Ontology about the gross anatomy of the C. elegans C. elegans Gross Anatomy Ontology http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ OBO-Edit 2.1-beta16 19:10:2018 10:30 worm_anatomy 1.2 raymond $ definition The official definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property. Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions. 2012-04-05: Barry Smith The official OBI definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property: 'Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions' is terrible. Can you fix to something like: A statement of necessary and sufficient conditions explaining the meaning of an expression referring to a class or property. Alan Ruttenberg Your proposed definition is a reasonable candidate, except that it is very common that necessary and sufficient conditions are not given. Mostly they are necessary, occasionally they are necessary and sufficient or just sufficient. Often they use terms that are not themselves defined and so they effectively can't be evaluated by those criteria. On the specifics of the proposed definition: We don't have definitions of 'meaning' or 'expression' or 'property'. For 'reference' in the intended sense I think we use the term 'denotation'. For 'expression', I think we you mean symbol, or identifier. For 'meaning' it differs for class and property. For class we want documentation that let's the intended reader determine whether an entity is instance of the class, or not. For property we want documentation that let's the intended reader determine, given a pair of potential relata, whether the assertion that the relation holds is true. The 'intended reader' part suggests that we also specify who, we expect, would be able to understand the definition, and also generalizes over human and computer reader to include textual and logical definition. Personally, I am more comfortable weakening definition to documentation, with instructions as to what is desirable. We also have the outstanding issue of how to aim different definitions to different audiences. A clinical audience reading chebi wants a different sort of definition documentation/definition from a chemistry trained audience, and similarly there is a need for a definition that is adequate for an ontologist to work with. PERSON:Daniel Schober GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi> definition definition has ontology root term Ontology annotation property. Relates an ontology to a term that is a designated root term of the ontology. Display tools like OLS can use terms annotated with this property as the starting point for rendering the ontology class hierarchy. There can be more than one root. Nicolas Matentzoglu has ontology root term term replaced by Use on obsolete terms, relating the term to another term that can be used as a substitute Person:Alan Ruttenberg Person:Alan Ruttenberg Add as annotation triples in the granting ontology term replaced by If R <- P o Q is a defining property chain axiom, then it also holds that R -> P o Q. Note that this cannot be expressed directly in OWL is a defining property chain axiom If R <- P o Q is a defining property chain axiom, then (1) R -> P o Q holds and (2) Q is either reflexive or locally reflexive. A corollary of this is that P SubPropertyOf R. is a defining property chain axiom where second argument is reflexive has_alternative_id database_cross_reference An alternative label for a class or property which has the exact same meaning than the preferred name/primary label. https://github.com/information-artifact-ontology/ontology-metadata/issues/20 has exact synonym has_exact_synonym https://github.com/information-artifact-ontology/ontology-metadata/issues/20 An alternative label for a class or property which has a more specific meaning than the preferred name/primary label. https://github.com/information-artifact-ontology/ontology-metadata/issues/19 has narrow synonym has_narrow_synonym https://github.com/information-artifact-ontology/ontology-metadata/issues/19 has_obo_format_version has_obo_namespace An alternative label for a class or property that has been used synonymously with the primary term name, but the usage is not strictly correct. https://github.com/information-artifact-ontology/ontology-metadata/issues/21 has related synonym has_related_synonym https://github.com/information-artifact-ontology/ontology-metadata/issues/21 shorthand is part of my brain is part of my body (continuant parthood, two material entities) my stomach cavity is part of my stomach (continuant parthood, immaterial entity is part of material entity) this day is part of this year (occurrent parthood) a core relation that holds between a part and its whole Everything is part of itself. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot be part of each other. Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ro/docs/temporal-semantics/ Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent can be part of an occurrent; only a process can be part of a process; only a continuant can be part of a continuant; only an independent continuant can be part of an independent continuant; only an immaterial entity can be part of an immaterial entity; only a specifically dependent continuant can be part of a specifically dependent continuant; only a generically dependent continuant can be part of a generically dependent continuant. (This list is not exhaustive.) A continuant cannot be part of an occurrent: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot be part of a continuant: use 'has participant'. A material entity cannot be part of an immaterial entity: use 'has location'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot be part of an independent continuant: use 'inheres in'. An independent continuant cannot be part of a specifically dependent continuant: use 'bearer of'. part_of BFO:0000050 worm_anatomy part_of part_of part of part_of http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/#OBO_REL:part_of https://wiki.geneontology.org/Part_of has part my body has part my brain (continuant parthood, two material entities) my stomach has part my stomach cavity (continuant parthood, material entity has part immaterial entity) this year has part this day (occurrent parthood) a core relation that holds between a whole and its part Everything has itself as a part. