31-07-2023 / Giant Panda / He He / Good appetite 09-11-2023 / Lion / Simba / Pride Leader 29-02-1996 / White Rhinoceros / Tank / Heavy Duty 20-12-2020 / Lion / Simba Jr / Fearless 15-05-2021 / African Elephant / Jumbo / Recently migrated 22-07-2018 / Bald Eagle / Freedom / Spotted near the lake 08-12-2019 / Bengal Tiger / Raja / In conservation program 03-04-2020 / Blue Whale / Ocean / Tracked for migration study 27-09-2022 / Chimpanzee / Charlie / Exhibit favorite 14-11-2017 / Dolphin / Flipper / In rehabilitation 19-08-2023 / Giraffe / Tallie / Newborn spotted 06-01-2022 / Grizzly Bear / Grizz / Hibernating 11-03-2021 / Hippopotamus / Hippo / New addition to the pod 09-06-2019 / Kangaroo / Skippy / Recent joey birth 04-10-2020 / Koala / Eucaly / Recovering from bushfire 12-02-2018 / Lemur / Zippy / Active at night 29-07-2022 / Mountain Gorilla / Gor / Critically endangered 23-03-2023 / Owl / Hoot / Nocturnal observation 17-12-2021 / Penguin / Waddle / Part of breeding program 05-08-2020 / Rhinoceros / Horn / Under protection due to poaching threat 13-04-2019 / Sea Turtle / Shellie / Tagged for tracking 28-11-2017 / Snow Leopard / Leapy / Rare sighting 20-01-2022 / Wolf / Luna / Alpha of the pack 07-05-2018 / Zebra / Stripey / Part of herd tracking study 25-05-2020 / Elephant / Dumbo / Large ears 02-04-2024 / Red Panda / Rusty / Adorable Climber 16-06-2023 / Siberian Tiger / Ghost / Majestic Presence 10-10-2020 / African Lion / Leo / King of the Savanna 21-08-2021 / Cheetah / Speedy / Fastest Land Animal 13-09-2019 / Gorilla / Mighty / Gentle Giant 27-12-2022 / Polar Bear / Frost / Arctic Wanderer 08-03-2023 / Orangutan / Treetop / Intelligent Forager 18-11-2019 / Gray Wolf / Shadow / Elusive Predator 22-02-2022 / Grizzly Bear / Brownie / Mighty Fisherman 07-07-2021 / Jaguar / Whisper / Rainforest Stalker 14-04-2020 / Komodo Dragon / Scales / Island Survivor 30-05-2019 / Bald Eagle / Skyler / Majestic Flyer 05-01-2022 / Snow Leopard / Mist / Mountain Ghost 28-10-2023 / Anaconda / Slither / Rainforest Giant 11-08-2020 / Flamingo / Pinky / Graceful Wader 19-03-2021 / Hippopotamus / River / Water Giant 23-07-2019 / Koala / Dreamer / Sleepy Climber 03-02-2024 / Tasmanian Devil / Fury / Spirited Marsupial 06-12-2018 / Arctic Fox / Frosty / Snow Camouflager 15-05-2022 / Bison / Thunder / Prairie Roamer 01-09-2020 / Black Panther / Night / Shadow Hunter 24-04-2021 / Blue Whale / Deep / Ocean Voyager 17-10-2019 / Chimpanzee / Clever / Tool User 09-01-2023 / Crocodile / Snap / Ancient Predator 26-06-2022 / Elephant Seal / Blubber / Beach Dominator 12-02-2024 / Falcon / Dive / Aerial Hunter 20-07-2020 / Giraffe / Longneck / Treetop Grazer 04-11-2021 / Hyena / Laugh / Savvy Scavenger 29-08-2018 / Kangaroo / Bounder / Outback Hopper 31-03-2019 / Lemur / Leap / Treetop Acrobat 10-12-2022 / Lynx / Paws / Silent Hunter 18-05-2023 / Macaw / Rainbow / Vibrant Talker 07-01-2020 / Narwhal / Tusk / Arctic Unicorn 21-09-2021 / Octopus / Ink / Sea Genius 16-03-2018 / Ostrich / Runner / Speedy Bird 02-08-2019 / Penguin / Waddle / Icy Swimmer 25-11-2020 / Platypus / Unique / Odd Swimmer 13-04-2022 / Polar Bear / Ice / Arctic Survivor 28-07-2018 / Quokka / Smile / Happy Hopper 05-10-2021 / Raccoon / Bandit / Clever Forager 23-01-2019 / Sea Turtle / Ocean / Ancient Voyager 14-06-2020 / Siberian Husky / Frost / Winter's Friend 08-02-2021 / Tiger Shark / Stripe / Ocean Predator 27-12-2023 / Uakari / Red / Rainforest Dweller 17-08-2019 / Vulture / Soar / Sky Cleaner 06-04-2020 / Walrus / Tusk / Arctic Beachcomber 29-01-2022 / Xerus / Spike / Desert Scavenger 12-09-2023 / Yak / Wooly / Mountain Grazer 03-07-2018 / Zebra / Stripe / Savanna Strider 16-06-2024 / Red Panda / Ruby / Climbing Expert 02-03-2023 / Cheetah / Speedy / Fastest Runner 10-10-2022 / Silverback Gorilla / Mighty / Dominant Male 25-07-2021 / Arctic Fox / Frost / Adaptable in Snow 13-09-2020 / Orangutan / Thinker / Intelligent and Curious 07-04-2019 / Great White Shark / Hunter / Apex Predator 21-05-2023 / Flamingo / Pinky / Graceful Wader 29-12-2018 / Sloth / Lazy / Slow Moving 18-08-2022 / Golden Eagle / Soar / Majestic Flyer 06-02-2021 / Polar Bear / Ice / Arctic Survivor 15-11-2020 / Anaconda / Slither / Largest Snake 03-01-2019 / King Penguin / Emperor / Largest of Penguins 22-08-2018 / Jaguar / Shadow / Elusive Hunter 09-07-2023 / Komodo Dragon / Draco / Largest Lizard 28-02-2020 / Walrus / Tusk / Arctic Giant 17-03-2021 / Tasmanian Devil / Fierce / Strong Jaw 05-10-2022 / Platypus / Unique / One of a Kind 24-06-2019 / Peacock / Rainbow / Displaying Feathers 12-04-2018 / Hyena / Laugh / Scavenging Expert 31-08-2020 / Octopus / Inky / Master of Camouflage 14-01-2023 / Capybara / Gentle / Largest Rodent 23-07-2021 / Lynx / Stealth / Silent Predator 08-12-2019 / Hammerhead Shark / Hammer / Unique Head Shape 19-05-2024 / Lemming / Tiny / Small and Cute 01-11-2022 / Bison / Thunder / Roaming the Plains 27-03-2020 / Vampire Bat / Night / Nighttime Flyer 16-08-2021 / Moose / Giant / Largest of Deer Family 04-02-2019 / Chameleon / Color / Color Changing Expert 10-05-2020 / Narwhal / Unicorn / The Sea Unicorn 20-09-2023 / Raccoon / Bandit / Mischievous Explorer 15-07-2018 / Dingo / Wild / Australia's Wild Dog 26-01-2021 / Snowy Owl / White / Arctic Hunter 07-03-2022 / Armadillo / Armor / Bony Plates 18-04-2019 / Macaw / Rainbow / Colorful Parrot 23-02-2020 / Prairie Dog / Alert / Community Watch 12-06-2021 / Black Bear / Berry / Omnivorous Forager 29-10-2022 / Gazelle / Swift / Graceful Runner 08-05-2020 / Kangaroo Rat / Hopper / Desert Survivor 17-12-2018 / Honey Badger / Bold / Fearless Forager 03-08-2019 / Toucan / Bill / Large Beaked Bird 21-04-2021 / Badger / Digger / Burrowing Expert 09-07-2023 / Iguana / Spike / Tree Dweller 28-11-2020 / Porcupine / Spiky / Quill Defender 16-03-2019 / Albatross / Glide / Long Distance Flyer 05-01-2022 / Manatee / Gentle / Sea Cow 24-02-2021 / Mongoose / Quick / Nimble and Quick 13-08-2020 / Red Fox / Cunning / Adaptable Predator 02-12-2023 / Sea Otter / Playful / Aquatic Playful 20-10-2018 / Aardvark / Nocturnal / Nighttime Forager 07-05-2024 / Kookaburra / Laughing / Loud Vocalizations 10-09-2023 / Red Panda / Ruby / Adapting to new habitat 18-04-2024 / Siberian Tiger / Ghost / Majestic in snowy habitat 22-05-2021 / Orangutan / Ginger / Mastering new skills 06-08-2022 / African Buffalo / Brawn / Dominant in the herd 15-03-2020 / Arctic Fox / Frost / Surviving the harsh winter 29-10-2019 / Cheetah / Speedy / Fastest in the reserve 21-12-2021 / Komodo Dragon / Lizard / Largest of its species 02-11-2023 / Black Panther / Shadow / Elusive and mysterious 14-07-2022 / Macaw / Rainbow / Vibrant and talkative 30-08-2020 / Polar Bear / Ice / Struggling with climate change 17-05-2023 / Sloth / Slowpoke / Taking life easy 09-02-2021 / Hippopotamus / Bubbles / Loves water activities 23-06-2020 / Giraffe / Sky / Tallest in the park 07-01-2023 / Jaguar / Stealth / Agile in the rainforest 12-12-2024 / Flamingo / Pinky / Graceful and social 05-10-2021 / Tasmanian Devil / Taz / Feisty and energetic 16-07-2022 / Silverback Gorilla / King / Leader of the group 03-03-2023 / Platypus / Paddle / Unique and fascinating 24-01-2020 / Peacock / Majesty / Showcasing splendid feathers 11-11-2023 / Lemur / Bounce / Acrobatic and playful 08-04-2024 / Otter / Slip / Expert swimmer 31-12-2019 / Snowy Owl / Blizzard / Wise and silent 27-08-2021 / Walrus / Tusk / Master of the Arctic seas 20-02-2020 / Kangaroo / Hopper / Energetic and bouncy 13-09-2023 / Manatee / Gentle / Peaceful sea cow 08-10-2023 / Red Panda / Rusty / Agile climber 14-02-2024 / Cheetah / Speedy / Fastest land animal 21-06-2021 / Polar Bear / Frosty / Arctic wanderer 12-09-2022 / Orangutan / Ginger / Intelligent tool-user 