/*:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * NUUN_Result.js * * Copyright (C) 2022 NUUN * This software is released under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*: * @target MZ * @plugindesc Result * @author NUUN * @base NUUN_Base * @orderAfter NUUN_Base * @orderAfter BattleVoiceMZ * @version 2.4.4 * * @help * Display the result screen at the end of the battle. * The default result is displayed in the message window, but if the acquired EXP, earned amount, and dropped items are displayed on one screen, and if there are no actors who have leveled up, the result will end with just one press of the enter key (button). * * Main function * It is divided into blocks, and you can specify the coordinates to display for each actor experience value, acquisition info, drop item, level up actor status, acquired skill. * Coordinates, font size, etc. can be changed for each item, such as actor experience points, acquired info, drop items, level up actor status, and learned skills. * After the battle ends, you can play any BGM after the Victory ME. * * Post-win effect * The image is displayed in the center of the screen starting from the center of the image. * Specify the magnification and opacity from the original values (100 for magnification and 255 for opacity). Changes relative to the current value to the specified value. * Move coordinates move relative to the current position. * * Specification * When the side view actor is displayed for actor experience points and level up actor status, it will be displayed in front of all items. * * Parameter of evaluation formula for each item * a:Actor game data * d:Actor system data * * Operation * ←→Key:Switch pages for acquired items and acquired skills * Right click: switch page * Page return function is not implemented. * * plugin command * [Level up screen display permission] * You can set permission to display the level up screen. (Note: After executing this plugin command, the level up screen display setting will be disabled) * [Permission to play Victory BGM] * You can set permission to play victory BGM. * [Change of Victory BGM] * You can change the victory BGM. By not specifying anything for BGM, the BGM specified by the plug-in command will not be played. * [Changes to Level Up SE] * You can change the level up SE. By not specifying anything for BGM, the BGM specified by the plug-in command will not be played. * [Level up screen actor image change] * Change the image of the standing picture. It does not apply when the setting of the standing face graphic display EX is enabled. * * Item notes * Doesn't show up in item drop list. * * Terms of Use * This plugin is distributed under the MIT license. * * Log * 2024/9/11 Ver.2.4.4 * Fixed the issue where the image was not displayed when displaying a standing character using "NUUN_ActorPicture". * 2024/8/11 Ver.2.4.3 * Fixed a freeze at the end of battle when "Result screen delay frames after victory" was set to 2 frames or more. * 2024/7/20 Ver.2.4.2 * Fixed to not reprocess results. * 2024/6/16 Ver.2.4.1 * Fixed an issue where the number of obtained and stolen items with the same ID was displayed as increments. * 2024/5/26 Ver.2.4.0 * Added the ability to turn the experience value gauge into a circular gauge. * Added a function to display the level on the experience value gauge display. * Added the ability to specify the color of the experience gauge label. * Fixed an issue where the decimal point of the experience gauge was not displayed correctly. * 2024/3/31 Ver.2.3.11 * Fixed processing related to side view display. * 2023/11/4 Ver.2.3.10 * Fixed an issue where weapons and armor were not displayed in the drop list. * 2023/7/21 Ver.2.3.9 * Added the ability to set items that are not displayed in the drop item list. * Fixed to not display hidden items. * 2023/6/18 Ver.2.3.8 * Fixed an issue where lines weren't working in the Actor display on the Acquisition screen. * 2023/5/6 Ver.2.3.7 * Fixed the display position of the side view actor and character chip. * 2023/4/23 Ver.2.3.6 * Conflict measures with the skill tree plugin. * Fixed to display 0 for the experience points gained at maximum level. * 2023/4/16 Ver.2.3.5 * Fixed an issue where an error would occur at the end of a battle if the victory BGM was not set. * 2023/3/10 Ver.2.3.4 * Fixed the problem that system color 0 cannot be specified. * 2023/2/23 Ver.2.3.3 * Fixed an issue where skipping the level up screen was not working. * 2023/1/28 Ver.2.3.2 * Fixed the problem that ME's "BgmPlayMeRate" setting is not applied when "ResultVisibleFrame" is set below ME playback frame. * 2023/1/28 Ver.2.3.1 * Added a function to play BGM in the middle of victory ME. * 2023/1/9 Ver.2.3.0 * Added a function that allows you to specify a switch that does not display the result after winning. * Added a function that allows you to specify a switch that does not perform motion after victory. * 2022/12/6 Ver.2.2.13 * Changed the Type of color specification plug-in parameter to color. (Core script Ver.1.6.0 or later) * 2022/12/4 Ver.2.2.12 * Changed the display in languages other than Japanese to English. * 2022/11/1 Ver.2.2.11 * Added a function to display the characters displayed when leveling up as an image. * 2022/10/23 Ver.2.2.10 * Fixed an issue where the HP gauge etc. would stop working. * 2022/10/23 Ver.2.2.9 * Fixed an issue where old level stats were not getting properly. * 2022/10/22 Ver.2.2.8 * Added a mode that can display the acquired experience value display with the remaining experience value. * 2022/10/22 Ver.2.2.7 * Fixed coordinate calculation. * 2022/10/21 Ver.2.2.6 * Fixed an issue that caused some items to disappear. * 2022/10/20 Ver.2.2.5 * Fixed an issue where post-win effect images would not disappear. * Fixed an issue where selecting original parameters in the level up actor status window would cause an error. * Fixed the problem that the operation stops after the battle ends when setting the number of frames to delay the result screen after winning. * Fixed spelling errors. * 2022/10/19 Ver.2.2.4 * Fixed an issue that caused the gauge display to become stuck. * 2022/10/14 Ver.2.2.3 * Fixed an issue where post-victory effects would disappear after the second battle. * 2022/10/13 Ver.2.2.2 * Fixed an issue where an error would appear after starting a battle. * Fixed an issue where setting the effect list without specifying an image after winning would stop working after winning the battle. * 2022/10/11 Ver.2.2.1 * Added a function that allows you to specify a switch to enable the image display at the time of victory. * 2022/10/10 Ver.2.2.0 * Added function to display victory image after victory. * 2022/9/18 Ver.2.1.0 * Added a function that allows you to specify a standing picture in the acquired experience value window. * Fixed an issue where unleveled actors would show level up when recombat after leveling up. * 2022/9/17 Ver.2.0.6 * Added a function that allows you to specify the color of the EXP gauge. * Fixed the problem that the background image is not displayed when the window display of the acquisition window setting is turned off. * 2022/9/11 Ver.2.0.5 * Definition fix for BattleVoiceMZ support for MVP actors. * 2022/9/11 Ver.2.0.4 * Fixed an issue that caused an error at the start of battle. * Fixed an issue where rounding rounding did not work. * 2022/9/11 Ver.2.0.3 * Modified definitions for MVP aqua support. * 2022/9/10 Ver.2.0.2 * Fixed an issue that caused experience boost colors to appear black. * 2022/9/10 Ver.2.0.1 * Fixed an issue where an error would appear at the end of a battle. * Added actor name to initial setting of item in level up actor status window. * Fixed an issue where supporting actors were not displayed. * 2022/9/9 Ver.2.0.0 * Complete renovation. * * @param CommonSetting * @text CommonSetting * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ResultVisibleFrame * @desc Number of frames until the result screen is displayed after winning. * @text Result screen delay frames after victory * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent CommonSetting * * @param ResultFadein * @type boolean * @default false * @text Fade-in display * @desc Display the result screen with fade-in. * @parent CommonSetting * * @param Decimal * @text Number of decimal places * @desc The number of decimal places that can be displayed. (experience value percentage, etc.) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent CommonSetting * * @param DecimalMode * @text Rounding off * @desc Round off the non-display decimal point. (rounded down at false) (percentage of experience value, etc.) * @type boolean * @default true * @parent CommonSetting * * @param BackUiWidth * @text Background image window size * @desc Fit the background image to the window size. * @type boolean * @default true * @parent CommonSetting * * @param BackFitWidth * @text Background image enlargement * @desc Scales the background image to fit the window size or screen. * @type boolean * @default false * @parent CommonSetting * * @param BattleEndHideResult * @text Result skip switch * @desc Specifies the switch ID for which results are not displayed. Skip the result with ON. * @type switch * @default 0 * @parent CommonSetting * * @param BattleEndMotionResult * @text No motion switch after victory * @desc Specify the switch ID that does not perform the victory motion after the battle ends. * @type switch * @default 0 * @parent CommonSetting * * @param WindowSetting * @text Common window settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ResultWindowCenter * @type boolean * @default true * @text Center window * @desc Center the window. The X coordinate of the window is relative to the window display position. * @parent WindowSetting * * @param CloseActorStatusWindow * @type boolean * @default false * @text Hide actor window when displaying results * @desc Hides the actor status window when the result screen is displayed. * @parent WindowSetting * * @param NoTouchUIWindow * @type boolean * @default false * @text Window top alignment when Touch UI is OFF * @desc When touch UI is OFF, the window is stuffed to the top. * @parent WindowSetting * * @param ActorFace * @text Actro Face setting * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ActorFaceHeight * @desc Height of face. * @text Height of face * @type number * @default 144 * @min 0 * @parent ActorFace * * @param LevelUpActorFaceHeight * @desc The height of the face graph in the level up window. * @text Level up face graph height * @type number * @default 144 * @min 0 * @parent ActorFace * * @param ActorCharacter * @text Character chip setting * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ActorSv * @text Side view setting * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ButtonSetting * @text button setting * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ButtonPosition * @desc Specifies the display position of the button. * @text Button position * @type select * @option Left * @value "left" * @option Right * @value "right" * @default "right" * @parent ButtonSetting * * @param ResultButton_X * @desc X coordinate of the button. * @text Button X coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent ButtonSetting * * @param ResultButton_Y * @desc Y coordinate of the button. * @text Button Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent ButtonSetting * * @param HelpWindowSetting * @text Battle result display window settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param HelpWindowVisible * @text Battle result display * @desc Show battle results. * @type boolean * @default true * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultHelpWindowVisible * @text Window display * @desc Show the window. * @type boolean * @default true * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultHelpWidth * @desc Width of the battle results window. (0 for UI width) * @text Battle result window width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultHelpWindow_X * @desc X coordinate of the battle results window. * @text Battle result window X coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultHelpWindow_Y * @desc Y coordinate of the battle results window. * @text Battle result window Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultTextPosition * @desc Specifies the display position of the characters in the battle results. * @text Combat result letter position * @type select * @option Left * @value "left" * @option Center * @value "center" * @option Right * @value "right" * @default 'center' * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultName * @text Battle result name * @desc Sets the name of the battle result. * @type string * @default Result * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultHelpWindowsSkin * @desc Specifies the window skin for the battle results window (top). * @text Combat results window skin * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * @text Level up window settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param LevelUpHelpWindowVisible * @text Level up display * @desc Show level up. * @type boolean * @default true * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpHelpWindowVisible * @text window display * @desc Show the window. * @type boolean * @default true * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultHelpWidth * @desc width of the window. (0 for UI width) * @text Window width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultHelpWindow_X * @desc X coordinate of the window. * @text Window x coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultHelpWindow_Y * @desc Y coordinate of the window. * @text Window Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultTextPosition * @desc Specify the display position of the battle result characters on the level up screen. * @text Level up screen Battle result character position * @type select * @option Text code can be used (left aligned) * @value "TextEx" * @option Left * @value "left" * @option Center * @value "center" * @option Right * @value "right" * @default "TextEx" * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultHelpName * @desc Level up screen battle result text. %1: Actor name %2: Level (only when text code is allowed (left aligned)) * @text Level up screen battle result text * @type string * @default %1 has reached \c[16]level \c[17]%2\c[0]! * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultHelpWindowsSkin * @desc Specifies the window skin for the level-up screen window (top). * @text Skin for the level up screen window * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param GetWindowSetting * @text Acquisition window settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ResultWindowVisible * @text Window display * @desc Show the window. * @type boolean * @default true * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param ResultWindowPosition * @text Window display reference position * @desc Specifies the display reference position of the window. * @type select * @option Uunder help * @value 'help' * @option Under Button UI * @value 'button' * @option Standard on screen UI * @value 'top' * @default 'help' * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param ResultWidth * @desc width of the window. (0 for UI width) * @text Wwindow width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param ResultHeight * @desc Height of the window. (0 for UI height) * @text Window height * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param ResultWindow_X * @desc X coordinate of the window. * @text Window x coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param ResultWindow_Y * @desc Y coordinate of the window. * @text Window Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param GetWindowBackGroundImg * @desc Specifies the background image file name. * @text Background imag * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param GetWindowsSkin * @desc Specifies the window skin of the main window to get. * @text Get main window skin * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param GetActorExp * @text Experience gain settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param GetActorExpSetting * @text Basic Settings for Obtaining EXP Display * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpDataList * @desc The item to display the actor acquisition experience value. * @text Actor Acquired EXP Display Items * @type struct[] * @default ["{\"DateSelect\":\"2\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"8\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}","{\"DateSelect\":\"10\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"160\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"200\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"-4\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}","{\"DateSelect\":\"11\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"370\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"100\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"-4\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}","{\"DateSelect\":\"20\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"160\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"62\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}","{\"DateSelect\":\"12\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"160\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"48\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"100\",\"ParamName\":\"Gain EXP\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"-4\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}","{\"DateSelect\":\"30\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"24\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}"] * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpWindowVisible * @text Window display * @desc Show the window. * @type boolean * @default false * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ReserveMembers * @type boolean * @default false * @text Reserve member display * @desc Reserve member display. * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorCols * @desc number of visible columns for actors * @text Number of actor display columns * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param DefaultActorVisible * @desc Number of lines displayed for an actor when gaining experience. * @text Actor display lines * @type number * @default 4 * @min 0 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpWidth * @desc Width of experience earned by an actor. (0 for window width/2) * @text Width of experience gained by actors * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpHeight * @desc The vertical width of the experience earned by the actor. (0 for window height) * @text Actor acquisition experience value vertical width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpWindow_X * @desc The x-coordinate of the actor's experience gained. * @text Actor Acquisition X Coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpWindow_Y * @desc The y-coordinate of the actor's experience gained. * @text Actor acquisition experience value Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ResultActorLessThanSize * @type boolean * @default false * @text Number of actors vertical width automatic adjustment (less than) * @desc Automatically adjusts the actor display height when less than the default display number. * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ResultActorAutoSize * @type boolean * @default false * @text Number of actors vertical width automatic adjustment (larger) * @desc Automatically adjusts the actor display height when it is larger than the default display number. * @parent GetActorExp * * @param EXPResistWindowsSkin * @desc Specifies the window skin for the actor gain experience window. * @text Actor experience window skin * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent GetActorExp * * @param LevelUpSetting * @text Level up settings * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetActorExp * * @param LevelUpImg * @desc Level up image file. Coordinates are specified in “Actor Acquired EXP Display Items”. (When "Level up" is selected) * @text level up image * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * @parent LevelUpSetting * * @param LevelUpNameColor * @desc Level-up text color (system color or color code) (when level-up display is selected) * @text Level up text color * @type color * @default 17 * @parent LevelUpSetting * * @param LevelUpValueColor * @desc Level value color for level up (system color or color code) (when level display is selected) * @text Number color when leveling up * @type color * @default 17 * @parent LevelUpSetting * * @param EXPSetting * @text EXP display settings * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetActorExp * * @param EXPBoostValueColor * @desc Numerical color (system color or color code) when the acquired experience value is higher than normal. * @text Numerical color when boosting experience gained * @type color * @default 0 * @parent EXPSetting * * @param EXPResistValueColor * @desc Numerical color (system color or color code) when experience gained is less than normal. * @text Numeric color when resisting acquired experience value * @type color * @default 0 * @parent EXPSetting * * @param ContentsBackSetting * @text Content background setting * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetActorExp * * @param EXPResistContentsBackVisible * @type boolean * @default true * @text Content background display * @desc Show content background. * @parent ContentsBackSetting * * @param EXPResistContentsBackGroundImg * @desc Specifies the content background image file name. Effective when content background display is ON * @text Content background image * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * @parent ContentsBackSetting * * @param ExpSetting * @text EXP gauge setting * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetActorExp * * @param GaugeValueShow * @desc Displays the value of the EXP gauge. * @text EXP gauge numerical display * @type select * @option No displa * @value 0 * @option Current experience * @value 1 * @option Target EXP and Current Value * @value 2 * @option Percentage * @value 3 * @option EXP to next level * @value 4 * @option Level * @value 5 * @default 1 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param Gauge_Width * @desc EXP gauge width. * @text EXP gauge width * @type number * @default 300 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param Gauge_Height * @desc EXP gauge vertical width. * @text EXP gauge vertical width * @type number * @default 12 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeRefreshFrame * @desc EXP Gauge Update Frame * @text EXP gauge update frame * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param ExpLabelColor * @desc Label color.(system color or color code) * @text Label color * @type color * @default 16 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeColor1 * @desc Gauge color (left side) (system color or color code) * @text Gauge color (left side) * @type color * @default 17 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeColor2 * @desc Gauge color (right side) (system color or color code) * @text Gauge color (right side) * @type color * @default 6 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeValueFontSize * @desc Font size for gauge current value numbers. (difference from main font size) * @text Gauge current value numeric font size * @type number * @default -6 * @min -100 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeMaxValueFontSize * @desc The font size of the gauge maximum numeric value. (difference from main font size) * @text Font size for gauge maximum values * @type number * @default -6 * @min -100 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeValueY * @type number * @default 0 * @text Gauge acquisition experience value Y coordinate adjustment * @desc Adjust the Y coordinate of the gauge acquisition experience value. * @min -9999 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeMaxValueY * @type number * @default 0 * @text Gauge target experience value Y coordinate adjustment * @desc Y coordinate adjustment for gauge target experience. "EXP gauge numerical display" is "Target EXP and Current Value" * @min -9999 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param SeparationY * @type number * @default 0 * @text "/" Y coordinate adjustment * @desc Adjust the Y coordinate of /. "EXP gauge numerical display" is "Target EXP and Current Value" * @min -9999 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GetInfo * @text Gain information display settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param GainParam * @text Gain item settings * @desc Gain item settings. * @default ["{\"GainParamData\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"1\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"獲得金額\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\"}","{\"GainParamData\":\"2\",\"Y_Position\":\"2\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"Gain EXP\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\"}","{\"GainParamData\":\"1000\",\"Y_Position\":\"3\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\"}"] * @type struct[] * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoWindowVisible * @text Window display * @desc Show the window. * @type boolean * @default false * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoWidth * @desc Width of the item to be obtained. (0 for window width/2) * @text Gain item width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoHeight * @desc Vertical width of gain item. (0 for window height) * @text Gain item height * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoWindow_X * @desc X coordinate of the item to get. * @text Gain item X coordinate * @type number * @default 484 * @min -9999 * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoWindow_Y * @desc Y coordinate of the item to get. * @text Gain item Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoContentsHeight * @desc Item height of the retrieved item. * @text GAin Item Item Height * @type number * @default 36 * @min 0 * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoWindowsSkin * @desc Specifies the window skin for the available items window. * @text Gain window skin * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetItemWindow * @text Gain/Stolen Item Display Settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param GetItemParam * @text Display settings for items and stolen items * @desc Item, stolen item display settings. * @default ["{\"GetItemParamData\":\"1\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"1\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"入手アイテム\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"ItemCols\":\"1\",\"ItemRows\":\"0\"}"] * @type struct[] * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemWindowVisible * @text Window display * @desc Show the window. * @type boolean * @default false * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemWidth * @desc Width of items and stolen items. (0 for window width/2) * @text Item, stolen item width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemHeight * @desc Item, vertical width of the stolen item. (0 for window height) * @text Item, stolen item height * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemWindow_X * @desc Item, the X coordinate of the stolen item. * @text Item, stolen item X coordinate * @type number * @default 484 * @min -9999 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemWindow_Y * @desc Item, the Y coordinate of the stolen item. * @text Item, stolen item Y coordinate * @type number * @default 108 * @min -9999 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param DropItemContentsHeight * @desc Item, item height for stolen items. * @text Item, stolen item item height * @type number * @default 36 * @min 0 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param DropItemMaxCols * @desc Items, maximum number of columns for stolen items. * @text Item, stolen item maximum number of cols * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param DropItemRows * @desc Items, stolen items window display line (0 to bottom of window) * @text Item, stolen item Row * @type number * @default 0 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemWindowsSkin * @desc Specifies the window skin for the drop item window. * @text Drop item window skin * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItem * @text Gain item display setting * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param DropItemNumVisible * @type boolean * @default false * @text Drop item count display * @desc Displays the number of dropped items. Individual display with OFF * @parent GetItem * * @param DropItemNumx * @desc Number of dropped items left letter. * @text Character to the left of the quantity * @type string * @default x * @parent GetItem * * @param StealItemSetting * @text Stealable item settings (requires NUUN_StealableItems) * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param StealItemVisible * @type boolean * @default false * @text Show stolen items * @desc Show stolen items. * @parent StealItemSetting * * @param StealItemNumVisible * @type boolean * @default false * @text Display number of stolen items * @desc Displays the number of stolen items. Individual display with OFF * @parent StealItemSetting * * @param StealItemNumx * @desc Number of items stolen Left letter. * @text Character to the left of the quantity * @type string * @default x * @parent StealItemSetting * * @param LevelUpActor * @text Level up settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param LevelUpWindowShow * @type boolean * @default true * @text Level up screen display * @desc Show level up screen. Cut the level up screen with false. * @parent LevelUpActor * * @param PartyPageRefreshFrame * @desc Wait frame before page switch. * @text wait frame. * @type number * @default 0 * @parent LevelUpActor * * @param LevelUpWindowSetting * @text Level up main window settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ResultLevelUpWindowVisible * @text Window display * @desc Show the window. * @type boolean * @default true * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpWindowPosition * @text Window display reference position * @desc Specifies the display reference position of the window. * @type select * @option Under help * @value 'help' * @option Under Button UI * @value 'button' * @option Standard on screen UI * @value 'top' * @default 'help' * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpWidth * @desc Width of the window. (0 for UI width) * @text Window width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpHeight * @desc Height of the window. (0 for UI height) * @text Window height * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpWindow_X * @desc X coordinate of the window. * @text Window x coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpWindow_Y * @desc Y coordinate of the window. * @text Window Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpActorBackGroundImg * @desc Specifies the background image file name. * @text Background image * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpWindowsSkin * @desc Specifies the window skin for the level-up main window. * @text Level up main window skin * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpActorStatus * @text Level up display settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param LevelUpActorParam * @text Level up status display settings * @desc Level up status display setting. * @default ["{\"StatusParamDate\":\"21\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"1\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"DifferenceVisible\":\"true\"}","{\"StatusParamDate\":\"33\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"5\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"DifferenceVisible\":\"true\"}","{\"StatusParamDate\":\"2\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"6\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"DifferenceVisible\":\"true\"}","{\"StatusParamDate\":\"3\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"7\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"DifferenceVisible\":\"true\"}","{\"StatusParamDate\":\"4\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"8\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"DifferenceVisible\":\"true\"}","{\"StatusParamDate\":\"5\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"9\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"DifferenceVisible\":\"true\"}","{\"StatusParamDate\":\"6\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"10\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"DifferenceVisible\":\"true\"}","{\"StatusParamDate\":\"7\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"11\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"DifferenceVisible\":\"true\"}","{\"StatusParamDate\":\"30\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"1\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"160\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"DifferenceVisible\":\"true\"}"] * @type struct[] * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorWindowVisible * @text window display * @desc Show the window. * @type boolean * @default false * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorWidth * @desc Width of level up status. (0 for window width/2) * @text Level up status width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorHeight * @desc Vertical width of level up status. (0 for window height) * @text Level up status vertical width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorWindow_X * @desc X coordinate of level up status. * @text Level up status X coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorWindow_Y * @desc Y coordinate of level up status. * @text Level up status Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorCols * @desc Level up status display cols. * @text Level up status display column * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorContentsHeight * @desc Item height for level up status. * @text Level up status item height * @type number * @default 36 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param DifferenceStatusColor * @desc The color of the number when the status rises after leveling up (system color or color code) * @text Status number color after level up * @type color * @default 24 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param DifferenceLevelColor * @desc Number color after leveling up (system color or color code) * @text Level number color after level up * @type color * @default 17 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorStatusWindowsSkin * @desc Specifies the window skin for the level up status window. * @text Level up status window skin * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LearnSkillWindow * @text Learned skill settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param LearnSkillParam * @text Learned skill display settings * @desc Learned skill display settings. * @default ["{\"LearnSkillParamData\":\"1\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"1\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"習得スキル\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"ItemCols\":\"1\"}"] * @type struct[] * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillWindowVisible * @text Window display * @desc Show the window. * @type boolean * @default false * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillWidth * @desc Width of learned skill. (0 for window width/2) * @text Learned skill Width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillHeight * @desc The vertical width of the Learned skill. (0 for window height) * @text Learned skill Width * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillWindow_X * @desc X coordinate of learned skill. * @text Learned skill X coordinate * @type number * @default 404 * @min -9999 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillWindow_Y * @desc Y coordinate of learned skill. * @text Learned skill Y coordinate * @type number * @default 144 * @min -9999 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillCols * @desc Learned skill display column. * @text Learned skill display cols * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillRows * @desc Display line of learned skill window (0 to the bottom of the window) * @text Learned skill Rows * @type number * @default 0 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillContentsHeight * @desc The item height of the learned skill. * @text Learned skill item height * @type number * @default 36 * @min 0 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillWindowsSkin * @desc Specifies the window skin for the learned skill window. * @text Learned skill window skin * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param ActorImg * @text Actor image settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ButlerActors * @text Display actor settings * @desc Specifies the actor that displays the image. * @type struct[] * @default [] * @parent ActorImg * * @param ActorPictureData * @text Image settings for "NUUN_ActorPicture" * @desc Actor image setting in "NUUN_ActorPicture". * @default [] * @type struct[] * @parent ActorImg * * @param ActorPictureEXApp * @text "NUUN_ActorPicture" application * @desc Apply the image change of standing picture display EX. If OFF, the settings in this plug-in are applied. * @type boolean * @default true * @parent ActorImg * * @param ButlerActors_X * @desc X coordinate of the actor image. * @text Actor image X coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent ActorImg * * @param ButlerActors_Y * @desc Y coordinate of the actor image. * @text Actor image Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent ActorImg * * @param LevelUpActorArea * @desc The display range of the actor displayed when leveling up. * @text Actor display range * @type select * @option Within window display range * @value 'window' * @option In the UI display * @value 'ui' * @option In the screen * @value 'screen' * @default 'window' * @parent ActorImg * * @param ActorPosition * @text Standing picture display position * @desc Specify the display position of the standing picture. * @type select * @option Left * @value 'left' * @option Center * @value 'center' * @option Right * @value 'right' * @default 'right' * @parent ActorImg * * @param VictoryScene * @text Post-win performance * @default ------------------------------ * * @param VictorySceneImg * @desc Specify the image file name after winning. * @text Post-win image * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * @parent VictoryScene * * @param AfterVictoryEffect * @text Post-win performance * @desc Set the production from after victory to the display of the result screen. * @type struct[] * @default [] * @parent VictoryScene * * @param AfterVictoryEffectSwitch * @desc Flag switch ID to enable image effect * @text Image effect enable switch * @type switch * @default 0 * @parent VictoryScene * * @param SESetting * @text Level up SE settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param LevelUpSe * @text SE when leveling up * @desc Specifies the SE when leveling up. * @type file * @dir audio/se * @parent SESetting * * @param volume * @text SE volume * @desc Set the volume to SE. * @default 90 * @parent SESetting * @min 0 * * @param pitch * @text SE pitch * @desc Sets the pitch to SE. * @default 100 * @parent SESetting * * @param pan * @text Phase of SE * @desc Set the phase to SE. * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * @parent SESetting * * @param BGMSetting * @text Battle victory BGM setting * @default ------------------------------ * * @param VictoryBGM * @text Battle Victory BGM * @desc Specify the battle victory BGM. * @type file * @dir audio/bgm * @parent BGMSetting * * @param VictoryVolume * @text BGM volume * @desc Set the BGM volume. * @default 90 * @parent BGMSetting * @min 0 * * @param VictoryPitch * @text BGM pitch * @desc Set the pitch of BGM. * @default 100 * @parent BGMSetting * * @param VictoryPan * @text BGM phase * @desc Set the phase of BGM. * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * @parent BGMSetting * * @param MESetting * @text Battle victory ME setting * @default ------------------------------ * * @param BgmPlayMeRate * @text ME BGM playback position (% 0-100) * @desc Position of ME to play BGM when playing ME (% 0-100) * @default 100 * @max 100 * @min 0 * @parent MESetting * * @param ExternalPluginSetting * @text External plugin settings * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ShowSupportActor * @text Show supporting actors * @desc View supporting actors. (requires NUUN_SupportActor) * @type boolean * @default true * @parent ExternalPluginSetting * * * @command LevelUP_SESelect * @desc Changes the SE when leveling up. * @text Changes to Level Up SE * * @arg LevelUP_SE * @text Level up SE * @desc Specifies a level-up SE. ME is initialized by not specifying anything. * @type file * @dir audio/se * * @arg Volume * @text SE volume * @desc Set the volume to SE. * @default 90 * * @arg Pitch * @text SE pitch * @desc Sets the pitch to SE. * @default 100 * * @arg Pan * @text Phase of SE * @desc Set the phase to SE. * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * * @command VictoryBGM * @desc Change the permission to play victory BGM. * @text Permission to play Victory BGM * * @arg VictoryBGMEnable * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Permission to play victory BGM. * @text Permission to play victory BGM * * * @command VictoryBGMSelect * @desc Change victory BGM. * @text Victory BGM change * * @arg _BGM * @text Victory BGM * @desc Change victory BGM. BGM is initialized by not specifying anything. * @type file * @dir audio/bgm * * @arg Volume * @text BGM volume * @desc Set the BGM volume. * @default 90 * * @arg Pitch * @text BGM pitch * @desc Set the pitch of BGM. * @default 100 * * @arg Pan * @text BGM phase * @desc Set the phase of BGM. * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * * @arg NoVictoryME * @type boolean * @default false * @text No win ME playback * @desc Won't play Win ME. * * @command VictoryMEBgmPlayMeRate * @desc Change the position of ME to play BGM when playing ME. * @text ME BGM playback position change * * @arg BgmPlayMeRate * @text @text ME BGM playback position (% 0-100) * @desc Position of ME to play BGM when playing ME (% 0-100) -1 disables this setting * @default 100 * @max 100 * @min -1 * * @command LevelUpPage * @desc Change the permission to display the level up screen. * @text Permission to display level up screen * * @arg LevelUpPageEnable * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Permission to display level up screen. (After execution, the level up screen display setting will be disabled) * @text Permission to display level up screen * * @command ChangeActorImg * @desc Change the actor image on the level up screen. * @text Change the actor image on the level up screen * * @arg actorId * @type actor * @default 0 * @desc Specifies an actor. * @text Actor id * * @arg ChangeActorImgId * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @desc Specify the ID of the pose picture to change. * @text Standing picture id * * */ /*~struct~ActorExpList: * * @param DateSelect * @text Status to display * @desc Specifies the status to display. * @type select * @option None * @value 0 * @option Character chip(1)(2) * @value 1 * @option Actor face(1)(2) * @value 2 * @option SV Actor(1)(2) * @value 3 * @option Actor image(1)(2) * @value 4 * @option Actor name(1)(2)(3)(8) * @value 10 * @option Level(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8) * @value 11 * @option Gein Exp(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8) * @value 12 * @option Exp gauge(1)(2)(3) * @value 20 * @option Original parameter(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) * @value 21 * @option Level up(1)(2)(5)(8) * @value 30 * @option Exp value circular gauge (for NUUN_CircularGauge)(1)(2) * @value 50 * @option Line(1)(2)(3)(6) * @value 1000 * @default 0 * * @param X_Coordinate * @text X coordinate (relative)(1) * @desc X coordinate (relative coordinate) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param Y_Coordinate * @text Y coordinate (relative)(2) * @desc Y coordinate (relative coordinate) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param ItemWidth * @desc Item width (default width at 0) * @text Item width(3) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param SystemItemWidth * @desc System Item Width (0 is the default width) * @text System Item Width(4) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param ParamName * @desc Sets the name of the item. * @text Name(5) * @type string * @default * * @param SystemNameColor * @desc System Text Color. You can enter the color code in the text tab. * @text System Text Color(6) * @type color * @default 16 * @min 0 * * @param DetaEval * @desc Enter Eval or string. * @text Eval or Strong(7) * @type combo * @default * * @param FontSize * @desc Font size (difference from main font) * @text font size(8) * @type number * @default 0 * @min -99 * * @param textMethod * @desc Tag name * @text Tag(9) * @type string * @default * */ /*~struct~GainParamList: * * @param GainParamData * @text Display item * @desc Specify the display item. * @type select * @option None * @value 0 * @option Gain gold(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(9) * @value 1 * @option Gain exp(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(9) * @value 2 * @option Original parameter(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) * @value 10 * @option Line * @value 1000 * @default 0 * * @param Y_Position * @desc Y display line position * @text Y display line position(1) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 99 * * @param X_Coordinate * @text X coordinate (relative)(2) * @desc X coordinate (relative coordinate) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param Y_Coordinate * @text Y coordinate (relative)(3) * @desc Y coordinate (relative coordinate) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param ItemWidth * @desc Item Width(0 for default width) * @text Item Width(4) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param SystemItemWidth * @desc System Item Width(0 for default width) * @text System Item Width(5) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param ParamName * @desc Sets the name of the item. * @text Name(6) * @type string * @default * * @param SystemNameColor * @desc System Text Color. You can enter the color code in the text tab. * @text System Text Color(7) * @type color * @default 16 * @min 0 * * @param DetaEval * @desc Enter Eval or string. * @text Eval or String(9) * @type combo * @option 'BattleManager._rewards.sp;//Skill tree Get Sp' * @default * * @param FontSize * @desc Font size (difference from main font) * @text Font size(9) * @type number * @default 0 * @min -99 * */ /*~struct~GetItemParamList: * * @param GetItemParamData * @text Display item * @desc Specify the display item. * @type select * @option None * @value 0 * @option Gain item(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) * @value 1 * @option Stolen items(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) * @value 2 * @option Gain item name(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) * @value 10 * @option Stolen item name(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) * @value 11 * @option Line(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(8) * @value 1000 * @default 0 * * @param X_Position * @desc X Display Column Position * @text X Display Column Position(1) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 2 * * @param Y_Position * @desc Y display line position * @text Y display line position(2) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 99 * * @param X_Coordinate * @text X coordinate (relative)(3) * @desc X coordinate (relative coordinate) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param Y_Coordinate * @text Y coordinate (relative)(4) * @desc Y coordinate (relative coordinate) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param ParamName * @desc Sets the name of the item. If blank, the name will not be displayed. * @text Name(5) * @type string * @default * * @param SystemNameColor * @desc System Text Color. You can enter the color code in the text tab. * @text System Text Color(6) * @type color * @default 16 * @min 0 * * @param FontSize * @desc Font size (difference from main font) * @text Font size(7) * @type number * @default 0 * @min -99 * * @param ItemCols * @desc Cols * @text Cols(8) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * * @param ItemRows * @desc Rows * @text Rows(9) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * */ /*~struct~LevelUpActorParamList: * * @param StatusParamDate * @text Display item * @desc Specify the display item. * @type select * @option HP(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 0 * @option MP(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 1 * @option Atk(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 2 * @option Def(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 3 * @option Mat(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 4 * @option Mdf(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 5 * @option Agi(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 6 * @option Luk(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 7 * @option HP(No equip correction)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 10 * @option MP(No equip correctionし)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 11 * @option Atk(No equip correction)(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 12 * @option Def(No equip correction)(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 13 * @option Mat(No equip correction)(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 14 * @option Mdf(No equip correction)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 15 * @option Agi(No equip correction)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 16 * @option Luk(No equip correction)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 17 * @option Character chip(1)(2)(3)(4) * @value 20 * @option Actor face(1)(2)(3)(4) * @value 21 * @option SV Actor(1)(2)(3)(4) * @value 22 * @option Actor name(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(10) * @value 30 * @option Class(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(10) * @value 31 * @option Nickname(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(10) * @value 32 * @option Level(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 33 * @option Original parameter(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) * @value 40 * @option Line(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(8) * @value 1000 * @default 0 * * @param X_Position * @desc X Display Column Position * @text X Display Column Position(1) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 2 * * @param Y_Position * @desc Y display line position * @text Y display line position(2) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 99 * * @param X_Coordinate * @text X coordinate (relative)(3) * @desc X coordinate (relative coordinate) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param Y_Coordinate * @text Y coordinate (relative)(4) * @desc Y coordinate (relative coordinate) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param ItemWidth * @desc Item width (default width at 0) * @text Item width(5) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param SystemItemWidth * @desc System Item Width(0 for default width) * @text System Item Width(6) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param ParamName * @desc Sets the name of the item. If blank, the name will not be displayed. * @text Name(7) * @type string * @default * * @param SystemNameColor * @desc System Text Color. You can enter the color code in the text tab. * @text System Text Color(8) * @type color * @default 16 * @min 0 * * @param DetaEval * @desc Enter Eval or string. * @text Eval or String(9) * @type combo * @option '$skillTreeData.sp(a.actorId());//Skill tree Get Sp' * @default * * @param FontSize * @desc Font size (difference from main font) * @text Font size(10) * @type number * @default 0 * @min -99 * * @param DifferenceVisible * @type boolean * @default true * @text Difference display(11) * @desc Show the diff. * */ /*~struct~LearnSkillParamList: * * @param LearnSkillParamData * @text Display item * @desc Specify the display item. * @type select * @option None * @value 0 * @option Learned skills(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) * @value 1 * @option Learned skill name(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) * @value 10 * @option Line(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(8) * @value 1000 * @default 0 * * @param X_Position * @desc X Display Column Position * @text X Display Column Position(1) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 2 * * @param Y_Position * @desc Y display line position * @text Y display line position(2) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 99 * * @param X_Coordinate * @text X coordinate (relative)(3) * @desc X coordinate (relative coordinate) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param Y_Coordinate * @text Y coordinate (relative)(4) * @desc Y coordinate (relative coordinate) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param ParamName * @desc Sets the name of the item. If blank, the name will not be displayed. * @text Name(5) * @type string * @default * * @param SystemNameColor * @desc System Text Color. You can enter the color code in the text tab. * @text System Text Color(6) * @type color * @default 16 * @min 0 * * @param FontSize * @desc Font size (difference from main font) * @text Font size(7) * @type number * @default 0 * @min -99 * * @param ItemCols * @desc Cols * @text Cols(8) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * * @param ItemRows * @desc Rows * @text Rows(9) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * */ /*~struct~ActorButlerList: * * @param actorId * @text Actor * @desc Specifies an actor. * @type actor * * @param ActorImg * @text Actor image * @desc Display the image of the actor. * @type file[] * @dir img/ * @default ["{\"actorId\":\"0\",\"ActorImg\":\"[\\\"pictures\\\"]\",\"Actor_X\":\"0\",\"Actor_Y\":\"0\",\"Actor_Scale\":\"100\"}"] * * @param Actor_X * @desc The display position X coordinate of the image. * @text Image display position X coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * * @param Actor_Y * @desc The display position Y coordinate of the image. * @text Image display position Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * * @param Actor_Scale * @desc Image scale. * @text Image scale * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * @max 999 * * @param LevelUpActorBackGroundImg * @desc Specify the background image file name for each actor when leveling up. * @text Background image * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * * @param EXPActorSetting * @text Setting the actor image displayed in the EXP actor window * @default ------------------------------ * * @param EXPActor_X * @desc The display start coordinate X of the image. * @text Image display position X coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param EXPActor_Y * @desc The display start coordinate Y of the image. * @text Image display position Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param EXPActor_Scale * @desc Image scale. * @text Image scal * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * @max 999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param MVPActorSetting * @text MVP actor setting (required “NUUN_ResultMVPActor”) * @default ------------------------------ * * @param MVPActorVictoryMe * @text