest _:ngag . _:ngag rdf:first _:nga6 ; rdf:rest _:ngah . _:ngah rdf:first _:nga7 ; rdf:rest _:ngai . _:ngai rdf:first _:nga8 ; rdf:rest _:ngaj . _:ngaj rdf:first _:nga9 ; rdf:rest _:ngak . _:ngak rdf:first _:ngaa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngal math:arguments _:ngam ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngam rdf:first _:ngan ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngan math:name "L" ; a math:Variable . _:ngao math:value "1.8"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngap math:value "1.1"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngaq math:value "3.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngar math:value "2.4"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngas math:value "5.5"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngat math:value "2.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngau math:value "1.7"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngav math:value "1.8"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngaw math:value "3.4"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngax math:value "4.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngay math:value "3.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngaz rdf:first _:ngap ; rdf:rest _:ngb0 . _:ngb0 rdf:first _:ngaq ; rdf:rest _:ngb1 . _:ngb1 rdf:first _:ngar ; rdf:rest _:ngb2 . _:ngb2 rdf:first _:ngas ; rdf:rest _:ngb3 . _:ngb3 rdf:first _:ngat ; rdf:rest _:ngb4 . _:ngb4 rdf:first _:ngau ; rdf:rest _:ngb5 . _:ngb5 rdf:first _:ngav ; rdf:rest _:ngb6 . _:ngb6 rdf:first _:ngaw ; rdf:rest _:ngb7 . _:ngb7 rdf:first _:ngax ; rdf:rest _:ngb8 . _:ngb8 rdf:first _:ngay ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngb9 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngba math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngbb math:arguments _:ngbc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngbc rdf:first _:ngcw ; rdf:rest _:ngg9 ; a rdf:List . _:ngbd math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngbe rdf:first _:ngba ; rdf:rest _:ngbf . _:ngbf rdf:first _:ngbd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngbg math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngbh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngbi math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngbj rdf:first _:ngbh ; rdf:rest _:ngbk . _:ngbk rdf:first _:ngbi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngbl math:value "3.1"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbm math:value "2.2"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbn math:value "1.8"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbo math:value "1.1"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbp math:value "3.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbq math:value "2.4"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbr math:value "5.5"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbs math:value "2.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbt math:value "1.7"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbu math:value "1.8"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbv math:value "3.4"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbw math:value "4.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngbx math:value "3.3"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ngby rdf:first _:ngbm ; rdf:rest _:ngbz . _:ngbz rdf:first _:ngbn ; rdf:rest _:ngc0 . _:ngc0 rdf:first _:ngbo ; rdf:rest _:ngc1 . _:ngc1 rdf:first _:ngbp ; rdf:rest _:ngc2 . _:ngc2 rdf:first _:ngbq ; rdf:rest _:ngc3 . _:ngc3 rdf:first _:ngbr ; rdf:rest _:ngc4 . _:ngc4 rdf:first _:ngbs ; rdf:rest _:ngc5 . _:ngc5 rdf:first _:ngbt ; rdf:rest _:ngc6 . _:ngc6 rdf:first _:ngbu ; rdf:rest _:ngc7 . _:ngc7 rdf:first _:ngbv ; rdf:rest _:ngc8 . _:ngc8 rdf:first _:ngbw ; rdf:rest _:ngc9 . _:ngc9 rdf:first _:ngbx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngca math:arguments _:ngcb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngcb rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngcc rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngcd math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngce math:arguments _:ngcf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngcf rdf:first _:ngcg ; rdf:rest _:ngcl ; a rdf:List . _:ngcg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngch math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ngci math:arguments _:ngcj ; math:operator _:ngch ; a math:Application . _:ngcj rdf:first _:ngck ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngck math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngcl rdf:first _:ngci ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngcm rdf:first _:ngcd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngcn math:arguments _:ngco ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngco rdf:first _:ngcp ; rdf:rest _:ngct ; a rdf:List . _:ngcp math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ngcq math:arguments _:ngcr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngcr rdf:first _:ngcs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngcs math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ngct rdf:first _:ngcq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngcu math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngcv rdf:first _:ngcu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngcw math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngcx math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ngcy math:arguments _:ngcz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngcz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngd0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngd1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngd2 math:arguments _:ngd3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngd3 rdf:first _:ngd4 ; rdf:rest _:ngdh ; a rdf:List . _:ngd4 math:arguments _:ngd5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngd5 rdf:first _:ngd6 ; rdf:rest _:ngdc ; a rdf:List . _:ngd6 math:arguments _:ngd7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngd7 rdf:first _:ngd8 ; rdf:rest _:ngda ; a rdf:List . _:ngd8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngd9 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ngda rdf:first _:ngd9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngdb math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:ngdc rdf:first _:ngdb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngdd math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ngde math:arguments _:ngdf ; math:operator _:ngdd ; a math:Application . _:ngdf rdf:first _:ngdg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngdg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngdh rdf:first _:ngde ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngdi rdf:first _:ngd1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngdj math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:ngdk math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:ngdl rdf:first _:ngdk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngdm math:arguments _:ngdn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngdn rdf:first _:ngdo ; rdf:rest _:ngdz ; a rdf:List . _:ngdo math:arguments _:ngdp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngdp rdf:first _:ngdq ; rdf:rest _:ngds ; a rdf:List . _:ngdq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngdr math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:ngds rdf:first _:ngdr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngdt rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngdu math:arguments _:ngdv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngdv rdf:first _:ngdw ; rdf:rest _:ngdy ; a rdf:List . _:ngdw math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngdx math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:ngdy rdf:first _:ngdx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngdz rdf:first _:ngdu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nge0 math:arguments _:nge1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nge1 rdf:first _:nge3 ; rdf:rest _:nge9 ; a rdf:List . _:nge2 math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nge3 math:arguments _:nge4 ; math:operator _:nge2 ; a math:Application . _:nge4 rdf:first _:nge5 ; rdf:rest _:nge7 ; a rdf:List . _:nge5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nge6 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nge7 rdf:first _:nge6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nge8 math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:nge9 rdf:first _:nge8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngea rdf:first _:nge0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngeb rdf:first _:nged ; rdf:rest _:ngez ; a rdf:List . _:ngec math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nged math:arguments _:ngee ; math:operator _:ngec ; a math:Application . _:ngee rdf:first _:ngef ; rdf:rest _:ngen ; a rdf:List . _:ngef math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngeg math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:ngeh math:arguments _:ngei ; math:operator _:ngeg ; a math:Application . _:ngei rdf:first _:ngej ; rdf:rest _:ngel ; a rdf:List . _:ngej math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngek math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngel rdf:first _:ngek ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngem math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngen rdf:first _:ngeh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngeo math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:ngep math:arguments _:ngeq ; math:operator _:ngeo ; a math:Application . _:ngeq rdf:first _:nges ; rdf:rest _:ngey ; a rdf:List . _:nger math:name "binop" ; a math:Variable . _:nges math:arguments _:nget ; math:operator _:nger ; a math:Application . _:nget rdf:first _:ngeu ; rdf:rest _:ngew ; a rdf:List . _:ngeu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngev math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngew rdf:first _:ngev ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngex math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngey rdf:first _:ngex ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngez rdf:first _:ngep ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngf0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngf1 math:arguments _:ngf2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngf2 rdf:first _:ngf3 ; rdf:rest _:ngf5 ; a rdf:List . _:ngf3 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:ngf4 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:ngf5 rdf:first _:ngf4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngf6 math:arguments _:ngf7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngf7 rdf:first _:ngf8 ; rdf:rest _:ngfa ; a rdf:List . _:ngf8 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:ngf9 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:ngfa rdf:first _:ngf9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngfb rdf:first _:ngfc ; rdf:rest _:ngfq ; a rdf:List . _:ngfc math:arguments _:ngfd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngfd rdf:first _:ngfe ; rdf:rest _:ngfi ; a rdf:List . _:ngfe math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngff math:arguments _:ngfg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngfg rdf:first _:ngfh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngfh math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:ngfi rdf:first _:ngff ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngfj math:arguments _:ngfk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngfk rdf:first _:ngfl ; rdf:rest _:ngfp ; a rdf:List . _:ngfl math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngfm math:arguments _:ngfn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngfn rdf:first _:ngfo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngfo math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:ngfp rdf:first _:ngfm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngfq rdf:first _:ngfj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngfr math:arguments _:ngfs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngfs rdf:first _:ngfw ; rdf:rest _:ngga ; a rdf:List . _:ngft math:arguments _:ngfu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngfu rdf:first _:ngfv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngfv math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:ngfw math:arguments _:ngfx ; math:operator _:ngft ; a math:Application . _:ngfx rdf:first _:ngfy ; rdf:rest _:ngg0 ; a rdf:List . _:ngfy math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngfz math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngg0 rdf:first _:ngfz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngg1 math:arguments _:ngg2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngg2 rdf:first _:ngg3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngg3 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:ngg4 math:arguments _:ngg5 ; math:operator _:ngg1 ; a math:Application . _:ngg5 rdf:first _:ngg6 ; rdf:rest _:ngg8 ; a rdf:List . _:ngg6 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngg7 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngg8 rdf:first _:ngg7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngg9 rdf:first _:ngem ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngga rdf:first _:ngg4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nggb rdf:first _:nggc ; rdf:rest _:ngge ; a rdf:List . _:nggc math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nggd math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:ngge rdf:first _:nggd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nggf math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nggg math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nggh rdf:first _:nggg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nggi math:arguments _:nggj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nggj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nggr ; a rdf:List . _:nggk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nggl math:arguments _:nggm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nggm rdf:first _:nggn ; rdf:rest _:nggo ; a rdf:List . _:nggn math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nggo rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nggp math:binder ; math:body _:nggl ; math:variables _:nggq ; a math:Binding . _:nggq rdf:first _:nggk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nggr rdf:first _:nggp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nggs rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nggt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nggu ; a rdf:List . _:nggu rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nggv rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nggw ; a rdf:List . _:nggw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nggx math:arguments _:nggy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nggy rdf:first _:nggz ; rdf:rest _:ngh1 ; a rdf:List . _:nggz math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngh0 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngh1 rdf:first _:ngh0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngh2 rdf:first _:ngh3 ; rdf:rest _:nghh ; a rdf:List . _:ngh3 math:arguments _:ngh4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngh4 rdf:first _:ngh5 ; rdf:rest _:ngh9 ; a rdf:List . _:ngh5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngh6 math:arguments _:ngh7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngh7 rdf:first _:ngh8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngh8 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ngh9 rdf:first _:ngh6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngha math:arguments _:nghb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nghb rdf:first _:nghc ; rdf:rest _:nghg ; a rdf:List . _:nghc math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nghd math:arguments _:nghe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nghe rdf:first _:nghf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nghf math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nghg rdf:first _:nghd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nghh rdf:first _:ngha ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nghi math:arguments _:nghj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nghj rdf:first _:nghl ; rdf:rest _:ngi3 ; a rdf:List . _:nghk math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nghl math:arguments _:nghm ; math:operator _:nghk ; a math:Application . _:nghm rdf:first _:nghn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nghn math:arguments _:ngho ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngho rdf:first _:nghp ; rdf:rest _:nghr ; a rdf:List . _:nghp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nghq math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nghr rdf:first _:nghq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nghs math:arguments _:nght ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nght rdf:first _:nghv ; rdf:rest _:ngi2 ; a rdf:List . _:nghu math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nghv math:arguments _:nghw ; math:operator _:nghu ; a math:Application . _:nghw rdf:first _:nghx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nghx math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nghy math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nghz math:arguments _:ngi0 ; math:operator _:nghy ; a math:Application . _:ngi0 rdf:first _:ngi1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngi1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngi2 rdf:first _:nghz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngi3 rdf:first _:nghs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngi4 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ngi5 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ngi6 rdf:first _:ngbb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngi7 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngi8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngi9 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngia rdf:first _:ngi9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngib math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngic math:arguments _:ngid ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngid rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngii ; a rdf:List . _:ngie math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngif math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngig rdf:first _:ngif ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngih math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngii rdf:first _:ngih ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngij rdf:first _:ngik ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngik math:arguments _:ngil ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngil rdf:first _:ngim ; rdf:rest _:ngio ; a rdf:List . _:ngim math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:ngin math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ngio rdf:first _:ngin ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngip math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:ngiq math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ngir rdf:first _:ngiq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngis math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngit math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:ngiu rdf:first _:ngis ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngiv math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngiw math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ngix math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngiy math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngiz rdf:first _:ngiy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngj0 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ngj1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngj2 rdf:first _:ngj3 ; rdf:rest _:ngj5 ; a rdf:List . _:ngj3 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngj4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngj5 rdf:first _:ngj4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngj6 rdf:first _:ngj7 ; rdf:rest _:ngj9 ; a rdf:List . _:ngj7 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngj8 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngj9 rdf:first _:ngj8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngja math:arguments _:ngjb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngjb rdf:first _:ngjc ; rdf:rest _:ngjf ; a rdf:List . _:ngjc math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngjd math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngje math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngjf rdf:first _:ngjd ; rdf:rest _:ngjg . _:ngjg rdf:first _:ngje ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngjh rdf:first _:nft7 ; rdf:rest _:ngka . _:ngji math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngjj math:arguments _:ngjk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngjk rdf:first _:ngjl ; rdf:rest _:ngjq ; a rdf:List . _:ngjl math:arguments _:ngjm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngjm rdf:first _:ngjn ; rdf:rest _:ngjp ; a rdf:List . _:ngjn math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngjo math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngjp rdf:first _:ngjo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngjq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngjr rdf:first _:ngji ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngjs math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngjt math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngju math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngjv math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngjw rdf:first _:ngjv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngjx math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngjy math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngjz rdf:first _:ngjy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngk0 rdf:first _:ngk1 ; rdf:rest _:ngk3 ; a rdf:List . _:ngk1 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngk2 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngk3 rdf:first _:ngk2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngk4 rdf:first _:ngk5 ; rdf:rest _:ngk7 ; a rdf:List . _:ngk5 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngk6 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ngk7 rdf:first _:ngk6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngk8 rdf:first _:ngk9 ; rdf:rest _:ngkc ; a rdf:List . _:ngk9 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngka rdf:first _:ng09 ; rdf:rest _:ngl3 . _:ngkb math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkc rdf:first _:ngkb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngkd math:arguments _:ngke ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngke rdf:first _:ngkf ; rdf:rest _:ngkh ; a rdf:List . _:ngkf math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkg math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkh rdf:first _:ngkg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngki math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkj math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkk math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkl rdf:first _:ngkk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngkm math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkn math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngko math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkp rdf:first _:ngko ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngkq rdf:first _:ngkr ; rdf:rest _:ngkt ; a rdf:List . _:ngkr math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngks math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkt rdf:first _:ngks ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngku math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkv math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngkw rdf:first _:ngkv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngkx rdf:first _:ngky ; rdf:rest _:ngl1 ; a rdf:List . _:ngky math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngkz math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngl0 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngl1 rdf:first _:ngkz ; rdf:rest _:ngl2 . _:ngl2 rdf:first _:ngl0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngl3 rdf:first _:ng8e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngl4 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngl5 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngl6 rdf:first _:ngl5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngl7 rdf:first _:ngl8 ; rdf:rest _:ngla ; a rdf:List . _:ngl8 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngl9 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngla rdf:first _:ngl9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nglb math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nglc math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngld rdf:first _:nglc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngle rdf:first _:nglf ; rdf:rest _:ngli ; a rdf:List . _:nglf math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nglg math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nglh math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngli rdf:first _:nglg ; rdf:rest _:nglj . _:nglj rdf:first _:nglh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nglk rdf:first _:ngll ; rdf:rest _:ngln ; a rdf:List . _:ngll math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nglm math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngln rdf:first _:nglm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nglo math:arguments _:nglp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nglp rdf:first _:nglq ; rdf:rest _:ngls ; a rdf:List . _:nglq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nglr math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngls rdf:first _:nglr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nglt math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nglu math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nglv math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nglw rdf:first _:nglu ; rdf:rest _:nglx . _:nglx rdf:first _:nglv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngly rdf:first _:nglz ; rdf:rest _:ngm2 ; a rdf:List . _:nglz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngm0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngm1 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngm2 rdf:first _:ngm0 ; rdf:rest _:ngm3 . _:ngm3 rdf:first _:ngm1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngm4 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngm5 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngm6 rdf:first _:ngm5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngm7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngm8 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngm9 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngma rdf:first _:ngm8 ; rdf:rest _:ngmb . _:ngmb rdf:first _:ngm9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngmc rdf:first _:ngmd ; rdf:rest _:ngmg ; a rdf:List . _:ngmd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngme math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngmf math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngmg rdf:first _:ngme ; rdf:rest _:ngmh . _:ngmh rdf:first _:ngmf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngmi rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngmj math:arguments _:ngmk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngmk rdf:first _:ngml ; rdf:rest _:ngmn ; a rdf:List . _:ngml math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngmm math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngmn rdf:first _:ngmm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngmo math:arguments _:ngmp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngmp rdf:first _:ngmq ; rdf:rest _:ngms ; a rdf:List . _:ngmq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngmr math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngms rdf:first _:ngmr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngmt rdf:first _:ngmo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngmu rdf:first _:ngmv ; rdf:rest _:ngmy ; a rdf:List . _:ngmv math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngmw math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngmx math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngmy rdf:first _:ngmw ; rdf:rest _:ngmz . _:ngmz rdf:first _:ngmx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngn0 math:name "U" ; a math:Variable . _:ngn1 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngn2 math:name "U" ; a math:Variable . _:ngn3 rdf:first _:ngn2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngn4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngn5 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngn6 math:arguments _:ngn7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngn7 rdf:first _:ngn8 ; rdf:rest _:ngnv ; a rdf:List . _:ngn8 math:arguments _:ngn9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngn9 rdf:first _:ngna ; rdf:rest _:ngnk ; a rdf:List . _:ngna math:arguments _:ngnb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngnb rdf:first _:ngnc ; rdf:rest _:ngne ; a rdf:List . _:ngnc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngnd math:name "U" ; a math:Variable . _:ngne rdf:first _:ngnd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngnf math:arguments _:ngng ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngng rdf:first _:ngnh ; rdf:rest _:ngnj ; a rdf:List . _:ngnh math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngni math:name "U" ; a math:Variable . _:ngnj rdf:first _:ngni ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngnk rdf:first _:ngnf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngnl math:arguments _:ngnm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngnm rdf:first _:ngno ; rdf:rest _:ngnu ; a rdf:List . _:ngnn math:name "op" ; a math:Variable . _:ngno math:arguments _:ngnp ; math:operator _:ngnn ; a math:Application . _:ngnp rdf:first _:ngnq ; rdf:rest _:ngns ; a rdf:List . _:ngnq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngnr math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngns rdf:first _:ngnr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngnt math:name "U" ; a math:Variable . _:ngnu rdf:first _:ngnt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngnv rdf:first _:ngnl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngnw rdf:first _:ngn4 ; rdf:rest _:ngnx ; a rdf:List . _:ngnx rdf:first _:ngn5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngny rdf:first _:ngnz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngnz math:name "op" ; a math:Variable . _:ngo0 rdf:first _:nfha ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngo1 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngo2 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngo3 rdf:first _:ngo2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngo4 rdf:first _:ngo5 ; rdf:rest _:ngp2 ; a rdf:List . _:ngo5 math:name "U" ; a math:Variable . _:ngo6 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ngo7 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngo8 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngo9 math:arguments _:ngoa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngoa rdf:first _:ngob ; rdf:rest _:ngov ; a rdf:List . _:ngob math:arguments _:ngoc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngoc rdf:first _:ngod ; rdf:rest _:ngof ; a rdf:List . _:ngod math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngoe math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngof rdf:first _:ngoe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngog math:arguments _:ngoh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngoh rdf:first _:ngoi ; rdf:rest _:ngok ; a rdf:List . _:ngoi math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngoj math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngok rdf:first _:ngoj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngol math:arguments _:ngom ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngom rdf:first _:ngon ; rdf:rest _:ngou ; a rdf:List . _:ngon math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ngoo math:name "op" ; a math:Variable . _:ngop math:arguments _:ngoq ; math:operator _:ngoo ; a math:Application . _:ngoq rdf:first _:ngor ; rdf:rest _:ngot ; a rdf:List . _:ngor math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngos math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngot rdf:first _:ngos ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngou rdf:first _:ngop ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngov rdf:first _:ngog ; rdf:rest _:ngow . _:ngow rdf:first _:ngol ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngox math:binder ; math:body _:ngo9 ; math:variables _:ngoy ; a math:Binding . _:ngoy rdf:first _:ngo7 ; rdf:rest _:ngoz ; a rdf:List . _:ngoz rdf:first _:ngo8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngp0 math:binder ; math:body _:ngox ; math:variables _:ngp1 ; a math:Binding . _:ngp1 rdf:first _:ngo6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngp2 rdf:first _:ngp0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngp3 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngp4 rdf:first _:ngp5 ; rdf:rest _:ngp7 ; a rdf:List . _:ngp5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngp6 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngp7 rdf:first _:ngp6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngp8 rdf:first _:ngp9 ; rdf:rest _:ngpb ; a rdf:List . _:ngp9 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngpa math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngpb rdf:first _:ngpa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngpc math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:ngpd math:name "Y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngpe rdf:first _:ngpd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngpf rdf:first _:ngpn ; rdf:rest _:ngpw ; a rdf:List . _:ngpg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngph math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngpi math:arguments _:ngpj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngpj rdf:first _:ngpk ; rdf:rest _:ngpm ; a rdf:List . _:ngpk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngpl math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngpm rdf:first _:ngpl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngpn math:binder ; math:body _:ngpi ; math:variables _:ngpo ; a math:Binding . _:ngpo rdf:first _:ngpg ; rdf:rest _:ngpp ; a rdf:List . _:ngpp rdf:first _:ngph ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngpq math:arguments _:ngpr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngpr rdf:first _:ngps ; rdf:rest _:ngpu ; a rdf:List . _:ngps math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:ngpt math:name "Y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngpu rdf:first _:ngpt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngpv math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:ngpw rdf:first _:ngpq ; rdf:rest _:ngpx . _:ngpx rdf:first _:ngpv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngpy math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngpz rdf:first _:ngq0 ; rdf:rest _:ngq2 ; a rdf:List . _:ngq0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngq1 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngq2 rdf:first _:ngq1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngq3 rdf:first _:ngq4 ; rdf:rest _:ngq6 ; a rdf:List . _:ngq4 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngq5 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngq6 rdf:first _:ngq5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngq7 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngq8 math:arguments _:ngq9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngq9 rdf:first _:ngqa ; rdf:rest _:ngqc ; a rdf:List . _:ngqa math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngqb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngqc rdf:first _:ngqb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngqd math:binder ; math:body _:ngq8 ; math:variables _:ngqe ; a math:Binding . _:ngqe rdf:first _:ngq7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngqf math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngqg rdf:first _:ngqh ; rdf:rest _:ngqj ; a rdf:List . _:ngqh math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngqi math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngqj rdf:first _:ngqi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngqk rdf:first _:ngql ; rdf:rest _:ngqn ; a rdf:List . _:ngql math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngqm math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngqn rdf:first _:ngqm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngqo math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngqp math:arguments _:ngqq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngqq rdf:first _:ngqr ; rdf:rest _:ngqt ; a rdf:List . _:ngqr math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngqs math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngqt rdf:first _:ngqs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngqu math:binder ; math:body _:ngqp ; math:variables _:ngqv ; a math:Binding . _:ngqv rdf:first _:ngqo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngqw rdf:first _:ngqu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngqx rdf:first _:ngqy ; rdf:rest _:ngqz ; a rdf:List . _:ngqy math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ngqz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngr0 math:arguments _:ngr1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngr1 rdf:first _:ngr2 ; rdf:rest _:ngr3 ; a rdf:List . _:ngr2 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ngr3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngr4 math:arguments _:ngr5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngr5 rdf:first _:ngr6 ; rdf:rest _:ngsm ; a rdf:List . _:ngr6 math:arguments _:ngr7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngr7 rdf:first _:ngr8 ; rdf:rest _:ngrq ; a rdf:List . _:ngr8 math:arguments _:ngr9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngr9 rdf:first _:ngra ; rdf:rest _:ngrh ; a rdf:List . _:ngra math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ngrb math:arguments _:ngrc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngrc rdf:first _:ngrd ; rdf:rest _:ngrf ; a rdf:List . _:ngrd math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngre math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngrf rdf:first _:ngre ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngrg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngrh rdf:first _:ngrb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngri math:arguments _:ngrj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngrj rdf:first _:ngrk ; rdf:rest _:ngrl ; a rdf:List . _:ngrk math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngrl rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngrm math:arguments _:ngrn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngrn rdf:first _:ngro ; rdf:rest _:ngrp ; a rdf:List . _:ngro math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngrp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngrq rdf:first _:ngri ; rdf:rest _:ngrr . _:ngrr rdf:first _:ngrm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngrs math:arguments _:ngrt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngrt rdf:first _:ngru ; rdf:rest _:ngsk ; a rdf:List . _:ngru math:arguments _:ngrv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngrv rdf:first _:ngrw ; rdf:rest _:ngs6 ; a rdf:List . _:ngrw math:arguments _:ngrx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngrx rdf:first _:ngry ; rdf:rest _:ngrz ; a rdf:List . _:ngry math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngrz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngs0 math:arguments _:ngs1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngs1 rdf:first _:ngs3 ; rdf:rest _:ngs5 ; a rdf:List . _:ngs2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngsl ; a rdf:List . _:ngs3 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngs4 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ngs5 rdf:first _:ngs4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngs6 rdf:first _:ngs0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngs7 math:arguments _:ngs8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngs8 rdf:first _:ngs9 ; rdf:rest _:ngsj ; a rdf:List . _:ngs9 math:arguments _:ngsa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngsa rdf:first _:ngsb ; rdf:rest _:ngsc ; a rdf:List . _:ngsb math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngsc rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngsd math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngse math:arguments _:ngsf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngsf rdf:first _:ngsg ; rdf:rest _:ngsi ; a rdf:List . _:ngsg math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngsh math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ngsi rdf:first _:ngsh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngsj rdf:first _:ngse ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngsk rdf:first _:ngs7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngsl rdf:first _:ngsd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngsm rdf:first _:ngrs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngsn rdf:first _:ngr4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngso rdf:first _:ngsp ; rdf:rest _:ngsq ; a rdf:List . _:ngsp math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ngsq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngsr math:arguments _:ngss ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngss rdf:first _:ngst ; rdf:rest _:ngsx ; a rdf:List . _:ngst math:arguments _:ngsu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngsu rdf:first _:ngsv ; rdf:rest _:ngsw ; a rdf:List . _:ngsv math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ngsw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngsx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngsy rdf:first _:ngsz ; rdf:rest _:ngt0 ; a rdf:List . _:ngsz math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngt0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngt1 math:arguments _:ngt2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngt2 rdf:first _:ngt3 ; rdf:rest _:ngt6 ; a rdf:List . _:ngt3 math:arguments _:ngt4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngt4 rdf:first _:ngt5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngt5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngt6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngt7 math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:ngt8 math:arguments _:ngt9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngt9 rdf:first _:ngta ; rdf:rest _:ngtb ; a rdf:List . _:ngta math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:ngtb rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngtc math:arguments _:ngtd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngtd rdf:first _:ngte ; rdf:rest _:ngtf ; a rdf:List . _:ngte math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:ngtf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngtg math:arguments _:ngth ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngth rdf:first _:ngti ; rdf:rest _:ngtj ; a rdf:List . _:ngti math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:ngtj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngtk math:arguments _:ngtl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngtl rdf:first _:ngtm ; rdf:rest _:ngts ; a rdf:List . _:ngtm math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngtn math:arguments _:ngto ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngto rdf:first _:ngtp ; rdf:rest _:ngtr ; a rdf:List . _:ngtp math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:ngtq math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:ngtr rdf:first _:ngtq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngts rdf:first _:ngtn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngtt rdf:first _:ngtc ; rdf:rest _:ngtu . _:ngtu rdf:first _:ngtg ; rdf:rest _:ngtv . _:ngtv rdf:first _:ngtk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngtw math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngtx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngty rdf:first _:ngtz ; rdf:rest _:ngu0 ; a rdf:List . _:ngtz math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngu0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngu1 math:arguments _:ngu2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngu2 rdf:first _:ngu3 ; rdf:rest _:ngu5 ; a rdf:List . _:ngu3 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngu4 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngu5 rdf:first _:ngu4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngu6 math:arguments _:ngu7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngu7 rdf:first _:ngu9 ; rdf:rest _:ngua ; a rdf:List . _:ngu8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngu9 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ngua rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngub math:arguments _:nguc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nguc rdf:first _:ngud ; rdf:rest _:nguf ; a rdf:List . _:ngud math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngue math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nguf rdf:first _:ngue ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngug math:arguments _:nguh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nguh rdf:first _:ngui ; rdf:rest _:nguk ; a rdf:List . _:ngui math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nguj math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nguk rdf:first _:nguj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngul rdf:first _:ngub ; rdf:rest _:ngum . _:ngum rdf:first _:ngug ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngun math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nguo rdf:first _:ngup ; rdf:rest _:ngvb ; a rdf:List . _:ngup math:arguments _:nguq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nguq rdf:first _:ngur ; rdf:rest _:ngus ; a rdf:List . _:ngur math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngus rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngut math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nguu math:arguments _:nguv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nguv rdf:first _:nguw ; rdf:rest _:ngv6 ; a rdf:List . _:nguw math:arguments _:ngux ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngux rdf:first _:nguy ; rdf:rest _:ngv0 ; a rdf:List . _:nguy math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nguz math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:ngv0 rdf:first _:nguz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngv1 math:arguments _:ngv2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngv2 rdf:first _:ngv3 ; rdf:rest _:ngv5 ; a rdf:List . _:ngv3 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngv4 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngv5 rdf:first _:ngv4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngv6 rdf:first _:ngv1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngv7 math:binder ; math:body _:nguu ; math:variables _:ngv8 ; a math:Binding . _:ngv8 rdf:first _:ngut ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngv9 math:arguments _:ngva ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngva rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngvd ; a rdf:List . _:ngvb rdf:first _:ngv7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngvc rdf:first _:ngve ; rdf:rest _:ngvf ; a rdf:List . _:ngvd rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngvo . _:ngve math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngvf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngvg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngvh math:arguments _:ngvi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngvi rdf:first _:ngvj ; rdf:rest _:ngvu ; a rdf:List . _:ngvj math:arguments _:ngvk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngvk rdf:first _:ngvl ; rdf:rest _:ngvn ; a rdf:List . _:ngvl math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngvm math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:ngvn rdf:first _:ngvm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngvo rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngvp math:arguments _:ngvq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngvq rdf:first _:ngvr ; rdf:rest _:ngvt ; a rdf:List . _:ngvr math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngvs math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngvt rdf:first _:ngvs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngvu rdf:first _:ngvp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngvv math:binder ; math:body _:ngvh ; math:variables _:ngvw ; a math:Binding . _:ngvw rdf:first _:ngvg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngvx math:arguments _:ngvy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngvy rdf:first _:ngwd ; rdf:rest _:ngwk ; a rdf:List . _:ngvz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngw0 math:arguments _:ngw1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngw1 rdf:first _:ngw2 ; rdf:rest _:ngwc ; a rdf:List . _:ngw2 math:arguments _:ngw3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngw3 rdf:first _:ngw4 ; rdf:rest _:ngw6 ; a rdf:List . _:ngw4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngw5 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:ngw6 rdf:first _:ngw5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngw7 math:arguments _:ngw8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngw8 rdf:first _:ngw9 ; rdf:rest _:ngwb ; a rdf:List . _:ngw9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngwa math:name "w" ; a math:Variable . _:ngwb rdf:first _:ngwa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngwc rdf:first _:ngw7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngwd math:binder ; math:body _:ngw0 ; math:variables _:ngwe ; a math:Binding . _:ngwe rdf:first _:ngvz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngwf math:arguments _:ngwg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngwg rdf:first _:ngwh ; rdf:rest _:ngwj ; a rdf:List . _:ngwh math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngwi math:name "w" ; a math:Variable . _:ngwj rdf:first _:ngwi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngwk rdf:first _:ngwf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngwl rdf:first _:ngvx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngwm math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngwn math:arguments _:ngwo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngwo rdf:first _:ngwp ; rdf:rest _:ngwq ; a rdf:List . _:ngwp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngwq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngwr math:arguments _:ngws ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngws rdf:first _:ngwt ; rdf:rest _:ngwu ; a rdf:List . _:ngwt math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngwu rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngwv math:arguments _:ngww ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngww rdf:first _:ngwx ; rdf:rest _:ngx6 ; a rdf:List . _:ngwx math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngwy math:arguments _:ngwz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngwz rdf:first _:ngx0 ; rdf:rest _:ngx5 ; a rdf:List . _:ngx0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngx1 math:arguments _:ngx2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngx2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngx4 ; a rdf:List . _:ngx3 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:ngx4 rdf:first _:ngx3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngx5 rdf:first _:ngx1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngx6 rdf:first _:ngwy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngx7 rdf:first _:ngwr ; rdf:rest _:ngx8 . _:ngx8 rdf:first _:ngwv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngx9 math:name "AbelianSemiGroup" ; a math:Variable . _:ngxa math:name "set" ; a math:Variable . _:ngxb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngxd ; a rdf:List . _:ngxc math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ngxd rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngxh . _:ngxe math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ngxf math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ngxg rdf:first _:ngxf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngxh rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngxi math:arguments _:ngxj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngxj rdf:first _:ngxm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngxk math:arguments _:ngxl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngxl rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngxq ; a rdf:List . _:ngxm math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngxn math:arguments _:ngxo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngxo rdf:first _:ngxp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngxp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngxq rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngxr rdf:first _:ngxs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngxs math:arguments _:ngxt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngxt rdf:first _:ngxu ; rdf:rest _:ngy2 ; a rdf:List . _:ngxu math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngxv math:arguments _:ngxw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngxw rdf:first _:ngxx ; rdf:rest _:ngxz ; a rdf:List . _:ngxx math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngxy math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:ngxz rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngy0 . _:ngy0 rdf:first _:ngxy ; rdf:rest _:ngy1 . _:ngy1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngy2 rdf:first _:ngxv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngy3 math:arguments _:ngy4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngy4 rdf:first _:ngy5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngy5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ngy6 math:arguments _:ngy7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngy7 rdf:first _:ngy8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngy8 math:arguments _:ngy9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngy9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngyb ; a rdf:List . _:ngya math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngyb rdf:first _:ngya ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngyc math:arguments _:ngyd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngyd rdf:first _:ngye ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngye math:arguments _:ngyf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngyf rdf:first _:ngyg ; rdf:rest _:ngyj ; a rdf:List . _:ngyg math:arguments _:ngyh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngyh rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngyi math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngyj rdf:first _:ngyi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngyk rdf:first _:ngyc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngyl rdf:first _:ngym ; rdf:rest _:ngyn ; a rdf:List . _:ngym math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngyn rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngyo math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngyp math:arguments _:ngyq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngyq rdf:first _:ngyr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngyr math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngys math:arguments _:ngyt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngyt rdf:first _:ngyu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngyu math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngyv rdf:first _:ngys ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngyw rdf:first _:ngyx ; rdf:rest _:ngz3 ; a rdf:List . _:ngyx math:arguments _:ngyy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngyy rdf:first _:ngyz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngyz math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngz0 math:arguments _:ngz1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngz1 rdf:first _:ngz2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngz2 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:ngz3 rdf:first _:ngz0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngz4 math:arguments _:ngz5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngz5 rdf:first _:ngz6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngz6 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngz7 math:arguments _:ngz8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngz8 rdf:first _:ngz9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngz9 math:arguments _:ngza ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngza rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngzc ; a rdf:List . _:ngzb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngzc rdf:first _:ngzb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngzd math:arguments _:ngze ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngze rdf:first _:ngzf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngzf math:arguments _:ngzg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngzg rdf:first _:ngzh ; rdf:rest _:ngzk ; a rdf:List . _:ngzh math:arguments _:ngzi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngzi rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngzj math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ngzk rdf:first _:ngzj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngzl rdf:first _:ngzd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngzm math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngzn math:arguments _:ngzo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngzo rdf:first _:ngzp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngzp math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngzq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngzr rdf:first _:ngzq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngzs rdf:first _:ngzt ; rdf:rest _:ngzy ; a rdf:List . _:ngzt math:arguments _:ngzu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ngzu rdf:first _:ngzw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ngzv rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ngzz ; a rdf:List . _:ngzw math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:ngzx math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ngzy rdf:first _:ngzx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ngzz rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh01 . _:nh00 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh01 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh02 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh03 rdf:first _:nh04 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh04 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh05 math:arguments _:nh06 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh06 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh09 ; a rdf:List . _:nh07 rdf:first _:nh08 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh08 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh09 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh0c . _:nh0a rdf:first _:nh0b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh0b math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh0c rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh0d rdf:first _:nh0e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh0e math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh0f math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh0g rdf:first _:nh0f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh0h rdf:first _:nh0i ; rdf:rest _:nh0s ; a rdf:List . _:nh0i math:arguments _:nh0j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh0j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh0l ; a rdf:List . _:nh0k math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh0l rdf:first _:nh0k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh0m math:arguments _:nh0n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh0n rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh0r ; a rdf:List . _:nh0o math:arguments _:nh0p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh0p rdf:first _:nh0q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh0q math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh0r rdf:first _:nh0o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh0s rdf:first _:nh0m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh0t math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh0u rdf:first _:nh0t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh0v rdf:first _:nh0w ; rdf:rest _:nh16 ; a rdf:List . _:nh0w math:arguments _:nh0x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh0x rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh0z ; a rdf:List . _:nh0y math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh0z rdf:first _:nh0y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh10 math:arguments _:nh11 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh11 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh15 ; a rdf:List . _:nh12 math:arguments _:nh13 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh13 rdf:first _:nh14 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh14 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh15 rdf:first _:nh12 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh16 rdf:first _:nh10 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh17 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh18 rdf:first _:nh19 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh19 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh1a rdf:first _:nh1b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh1b math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh1c rdf:first _:nh1d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh1d math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh1e rdf:first _:nh1f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh1f math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nh1g rdf:first _:nh1h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh1h math:arguments _:nh1i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh1i rdf:first _:nh1j ; rdf:rest _:nh1z ; a rdf:List . _:nh1j math:arguments _:nh1k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh1k rdf:first _:nh1l ; rdf:rest _:nh1u ; a rdf:List . _:nh1l math:arguments _:nh1m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh1m rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh1s ; a rdf:List . _:nh1n math:arguments _:nh1o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh1o rdf:first _:nh1p ; rdf:rest _:nh1r ; a rdf:List . _:nh1p math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh1q math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh1r rdf:first _:nh1q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh1s rdf:first _:nh1n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh1t math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh1u rdf:first _:nh1t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh1v math:arguments _:nh1w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh1w rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh1y ; a rdf:List . _:nh1x math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh1y rdf:first _:nh1x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh1z rdf:first _:nh1v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh20 math:arguments _:nh21 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh21 rdf:first _:nh22 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh22 math:arguments _:nh23 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh23 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh25 ; a rdf:List . _:nh24 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh25 rdf:first _:nh24 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh26 math:arguments _:nh27 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh27 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh29 ; a rdf:List . _:nh28 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh29 rdf:first _:nh28 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh2a rdf:first _:nh26 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh2b math:arguments _:nh2c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh2c rdf:first _:nh2d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh2d math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nh2e rdf:first _:nh2f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh2f math:arguments _:nh2g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh2g rdf:first _:nh2h ; rdf:rest _:nh2y ; a rdf:List . _:nh2h math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh2i math:arguments _:nh2j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh2j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh2w ; a rdf:List . _:nh2k math:arguments _:nh2l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh2l rdf:first _:nh2m ; rdf:rest _:nh2v ; a rdf:List . _:nh2m math:arguments _:nh2n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh2n rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh2t ; a rdf:List . _:nh2o math:arguments _:nh2p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh2p rdf:first _:nh2q ; rdf:rest _:nh2s ; a rdf:List . _:nh2q math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh2r math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh2s rdf:first _:nh2r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh2t rdf:first _:nh2o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh2u math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh2v rdf:first _:nh2u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh2w rdf:first _:nh2k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh2x rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh2y rdf:first _:nh2i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh2z rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh30 math:arguments _:nh31 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh31 rdf:first _:nh32 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh32 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nh33 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh34 rdf:first _:nh33 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh35 rdf:first _:nh36 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh36 math:arguments _:nh37 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh37 rdf:first _:nh38 ; rdf:rest _:nh3o ; a rdf:List . _:nh38 math:arguments _:nh39 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh39 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh3f ; a rdf:List . _:nh3a math:arguments _:nh3b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh3b rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh3e ; a rdf:List . _:nh3c math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh3d rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh3n ; a rdf:List . _:nh3e rdf:first _:nh3c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh3f rdf:first _:nh3a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh3g math:arguments _:nh3h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh3h rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh3m ; a rdf:List . _:nh3i math:arguments _:nh3j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh3j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh3l ; a rdf:List . _:nh3k math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh3l rdf:first _:nh3k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh3m rdf:first _:nh3i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh3n rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh3p . _:nh3o rdf:first _:nh3g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh3p rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh3q math:arguments _:nh3r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh3r rdf:first _:nh3s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh3s math:arguments _:nh3t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh3t rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh3v ; a rdf:List . _:nh3u math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh3v rdf:first _:nh3u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh3w math:arguments _:nh3x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh3x rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh3z ; a rdf:List . _:nh3y math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh3z rdf:first _:nh3y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh40 rdf:first _:nh3w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh41 math:arguments _:nh42 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh42 rdf:first _:nh43 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh43 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nh44 math:arguments _:nh45 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh45 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh46 ; a rdf:List . _:nh46 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh4e . _:nh47 rdf:first _:nh48 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh48 math:arguments _:nh49 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh49 rdf:first _:nh4a ; rdf:rest _:nh4y ; a rdf:List . _:nh4a math:arguments _:nh4b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh4b rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh4d ; a rdf:List . _:nh4c math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh4d rdf:first _:nh4c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh4e rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh4t . _:nh4f math:arguments _:nh4g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh4g rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh4x ; a rdf:List . _:nh4h math:arguments _:nh4i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh4i rdf:first _:nh4j ; rdf:rest _:nh4w ; a rdf:List . _:nh4j math:arguments _:nh4k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh4k rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh4u ; a rdf:List . _:nh4l math:arguments _:nh4m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh4m rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh4s ; a rdf:List . _:nh4n math:arguments _:nh4o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh4o rdf:first _:nh4p ; rdf:rest _:nh4r ; a rdf:List . _:nh4p math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh4q math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh4r rdf:first _:nh4q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh4s rdf:first _:nh4n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh4t rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh4u rdf:first _:nh4l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh4v math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh4w rdf:first _:nh4v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh4x rdf:first _:nh4h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh4y rdf:first _:nh4f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh4z math:arguments _:nh50 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh50 rdf:first _:nh51 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh51 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh52 rdf:first _:nh53 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh53 math:arguments _:nh54 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh54 rdf:first _:nh55 ; rdf:rest _:nh5o ; a rdf:List . _:nh55 math:arguments _:nh56 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh56 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh58 ; a rdf:List . _:nh57 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh58 rdf:first _:nh57 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh59 math:arguments _:nh5a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh5a rdf:first _:nh5b ; rdf:rest _:nh5n ; a rdf:List . _:nh5b math:arguments _:nh5c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh5c rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh5l ; a rdf:List . _:nh5d math:arguments _:nh5e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh5e rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh5k ; a rdf:List . _:nh5f math:arguments _:nh5g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh5g rdf:first _:nh5h ; rdf:rest _:nh5j ; a rdf:List . _:nh5h math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh5i math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh5j rdf:first _:nh5i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh5k rdf:first _:nh5f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh5l rdf:first _:nh5d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh5m math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh5n rdf:first _:nh5m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh5o rdf:first _:nh59 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh5p rdf:first _:nh5q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh5q math:arguments _:nh5r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh5r rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh5t ; a rdf:List . _:nh5s math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh5t rdf:first _:nh5s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh5u math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh5v math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh5w math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh5x rdf:first _:nh5w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh5y rdf:first _:nh5z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh5z math:arguments _:nh60 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh60 rdf:first _:nh61 ; rdf:rest _:nh6a ; a rdf:List . _:nh61 math:arguments _:nh62 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh62 rdf:first _:nh63 ; rdf:rest _:nh64 ; a rdf:List . _:nh63 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nh64 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh65 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh66 math:arguments _:nh67 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh67 rdf:first _:nh68 ; rdf:rest _:nh69 ; a rdf:List . _:nh68 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nh69 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh6a rdf:first _:nh66 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh6b math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh6c math:arguments _:nh6d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh6d rdf:first _:nh6f ; rdf:rest _:nh6o ; a rdf:List . _:nh6e math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nh6f math:arguments _:nh6g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh6g rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh6m ; a rdf:List . _:nh6h math:arguments _:nh6i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh6i rdf:first _:nh6j ; rdf:rest _:nh6l ; a rdf:List . _:nh6j math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh6k math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh6l rdf:first _:nh6k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh6m rdf:first _:nh6h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh6n math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh6o rdf:first _:nh6n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh6p rdf:first _:nh6c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh6q rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh6w ; a rdf:List . _:nh6r rdf:first _:nh6s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh6s math:arguments _:nh6t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh6t rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh6v ; a rdf:List . _:nh6u math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh6v rdf:first _:nh6u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh6w rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh6y . _:nh6x rdf:first _:nh6z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh6y rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh7b . _:nh6z math:arguments _:nh70 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh70 rdf:first _:nh71 ; rdf:rest _:nh7r ; a rdf:List . _:nh71 math:arguments _:nh72 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh72 rdf:first _:nh73 ; rdf:rest _:nh7d ; a rdf:List . _:nh73 math:arguments _:nh74 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh74 rdf:first _:nh75 ; rdf:rest _:nh7a ; a rdf:List . _:nh75 math:arguments _:nh76 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh76 rdf:first _:nh77 ; rdf:rest _:nh78 ; a rdf:List . _:nh77 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh78 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh79 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh7a rdf:first _:nh79 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh7b rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh7n . _:nh7c math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh7d rdf:first _:nh7c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh7e math:arguments _:nh7f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh7f rdf:first _:nh7g ; rdf:rest _:nh7q ; a rdf:List . _:nh7g math:arguments _:nh7h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh7h rdf:first _:nh7i ; rdf:rest _:nh7o ; a rdf:List . _:nh7i math:arguments _:nh7j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh7j rdf:first _:nh7k ; rdf:rest _:nh7l ; a rdf:List . _:nh7k math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh7l rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh7m math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh7n rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh7s . _:nh7o rdf:first _:nh7m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh7p math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh7q rdf:first _:nh7p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh7r rdf:first _:nh7e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh7s rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh7t rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh7x ; a rdf:List . _:nh7u math:arguments _:nh7v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh7v rdf:first _:nh7w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh7w math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh7x rdf:first _:nh7u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh7y math:arguments _:nh7z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh7z rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh86 ; a rdf:List . _:nh80 rdf:first _:nh81 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh81 math:arguments _:nh82 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh82 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh84 ; a rdf:List . _:nh83 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh84 rdf:first _:nh83 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh85 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh86 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh8a . _:nh87 math:arguments _:nh88 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh88 rdf:first _:nh89 ; rdf:rest _:nh8c ; a rdf:List . _:nh89 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nh8a rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh8b math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh8c rdf:first _:nh8b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh8d rdf:first _:nh87 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh8e rdf:first _:nh8f ; rdf:rest _:nh8k ; a rdf:List . _:nh8f math:arguments _:nh8g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh8g rdf:first _:nh8h ; rdf:rest _:nh8j ; a rdf:List . _:nh8h math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nh8i math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh8j rdf:first _:nh8i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh8k rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh8l rdf:first _:nh8m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh8m math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nh8n math:arguments _:nh8o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh8o rdf:first _:nh8p ; rdf:rest _:nh97 ; a rdf:List . _:nh8p math:arguments _:nh8q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh8q rdf:first _:nh8r ; rdf:rest _:nh8t ; a rdf:List . _:nh8r math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh8s math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh8t rdf:first _:nh8s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh8u math:arguments _:nh8v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh8v rdf:first _:nh8w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh8w math:arguments _:nh8x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh8x rdf:first _:nh8y ; rdf:rest _:nh96 ; a rdf:List . _:nh8y math:arguments _:nh8z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh8z rdf:first _:nh90 ; rdf:rest _:nh91 ; a rdf:List . _:nh90 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nh91 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh92 math:arguments _:nh93 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh93 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh95 ; a rdf:List . _:nh94 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nh95 rdf:first _:nh94 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh96 rdf:first _:nh92 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh97 rdf:first _:nh8u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh98 rdf:first _:nh99 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nh99 math:arguments _:nh9a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh9a rdf:first _:nh9b ; rdf:rest _:nha7 ; a rdf:List . _:nh9b math:arguments _:nh9c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh9c rdf:first _:nh9d ; rdf:rest _:nh9q ; a rdf:List . _:nh9d math:arguments _:nh9e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh9e rdf:first _:nh9f ; rdf:rest _:nh9o ; a rdf:List . _:nh9f math:arguments _:nh9g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh9g rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh9i ; a rdf:List . _:nh9h math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh9i rdf:first _:nh9h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh9j math:arguments _:nh9k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh9k rdf:first _:nh9l ; rdf:rest _:nh9n ; a rdf:List . _:nh9l math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh9m math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh9n rdf:first _:nh9m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh9o rdf:first _:nh9j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh9p math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nh9q rdf:first _:nh9p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh9r math:arguments _:nh9s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh9s rdf:first _:nh9t ; rdf:rest _:nha6 ; a rdf:List . _:nh9t math:arguments _:nh9u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh9u rdf:first _:nh9v ; rdf:rest _:nha4 ; a rdf:List . _:nh9v math:arguments _:nh9w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nh9w rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nh9y ; a rdf:List . _:nh9x math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nh9y rdf:first _:nh9x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nh9z math:arguments _:nha0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nha0 rdf:first _:nha1 ; rdf:rest _:nha3 ; a rdf:List . _:nha1 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nha2 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nha3 rdf:first _:nha2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nha4 rdf:first _:nh9z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nha5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nha6 rdf:first _:nha5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nha7 rdf:first _:nh9r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nha8 rdf:first _:nha9 ; rdf:rest _:nhab ; a rdf:List . _:nha9 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhaa math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhab rdf:first _:nhaa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhac rdf:first _:nhad ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhad math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhae math:arguments _:nhaf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhaf rdf:first _:nhag ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhag math:arguments _:nhah ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhah rdf:first _:nhai ; rdf:rest _:nhb6 ; a rdf:List . _:nhai math:arguments _:nhaj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhaj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhal ; a rdf:List . _:nhak math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhal rdf:first _:nhak ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nham math:arguments _:nhan ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhan rdf:first _:nhao ; rdf:rest _:nhb5 ; a rdf:List . _:nhao math:arguments _:nhap ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhap rdf:first _:nhaq ; rdf:rest _:nhaz ; a rdf:List . _:nhaq math:arguments _:nhar ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhar rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhay ; a rdf:List . _:nhas math:arguments _:nhat ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhat rdf:first _:nhau ; rdf:rest _:nhax ; a rdf:List . _:nhau math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhav math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhaw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhax rdf:first _:nhav ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhay rdf:first _:nhas ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhaz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhb0 math:arguments _:nhb1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhb1 rdf:first _:nhb2 ; rdf:rest _:nhb4 ; a rdf:List . _:nhb2 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhb3 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhb4 rdf:first _:nhb3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhb5 rdf:first _:nhb0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhb6 rdf:first _:nham ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhb7 math:arguments _:nhb8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhb8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhba ; a rdf:List . _:nhb9 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhba rdf:first _:nhb9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhbb math:arguments _:nhbc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhbc rdf:first _:nhbd ; rdf:rest _:nhbq ; a rdf:List . _:nhbd math:arguments _:nhbe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhbe rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhbo ; a rdf:List . _:nhbf math:arguments _:nhbg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhbg rdf:first _:nhbh ; rdf:rest _:nhbn ; a rdf:List . _:nhbh math:arguments _:nhbi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhbi rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhbk ; a rdf:List . _:nhbj math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhbk rdf:first _:nhbj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhbl math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhbm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhbs ; a rdf:List . _:nhbn rdf:first _:nhbl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhbo rdf:first _:nhbf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhbp math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhbq rdf:first _:nhbp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhbr rdf:first _:nhbb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhbs rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhbx . _:nhbt rdf:first _:nhbu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhbu math:arguments _:nhbv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhbv rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhby ; a rdf:List . _:nhbw math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhbx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhby rdf:first _:nhbw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhbz rdf:first _:nhdg ; rdf:rest _:nhfd ; a rdf:List . _:nhc0 math:arguments _:nhc1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhc1 rdf:first _:nhc2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhc2 math:arguments _:nhc3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhc3 rdf:first _:nhc4 ; rdf:rest _:nhc7 ; a rdf:List . _:nhc4 math:arguments _:nhc5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhc5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhc6 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhc7 rdf:first _:nhc6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhc8 math:arguments _:nhc9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhc9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhch ; a rdf:List . _:nhca math:arguments _:nhcb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhcb rdf:first _:nhcc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhcc math:arguments _:nhcd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhcd rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhcf ; a rdf:List . _:nhce math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhcf rdf:first _:nhce ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhcg rdf:first _:nhca ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhch rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhci . _:nhci rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhct . _:nhcj rdf:first _:nhck ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhck math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhcl math:arguments _:nhcm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhcm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhcu ; a rdf:List . _:nhcn math:arguments _:nhco ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhco rdf:first _:nhcp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhcp math:arguments _:nhcq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhcq rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhcs ; a rdf:List . _:nhcr math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhcs rdf:first _:nhcr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhct rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhcv . _:nhcu rdf:first _:nhcn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhcv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhcw math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nhcx math:arguments _:nhcy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhcy rdf:first _:nhcz ; rdf:rest _:nhd5 ; a rdf:List . _:nhcz math:arguments _:nhd0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhd0 rdf:first _:nhd1 ; rdf:rest _:nhd3 ; a rdf:List . _:nhd1 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nhd2 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nhd3 rdf:first _:nhd2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhd4 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nhd5 rdf:first _:nhd4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhd6 rdf:first _:nhcw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhd7 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhd8 math:arguments _:nhd9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhd9 rdf:first _:nhda ; rdf:rest _:nhde ; a rdf:List . _:nhda math:arguments _:nhdb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhdb rdf:first _:nhdc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhdc math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhdd math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhde rdf:first _:nhdd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhdf rdf:first _:nhd7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhdg math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nhdh math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nhdi rdf:first _:nhdj ; rdf:rest _:nhdt ; a rdf:List . _:nhdj math:arguments _:nhdk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhdk rdf:first _:nhdl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhdl math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhdm math:arguments _:nhdn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhdn rdf:first _:nhdo ; rdf:rest _:nhdq ; a rdf:List . _:nhdo math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhdp math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nhdq rdf:first _:nhdp ; rdf:rest _:nhdr . _:nhdr rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhds . _:nhds rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhdt rdf:first _:nhdm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhdu math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhdv math:arguments _:nhdw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhdw rdf:first _:nhdx ; rdf:rest _:nhe1 ; a rdf:List . _:nhdx math:arguments _:nhdy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhdy rdf:first _:nhdz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhdz math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhe0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhe1 rdf:first _:nhe0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhe2 rdf:first _:nhdu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhe3 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhe4 rdf:first _:nhe5 ; rdf:rest _:nhe8 ; a rdf:List . _:nhe5 math:arguments _:nhe6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhe6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhe7 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhe8 rdf:first _:nhe7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhe9 rdf:first _:nhea ; rdf:rest _:nhfl ; a rdf:List . _:nhea math:arguments _:nheb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nheb rdf:first _:nhec ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhec math:arguments _:nhed ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhed rdf:first _:nhee ; rdf:rest _:nhev ; a rdf:List . _:nhee math:arguments _:nhef ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhef rdf:first _:nheg ; rdf:rest _:nheq ; a rdf:List . _:nheg math:arguments _:nheh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nheh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nheo ; a rdf:List . _:nhei rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhej math:arguments _:nhek ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhek rdf:first _:nhel ; rdf:rest _:nhen ; a rdf:List . _:nhel math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhem math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhen rdf:first _:nhem ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nheo rdf:first _:nhej ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhep math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nheq rdf:first _:nhep ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nher math:arguments _:nhes ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhes rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nheu ; a rdf:List . _:nhet math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nheu rdf:first _:nhet ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhev rdf:first _:nher ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhew math:arguments _:nhex ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhex rdf:first _:nhey ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhey math:arguments _:nhez ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhez rdf:first _:nhf0 ; rdf:rest _:nhfj ; a rdf:List . _:nhf0 math:arguments _:nhf1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhf1 rdf:first _:nhf2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhf2 math:arguments _:nhf3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhf3 rdf:first _:nhf4 ; rdf:rest _:nhfe ; a rdf:List . _:nhf4 math:arguments _:nhf5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhf5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhfb ; a rdf:List . _:nhf6 math:arguments _:nhf7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhf7 rdf:first _:nhf8 ; rdf:rest _:nhfa ; a rdf:List . _:nhf8 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhf9 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhfa rdf:first _:nhf9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhfb rdf:first _:nhf6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhfc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhfd rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhfe rdf:first _:nhfc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhff math:arguments _:nhfg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhfg rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhfi ; a rdf:List . _:nhfh math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhfi rdf:first _:nhfh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhfj rdf:first _:nhff ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhfk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhfm ; a rdf:List . _:nhfl rdf:first _:nhew ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhfm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhfw . _:nhfn math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhfo math:arguments _:nhfp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhfp rdf:first _:nhfq ; rdf:rest _:nhfu ; a rdf:List . _:nhfq math:arguments _:nhfr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhfr rdf:first _:nhfs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhfs math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhft math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhfu rdf:first _:nhft ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhfv rdf:first _:nhfn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhfw rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhfx . _:nhfx rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhg5 . _:nhfy math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhfz rdf:first _:nhg0 ; rdf:rest _:nhg3 ; a rdf:List . _:nhg0 math:arguments _:nhg1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhg1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhg2 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhg3 rdf:first _:nhg2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhg4 rdf:first _:nhg6 ; rdf:rest _:nhhg ; a rdf:List . _:nhg5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhg6 math:arguments _:nhg7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhg7 rdf:first _:nhg8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhg8 math:arguments _:nhg9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhg9 rdf:first _:nhga ; rdf:rest _:nhgq ; a rdf:List . _:nhga math:arguments _:nhgb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhgb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhgo ; a rdf:List . _:nhgc math:arguments _:nhgd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhgd rdf:first _:nhge ; rdf:rest _:nhgn ; a rdf:List . _:nhge math:arguments _:nhgf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhgf rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhgl ; a rdf:List . _:nhgg math:arguments _:nhgh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhgh rdf:first _:nhgi ; rdf:rest _:nhgk ; a rdf:List . _:nhgi math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhgj math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhgk rdf:first _:nhgj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhgl rdf:first _:nhgg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhgm math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhgn rdf:first _:nhgm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhgo rdf:first _:nhgc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhgp math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhgq rdf:first _:nhgp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhgr math:arguments _:nhgs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhgs rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhh8 ; a rdf:List . _:nhgt math:arguments _:nhgu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhgu rdf:first _:nhgv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhgv math:arguments _:nhgw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhgw rdf:first _:nhgx ; rdf:rest _:nhhe ; a rdf:List . _:nhgx math:arguments _:nhgy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhgy rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhhc ; a rdf:List . _:nhgz math:arguments _:nhh0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhh0 rdf:first _:nhh1 ; rdf:rest _:nhhb ; a rdf:List . _:nhh1 math:arguments _:nhh2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhh2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhh9 ; a rdf:List . _:nhh3 math:arguments _:nhh4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhh4 rdf:first _:nhh5 ; rdf:rest _:nhh7 ; a rdf:List . _:nhh5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhh6 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhh7 rdf:first _:nhh6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhh8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhhf . _:nhh9 rdf:first _:nhh3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhha math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhhb rdf:first _:nhha ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhhc rdf:first _:nhgz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhhd math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhhe rdf:first _:nhhd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhhf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhhg rdf:first _:nhgt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhhh math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhhi math:arguments _:nhhj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhhj rdf:first _:nhhk ; rdf:rest _:nhho ; a rdf:List . _:nhhk math:arguments _:nhhl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhhl rdf:first _:nhhm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhhm math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhhn math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhho rdf:first _:nhhn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhhp rdf:first _:nhhh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhhq math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhhr rdf:first _:nhhs ; rdf:rest _:nhhx ; a rdf:List . _:nhhs math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhht math:arguments _:nhhu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhhu rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhhw ; a rdf:List . _:nhhv math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhhw rdf:first _:nhhv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhhx rdf:first _:nhht ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhhy rdf:first _:nhhz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhhz math:arguments _:nhi0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhi0 rdf:first _:nhi1 ; rdf:rest _:nhif ; a rdf:List . _:nhi1 math:arguments _:nhi2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhi2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhi7 ; a rdf:List . _:nhi3 math:arguments _:nhi4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhi4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhi6 ; a rdf:List . _:nhi5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhi6 rdf:first _:nhi5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhi7 rdf:first _:nhi3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhi8 math:arguments _:nhi9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhi9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhie ; a rdf:List . _:nhia math:arguments _:nhib ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhib rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhid ; a rdf:List . _:nhic math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhid rdf:first _:nhic ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhie rdf:first _:nhia ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhif rdf:first _:nhi8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhig math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhih math:arguments _:nhii ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhii rdf:first _:nhij ; rdf:rest _:nhin ; a rdf:List . _:nhij math:arguments _:nhik ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhik rdf:first _:nhil ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhil math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhim math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhin rdf:first _:nhim ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhio rdf:first _:nhig ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhip math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhiq rdf:first _:nhir ; rdf:rest _:nhiu ; a rdf:List . _:nhir math:arguments _:nhis ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhis rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhit math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhiu rdf:first _:nhit ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhiv rdf:first _:nhiw ; rdf:rest _:nhkf ; a rdf:List . _:nhiw math:arguments _:nhix ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhix rdf:first _:nhiy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhiy math:arguments _:nhiz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhiz rdf:first _:nhj0 ; rdf:rest _:nhjn ; a rdf:List . _:nhj0 math:arguments _:nhj1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhj1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhjh ; a rdf:List . _:nhj2 math:arguments _:nhj3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhj3 rdf:first _:nhj4 ; rdf:rest _:nhjg ; a rdf:List . _:nhj4 math:arguments _:nhj5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhj5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhje ; a rdf:List . _:nhj6 math:arguments _:nhj7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhj7 rdf:first _:nhj8 ; rdf:rest _:nhjd ; a rdf:List . _:nhj8 math:arguments _:nhj9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhj9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhjb ; a rdf:List . _:nhja math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhjb rdf:first _:nhja ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhjc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhjd rdf:first _:nhjc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhje rdf:first _:nhj6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhjf math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhjg rdf:first _:nhjf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhjh rdf:first _:nhj2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhji rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhjj math:arguments _:nhjk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhjk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhjm ; a rdf:List . _:nhjl math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhjm rdf:first _:nhjl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhjn rdf:first _:nhjj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhjo math:arguments _:nhjp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhjp rdf:first _:nhjq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhjq math:arguments _:nhjr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhjr rdf:first _:nhjs ; rdf:rest _:nhke ; a rdf:List . _:nhjs math:arguments _:nhjt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhjt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhk9 ; a rdf:List . _:nhju math:arguments _:nhjv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhjv rdf:first _:nhjw ; rdf:rest _:nhk8 ; a rdf:List . _:nhjw math:arguments _:nhjx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhjx rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhk6 ; a rdf:List . _:nhjy math:arguments _:nhjz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhjz rdf:first _:nhk0 ; rdf:rest _:nhk5 ; a rdf:List . _:nhk0 math:arguments _:nhk1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhk1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhk3 ; a rdf:List . _:nhk2 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhk3 rdf:first _:nhk2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhk4 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhk5 rdf:first _:nhk4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhk6 rdf:first _:nhjy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhk7 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhk8 rdf:first _:nhk7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhk9 rdf:first _:nhju ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhka math:arguments _:nhkb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhkb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhkd ; a rdf:List . _:nhkc math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhkd rdf:first _:nhkc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhke rdf:first _:nhka ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhkf rdf:first _:nhjo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhkg rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhkn ; a rdf:List . _:nhkh math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhki math:arguments _:nhkj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhkj rdf:first _:nhkk ; rdf:rest _:nhkp ; a rdf:List . _:nhkk math:arguments _:nhkl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhkl rdf:first _:nhkm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhkm math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhkn rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhkr . _:nhko math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhkp rdf:first _:nhko ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhkq rdf:first _:nhkh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhkr rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhks math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhkt rdf:first _:nhku ; rdf:rest _:nhkx ; a rdf:List . _:nhku math:arguments _:nhkv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhkv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhkw math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhkx rdf:first _:nhkw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhky rdf:first _:nhkz ; rdf:rest _:nhmn ; a rdf:List . _:nhkz math:arguments _:nhl0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhl0 rdf:first _:nhl1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhl1 math:arguments _:nhl2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhl2 rdf:first _:nhl3 ; rdf:rest _:nhls ; a rdf:List . _:nhl3 math:arguments _:nhl4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhl4 rdf:first _:nhl5 ; rdf:rest _:nhlj ; a rdf:List . _:nhl5 math:arguments _:nhl6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhl6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhlh ; a rdf:List . _:nhl7 math:arguments _:nhl8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhl8 rdf:first _:nhl9 ; rdf:rest _:nhlg ; a rdf:List . _:nhl9 math:arguments _:nhla ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhla rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhle ; a rdf:List . _:nhlb math:arguments _:nhlc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhlc rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhlk ; a rdf:List . _:nhld math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhle rdf:first _:nhld ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhlf math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhlg rdf:first _:nhlf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhlh rdf:first _:nhl7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhli math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhlj rdf:first _:nhli ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhlk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhlt . _:nhll math:arguments _:nhlm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhlm rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhlr ; a rdf:List . _:nhln math:arguments _:nhlo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhlo rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhlq ; a rdf:List . _:nhlp math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhlq rdf:first _:nhlp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhlr rdf:first _:nhln ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhls rdf:first _:nhll ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhlt rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhlu math:arguments _:nhlv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhlv rdf:first _:nhlw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhlw math:arguments _:nhlx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhlx rdf:first _:nhly ; rdf:rest _:nhmm ; a rdf:List . _:nhly math:arguments _:nhlz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhlz rdf:first _:nhm0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhm0 math:arguments _:nhm1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhm1 rdf:first _:nhm2 ; rdf:rest _:nhme ; a rdf:List . _:nhm2 math:arguments _:nhm3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhm3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhmc ; a rdf:List . _:nhm4 math:arguments _:nhm5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhm5 rdf:first _:nhm6 ; rdf:rest _:nhmb ; a rdf:List . _:nhm6 math:arguments _:nhm7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhm7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhm9 ; a rdf:List . _:nhm8 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhm9 rdf:first _:nhm8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhma math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhmb rdf:first _:nhma ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhmc rdf:first _:nhm4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhmd math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhme rdf:first _:nhmd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhmf math:arguments _:nhmg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhmg rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhml ; a rdf:List . _:nhmh math:arguments _:nhmi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhmi rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhmk ; a rdf:List . _:nhmj math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhmk rdf:first _:nhmj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhml rdf:first _:nhmh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhmm rdf:first _:nhmf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhmn rdf:first _:nhlu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhmo math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhmp math:arguments _:nhmq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhmq rdf:first _:nhmr ; rdf:rest _:nhmv ; a rdf:List . _:nhmr math:arguments _:nhms ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhms rdf:first _:nhmt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhmt math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhmu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhmv rdf:first _:nhmu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhmw rdf:first _:nhmo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhmx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhmy rdf:first _:nhmz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhmz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhn0 rdf:first _:nhn1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhn1 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhn2 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhn3 rdf:first _:nhn4 ; rdf:rest _:nhn9 ; a rdf:List . _:nhn4 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhn5 math:arguments _:nhn6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhn6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhn8 ; a rdf:List . _:nhn7 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhn8 rdf:first _:nhn7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhn9 rdf:first _:nhn5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhna rdf:first _:nhnb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhnb math:arguments _:nhnc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhnc rdf:first _:nhnd ; rdf:rest _:nhnr ; a rdf:List . _:nhnd math:arguments _:nhne ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhne rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhnj ; a rdf:List . _:nhnf math:arguments _:nhng ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhng rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhni ; a rdf:List . _:nhnh math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhni rdf:first _:nhnh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhnj rdf:first _:nhnf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhnk math:arguments _:nhnl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhnl rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhnq ; a rdf:List . _:nhnm math:arguments _:nhnn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhnn rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhnp ; a rdf:List . _:nhno math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhnp rdf:first _:nhno ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhnq rdf:first _:nhnm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhnr rdf:first _:nhnk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhns math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhnt math:arguments _:nhnu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhnu rdf:first _:nhnv ; rdf:rest _:nhnz ; a rdf:List . _:nhnv math:arguments _:nhnw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhnw rdf:first _:nhnx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhnx math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhny math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhnz rdf:first _:nhny ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nho0 rdf:first _:nhns ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nho1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhog ; a rdf:List . _:nho2 math:arguments _:nho3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nho3 rdf:first _:nho5 ; rdf:rest _:nhoj ; a rdf:List . _:nho4 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nho5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nho6 math:arguments _:nho7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nho7 rdf:first _:nho8 ; rdf:rest _:nhoi ; a rdf:List . _:nho8 math:arguments _:nho9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nho9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhof ; a rdf:List . _:nhoa math:arguments _:nhob ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhob rdf:first _:nhoc ; rdf:rest _:nhoe ; a rdf:List . _:nhoc math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhod math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhoe rdf:first _:nhod ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhof rdf:first _:nhoa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhog rdf:first _:nho4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhoh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhoi rdf:first _:nhoh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhoj rdf:first _:nho6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhok rdf:first _:nhol ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhol math:arguments _:nhom ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhom rdf:first _:nhon ; rdf:rest _:nhp0 ; a rdf:List . _:nhon math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhoo math:arguments _:nhop ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhop rdf:first _:nhoq ; rdf:rest _:nhoz ; a rdf:List . _:nhoq math:arguments _:nhor ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhor rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhox ; a rdf:List . _:nhos math:arguments _:nhot ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhot rdf:first _:nhou ; rdf:rest _:nhow ; a rdf:List . _:nhou math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhov math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhow rdf:first _:nhov ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhox rdf:first _:nhos ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhoy math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhoz rdf:first _:nhoy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhp0 rdf:first _:nhoo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhp1 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhp2 rdf:first _:nhp3 ; rdf:rest _:nhp6 ; a rdf:List . _:nhp3 math:arguments _:nhp4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhp4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhp5 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhp6 rdf:first _:nhp5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhp7 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nhp8 rdf:first _:nhp9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhp9 math:arguments _:nhpa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhpa rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhpc ; a rdf:List . _:nhpb math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhpc rdf:first _:nhpb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhpd math:arguments _:nhpe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhpe rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhpk ; a rdf:List . _:nhpf math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhpg math:arguments _:nhph ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhph rdf:first _:nhpi ; rdf:rest _:nhpn ; a rdf:List . _:nhpi math:arguments _:nhpj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhpj rdf:first _:nhpl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhpk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhpp . _:nhpl math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhpm math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhpn rdf:first _:nhpm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhpo rdf:first _:nhpf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhpp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhpq math:arguments _:nhpr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhpr rdf:first _:nhps ; rdf:rest _:nhq5 ; a rdf:List . _:nhps math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhpt math:arguments _:nhpu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhpu rdf:first _:nhpv ; rdf:rest _:nhq4 ; a rdf:List . _:nhpv math:arguments _:nhpw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhpw rdf:first _:nhpx ; rdf:rest _:nhq2 ; a rdf:List . _:nhpx math:arguments _:nhpy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhpy rdf:first _:nhpz ; rdf:rest _:nhq1 ; a rdf:List . _:nhpz math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhq0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhq1 rdf:first _:nhq0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhq2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhq3 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhq4 rdf:first _:nhq3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhq5 rdf:first _:nhpt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhq6 rdf:first _:nhq7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhq7 math:arguments _:nhq8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhq8 rdf:first _:nhq9 ; rdf:rest _:nhqm ; a rdf:List . _:nhq9 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhqa math:arguments _:nhqb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhqb rdf:first _:nhqc ; rdf:rest _:nhql ; a rdf:List . _:nhqc math:arguments _:nhqd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhqd rdf:first _:nhqe ; rdf:rest _:nhqj ; a rdf:List . _:nhqe math:arguments _:nhqf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhqf rdf:first _:nhqg ; rdf:rest _:nhqi ; a rdf:List . _:nhqg math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhqh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhqi rdf:first _:nhqh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhqj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhqk math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhql rdf:first _:nhqk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhqm rdf:first _:nhqa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhqn math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhqo rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhqq ; a rdf:List . _:nhqp math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhqq rdf:first _:nhqp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhqr rdf:first _:nhqs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhqs math:arguments _:nhqt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhqt rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhqv ; a rdf:List . _:nhqu math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhqv rdf:first _:nhqu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhqw math:arguments _:nhqx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhqx rdf:first _:nhsf ; rdf:rest _:ni09 ; a rdf:List . _:nhqy math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhqz math:arguments _:nhr0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhr0 rdf:first _:nhr1 ; rdf:rest _:nhr5 ; a rdf:List . _:nhr1 math:arguments _:nhr2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhr2 rdf:first _:nhr3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhr3 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhr4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhr5 rdf:first _:nhr4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhr6 rdf:first _:nhqy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhr7 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhr8 rdf:first _:nhr9 ; rdf:rest _:nhrc ; a rdf:List . _:nhr9 math:arguments _:nhra ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhra rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhrb math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhrc rdf:first _:nhrb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhrd rdf:first _:nhre ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhre math:arguments _:nhrf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhrf rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhrh ; a rdf:List . _:nhrg math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhrh rdf:first _:nhrg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhri math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhrj rdf:first _:nhrk ; rdf:rest _:nhrs ; a rdf:List . _:nhrk math:arguments _:nhrl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhrl rdf:first _:nhrm ; rdf:rest _:nhrq ; a rdf:List . _:nhrm math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhrn math:arguments _:nhro ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhro rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhrp math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhrq rdf:first _:nhrp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhrr math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhrs rdf:first _:nhrr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhrt rdf:first _:nhru ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhru math:arguments _:nhrv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhrv rdf:first _:nhrw ; rdf:rest _:nhs4 ; a rdf:List . _:nhrw math:arguments _:nhrx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhrx rdf:first _:nhry ; rdf:rest _:nhrz ; a rdf:List . _:nhry math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhrz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhs0 math:arguments _:nhs1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhs1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhs3 ; a rdf:List . _:nhs2 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhs3 rdf:first _:nhs2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhs4 rdf:first _:nhs0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhs5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhs6 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhs7 math:arguments _:nhs8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhs8 rdf:first _:nhs9 ; rdf:rest _:nhsd ; a rdf:List . _:nhs9 math:arguments _:nhsa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhsa rdf:first _:nhsb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhsb math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhsc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhsd rdf:first _:nhsc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhse rdf:first _:nhs6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhsf math:arguments _:nhsg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhsg rdf:first _:nhuk ; rdf:rest _:nhz0 ; a rdf:List . _:nhsh math:arguments _:nhsi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhsi rdf:first _:nhsj ; rdf:rest _:nht3 ; a rdf:List . _:nhsj math:arguments _:nhsk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhsk rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhsm ; a rdf:List . _:nhsl math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhsm rdf:first _:nhsl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhsn math:arguments _:nhso ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhso rdf:first _:nhsp ; rdf:rest _:nht1 ; a rdf:List . _:nhsp math:arguments _:nhsq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhsq rdf:first _:nhsr ; rdf:rest _:nhsz ; a rdf:List . _:nhsr math:arguments _:nhss ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhss rdf:first _:nhst ; rdf:rest _:nhsy ; a rdf:List . _:nhst math:arguments _:nhsu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhsu rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhsw ; a rdf:List . _:nhsv math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhsw rdf:first _:nhsv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhsx math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhsy rdf:first _:nhsx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhsz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nht0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nht1 rdf:first _:nht0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nht2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhtd ; a rdf:List . _:nht3 rdf:first _:nhsn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nht4 rdf:first _:nht5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nht5 math:arguments _:nht6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nht6 rdf:first _:nht7 ; rdf:rest _:nhts ; a rdf:List . _:nht7 math:arguments _:nht8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nht8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhta ; a rdf:List . _:nht9 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhta rdf:first _:nht9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhtb math:arguments _:nhtc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhtc rdf:first _:nhte ; rdf:rest _:nhtr ; a rdf:List . _:nhtd rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhtp . _:nhte math:arguments _:nhtf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhtf rdf:first _:nhtg ; rdf:rest _:nhto ; a rdf:List . _:nhtg math:arguments _:nhth ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhth rdf:first _:nhti ; rdf:rest _:nhtn ; a rdf:List . _:nhti math:arguments _:nhtj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhtj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhtl ; a rdf:List . _:nhtk math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhtl rdf:first _:nhtk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhtm math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhtn rdf:first _:nhtm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhto rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhtp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhtq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhtr rdf:first _:nhtq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhts rdf:first _:nhtb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhtt math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhtu rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhtw ; a rdf:List . _:nhtv math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhtw rdf:first _:nhtv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhtx math:arguments _:nhty ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhty rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhu4 ; a rdf:List . _:nhtz rdf:first _:nhu0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhu0 math:arguments _:nhu1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhu1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhu3 ; a rdf:List . _:nhu2 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhu3 rdf:first _:nhu2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhu4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhu8 . _:nhu5 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhu6 math:arguments _:nhu7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhu7 rdf:first _:nhu9 ; rdf:rest _:nhud ; a rdf:List . _:nhu8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhuf . _:nhu9 math:arguments _:nhua ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhua rdf:first _:nhub ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhub math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhuc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhud rdf:first _:nhuc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhue rdf:first _:nhu5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhuf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhug math:arguments _:nhuh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhuh rdf:first _:nhui ; rdf:rest _:nhv3 ; a rdf:List . _:nhui math:arguments _:nhuj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhuj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhun ; a rdf:List . _:nhuk math:arguments _:nhul ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhul rdf:first _:nhwe ; rdf:rest _:nhxg ; a rdf:List . _:nhum math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhun rdf:first _:nhum ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhuo math:arguments _:nhup ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhup rdf:first _:nhuq ; rdf:rest _:nhv2 ; a rdf:List . _:nhuq math:arguments _:nhur ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhur rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhv0 ; a rdf:List . _:nhus math:arguments _:nhut ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhut rdf:first _:nhuu ; rdf:rest _:nhuz ; a rdf:List . _:nhuu math:arguments _:nhuv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhuv rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhux ; a rdf:List . _:nhuw math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhux rdf:first _:nhuw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhuy math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhuz rdf:first _:nhuy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhv0 rdf:first _:nhus ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhv1 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhv2 rdf:first _:nhv1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhv3 rdf:first _:nhuo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhv4 rdf:first _:nhv5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhv5 math:arguments _:nhv6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhv6 rdf:first _:nhv7 ; rdf:rest _:nhvq ; a rdf:List . _:nhv7 math:arguments _:nhv8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhv8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhva ; a rdf:List . _:nhv9 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhva rdf:first _:nhv9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhvb math:arguments _:nhvc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhvc rdf:first _:nhvd ; rdf:rest _:nhvp ; a rdf:List . _:nhvd math:arguments _:nhve ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhve rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhvn ; a rdf:List . _:nhvf math:arguments _:nhvg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhvg rdf:first _:nhvh ; rdf:rest _:nhvm ; a rdf:List . _:nhvh math:arguments _:nhvi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhvi rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhvk ; a rdf:List . _:nhvj math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhvk rdf:first _:nhvj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhvl math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhvm rdf:first _:nhvl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhvn rdf:first _:nhvf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhvo math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhvp rdf:first _:nhvo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhvq rdf:first _:nhvb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhvr math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhvs rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhvu ; a rdf:List . _:nhvt math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhvu rdf:first _:nhvt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhvv rdf:first _:nhvw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhvw math:arguments _:nhvx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhvx rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhvz ; a rdf:List . _:nhvy math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhvz rdf:first _:nhvy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhw0 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhw1 math:arguments _:nhw2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhw2 rdf:first _:nhw3 ; rdf:rest _:nhw7 ; a rdf:List . _:nhw3 math:arguments _:nhw4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhw4 rdf:first _:nhw5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhw5 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhw6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nhw7 rdf:first _:nhw6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhw8 rdf:first _:nhw0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhw9 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhwa rdf:first _:nhwb ; rdf:rest _:nhwf ; a rdf:List . _:nhwb math:arguments _:nhwc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhwc rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhwd math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhwe math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nhwf rdf:first _:nhwd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhwg rdf:first _:nhwh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhwh math:arguments _:nhwi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhwi rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhwk ; a rdf:List . _:nhwj math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhwk rdf:first _:nhwj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhwl math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhwm rdf:first _:nhwn ; rdf:rest _:nhwt ; a rdf:List . _:nhwn math:arguments _:nhwo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhwo rdf:first _:nhwp ; rdf:rest _:nhwr ; a rdf:List . _:nhwp math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhwq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhwr rdf:first _:nhwq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhws math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nhwt rdf:first _:nhws ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhwu rdf:first _:nhwv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhwv math:arguments _:nhww ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhww rdf:first _:nhwx ; rdf:rest _:nhx5 ; a rdf:List . _:nhwx math:arguments _:nhwy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhwy rdf:first _:nhwz ; rdf:rest _:nhx0 ; a rdf:List . _:nhwz math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhx0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhx1 math:arguments _:nhx2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhx2 rdf:first _:nhx3 ; rdf:rest _:nhx4 ; a rdf:List . _:nhx3 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nhx4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhx5 rdf:first _:nhx1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhx6 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nhx7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhx8 ; a rdf:List . _:nhx8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhx9 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhxa rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhxc ; a rdf:List . _:nhxb math:value "32"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhxc rdf:first _:nhxb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhxd math:value "1200"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhxe math:value "3937"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhxf rdf:first _:nhxe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhxg rdf:first _:nhx6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhxh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhxi ; a rdf:List . _:nhxi rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhxj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhxk ; a rdf:List . _:nhxk rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhxl math:arguments _:nhxm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhxm rdf:first _:nhxn ; rdf:rest _:nhxq ; a rdf:List . _:nhxn math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhxo math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhxp math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhxq rdf:first _:nhxo ; rdf:rest _:nhxr . _:nhxr rdf:first _:nhxp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhxs math:arguments _:nhxt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhxt rdf:first _:nhxu ; rdf:rest _:nhxy ; a rdf:List . _:nhxu math:arguments _:nhxv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhxv rdf:first _:nhxw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhxw math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhxx math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:nhxy rdf:first _:nhxx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhxz rdf:first _:nhxs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhy0 rdf:first _:nhy1 ; rdf:rest _:nhyf ; a rdf:List . _:nhy1 math:arguments _:nhy2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhy2 rdf:first _:nhy3 ; rdf:rest _:nhy6 ; a rdf:List . _:nhy3 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhy4 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhy5 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhy6 rdf:first _:nhy4 ; rdf:rest _:nhy7 . _:nhy7 rdf:first _:nhy5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhy8 math:arguments _:nhy9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhy9 rdf:first _:nhya ; rdf:rest _:nhye ; a rdf:List . _:nhya math:arguments _:nhyb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhyb rdf:first _:nhyc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhyc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhyd math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:nhye rdf:first _:nhyd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhyf rdf:first _:nhy8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhyg math:arguments _:nhyh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhyh rdf:first _:nhyi ; rdf:rest _:nhyw ; a rdf:List . _:nhyi math:arguments _:nhyj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhyj rdf:first _:nhyk ; rdf:rest _:nhyn ; a rdf:List . _:nhyk math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhyl math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhym math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhyn rdf:first _:nhyl ; rdf:rest _:nhyo . _:nhyo rdf:first _:nhym ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhyp math:arguments _:nhyq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhyq rdf:first _:nhyr ; rdf:rest _:nhyv ; a rdf:List . _:nhyr math:arguments _:nhys ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhys rdf:first _:nhyt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhyt math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhyu math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:nhyv rdf:first _:nhyu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhyw rdf:first _:nhyp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhyx math:arguments _:nhyy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhyy rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhyz ; a rdf:List . _:nhyz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhz0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhz1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhz2 math:arguments _:nhz3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhz3 rdf:first _:nhz5 ; rdf:rest _:nhzc ; a rdf:List . _:nhz4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhz5 math:arguments _:nhz6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhz6 rdf:first _:nhz7 ; rdf:rest _:nhz9 ; a rdf:List . _:nhz7 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nhz8 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nhz9 rdf:first _:nhz8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhza rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhzb rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nhzc rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhzd rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhze ; a rdf:List . _:nhze rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhzf . _:nhzf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhzg math:arguments _:nhzh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhzh rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhzi ; a rdf:List . _:nhzi rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhzj rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhzl ; a rdf:List . _:nhzk math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhzl rdf:first _:nhzk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhzm math:arguments _:nhzn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhzn rdf:first _:nhzp ; rdf:rest _:ni04 ; a rdf:List . _:nhzo rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhzr ; a rdf:List . _:nhzp math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nhzq math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nhzr rdf:first _:nhzq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhzs math:arguments _:nhzt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhzt rdf:first _:ni00 ; rdf:rest _:ni03 ; a rdf:List . _:nhzu rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhzv ; a rdf:List . _:nhzv rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhzw . _:nhzw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nhzx math:arguments _:nhzy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nhzy rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nhzz ; a rdf:List . _:nhzz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni00 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ni01 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ni02 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni03 rdf:first _:ni01 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni04 rdf:first _:nhzs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni05 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni06 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni07 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ni08 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ni09 rdf:first _:nhz2 ; rdf:rest _:ni0m . _:ni0a math:arguments _:ni0b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni0b rdf:first _:ni0c ; rdf:rest _:ni1p ; a rdf:List . _:ni0c math:arguments _:ni0d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni0d rdf:first _:ni0e ; rdf:rest _:ni0f ; a rdf:List . _:ni0e math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ni0f rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni0g math:arguments _:ni0h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni0h rdf:first _:ni0i ; rdf:rest _:ni0j ; a rdf:List . _:ni0i math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ni0j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni0k math:arguments _:ni0l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni0l rdf:first _:ni0n ; rdf:rest _:ni0o ; a rdf:List . _:ni0m rdf:first _:nhzm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni0n math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ni0o rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni0p math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ni0q math:arguments _:ni0r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni0r rdf:first _:ni0s ; rdf:rest _:ni1m ; a rdf:List . _:ni0s math:arguments _:ni0t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni0t rdf:first _:ni0u ; rdf:rest _:ni13 ; a rdf:List . _:ni0u math:arguments _:ni0v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni0v rdf:first _:ni0w ; rdf:rest _:ni0x ; a rdf:List . _:ni0w math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ni0x rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni0y math:arguments _:ni0z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni0z rdf:first _:ni10 ; rdf:rest _:ni12 ; a rdf:List . _:ni10 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ni11 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:ni12 rdf:first _:ni11 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni13 rdf:first _:ni0y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni14 math:arguments _:ni15 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni15 rdf:first _:ni16 ; rdf:rest _:ni1l ; a rdf:List . _:ni16 math:arguments _:ni17 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni17 rdf:first _:ni1a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni18 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni19 rdf:first _:nhp7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni1a math:arguments _:ni1b ; math:operator _:ni18 ; a math:Application . _:ni1b rdf:first _:ni1c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni1c math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ni1d math:arguments _:ni1e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni1e rdf:first _:ni1f ; rdf:rest _:ni1k ; a rdf:List . _:ni1f math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ni1g math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:ni1h math:arguments _:ni1i ; math:operator _:ni1g ; a math:Application . _:ni1i rdf:first _:ni1j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni1j math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ni1k rdf:first _:ni1h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni1l rdf:first _:ni1d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni1m rdf:first _:ni14 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni1n math:binder ; math:body _:ni0q ; math:variables _:ni1o ; a math:Binding . _:ni1o rdf:first _:ni0p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni1p rdf:first _:ni0g ; rdf:rest _:ni1q . _:ni1q rdf:first _:ni0k ; rdf:rest _:ni1r . _:ni1r rdf:first _:ni1n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni1s math:binder ; math:body _:ni0a ; math:variables _:ni1t ; a math:Binding . _:ni1t rdf:first _:ni07 ; rdf:rest _:ni1u ; a rdf:List . _:ni1u rdf:first _:ni08 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni1v rdf:first _:ni06 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni1w rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni1x math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni1y math:arguments _:ni1z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni1z rdf:first _:ni20 ; rdf:rest _:ni2i ; a rdf:List . _:ni20 math:arguments _:ni21 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni21 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni2g ; a rdf:List . _:ni22 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni23 math:arguments _:ni24 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni24 rdf:first _:ni26 ; rdf:rest _:ni2d ; a rdf:List . _:ni25 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni26 math:arguments _:ni27 ; math:operator _:ni25 ; a math:Application . _:ni27 rdf:first _:ni28 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni28 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni29 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:ni2a math:arguments _:ni2b ; math:operator _:ni29 ; a math:Application . _:ni2b rdf:first _:ni2c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni2c math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni2d rdf:first _:ni2a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni2e math:binder ; math:body _:ni23 ; math:variables _:ni2f ; a math:Binding . _:ni2f rdf:first _:ni22 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni2g rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni2h . _:ni2h rdf:first _:ni2e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni2i rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni2j rdf:first _:ni1x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni2k rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni2l math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni2m math:name "c_1" ; a math:Variable . _:ni2n math:name "c_2" ; a math:Variable . _:ni2o math:name "x_0" ; a math:Variable . _:ni2p math:arguments _:ni2q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni2q rdf:first _:ni2r ; rdf:rest _:ni47 ; a rdf:List . _:ni2r math:arguments _:ni2s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni2s rdf:first _:ni2t ; rdf:rest _:ni2u ; a rdf:List . _:ni2t math:name "c_1" ; a math:Variable . _:ni2u rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni2v math:arguments _:ni2w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni2w rdf:first _:ni2x ; rdf:rest _:ni2y ; a rdf:List . _:ni2x math:name "c_2" ; a math:Variable . _:ni2y rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni2z math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni30 math:arguments _:ni31 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni31 rdf:first _:ni32 ; rdf:rest _:ni42 ; a rdf:List . _:ni32 math:arguments _:ni33 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni33 rdf:first _:ni34 ; rdf:rest _:ni36 ; a rdf:List . _:ni34 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni35 math:name "x_0" ; a math:Variable . _:ni36 rdf:first _:ni35 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni37 math:arguments _:ni38 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni38 rdf:first _:ni39 ; rdf:rest _:ni3l ; a rdf:List . _:ni39 math:arguments _:ni3a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni3a rdf:first _:ni3b ; rdf:rest _:ni3g ; a rdf:List . _:ni3b math:name "c_1" ; a math:Variable . _:ni3c math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:ni3d math:arguments _:ni3e ; math:operator _:ni3c ; a math:Application . _:ni3e rdf:first _:ni3f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni3f math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni3g rdf:first _:ni3d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni3h math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni3i math:arguments _:ni3j ; math:operator _:ni3h ; a math:Application . _:ni3j rdf:first _:ni3k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni3k math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni3l rdf:first _:ni3i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni3m math:arguments _:ni3n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni3n rdf:first _:ni3p ; rdf:rest _:ni41 ; a rdf:List . _:ni3o math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni3p math:arguments _:ni3q ; math:operator _:ni3o ; a math:Application . _:ni3q rdf:first _:ni3r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni3r math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni3s math:arguments _:ni3t ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni3t rdf:first _:ni3u ; rdf:rest _:ni40 ; a rdf:List . _:ni3u math:name "c_2" ; a math:Variable . _:ni3v math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:ni3w math:arguments _:ni3x ; math:operator _:ni3v ; a math:Application . _:ni3x rdf:first _:ni3y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni3y math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni3z math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ni40 rdf:first _:ni3w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni41 rdf:first _:ni3s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni42 rdf:first _:ni37 ; rdf:rest _:ni43 . _:ni43 rdf:first _:ni3m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni44 math:binder ; math:body _:ni30 ; math:variables _:ni45 ; a math:Binding . _:ni45 rdf:first _:ni2z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni46 math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ni47 rdf:first _:ni2v ; rdf:rest _:ni48 . _:ni48 rdf:first _:ni44 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni49 math:binder ; math:body _:ni2p ; math:variables _:ni4a ; a math:Binding . _:ni4a rdf:first _:ni2m ; rdf:rest _:ni4b ; a rdf:List . _:ni4b rdf:first _:ni2n ; rdf:rest _:ni4c . _:ni4c rdf:first _:ni2o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni4d rdf:first _:ni2l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni4e rdf:first _:ni46 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni4f math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni4g math:arguments _:ni4h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni4h rdf:first _:ni4j ; rdf:rest _:ni4q ; a rdf:List . _:ni4i math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni4j math:arguments _:ni4k ; math:operator _:ni4i ; a math:Application . _:ni4k rdf:first _:ni4l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni4l math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni4m math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:ni4n math:arguments _:ni4o ; math:operator _:ni4m ; a math:Application . _:ni4o rdf:first _:ni4p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni4p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni4q rdf:first _:ni4n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni4r math:binder ; math:body _:ni4g ; math:variables _:ni4s ; a math:Binding . _:ni4s rdf:first _:ni4f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni4t rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni4u . _:ni4u rdf:first _:ni4r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni4v rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni4w math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni4x math:arguments _:ni4y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni4y rdf:first _:ni4z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni4z math:arguments _:ni50 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni50 rdf:first _:ni52 ; rdf:rest _:ni58 ; a rdf:List . _:ni51 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni52 math:arguments _:ni53 ; math:operator _:ni51 ; a math:Application . _:ni53 rdf:first _:ni54 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni54 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni55 math:arguments _:ni56 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni56 rdf:first _:ni57 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni57 math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:ni58 rdf:first _:ni55 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni59 rdf:first _:ni4w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni5a math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:ni5b rdf:first _:ni5c ; rdf:rest _:ni5d ; a rdf:List . _:ni5c math:name "epsilon" ; a math:Variable . _:ni5d rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni5e math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ni5f math:arguments _:ni5g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni5g rdf:first _:ni5h ; rdf:rest _:ni63 ; a rdf:List . _:ni5h math:arguments _:ni5i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni5i rdf:first _:ni5k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni5j math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni5k math:arguments _:ni5l ; math:operator _:ni5j ; a math:Application . _:ni5l rdf:first _:ni5m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni5m math:arguments _:ni5n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni5n rdf:first _:ni5o ; rdf:rest _:ni5q ; a rdf:List . _:ni5o math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ni5p