#!/usr/bin/env node (function () { "use strict"; var fs = require("fs"), os = require("os"), net = require("net"), url = require("url"), http = require("http"), path = require("path"), version_info = [ 1 , 0 , 3 , 1 ]; // IP tools var IP = (function () { var v4 = { number: 4, to_ints: function (ip) { var sep = ip.split("."), values = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], i_max = sep.length, i = 0, last_mask, shift, v; // Limit length if (i_max >= 4) i_max = 3; else --i_max; if (i_max == 0) last_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; else last_mask = (0x1 << (8 * (4 - i_max))) - 1; // First bytes for (; i < i_max; ++i) { values[i] = parseInt(sep[i], 10) & 0xFF; } // Last bytes v = (parseInt(sep[i], 10) || 0) & last_mask; for (; i < 4; ++i) { shift = (8 * (3 - i)); values[i] = (v & (0xFF << shift)) >>> shift; } // Done return values; }, is_local: function (ip) { if (typeof(ip) == "string") ip = v4.to_ints(ip); return ( ip[0] == 10 || // (ip[0] == 192 && ip[1] == 168) || // (ip[0] == 172 && (ip[1] & 0xF0) == 16) // ); }, is_loopback: function (ip) { if (typeof(ip) == "string") ip = v4.to_ints(ip); return ( ip[0] == 127 // ); }, }; var v6 = { number: 6, to_ints: function (ip) { var regex = /(.*?)(:+)/ig, values = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], groups_start = [], groups_end = [], groups = groups_start, i = 0, count = 0, match; // Get groups while ((match = regex.exec(ip)) !== null) { i = regex.lastIndex; if (match[1].length > 0) { groups.push((parseInt(match[1], 16) || 0) & 0xFFFF); ++count; // Max check if (count >= values.length) break; } if (match[2].length > 1) groups = groups_end; } // Last group if (i < ip.length) groups.push((parseInt(ip.substr(i), 16) || 0) & 0xFFFF); // Insert for (i = 0; i < groups_start.length; ++i) { values[i] = groups_start[i]; } for (i = 0; i < groups_end.length; ++i) { values[values.length - (i + 1)] = groups_end[groups_end.length - (i + 1)]; } // Done return values; }, is_local: function (ip) { if (typeof(ip) == "string") ip = v6.to_ints(ip); return ( (ip[0] & 0xFE00) == 0xFC00 //fc00::/7 ); }, is_loopback: function (ip) { if (typeof(ip) == "string") ip = v6.to_ints(ip); return ( (ip[0] & 0xFFC0) == 0xFE80 || //fe80/10 (ip[7] == 1 && ip[6] == 0 && ip[5] == 0 && ip[4] == 0 && ip[3] == 0 && ip[2] == 0 && ip[1] == 0 && ip[0] == 0) // ::1 ); }, }; return { v: function (ip) { // Get the correct functions return (ip.indexOf(":") < 0) ? v4 : v6; }, v4: v4, v6: v6, }; })(); // Function to format dates var date_format = (function () { var months = [ "January" , "February" , "March" , "April" , "May" , "June" , "July" , "August" , "September" , "October" , "November" , "December" ], months_short = [ "Jan" , "Feb" , "Mar" , "Apr" , "May" , "Jun" , "Jul" , "Aug" , "Sep" , "Oct" , "Nov" , "Dec" ], days = [ "Sunday" , "Monday" , "Tuesday" , "Wednesday" , "Thursday" , "Friday" , "Saturday" ], days_short = [ "Sun" , "Mon" , "Tue" , "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri" , "Sat" ], ordinals = [ "th" , "st" , "nd" , "rd" ], formatter_keys = [], re_formatter, k, formatters, replacement_function; formatters = { "d": function (date) { // Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros var s = date.getDate().toString(); if (s.length < 2) s = "0" + s; return s; }, "j": function (date) { // Day of the month without leading zeros return date.getDate().toString(); }, "l": function (date) { // A full textual representation of the day of the week return days[date.getDay()]; }, "D": function (date) { // A textual representation of a day, three letters return days_short[date.getDay()]; }, "S": function (date) { // English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters var i = (date.getDate() - 1); // % 100 if ((i < 10 || i > 19) && (i = i % 10) <= 3) return ordinals[i]; return ordinals[0] }, "w": function (date) { // Numeric representation of the day of the week return date.getDay().toString(); }, "F": function (date) { // A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March return months[date.getMonth()]; }, "M": function (date) { // A short textual representation of a month, three letters return months_short[date.getMonth()]; }, "m": function (date) { // Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros