// Copyright 2018-2024 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. /** * Contains the {@linkcode Request} abstraction used by oak. * * Most end users would not need to directly access this module. * * @module */ import { Body } from "./body.ts"; import { ServerSentEventStreamTarget } from "./deps.ts"; import { accepts, acceptsEncodings, acceptsLanguages, type HTTPMethods, type ServerSentEventTarget, type ServerSentEventTargetOptions, UserAgent, } from "./deps.ts"; import type { ServerRequest, UpgradeWebSocketOptions } from "./types.ts"; interface OakRequestOptions { jsonBodyReviver?: (key: string, value: unknown) => unknown; proxy?: boolean; secure?: boolean; } /** An interface which provides information about the current request. The * instance related to the current request is available on the * {@linkcode Context}'s `.request` property. * * The interface contains several properties to get information about the * request as well as several methods, which include content negotiation and * the ability to decode a request body. */ export class Request { #body: Body; #proxy: boolean; #secure: boolean; #serverRequest: ServerRequest; #url?: URL; #userAgent: UserAgent; #getRemoteAddr(): string { return this.#serverRequest.remoteAddr ?? ""; } /** An interface to access the body of the request. This provides an API that * aligned to the **Fetch Request** API, but in a dedicated API. */ get body(): Body { return this.#body; } /** Is `true` if the request might have a body, otherwise `false`. * * **WARNING** this is an unreliable API. In HTTP/2 in many situations you * cannot determine if a request has a body or not unless you attempt to read * the body, due to the streaming nature of HTTP/2. As of Deno 1.16.1, for * HTTP/1.1, Deno also reflects that behaviour. The only reliable way to * determine if a request has a body or not is to attempt to read the body. */ get hasBody(): boolean { return this.#body.has; } /** The `Headers` supplied in the request. */ get headers(): Headers { return this.#serverRequest.headers; } /** Request remote address. When the application's `.proxy` is true, the * `X-Forwarded-For` will be used to determine the requesting remote address. */ get ip(): string { return (this.#proxy ? this.ips[0] : this.#getRemoteAddr()) ?? ""; } /** When the application's `.proxy` is `true`, this will be set to an array of * IPs, ordered from upstream to downstream, based on the value of the header * `X-Forwarded-For`. When `false` an empty array is returned. */ get ips(): string[] { return this.#proxy ? (this.#serverRequest.headers.get("x-forwarded-for") ?? this.#getRemoteAddr()).split(/\s*,\s*/) : []; } /** The HTTP Method used by the request. */ get method(): HTTPMethods { return this.#serverRequest.method as HTTPMethods; } /** Shortcut to `request.url.protocol === "https:"`. */ get secure(): boolean { return this.#secure; } /** Set to the value of the low level oak server request abstraction. * * @deprecated this will be removed in future versions of oak. Accessing this * abstraction is not useful to end users and is now a bit of a misnomer. */ get originalRequest(): ServerRequest { return this.#serverRequest; } /** Returns the original Fetch API `Request` if available. * * This should be set with requests on Deno, but will not be set when running * on Node.js. */ get source(): globalThis.Request | undefined { return this.#serverRequest.request; } /** A parsed URL for the request which complies with the browser standards. * When the application's `.proxy` is `true`, this value will be based off of * the `X-Forwarded-Proto` and `X-Forwarded-Host` header values if present in * the request. */ get url(): URL { if (!this.#url) { const serverRequest = this.#serverRequest; // between Deno 1.9.0 and 1.9.1 the request.url of the native HTTP started // returning the full URL, where previously it only returned the path // so we will try to use that URL here, but default back to old logic // if the URL isn't valid. try { if (serverRequest.rawUrl) { this.#url = new URL(serverRequest.rawUrl); } } catch { // we don't care about errors here } if (this.#proxy || !this.#url) { let proto: string; let host: string; if (this.#proxy) { proto = serverRequest .headers.get("x-forwarded-proto")?.split(/\s*,\s*/, 1)[0] ?? "http"; host = serverRequest.headers.get("x-forwarded-host") ?? this.#url?.hostname ?? serverRequest.headers.get("host") ?? serverRequest.headers.get(":authority") ?? ""; } else { proto = this.#secure ? "https" : "http"; host = serverRequest.headers.get("host") ?? serverRequest.headers.get(":authority") ?? ""; } try { this.#url = new URL(`${proto}://${host}${serverRequest.url}`); } catch { throw new TypeError( `The server request URL of "${proto}://${host}${serverRequest.url}" is invalid.`, ); } } } return this.#url; } /** An object representing the requesting user agent. If the `User-Agent` * header isn't defined in the request, all the properties will be undefined. * * See [std/http/user_agent#UserAgent](https://deno.land/std@0.223/http/user_agent.ts?s=UserAgent) * for more information. */ get userAgent(): UserAgent { return this.