03-01-2020 / Black Panther / Shadow / Elusive and solitary 27-04-2019 / Siberian Tiger / Blizzard / Largest big cat 15-08-2023 / Sloth / Lazy / Slow-moving tree-dweller 29-12-2018 / Silverback Gorilla / King / Dominant male 07-03-2021 / Jaguar / Spots / Amazonian predator 11-11-2022 / Flamingo / Pinky / Striking pink plumage 18-05-2020 / Peacock / Majesty / Colorful tail display 02-07-2018 / Hyena / Laugh / Known for vocalizations 19-01-2023 / Parrot / Echo / Mimics human speech 26-08-2019 / Komodo Dragon / Lizard / Largest living lizard 05-04-2022 / Anaconda / Coil / Massive constrictor 13-10-2020 / Octopus / Inky / Master of camouflage 20-03-2019 / Tasmanian Devil / Fury / Fierce marsupial 28-07-2021 / Arctic Fox / Frost / Adapts fur color 16-02-2020 / Platypus / Paddle / Unusual appearance 24-08-2018 / Porcupine / Quill / Defensive spines 01-05-2021 / Raccoon / Bandit / Known for dexterity 09-12-2019 / Bison / Thunder / North American native 17-06-2020 / Lynx / Whisper / Elusive cat 25-01-2018 / Walrus / Tusk / Impressive tusks 03-09-2023 / Narwhal / Horn / Unicorn of the sea 10-04-2019 / Red Fox / Rust / Cunning and adaptable 18-11-2020 / Gazelle / Grace / Elegant and swift 27-05-2018 / Koala / Gumleaf / Eucalyptus eater 06-02-2022 / Badger / Dig / Fierce burrower 14-07-2021 / Falcon / Sky / Aerial hunter 22-12-2019 / Capybara / Swim / Water-loving rodent 30-08-2020 / Meerkat / Lookout / Alert and social 07-01-2024 / Lemming / Cliff / Known for migration 15-05-2019 / Bearded Dragon / Spike / Desert dweller 23-10-2021 / Manatee / Gentle / Peaceful sea cow 31-03-2020 / Iguana / Scale / Tree-loving lizard 08-08-2018 / Hamster / Cheeky / Storing food in cheeks 16-12-2023 / Seahorse / Drift / Unique swimming style 24-06-2022 / Bat / Echo / Nocturnal flyer 01-11-2019 / Chameleon / Change / Color-changing skin 10-03-2021 / Otter / Splash / Playful in water 18-09-2020 / Ostrich / Runner / Fastest bird on land 26-02-2018 / Camel / Hump / Desert traveler 05-10-2022 / Toucan / Beak / Large bill 13-01-2024 / Mongoose / Nimble / Snake fighter 21-07-2019 / Snowy Owl / White / Arctic hunter 29-03-2018 / Armadillo / Armor / Protective shell 06-08-2023 / Aardvark / Snout / Insect eater 14-04-2020 / Pangolin / Scale / Ant-eating mammal 22-10-2021 / Dingo / Howl / Wild Australian dog 30-06-2019 / Macaw / Color / Vibrant tropical bird 07-02-2023 / Vulture / Scavenge / Nature's cleaner 16-11-2018 / Hedgehog / Spiny / Nocturnal and spiky 24-05-2020 / Python / Slither / Large non-venomous snake 02-01-2022 / Crocodile / Snap / Ancient predator 09-07-2021 / Wolverine / Grit / Tough and solitary 17-03-2019 / Kookaburra / Laugh / Distinctive call 25-09-2020 / Warthog / Tusk / Distinctive facial features 03-05-2018 / Squirrel / Acorn / Tree climber 11-08-2022 / Manta Ray / Glide / Graceful ocean glider 01-12-2023 / Bald Eagle / Majestic / Symbol of freedom 09-06-2022 / Giraffe / Tall / Tallest land mammal 17-11-2021 / Panthera Leo / Roar / King of the jungle 25-04-2020 / Rhinoceros / Horned / Massive herbivore 03-09-2019 / Great White Shark / Apex / Fearsome predator 11-02-2018 / Bald Eagle / Soaring / Impressive wingspan 19-07-2024 / Komodo Dragon / Lethal / Venomous bite 27-01-2023 / Kangaroo / Hopper / Powerful hind legs 05-06-2022 / Blue Whale / Enormous / Largest animal on Earth 13-10-2021 / Red-Eyed Tree Frog / Colorful / Vibrant markings 21-03-2020 / Snow Leopard / Elusive / High-altitude climber 29-08-2019 / African Elephant / Massive / Largest land animal 06-01-2018 / Great Horned Owl / Nocturnal / Silent flyer 14-05-2024 / Koala / Eucalyptus / Selective herbivore 22-10-2023 / Polar Bear / Swimmer / Excellent in water 30-03-2022 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Playful / Social marine mammal 07-09-2021 / Penguin / Waddle / Tuxedoed bird 15-02-2020 / Tasmanian Devil / Energetic / Noisy eater 23-07-2019 / Chimpanzee / Tool-user / Closest relative to humans 31-12-2018 / King Cobra / Venomous / Largest venomous snake 08-06-2024 / Platypus / Egg-laying / Unique mammal 16-11-2023 / Peacock / Courtship display / Colorful plumage 24-04-2022 / Red Panda / Bamboo eater / Endangered species 02-10-2021 / Orca / Killer whale / Apex predator 10-03-2020 / Bald Eagle / Nest builder / Monogamous 18-08-2019 / Honey Bee / Pollinator / Vital for ecosystems 26-01-2018 / Penguin / Parental care / Shared incubation 03-07-2024 / Polar Bear / Blubber / Insulation in cold 11-12-2023 / Blue Jay / Vocal / Known for loud calls 19-05-2022 / Antelope / Fleet-footed / Excellent runners 27-10-2021 / Octopus / Eight arms / Intelligent invertebrate 04-04-2020 / Bald Eagle / Symbolic / National emblem 12-09-2019 / Bengal Tiger / Striped coat / Iconic big cat 20-02-2018 / Dolphin / Echolocation / Sonar-like ability 28-06-2024 / Ostrich / Egg incubation / Large, flightless bird 06-01-2024 / Rattlesnake / Rattling tail / Warning signal 14-07-2023 / Chimpanzee / Communication / Complex vocalizations 22-02-2022 / Snowy Owl / Arctic hunter / Silent flight 01-09-2021 / Humpback Whale / Breaching / Spectacular leaps 09-04-2020 / Bison / Herd animal / Strength in numbers 17-11-2019 / Bald Eagle / Migratory / Seasonal movements 25-06-2018 / Platypus / Webbed feet / Adapted for swimming 04-02-2024 / Grizzly Bear / Hibernation / Winter dormancy 12-09-2023 / Praying Mantis / Camouflage / Ambush predator 20-04-2022 / Bald Eagle / Powerful talons / Efficient hunters 28-11-2021 / Snow Leopard / Spotted coat / Camouflaged in rocks 07-07-2021 / Dolphin / Group behavior / Social pods 15-02-2020 / Bald Eagle / Fierce defender / Protects territory 23-09-2019 / Peregrine Falcon / Speedy / Fastest bird in a dive 31-05-2018 / Kangaroo / Pouch / Unique reproductive feature 08-01-2024 / Bald Eagle / Long lifespan / Can live up to 30 years 16-07-2023 / Tiger Shark / Apex predator / Voracious appetite 24-03-2022 / Bald Eagle / Symbol of courage / Resilient species 01-10-2021 / Polar Bear / Ice hunter / Seals are their prey 01-11-2024 / Albatross / Wingspan / Longest wingspan in birds 09-05-2023 / Wolverine / Tenacious / Fierce predator 17-12-2022 / Hummingbird / Hover / Rapid wing beats 25-06-2021 / Firefly / Bioluminescent / Illuminates the night 03-03-2020 / Pangolin / Scaly armor / Protected from predators 11-09-2019 / Platypus / Duck-bill / Unique bill structure 19-04-2018 / Praying Mantis / Predatory / Ambush hunter 27-11-2023 / Polar Bear / Sea ice / Hunts seals on ice floes 05-08-2022 / Fennec Fox / Large ears / Heat regulation 13-02-2022 / Narwhal / Tusked whale / Long spiral tooth 21-07-2021 / Bald Eagle / Bald head / White-feathered head 29-01-2021 / Red-Eyed Tree Frog / Sticky toes / Climbs leaves 06-09-2020 / Snow Leopard / Mountain dweller / Lives in high altitudes 14-04-2019 / Penguin / Flipper wings / Efficient swimmers 22-12-2018 / Gorilla / Silverback / Dominant adult male 30-07-2023 / Red Fox / Nocturnal / Active during the night 07-03-2023 / Platypus / Venomous spur / Defense mechanism 15-11-2022 / Meerkat / Sentry duty / Guards against predators 23-05-2022 / Peacock / Courtship display / Beautiful tail feathers 31-12-2021 / Cheetah / Sprinter / Fast acceleration 08-08-2021 / Bald Eagle / Migratory / Seasonal movements 16-04-2021 / Komodo Dragon / Apex predator / Top of the food chain 24-12-2020 / Dolphin / Echolocation / Sonar-like ability 01-10-2020 / Red Panda / Solitary / Prefers a solitary life 09-06-2020 / Polar Bear / Carnivore / Hunts seals in the wild 17-02-2020 / Arctic Fox / Thick fur / Insulation in the cold 25-10-2019 / Chimpanzee / Tool use / Ingenious problem solvers 03-07-2019 / Bald Eagle / Monogamous / Lifelong partners 11-03-2019 / Anaconda / Constrictor / Squeezes prey tightly 19-11-2018 / Koala / Sleepy / Sleeps up to 20 hours a day 27-07-2018 / Bald Eagle / Recovery / Brought back from near extinction 04-04-2018 / Octopus / Camouflage / Masters of disguise 12-12-2023 / Rhinoceros / Thick skin / Protection against thorns 20-08-2022 / Lemur / Madagascar / Unique island species 28-04-2022 / Bald Eagle / Symbolic / Represents strength 06-01-2022 / Snowy Owl / Feathered feet / Insulation in cold 14-09-2021 / Platypus / Egg-laying mammal / A monotreme 22-05-2021 / Bald Eagle / National emblem / Pride of the U.S. 30-01-2021 / Sloth / Slow mover / Energy conservation 07-10-2020 / Giraffe / Long neck / Reaches high leaves 15-06-2020 / Bald Eagle / Courtship flight / Aerial displays 23-02-2020 / Honey Bee / Hive society / Highly organized colonies 31-10-2019 / Blue Whale / Filter feeder / Eats tiny plankton 08-07-2019 / Bald Eagle / Bald head / Misleading name 16-03-2019 / Red Fox / Adaptability / Thrives in diverse environments 24-11-2018 / Snow Leopard / Endangered / Conservation efforts 02-09-2018 / Orangutan / Arboreal / Primarily tree-dwelling 10-05-2018 / Bald Eagle / Symbol of freedom / Iconic bird 18-01-2023 / Praying Mantis / Cannibalism / Mating behavior 26-09-2022 / Narwhal / Unicorn of the sea / Unique tusk 04-05-2022 / Bald Eagle / Nest builder / Careful construction 12-01-2022 / Firefly / Bioluminescence / Flashing light patterns 20-07-2021 / Peregrine Falcon / Falconry / Trained for hunting 28-03-2021 / Snow Leopard / Spotted coat / Camouflaged in rocks 05-11-2020 / Bald Eagle / Symbol of courage / National emblem 13-07-2020 / Hummingbird / Hovering / Rapid wing beats 21-03-2020 / Penguin / Social birds / Colony cooperation 29-10-2019 / Bald Eagle / Restoration success / Conservation efforts 06-06-2019 / Gorilla / Knuckle walker / Unique locomotion 14-02-2019 / Platypus / Venomous spur / Male defense 22-10-2018 / Tasmanian Devil / Nocturnal / Active at night 30-06-2018 / Bald Eagle / Aerial predator / Skillful hunters 08-03-2018 / Red-Eyed Tree Frog / Colorful / Vibrant markings 16-11-2023 / Blue Whale / Baleen plates / Filter-feeding system 24-07-2022 / Kangaroo / Pouch / Carry and nurse young 01-04-2022 / Peacock / Elaborate display / Courtship ritual 09-12-2021 / Platypus / Webbed feet / Excellent swimmers 17-08-2021 / Red Panda / Arboreal / Tree-dwelling 25-04-2021 / Polar Bear / Blubber / Fat reserves for warmth 03-01-2021 / Hummingbird / Nectar feeder / Hovering feeding 11-09-2020 / Meerkat / Cooperative / Live in social groups 19-05-2020 / Bald Eagle / Keen eyesight / Spot prey from afar 27-01-2020 / Penguin / Waterproof feathers / Insulation in water 04-10-2019 / Chimpanzee / Vocalizations / Communication skills 12-06-2019 / Platypus / Bill sensitivity / Detect prey in water 20-02-2019 / Praying Mantis / Cannibalistic mating / Complex behavior 28-10-2018 / Polar Bear / Semi-aquatic / Swims long distances 06-06-2023 / Penguin / Waddle / Distinctive walking style 14-02-2022 / Bald Eagle / Raptor / Carnivorous bird of prey 22-10-2021 / Dolphin / Social pods / Group living 30-04-2021 / Orangutan / Gentle giants / Peaceful demeanor 08-12-2020 / Peacock / Colorful plumage / Courtship display 16-08-2020 / Bald Eagle / Reintroduction / Successful conservation 24-04-2020 / Penguin / Flipper wings / Efficient swimmers 02-01-2020 / Chimpanzee / Close relatives / Genetic similarities 10-09-2019 / Polar Bear / Icy habitat / Thrives in the Arctic 18-05-2019 / Bald Eagle / Powerful beak / Efficient predator 26-01-2019 / Blue Whale / Migratory / Long-distance traveler 03-10-2018 / Sloth / Slow metabolism / Low energy consumption 11-06-2018 / Red Panda / Endangered / Conservation concerns 19-02-2023 / Penguin / Vocal calls / Communication in colonies 29-10-2022 / Narwhal / Deep-diver / Descends to great depths 06-07-2022 / Platypus / Duck-bill / Unique bill structure 14-03-2022 / Polar Bear / Swimmer / Excellent in water 22-09-2021 / Kangaroo / Bounder / Leaps great distances 30-05-2021 / Hummingbird / Territorial / Defends feeding areas 07-01-2021 / Bald Eagle / Eagle eyes / Exceptional vision 15-09-2020 / Meerkat / Alert sentinels / Guard against predators 23-05-2020 / Platypus / Monotreme / Egg-laying mammal 31-01-2020 / Snow Leopard / Snowy habitat / Blends with surroundings 08-10-2019 / Gorilla / Herbivore / Primarily plant-based diet 16-06-2019 / Blue Whale / Baleen plates / Filter-feeding apparatus 24-02-2019 / Red Panda / Bamboo diet / Specialized herbivore 04-11-2018 / Penguin / Protective parents / Care for their young 12-07-2018 / Bald Eagle / Fast fliers / Swift in the air 20-03-2023 / Firefly / Synchronous flashing / Collective displays 28-11-2022 / Snow Leopard / Elusive / Rarely seen by humans 06-08-2022 / Kangaroo / Tail balance / Counterbalance for hopping 14-04-2022 / Hummingbird / Migratory / Long-distance travelers 22-12-2021 / Polar Bear / Hibernation / Reduced activity in winter 30-08-2021 / Platypus / Venomous spur / Male defensive mechanism 07-04-2021 / Gorilla / Social bonds / Form strong family groups 15-12-2020 / Blue Whale / Song patterns / Complex vocalizations 23-08-2020 / Bald Eagle / Lifespan / Can live several decades 31-03-2020 / Penguin / Nurturing parents / Shared childcare 08-11-2019 / Red Panda / Shy demeanor / Solitary creatures 16-07-2019 / Praying Mantis / Predatory behavior / Ambush hunters 24-03-2019 / Snow Leopard / Vulnerable / Conservation efforts 01-11-2018 / Kangaroo / Strong kick / Defense against threats 09-07-2018 / Bald Eagle / Aerial acrobatics / Impressive flight 17-03-2023 / Blue Whale / Filter-feeding / Efficient food capture 25-09-2022 / Gorilla / Silverback / Leader of the group 03-05-2022 / Firefly / Bioluminescent courtship / Flashing displays 11-01-2022 / Snow Leopard / Mountain climber / Navigates steep terrain 19-05-2021 / Penguin / Colony life / Cooperative breeding 27-01-2021 / Bald Eagle / Conservation symbol / Represents wildlife protection 05-10-2020 / Kangaroo / Marsupial / Pouch for carrying young 13-06-2020 / Praying Mantis / Camouflaged / Blend with vegetation 21-02-2020 / Polar Bear / Arctic predator / Top of the food chain 29-10-2019 / Red Panda / Bamboo eater / Specialized diet 06-07-2019 / Blue Whale / Baleen filter / Efficient feeding apparatus 14-03-2019 / Platypus / Egg-laying mammal / Unique reproductive method 22-11-2018 / Bald Eagle / Nest construction / Careful and sturdy nests 30-07-2018 / Snow Leopard / Camouflage coat / Blends with rocky terrain 07-04-2023 / Kangaroo / Bounding locomotion / Efficient way of movement 15-12-2022 / Gorilla / Intelligent tool-users / Problem-solving abilities 23-08-2022 / Bald Eagle / Scavenger / Opportunistic feeders 31-03-2022 / Red Panda / Solitary / Prefers a quiet life 08-11-2021 / Hummingbird / Flower pollinator / Vital for ecosystems 16-07-2021 / Penguin / Flipper wings / Excellent swimmers 24-03-2021 / Polar Bear / Powerful swimmers / Covers long distances 01-11-2020 / Firefly / Bioluminescence / Natural light show 09-07-2020 / Snow Leopard / Stealthy hunters / Approach prey quietly 17-03-2020 / Platypus / Monotreme / One of only five species 25-09-2019 / Bald Eagle / Raptor beak / Tear flesh effectively 03-05-2019 / Gorilla / Herbivorous diet / Mainly eat plants 11-01-2019 / Kangaroo / Hop locomotion / Efficient and fast movement 19-05-2018 / Praying Mantis / Mating rituals / Complex courtship 27-01-2018 / Polar Bear / Ice floe hunter / Seeks seals on ice 05-10-2018 / Red Panda / Nocturnal / Active during the night 13-06-2018 / Blue Whale / Cetacean species / Largest animal on Earth 21-02-2018 / Bald Eagle / National emblem / Symbol of the U.S. 29-08-2023 / Meerkat / Sentry duty / Guards against predators 06-04-2023 / Praying Mantis / Cannibalistic mating / Intricate behavior 14-12-2022 / Firefly / Nocturnal glow / Illuminates the dark 22-08-2022 / Gorilla / Leafy diet / Primarily herbivorous 30-04-2022 / Snow Leopard / Elusive / Rarely spotted by humans 08-11-2021 / Penguin / Colony life / Cooperative breeding 16-07-2021 / Bald Eagle / Aerial acrobatics / Impressive flight 24-03-2021 / Blue Whale / Filter-feeding / Efficient food capture 01-11-2020 / Kangaroo / Strong kick / Defense against threats 09-07-2020 / Bald Eagle / Bald head / Misleading name 17-03-2020 / Red Panda / Shy demeanor / Solitary creatures 25-09-2019 / Praying Mantis / Predatory behavior / Ambush hunters 01-04-2024 / Bald Eagle / Regal / Symbol of strength 02-05-2023 / Red Fox / Sly / Cunning predator 03-06-2022 / Orangutan / Arboreal / Tree-dwelling primate 04-07-2021 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Acrobatic / Playful leaper 05-08-2020 / Cheetah / Sprinter / Speedy hunter 06-09-2019 / Bengal Tiger / Striped beauty / Striking coat 07-10-2018 / Arctic Fox / Frosty fur / Adapted to cold climates 08-11-2017 / Blue Whale / Enormous size / Largest animal on Earth 09-12-2016 / Gray Wolf / Pack hunter / Cooperative social structure 10-01-2016 / African Elephant / Gentle giant / Intelligent and empathetic 11-02-2015 / Peregrine Falcon / Skydiver / Fastest animal in flight 12-03-2014 / Polar Bear / Arctic ruler / Apex predator of the North 13-04-2013 / Great White Shark / Apex predator / Fearsome marine hunter 14-05-2012 / Bald Eagle / National emblem / Iconic American bird 15-06-2011 / Snow Leopard / Elusive beauty / High-altitude expert 16-07-2010 / Red Panda / Bamboo lover / Adorable and endangered 17-08-2009 / Koala / Eucalyptus specialist / Sleepy marsupial 18-09-2008 / Chimpanzee / Closest relative / Intelligent tool-user 19-10-2007 / Orca / Oceanic ruler / Apex predator of the seas 20-11-2006 / Bengal Tiger / Striped power / Majestic big cat 21-12-2005 / Bald Eagle / Soaring symbol / Emblem of freedom 22-01-2005 / African Elephant / Massive grace / Iconic pachyderm 23-02-2004 / Red Fox / Cunning hunter / Swift and clever 24-03-2003 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Marine acrobat / Social and smart 25-04-2002 / Polar Bear / Icy monarch / Survives in extreme cold 26-05-2001 / Gray Wolf / Pack leader / Keen senses and teamwork 27-06-2000 / Blue Whale / Ocean giant / Incredible size and weight 28-07-1999 / Bald Eagle / Proud predator / Strong beak and talons 29-08-1998 / Cheetah / Sprint champion / Acceleration expert 30-09-1997 / Orangutan / Forest dweller / Adept tree-climber 01-11-1996 / Arctic Fox / Cold weather survivor / White winter coat 02-12-1995 / Great White Shark / Ocean terror / Apex predator 03-01-1995 / Snow Leopard / Mountain ghost / Camouflaged expert 04-02-1994 / African Elephant / Gentle giant / Matriarchal herds 05-03-1993 / Peregrine Falcon / Falconry expert / Speedy stoop 06-04-1992 / Red Panda / Bamboo eater / Endangered gem 07-05-1991 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Playful marine / Complex communication 08-06-1990 / Polar Bear / Ice king / Excellent swimmers 09-07-1989 / Gray Wolf / Wolf pack / Social hierarchy 10-08-1988 / Bald Eagle / American icon / Symbol of freedom 11-09-1987 / Blue Whale / Ocean leviathan / Filter-feeding giant 12-10-1986 / Orangutan / Intelligent ape / Tool-using skills 13-11-1985 / Red Fox / Nocturnal hunter / Adaptable omnivore 14-12-1984 / Cheetah / Speedy sprinter / Acceleration master 15-01-1984 / Arctic Fox / Frosty fur / Arctic camouflage 16-02-1983 / Bald Eagle / Bird of prey / Sharp vision 17-03-1982 / Polar Bear / Arctic ruler / Top of the food chain 18-04-1981 / Great White Shark / Apex predator / Terrifying jaws 19-05-1980 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Marine acrobat / Friendly intelligence 20-06-1979 / Gray Wolf / Pack leader / Cooperative hunting 21-07-1978 / Snow Leopard / Mountain ghost / Solitary traveler 22-08-1977 / African Elephant / Largest land mammal / Long tusks 23-09-1976 / Peregrine Falcon / Fastest bird / Speedy stoop 24-10-1975 / Red Panda / Bamboo lover / Shy and solitary 25-11-1974 / Blue Whale / Ocean giant / Mysterious migrations 26-12-1973 / Orangutan / Rainforest dweller / Skilled climbers 27-01-1973 / Bald Eagle / National symbol / Protected species 28-02-1972 / Cheetah / Sprint champion / Excellent eyesight 01-03-1971 / Arctic Fox / Cold weather survivor / Thick fur 02-04-1970 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Friendly marine / Playful pods 03-05-1969 / Gray Wolf / Howling wild / Territorial markings 04-06-1968 / Polar Bear / Icy monarch / Marine hunters 05-07-1967 / Great White Shark / Ocean terror / Apex predator 06-08-1966 / Snow Leopard / Mountain ghost / Elusive beauty 07-09-1965 / African Elephant / Gentle giant / Family-oriented 08-10-1964 / Peregrine Falcon / Skydiver / Swift aerial pursuit 09-11-1963 / Red Panda / Himalayan gem / Bamboo eater 10-12-1962 / Bald Eagle / Proud raptor / Emblem of freedom 11-01-1962 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Playful marine / Clever communicators 12-02-1961 / Cheetah / Speedy sprinter / Acceleration burst 13-03-1960 / Gray Wolf / Wolf pack / Social bonds 14-04-1959 / Polar Bear / Ice king / Blubber insulation 15-05-1958 / Great White Shark / Fearsome predator / Apex of the food chain 16-06-1957 / Snow Leopard / High-altitude expert / Rarely seen 17-07-1956 / African Elephant / Pachyderm majesty / Intelligent giants 18-08-1955 / Peregrine Falcon / Falconry favorite / Graceful hunters 19-09-1954 / Red Panda / Shy bamboo eater / Solitary lifestyle 20-10-1953 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Marine acrobat / Cooperative behavior 21-11-1952 / Bald Eagle / Symbolic bird / Strength and grace 22-12-1951 / Cheetah / Speedy predator / Sprinter's grace 23-01-1951 / Arctic Fox / Winter survivor / Cold-adapted fur 24-02-1950 / Polar Bear / Arctic ruler / Powerful swimmers 25-03-1949 / Gray Wolf / Howling wild / Cunning hunters 26-04-1948 / Great White Shark / Oceanic terror / Sharp teeth 27-05-1947 / Snow Leopard / Elusive beauty / Mountain camouflage 28-06-1946 / African Elephant / Giant herbivore / Long-lived giants 29-07-1945 / Peregrine Falcon / Aerial speedster / Precision divers 30-08-1944 / Red Panda / Himalayan gem / Enigmatic creatures 20-11-1952 / Bald Eagle / Symbolic bird / Strength and grace 01-11-2024 / African Lion / Pride leader / Social big cat 02-12-2023 / Chimpanzee / Close-knit groups / Cooperative hunting 03-01-2023 / Dolphin / Complex communication / Clicks and whistles 04-02-2023 / Arctic Tern / Long-distance flyer / Migrates pole to pole 05-03-2023 / Poison Dart Frog / Colorful toxicity / Bright warning colors 06-04-2023 / Bald Eagle / Iconic raptor / Sharp beak and talons 07-05-2023 / Brown Bear / Omnivorous / Varied diet 08-06-2023 / Meerkat / Sentry duty / Rotating guards 09-07-2023 / Penguin / Tuxedoed appearance / Flippers for swimming 10-08-2023 / Snow Leopard / Thick fur / Insulation in high altitudes 11-09-2023 / Humpback Whale / Melodic songs / Complex vocalizations 12-10-2023 / Red Fox / Nocturnal / Nighttime hunting 13-11-2023 / Bald Eagle / Regal appearance / Symbol of power 14-12-2023 / Cheetah / Non-retractable claws / Grip for speed 15-01-2024 / Platypus / Electrolocation / Detects prey in water 16-02-2024 / Bald Eagle / Keen eyesight / Spotting prey from above 17-03-2024 / Polar Bear / Carnivorous / Seal-hunting in the Arctic 18-04-2024 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Playful behavior / Surfing on waves 19-05-2024 / Bald Eagle / Fisherman / Expert at catching fish 20-06-2024 / Red Panda / Solitary / Mostly solitary lifestyle 21-07-2024 / Koala / Sleepy / Up to 20 hours of sleep 22-08-2024 / Snow Leopard / Camouflaged coat / Blends with rocks 23-09-2024 / Bald Eagle / National symbol / Representing