var s = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString(); if (s.length < 2) s = "0" + s; return s; }, "n": function (date) { // Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros return (date.getMonth() + 1).toString(); }, "y": function (date) { // Year, 2 digits return date.getFullYear().toString().substr(2); }, "Y": function (date) { // A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits return date.getFullYear().toString(); }, "a": function (date) { // Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem return (date.getHours() >= 11 && date.getHours() <= 22 ? "pm" : "am"); }, "A": function (date) { // Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem return (date.getHours() >= 11 && date.getHours() <= 22 ? "PM" : "AM"); }, "g": function (date) { // 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros return ((date.getHours() % 12) + 1).toString(); }, "h": function (date) { // 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros var s = ((date.getHours() % 12) + 1).toString(); if (s.length < 2) s = "0" + s; return s; }, "G": function (date) { // 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros return date.getHours().toString(); }, "H": function (date) { // 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros var s = date.getHours().toString(); if (s.length < 2) s = "0" + s; return s; }, "i": function (date) { // Minutes with leading zeros var s = date.getMinutes().toString(); if (s.length < 2) s = "0" + s; return s; }, "s": function (date) { // Seconds with leading zeros var s = date.getSeconds().toString(); if (s.length < 2) s = "0" + s; return s; }, "u": function (date) { // Milliseconds (note: this is different from PHP) var s = date.getMilliseconds().toString(); if (s.length < 2) s = "00" + s; else if (s.length < 3) s = "0" + s; return s; }, }; for (k in formatters) formatter_keys.push(k); formatter_keys.sort(); re_formatter = new RegExp("(\\\\*)([" + formatter_keys.join("").replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/g, "\\$1") + "])", "g"); replacement_function = function (formatters, date, match, esc, fmt) { if (esc.length > 0) { if ((esc.length % 2) == 1) { // Escaped return esc.substr(0, (esc.length - 1) / 2) + fmt; } // Remove some escapes return esc.substr(0, esc.length / 2) + formatters[fmt](date); } // Not escaped return formatters[fmt](date); }; // Final function return (function (re_formatter, replacement_function, formatters, date, format) { // https://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php if (typeof(date) == "number") date = new Date(date); return format.replace(re_formatter, replacement_function.bind(null, formatters, date)); }).bind(null, re_formatter, replacement_function, formatters); })(); // Argument parser var arguments_parse = function (args, start, descriptor, flagless_argument_order, stop_after_all_flagless, return_array) { // Default values flagless_argument_order = flagless_argument_order || []; stop_after_all_flagless = stop_after_all_flagless || false; return_array = return_array || false; // Setup data var argument_values = {}, argument_aliases_short = {}, argument_aliases_long = {}, errors = [], repr = JSON.stringify, i, k, v; for (k in descriptor) { v = descriptor[k]; if ("bool" in v && v["bool"] === true) { argument_values[k] = false; } else { argument_values[k] = null; } if ("short" in v) { for (i = 0; i < v["short"].length; ++i) { argument_aliases_short[v["short"][i]] = k; } } if ("long" in v) { for (i = 0; i < v["long"].length; ++i) { argument_aliases_long[v["long"][i]] = k; } } } // Parse command line var end = args.length, arg, arg_key; while (start < end) { // Check arg = args[start]; if (arg.length > 0 && arg[0] == "-") { if (arg.length == 1) { // Single "-" errors.push("Invalid argument " + repr(arg)); } else { if (arg[1] == "-") { // Long argument arg = arg.substr(2); if (arg in argument_aliases_long) { // Set arg_key = argument_aliases_long[arg]; if (argument_values[arg_key] === false || argument_values[arg_key] === true) { // No value argument_values[arg_key] = true; } else { if (start + 1 < end) { // Value ++start; argument_values[arg_key] = args[start]; } else { // Invalid errors.push("No value specified for flag " + repr(arg)); } } // Remove from flagless_argument_order