{ "spec": { "name": "SingleVaultNode", "description": "", "resources": { "type": "USER", "service_definition_list": [ { "name": "DefaultService", "description": "", "port_list": [], "singleton": false, "tier": "", "depends_on_list": [], "variable_list": [], "action_list": [ { "name": "action_create", "description": "", "type": "system", "critical": true, "runbook": { "name": "Runbook_for_Service_DefaultService_action_create", "description": "", "main_task_local_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_create" }, "task_definition_list": [ { "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_create", "description": "", "type": "DAG", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "edges": [] }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" } ], "variable_list": [] } }, { "name": "action_delete", "description": "", "type": "system", "critical": true, "runbook": { "name": "Runbook_for_Service_DefaultService_action_delete", "description": "", "main_task_local_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_delete" }, "task_definition_list": [ { "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_delete", "description": "", "type": "DAG", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "edges": [] }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" } ], "variable_list": [] } }, { "name": "action_start", "description": "", "type": "system", "critical": true, "runbook": { "name": "Runbook_for_Service_DefaultService_action_start", "description": "", "main_task_local_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_start" }, "task_definition_list": [ { "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_start", "description": "", "type": "DAG", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "edges": [] }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" } ], "variable_list": [] } }, { "name": "action_stop", "description": "", "type": "system", "critical": true, "runbook": { "name": "Runbook_for_Service_DefaultService_action_stop", "description": "", "main_task_local_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_stop" }, "task_definition_list": [ { "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_stop", "description": "", "type": "DAG", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "edges": [] }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" } ], "variable_list": [] } }, { "name": "action_restart", "description": "", "type": "system", "critical": true, "runbook": { "name": "Runbook_for_Service_DefaultService_action_restart", "description": "", "main_task_local_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_restart" }, "task_definition_list": [ { "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_restart", "description": "", "type": "DAG", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "edges": [] }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" } ], "variable_list": [] } }, { "name": "action_soft_delete", "description": "", "type": "system", "critical": true, "runbook": { "name": "Runbook_for_Service_DefaultService_action_soft_delete", "description": "", "main_task_local_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_soft_delete" }, "task_definition_list": [ { "name": "DAG_Task_for_Service_DefaultService_action_soft_delete", "description": "", "type": "DAG", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "edges": [] }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" } ], "variable_list": [] } } ], "container_spec": {} } ], "package_definition_list": [ { "name": "DefaultPackage", "description": "", "type": "CUSTOM", "options": { "install_runbook": { "name": "DefaultPackage___install___runbook", "description": "", "main_task_local_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "DefaultPackage___install___dag" }, "task_definition_list": [ { "name": "DefaultPackage___install___dag", "description": "", "type": "DAG", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "edges": [ { "from_task_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "EXPAND_DISK" }, "to_task_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "K3S_INSTALL" } }, { "from_task_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "K3S_INSTALL" }, "to_task_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "HELM_INSTALL" } }, { "from_task_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "HELM_INSTALL" }, "to_task_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "VAULT_INSTALL" } } ] }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [ { "kind": "app_task", "name": "EXPAND_DISK" }, { "kind": "app_task", "name": "K3S_INSTALL" }, { "kind": "app_task", "name": "HELM_INSTALL" }, { "kind": "app_task", "name": "VAULT_INSTALL" } ], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" }, { "name": "EXPAND_DISK", "description": "", "type": "EXEC", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "script_type": "static", "script": "vmUuid = '@@{id}@@'\ndiskSize = @@{OS_DISK_SIZE}@@ # GB\npcAddress = '@@{NTNX_PC_IP}@@'\npcUsername = '@@{CRED_PC.username}@@'\npcPassword = '@@{CRED_PC.secret}@@'\n\n# ============== DO NO CHANGE AFTER THIS ===============\n\nusrPass = '{}:{}'.format(pcUsername,pcPassword)\nb64Pass = base64.b64encode(usrPass)\n\n# Get VM\napi_url = 'https://{}:9440/api/nutanix/v3/vms/{}'.format(pcAddress,vmUuid)\nheaders = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(b64Pass)}\n\nr = urlreq(api_url, verb='GET', headers=headers, verify=False)\nif r.ok:\n resp = json.loads(r.content)\n\nelse:\n print(\"Post request failed\", r.content)\n exit(1)\n\n# Power off VM and extend disk\ndel resp['status']\n\ndisk_size_mib = diskSize * 1024\ndisk_size_bytes = disk_size_mib * 1024**2\n\nresp['spec']['resources']['disk_list'][0]['disk_size_mib'] = disk_size_mib\nresp['spec']['resources']['disk_list'][0]['disk_size_bytes'] = disk_size_bytes\nresp['spec']['resources']['power_state'] = 'OFF'\n\npayload = resp\n\nr = urlreq(api_url, verb='PUT', params=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers, verify=False)\nif r.ok:\n resp = json.loads(r.content)\n taskUuid = resp['status']['execution_context']['task_uuid']\n\nelse:\n print(\"Post request failed\", r.content)\n exit(1)\n\n\n# Monitor task\nstate = \"\"\nwhile state != \"SUCCEEDED\":\n api_url = 'https://{}:9440/api/nutanix/v3/tasks/{}'.format(pcAddress,taskUuid)\n\n sleep(2)\n r = urlreq(api_url, verb='GET', headers=headers, verify=False)\n if r.ok:\n resp = json.loads(r.content)\n state = resp['status']\n if state == \"FAILED\":\n print(\"Task failed\", resp['progress_message'])\n exit(1)\n\n else:\n print(\"Post request failed\", r.content)\n exit(1)\n\n# Wait for VM to power off\napi_url = 'https://{}:9440/api/nutanix/v3/vms/{}'.format(pcAddress,vmUuid)\nr = urlreq(api_url, verb='GET', headers=headers, verify=False)\nif r.ok:\n resp = json.loads(r.content)\n power_state = resp['status']['resources']['power_state']\n\nelse:\n print(\"Post request failed\", r.content)\n exit(1)\n\nstate = \"\"\nwhile state != \"OFF\":\n api_url = 'https://{}:9440/api/nutanix/v3/vms/{}'.format(pcAddress,vmUuid)\n\n sleep(2)\n r = urlreq(api_url, verb='GET', headers=headers, verify=False)\n if r.ok:\n resp = json.loads(r.content)\n state = resp['status']['resources']['power_state']\n if state == \"FAILED\":\n print(\"Task failed\", resp['progress_message'])\n exit(1)\n\n else:\n print(\"Post request failed\", r.content)\n exit(1)\n\n# Power on VM\ndel resp['status']\n\nresp['spec']['resources']['power_state'] = 'ON'\n\napi_url = 'https://{}:9440/api/nutanix/v3/vms/{}'.format(pcAddress,vmUuid)\npayload = resp\n\nr = urlreq(api_url, verb='PUT', params=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers, verify=False)\nif r.ok:\n resp = json.loads(r.content)\n taskUuid = resp['status']['execution_context']['task_uuid']\n\nelse:\n print(\"Post request failed\", r.content)\n exit(1)\n\n# Monitor task\nstate = \"\"\nwhile state != \"SUCCEEDED\":\n api_url = 'https://{}:9440/api/nutanix/v3/tasks/{}'.format(pcAddress,taskUuid)\n\n sleep(2)\n r = urlreq(api_url, verb='GET', headers=headers, verify=False)\n if r.ok:\n resp = json.loads(r.content)\n state = resp['status']\n if state == \"FAILED\":\n print(\"Task failed\", resp['progress_message'])\n exit(1)\n\n else:\n print(\"Post request failed\", r.content)\n exit(1)\n\nprint(\"OS disk extended to {} GB\".format(diskSize))\n\n# Wait until VM boots\nsleep(60)" }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" }, { "name": "K3S_INSTALL", "description": "", "type": "EXEC", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "script_type": "sh", "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\nset -e\n\nif [ @@{K3S_INSTALL}@@ != True ] ; then\n exit 0\nfi\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Creating resolv.conf.k3s...\\n\"\necho \"nameserver @@{K3S_DNS_SERVER}@@\" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf.k3s\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Installing K3s...\\n\"\ncurl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -s - --write-kubeconfig-mode 644 --resolv-conf /etc/resolv.conf.k3s\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Waiting for K3s to start...\\n\"\nuntil kubectl get nodes | grep -i \"Ready\"; do sleep 2; done\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> K3s installed...\\n\"\nkubectl get nodes -o wide\nkubectl config view --raw > ~/.kube/config\nchmod 600 ~/.kube/config\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> K3s patching Traefik with hostNetwork: true ...