var lexcss = (function () { "use strict"; // Basic environment derection; can be hardcoded if the environment is known var module = (function (module) { try { if (window) return {}; } catch (e) {} return module; })(this); // Generator function module.gen = function (lex) { // Language descriptor var descriptor = new lex.Descriptor([ //{ "IGNORE", "AT_RULE", "SELECTOR", "PROPERTY", "PROPERTY_VALUE", "VALUE", "N_EXPRESSION", "SELECTOR_ATTRIBUTE", "SELECTOR_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATOR", "SELECTOR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE", ], "IGNORE"); //} var flags = descriptor.flags; descriptor.define_types({ "INVALID": 0, // generic "WHITESPACE": 0, "COMMENT": flags.IGNORE, "STRING": 0, "WORD": 0, "OPERATOR": 0, "AT_RULE": 0, // at-rules "SEL_TAG": 0, // selectors "SEL_CLASS": 0, "SEL_ID": 0, "SEL_PSEUDO_CLASS": 0, "SEL_PSEUDO_ELEMENT": 0, "SEL_N_EXPRESSION": 0, "NUMBER": 0, // values "COLOR": 0, }); // Matching logic var re_comment = /\*\/|$/g, re_newlines_search = /[\r\n\u2028\u2029]/, re_newlines_split = /[\n\u2028\u2029]|\r\n?/g; var match_string = function (p) { // Match to end of string var escaped = false, p_max = this.text.length, quote = this.text[this.pos], c; for (; p < p_max; ++p) { c = this.text[p]; if (escaped) { escaped = false; if (c === "\r" && p + 1 < p_max && this.text[p + 1] === "\n") { ++p; } } else { if (c === quote) { ++p; break; } else if (c === "\\") { escaped = true; } else if (this.descriptor.string_contains_newline(c)) { break; } } } return p; }; var match_comment = function (p) { // Match the comment var re = re_comment, m; re.lastIndex = p; m = re.exec(this.text); // Create the token return m.index + m[0].length; }; // Constructor descriptor.on_new = function () { this.end_state_char = null; this.at_rule_state_pre = this.state; this.bracket_states = []; }; // Checks/states descriptor.define_state_names([ "SELECTOR", "GENERIC", "ATTRIBUTE_EXPRESSION", "ATTRIBUTE_OPERATOR", "ATTRIBUTE_VALUE", "N_EXPRESSION", "AT_RULE", "PROPERTY", "PROPERTY_SEPARATOR", "PROPERTY_VALUE", ]); var states = descriptor.states; var check_whitespace, check_comment, check_at_rule, check_end_square_bracket, check_close_brace, check_string; descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 0: selectors check_whitespace = [ lex.check_regex("\\s+"), // whitespace lex.create_token(descriptor.WHITESPACE), ], check_comment = [ lex.check_regex("/\\*"), // comment function (flags, p) { p =, p); return this.create_token(this.descriptor.COMMENT, flags, p); }, ], check_at_rule = [ lex.check_regex("@[\\w\\-]+"), // at-rule function (flags, p) { this.at_rule_state_pre = this.state; this.state = this.descriptor.states.AT_RULE; return this.create_token(descriptor.AT_RULE, flags, p); }, ], check_close_brace = [ lex.check_string("}"), // end sequence function (flags, p) { this.state = (this.bracket_states.length > 0) ? this.bracket_states.pop() : this.descriptor.states.SELECTOR; return this.create_token(this.descriptor.OPERATOR, flags, p); }, ], [ lex.check_string("{"), // properties function (flags, p) { var t = this.create_token(this.descriptor.OPERATOR, flags, p); this.bracket_states.push(this.state); this.state = this.descriptor.states.PROPERTY; return t; }, ], [ lex.check_regex("\\*|[\\w\\-]+|[\\.:#][\\w\\-]+|::[\\w\\-]+"), // selector function (flags, p) { var token_type = this.descriptor.SEL_TAG; if (this.text[this.pos] === ".") { token_type = this.descriptor.SEL_CLASS; } else if (this.text[this.pos] === "#") { token_type = this.descriptor.SEL_ID; } else if (this.text[this.pos] === ":") { if (this.text[this.pos + 1] === ":") { token_type = this.descriptor.SEL_PSEUDO_ELEMENT; } else { token_type = this.descriptor.SEL_PSEUDO_CLASS; } } return this.create_token(token_type, flags, p); }, ], [ lex.check_string("("), // ( operator function (flags, p) { var t = null; if (this.previous === this.previous_actual && this.previous.type === this.descriptor.SEL_PSEUDO_CLASS) { if (this.previous.text === ":not") { t = this.create_token(descriptor.OPERATOR, flags, p); this.end_state_char = ")"; } else if ([ ":nth-child" , ":nth-last-child" , ":nth-of-type" , ":nth-last-of-type" ].indexOf(this.previous.text) >= 0) { t = this.create_token(descriptor.OPERATOR, flags, p); this.state = this.descriptor.states.N_EXPRESSION; } else { // if (this.previous.text === ":lang") { t = this.create_token(descriptor.OPERATOR, flags, p); this.state = this.descriptor.states.GENERIC; this.end_state_char = ")"; } } return t; }, ], [ lex.check_string(")"), // ) operator function (flags, p) { if (this.end_state_char === this.text.substr(this.pos, p - this.pos)) { this.end_state_char = null; return this.create_token(this.descriptor.OPERATOR, flags, p); } return null; }, ], [ lex.check_string("["), // [ operator lex.create_token_change_state(descriptor.OPERATOR, states.ATTRIBUTE_EXPRESSION), ], [ lex.check_regex("[,~>\\+]"), // operator lex.create_token(descriptor.OPERATOR), ], [ lex.check_null(), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], flags.SELECTOR); //} descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 1: generic check_whitespace, check_comment, check_string = [ lex.check_regex("['\"]"), // string function (flags, p) { p =, p); return this.create_token(this.descriptor.STRING, flags, p); }, ], [ lex.check_regex("[\\w\\-]+"), // word lex.create_token(descriptor.WORD), ], [ function (p) { return (this.text[p] !