// ==UserScript== // @name Usable YouTube // @description Makes YouTube more usable // @version 1.1 // @namespace nutbread // @include http://youtube.com/* // @include https://youtube.com/* // @include http://*.youtube.com/* // @include https://*.youtube.com/* // @grant none // @run-at document-start // @icon  // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nutbread/uyt/master/builds/uyt.meta.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nutbread/uyt/master/src/uyt.user.js // ==/UserScript== // ==ChromeExtension== // @permission http://youtube.com/ // @permission https://youtube.com/ // @permission http://*.youtube.com/ // @permission https://*.youtube.com/ // @icon-size 16:bilinear // @icon-size 32:bilinear // @icon-size 48:bilinear // @icon-size 64:bilinear // @icon-size 128:bilinear // @update-url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nutbread/uyt/master/builds/uyt.update.xml // @download-url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nutbread/uyt/master/builds/uyt.crx // ==/ChromeExtension== // Main (function () { "use strict"; // Module for performing actions as soon as possible var ASAP = (function () { // Variables var state = 0; var callbacks_asap = []; var callbacks_ready = []; var callbacks_check = []; var callback_check_interval = null; var callback_check_interval_time = 20; var on_document_readystatechange_interval = null; // Events var on_document_readystatechange = function () { // State check if (document.readyState == "interactive") { if (state == 0) { // Mostly loaded state = 1; // Callbacks var c = callbacks_asap; callbacks_asap = null; trigger_callbacks(c); } } else if (document.readyState == "complete") { // Loaded state = 2; // Callbacks var c; if (callbacks_asap !== null) { c = callbacks_asap; callbacks_asap = null; trigger_callbacks(c); } c = callbacks_ready; callbacks_ready = null; trigger_callbacks(c); // Complete clear_events(); } }; var on_callbacks_check = function () { // Test all for (var i = 0; i < callbacks_check.length; ++i) { if (callback_test.call(null, callbacks_check[i])) { // Remove callbacks_check.splice(i, 1); --i; } } // Stop timer? if (callbacks_check.length == 0) { clearInterval(callback_check_interval); callback_check_interval = null; } }; var on_callback_timeout = function (data) { // Remove for (var i = 0; i < callbacks_check.length; ++i) { if (callbacks_check[i] === data) { // Update data.timeout_timer = null; // Callback if (data.timeout_callback) data.timeout_callback.call(null); // Remove callbacks_check.splice(i, 1); return; } } }; // Clear events var clear_events = function () { if (on_document_readystatechange_interval !== null) { // Remove timer clearInterval(on_document_readystatechange_interval); on_document_readystatechange_interval = null; // Remove events document.removeEventListener("readystatechange", on_document_readystatechange, false); // Clear callbacks callbacks_asap = null; callbacks_ready = null; } }; // Test callback var callback_test = function (data) { if (!data.condition || data.condition.call(null)) { // Call data.callback.call(null); // Stop timeout if (data.timeout_timer !== null) { clearTimeout(data.timeout_timer); data.timeout_timer = null; } // Okay return true; } // Not called return false; }; var callback_wait = function (data) { // Add to list callbacks_check.push(data); if (callback_check_interval === null) { callback_check_interval = setInterval(on_callbacks_check, callback_check_interval_time); } // Timeout if (data.timeout > 0) { data.timeout_timer = setTimeout(on_callback_timeout.bind(null, data), data.timeout * 1000); } }; // Trigger callback list var trigger_callbacks = function (callback_list) { for (var i = 0, j = callback_list.length; i < j; ++i) { // Test if (!callback_test.call(null, callback_list[i])) { // Queue callback_wait.call(null, callback_list[i]); } } }; // Add callback var add_callback = function (callback, condition, timeout, timeout_callback, target) { var cb_data = { callback: callback, condition: condition || null, timeout: timeout || 0, timeout_callback: timeout_callback || null, timeout_timer: null }; if (target === null) { // Test if (!callback_test.call(null, cb_data)) { // Queue callback_wait.call(null, cb_data); } } else { // Add target.push(cb_data); } }; // Setup events