// // Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // ********************************************************************* // ********************* GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY **************** // ********************************************************************* package org.ovirt.engine.sdk.decorators; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.common.CollectionDecorator; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.exceptions.ServerException; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.utils.CollectionUtils; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.utils.HttpHeaderBuilder; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.utils.HttpHeaderUtils; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.utils.UrlBuilder; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.utils.UrlBuilder; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.utils.UrlHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.web.HttpProxyBroker; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.web.UrlParameterType; import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Action; /** *

Clusters providing relation and functional services *

to {@link org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Clusters }. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class Clusters extends CollectionDecorator { /** * @param proxy HttpProxyBroker */ public Clusters(HttpProxyBroker proxy) { super(proxy, "clusters"); } /** * Lists Cluster objects. * * @return * List of {@link Cluster } * * @throws ClientProtocolException * Signals that HTTP/S protocol error has occurred. * @throws ServerException * Signals that an oVirt api error has occurred. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. */ @Override public List list() throws ClientProtocolException, ServerException, IOException { String url = SLASH + getName(); return list(url, org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Clusters.class, Cluster.class); } /** * Fetches Cluster object by id. * * @return {@link Cluster } * * @throws ClientProtocolException * Signals that HTTP/S protocol error has occurred. * @throws ServerException * Signals that an oVirt api error has occurred. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. */ @Override public Cluster get(UUID id) throws ClientProtocolException, ServerException, IOException { String url = SLASH + getName() + SLASH + id.toString(); return getProxy().get(url, org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster.class, Cluster.class); } /** * Fetches Cluster object by id. * * @return {@link Cluster } * * @throws ClientProtocolException * Signals that HTTP/S protocol error has occurred. * @throws ServerException * Signals that an oVirt api error has occurred. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. */ @Override public Cluster getById(String id) throws ClientProtocolException, ServerException, IOException { String url = SLASH + getName() + SLASH + id; return getProxy().get(url, org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster.class, Cluster.class); } /** * Adds Cluster object. * * @param cluster {@link org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster} *

