NWChem Version 7.2.0 Release Notes NWChem is now available on Github at https://github.com/nwchemgit/nwchem Documentation available from the NWChem website at https://nwchemgit.github.io NWChem 7.2.0 is released as open-source under the ECL 2.0 license. NWChem 7.2.0 will be released with the latest Global Arrays Toolkit (v5.8.2). NEW FUNCTIONALITY Modules: Molecular GW with Gaussian basis Interfaces: * Plumed * Libxc * tblite Compilation: Added the enviroment variable USE_HWOPT: when USE_HWOPT=n all hardware (non-dynamic) optimizations are not used (e.g. gcc -march=native) Solvation module: * COSMO updates Gaussian DFT module: * New functionality: exact two-component relativistic Hamiltonian (X2C) * New functionality: Auxiliary Density Functional Theory (ADFT) XC method * New functionality: Resolution of Identity Time-Dependft DFT (RITDFT) * New DFT XC functionals - r2SCAN0 - r2scan-D3 and rscan-D3 - n12-sx - mn15 and mn15-l - mn12-sx and mm12-l - revm11 - wb97, wb97-d3 and wb97x - r2SCAN, r2SCAN-L Basis set * added autoaux fitting basis sets to libraries.bse * new "bse" input option BUG FIXES/ENHANCEMENTS TBD