on_document_readystatechange(); if (state < 2) { document.addEventListener("readystatechange", on_document_readystatechange, false); on_document_readystatechange_interval = setInterval(on_document_readystatechange, 20); } // Return functions return { /** Call a function as soon as possible when the DOM is fully loaded (document.readyState == "interactive") @param callback The callback to be called The call format is: callback.call(null) @param condition An additional condition to test for. If this condition is falsy, a timeout interval is used to continuously test it until it is true (or timed out) The call format is: condition.call(null) @param timeout If specified, a maximum time limit is given for the condition to be met Must be greater than 0, units are seconds @param timeout_callback If specified, this is a callback which is called when the condition check has timed out The call format is: timeout_callback.call(null) */ asap: function (callback, condition, timeout, timeout_callback) { // Add to asap add_callback.call(null, callback, condition, timeout, timeout_callback, callbacks_asap); }, /** Call a function as soon as possible when the DOM is fully loaded (document.readyState == "complete") @param callback The callback to be called The call format is: callback.call(null) @param condition An additional condition to test for. If this condition is falsy, a timeout interval is used to continuously test it until it is true (or timed out) The call format is: condition.call(null) @param timeout If specified, a maximum time limit is given for the condition to be met Must be greater than 0, units are seconds @param timeout_callback If specified, this is a callback which is called when the condition check has timed out The call format is: timeout_callback.call(null) */ ready: function (callback, condition, timeout, timeout_callback) { // Add to ready add_callback.call(null, callback, condition, timeout, timeout_callback, callbacks_ready); }, }; })(); // XHR communication for chrome var XHR = (function () { var generate_random_str = function (length) { var chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-", str = "", i; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { str += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)]; } return str; }; var inject = function (nonce, origin, can_request, can_perform, entries) { var source = [ "(" ], i, scr; // Script source source.push(script.toString()); source.push(")(true, "); source.push(JSON.stringify(nonce)); source.push(", "); source.push(JSON.stringify(origin)); source.push(", (function () { return \"\"; }), [ "); source.push(JSON.stringify(can_request)); source.push(" , "); source.push(JSON.stringify(can_perform)); source.push(" , "); // Setup entries source.push("["); for (i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) source.push(","); source.push("{name:"); source.push(JSON.stringify(entries[i].name)); source.push(",events:"); source.push(JSON.stringify(entries[i].name)); source.push(",request:"); source.push(can_request ? entries[i].request.toString() : "null"); source.push(",perform:"); source.push(can_perform ? entries[i].perform.toString() : "null"); source.push("}"); } source.push("] ]);"); // Inject scr = document.createElement("script"); scr.innerHTML = source.join(""); document.head.appendChild(scr); document.head.removeChild(scr); }; // Source for the task manager, wrapped in a function scope (for stringification) var script = function (create_new, nonce, origin, id_generator, register_args) { // Task object var TaskManager = function (nonce, origin, id_generator) { // Message listener this.on_window_message_bind = on_window_message.bind(this); window.addEventListener("message", this.on_window_message_bind, false); // Vars this.nonce = nonce; this.origin = origin; this.other = null; this.events = {}; this.request = {}; this.perform = {}; this.active = {}; // Init this.id_generator = id_generator; }; // Private var on_window_message = function (event) { // Origin check if (event.origin != this.origin) return; // Decode data var data; try { data = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch (e) { return; } // Check if it's from a valid source if ("nonce" in data && data.nonce == this.nonce) { // Process if (data.request) this.receive_request(data); else