'1;30', // dark grey '1' => '0;37', // light grey '2' => '0;32', // green '3' => '1;33', // yellow '4' => '1;31', // red '5' => '1;31', // red 'h' => '1;36', // cyan ]; private static $FILTER = [ "/pg_fetch_row\(\): Unable to jump to row -2 on PostgreSQL result index/" ]; private $url; private $socket; private $prefixFilter; private $contentFilter; private $highlightFilter; private $showTime; private $showColor; public function __construct($pUrl, $pOptions = []) { $this->url = $pUrl; $this->showColor = isset($pOptions['nocolor']) ? !$pOptions['nocolor'] : true; $this->showTime = isset($pOptions['time']) ? $pOptions['time'] : false; $this->prefixFilter = $this->forceRegExp(isset($pOptions['prefix']) ? $pOptions['prefix'] : null); $this->contentFilter = $this->forceRegExp(isset($pOptions['filter']) ? $pOptions['filter'] : null); $this->highlightFilter = $this->forceRegExp(isset($pOptions['highlight']) ? $pOptions['highlight'] : null); $this->socket = stream_socket_server($this->url, $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND); if (!$this->socket) { die("$errstr ($errno)"); } } private function forceRegExp($reg) { if ($reg && substr($reg, 0, 1) != '/' && substr($reg, -1) != '/') { $reg = "/$reg/"; } return $reg; } public function listen() { echo "Listening to $this->url\n"; if ($this->prefixFilter) { echo "Filtering prefix that match $this->prefixFilter\n"; } if ($this->contentFilter) { echo "Filtering content that match $this->contentFilter\n"; } do { $received = stream_socket_recvfrom($this->socket, 33000, 0, $peer); $code = json_decode($received, true); // drop "[".$code['s']."] ". $blacklisted = false; foreach (self::$FILTER as $pattern) { if (preg_match($pattern, $code['d']) > 0) { $blacklisted = true; } } if (!$blacklisted) { $this->render($code); } } while ($received !== false); } private function colorize($color = 0) { return $this->showColor ? "\033[${color}m" : ''; } public function render($pData) { $prefix = !empty($pData['p']) ? '[' . $pData['p'] . ']' : ''; if (!$this->prefixFilter || preg_match($this->prefixFilter, $prefix)) { $message = $prefix . $pData['d'] . " (" . implode(',', $pData['t']) . ")"; if (isset($pData['b']) && ($pData['s'] >= 3)) { $trace = $this->renderBacktrace($pData['b']); } elseif (in_array('DEPRECATED', $pData['t']) && isset($pData['b'][1])) { $trace = "\t" . $pData['b'][1]['file'] . '(' . $pData['b'][1]['line'] . ")\n"; } else { $trace = ''; } $fullMessage = $message . $trace; if (!$this->contentFilter || preg_match($this->contentFilter, $fullMessage)) { if (!$this->highlightFilter || !preg_match($this->highlightFilter, $fullMessage)) { $color = self::$COLOR[$pData['s']]; } else { $color = self::$COLOR['h']; } echo $this->colorize($color); if ($this->showTime) { $now = DateTime::createFromFormat('U.u', number_format(microtime(true), 6, '.', '')); echo $now->format('[H:i:s.u]'); } echo $message; echo $this->colorize() . "\n"; echo $trace; } } } public function renderBacktrace($pData) { $file = []; $maxlen = 0; foreach ($pData as $row) { if (isset($row["file"])) { $file[] = $row["file"]; if (strlen($row["file"]) > $maxlen) { $maxlen = strlen($row["file"]); } } } $prefixlen = strlen($this->getCommonPrefix($file)); $backtrace = ''; foreach ($pData as $row) { $string = '' . (isset($row["file"]) ? substr($row["file"], $prefixlen) : '---') . (isset($row["line"]) ? "(" . $row["line"] . ")" : ''); $string = str_pad($string, $maxlen - $prefixlen + 3 + 5); $string .= '' . (isset($row["class"]) ? $row["class"] . '::' : '') . (isset($row["function"]) ? $row["function"] . "()" : '---'); $backtrace .= "\t" . $string . "\n"; } return $backtrace; } public function getCommonPrefix($pData) { $prefix = array_shift($pData); // take the first item as initial prefix $length = strlen($prefix); // compare the current prefix with the prefix of the same length of the other items foreach ($pData as $item) { // check if there is a match; if not, decrease the prefix by one character at a time while ($length && substr($item, 0, $length) !== $prefix) { $length--; $prefix = substr($prefix, 0, -1); } if (!$length) { break; } } return $prefix; } } class Parameters { private $parameters; public function __construct(array $options, array $longOptions = []) { $this->parameters = getopt(implode('', $options), $longOptions); $this->checkMandatoryValues($options, $longOptions); } private function checkMandatoryValues($options, $longOptions) { global $argv; $mandatory = array_merge( $this->getMandatoryValues($options, '-'), $this->getMandatoryValues($longOptions, '--') ); foreach ($argv as $arg) { if (isset($mandatory[$arg]) && !isset($this->parameters[$mandatory[$arg]])) { die("Missing param value for $arg\n"); } } } private function getMandatoryValues($options, $prefix) { $mandatory = []; foreach ($options as $opt) { if (substr($opt, -1) == ':' && substr($opt, -2) != '::') { $name = substr($opt, 0, -1); $mandatory[$prefix . $name] = $name; } } return $mandatory; } public function has($short, $long = null) { return isset($this->parameters[$short]) || ($long && isset($this->parameters[$long])); } public function get($short, $long = null, $default = null) { if ($long && isset($this->parameters[$long])) { return $this->parameters[$long]; } if (isset($this->parameters[$short])) { return $this->parameters[$short]; } return $default; } } $parameters = new Parameters(['h:', 'p:', 'x:', 'f:', 's:', 't'], ['host:', 'port:', 'prefix:', 'filter:', 'show:', 'time', 'nocolor', 'help']); if ($parameters->has('help')) { die( "Displays the TAO logs sent through the network using UDP\n" . "\n" . "Usage: php " . basename(__FILE__) . " [option]\n" . "\n" . "Options:\n" . "\t-h | --host \tListen to the provided host (default: localhost)\n" . "\t-p | --port \tListen to the provided port (default: 5775)\n" . "\t-x | --prefix \tOnly show messages that match the provided prefix\n" . "\t-f | --filter \tOnly show messages that match the provided filter\n" . "\t-s | --show \tHighlights messages that match the provided filter\n" . "\t-t | --time\t\tDisplay time for each message\n" . "\t-nc| --no color\t\tDo not use colors\n" . "\t--help\t\t\tDisplay this help\n" . "\n" ); } $url = 'udp://' . $parameters->get('h', 'host', '') . ':' . $parameters->get('p', 'port', '5775'); $udr = new UDPListener($url, [ 'filter' => $parameters->get('f', 'filter'), 'prefix' => $parameters->get('x', 'prefix'), 'highlight' => $parameters->get('s', 'show'), 'time' => $parameters->has('t', 'time'), 'nocolor' => $parameters->has('nc', 'nocolor') ]); $udr->listen();