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot have each other as a part. Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ro/docs/temporal-semantics/ Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent have an occurrent as part; only a process can have a process as part; only a continuant can have a continuant as part; only an independent continuant can have an independent continuant as part; only a specifically dependent continuant can have a specifically dependent continuant as part; only a generically dependent continuant can have a generically dependent continuant as part. (This list is not exhaustive.) A continuant cannot have an occurrent as part: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot have a continuant as part: use 'has participant'. An immaterial entity cannot have a material entity as part: use 'location of'. An independent continuant cannot have a specifically dependent continuant as part: use 'bearer of'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot have an independent continuant as part: use 'inheres in'. has_part has part preceded by x is preceded by y if and only if the time point at which y ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which x starts. Formally: x preceded by y iff ω(y) <= α(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. An example is: translation preceded_by transcription; aging preceded_by development (not however death preceded_by aging). Where derives_from links classes of continuants, preceded_by links classes of processes. Clearly, however, these two relations are not independent of each other. Thus if cells of type C1 derive_from cells of type C, then any cell division involving an instance of C1 in a given lineage is preceded_by cellular processes involving an instance of C. The assertion P preceded_by P1 tells us something about Ps in general: that is, it tells us something about what happened earlier, given what we know about what happened later. Thus it does not provide information pointing in the opposite direction, concerning instances of P1 in general; that is, that each is such as to be succeeded by some instance of P. Note that an assertion to the effect that P preceded_by P1 is rather weak; it tells us little about the relations between the underlying instances in virtue of which the preceded_by relation obtains. Typically we will be interested in stronger relations, for example in the relation immediately_preceded_by, or in relations which combine preceded_by with a condition to the effect that the corresponding instances of P and P1 share participants, or that their participants are connected by relations of derivation, or (as a first step along the road to a treatment of causality) that the one process in some way affects (for example, initiates or regulates) the other. is preceded by preceded_by http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/#OBO_REL:preceded_by preceded by precedes x precedes y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x precedes y iff ω(x) <= α(y), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. precedes inheres in this fragility is a characteristic of this vase this red color is a characteristic of this apple a relation between a specifically dependent continuant (the characteristic) and any other entity (the bearer), in which the characteristic depends on the bearer for its existence. inheres_in Note that this relation was previously called "inheres in", but was changed to be called "characteristic of" because BFO2 uses "inheres in" in a more restricted fashion. This relation differs from BFO2:inheres_in in two respects: (1) it does not impose a range constraint, and thus it allows qualities of processes, as well as of information entities, whereas BFO2 restricts inheres_in to only apply to independent continuants (2) it is declared functional, i.e. something can only be a characteristic of one thing. characteristic of bearer of this apple is bearer of this red color this vase is bearer of this fragility Inverse of characteristic_of A bearer can have many dependents, and its dependents can exist for different periods of time, but none of its dependents can exist when the bearer does not exist. bearer_of is bearer of has characteristic participates in this blood clot participates in this blood coagulation this input material (or this output material) participates in this process this investigator participates in this investigation a relation between a continuant and a process, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process participates_in participates in has participant this blood coagulation has participant this blood clot this investigation has participant this investigator this process has participant this input material (or this output material) a relation between a process and a continuant, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process Has_participant is a primitive instance-level relation between a process, a continuant, and