var NtnxDashboard; NtnxDashboard = { init: function ( config ) { this.config = config; this.setupGridster(); this.setUI(); this.bindEvents(); /* load the saved/default dashboard when the DOM is ready */ $( document).ready( function() { NtnxDashboard.loadLayout(); }); }, /* init */ resetCell: function( cell ) { $( '#' + cell ).html( '' ); }, physicalInfo: function( cvmAddress, username, password ) { physicalData = $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/physical-info', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { _cvmAddress: cvmAddress, _username: username, _password: password }, }); physicalData.success( function(data) { hostSerials = ''; $.each( data['entities'], function() { hostSerials = hostSerials + 'S/N ' + this.serial + '
'; }); NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'hosts' ); $( '#hosts' ).addClass( 'info_big' ).append( '
' + data['metadata']['count'] + ' Hosts
' ); $( '#hosts' ).append( '
' + hostSerials + '
' ); }); ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { console.log('error getting physical info'); }); }, vmInfo: function( cvmAddress, username, password ) { vmData = $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/vm-info', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { _cvmAddress: cvmAddress, _username: username, _password: password }, }); vmData.success( function(data) { NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'vmInfo' ); $( '#vmInfo' ).addClass( 'info_big' ).append( '
' + data['metadata']['count'] + '
'); }); ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { console.log('error getting vm info') }); }, containerInfo: function( cvmAddress, username, password ) { containerData = $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/container-info', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { _cvmAddress: cvmAddress, _username: username, _password: password }, }); containerData.success( function(data) { NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'containers' ); $( '#containers' ).addClass( 'info_big' ).append( '
' + data['metadata']['count'] + '
'); }); ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { console.log('error getting container info') }); }, clusterInfo: function( cvmAddress, username, password ) { clusterInfo = $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/cluster-info', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { _cvmAddress: cvmAddress, _username: username, _password: password }, }); clusterInfo.success( function(data) { cluster_entity = data['entities'][0]; NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'nosVersion' ); $( '#nosVersion' ).addClass( 'info_big' ).append( '
' + cluster_entity['status']['resources']['config']['build']['version'] + '
'); NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'clusterSummary' ); $( '#clusterSummary' ).addClass( 'info_big' ).append( '
' + cluster_entity['status']['name'] + '
'); NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'blocks' ); $( '#blocks' ).addClass( 'info_big' ).append( '
' ); $( '#blocks' ).addClass( 'info_big' ).append( '
' ); ahv = false; vmware = false; hyperv = false; $( cluster_entity['status']['resources']['nodes']['hypervisor_server_list'] ).each( function( index, item ) { switch( item['type'] ) { case 'AHV': if( ahv != true ) { $( '#blocks' ).append( 'AHV
' ); } ahv = true; break; case 'VMware': $( '#blocks' ).append( 'ESXi
' ); break; case 'Hyper-V': $( '#blocks' ).append( 'Hyper-V
' ); break; } }); $( '#blocks' ).append( 'Cluster
' + textStatus + '
'); }); }, storagePerformance: function( cvmAddress, username, password ) { /* AJAX call to get some container stats */ request = $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/storage-performance', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { _cvmAddress: cvmAddress, _username: username, _password: password }, }); request.success( function(data) { var plot1 = $.jqplot ('controllerIOPS', [ data['statsSpecificResponses'][0]['values'] ], { title: 'Controller Average I/O Latency (Last 4 Hours)', animate: true, axesDefaults: { labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer, tickOptions: { showMark: false, show: true, }, showTickMarks: false, showTicks: false }, seriesDefaults: { rendererOptions: { smooth: false }, showMarker: false, fill: true, fillAndStroke: true, color: '#b4d194', fillColor: '#b4d194', fillAlpha: '0.3', shadow: false, shadowAlpha: 0.1, }, axes: { xaxis: { min: 5, max: 120, tickOptions: { showGridline: true, } }, yaxis: { tickOptions: { showGridline: false, } } } }); NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'containers' ); $( '#containers' ).addClass( 'info_big' ).append( '
' + data.containerCount + '
'); }); ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { console.log('error getting data for performance chart'); }); }, // removeGraph: function( token ) { // var gridster = $( '.gridster ul' ).gridster().data( 'gridster' ); // var element = $( '#bigGraph' ); // gridster.remove_widget( element ); // }, loadLayout: function() { request = $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/load-layout', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: {}, }); var cvmAddress = $( '#cvmAddress' ).val(); var username = $( '#username' ).val(); var password = $( '#password' ).val(); request.success( function( data ) { var gridster = $( '.gridster ul' ).gridster().data( 'gridster' ); serialization = Gridster.sort_by_row_and_col_asc(data); $.each( data, function() { gridster.add_widget('
  • ', this.size_x, this.size_y, this.col, this.row); }); /* add the chart markup to the largest containers */ $( 'li#footerWidget' ).addClass( 'panel' ).append( '
    ' ); NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'bigGraph' ); $( '#bigGraph' ).addClass( 'info_hilite' ).append( '
    Hey ...