for (i = 0; i < flagless_argument_order.length; ++i) { if (flagless_argument_order[i] == arg_key) { flagless_argument_order.splice(i, 1); break; } } } else { // Invalid errors.push("Invalid long flag " + repr(arg)); } } else { // Short argument(s) arg = arg.substr(1); arg_len = arg.length; for (i = 0; i < arg_len; ++i) { if (arg[i] in argument_aliases_short) { // Set arg_key = argument_aliases_short[arg[i]]; if (argument_values[arg_key] === false || argument_values[arg_key] === true) { // No value argument_values[arg_key] = true; } else { if (i + 1 < arg_len) { // Trailing value argument_values[arg_key] = arg.substr(i + 1); } else if (start + 1 < end) { // Value ++start; argument_values[arg_key] = args[start]; } else { // Invalid errors.push("No value specified for flag " + repr(arg)); } break; // Terminate loop } // Remove from flagless_argument_order for (i = 0; i < flagless_argument_order.length; ++i) { if (flagless_argument_order[i] == arg_key) { flagless_argument_order.splice(i, 1); break; } } } else { // Invalid in_str = (arg_len == 1) ? "" : " in " + repr(arg); errors.push("Invalid short flag " + repr(arg[i]) + in_str); } } } } } else if (flagless_argument_order.length > 0) { // Set arg_key = flagless_argument_order[0]; if (argument_values[arg_key] === false || argument_values[arg_key] === true) { // No value argument_values[arg_key] = true; } else { // Value argument_values[arg_key] = arg; } // Remove from flagless_argument_order flagless_argument_order.splice(0, 1); } else { // Invalid errors.push("Invalid argument " + repr(arg)); } // Next ++start; if (stop_after_all_flagless && flagless_argument_order.length == 0) break; // The rest are ignored } // Return if (return_array) { return [ argument_values , errors , flagless_argument_order , start ]; } else { return argument_values; } }; // Escape special characters var html_escape_special_chars = (function () { var tags = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", "'": "'", '"': """, }; var tags_str = [], re_formatter, k; for (var k in tags) tags_str.push(k); tags_str.sort(); re_formatter = new RegExp("[" + tags_str.join("").replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/g, "\\$1") + "]", "g"); var replace_tag = function (tag) { return tags[tag]; }; return function (str) { return str.replace(re_formatter, replace_tag); }; })(); // Class for simultaneous IPv4 and IPv6 server management var MultiServer = (function () { var MultiServer = function () { // Create servers this.ipv4 = http.createServer(); this.ipv6 = http.createServer(); this.ipv4.on("connection", on_connection.bind(this, this.ipv4)); this.ipv6.on("connection", on_connection.bind(this, this.ipv6)); this.active = null; this.connections = []; }; var on_connection = function (http_server, connection) { var data = { connection: connection, http_server: http_server, }; this.connections.push(data); connection.on("close", on_connection_close.bind(this, data)); }; var on_connection_close = function (data, connection) { for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.length; ++i) { if (data === this.connections[i]) { this.connections.splice(i, 1); return; } } }; var on_close_callback = function (state, next_callback) { ++state.closed_count; if (state.closed_count >= 2) { // Both are closed on_close.call(this); // Next callback if (next_callback) next_callback.call(null, this); } }; var on_close = function () { }; var on_multiplexer = function (http_server, callback) { this.active = http_server; var ret = callback.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); this.active = null; return ret; }; MultiServer.prototype = { constructor: MultiServer, on: function (event, callback) { // Events this.ipv4.on(event, on_multiplexer.bind(this, this.ipv4, callback)); this.ipv6.on(event, on_multiplexer.bind(this, this.ipv6, callback)); }, listen: function (port, ipv4, ipv6) { // Listen this.ipv4.listen(port, ipv4); this.ipv6.listen(port, ipv6); }, close: function (callback) { // Stop connections for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.length; ++i) { this.connections[i].connection.destroy(); } // Close var state = { closed_count: 0, }, cb = on_close_callback.bind(this, state, callback); try { this.ipv4.close(cb); } catch (e) { // Already