## 1.7.1 (Oct 10, 2017) * `transitionConfig` is no longer required prop (was made required by accident) ## 1.7.0 (Sep 30, 2017) * Use EventEmitter from `wolfy87-eventemitter` (fixes issue #8) * Allow React version `^16.0.0` as dependency ## 1.6.2 (Jul 15, 2017) * Added TypeScript definitions. ## 1.6.1 (Jun 18, 2017) * Use `react-transition-group` instead of `react-addons-css-transition-group`. ## 1.6.0 (April 14, 2017) * Added `transitionConfig` prop to allow configuring `ReactCSSTransitionGroup` for the loader overlay. * Added fade transition to demo0. ## 1.5.0 (April 14, 2017) * Use React `Component` instead of `createClass` and `prop-types` library to suppress deprication warnings ## 1.4.0 (May 28, 2016) * Added `contentStyle` property to extend content container styles * Added `messageStyle` property to extend message container styles ## 1.3.0 (May 7, 2016) * Removed babel-polyfill that was polluting globals. Now using babel-transform-runtime instead. * Internal changes. ## 1.1.1 (Mar 8, 2016) Very important bugfix: rendering was causing redundant mounts and unmounts that caused unwanted side-effects on rare cases. ## 0.7.0 (Oct 23, 2015) ### Breaking changes CSS styles now follow correct BEM-naming. Update your classes if you have overriden Loader classes. * Loader--content => Loader__content * Loader--background => Loader__background * Loader--foreground => Loader__foreground * Loader--message => Loader__message