this.receive_reply(data); } }; var wrapped_request = function (type, data_function, input_data) { // Generate id var id = this.id_generator(64); // Setup callbacks if ("on" in input_data) { var new_events = {}, event_list = [], event_name; for (event_name in input_data.on) { new_events[event_name] = input_data.on[event_name]; event_list.push(event_name); } // Replace with list delete input_data["on"]; input_data.events = event_list; // Add an active task this.active[id] = { type: type, events: new_events, }; } // Send this.send_request(id, type, data_function.call(this, input_data)); }; // Public TaskManager.prototype = { constructor: TaskManager, task_started: function (id, type) { this.send_reply(id, type, { type: "started", }); }, task_completed: function (id, type) { this.send_reply(id, type, { type: "complete", }); }, send_reply: function (id, type, data) { // Create var metadata = { nonce: this.nonce, request: false, id: id, type: type, data: data, }; // Send if (this.other) this.other.receive_reply(metadata); else window.postMessage(JSON.stringify(metadata), this.origin); }, send_request: function (id, type, data) { // Create var metadata = { nonce: this.nonce, request: true, id: id, type: type, data: data, }; // Send if (this.other) this.other.receive_request(metadata); else window.postMessage(JSON.stringify(metadata), this.origin); }, receive_reply: function (metadata) { if (metadata.id in this.active) { var data = metadata.data, entry = this.active[metadata.id]; if (data.type == "complete") { // Remove delete this.active[metadata.id]; } // else if (data.type == "start") {} else if (data.type == "event") { // Trigger event if (data.event in entry.events) { entry.events[data.event].call(this, data.event_data, data.event); } } } }, receive_request: function (metadata) { if (metadata.type in this.perform) { this.perform[metadata.type].call(this, metadata.id, metadata.type, metadata.data); } }, register: function (can_request, can_perform, entries) { var fn, i; for (i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { // Event list this.events[entries[i].name] = entries[i].events; // Extract request function from scope if (can_request && (fn = entries[i].request) && (fn = fn())) { this.request[entries[i].name] = wrapped_request.bind(this, entries[i].name, fn); } // Extract perform function from scope if (can_perform && (fn = entries[i].perform) && (fn = fn())) { this.perform[entries[i].name] = fn.bind(this); } } }, }; // Done var task_manager = null; if (create_new) { task_manager = new TaskManager(nonce, origin, id_generator); task_manager.register.apply(task_manager, register_args); } return TaskManager; }; // Tasks var RequestXHR = { name: "xhr", events: [ "load" , "abort" , "error" , "loadend" ], request: function () { return function (xhr_data) { var data = { form_data: xhr_data.form_data || null, method: xhr_data.method || "GET", url: xhr_data.url, events: xhr_data.events, }; return data; }; }, perform: function () { var on_task_xhr_generic = function (task, event) { if (task.events.indexOf(event.type) >= 0) { this.send_reply(task.id, task.type, { type: "event", event: event.type, event_data: { response: task.xhr.response, status: task.xhr.status, status_text: task.xhr.statusText, }, }); } }; var on_task_xhr_loadend = function (task, event) { if (task.events.indexOf(event.type) >= 0) { this.send_reply(task.id, task.type, { type: "event", event: event.type, event_data: { status: task.xhr.status, status_text: task.xhr.statusText, }, }); } // Done task.xhr = null; this.task_completed(task.id, task.type); }; return function (id, type, data) { // Form data var form_data = null; if ("form_data" in data && data.form_data !== null) { if (typeof(data.form_data) == "string") { // String form_data = data.form_data; } else { // Object form_data = new FormData(); for (var key in data.form_data) { form_data.append(key, data.form_data[key]); } } } // Create xhr var task = { id: id, type: type, events: data.events || [], xhr: new XMLHttpRequest(), }; task.xhr.open(data.method, data.url, true); task.xhr.responseType = "text"; var generic_bind = on_task_xhr_generic.bind(this, task); task.xhr.addEventListener("load", generic_bind, false); task.xhr.addEventListener("abort", generic_bind, false); task.xhr.addEventListener("error", generic_bind, false); task.xhr.addEventListener("loadend", on_task_xhr_loadend.bind(this, task), false); // Start if (form_data !