a time at which the continuant participates in some way in the process. The relation obtains, for example, when this particular process of oxygen exchange across this particular alveolar membrane has_participant this particular sample of hemoglobin at this particular time. has_participant http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/#OBO_REL:has_participant has participant this catalysis function is a function of this enzyme a relation between a function and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the function specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A function inheres in its bearer at all times for which the function exists, however the function need not be realized at all the times that the function exists. function_of is function of This relation is modeled after the BFO relation of the same name which was in BFO2, but is used in a more restricted sense - specifically, we model this relation as functional (inherited from characteristic-of). Note that this relation is now removed from BFO2020. function of this red color is a quality of this apple a relation between a quality and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the quality specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A quality inheres in its bearer at all times for which the quality exists. is quality of quality_of This relation is modeled after the BFO relation of the same name which was in BFO2, but is used in a more restricted sense - specifically, we model this relation as functional (inherited from characteristic-of). Note that this relation is now removed from BFO2020. quality of this investigator role is a role of this person a relation between a role and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the role specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A role inheres in its bearer at all times for which the role exists, however the role need not be realized at all the times that the role exists. is role of role_of This relation is modeled after the BFO relation of the same name which was in BFO2, but is used in a more restricted sense - specifically, we model this relation as functional (inherited from characteristic-of). Note that this relation is now removed from BFO2020. role of this enzyme has function this catalysis function (more colloquially: this enzyme has this catalysis function) a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a function, in which the function specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A bearer can have many functions, and its functions can exist for different periods of time, but none of its functions can exist when the bearer does not exist. A function need not be realized at all the times that the function exists. has_function has function this apple has quality this red color a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a quality, in which the quality specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A bearer can have many qualities, and its qualities can exist for different periods of time, but none of its qualities can exist when the bearer does not exist. has_quality has quality this person has role this investigator role (more colloquially: this person has this role of investigator) a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a role, in which the role specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A bearer can have many roles, and its roles can exist for different periods of time, but none of its roles can exist when the bearer does not exist. A role need not be realized at all the times that the role exists. has_role has role a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a disposition, in which the disposition specifically depends on the bearer for its existence has disposition inverse of has disposition This relation is modeled after the BFO relation of the same name which was in BFO2, but is used in a more restricted sense - specifically, we model this relation as functional (inherited from characteristic-of). Note that this relation is now removed from BFO2020. disposition of A 'has regulatory component activity' B if A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A has_component B and A is regulated by B. 2017-05-24T09:30:46Z has regulatory component activity A relationship that holds between a GO molecular function and a component of that molecular function that negatively regulates the activity of the whole. More formally, A 'has regulatory component activity' B iff :A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A has_component B and A is negatively regulated by B. 2017-05-24T09:31:01Z By convention GO molecular functions are classified by their effector function. Internal regulatory functions are treated as components. For example, NMDA glutmate receptor activity is a cation channel activity with positive regulatory component 'glutamate binding' and negative regulatory components including 'zinc binding' and 'magnesium binding'. has negative regulatory component activity A relationship that holds between a GO molecular function and a component of that molecular function that positively regulates the activity of the whole. More formally, A 'has regulatory component activity' B iff :A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A has_component B and A is positively regulated by B. 2017-05-24T09:31:17Z By convention GO molecular functions are classified by their effector function and internal regulatory functions are treated as components. So, for example calmodulin has a protein binding activity that has positive regulatory component activity calcium binding activity. Receptor tyrosine kinase activity is