freedom 24-10-2024 / African Elephant / Trunk dexterity / Versatile appendage 25-11-2024 / Blue Whale / Baleen plates / Filter-feeding on krill 26-12-2024 / Bald Eagle / Nest builder / Large stick nests 27-01-2025 / Red Fox / Vulpes vulpes / Wide geographic range 28-02-2025 / Bald Eagle / Territorial / Defending nesting sites 29-03-2025 / Orangutan / Arboreal lifestyle / Tree-dwelling primates 30-04-2025 / Giraffe / Long neck / Reaches high vegetation 01-05-2025 / Bald Eagle / Hunting prowess / Swift and agile in flight 02-06-2025 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Echolocation / Navigates with sound 03-07-2025 / Bald Eagle / Endangered recovery / Conservation efforts 04-08-2025 / Snow Leopard / Silent stalker / Stealthy predator 05-09-2025 / Penguin / Wing flippers / Efficient underwater swimmers 06-10-2025 / Red Panda / Bamboo specialist / Bamboo shoots diet 07-11-2025 / Cheetah / Speed adaptation / Sprinting to catch prey 08-12-2025 / Bald Eagle / Lifespan / Can live up to 20-30 years 09-01-2026 / Polar Bear / Sea ice platform / Hunting seals 10-02-2026 / Bald Eagle / Courtship display / Aerial acrobatics 11-03-2026 / Chimpanzee / Tool usage / Using sticks for termites 12-04-2026 / Bald Eagle / Symbol of strength / Representing resilience 13-05-2026 / Snow Leopard / Solitary nature / Minimal social interaction 14-06-2026 / Dolphin / Matriarchal pods / Led by a dominant female 15-07-2026 / Red Fox / Urban adaptability / Thriving in cities 16-08-2026 / Bald Eagle / Powerful grip / Capable of carrying prey 17-09-2026 / Orangutan / Gentle demeanor / Peaceful disposition 18-10-2026 / Bald Eagle / Nest site fidelity / Returning to same nest 19-11-2026 / Kangaroo / Marsupial pouch / Shelter for joeys 20-12-2026 / Snow Leopard / Endangered status / Conservation focus 21-01-2027 / Bald Eagle / Recovery success / Population rebound 22-02-2027 / Penguin / Parental roles / Shared chick care 23-03-2027 / Polar Bear / Marine mammals / Main source of food 24-04-2027 / Bald Eagle / Aerial predator / Swift and precise hunters 25-05-2027 / Cheetah / Non-retractable claws / Provide traction 26-06-2027 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Social bonds / Strong group connections 27-07-2027 / Red Panda / Scent marking / Communicates territory 28-08-2027 / Snow Leopard / Himalayan range / Found in high mountains 29-09-2027 / Bald Eagle / Wildlife conservation / Emblem for protection 30-10-2027 / Giraffe / Unique spots / No two patterns are identical 01-11-2027 / Penguin / Regulated body temperature / Countercurrent heat exchange 02-12-2027 / Polar Bear / Excellent swimmers / Can cover long distances 03-01-2028 / Bald Eagle / Patriotic symbol / United States emblem 04-02-2028 / Dolphin / Playful interactions / Surfing in boat wakes 05-03-2028 / Red Fox / Territorial marking / Scent posts for boundaries 06-04-2028 / Snow Leopard / Mottled fur / Camouflaged for ambush 07-05-2028 / Bald Eagle / Keen vision / Spotting prey from afar 08-06-2028 / Koala / Unique fingerprints / Similar to human fingerprints 09-07-2028 / Orangutan / Slow reproduction / Low birth rate 10-08-2028 / Penguin / Porous bones / Reducing buoyancy in water 11-09-2028 / Bald Eagle / Graceful fliers / Soaring on thermal currents 12-10-2028 / Chimpanzee / Tool-making skills / Crafting implements 13-11-2028 / Snow Leopard / Elusive presence / Rarely sighted by humans 14-12-2028 / Bald Eagle / National emblem / Icon of freedom 15-01-2029 / Humpback Whale / Spectacular breaches / Leaping out of water 16-02-2029 / Red Fox / Nocturnal hunters / Active during the night 17-03-2029 / Penguin / Sliding on bellies / Efficient on ice and snow 18-04-2029 / Polar Bear / Snowy habitat / Blending with surroundings 19-05-2029 / Bald Eagle / Successful recovery / Rebounding populations 20-06-2029 / Snow Leopard / Snowy camouflage / Adaptation to cold 21-07-2029 / Dolphin / Inquisitive nature / Investigating objects 22-08-2029 / Red Panda / Arboreal agility / Navigating treetops 23-09-2029 / Bald Eagle / Conservation efforts / Protected species 24-10-2029 / Giraffe / Gentle giants / Peaceful demeanor 25-11-2029 / Penguin / Social grooming / Cleaning feathers 26-12-2029 / Polar Bear / Thick fur coat / Insulation in sub-zero temps 01-04-2024 / Bald Eagle / Nest builder / Monogamous 09-10-2023 / Great White Shark / Predatory / Apex marine predator 17-05-2022 / Emperor Penguin / Antarctic / Survives extreme cold 25-11-2021 / Black Bear / Omnivore / Opportunistic eater 03-07-2020 / Blue Jay / Intelligent / Problem-solving abilities 11-01-2019 / Red Kangaroo / Boxing / Powerful hind legs 19-06-2018 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Complex communication / Whistles and clicks 27-02-2017 / Bald Eagle / Bald head / Distinctive appearance 05-09-2015 / Humpback Whale / Singing / Mysterious songs 13-03-2014 / Grizzly Bear / Massive / North American subspecies 21-07-2013 / Cheetah / Non-retractable claws / Built for speed 29-01-2012 / Snow Leopard / Solitary / Elusive mountain dweller 06-08-2011 / Chimpanzee / Social bonds / Strong family connections 14-12-2010 / Polar Bear / Marine mammal hunter / Swims long distances 22-04-2009 / Komodo Dragon / Cannibalistic / Eats smaller dragons 30-10-2008 / Bald Eagle / National symbol / Represents freedom 07-05-2007 / Gray Wolf / Pack hunter / Cooperative hunting 15-11-2006 / Giant Panda / Bamboo diet / Endangered species 23-03-2005 / Bald Eagle / Scavenger / Feeds on carrion 31-08-2004 / African Elephant / Massive ears / Effective cooling 08-02-2003 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Playful acrobats / Jump and spin 16-06-2002 / Bald Eagle / Regal appearance / White head and tail 24-12-2001 / Bald Eagle / Courtship displays / Sky dance 01-07-2000 / Bengal Tiger / Striped camouflage / Blend in tall grass 09-01-1999 / Snow Leopard / Prey on goats / Mountain goats main diet 17-05-1998 / Chimpanzee / Tool use / Use sticks to extract termites 25-11-1997 / Orca / Killer of whales / Apex predator of the ocean 03-07-1996 / Bald Eagle / Air supremacy / Soars at high altitudes 11-01-1995 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Sonar navigation / Echolocation 19-06-1994 / Bald Eagle / Symbol of strength / Representing power 27-12-1993 / Great White Shark / Shark attacks / Rare but feared 05-09-1992 / Bald Eagle / Longevity / Can live up to 30 years 13-03-1991 / Bald Eagle / Parental care / Both parents raise chicks 21-07-1990 / Grizzly Bear / Fishing skills / Catch salmon in rivers 29-01-1989 / Bald Eagle / Migratory / Seasonal movements 06-08-1988 / Emperor Penguin / Incubation / Males incubate eggs 14-12-1987 / Bald Eagle / Protected species / Conservation success 22-04-1986 / Snow Leopard / Endangered / Threatened by habitat loss 30-10-1985 / Chimpanzee / DNA similarity / Humans share 98% DNA 07-05-1984 / Red Kangaroo / Marsupial / Carries young in pouches 15-11-1983 / Polar Bear / Strong swimmers / Travel long distances 23-03-1982 / Great White Shark / Apex predator / Top of the food chain 31-08-1981 / Bald Eagle / Flight agility / Impressive aerial maneuvers 08-02-1980 / Bald Eagle / Recovery success / Brought back from brink 16-06-1979 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Intelligence / Problem-solving ability 24-12-1978 / Bald Eagle / Vision / Excellent eyesight for hunting 01-07-1977 / Bald Eagle / Territorial / Defends hunting grounds 09-01-1976 / Giant Panda / Solitary lifestyle / Mostly solitary creatures 17-05-1975 / Cheetah / Sprinter / Can reach speeds up to 70 mph 25-11-1974 / Chimpanzee / Communication / Varied vocalizations 03-07-1973 / Gray Wolf / Pack structure / Alpha leads the group 11-01-1972 / Polar Bear / Seal hunter / Ambushes seals at breathing holes 19-06-1971 / Bald Eagle / National emblem / Represents the United States 27-12-1970 / Snow Leopard / Elusive / Rarely seen by humans 05-09-1969 / Bald Eagle / Feeding habits / Fish is the primary diet 13-03-1968 / Orca / Complex societies / Live in family pods 21-07-1967 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Playful behavior / Enjoys riding waves 29-01-1966 / Bald Eagle / Hunting skills / Spot prey from great heights 06-08-1965 / Great White Shark / Cartilaginous skeleton / Flexible and swift 14-12-1964 / Bald Eagle / Cultural significance / Featured in Native American folklore 22-04-1963 / Snow Leopard / Adapted to altitude / Thrive in high mountains 30-10-1962 / Chimpanzee / Problem solvers / Use tools for various tasks 07-05-1961 / Giant Panda / Bamboo eater / Specialized diet 15-11-1960 / Bald Eagle / Territory defense / Defends nests aggressively 23-03-1959 / Bald Eagle / Endangered / Population declines in the past 31-08-1958 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Social creatures / Form close bonds 08-02-1957 / Bald Eagle / Nest locations / High in trees or cliffs 16-06-1956 / Bald Eagle / Courtship rituals / Sky dancing displays 24-12-1955 / Great White Shark / Apex predator / Fearless hunters 01-07-1954 / Gray Wolf / Wolf packs / Cooperative hunting strategy 09-01-1953 / Polar Bear / Arctic residents / Well-adapted to cold 17-05-1952 / Bald Eagle / Symbol of freedom / Represents liberty 25-11-1951 / Snow Leopard / Agile climbers / Navigating rocky terrain 03-07-1950 / Chimpanzee / Human-like traits / Emotional expressions 11-01-1949 / Orca / Oceanic nomads / Long-distance swimmers 19-06-1948 / Bald Eagle / Population rebound / Conservation efforts 27-12-1947 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Aquatic acrobats / Graceful in water 05-09-1946 / Giant Panda / Bamboo specialists / Digestive adaptations 13-03-1945 / Bald Eagle / Reproduction / Mating pairs for life 21-07-1944 / Snow Leopard / Elusive sightings / Blend into surroundings 29-01-1943 / Chimpanzee / Tool users / Craft tools for hunting 06-08-1942 / Bald Eagle / Carnivorous diet / Fish and waterfowl 14-12-1941 / Bald Eagle / National symbol / Respected emblem 22-04-1940 / Great White Shark / Apex ocean predator / Sharp teeth 30-10-1939 / Gray Wolf / Apex predators / Regulate prey populations 07-05-1938 / Polar Bear / Ice-adapted / Thrive in frozen landscapes 15-11-1937 / Bald Eagle / Conservation success / Protected species 23-03-1936 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Social bonds / Form strong alliances 31-08-1935 / Bald Eagle / Reproductive success / Raise chicks together 08-02-1934 / Bald Eagle / Courtship rituals / Elaborate aerial displays 16-06-1933 / Snow Leopard / High-altitude survival / Blend into rocky terrain 24-12-1932 / Chimpanzee / Cognitive abilities / Complex problem-solving 01-07-1931 / Orca / Apex marine predator / Fearless hunters 09-01-1930 / Giant Panda / Bamboo specialists / Conservation efforts 17-05-1929 / Bald Eagle / Powerful beak / Tear prey apart 25-11-1928 / Bald Eagle / Iconic raptor / Inspires awe 03-07-1927 / Great White Shark / Silent hunters / Stealthy approach 11-01-1926 / Gray Wolf / Pack mentality / Cooperative hunting 19-06-1925 / Polar Bear / Arctic hunters / Patience in stalking prey 27-12-1924 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Echolocation / Pinpoint prey with clicks 05-09-1923 / Bald Eagle / Symbol of strength / Graceful in flight 13-03-1922 / Snow Leopard / Camouflaged fur / Stealthy hunters 21-07-1921 / Chimpanzee / Human-like emotions / Express joy and sadness 29-01-1920 / Bald Eagle / National emblem / Represents the United States 06-08-1919 / Giant Panda / Protected species / Conservation efforts 14-12-1918 / Orca / Group hunting / Collaborative hunting tactics 22-04-1917 / Bald Eagle / Keen eyesight / Spot prey from great distances 30-10-1916 / Bald Eagle / Aerial agility / Swift and agile in the sky 01-01-2023 / Bald Eagle / Majestic / National bird of the USA 02-02-2024 / African Lion / Roaring / Social big cat 03-03-2021 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Aquatic acrobat / Playful marine mammal 04-04-2022 / Red Fox / Cunning / Adapted to various habitats 05-05-2019 / Bald Eagle / Carnivore / Predatory diet 06-06-2020 / Green Sea Turtle / Endangered / Nest on tropical beaches 07-07-2018 / Snow Leopard / Solitary / Rarely seen in the wild 08-08-2019 / Kangaroo / Macropod / Unique method of locomotion 09-09-2024 / Giant Panda / Bamboo specialist / Iconic conservation symbol 10-10-2021 / Bald Eagle / Emblematic / Represents strength 11-11-2020 / Bengal Tiger / Stripes / Distinctive coat pattern 12-12-2018 / Hammerhead Shark / Odd-shaped head / Enhanced vision 13-01-2024 / Bald Eagle / Sharp beak / Efficient at tearing prey 14-02-2023 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Intelligence / Complex social behaviors 15-03-2022 / Emperor Penguin / Antarctic resident / Survives harsh winters 16-04-2021 / Grizzly Bear / Omnivore / Eats berries and fish 17-05-2020 / Bald Eagle / Territorial / Defends nesting areas 18-06-2019 / Komodo Dragon / Apex predator / Massive and deadly 19-07-2018 / Polar Bear / Carnivorous / Mainly preys on seals 20-08-2023 / Bald Eagle / Monogamous / Form lifelong pairs 21-09-2022 / Bald Eagle / Reintroduced / Success in conservation 22-10-2021 / Great White Shark / Predatory / Apex marine carnivore 23-11-2020 / Bald Eagle / Symbol of freedom / Represents liberty 24-12-2019 / Meerkat / Sentry duty / Alert to threats 25-01-2018 / Cheetah / Sprinter / Fastest land animal 26-02-2023 / Bengal Tiger / Elusive / Masters of camouflage 27-03-2022 / Bald Eagle / Adaptive / Thrive in various ecosystems 28-04-2021 / Blue Jay / Omnivorous / Varied diet 29-05-2020 / Snow Leopard / Adapted to altitude / Found in mountainous regions 30-06-2019 / African Elephant / Herbivore / Consumes vast amounts of plants 01-07-2018 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Communication / Use clicks and whistles 02-08-2023 / Bald Eagle / Environmental indicator / Sensitive to pollution 03-09-2022 / Bald Eagle / Nest builder / Construct large nests 04-10-2021 / Bald Eagle / Endangered recovery / Conservation success story 05-11-2020 / Great White Shark / Apex predator / Top of the marine food chain 06-12-2019 / Grizzly Bear / Salmon feast / Major food source 07-01-2018 / Bald Eagle / Graceful flier / Soaring in the sky 08-02-2023 / African Lion / Pride structure / Social hierarchy 09-03-2022 / Snow Leopard / Mountain inhabitant / Stealthy hunter 10-04-2021 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Group living / Form social pods 11-05-2020 / Bald Eagle / Eagle-eyed / Exceptional vision 12-06-2019 / Bengal Tiger / Territorial markings / Scent-marking behavior 13-07-2018 / Komodo Dragon / Forked tongue / Detects scent trails 14-08-2023 / Bald Eagle / Raptor species / Belongs to the Accipitridae family 15-09-2022 / Bald Eagle / Wetland habitat / Found near water bodies 16-10-2021 / Polar Bear / Marine mammal hunter / Seeks seals on ice 17-11-2020 / Red Fox / Nocturnal / Active primarily at night 18-12-2019 / Penguin / Flipper locomotion / Efficient swimmers 19-01-2018 / African Elephant / Trunk versatility / Multi-functional appendage 20-02-2023 / Bald Eagle / Symbol of power / Represents authority 21-03-2022 / Bald Eagle / Fidelity / Form strong pair bonds 22-04-2021 / Snow Leopard / Conservation focus / Protected in the wild 23-05-2020 / Grizzly Bear / Hibernate / Winter dormancy to conserve energy 24-06-2019 / Great White Shark / Shark fin / Sought after in illegal trade 25-07-2018 / Bald Eagle / Rehabilitation efforts / Rescued and released 26-08-2023 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Echolocation / Navigate and locate prey 27-09-2022 / Bald Eagle / Keystone species / Influence ecosystems 28-10-2021 / Bald Eagle / Bald head / Not actually bald 29-11-2020 / Cheetah / Non-retractable claws / Provides traction 30-12-2019 / Polar Bear / Arctic hunter / Strong swimmers 01-01-2018 / Bald Eagle / Longevity / Can live for decades 02-02-2023 / Bald Eagle / Plumage change / Young eagles differ from adults 03-03-2022 / Snow Leopard / Remote habitat / Thrives in rugged terrain 04-04-2021 / Bald Eagle / Rehabilitation centers / Aid injured eagles 05-05-2020 / Bengal Tiger / Territorial disputes / Fierce confrontations 06-06-2019 / Komodo Dragon / Scavenger / Consume carrion 07-07-2018 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Lifespan / Can live up to 50 years 08-08-2023 / African Elephant / Matriarchal society / Led by a dominant female 09-09-2022 / Bald Eagle / National emblem act / Designated as the US emblem 10-10-2021 / Polar Bear / Marine adaptation / Thick blubber layer 11-11-2020 / Red Fox / Vocalizations / Use various calls 12-12-2019 / Penguin / Parental care / Both parents incubate eggs 13-01-2018 / Great White Shark / Camouflaged below / White belly blends with light 14-02-2023 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Aerial displays / Leap out of water 15-03-2022 / Snow Leopard / Climate change impact / Threat to habitat 16-04-2021 / Bald Eagle / Successful recovery / Population rebound 17-05-2020 / Bald Eagle / Emblem of resilience / Represents overcoming challenges 18-06-2019 / Grizzly Bear / Grubbing / Forage for roots and insects 19-07-2018 / Komodo Dragon / Cannibalistic tendencies / May eat smaller dragons 20-08-2023 / Bald Eagle / Habitat destruction / Affected by deforestation 21-09-2022 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Playful behaviors / Engage in games 22-10-2021 / Snow Leopard / Evasive prey / Hunt wild sheep and goats 23-11-2020 / African Elephant / Memory / Remember past experiences 24-12-2019 / Polar Bear / Energy-efficient / Slow metabolic rate 25-01-2018 / Bald Eagle / Courtship rituals / Skyward acrobatics 26-02-2023 / Bald Eagle / Conservation milestones / Efforts to protect the species 27-03-2022 / Snow Leopard / Endemic regions / Found in specific areas 28-04-2021 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Vocal learning / Mimic sounds 29-05-2020 / Bald Eagle / Population monitoring / Continual assessment 30-06-2019 / African Elephant / Ivory trade threat / Poached for tusks 01-01-2024 / Bald Eagle / Symbol of freedom / Majestic 02-02-2023 / African Elephant / Largest land animal / Massive 03-03-2022 / Great White Shark / Fearsome predator / Apex 04-04-2021 / Cheetah / Speedy / Fastest land animal 05-05-2020 / Red Panda / Agile climber / Rusty 06-06-2019 / Bengal Tiger / Iconic big cat / Striped coat 07-07-2018 / Polar Bear / Arctic wanderer / Frosty 08-08-2017 / Orangutan / Intelligent tool-user / Ginger 09-09-2016 / Black Panther / Elusive and solitary / Shadow 10-10-2015 / Siberian Tiger / Largest big cat / Blizzard 11-11-2014 / Sloth / Slow-moving tree-dweller / Lazy 12-12-2013 / Silverback Gorilla / Dominant male / King 13-01-2014 / Jaguar / Amazonian predator / Spots 14-02-2015 / Flamingo / Striking pink plumage / Pinky 15-03-2016 / Peacock / Colorful tail display / Majesty 16-04-2017 / Hyena / Known for vocalizations / Laugh 17-05-2018 / Parrot / Mimics human speech / Echo 18-06-2019 / Komodo Dragon / Largest living lizard / Lizard 19-07-2020 / Anaconda / Massive constrictor / Coil 20-08-2021 / Octopus / Master of camouflage / Inky 21-09-2022 / Tasmanian Devil / Fierce marsupial / Fury 22-10-2023 / Arctic Fox / Adapts fur color / Frost 23-11-2024 / Platypus / Unusual appearance / Paddle 24-12-2025 / Porcupine / Defensive spines / Quill 25-01-2026 / Raccoon / Known for dexterity / Bandit 26-02-2027 / Bison / North American native / Thunder 27-03-2028 / Lynx / Elusive cat / Whisper 28-04-2029 / Walrus / Impressive tusks / Tusk 29-05-2030 / Narwhal / Unicorn of the sea / Horn 30-06-2031 / Red Fox / Cunning and adaptable / Rust 01-07-2032 / Gazelle / Elegant and swift / Grace 02-08-2033 / Koala / Eucalyptus eater / Gumleaf 03-09-2034 / Badger / Fierce burrower / Dig 04-10-2035 / Falcon / Aerial hunter / Sky 05-11-2036 / Capybara / Water-loving rodent / Swim 06-12-2037 / Meerkat / Alert and social / Lookout 07-01-2038 / Lemming / Known for migration / Cliff 08-02-2039 / Bearded Dragon / Desert dweller / Spike 09-03-2040 / Manatee / Peaceful sea cow / Gentle 10-04-2041 / Iguana / Tree-loving lizard / Scale 11-05-2042 / Hamster / Storing food in cheeks / Cheeky 12-06-2043 / Seahorse / Unique swimming style / Drift 13-07-2044 / Bat / Nocturnal flyer / Echo 14-08-2045 / Chameleon / Color-changing skin / Change 15-09-2046 / Otter / Playful in water / Splash 16-10-2047 / Ostrich / Fastest bird on land / Runner 17-11-2048 / Camel / Desert traveler / Hump 18-12-2049 / Toucan / Large bill / Beak 19-01-2050 / Mongoose / Snake fighter / Nimble 20-02-2051 / Snowy Owl / Arctic hunter / White 21-03-2052 / Armadillo / Protective shell / Armor 22-04-2053 / Aardvark / Insect eater / Snout 23-05-2054 / Pangolin / Ant-eating mammal / Scale 24-06-2055 / Dingo / Wild Australian dog / Howl 25-07-2056 / Macaw / Vibrant tropical bird / Color 26-08-2057 / Vulture / Nature's cleaner / Scavenge 27-09-2058 / Hedgehog / Nocturnal and spiky / Spiny 28-10-2059 / Python / Large non-venomous snake / Slither 29-11-2060 / Crocodile / Ancient predator / Snap 30-12-2061 / Wolverine / Tough and solitary / Grit 31-01-2062 / Kookaburra / Distinctive call / Laugh 01-03-2063 / Warthog / Distinctive facial features / Tusk 02-04-2064 / Squirrel / Tree climber / Acorn 03-05-2065 / Manta Ray / Graceful ocean glider / Glide 01-04-2023 / Chimpanzee / Social / Live in communities 09-09-2022 / Red Kangaroo / Boxer / Strong legs for kicking 17-05-2021 / Bald Eagle / Fisherman / Skilled at catching fish 25-11-2020 / African Elephant / Memory / Remarkable recall abilities 03-07-2019 / Snow Leopard / Endangered / Vulnerable species 11-02-2018 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Intelligence / Highly intelligent marine mammal 19-08-2024 / Monarch Butterfly / Migration / Long-distance flyers 27-03-2023 / Green Sea Turtle / Ancient / Among the oldest sea turtles 04-10-2022 / Bald Eagle / Bald head / White-feathered head 12-04-2021 / Western Lowland Gorilla / Silverback / Dominant males 20-10-2020 / Red Fox / Nocturnal / Active during the night 28-06-2019 / Bald Eagle / National bird / Emblem of the United States 06-01-2018 / Bald Eagle / Recovery / Brought back from near extinction 14-07-2024 / Hummingbird / Hovering / Can fly in place 22-02-2023 / Bengal Tiger / Powerful jaws / Impressive bite force 01-09-2022 / Giant Panda / Bamboo specialist / Diet primarily consists of bamboo 09-04-2021 / Bald Eagle / Courtship rituals / Elaborate mating displays 17-11-2020 / Red-Backed Spider / Venomous / Dangerous bite 25-05-2019 / Bald Eagle / Conservation success / Symbol of conservation efforts 03-01-2018 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Echolocation / Use sound for navigation 11-07-2024 / Emperor Penguin / Cold-resistant / Thrive in Antarctica 19-02-2023 / Bald Eagle / Nest protector / Fiercely guards its nest 27-08-2022 / Snowy Owl / Arctic owl / Camouflaged in snow 05-04-2021 / Grizzly Bear / Omnivorous / Eat both plants and animals 13-10-2020 / Red-Eyed Tree Frog / Sticky toes / Excellent climbers 21-06-2019 / Bald Eagle / Territorial / Defend their hunting grounds 29-01-2018 / Blue Whale / Filter feeder / Feeds on tiny krill 07-08-2024 / Bald Eagle / Monogamous / Mate for life 15-03-2023 / Bald Eagle / Bald symbolism / Represents freedom 23-09-2022 / Orca / Black and white / Distinctive coloration 01-05-2021 / Arctic Tern / Long-distance flyer / Migrates from pole to pole 09-12-2020 / Bald Eagle / Large wingspan / Impressive in flight 17-06-2019 / Dolphin / Playful leaps / Enjoy breaching out of water 25-01-2018 / Komodo Dragon / Apex predator / Top of the food chain 03-09-2024 / Polar Bear / Marine mammal / Excellent swimmers 11-04-2023 / Bald Eagle / Sharp talons / Efficient hunters 19-10-2022 / Blue Jay / Nest builders / Construct intricate nests 27-05-2021 / Sloth / Slow metabolism / Move at a leisurely pace 04-01-2021 / Bald Eagle / Solitary / Often seen alone 12-07-2020 / Red Fox / Color variations / Coat changes with seasons 20-02-2019 / Bald Eagle / Courtship dance / Elaborate aerial displays 28-09-2018 / Snow Leopard / Silent hunters / Stealthy stalkers 06-05-2024 / Emperor Penguin / Colony life / Form large breeding groups 14-01-2023 / Bald Eagle / Migratory patterns / Seasonal movements 22-07-2022 / Great White Shark / Apex predator / Fearsome reputation 30-03-2021 / Bald Eagle / Parental care / Dedicated to raising chicks 07-11-2020 / Bald Eagle / Resilience / Symbol of strength 15-07-2019 / Bengal Tiger / Elusive / Masters of camouflage 23-02-2018 / Bald Eagle / Feeding habits / Fish are their primary prey 02-10-2024 / Monarch Butterfly / Colorful migration / Iconic orange and black 10-04-2023 / Kangaroo / Marsupial / Carry young in pouches 18-10-2022 / Bald Eagle / Sharp eyesight / Spot prey from great distances 26-04-2021 / Snow Leopard / Thick fur / Adapted to cold mountain regions 04-01-2021 / Sea Otter / Tool use / Use rocks to crack open shells 11-08-2024 / Bald Eagle / Lifespan / Can live for decades 19-04-2023 / Bengal Tiger / Solitary hunters / Hunt alone 27-12-2022 / Bald Eagle / Vocalizations / Communicate with calls 05-09-2022 / Polar Bear / Efficient swimmers / Great in water 13-05-2021 / Bald Eagle / Cultural significance / Revered by many nations 21-01-2021 / Giraffe / Unique neck / Tallest mammals on Earth 29-07-2020 / Bald Eagle / National pride / Emblem of patriotism 06-03-2019 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Acrobatic / Perform leaps and spins 14-11-2018 / Bald Eagle / Protected species / Conservation efforts 22-07-2023 / Red Panda / Nocturnal / Active during the night 30-01-2022 / Bald Eagle / Regal appearance / Symbolic of power 07-09-2021 / Penguin / Underwater agility / Exceptional swimmers 15-05-2020 / Cheetah / Acceleration / Fastest land sprinter 23-01-2019 / Bald Eagle / Sharp beak / Tear prey apart efficiently 02-08-2018 / Snow Leopard / Shy nature / Rarely seen by humans 10-04-2024 / Blue Jay / Vocal mimicry / Can imitate other birds 18-12-2023 / Bald Eagle / Endangered recovery / Success story 26-08-2022 / Bald Eagle / Wingspan display / Impressive aerial shows 04-05-2021 / Octopus / Regenerative abilities / Can regrow limbs 12-01-2020 / Bald Eagle / Graceful fliers / Soar with elegance 20-09-2019 / Bengal Tiger / Striped beauty / Striking coat pattern 28-05-2018 / Bald Eagle / Fishing skills / Snatch fish from water 05-01-2018 / Blue Whale / Vocal songs / Complex communication 13-09-2024 / Snow Leopard / Himalayan inhabitant / Thrive in high altitudes 21-05-2023 / Bald Eagle / Natural habitat / Prefer near water bodies 29-01-2022 / Bald Eagle / Environmental indicators / Reflect ecosystem health 06-10-2021 / Bald Eagle / Powerful grip / Secure prey with talons 14-06-2020 / Orangutan / Arboreal lifestyle / Spend time in trees 22-02-2019 / Bald Eagle / Maturity age / Reach adulthood at 5 years 02-08-2018 / Arctic Fox / White fur / Blend into snowy landscapes 10-04-2024 / Bald Eagle / National symbol / Represents the U.S. 18-12-2023 / Bald Eagle / Population growth / Thriving numbers 26-08-2022 / Dolphin / Social bonds / Strong family connections 04-05-2021 / African Elephant / Wisdom / Symbol of sagacity 12-01-2020 / Bald Eagle / Apex raptor / Top bird of prey 20-09-2019 / Snow Leopard / Silent stalker / Hunt with precision 28-05-2018 / Bottlenose Dolphin / Coastal residents / Found near coastlines 01-05-2025 / Red-eyed Crocodile Skink / Vivid colors / Small reptile 02-06-2024 / Fennec Fox / Huge ears / Desert-dwelling fox 03-07-2023 / Snowshoe Hare / Camouflage / Adapted to snowy environments 04-08-2022 / Horned Toad / Spiky skin / Desert-dwelling lizard 05-09-2021 / Bearded Vulture / Bone eater / Unique dietary habits 06-10-2020 / Gharial / Long snout / Critically endangered crocodilian 07-11-2019 / Axolotl / Regenerative / Salamander with incredible healing abilities 08-12-2018 / Proboscis Monkey / Big nose / Unique primate from Borneo 09-01-2018 / Sun Bear / Golden crescent / Smallest bear species 10-02-2019 / Hummingbird / Rapid wing beats / Exceptional hovering ability 11-03-2020 / Quokka / Smiling face / Happiest marsupial 12-04-2021 / Leaf-tailed Gecko / Master of disguise / Camouflaged lizard 13-05-2022 / Star-nosed Mole / Fast forager / Unique sensory organ 14-06-2023 / Thorny Devil / Spiky armor / Desert-dwelling lizard 15-07-2024 / Harpy Eagle / Majestic predator / Powerful raptor 16-08-2025 / Red-eyed Tree Shrew / Fast metabolism / Eats insects and nectar 17-09-2026 / Naked Mole Rat / Eusocial / Highly organized underground society 18-10-2027 / Tuatara / Living fossil / Ancient reptile from New Zealand 19-11-2028 / Binturong / Bearcat / Civet-like mammal with a prehensile tail 20-12-2029 / Hoatzin / Stinkbird / Foul-smelling bird with claws on wings 21-01-2030 / Thorny Oyster / Reef builder / Important part of coral ecosystems 22-02-2029 / Glass Frog / Transparent skin / Reveals internal organs 23-03-2028 / Okapi / Forest giraffe / Striped relative of the giraffe 24-04-2027 / Mantis Shrimp / Color vision / Incredible visual capabilities 25-05-2026 / Kakapo / Flightless parrot / Critically endangered New Zealand bird 26-06-2025 / Aye-Aye / Elongated finger / Nocturnal primate with a unique hunting method 27-07-2024 / Quokka / Pouch baby / Marsupial with a cute joey 28-08-2023 / Electric Eel / Shocking predator / Generates electric discharges 29-09-2022 / Banded Palm Civet / Coffee producer / Important in coffee production 30-10-2021 / Aardwolf / Termite eater / Hyena-like carnivore with a specialized diet 01-01-2020 / Glass Frog / Protective father / Male guards eggs 02-02-2021 / Thorny Devil / Water collector / Absorbs moisture through skin 03-03-2022 / Kakapo / Vocal mimic / Imitates forest sounds 04-04-2023 / Tuatara / Slow metabolism / Can live for over 100 years 05-05-2024 / Okapi / Solitary habits / Mostly seen alone 06-06-2025 / Binturong / Tree dweller / Excellent climbers 07-07-2026 / Mantis Shrimp / Diverse weaponry / Possesses powerful claws 08-08-2027 / Glass Frog / Arboreal lifestyle / Lives in trees 09-09-2028 / Aye-Aye / Superstitious beliefs / Considered an omen in Madagascar 10-10-2029 / Electric Eel / Unique organ / Electric organ produces shocks 11-11-2030 / Quokka / Social interaction / Often seen in groups 12-12-2031 / Banded Palm Civet / Nocturnal activity / Active during the night 13-01-2032 / Aardwolf / Burrowing skills / Dig extensive tunnels 14-02-2033 / Star-nosed Mole / Incredible touch / Extremely sensitive snout 15-03-2034 / Kakapo / Conservation efforts / Intensive breeding programs 16-04-2035 / Tuatara / Ancient lineage / Distant relative of dinosaurs 17-05-2036 / Okapi / Elongated tongue / Feeds on leaves high in trees 18-06-2037 / Binturong / Scent marking / Marks territory with scent 19-07-2038 / Mantis Shrimp / Fast strikes / Swiftly catches prey 20-08-2039 / Glass Frog / Parental care / Males guard eggs and tadpoles 08-03-2057 / Star-nosed Mole / Subterranean life / Rarely seen above ground 08-03-2057 / Star-nosed Mole / Subterranean Dude / 25-12-2020 / Turtle / Ariel-LLC /