--- title: "STAC32: Applications of Statistical Methods" author: "Lecture notes" header-includes: - \usepackage{multicol} output: beamer_presentation: latex_engine: lualatex slide_level: 2 df_print: kable theme: "AnnArbor" colortheme: "dove" --- ```{r child="preliminaries.Rmd", echo=F} ``` # Course outline ```{r, child="outline_c32.Rmd"} ``` # Running R ```{r child="running_R.Rmd"} ``` # Reading in data ```{r child="readfile_R.Rmd"} ``` # Making graphs ```{r, child="graphs_R.Rmd"} ``` # Numerical summaries: more detailed ```{r, child="numsum_R.Rmd"} ``` # Statistical Inference part 1 ```{r, child="inference_1_R.Rmd"} ``` # The Bootstrap ```{r, child="bootstrap_R.Rmd"} ``` # Inference part 2 ```{r, child="inference_2_R.Rmd"} ``` # Inference part 3 ```{r, child="inference_3_R.Rmd"} ``` # Inference part 4 ```{r, child="inference_4_R.Rmd"} ``` # Inference part 5 ```{r, child="inference_5_R.Rmd"} ``` # Writing reports ```{r, child="reports_R.Rmd"} ``` # Tidying and organizing data ```{r, child="tidying_R.Rmd"} ``` # Case study 1: the windmill data ```{r, child="windmill.Rmd"} ``` # Case study 3: Asphalt ```{r, child="asphalt.Rmd"} ``` # Regression with categorical variables ```{r, child="with_categ_R.Rmd"} ``` # Functions ```{r, child="functions.Rmd"} ``` # Dates and times ```{r, child="dates_and_times.Rmd"} ``` # Miscellanea ```{r, child="miscellanea.Rmd"} ``` # the end of the notes