#userAgent; } constructor( serverRequest: ServerRequest, { proxy = false, secure = false, jsonBodyReviver }: OakRequestOptions = {}, ) { this.#proxy = proxy; this.#secure = secure; this.#serverRequest = serverRequest; this.#body = new Body(serverRequest, jsonBodyReviver); this.#userAgent = new UserAgent(serverRequest.headers.get("user-agent")); } /** Returns an array of media types, accepted by the requestor, in order of * preference. If there are no encodings supplied by the requestor, * then accepting any is implied is returned. */ accepts(): string[] | undefined; /** For a given set of media types, return the best match accepted by the * requestor. If there are no encoding that match, then the method returns * `undefined`. */ accepts(...types: string[]): string | undefined; accepts(...types: string[]): string | string[] | undefined { if (!this.#serverRequest.headers.has("Accept")) { return types.length ? types[0] : ["*/*"]; } if (types.length) { return accepts(this.#serverRequest, ...types); } return accepts(this.#serverRequest); } /** Returns an array of encodings, accepted by the requestor, in order of * preference. If there are no encodings supplied by the requestor, * then `["*"]` is returned, matching any. */ acceptsEncodings(): string[] | undefined; /** For a given set of encodings, return the best match accepted by the * requestor. If there are no encodings that match, then the method returns * `undefined`. * * **NOTE:** You should always supply `identity` as one of the encodings * to ensure that there is a match when the `Accept-Encoding` header is part * of the request. */ acceptsEncodings(...encodings: string[]): string | undefined; acceptsEncodings(...encodings: string[]): string[] | string | undefined { if (!this.#serverRequest.headers.has("Accept-Encoding")) { return encodings.length ? encodings[0] : ["*"]; } if (encodings.length) { return acceptsEncodings(this.#serverRequest, ...encodings); } return acceptsEncodings(this.#serverRequest); } /** Returns an array of languages, accepted by the requestor, in order of * preference. If there are no languages supplied by the requestor, * `["*"]` is returned, indicating any language is accepted. */ acceptsLanguages(): string[] | undefined; /** For a given set of languages, return the best match accepted by the * requestor. If there are no languages that match, then the method returns * `undefined`. */ acceptsLanguages(...langs: string[]): string | undefined; acceptsLanguages(...langs: string[]): string[] | string | undefined { if (!this.#serverRequest.headers.get("Accept-Language")) { return langs.length ? langs[0] : ["*"]; } if (langs.length) { return acceptsLanguages(this.#serverRequest, ...langs); } return acceptsLanguages(this.#serverRequest); } /** Take the current request and initiate server sent event connection. * * > ![WARNING] * > This is not intended for direct use, as it will not manage the target in * > the overall context or ensure that additional middleware does not attempt * > to respond to the request. */ async sendEvents( options?: ServerSentEventTargetOptions, init?: RequestInit, ): Promise { const sse = new ServerSentEventStreamTarget(options); await this.#serverRequest.respond(sse.asResponse(init)); return sse; } /** Take the current request and upgrade it to a web socket, returning a web * standard `WebSocket` object. * * If the underlying server abstraction does not support upgrades, this will * throw. * * > ![WARNING] * > This is not intended for direct use, as it will not manage the websocket * > in the overall context or ensure that additional middleware does not * > attempt to respond to the request. */ upgrade(options?: UpgradeWebSocketOptions): WebSocket { if (!this.#serverRequest.upgrade) { throw new TypeError("Web sockets upgrade not supported in this runtime."); } return this.#serverRequest.upgrade(options); } [Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")]( inspect: (value: unknown) => string, ): string { const { body, hasBody, headers, ip, ips, method, secure, url, userAgent } = this; return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ body, hasBody, headers, ip, ips, method, secure, url: url.toString(), userAgent, }) }`; } [Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]( depth: number, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any options: any, inspect: (value: unknown, options?: unknown) => string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ): any { if (depth < 0) { return options.stylize(`[${this.constructor.name}]`, "special"); } const newOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { depth: options.depth === null ? null : options.depth - 1, }); const { body, hasBody, headers, ip, ips, method, secure, url, userAgent } = this; return `${options.stylize(this.constructor.name, "special")} ${ inspect( { body, hasBody, headers, ip, ips, method, secure, url, userAgent }, newOptions, ) }`; } }