a tyrosine kinase activity that has positive regulatory component 'ligand binding'. has positive regulatory component activity 2017-05-24T09:44:33Z A 'has component activity' B if A is A and B are molecular functions (GO_0003674) and A has_component B. has component activity w 'has process component' p if p and w are processes, w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type. 2017-05-24T09:49:21Z has component process 2017-09-17T13:52:24Z Process(P2) is directly regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly regulates P2. directly regulated by Process(P2) is directly regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly regulates P2. Process(P2) is directly negatively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 negatively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding negatively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 directly negatively regulated by P1. 2017-09-17T13:52:38Z directly negatively regulated by Process(P2) is directly negatively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 negatively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding negatively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 directly negatively regulated by P1. Process(P2) is directly postively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 positively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding positively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 is directly postively regulated by P1. 2017-09-17T13:52:47Z directly positively regulated by Process(P2) is directly postively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 positively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding positively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 is directly postively regulated by P1. A 'has effector activity' B if A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A 'has component activity' B and B is the effector (output function) of B. Each compound function has only one effector activity. 2017-09-22T14:14:36Z This relation is designed for constructing compound molecular functions, typically in combination with one or more regulatory component activity relations. has effector activity A 'has effector activity' B if A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A 'has component activity' B and B is the effector (output function) of B. Each compound function has only one effector activity. David Osumi-Sutherland X ends_after Y iff: end(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with end(X) ends after David Osumi-Sutherland starts_at_end_of X immediately_preceded_by Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y) immediately preceded by David Osumi-Sutherland ends_at_start_of meets X immediately_precedes_Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y) immediately precedes x overlaps y if and only if there exists some z such that x has part z and z part of y http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000051 some (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000050 some ?Y) overlaps true w 'has component' p if w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type. The definition of 'has component' is still under discussion. The challenge is in providing a definition that does not imply transitivity. For use in recording has_part with a cardinality constraint, because OWL does not permit cardinality constraints to be used in combination with transitive object properties. In situations where you would want to say something like 'has part exactly 5 digit, you would instead use has_component exactly 5 digit. has component x develops from y if and only if either (a) x directly develops from y or (b) there exists some z such that x directly develops from z and z develops from y RO:0002202 worm_anatomy develops_from develops_from This is the transitive form of the develops from relation develops from develops_from inverse of develops from develops into p regulates q iff p is causally upstream of q, the execution of p is not constant and varies according to specific conditions, and p influences the rate or magnitude of execution of q due to an effect either on some enabler of q or some enabler of a part of q. GO Regulation precludes parthood; the regulatory process may not be within the regulated process. regulates (processual) false regulates p negatively regulates q iff p regulates q, and p decreases the rate or magnitude of execution of q. negatively regulates (process to process) negatively regulates p positively regulates q iff p regulates q, and p increases the rate or magnitude of execution of q. positively regulates (process to process) positively regulates mechanosensory neuron capable of detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception (GO:0050974) osteoclast SubClassOf 'capable of' some 'bone resorption' A relation between a material entity (such as a cell) and a process, in which the material entity has the ability to carry out the process. has function realized in For compatibility with BFO, this relation has a shortcut definition in which the expression "capable of some P" expands to "bearer_of (some realized_by only P)". capable of c stands in this relationship to p if and only if there exists some p' such that c is capable_of p', and p' is part_of p. has function in capable of part of true Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for relations between occurrents involving the relative timing of their starts and ends. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kBv1ep_9g3sTR-SD3jqzFqhuwo9TPNF-l-9fUDbO6rM/edit?pli=1 A relation that holds between two occurrents. This is a grouping relation that collects together all the Allen relations. temporally related to p has input c iff: p is a process, c is a material entity, c is a participant in p, c is present at the start of p, and the state of c is modified during p. consumes has input https://wiki.geneontology.org/Has_input Mammalian thymus has developmental contribution from some pharyngeal pouch 3; Mammalian thymus has developmental contribution from some pharyngeal pouch 4 [Kardong] x has developmental contribution from y iff x has some part z such that z develops from y has developmental contribution from inverse of has developmental contribution from developmentally contributes to Candidate definition: x developmentally related to y if and only if there exists some developmental process (GO:0032502) p such that x and y both participates in p, and x is the output of p and y is the input of p false In general you should not use this relation to make assertions - use one of the more specific relations below this one This relation groups together various other developmental relations. It is fairly generic, encompassing induction, developmental contribution and direct and transitive develops from developmentally preceded by A faulty traffic light (material entity) whose malfunctioning (a process) is causally upstream of a traffic collision (a process): the traffic light acts upstream of the collision. c acts upstream of p if and only if c enables some f that is involved in p' and p' occurs chronologically before p, is not part of p, and affects the execution of p. c is a material entity and f, p, p' are processes. acts upstream of A gene product that has some activity, where that activity may be a part of a pathway or upstream of the pathway. c acts upstream of or within p if c is enables f, and f is causally upstream of or within p. c is a material entity and p is an process. affects acts upstream of or within https://wiki.geneontology.org/Acts_upstream_of_or_within Inverse of developmentally preceded by developmentally succeeded by p is causally upstream of, positive effect q iff p is casually upstream of q, and the execution of p is required for the execution of q. holds between x and y if and only if x is causally upstream of y and the progression of x increases the frequency, rate or extent of y causally upstream of, positive effect p is causally upstream of, negative effect q iff p is casually upstream of q, and the execution of p decreases the execution of q. causally upstream of, negative effect q characteristic of part of w if and only if there exists some p such that q inheres in p and p part of w. Because part_of is transitive, inheres in is a sub-relation of characteristic of part of inheres in part of characteristic of part of true A mereological relationship or a topological relationship Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving parthood or connectivity relationships mereotopologically related to A relationship that holds between entities participating in some developmental process (GO:0032502) Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving organismal development developmentally related to a particular instances of akt-2 enables some instance of protein kinase activity c enables p iff c is capable of p and c acts to execute p. catalyzes executes has is catalyzing is executing This relation differs from the parent relation 'capable of' in that the parent is weaker and only expresses a capability that may not be actually realized, whereas this relation is always realized. enables https://wiki.geneontology.org/Enables A grouping relationship for any relationship directly involving a function, or that holds because of a function of one of the related entities. This is a grouping relation that collects relations used for the purpose of connecting structure and function functionally related to this relation holds between c and p when c is part of some c', and c' is capable of p. false part of structure that is capable of true c involved_in p if and only if c enables some process p', and p' is part of p actively involved in enables part of involved in https://wiki.geneontology.org/Involved_in inverse of enables enabled by https://wiki.geneontology.org/Enabled_by inverse of regulates regulated by (processual) regulated by inverse of negatively regulates negatively regulated by inverse of positively regulates positively regulated by inverse of has input input of x has developmental potential involving y iff x is capable of a developmental process with output y. y may be the successor of x, or may be a different structure in the vicinity (as for example in the case of developmental induction). has developmental potential involving x has potential to developmentrally contribute to y iff x developmentally contributes to y or x is capable of developmentally contributing to y has potential to developmentally contribute to x has the potential to develop into y iff x develops into y or if x is capable of developing into y has potential to develop into x has potential to directly develop into y iff x directly develops into y or x is capable of directly developing into y has potential to directly develop into inverse of upstream of causally downstream of immediately causally downstream of p indirectly positively regulates q iff p is indirectly causally upstream of q and p positively regulates q. indirectly activates indirectly positively regulates https://wiki.geneontology.org/Indirectly_positively_regulates p indirectly negatively regulates q iff p is indirectly causally upstream of q and p negatively regulates q. indirectly inhibits indirectly negatively regulates https://wiki.geneontology.org/Indirectly_negatively_regulates