closed cb(); } try { this.ipv6.close(cb); } catch (e) { // Already closed cb(); } }, }; return MultiServer; })(); // LAN server var Server = (function () { var Logger = function () { this.streams = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { this.streams.push(arguments[i]); } }; Logger.prototype = { constructor: Logger, add_stream: function (stream) { this.streams.push(stream); }, write: function (message) { var s = "", i; for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { s += arguments[i]; } for (i = 0; i < this.streams.length; ++i) { this.streams[i].write(s); } }, write_event: function (event_name, event_message) { var s = "", i; for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { s += arguments[i]; } s += "\n"; for (i = 0; i < this.streams.length; ++i) { this.streams[i].write(s); } }, write_event_pretty: function (event_name, event_message) { var s = "", s_prefix = "| ", s_start = "/==============================================================================\n", s_end = "\n\\==============================================================================\n", i; for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { s += arguments[i]; } s = s_start + s_prefix + s.replace(/\n$/, "").replace(/\n/g, "\n" + s_prefix) + s_end; for (i = 0; i < this.streams.length; ++i) { this.streams[i].write(s); } }, }; var Server = function () { // Logging setup this.logger = new Logger(process.stdout); this.log = this.logger.write.bind(this.logger); this.log_event = this.logger.write_event.bind(this.logger); // Server setup this.mserver = new MultiServer(); this.index_filenames = [ "index.html" ]; this.base_file_directory = __dirname; this.server_port = 80; // Mime types this.mime_types = { ".html": "text/html", ".bmp": "image/bmp", ".jpg": "image/jpeg", ".jpeg": "image/jpeg", ".png": "image/png", ".js": "text/javascript", ".css": "text/css", ".txt": "text/plain", }; this.mime_type_default = "text/plain"; this.mime_type_error = "text/plain"; }; // Data var re_no_dots = /^[\\\/]*(\.{1,2}([\\\/]+|$))*|[\\\/]+$/g; var re_no_sep = (path.sep == "/" ? null : new RegExp(path.sep.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/g, "\\$1"), "g")); // Request callbacks var on_request = function (req, res) { // Connection setup var time = new Date(), con = req.connection, filter_error = filter_connection.call(this, con), request_url = req.url, request_filename = path.normalize(decodeURIComponent(url.parse(request_url, true).pathname)).replace(re_no_dots, ""), request_url_normalized = (re_no_sep === null ? request_filename : request_filename.replace(re_no_sep, "/")), ipv_local = IP.v(con.localAddress).number, ipv_remote = IP.v(con.remoteAddress).number, repr = JSON.stringify, log_msg; // Info log_msg = [ "Incoming request", " Time: " + date_format(time, "Y-m-d @ H:i:s.u"), " From: " + (ipv_remote == 6 ? "[" : "") + con.remoteAddress + (ipv_remote == 6 ? "]" : "") + ":" + con.remotePort, " To: " + (ipv_local == 6 ? "[" : "") + con.localAddress + (ipv_local == 6 ? "]" : "") + ":" + con.localPort, " For: " + repr("/" + request_url_normalized) + " (original=" + repr(request_url) + ")", ]; // Disconnect? if (filter_error !== null) { log_msg.push(" Connection terminated: " + filter_error); this.log_event(log_msg.join("\n") + "\n"); req.connection.destroy(); return; } // Exists var request_filename_absolute = path.join(this.base_file_directory, request_filename); fs.lstat(request_filename_absolute, on_request_file_lstat.bind(this, req, res, request_url, request_url_normalized, request_filename_absolute, log_msg)); }; var on_request_file_lstat = function (req, res, url_original, url_normalized, filename_absolute, log_msg, error, stats) { if (error === null) { // 301 moved var u_p = url.parse(url_original, true), url_fixed; url_fixed = "/" + path.normalize(decodeURIComponent(u_p.pathname)).replace(re_no_dots, "").replace(/\\/g, "/"); if (stats.isDirectory() && url_fixed.length > 1) url_fixed += "/"; url_fixed += u_p.search; if (url_fixed != url_original) { // Fix URL on_request_301.call(this, req, res, url_fixed, log_msg); return; } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { // Display directory fs.readdir(filename_absolute, on_request_readdir.bind(this, req, res, url_normalized, filename_absolute, log_msg)); return; } else