var lex = (function () { "use strict"; // Basic environment derection; can be hardcoded if the environment is known var lex = (function (module) { try { if (window) return {}; } catch (e) {} return module; })(this); // Descriptor class var Descriptor = function (flags, flag_ignore) { this.flags = { "NONE": 0 }; this.flag_names = [ "NONE" ]; this.flag_ignore = -1; this.type_flags = []; this.type_names = []; this.states = {}; this.state_names = null; this.state_checks = []; this.state_flags = []; this.on_new = null; var i, f; for (i = 0; i < flags.length; ++i) { f = flags[i]; this.flags[f] = 1 << i; this.flag_names.push(f); } this.flag_ignore = this.flags[flag_ignore]; }; Descriptor.prototype = { constructor: Descriptor, define_types: function (types) { var i = 0, k; for (k in types) { this.type_flags.push(types[k]); this.type_names.push(k); this[k] = i++; } }, define_state_names: function (state_names) { this.state_names = state_names; for (var i = 0; i < state_names.length; ++i) { this.states[state_names[i]] = i;; } }, define_state: function (state, state_flags) { this.state_checks.push(state); this.state_flags.push(state_flags); }, type_to_string: function (token_type) { return this.type_names[token_type] || ""; }, flags_to_string: function (flags) { if (flags === 0) { return this.flag_names[0]; } var s = "", f = 0x1, i = 1; for (; i < this.flag_names.length; ++i) { if ((flags & f) !== 0) { if (s.length > 0) s += " | "; s += this.flag_names[i]; } f <<= 1; } return s; }, state_to_string: function (state) { return this.state_names[state] || ""; }, }; // Token class var Token = function (text, type, flags, state) { this.text = text; this.type = type; this.flags = flags; this.state = state; }; Token.dummy = function () { return new Token("", -1, 0, -1); }; // Bracketed class var Bracket = function (before, tid, id, opener) { this.before = before; this.token_id = tid; = id; this.opener = opener; this.other = null; }; // Tokenizer class var Lexer = function (descriptor, text) { this.descriptor = descriptor; this.pos = 0; this.text = text; this.state = 0; this.brackets = []; this.bracket_stack = []; this.previous = Token.dummy(); this.previous_actual = this.previous; this.token_id = 0; this.extra_flags = 0; if (descriptor.on_new !== null) {; } }; Lexer.prototype = { constructor: Lexer, bracket_track: function (opener) { var b; // Bracket matching if (opener) { b = new Bracket(this.previous, this.token_id, this.brackets.length, true); this.brackets.push(b); this.bracket_stack.push(b); } else if (this.bracket_stack.length > 0) { b = new Bracket(null, this.token_id, this.brackets.length, false); this.brackets.push(b); b.other = this.bracket_stack.pop(); b.other.other = b; } // else: // syntax error }, create_token: function (token_type, flags, end) { var token = new Token(this.text.substr(this.pos, end - this.pos), token_type, this.descriptor.type_flags[token_type] | this.descriptor.state_flags[this.state] | this.extra_flags | flags, this.state); this.pos = end; if ((token.flags & this.descriptor.flag_ignore) !== this.descriptor.flag_ignore) { this.previous = token; ++this.token_id; } this.previous_actual = token; return token; }, repr_token: function (token) { return "Token(text=" + lex.repr_string(token.text) + ", type=" + this.descriptor.type_to_string(token.type) + ", flags=" + this.descriptor.flags_to_string(token.flags) + ", state=" + this.descriptor.state_to_string(token.state) + ")"; }, match_tree: function (obj, p, p_max) { var value = null, o = obj, c, f; while (true) { c = this.text[p]; if (!, c)) break; ++p; f = o[c][0]; if (f !== null) { value = [ f , p ]; } o = o[c][1]; if (o === null || p >= p_max) break; } // Should return [ flags , end ], or null return value; }, get_token: function () { // Complete? if (this.pos >= this.text.length) return null; var checks = this.descriptor.state_checks[this.state], p = this.pos, i = 0, i_max = checks.length - 1, flags = 0, t, c, m; // Check formations for (; i < i_max; ++i) { c = checks[i]; if ((m = c[0].call(this, p)) !== null && (t = c[1].call(this, m[0], m[1])) !== null) { return t; } } // Default type ++p; c = checks[i]; if ((m = c[0].call(this, p)) !== null) { flags = m[0]; p = m[1]; } return c[1].call(this, flags, p); }, }; // Useful functions var string_repr_escapes = { "\b": "\\b", "\f": "\\f", "\n": "\\n", "\r": "\\r", "\t": "\\t", "\\": "\\\\", "\"": "\\\"", }; lex.repr_string = function (s) { return '"' + s.replace(/[\b\f\n\r\t\\\"]/g, function (m) { return string_repr_escapes[m]; }) + '"'; }; lex.regex_escape = function (text) { return text.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\\-]/g, "\\$&"); }; lex.tree = function (obj) { var obj_new = {}, c, k, o, i, i_max; for (k in obj) { o = obj_new; i_max = k.length - 1; for (i = 0; i < i_max; ++i) { c = k[i]; if (, c)) { if (o[c][1] === null) { o[c][1] = {}; } } else { o[c] = [ null , {} ]; } o = o[c][1]; } c = k[i]; if (, c)) { o[c][0] = obj[k]; } else { o[c] = [ obj[k] , null ]; } } return obj_new; }; lex.check_regex = function (pattern, flags) { flags = (flags === undefined) ? "g" : flags + "g"; var re = new RegExp("(" + pattern + ")?", flags); return function (p) { re.lastIndex = p; var m = re.exec(this.text); return (m[1] === undefined) ? null : [ 0 , m.index + m[0].length ]; }; }; lex.check_string = function (text) { return function (p) { return (this.text.substr(p, text.length) !== text) ? null : [ 0 , p + text.length ]; }; }; lex.check_tree = function (obj) { return function (p) { return this.match_tree(obj, p, this.text.length); }; }; var check_null_fn = function () { return null; }; lex.check_null = function () { return check_null_fn; }; lex.create_token = function (token_type) { return function (flags, p) { return this.create_token(token_type, flags, p); }; }; lex.create_token_change_state = function (token_type, state) { return function (flags, p) { var t = this.create_token(token_type, flags, p); this.state = state; return t; }; }; lex.create_token_change_state_before = function (token_type, state) { return function (flags, p) { this.state = state; return this.create_token(token_type, flags, p); }; }; lex.to_regex_class = function (obj) { var s = "", o = {}, i, k; for (k in obj) { for (i = 0; i < k.length; ++i) { o[k[i]] = true; } } for (k in o) { s += k; } return s; }; // Expose classes lex.Descriptor = Descriptor; lex.Token = Token; lex.Lexer = Lexer; // Return module return lex; }).call(this);