Victory ME * @desc Specifies the ME at the time of victory. * @type struct * @dir audio/me * @parent MVPActorSetting * * @param MVPActorVictoryBGM * @text Victory BGM * @desc Specify the BGM at the time of victory. * @type struct * @dir audio/me * @parent MVPActorSetting * */ /*~struct~ActorPictureDataList: * * @param actorId * @text Actor * @desc Specifies an actor. * @type actor * * @param Actor_X * @desc The display position X coordinate of the image. * @text Image display position X coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * * @param Actor_Y * @desc The display position Y coordinate of the image. * @text Image display position Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * * @param Actor_Scale * @desc Image scale. * @text Image scale * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * @max 999 * * @param LevelUpActorBackGroundImg * @desc Specify the background image file name for each actor when leveling up. * @text Background image * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * * @param EXPActorSetting * @text Setting the actor image displayed in the EXP actor window * @default ------------------------------ * * @param EXPActor_X * @desc The display start coordinate X of the image. * @text Image display position X coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param EXPActor_Y * @desc The display start coordinate Y of the image. * @text Image display position Y coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param EXPActor_Scale * @desc Image scale. * @text Image scal * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * @max 999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param MVPActorSetting * @text MVP actor setting (required “NUUN_ResultMVPActor”) * @default ------------------------------ * * @param MVPActorVictoryMe * @text Victory ME * @desc Specifies the ME at the time of victory. * @type struct * @dir audio/me * @parent MVPActorSetting * * @param MVPActorVictoryBGM * @text Victory BGM * @desc Specify the BGM at the time of victory. * @type struct * @dir audio/me * @parent MVPActorSetting * * */ /*~struct~VictoryMe: * * @param name * @text ME file * @desc Specify ME. * @type file * @dir audio/me * * @param volume * @text ME volume * @desc Set the ME volume. * @default 90 * @min 0 * * @param pitch * @text ME Pitch * @desc Sets the pitch of ME. * @default 100 * * @param pan * @text ME pan * @desc Set the pan to ME. * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * * @param BgmPlayMeRate * @text ME BGM playback position (% 0-100) * @desc Position of ME to play BGM when playing ME (% 0-100) -1 disables this setting * @default -1 * @max 100 * @min -1 * */ /*~struct~VictoryBgm: * * @param name * @text BGM file * @desc Specify BGM. * @type file * @dir audio/bgm * * @param volume * @text BGM volume * @desc Set the BGM volume. * @default 90 * @min 0 * * @param pitch * @text BGM Pitch * @desc Set the pitch of BGM. * @default 100 * * @param pan * @text BGM pan * @desc Set the pan of BGM. * @max 100 * @min -100 * @default 0 * */ /*~struct~VictoryEffect: * * @param Fream * @desc Number of frames. * @text Number of frames * @type number * @default 0 * * @param PositionX * @desc Move coordinates to move sideways. Move relative to the current position. * @text lateral movement coordinates * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * * @param PositionY * @desc Movement coordinates to move vertically. Move relative to the current position. * @text longitudinal coordinate * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * * @param ScaleX * @desc Horizontal magnification. Enlarges (reduces) from the current enlargement ratio to the specified enlargement ratio. * @text Horizontal magnification * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * * @param ScaleY * @desc vertical magnification. Enlarges (reduces) from the current enlargement ratio to the specified enlargement ratio. * @text Vertical magnification * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * * @param Opacity * @desc Opacity. Changes from the current opacity to the specified opacity. * @text Opacity * @type number * @max 255 * @min 0 * @default 255 * * */ /*:ja * @target MZ * @plugindesc リザルト * @author NUUN * @base NUUN_Base * @orderAfter NUUN_Base * @orderAfter BattleVoiceMZ * @version 2.4.4 * * @help * 戦闘終了時にリザルト画面を表示します。 * デフォルトのリザルトはメッセージウィンドウで表示されますが、入手EXP、獲得金額、ドロップアイテムを1画面にし、レベルアップしたアクターがいない場合は決定キー(ボタン)を * 1回押しただけでリザルトが終了します。 * * 主な機能 * ブロックごとに分かれており、アクター経験値、入手インフォ、ドロップアイテム、レベルアップアクターステータス、習得スキルごとに表示する座標を指定できます。 * アクター経験値、入手インフォ、ドロップアイテム、レベルアップアクターステータス、習得スキルは項目ごとに座標、フォントサイズ等の変更ができます。 * 戦闘終了後、勝利MEが流れた後に任意のBGMを再生できます。 * * 勝利後エフェクト * 画像は画像中心を起点に画面中央に表示されます。 * 拡大率、不透明度は元の値(拡大率は100、不透明度は255)から指定します。現在の値から相対で指定の値まで変化します。 * 移動座標は現在の位置からの相対で移動します。 * * 仕様 * アクター経験値、レベルアップアクターステータスにサイドビューアクターを表示される場合、全ての項目よりも手前に表示されます。 * * 各項目の評価式のパラメータ * a:アクターのゲームデータ * d:アクターのデータベースデータ * * 操作 * ←→キー:入手アイテム、習得スキルのページ切り替え * 右クリック:ページ切り替え * ※ページ戻し機能は実装しておりません。 * * プラグインコマンド * 「レベルアップ画面表示許可」 * レベルアップ画面の表示の許可を設定できます。(注:このプラグインコマンドを実行後レベルアップ画面表示の設定が無効化されます) * 「勝利BGMの再生許可」 * 勝利BGMの再生の許可を設定できます。 * 「勝利BGMの変更」 * 勝利BGMを変更することが出来ます。BGMに何も指定しないことでプラグインコマンドで指定したBGMは再生されなくなります。 * 「レベルアップSEの変更」 * レベルアップSEを変更することが出来ます。BGMに何も指定しないことでプラグインコマンドで指定したBGMは再生されなくなります。 * 「レベルアップ画面アクター画像変更」 * 立ち絵の画像を変更します。立ち絵顔グラ表示EXでの設定を有効にしている場合は適用されません。 * * アイテムのメモ欄 * アイテム入手のドロップリストに表示しません。 * * 利用規約 * このプラグインはMITライセンスで配布しています。 * * 更新履歴 * 2024/9/9 Ver.2.4.4 * NUUN_ActorPictureでの立ち絵表示で画像が表示されない問題を修正。 * 2024/8/11 Ver.2.4.3 * 勝利後リザルト画面遅延フレーム数を2フレーム以上に設定したときに、戦闘終了時にフリーズする問題を修正。 * 2024/7/20 Ver.2.4.2 * リザルトを再処理しないように修正。 * 2024/6/16 Ver.2.4.1 * 入手アイテム及び盗めたアイテムで別の同じIDの個数の表示が加算される問題を修正。 * 2024/5/26 Ver.2.4.0 * 経験値ゲージを円形ゲージにする機能を追加。 * 経験値ゲージの表示にレベルを表示する機能を追加。 * 経験値ゲージのラベルの色を指定できる機能を追加。 * 経験値ゲージの小数点数の表示が正常に行われていなかった問題を修正。 * 2024/3/31 Ver.2.3.11 * サイドビュー表示に関する処理の修正。 * 2023/11/4 Ver.2.3.10 * ドロップリストに武器、防具が表示されない問題を修正。 * 2023/7/21 Ver.2.3.9 * ドロップアイテムリストに表示させないアイテムを設定できる機能を追加。 * 隠しアイテムを表示しないように修正。 * 2023/6/18 Ver.2.3.8 * 入手画面のアクター表示のラインが機能していなかった問題を修正。 * 2023/5/6 Ver.2.3.7 * サイドビューアクター、キャラチップの表示位置を修正。 * 2023/4/23 Ver.2.3.6 * スキルツリープラグインとの競合対策。 * 最大レベル時の獲得した経験値を0で表示するように修正。 * 2023/4/16 Ver.2.3.5 * 勝利BGMを設定してないと戦闘終了時にエラーが出る問題を修正。 * 2023/3/10 Ver.2.3.4 * システムカラー0番が指定できない問題を修正。 * 2023/2/23 Ver.2.3.3 * レベルアップ画面のスキップが機能していなかった問題を修正。 * 2023/1/28 Ver.2.3.2 * 勝利後リザルト画面遅延フレーム数がMEの再生フレーム以下の設定だとMEのBGM再生位置の設定が適用されない問題を修正。 * 2023/1/28 Ver.2.3.1 * 勝利MEの途中でBGMを再生させる機能を追加。 * 2023/1/9 Ver.2.3.0 * 勝利後にリザルトを表示させないスイッチを指定できる機能を追加。 * 勝利後のモーションをしないスイッチを指定できる機能を追加。 * 2022/12/6 Ver.2.2.13 * カラー指定のプラグインパラメータのTypeをcolorに変更。(コアスクリプトVer.1.6.0以降) * 2022/12/4 Ver.2.2.12 * 日本語以外での表示を英語表示に変更。 * 2022/11/1 Ver.2.2.11 * レベルアップ時に表示される文字を画像で表示する機能を追加。 * 2022/10/23 Ver.2.2.10 * HPゲージ等が動かなくなる問題を修正。 * 2022/10/23 Ver.2.2.9 * 旧レベルのステータスが正常に取得されなかった問題を修正。 * 2022/10/22 Ver.2.2.8 * 獲得経験値表示を残り経験値で表示できるモードを追加。 * 2022/10/22 Ver.2.2.7 * 座標計算の修正。 * 2022/10/21 Ver.2.2.6 * 一部の項目が表示されなくなる問題を修正。 * 2022/10/20 Ver.2.2.5 * 勝利後エフェクトの画像が消えない問題を修正。 * レベルアップアクターステータスウィンドウでオリジナルパラメータを選択するとエラーが出る問題を修正。 * 勝利後リザルト画面遅延フレーム数を設定すると戦闘終了後動作が止まる問題を修正。 * スペルミス修正。 * 2022/10/19 Ver.2.2.4 * ゲージの表示が固定された状態になる問題を修正。 * 2022/10/14 Ver.2.2.3 * 2回目の戦闘以降で勝利後エフェクトが表示されなくなる問題を修正。 * 2022/10/13 Ver.2.2.2 * 戦闘開始後にエラーが出る問題を修正。 * 勝利後画像を指定せずにエフェクトリストを設定すると戦闘勝利後に動作しなくなる問題を修正。 * 2022/10/11 Ver.2.2.1 * 勝利時の画像表示を有効にするスイッチを指定できる機能を追加。 * 2022/10/10 Ver.2.2.0 * 勝利後に勝利時の画像を表示する機能を追加。 * 2022/9/18 Ver.2.1.0 * 獲得経験値ウィンドウに立ち絵を指定できる機能を追加。 * レベルアップ後再戦闘時にレベルアップしていないアクターにレベルアップが表示されてしまう問題を修正。 * 2022/9/17 Ver.2.0.6 * EXPゲージの色を指定できる機能を追加。 * 入手ウィンドウ設定のウィンドウ表示をOFFにすると背景画像が表示されなくなる問題を修正。 * 2022/9/11 Ver.2.0.5 * MVPアクターのBattleVoiceMZ対応に対する定義修正。 * 2022/9/11 Ver.2.0.4 * 戦闘開始時にエラーが出る問題を修正。 * 端数処理四捨五入が機能しない問題を修正。 * 2022/9/11 Ver.2.0.3 * MVPアクアー対応への定義修正。 * 2022/9/10 Ver.2.0.2 * 経験値ブーストの色が黒い色で表示されてしまう問題を修正。 * 2022/9/10 Ver.2.0.1 * 戦闘終了時にエラーが出る問題を修正。 * レベルアップアクターステータスウィンドウの項目の初期設定にアクター名を追加。 * サポートアクターが表示されない問題を修正。 * 2022/9/9 Ver.2.0.0 * 全面改修。 * * @param CommonSetting * @text 共通設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ResultVisibleFrame * @desc 勝利後リザルト画面が表示されるまでのフレーム数 * @text 勝利後リザルト画面遅延フレーム数 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent CommonSetting * * @param ResultFadein * @type boolean * @default false * @text フェードイン表示 * @desc リザルト画面をフェードインで表示する。 * @parent CommonSetting * * @param Decimal * @text 小数点桁数 * @desc 表示出来る小数点桁数。(経験値百分率等) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent CommonSetting * * @param DecimalMode * @text 端数処理四捨五入 * @desc 表示外小数点を四捨五入で丸める。(falseで切り捨て)(経験値百分率等) * @type boolean * @default true * @parent CommonSetting * * @param BackUiWidth * @text 背景画像ウィンドウサイズ * @desc 背景画像をウィンドウサイズに合わせる。 * @type boolean * @default true * @parent CommonSetting * * @param BackFitWidth * @text 背景画像拡大 * @desc 背景画像をウィンドウサイズまたは画面に合わせ拡大します。 * @type boolean * @default false * @parent CommonSetting * * @param BattleEndHideResult * @text リザルトスキップスイッチ * @desc リザルトを表示しないスイッチIDを指定します。ONでリザルトをスキップします。 * @type switch * @default 0 * @parent CommonSetting * * @param BattleEndMotionResult * @text 勝利後モーションなしスイッチ * @desc 戦闘終了後に勝利モーションを行わないスイッチIDを指定します。ONで勝利時のモーションを行いません。 * @type switch * @default 0 * @parent CommonSetting * * @param WindowSetting * @text 共通ウィンドウ設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ResultWindowCenter * @type boolean * @default true * @text ウィンドウを中央表示 * @desc ウィンドウを中央に表示します。ウィンドウのX座標はウィンドウ表示位置からの相対座標になります。 * @parent WindowSetting * * @param CloseActorStatusWindow * @type boolean * @default false * @text リザルト表示時アクターウィンドウ非表示 * @desc リザルト画面表示時にアクターステータスウィンドウを非表示にします。 * @parent WindowSetting * * @param NoTouchUIWindow * @type boolean * @default false * @text タッチUI OFF時ウィンドウ上詰め * @desc タッチUIがOFFの時ウィンドウを上に詰めます。 * @parent WindowSetting * * @param ActorFace * @text 顔グラ設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ActorFaceHeight * @desc 顔グラの高さ * @text 顔グラ高さ * @type number * @default 144 * @min 0 * @parent ActorFace * * @param LevelUpActorFaceHeight * @desc レベルアップウィンドウの顔グラの高さ * @text レベルアップ顔グラ高さ * @type number * @default 144 * @min 0 * @parent ActorFace * * @param ActorCharacter * @text キャラチップ設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ActorSv * @text サイドビュー設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ButtonSetting * @text ボタン設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ButtonPosition * @desc ボタンの表示位置を指定します。 * @text ボタン位置 * @type select * @option 左 * @value "left" * @option 右 * @value "right" * @default "right" * @parent ButtonSetting * * @param ResultButton_X * @desc ボタンのX座標。 * @text ボタンX座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent ButtonSetting * * @param ResultButton_Y * @desc ボタンのY座標。 * @text ボタンY座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent ButtonSetting * * @param HelpWindowSetting * @text 戦闘結果表示ウィンドウ設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param HelpWindowVisible * @text 戦闘結果表示 * @desc 戦闘結果を表示します。 * @type boolean * @default true * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultHelpWindowVisible * @text ウィンドウ表示 * @desc ウィンドウを表示します。 * @type boolean * @default true * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultHelpWidth * @desc 戦闘結果ウィンドウの横幅。(0でUI横幅) * @text 戦闘結果ウィンドウ横幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultHelpWindow_X * @desc 戦闘結果ウィンドウのX座標。 * @text 戦闘結果ウィンドウX座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultHelpWindow_Y * @desc 戦闘結果ウィンドウのY座標。 * @text 戦闘結果ウィンドウY座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultTextPosition * @desc 戦闘結果の文字の表示位置を指定します。 * @text 戦闘結果文字の位置 * @type select * @option 左 * @value "left" * @option 中央 * @value "center" * @option 右 * @value "right" * @default 'center' * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultName * @text 戦闘結果の名称 * @desc 戦闘結果の名称を設定します。 * @type string * @default 戦闘結果 * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultHelpWindowsSkin * @desc 戦闘結果ウィンドウ(上部)のウィンドウスキンを指定します。 * @text 戦闘結果ウィンドウのスキン * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent HelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * @textレベルアップウィンドウ設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param LevelUpHelpWindowVisible * @text レベルアップ表示 * @desc レベルアップを表示します。 * @type boolean * @default true * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpHelpWindowVisible * @text ウィンドウ表示 * @desc ウィンドウを表示します。 * @type boolean * @default true * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultHelpWidth * @desc ウィンドウの横幅。(0でUI横幅) * @text ウィンドウ横幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultHelpWindow_X * @desc ウィンドウのX座標。 * @text ウィンドウX座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultHelpWindow_Y * @desc ウィンドウのY座標。 * @text ウィンドウY座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultTextPosition * @desc レベルアップ画面の戦闘結果の文字の表示位置を指定します。 * @text レベルアップ画面戦闘結果文字の位置 * @type select * @option 制御文字使用可(左揃え) * @value "TextEx" * @option 左 * @value "left" * @option 中央 * @value "center" * @option 右 * @value "right" * @default "TextEx" * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultHelpName * @desc レベルアップ画面表示時の戦闘結果のテキストを設定します。%1:アクター名 %2:レベル(制御文字使用可(左揃え)時のみ) * @text レベルアップ画面表示時戦闘結果テキスト * @type string * @default %1は\c[16]レベル\c[17]%2\c[0]に上がった! * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpResultHelpWindowsSkin * @desc レベルアップ画面ウィンドウ(上部)のウィンドウスキンを指定します。 * @text レベルアップ画面ウィンドウのスキン * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent LevelUpHelpWindowSetting * * @param GetWindowSetting * @text 入手ウィンドウ設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ResultWindowVisible * @text ウィンドウ表示 * @desc ウィンドウを表示します。 * @type boolean * @default true * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param ResultWindowPosition * @text ウィンドウ表示基準位置 * @desc ウィンドウの表示基準位置を指定します。 * @type select * @option ヘルプの下 * @value 'help' * @option ボタンUIの下 * @value 'button' * @option 画面UI上基準 * @value 'top' * @default 'help' * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param ResultWidth * @desc ウィンドウの横幅。(0でUI横幅) * @text ウィンドウ横幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param ResultHeight * @desc ウィンドウの縦幅。(0でUI縦幅) * @text ウィンドウ縦幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param ResultWindow_X * @desc ウィンドウのX座標。 * @text ウィンドウX座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param ResultWindow_Y * @desc ウィンドウのY座標。 * @text ウィンドウY座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param GetWindowBackGroundImg * @desc 背景画像ファイル名を指定します。 * @text 背景画像 * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param GetWindowsSkin * @desc 入手メインウィンドウのウィンドウスキンを指定します。 * @text 入手メインウィンドウのスキン * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent GetWindowSetting * * @param GetActorExp * @text 経験値入手設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param GetActorExpSetting * @text 経験値入手表示基本設定 * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpDataList * @desc アクター獲得経験値の表示する項目。 * @text アクター獲得経験値表示項目 * @type struct[] * @default ["{\"DateSelect\":\"2\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"8\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}","{\"DateSelect\":\"10\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"160\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"200\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"-4\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}","{\"DateSelect\":\"11\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"370\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"100\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"-4\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}","{\"DateSelect\":\"20\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"160\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"62\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}","{\"DateSelect\":\"12\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"160\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"48\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"100\",\"ParamName\":\"獲得経験値\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"-4\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}","{\"DateSelect\":\"30\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"24\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"textMethod\":\"\"}"] * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpWindowVisible * @text ウィンドウ表示 * @desc ウィンドウを表示します。 * @type boolean * @default false * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ReserveMembers * @type boolean * @default false * @text 控えメンバー表示 * @desc 控えメンバー表示。 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorCols * @desc アクターの表示列数 * @text アクター表示列数 * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param DefaultActorVisible * @desc 経験値獲得時アクターの表示行数 * @text アクター表示行数 * @type number * @default 4 * @min 0 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpWidth * @desc アクター獲得経験値の横幅。(0でウィンドウ横幅/2) * @text アクター獲得経験値横幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpHeight * @desc アクター獲得経験値の縦幅。(0でウィンドウ縦幅) * @text アクター獲得経験値縦幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpWindow_X * @desc アクター獲得経験値のX座標。 * @text アクター獲得経験値X座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ActorExpWindow_Y * @desc アクター獲得経験値のY座標。 * @text アクター獲得経験値Y座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ResultActorLessThanSize * @type boolean * @default false * @text アクター数縦幅自動調整(未満) * @desc デフォルト表示数未満時にアクター表示縦幅を自動調整します。 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param ResultActorAutoSize * @type boolean * @default false * @text アクター数縦幅自動調整(より大きい) * @desc デフォルト表示数より大きいの時にアクター表示縦幅を自動調整します。 * @parent GetActorExp * * @param EXPResistWindowsSkin * @desc アクター獲得経験値ウィンドウのウィンドウスキンを指定します。 * @text アクター獲得経験値ウィンドウのスキン * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent GetActorExp * * @param LevelUpSetting * @text レベルアップ設定 * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetActorExp * * @param LevelUpImg * @desc レベルアップ文字の画像ファイル名を指定します。座標はアクター獲得経験値表示項目で指定します。(レベルアップ表示選択時) * @text レベルアップ画像 * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * @parent LevelUpSetting * * @param LevelUpNameColor * @desc レベルアップの文字色(システムカラーまたはカラーコード)画像設定時場合は適用されません。(レベルアップ表示選択時) * @text レベルアップ文字色 * @type color * @default 17 * @parent LevelUpSetting * * @param LevelUpValueColor * @desc レベルアップした時のレベルの数値の色(システムカラーまたはカラーコード)(レベル表示選択時) * @text レベルアップ時の数値色 * @type color * @default 17 * @parent LevelUpSetting * * @param EXPSetting * @text 経験値表示設定 * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetActorExp * * @param EXPBoostValueColor * @desc 獲得経験値が通常より多い時の数値の色(システムカラーまたはカラーコード) * @text 獲得経験値ブースト時数値色 * @type color * @default 0 * @parent EXPSetting * * @param EXPResistValueColor * @desc 獲得経験値が通常よりも少ない時の数値の色(システムカラーまたはカラーコード) * @text 獲得経験値レジスト時数値色 * @type color * @default 0 * @parent EXPSetting * * @param ContentsBackSetting * @text コンテンツ背景設定 * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetActorExp * * @param EXPResistContentsBackVisible * @type boolean * @default true * @text コンテンツ背景表示 * @desc コンテンツ背景を表示します。 * @parent ContentsBackSetting * * @param EXPResistContentsBackGroundImg * @desc コンテンツ背景画像ファイル名を指定します。コンテンツ背景表示がONの時に有効 * @text コンテンツ背景画像 * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * @parent ContentsBackSetting * * @param ExpSetting * @text EXPゲージ設定 * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetActorExp * * @param GaugeValueShow * @desc EXPゲージの数値を表示する。 * @text EXPゲージ数値表示 * @type select * @option 表示なし * @value 0 * @option 現在の経験値を表示 * @value 1 * @option 目標経験値と現在値を表示 * @value 2 * @option 百分率で表示 * @value 3 * @option 次のレベルまでの経験値 * @value 4 * @option 現在のレベル * @value 5 * @default 1 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param Gauge_Width * @desc EXPゲージ横幅 * @text EXPゲージ横幅 * @type number * @default 300 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param Gauge_Height * @desc EXPゲージ縦幅 * @text EXPゲージ縦幅 * @type number * @default 12 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeRefreshFrame * @desc EXPゲージの更新フレーム * @text EXPゲージ更新フレーム * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param ExpLabelColor * @desc ラベルの色(システムカラーまたはカラーコード) * @text ラベルの色 * @type color * @default 16 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeColor1 * @desc ゲージの色(左側)(システムカラーまたはカラーコード) * @text ゲージ色(左側) * @type color * @default 17 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeColor2 * @desc ゲージの色(右側)(システムカラーまたはカラーコード) * @text ゲージの色(右側) * @type color * @default 6 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeValueFontSize * @desc ゲージ現在値数値のフォントサイズ。(メインフォントサイズからの差) * @text ゲージ現在値数値のフォントサイズ * @type number * @default -6 * @min -100 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeMaxValueFontSize * @desc ゲージ最大値数値のフォントサイズ。(メインフォントサイズからの差) * @text ゲージ最大値数値のフォントサイズ * @type number * @default -6 * @min -100 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeValueY * @type number * @default 0 * @text ゲージ獲得経験値Y座標調整 * @desc ゲージ獲得経験値のY座標を調整します。 * @min -9999 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GaugeMaxValueY * @type number * @default 0 * @text ゲージ目標経験値Y座標調整 * @desc ゲージ目標経験値のY座標を調整します。「EXPゲージ数値表示」が目標経験値と現在値を表示指定時のみ * @min -9999 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param SeparationY * @type number * @default 0 * @text /Y座標調整 * @desc /のY座標を調整します。「EXPゲージ数値表示」が目標経験値と現在値を表示指定時のみ * @min -9999 * @parent ExpSetting * * @param GetInfo * @text 入手情報表示設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param GainParam * @text 入手項目の設定 * @desc 入手項目の設定。 * @default ["{\"GainParamData\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"1\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"獲得金額\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\"}","{\"GainParamData\":\"2\",\"Y_Position\":\"2\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"獲得経験値\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\"}","{\"GainParamData\":\"1000\",\"Y_Position\":\"3\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ItemWidth\":\"0\",\"SystemItemWidth\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"DetaEval\":\"\",\"FontSize\":\"0\"}"] * @type struct[] * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoWindowVisible * @text ウィンドウ表示 * @desc ウィンドウを表示します。 * @type boolean * @default false * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoWidth * @desc 入手項目の横幅。(0でウィンドウ横幅/2) * @text 入手項目横幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoHeight * @desc 入手項目の縦幅。(0でウィンドウ縦幅) * @text 入手項目縦幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoWindow_X * @desc 入手項目のX座標。 * @text 入手項目X座標 * @type number * @default 484 * @min -9999 * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoWindow_Y * @desc 入手項目のY座標。 * @text 入手項目Y座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoContentsHeight * @desc 入手項目の項目高さ。 * @text 入手項目項目高さ * @type number * @default 36 * @min 0 * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetInfoWindowsSkin * @desc 入手項目ウィンドウのウィンドウスキンを指定します。 * @text 入手項目ウィンドウのスキン * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent GetInfo * * @param GetItemWindow * @text 入手、盗んだアイテム表示設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param GetItemParam * @text アイテム、盗んだアイテムの表示設定 * @desc アイテム、盗んだアイテム表示設定。 * @default ["{\"GetItemParamData\":\"1\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"1\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"入手アイテム\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"ItemCols\":\"1\",\"ItemRows\":\"0\"}"] * @type struct[] * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemWindowVisible * @text ウィンドウ表示 * @desc ウィンドウを表示します。 * @type boolean * @default false * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemWidth * @desc アイテム、盗んだアイテムの横幅。(0でウィンドウ横幅/2) * @text アイテム、盗んだアイテム横幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemHeight * @desc アイテム、盗んだアイテムの縦幅。(0でウィンドウ縦幅) * @text アイテム、盗んだアイテム縦幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemWindow_X * @desc アイテム、盗んだアイテムのX座標。 * @text アイテム、盗んだアイテムX座標 * @type number * @default 484 * @min -9999 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemWindow_Y * @desc アイテム、盗んだアイテムのY座標。 * @text アイテム、盗んだアイテムY座標 * @type number * @default 108 * @min -9999 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param DropItemContentsHeight * @desc アイテム、盗んだアイテムの項目高さ。 * @text アイテム、盗んだアイテム項目高さ * @type number * @default 36 * @min 0 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param DropItemMaxCols * @desc アイテム、盗んだアイテムの最大列数。 * @text アイテム、盗んだアイテム最大列数 * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param DropItemRows * @desc アイテム、盗んだアイテムウィンドウの表示行(0でウィンドウ下まで) * @text アイテム、盗んだアイテム表示行 * @type number * @default 0 * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItemWindowsSkin * @desc ドロップアイテムウィンドウのウィンドウスキンを指定します。 * @text ドロップアイテムウィンドウのスキン * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param GetItem * @text 入手アイテム表示設定 * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param DropItemNumVisible * @type boolean * @default false * @text ドロップアイテム個数表示 * @desc ドロップアイテムを個数表示します。OFFで個別表示 * @parent GetItem * * @param DropItemNumx * @desc ドロップアイテムの個数左の文字 * @text 個数左の文字 * @type string * @default x * @parent GetItem * * @param StealItemSetting * @text 盗みアイテム設定(要NUUN_StealableItems) * @default ------------------------------ * @parent GetItemWindow * * @param StealItemVisible * @type boolean * @default false * @text 盗んだアイテム表示 * @desc 盗んだアイテムを表示します。 * @parent StealItemSetting * * @param StealItemNumVisible * @type boolean * @default false * @text 盗んだアイテム個数表示 * @desc 盗んだアイテムを個数表示します。OFFで個別表示 * @parent StealItemSetting * * @param StealItemNumx * @desc 盗んだアイテムの個数左の文字 * @text 個数左の文字 * @type string * @default x * @parent StealItemSetting * * @param LevelUpActor * @text レベルアップ設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param LevelUpWindowShow * @type boolean * @default true * @text レベルアップ画面表示 * @desc レベルアップ画面表示します。falseでレベルアップ後のステータス差分、習得スキル演出をカットします。 * @parent LevelUpActor * * @param PartyPageRefreshFrame * @desc ページ切り替えまでの待機フレーム * @text 待機フレーム * @type number * @default 0 * @parent LevelUpActor * * @param LevelUpWindowSetting * @text レベルアップメインウィンドウ設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ResultLevelUpWindowVisible * @text ウィンドウ表示 * @desc ウィンドウを表示します。 * @type boolean * @default true * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpWindowPosition * @text ウィンドウ表示基準位置 * @desc ウィンドウの表示基準位置を指定します。 * @type select * @option ヘルプの下 * @value 'help' * @option ボタンUIの下 * @value 'button' * @option 画面UI上基準 * @value 'top' * @default 'help' * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpWidth * @desc ウィンドウの横幅。(0でUI横幅) * @text ウィンドウ横幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpHeight * @desc ウィンドウの縦幅。(0でUI縦幅) * @text ウィンドウ縦幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpWindow_X * @desc ウィンドウのX座標。 * @text ウィンドウX座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpWindow_Y * @desc ウィンドウのY座標。 * @text ウィンドウY座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpActorBackGroundImg * @desc 背景画像ファイル名を指定します。 * @text 背景画像 * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param ResultLevelUpWindowsSkin * @desc レベルアップメインウィンドウのウィンドウスキンを指定します。 * @text レベルアップメインウィンドウのスキン * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent LevelUpWindowSetting * * @param LevelUpActorStatus * @text レベルアップ表示設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param LevelUpActorParam * @text レベルアップステータスの表示設定 * @desc レベルアップステータス表示設定。 * @default 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* @type struct[] * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorWindowVisible * @text ウィンドウ表示 * @desc ウィンドウを表示します。 * @type boolean * @default false * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorWidth * @desc レベルアップステータスの横幅。(0でウィンドウ横幅/2) * @text レベルアップステータス横幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorHeight * @desc レベルアップステータスの縦幅。(0でウィンドウ縦幅) * @text レベルアップステータス縦幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorWindow_X * @desc レベルアップステータスのX座標。 * @text レベルアップステータスX座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorWindow_Y * @desc レベルアップステータスのY座標。 * @text レベルアップステータスY座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorCols * @desc レベルアップステータスの表示列 * @text レベルアップステータス表示列 * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorContentsHeight * @desc レベルアップステータスの項目高さ。 * @text レベルアップステータス項目高さ * @type number * @default 36 * @min -9999 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param DifferenceStatusColor * @desc レベルアップした後のステータスが上昇した時の数値の色(システムカラーまたはカラーコード) * @text レベルアップ後ステータス数値色 * @type color * @default 24 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param DifferenceLevelColor * @desc レベルアップした後のレベルが上がった時の数値の色(システムカラーまたはカラーコード) * @text レベルアップ後レベル数値色 * @type color * @default 17 * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LevelUpActorStatusWindowsSkin * @desc レベルアップステータスウィンドウのウィンドウスキンを指定します。 * @text レベルアップステータスウィンドウのスキン * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent LevelUpActorStatus * * @param LearnSkillWindow * @text 習得スキル表示設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param LearnSkillParam * @text 習得スキルの表示設定 * @desc 習得スキル表示設定。 * @default ["{\"LearnSkillParamData\":\"1\",\"X_Position\":\"1\",\"Y_Position\":\"1\",\"X_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"Y_Coordinate\":\"0\",\"ParamName\":\"習得スキル\",\"SystemNameColor\":\"16\",\"FontSize\":\"0\",\"ItemCols\":\"1\"}"] * @type struct[] * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillWindowVisible * @text ウィンドウ表示 * @desc ウィンドウを表示します。 * @type boolean * @default false * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillWidth * @desc 習得スキルの横幅。(0でウィンドウ横幅/2) * @text 習得スキル横幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillHeight * @desc 習得スキルの縦幅。(0でウィンドウ縦幅) * @text 習得スキル縦幅 * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillWindow_X * @desc 習得スキルのX座標。 * @text 習得スキルX座標 * @type number * @default 404 * @min -9999 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillWindow_Y * @desc 習得スキルのY座標。 * @text 習得スキルY座標 * @type number * @default 144 * @min -9999 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillCols * @desc 習得スキルの表示列 * @text 習得スキル表示列 * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillRows * @desc 習得スキルウィンドウの表示行(0でウィンドウ下まで) * @text 習得スキル表示行 * @type number * @default 0 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillContentsHeight * @desc 習得スキルの項目高さ。 * @text 習得スキル項目高さ * @type number * @default 36 * @min 0 * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param LearnSkillWindowsSkin * @desc 習得スキルウィンドウのウィンドウスキンを指定します。 * @text 習得スキルウィンドウのスキン * @type file * @dir img/system * @default * @parent LearnSkillWindow * * @param ActorImg * @text アクター画像設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ButlerActors * @text 表示アクター設定 * @desc 画像を表示するアクターを指定します。 * @type struct[] * @default [] * @parent ActorImg * * @param ActorPictureData * @text 立ち絵表示EX用画像設定 * @desc 立ち絵表示EXでのアクターの画像設定 * @default [] * @type struct[] * @parent ActorImg * * @param ActorPictureEXApp * @text 立ち絵表示EX適用 * @desc 立ち絵表示EXの画像変更を適用します。OFFにした場合はこのプラグインでの設定が適用されます。 * @type boolean * @default true * @parent ActorImg * * @param ButlerActors_X * @desc アクター画像のX座標。 * @text アクター画像X座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent ActorImg * * @param ButlerActors_Y * @desc アクター画像のY座標。 * @text アクター画像Y座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @parent ActorImg * * @param LevelUpActorArea * @desc レベルアップ時に表示されるアクターの表示範囲。 * @text アクター表示範囲 * @type select * @option ウィンドウ表示範囲内 * @value 'window' * @option UI表示内 * @value 'ui' * @option 画面内 * @value 'screen' * @default 'window' * @parent ActorImg * * @param ActorPosition * @text 立ち絵表示位置 * @desc 立ち絵の表示位置を指定します * @type select * @option 左 * @value 'left' * @option 中央 * @value 'center' * @option 右 * @value 'right' * @default 'right' * @parent ActorImg * * @param VictoryScene * @text 勝利後演出 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param VictorySceneImg * @desc 勝利後の画像ファイル名を指定します。 * @text 勝利後画像 * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * @parent VictoryScene * * @param AfterVictoryEffect * @text 勝利後演出 * @desc 勝利後からリザルト画面表示までの演出を設定します。 * @type struct[] * @default [] * @parent VictoryScene * * @param AfterVictoryEffectSwitch * @desc 画像エフェクトを有効にするフラグスイッチID * @text 画像エフェクト有効スイッチ * @type switch * @default 0 * @parent VictoryScene * * @param SESetting * @text レベルアップSE設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param LevelUpSe * @text レベルアップ時のSE * @desc レベルアップ時のSEを指定します。 * @type file * @dir audio/se * @parent SESetting * * @param volume * @text SEの音量 * @desc SEを音量を設定します。 * @default 90 * @parent SESetting * @min 0 * * @param pitch * @text SEのピッチ * @desc SEをピッチを設定します。 * @default 100 * @parent SESetting * * @param pan * @text SEの位相 * @desc SEを位相を設定します。 * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * @parent SESetting * * @param BGMSetting * @text 戦闘勝利BGM設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param VictoryBGM * @text 戦闘勝利のBGM * @desc 戦闘勝利のBGMを指定します。 * @type file * @dir audio/bgm * @parent BGMSetting * * @param VictoryVolume * @text BGMの音量 * @desc BGMを音量を設定します。 * @default 90 * @parent BGMSetting * @min 0 * * @param VictoryPitch * @text BGMのピッチ * @desc BGMをピッチを設定します。 * @default 100 * @parent BGMSetting * * @param VictoryPan * @text BGMの位相 * @desc BGMを位相を設定します。 * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * @parent BGMSetting * * @param MESetting * @text 戦闘勝利ME設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param BgmPlayMeRate * @text MEのBGM再生位置(% 0~100) * @desc ME再生時のBGMを再生させるMEの位置(% 0~100) * @default 100 * @max 100 * @min 0 * @parent MESetting * * @param ExternalPluginSetting * @text 外部プラグイン設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param ShowSupportActor * @text サポートアクター表示 * @desc サポートアクターを表示します。(要NUUN_SupportActor) * @type boolean * @default true * @parent ExternalPluginSetting * * * * @command LevelUP_SESelect * @desc レベルアップ時のSEを変更します。 * @text レベルアップSEの変更 * * @arg LevelUP_SE * @text レベルアップSE * @desc レベルアップSEを指定します。何も指定しないことでMEが初期化されます。 * @type file * @dir audio/se * * @arg Volume * @text SEの音量 * @desc SEを音量を設定します。 * @default 90 * * @arg Pitch * @text SEのピッチ * @desc SEをピッチを設定します。 * @default 100 * * @arg Pan * @text SEの位相 * @desc SEを位相を設定します。 * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * * @command VictoryBGM * @desc 勝利BGMの再生の許可を変更します。 * @text 勝利BGM再生許可 * * @arg VictoryBGMEnable * @type boolean * @default true * @desc 勝利BGMの再生の許可します。 * @text 勝利BGMの再生の許可 * * * @command VictoryBGMSelect * @desc 勝利BGMを変更します。 * @text 勝利BGMの変更 * * @arg _BGM * @text 勝利BGM * @desc 勝利BGMを変更します。何も指定しないことでBGMが初期化されます。 * @type file * @dir audio/bgm * * @arg Volume * @text BGMの音量 * @desc BGMを音量を設定します。 * @default 90 * * @arg Pitch * @text BGMのピッチ * @desc BGMをピッチを設定します。 * @default 100 * * @arg Pan * @text BGMの位相 * @desc BGMを位相を設定します。 * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * * @arg NoVictoryME * @type boolean * @default false * @text 勝利ME再生なし * @desc 勝利MEを再生しません。 * * @command VictoryMEBgmPlayMeRate * @desc ME再生時のBGMを再生させるMEの位置を変更します。 * @text MEのBGM再生位置変更 * * @arg BgmPlayMeRate * @text MEのBGM再生位置(% 0~100) * @desc ME再生時のBGMを再生させるMEの位置(% 0~100) -1でこの設定を無効 * @default 100 * @max 100 * @min -1 * * @command LevelUpPage * @desc レベルアップ画面の表示を許可を変更します。 * @text レベルアップ画面表示許可 * * @arg LevelUpPageEnable * @type boolean * @default true * @desc レベルアップ画面の表示を許可します。(このプラグインコマンドを実行後レベルアップ画面表示の設定が無効化されます) * @text レベルアップ画面表示許可 * * @command ChangeActorImg * @desc レベルアップ画面のアクター画像を変更します。 * @text レベルアップ画面アクター画像変更 * * @arg actorId * @type actor * @default 0 * @desc アクターを指定します。 * @text アクターID * * @arg ChangeActorImgId * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @desc 変更する立ち絵のIDを指定します。 * @text 立ち絵ID * */ /*~struct~ActorExpList:ja * * @param DateSelect * @text 表示するステータス * @desc 表示するステータスを指定します。 * @type select * @option なし * @value 0 * @option キャラチップ(1)(2) * @value 1 * @option 顔グラ(1)(2) * @value 2 * @option SVアクター(1)(2) * @value 3 * @option アクター画像(1)(2) * @value 4 * @option アクター名(1)(2)(3)(8) * @value 10 * @option レベル(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8) * @value 11 * @option 入手経験値(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8) * @value 12 * @option 経験値ゲージ(1)(2)(3) * @value 20 * @option 任意パラメータ(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) * @value 21 * @option レベルアップ表示(1)(2)(5)(8) * @value 30 * @option 経験値円形ゲージ(用NUUN_CircularGauge)(1)(2) * @value 50 * @option ライン(1)(2)(3)(6) * @value 1000 * @default 0 * * @param X_Coordinate * @text X座標(相対)(1) * @desc X座標(相対座標) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param Y_Coordinate * @text Y座標(相対)(2) * @desc Y座標(相対座標) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param ItemWidth * @desc 項目横幅(0でデフォルト幅) * @text 項目横幅(3) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param SystemItemWidth * @desc システム項目の横幅(0でデフォルト幅) * @text システム項目横幅(4) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param ParamName * @desc 項目の名称を設定します。 * @text 名称(5) * @type string * @default * * @param SystemNameColor * @desc システム項目の文字色。テキストタブでカラーコードを入力できます。 * @text システム項目文字色(6) * @type color * @default 16 * @min 0 * * @param DetaEval * @desc 評価式または文字列を記入します。 * @text 評価式or文字列(7) * @type combo * @default * * @param FontSize * @desc フォントサイズ(メインフォントからの差) * @text フォントサイズ(8) * @type number * @default 0 * @min -99 * * @param textMethod * @desc タグ名 * @text タグ名(9) * @type string * @default * */ /*~struct~GainParamList:ja * * @param GainParamData * @text 表示項目 * @desc 表示項目を指定します。 * @type select * @option 表示なし * @value 0 * @option 獲得金額(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(9) * @value 1 * @option 獲得経験値(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(9) * @value 2 * @option 任意パラメータ(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) * @value 10 * @option ライン * @value 1000 * @default 0 * * @param Y_Position * @desc Y表示行位置 * @text Y表示行位置(1) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 99 * * @param X_Coordinate * @text X座標(相対)(2) * @desc X座標(相対座標) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param Y_Coordinate * @text Y座標(相対)(3) * @desc Y座標(相対座標) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param ItemWidth * @desc 項目横幅(0でデフォルト幅) * @text 項目横幅(4) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param SystemItemWidth * @desc システム項目の横幅(0でデフォルト幅) * @text システム項目横幅(5) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param ParamName * @desc 項目の名称を設定します。 * @text 名称(6) * @type string * @default * * @param SystemNameColor * @desc システム項目の文字色。テキストタブでカラーコードを入力できます。 * @text システム項目文字色(7) * @type color * @default 16 * @min 0 * * @param DetaEval * @desc 評価式または文字列を記入します。 * @text 評価式or文字列(9) * @type combo * @option 'BattleManager._rewards.sp;//Skill tree Get Sp' * @default * @param FontSize * @desc フォントサイズ(メインフォントからの差) * @text フォントサイズ(9) * @type number * @default 0 * @min -99 * */ /*~struct~GetItemParamList:ja * * @param GetItemParamData * @text 表示項目 * @desc 表示項目を指定します。 * @type select * @option 表示なし * @value 0 * @option 入手アイテム(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) * @value 1 * @option 盗んだアイテム(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) * @value 2 * @option 入手アイテム名称のみ(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) * @value 10 * @option 盗んだアイテム名称のみ(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) * @value 11 * @option ライン(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(8) * @value 1000 * @default 0 * * @param X_Position * @desc X表示行位置 * @text X表示行位置(1) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 2 * * @param Y_Position * @desc Y表示行位置 * @text Y表示行位置(2) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 99 * * @param X_Coordinate * @text X座標(相対)(3) * @desc X座標(相対座標) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param Y_Coordinate * @text Y座標(相対)(4) * @desc Y座標(相対座標) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param ParamName * @desc 項目の名称を設定します。空白の場合は名称が表示されません。 * @text 名称(5) * @type string * @default * * @param SystemNameColor * @desc システム項目の文字色。テキストタブでカラーコードを入力できます。 * @text システム項目文字色(6) * @type color * @default 16 * @min 0 * * @param FontSize * @desc フォントサイズ(メインフォントからの差) * @text フォントサイズ(7) * @type number * @default 0 * @min -99 * * @param ItemCols * @desc 列数 * @text 列数(8) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * * @param ItemRows * @desc 行数 * @text 行数(9) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * */ /*~struct~LevelUpActorParamList:ja * * @param StatusParamDate * @text 表示項目 * @desc 表示項目を指定します。 * @type select * @option HP(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 0 * @option MP(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 1 * @option 攻撃力(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 2 * @option 防御力(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 3 * @option 魔法力(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 4 * @option 魔法防御(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 5 * @option 敏捷性(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 6 * @option 運(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 7 * @option HP(装備補正等なし)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 10 * @option MP(装備補正等なし)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 11 * @option 攻撃力(装備補正等なし)(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 12 * @option 防御力(装備補正等なし)(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 13 * @option 魔法力(装備補正等なし)(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(5)(8)(10)(11) * @value 14 * @option 魔法防御(装備補正等なし)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 15 * @option 敏捷性(装備補正等なし)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 16 * @option 運(装備補正等なし)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 17 * @option キャラチップ(1)(2)(3)(4) * @value 20 * @option 顔グラ(1)(2)(3)(4) * @value 21 * @option SVアクター(1)(2)(3)(4) * @value 22 * @option アクター名(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(10) * @value 30 * @option 職業(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(10) * @value 31 * @option 二つ名(ニックネーム)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(10) * @value 32 * @option レベル(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(10)(11) * @value 33 * @option オリジナルパラメータ(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) * @value 40 * @option ライン(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(8) * @value 1000 * @default 0 * * @param X_Position * @desc X表示行位置 * @text X表示行位置(1) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 2 * * @param Y_Position * @desc Y表示行位置 * @text Y表示行位置(2) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 99 * * @param X_Coordinate * @text X座標(相対)(3) * @desc X座標(相対座標) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param Y_Coordinate * @text Y座標(相対)(4) * @desc Y座標(相対座標) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param ItemWidth * @desc 項目横幅(0でデフォルト幅) * @text 項目横幅(5) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param SystemItemWidth * @desc システム項目の横幅(0でデフォルト幅) * @text システム項目横幅(6) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param ParamName * @desc 項目の名称を設定します。 * @text 名称(7) * @type string * @default * * @param SystemNameColor * @desc システム項目の文字色。テキストタブでカラーコードを入力できます。 * @text システム項目文字色(8) * @type color * @default 16 * @min 0 * * @param DetaEval * @desc 評価式または文字列を記入します。 * @text 評価式or文字列(9) * @type combo * @option '$skillTreeData.sp(a.actorId());//Skill tree Get Sp' * @default * * @param FontSize * @desc フォントサイズ(メインフォントからの差) * @text フォントサイズ(10) * @type number * @default 0 * @min -99 * * @param DifferenceVisible * @type boolean * @default true * @text 差分表示(11) * @desc 差分を表示します。 * */ /*~struct~LearnSkillParamList:ja * * @param LearnSkillParamData * @text 表示項目 * @desc 表示項目を指定します。 * @type select * @option 表示なし * @value 0 * @option 習得スキル(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) * @value 1 * @option 習得スキル名称のみ(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) * @value 10 * @option ライン(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(8) * @value 1000 * @default 0 * * @param X_Position * @desc X表示行位置 * @text XS表示行位置(1) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 2 * * @param Y_Position * @desc Y表示行位置 * @text Y表示行位置(2) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * @max 99 * * @param X_Coordinate * @text X座標(相対)(3) * @desc X座標(相対座標) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param Y_Coordinate * @text Y座標(相対)(4) * @desc Y座標(相対座標) * @type number * @default 0 * @max 9999 * @min -9999 * * @param ParamName * @desc 項目の名称を設定します。空白の場合は名称が表示されません。 * @text 名称(5) * @type string * @default * * @param SystemNameColor * @desc システム項目の文字色。テキストタブでカラーコードを入力できます。 * @text システム項目文字色(6) * @type color * @default 16 * @min 0 * * @param FontSize * @desc フォントサイズ(メインフォントからの差) * @text フォントサイズ(7) * @type number * @default 0 * @min -99 * * @param ItemCols * @desc 列数 * @text 列数(8) * @type number * @default 1 * @min 1 * * @param ItemRows * @desc 行数 * @text 行数(9) * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * */ /*~struct~ActorButlerList:ja * * @param actorId * @text アクター * @desc アクターを指定します。 * @type actor * * @param ActorImg * @text アクター画像 * @desc アクターの画像を表示します。 * @type file[] * @dir img/ * @default ["{\"actorId\":\"0\",\"ActorImg\":\"[\\\"pictures\\\"]\",\"Actor_X\":\"0\",\"Actor_Y\":\"0\",\"Actor_Scale\":\"100\"}"] * * @param Actor_X * @desc 画像の表示位置X座標。 * @text 画像表示位置X座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * * @param Actor_Y * @desc 画像の表示位置Y座標。 * @text 画像表示位置Y座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * * @param Actor_Scale * @desc 画像の拡大率。 * @text 画像拡大率 * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * @max 999 * * @param LevelUpActorBackGroundImg * @desc レベルアップ時のアクター毎の背景画像ファイル名を指定します。 * @text 背景画像 * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * * @param EXPActorSetting * @text EXPアクターウィンドウに表示するアクター画像設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param EXPActor_X * @desc 画像の表示開始座標X。 * @text 画像表示開始X座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param EXPActor_Y * @desc 画像の表示開始座標Y。 * @text 画像表示開始Y座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param EXPActor_Scale * @desc 画像の拡大率。 * @text 画像拡大率 * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * @max 999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param MVPActorSetting * @text MVPアクター設定(要NUUN_ResultMVPActor) * @default ------------------------------ * * @param MVPActorVictoryMe * @text 勝利時ME * @desc 勝利時のMEを指定します。 * @type struct * @dir audio/me * @parent MVPActorSetting * * @param MVPActorVictoryBGM * @text 勝利時BGM * @desc 勝利時のBGMを指定します。 * @type struct * @dir audio/me * @parent MVPActorSetting * */ /*~struct~ActorPictureDataList:ja * * @param actorId * @text アクター * @desc アクターを指定します。 * @type actor * * @param Actor_X * @desc 画像のX座標。 * @text 画像X座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * * @param Actor_Y * @desc 画像のY座標。 * @text 画像Y座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * * @param Actor_Scale * @desc 画像の拡大率。 * @text 画像拡大率 * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * @max 999 * * @param LevelUpActorBackGroundImg * @desc レベルアップ時のアクター毎の背景画像ファイル名を指定します。 * @text 背景画像 * @type file * @dir img/ * @default * * @param EXPActorSetting * @text EXPアクターウィンドウに表示するアクター画像設定 * @default ------------------------------ * * @param EXPActor_X * @desc 画像の表示開始座標X。 * @text 画像表示開始X座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param EXPActor_Y * @desc 画像の表示開始座標Y。 * @text 画像表示開始Y座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * @max 9999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param EXPActor_Scale * @desc 画像の拡大率。 * @text 画像拡大率 * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * @max 999 * @parent EXPActorSetting * * @param MVPActorSetting * @text MVPアクター設定(要NUUN_ResultMVPActor) * @default ------------------------------ * * @param MVPActorVictoryMe * @text 勝利時ME * @desc 勝利時のMEを指定します。 * @type struct * @dir audio/me * @parent MVPActorSetting * * @param MVPActorVictoryBGM * @text 勝利時BGM * @desc 勝利時のBGMを指定します。 * @type struct * @dir audio/me * @parent MVPActorSetting * * */ /*~struct~VictoryMe:ja * * @param name * @text MEファイル * @desc MEを指定します。 * @type file * @dir audio/me * * @param volume * @text MEの音量 * @desc MEを音量を設定します。 * @default 90 * @min 0 * * @param pitch * @text MEのピッチ * @desc MEをピッチを設定します。 * @default 100 * * @param pan * @text MEの位相 * @desc MEを位相を設定します。 * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * * @param BgmPlayMeRate * @text MEのBGM再生位置(% 0~100) * @desc ME再生時のBGMを再生させるMEの位置(% 0~100) -1でこの設定を無効 * @default -1 * @max 100 * @min -1 * */ /*~struct~VictoryBgm:ja * * @param name * @text BGMファイル * @desc BGMを指定します。 * @type file * @dir audio/bgm * * @param volume * @text BGMの音量 * @desc BGMを音量を設定します。 * @default 90 * @min 0 * * @param pitch * @text BGMのピッチ * @desc BGMをピッチを設定します。 * @default 100 * * @param pan * @text BGMの位相 * @desc BGMを位相を設定します。 * @default 0 * @max 100 * @min -100 * */ /*~struct~VictoryEffect:ja * * @param Fream * @desc フレーム数。 * @text フレーム数 * @type number * @default 0 * * @param PositionX * @desc 横に移動する移動座標。現在の位置から相対で移動します。 * @text 横移動座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * * @param PositionY * @desc 縦に移動する移動座標。現在の位置から相対で移動します。 * @text 縦移動座標 * @type number * @default 0 * @min -9999 * * @param ScaleX * @desc 横の拡大率。現在の拡大率から指定の拡大率まで拡大(縮小)します。 * @text 横拡大率 * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * * @param ScaleY * @desc 縦の拡大率。現在の拡大率から指定の拡大率まで拡大(縮小)します。 * @text 縦拡大率 * @type number * @default 100 * @min 0 * * @param Opacity * @desc 不透明度。現在の不透明度から指定の不透明度まで変化します。 * @text 不透明度 * @type number * @max 255 * @min 0 * @default 255 * * */ var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.NUUN_Result = true; (() => { const parameters = PluginManager.parameters('NUUN_Result'); const Decimal = Number(parameters['Decimal'] || 0); const DecimalMode = eval(parameters['DecimalMode'] || 'true'); const ResultVisibleFrame = Number(parameters['ResultVisibleFrame'] || 0); const ResultFadein = eval(parameters['ResultFadein'] || 'false'); const PartyPageRefreshFrame = Number(parameters['PartyPageRefreshFrame'] || 0); const ResultWindowCenter = eval(parameters['ResultWindowCenter'] || 'true'); const CloseActorStatusWindow = eval(parameters['CloseActorStatusWindow'] || 'false'); const BattleEndHideResult = Number(parameters['BattleEndHideResult'] || 0); const BattleEndMotionResult = Number(parameters['BattleEndMotionResult'] || 0); const PageNextSymbol = String(parameters['PageNextSymbol']); const PagePreviousSymbol = String(parameters['PagePreviousSymbol']); const NoTouchUIWindow = eval(parameters['NoTouchUIWindow'] || 'false'); const BackUiWidth = eval(parameters['BackUiWidth'] || 'true'); const BackFitWidth = eval(parameters['BackFitWidth'] || 'false'); const ButtonPosition = eval(parameters['ButtonPosition']) || "right"; const ResultButton_X = Number(parameters['ResultButton_X'] || 0); const ResultButton_Y = Number(parameters['ResultButton_Y'] || 0); const HelpWindowVisible = eval(parameters['HelpWindowVisible'] || 'true'); const ResultHelpWindowVisible = eval(parameters['ResultHelpWindowVisible'] || 'true'); const ResultTextPosition = eval(parameters['ResultTextPosition']) || 'center'; const ResultName = String(parameters['ResultName'] || '戦闘結果'); const ResultHelpWidth = Number(parameters['ResultHelpWidth'] || 0); const ResultHelpWindow_X = Number(parameters['ResultHelpWindow_X'] || 0); const ResultHelpWindow_Y = Number(parameters['ResultHelpWindow_Y'] || 0); const ResultHelpWindowsSkin = String(parameters['ResultHelpWindowsSkin']); const LevelUpHelpWindowVisible = eval(parameters['LevelUpHelpWindowVisible'] || 'true'); const LevelUpResultTextPosition = eval(parameters['LevelUpResultTextPosition']) || "TextEx"; const LevelUpResultHelpName = String(parameters['LevelUpResultHelpName'] || '%1は\c[16]レベル\c[17]%2\c[0]に上がった!'); const LevelUpResultHelpWindowsSkin = String(parameters['LevelUpResultHelpWindowsSkin']); const LevelUpResultHelpWidth = Number(parameters['LevelUpResultHelpWidth'] || 0); const LevelUpResultHelpWindow_X = Number(parameters['LevelUpResultHelpWindow_X'] || 0); const LevelUpResultHelpWindow_Y = Number(parameters['LevelUpResultHelpWindow_Y'] || 0); const ResultLevelUpHelpWindowVisible = eval(parameters['ResultLevelUpHelpWindowVisible'] || 'true'); const ResultWindowPosition = eval(parameters['ResultWindowPosition']) || "help"; const ResultWidth = Number(parameters['ResultWidth'] || 0); const ResultHeight = Number(parameters['ResultHeight'] || 616); const ResultWindow_X = Number(parameters['ResultWindow_X'] || 0); const ResultWindow_Y = Number(parameters['ResultWindow_Y'] || 0); const GetWindowsSkin = String(parameters['GetWindowsSkin']); const ReserveMembers = eval(parameters['ReserveMembers'] || 'false'); const ActorCols = Number(parameters['ActorCols'] || 1); const DefaultActorVisible = Number(parameters['DefaultActorVisible'] || 4); const ResultActorLessThanSize = eval(parameters['ResultActorLessThanSize'] || 'false'); const ResultActorAutoSize = eval(parameters['ResultActorAutoSize'] || 'false'); const EXPResistContentsBackVisible = eval(parameters['EXPResistContentsBackVisible'] || 'true'); const EXPResistContentsBackGroundImg = String(parameters['EXPResistContentsBackGroundImg']); const ActorExpWidth = Number(parameters['ActorExpWidth'] || 0); const ActorExpHeight = Number(parameters['ActorExpHeight'] || 0); const ActorExpWindow_X = Number(parameters['ActorExpWindow_X'] || 0); const ActorExpWindow_Y = Number(parameters['ActorExpWindow_Y'] || 0); const GaugeValueY = Number(parameters['GaugeValueY'] || 0); const GaugeMaxValueY = Number(parameters['GaugeMaxValueY'] || 0); const SeparationY = Number(parameters['SeparationY'] || 0); const EXPResistWindowsSkin = String(parameters['EXPResistWindowsSkin']); const ActorExpDataList = NUUN_Base_Ver >= 113 ? (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['ActorExpDataList'])) : []; const ActorFaceHeight = Number(parameters['ActorFaceHeight'] || 144); const LevelUpActorFaceHeight = Number(parameters['LevelUpActorFaceHeight'] || 144); const LevelUpImg = String(parameters['LevelUpImg']); const LevelUpNameColor = (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['LevelUpNameColor'])) || 0; const LevelUpValueColor = (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['LevelUpValueColor'])) || 0; const EXPBoostValueColor = (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['EXPBoostValueColor'])) || 0; const EXPResistValueColor = (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['EXPResistValueColor'])) || 0; const GaugeColor1 = (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['GaugeColor1'])) || 0; const GaugeColor2 = (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['GaugeColor2'])) || 0; const ExpLabelColor = (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['ExpLabelColor'])) || 16; const GaugeValueShow = eval(parameters['GaugeValueShow']) || 1; const Gauge_Width = Number(parameters['Gauge_Width'] || 300); const Gauge_Height = Number(parameters['Gauge_Height'] || 12); const GaugeRefreshFrame = Number(parameters['GaugeRefreshFrame'] || 100); const GaugeValueFontSize = Number(parameters['GaugeValueFontSize'] || 0); const GaugeMaxValueFontSize = Number(parameters['GaugeMaxValueFontSize'] || 0); const GainParam = NUUN_Base_Ver >= 113 ? (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['GainParam'])) : []; const GetInfoWidth = Number(parameters['GetInfoWidth'] || 0); const GetInfoHeight = Number(parameters['GetInfoHeight'] || 0); const GetInfoWindow_X = Number(parameters['GetInfoWindow_X'] || 0); const GetInfoWindow_Y = Number(parameters['GetInfoWindow_Y'] || 0); const GetInfoWindowsSkin = String(parameters['GetInfoWindowsSkin']); const GetInfoContentsHeight = Number(parameters['GetInfoContentsHeight'] || 36); const GetItemParam = NUUN_Base_Ver >= 113 ? (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['GetItemParam'])) : []; const GetItemWidth = Number(parameters['GetItemWidth'] || 0); const GetItemHeight = Number(parameters['GetItemHeight'] || 0); const GetItemWindow_X = Number(parameters['GetItemWindow_X'] || 0); const GetItemWindow_Y = Number(parameters['GetItemWindow_Y'] || 0); const GetItemWindowsSkin = String(parameters['GetItemWindowsSkin']); const DropItemContentsHeight = Number(parameters['DropItemContentsHeight'] || 36); const DropItemRows = Number(parameters['DropItemRows'] || 0); const DropItemNumVisible = eval(parameters['DropItemNumVisible'] || 'true'); const