Available options: -v, --voice Set the voice to use. A list of voices can be found by running "voice.vbs list-voices". -r, --rate Set the rate of the voice, in the range of [-10, 10]. Negative values are slower, positive values are faster. -c, --channels Set the number of channels for the voice to use, either 1 or 2. -s, --sample-rate Set the sample rate for the output. This must be a common sample rate of 8000, 16000, 22050, 44100, or 48000. --volume Set the volume for the voice, in the range of [0, 100]. -d, --device Set a device to output to. Voice will output to the default device if this option is never specified. This option can be specified more than once, which makes the voice output to all devices listed. A list of available audio devices can be found by running "robot.exe --help". Some of the listed devices may appear truncated; these truncated names should be used rather than the full name. (Be sure to put the value in "double quotes" so it is properly treated as a single value.) -f, --filters [filters...] An set of filters to be passed to sox.exe when playing the audio. All arguments that follow this option will be treated as filters, so all other options should come before this one. -x, --left
Set the position of the window. Set to "center" to have the window be automatically centered. -y, --top
Set the position of the window. Set to "center" to have the window be automatically centered. --right Set the position of the window relative to the bottom-right corner. --bottom Set the position of the window relative to the bottom-right corner. -w, --width Set the width of the window. -h, --height Set the height of the window. --white Invert the colors of the window so it uses a white theme instead of a black one. -o, --opacity Set the opacity of the window when it is not focused, in the range of [0.0, 1.0], with 1.0 being fully opaque and 0.0 being fully transparent. --opacity-active Set the opacity of the window when it IS focused, in the range of [0.0, 1.0], with 1.0 being fully opaque and 0.0 being fully transparent. -t, --temp, --use-temp Use the system temporary file directory for generated .wav files rather than the directory the executable is in. --message Set a custom message to be displayed on the window rather than the hotkey message. Setting it to an empty string will result in the message not being displayed. --hotkey-focus Set the hotkey for the focus key. This hotkey will toggle focus for the window. A list of available key and flag combinations can be found by running "robot.exe --help". Also note that hotkeys are not true hotkeys by default, meaning that they will not block other applications from receiving the keystroke. To enable keystroke blocking, add the flag "block" to the hotkey. Example: "ctrl shift block A" --hotkey-replay Set the hotkey for the focus key. This hotkey will replay the most recent sound. --hotkey-stop Set the hotkey for the stop key. This hotkey will stop playing the current sound. --hotkey-clear Set the hotkey for the stop-and-clear key. This hotkey will stop playing all sounds and clear any queued text. --hotkey-exit Set the hotkey for the exit key. This hotkey will close the application. --exe-cscript Set the path to the cscript executable. This can be set to "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript" to use the 32-bit version. --exe-voice Set the path to the voice.vbs file. --exe-sox Set the path to the sox.exe file. --dll Set the name of the robot.dll library if it has been changed for some reason. -?, --help, --usage Show basic usage information. -- No-op. This does nothing.