relation that links two events, processes, states, or objects such that one event, process, state, or object (a cause) contributes to the production of another event, process, state, or object (an effect) where the cause is partly or wholly responsible for the effect, and the effect is partly or wholly dependent on the cause. This branch of the ontology deals with causal relations between entities. It is divided into two branches: causal relations between occurrents/processes, and causal relations between material entities. We take an 'activity flow-centric approach', with the former as primary, and define causal relations between material entities in terms of causal relations between occurrents. To define causal relations in an activity-flow type network, we make use of 3 primitives: * Temporal: how do the intervals of the two occurrents relate? * Is the causal relation regulatory? * Is the influence positive or negative? The first of these can be formalized in terms of the Allen Interval Algebra. Informally, the 3 bins we care about are 'direct', 'indirect' or overlapping. Note that all causal relations should be classified under a RO temporal relation (see the branch under 'temporally related to'). Note that all causal relations are temporal, but not all temporal relations are causal. Two occurrents can be related in time without being causally connected. We take causal influence to be primitive, elucidated as being such that has the upstream changed, some qualities of the donwstream would necessarily be modified. For the second, we consider a relationship to be regulatory if the system in which the activities occur is capable of altering the relationship to achieve some objective. This could include changing the rate of production of a molecule. For the third, we consider the effect of the upstream process on the output(s) of the downstream process. If the level of output is increased, or the rate of production of the output is increased, then the direction is increased. Direction can be positive, negative or neutral or capable of either direction. Two positives in succession yield a positive, two negatives in succession yield a positive, otherwise the default assumption is that the net effect is canceled and the influence is neutral. Each of these 3 primitives can be composed to yield a cross-product of different relation types. Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. causally related to relation that links two events, processes, states, or objects such that one event, process, state, or object (a cause) contributes to the production of another event, process, state, or object (an effect) where the cause is partly or wholly responsible for the effect, and the effect is partly or wholly dependent on the cause. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causality p is causally upstream of q iff p is causally related to q, the end of p precedes the end of q, and p is not an occurrent part of q. causally upstream of p is immediately causally upstream of q iff p is causally upstream of q, and the end of p is coincident with the beginning of q. immediately causally upstream of p is 'causally upstream or within' q iff p is causally related to q, and the end of p precedes, or is coincident with, the end of q. We would like to make this disjoint with 'preceded by', but this is prohibited in OWL2 influences (processual) affects causally upstream of or within inverse of causally upstream of or within causally downstream of or within c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' regulates some p involved in regulation of c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' positively regulates some p involved in positive regulation of c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' negatively regulates some p involved in negative regulation of c involved in or regulates p if and only if either (i) c is involved in p or (ii) c is involved in regulation of p OWL does not allow defining object properties via a Union involved in or reguates involved in or involved in regulation of A relationship that holds between two entities in which the processes executed by the two entities are causally connected. Considering relabeling as 'pairwise interacts with' This relation and all sub-relations can be applied to either (1) pairs of entities that are interacting at any moment of time (2) populations or species of entity whose members have the disposition to interact (3) classes whose members have the disposition to interact. Note that this relationship type, and sub-relationship types may be redundant with process terms from other ontologies. For example, the symbiotic relationship hierarchy parallels GO. The relations are provided as a convenient shortcut. Consider using the more expressive processual form to capture your data. In the future, these relations will be linked to their cognate processes through rules. in pairwise interaction with interacts with http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ro/docs/interaction-relations/ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MI_0914 An interaction relationship in which the two partners are molecular entities that directly physically interact with each other for example via a stable binding interaction or a brief interaction during which one modifies the other. binds molecularly binds with molecularly interacts with http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MI_0915 Axiomatization to GO to be added later An interaction relation between x and y in which x catalyzes a reaction in which a phosphate group is added to y. phosphorylates The entity