DropItemNumx = String(parameters['DropItemNumx'] || 'x'); const DropItemMaxCols = Number(parameters['DropItemMaxCols'] || 0); const StealItemVisible = eval(parameters['StealItemVisible'] || 'false'); const StealItemNumVisible = eval(parameters['StealItemNumVisible'] || 'false'); const StealItemNumx = String(parameters['StealItemNumx'] || 'x'); const ResultLevelUpWindowPosition = eval(parameters['ResultLevelUpWindowPosition']) || "help"; const ResultLevelUpWidth = Number(parameters['ResultLevelUpWidth'] || 0); const ResultLevelUpHeight = Number(parameters['ResultLevelUpHeight'] || 616); const ResultLevelUpWindow_X = Number(parameters['ResultLevelUpWindow_X'] || 0); const ResultLevelUpWindow_Y = Number(parameters['ResultLevelUpWindow_Y'] || 0); const ResultLevelUpWindowsSkin = String(parameters['ResultLevelUpWindowsSkin']); const LevelUpActorArea = eval(parameters['LevelUpActorArea']) || "window"; const LevelUpActorParam = NUUN_Base_Ver >= 113 ? (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['LevelUpActorParam'])) : []; const LevelUpActorWidth = Number(parameters['LevelUpActorWidth'] || 0); const LevelUpActorHeight = Number(parameters['LevelUpActorHeight'] || 0); const LevelUpActorWindow_X = Number(parameters['LevelUpActorWindow_X'] || 0); const LevelUpActorWindow_Y = Number(parameters['LevelUpActorWindow_Y'] || 0); const LevelUpActorStatusWindowsSkin = String(parameters['LevelUpActorStatusWindowsSkin']); const LevelUpActorCols = Number(parameters['LevelUpActorCols'] || 1); const DifferenceStatusColor = (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['DifferenceStatusColor'])) || 0; const DifferenceLevelColor = (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['DifferenceLevelColor'])) || 0; const LearnSkillWidth = Number(parameters['LearnSkillWidth'] || 0); const LearnSkillHeight = Number(parameters['LearnSkillHeight'] || 0); const LearnSkillWindow_X = Number(parameters['LearnSkillWindow_X'] || 0); const LearnSkillWindow_Y = Number(parameters['LearnSkillWindow_Y'] || 0); const LearnSkillWindowsSkin = String(parameters['LearnSkillWindowsSkin']); const LearnSkillRows = Number(parameters['LearnSkillRows'] || 0); const LearnSkillCols = Number(parameters['LearnSkillCols'] || 1); const ResultWindowVisible = eval(parameters['ResultWindowVisible'] || 'true'); const ActorExpWindowVisible = eval(parameters['ActorExpWindowVisible'] || 'false'); const GetItemWindowVisible = eval(parameters['GetItemWindowVisible'] || 'false'); const GetInfoWindowVisible = eval(parameters['GetInfoWindowVisible'] || 'false'); const ResultLevelUpWindowVisible = eval(parameters['ResultLevelUpWindowVisible'] || 'true'); const LearnSkillParam = NUUN_Base_Ver >= 113 ? (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['LearnSkillParam'])) : []; const LevelUpActorWindowVisible = eval(parameters['LevelUpActorWindowVisible'] || 'false'); const LearnSkillWindowVisible = eval(parameters['LearnSkillWindowVisible'] || 'false'); const LearnSkillContentsHeight = Number(parameters['LearnSkillContentsHeight'] || 36); const ButlerActors = NUUN_Base_Ver >= 113 ? (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['ButlerActors'])) : []; const ActorPictureData = NUUN_Base_Ver >= 113 ? (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['ActorPictureData'])) : []; const ActorPictureEXApp = eval(parameters['ActorPictureEXApp'] || 'true'); const ButlerActors_X = Number(parameters['ButlerActors_X'] || 0); const ButlerActors_Y = Number(parameters['ButlerActors_Y'] || 0); const ActorPosition = eval(parameters['ActorPosition']) || "right"; const GetWindowBackGroundImg = String(parameters['GetWindowBackGroundImg']); const LevelUpActorBackGroundImg = String(parameters['LevelUpActorBackGroundImg']); const ShowSupportActor = eval(parameters['ShowSupportActor'] || 'true'); const LevelUpWindowShow = eval(parameters['LevelUpWindowShow'] || 'true'); const LevelUpSe = String(parameters['LevelUpSe']); const volume = Number(parameters['volume'] || 90); const pitch = Number(parameters['pitch'] || 100); const pan = Number(parameters['pan'] || 0); const VictoryBGM = String(parameters['VictoryBGM']); const VictoryVolume = Number(parameters['VictoryVolume'] || 90); const VictoryPitch = Number(parameters['VictoryPitch'] || 100); const VictoryPan = Number(parameters['VictoryPan'] || 0); const BgmPlayMeRate = Number(parameters['BgmPlayMeRate'] || 100); const VictorySceneImg = String(parameters['VictorySceneImg']); const AfterVictoryEffect = NUUN_Base_Ver >= 113 ? (DataManager.nuun_structureData(parameters['AfterVictoryEffect'])) : []; const AfterVictoryEffectSwitch = Number(parameters['AfterVictoryEffectSwitch'] || 0); let resultExpMaxWidth = 0; const pluginName = "NUUN_Result"; PluginManager.registerCommand(pluginName, 'LevelUP_SESelect', args => { BattleManager.levelUpSeSelect(args); }); PluginManager.registerCommand(pluginName, 'VictoryBGM', args => { BattleManager.victoryBGMEnable(eval(args.VictoryBGMEnable)); }); PluginManager.registerCommand(pluginName, 'VictoryBGMSelect', args => { BattleManager.victoryBGMSelect(args); }); PluginManager.registerCommand(pluginName, 'LevelUpPage', args => { BattleManager.levelUpPageEnable(eval(args.LevelUpPageEnable)); }); PluginManager.registerCommand(pluginName, 'ChangeActorImg', args => { if ($gameActors._data[args.actorId]) { $gameActors._data[args.actorId].setResultActorImgId(args.ChangeActorImgId); } }); PluginManager.registerCommand(pluginName, 'VictoryMEBgmPlayMeRate', args => { BattleManager.changeBgmPlayMeRate(Number(args.BgmPlayMeRate)); }); const _Game_Actor_initMembers = Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers; Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers = function() { _Game_Actor_initMembers.call(this); this._resultLevelUp = false; this._learnSkill = []; }; const _Game_Actor_setup = Game_Actor.prototype.setup; Game_Actor.prototype.setup = function(actorId) { _Game_Actor_setup.call(this, actorId); this.initResultActorImg(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.initResultActorImg = function() { if (this.resultImgId === undefined) { this.resultImgId = 0; } }; Game_Actor.prototype.setResultActorImgId = function(changeActorImgId) { this.resultImgId = Number(changeActorImgId) - 1; }; Game_Actor.prototype.getResultActorImg = function(id) { this.initResultActorImg(); const find = ButlerActors.find(actors => actors.actorId === id && actors.ActorImg); return find ? find.ActorImg[this.resultImgId] : null; }; Game_Actor.prototype.getResultActorData = function(id) { this.initResultActorImg(); return ButlerActors.find(actors => actors.actorId === id); }; const _Game_Actor_requestMotionRefresh = Game_Actor.prototype.requestMotionRefresh; Game_Actor.prototype.requestMotionRefresh = function() { if (!BattleManager._resultOn) { _Game_Actor_requestMotionRefresh.call(this); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.resultGainExp = function(exp) { const newExp = Math.max(this.currentExp() + Math.round(exp * this.finalExpRate()), 0); let level = this._level; while (!this.resultIsMaxLevel(level) && newExp >= this.resultNextLevelExp(level)) { level++; } return level; }; Game_Actor.prototype.resultIsMaxLevel = function(level) { return level >= this.maxLevel(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.resultNextLevelExp = function(level) { return this.expForLevel(level + 1); }; const _Game_Actor_learnSkill = Game_Actor.prototype.learnSkill; Game_Actor.prototype.learnSkill = function(skillId) { if (!this.isLearnedSkill(skillId) && this._learnSkill && BattleManager.resultMode) { this._learnSkill.push(skillId); } _Game_Actor_learnSkill.call(this, skillId); }; const _Game_Actor_shouldDisplayLevelUp = Game_Actor.prototype.shouldDisplayLevelUp; Game_Actor.prototype.shouldDisplayLevelUp = function() { return BattleManager.resultMode ? false : _Game_Actor_shouldDisplayLevelUp.call(this); }; Game_Actor.prototype.getResultActor = function() { return Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp ? battlreActorPicture(this.actorId()) : this.getResultActorData(this.actorId()); }; const _Game_Party_performVictory = Game_Party.prototype.performVictory; Game_Party.prototype.performVictory = function() { if (!BattleManager._victoryStart) { if (BattleEndMotionResult === 0 || BattleEndMotionResult > 0 && !$gameSwitches.value(BattleEndMotionResult)) { _Game_Party_performVictory.call(this); } } }; Game_Party.prototype.resultMembers = function() { if (ReserveMembers) { return this.allMembers(); } else { if (Imported.NUUN_SupportActor) { $gameParty.membersMode = true; } return this.battleMembers(); } }; Game_Party.prototype.resetLearnSkill = function() { for (const member of this.allMembers()) { member._learnSkill = []; } }; const _Scene_Battle_createAllWindows = Scene_Battle.prototype.createAllWindows; Scene_Battle.prototype.createAllWindows = function() { _Scene_Battle_createAllWindows.call(this); this.createResultWindow(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultWindow = function() { this.createResultBackgroundSprite(); this.createResultHelpWindow(); this.createResultMainWindow(); this.createResultActorExpWindow(); this.createResultGetInfoWindow(); this.createResultGetItemWindow(); this.createResultLevelUpMainWindow(); this.createResultLevelUpHelpWindow(); this.createResultActorStatusWindow(); this.createResultLearnSkillWindow(); this.createResultButtons(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultBackgroundSprite = function() { const sprite = new Sprite_ResultBackground(); this.addChild(sprite); this._resultBackgroundSprite = sprite; }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultHelpWindow = function() { if (HelpWindowVisible) { const rect = this.resultHelpWindowRect(); this._resultHelpWindow = new Window_ResultHelp(rect); this._resultHelpWindow.hide(); this.addChild(this._resultHelpWindow); this._resultHelpWindow.setText(ResultName); } else { this._resultHelpWindow = null; } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultMainWindow = function() { const rect = this.resultWindowRect(); this._resultWindow = new Window_Result(rect); this.addChild(this._resultWindow); this._resultWindow.setHandler("ok", this.onResultOk.bind(this)); this._resultWindow.setHandler("cancel", this.onResultOk.bind(this)); this._resultWindow.hide(); this._resultWindow.setResultBackground(this._resultBackgroundSprite); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultActorExpWindow = function() { const rect = this.resultActorExpWindowRect(); this._resultActorExpWindow = new Window_ResultActorExp(rect); this._resultActorExpWindow.hide(); this.addChild(this._resultActorExpWindow); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultGetInfoWindow = function() { const rect = this.resultGetInfoWindowRect(); this._resultGetInfoWindow = new Window_ResultGetInfo(rect); this._resultGetInfoWindow.hide(); this.addChild(this._resultGetInfoWindow); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultGetItemWindow = function() { const rect = this.resultGetItemWindowRect(); this._resultGetItemWindow = new Window_ResultGetItem(rect); this._resultGetItemWindow.hide(); this.addChild(this._resultGetItemWindow); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultLevelUpHelpWindow = function() { if (LevelUpHelpWindowVisible) { const rect = this.resultLevelUpHelpWindowRect(); this._resultLevelUpHelpWindow = new Window_ResultLevelUpHelp(rect); this.addChild(this._resultLevelUpHelpWindow); this._resultLevelUpHelpWindow.hide(); } else { this._resultLevelUpHelpWindow = null; } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultLevelUpMainWindow = function() { const rect = this.resultLevelUpWindowRect(); this._resultLevelUpMainWindow = new Window_ResultLevelUpMain(rect); this.addChild(this._resultLevelUpMainWindow); this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.setHandler("ok", this.onResultOk.bind(this)); this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.setHandler("cancel", this.onResultOk.bind(this)); this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.hide(); this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.setResultBackground(this._resultBackgroundSprite); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultActorStatusWindow = function() { const rect = this.resultActorStatusWindowRect(); this._resultActorStatusWindow = new Window_ResultActorStatus(rect); this.addChild(this._resultActorStatusWindow); this._resultActorStatusWindow.hide(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultLearnSkillWindow = function() { const rect = this.resultLearnSkillWindowRect(); this._resultLearnSkillWindow = new Window_ResultLearnSkill(rect); this._resultLearnSkillWindow.hide(); this.addChild(this._resultLearnSkillWindow); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultHelpWindowRect = function() { const ww = ResultHelpWidth > 0 ? ResultHelpWidth : Graphics.boxWidth; const wx = (ResultWindowCenter ? (Graphics.width - ww) / 2 : (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2) + ResultHelpWindow_X; const wy = this.resultHelpAreaTop() + ResultHelpWindow_Y + (Graphics.height - Graphics.boxHeight) / 2; const wh = this.resultHelpAreaHeight(); return new Rectangle(wx, wy, ww, wh); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultWindowRect = function() { const ww = ResultWidth > 0 ? ResultWidth : Graphics.boxWidth; const wx = (ResultWindowCenter ? (Graphics.width - ww) / 2 : (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2) + ResultWindow_X; const wy = this.resultWindowY() + ResultWindow_Y; const wh = (ResultHeight > 0 ? ResultHeight : Graphics.boxHeight - wy); return new Rectangle(wx, wy + (Graphics.height - Graphics.boxHeight) / 2, ww, wh); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultActorExpWindowRect = function() { const resultWindow = this._resultWindow; const wx = resultWindow.x + ActorExpWindow_X; const wy = resultWindow.y + ActorExpWindow_Y; const ww = ActorExpWidth > 0 ? ActorExpWidth : Math.floor(resultWindow.width * 0.6); const wh = ActorExpHeight > 0 ? ActorExpHeight : resultWindow.height; return new Rectangle(wx, wy, ww, wh); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultGetInfoWindowRect = function() { const resultWindow = this._resultWindow; const wx = resultWindow.x + GetInfoWindow_X; const wy = resultWindow.y + GetInfoWindow_Y; const ww = GetInfoWidth > 0 ? GetInfoWidth : Math.floor(resultWindow.width * 0.4); const wh = GetInfoHeight > 0 ? GetInfoHeight : Window_Selectable.prototype.resultGetInfoFittingHeight(GainParam.length); return new Rectangle(wx, wy, ww, wh); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultGetItemWindowRect = function() { const resultWindow = this._resultWindow; const wx = resultWindow.x + GetItemWindow_X; const wy = resultWindow.y + GetItemWindow_Y; const ww = GetItemWidth > 0 ? GetItemWidth : Math.floor(resultWindow.width * 0.4); const wh = GetItemHeight > 0 ? GetItemHeight : this.getDropItemHeight(wx, wy); return new Rectangle(wx, wy, ww, wh); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultLevelUpHelpWindowRect = function() { const ww = LevelUpResultHelpWidth > 0 ? LevelUpResultHelpWidth : Graphics.boxWidth; const wx = (ResultWindowCenter ? (Graphics.width - ww) / 2 : (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2) + LevelUpResultHelpWindow_X; const wy = this.resultHelpAreaTop() + LevelUpResultHelpWindow_Y + (Graphics.height - Graphics.boxHeight) / 2; const wh = this.resultHelpAreaHeight(); return new Rectangle(wx, wy, ww, wh); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultLevelUpWindowRect = function() { const ww = ResultLevelUpWidth > 0 ? ResultLevelUpWidth : Graphics.boxWidth; const wx = (ResultWindowCenter ? (Graphics.width - ww) / 2 : (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2) + ResultLevelUpWindow_X; const wy = this.resultLevelUpWindowY() + ResultLevelUpWindow_Y; const wh = ResultLevelUpHeight > 0 ? ResultLevelUpHeight : Graphics.boxHeight - wy; return new Rectangle(wx, wy + (Graphics.height - Graphics.boxHeight) / 2, ww, wh); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultActorStatusWindowRect = function() { const resultWindow = this._resultLevelUpMainWindow; const wx = resultWindow.x + LevelUpActorWindow_X; const wy = resultWindow.y + LevelUpActorWindow_Y; const ww = LevelUpActorWidth > 0 ? LevelUpActorWidth : Math.floor(Graphics.boxWidth * 0.5); const wh = LevelUpActorHeight > 0 ? LevelUpActorHeight : Graphics.boxHeight - wy; return new Rectangle(wx, wy, ww, wh); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultLearnSkillWindowRect = function() { const resultWindow = this._resultLevelUpMainWindow; const wx = resultWindow.x + LearnSkillWindow_X; const wy = resultWindow.y + LearnSkillWindow_Y; const ww = LearnSkillWidth > 0 ? LearnSkillWidth : Math.floor(Graphics.boxWidth * 0.5); const wh = LearnSkillHeight > 0 ? LearnSkillHeight : this.learnSkillHeight(wx, wy); return new Rectangle(wx, wy, ww, wh); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultHelpAreaTop = function() { const y = ResultWindow_Y; if (NoTouchUIWindow && !ConfigManager.touchUI) { return y; } return y + this.buttonAreaHeight(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultWindowY = function() { switch (ResultWindowPosition) { case 'help': return this.resultHelpAreaTop() + (HelpWindowVisible ? this.resultHelpAreaHeight() : 0); case 'button': return this.resultHelpAreaTop(); case 'top': return 0; } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultLevelUpWindowY = function() { switch (ResultLevelUpWindowPosition) { case 'help': return this.resultHelpAreaTop() + (HelpWindowVisible ? this.resultHelpAreaHeight() : 0); case 'button': return this.resultHelpAreaTop(); case 'top': return 0; } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.getDropItemHeight = function(x, y) { return DropItemRows > 0 ? Window_Selectable.prototype.resultDropItemFittingHeight(DropItemRows) : Graphics.boxHeight - y; }; Scene_Battle.prototype.learnSkillHeight = function(x, y) { return LearnSkillRows > 0 ? Window_Selectable.prototype.resultLearnSkillFittingHeight(LearnSkillRows) : Graphics.boxHeight - y; }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultHelpAreaHeight = function() { return this.calcWindowHeight(1, false); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultButtons = function() { if (ConfigManager.touchUI) { this.createResultButton(); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createResultButton = function() { this._okResultButton = new Sprite_Button("ok"); this._downResultButton = new Sprite_Button("pagedown"); this._upResultButton = new Sprite_Button("pageup"); let x = ResultButton_X const y = this.resultButtonY(); this.addChild(this._okResultButton); this.addChild(this._downResultButton); this.addChild(this._upResultButton); if (ButtonPosition === 'right') { x += Graphics.boxWidth - this._okResultButton.width - 4; this._okResultButton.x = x + (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2; this._downResultButton.x = this._okResultButton.x - (24 + this._downResultButton.width) + (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2; this._upResultButton.x = this._downResultButton.x - (4 + this._upResultButton.width) + (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2; } else { this._okResultButton.x = x + (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2; this._upResultButton.x = this._okResultButton.x + (24 + this._upResultButton.width) + (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2; this._downResultButton.x = this._upResultButton.x + (4 + this._upResultButton.width) + (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2; } this._okResultButton.y = y + (Graphics.height - Graphics.boxHeight) / 2; this._downResultButton.y = y + (Graphics.height - Graphics.boxHeight) / 2; this._upResultButton.y = y + (Graphics.height - Graphics.boxHeight) / 2; this._upResultButton.setClickHandler(this.updatePageupButton.bind(this)); this._downResultButton.setClickHandler(this.updatePagedownButton.bind(this)); }; const _Scene_Battle_updateInputWindowVisibility = Scene_Battle.prototype.updateInputWindowVisibility; Scene_Battle.prototype.updateInputWindowVisibility = function() { _Scene_Battle_updateInputWindowVisibility.call(this); if (BattleManager._resultOn) { this.closeCommandWindows(); this.hideSubInputWindows(); } }; const _Scene_Battle_updateVisibility = Scene_Battle.prototype.updateVisibility; Scene_Battle.prototype.updateVisibility = function() { _Scene_Battle_updateVisibility.call(this); this.updateResultButton(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.updateResultButton = function() { if (this._okResultButton) { this._okResultButton.visible = (this._resultWindow.active || this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.active); } if (this._upResultButton && this._downResultButton) { this._upResultButton.visible = (this._resultWindow.active && this._resultGetItemWindow.maxPages() > 1) || (this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.active && this._resultLearnSkillWindow.maxPages() > 1); this._downResultButton.visible = (this._resultWindow.active && this._resultGetItemWindow.maxPages() > 1) || (this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.active && this._resultLearnSkillWindow.maxPages() > 1); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.updatePageupButton = function() { if (this._resultWindow.active) { this.updateDorpItemPageup(); } else if (this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.active) { this.updateLearnSkillPageup(); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.updatePagedownButton = function() { if (this._resultWindow.active) { this.updateDorpItemPagedown(); } else if (this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.active) { this.updateLearnSkillPagedown(); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultButtonY = function() { return this.buttonY() - this.helpAreaBottom() + ResultButton_Y; }; Scene_Battle.prototype.closeStatusWindow = function() { if (CloseActorStatusWindow) { this._statusWindow.close(); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.setResultOpen = function() { this.closeStatusWindow(); this.resultRefresh(); this._resultBackgroundSprite.setupAfterVictoryEffect(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.updateAfterVictoryEffect = function() { const sprite = this._resultBackgroundSprite; if (BattleManager._resultOn && BattleManager.resultBusy === 0 && !sprite.onResultOpen()) { sprite.updateAfterVictoryEffect(); if (sprite.onResultOpen()) { this.resultOpen(); } } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultOpen = function() { if (BattleEndHideResult > 0 && $gameSwitches.value(BattleEndHideResult)) { BattleManager._resultOn = false; return; } this._resultWindow.activate(); this._resultWindow.refresh(); BattleManager.resultOpenRefresh = true; if (this._resultHelpWindow) { this._resultHelpWindow.show(); this._resultHelpWindow.open(); } this._resultWindow.show(); this._resultActorExpWindow.show(); this._resultGetInfoWindow.show(); this._resultGetItemWindow.show(); this._resultWindow.open(); this._resultGetInfoWindow.open(); this._resultGetItemWindow.open(); this._resultActorExpWindow.open(); BattleManager.resultRefresh = PartyPageRefreshFrame; }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultRefresh = function() { this._resultActorExpWindow.refresh(); this._resultGetInfoWindow.refresh(); this._resultGetItemWindow.refresh(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.resultLevelUpRefresh = function() { this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.refresh(); this._resultActorStatusWindow.refresh(); this._resultLearnSkillWindow.refresh(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.onResultOk = function() { if (BattleManager.resultLevelUpActors.length > 0 && BattleManager.resultPage < BattleManager.resultLevelUpActors.length) { this.openLevelUpWindow(); } else { this.closeResultWindow(); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.openLevelUpWindow = function() { BattleManager.resultPage++; const actor = BattleManager.resultLevelUpActors[BattleManager.resultPage - 1]; if (this._resultHelpWindow) { this._resultHelpWindow.hide(); } if (this._resultLevelUpHelpWindow) { this._resultLevelUpHelpWindow.show(); const text = LevelUpResultHelpName.format(actor.name(), actor._level); this._resultLevelUpHelpWindow.setText(text); } this._resultWindow.deactivate(); this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.activate(); this._resultGetItemWindow.page = 0; this._resultWindow.hide(); this._resultActorExpWindow.hide(); this._resultGetInfoWindow.hide(); this._resultGetItemWindow.hide(); this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.show(); this._resultActorStatusWindow.show(); this._resultLearnSkillWindow.show(); this.resultLevelUpRefresh(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.closeResultWindow = function() { if (this._resultHelpWindow) { this._resultHelpWindow.close(); } if (this._resultLevelUpHelpWindow) { this._resultLevelUpHelpWindow.close(); } this._resultWindow.close(); this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.close(); this._resultActorExpWindow.close(); this._resultGetInfoWindow.close(); this._resultGetItemWindow.close(); this._resultActorStatusWindow.close(); this._resultLearnSkillWindow.close(); BattleManager.playMapBgm(); BattleManager._resultOn = false; }; const _Scene_Battle_update = Scene_Battle.prototype.update; Scene_Battle.prototype.update = function() { _Scene_Battle_update.call(this); this.updateAfterVictoryEffect(); this.updateResultPage(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.updateResultPage = function() { if (BattleManager._resultOn) { if (this._resultWindow.active) { if (Input.isRepeated('left')) { this.updateDorpItemPageup(); } else if (Input.isRepeated('right')){ this.updateDorpItemPagedown(); } } else if (this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.active) { if (Input.isRepeated('left')) { this.updateLearnSkillPageup(); } else if (Input.isRepeated('right')){ this.updateLearnSkillPagedown(); } } } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.updateDorpItemPagedown = function() { const maxPage = this._resultGetItemWindow.maxPages(); if (maxPage > 1) { SoundManager.playCursor(); this._resultGetItemWindow.page = (this._resultGetItemWindow.page + 1) % maxPage; this._resultGetItemWindow.refresh(); this._resultWindow.activate(); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.updateDorpItemPageup = function() { const maxPage = this._resultGetItemWindow.maxPages(); if (maxPage > 1) { SoundManager.playCursor(); this._resultGetItemWindow.page = (this._resultGetItemWindow.page + (maxPage - 1)) % maxPage; this._resultGetItemWindow.refresh(); this._resultWindow.activate(); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.updateLearnSkillPagedown = function() { const maxPage = this._resultLearnSkillWindow.maxPages(); if (maxPage > 1) { SoundManager.playCursor(); this._resultLearnSkillWindow.page = (this._resultLearnSkillWindow.page + 1) % maxPage; this._resultLearnSkillWindow.refresh(); this._resultActorStatusWindow.activate(); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.updateLearnSkillPageup = function() { const maxPage = this._resultLearnSkillWindow.maxPages(); if (maxPage > 1) { SoundManager.playCursor(); this._resultLearnSkillWindow.page = (this._resultLearnSkillWindow.page + (maxPage - 1)) % maxPage; this._resultLearnSkillWindow.refresh(); this._resultActorStatusWindow.activate(); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.isActiveResult = function() { return this._resultWindow.active || this._resultLevelUpMainWindow.active; }; Window_Selectable.prototype.resultGetInfoFittingHeight = function(numLines) { return numLines * (GetInfoContentsHeight || 36) + $gameSystem.windowPadding() * 2 + this.rowSpacing() / 2; }; Window_Selectable.prototype.resultDropItemFittingHeight = function(numLines) { return numLines * (DropItemContentsHeight || 36) + $gameSystem.windowPadding() * 2 + this.rowSpacing() / 2; }; Window_Selectable.prototype.resultLearnSkillFittingHeight = function(numLines) { return numLines * (LearnSkillContentsHeight || 36) + $gameSystem.windowPadding() * 2 + this.rowSpacing() / 2; }; Window_Base.prototype.setResultFadein = function() { if (this.isFadein()) { this.openOpacity = 0; } else { this.openOpacity = 255; } }; Window_Base.prototype.updateResultFadein = function() { if (this.isFadein() && this.resultFadein) { this.openness += 255; this.openOpacity += 32; this.opacity = this.openOpacity.clamp(0, 255); if (this.isResultFadein()) { this.resultFadein = false; } } }; Window_Base.prototype.onResultFadein = function() { if (this.isFadein() && !this.resultFadein) { this.resultFadein = true; } }; Window_Base.prototype.isResultFadein = function() { return this.openOpacity >= 255; }; Window_Base.prototype.isFadein = function() { return ResultFadein && !this.resultWindowVisible; }; Window_Base.prototype.setResultWindowMode = function(mode) { if (!mode) { this.opacity = 0; this.frameVisible = false; this.resultWindowVisible = true; } }; Window_StatusBase.prototype.setResultBaseActorSprite = function() { const sprite = new Sprite_ResultActor(); this.addChild(sprite); this._actorSprite = sprite; sprite.hide(); }; Window_StatusBase.prototype.setupResultBitmap = function(actor, data) { let bitmap = null; if (Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp) { bitmap = actor.getActorGraphicImg(); } else { bitmap = actor.getResultActorImg(actor.actorId()); } if (bitmap) { bitmap = ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(bitmap); if (bitmap && !bitmap.isReady()) { bitmap.addLoadListener(this.setResultBitmap.bind(this, bitmap, data)); } else if (bitmap) { this.setResultBitmap(bitmap, data); } } }; Window_StatusBase.prototype.setResultBitmap = function(bitmap, data) { let x = data.Actor_X; const scale = (data.Actor_Scale || 100) / 100; if(ActorPosition === 'left') { x += 0; } else if (ActorPosition === 'center') { x += Math.floor(this.width / 2 - ((bitmap.width * scale) / 2)); } else { x += this.width - (bitmap.width * scale) - 24; } const dw = bitmap.width * scale; const dh = bitmap.height * scale; const y = data.Actor_Y + (this.height - (bitmap.height * scale)) - 24; this.contents.blt(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, x, y, dw, dh); }; Window_StatusBase.prototype.windowResultFilteX = function() { switch (LevelUpActorArea) { case 'ui': return 0; case 'screen': return 0 + (Graphics.boxWidth - Graphics.width) / 2; } }; Window_StatusBase.prototype.windowResultFilterWidthArea = function() { switch (LevelUpActorArea) { case 'window': return this.innerWidth; case 'ui': return this.width; case 'screen': return Graphics.width; } }; Window_StatusBase.prototype.windowResultFilterHeightArea = function() { switch (LevelUpActorArea) { case 'window': return this.innerHeight; case 'ui': return this.height; case 'screen': return Graphics.height - this.y; } }; Window_StatusBase.prototype.drawResultActorCharacter = function(actor, x, y) { x += 24; y += 48; this.drawActorCharacter(actor, x, y); }; function Window_ResultHelp() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Window_ResultHelp.prototype = Object.create(Window_Help.prototype); Window_ResultHelp.prototype.constructor = Window_ResultHelp; Window_ResultHelp.prototype.initialize = function(rect) { Window_Help.prototype.initialize.call(this, rect); this.openness = 0; this.openOpacity = 0; this.resultFadein = false; this.setResultWindowMode(ResultHelpWindowVisible); }; Window_ResultHelp.prototype.refresh = function() { const rect = this.baseTextRect(); this.contents.clear(); this.drawText(this._text, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, ResultTextPosition); }; const _Window_ResultHelp_updateOpen = Window_ResultHelp.prototype.updateOpen; Window_ResultHelp.prototype.updateOpen = function() { this.updateResultFadein(); _Window_ResultHelp_updateOpen.call(this); }; const _Window_ResultHelp_isOpen = Window_ResultHelp.prototype.isOpen; Window_ResultHelp.prototype.isOpen = function() { return this.isFadein() ? this.isResultFadein() && _Window_ResultHelp_isOpen.call(this) : _Window_ResultHelp_isOpen.call(this); }; const _Window_ResultHelp_open = Window_ResultHelp.prototype.open; Window_ResultHelp.prototype.open = function() { _Window_ResultHelp_open.call(this); this.onResultFadein(); }; Window_ResultHelp.prototype.loadWindowskin = function() { if (ResultHelpWindowsSkin) { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem(ResultHelpWindowsSkin); } else { Window_Base.prototype.loadWindowskin.call(this); } }; function Window_ResultLevelUpHelp() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Window_ResultLevelUpHelp.prototype = Object.create(Window_Help.prototype); Window_ResultLevelUpHelp.prototype.constructor = Window_ResultLevelUpHelp; Window_ResultLevelUpHelp.prototype.initialize = function(rect) { Window_Help.prototype.initialize.call(this, rect); this.openness = 255; this.openOpacity = 0; this.setResultWindowMode(ResultLevelUpHelpWindowVisible); }; Window_ResultLevelUpHelp.prototype.refresh = function() { const rect = this.baseTextRect(); this.contents.clear(); if (LevelUpResultTextPosition === 'TextEx') { this.drawTextEx(this._text, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width); } else { this.drawText(this._text, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, LevelUpResultTextPosition); } }; Window_ResultLevelUpHelp.prototype.loadWindowskin = function() { if (LevelUpResultHelpWindowsSkin) { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem(LevelUpResultHelpWindowsSkin); } else { Window_Base.prototype.loadWindowskin.call(this); } }; function Window_Result() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Window_Result.prototype = Object.create(Window_StatusBase.prototype); Window_Result.prototype.constructor = Window_Result; Window_Result.prototype.initialize = function(rect) { Window_StatusBase.prototype.initialize.call(this, rect); this.openness = 0; this.setResultFadein(); this.resultFadein = false; this._canRepeat = false; this.resultBackgroundSprite = null; this.setResultWindowMode(ResultWindowVisible); }; Window_Result.prototype.setResultBackground = function(sprite) { this.resultBackgroundSprite = sprite; }; Window_Result.prototype.loadWindowskin = function() { if (GetWindowsSkin) { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem(GetWindowsSkin); } else { Window_Base.prototype.loadWindowskin.call(this); } }; Window_Result.prototype.refresh = function() { this.resultBackgroundSprite.setBackground(GetWindowBackGroundImg); }; Window_Result.prototype.processOk = function() { if (BattleManager.resultRefresh === 0) { Window_StatusBase.prototype.processOk.call(this); } }; const _Window_Result_updateOpen = Window_Result.prototype.updateOpen; Window_Result.prototype.updateOpen = function() { this.updateResultFadein(); this.updateResultBackgrounfFadein(); _Window_Result_updateOpen.call(this); }; const _Window_Result_isOpen = Window_Result.prototype.isOpen; Window_Result.prototype.isOpen = function() { return this.isFadein() ? this.isResultFadein() && _Window_Result_isOpen.call(this) : _Window_Result_isOpen.call(this); }; const _Window_Result_open = Window_Result.prototype.open; Window_Result.prototype.open = function() { _Window_Result_open.call(this); this.onResultFadein(); }; Window_Result.prototype.updateResultBackgrounfFadein = function() { if (this.resultBackgroundSprite) { this.resultBackgroundSprite.setOpacity(this.openOpacity); } }; Window_Result.prototype.processCancel = function() { SoundManager.playOk(); this.updateInputData(); this.deactivate(); this.callCancelHandler(); }; Window_Result.prototype.resultRefresh = function(actor) { this.contents.clear(); if (actor) { const data = Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp ? battlreActorPicture(actor.actorId()) : actor.getResultActorData(actor.actorId()); if (LevelUpActorArea === 'window') { this.setupResultBitmap(actor, data); } else { if (data) { this._actorSprite.setup(actor, data, this.windowResultFilterWidthArea()); this._actorSprite.move(this.windowResultFilteX(), this.windowResultFilterHeightArea()); this._actorSprite.show(); } else { this._actorSprite.setup(null, null, this.windowResultFilterWidthArea()); } } } }; function Window_ResultActorExp() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Window_ResultActorExp.prototype = Object.create(Window_StatusBase.prototype); Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.constructor = Window_ResultActorExp; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.initialize = function(rect) { Window_StatusBase.prototype.initialize.call(this, rect); this.openOpacity = 0; this.openness = 0; this.resultFadein = false; this._isWindow = false; this._contentsBackVisible = !EXPResistContentsBackVisible; this.setResultWindowMode(ActorExpWindowVisible); this.loadResultCharacter(); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.loadResultCharacter = function() { for (const actor of this.members()) { ImageManager.loadCharacter(actor.characterName()); } }; const _Window_ResultActorExp_updateOpen = Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.updateOpen; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.updateOpen = function() { this.updateResultFadein(); _Window_ResultActorExp_updateOpen.call(this); }; const _Window_ResultActorExp_isOpen = Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.isOpen; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.isOpen = function() { return this.isFadein() ? this.isResultFadein() && _Window_ResultActorExp_isOpen.call(this) : _Window_ResultActorExp_isOpen.call(this); }; const _Window_ResultActorExp_open = Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.open; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.open = function() { _Window_ResultActorExp_open.call(this); this.onResultFadein(); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawItemBackground = function(index) { if (EXPResistContentsBackGroundImg) { const bitmap = ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(EXPResistContentsBackGroundImg); if (bitmap && !bitmap.isReady()) { bitmap.addLoadListener(this.drawContentsBack.bind(this, bitmap, index)); } else { this.drawContentsBack(bitmap, index); } } else { Window_StatusBase.prototype.drawItemBackground.call(this, index); } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.loadWindowskin = function() { if (EXPResistWindowsSkin) { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem(EXPResistWindowsSkin); } else { Window_Base.prototype.loadWindowskin.call(this); } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawContentsBack = function(bitmap, index) { const rect = this.itemRect(index); this.contentsBack.blt(bitmap, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height, rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, rect.width - 2, rect.height - 2); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.maxCols = function() { return ActorCols; }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.itemHeight = function() { const showMembers = Math.ceil(this.actorMembers() / ActorCols); if (ResultActorAutoSize && DefaultActorVisible < showMembers) { return Math.floor(this.contentsHeight() / showMembers); } else if (ResultActorLessThanSize && DefaultActorVisible > showMembers) { return Math.floor(this.contentsHeight() / showMembers); } else { return Math.floor(this.contentsHeight() / DefaultActorVisible); } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.maxItems = function() { return this.members().length; }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.contentsHeight = function() { return this.innerHeight; }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.actor = function(index) { return this.members()[index]; }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.actorMembers = function() { return this.members().length; }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.members = function() { if (ReserveMembers) { return $gameParty.allMembers(); } else { if (Imported.NUUN_SupportActor && ShowSupportActor) { $gameParty.setWithSupportActorMember(); } return $gameParty.battleMembers(); } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawItem = function(index) { this.drawActorExp(index); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawActorExp = function(index) { const rect = this.itemRect(index); const actor = this.actor(index); for (const data of ActorExpDataList) { this.resetFontSettings(); const x = rect.x + data.X_Coordinate; const y = rect.y + data.Y_Coordinate; const width = (data.ItemWidth && data.ItemWidth > 0 ? Math.min(data.ItemWidth, rect.width - data.X_Coordinate) : rect.width - data.X_Coordinate); this.dateDisplay(data, actor, x, y, width, rect.height); } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.dateDisplay = function(data, actor, x, y, width, height) { switch (data.DateSelect) { case 0: break; case 1: this.drawResultActorCharacter(actor, x, y); break; case 2: this.drawActorFace(data, actor, x, y, height); break; case 3: this.drawSvActor(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 4: this.drawActorImg(data, actor, x, y, width, height); break; case 10: this.drawActorName(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 11: this.drawActorLevel(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 12: this.drawGetActorExp(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 20: this.drawExpGauge(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 21: this.drawParams(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 30: this.drawLevelUp(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 50: this.drawCircularExpGauge(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 1000: this.drawHorzLine(data, x, y, width); break; default: break; } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawHorzLine = function(data, x, y, width) { const lineY = y + this.lineHeight() / 2 - 1; this.contents.paintOpacity = 48; this.contents.fillRect(x, lineY, width, 2, NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.paintOpacity = 255; }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawActorFace = function(data, actor, x, y, height) { height = Math.min(ActorFaceHeight, height, ImageManager.faceHeight); if (Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp) { this.drawFace(actor.getActorGraphicFace(), actor.getActorGraphicFaceIndex(), x, y, ImageManager.faceWidth, height); } else { this.drawFace(actor.faceName(), actor.faceIndex(), x, y, ImageManager.faceWidth, height); } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawSvActor = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { const bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(actor.battlerName()); this.drawSvActorImg(actor, x, y); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawActorImg = function(data, actor, x, y, width, height) { let bitmap = null; const actorData = Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp ? battlreActorPicture(actor.actorId()) : actor.getResultActorData(actor.actorId()); if (Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp) { actor.resetImgId(); bitmap = actor.getActorGraphicImg(); } else { bitmap = actor.getResultActorImg(actor.actorId()); } if (bitmap) { bitmap = ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(bitmap); if (bitmap && !bitmap.isReady()) { bitmap.addLoadListener(this.setResultBitmap.bind(this, bitmap, actorData, x, y, width, height)); } else if (bitmap) { this.setResultBitmap(bitmap, actorData, x, y, width, height); } } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.setResultBitmap = function(bitmap, data, x, y, width, height) { const scale = (data.EXPActor_Scale || 100) / 100; width = Math.min(width - 2, bitmap.width); height = Math.min(height - 2); const sw = width * scale; const sh = height * scale; const sx = 0; const sy = 0; this.contents.blt(bitmap, sx + (data.EXPActor_X || 0), sy + (data.EXPActor_Y || 0), width + (width - sw), height + (height - sh), x + 1, y + 1, width, height); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawActorName = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { if (actor.isDead()) { this.changeTextColor(ColorManager.deathColor()); } this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; Window_StatusBase.prototype.drawActorName.call(this, actor, x, y, width); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawActorLevel = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { const exp = BattleManager._rewards.exp; if (!isNaN(exp)) { const level = actor.resultGainExp(exp); const systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 30; this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); const text = data.ParamName ? data.ParamName : TextManager.levelA; this.drawText(text, x, y, systemWidth); if (actor._resultLevelUp) { this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(LevelUpValueColor)); } else { this.resetTextColor(); } this.drawText(level, x + systemWidth + this.itemPadding(), y, width - (systemWidth + this.itemPadding()), "left"); } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawGetActorExp = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { resultExpMaxWidth = width; const key = "resultActor%1-exp-%2".format(actor.actorId()); const sprite = this.createInnerSprite(key, Sprite_ResultExpValue); sprite.setup(actor, data); sprite.move(x, y); sprite.show(); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawParams = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { if (data.DetaEval) { const a = actor; const d = actor.actor(); const systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 60; this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; this.drawText(data.ParamName || '', x, y, systemWidth); this.resetTextColor(); this.drawText(eval(data.DetaEval), x + systemWidth + this.itemPadding(), y, width - (systemWidth + this.itemPadding()), "right"); } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawHorzLine = function(data, x, y, width) { const lineY = y + this.lineHeight() / 2 - 1; this.contents.paintOpacity = 48; this.contents.fillRect(x, lineY, width, 2, NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.paintOpacity = 255; }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawExpGauge = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { resultExpMaxWidth = width; this.placeExpGauge(actor, x, y); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawLevelUp = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { if (actor._resultLevelUp) { if (!!LevelUpImg) { const bitmap = ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(LevelUpImg); bitmap.addLoadListener(function() { this.setLevelUpBitmap(bitmap, x, y, width); }.bind(this)); } else { this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(LevelUpNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; const text = data.ParamName || 'LEVEL UP!'; const textWidth = this.textWidth(text); this.drawText(text, x, y, textWidth, 'center'); } } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.setLevelUpBitmap = function(bitmap, x, y, width) { this.contents.blt(bitmap, 0, 0, width, this.height, x, y); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.placeExpGauge = function(actor, x, y) { const type = 'result_exp'; if (Imported.NUUN_GaugeImage) {//旧版要 this.placeGaugeImg(actor, type, x, y); } const key = "resultActor%1-gauge-%2".format(actor.actorId(), type); const sprite = this.createInnerSprite(key, Sprite_ResultExpGauge); sprite.setup(actor, type); sprite.move(x, y); sprite.show(); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawCircularExpGauge = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { const type = 'result_exp'; if (!Imported.NUUN_CircularGauge) { return; } const find = this.getCircularGaugeData(type); if (!!find) { this.placeCircularExpGauge(find, actor, type, find.GaugeX + x, find.GaugeY + y); } }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.drawSvActorImg = function(actor, x, y) { const key = "resultSvActor%1".format(actor.actorId()); const sprite = this.createInnerSprite(key, Sprite_ResultSvActor); sprite.setBattler(actor); sprite.show(); sprite.setHome(x + this.x, y + this.y); sprite.startMotion(); }; Window_ResultActorExp.prototype.placeCircularExpGauge = function(data, actor, type, x, y) { this.setCircularTempData(type, data); const key = "resultActor%1-gauge-%2".format(actor.actorId(), type); const sprite = this.createInnerSprite(key, Sprite_ResultCircularExpGauge); sprite.setup(actor, type); sprite.move(x, y); sprite.show(); this.clearCircularTempData(); }; window.Window_ResultActorExp = Window_ResultActorExp; function Window_ResultGetInfo() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype = Object.create(Window_Selectable.prototype); Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.constructor = Window_ResultGetInfo; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.initialize = function(rect) { Window_Selectable.prototype.initialize.call(this, rect); this.openOpacity = 0; this.openness = 0; this.resultFadein = false; this._isWindow = false; this.setResultWindowMode(GetInfoWindowVisible); }; const _Window_ResultGetInfo_updateOpen = Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.updateOpen; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.updateOpen = function() { this.updateResultFadein(); _Window_ResultGetInfo_updateOpen.call(this); }; const _Window_ResultGetInfo_isOpen = Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.isOpen; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.isOpen = function() { return this.isFadein() ? this.isResultFadein() && _Window_ResultGetInfo_isOpen.call(this) : _Window_ResultGetInfo_isOpen.call(this); }; const _Window_ResultGetInfo_open = Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.open; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.open = function() { _Window_ResultGetInfo_open.call(this); this.onResultFadein(); }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.loadWindowskin = function() { if (GetInfoWindowsSkin) { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem(GetInfoWindowsSkin); } else { Window_Base.prototype.loadWindowskin.call(this); } }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.refresh = function() { this.contents.clear(); this.drawGetInfo(); }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.lineHeight = function() { return GetInfoContentsHeight || 36; }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.drawGetInfo = function() { const lineHeight = this.lineHeight(); for (const data of GainParam) { this.resetFontSettings(); const rect = this.itemRect(0); const x = rect.x + data.X_Coordinate; const y = (data.Y_Position - 1) * lineHeight + rect.y + data.Y_Coordinate; const width = data.ItemWidth && data.ItemWidth > 0 ? data.ItemWidth : rect.width; this.dateDisplay(data, x, y, width); } }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.dateDisplay = function(data, x, y, width) { switch (data.GainParamData) { case 0: break; case 1: this.drawGainGold(data, x, y, width); break; case 2: this.drawGainExp(data, x, y, width); break; case 10: this.drawPartyOriginalParam(data, x, y, width) break; case 1000: this.drawHorzLine(data, x, y, width); break; } }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.drawGainGold = function(data, x, y, width) { const gold = BattleManager._rewards.gold; if (!isNaN(gold)) { const gold = data.DetaEval ? eval(data.DetaEval) : BattleManager._rewards.gold; this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; let systemWidth = 0; if (data.ParamName) { systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 120; this.drawText(data.ParamName, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); } this.resetTextColor(); this.drawCurrencyValue(gold, this.currencyUnit(), x + systemWidth, y, width - systemWidth); } }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.drawGainExp = function(data, x, y, width) { const exp = BattleManager._rewards.exp; if (!isNaN(exp)) { const exp = data.DetaEval ? eval(data.DetaEval) : BattleManager._rewards.exp; this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; let systemWidth = 0; if (data.ParamName) { systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 120; this.drawText(data.ParamName, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); } this.resetTextColor(); this.drawText(exp, x + systemWidth, y, width - systemWidth, "right"); } }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.drawPartyOriginalParam = function(data, x, y, width) { const rewards = BattleManager._rewards; if (rewards) { const result = eval(data.DetaEval); this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; let systemWidth = 0; if (data.ParamName) { systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 120; this.drawText(data.ParamName, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); } this.resetTextColor(); this.drawText(result, x + systemWidth, y, width - systemWidth, "right"); } }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.drawHorzLine = function(data, x, y, width) { const lineY = y + this.lineHeight() / 2 - 1; this.contents.paintOpacity = 48; this.contents.fillRect(x, lineY, width, 2, NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.paintOpacity = 255; }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.currencyUnit = function() { return TextManager.currencyUnit; }; function Window_ResultGetItem() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Window_ResultGetItem.prototype = Object.create(Window_Selectable.prototype); Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.constructor = Window_ResultGetItem; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.initialize = function(rect) { Window_Selectable.prototype.initialize.call(this, rect); this.openOpacity = 0; this.resultFadein = false; this._isWindow = false; this.openness = 0; this.page = 0; this.maxPage = 0; this.dropList = []; this.stealList = []; this.dropItemRows = 1; this._dropItemMaxPage = 1; this._stealItemMaxPage = 1; this.setResultWindowMode(GetItemWindowVisible); }; const _Window_ResultGetItem_updateOpen = Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.updateOpen; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.updateOpen = function() { this.updateResultFadein(); _Window_ResultGetItem_updateOpen.call(this); }; const _Window_ResultGetItem_isOpen = Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.isOpen; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.isOpen = function() { return this.isFadein() ? this.isResultFadein() && _Window_ResultGetItem_isOpen.call(this) : _Window_ResultGetItem_isOpen.call(this); }; const _Window_ResultGetItem_open = Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.open; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.open = function() { _Window_ResultGetItem_open.call(this); this.onResultFadein(); }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.loadWindowskin = function() { if (GetItemWindowsSkin) { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem(GetItemWindowsSkin); } else { Window_Base.prototype.loadWindowskin.call(this); } }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.lineHeight = function() { return DropItemContentsHeight || 36; }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.maxPages = function() { return this.maxPage; }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.maxDropPages = function(items, rows, cols) { return Math.ceil(items.length / (rows * cols)); }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.getDropItemRows = function(y) { return Math.floor((this.innerHeight - y) / this.lineHeight()); }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.setMaxPage = function(items, rows, cols) { const pages = Math.ceil(items.length / (rows * cols)); const maxPage = this.maxPages(); if (maxPage < pages) { this.maxPage = pages; } }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.maxCols = function() { return DropItemMaxCols; }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.refresh = function() { this.contents.clear(); this.drawGetItem(false); this.drawGetItem(true); }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.drawGetItem = function(mode) { const lineHeight = this.lineHeight(); for (const data of GetItemParam) { this.resetFontSettings(); const x_Position = data.X_Position; const position = Math.min(x_Position, this.maxCols()); const rect = this.itemRect(position - 1); const x = rect.x + data.X_Coordinate; const y = (data.Y_Position - 1) * lineHeight + rect.y + data.Y_Coordinate; const width = data.ItemWidth && data.ItemWidth > 0 ? data.ItemWidth : this.widthMode(rect, data); this.dateDisplay(data, x, y, width, mode); } }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.widthMode = function(rect, data) { const colSpacing = this.colSpacing(); const cols = Math.min(this.maxCols(), data.ItemCols); return (rect.width + colSpacing) * cols - colSpacing; }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.dateDisplay = function(data, x, y, width, mode) { if (mode) { switch (data.GetItemParamData) { case 10: this.drawDropItemName(data, x, y, width); break; case 11: this.drawStealItemName(data, x, y, width); break; } } else { switch (data.GetItemParamData) { case 0: break; case 1: this.drawGetItems(data, x, y, width); break; case 2: this.drawGetStealItems(data, x, y, width); break; case 1000: this.drawHorzLine(data, x, y, width); break; } } }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.drawDropItemName = function(data, x, y, width) { if (data.ParamName) { this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; const systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 160; this.drawText(data.ParamName, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); this.resetTextColor(); const maxPage = this._dropItemMaxPage; if (maxPage > 1) { this.drawText(this.page + 1 +"/"+maxPage, x, y, width, "right"); } } }; Window_ResultGetInfo.prototype.drawStealItemName = function(data, x, y, width) { if (data.ParamName) { this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; const systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 160; this.drawText(data.ParamName, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); this.resetTextColor(); const maxPage = this._stealItemMaxPage; if (maxPage > 1) { this.drawText(this.page + 1 +"/"+maxPage, x, y, width, "right"); } } }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.getItemDropList = function() { const drop = BattleManager._rewards.items; const dropList = []; drop.forEach(item => { if (!item.meta.NoResultDropList && resultDropIsItem(item)) { const index = dropList.findIndex(ditem => this.isItemDrop(item, ditem)); if (DropItemNumVisible && index >= 0) { dropList[index].num++; } else { dropList.push({item: item, num: 1}); } } }); this.dropList = dropList; }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.isItemDrop = function(item, ditem) { return item === ditem.item; }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.drawGetItems = function(data, x, y, width) { this.getItemDropList(); const items = this.dropList; const lineHeight = this.lineHeight(); const cols = Math.min(this.maxCols(), data.ItemCols); const contentsWidth = Math.floor(width / cols); const colSpacing = this.colSpacing(); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; let y2 = y; if (data.ParamName) { const systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 160; this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.drawText(data.ParamName, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); y2 += lineHeight; } this.resetTextColor(); const rows = data.ItemRows > 0 ? data.ItemRows : this.getDropItemRows(y2); this.dropItemRows = rows; this.setMaxPage(items, rows, cols) const maxPage = this.maxDropPages(items, rows, cols); this._dropItemMaxPage = maxPage; if (items.length > 0) { const index = (rows * cols) * Math.min(this.page, maxPage - 1); const maxItems = Math.min(rows * cols, items.length - index); if (maxPage > 1 && data.ParamName) { this.drawText(this.page + 1 +"/"+maxPage, x, y, width, "right"); } for (let i = 0; maxItems > i; i++) { let y3 = y2 + lineHeight * Math.floor(i / cols); const x2 = contentsWidth * (i % cols) + x; this.resetTextColor(); if (DropItemNumVisible) { const num = String(DropItemNumx + items[i + index].num); const textWidth = this.textWidth(num) + this.itemPadding(); this.drawItemName(items[i + index].item, x2, y3, contentsWidth - textWidth - colSpacing); this.drawText(num, x2 + textWidth, y3, contentsWidth - textWidth - colSpacing, 'right'); } else { this.drawItemName(items[i + index].item, x2, y3, contentsWidth - colSpacing); } } } }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.drawGetStealItems = function(data, x, y, width) { if (StealItemVisible && Imported.NUUN_StealableItems) { this.getItemStealList(); const items = this.stealList; const lineHeight = this.lineHeight(); const cols = Math.min(this.maxCols(), data.ItemCols); const contentsWidth = Math.floor(width / cols); const colSpacing = this.colSpacing(); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; let y2 = y; if (data.ParamName) { const systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 160; this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.drawText(data.ParamName, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); y2 += lineHeight; } this.resetTextColor(); const rows = data.ItemRows > 0 ? data.ItemRows : this.getDropItemRows(y2); this.dropItemRows = rows; this.setMaxPage(items, rows, cols) const maxPage = this.maxDropPages(items, rows, cols); this._stealItemMaxPage = maxPage; if (items.length > 0) { const index = (rows * cols) * Math.min(this.page, maxPage - 1); const maxItems = Math.min(rows * cols, items.length - index); if (maxPage > 1 && data.ParamName) { this.drawText(this.page + 1 +"/"+maxPage, x, y, width, "right"); } for (let i = 0; maxItems > i; i++) { let y3 = y2 + lineHeight * Math.floor(i / cols); const x2 = contentsWidth * (i % cols) + x; this.resetTextColor(); if (StealItemNumVisible) { if (items[i + index].type === 'gold') { this.drawCurrencyValue(items[i + index].item, TextManager.currencyUnit, x2, y3, contentsWidth - colSpacing); } else { const num = String(StealItemNumx + items[i + index].num); const textWidth = this.textWidth(num) + this.itemPadding(); this.drawItemName(items[i + index].item, x2, y3, contentsWidth - textWidth - colSpacing); this.drawText(num, x2 + textWidth, y3, contentsWidth - textWidth - colSpacing, 'right'); } } else { if (items[i + index].type === 'gold') { this.drawCurrencyValue(items[i + index].item, TextManager.currencyUnit, x2, y3, contentsWidth - colSpacing); } else { this.drawItemName(items[i + index].item, x2, y3, contentsWidth - colSpacing); } } } } } }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.getItemStealList = function() { const steal = BattleManager._rewards.stealItems; const stealList = []; steal.forEach(item => { if (item.money) { const index = stealList.findIndex(sitem => sitem.type === 'gold'); if (StealItemNumVisible && index >= 0) { stealList[index].item += item.money; } else { stealList.push({item: item.money, type:'gold'}); } } else { const index = stealList.findIndex(sitem => item === sitem.item); if (StealItemNumVisible && index >= 0) { stealList[index].num++; } else { stealList.push({item: item, num: 1, type:'item'}); } } }); this.stealList = stealList; }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.drawCurrencyValue = function(value, unit, x, y, width) { const unitWidth = Math.min(80, this.textWidth(unit)); const valueWidth = this.textWidth(value); this.resetTextColor(); this.drawText(value, x, y, width - unitWidth - 6, "left"); this.changeTextColor(ColorManager.systemColor()); this.drawText(unit, x + valueWidth, y, unitWidth, "left"); }; Window_ResultGetItem.prototype.drawHorzLine = function(data, x, y, width) { const lineY = y + this.lineHeight() / 2 - 1; this.contents.paintOpacity = 48; this.contents.fillRect(x, lineY, width, 2, NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.paintOpacity = 255; }; function Window_ResultLevelUpMain() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Window_ResultLevelUpMain.prototype = Object.create(Window_StatusBase.prototype); Window_ResultLevelUpMain.prototype.constructor = Window_ResultLevelUpMain; Window_ResultLevelUpMain.prototype.initialize = function(rect) { Window_StatusBase.prototype.initialize.call(this, rect); this._canRepeat = false; this.resultBackgroundSprite = null; this.setResultWindowMode(ResultLevelUpWindowVisible); this.setResultBaseActorSprite(); this.loadBitmap(); }; Window_ResultLevelUpMain.prototype.loadWindowskin = function() { if (ResultLevelUpWindowsSkin) { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem(ResultLevelUpWindowsSkin); } else { Window_Base.prototype.loadWindowskin.call(this); } }; Window_ResultLevelUpMain.prototype.setResultBackground = function(sprite) { this.resultBackgroundSprite = sprite; }; Window_ResultLevelUpMain.prototype.loadBitmap = function() { let bitmap = null; for (const member of $gameParty.resultMembers()) { const data = Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp ? battlreActorPicture(member.actorId()) : member.getResultActorData(member.actorId()); if (data && data.LevelUpActorBackGroundImg) { ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(data.LevelUpActorBackGroundImg); } if (Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp) { bitmap = member.getActorGraphicImg(); } else { bitmap = member.getResultActorImg(member.actorId()); } if (bitmap) { ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(bitmap); } } }; Window_ResultLevelUpMain.prototype.resultBackgroundRefresh = function(data) { const img = data && data.LevelUpActorBackGroundImg ? data.LevelUpActorBackGroundImg : LevelUpActorBackGroundImg; this.resultBackgroundSprite.setBackground(img); }; Window_ResultLevelUpMain.prototype.refresh = function() { this.contents.clear(); const actor = BattleManager.resultLevelUpActors[BattleManager.resultPage - 1]; const data = Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp ? battlreActorPicture(actor.actorId()) : actor.getResultActorData(actor.actorId()); this.resultBackgroundRefresh(data); if (Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp) { actor.resetImgId(); } if (LevelUpActorArea === 'window') { this.setupResultBitmap(actor, data); } else { if (data) { this._actorSprite.setup(actor, data, this.windowResultFilterWidthArea()); this._actorSprite.move(this.windowResultFilteX(), this.windowResultFilterHeightArea()); this._actorSprite.show(); } else { this._actorSprite.setup(null, null, this.windowResultFilterWidthArea()); } } }; Window_ResultLevelUpMain.prototype.processCancel = function() { SoundManager.playOk(); this.updateInputData(); this.deactivate(); this.callCancelHandler(); }; function Window_ResultActorStatus() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype = Object.create(Window_StatusBase.prototype); Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.constructor = Window_ResultActorStatus; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.initialize = function(rect) { Window_StatusBase.prototype.initialize.call(this, rect); this._isWindow = false; this.openness = 255; this._oldLevelActorStatus = []; this.setResultWindowMode(LevelUpActorWindowVisible); }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.loadWindowskin = function() { if (LevelUpActorStatusWindowsSkin) { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem(LevelUpActorStatusWindowsSkin); } else { Window_Base.prototype.loadWindowskin.call(this); } }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.refresh = function() { this.contents.clear(); this.drawActorStatus(); }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.maxCols = function() { return LevelUpActorCols; }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawActorStatus = function() { const actor = BattleManager.resultLevelUpActors[BattleManager.resultPage - 1]; this._oldLevelActorStatus = BattleManager.resultOldStatusActors[BattleManager.resultPage - 1]; const lineHeight = this.lineHeight(); LevelUpActorParam.forEach((data, i) => { this.resetFontSettings(); const x_Position = data.X_Position; const position = Math.min(x_Position, this.maxCols()); const rect = this.itemRect(position - 1); const x = rect.x + data.X_Coordinate; const y = (data.Y_Position - 1) * lineHeight + rect.y + data.Y_Coordinate; const width = (data.ItemWidth && data.ItemWidth > 0 ? Math.min(data.ItemWidth, rect.width - data.X_Coordinate) : rect.width - data.X_Coordinate); this.dateDisplay(data, i, actor, x, y, width); }); }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.dateDisplay = function(data, index, actor, x, y, width) { switch (data.StatusParamDate) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: this.drawStatusParam(data, index, actor, x, y, width); break; case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: this.drawOriginalStatusParam(data, index, actor, x, y, width); break; case 20: this.drawResultActorCharacter(actor, x, y); break; case 21: this.drawActorFace(data, actor, x, y); break; case 22: this.drawSvActor(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 30: this.drawActorName(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 31: this.drawActorClass(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 32: this.drawActorNickname(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 33: this.drawActorLevel(data, index, actor, x, y, width); break; case 40: this.drawParams(data, index, actor, x, y, width); break; case 1000: this.drawHorzLine(data, x, y, width); break; default: break; } }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.paramText = function(params, paramName) { switch (params) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: return TextManager.param(params); case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: return TextManager.param(params - 10); case 40: return paramName; default: return null; } }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.paramValue = function(actor, param) { switch (param) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: return actor.param(param); case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: return actor.paramBase(param - 10); default: return 0; } }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.paramOld = function(index) { return this._oldLevelActorStatus[index]; }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawStatusParam = function(data, index, actor, x, y, width) { let x2 = x; let systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 160; this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; this.drawText(this.paramText(data.StatusParamDate, data.ParamName), x, y, systemWidth, "left"); this.resetTextColor(); x2 += systemWidth + this.itemPadding() * 2; if (actor) { const value = this.paramValue(actor, data.StatusParamDate); if (data.DifferenceVisible && this._oldLevelActorStatus) { const oldValue = this.paramOld(index); this.drawText(oldValue, x2, y, 48, 'right'); x2 += 48; this.changeTextColor(ColorManager.systemColor()); this.drawText("\u2192", x2, y, 32, "center"); if (oldValue < value) { this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(DifferenceStatusColor)); } else { this.resetTextColor(); } x2 += 32; } else { x2 += 80; } this.drawText(value, x2, y, 48, "right"); } }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawOriginalStatusParam = function(data, index, actor, x, y, width) { let x2 = x; let systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 160; this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; this.drawText(this.paramText(data.StatusParamDate, data.ParamName), x, y, systemWidth, "left"); this.resetTextColor(); x2 += systemWidth + this.itemPadding() * 2; if (actor) { const value = this.paramValue(actor, data.StatusParamDate); if (data.DifferenceVisible && this._oldLevelActorStatus) { const oldValue = this.paramOld(index); this.drawText(oldValue, x2, y, 48, 'right'); x2 += 48; this.changeTextColor(ColorManager.systemColor()); this.drawText("\u2192", x2, y, 32, "center"); if (oldValue < value) { this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(DifferenceStatusColor)); } else { this.resetTextColor(); } x2 += 32; } else { x2 += 80; } this.drawText(value, x2, y, 48, "right"); } }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawActorLevel = function(data, index, actor, x, y, width) { let x2 = x; let systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 160; this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; this.drawText(TextManager.levelA, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); this.resetTextColor(); x2 += systemWidth + this.itemPadding() * 2; if (actor) { const value = actor._level; if (data.DifferenceVisible && this._oldLevelActorStatus) { const oldValue = this.paramOld(index); this.drawText(oldValue, x2, y, 48, 'right'); x2 += 48; this.changeTextColor(ColorManager.systemColor()); this.drawText("\u2192", x2, y, 32, "center"); if (oldValue < value) { this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(DifferenceLevelColor)); } else { this.resetTextColor(); } x2 += 32; } else { x2 += 80; } this.drawText(value, x2, y, 48, "right"); } }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawParams = function(data, index, actor, x, y, width) { if (!data.DetaEval) { return; } try { const a = actor; const d = actor.actor(); let x2 = x; let systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 160; if (data.ParamName) { this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.drawText(data.ParamName, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); } this.resetTextColor(); x2 += systemWidth + this.itemPadding() * 2; if (actor) { const value = eval(data.DetaEval); if (data.DifferenceVisible && this._oldLevelActorStatus) { const oldValue = this.paramOld(index); this.drawText(oldValue, x2, y, 48, 'right'); x2 += 48; this.changeTextColor(ColorManager.systemColor()); this.drawText("\u2192", x2, y, 32, "center"); if (oldValue < value) { this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(DifferenceStatusColor)); } else { this.resetTextColor(); } x2 += 32; } else { x2 += 80; } this.drawText(value, x2, y, 48, "right"); } } catch (error) { } }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawActorFace = function(data, actor, x, y) { const rect = this.itemRect(0); const height = Math.min(LevelUpActorFaceHeight, ImageManager.faceHeight); if (Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp) { this.drawFace(actor.getActorGraphicFace(), actor.getActorGraphicFaceIndex(), x, y, ImageManager.faceWidth, height); } else { this.drawFace(actor.faceName(), actor.faceIndex(), x, y, ImageManager.faceWidth, height); } }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawSvActor = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { const bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(actor.battlerName()); this.drawSvActorImg(actor, x, y); }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawActorName = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { if (actor.isDead()) { this.changeTextColor(ColorManager.deathColor()); } this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; Window_StatusBase.prototype.drawActorName.call(this, actor, x, y, width); }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawActorClass = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; Window_StatusBase.prototype.drawActorClas.call(this, actor, x, y, width); }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawActorNickname = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; Window_StatusBase.prototype.drawActorNickname.call(this, actor, x, y, width); }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawSvActorImg = function(actor, x, y) { const key = "resultLevelUpSvActor".format(); const sprite = this.createInnerSprite(key, Sprite_ResultSvActor); sprite.setBattler(actor); sprite.show(); sprite.setHome(x + this.x, y + this.y); sprite.startMotion(); }; Window_ResultActorStatus.prototype.drawHorzLine = function(data, x, y, width) { const lineY = y + this.lineHeight() / 2 - 1; this.contents.paintOpacity = 48; this.contents.fillRect(x, lineY, width, 2, NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.paintOpacity = 255; }; function Window_ResultLearnSkill() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype = Object.create(Window_Selectable.prototype); Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.constructor = Window_ResultLearnSkill; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.initialize = function(rect) { Window_Selectable.prototype.initialize.call(this, rect); this._isWindow = false; this.page = 0; this.maxPage = 0; this.skillRows = 1; this._learnSkillMaxPage = 1; this.setResultWindowMode(LearnSkillWindowVisible); }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.loadWindowskin = function() { if (LearnSkillWindowsSkin) { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem(LearnSkillWindowsSkin); } else { Window_Base.prototype.loadWindowskin.call(this); } }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.itemHeight = function() { return LearnSkillContentsHeight || 36; }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.maxPages = function() { return this.maxPage; }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.maxSkillPages = function(items, rows, cols) { return Math.ceil(items.length / (rows * cols)); }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.getLearnSkillRows = function(y) { return Math.floor((this.innerHeight - y) / this.lineHeight()); }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.setMaxPage = function(items, rows, cols) { const pages = Math.ceil(items.length / (rows * cols)); const maxPage = this.maxPages(); if (maxPage < pages) { this.maxPage = pages; } }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.maxCols = function() { return LearnSkillCols; }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.refresh = function() { this.contents.clear(); this.drawLearnSkill(false); this.drawLearnSkill(true); }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.drawLearnSkill = function(mode) { const lineHeight = this.lineHeight(); const actor = BattleManager.resultLevelUpActors[BattleManager.resultPage - 1]; for (const data of LearnSkillParam) { this.resetFontSettings(); const x_Position = data.X_Position; const position = Math.min(x_Position, this.maxCols()); const rect = this.itemRect(position - 1); const x = rect.x + data.X_Coordinate; const y = (data.Y_Position - 1) * lineHeight + rect.y + data.Y_Coordinate; const width = data.ItemWidth && data.ItemWidth > 0 ? data.ItemWidth : this.widthMode(rect, data); this.dateDisplay(data, actor, x, y, width, mode); } }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.widthMode = function(rect, data) { const colSpacing = this.colSpacing(); const cols = Math.min(this.maxCols(), data.ItemCols); return (rect.width + colSpacing) * cols - colSpacing; }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.dateDisplay = function(data, actor, x, y, width, mode) { if (mode) { switch (data.LearnSkillParamData) { case 10: this.drawLearnSkillName(data, x, y, width); break; } } else { switch (data.LearnSkillParamData) { case 0: break; case 1: this.drawLearnSkillList(data, actor, x, y, width); break; case 1000: this.drawHorzLine(data, x, y, width); break; } } }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.drawLearnSkillName = function(data, x, y, width) { if (data.ParamName) { this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; const systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 160; this.drawText(data.ParamName, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); this.resetTextColor(); const maxPage = this._learnSkillMaxPage; if (maxPage > 1) { this.drawText(this.page + 1 +"/"+maxPage, x, y, width, "right"); } } }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.drawLearnSkillList = function(data, actor, x, y, width) { const items = actor._learnSkill; const lineHeight = this.lineHeight(); const cols = Math.min(this.maxCols(), data.ItemCols); const contentsWidth = Math.floor(width / cols); const colSpacing = this.colSpacing(); this.contents.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + data.FontSize; let y2 = y; if (data.ParamName) { const systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 160; this.changeTextColor(NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.drawText(data.ParamName, x, y, systemWidth, "left"); y2 += lineHeight; } this.resetTextColor(); const rows = data.ItemRows > 0 ? data.ItemRows : this.getLearnSkillRows(y2); this.skillRows = rows; this.setMaxPage(items, rows, cols) const maxPage = this.maxSkillPages(items, rows, cols); this._learnSkillMaxPage = maxPage; if (items.length > 0) { const index = (rows * cols) * Math.min(this.page, maxPage - 1); const maxItems = Math.min(rows * cols, items.length - index); if (maxPage > 1 && data.ParamName) { this.drawText(this.page + 1 +"/"+maxPage, x, y, width, "right"); } for (let i = 0; maxItems > i; i++) { let y3 = y2 + lineHeight * Math.floor(i / cols); const x2 = contentsWidth * (i % cols) + x; this.resetTextColor(); this.drawItemName($dataSkills[items[i + index]], x2, y3, contentsWidth - colSpacing); } } }; Window_ResultLearnSkill.prototype.drawHorzLine = function(data, x, y, width) { const lineY = y + this.lineHeight() / 2 - 1; this.contents.paintOpacity = 48; this.contents.fillRect(x, lineY, width, 2, NuunManager.getColorCode(data.SystemNameColor)); this.contents.paintOpacity = 255; }; const _BattleManager_initMembers = BattleManager.initMembers; BattleManager.initMembers = function() { _BattleManager_initMembers.call(this); this.resultMode = false;//差分用 this._resultOn = false;//戦闘終了直後判定 this.resultOpenRefresh = false;//ウィンドウ表示判定 this._victoryBGMOn = false; this._victoryStart = false; this.resultRefresh = 0; this.resultBusy = this.setResultBusy(); this.resultPage = 0; this.resultLevelUpActors = []; this.resultOldStatusActors = []; this._bgmPlayMeRate = 100; this._changeBgmPlayMeRate = null; }; const _BattleManager_update = BattleManager.update; BattleManager.update = function(timeActive) { _BattleManager_update.call(this, timeActive); if (this.resultRefresh > 0) { this.resultRefresh--; } if (this._resultOn) { AudioManager.playResultBgm(this._bgmPlayMeRate); } }; BattleManager.setResultBusy = function() { return this.resultBusy = ResultVisibleFrame || 0; }; BattleManager.startResultBusy = function() { return this.resultBusy === ResultVisibleFrame || 0; }; const _BattleManager_processVictory = BattleManager.processVictory; BattleManager.processVictory = function() { if (this.resultBusy === 0 && this._resultOn) { return; } if (this.startResultBusy()) { this._resultOn = true; this.resultUserData(); if (this.resultBusy === 0) { _BattleManager_processVictory.call(this); this.resultEndUserData(); return; } this.displayVictoryNoBusy(); } if (this.resultBusy > 0) { this.resultBusy--; } if (this.resultBusy === 0) { _BattleManager_processVictory.call(this); this.displayVictoryOnBusy(); this.resultEndUserData(); } }; BattleManager.resultUserData = function() { }; BattleManager.resultEndUserData = function() { }; BattleManager.displayVictoryNoBusy = function() { $gameParty.removeBattleStates(); $gameParty.performVictory(); if (BattleEndHideResult === 0 || BattleEndHideResult > 0 && !