- name: "Artwork" description: Themes and Wallpapers subgroups: - name: "Artwork Cinnamon" description: "Manjaro-Cinnamon wallpapers" packages: - cinnamon-wallpapers - name: "Artwork Manjaro" description: "Additional themes and wallpapers" packages: - flattr-icon-theme - manjaro-backgrounds - vertex-maia-icon-theme - xcursor-maia - name: "AUR" description: "Tools for building packages from the AUR" packages: - autoconf - automake - binutils - bison - fakeroot - file - findutils - flex - gawk - gcc - gettext - grep - groff - gzip - libtool - m4 - make - patch - pkg-config - sed - sudo - texinfo - util-linux - which - yaourt - name: "Internet" description: "Browser, Chat and Filetransfer" subgroups: - name: "Firefox" description: "Mozilla Firefox" packages: - firefox - name: "Chromium" description: "Chromium" packages: - chromium - name: "Palemoon" description: "Palemoon" packages: - palemoon-bin - name: "Chat" description: "Chat and filetransfer" packages: - hexchat - pidgin - pidgin-libnotify - name: "Filetransfer" description: "Torrent Client" packages: - transmission-gtk - name: "Email" description: "Email/PIM Client" subgroups: - name: "Claws Mail" description: "Claws Mail" packages: - claws-mail - name: "Evolution" description: "Mailclient/PIM Evolution" packages: - evolution - name: "Thunderbird" description: "Mailclient/PIM Thunderbird" packages: - lightning - thunderbird - name: "CLI tools" description: "Command line utilities" packages: - bmenu - downgrade - p7zip - vim - name: "Documentation" description: "Manjaro User Guide" packages: - manjaro-documentation - name: "Gaming" description: "Steam packages" packages: - steam-manjaro - name: "Graphics" description: "A selection of graphics tools" packages: - eog - eog-plugins - gcolor2 - gimp - name: "Java" description: "Java packages" packages: - jre8-openjdk - jre8-openjdk-headless - icedtea-web - name: "X-apps" description: "Linuxmint x-apps stack" packages: - pix - xed - xplayer - xreader - xviewer - xviewer-plugins - name: "Multimedia extra" description: "Multimedia packages" packages: - ffmpeg - ffmpegthumbnailer - gst-libav - gst-plugins-bad - gst-plugins-base - gst-plugins-good - gst-plugins-ugly - gstreamer - flac - libdvdcss - npapi-vlc - pragha - vlc-nightly - name: "Office-suite Libreoffice" description: "Libreoffice-Suite" packages: - libreoffice-fresh - name: "Printing" description: "Printer configuration" packages: - manjaro-printer - name: "Scanning" description: "Scanning utilities" packages: - xsane-gimp - name: "Utilities" description: "GUI tools" packages: - baobab - galculator - gparted - isousb - parcellite - xarchiver - xfburn - name: "cinnamon-base" description: "essential pkgs for target install" hidden: true selected: true packages: - blueberry - dconf-editor - ffmpegthumbnailer - galculator - gnome-disk-utility - libgsf - mesa-demos - mobile-broadband-provider-info - modemmanager - mousetweaks - nemo-fileroller - nemo-preview - nemo-python - nemo-share - openvpn - parcellite