== null) task.xhr.send(form_data); else task.xhr.send(); // Reply this.task_started(id, type); }; }, }; // Create new var TaskManager = script(false); var task_manager = null; var create_task_manager = function () { // Inject or not var inject_into_page = (window.chrome) ? true : false; // Entries var reg_entries = [ RequestXHR ]; // Requester var tmr = new TaskManager( generate_random_str(128), window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host, generate_random_str ); tmr.register(true, false, reg_entries); // Begin if (inject_into_page) { // Inside a script tag inject(tmr.nonce, tmr.origin, false, true, reg_entries); } else { // Performer var tmp = new TaskManager(tmr.nonce, tmr.origin, generate_random_str); tmp.register(false, true, reg_entries); // Link tmr.other = tmp; tmp.other = tmr; } // Done return tmr; }; return function (data) { if (task_manager === null) task_manager = create_task_manager(); return task_manager.request.xhr(data); }; })(); // YouTube watcher var YouTube = (function () { var MutationObserver = (window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver); var YouTube = function () { // Document listening this.doc_observer = null; this.profile_card_observers = []; this.session_token = null; this.session_token_callbacks = []; this.on_window_message_session_token_bind = null; this.active_uploads_contain_observer = null; this.active_upload_observers = []; this.queued_files = []; this.queued_files_clear_timeout = null; this.upload_buttons_observer = null; this.upload_file_input = null; this.player_api_annotation_button_observer = null; this.player_api_annotation_button = null; this.player_api_annotation_buttons_original = null; }; var hook_document_observer = function () { if (this.doc_observer === null) { var el = document.documentElement; if (!el) return; // Create new observer this.doc_observer = new MutationObserver(on_document_observe.bind(this)); // Observe this.doc_observer.observe( el, { childList: true, subtree: true, } ); } }; var on_document_observe = function (records) { var nodes, n, i, j, k, im, jm, km, pc; i = 0; im = records.length; for (; i < im; ++i) { if ((nodes = records[i].addedNodes)) { j = 0; jm = nodes.length; for (; j < jm; ++j) { // Check n = nodes[j]; if (n.nodeType == 1 && n.classList.contains("yt-uix-clickcard-card")) { hook_profile_card_observer.call(this, n); } } } if ((nodes = records[i].removedNodes)) { j = 0; jm = nodes.length; for (; j < jm; ++j) { // Check n = nodes[j]; if (n.nodeType == 1 && n.classList.contains("yt-uix-clickcard-card")) { unhook_profile_card_observer.call(this, n); } } } } }; var on_profile_card_observe = function (data, records) { var i, r; for (i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) { r = records[i]; if (r.attributeName == "class") { // Detect if (r.target.classList.contains("yt-uix-clickcard-card-visible")) { profile_card_show.call(this, r.target); } else { profile_card_hide.call(this, r.target); } } } }; var on_window_message_session_token = function (nonce, origin, event) { // Origin check if (event.origin != origin) return; // Decode data var data; try { data = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch (e) { return; } // Check if it's from a valid source if ("nonce" in data && data.nonce == nonce && "session_token" in data) { this.session_token = data.session_token; window.removeEventListener("message", this.on_window_message_session_token_bind, false); this.on_window_message_session_token_bind = null; // Callback trigger_session_token_callbacks.call(this); } }; var on_queued_files_clear_timeout = function () { // Remove files from queue (if something takes too long for some reason) this.queued_files.splice(0, this.queued_files.length); }; var on_body_drop = function (event) { for (var i = 0; i < event.dataTransfer.files.length; ++i) { this.queued_files.push(event.dataTransfer.files[i]); } if (this.queued_files_clear_timeout !