# Setup guide for React Native Apps > If you use Expo, please follow [this guide](./SETUP-EXPO.md) instead. This guide applies to vanilla React Native apps only. ### Android 1. Rebuild your app. No extra steps needed for Android. ### iOS > [!TIP] > You will need to follow these instructions any time you add a new font 1. To use the icon packages you previously installed on iOS, run: ```sh npx rnvi-update-plist package.json ios/AppName/Info.plist ``` 2. Open `ios/Info.plist` and verify that the property called **Fonts provided by application** (or **UIAppFonts** if opening the file in a text editor) is present and contains the expected entries. For example:
List of all available fonts that could be present in Info.plist ```xml UIAppFonts FontAwesome6_Brands.ttf FontAwesome6_Regular.ttf FontAwesome6_Solid.ttf Octicons.ttf ```
2. Run `pod install` in the ios directory ```sh cd ios && pod install ``` 3. Rebuild your app ### macOS This needs more work, see details in [#1624](https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons/issues/1624) ### Windows Windows support status is unknown. If you have information on this, please open a PR to update this document.