== this.end_state_char) ? null : [ 0 , p + 1 ]; }, lex.create_token_change_state(descriptor.OPERATOR, states.SELECTOR), ], [ lex.check_null(), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], flags.SELECTOR); //} descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 2: attribute expression check_whitespace, check_comment, check_end_square_bracket = [ lex.check_string("]"), // ] operator lex.create_token_change_state_before(descriptor.OPERATOR, states.SELECTOR), ], [ lex.check_regex("[\\w\\-]+"), // attribute name lex.create_token_change_state(descriptor.WORD, states.ATTRIBUTE_OPERATOR), ], [ lex.check_null(), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], flags.SELECTOR | flags.SELECTOR_ATTRIBUTE); //} descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 3: attribute operator check_whitespace, check_comment, check_end_square_bracket, [ lex.check_regex("[~\\$\\|\\*\\^]?="), // operator lex.create_token_change_state(descriptor.OPERATOR, states.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE), ], [ lex.check_null(), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], flags.SELECTOR | flags.SELECTOR_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATOR); //} descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 4: attribute values check_whitespace, check_comment, check_end_square_bracket, check_string, [ lex.check_regex("[\\w\\-]+"), // value lex.create_token(descriptor.WORD), ], [ lex.check_null(), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], flags.SELECTOR | flags.SELECTOR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); //} descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 5: n-expressions check_whitespace, check_comment, [ lex.check_string(")"), // ) operator lex.create_token_change_state_before(descriptor.OPERATOR, states.SELECTOR), ], [ lex.check_regex("(even|odd)|(?:([+-]?\\d+)|([+-]))?n(?:\\s*([+-])\\s*(\\d+))?|([+-]?\\d+)", "i"), // n expression lex.create_token(descriptor.SEL_N_EXPRESSION), ], [ lex.check_null(), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], flags.N_EXPRESSION); //} descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 6: at-rule check_whitespace, check_comment, check_close_brace, check_string, [ lex.check_string(";"), // end sequence function (flags, p) { this.state = this.at_rule_state_pre; return this.create_token(this.descriptor.OPERATOR, flags, p); }, ], [ lex.check_string("{"), // end sequence function (flags, p) { var t = this.create_token(this.descriptor.OPERATOR, flags, p); this.bracket_states.push(this.at_rule_state_pre); this.state = this.descriptor.states.SELECTOR; return t; }, ], [ lex.check_regex("[\\w\\-]+"), // word lex.create_token(descriptor.WORD), ], [ lex.check_regex("[:\\(\\)]"), // operators lex.create_token(descriptor.OPERATOR), ], [ lex.check_null(), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], flags.AT_RULE); //} descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 7: properties check_whitespace, check_comment, check_close_brace, check_at_rule, [ lex.check_regex("[\\w\\-]+"), // word lex.create_token_change_state(descriptor.WORD, states.PROPERTY_SEPARATOR), ], [ lex.check_null(), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], flags.PROPERTY); //} descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 8: property separator check_whitespace, check_comment, check_close_brace, [ lex.check_string(":"), // : operator lex.create_token_change_state(descriptor.OPERATOR, states.PROPERTY_VALUE), ], [ lex.check_null(), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], flags.PROPERTY); //} descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 9: property values check_whitespace, check_comment, check_close_brace, check_string, [ lex.check_string(";"), // ; operator lex.create_token_change_state(descriptor.OPERATOR, states.PROPERTY), ], [ lex.check_regex("#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+)"), // color lex.create_token(descriptor.COLOR), ], [ lex.check_regex("[+-]?(?:[0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)"), // number lex.create_token(descriptor.NUMBER), ], [ lex.check_regex("[\\w\\-]+"), // word lex.create_token(descriptor.WORD), ], [ lex.check_regex("[\\(\\),/%!]"), // operator lex.create_token(descriptor.OPERATOR), ], [ lex.check_null(), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], flags.PROPERTY_VALUE); //} // Additional functions descriptor.string_contains_newline = function (text) { return re_newlines_search.test(text); }; descriptor.string_splitlines = function (text) { var parts = [], start = 0, m; re_newlines_split.lastIndex = 0; while ((m = re_newlines_split.exec(text)) !== null) { parts.push(text.substr(start, m.index - start)); start = m.index + m[0].length; } parts.push(text.substr(start)); return parts; }; // Complete return descriptor; }; // Complete return module; }).call(this);