CREATE extension "uuid-ossp"; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION nx_migrate_notif() RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE subscription RECORD; notification RECORD; username RECORD; notif_uuid VARCHAR; POS1 INTEGER; POS2 INTEGER; CNT INTEGER; TOTALCNT INTEGER; BEGIN TOTALCNT:=0; RAISE INFO 'Migrating usersubscription table to document facet'; RAISE INFO 'Removing orphan notifications'; DELETE FROM usersubscription WHERE docid IN ( SELECT distinct us.docid FROM usersubscription AS us LEFT OUTER JOIN hierarchy AS h ON = us.docid WHERE IS NULL ); -- Iterate over all docId that are part of subscriptions FOR subscription IN SELECT DISTINCT docid, mixintypes FROM usersubscription AS us, hierarchy AS h WHERE us.docid = LOOP -- Add the 'Notifiable' facet if needed IF NOT 'Notifiable' = ANY (subscription.mixintypes::varchar[]) THEN UPDATE hierarchy SET mixintypes = array_append(mixintypes,'Notifiable') WHERE id = subscription.docid; END IF; SELECT MAX(POS) INTO POS1 FROM hierarchy WHERE = subscription.docid AND = 'notif:notifications' AND primaryType = 'notificationEntry'; RAISE INFO 'Migrating subscription on doc : % ', subscription.docid; FOR notification IN SELECT DISTINCT us.notification FROM usersubscription AS us WHERE docid = subscription.docid LOOP -- For each notification on the doc we try to fetch if there are existing notificationEntry -- for this notification SELECT DISTINCT INTO notif_uuid FROM hierarchy,notificationEntry WHERE = AND hierarchy.parentId = subscription.docID AND = notification.notification; IF notif_uuid IS NULL THEN -- If not, we create the hierarchy node and its notificationEntry SELECT uuid_generate_v4() INTO notif_uuid; INSERT INTO hierarchy (id, parentid, pos, name, isproperty, primarytype) VALUES (notif_uuid, subscription.docid, POS1, 'notif:notifications', true, 'notificationEntry'); INSERT INTO notificationEntry (id, name) VALUES (notif_uuid, notification.notification); ELSE RAISE WARNING 'Notification % already in hierachy', notification.notification; END IF; -- Then we insert the usernames that are subscribed to this notification it they're not already subscribed SELECT MAX(POS) INTO POS2 FROM subscribers WHERE id = notif_uuid; FOR username IN SELECT DISTINCT us.userid FROM usersubscription AS us WHERE us.docid = subscription.docid AND us.notification = notification.notification LOOP SELECT COUNT(*) INTO CNT FROM subscribers WHERE id = notif_uuid AND item=username.userid; IF CNT = 0 THEN INSERT INTO subscribers (id, pos, item) VALUES (notif_uuid, POS2 , username.userid); TOTALCNT := TOTALCNT + 1; SELECT POS2+1 INTO POS2; ELSE RAISE WARNING 'Username % already subscribed', username.userid; END IF; END LOOP; SELECT POS1+1 INTO POS1; END LOOP; DELETE FROM usersubscription WHERE docid = subscription.docid; END LOOP; RAISE INFO 'Migrated % subscriptions', TOTALCNT; RAISE INFO 'Done migrating usersubscription table'; RETURN 1; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; select nx_migrate_notif(); -- CLEANING DROP FUNCTION nx_migrate_notif(); DROP extension "uuid-ossp";