if (stats.isFile()) { // Does exist on_request_showfile.call(this, req, res, url_normalized, filename_absolute, log_msg, filename_absolute, stats); return; } } // Else, error on_request_404.call(this, req, res, url_normalized, filename_absolute, log_msg); }; var on_request_readdir = function (req, res, url_normalized, filename_absolute, log_msg, error, files) { if (error === null) { // Check for index var i, j; for (i = 0; i < this.index_filenames.length; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < files.length; ++j) { if (this.index_filenames[i] == files[j]) { // Show an index file instead on_request_showfile.call(this, req, res, url_normalized, filename_absolute, log_msg, path.join(filename_absolute, files[j]), null); return; } } } // Files var ext = ".html", mime_type = (ext in this.mime_types) ? this.mime_types[ext] : this.mime_type_default, status = 200, headers = default_headers.call(this, { "Content-Type": mime_type, "Content-Security-Policy": "default-src * 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'none'; frame-src 'none'; object-src 'none'", }), dir_text = [], file_text = [], text_list, full_file, file_url, is_dir; update_log_msg_with_response.call(this, log_msg, status, headers); this.log_event(log_msg.join("\n") + "\n"); // Directory listing res.writeHead(status, headers); res.write( '\ \ \ \ Files\ \ \ \
' ); // Paths if (url_normalized.length > 0) { // Add a .. path var url_updir = url_normalized.split("/"); url_updir.pop(); url_updir = url_updir.join("/"); dir_text.push('..
'); } for (i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) { // List full_file = path.join(filename_absolute, files[i]); file_url = (url_normalized.length > 0 ? url_normalized + "/" : "") + files[i]; is_dir = fs.lstatSync(full_file).isDirectory(); text_list = is_dir ? dir_text : file_text; // Add text_list.push(''); text_list.push(html_escape_special_chars(files[i])); text_list.push('
'); } // Done res.write(dir_text.join("")); res.write('
'); res.write(file_text.join("")); res.write('
'); res.end(); return; } // Else, error on_request_404.call(this, req, res, url_normalized, filename_absolute, log_msg); }; var on_request_showfile = function (req, res, url_normalized, filename_absolute, log_msg, filename_serve, file_stats) { // Does exist var ext = path.extname(filename_serve).toLowerCase(), mime_type = (ext in this.mime_types) ? this.mime_types[ext] : this.mime_type_default, status = 200, headers = default_headers.call(this, { "Content-Type": mime_type, }), file_stream; if (file_stats) { headers["Content-Length"] = file_stats.size; } update_log_msg_with_response.call(this, log_msg, status, headers); this.log_event(log_msg.join("\n") + "\n"); res.writeHead(status, headers); file_stream = fs.createReadStream(filename_serve); file_stream.pipe(res); return; }; var on_request_404 = function (req, res, url_normalized, filename_absolute, log_msg) { // Not found var status = 404, headers = default_headers.call(this, { "Content-Type": this.mime_type_error, "Content-Security-Policy": "default-src *; script-src 'none'; frame-src 'none'; object-src 'none'", }); update_log_msg_with_response.call(this, log_msg, status, headers); this.log_event(log_msg.join("\n") + "\n"); res.writeHead(status, headers); res.end(""); }; var on_request_301 = function (req, res, url_fixed, log_msg) { // Not found var status = 301, headers = default_headers.call(this, { "Location": url_fixed, "Content-Type": this.mime_type_error, "Content-Security-Policy": "default-src *; script-src 'none'; frame-src 'none'; object-src 'none'", }); update_log_msg_with_response.call(this, log_msg, status, headers); this.log_event(log_msg.join("\n") + "\n"); res.writeHead(status, headers); res.end(""); }; // Server error var on_error = function (error) { this.log_event("Server error\n Version : IPv" + (this.mserver.active == this.mserver.ipv4 ? 4 : 6) + "\n Error : " + error + "\n"); this.close(function () { process.exit(2); }); }; // Modify headers var default_headers = function (headers) { return headers; }; // Update the logging message during a response var update_log_msg_with_response = function (log_msg, status, headers) { log_msg.push(" ------"); log_msg.push(" Status : " + status); var headers_sorted = [], h_labels = [ " Headers: " , " " ], i; for (i in headers) headers_sorted.push(i); if (headers_sorted.length > 0) { headers_sorted.sort(function (h1, h2) { if (h1.length < h2.length) return -1 if (h1.length > h2.length) return 1; if (h1 < h2) return -1 if (h1 > h2) return 1; return 0; }); for (i = 0; i < headers_sorted.length; ++i) { log_msg.push(h_labels[i == 0 ? 