== null) clearTimeout(this.queued_files_clear_timeout); this.queued_files_clear_timeout = setTimeout(on_queued_files_clear_timeout.bind(this), 2000); }; var on_upload_input_file_change = function (node, event) { // This does not work; oh well (node.files.length == 0 since the site nullifies it) }; var on_active_uploads_contain_observe = function (records) { var nodes, n, i, j, im, jm; i = 0; im = records.length; for (; i < im; ++i) { if ((nodes = records[i].addedNodes)) { j = 0; jm = nodes.length; for (; j < jm; ++j) { // Check n = nodes[j]; if (n.nodeType == 1 && n.classList.contains("upload-item")) { hook_active_upload_observer.call(this, n); } } } } }; var hook_active_uploads_contain_observer = function () { if (this.active_uploads_contain_observer === null) { var el = document.getElementById("active-uploads-contain"); if (!el) return; // Create new observer this.active_uploads_contain_observer = new MutationObserver(on_active_uploads_contain_observe.bind(this)); // Observe this.active_uploads_contain_observer.observe( el, { childList: true, } ); } }; var on_uploader_buttons_observe = function (records) { var nodes, n, i, j, im, jm; i = 0; im = records.length; for (; i < im; ++i) { if ((nodes = records[i].addedNodes)) { j = 0; jm = nodes.length; for (; j < jm; ++j) { // Check n = nodes[j]; if (n.tagName == "INPUT" && n.getAttribute("type") == "file") { // Done this.upload_file_input = n; hook_upload_input_file_events.call(this); // Unhook this.upload_buttons_observer.disconnect(); this.upload_buttons_observer = null; } } } } }; var hook_uploader_buttons_observer = function (node) { if (this.upload_buttons_observer === null) { // Create new observer this.upload_buttons_observer = new MutationObserver(on_uploader_buttons_observe.bind(this)); // Observe this.upload_buttons_observer.observe( node, { childList: true, } ); } }; var on_watch_page_link_observe = function (data, records) { var nodes, n, i, j, im, jm; i = 0; im = records.length; for (; i < im; ++i) { if ((nodes = records[i].addedNodes)) { j = 0; jm = nodes.length; for (; j < jm; ++j) { // Check n = nodes[j]; if (n.tagName == "A") { // Set the video id data.video_id = get_youtube_video_id_from_url.call(this, n.getAttribute("href") || ""); if (data.video_id !== null) { // Un-hide custom buttons data.cancel_button1.style.display = ""; data.cancel_button1.classList.remove("hid"); //data.cancel_button2.style.display = ""; //data.cancel_button2.classList.remove("hid"); } } } } } }; var on_active_upload_cancel_button_click = function (data, main_button, delete_upload, restart_upload, event) { if (event.which === 1) { // Cancel main_button.click(); // Restart callback var next_callback = on_active_upload_cancel_restart_callback.bind(this, data, restart_upload); // Delete if (delete_upload && data.video_id !== null) { // Delete delete_youtube_video.call(this, data.video_id, on_active_upload_cancel_delete_callback.bind(this, data, next_callback)); } else { next_callback.call(this); } } // Stop event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }; var on_active_upload_cancel_delete_callback = function (data, next_callback, obj, deleted, errors) { var node = data.node.querySelector(".upload-failure"); if (node !== null) { if (deleted) { // Update message node.textContent = "The upload was canceled and deleted."; } else { // Display errors node.textContent = "The upload was canceled, but " + (errors.length == 1 ? "a " : "") + "deletion error" + (errors.length == 1 ? "" : "s") + " occured:"; var error_container = document.createElement("div"), div, i; error_container.style.display = "inline-block"; error_container.style.marginTop = "0.5em"; error_container.style.textAlign = "left"; error_container.style.fontSize = "0.8em"; for (i = 0; i < errors.length; ++i) { div = document.createElement("div"); div.textContent = "- " + errors[i]; error_container.appendChild(div); } node.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); node.appendChild(error_container); } } if (next_callback) { next_callback.call(null, deleted); } }; var on_active_upload_cancel_restart_callback = function (data, restart_upload, deleted) { if (deleted && restart_upload && this.upload_file_input !== null) { // Hide data.node.classList.add("hid"); data.node.style.display = "none"; // Get the file var file = data.file; // TODO : Simulate drop event on body // this could be done by hijacking "www-upload.js" and injecting some code into the inner scope which allows simulation of a file event (files would have to be stored in an array on the browser