A, immediately upstream of the entity B, has an activity that regulates an activity performed by B. For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A regulates the kinase activity of B. A and B can be physically interacting but not necessarily. Immediately upstream means there are no intermediate entity between A and B. molecularly controls directly regulates activity of The entity A, immediately upstream of the entity B, has an activity that negatively regulates an activity performed by B. For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A negatively regulates the kinase activity of B. directly inhibits molecularly decreases activity of directly negatively regulates activity of The entity A, immediately upstream of the entity B, has an activity that positively regulates an activity performed by B. For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A positively regulates the kinase activity of B. directly activates molecularly increases activity of directly positively regulates activity of This property or its subproperties is not to be used directly. These properties exist as helper properties that are used to support OWL reasoning. helper property (not for use in curation) ABal nucleus child nucleus of ABa nucleus (in C elegans) c is a child nucleus of d if and only if c and d are both nuclei and parts of cells c' and d', where c' is derived from d' by mitosis and the genetic material in c is a copy of the generic material in d This relation is primarily used in the worm anatomy ontology for representing lineage at the level of nuclei. However, it is applicable to any organismal cell lineage. RO:0002476 worm_anatomy DESCENDENTOF DESCENDENTOF child nucleus of A child nucleus relationship in which the cells are part of a hermaphroditic organism RO:0002477 worm_anatomy DESCINHERM DESCINHERM child nucleus of in hermaphrodite A child nucleus relationship in which the cells are part of a male organism RO:0002478 worm_anatomy DESCINMALE DESCINMALE child nucleus of in male is kinase activity A relationship between a material entity and a process where the material entity has some causal role that influences the process causal agent in process p is causally related to q if and only if p or any part of p and q or any part of q are linked by a chain of events where each event pair is one where the execution of p influences the execution of q. p may be upstream, downstream, part of, or a container of q. Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. causal relation between processes depends on The intent is that the process branch of the causal property hierarchy is primary (causal relations hold between occurrents/processes), and that the material branch is defined in terms of the process branch Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. causal relation between entities causally influenced by (entity-centric) causally influenced by interaction relation helper property http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ro/docs/interaction-relations/ molecular interaction relation helper property The entity or characteristic A is causally upstream of the entity or characteristic B, A having an effect on B. An entity corresponds to any biological type of entity as long as a mass is measurable. A characteristic corresponds to a particular specificity of an entity (e.g., phenotype, shape, size). causally influences (entity-centric) causally influences p directly regulates q iff p is immediately causally upstream of q and p regulates q. directly regulates (processual) directly regulates gland SubClassOf 'has part structure that is capable of' some 'secretion by cell' s 'has part structure that is capable of' p if and only if there exists some part x such that s 'has part' x and x 'capable of' p has part structure that is capable of A relationship that holds between a material entity and a process in which causality is involved, with either the material entity or some part of the material entity exerting some influence over the process, or the process influencing some aspect of the material entity. Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. causal relation between material entity and a process pyrethroid -> growth Holds between c and p if and only if c is capable of some activity a, and a regulates p. capable of regulating Holds between c and p if and only if c is capable of some activity a, and a negatively regulates p. capable of negatively regulating renin -> arteriolar smooth muscle contraction Holds between c and p if and only if c is capable of some activity a, and a positively regulates p. capable of positively regulating Inverse of 'causal agent in process' process has causal agent p directly positively regulates q iff p is immediately causally upstream of q, and p positively regulates q. directly positively regulates (process to process) directly positively regulates https://wiki.geneontology.org/Directly_positively_regulates p directly negatively regulates q iff p is immediately causally upstream of q, and p negatively regulates q. directly negatively regulates (process to process) directly negatively regulates https://wiki.geneontology.org/Directly_negatively_regulates Holds between an entity and an process P where the entity enables some larger compound process, and that larger process has-part P. 2018-01-25T23:20:13Z enables subfunction 2018-01-26T23:49:30Z acts upstream of or within, positive effect https://wiki.geneontology.org/Acts_upstream_of_or_within,_positive_effect 2018-01-26T23:49:51Z acts upstream of or within, negative effect https://wiki.geneontology.org/Acts_upstream_of_or_within,_negative_effect c 'acts upstream of, positive