\\n\"\nuntil kubectl -n kube-system get deployment traefik | grep -i \"1/1\"; do sleep 2; done\nkubectl -n kube-system patch deployment traefik --patch '{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"spec\":{\"hostNetwork\":true}}}}'\n\nDOCKER_HUB_USERNAME=\"@@{DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME}@@\"\nDOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD=\"@@{DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD}@@\"\n\nif [ -z \"$DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME\" ] || [ -z \"$DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD\" ] ; then\n exit 0\nelse\n printf \"\\n=======> Setting Docker Hub credentials to avoid pull rate limits...\\n\"\ncat < Installing Helm PGP key...\"\ncurl -s https://baltocdn.com/helm/signing.asc | sudo apt-key add -\nsudo apt-get -qq install -y apt-transport-https\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Adding Helm repo...\"\nprintf \"deb https://baltocdn.com/helm/stable/debian/ all main\" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Updating packages...\"\nsudo apt-get -qq update -y\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Installing Helm and JQ packages...\"\nsudo apt-get -qq install -y helm jq" }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" }, { "name": "VAULT_INSTALL", "description": "", "type": "SET_VARIABLE", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "script_type": "sh", "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\nset -e\n\nif [ @@{VAULT_INSTALL}@@ != True ] ; then\n exit 0\nfi\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Installing Vault CLI locally...\\n\"\nif command -v apt &> /dev/null\nthen\n sudo apt install -y gpg\n wget -O- https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null\n echo \"deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main\" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list\n sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y vault\nfi\n\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Adding Hashicorp Helm repository...\\n\"\nhelm repo add hashicorp https://helm.releases.hashicorp.com\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Preparing Vault installation...\\n\"\nexport VAULT_HOST=\"@@{address}@@.nip.io\"\n\n# https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/platform/k8s/helm/configuration\n\ncat <>values_patch.yaml\nserver:\n ingress:\n enabled: true\n hosts:\n - host: ${VAULT_HOST}\n - host: localhost\n\n standalone:\n config: |\n ui = true\n\n listener \"tcp\" {\n tls_disable = 1\n address = \"[::]:8200\"\n cluster_address = \"[::]:8201\"\n x_forwarded_for_authorized_addrs = \"\"\n }\n\n storage \"file\" {\n path = \"/vault/data\"\n }\nEOF\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Launching Vault installation...\\n\"\nhelm install vault hashicorp/vault --values values_patch.yaml\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Waiting for Vault to install...\\n\"\ntimeout 10m bash -c '\nsleep 60\nresponse=$(curl --write-out \"%{http_code}\" --silent --output /dev/null ${VAULT_HOST})\nwhile [ $response -ne 307 ]\ndo\n response=$(curl --write-out \"%{http_code}\" --silent --output /dev/null ${VAULT_HOST})\n echo Response: Installing...\n response=$response \n sleep 20\ndone'\nprintf \"\\n=======> Vault successfully installed!\"\n\nkubectl exec -ti vault-0 -- vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1 -format=json > ~/.keys\nchmod 600 ~/.keys\n\necho \"alias vault='env VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost/ vault'\" >> ~/.bashrc\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Connection details...\\n\"\necho \"Login URL: https://${VAULT_HOST}\"\necho \"Vault keys available via SSH in: ~/.keys\"\n\nif [ @@{VAULT_PRINT_KEYS}@@ == True ] ; then\n export VAULT_UNSEAL=$(jq -r '.unseal_keys_b64[0]' ~/.keys)\n export VAULT_TOKEN=$(jq -r '.root_token' ~/.keys)\n echo \"Vault unseal key: ${VAULT_UNSEAL}\"\n echo \"Vault root token: ${VAULT_TOKEN}\"\nfi\n\nprintf \"\\n=======> Setting Service variables\\n\"\nif [ @@{VAULT_PRINT_KEYS}@@ == True ] ; then\n echo \"VAULT_UNSEAL = ${VAULT_UNSEAL}\"\n echo \"VAULT_TOKEN = ${VAULT_TOKEN}\"\nfi\n\necho \"VAULT_HOST = ${VAULT_HOST}\"\n", "eval_variables": [ "VAULT_HOST", "VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY", "VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN" ] }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" } ], "variable_list": [] }, "uninstall_runbook": { "name": "Runbook_for_Package_DefaultPackage_action_uninstall", "description": "", "main_task_local_reference": { "kind": "app_task", "name": "DAG_Task_for_Package_DefaultPackage_action_uninstall" }, "task_definition_list": [ { "name": "DAG_Task_for_Package_DefaultPackage_action_uninstall", "description": "", "type": "DAG", "target_any_local_reference": { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" }, "attrs": { "edges": [] }, "child_tasks_local_reference_list": [], "variable_list": [], "retries": "", "timeout_secs": "" } ], "variable_list": [] } }, "service_local_reference_list": [ { "kind": "app_service", "name": "DefaultService" } ], "variable_list": [], "version": "" } ], "published_service_definition_list": [], "substrate_definition_list": [ { "name": "DefaultSubstrate", "description": "", "type": "AHV_VM", "os_type": "Linux", "create_spec": { "name": "@@{calm_application_name}@@", "categories": {}, "resources": { "nic_list": [ { "network_function_nic_type": "INGRESS", "nic_type": "NORMAL_NIC", "subnet_reference": { "kind": "subnet", "name": "desktops", "uuid": "0e26c135-d478-428e-9fb8-22c0acfa5f3a" }, "network_function_chain_reference": null, "mac_address": "", "ip_endpoint_list": [] } ], "num_vcpus_per_socket": 1, "num_sockets": 2, "memory_size_mib": 4096, "power_state": "ON", "account_uuid": "4e4f1d3b-9492-4502-9eed-d994192669a4", "gpu_list": [], "disk_list": [ { "data_source_reference": { "kind": "image", "name": "UBUNTU_FOCAL_20.04_CLOUD_IMAGE", "uuid": "ec0f310f-dd22-4cbc-a0d6-0f46be7b0652" }, "device_properties": { "device_type": "DISK", "disk_address": { "device_index": 0, "adapter_type": "SCSI" } }, "disk_size_mib": 0 } ], "guest_customization": { "sysprep": null, "cloud_init": { "user_data": "#cloud-config\nhostname: @@{name}@@\nusers:\n- name: @@{OS_CRED.username}@@\n shell: /bin/bash\n ssh-authorized-keys:\n - @@{OS_CRED.public_key}@@\n sudo:\n - ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\n" } }, "serial_port_list": [ { "index": 0, "is_connected": false } ], "boot_config": { "boot_device": { "disk_address": { "device_index": 0, "adapter_type": "SCSI" } } } } }, "variable_list": [], "action_list": [], "readiness_probe": { "connection_type": "SSH", "connection_port": 22, "connection_protocol": "", "timeout_secs": "", "delay_secs": "60", "retries": "5", "address": "@@{platform.status.resources.nic_list[0].ip_endpoint_list[0].ip}@@", "disable_readiness_probe": false, "login_credential_local_reference": { "kind": "app_credential", "name": "OS_CRED" } }, "editables": {} } ], "credential_definition_list": [ { "name": "OS_CRED", "description": "", "type": 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"editables": { "value": true }, "is_hidden": false, "is_mandatory": false }, { "name": "DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME", "description": "", "type": "LOCAL", "label": "", "attrs": {}, "val_type": "STRING", "value": "youruser", "data_type": "BASE", "editables": { "value": true }, "is_hidden": false, "is_mandatory": false }, { "name": "K3S_INSTALL", "description": "Enabling K3s lets you easily install containerized applications.", "type": "LOCAL", "label": "Install K3s", "attrs": {}, "val_type": "STRING", "value": "True", "data_type": "BASE", "is_hidden": true, "is_mandatory": false }, { "name": "VAULT_INSTALL", "description": "Install Vault for secrets management.", "type": "LOCAL", "label": "Install Vault", "attrs": {}, "val_type": "STRING", "value": "True", "data_type": "BASE", "is_hidden": true, "is_mandatory": false }, { "name": "VAULT_PRINT_KEYS", "description": "If true, Vault keys will be visible in Audit logs", "type": "LOCAL", "label": "Print out Vault keys", "attrs": {}, "val_type": "STRING", "value": "False", "data_type": "BASE", "editables": { "value": true }, "options": { "type": "PREDEFINED", "choices": [ "True", "False" ] }, "is_hidden": false, "is_mandatory": true }, { "name": "OS_DISK_SIZE", "description": "", "type": "LOCAL", "label": "", "attrs": {}, "val_type": "INT", "value": "20", "data_type": "BASE", "regex": { "value": "^[\\d]*$", "should_validate": false }, "is_hidden": false, "is_mandatory": false }, { "name": "NTNX_PC_IP", "description": "", "type": "LOCAL", "label": "", "attrs": {}, "val_type": "STRING", "value": "", "data_type": "BASE", "is_hidden": false, "is_mandatory": false }, { "name": "K3S_DNS_SERVER", "description": "", "type": "LOCAL", "label": "", "attrs": {}, "val_type": "STRING", "value": "", "data_type": "BASE", "is_hidden": false, "is_mandatory": false } ], "patch_list": [], "action_list": [] } ], "client_attrs": { "None": { "Service": { "DefaultService": { "dsl_name": "DefaultService", "Action": {} } }, "Package": { "DefaultPackage": { "dsl_name": "DefaultPackage", "Action": {} } }, "Deployment": { "DefaultDeployment": { "dsl_name": "DefaultDeployment", "Action": {} } }, "Profile": { "Default": { "dsl_name": "Default", "Action": {} } }, "Substrate": { "DefaultSubstrate": { "dsl_name": "DefaultSubstrate", "Action": {}, "AhvVm": { "@@{calm_application_name}@@": { "dsl_name": "@@{calm_application_name}@@" } } } } } }, "default_credential_local_reference": { "kind": "app_credential", "name": "OS_CRED" } } }, "api_version": "3.0", "metadata": { "name": "SingleVaultNode", "kind": "blueprint", "categories": { "TemplateType": "Vm" }, "spec_version": 1 } }