    Enter your cluster details above, then click the Go button ...
    '); $( '#hints' ).addClass( 'info_hilite' ).append( '
    Also ...
    Drag & Drop
    The Boxes
    '); }); ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { /* Display an error message */ alert( 'Unfortunately an error occurred while processing the request. Status: ' + textStatus + ', Error Thrown: ' + errorThrown ); }); }, setupGridster: function () { $( function () { var gridster = $( '.gridster ul' ).gridster( { widget_margins: [ 10, 10 ], widget_base_dimensions: [ 170, 170 ], max_cols: 10, autogrow_cols: true, resize: { enabled: true }, serialize_params: function ($w, wgd) { return { /* add element ID to data*/ id: $w.attr('id'), /* defaults */ col: wgd.col, row: wgd.row, size_x: wgd.size_x, size_y: wgd.size_y } } } ).data( 'gridster' ); } ); }, setUI: function () { $( 'div.alert-success' ).delay( 3000 ).slideUp( 1000 ); $( 'div.alert-info' ).delay( 3000 ).slideUp( 1000 ); $(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() }) }, /* setUI */ bindEvents: function() { var self = NtnxDashboard; $( '#goButton' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) { var cvmAddress = $( '#cvmAddress' ).val(); var username = $( '#username' ).val(); var password = $( '#password' ).val(); if( ( cvmAddress == '' ) || ( username == '' ) || ( password == '' ) ) { NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'bigGraph' ); $( '#bigGraph' ).addClass( 'info_error' ).append( '
    Awww ...
    Did you forget to enter something?
    '); } else { NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'bigGraph' ); $( '#bigGraph' ).html( '' ).removeClass( 'info_hilite' ).removeClass( 'info_error' ).addClass( 'info_big' ).append( '
    Ok ...
    Let\'s test your cluster details ...
    '); NtnxDashboard.resetCell( 'hints' ); $( '#hints' ).html( '' ).addClass( 'info_hilite' ).append( '
    Also ...
    Drag & Drop
    The Boxes
    '); NtnxDashboard.clusterInfo( cvmAddress, username, password ); NtnxDashboard.physicalInfo( cvmAddress, username, password ); NtnxDashboard.vmInfo( cvmAddress, username, password ); NtnxDashboard.storagePerformance( cvmAddress, username, password ); NtnxDashboard.containerInfo( cvmAddress, username, password ); } e.preventDefault(); }); $( '.defaultLayout' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { NtnxDashboard.restoreDefaultLayout( $( '#csrf_token' ).val() ); e.preventDefault(); }); $( '.removeGraph' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { NtnxDashboard.removeGraph( $( '#csrf_token' ).val() ); e.preventDefault(); }); $( '.containerStats' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { NtnxDashboard.containerInfo( $( '#csrf_token' ).val(), $( '#cvmAddress' ).val(), $( '#username' ).val(), $( '#password' ).val() ); e.preventDefault(); }); }, /* bindEvents */ }; NtnxDashboard.init({ });