## nxt_pipeline 2.0.0 (10.05.2022) - Rename `Pipeline.execute` to `Pipeline.call` - Pipeline#call accepts any argument instead of just key word arguments or hashes - Introduce constructor resolvers - Expose :new and :call directly on NxtPipeline instead of only through NxtPipeline::Pipeline class - Change step DSL: Introduce constructor option to specify the constructor to use for a step - Introduce Configurations - Expose step.status and step.meta_data accessors to set status and meta_data of steps in constructors - Change arguments of error callbacks to be error, acc, step instead of acc, step, error and only pass by arity of callback ## nxt_pipeline 1.0.0 (24.11.2020) Replace after and before execute hooks with proper callbacks. Introduce before, after and around step callbacks ## nxt_pipeline 0.4.3 (October 20, 2020) Add new attribute readers on step object. After executing a step execution_finished_at execution_started_at and execution_duration will be set and can be accessed via attribute readers. ## nxt_pipeline 0.4.2 (October 12, 2020) * Fix bug when registering an error without passing arguments in which case the callback didn't get executed. More info: https://github.com/nxt-insurance/nxt_pipeline/issues/39 ## nxt_pipeline 0.4.1 (March 13, 2020) * Fix deprecation warnings for Ruby 2.7 ## nxt_pipeline 0.2.0 (March 10, 2019) * Added pipeline callback support. *Nils Sommer* * Renamed class and method names Renamed `NxtPipeline::Segment` to `NxtPipeline::Step`. Renamed `NxtPipeline::Pipeline::segment` to `NxtPipeline::Pipeline::step`. Renamed `NxtPipeline::Pipeline#call` to `NxtPipeline::Pipeline#run`. Renamed `NxtPipeline::Pipeline#burst?` to `NxtPipeline::Pipeline#failed?`. Renamed `NxtPipeline::Pipeline#burst_segment` to `NxtPipeline::Pipeline#failed_step`. Renamed `NxtPipeline::Pipeline::rescue_segment_burst` to `NxtPipeline::Pipeline::rescue_errors`. *Nils Sommer* * Setup [guard](https://github.com/guard/guard) to run specs upon file changes during development. *Nils Sommer* * Added CHANGELOG file. *Nils Sommer* ## nxt_pipeline 0.1.0 (February 25, 2019) * Initial Release. *Nils Sommer*