math:name "seq" ; a math:Variable . _:ni5q rdf:first _:ni5p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni5r math:arguments _:ni5s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni5s rdf:first _:ni5t ; rdf:rest _:ni62 ; a rdf:List . _:ni5t math:name "epsilon" ; a math:Variable . _:ni5u math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:ni5v math:arguments _:ni5w ; math:operator _:ni5u ; a math:Application . _:ni5w rdf:first _:ni5x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni5x math:arguments _:ni5y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni5y rdf:first _:ni5z ; rdf:rest _:ni61 ; a rdf:List . _:ni5z math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:ni60 math:name "seq" ; a math:Variable . _:ni61 rdf:first _:ni60 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni62 rdf:first _:ni5v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni63 rdf:first _:ni5r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni64 math:binder ; math:body _:ni5f ; math:variables _:ni65 ; a math:Binding . _:ni65 rdf:first _:ni5e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni66 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni67 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni68 math:arguments _:ni69 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni69 rdf:first _:ni6a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni6a math:arguments _:ni6b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni6b rdf:first _:ni6d ; rdf:rest _:ni6j ; a rdf:List . _:ni6c math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:ni6d math:arguments _:ni6e ; math:operator _:ni6c ; a math:Application . _:ni6e rdf:first _:ni6f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni6f math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni6g math:arguments _:ni6h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni6h rdf:first _:ni6i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni6i math:name "g" ; a math:Variable . _:ni6j rdf:first _:ni6g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni6k rdf:first _:ni67 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni6l rdf:first _:ni6q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni6m math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni6n math:arguments _:ni6o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni6o rdf:first _:ni6p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni6p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni6q math:binder ; math:body _:ni6n ; math:variables _:ni6r ; a math:Binding . _:ni6r rdf:first _:ni6m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni6s rdf:first _:ni6x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni6t math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni6u math:arguments _:ni6v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni6v rdf:first _:ni6w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni6w math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni6x math:binder ; math:body _:ni6u ; math:variables _:ni6y ; a math:Binding . _:ni6y rdf:first _:ni6t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni6z math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni70 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ni71 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni73 ; a rdf:List . _:ni72 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ni73 rdf:first _:ni72 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni74 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ni75 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ni76 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni77 rdf:first _:ni78 ; rdf:rest _:ni7p ; a rdf:List . _:ni78 math:arguments _:ni79 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni79 rdf:first _:ni7a ; rdf:rest _:ni7d ; a rdf:List . _:ni7a math:arguments _:ni7b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni7b rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni7c math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni7d rdf:first _:ni7c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni7e math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:ni7f math:arguments _:ni7g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni7g rdf:first _:ni7h ; rdf:rest _:ni7m ; a rdf:List . _:ni7h math:arguments _:ni7i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni7i rdf:first _:ni7j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni7j math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:ni7k math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:ni7l rdf:first _:ni7q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni7m rdf:first _:ni7k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni7n math:binder ; math:body _:ni7f ; math:variables _:ni7o ; a math:Binding . _:ni7o rdf:first _:ni7e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni7p rdf:first _:ni7n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni7q math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ni7r math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni7s rdf:first _:ni7t ; rdf:rest _:ni86 ; a rdf:List . _:ni7t math:arguments _:ni7u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni7u rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni7w ; a rdf:List . _:ni7v math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni7w rdf:first _:ni7v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni7x math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:ni7y math:arguments _:ni7z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni7z rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni83 ; a rdf:List . _:ni80 math:arguments _:ni81 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni81 rdf:first _:ni82 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni82 math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:ni83 rdf:first _:ni80 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni84 math:binder ; math:body _:ni7y ; math:variables _:ni85 ; a math:Binding . _:ni85 rdf:first _:ni7x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni86 rdf:first _:ni84 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni87 rdf:first _:ni88 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni88 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ni89 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ni8a rdf:first _:ni8b ; rdf:rest _:ni8y ; a rdf:List . _:ni8b math:arguments _:ni8c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni8c rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:ni8d ; a rdf:List . _:ni8d rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni8e math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:ni8f math:arguments _:ni8g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni8g rdf:first _:ni8h ; rdf:rest _:ni8v ; a rdf:List . _:ni8h math:arguments _:ni8i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni8i rdf:first _:ni8j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni8j math:arguments _:ni8k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni8k rdf:first _:ni8l ; rdf:rest _:ni8o ; a rdf:List . _:ni8l math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ni8m math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ni8n math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:ni8o rdf:first _:ni8m ; rdf:rest _:ni8p . _:ni8p rdf:first _:ni8n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni8q math:arguments _:ni8r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni8r rdf:first _:ni8s ; rdf:rest _:ni8u ; a rdf:List . _:ni8s math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:ni8t math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ni8u rdf:first _:ni8t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni8v rdf:first _:ni8q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni8w math:binder ; math:body _:ni8f ; math:variables _:ni8x ; a math:Binding . _:ni8x rdf:first _:ni8e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:ni8y rdf:first _:ni8w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni8z math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni90 rdf:first _:ni91 ; rdf:rest _:ni93 ; a rdf:List . _:ni91 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ni92 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni93 rdf:first _:ni92 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni94 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni95 rdf:first _:ni96 ; rdf:rest _:ni98 ; a rdf:List . _:ni96 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ni97 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:ni98 rdf:first _:ni97 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni99 rdf:first _:ni9a ; rdf:rest _:ni9c ; a rdf:List . _:ni9a math:value "1.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ni9b math:value "10.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ni9c rdf:first _:ni9b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni9d rdf:first _:ni9e ; rdf:rest _:ni9f ; a rdf:List . _:ni9e math:value "0.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:ni9f rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni9g math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ni9h rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni9i rdf:first _:ni9j ; rdf:rest _:ni9t ; a rdf:List . _:ni9j math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:ni9k math:arguments _:ni9l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni9l rdf:first _:ni9m ; rdf:rest _:ni9s ; a rdf:List . _:ni9m math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ni9n math:arguments _:ni9o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ni9o rdf:first _:ni9p ; rdf:rest _:ni9r ; a rdf:List . _:ni9p math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ni9q math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:ni9r rdf:first _:ni9q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni9s rdf:first _:ni9n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni9t rdf:first _:ni9k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ni9u rdf:first _:ni9v ; rdf:rest _:ni9y ; a rdf:List . _:ni9v math:name "alpha" ; a math:Variable . _:ni9w math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:ni9x math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:ni9y rdf:first _:ni9w ; rdf:rest _:ni9z . _:ni9z rdf:first _:ni9x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nia0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nia1 rdf:first _:nia2 ; rdf:rest _:niba ; a rdf:List . _:nia2 math:arguments _:nia3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nia3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nia4 ; a rdf:List . _:nia4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nia5 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nia6 math:arguments _:nia7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nia7 rdf:first _:nia8 ; rdf:rest _:nib7 ; a rdf:List . _:nia8 math:arguments _:nia9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nia9 rdf:first _:niaa ; rdf:rest _:niat ; a rdf:List . _:niaa math:arguments _:niab ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niab rdf:first _:niac ; rdf:rest _:niae ; a rdf:List . _:niac math:name "alpha" ; a math:Variable . _:niad math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:niae rdf:first _:niad ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niaf math:arguments _:niag ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niag rdf:first _:nias ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niah math:arguments _:niai ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niai rdf:first _:niaj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niaj math:arguments _:niak ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niak rdf:first _:nial ; rdf:rest _:niar ; a rdf:List . _:nial math:arguments _:niam ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niam rdf:first _:nian ; rdf:rest _:niap ; a rdf:List . _:nian math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niao math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:niap rdf:first _:niao ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niaq math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:niar rdf:first _:niaq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nias math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:niat rdf:first _:niah ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niau math:arguments _:niav ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niav rdf:first _:niaw ; rdf:rest _:nib6 ; a rdf:List . _:niaw math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:niax math:arguments _:niay ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niay rdf:first _:niaz ; rdf:rest _:nib5 ; a rdf:List . _:niaz math:arguments _:nib0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nib0 rdf:first _:nib1 ; rdf:rest _:nib3 ; a rdf:List . _:nib1 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nib2 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nib3 rdf:first _:nib2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nib4 math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:nib5 rdf:first _:nib4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nib6 rdf:first _:niax ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nib7 rdf:first _:niau ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nib8 math:binder ; math:body _:nia6 ; math:variables _:nib9 ; a math:Binding . _:nib9 rdf:first _:nia5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niba rdf:first _:nib8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nibb math:arguments _:nibc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nibc rdf:first _:nibd ; rdf:rest _:nibg ; a rdf:List . _:nibd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nibe math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nibf math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nibg rdf:first _:nibe ; rdf:rest _:nibh . _:nibh rdf:first _:nibf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nibi rdf:first _:nibj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nibj math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nibk math:arguments _:nibl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nibl rdf:first _:nibm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nibm math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nibn math:arguments _:nibo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nibo rdf:first _:nibp ; rdf:rest _:nibs ; a rdf:List . _:nibp math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nibq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nibr math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nibs rdf:first _:nibq ; rdf:rest _:nibt . _:nibt rdf:first _:nibr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nibu rdf:first _:nibv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nibv math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nibw math:arguments _:nibx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nibx rdf:first _:niby ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niby math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nibz math:arguments _:nic0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nic0 rdf:first _:nic1 ; rdf:rest _:nic4 ; a rdf:List . _:nic1 math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nic2 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nic3 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nic4 rdf:first _:nic2 ; rdf:rest _:nic5 . _:nic5 rdf:first _:nic3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nic6 rdf:first _:nic7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nic7 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nic8 math:arguments _:nic9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nic9 rdf:first _:nica ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nica math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nicb math:arguments _:nicc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nicc rdf:first _:nicd ; rdf:rest _:nicg ; a rdf:List . _:nicd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nice math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nicf math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nicg rdf:first _:nice ; rdf:rest _:nich . _:nich rdf:first _:nicf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nici rdf:first _:nicj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nicj math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nick rdf:first _:nico ; rdf:rest _:nidr ; a rdf:List . _:nicl math:arguments _:nicm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nicm rdf:first _:nicn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nicn math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nico math:arguments _:nicp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nicp rdf:first _:nicu ; rdf:rest _:nid4 ; a rdf:List . _:nicq math:arguments _:nicr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nicr rdf:first _:nics ; rdf:rest _:nicw ; a rdf:List . _:nics math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nict math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nicu math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nicv math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nicw rdf:first _:nict ; rdf:rest _:nicx . _:nicx rdf:first _:nicv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nicy rdf:first _:nicz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nicz math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nid0 math:arguments _:nid1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nid1 rdf:first _:nid2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nid2 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nid3 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nid4 rdf:first _:nid3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nid5 math:arguments _:nid6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nid6 rdf:first _:nid7 ; rdf:rest _:nidi ; a rdf:List . _:nid7 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nid8 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nid9 math:arguments _:nida ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nida rdf:first _:nidb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nidb math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nidc math:arguments _:nidd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nidd rdf:first _:nide ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nide math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nidf math:arguments _:nidg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nidg rdf:first _:nidh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nidh math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nidi rdf:first _:nid8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nidj math:arguments _:nidk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nidk rdf:first _:nidl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nidl math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nidm rdf:first _:nidc ; rdf:rest _:nidn . _:nidn rdf:first _:nidf ; rdf:rest _:nido . _:nido rdf:first _:nidj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nidp math:arguments _:nidq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nidq rdf:first _:nids ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nidr rdf:first _:nid5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nids math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nidt math:arguments _:nidu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nidu rdf:first _:nidv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nidv math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nidw rdf:first _:nidt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nidx math:arguments _:nidy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nidy rdf:first _:nie2 ; rdf:rest _:nifw ; a rdf:List . _:nidz math:arguments _:nie0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nie0 rdf:first _:nie1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nie1 math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:nie2 math:arguments _:nie3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nie3 rdf:first _:niee ; rdf:rest _:niei ; a rdf:List . _:nie4 math:arguments _:nie5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nie5 rdf:first _:nie6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nie6 math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:nie7 math:arguments _:nie8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nie8 rdf:first _:nie9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nie9 math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:niea math:arguments _:nieb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nieb rdf:first _:niec ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niec math:name "F" ; a math:Variable . _:nied rdf:first _:nie4 ; rdf:rest _:nief . _:niee math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nief rdf:first _:nie7 ; rdf:rest _:nieg . _:nieg rdf:first _:niea ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nieh math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niei rdf:first _:nieh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niej math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:niek rdf:first _:niel ; rdf:rest _:nifd ; a rdf:List . _:niel math:arguments _:niem ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niem rdf:first _:nien ; rdf:rest _:nieo ; a rdf:List . _:nien math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nieo rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niep math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:nieq math:arguments _:nier ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nier rdf:first _:nies ; rdf:rest _:nif9 ; a rdf:List . _:nies math:arguments _:niet ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niet rdf:first _:nieu ; rdf:rest _:nif0 ; a rdf:List . _:nieu math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:niev math:arguments _:niew ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niew rdf:first _:niex ; rdf:rest _:niez ; a rdf:List . _:niex math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:niey math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niez rdf:first _:niey ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nif0 rdf:first _:niev ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nif1 math:arguments _:nif2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nif2 rdf:first _:nifc ; rdf:rest _:nifp ; a rdf:List . _:nif3 math:arguments _:nif4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nif4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nif8 ; a rdf:List . _:nif5 math:arguments _:nif6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nif6 rdf:first _:nif7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nif7 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nif8 rdf:first _:nif5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nif9 rdf:first _:nif3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nifa math:binder ; math:body _:nieq ; math:variables _:nifb ; a math:Binding . _:nifb rdf:first _:niep ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nifc math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nifd rdf:first _:nifa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nife math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niff math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nifg rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nifh rdf:first _:nifi ; rdf:rest _:nift ; a rdf:List . _:nifi math:arguments _:nifj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nifj rdf:first _:nifk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nifk math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nifl math:arguments _:nifm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nifm rdf:first _:nifn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nifn math:arguments _:nifo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nifo rdf:first _:nifq ; rdf:rest _:nifs ; a rdf:List . _:nifp rdf:first _:nife ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nifq math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nifr math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nifs rdf:first _:nifr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nift rdf:first _:nifl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nifu rdf:first _:nifv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nifv math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nifw rdf:first _:nif1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nifx math:arguments _:nify ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nify rdf:first _:nifz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nifz math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nig0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nig1 math:arguments _:nig2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nig2 rdf:first _:nig3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nig3 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nig4 math:arguments _:nig5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nig5 rdf:first _:nig6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nig6 math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nig7 rdf:first _:nig4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nig8 rdf:first _:nig9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nig9 math:arguments _:niga ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niga rdf:first _:nigb ; rdf:rest _:nigd ; a rdf:List . _:nigb math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nigc math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nigd rdf:first _:nigc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nige math:arguments _:nigf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nigf rdf:first _:nigg ; rdf:rest _:nigk ; a rdf:List . _:nigg math:arguments _:nigh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nigh rdf:first _:nigi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nigi math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nigj math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nigk rdf:first _:nigj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nigl math:arguments _:nigm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nigm rdf:first _:nign ; rdf:rest _:nigr ; a rdf:List . _:nign math:arguments _:nigo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nigo rdf:first _:nigp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nigp math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nigq math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nigr rdf:first _:nigq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nigs rdf:first _:nigl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nigt rdf:first _:nigu ; rdf:rest _:nii4 ; a rdf:List . _:nigu math:arguments _:nigv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nigv rdf:first _:nigy ; rdf:rest _:nih0 ; a rdf:List . _:nigw math:arguments _:nigx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nigx rdf:first _:nih8 ; rdf:rest _:nihx ; a rdf:List . _:nigy math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nigz math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nih0 rdf:first _:nigz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nih1 math:arguments _:nih2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nih2 rdf:first _:nih3 ; rdf:rest _:nii3 ; a rdf:List . _:nih3 math:arguments _:nih4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nih4 rdf:first _:nih5 ; rdf:rest _:nih7 ; a rdf:List . _:nih5 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nih6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nih7 rdf:first _:nih6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nih8 math:value "19"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nih9 math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:niha math:arguments _:nihb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nihb rdf:first _:nihc ; rdf:rest _:nii0 ; a rdf:List . _:nihc math:arguments _:nihd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nihd rdf:first _:nihe ; rdf:rest _:nihk ; a rdf:List . _:nihe math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:nihf math:arguments _:nihg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nihg rdf:first _:nihh ; rdf:rest _:nihj ; a rdf:List . _:nihh math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nihi math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nihj rdf:first _:nihi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nihk rdf:first _:nihf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nihl math:value "22"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nihm math:arguments _:nihn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nihn rdf:first _:niho ; rdf:rest _:nihz ; a rdf:List . _:niho math:arguments _:nihp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nihp rdf:first _:nihq ; rdf:rest _:nihs ; a rdf:List . _:nihq math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nihr math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:nihs rdf:first _:nihr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niht math:arguments _:nihu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nihu rdf:first _:nihv ; rdf:rest _:nihy ; a rdf:List . _:nihv math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nihw math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nihx rdf:first _:nihl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nihy rdf:first _:nihw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nihz rdf:first _:niht ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nii0 rdf:first _:nihm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nii1 math:binder ; math:body _:niha ; math:variables _:nii2 ; a math:Binding . _:nii2 rdf:first _:nih9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nii3 rdf:first _:nii1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nii4 rdf:first _:nih1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nii5 math:arguments _:nii6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nii6 rdf:first _:niic ; rdf:rest _:niiq ; a rdf:List . _:nii7 math:arguments _:nii8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nii8 rdf:first _:nii9 ; rdf:rest _:niib ; a rdf:List . _:nii9 math:name "alpha" ; a math:Variable . _:niia math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niib rdf:first _:niia ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niic math:value "43"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niid rdf:first _:niie ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niie math:name "alpha" ; a math:Variable . _:niif math:value "50"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niig math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:niih math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niii rdf:first _:niih ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niij rdf:first _:niik ; rdf:rest _:nij2 ; a rdf:List . _:niik math:arguments _:niil ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niil rdf:first _:niim ; rdf:rest _:niit ; a rdf:List . _:niim math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niin math:arguments _:niio ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niio rdf:first _:niip ; rdf:rest _:niis ; a rdf:List . _:niip math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niiq rdf:first _:niif ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niir math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niis rdf:first _:niir ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niit rdf:first _:niin ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niiu math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:niiv math:arguments _:niiw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niiw rdf:first _:niix ; rdf:rest _:niiz ; a rdf:List . _:niix math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:niiy math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:niiz rdf:first _:niiy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nij0 math:binder ; math:body _:niiv ; math:variables _:nij1 ; a math:Binding . _:nij1 rdf:first _:niiu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nij2 rdf:first _:nij0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nij3 rdf:first _:nii5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nij4 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nij5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nij6 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nij7 math:arguments _:nij8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nij8 rdf:first _:nij9 ; rdf:rest _:nijv ; a rdf:List . _:nij9 math:arguments _:nija ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nija rdf:first _:nijb ; rdf:rest _:nijp ; a rdf:List . _:nijb math:arguments _:nijc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nijc rdf:first _:nijd ; rdf:rest _:nijj ; a rdf:List . _:nijd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nije math:arguments _:nijf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nijf rdf:first _:nijg ; rdf:rest _:niji ; a rdf:List . _:nijg math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nijh math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niji rdf:first _:nijh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nijj rdf:first _:nije ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nijk math:arguments _:nijl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nijl rdf:first _:nijm ; rdf:rest _:nijo ; a rdf:List . _:nijm math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nijn math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nijo rdf:first _:nijn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nijp rdf:first _:nijk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nijq math:arguments _:nijr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nijr rdf:first _:nijs ; rdf:rest _:niju ; a rdf:List . _:nijs math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nijt math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niju rdf:first _:nijt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nijv rdf:first _:nijq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nijw rdf:first _:nij6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nijx math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nijy rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nijz math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nik0 math:arguments _:nik1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nik1 rdf:first _:nik2 ; rdf:rest _:niks ; a rdf:List . _:nik2 math:arguments _:nik3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nik3 rdf:first _:nik4 ; rdf:rest _:nikm ; a rdf:List . _:nik4 math:arguments _:nik5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nik5 rdf:first _:nik6 ; rdf:rest _:nik8 ; a rdf:List . _:nik6 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nik7 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nik8 rdf:first _:nik7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nik9 math:arguments _:nika ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nika rdf:first _:nikb ; rdf:rest _:nikl ; a rdf:List . _:nikb math:arguments _:nikc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nikc rdf:first _:nikd ; rdf:rest _:nikf ; a rdf:List . _:nikd math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nike math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nikf rdf:first _:nike ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nikg math:arguments _:nikh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nikh rdf:first _:niki ; rdf:rest _:nikk ; a rdf:List . _:niki math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nikj math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nikk rdf:first _:nikj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nikl rdf:first _:nikg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nikm rdf:first _:nik9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nikn math:arguments _:niko ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niko rdf:first _:nikp ; rdf:rest _:nikr ; a rdf:List . _:nikp math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nikq math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nikr rdf:first _:nikq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niks rdf:first _:nikn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nikt rdf:first _:nijz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niku math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nikv math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nikw math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nikx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niky math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nikz math:arguments _:nil0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nil0 rdf:first _:nil1 ; rdf:rest _:nim0 ; a rdf:List . _:nil1 math:arguments _:nil2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nil2 rdf:first _:nil3 ; rdf:rest _:nilu ; a rdf:List . _:nil3 math:arguments _:nil4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nil4 rdf:first _:nil6 ; rdf:rest _:nilg ; a rdf:List . _:nil5 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nil6 math:arguments _:nil7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nil7 rdf:first _:nil8 ; rdf:rest _:nila ; a rdf:List . _:nil8 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nil9 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nila rdf:first _:nil9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nilb math:arguments _:nilc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nilc rdf:first _:nild ; rdf:rest _:nilf ; a rdf:List . _:nild math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nile math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nilf rdf:first _:nile ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nilg rdf:first _:nilb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nilh math:arguments _:nili ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nili rdf:first _:nilj ; rdf:rest _:nilt ; a rdf:List . _:nilj math:arguments _:nilk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nilk rdf:first _:nill ; rdf:rest _:niln ; a rdf:List . _:nill math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nilm math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niln rdf:first _:nilm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nilo math:arguments _:nilp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nilp rdf:first _:nilq ; rdf:rest _:nils ; a rdf:List . _:nilq math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nilr math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nils rdf:first _:nilr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nilt rdf:first _:nilo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nilu rdf:first _:nilh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nilv math:arguments _:nilw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nilw rdf:first _:nilx ; rdf:rest _:nilz ; a rdf:List . _:nilx math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nily math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nilz rdf:first _:nily ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nim0 rdf:first _:nilv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nim1 rdf:first _:niky ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nim2 math:arguments _:nim3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nim3 rdf:first _:nim4 ; rdf:rest _:nio5 ; a rdf:List . _:nim4 math:arguments _:nim5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nim5 rdf:first _:nim6 ; rdf:rest _:nin1 ; a rdf:List . _:nim6 math:arguments _:nim7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nim7 rdf:first _:nim8 ; rdf:rest _:nimf ; a rdf:List . _:nim8 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nim9 math:arguments _:nima ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nima rdf:first _:nimb ; rdf:rest _:nime ; a rdf:List . _:nimb math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nimc rdf:first _:nimo ; rdf:rest _:nin9 ; a rdf:List . _:nimd math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nime rdf:first _:nimd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nimf rdf:first _:nim9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nimg math:arguments _:nimh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nimh rdf:first _:nimz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nimi math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nimj math:arguments _:nimk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nimk rdf:first _:nimw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niml math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nimm math:arguments _:nimn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nimn rdf:first _:nimp ; rdf:rest _:nimt ; a rdf:List . _:nimo math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nimp math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nimq math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nimr math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nims math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nimt rdf:first _:nimq ; rdf:rest _:nimu . _:nimu rdf:first _:nimr ; rdf:rest _:nimv . _:nimv rdf:first _:nims ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nimw math:binder ; math:body _:nimm ; math:variables _:nimx ; a math:Binding . _:nimx rdf:first _:niml ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nimy math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nimz math:binder ; math:body _:nimj ; math:variables _:nin0 ; a math:Binding . _:nin0 rdf:first _:nimi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nin1 rdf:first _:nimg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nin2 math:arguments _:nin3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nin3 rdf:first _:nin4 ; rdf:rest _:nio2 ; a rdf:List . _:nin4 math:arguments _:nin5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nin5 rdf:first _:nin6 ; rdf:rest _:ninl ; a rdf:List . _:nin6 math:arguments _:nin7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nin7 rdf:first _:nin8 ; rdf:rest _:ninj ; a rdf:List . _:nin8 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nin9 rdf:first _:nimy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nina math:arguments _:ninb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ninb rdf:first _:ninc ; rdf:rest _:nini ; a rdf:List . _:ninc math:arguments _:nind ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nind rdf:first _:nine ; rdf:rest _:ning ; a rdf:List . _:nine math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:ninf math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:ning rdf:first _:ninf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ninh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nini rdf:first _:ninh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ninj rdf:first _:nina ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nink math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ninl rdf:first _:nink ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:ninm math:arguments _:ninn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ninn rdf:first _:nio0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nino math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ninp math:arguments _:ninq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ninq rdf:first _:ninr ; rdf:rest _:ninx ; a rdf:List . _:ninr math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nins math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nint math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:ninu math:arguments _:ninv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:ninv rdf:first _:nio3 ; rdf:rest _:niqf ; a rdf:List . _:ninw math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:ninx rdf:first _:nins ; rdf:rest _:niny . _:niny rdf:first _:nint ; rdf:rest _:ninz . _:ninz rdf:first _:ninw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nio0 math:binder ; math:body _:ninp ; math:variables _:nio1 ; a math:Binding . _:nio1 rdf:first _:nino ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nio2 rdf:first _:ninm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nio3 math:arguments _:nio4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nio4 rdf:first _:niog ; rdf:rest _:nipl ; a rdf:List . _:nio5 rdf:first _:nin2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nio6 math:arguments _:nio7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nio7 rdf:first _:nio8 ; rdf:rest _:nion ; a rdf:List . _:nio8 math:arguments _:nio9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nio9 rdf:first _:nioa ; rdf:rest _:nioc ; a rdf:List . _:nioa math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:niob math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nioc rdf:first _:niob ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niod math:arguments _:nioe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nioe rdf:first _:niof ; rdf:rest _:niok ; a rdf:List . _:niof math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:niog math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nioh math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nioi math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nioj math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:niok rdf:first _:nioh ; rdf:rest _:niol . _:niol rdf:first _:nioi ; rdf:rest _:niom . _:niom rdf:first _:nioj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nion rdf:first _:niod ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nioo rdf:first _:nio6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niop math:arguments _:nioq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nioq rdf:first _:nior ; rdf:rest _:niov ; a rdf:List . _:nior math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nios math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niot rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niou math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niov rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niow math:arguments _:niox ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niox rdf:first _:nioy ; rdf:rest _:niqp ; a rdf:List . _:nioy math:arguments _:nioz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nioz rdf:first _:nip0 ; rdf:rest _:niqj ; a rdf:List . _:nip0 math:arguments _:nip1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nip1 rdf:first _:nip2 ; rdf:rest _:niqc ; a rdf:List . _:nip2 math:arguments _:nip3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nip3 rdf:first _:nip4 ; rdf:rest _:nipo ; a rdf:List . _:nip4 math:arguments _:nip5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nip5 rdf:first _:nip6 ; rdf:rest _:nipa ; a rdf:List . _:nip6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nip7 math:arguments _:nip8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nip8 rdf:first _:nip9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nip9 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nipa rdf:first _:nip7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nipb math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nipc math:arguments _:nipd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nipd rdf:first _:nipe ; rdf:rest _:nipk ; a rdf:List . _:nipe math:arguments _:nipf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nipf rdf:first _:nipg ; rdf:rest _:nipi ; a rdf:List . _:nipg math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:niph math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nipi rdf:first _:niph ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nipj math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nipk rdf:first _:nipj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nipl rdf:first _:niop ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nipm math:binder ; math:body _:nipc ; math:variables _:nipn ; a math:Binding . _:nipn rdf:first _:nipb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nipo rdf:first _:nipm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nipp math:arguments _:nipq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nipq rdf:first _:nipr ; rdf:rest _:niqb ; a rdf:List . _:nipr math:arguments _:nips ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nips rdf:first _:nipt ; rdf:rest _:nipx ; a rdf:List . _:nipt math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nipu math:arguments _:nipv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nipv rdf:first _:nipw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nipw math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nipx rdf:first _:nipu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nipy math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nipz math:arguments _:niq0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niq0 rdf:first _:niq1 ; rdf:rest _:niq8 ; a rdf:List . _:niq1 math:arguments _:niq2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niq2 rdf:first _:niq3 ; rdf:rest _:niq5 ; a rdf:List . _:niq3 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:niq4 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:niq5 rdf:first _:niq4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niq6 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:niq7 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niq8 rdf:first _:niq7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niq9 math:binder ; math:body _:nipz ; math:variables _:niqa ; a math:Binding . _:niqa rdf:first _:nipy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niqb rdf:first _:niq9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niqc rdf:first _:nipp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niqd math:arguments _:niqe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niqe rdf:first _:niqg ; rdf:rest _:niqi ; a rdf:List . _:niqf rdf:first _:niq6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niqg math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niqh math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niqi rdf:first _:niqh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niqj rdf:first _:niqd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niqk math:arguments _:niql ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niql rdf:first _:niqm ; rdf:rest _:niqo ; a rdf:List . _:niqm math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:niqn math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:niqo rdf:first _:niqn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niqp rdf:first _:niqk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niqq rdf:first _:niou ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niqr math:name "u" ; a math:Variable . _:niqs rdf:first _:niqt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niqt math:name "u" ; a math:Variable . _:niqu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:niqv math:arguments _:niqw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niqw rdf:first _:niqx ; rdf:rest _:nir9 ; a rdf:List . _:niqx math:arguments _:niqy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niqy rdf:first _:niqz ; rdf:rest _:nir1 ; a rdf:List . _:niqz math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nir0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nir1 rdf:first _:nir0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nir2 math:arguments _:nir3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nir3 rdf:first _:nir4 ; rdf:rest _:nir8 ; a rdf:List . _:nir4 math:arguments _:nir5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nir5 rdf:first _:nir6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nir6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nir7 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nir8 rdf:first _:nir7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nir9 rdf:first _:nir2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nira rdf:first _:niqu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nirb math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nirc math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nird rdf:first _:nirc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nire rdf:first _:nirf ; rdf:rest _:nirl ; a rdf:List . _:nirf math:arguments _:nirg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nirg rdf:first _:nirh ; rdf:rest _:nirj ; a rdf:List . _:nirh math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:niri math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nirj rdf:first _:niri ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nirk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nirl rdf:first _:nirk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nirm math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nirn math:arguments _:niro ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niro rdf:first _:nirp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nirp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nirq rdf:first _:nirn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nirr math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nirs math:arguments _:nirt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nirt rdf:first _:niru ; rdf:rest _:nis4 ; a rdf:List . _:niru math:arguments _:nirv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nirv rdf:first _:nirw ; rdf:rest _:niry ; a rdf:List . _:nirw math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nirx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:niry rdf:first _:nirx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nirz math:arguments _:nis0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nis0 rdf:first _:nis1 ; rdf:rest _:nis3 ; a rdf:List . _:nis1 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nis2 math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:nis3 rdf:first _:nis2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nis4 rdf:first _:nirz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nis5 rdf:first _:nirr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nis6 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nis7 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nis8 rdf:first _:nis7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nis9 rdf:first _:nisa ; rdf:rest _:nisc ; a rdf:List . _:nisa math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nisb math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nisc rdf:first _:nisb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nisd rdf:first _:nise ; rdf:rest _:nisk ; a rdf:List . _:nise math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nisf math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nisg math:arguments _:nish ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nish rdf:first _:nisi ; rdf:rest _:nisl ; a rdf:List . _:nisi math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nisj math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nisk rdf:first _:nisf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nisl rdf:first _:nisj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nism math:arguments _:nisn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nisn rdf:first _:niso ; rdf:rest _:nisq ; a rdf:List . _:niso math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nisp math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nisq rdf:first _:nisp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nisr rdf:first _:nism ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niss math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nist math:arguments _:nisu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nisu rdf:first _:nisv ; rdf:rest _:nith ; a rdf:List . _:nisv math:arguments _:nisw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nisw rdf:first _:nisx ; rdf:rest _:nit3 ; a rdf:List . _:nisx math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nisy math:arguments _:nisz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nisz rdf:first _:nit0 ; rdf:rest _:nit2 ; a rdf:List . _:nit0 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nit1 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nit2 rdf:first _:nit1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nit3 rdf:first _:nisy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nit4 math:arguments _:nit5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nit5 rdf:first _:nit6 ; rdf:rest _:nitg ; a rdf:List . _:nit6 math:arguments _:nit7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nit7 rdf:first _:nit8 ; rdf:rest _:nita ; a rdf:List . _:nit8 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nit9 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nita rdf:first _:nit9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nitb math:arguments _:nitc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nitc rdf:first _:nitd ; rdf:rest _:nitf ; a rdf:List . _:nitd math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nite math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nitf rdf:first _:nite ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nitg rdf:first _:nitb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nith rdf:first _:nit4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niti rdf:first _:niss ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nitj math:arguments _:nitk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nitk rdf:first _:nitl ; rdf:rest _:nitm ; a rdf:List . _:nitl math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nitm rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nitn math:arguments _:nito ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nito rdf:first _:nitq ; rdf:rest _:nits ; a rdf:List . _:nitp rdf:first _:niu0 ; rdf:rest _:niuh ; a rdf:List . _:nitq math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nitr math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nits rdf:first _:nitr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nitt rdf:first _:nitn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nitu rdf:first _:nitv ; rdf:rest _:niug ; a rdf:List . _:nitv math:arguments _:nitw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nitw rdf:first _:nitx ; rdf:rest _:niu4 ; a rdf:List . _:nitx math:arguments _:nity ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nity rdf:first _:nitz ; rdf:rest _:niu2 ; a rdf:List . _:nitz math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niu0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:niu1 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niu2 rdf:first _:niu1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niu3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niu4 rdf:first _:niu3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niu5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:niu6 math:arguments _:niu7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niu7 rdf:first _:niu8 ; rdf:rest _:niud ; a rdf:List . _:niu8 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:niu9 math:arguments _:niua ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niua rdf:first _:niuc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niub math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:niuc math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niud rdf:first _:niu9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niue math:binder ; math:body _:niu6 ; math:variables _:niuf ; a math:Binding . _:niuf rdf:first _:niu5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niug rdf:first _:niue ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niuh rdf:first _:niub ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niui math:arguments _:niuj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niuj rdf:first _:niuk ; rdf:rest _:nivx ; a rdf:List . _:niuk math:arguments _:niul ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niul rdf:first _:nium ; rdf:rest _:niv7 ; a rdf:List . _:nium math:name "c1" ; a math:Variable . _:niun math:arguments _:niuo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niuo rdf:first _:niup ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niup math:arguments _:niuq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niuq rdf:first _:niur ; rdf:rest _:niv6 ; a rdf:List . _:niur math:arguments _:nius ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nius rdf:first _:niut ; rdf:rest _:niv4 ; a rdf:List . _:niut math:arguments _:niuu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niuu rdf:first _:niuv ; rdf:rest _:niuw ; a rdf:List . _:niuv math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niuw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niux math:arguments _:niuy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niuy rdf:first _:niuz ; rdf:rest _:niv1 ; a rdf:List . _:niuz math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niv0 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niv1 rdf:first _:niv0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niv2 math:arguments _:niv3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niv3 rdf:first _:niva ; rdf:rest _:nivw ; a rdf:List . _:niv4 rdf:first _:niux ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niv5 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:niv6 rdf:first _:niv5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niv7 rdf:first _:niun ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niv8 math:arguments _:niv9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niv9 rdf:first _:nivb ; rdf:rest _:nivv ; a rdf:List . _:niva math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nivb math:name "c2" ; a math:Variable . _:nivc math:arguments _:nivd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nivd rdf:first _:nive ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nive math:arguments _:nivf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nivf rdf:first _:nivg ; rdf:rest _:nivu ; a rdf:List . _:nivg math:arguments _:nivh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nivh rdf:first _:nivi ; rdf:rest _:nivs ; a rdf:List . _:nivi math:arguments _:nivj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nivj rdf:first _:nivk ; rdf:rest _:nivl ; a rdf:List . _:nivk math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nivl rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nivm math:arguments _:nivn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nivn rdf:first _:nivo ; rdf:rest _:nivr ; a rdf:List . _:nivo math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nivp math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nivq math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nivr rdf:first _:nivq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nivs rdf:first _:nivm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nivt math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nivu rdf:first _:nivt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nivv rdf:first _:nivc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nivw rdf:first _:nivp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nivx rdf:first _:niv8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nivy math:arguments _:nivz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nivz rdf:first _:niw0 ; rdf:rest _:niw6 ; a rdf:List . _:niw0 math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:niw1 math:arguments _:niw2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niw2 rdf:first _:niw3 ; rdf:rest _:niw5 ; a rdf:List . _:niw3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niw4 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niw5 rdf:first _:niw4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niw6 rdf:first _:niw1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niw7 rdf:first _:nivy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niw8 rdf:first _:niw9 ; rdf:rest _:niys ; a rdf:List . _:niw9 math:arguments _:niwa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niwa rdf:first _:niwb ; rdf:rest _:nixz ; a rdf:List . _:niwb math:arguments _:niwc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niwc rdf:first _:niwd ; rdf:rest _:nix7 ; a rdf:List . _:niwd math:arguments _:niwe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niwe rdf:first _:niwf ; rdf:rest _:niwz ; a rdf:List . _:niwf math:arguments _:niwg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niwg rdf:first _:niwh ; rdf:rest _:niws ; a rdf:List . _:niwh math:arguments _:niwi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niwi rdf:first _:niwj ; rdf:rest _:niwl ; a rdf:List . _:niwj math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niwk math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niwl rdf:first _:niwk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niwm math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:niwn math:arguments _:niwo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niwo rdf:first _:niwp ; rdf:rest _:niwr ; a rdf:List . _:niwp math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:niwq math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niwr rdf:first _:niwq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niws rdf:first _:niwm ; rdf:rest _:niwt . _:niwt rdf:first _:niwn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niwu math:arguments _:niwv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niwv rdf:first _:niww ; rdf:rest _:niwy ; a rdf:List . _:niww math:name "c1" ; a math:Variable . _:niwx math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niwy rdf:first _:niwx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niwz rdf:first _:niwu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nix0 math:arguments _:nix1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nix1 rdf:first _:nix2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nix2 math:arguments _:nix3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nix3 rdf:first _:nix4 ; rdf:rest _:nix6 ; a rdf:List . _:nix4 math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:nix5 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nix6 rdf:first _:nix5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nix7 rdf:first _:nix0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nix8 math:arguments _:nix9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nix9 rdf:first _:nixa ; rdf:rest _:nixy ; a rdf:List . _:nixa math:arguments _:nixb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nixb rdf:first _:nixc ; rdf:rest _:nixr ; a rdf:List . _:nixc math:arguments _:nixd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nixd rdf:first _:nixe ; rdf:rest _:nixg ; a rdf:List . _:nixe math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nixf math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nixg rdf:first _:nixf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nixh math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:nixi math:arguments _:nixj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nixj rdf:first _:nixk ; rdf:rest _:nixq ; a rdf:List . _:nixk math:arguments _:nixl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nixl rdf:first _:nixm ; rdf:rest _:nixo ; a rdf:List . _:nixm math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nixn math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:nixo rdf:first _:nixn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nixp math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nixq rdf:first _:nixp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nixr rdf:first _:nixh ; rdf:rest _:nixs . _:nixs rdf:first _:nixi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nixt math:arguments _:nixu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nixu rdf:first _:nixv ; rdf:rest _:nixx ; a rdf:List . _:nixv math:name "c2" ; a math:Variable . _:nixw math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nixx rdf:first _:nixw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nixy rdf:first _:nixt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nixz rdf:first _:nix8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niy0 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:niy1 math:arguments _:niy2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niy2 rdf:first _:niy3 ; rdf:rest _:niyp ; a rdf:List . _:niy3 math:arguments _:niy4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niy4 rdf:first _:niy5 ; rdf:rest _:niyb ; a rdf:List . _:niy5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:niy6 math:arguments _:niy7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niy7 rdf:first _:niy8 ; rdf:rest _:niya ; a rdf:List . _:niy8 math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:niy9 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niya rdf:first _:niy9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niyb rdf:first _:niy6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niyc math:arguments _:niyd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niyd rdf:first _:niye ; rdf:rest _:niyo ; a rdf:List . _:niye math:arguments _:niyf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niyf rdf:first _:niyg ; rdf:rest _:niyi ; a rdf:List . _:niyg math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niyh math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:niyi rdf:first _:niyh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niyj math:arguments _:niyk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niyk rdf:first _:niyl ; rdf:rest _:niyn ; a rdf:List . _:niyl math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:niym math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niyn rdf:first _:niym ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niyo rdf:first _:niyj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niyp rdf:first _:niyc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niyq math:binder ; math:body _:niy1 ; math:variables _:niyr ; a math:Binding . _:niyr rdf:first _:niy0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:niys rdf:first _:niyq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niyt math:arguments _:niyu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niyu rdf:first _:niyv ; rdf:rest _:nizy ; a rdf:List . _:niyv math:arguments _:niyw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niyw rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:niyz ; a rdf:List . _:niyx math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niyy math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niyz rdf:first _:niyx ; rdf:rest _:niz0 . _:niz0 rdf:first _:niyy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niz1 math:arguments _:niz2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niz2 rdf:first _:niz3 ; rdf:rest _:nizx ; a rdf:List . _:niz3 math:arguments _:niz4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niz4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:niz7 ; a rdf:List . _:niz5 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niz6 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:niz7 rdf:first _:niz5 ; rdf:rest _:niz8 . _:niz8 rdf:first _:niz6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:niz9 math:arguments _:niza ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:niza rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nizv ; a rdf:List . _:nizb math:arguments _:nizc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nizc rdf:first _:nizd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nizd math:arguments _:nize ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nize rdf:first _:nizf ; rdf:rest _:nizk ; a rdf:List . _:nizf math:arguments _:nizg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nizg rdf:first _:nizh ; rdf:rest _:nizi ; a rdf:List . _:nizh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nizi rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nizj math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nizk rdf:first _:nizj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nizl math:arguments _:nizm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nizm rdf:first _:nizn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nizn math:arguments _:nizo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nizo rdf:first _:nizp ; rdf:rest _:nizu ; a rdf:List . _:nizp math:arguments _:nizq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nizq rdf:first _:nizr ; rdf:rest _:nizs ; a rdf:List . _:nizr math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nizs rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nizt math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nizu rdf:first _:nizt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nizv rdf:first _:nizb ; rdf:rest _:nizw . _:nizw rdf:first _:nizl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nizx rdf:first _:niz9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nizy rdf:first _:niz1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nizz math:arguments _:nj00 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj00 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nj0m ; a rdf:List . _:nj01 math:arguments _:nj02 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj02 rdf:first _:nj03 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj03 math:arguments _:nj04 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj04 rdf:first _:nj05 ; rdf:rest _:nj0a ; a rdf:List . _:nj05 math:arguments _:nj06 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj06 rdf:first _:nj07 ; rdf:rest _:nj08 ; a rdf:List . _:nj07 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj08 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj09 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj0a rdf:first _:nj09 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj0b math:arguments _:nj0c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj0c rdf:first _:nj0e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj0d rdf:first _:nj0n ; rdf:rest _:nj17 ; a rdf:List . _:nj0e math:arguments _:nj0f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj0f rdf:first _:nj0g ; rdf:rest _:nj0l ; a rdf:List . _:nj0g math:arguments _:nj0h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj0h rdf:first _:nj0i ; rdf:rest _:nj0j ; a rdf:List . _:nj0i math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj0j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj0k math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj0l rdf:first _:nj0k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj0m rdf:first _:nj01 ; rdf:rest _:nj0o . _:nj0n math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj0o rdf:first _:nj0b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj0p rdf:first _:nizz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj0q math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:nj0r math:arguments _:nj0s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj0s rdf:first _:nj0t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj0t math:arguments _:nj0u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj0u rdf:first _:nj0v ; rdf:rest _:nj16 ; a rdf:List . _:nj0v math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:nj0w math:arguments _:nj0x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj0x rdf:first _:nj0y ; rdf:rest _:nj15 ; a rdf:List . _:nj0y math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj0z math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj10 math:arguments _:nj11 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj11 rdf:first _:nj12 ; rdf:rest _:nj14 ; a rdf:List . _:nj12 math:name "t" ; a math:Variable . _:nj13 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj14 rdf:first _:nj13 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj15 rdf:first _:nj10 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj16 rdf:first _:nj0w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj17 rdf:first _:nj0z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj18 rdf:first _:nj0q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj19 math:arguments _:nj1a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj1a rdf:first _:nj1b ; rdf:rest _:nj1e ; a rdf:List . _:nj1b math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj1c math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj1d math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj1e rdf:first _:nj1c ; rdf:rest _:nj1f . _:nj1f rdf:first _:nj1d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj1g math:arguments _:nj1h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj1h rdf:first _:nj1i ; rdf:rest _:nj1l ; a rdf:List . _:nj1i math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj1j math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj1k math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj1l rdf:first _:nj1j ; rdf:rest _:nj1m . _:nj1m rdf:first _:nj1k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj1n math:arguments _:nj1o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj1o rdf:first _:nj1p ; rdf:rest _:nj1s ; a rdf:List . _:nj1p math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj1q math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj1r math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj1s rdf:first _:nj1q ; rdf:rest _:nj1t . _:nj1t rdf:first _:nj1r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj1u rdf:first _:nj1g ; rdf:rest _:nj1v . _:nj1v rdf:first _:nj1n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj1w rdf:first _:nj1x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj1x math:arguments _:nj1y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj1y rdf:first _:nj1z ; rdf:rest _:nj21 ; a rdf:List . _:nj1z math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj20 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj21 rdf:first _:nj20 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj22 math:arguments _:nj23 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj23 rdf:first _:nj24 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj24 math:arguments _:nj25 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj25 rdf:first _:nj26 ; rdf:rest _:nj28 ; a rdf:List . _:nj26 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj27 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj28 rdf:first _:nj27 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj29 math:arguments _:nj2a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj2a rdf:first _:nj2b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj2b math:arguments _:nj2c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj2c rdf:first _:nj2d ; rdf:rest _:nj2f ; a rdf:List . _:nj2d math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj2e math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj2f rdf:first _:nj2e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj2g math:arguments _:nj2h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj2h rdf:first _:nj2i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj2i math:arguments _:nj2j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj2j rdf:first _:nj2k ; rdf:rest _:nj2m ; a rdf:List . _:nj2k math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj2l math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj2m rdf:first _:nj2l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj2n rdf:first _:nj29 ; rdf:rest _:nj2o . _:nj2o rdf:first _:nj2g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj2p math:arguments _:nj2q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj2q rdf:first _:nj2r ; rdf:rest _:nj2t ; a rdf:List . _:nj2r math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj2s math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj2t rdf:first _:nj2s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj2u math:arguments _:nj2v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj2v rdf:first _:nj2w ; rdf:rest _:nj2y ; a rdf:List . _:nj2w math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj2x math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj2y rdf:first _:nj2x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj2z math:arguments _:nj30 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj30 rdf:first _:nj31 ; rdf:rest _:nj33 ; a rdf:List . _:nj31 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj32 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj33 rdf:first _:nj32 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj34 rdf:first _:nj2u ; rdf:rest _:nj35 . _:nj35 rdf:first _:nj2z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj36 rdf:first _:nj37 ; rdf:rest _:nj3d ; a rdf:List . _:nj37 math:arguments _:nj38 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj38 rdf:first _:nj39 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj39 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj3a math:arguments _:nj3b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj3b rdf:first _:nj3c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj3c math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj3d rdf:first _:nj3a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj3e math:arguments _:nj3f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj3f rdf:first _:nj3g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj3g math:arguments _:nj3h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj3h rdf:first _:nj3i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj3i math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj3j math:arguments _:nj3k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj3k rdf:first _:nj3l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj3l math:arguments _:nj3m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj3m rdf:first _:nj3n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj3n math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj3o math:arguments _:nj3p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj3p rdf:first _:nj3q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj3q math:arguments _:nj3r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj3r rdf:first _:nj3s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj3s math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj3t rdf:first _:nj3j ; rdf:rest _:nj3u . _:nj3u rdf:first _:nj3o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj3v math:arguments _:nj3w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj3w rdf:first _:nj3x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj3x math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nj3y math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nj3z rdf:first _:nj3y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj40 rdf:first _:nj42 ; rdf:rest _:nj46 ; a rdf:List . _:nj41 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj42 math:arguments _:nj43 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj43 rdf:first _:nj44 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj44 math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nj45 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj46 rdf:first _:nj45 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj47 rdf:first _:nj49 ; rdf:rest _:nj4d ; a rdf:List . _:nj48 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj49 math:arguments _:nj4a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj4a rdf:first _:nj4b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj4b math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nj4c math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nj4d rdf:first _:nj4c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj4e math:arguments _:nj4f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj4f rdf:first _:nj4g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj4g math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj4h rdf:first _:nj48 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj4i math:arguments _:nj4j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj4j rdf:first _:nj4k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj4k math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nj4l math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nj4m rdf:first _:nj4l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj4n rdf:first _:nj4o ; rdf:rest _:nj4s ; a rdf:List . _:nj4o math:arguments _:nj4p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj4p rdf:first _:nj4q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj4q math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nj4r math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj4s rdf:first _:nj4r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj4t rdf:first _:nj50 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj4u rdf:first _:nj4v ; rdf:rest _:nj4z ; a rdf:List . _:nj4v math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nj4w math:arguments _:nj4x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj4x rdf:first _:nj4y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj4y math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj4z rdf:first _:nj4w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj50 math:arguments _:nj51 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj51 rdf:first _:nj55 ; rdf:rest _:nj5v ; a rdf:List . _:nj52 math:arguments _:nj53 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj53 rdf:first _:nj54 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj54 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nj55 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj56 math:name "V2" ; a math:Variable . _:nj57 rdf:first _:nj5a ; rdf:rest _:nj5i ; a rdf:List . _:nj58 math:arguments _:nj59 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj59 rdf:first _:nj5j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj5a math:name "V2" ; a math:Variable . _:nj5b math:arguments _:nj5c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj5c rdf:first _:nj5d ; rdf:rest _:nj5h ; a rdf:List . _:nj5d math:arguments _:nj5e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj5e rdf:first _:nj5f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj5f math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj5g math:name "V2" ; a math:Variable . _:nj5h rdf:first _:nj5g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj5i rdf:first _:nj5b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj5j math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj5k math:arguments _:nj5l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj5l rdf:first _:nj5m ; rdf:rest _:nj5u ; a rdf:List . _:nj5m math:name "V2" ; a math:Variable . _:nj5n math:arguments _:nj5o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj5o rdf:first _:nj5p ; rdf:rest _:nj5t ; a rdf:List . _:nj5p math:name "V2" ; a math:Variable . _:nj5q math:arguments _:nj5r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj5r rdf:first _:nj5s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj5s math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj5t rdf:first _:nj5q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj5u rdf:first _:nj5n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj5v rdf:first _:nj58 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj5w math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj5x rdf:first _:nj5w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj5y math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nj5z math:arguments _:nj60 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj60 rdf:first _:nj61 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj61 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj62 rdf:first _:nj5z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj63 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj64 rdf:first _:nj63 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj65 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nj66 math:arguments _:nj67 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj67 rdf:first _:nj68 ; rdf:rest _:nj6a ; a rdf:List . _:nj68 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj69 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nj6a rdf:first _:nj69 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj6b rdf:first _:nj66 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj6c math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj6d math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj6e rdf:first _:nj6d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj6f math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj6g rdf:first _:nj6h ; rdf:rest _:nj6j ; a rdf:List . _:nj6h math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj6i math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj6j rdf:first _:nj6i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj6k rdf:first _:nj6l ; rdf:rest _:nj6n ; a rdf:List . _:nj6l math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj6m math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj6n rdf:first _:nj6m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj6o math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj6p math:arguments _:nj6q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj6q rdf:first _:nj6r ; rdf:rest _:nj78 ; a rdf:List . _:nj6r math:arguments _:nj6s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj6s rdf:first _:nj6t ; rdf:rest _:nj6u ; a rdf:List . _:nj6t math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj6u rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj6v math:arguments _:nj6w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj6w rdf:first _:nj6x ; rdf:rest _:nj6z ; a rdf:List . _:nj6x math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj6y math:value "100"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj6z rdf:first _:nj6y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj70 math:arguments _:nj71 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj71 rdf:first _:nj72 ; rdf:rest _:nj77 ; a rdf:List . _:nj72 math:arguments _:nj73 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj73 rdf:first _:nj74 ; rdf:rest _:nj76 ; a rdf:List . _:nj74 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj75 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj76 rdf:first _:nj75 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj77 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj78 rdf:first _:nj6v ; rdf:rest _:nj79 . _:nj79 rdf:first _:nj70 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj7a rdf:first _:nj6o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj7b math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj7c math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nj7d math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:nj7e math:arguments _:nj7f ; math:operator _:nj7d ; a math:Application . _:nj7f rdf:first _:nj7g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj7g math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj7h math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:nj7i math:arguments _:nj7j ; math:operator _:nj7h ; a math:Application . _:nj7j rdf:first _:nj7k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nj7k math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj7l rdf:first _:nj7i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj7m math:arguments _:nj7n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj7n rdf:first _:nj7s ; rdf:rest _:nj8a ; a rdf:List . _:nj7o rdf:first _:nj7p ; rdf:rest _:nj7r ; a rdf:List . _:nj7p math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj7q math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj7r rdf:first _:nj7q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj7s math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj7t math:arguments _:nj7u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj7u rdf:first _:nj7v ; rdf:rest _:nj81 ; a rdf:List . _:nj7v math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj7w math:arguments _:nj7x ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj7x rdf:first _:nj7y ; rdf:rest _:nj80 ; a rdf:List . _:nj7y math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj7z math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj80 rdf:first _:nj7z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj81 rdf:first _:nj7w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj82 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nj83 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj84 math:arguments _:nj85 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj85 rdf:first _:nj86 ; rdf:rest _:nj88 ; a rdf:List . _:nj86 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nj87 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj88 rdf:first _:nj87 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj89 rdf:first _:nj84 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj8a rdf:first _:nj82 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj8b rdf:first _:nj8c ; rdf:rest _:nj8m ; a rdf:List . _:nj8c math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj8d math:arguments _:nj8e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj8e rdf:first _:nj8f ; rdf:rest _:nj8l ; a rdf:List . _:nj8f math:arguments _:nj8g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj8g rdf:first _:nj8h ; rdf:rest _:nj8j ; a rdf:List . _:nj8h math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj8i math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj8j rdf:first _:nj8i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj8k math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj8l rdf:first _:nj8k ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj8m rdf:first _:nj8d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj8n math:arguments _:nj8o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj8o rdf:first _:nj8q ; rdf:rest _:nj94 ; a rdf:List . _:nj8p rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj8q math:arguments _:nj8r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj8r rdf:first _:nj8s ; rdf:rest _:nj8y ; a rdf:List . _:nj8s math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj8t math:arguments _:nj8u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj8u rdf:first _:nj8v ; rdf:rest _:nj8x ; a rdf:List . _:nj8v math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj8w math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj8x rdf:first _:nj8w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj8y rdf:first _:nj8t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj8z math:arguments _:nj90 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj90 rdf:first _:nj91 ; rdf:rest _:nj93 ; a rdf:List . _:nj91 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj92 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj93 rdf:first _:nj92 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj94 rdf:first _:nj8z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj95 math:arguments _:nj96 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj96 rdf:first _:nj98 ; rdf:rest _:nj9e ; a rdf:List . _:nj97 rdf:first _:nj9j ; rdf:rest _:njdo ; a rdf:List . _:nj98 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj99 math:arguments _:nj9a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj9a rdf:first _:nj9b ; rdf:rest _:nj9d ; a rdf:List . _:nj9b math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nj9c math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nj9d rdf:first _:nj9c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj9e rdf:first _:nj99 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj9f math:arguments _:nj9g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj9g rdf:first _:nj9h ; rdf:rest _:nj9t ; a rdf:List . _:nj9h math:arguments _:nj9i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj9i rdf:first _:nj9l ; rdf:rest _:nj9n ; a rdf:List . _:nj9j math:arguments _:nj9k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj9k rdf:first _:nj9u ; rdf:rest _:njab ; a rdf:List . _:nj9l math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj9m math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nj9n rdf:first _:nj9m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj9o math:arguments _:nj9p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj9p rdf:first _:nj9q ; rdf:rest _:nj9s ; a rdf:List . _:nj9q math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nj9r math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nj9s rdf:first _:nj9r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj9t rdf:first _:nj9o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj9u math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj9v rdf:first _:nj9f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nj9w math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nj9x math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nj9y math:arguments _:nj9z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nj9z rdf:first _:nja0 ; rdf:rest _:njad ; a rdf:List . _:nja0 math:arguments _:nja1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nja1 rdf:first _:nja2 ; rdf:rest _:nja3 ; a rdf:List . _:nja2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nja3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nja4 math:arguments _:nja5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nja5 rdf:first _:nja6 ; rdf:rest _:njac ; a rdf:List . _:nja6 math:arguments _:nja7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nja7 rdf:first _:nja8 ; rdf:rest _:njaa ; a rdf:List . _:nja8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nja9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njaa rdf:first _:nja9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njab rdf:first _:nj9x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njac rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njad rdf:first _:nja4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njae rdf:first _:nj9w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njaf math:arguments _:njag ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njag rdf:first _:njah ; rdf:rest _:njb4 ; a rdf:List . _:njah math:arguments _:njai ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njai rdf:first _:njaj ; rdf:rest _:njan ; a rdf:List . _:njaj math:arguments _:njak ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njak rdf:first _:njal ; rdf:rest _:njam ; a rdf:List . _:njal math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njam rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njan rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njao math:arguments _:njap ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njap rdf:first _:njaq ; rdf:rest _:njb3 ; a rdf:List . _:njaq math:arguments _:njar ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njar rdf:first _:njas ; rdf:rest _:njb2 ; a rdf:List . _:njas math:arguments _:njat ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njat rdf:first _:njau ; rdf:rest _:njav ; a rdf:List . _:njau math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njav rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njaw math:arguments _:njax ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njax rdf:first _:njb5 ; rdf:rest _:njd2 ; a rdf:List . _:njay math:arguments _:njaz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njaz rdf:first _:njb0 ; rdf:rest _:njb1 ; a rdf:List . _:njb0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njb1 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njb2 rdf:first _:njay ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njb3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njb4 rdf:first _:njao ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njb5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njb6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njb7 math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:njb8 math:binder ; math:body _:njb7 ; math:variables _:njb9 ; a math:Binding . _:njb9 rdf:first _:njb6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njba math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njbb math:name "S" ; a math:Variable . _:njbc math:arguments _:njbd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njbd rdf:first _:njbk ; rdf:rest _:njch ; a rdf:List . _:njbe math:binder ; math:body _:njbb ; math:variables _:njbf ; a math:Binding . _:njbf rdf:first _:njba ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njbg math:arguments _:njbh ; math:operator _:njbe ; a math:Application . _:njbh rdf:first _:njbi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njbi math:name "T" ; a math:Variable . _:njbj rdf:first _:njbg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njbk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njbl math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njbm math:arguments _:njbn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njbn rdf:first _:njbs ; rdf:rest _:njc0 ; a rdf:List . _:njbo math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njbp math:arguments _:njbq ; math:operator _:njbo ; a math:Application . _:njbq rdf:first _:njbr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njbr math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njbs math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:njbt math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njbu math:arguments _:njbv ; math:operator _:njbt ; a math:Application . _:njbv rdf:first _:njbw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njbw math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njbx rdf:first _:njbu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njby math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njbz math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njc0 rdf:first _:njby ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njc1 rdf:first _:njc2 ; rdf:rest _:njdr ; a rdf:List . _:njc2 math:arguments _:njc3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njc3 rdf:first _:njc4 ; rdf:rest _:njcz ; a rdf:List . _:njc4 math:arguments _:njc5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njc5 rdf:first _:njc6 ; rdf:rest _:njcg ; a rdf:List . _:njc6 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njc7 math:arguments _:njc8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njc8 rdf:first _:njc9 ; rdf:rest _:njcf ; a rdf:List . _:njc9 math:arguments _:njca ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njca rdf:first _:njcb ; rdf:rest _:njcd ; a rdf:List . _:njcb math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njcc math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njcd rdf:first _:njcc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njce math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njcf rdf:first _:njce ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njcg rdf:first _:njc7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njch rdf:first _:njbm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njci math:arguments _:njcj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njcj rdf:first _:njck ; rdf:rest _:njcy ; a rdf:List . _:njck math:arguments _:njcl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njcl rdf:first _:njcm ; rdf:rest _:njcs ; a rdf:List . _:njcm math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njcn math:arguments _:njco ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njco rdf:first _:njcp ; rdf:rest _:njcr ; a rdf:List . _:njcp math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njcq math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njcr rdf:first _:njcq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njcs rdf:first _:njcn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njct math:arguments _:njcu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njcu rdf:first _:njcv ; rdf:rest _:njcx ; a rdf:List . _:njcv math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njcw math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njcx rdf:first _:njcw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njcy rdf:first _:njct ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njcz rdf:first _:njci ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njd0 math:arguments _:njd1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njd1 rdf:first _:njd3 ; rdf:rest _:njdq ; a rdf:List . _:njd2 rdf:first _:njbc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njd3 math:arguments _:njd4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njd4 rdf:first _:njd5 ; rdf:rest _:njdb ; a rdf:List . _:njd5 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njd6 math:arguments _:njd7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njd7 rdf:first _:njd8 ; rdf:rest _:njda ; a rdf:List . _:njd8 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njd9 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:njda rdf:first _:njd9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njdb rdf:first _:njd6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njdc math:arguments _:njdd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njdd rdf:first _:njde ; rdf:rest _:njdp ; a rdf:List . _:njde math:arguments _:njdf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njdf rdf:first _:njdg ; rdf:rest _:njdi ; a rdf:List . _:njdg math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njdh math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njdi rdf:first _:njdh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njdj math:arguments _:njdk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njdk rdf:first _:njdl ; rdf:rest _:njdn ; a rdf:List . _:njdl math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njdm math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:njdn rdf:first _:njdm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njdo rdf:first _:njaw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njdp rdf:first _:njdj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njdq rdf:first _:njdc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njdr rdf:first _:njd0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njds math:arguments _:njdt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njdt rdf:first _:njdu ; rdf:rest _:njeg ; a rdf:List . _:njdu math:arguments _:njdv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njdv rdf:first _:njdw ; rdf:rest _:nje6 ; a rdf:List . _:njdw math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njdx math:arguments _:njdy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njdy rdf:first _:njdz ; rdf:rest _:nje5 ; a rdf:List . _:njdz math:arguments _:nje0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nje0 rdf:first _:nje1 ; rdf:rest _:nje3 ; a rdf:List . _:nje1 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nje2 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nje3 rdf:first _:nje2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nje4 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nje5 rdf:first _:nje4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nje6 rdf:first _:njdx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nje7 math:arguments _:nje8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nje8 rdf:first _:nje9 ; rdf:rest _:njef ; a rdf:List . _:nje9 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njea math:arguments _:njeb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njeb rdf:first _:njec ; rdf:rest _:njee ; a rdf:List . _:njec math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njed math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njee rdf:first _:njed ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njef rdf:first _:njea ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njeg rdf:first _:nje7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njeh math:arguments _:njei ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njei rdf:first _:njej ; rdf:rest _:njf2 ; a rdf:List . _:njej math:arguments _:njek ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njek rdf:first _:njel ; rdf:rest _:njez ; a rdf:List . _:njel math:arguments _:njem ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njem rdf:first _:njen ; rdf:rest _:njet ; a rdf:List . _:njen math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njeo math:arguments _:njep ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njep rdf:first _:njeq ; rdf:rest _:njes ; a rdf:List . _:njeq math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njer math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njes rdf:first _:njer ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njet rdf:first _:njeo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njeu math:arguments _:njev ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njev rdf:first _:njew ; rdf:rest _:njey ; a rdf:List . _:njew math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njex math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njey rdf:first _:njex ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njez rdf:first _:njeu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njf0 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njf1 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njf2 rdf:first _:njf0 ; rdf:rest _:njf3 . _:njf3 rdf:first _:njf1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njf4 math:arguments _:njf5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njf5 rdf:first _:njf6 ; rdf:rest _:njfo ; a rdf:List . _:njf6 math:arguments _:njf7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njf7 rdf:first _:njf8 ; rdf:rest _:njfe ; a rdf:List . _:njf8 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njf9 math:arguments _:njfa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njfa rdf:first _:njfb ; rdf:rest _:njfd ; a rdf:List . _:njfb math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njfc math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njfd rdf:first _:njfc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njfe rdf:first _:njf9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njff math:arguments _:njfg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njfg rdf:first _:njfh ; rdf:rest _:njfn ; a rdf:List . _:njfh math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njfi math:arguments _:njfj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njfj rdf:first _:njfk ; rdf:rest _:njfm ; a rdf:List . _:njfk math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njfl math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njfm rdf:first _:njfl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njfn rdf:first _:njfi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njfo rdf:first _:njff ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njfp math:arguments _:njfq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njfq rdf:first _:njfr ; rdf:rest _:njfy ; a rdf:List . _:njfr math:arguments _:njfs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njfs rdf:first _:njft ; rdf:rest _:njfv ; a rdf:List . _:njft math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njfu math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njfv rdf:first _:njfu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njfw math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njfx math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njfy rdf:first _:njfw ; rdf:rest _:njfz . _:njfz rdf:first _:njfx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njg0 rdf:first _:njeh ; rdf:rest _:njg1 . _:njg1 rdf:first _:njf4 ; rdf:rest _:njg2 . _:njg2 rdf:first _:njfp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njg3 rdf:first _:njg5 ; rdf:rest _:njja ; a rdf:List . _:njg4 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:njg5 math:arguments _:njg6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njg6 rdf:first _:njgm ; rdf:rest _:njh7 ; a rdf:List . _:njg7 math:arguments _:njg8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njg8 rdf:first _:njg9 ; rdf:rest _:njkg ; a rdf:List . _:njg9 math:arguments _:njga ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njga rdf:first _:njgb ; rdf:rest _:nji3 ; a rdf:List . _:njgb math:arguments _:njgc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njgc rdf:first _:njgd ; rdf:rest _:njha ; a rdf:List . _:njgd math:arguments _:njge ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njge rdf:first _:njgf ; rdf:rest _:njgq ; a rdf:List . _:njgf math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njgg math:arguments _:njgh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njgh rdf:first _:njgi ; rdf:rest _:njgp ; a rdf:List . _:njgi math:arguments _:njgj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njgj rdf:first _:njgk ; rdf:rest _:njgn ; a rdf:List . _:njgk math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njgl math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njgm math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njgn rdf:first _:njgl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njgo math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njgp rdf:first _:njgo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njgq rdf:first _:njgg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njgr math:arguments _:njgs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njgs rdf:first _:njgt ; rdf:rest _:njh9 ; a rdf:List . _:njgt math:arguments _:njgu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njgu rdf:first _:njgv ; rdf:rest _:njh2 ; a rdf:List . _:njgv math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njgw math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njgx math:arguments _:njgy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njgy rdf:first _:njgz ; rdf:rest _:njh1 ; a rdf:List . _:njgz math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njh0 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njh1 rdf:first _:njh0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njh2 rdf:first _:njgx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njh3 math:arguments _:njh4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njh4 rdf:first _:njh5 ; rdf:rest _:njh8 ; a rdf:List . _:njh5 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njh6 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njh7 rdf:first _:njgw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njh8 rdf:first _:njh6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njh9 rdf:first _:njh3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njha rdf:first _:njgr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njhb math:arguments _:njhc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njhc rdf:first _:njhd ; rdf:rest _:nji1 ; a rdf:List . _:njhd math:arguments _:njhe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njhe rdf:first _:njhf ; rdf:rest _:njhl ; a rdf:List . _:njhf math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njhg math:arguments _:njhh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njhh rdf:first _:njhi ; rdf:rest _:njhk ; a rdf:List . _:njhi math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njhj math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:njhk rdf:first _:njhj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njhl rdf:first _:njhg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njhm math:arguments _:njhn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njhn rdf:first _:njho ; rdf:rest _:nji0 ; a rdf:List . _:njho math:arguments _:njhp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njhp rdf:first _:njhq ; rdf:rest _:njhu ; a rdf:List . _:njhq math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njhr math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njhs math:arguments _:njht ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njht rdf:first _:nji2 ; rdf:rest _:njip ; a rdf:List . _:njhu rdf:first _:njhr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njhv math:arguments _:njhw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njhw rdf:first _:njhx ; rdf:rest _:njhz ; a rdf:List . _:njhx math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njhy math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:njhz rdf:first _:njhy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nji0 rdf:first _:njhv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nji1 rdf:first _:njhm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nji2 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nji3 rdf:first _:njhb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nji4 math:arguments _:nji5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nji5 rdf:first _:nji6 ; rdf:rest _:njiu ; a rdf:List . _:nji6 math:arguments _:nji7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nji7 rdf:first _:nji8 ; rdf:rest _:njij ; a rdf:List . _:nji8 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nji9 math:arguments _:njia ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njia rdf:first _:njib ; rdf:rest _:njii ; a rdf:List . _:njib math:arguments _:njic ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njic rdf:first _:njid ; rdf:rest _:njig ; a rdf:List . _:njid math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njie math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njif math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njig rdf:first _:njie ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njih math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njii rdf:first _:njih ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njij rdf:first _:nji9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njik math:arguments _:njil ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njil rdf:first _:njim ; rdf:rest _:njit ; a rdf:List . _:njim math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njin math:arguments _:njio ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njio rdf:first _:njiq ; rdf:rest _:njis ; a rdf:List . _:njip rdf:first _:njif ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njiq math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njir math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njis rdf:first _:njir ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njit rdf:first _:njin ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njiu rdf:first _:njik ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njiv math:arguments _:njiw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njiw rdf:first _:njix ; rdf:rest _:njjh ; a rdf:List . _:njix math:arguments _:njiy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njiy rdf:first _:njiz ; rdf:rest _:njje ; a rdf:List . _:njiz math:arguments _:njj0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njj0 rdf:first _:njj1 ; rdf:rest _:njj7 ; a rdf:List . _:njj1 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njj2 math:arguments _:njj3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njj3 rdf:first _:njj4 ; rdf:rest _:njj6 ; a rdf:List . _:njj4 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njj5 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njj6 rdf:first _:njj5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njj7 rdf:first _:njj2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njj8 math:arguments _:njj9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njj9 rdf:first _:njjb ; rdf:rest _:njjd ; a rdf:List . _:njja rdf:first _:njhs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njjb math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njjc math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njjd rdf:first _:njjc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njje rdf:first _:njj8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njjf math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njjg math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njjh rdf:first _:njjf ; rdf:rest _:njji . _:njji rdf:first _:njjg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njjj math:arguments _:njjk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njjk rdf:first _:njjl ; rdf:rest _:njk4 ; a rdf:List . _:njjl math:arguments _:njjm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njjm rdf:first _:njjn ; rdf:rest _:njjt ; a rdf:List . _:njjn math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njjo math:arguments _:njjp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njjp rdf:first _:njjq ; rdf:rest _:njjs ; a rdf:List . _:njjq math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njjr math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njjs rdf:first _:njjr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njjt rdf:first _:njjo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njju math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njjv math:arguments _:njjw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njjw rdf:first _:njjx ; rdf:rest _:njk3 ; a rdf:List . _:njjx math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njjy math:arguments _:njjz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njjz rdf:first _:njk0 ; rdf:rest _:njk2 ; a rdf:List . _:njk0 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njk1 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njk2 rdf:first _:njk1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njk3 rdf:first _:njjy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njk4 rdf:first _:njjv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njk5 math:arguments _:njk6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njk6 rdf:first _:njk7 ; rdf:rest _:njke ; a rdf:List . _:njk7 math:arguments _:njk8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njk8 rdf:first _:njk9 ; rdf:rest _:njkb ; a rdf:List . _:njk9 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njka math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njkb rdf:first _:njka ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njkc math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njkd math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njke rdf:first _:njkc ; rdf:rest _:njkf . _:njkf rdf:first _:njkd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njkg rdf:first _:nji4 ; rdf:rest _:njkh . _:njkh rdf:first _:njiv ; rdf:rest _:njki . _:njki rdf:first _:njjj ; rdf:rest _:njkj . _:njkj rdf:first _:njk5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njkk math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njkl math:arguments _:njkm ; math:operator _:njkk ; a math:Application . _:njkm rdf:first _:njkn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njkn math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njko math:arguments _:njkp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njkp rdf:first _:njkx ; rdf:rest _:njln ; a rdf:List . _:njkq math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njkr math:arguments _:njks ; math:operator _:njkq ; a math:Application . _:njks rdf:first _:njkt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njkt math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njku rdf:first _:njkr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njkv math:arguments _:njkw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njkw rdf:first _:njky ; rdf:rest _:njr3 ; a rdf:List . _:njkx math:value "37"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njky math:arguments _:njkz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njkz rdf:first _:njl0 ; rdf:rest _:njnk ; a rdf:List . _:njl0 math:arguments _:njl1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njl1 rdf:first _:njl2 ; rdf:rest _:njms ; a rdf:List . _:njl2 math:arguments _:njl3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njl3 rdf:first _:njl5 ; rdf:rest _:njls ; a rdf:List . _:njl4 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njl5 math:arguments _:njl6 ; math:operator _:njl4 ; a math:Application . _:njl6 rdf:first _:njl7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njl7 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njl8 math:arguments _:njl9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njl9 rdf:first _:njla ; rdf:rest _:njlr ; a rdf:List . _:njla math:arguments _:njlb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njlb rdf:first _:njle ; rdf:rest _:njll ; a rdf:List . _:njlc math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njld math:value "54"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njle math:arguments _:njlf ; math:operator _:njlc ; a math:Application . _:njlf rdf:first _:njlg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njlg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njlh math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njli math:arguments _:njlj ; math:operator _:njlh ; a math:Application . _:njlj rdf:first _:njlk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njlk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njll rdf:first _:njli ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njlm math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njln rdf:first _:njld ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njlo math:arguments _:njlp ; math:operator _:njlm ; a math:Application . _:njlp rdf:first _:njlq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njlq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njlr rdf:first _:njlo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njls rdf:first _:njl8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njlt math:arguments _:njlu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njlu rdf:first _:njlv ; rdf:rest _:njmr ; a rdf:List . _:njlv math:arguments _:njlw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njlw rdf:first _:njly ; rdf:rest _:njme ; a rdf:List . _:njlx math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njly math:arguments _:njlz ; math:operator _:njlx ; a math:Application . _:njlz rdf:first _:njm0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njm0 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njm1 math:arguments _:njm2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njm2 rdf:first _:njm4 ; rdf:rest _:njmd ; a rdf:List . _:njm3 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njm4 math:arguments _:njm5 ; math:operator _:njm3 ; a math:Application . _:njm5 rdf:first _:njm6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njm6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njm7 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njm8 math:arguments _:njm9 ; math:operator _:njm7 ; a math:Application . _:njm9 rdf:first _:njmc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njma math:arguments _:njmb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njmb rdf:first _:njml ; rdf:rest _:njn5 ; a rdf:List . _:njmc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njmd rdf:first _:njm8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njme rdf:first _:njm1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njmf math:arguments _:njmg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njmg rdf:first _:njmi ; rdf:rest _:njmq ; a rdf:List . _:njmh math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njmi math:arguments _:njmj ; math:operator _:njmh ; a math:Application . _:njmj rdf:first _:njmk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njmk math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njml math:value "81"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njmm math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njmn math:arguments _:njmo ; math:operator _:njmm ; a math:Application . _:njmo rdf:first _:njmp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njmp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njmq rdf:first _:njmn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njmr rdf:first _:njmf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njms rdf:first _:njlt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njmt math:value "118"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njmu math:arguments _:njmv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njmv rdf:first _:njmw ; rdf:rest _:njnj ; a rdf:List . _:njmw math:arguments _:njmx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njmx rdf:first _:njmy ; rdf:rest _:njn4 ; a rdf:List . _:njmy math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njmz math:arguments _:njn0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njn0 rdf:first _:njn1 ; rdf:rest _:njn3 ; a rdf:List . _:njn1 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njn2 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:njn3 rdf:first _:njn2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njn4 rdf:first _:njmz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njn5 rdf:first _:njmt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njn6 math:arguments _:njn7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njn7 rdf:first _:njn8 ; rdf:rest _:njni ; a rdf:List . _:njn8 math:arguments _:njn9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njn9 rdf:first _:njna ; rdf:rest _:njnc ; a rdf:List . _:njna math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njnb math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njnc rdf:first _:njnb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njnd math:arguments _:njne ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njne rdf:first _:njnf ; rdf:rest _:njnh ; a rdf:List . _:njnf math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njng math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:njnh rdf:first _:njng ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njni rdf:first _:njnd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njnj rdf:first _:njn6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njnk rdf:first _:njmu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njnl math:arguments _:njnm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njnm rdf:first _:njnn ; rdf:rest _:njom ; a rdf:List . _:njnn math:arguments _:njno ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njno rdf:first _:njnr ; rdf:rest _:njoc ; a rdf:List . _:njnp rdf:first _:njma ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njnq math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njnr math:arguments _:njns ; math:operator _:njnq ; a math:Application . _:njns rdf:first _:njnt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njnt math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njnu math:arguments _:njnv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njnv rdf:first _:njnw ; rdf:rest _:njob ; a rdf:List . _:njnw math:arguments _:njnx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njnx rdf:first _:njnz ; rdf:rest _:njo6 ; a rdf:List . _:njny math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njnz math:arguments _:njo0 ; math:operator _:njny ; a math:Application . _:njo0 rdf:first _:njo1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njo1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njo2 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njo3 math:arguments _:njo4 ; math:operator _:njo2 ; a math:Application . _:njo4 rdf:first _:njo5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njo5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njo6 rdf:first _:njo3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njo7 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njo8 math:arguments _:njo9 ; math:operator _:njo7 ; a math:Application . _:njo9 rdf:first _:njoa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njoa math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njob rdf:first _:njo8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njoc rdf:first _:njnu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njod math:arguments _:njoe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njoe rdf:first _:njof ; rdf:rest _:njol ; a rdf:List . _:njof math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njog math:arguments _:njoh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njoh rdf:first _:njoi ; rdf:rest _:njok ; a rdf:List . _:njoi math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njoj math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njok rdf:first _:njoj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njol rdf:first _:njog ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njom rdf:first _:njod ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njon math:arguments _:njoo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njoo rdf:first _:njop ; rdf:rest _:njpn ; a rdf:List . _:njop math:arguments _:njoq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njoq rdf:first _:njor ; rdf:rest _:njpk ; a rdf:List . _:njor math:arguments _:njos ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njos rdf:first _:njou ; rdf:rest _:njp8 ; a rdf:List . _:njot math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njou math:arguments _:njov ; math:operator _:njot ; a math:Application . _:njov rdf:first _:njow ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njow math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njox math:arguments _:njoy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njoy rdf:first _:njp0 ; rdf:rest _:njp7 ; a rdf:List . _:njoz math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njp0 math:arguments _:njp1 ; math:operator _:njoz ; a math:Application . _:njp1 rdf:first _:njp2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njp2 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njp3 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njp4 math:arguments _:njp5 ; math:operator _:njp3 ; a math:Application . _:njp5 rdf:first _:njp6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njp6 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njp7 rdf:first _:njp4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njp8 rdf:first _:njox ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njp9 math:arguments _:njpa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njpa rdf:first _:njpc ; rdf:rest _:njpj ; a rdf:List . _:njpb math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njpc math:arguments _:njpd ; math:operator _:njpb ; a math:Application . _:njpd rdf:first _:njpe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njpe math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njpf math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njpg math:arguments _:njph ; math:operator _:njpf ; a math:Application . _:njph rdf:first _:njpi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njpi math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njpj rdf:first _:njpg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njpk rdf:first _:njp9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njpl math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njpm math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njpn rdf:first _:njpl ; rdf:rest _:njpo . _:njpo rdf:first _:njpm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njpp math:arguments _:njpq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njpq rdf:first _:njpr ; rdf:rest _:njql ; a rdf:List . _:njpr math:arguments _:njps ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njps rdf:first _:njpu ; rdf:rest _:njqb ; a rdf:List . _:njpt math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njpu math:arguments _:njpv ; math:operator _:njpt ; a math:Application . _:njpv rdf:first _:njpw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njpw math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njpx math:arguments _:njpy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njpy rdf:first _:njq2 ; rdf:rest _:njq9 ; a rdf:List . _:njpz math:arguments _:njq0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njq0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:njqa ; a rdf:List . _:njq1 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njq2 math:arguments _:njq3 ; math:operator _:njq1 ; a math:Application . _:njq3 rdf:first _:njq4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njq4 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njq5 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njq6 math:arguments _:njq7 ; math:operator _:njq5 ; a math:Application . _:njq7 rdf:first _:njq8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njq8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njq9 rdf:first _:njq6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njqa rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njqb rdf:first _:njpx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njqc math:arguments _:njqd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njqd rdf:first _:njqe ; rdf:rest _:njqk ; a rdf:List . _:njqe math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njqf math:arguments _:njqg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njqg rdf:first _:njqh ; rdf:rest _:njqj ; a rdf:List . _:njqh math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:njqi math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njqj rdf:first _:njqi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njqk rdf:first _:njqf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njql rdf:first _:njqc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njqm math:arguments _:njqn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njqn rdf:first _:njqo ; rdf:rest _:njr1 ; a rdf:List . _:njqo math:arguments _:njqp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njqp rdf:first _:njqr ; rdf:rest _:njqy ; a rdf:List . _:njqq math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njqr math:arguments _:njqs ; math:operator _:njqq ; a math:Application . _:njqs rdf:first _:njqt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njqt math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njqu math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njqv math:arguments _:njqw ; math:operator _:njqu ; a math:Application . _:njqw rdf:first _:njqx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njqx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njqy rdf:first _:njqv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njqz math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njr0 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njr1 rdf:first _:njqz ; rdf:rest _:njr2 . _:njr2 rdf:first _:njr0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njr3 rdf:first _:njnl ; rdf:rest _:njr4 . _:njr4 rdf:first _:njon ; rdf:rest _:njr5 . _:njr5 rdf:first _:njpp ; rdf:rest _:njr6 . _:njr6 rdf:first _:njqm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njr7 rdf:first _:njrk ; rdf:rest _:njrn ; a rdf:List . _:njr8 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njr9 math:arguments _:njra ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njra rdf:first _:njrc ; rdf:rest _:njrj ; a rdf:List . _:njrb math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njrc math:arguments _:njrd ; math:operator _:njrb ; a math:Application . _:njrd rdf:first _:njre ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njre math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njrf math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njrg math:arguments _:njrh ; math:operator _:njrf ; a math:Application . _:njrh rdf:first _:njri ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njri math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njrj rdf:first _:njrg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njrk math:binder ; math:body _:njr9 ; math:variables _:njrl ; a math:Binding . _:njrl rdf:first _:njr8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njrm math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njrn rdf:first _:njrm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njro math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:njrp math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njrq rdf:first _:njrr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njrr math:arguments _:njrs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njrs rdf:first _:njrt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njrt math:arguments _:njru ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njru rdf:first _:njrv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njrv math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:njrw math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njrx math:arguments _:njry ; math:operator _:njrw ; a math:Application . _:njry rdf:first _:njrz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njrz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njs0 rdf:first _:njs1 ; rdf:rest _:njs5 ; a rdf:List . _:njs1 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njs2 math:arguments _:njs3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njs3 rdf:first _:njs4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njs4 math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:njs5 rdf:first _:njs2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njs6 math:arguments _:njs7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njs7 rdf:first _:njs8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njs8 math:arguments _:njs9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njs9 rdf:first _:njsa ; rdf:rest _:njsc ; a rdf:List . _:njsa math:name "H" ; a math:Variable . _:njsb math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njsc rdf:first _:njsb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njsd math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njse math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njsf math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:njsg math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:njsh rdf:first _:njsg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njsi rdf:first _:njsq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njsj math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:njsk rdf:first _:njsl ; rdf:rest _:njso ; a rdf:List . _:njsl math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njsm math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:njsn math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:njso rdf:first _:njsm ; rdf:rest _:njsp . _:njsp rdf:first _:njsn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njsq math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:njsr math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njss rdf:first _:njst ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njst math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:njsu math:arguments _:njsv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njsv rdf:first _:njsw ; rdf:rest _:njta ; a rdf:List . _:njsw math:arguments _:njsx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njsx rdf:first _:njsy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njsy math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njsz math:arguments _:njt0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njt0 rdf:first _:njt1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njt1 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:njt2 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:njt3 math:arguments _:njt4 ; math:operator _:njt2 ; a math:Application . _:njt4 rdf:first _:njt5 ; rdf:rest _:njt8 ; a rdf:List . _:njt5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njt6 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:njt7 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:njt8 rdf:first _:njt6 ; rdf:rest _:njt9 . _:njt9 rdf:first _:njt7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njta rdf:first _:njsz ; rdf:rest _:njtb . _:njtb rdf:first _:njt3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njtc math:value "klaas"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:njtd rdf:first _:njti ; rdf:rest _:njts ; a rdf:List . _:njte math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njtf math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njtg math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njth rdf:first _:njtf ; rdf:rest _:njtj . _:njti math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njtj rdf:first _:njtg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njtk math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:njtl math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njtm math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njtn math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njto math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njtp rdf:first _:njtm ; rdf:rest _:njtq . _:njtq rdf:first _:njtn ; rdf:rest _:njtr . _:njtr rdf:first _:njto ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njts rdf:first _:njtk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njtt rdf:first _:njtu ; rdf:rest _:njtw ; a rdf:List . _:njtu math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njtv math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njtw rdf:first _:njtv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njtx math:arguments _:njty ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njty rdf:first _:njtz ; rdf:rest _:nju2 ; a rdf:List . _:njtz math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nju0 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nju1 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nju2 rdf:first _:nju0 ; rdf:rest _:nju3 . _:nju3 rdf:first _:nju1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nju4 math:arguments _:nju5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nju5 rdf:first _:nju6 ; rdf:rest _:nju8 ; a rdf:List . _:nju6 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nju7 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nju8 rdf:first _:nju7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nju9 rdf:first _:nju4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njua rdf:first _:njub ; rdf:rest _:njue ; a rdf:List . _:njub math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njuc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njud math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njue rdf:first _:njuc ; rdf:rest _:njuf . _:njuf rdf:first _:njud ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njug math:arguments _:njuh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njuh rdf:first _:njui ; rdf:rest _:njuk ; a rdf:List . _:njui math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njuj math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njuk rdf:first _:njuj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njul math:arguments _:njum ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njum rdf:first _:njun ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njun math:arguments _:njuo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njuo rdf:first _:njup ; rdf:rest _:njur ; a rdf:List . _:njup math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njuq math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njur rdf:first _:njuq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njus math:arguments _:njut ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njut rdf:first _:njuu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njuu math:arguments _:njuv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njuv rdf:first _:njuw ; rdf:rest _:njuz ; a rdf:List . _:njuw math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njux math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njuy math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njuz rdf:first _:njux ; rdf:rest _:njv0 . _:njv0 rdf:first _:njuy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njv1 rdf:first _:njus ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njv2 rdf:first _:njv3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njv3 math:arguments _:njv4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njv4 rdf:first _:njv5 ; rdf:rest _:njv7 ; a rdf:List . _:njv5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njv6 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njv7 rdf:first _:njv6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njv8 rdf:first _:njv9 ; rdf:rest _:njvp ; a rdf:List . _:njv9 math:arguments _:njva ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njva rdf:first _:njvb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njvb math:arguments _:njvc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njvc rdf:first _:njvd ; rdf:rest _:njvf ; a rdf:List . _:njvd math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njve math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njvf rdf:first _:njve ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njvg math:arguments _:njvh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njvh rdf:first _:njvi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njvi math:arguments _:njvj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njvj rdf:first _:njvk ; rdf:rest _:njvn ; a rdf:List . _:njvk math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njvl math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njvm math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njvn rdf:first _:njvl ; rdf:rest _:njvo . _:njvo rdf:first _:njvm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njvp rdf:first _:njvg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njvq math:arguments _:njvr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njvr rdf:first _:njvs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njvs math:arguments _:njvt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njvt rdf:first _:njvu ; rdf:rest _:njvw ; a rdf:List . _:njvu math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njvv math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njvw rdf:first _:njvv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njvx math:arguments _:njvy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njvy rdf:first _:njvz ; rdf:rest _:njw4 ; a rdf:List . _:njvz math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njw0 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njw1 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njw2 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njw3 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njw4 rdf:first _:njw0 ; rdf:rest _:njw5 . _:njw5 rdf:first _:njw1 ; rdf:rest _:njw6 . _:njw6 rdf:first _:njw2 ; rdf:rest _:njw7 . _:njw7 rdf:first _:njw3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njw8 math:arguments _:njw9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njw9 rdf:first _:njwa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njwa math:arguments _:njwb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njwb rdf:first _:njwc ; rdf:rest _:njwh ; a rdf:List . _:njwc math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njwd math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njwe math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njwf math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njwg math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njwh rdf:first _:njwd ; rdf:rest _:njwi . _:njwi rdf:first _:njwe ; rdf:rest _:njwj . _:njwj rdf:first _:njwf ; rdf:rest _:njwk . _:njwk rdf:first _:njwg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njwl math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njwm math:value "jan"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:njwn math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njwo math:value "klaas"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:njwp rdf:first _:njwn ; rdf:rest _:njwq . _:njwq rdf:first _:njwo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njwr rdf:first _:njws ; rdf:rest _:njwv ; a rdf:List . _:njws math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njwt math:value "klaas"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:njwu math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:njwv rdf:first _:njwt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njww math:arguments _:njwx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njwx rdf:first _:njwy ; rdf:rest _:njx0 ; a rdf:List . _:njwy math:value "piet"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:njwz math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njx0 rdf:first _:njwz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njx1 rdf:first _:njwu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njx2 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njx3 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njx4 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njx5 rdf:first _:njx3 ; rdf:rest _:njx6 . _:njx6 rdf:first _:njx4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njx7 rdf:first _:njx8 ; rdf:rest _:njxc ; a rdf:List . _:njx8 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njx9 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njxa math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njxb rdf:first _:njxj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njxc rdf:first _:njx9 ; rdf:rest _:njxd . _:njxd rdf:first _:njxa ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njxe math:arguments _:njxf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njxf rdf:first _:njxg ; rdf:rest _:njxi ; a rdf:List . _:njxg math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njxh math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njxi rdf:first _:njxh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njxj math:arguments _:njxk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njxk rdf:first _:njxp ; rdf:rest _:njyh ; a rdf:List . _:njxl rdf:first _:njxm ; rdf:rest _:njxt ; a rdf:List . _:njxm math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njxn math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njxo math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njxp math:arguments _:njxq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njxq rdf:first _:njxy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njxr math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njxs math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njxt rdf:first _:njxn ; rdf:rest _:njxu . _:njxu rdf:first _:njxo ; rdf:rest _:njxv . _:njxv rdf:first _:njxr ; rdf:rest _:njxw . _:njxw rdf:first _:njxs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njxx math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njxy math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:njxz math:arguments _:njy0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njy0 rdf:first _:njy1 ; rdf:rest _:njy5 ; a rdf:List . _:njy1 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njy2 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njy3 math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njy4 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njy5 rdf:first _:njy2 ; rdf:rest _:njy6 . _:njy6 rdf:first _:njy3 ; rdf:rest _:njy7 . _:njy7 rdf:first _:njy4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njy8 math:arguments _:njy9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njy9 rdf:first _:njya ; rdf:rest _:njyd ; a rdf:List . _:njya math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njyb math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:njyc math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njyd rdf:first _:njyc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njye rdf:first _:njy8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njyf math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njyg math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njyh rdf:first _:njyb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njyi math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njyj math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njyk math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njyl math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njym rdf:first _:njyg ; rdf:rest _:njyn . _:njyn rdf:first _:njyi ; rdf:rest _:njyo . _:njyo rdf:first _:njyj ; rdf:rest _:njyp . _:njyp rdf:first _:njyk ; rdf:rest _:njyq . _:njyq rdf:first _:njyl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njyr math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njys rdf:first _:njyt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njyt math:name "Q" ; a math:Variable . _:njyu rdf:first _:njyv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njyv math:arguments _:njyw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njyw rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:njz6 ; a rdf:List . _:njyx math:arguments _:njyy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njyy rdf:first _:njyz ; rdf:rest _:njz4 ; a rdf:List . _:njyz math:name "Q" ; a math:Variable . _:njz0 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njz1 math:arguments _:njz2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njz2 rdf:first _:njz3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njz3 math:name "Q" ; a math:Variable . _:njz4 rdf:first _:njz0 ; rdf:rest _:njz5 . _:njz5 rdf:first _:njz1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njz6 rdf:first _:njyx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njz7 math:arguments _:njz8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njz8 rdf:first _:njz9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:njz9 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:njza math:arguments _:njzb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njzb rdf:first _:njzc ; rdf:rest _:njzv ; a rdf:List . _:njzc math:arguments _:njzd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njzd rdf:first _:njze ; rdf:rest _:njzi ; a rdf:List . _:njze math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njzf math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njzg math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njzh math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njzi rdf:first _:njzf ; rdf:rest _:njzj . _:njzj rdf:first _:njzg ; rdf:rest _:njzk . _:njzk rdf:first _:njzh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njzl math:arguments _:njzm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njzm rdf:first _:njzn ; rdf:rest _:njzp ; a rdf:List . _:njzn math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njzo math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njzp rdf:first _:njzo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njzq math:arguments _:njzr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:njzr rdf:first _:njzs ; rdf:rest _:njzu ; a rdf:List . _:njzs math:value "jan"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:njzt math:value "piet"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:njzu rdf:first _:njzt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njzv rdf:first _:njzl ; rdf:rest _:njzw . _:njzw rdf:first _:njzq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:njzx rdf:first _:njzy ; rdf:rest _:nk01 ; a rdf:List . _:njzy math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:njzz math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk00 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk01 rdf:first _:njzz ; rdf:rest _:nk02 . _:nk02 rdf:first _:nk00 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk03 rdf:first _:nk04 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk04 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:nk05 math:arguments _:nk06 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk06 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nk0a ; a rdf:List . _:nk07 math:arguments _:nk08 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk08 rdf:first _:nk09 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk09 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:nk0a rdf:first _:nk07 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk0b math:arguments _:nk0c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk0c rdf:first _:nk0d ; rdf:rest _:nk0y ; a rdf:List . _:nk0d math:arguments _:nk0e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk0e rdf:first _:nk0f ; rdf:rest _:nk0k ; a rdf:List . _:nk0f math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk0g math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk0h math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk0i math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nk0j math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk0k rdf:first _:nk0g ; rdf:rest _:nk0l . _:nk0l rdf:first _:nk0h ; rdf:rest _:nk0m . _:nk0m rdf:first _:nk0j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk0n math:arguments _:nk0o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk0o rdf:first _:nk0p ; rdf:rest _:nk0r ; a rdf:List . _:nk0p math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk0q math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk0r rdf:first _:nk0q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk0s math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nk0t math:arguments _:nk0u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk0u rdf:first _:nk0v ; rdf:rest _:nk0x ; a rdf:List . _:nk0v math:value "jan"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:nk0w math:value "piet"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:nk0x rdf:first _:nk0w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk0y rdf:first _:nk0n ; rdf:rest _:nk0z . _:nk0z rdf:first _:nk0t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk10 rdf:first _:nk0s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk11 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk12 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk13 rdf:first _:nk12 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk14 math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:nk15 math:arguments _:nk16 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk16 rdf:first _:nk17 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk17 math:arguments _:nk18 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk18 rdf:first _:nk19 ; rdf:rest _:nk1o ; a rdf:List . _:nk19 math:arguments _:nk1a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk1a rdf:first _:nk1h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk1b math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nk1c math:arguments _:nk1d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk1d rdf:first _:nk1e ; rdf:rest _:nk1g ; a rdf:List . _:nk1e math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nk1f math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk1g rdf:first _:nk1f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk1h math:binder ; math:body _:nk1c ; math:variables _:nk1i ; a math:Binding . _:nk1i rdf:first _:nk1b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk1j math:arguments _:nk1k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk1k rdf:first _:nk1l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk1l math:arguments _:nk1m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk1m rdf:first _:nk1n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk1n math:name "P" ; a math:Variable . _:nk1o rdf:first _:nk1j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk1p math:arguments _:nk1q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk1q rdf:first _:nk1r ; rdf:rest _:nk2a ; a rdf:List . _:nk1r math:arguments _:nk1s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk1s rdf:first _:nk1t ; rdf:rest _:nk1x ; a rdf:List . _:nk1t math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk1u math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk1v math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk1w math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk1x rdf:first _:nk1u ; rdf:rest _:nk1y . _:nk1y rdf:first _:nk1v ; rdf:rest _:nk1z . _:nk1z rdf:first _:nk1w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk20 math:arguments _:nk21 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk21 rdf:first _:nk22 ; rdf:rest _:nk24 ; a rdf:List . _:nk22 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk23 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk24 rdf:first _:nk23 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk25 math:arguments _:nk26 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk26 rdf:first _:nk27 ; rdf:rest _:nk29 ; a rdf:List . _:nk27 math:value "jan"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:nk28 math:value "piet"^^xsd:string ; a math:Literal . _:nk29 rdf:first _:nk28 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk2a rdf:first _:nk20 ; rdf:rest _:nk2b . _:nk2b rdf:first _:nk25 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk2c rdf:first _:nk2d ; rdf:rest _:nk2f ; a rdf:List . _:nk2d math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk2e math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nk2f rdf:first _:nk2e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk2g math:arguments _:nk2h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk2h rdf:first _:nk2i ; rdf:rest _:nk2k ; a rdf:List . _:nk2i math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk2j math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nk2k rdf:first _:nk2j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk2l rdf:first _:nk2m ; rdf:rest _:nk2o ; a rdf:List . _:nk2m math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk2n math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nk2o rdf:first _:nk2n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk2p math:arguments _:nk2q ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk2q rdf:first _:nk2r ; rdf:rest _:nk2t ; a rdf:List . _:nk2r math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nk2s math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nk2t rdf:first _:nk2s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk2u math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk2v rdf:first _:nk2w ; rdf:rest _:nk32 ; a rdf:List . _:nk2w math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nk2x math:arguments _:nk2y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk2y rdf:first _:nk2z ; rdf:rest _:nk31 ; a rdf:List . _:nk2z math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk30 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nk31 rdf:first _:nk30 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk32 rdf:first _:nk2x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk33 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk34 math:arguments _:nk35 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk35 rdf:first _:nk36 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk36 math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk37 math:arguments _:nk38 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk38 rdf:first _:nk39 ; rdf:rest _:nk3g ; a rdf:List . _:nk39 math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nk3a math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk3b math:arguments _:nk3c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk3c rdf:first _:nk3d ; rdf:rest _:nk3f ; a rdf:List . _:nk3d math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk3e math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nk3f rdf:first _:nk3e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk3g rdf:first _:nk3b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk3h rdf:first _:nk37 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk3i rdf:first _:nk3k ; rdf:rest _:nk3q ; a rdf:List . _:nk3j rdf:first _:nk3a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk3k math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nk3l math:arguments _:nk3m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk3m rdf:first _:nk3n ; rdf:rest _:nk3p ; a rdf:List . _:nk3n math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nk3o math:name "l" ; a math:Variable . _:nk3p rdf:first _:nk3o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk3q rdf:first _:nk3l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk3r math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk3s rdf:first _:nk3t ; rdf:rest _:nk42 ; a rdf:List . _:nk3t math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nk3u math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nk3v math:arguments _:nk3w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk3w rdf:first _:nk3x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk3x math:arguments _:nk3y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk3y rdf:first _:nk3z ; rdf:rest _:nk41 ; a rdf:List . _:nk3z math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk40 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nk41 rdf:first _:nk40 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk42 rdf:first _:nk3v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk43 math:arguments _:nk44 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk44 rdf:first _:nk47 ; rdf:rest _:nk4j ; a rdf:List . _:nk45 math:arguments _:nk46 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk46 rdf:first _:nk4i ; rdf:rest _:nk54 ; a rdf:List . _:nk47 math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nk48 math:arguments _:nk49 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk49 rdf:first _:nk4a ; rdf:rest _:nk4c ; a rdf:List . _:nk4a math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nk4b math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk4c rdf:first _:nk4b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk4d math:arguments _:nk4e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk4e rdf:first _:nk4f ; rdf:rest _:nk4h ; a rdf:List . _:nk4f math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nk4g math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nk4h rdf:first _:nk4g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk4i math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk4j rdf:first _:nk48 ; rdf:rest _:nk4k . _:nk4k rdf:first _:nk4d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk4l math:arguments _:nk4m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk4m rdf:first _:nk4n ; rdf:rest _:nk4w ; a rdf:List . _:nk4n math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nk4o math:arguments _:nk4p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk4p rdf:first _:nk4q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk4q math:arguments _:nk4r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk4r rdf:first _:nk4s ; rdf:rest _:nk4v ; a rdf:List . _:nk4s math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nk4t math:name "c" ; a math:Variable . _:nk4u math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nk4v rdf:first _:nk4t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk4w rdf:first _:nk4o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk4x math:arguments _:nk4y ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk4y rdf:first _:nk4z ; rdf:rest _:nk5b ; a rdf:List . _:nk4z math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nk50 math:arguments _:nk51 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk51 rdf:first _:nk52 ; rdf:rest _:nk55 ; a rdf:List . _:nk52 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nk53 math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nk54 rdf:first _:nk4u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk55 rdf:first _:nk53 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk56 math:arguments _:nk57 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk57 rdf:first _:nk58 ; rdf:rest _:nk5a ; a rdf:List . _:nk58 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nk59 math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nk5a rdf:first _:nk59 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk5b rdf:first _:nk50 ; rdf:rest _:nk5c . _:nk5c rdf:first _:nk56 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk5d math:arguments _:nk5e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk5e rdf:first _:nk5f ; rdf:rest _:nk5r ; a rdf:List . _:nk5f math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nk5g math:arguments _:nk5h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk5h rdf:first _:nk5i ; rdf:rest _:nk5k ; a rdf:List . _:nk5i math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nk5j math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk5k rdf:first _:nk5j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk5l math:arguments _:nk5m ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk5m rdf:first _:nk5n ; rdf:rest _:nk5q ; a rdf:List . _:nk5n math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nk5o math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nk5p rdf:first _:nk3u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk5q rdf:first _:nk5o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk5r rdf:first _:nk5g ; rdf:rest _:nk5s . _:nk5s rdf:first _:nk5l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk5t rdf:first _:nk4l ; rdf:rest _:nk5u . _:nk5u rdf:first _:nk4x ; rdf:rest _:nk5v . _:nk5v rdf:first _:nk5d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk5w math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nk5x math:name "A" ; a math:Variable . _:nk5y math:name "B" ; a math:Variable . _:nk5z rdf:first _:nk5y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk60 rdf:first _:nk61 ; rdf:rest _:nk63 ; a rdf:List . _:nk61 math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk62 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk63 rdf:first _:nk62 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk64 math:arguments _:nk65 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk65 rdf:first _:nk66 ; rdf:rest _:nk68 ; a rdf:List . _:nk66 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk67 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk68 rdf:first _:nk67 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk69 math:arguments _:nk6a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk6a rdf:first _:nk6b ; rdf:rest _:nk6d ; a rdf:List . _:nk6b math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk6c math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk6d rdf:first _:nk6c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk6e rdf:first _:nk69 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk6f math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nk6g rdf:first _:nk6f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk6h rdf:first _:nk6i ; rdf:rest _:nk6y ; a rdf:List . _:nk6i math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nk6j math:arguments _:nk6k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk6k rdf:first _:nk6l ; rdf:rest _:nk6n ; a rdf:List . _:nk6l math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk6m math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk6n rdf:first _:nk6m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk6o math:arguments _:nk6p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk6p rdf:first _:nk6q ; rdf:rest _:nk6s ; a rdf:List . _:nk6q math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk6r math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk6s rdf:first _:nk6r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk6t math:arguments _:nk6u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk6u rdf:first _:nk6v ; rdf:rest _:nk6x ; a rdf:List . _:nk6v math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk6w math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk6x rdf:first _:nk6w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk6y rdf:first _:nk6j ; rdf:rest _:nk6z . _:nk6z rdf:first _:nk6o ; rdf:rest _:nk70 . _:nk70 rdf:first _:nk6t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk71 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nk72 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty foaf:age ; owl:someValuesFrom rdfs:Literal . _:nk73 rdf:first _:nk72 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk74 rdf:first _:nk77 ; rdf:rest _:nk84 ; a rdf:List . _:nk75 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty foaf:age ; owl:someValuesFrom rdfs:Literal . _:nk76 rdf:first _:nk75 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk77 math:arguments _:nk78 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk78 rdf:first _:nk79 ; rdf:rest _:nk7g ; a rdf:List . _:nk79 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk7a rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk7b math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nk7c math:arguments _:nk7d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk7d rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk7e rdf:first foaf:knows ; rdf:rest _:nk7f ; a rdf:List . _:nk7f rdf:first _:nk7c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk7g rdf:first _:nk7b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk7h rdf:first xsd:string ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk7i math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nk7j math:arguments _:nk7k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk7k rdf:first _:nk7m ; rdf:rest _:nk7n ; a rdf:List . _:nk7l math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nk7m math:name "nb" ; a math:Variable . _:nk7n rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk7o math:arguments _:nk7p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk7p rdf:first _:nk7q ; rdf:rest _:nk7s ; a rdf:List . _:nk7q math:name "nb" ; a math:Variable . _:nk7r math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nk7s rdf:first _:nk7r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk7t math:arguments _:nk7u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk7u rdf:first _:nk7v ; rdf:rest _:nk81 ; a rdf:List . _:nk7v math:name "nb" ; a math:Variable . _:nk7w math:binder ; math:body _:nk7l ; math:variables _:nk7x ; a math:Binding . _:nk7x rdf:first _:nk7i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk7y math:arguments _:nk7z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk7z rdf:first _:nk80 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk80 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nk81 rdf:first _:nk7y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk82 rdf:first _:nk7o ; rdf:rest _:nk83 . _:nk83 rdf:first _:nk7t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk84 rdf:first _:nk7w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk85 rdf:first _:nk86 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk86 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nk87 math:arguments _:nk88 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk88 rdf:first _:nk89 ; rdf:rest _:nk8a ; a rdf:List . _:nk89 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nk8a rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk8b math:arguments _:nk8c ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk8c rdf:first _:nk8d ; rdf:rest _:nk8f ; a rdf:List . _:nk8d math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nk8e math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nk8f rdf:first _:nk8e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk8g math:arguments _:nk8h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk8h rdf:first _:nk8i ; rdf:rest _:nk8o ; a rdf:List . _:nk8i math:arguments _:nk8j ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk8j rdf:first _:nk8k ; rdf:rest _:nk8m ; a rdf:List . _:nk8k math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nk8l math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nk8m rdf:first _:nk8l ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk8n math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nk8o rdf:first _:nk8n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk8p rdf:first _:nk8b ; rdf:rest _:nk8q . _:nk8q rdf:first _:nk8g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk8r math:arguments _:nk8s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk8s rdf:first _:nk8t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk8t math:value "12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk8u math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:nk8r ; a math:AttributionPair . _:nk8v math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk8w math:arguments _:nk8x ; math:target _:nk8v ; a math:Attribution . _:nk8x rdf:first _:nk8u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk8y math:arguments _:nk8z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk8z rdf:first _:nk90 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk90 math:value "12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk91 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:nk8y ; a math:AttributionPair . _:nk92 math:value "5"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk93 math:arguments _:nk94 ; math:target _:nk92 ; a math:Attribution . _:nk94 rdf:first _:nk91 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk95 rdf:first _:nk93 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk96 math:arguments _:nk97 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk97 rdf:first _:nk98 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk98 math:value "12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk99 math:attributeKey ; math:attributeValue _:nk96 ; a math:AttributionPair . _:nk9a math:value "8"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk9b rdf:first _:nk99 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk9c math:arguments _:nk9d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk9d rdf:first _:nk9e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk9e math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nk9f rdf:first _:nk9g ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk9g math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nk9h math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nk9i rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk9j rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nk9k math:name "Field" ; a math:Variable . _:nk9l math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nk9m rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nka3 ; a rdf:List . _:nk9n math:arguments _:nk9o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk9o rdf:first _:nk9p ; rdf:rest _:nka0 ; a rdf:List . _:nk9p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nk9q math:arguments _:nk9r ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk9r rdf:first _:nk9s ; rdf:rest _:nk9u ; a rdf:List . _:nk9s math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk9t math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk9u rdf:first _:nk9t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nk9v math:arguments _:nk9w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nk9w rdf:first _:nk9x ; rdf:rest _:nk9z ; a rdf:List . _:nk9x math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk9y math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nk9z rdf:first _:nk9y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nka0 rdf:first _:nk9q ; rdf:rest _:nka1 . _:nka1 rdf:first _:nk9v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nka2 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nka3 rdf:first _:nk9n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nka4 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nka5 rdf:first _:nka6 ; rdf:rest _:nka7 ; a rdf:List . _:nka6 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nka7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nka8 math:arguments _:nka9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nka9 rdf:first _:nkaa ; rdf:rest _:nkab ; a rdf:List . _:nkaa math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nkab rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkac math:arguments _:nkad ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkad rdf:first _:nkae ; rdf:rest _:nkaf ; a rdf:List . _:nkae math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nkaf rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkag math:arguments _:nkah ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkah rdf:first _:nkai ; rdf:rest _:nkap ; a rdf:List . _:nkai math:arguments _:nkaj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkaj rdf:first _:nkak ; rdf:rest _:nkam ; a rdf:List . _:nkak math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nkal math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkam rdf:first _:nkal ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkan math:arguments _:nkao ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkao rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkap rdf:first _:nkan ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkaq math:arguments _:nkar ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkar rdf:first _:nkas ; rdf:rest _:nkaz ; a rdf:List . _:nkas math:arguments _:nkat ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkat rdf:first _:nkau ; rdf:rest _:nkaw ; a rdf:List . _:nkau math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nkav math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkaw rdf:first _:nkav ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkax math:arguments _:nkay ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkay rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkaz rdf:first _:nkax ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkb0 math:arguments _:nkb1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkb1 rdf:first _:nkb2 ; rdf:rest _:nkb9 ; a rdf:List . _:nkb2 math:arguments _:nkb3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkb3 rdf:first _:nkb4 ; rdf:rest _:nkb6 ; a rdf:List . _:nkb4 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nkb5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkb6 rdf:first _:nkb5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkb7 math:arguments _:nkb8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkb8 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkb9 rdf:first _:nkb7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkba math:arguments _:nkbb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkbb rdf:first _:nkbc ; rdf:rest _:nkbl ; a rdf:List . _:nkbc math:arguments _:nkbd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkbd rdf:first _:nkbe ; rdf:rest _:nkbh ; a rdf:List . _:nkbe math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nkbf math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nkbg math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nkbh rdf:first _:nkbf ; rdf:rest _:nkbi . _:nkbi rdf:first _:nkbg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkbj math:arguments _:nkbk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkbk rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkbl rdf:first _:nkbj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkbm math:arguments _:nkbn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkbn rdf:first _:nkbo ; rdf:rest _:nkbr ; a rdf:List . _:nkbo math:arguments _:nkbp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkbp rdf:first _:nkbq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkbq math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nkbr rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkbs math:arguments _:nkbt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkbt rdf:first _:nkbu ; rdf:rest _:nkbx ; a rdf:List . _:nkbu math:arguments _:nkbv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkbv rdf:first _:nkbw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkbw math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nkbx rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkby math:arguments _:nkbz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkbz rdf:first _:nkc0 ; rdf:rest _:nkc3 ; a rdf:List . _:nkc0 math:arguments _:nkc1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkc1 rdf:first _:nkc2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkc2 math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nkc3 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkc4 math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nkc5 math:arguments _:nkc6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkc6 rdf:first _:nkc7 ; rdf:rest _:nkdw ; a rdf:List . _:nkc7 math:arguments _:nkc8 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkc8 rdf:first _:nkc9 ; rdf:rest _:nkca ; a rdf:List . _:nkc9 math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nkca rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkcb math:name "r0" ; a math:Variable . _:nkcc math:name "r1" ; a math:Variable . _:nkcd math:name "r2" ; a math:Variable . _:nkce math:name "r3" ; a math:Variable . _:nkcf math:arguments _:nkcg ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkcg rdf:first _:nkch ; rdf:rest _:nkdn ; a rdf:List . _:nkch math:arguments _:nkci ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkci rdf:first _:nkcj ; rdf:rest _:nkck ; a rdf:List . _:nkcj math:name "r0" ; a math:Variable . _:nkck rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkcl math:arguments _:nkcm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkcm rdf:first _:nkcn ; rdf:rest _:nkco ; a rdf:List . _:nkcn math:name "r1" ; a math:Variable . _:nkco rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkcp math:arguments _:nkcq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkcq rdf:first _:nkcr ; rdf:rest _:nkcs ; a rdf:List . _:nkcr math:name "r2" ; a math:Variable . _:nkcs rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkct math:arguments _:nkcu ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkcu rdf:first _:nkcv ; rdf:rest _:nkcw ; a rdf:List . _:nkcv math:name "r3" ; a math:Variable . _:nkcw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkcx math:arguments _:nkcy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkcy rdf:first _:nkcz ; rdf:rest _:nkdm ; a rdf:List . _:nkcz math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nkd0 math:arguments _:nkd1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkd1 rdf:first _:nkd2 ; rdf:rest _:nkdj ; a rdf:List . _:nkd2 math:name "r0" ; a math:Variable . _:nkd3 math:arguments _:nkd4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkd4 rdf:first _:nkd5 ; rdf:rest _:nkd8 ; a rdf:List . _:nkd5 math:name "r1" ; a math:Variable . _:nkd6 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nkd7 math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nkd8 rdf:first _:nkd7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkd9 math:arguments _:nkda ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkda rdf:first _:nkdb ; rdf:rest _:nkdd ; a rdf:List . _:nkdb math:name "r2" ; a math:Variable . _:nkdc math:name "j" ; a math:Variable . _:nkdd rdf:first _:nkdc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkde math:arguments _:nkdf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkdf rdf:first _:nkdg ; rdf:rest _:nkdi ; a rdf:List . _:nkdg math:name "r3" ; a math:Variable . _:nkdh math:name "k" ; a math:Variable . _:nkdi rdf:first _:nkdh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkdj rdf:first _:nkd3 ; rdf:rest _:nkdk . _:nkdk rdf:first _:nkd9 ; rdf:rest _:nkdl . _:nkdl rdf:first _:nkde ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkdm rdf:first _:nkd0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkdn rdf:first _:nkcl ; rdf:rest _:nkdo . _:nkdo rdf:first _:nkcp ; rdf:rest _:nkdp . _:nkdp rdf:first _:nkct ; rdf:rest _:nkdq . _:nkdq rdf:first _:nkcx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkdr math:binder ; math:body _:nkcf ; math:variables _:nkds ; a math:Binding . _:nkds rdf:first _:nkcb ; rdf:rest _:nkdt ; a rdf:List . _:nkdt rdf:first _:nkcc ; rdf:rest _:nkdu . _:nkdu rdf:first _:nkcd ; rdf:rest _:nkdv . _:nkdv rdf:first _:nkce ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkdw rdf:first _:nkdr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkdx math:binder ; math:body _:nkc5 ; math:variables _:nkdy ; a math:Binding . _:nkdy rdf:first _:nkc4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkdz rdf:first _:nkac ; rdf:rest _:nke0 . _:nke0 rdf:first _:nkag ; rdf:rest _:nke1 . _:nke1 rdf:first _:nkaq ; rdf:rest _:nke2 . _:nke2 rdf:first _:nkb0 ; rdf:rest _:nke3 . _:nke3 rdf:first _:nkba ; rdf:rest _:nke4 . _:nke4 rdf:first _:nkbm ; rdf:rest _:nke5 . _:nke5 rdf:first _:nkbs ; rdf:rest _:nke6 . _:nke6 rdf:first _:nkby ; rdf:rest _:nke7 . _:nke7 rdf:first _:nkdx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nke8 rdf:first _:nke9 ; rdf:rest _:nkeb ; a rdf:List . _:nke9 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nkea math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nkeb rdf:first _:nkea ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkec math:arguments _:nked ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nked rdf:first _:nkee ; rdf:rest _:nkeg ; a rdf:List . _:nkee math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nkef math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nkeg rdf:first _:nkef ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkeh math:arguments _:nkei ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkei rdf:first _:nkej ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkej math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkek math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkel math:arguments _:nkem ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkem rdf:first _:nken ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nken math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkeo math:arguments _:nkep ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkep rdf:first _:nkeq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkeq math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nker rdf:first _:nkel ; rdf:rest _:nkes . _:nkes rdf:first _:nkeo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nket math:value "15"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkeu rdf:first _:nkev ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkev math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkew rdf:first _:nkex ; rdf:rest _:nkf7 ; a rdf:List . _:nkex math:arguments _:nkey ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkey rdf:first _:nkez ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkez math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkf0 math:arguments _:nkf1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkf1 rdf:first _:nkf2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkf2 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkf3 math:arguments _:nkf4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkf4 rdf:first _:nkf5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkf5 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkf6 rdf:first _:nket ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkf7 rdf:first _:nkf0 ; rdf:rest _:nkf8 . _:nkf8 rdf:first _:nkf3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkf9 math:arguments _:nkfa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkfa rdf:first _:nkfb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkfb math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nkfc math:arguments _:nkfd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkfd rdf:first _:nkfe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkfe math:name "i" ; a math:Variable . _:nkff rdf:first _:nkfc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkfg math:arguments _:nkfh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkfh rdf:first _:nkfi ; rdf:rest _:nkfk ; a rdf:List . _:nkfi math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkfj math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkfk rdf:first _:nkfj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkfl rdf:first _:nkfm ; rdf:rest _:nkfp ; a rdf:List . _:nkfm math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkfn math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkfo math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkfp rdf:first _:nkfo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkfq math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkfr math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkfs rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkft math:value "-2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkfu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkfv math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkfw rdf:first _:nkfv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkfx rdf:first _:nkfy ; rdf:rest _:nkg0 ; a rdf:List . _:nkfy math:arguments _:nkfz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkfz rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkg0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkg1 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkg2 rdf:first _:nkfq ; rdf:rest _:nkg8 . _:nkg3 math:arguments _:nkg4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkg4 rdf:first _:nkg5 ; rdf:rest _:nkg7 ; a rdf:List . _:nkg5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkg6 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkg7 rdf:first _:nkg6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkg8 rdf:first _:nkft ; rdf:rest _:nkg9 . _:nkg9 rdf:first _:nkg1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkga math:arguments _:nkgb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkgb rdf:first _:nkgc ; rdf:rest _:nkge ; a rdf:List . _:nkgc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkgd math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkge rdf:first _:nkgd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkgf rdf:first _:nkgg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkgg math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkgh math:arguments _:nkgi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkgi rdf:first _:nkgj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkgj math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkgk rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkgl math:arguments _:nkgm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkgm rdf:first _:nkgn ; rdf:rest _:nkgp ; a rdf:List . _:nkgn math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkgo math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkgp rdf:first _:nkgo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkgq rdf:first _:nkgr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkgr math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkgs math:arguments _:nkgt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkgt rdf:first _:nkgu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkgu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkgv rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkgw math:arguments _:nkgx ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkgx rdf:first _:nkgy ; rdf:rest _:nkh0 ; a rdf:List . _:nkgy math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkgz math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkh0 rdf:first _:nkgz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkh1 math:arguments _:nkh2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkh2 rdf:first _:nkh3 ; rdf:rest _:nkh5 ; a rdf:List . _:nkh3 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkh4 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkh5 rdf:first _:nkh4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkh6 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkh8 ; a rdf:List . _:nkh7 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkh8 rdf:first _:nkh7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkh9 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nkha math:arguments _:nkhb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkhb rdf:first _:nkhc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkhc math:arguments _:nkhd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkhd rdf:first _:nkhe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkhe math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nkhf rdf:first _:nkha ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkhg rdf:first _:nkhh ; rdf:rest _:nkhi ; a rdf:List . _:nkhh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkhi rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkhj . _:nkhj rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkhk math:arguments _:nkhl ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkhl rdf:first _:nkhm ; rdf:rest _:nkhp ; a rdf:List . _:nkhm math:arguments _:nkhn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkhn rdf:first _:nkho ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkho math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nkhp rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkhq math:arguments _:nkhr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkhr rdf:first _:nkhs ; rdf:rest _:nkht ; a rdf:List . _:nkhs math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkht rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkhu rdf:first _:nkhq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkhv math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nkhw rdf:first _:nkic ; rdf:rest _:nkiw ; a rdf:List . _:nkhx math:arguments _:nkhy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkhy rdf:first _:nkhz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkhz math:arguments _:nki0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nki0 rdf:first _:nki1 ; rdf:rest _:nkig ; a rdf:List . _:nki1 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nki2 math:arguments _:nki3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nki3 rdf:first _:nki4 ; rdf:rest _:nkif ; a rdf:List . _:nki4 math:arguments _:nki5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nki5 rdf:first _:nki6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nki6 math:arguments _:nki7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nki7 rdf:first _:nki8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nki8 math:arguments _:nki9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nki9 rdf:first _:nkia ; rdf:rest _:nkid ; a rdf:List . _:nkia math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nkib math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkic math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:nkid rdf:first _:nkib ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkie math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkif rdf:first _:nkie ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkig rdf:first _:nki2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkih math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:nkii math:arguments _:nkij ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkij rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkj8 ; a rdf:List . _:nkik math:arguments _:nkil ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkil rdf:first _:nkim ; rdf:rest _:nkj7 ; a rdf:List . _:nkim math:arguments _:nkin ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkin rdf:first _:nkio ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkio math:arguments _:nkip ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkip rdf:first _:nkiq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkiq math:arguments _:nkir ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkir rdf:first _:nkis ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkis math:arguments _:nkit ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkit rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkiv ; a rdf:List . _:nkiu math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nkiv rdf:first _:nkiu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkiw rdf:first _:nkih ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkix math:arguments _:nkiy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkiy rdf:first _:nkiz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkiz math:arguments _:nkj0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkj0 rdf:first _:nkj1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkj1 math:arguments _:nkj2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkj2 rdf:first _:nkj3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkj3 math:arguments _:nkj4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkj4 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkj6 ; a rdf:List . _:nkj5 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nkj6 rdf:first _:nkj5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkj7 rdf:first _:nkix ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkj8 rdf:first _:nkik ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkj9 rdf:first _:nkii ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkja math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkjb rdf:first _:nkja ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkjc math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkjd math:value "60"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkje rdf:first _:nkjd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkjf math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkjg rdf:first _:nkjf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkjh math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkji math:value "50"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkjj rdf:first _:nkji ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkjk math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkjl rdf:first _:nkjk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkjm math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkjn math:value "40"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkjo rdf:first _:nkjn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkjp math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkjq rdf:first _:nkjp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkjr math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkjs math:value "30"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkjt rdf:first _:nkjs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkju math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:nkjv math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkjw rdf:first _:nkjv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkjx math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:nkjy math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkjz math:value "20"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkk0 rdf:first _:nkjz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkk1 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkk2 rdf:first _:nkk1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkk3 rdf:first _:nkjx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkk4 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkk5 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkk6 rdf:first _:nkk5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkk7 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkk9 ; a rdf:List . _:nkk8 math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkk9 rdf:first _:nkk8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkka rdf:first _:nkkb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkkb math:arguments _:nkkc ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkkc rdf:first _:nkkg ; rdf:rest _:nkkn ; a rdf:List . _:nkkd math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkke rdf:first _:nkkd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkkf math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkkg math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:nkkh math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkki rdf:first _:nkkh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkkj math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nkkk math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkkl rdf:first _:nkkk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkkm math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkkn rdf:first _:nkkj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkko math:value "24"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkkp rdf:first _:nkko ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkkq math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkkr rdf:first _:nkkq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkks math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkkt math:value "21"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkku rdf:first _:nkkt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkkv math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkkw rdf:first _:nkkv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkkx math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkky math:value "18"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkkz rdf:first _:nkky ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkl0 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkl1 rdf:first _:nkl0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkl2 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkl3 math:value "15"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkl4 rdf:first _:nkl3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkl5 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkl6 rdf:first _:nkl5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkl7 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkl8 math:value "12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkl9 rdf:first _:nkl8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkla math:name "e" ; a math:Variable . _:nklb math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nklc rdf:first _:nklb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkld math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkle math:value "9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nklf rdf:first _:nkle ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nklg math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nklh rdf:first _:nklg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkli math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nklj math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nklk rdf:first _:nklj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkll math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nklm rdf:first _:nkll ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkln math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nklo math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nklp rdf:first _:nklo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nklq math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nklr rdf:first _:nklq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkls math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nklt math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nklu rdf:first _:nklt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nklv math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nklw math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nklx rdf:first _:nklw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkly math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nklz rdf:first _:nkm6 ; rdf:rest _:nkmu ; a rdf:List . _:nkm0 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkm1 rdf:first _:nkm0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkm2 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nkm3 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkm4 rdf:first _:nkm3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkm5 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkm6 math:arguments _:nkm7 ; math:operator _:nkm2 ; a math:Application . _:nkm7 rdf:first _:nkma ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkm8 math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkm9 rdf:first _:nkm8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkma math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkmb math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkmc rdf:first _:nkmb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkmd math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkme math:value "-2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkmf rdf:first _:nkme ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkmg math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nkmh math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkmi rdf:first _:nkmh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkmj math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkmk math:arguments _:nkml ; math:operator _:nkmg ; a math:Application . _:nkml rdf:first _:nkmo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkmm math:value "-3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkmn rdf:first _:nkmm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkmo math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkmp math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkmq rdf:first _:nkmp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkmr math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkms math:value "-6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkmt rdf:first _:nkms ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkmu rdf:first _:nkmk ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkmv math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkmw rdf:first _:nkmv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkmx math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkmy math:value "-9"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkmz rdf:first _:nkmy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkn0 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkn1 rdf:first _:nkn0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkn2 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkn3 math:value "-12"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkn4 rdf:first _:nkn3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkn5 math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkn6 rdf:first _:nkn5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkn7 math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkn8 math:value "-15"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkn9 rdf:first _:nkn8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkna math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nknb rdf:first _:nkna ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nknc math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nknd math:value "-18"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkne rdf:first _:nknd ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nknf math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nkng rdf:first _:nknf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nknh math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkni rdf:first _:nknv ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nknj math:value "-21"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nknk rdf:first _:nknj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nknl math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nknm math:name "unit" ; a math:Variable . _:nknn rdf:first _:nknm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkno math:value "10"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nknp math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nknq math:value "-24"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nknr rdf:first _:nknq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkns math:arguments _:nknt ; math:operator _:nknp ; a math:Application . _:nknt rdf:first _:nknu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nknu math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nknv math:binder ; math:body _:nkns ; math:variables _:nknw ; a math:Binding . _:nknw rdf:first _:nknl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nknx math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkny math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nknz math:arguments _:nko0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nko0 rdf:first _:nko1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nko1 math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nko2 math:arguments _:nko3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nko3 rdf:first _:nko4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nko4 math:name "dq" ; a math:Variable . _:nko5 rdf:first _:nko2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nko6 math:arguments _:nko7 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nko7 rdf:first _:nkpg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nko8 math:arguments _:nko9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nko9 rdf:first _:nkoa ; rdf:rest _:nkoc ; a rdf:List . _:nkoa math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nkob math:name "dq" ; a math:Variable . _:nkoc rdf:first _:nkob ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkod math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkoe math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkof rdf:first _:nkoe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkog rdf:first _:nkoh ; rdf:rest _:nkoo ; a rdf:List . _:nkoh math:arguments _:nkoi ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkoi rdf:first _:nkoj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkoj math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nkok math:arguments _:nkol ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkol rdf:first _:nkom ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkom math:name "dq" ; a math:Variable . _:nkon math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nkoo rdf:first _:nkok ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkop rdf:first _:nkos ; rdf:rest _:nkoy ; a rdf:List . _:nkoq math:arguments _:nkor ; math:operator _:nkon ; a math:Application . _:nkor rdf:first _:nkp3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkos math:arguments _:nkot ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkot rdf:first _:nkou ; rdf:rest _:nkow ; a rdf:List . _:nkou math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nkov math:name "dq" ; a math:Variable . _:nkow rdf:first _:nkov ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkox math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkoy rdf:first _:nkox ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkoz math:arguments _:nkp0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkp0 rdf:first _:nkp1 ; rdf:rest _:nkp8 ; a rdf:List . _:nkp1 math:arguments _:nkp2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkp2 rdf:first _:nkp4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkp3 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkp4 math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nkp5 math:arguments _:nkp6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkp6 rdf:first _:nkp7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkp7 math:name "dq" ; a math:Variable . _:nkp8 rdf:first _:nkp5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkp9 math:arguments _:nkpa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkpa rdf:first _:nkpb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkpb math:name "dq" ; a math:Variable . _:nkpc math:arguments _:nkpd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkpd rdf:first _:nkpe ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkpe math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nkpf rdf:first _:nkpc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkpg math:binder ; math:body _:nkoq ; math:variables _:nkph ; a math:Binding . _:nkph rdf:first _:nkod ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkpi math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nkpj math:name "p" ; a math:Variable . _:nkpk rdf:first _:nkpj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkpl math:arguments _:nkpm ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkpm rdf:first _:nkpn ; rdf:rest _:nkpp ; a rdf:List . _:nkpn math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkpo math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkpp rdf:first _:nkpo ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkpq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkpr rdf:first _:nkpq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkps rdf:first _:nkpt ; rdf:rest _:nkpv ; a rdf:List . _:nkpt math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkpu math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkpv rdf:first _:nkpu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkpw rdf:first _:nkq1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkpx rdf:first _:nkpy ; rdf:rest _:nkq0 ; a rdf:List . _:nkpy math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkpz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkq0 rdf:first _:nkpz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkq1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkq2 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkq3 math:arguments _:nkq4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkq4 rdf:first _:nkq5 ; rdf:rest _:nkq7 ; a rdf:List . _:nkq5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkq6 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkq7 rdf:first _:nkq6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkq8 math:name "q" ; a math:Variable . _:nkq9 math:name "dq" ; a math:Variable . _:nkqa rdf:first _:nkq9 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkqb rdf:first _:nkqc ; rdf:rest _:nkqu ; a rdf:List . _:nkqc math:arguments _:nkqd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkqd rdf:first _:nkqe ; rdf:rest _:nkqo ; a rdf:List . _:nkqe math:arguments _:nkqf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkqf rdf:first _:nkqg ; rdf:rest _:nkqi ; a rdf:List . _:nkqg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkqh math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nkqi rdf:first _:nkqh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkqj math:arguments _:nkqk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkqk rdf:first _:nkql ; rdf:rest _:nkqn ; a rdf:List . _:nkql math:name "dx" ; a math:Variable . _:nkqm math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nkqn rdf:first _:nkqm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkqo rdf:first _:nkqj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkqp math:arguments _:nkqq ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkqq rdf:first _:nkqr ; rdf:rest _:nkqt ; a rdf:List . _:nkqr math:name "dy" ; a math:Variable . _:nkqs math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:nkqt rdf:first _:nkqs ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkqu rdf:first _:nkqp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkqv math:arguments _:nkqw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkqw rdf:first _:nkqx ; rdf:rest _:nkr7 ; a rdf:List . _:nkqx math:arguments _:nkqy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkqy rdf:first _:nkqz ; rdf:rest _:nkr1 ; a rdf:List . _:nkqz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkr0 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkr1 rdf:first _:nkr0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkr2 math:arguments _:nkr3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkr3 rdf:first _:nkr4 ; rdf:rest _:nkr6 ; a rdf:List . _:nkr4 math:name "dx" ; a math:Variable . _:nkr5 math:name "dy" ; a math:Variable . _:nkr6 rdf:first _:nkr5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkr7 rdf:first _:nkr2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkr8 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkr9 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkra math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nkrb rdf:first _:nkra ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkrc rdf:first _:nkrd ; rdf:rest _:nkrs ; a rdf:List . _:nkrd math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nkre math:arguments _:nkrf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkrf rdf:first _:nkrg ; rdf:rest _:nkrr ; a rdf:List . _:nkrg math:arguments _:nkrh ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkrh rdf:first _:nkri ; rdf:rest _:nkrl ; a rdf:List . _:nkri math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkrj math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nkrk rdf:first _:nkrx ; rdf:rest _:nktc ; a rdf:List . _:nkrl rdf:first _:nkrj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkrm math:arguments _:nkrn ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkrn rdf:first _:nkro ; rdf:rest _:nkrq ; a rdf:List . _:nkro math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkrp math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:nkrq rdf:first _:nkrp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkrr rdf:first _:nkrm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkrs rdf:first _:nkre ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkrt math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nkru rdf:first _:nkrv ; rdf:rest _:nks7 ; a rdf:List . _:nkrv math:arguments _:nkrw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkrw rdf:first _:nkrz ; rdf:rest _:nks1 ; a rdf:List . _:nkrx math:arguments _:nkry ; math:operator _:nkrt ; a math:Application . _:nkry rdf:first _:nks8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkrz math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nks0 math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nks1 rdf:first _:nks0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nks2 math:arguments _:nks3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nks3 rdf:first _:nks4 ; rdf:rest _:nks6 ; a rdf:List . _:nks4 math:name "dx" ; a math:Variable . _:nks5 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nks6 rdf:first _:nks5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nks7 rdf:first _:nks2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nks8 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nks9 math:arguments _:nksa ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nksa rdf:first _:nksb ; rdf:rest _:nksd ; a rdf:List . _:nksb math:name "dy" ; a math:Variable . _:nksc math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:nksd rdf:first _:nksc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkse math:arguments _:nksf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nksf rdf:first _:nksg ; rdf:rest _:nksi ; a rdf:List . _:nksg math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nksh math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nksi rdf:first _:nksh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nksj math:arguments _:nksk ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nksk rdf:first _:nksl ; rdf:rest _:nksn ; a rdf:List . _:nksl math:name "dx" ; a math:Variable . _:nksm math:name "dy" ; a math:Variable . _:nksn rdf:first _:nksm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkso rdf:first _:nksj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nksp math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nksq math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nksr math:name "m" ; a math:Variable . _:nkss rdf:first _:nksr ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkst math:arguments _:nksu ; math:operator _:nksp ; a math:Application . _:nksu rdf:first _:nkt6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nksv rdf:first _:nksw ; rdf:rest _:nktb ; a rdf:List . _:nksw math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nksx math:arguments _:nksy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nksy rdf:first _:nksz ; rdf:rest _:nkta ; a rdf:List . _:nksz math:arguments _:nkt0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkt0 rdf:first _:nkt1 ; rdf:rest _:nkt3 ; a rdf:List . _:nkt1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkt2 math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nkt3 rdf:first _:nkt2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkt4 math:arguments _:nkt5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkt5 rdf:first _:nkt7 ; rdf:rest _:nkt9 ; a rdf:List . _:nkt6 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkt7 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkt8 math:name "r" ; a math:Variable . _:nkt9 rdf:first _:nkt8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkta rdf:first _:nkt4 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nktb rdf:first _:nksx ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nktc rdf:first _:nkst ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nktd math:arguments _:nkte ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkte rdf:first _:nktf ; rdf:rest _:nkth ; a rdf:List . _:nktf math:value "7"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nktg math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkth rdf:first _:nktg ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkti math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nktj rdf:first _:nkti ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nktk math:name "C" ; a math:Variable . _:nktl rdf:first _:nktm ; rdf:rest _:nktn ; a rdf:List . _:nktm math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nktn rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkto math:arguments _:nktp ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nktp rdf:first _:nktq ; rdf:rest _:nktu ; a rdf:List . _:nktq math:arguments _:nktr ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nktr rdf:first _:nkts ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkts math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nktt math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nktu rdf:first _:nktt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nktv math:arguments _:nktw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nktw rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nktx math:arguments _:nkty ; math:operator _:nktv ; a math:Application . _:nkty rdf:first _:nktz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nktz math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nku0 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nku1 math:arguments _:nku2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nku2 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nku3 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nku4 rdf:first _:nku3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nku5 math:arguments _:nku6 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nku6 rdf:first _:nkup ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nku7 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nku8 math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nku9 rdf:first _:nkua ; rdf:rest _:nkue ; a rdf:List . _:nkua math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkub math:arguments _:nkuc ; math:operator _:nku8 ; a math:Application . _:nkuc rdf:first _:nkuf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkud math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkue rdf:first _:nkud ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkuf math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkug rdf:first _:nkuh ; rdf:rest _:nkuj ; a rdf:List . _:nkuh math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkui math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkuj rdf:first _:nkui ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkuk math:arguments _:nkul ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkul rdf:first _:nkum ; rdf:rest _:nkuo ; a rdf:List . _:nkum math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkun math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkuo rdf:first _:nkun ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkup math:binder ; math:body _:nkub ; math:variables _:nkuq ; a math:Binding . _:nkuq rdf:first _:nku7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkur math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkus math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkut math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkuu rdf:first _:nkus ; rdf:rest _:nkuv . _:nkuv rdf:first _:nkut ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkuw math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkux math:arguments _:nkuy ; math:operator _:nku5 ; a math:Application . _:nkuy rdf:first _:nkv7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkuz math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkv0 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkv1 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkv2 math:arguments _:nkv3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkv3 rdf:first _:nkv4 ; rdf:rest _:nkv6 ; a rdf:List . _:nkv4 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nkv5 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkv6 rdf:first _:nkv5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkv7 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkv8 math:binder ; math:body _:nkv2 ; math:variables _:nkv9 ; a math:Binding . _:nkv9 rdf:first _:nkv1 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkva rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkvb . _:nkvb rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nkvc . _:nkvc rdf:first _:nkv0 ; rdf:rest _:nkvd . _:nkvd rdf:first _:nkv8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkve math:arguments _:nkvf ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkvf rdf:first _:nkvg ; rdf:rest _:nkvo ; a rdf:List . _:nkvg math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nkvh math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkvi math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nkvj math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nkvk math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkvl math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nkvm math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nkvn math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nkvo rdf:first _:nkvh ; rdf:rest _:nkvp . _:nkvp rdf:first _:nkvi ; rdf:rest _:nkvq . _:nkvq rdf:first _:nkvk ; rdf:rest _:nkvr . _:nkvr rdf:first _:nkvl ; rdf:rest _:nkvs . _:nkvs rdf:first _:nkvm ; rdf:rest _:nkvt . _:nkvt rdf:first _:nkvn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkvu math:arguments _:nkvv ; math:operator _:nkvj ; a math:Application . _:nkvv rdf:first _:nkvw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkvw math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkvx math:arguments _:nkvy ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkvy rdf:first _:nkvz ; rdf:rest _:nkw6 ; a rdf:List . _:nkvz math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nkw0 math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkw1 math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nkw2 math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkw3 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nkw4 math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nkw5 math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nkw6 rdf:first _:nkw0 ; rdf:rest _:nkw7 . _:nkw7 rdf:first _:nkw1 ; rdf:rest _:nkw8 . _:nkw8 rdf:first _:nkw2 ; rdf:rest _:nkw9 . _:nkw9 rdf:first _:nkw3 ; rdf:rest _:nkwa . _:nkwa rdf:first _:nkw4 ; rdf:rest _:nkwb . _:nkwb rdf:first _:nkw5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkwc rdf:first _:nkvu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkwd math:arguments _:nkwe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkwe rdf:first _:nkwf ; rdf:rest _:nkwn ; a rdf:List . _:nkwf math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nkwg math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkwh math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nkwi rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkwj math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkwk math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nkwl math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nkwm math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nkwn rdf:first _:nkwg ; rdf:rest _:nkwo . _:nkwo rdf:first _:nkwh ; rdf:rest _:nkwp . _:nkwp rdf:first _:nkwj ; rdf:rest _:nkwq . _:nkwq rdf:first _:nkwk ; rdf:rest _:nkwr . _:nkwr rdf:first _:nkwl ; rdf:rest _:nkws . _:nkws rdf:first _:nkwm ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkwt rdf:first _:nkx5 ; rdf:rest _:nl08 ; a rdf:List . _:nkwu math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nkwv math:arguments _:nkww ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkww rdf:first _:nkwx ; rdf:rest _:nkx4 ; a rdf:List . _:nkwx math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nkwy math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkwz math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nkx0 math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkx1 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nkx2 math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nkx3 math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nkx4 rdf:first _:nkwy ; rdf:rest _:nkx7 . _:nkx5 math:arguments _:nkx6 ; math:operator _:nkwu ; a math:Application . _:nkx6 rdf:first _:nkxc ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkx7 rdf:first _:nkwz ; rdf:rest _:nkx8 . _:nkx8 rdf:first _:nkx0 ; rdf:rest _:nkx9 . _:nkx9 rdf:first _:nkx1 ; rdf:rest _:nkxa . _:nkxa rdf:first _:nkx2 ; rdf:rest _:nkxb . _:nkxb rdf:first _:nkx3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkxc math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxd math:arguments _:nkxe ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkxe rdf:first _:nkxf ; rdf:rest _:nkxm ; a rdf:List . _:nkxf math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxg math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxh math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxi math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxj math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxk math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxl math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxm rdf:first _:nkxg ; rdf:rest _:nkxn . _:nkxn rdf:first _:nkxh ; rdf:rest _:nkxo . _:nkxo rdf:first _:nkxi ; rdf:rest _:nkxp . _:nkxp rdf:first _:nkxj ; rdf:rest _:nkxq . _:nkxq rdf:first _:nkxk ; rdf:rest _:nkxr . _:nkxr rdf:first _:nkxl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkxs math:arguments _:nkxt ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkxt rdf:first _:nkyt ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkxu math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxv math:arguments _:nkxw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkxw rdf:first _:nkxx ; rdf:rest _:nky4 ; a rdf:List . _:nkxx math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxy math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkxz math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nky0 math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nky1 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nky2 math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nky3 math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nky4 rdf:first _:nkxy ; rdf:rest _:nky6 . _:nky5 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nky6 rdf:first _:nkxz ; rdf:rest _:nky7 . _:nky7 rdf:first _:nky0 ; rdf:rest _:nky8 . _:nky8 rdf:first _:nky1 ; rdf:rest _:nky9 . _:nky9 rdf:first _:nky2 ; rdf:rest _:nkya . _:nkya rdf:first _:nky3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkyb math:arguments _:nkyc ; math:operator _:nky5 ; a math:Application . _:nkyc rdf:first _:nkyi ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkyd math:arguments _:nkye ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkye rdf:first _:nkyf ; rdf:rest _:nkyn ; a rdf:List . _:nkyf math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nkyg math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkyh math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nkyi math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkyj math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkyk math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nkyl math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nkym math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nkyn rdf:first _:nkyg ; rdf:rest _:nkyo . _:nkyo rdf:first _:nkyh ; rdf:rest _:nkyp . _:nkyp rdf:first _:nkyj ; rdf:rest _:nkyq . _:nkyq rdf:first _:nkyk ; rdf:rest _:nkyr . _:nkyr rdf:first _:nkyl ; rdf:rest _:nkys . _:nkys rdf:first _:nkym ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkyt math:binder ; math:body _:nkyb ; math:variables _:nkyu ; a math:Binding . _:nkyu rdf:first _:nkxu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkyv math:arguments _:nkyw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkyw rdf:first _:nkyx ; rdf:rest _:nkz4 ; a rdf:List . _:nkyx math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nkyy math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkyz math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nkz0 math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkz1 math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nkz2 math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nkz3 math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nkz4 rdf:first _:nkyy ; rdf:rest _:nkz5 . _:nkz5 rdf:first _:nkyz ; rdf:rest _:nkz6 . _:nkz6 rdf:first _:nkz0 ; rdf:rest _:nkz7 . _:nkz7 rdf:first _:nkz1 ; rdf:rest _:nkz8 . _:nkz8 rdf:first _:nkz2 ; rdf:rest _:nkz9 . _:nkz9 rdf:first _:nkz3 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkza math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkzb math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkzc math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkzd math:arguments _:nkze ; math:operator _:nkzc ; a math:Application . _:nkze rdf:first _:nkzf ; rdf:rest _:nkzk ; a rdf:List . _:nkzf math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkzg math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nkzh math:arguments _:nkzi ; math:operator _:nkzg ; a math:Application . _:nkzi rdf:first _:nkzj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkzj math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nkzk rdf:first _:nkzh ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkzl rdf:first _:nkza ; rdf:rest _:nkzm ; a rdf:List . _:nkzm rdf:first _:nkzb ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkzn math:arguments _:nkzo ; math:operator _:nkxs ; a math:Application . _:nkzo rdf:first _:nkzp ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkzp math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nkzq rdf:first _:nkzr ; rdf:rest _:nl05 ; a rdf:List . _:nkzr math:arguments _:nkzs ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkzs rdf:first _:nkzt ; rdf:rest _:nkzx ; a rdf:List . _:nkzt math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nkzu math:arguments _:nkzv ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkzv rdf:first _:nkzw ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nkzw math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nkzx rdf:first _:nkzu ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nkzy math:arguments _:nkzz ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nkzz rdf:first _:nl00 ; rdf:rest _:nl04 ; a rdf:List . _:nl00 math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nl01 math:arguments _:nl02 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl02 rdf:first _:nl03 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl03 math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nl04 rdf:first _:nl01 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl05 rdf:first _:nkzy ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl06 math:arguments _:nl07 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl07 rdf:first _:nl09 ; rdf:rest _:nl0e ; a rdf:List . _:nl08 rdf:first _:nkzn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl09 math:arguments _:nl0a ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl0a rdf:first _:nl0b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl0b math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0c math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0d math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0e rdf:first _:nl0c ; rdf:rest _:nl0f . _:nl0f rdf:first _:nl0d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl0g math:arguments _:nl0h ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl0h rdf:first _:nl0i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl0i math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0j math:arguments _:nl0k ; math:operator _:nl0g ; a math:Application . _:nl0k rdf:first _:nl0l ; rdf:rest _:nl0n ; a rdf:List . _:nl0l math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0m math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0n rdf:first _:nl0m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl0o rdf:first _:nl0j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl0p rdf:first _:nl2g ; rdf:rest _:nl4l ; a rdf:List . _:nl0q rdf:first _:nl0r ; rdf:rest _:nl0y ; a rdf:List . _:nl0r math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0s math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0t math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0u math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0v math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0w math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0x math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nl0y rdf:first _:nl0s ; rdf:rest _:nl0z . _:nl0z rdf:first _:nl0t ; rdf:rest _:nl10 . _:nl10 rdf:first _:nl0u ; rdf:rest _:nl11 . _:nl11 rdf:first _:nl0v ; rdf:rest _:nl12 . _:nl12 rdf:first _:nl0w ; rdf:rest _:nl13 . _:nl13 rdf:first _:nl0x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl14 math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nl15 math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nl16 math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nl17 math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nl18 rdf:first _:nl15 ; rdf:rest _:nl19 . _:nl19 rdf:first _:nl16 ; rdf:rest _:nl1a . _:nl1a rdf:first _:nl17 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl1b rdf:first _:nl1c ; rdf:rest _:nl1j ; a rdf:List . _:nl1c math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1d math:name "plus" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1e math:name "zero" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1f math:name "minus" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1g math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1h math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1i math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1j rdf:first _:nl1d ; rdf:rest _:nl1k . _:nl1k rdf:first _:nl1e ; rdf:rest _:nl1l . _:nl1l rdf:first _:nl1f ; rdf:rest _:nl1m . _:nl1m rdf:first _:nl1g ; rdf:rest _:nl1n . _:nl1n rdf:first _:nl1h ; rdf:rest _:nl1o . _:nl1o rdf:first _:nl1i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl1p math:name "R" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1q math:name "times" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1r math:name "one" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1s math:name "inv" ; a math:Variable . _:nl1t rdf:first _:nl1q ; rdf:rest _:nl1u . _:nl1u rdf:first _:nl1r ; rdf:rest _:nl1v . _:nl1v rdf:first _:nl1s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl1w rdf:first _:nl3c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl1x rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl1y rdf:first _:nl20 ; rdf:rest _:nl2d ; a rdf:List . _:nl1z math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl20 math:arguments _:nl21 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl21 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl29 ; a rdf:List . _:nl22 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl23 math:arguments _:nl24 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl24 rdf:first _:nl25 ; rdf:rest _:nl26 ; a rdf:List . _:nl25 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl26 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl27 math:binder ; math:body _:nl23 ; math:variables _:nl28 ; a math:Binding . _:nl28 rdf:first _:nl22 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl29 rdf:first _:nl27 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl2a math:arguments _:nl2b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl2b rdf:first _:nl2h ; rdf:rest _:nl31 ; a rdf:List . _:nl2c math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl2d rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl2e . _:nl2e rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl2f . _:nl2f rdf:first _:nl2c ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl2g math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl2h math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl2i math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl2j math:arguments _:nl2k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl2k rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl2w ; a rdf:List . _:nl2l math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl2m math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl2n math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl2o math:arguments _:nl2p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl2p rdf:first _:nl2q ; rdf:rest _:nl2t ; a rdf:List . _:nl2q math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl2r math:value "1.0"^^xsd:double ; a math:Literal . _:nl2s math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl2t rdf:first _:nl2s ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl2u math:binder ; math:body _:nl2o ; math:variables _:nl2v ; a math:Binding . _:nl2v rdf:first _:nl2n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl2w rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl2x . _:nl2x rdf:first _:nl2l ; rdf:rest _:nl2y . _:nl2y rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl2z . _:nl2z rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl30 . _:nl30 rdf:first _:nl2m ; rdf:rest _:nl32 . _:nl31 rdf:first _:nl2r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl32 rdf:first _:nl2u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl33 rdf:first _:nl2j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl34 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl37 ; a rdf:List . _:nl35 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl36 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl37 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl38 . _:nl38 rdf:first _:nl35 ; rdf:rest _:nl39 . _:nl39 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl3a . _:nl3a rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl3b . _:nl3b rdf:first _:nl36 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl3c math:binder ; math:body _:nl2a ; math:variables _:nl3d ; a math:Binding . _:nl3d rdf:first _:nl1z ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl3e math:arguments _:nl3f ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl3f rdf:first _:nl3g ; rdf:rest _:nl3i ; a rdf:List . _:nl3g math:value "6"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl3h math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl3i rdf:first _:nl3h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl3j rdf:first _:nl3k ; rdf:rest _:nl3y ; a rdf:List . _:nl3k math:arguments _:nl3l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl3l rdf:first _:nl3m ; rdf:rest _:nl3q ; a rdf:List . _:nl3m math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl3n math:arguments _:nl3o ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl3o rdf:first _:nl3p ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl3p math:name "M" ; a math:Variable . _:nl3q rdf:first _:nl3n ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl3r math:arguments _:nl3s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl3s rdf:first _:nl3t ; rdf:rest _:nl3x ; a rdf:List . _:nl3t math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nl3u math:arguments _:nl3v ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl3v rdf:first _:nl3w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl3w math:name "G" ; a math:Variable . _:nl3x rdf:first _:nl3u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl3y rdf:first _:nl3r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl3z math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nl40 math:arguments _:nl41 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl41 rdf:first _:nl43 ; rdf:rest _:nl4m ; a rdf:List . _:nl42 math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nl43 math:arguments _:nl44 ; math:operator _:nl42 ; a math:Application . _:nl44 rdf:first _:nl45 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl45 math:arguments _:nl46 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl46 rdf:first _:nl47 ; rdf:rest _:nl49 ; a rdf:List . _:nl47 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl48 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nl49 rdf:first _:nl48 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl4a math:arguments _:nl4b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl4b rdf:first _:nl4d ; rdf:rest _:nl4k ; a rdf:List . _:nl4c math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4d math:arguments _:nl4e ; math:operator _:nl4c ; a math:Application . _:nl4e rdf:first _:nl4f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl4f math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4g math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4h math:arguments _:nl4i ; math:operator _:nl4g ; a math:Application . _:nl4i rdf:first _:nl4j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl4j math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4k rdf:first _:nl4h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl4l rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl4m rdf:first _:nl4a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl4n math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4o math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4p math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4q math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4r math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4s rdf:first _:nl4r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl4t math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4u math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4v math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4w rdf:first _:nl4v ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl4x math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl4y math:arguments _:nl4z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl4z rdf:first _:nl50 ; rdf:rest _:nl57 ; a rdf:List . _:nl50 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl51 math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nl52 math:arguments _:nl53 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl53 rdf:first _:nl54 ; rdf:rest _:nl56 ; a rdf:List . _:nl54 math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl55 math:value "-1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl56 rdf:first _:nl55 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl57 rdf:first _:nl51 ; rdf:rest _:nl58 . _:nl58 rdf:first _:nl52 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl59 rdf:first _:nl5a ; rdf:rest _:nl5c ; a rdf:List . _:nl5a math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nl5b math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nl5c rdf:first _:nl5b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl5d rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl5e rdf:first _:nl5f ; rdf:rest _:nl5j ; a rdf:List . _:nl5f math:arguments _:nl5g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl5g rdf:first _:nl5h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl5h math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl5i math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nl5j rdf:first _:nl5i ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl5k math:arguments _:nl5l ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl5l rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl65 ; a rdf:List . _:nl5m math:arguments _:nl5n ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl5n rdf:first _:nl5o ; rdf:rest _:nl63 ; a rdf:List . _:nl5o math:arguments _:nl5p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl5p rdf:first _:nl5q ; rdf:rest _:nl5s ; a rdf:List . _:nl5q math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl5r math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl5s rdf:first _:nl5r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl5t math:arguments _:nl5u ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl5u rdf:first _:nl5v ; rdf:rest _:nl5x ; a rdf:List . _:nl5v math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl5w math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl5x rdf:first _:nl5w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl5y math:arguments _:nl5z ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl5z rdf:first _:nl60 ; rdf:rest _:nl62 ; a rdf:List . _:nl60 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl61 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl62 rdf:first _:nl61 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl63 rdf:first _:nl5t ; rdf:rest _:nl64 . _:nl64 rdf:first _:nl5y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl65 rdf:first _:nl5m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl66 math:arguments _:nl67 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl67 rdf:first _:nl68 ; rdf:rest _:nl6c ; a rdf:List . _:nl68 math:arguments _:nl69 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl69 rdf:first _:nl6a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl6a math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl6b math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nl6c rdf:first _:nl6b ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl6d math:arguments _:nl6e ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl6e rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl6q ; a rdf:List . _:nl6f math:arguments _:nl6g ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl6g rdf:first _:nl6h ; rdf:rest _:nl6o ; a rdf:List . _:nl6h math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl6i math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nl6j math:arguments _:nl6k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl6k rdf:first _:nl6l ; rdf:rest _:nl6n ; a rdf:List . _:nl6l math:name "X" ; a math:Variable . _:nl6m math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl6n rdf:first _:nl6m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl6o rdf:first _:nl6i ; rdf:rest _:nl6p . _:nl6p rdf:first _:nl6j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl6q rdf:first _:nl6f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl6r math:name "n" ; a math:Variable . _:nl6s rdf:first _:nl6d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl6t math:name "f" ; a math:Variable . _:nl6u rdf:first _:nl6v ; rdf:rest _:nl6z ; a rdf:List . _:nl6v math:arguments _:nl6w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl6w rdf:first _:nl6x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl6x math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl6y math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl6z rdf:first _:nl6y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl70 math:arguments _:nl71 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl71 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl7g ; a rdf:List . _:nl72 math:arguments _:nl73 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl73 rdf:first _:nl74 ; rdf:rest _:nl7f ; a rdf:List . _:nl74 math:arguments _:nl75 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl75 rdf:first _:nl77 ; rdf:rest _:nl79 ; a rdf:List . _:nl76 rdf:first _:nl6t ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl77 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl78 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl79 rdf:first _:nl78 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl7a math:arguments _:nl7b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl7b rdf:first _:nl7c ; rdf:rest _:nl7e ; a rdf:List . _:nl7c math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl7d math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl7e rdf:first _:nl7d ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl7f rdf:first _:nl7a ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl7g rdf:first _:nl72 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl7h math:arguments _:nl7i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl7i rdf:first _:nl7j ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl7j math:arguments _:nl7k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl7k rdf:first _:nl7l ; rdf:rest _:nl7n ; a rdf:List . _:nl7l math:name "b" ; a math:Variable . _:nl7m math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl7n rdf:first _:nl7m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl7o math:arguments _:nl7p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl7p rdf:first _:nl7q ; rdf:rest _:nl7s ; a rdf:List . _:nl7q math:name "a" ; a math:Variable . _:nl7r math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl7s rdf:first _:nl7r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl7t rdf:first _:nl7h ; rdf:rest _:nl7u . _:nl7u rdf:first _:nl7o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl7v math:arguments _:nl7w ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl7w rdf:first _:nl7x ; rdf:rest _:nl7z ; a rdf:List . _:nl7x math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl7y math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl7z rdf:first _:nl7y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl80 rdf:first _:nl81 ; rdf:rest _:nl83 ; a rdf:List . _:nl81 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl82 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl83 rdf:first _:nl82 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl84 math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl85 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl86 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl87 . _:nl87 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl88 . _:nl88 rdf:first _:nl85 ; rdf:rest _:nl89 . _:nl89 rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl8a math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl8b math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl8c rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl8d . _:nl8d rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl8e . _:nl8e rdf:first _:nl8b ; rdf:rest _:nl8f . _:nl8f rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl8g math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl8h math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl8i rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl8j . _:nl8j rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl8k . _:nl8k rdf:first _:nl8h ; rdf:rest _:nl8l . _:nl8l rdf:first ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl8m rdf:first _:nl8n ; rdf:rest _:nl95 ; a rdf:List . _:nl8n math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl8o math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl8p math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl8q math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl8r math:arguments _:nl8s ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl8s rdf:first _:nl8t ; rdf:rest _:nl8v ; a rdf:List . _:nl8t math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl8u math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nl8v rdf:first _:nl8u ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl8w math:binder ; math:body _:nl8r ; math:variables _:nl8x ; a math:Binding . _:nl8x rdf:first _:nl8q ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl8y math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl8z rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl90 . _:nl90 rdf:first _:nl8o ; rdf:rest _:nl91 . _:nl91 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl92 . _:nl92 rdf:first ; rdf:rest _:nl93 . _:nl93 rdf:first _:nl8p ; rdf:rest _:nl94 . _:nl94 rdf:first _:nl8w ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl95 rdf:first _:nl8y ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl96 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl97 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl98 rdf:first _:nl97 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl99 rdf:first _:nl9a ; rdf:rest _:nl9u ; a rdf:List . _:nl9a math:arguments _:nl9b ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl9b rdf:first _:nl9c ; rdf:rest _:nl9g ; a rdf:List . _:nl9c math:arguments _:nl9d ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl9d rdf:first _:nl9e ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nl9e math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl9f math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl9g rdf:first _:nl9f ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl9h math:arguments _:nl9i ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl9i rdf:first _:nl9j ; rdf:rest _:nl9t ; a rdf:List . _:nl9j math:arguments _:nl9k ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl9k rdf:first _:nl9l ; rdf:rest _:nl9n ; a rdf:List . _:nl9l math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl9m math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl9n rdf:first _:nl9m ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl9o math:arguments _:nl9p ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nl9p rdf:first _:nl9q ; rdf:rest _:nl9s ; a rdf:List . _:nl9q math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl9r math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl9s rdf:first _:nl9r ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl9t rdf:first _:nl9o ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl9u rdf:first _:nl9h ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl9v rdf:first _:nl9w ; rdf:rest _:nl9y ; a rdf:List . _:nl9w math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl9x math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nl9y rdf:first _:nl9x ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nl9z math:arguments _:nla0 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nla0 rdf:first _:nla1 ; rdf:rest _:nlat ; a rdf:List . _:nla1 math:arguments _:nla2 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nla2 rdf:first _:nla3 ; rdf:rest _:nla7 ; a rdf:List . _:nla3 math:arguments _:nla4 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nla4 rdf:first _:nla5 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nla5 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nla6 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nla7 rdf:first _:nla6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nla8 math:arguments _:nla9 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nla9 rdf:first _:nlaa ; rdf:rest _:nlar ; a rdf:List . _:nlaa math:arguments _:nlab ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlab rdf:first _:nlad ; rdf:rest _:nlaf ; a rdf:List . _:nlac rdf:first _:nlan ; rdf:rest _:nlbh ; a rdf:List . _:nlad math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlae math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlaf rdf:first _:nlae ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlag math:arguments _:nlah ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlah rdf:first _:nlai ; rdf:rest _:nlak ; a rdf:List . _:nlai math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlaj math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlak rdf:first _:nlaj ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlal math:arguments _:nlam ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlam rdf:first _:nlao ; rdf:rest _:nlaq ; a rdf:List . _:nlan math:name "x" ; a math:Variable . _:nlao math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlap math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlaq rdf:first _:nlap ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlar rdf:first _:nlag ; rdf:rest _:nlas . _:nlas rdf:first _:nlal ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlat rdf:first _:nla8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlau math:name "y" ; a math:Variable . _:nlav math:arguments _:nlaw ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlaw rdf:first _:nlax ; rdf:rest _:nlaz ; a rdf:List . _:nlax math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlay math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlaz rdf:first _:nlay ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlb0 math:arguments _:nlb1 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlb1 rdf:first _:nlb2 ; rdf:rest _:nlbv ; a rdf:List . _:nlb2 math:arguments _:nlb3 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlb3 rdf:first _:nlb4 ; rdf:rest _:nlb9 ; a rdf:List . _:nlb4 math:arguments _:nlb5 ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlb5 rdf:first _:nlb7 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nlb6 math:name "z" ; a math:Variable . _:nlb7 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlb8 math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlb9 rdf:first _:nlb8 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlba math:arguments _:nlbb ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlbb rdf:first _:nlbc ; rdf:rest _:nlbt ; a rdf:List . _:nlbc math:arguments _:nlbd ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlbd rdf:first _:nlbe ; rdf:rest _:nlbg ; a rdf:List . _:nlbe math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlbf math:value "0"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlbg rdf:first _:nlbf ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlbh rdf:first _:nlau ; rdf:rest _:nlbs . _:nlbi math:arguments _:nlbj ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlbj rdf:first _:nlbk ; rdf:rest _:nlbm ; a rdf:List . _:nlbk math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlbl math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlbm rdf:first _:nlbl ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlbn math:arguments _:nlbo ; math:operator ; a math:Application . _:nlbo rdf:first _:nlbp ; rdf:rest _:nlbr ; a rdf:List . _:nlbp math:value "1"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlbq math:value "3"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlbr rdf:first _:nlbq ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlbs rdf:first _:nlb6 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlbt rdf:first _:nlbi ; rdf:rest _:nlbu . _:nlbu rdf:first _:nlbn ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlbv rdf:first _:nlba ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlbw rdf:first _:nlb0 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlbx rdf:first _:nlby ; rdf:rest _:nlc0 ; a rdf:List . _:nlby math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlbz math:value "4"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal . _:nlc0 rdf:first _:nlbz ; rdf:rest rdf:nil . _:nlc1 rdf:first _:nlc2 ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ; a rdf:List . _:nlc2 math:value "2"^^xsd:integer ; a math:Literal .