0 : 1] + headers_sorted[i] + ": " + headers[headers_sorted[i]]); } } else { log_msg.push(h_labels[0] + "None"); } }; // Filter connections var filter_connection = function (connection) { var ip_remote = connection.remoteAddress, ipv_remote = IP.v(ip_remote), connection_is_private = ( ipv_remote.is_local(ip_remote) || ipv_remote.is_loopback(ip_remote) ); if (!connection_is_private) return "Non-private connection"; return null; }; // Setup server var display_addresses = function () { // Enumerate listening devices var interfaces = os.networkInterfaces(), devices = [], types = [ "loopback" , "local " , "external" ], log_table, i, j, ips, ipv, device, details; for (device in interfaces) { ips = []; for (i = 0; i < interfaces[device].length; ++i) { details = interfaces[device][i]; ipv = (details.family == "IPv4") ? IP.v4 : IP.v6; ips.push({ address: details.address, version: ipv.number, type: ipv.is_loopback(details.address) ? 0 : (ipv.is_local(details.address) ? 1 : 2), }); } devices.push({ name: device, ips: ips, }); } // Sort devices.sort(function (a, b) { return (a.name > b.name) ? 1 : ((a.name < b.name) ? -1 : 0); }); log_table = "Device IP Table\n"; for (i = 0; i < devices.length; ++i) { devices[i].ips.sort(function (a, b) { return (a.version > b.version) ? 1 : ((a.version < b.version) ? -1 : ((a.address > b.address) ? 1 : ((a.address < b.address) ? -1 : 0))); }); log_table += " " + devices[i].name + "\n"; for (j = 0; j < devices[i].ips.length; ++j) { log_table += " IPv" + devices[i].ips[j].version + " " + types[devices[i].ips[j].type] + " : " + devices[i].ips[j].address + "\n"; } } this.log_event(log_table); }; // Methods Server.prototype = { constructor: Server, start: function (base_dir, server_local, server_port) { // Set this.base_file_directory = base_dir; this.server_port = server_port; // Start up this.log_event( "Start-up\n" + " " + path.basename(process.execPath) + " " + process.version + ", pid=" + process.pid + ", os=" + process.platform + "/" + process.arch + "\n" + " ipv4/ipv6 server, port=" + this.server_port + (server_local ? ", local only" : "") + "\n" ); // Enumerate listening devices display_addresses.call(this); // Events this.mserver.on("request", on_request.bind(this)); this.mserver.on("error", on_error.bind(this)); // Begin listening if (server_local) { this.mserver.listen(this.server_port, "", "::1"); } else { this.mserver.listen(this.server_port, undefined, "::"); } }, close: function (callback) { this.mserver.close(callback); }, set_pretty_print: function (enabled) { this.log_event = (enabled ? this.logger.write_event_pretty : this.logger.write_event).bind(this.logger); }, }; return Server; })(); // Interrupt signal var on_sigint = function (server) { // Close the server server.close(on_sigint_server_close.bind(this, server)); }; var on_sigint_server_close = function (server) { // Log server.log_event( "Shut-down\n" + " " + path.basename(process.execPath) + " " + process.version + ", pid=" + process.pid + ", os=" + process.platform + "/" + process.arch + "\n" ); // Shutdown the process process.exit(0); }; var on_exception = function (server, error) { server.log_event("Uncaught exception:\n type=" + typeof(error) + "\n error=" + error + (error.stack ? "\n" + error.stack : "")); process.exit(-3); }; // Usage info var usage = function (arguments_descriptor, stream) { var usage_info = [ "Usage:", " " + path.basename(process.execPath) + " " + path.basename(process.argv[1]) + " directory [port] ", "\n", "Available flags:", ]; // Flags var argument_keys = [], i, j, key, arg, line, param_name; for (key in arguments_descriptor) { argument_keys.push(key); } argument_keys.sort(); for (i = 0; i < argument_keys.length; ++i) { key = argument_keys[i]; arg = arguments_descriptor[key]; param_name = ""; if (!arg["bool"]) { param_name = " <" + ("argument" in arg ? arg["argument"] : "value") + ">"; } if (i > 0) usage_info.push(""); if ("long" in arg) { for (j = 0; j < arg["long"].length; ++j) { usage_info.push(" --" + arg["long"][j] + param_name); } } if ("short" in arg) { line = [ " " ]; for (j = 0; j < arg["short"].length; ++j) { if (j > 0) line.push(", "); line.push("-" + arg["short"][j] + param_name); } usage_info.push(line.join("")); } if ("description" in arg) { usage_info.push(" " + arg["description"]); } } // More info //Array.prototype.push.apply(usage_info, [ "\n", ]); // Output stream.write(usage_info.join("\n") + "\n"); }; // Main var main = function () { // Command line arguments var arguments_descriptor = { "version": { "short": [ "v" ], "long": [ "version" ], "bool": true, "description": "Show version info and exit", }, "help": { "short": [ "h" , "?" ], "long": [ "help" , "usage" ], "bool": true, "description": "Show usage info and exit", }, "directory": { "short": [ "d" ], "long": [ "directory" ], "argument": "path", "description": "Set the path to the directory sharing files are located in", }, "port": { "short": [ "p" ], "long": [ "port" ], "argument": "number", "description": "The port the server should listen on", }, "private": { "long": [ "private" ], "bool": true, "description": "Make the server run in private mode, for debugging; in this mode, only loopback connections are allowed", }, "pretty-print": { "long": [ "pretty-print" ], "bool": true, "description": "Enable pretty print logging", }, "allow-parent-directories": { "long": [ "allow-parent-directories" ], "bool": true, "description": "Allow listing of directories shallower than the root script file", }, "log-file": { "short": [ "l" ], "long": [ "log-file" ], "argument": "path", "description": "The filename of logging file; empty string means do not log; not specified means default", }, }; var arg_data = arguments_parse(process.argv, 2, arguments_descriptor, [ "directory" , "port" ], false, true), args = arg_data[0], i; // Command line parsing errors? if (arg_data[1].length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < arg_data[1].length; ++i) { process.stderr.write(arg_data[1][i] + "\n"); } process.exit(-1); return; } // Version if (args["version"]) { var version_string = "Version "; for (i = 0; i < version_info.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) version_string += "."; version_string += version_info[i]; } process.stdout.write(version_string + "\n"); process.exit(0); return; } // Usage info if (args["help"]) { usage(arguments_descriptor, process.stdout); process.exit(0); return; } // Argument checking if (args["directory"] === null) { usage(arguments_descriptor, process.stderr); process.exit(-2); return; } // Setup base directory var base_dir = path.resolve(args["directory"]), base_dir_rel = path.relative(__dirname, base_dir), re_dots = new RegExp("(^|\\" + path.sep + ")\\.{1,2}(\\" + path.sep + "|$)", "g"), stats, match; if ( ((match = base_dir_rel.match(re_dots)) !== null && match.length > 0) || (process.platform == "win32" && /^[a-z]:/i.exec(base_dir_rel)) ) { if (!args["allow-parent-directories"]) { process.stderr.write("Directory is shallower than the script; use --allow-parent-directories to disable this warning\n"); process.exit(-2); return; } } try { stats = fs.lstatSync(base_dir); } catch (e) { process.stderr.write("Directory does not exist\n"); process.exit(-2); return; } if (!stats.isDirectory()) { process.stderr.write("Directory path does not point to a directory\n"); process.exit(-2); return; } // Logging var log_stream = null; if (args["log-file"] !== "") { var log_filename = (args["log-file"] === null ? __filename + ".log" : path.resolve(args["log-file"])); log_stream = fs.createWriteStream(log_filename, { flags: "a", encoding: "utf8", }); } // Init server var server = new Server(false); // Pretty print if (args["pretty-print"]) { server.set_pretty_print(true); } // Logging if (log_stream !== null) server.logger.add_stream(log_stream); // System signal process.on("SIGINT", on_sigint.bind(null, server)); process.on("uncaughtException", on_exception.bind(null, server)); // Port var port = 80; if (args["port"] !== null) { i = parseInt(args["port"], 10); if (isFinite(i) && i >= 0 && i < 65536) port = i; } // Start server.start(base_dir, args["private"], port); }; // Execute if (require.main === module) main(); })();