var lexpy = (function () { "use strict"; // Basic environment derection; can be hardcoded if the environment is known var module = (function (module) { try { if (window) return {}; } catch (e) {} return module; })(this); // Generator function module.gen = function (lex) { // Language descriptor var descriptor = new lex.Descriptor([ //{ "IGNORE", "MEMBER", "NEXT_IS_MEMBER", "NEXT_NO_OP_PREFIX", "START_STRING", "STRING_TRIPLE", "START_COMMENT", "BRACKET", "BRACKET_CLOSE", ], "IGNORE"); //} var flags = descriptor.flags; descriptor.define_types({ "INVALID": 0, "KEYWORD": 0, "IDENTIFIER": flags.NEXT_NO_OP_PREFIX, "NUMBER": flags.NEXT_NO_OP_PREFIX, "STRING": flags.NEXT_NO_OP_PREFIX, "OPERATOR": 0, "DECORATOR": 0, "WHITESPACE": flags.IGNORE, "COMMENT": flags.IGNORE, }); var keywords = { "and": 0, "as": 0, "assert": 0, "break": 0, "class": 0, "continue": 0, "def": 0, "del": 0, "elif": 0, "else": 0, "except": 0, "finally": 0, "for": 0, "from": 0, "global": 0, "if": 0, "import": 0, "in": 0, "is": 0, "lambda": 0, "nonlocal": 0, "not": 0, "or": 0, "pass": 0, "raise": 0, "return": 0, "try": 0, "while": 0, "with": 0, "yield": 0, }; var operators = lex.tree({ ">>=": 0, ">>": 0, ">=": 0, ">": 0, "<<=": 0, "<<": 0, "<=": 0, "<": 0, "<>": 0, "==": 0, "=": 0, "!=": 0, "&=": 0, "&": 0, "|=": 0, "|": 0, "+=": 0, "+": 0, "-=": 0, "-": 0, "**=": 0, "**": 0, "*=": 0, "*": 0, "//=": 0, "//": 0, "/=": 0, "/": 0, "%=": 0, "%": 0, "^=": 0, "^": 0, "~": 0, ":": 0, ";": 0, ",": 0, ".": flags.NEXT_IS_MEMBER | flags.NEXT_NO_OP_PREFIX, "...": 0, "\\": 0, "(": flags.BRACKET, "[": flags.BRACKET, "{": flags.BRACKET, ")": flags.BRACKET | flags.BRACKET_CLOSE | flags.NEXT_NO_OP_PREFIX, "]": flags.BRACKET | flags.BRACKET_CLOSE | flags.NEXT_NO_OP_PREFIX, "}": flags.BRACKET | flags.BRACKET_CLOSE, "#": flags.START_COMMENT, "\"": flags.START_STRING, "\"\"\"": flags.START_STRING | flags.STRING_TRIPLE, "\'": flags.START_STRING, "\'\'\'": flags.START_STRING | flags.STRING_TRIPLE, }); // Matching logic var re_comment = /[^\r\n\u2028\u2029]*/g, re_newlines_search = /[\r\n\u2028\u2029]/, re_newlines_split = /[\n\u2028\u2029]|\r\n?/g; var match_string = function (t_info) { // Match to end of string var escaped = false, p = t_info[2], p_max = this.text.length, quote = this.text[this.pos], quote_count = 0, quote_length = ((t_info[1] & this.descriptor.flags.STRING_TRIPLE) !== 0) ? 3 : 1, c; for (; p < p_max; ++p) { c = this.text[p]; if (escaped) { escaped = false; if (c === "\r" && p + 1 < p_max && this.text[p + 1] === "\n") { ++p; } } else { if (c === quote) { if (++quote_count >= quote_length) { ++p; break; } } else { quote_count = 0; if (c === "\\") { escaped = true; } else if (this.descriptor.string_contains_newline(c) && quote_length === 1) { break; } } } } t_info[0] = this.descriptor.STRING; t_info[2] = p; }; var match_comment = function (t_info) { // Check which type var p = t_info[2], re = re_comment, m; // Match the comment re.lastIndex = p; m = re.exec(this.text); // Create the token t_info[0] = this.descriptor.COMMENT; t_info[2] = m.index + m[0].length; }; // Checks/states descriptor.define_state_names([ "DEFAULT" ]); descriptor.define_state([ //{ state 0 [ lex.check_regex("\\s+"), // whitespace lex.create_token(descriptor.WHITESPACE), ], [ lex.check_regex("[+-]?(?:0[xX](?:[0-9a-fA-F]+)|[0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)"), // number function (flags, p) { if ((this.previous.flags & this.descriptor.flags.NEXT_NO_OP_PREFIX) === 0 || this.match_tree(operators, this.pos, this.pos + 1) === null) { return this.create_token(descriptor.NUMBER, flags, p); } return null; }, ], [ lex.check_regex("[\\w]+"), // word function (flags, p) { var token_type = this.descriptor.IDENTIFIER, word = this.text.substr(this.pos, p - this.pos); if ((this.previous.flags & this.descriptor.flags.NEXT_IS_MEMBER) !== 0) { // Member flags |= this.descriptor.flags.MEMBER; } // Check if keyword if (, word)) { token_type = this.descriptor.KEYWORD; flags |= keywords[word]; } return this.create_token(token_type, flags, p); }, ], [ lex.check_regex("@[\\w]+"), // decorator lex.create_token(descriptor.DECORATOR), ], [ lex.check_tree(operators), // operator function (flags, p) { var t_info = [ this.descriptor.OPERATOR , flags , p ]; if ((flags & this.descriptor.flags.START_STRING) !== 0) { // String, t_info); } else if ((flags & this.descriptor.flags.START_COMMENT) !== 0) { // Comment, t_info); } else if ((flags & this.descriptor.flags.START_REGEX) !== 0) { // Regex, t_info); } return this.create_token(t_info[0], t_info[1], t_info[2]); }, ], [ lex.check_regex("[^\\s\\w@" + lex.regex_escape(lex.to_regex_class(operators)) + "]+"), // invalid lex.create_token(descriptor.INVALID), ], ], 0); //} // Additional functions descriptor.string_contains_newline = function (text) { return re_newlines_search.test(text); }; descriptor.string_splitlines = function (text) { var parts = [], start = 0, m; re_newlines_split.lastIndex = 0; while ((m = re_newlines_split.exec(text)) !== null) { parts.push(text.substr(start, m.index - start)); start = m.index + m[0].length; } parts.push(text.substr(start)); return parts; }; // Complete return descriptor; }; // Complete return module; }).call(this);