     *    cluster.data_center.id|name
     *    cluster.name
     *    cluster.version.major
     *    cluster.version.minor
     *    cluster.cpu.id
     *    [cluster.description]
     *    [cluster.comment]
     *    [cluster.memory_policy.overcommit.percent]
     *    [cluster.memory_policy.transparent_hugepages.enabled]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.policy]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.thresholds.low]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.thresholds.high]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.thresholds.duration]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.id]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.properties.property]
     *    [cluster.error_handling.on_error]
     *    [cluster.virt_service]
     *    [cluster.gluster_service]
     *    [cluster.threads_as_cores]
     *    [cluster.tunnel_migration]
     *    [cluster.trusted_service]
     *    [cluster.ha_reservation]
     *    [cluster.ballooning_enabled]
     *    [cluster.cpu.architecture]
     *    [cluster.display.proxy]
     *    [cluster.ksm.enabled]
     *    [cluster.ksm.merge_across_nodes]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.enabled]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.skip_if_sd_active.enabled]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.skip_if_connectivity_broken.enabled]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.skip_if_connectivity_broken.threshold]
     *    [cluster.management_network.id|name]
     *    [cluster.maintenance_reason_required]
* * * @return * {@link Cluster } * * @throws ClientProtocolException * Signals that HTTP/S protocol error has occurred. * @throws ServerException * Signals that an oVirt api error has occurred. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. */ public Cluster add(org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster cluster) throws ClientProtocolException, ServerException, IOException { String url = SLASH + getName(); HttpHeaderBuilder headersBuilder = new HttpHeaderBuilder(); List
headers = headersBuilder.build(); UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(url); url = urlBuilder.build(); return getProxy().add(url, cluster, org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster.class, Cluster.class, headers); } /** * Adds Cluster object. * * @param cluster {@link org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster} *
     *    cluster.data_center.id|name
     *    cluster.name
     *    cluster.version.major
     *    cluster.version.minor
     *    cluster.cpu.id
     *    [cluster.description]
     *    [cluster.comment]
     *    [cluster.memory_policy.overcommit.percent]
     *    [cluster.memory_policy.transparent_hugepages.enabled]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.policy]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.thresholds.low]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.thresholds.high]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.thresholds.duration]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.id]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.properties.property]
     *    [cluster.error_handling.on_error]
     *    [cluster.virt_service]
     *    [cluster.gluster_service]
     *    [cluster.threads_as_cores]
     *    [cluster.tunnel_migration]
     *    [cluster.trusted_service]
     *    [cluster.ha_reservation]
     *    [cluster.ballooning_enabled]
     *    [cluster.cpu.architecture]
     *    [cluster.display.proxy]
     *    [cluster.ksm.enabled]
     *    [cluster.ksm.merge_across_nodes]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.enabled]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.skip_if_sd_active.enabled]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.skip_if_connectivity_broken.enabled]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.skip_if_connectivity_broken.threshold]
     *    [cluster.management_network.id|name]
     *    [cluster.maintenance_reason_required]
* * @param expect *
     *    [201-created]
* @return * {@link Cluster } * * @throws ClientProtocolException * Signals that HTTP/S protocol error has occurred. * @throws ServerException * Signals that an oVirt api error has occurred. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. */ public Cluster add(org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster cluster, String expect) throws ClientProtocolException, ServerException, IOException { String url = SLASH + getName(); HttpHeaderBuilder headersBuilder = new HttpHeaderBuilder(); if (expect != null) { headersBuilder.add("Expect", expect); } List
headers = headersBuilder.build(); UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(url); url = urlBuilder.build(); return getProxy().add(url, cluster, org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster.class, Cluster.class, headers); } /** * Adds Cluster object. * * @param cluster {@link org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster} *
     *    cluster.data_center.id|name
     *    cluster.name
     *    cluster.version.major
     *    cluster.version.minor
     *    cluster.cpu.id
     *    [cluster.description]
     *    [cluster.comment]
     *    [cluster.memory_policy.overcommit.percent]
     *    [cluster.memory_policy.transparent_hugepages.enabled]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.policy]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.thresholds.low]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.thresholds.high]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.thresholds.duration]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.id]
     *    [cluster.scheduling_policy.properties.property]
     *    [cluster.error_handling.on_error]
     *    [cluster.virt_service]
     *    [cluster.gluster_service]
     *    [cluster.threads_as_cores]
     *    [cluster.tunnel_migration]
     *    [cluster.trusted_service]
     *    [cluster.ha_reservation]
     *    [cluster.ballooning_enabled]
     *    [cluster.cpu.architecture]
     *    [cluster.display.proxy]
     *    [cluster.ksm.enabled]
     *    [cluster.ksm.merge_across_nodes]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.enabled]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.skip_if_sd_active.enabled]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.skip_if_connectivity_broken.enabled]
     *    [cluster.fencing_policy.skip_if_connectivity_broken.threshold]
     *    [cluster.management_network.id|name]
     *    [cluster.maintenance_reason_required]
* * @param expect *
     *    [201-created]
* @param correlationId *
     *    [any string]
* @return * {@link Cluster } * * @throws ClientProtocolException * Signals that HTTP/S protocol error has occurred. * @throws ServerException * Signals that an oVirt api error has occurred. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. */ public Cluster add(org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster cluster, String expect, String correlationId) throws ClientProtocolException, ServerException, IOException { String url = SLASH + getName(); HttpHeaderBuilder headersBuilder = new HttpHeaderBuilder(); if (expect != null) { headersBuilder.add("Expect", expect); } if (correlationId != null) { headersBuilder.add("Correlation-Id", correlationId); } List
headers = headersBuilder.build(); UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(url); url = urlBuilder.build(); return getProxy().add(url, cluster, org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster.class, Cluster.class, headers); } /** * Lists Cluster objects. * * @param query *
     *    [search query]
* * @return List of {@link Cluster } * * @throws ClientProtocolException * Signals that HTTP/S protocol error has occurred. * @throws ServerException * Signals that an oVirt api error has occurred. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. */ public List list(String query) throws ClientProtocolException, ServerException, IOException { HttpHeaderBuilder headersBuilder = new HttpHeaderBuilder(); List
headers = headersBuilder.build(); UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(SLASH + getName()); if (query != null) { urlBuilder.add("search", query, UrlParameterType.QUERY); } String url = urlBuilder.build(); return list(url, org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Clusters.class, Cluster.class, headers); } /** * Lists Cluster objects. * * @param query *
     *    [search query]
* @param caseSensitive *
     *    [true|false]
* * @return List of {@link Cluster } * * @throws ClientProtocolException * Signals that HTTP/S protocol error has occurred. * @throws ServerException * Signals that an oVirt api error has occurred. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. */ public List list(String query, Boolean caseSensitive) throws ClientProtocolException, ServerException, IOException { HttpHeaderBuilder headersBuilder = new HttpHeaderBuilder(); List
headers = headersBuilder.build(); UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(SLASH + getName()); if (query != null) { urlBuilder.add("search", query, UrlParameterType.QUERY); } if (caseSensitive != null) { urlBuilder.add("case_sensitive", caseSensitive, UrlParameterType.MATRIX); } String url = urlBuilder.build(); return list(url, org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Clusters.class, Cluster.class, headers); } /** * Lists Cluster objects. * * @param query *
     *    [search query]
* @param caseSensitive *
     *    [true|false]
* @param max *
     *    [max results]
* * @return List of {@link Cluster } * * @throws ClientProtocolException * Signals that HTTP/S protocol error has occurred. * @throws ServerException * Signals that an oVirt api error has occurred. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. */ public List list(String query, Boolean caseSensitive, Integer max) throws ClientProtocolException, ServerException, IOException { HttpHeaderBuilder headersBuilder = new HttpHeaderBuilder(); List
headers = headersBuilder.build(); UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(SLASH + getName()); if (query != null) { urlBuilder.add("search", query, UrlParameterType.QUERY); } if (caseSensitive != null) { urlBuilder.add("case_sensitive", caseSensitive, UrlParameterType.MATRIX); } if (max != null) { urlBuilder.add("max", max, UrlParameterType.MATRIX); } String url = urlBuilder.build(); return list(url, org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Clusters.class, Cluster.class, headers); } /** * Lists Cluster objects. * * @param query *
     *    [search query]
* @param caseSensitive *
     *    [true|false]
* @param max *
     *    [max results]
* @param allContent *
     *    [true|false]
* * @return List of {@link Cluster } * * @throws ClientProtocolException * Signals that HTTP/S protocol error has occurred. * @throws ServerException * Signals that an oVirt api error has occurred. * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. */ public List list(String query, Boolean caseSensitive, Integer max, String allContent) throws ClientProtocolException, ServerException, IOException { HttpHeaderBuilder headersBuilder = new HttpHeaderBuilder(); if (allContent != null) { headersBuilder.add("All-Content", allContent); } List
headers = headersBuilder.build(); UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(SLASH + getName()); if (query != null) { urlBuilder.add("search", query, UrlParameterType.QUERY); } if (caseSensitive != null) { urlBuilder.add("case_sensitive", caseSensitive, UrlParameterType.MATRIX); } if (max != null) { urlBuilder.add("max", max, UrlParameterType.MATRIX); } String url = urlBuilder.build(); return list(url, org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Clusters.class, Cluster.class, headers); } }