$gameSwitches.value(BattleEndHideResult)) { this.playVictoryMe(); this.replayBgmAndBgs(); } this.makeRewards(); this._victoryStart = true; }; BattleManager.displayVictoryOnBusy = function() { this._victoryStart = false; }; const _BattleManager_makeRewards = BattleManager.makeRewards; BattleManager.makeRewards = function() { if (!this._victoryStart) { _BattleManager_makeRewards.call(this); if (StealItemVisible && Imported.NUUN_StealableItems) { this._rewards.stealItems = $gameTroop.getStealItems(); } this.actorLevelUpStatus(); } }; BattleManager.actorLevelUpStatus = function() { const exp = BattleManager._rewards.exp; for (const actor of $gameParty.resultMembers()) { actor._resultLevelUp = false; const level = actor.resultGainExp(exp); if (level > actor._level) { actor._resultLevelUp = true; const levelUpPageEnable = this._levelUpPageEnable === undefined || this._levelUpPageEnable === null ? LevelUpWindowShow : this._levelUpPageEnable; if (levelUpPageEnable) { this.resultLevelUpActors.push(actor); this.resultOldStatusActors.push(this.getResultOldStatus(actor)); } } } }; BattleManager.getResultOldStatus = function(actor) { const statusData = []; let pushData = 0; for (const data of LevelUpActorParam) { switch (data.StatusParamDate) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: if (data.DifferenceVisible) { pushData = actor.param(data.StatusParamDate); } break; case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: if (data.DifferenceVisible) { pushData = actor.paramBase(data.StatusParamDate - 10); } break; case 33: if (data.DifferenceVisible) { pushData = actor._level; } break; case 40: try { if (data.DifferenceVisible) { const a = actor; const d = actor.actor(); pushData = eval(data.DetaEval); } } catch (error) { } break; default: } statusData.push(pushData); } return statusData; }; BattleManager.displayVictoryMessage = function() { //メッセージは表示しない。 }; BattleManager.displayRewards = function() { this.displayResultRewards(); }; BattleManager.displayResultRewards = function() { SceneManager._scene.setResultOpen(); this.resultMode = true; }; const _BattleManager_gainRewards = BattleManager.gainRewards; BattleManager.gainRewards = function() { this.offResultMessage(); $gameParty.resetLearnSkill(); _BattleManager_gainRewards.call(this); this.resultMode = false; }; BattleManager.offResultMessage = function() { if ($gameMessage.hasText()) { $gameMessage.clear(); } if (!this.resultMode) { this.displayResultRewards(); } }; const _BattleManager_isBusy = BattleManager.isBusy; BattleManager.isBusy = function() { return SceneManager._scene.isActiveResult() || (this._resultOn && this.resultBusy === 0) || _BattleManager_isBusy.call(this); }; const _BattleManager_replayBgmAndBgs = BattleManager.replayBgmAndBgs; BattleManager.replayBgmAndBgs = function() { if (this._victoryStart) { return; } this._victoryBGMEnable = (this._victoryBGMEnable === undefined || this._victoryBGMEnable === null) ? true : this._victoryBGMEnable; if (this._victoryBGMEnable && this._resultOn) { let playVictoryBgm = null; if (Imported.NUUN_ResultMVPActor) { playVictoryBgm = this.resultMVPActorBgm(); } if (this._victoryBgmDate && this._victoryBgmDate.name) { AudioManager.playBgm(this._victoryBgmDate); this._bgmPlayMeRate = this.getBgmPlayMeRate(); this._victoryBGMOn = true; return; } else if (playVictoryBgm) { AudioManager.playBgm(playVictoryBgm); this._bgmPlayMeRate = this.getMvpBgmPlayMeRate(); this._victoryBGMOn = true; return; } else if (VictoryBGM) { AudioManager.playBgm(this.playVictoryBgm()); this._bgmPlayMeRate = this.getBgmPlayMeRate(); this._victoryBGMOn = true; return; } } _BattleManager_replayBgmAndBgs.call(this); }; BattleManager.playVictoryBgm = function() { const _victoryBgm = {}; _victoryBgm.name = VictoryBGM; _victoryBgm.volume = VictoryVolume; _victoryBgm.pitch = VictoryPitch; _victoryBgm.pan = VictoryPan; return _victoryBgm; }; BattleManager.victoryBGMSelect = function(bgmDate) { if (!bgmDate._BGM) { this._victoryBgmDate = {}; this._noVictoryME = false; return; } this._victoryBgmDate = {}; this._victoryBgmDate.name = String(bgmDate._BGM); this._victoryBgmDate.volume = Number(bgmDate.Volume); this._victoryBgmDate.pitch = Number(bgmDate.Pitch); this._victoryBgmDate.pan = Number(bgmDate.Pan); this._noVictoryME = eval(bgmDate.NoVictoryME); }; BattleManager.levelUpSeSelect = function(bgmSe) { if (!bgmSe.LevelUP_SE) { this._levelUpSeDate = {}; return; } this._levelUpSeDate = {}; this._levelUpSeDate.name = String(bgmSe.LevelUP_SE); this._levelUpSeDate.volume = Number(bgmSe.Volume); this._levelUpSeDate.pitch = Number(bgmSe.Pitch); this._levelUpSeDate.pan = Number(bgmSe.Pan); }; const _BattleManager_playVictoryMe = BattleManager.playVictoryMe; BattleManager.playVictoryMe = function() { if (this._victoryStart) { return; } if (!this._noVictoryME) { let victoryMe = null; if (Imported.NUUN_ResultMVPActor) { victoryMe = this.resultMVPActorMe() } if (victoryMe) { AudioManager.playMe(victoryMe); } else { _BattleManager_playVictoryMe.call(this); } } }; BattleManager.playMapBgm = function() { if (!this._victoryBGMOn) { return; } if (this._mapBgm) { AudioManager.replayBgm(this._mapBgm); } else { AudioManager.stopBgm(); } if (this._mapBgs) { AudioManager.replayBgs(this._mapBgs); } }; BattleManager.victoryBGMEnable = function(enable) { this._victoryBGMEnable = enable; }; BattleManager.levelUpPageEnable = function(enable) { this._levelUpPageEnable = enable; }; BattleManager.changeBgmPlayMeRate = function(rate) { this._changeBgmPlayMeRate = rate >= 0 ? rate : null; }; BattleManager.getBgmPlayMeRate = function() { return this._changeBgmPlayMeRate !== null && this._changeBgmPlayMeRate >= 0 ? this._changeBgmPlayMeRate : BgmPlayMeRate; }; BattleManager.getMvpBgmPlayMeRate = function() { const meData = this.resultMVPActorMe(); return meData && meData.BgmPlayMeRate >= 0 ? meData.BgmPlayMeRate : this.getBgmPlayMeRate(); }; const _BattleManager_isBattleEnd = BattleManager.isBattleEnd; BattleManager.isBattleEnd = function() { return _BattleManager_isBattleEnd.call(this) || this._resultOn; }; AudioManager.playResultBgm = function(rate) { if (this._meBuffer && this._meBuffer._totalTime > 0 && (this._bgmBuffer && !this._bgmBuffer._isPlaying)) { const time = this._meBuffer.seek() / this._meBuffer._totalTime; if (time >= rate / 100) { this._bgmBuffer.play(true); } } }; function battlreActorPicture(id) {//立ち絵表示EX用 const actors = ActorPictureData; const find = actors.find(actor => actor.actorId === id); if (!find) { return {Actor_X: 0, Actor_Y: 0, Img_SX: 0, Img_SY: 0, Actor_Scale: 100}; } return find; }; function Sprite_ResultSvActor() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Sprite_ResultSvActor.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Actor.prototype); Sprite_ResultSvActor.prototype.constructor = Sprite_ResultSvActor; Sprite_ResultSvActor.prototype.updateVisibility = function() { Sprite_Clickable.prototype.updateVisibility.call(this); }; Sprite_ResultSvActor.prototype.initialize = function(battler) { Sprite_Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, battler); }; Sprite_ResultSvActor.prototype.moveToStartPosition = function() { this.startMove(0, 0, 0); }; Sprite_ResultSvActor.prototype.updateMain = function() { this.updateBitmap(); this.updateFrame(); this.updateMove(); }; Sprite_ResultSvActor.prototype.startMotion = function() { if (this._actor.isDead()) { motionType = 'dead'; } else { motionType = 'victory'; } Sprite_Actor.prototype.startMotion.call(this, motionType); }; Sprite_ResultSvActor.prototype.setupWeaponAnimation = function() { //if (this._actor.isWeaponAnimationRequested()) { // this._weaponSprite.setup(this._actor.weaponImageId()); // this._actor.clearWeaponAnimation(); //} }; function Sprite_ResultExpGauge() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Gauge.prototype); Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.constructor = Sprite_ResultExpGauge; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.initialize = function() { this._gaugeWidth = Math.min(Gauge_Width, resultExpMaxWidth); Sprite_Gauge.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._currentExp = 0; this._startCurrentExp = 0; this._resultExpMoveMode = false; this._resultExpMoveDelay = 0; this._resultExpMoveValue = NaN; }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.bitmapWidth = function() { return this._gaugeWidth; }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.gaugeHeight = function() { return Gauge_Height; }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.gaugeX = function() { return 0; }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.valueFontSize = function() { return $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + GaugeValueFontSize; }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.setup = function(battler, statusType) { this._nowLevel = battler._level; Sprite_Gauge.prototype.setup.call(this, battler, statusType); this._instant = false; this._startCurrentExp = battler.currentExp() - battler.currentLevelExp(); this._resultExpMoveMode = false; this._resultExpMoveDelay = 0; this._resultExpMoveValue = isNaN(this._resultExpMoveValue) ? this.currentValue() : this._resultExpMoveValue; }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.update = function() { if (BattleManager.resultOpenRefresh) { Sprite_Gauge.prototype.update.call(this); } }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.updateBitmap = function() { Sprite_Gauge.prototype.updateBitmap.call(this); const value = this.currentValue(); if (this._resultExpMoveValue !== value) { if (isNaN(this._resultExpMoveValue)) { this._resultExpMoveValue = this.currentValue(); } this.valueRedraw(); } }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.valueRedraw = function() { this.currentResultValueMove(this.currentValue()); Sprite_Gauge.prototype.redraw.call(this); }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.drawValue = function() { const width = this.bitmapWidth(); const height = this.textHeight ? this.textHeight() : this.bitmapHeight(); this._resultExpMoveMode = (GaugeRefreshFrame > 0 && GaugeValueShow > 0); let expValue = this.currentValue(); if (GaugeValueShow > 0) { this.setupValueFont(); if (GaugeValueShow === 3) { expValue = this.maxLavel() ? this.currentMaxValue() : expValue; const rate = NuunManager.numPercentage(expValue / this.currentMaxValue() * 100, Decimal - 2, DecimalMode); this.bitmap.drawText(rate +"%", 0, GaugeValueY, width, height, "right"); } else if (GaugeValueShow === 1) { expValue = this.maxLavel() ? "----------" : expValue; this.bitmap.drawText(expValue, 0, GaugeValueY, width, height, "right"); } else if (GaugeValueShow === 2) { expValue = this.maxLavel() ? "----------" : expValue; if (!this.maxLavel()) { this.bitmap.fontSize = $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + GaugeMaxValueFontSize; const textWidth = Math.min(this.bitmap.measureTextWidth(this.currentMaxValue()), 70); this.bitmap.drawText(this.currentMaxValue(), width - textWidth, GaugeValueY, textWidth, height, "right"); this.bitmap.fontSize = this.valueFontSize(); this.bitmap.drawText("/", width - (textWidth + 40), SeparationY, 36, height, "right"); this.bitmap.drawText(expValue, width - (textWidth + 90), GaugeMaxValueY, 70, height, "right"); } else { this.bitmap.drawText("----------", 0, GaugeValueY, width, height, "right"); } } else if (GaugeValueShow === 4) { expValue = this.currentMaxValue() - expValue; this.bitmap.drawText(expValue, 0, GaugeValueY, width, height, "right"); } else if (GaugeValueShow === 5) { const textWidth = this.bitmap.measureTextWidth(this._nowLevel); this.bitmap.textColor = this.labelColor(); this.bitmap.drawText(TextManager.levelA, 0, GaugeValueY, width - textWidth - 8, height, "right"); this.bitmap.textColor = this._battler._resultLevelUp ? NuunManager.getColorCode(LevelUpValueColor) : this.valueColor(); this.bitmap.drawText(this._nowLevel, 0, GaugeValueY, width, height, "right"); } } }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.currentValue = function() { if (this._battler && this._resultExpMoveMode) { this._resultExpMoveMode = false; return Math.round(this._resultExpMoveValue); } return Sprite_Gauge.prototype.currentValue.call(this); }; Sprite_Gauge.prototype.maxLavel = function() { return this._nowLevel >= this._battler.maxLevel(); }; const _Sprite_Gauge_currentValue = Sprite_Gauge.prototype.currentValue; Sprite_Gauge.prototype.currentValue = function() { return this._battler && this._statusType === "result_exp" ? this.maxLavel() ? this.currentMaxValue() : Math.min(this._battler.currentExp() - this._battler.expForLevel(this._nowLevel), this.currentMaxValue()) : _Sprite_Gauge_currentValue.call(this); }; const _Sprite_Gauge_currentMaxValue = Sprite_Gauge.prototype.currentMaxValue; Sprite_Gauge.prototype.currentMaxValue = function() { return this._battler && this._statusType === "result_exp" ? this._battler.expForLevel(this._nowLevel + 1) - this._battler.expForLevel(this._nowLevel) : _Sprite_Gauge_currentMaxValue.call(this); }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.currentResultValueMove = function(currentValue) { if (this._resultExpMoveDelay === 0) { this._resultExpMoveDelay = (currentValue - this._resultExpMoveValue) / (GaugeRefreshFrame > 0 ? this.smoothness() : 1); } if (this._resultExpMoveValue > currentValue) { if (this._resultExpMoveValue <= currentValue) { this._resultExpMoveValue = currentValue; this._resultExpMoveDelay = 0; } } else if (this._resultExpMoveValue < currentValue) { this._resultExpMoveValue += this._resultExpMoveDelay; if (this._resultExpMoveValue >= currentValue) { this._resultExpMoveValue = currentValue; this._resultExpMoveDelay = 0; } } }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.updateTargetValue = function(value, maxValue) { if (this._instant) { this._startCurrentExp = 0; } Sprite_Gauge.prototype.updateTargetValue.call(this, value, maxValue); }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.updateGaugeAnimation = function() { if (this._instant) { this._value = this.maxLavel() ? this._targetMaxValue : 0; this._maxValue = this._targetMaxValue; this.redraw(); this._instant = false; } else { Sprite_Gauge.prototype.updateGaugeAnimation.call(this); } if (this._nowLevel < this._battler._level && this._duration === 0) { this._nowLevel++; this._instant = true; this._resultExpMoveValue = 0; if (BattleManager._levelUpSeDate) { AudioManager.playSe(BattleManager._levelUpSeDate); } else { AudioManager.playSe({"name":LevelUpSe,"volume":volume,"pitch":pitch,"pan":pan}); } } }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.smoothSpeed = function() { return (this.currentValue() - this._startCurrentExp) / (BattleManager._rewards.exp * this._battler.finalExpRate()); }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.smoothness = function() { return Math.max(Math.floor(GaugeRefreshFrame * this.smoothSpeed()), 1); }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.gaugeColor1 = function() { return NuunManager.getColorCode(GaugeColor1); }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.gaugeColor2 = function() { return NuunManager.getColorCode(GaugeColor2); }; Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.labelColor = function() { return ExpLabelColor === -1 ? ColorManager.systemColor() : NuunManager.getColorCode(ExpLabelColor); }; function Sprite_ResultCircularExpGauge() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Sprite_ResultCircularExpGauge.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype); Sprite_ResultCircularExpGauge.prototype.constructor = Sprite_ResultCircularExpGauge; Sprite_ResultCircularExpGauge.prototype.initialize = function() { this.setCircularData(); Sprite_ResultExpGauge.prototype.initialize.call(this); }; Sprite_ResultCircularExpGauge.prototype.drawLabel = function() { Sprite_CircularGauge.prototype.drawLabel.call(this); }; Sprite_ResultCircularExpGauge.prototype.label = function() { switch (GaugeValueShow) { case 0: return ""; case 5: return TextManager.levelA; default: return TextManager.expA; } }; Sprite_ResultCircularExpGauge.prototype.drawValue = function() { this._resultExpMoveMode = (GaugeRefreshFrame > 0 && GaugeValueShow > 0); let expValue = this.currentValue(); if (GaugeValueShow > 0) { this.setupValueFont(); if (GaugeValueShow === 3) { expValue = this.maxLavel() ? this.currentMaxValue() : expValue; const rate = NuunManager.numPercentage(expValue / this.currentMaxValue() * 100, Decimal - 2, DecimalMode); this.drawCircularValue(rate); return; } else if (GaugeValueShow === 1) { expValue = this.maxLavel() ? "---" : expValue; } else if (GaugeValueShow === 2) { return;//未対応 } else if (GaugeValueShow === 4) { expValue = this.currentMaxValue() - expValue; } else if (GaugeValueShow === 5) { if (this._battler._resultLevelUp) { this.bitmap.textColor = NuunManager.getColorCode(LevelUpValueColor); } expValue = this._nowLevel; } this.drawCircularValue(expValue); } }; Sprite_ResultCircularExpGauge.prototype.drawCircularValue = function(value, unit) { const width = this.circularSprite[1] ? this._circularBitmap.width : this.circularBitmapWidth(); const height = this.circularSprite[1] ? this._circularBitmap.height : this.circularBitmapHeight(); const y = this._circularData.ShowLabel ? 6 : 0; this.bitmap.drawText(value, 0, y, width, height, "center"); }; window.Sprite_ResultExpGauge = Sprite_ResultExpGauge; function Sprite_ResultActor() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Sprite_ResultActor.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_ResultActor.prototype.constructor = Sprite_ResultActor; Sprite_ResultActor.prototype.initialize = function() { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.initMembers(); }; Sprite_ResultActor.prototype.initMembers = function() { this._battler = null; this._data = null; this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 1.0; this.createBitmap(); }; Sprite_ResultActor.prototype.createBitmap = function() { this.bitmap = new Bitmap(Graphics.width, Graphics.height); }; Sprite_ResultActor.prototype.setup = function(battler, data, width) { if (this._battler !== battler) { this._data = data; this._battler = battler; this._areaWidth = width; if (battler && data) { this.setupBitmap(); const scale = (data ? data.Actor_Scale : 100) / 100; this.scale.x = scale; this.scale.y = scale; } else { this.bitmap = null; } } }; const _Sprite_ResultActor_move = Sprite_ResultActor.prototype.move; Sprite_ResultActor.prototype.move = function(x, y) { x += this._data.Actor_X + ButlerActors_X + this.actorXPosition(); y += this._data.Actor_Y + ButlerActors_Y; _Sprite_ResultActor_move.call(this, x, y); }; Sprite_ResultActor.prototype.setupBitmap = function() { const actor = this._battler; let bitmap = null; if (Imported.NUUN_ActorPicture && ActorPictureEXApp) { bitmap = actor.getActorGraphicImg(); } else { bitmap = actor.getResultActorImg(actor.actorId()); } if (bitmap) { bitmap = ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(bitmap); if (bitmap && !bitmap.isReady()) { bitmap.addLoadListener(this.setBitmap.bind(this, bitmap)); } else if (bitmap) { this.setBitmap(bitmap); } } }; Sprite_ResultActor.prototype.setBitmap = function(bitmap) { this.bitmap = bitmap; }; Sprite_ResultActor.prototype.actorXPosition = function() { switch (ActorPosition) { case 'left': return Math.floor(this.bitmap.width / 2); case 'center': return Math.floor(this._areaWidth / 2); case 'right': return this._areaWidth - Math.floor(this.bitmap.width / 2); default: return 0; } }; function Sprite_ResultExpValue() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.constructor = Sprite_ResultExpValue; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.initialize = function() { this._gaugeWidth = resultExpMaxWidth; Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.initMembers(); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.initMembers = function() { this._exp = 0; this.getMode = 0; this._updateflame = 0; this._battler = null; this._textColor = ""; this._updateOn = true; this.createBitmap(); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.setup = function(battler, data) { this._battler = battler; this._data = data; if (this._updateOn) { const exp = BattleManager._rewards.exp; this._exp = battler ? Math.round(exp * battler.finalExpRate()) : exp; this._textColor = this.setTextColorMode(exp); this._updateflame = this._exp / GaugeRefreshFrame; this._nowLevel = battler._level; this.redraw(); this._updateOn = false; } }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.createBitmap = function() { const width = this.bitmapWidth(); const height = this.bitmapHeight(); this.bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.maxLavel = function() { return this._nowLevel >= this._battler.maxLevel(); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.setTextColorMode = function(exp) { if (exp > this._exp && this._exp > 0) { return NuunManager.getColorCode(EXPResistValueColor); } else if (exp < this._exp) { return NuunManager.getColorCode(EXPBoostValueColor); } else { return ColorManager.normalColor(); } }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.update = function() { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateBitmap(); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.bitmapWidth = function() { return this._gaugeWidth; }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.bitmapHeight = function() { return 24; }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.updateBitmap = function() { if (BattleManager.resultOpenRefresh && this._exp > 0) { this._exp -= this._updateflame; this._exp = Math.max(this._exp, 0); this.redraw(); } }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.expValue = function() { return this._battler ? Math.floor(this._exp) : ""; }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.redraw = function() { const data = this._data; const exp = this.maxLavel() ? 0 : this.expValue(); const width = this.bitmapWidth(); const height = this.bitmapHeight(); this.setupFont(); this.bitmap.clear(); const systemWidth = data.SystemItemWidth || 60; this.bitmap.drawText(data.ParamName || '', 0, 0, systemWidth, height, "left"); this.setupValueFont(); this.bitmap.drawText('+'+ exp, systemWidth + 8, 0, width - systemWidth - 8, height, "left"); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.setupFont = function() { this.bitmap.fontFace = this.textFontFace(); this.bitmap.fontSize = this.fontSize(); this.bitmap.textColor = NuunManager.getColorCode(this._data.SystemNameColor); this.bitmap.outlineColor = this.outlineColor(); this.bitmap.outlineWidth = this.outlineWidth(); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.setupValueFont = function() { this.bitmap.fontFace = this.valueFontFace(); this.bitmap.fontSize = this.fontSize(); this.bitmap.textColor = this.textColor(); this.bitmap.outlineColor = this.outlineColor(); this.bitmap.outlineWidth = this.outlineWidth(); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.textFontFace = function() { return $gameSystem.mainFontFace(); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.valueFontFace = function() { return $gameSystem.numberFontFace(); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.fontSize = function() { return $gameSystem.mainFontSize() + (this._data ? this._data.FontSize : 0); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.textColor = function() { return this._textColor; }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.outlineColor = function() { return ColorManager.outlineColor(); }; Sprite_ResultExpValue.prototype.outlineWidth = function() { return 3; }; function Sprite_ResultBackground() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.constructor = Sprite_ResultBackground; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.initialize = function() { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.initMembers(); }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.initMembers = function() { this._backgroundMode = false; this._duration = 0; this._list = AfterVictoryEffect.map(data => data); this._data = null; this._easingScaleX = 1.0; this._easingScaleY = 1.0; this._easingOpacity = 255; this._easingX = 0; this._easingY = 0; this.hide(); this.loadBitmap(); this.setVictorySceneImgMode(); }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.loadBitmap = function() { ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(VictorySceneImg); ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(GetWindowBackGroundImg); ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(LevelUpActorBackGroundImg); if (!!LevelUpImg) { ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(LevelUpImg); } }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.setupAfterVictoryEffect = function() { if (this._list.length > 0) { if (this.isNotAfterVictoryEffect() || !VictorySceneImg) { this._list = []; return; } this.setVictoryImg(); this.setupAfterVictoryEffectData(); this.show(); } }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.setupAfterVictoryEffectData = function() { this._data = this._list[0]; this._duration = this._data.Fream; this._easingScaleX = ((this._data.ScaleX / 100) - this.scale.x) / this._data.Fream; this._easingScaleY = ((this._data.ScaleY / 100) - this.scale.y) / this._data.Fream; this._easingOpacity = (this._data.Opacity - this.opacity) / this._data.Fream; this._easingX = this._data.PositionX !== 0 ? this._data.PositionX / this._data.Fream : 0; this._easingY = this._data.Positiony !== 0 ? this._data.PositionY / this._data.Fream : 0; }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.isAfterVictoryEffectSwitch = function() { return AfterVictoryEffectSwitch === 0 || $gameSwitches.value(AfterVictoryEffectSwitch); }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.isNotAfterVictoryEffect = function() { return AfterVictoryEffectSwitch > 0 && !$gameSwitches.value(AfterVictoryEffectSwitch); }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.getDuration = function() { return this._duration; }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.isSetDuration = function() { return this._duration === 0 && !this._backgroundMode; }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.onResultOpen = function() { return this._backgroundMode; }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity) { if (this._backgroundMode) { this.opacity = opacity; } }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.setBackground = function(img) { if (img) { const bitmap = ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(img); this.bitmap = bitmap; this.setBuckgroundImgMode(); this.show(); bitmap.addLoadListener(function() { this.setBackgroundBitmap(); }.bind(this)); } else { this.bitmap = null; } }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.setBackgroundBitmap = function() { if (BackUiWidth) { this.x = (Graphics.width - Graphics.boxWidth) / 2 - 4; this.y = (Graphics.height - Graphics.boxHeight) / 2 - 4; } else { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; } if (BackFitWidth) { if(BackUiWidth) { this.scale.x = (this.width !== this.bitmap.width ? this.width / this.bitmap.width : 1); this.scale.y = (this.height !== this.height ? this.height / this.bitmap.height : 1); } else { this.scale.x = (Graphics.width !== this.bitmap.width ? Graphics.width / this.bitmap.width : 1); this.scale.y = (Graphics.height !== this.bitmap.height ? Graphics.height / this.bitmap.height : 1); } } }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.updateAfterVictoryEffect = function() { if (this._duration > 0) { this._duration--; this.updateScale(); this.updateOpacity(); this.updatePosition(); if (this._duration === 0) { this._list.shift(); if (this._list.length > 0) { this.setupAfterVictoryEffectData(); } } } if (this._list.length === 0) { this._backgroundMode = true; if (ResultFadein) { this.opacity = 0; } } }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.updateScale = function() { this.scale.x += this._easingScaleX; this.scale.y += this._easingScaleY; }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.updateOpacity = function() { const opacity = this.opacity + this._easingOpacity; this.opacity = opacity.clamp(0, 255); }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.updatePosition = function() { this.x += this._easingX; this.y += this._easingY; }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.setVictoryImg = function() { const bitmap = ImageManager.nuun_LoadPictures(VictorySceneImg); this.bitmap = bitmap; }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.setVictorySceneImgMode = function() { this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 0.5; this.x = Graphics.width / 2; this.y = Graphics.height / 2; }; Sprite_ResultBackground.prototype.setBuckgroundImgMode = function() { this.anchor.x = 0.0; this.anchor.y = 0.0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; }; function resultDropIsItem(item) { if (DataManager.isItem(item)) { return item.itypeId <= 2; } else { return true; } }; })();