effect' p if c is enables f, and f is causally upstream of p, and the direction of f is positive 2018-01-26T23:53:14Z acts upstream of, positive effect https://wiki.geneontology.org/Acts_upstream_of,_positive_effect c 'acts upstream of, negative effect' p if c is enables f, and f is causally upstream of p, and the direction of f is negative 2018-01-26T23:53:22Z acts upstream of, negative effect https://wiki.geneontology.org/Acts_upstream_of,_negative_effect 2018-03-13T23:55:05Z causally upstream of or within, negative effect https://wiki.geneontology.org/Causally_upstream_of_or_within,_negative_effect 2018-03-13T23:55:19Z causally upstream of or within, positive effect The entity A has an activity that regulates an activity of the entity B. For example, A and B are gene products where the catalytic activity of A regulates the kinase activity of B. regulates activity of p is indirectly causally upstream of q iff p is causally upstream of q and there exists some process r such that p is causally upstream of r and r is causally upstream of q. 2022-09-26T06:07:17Z indirectly causally upstream of p indirectly regulates q iff p is indirectly causally upstream of q and p regulates q. 2022-09-26T06:08:01Z indirectly regulates A diagnostic testing device utilizes a specimen. X device utilizes material Y means X and Y are material entities, and X is capable of some process P that has input Y. A diagnostic testing device utilizes a specimen means that the diagnostic testing device is capable of an assay, and this assay a specimen as its input. See github ticket https://github.com/oborel/obo-relations/issues/497 2021-11-08T12:00:00Z utilizes device utilizes material A relationship that holds between a process and a characteristic in which process (P) regulates characteristic (C) iff: P results in the existence of C OR affects the intensity or magnitude of C. regulates characteristic A relationship that holds between a process and a characteristic in which process (P) positively regulates characteristic (C) iff: P results in an increase in the intensity or magnitude of C. positively regulates characteristic A relationship that holds between a process and a characteristic in which process (P) negatively regulates characteristic (C) iff: P results in a decrease in the intensity or magnitude of C. negatively regulates characteristic T1 xunion_of T2 means that T1 is the union of T2 and one (or more) other term, exclusively. Thus, given T1 xunion_of T2 and T1 xunion_T3, one can infer that any instance of T1 must be an instance of T2 or T3 but not T2 and T3. worm_anatomy xunion_of exclusive_union_of T1 xunion_of T2 means that T1 is the union of T2 and one (or more) other term, exclusively. Thus, given T1 xunion_of T2 and T1 xunion_T3, one can infer that any instance of T1 must be an instance of T2 or T3 but not T2 and T3. WB:rynl An entity that exists in full at any time in which it exists at all, persists through time while maintaining its identity and has no temporal parts. continuant An entity that has temporal parts and that happens, unfolds or develops through time. occurrent b is an independent continuant = Def. b is a continuant which is such that there is no c and no t such that b s-depends_on c at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [017-002]) A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything. independent continuant p is a process = Def. p is an occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [083-003]) An occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. process disposition A specifically dependent continuant that inheres in continuant entities and are not exhibited in full at every time in which it inheres in an entity or group of entities. The exhibition or actualization of a realizable entity is a particular manifestation, functioning or process that occurs under certain circumstances. realizable realizable entity quality b is a specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region and which is such that b s-depends_on c at every time t during the course of b’s existence. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [050-003]) A continuant that inheres in or is borne by other entities. Every instance of A requires some specific instance of B which must always be the same. characteristic specifically dependent continuant https://github.com/OBOFoundry/COB/issues/65 https://github.com/oborel/obo-relations/pull/284 A realizable entity the manifestation of which brings about some result or end that is not essential to a continuant in virtue of the kind of thing that it is but that can be served or participated in by that kind of continuant in some kinds of natural, social or institutional contexts. role function An independent continuant that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time. material entity A molecular process that can be carried out by the action of a single macromolecular machine, usually via direct physical interactions with other molecular entities. Function in this sense denotes an action, or activity, that a gene product (or a complex) performs. molecular function GO:0003674 Note that, in addition to forming the root of the molecular function ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose molecular function is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the molecular function of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code 'no data' (ND), is used to indicate this. Despite its name, this is not a type of 'function' in the sense typically defined by upper ontologies such as Basic Formal Ontology (BFO). It is instead a BFO:process carried out by a single gene product or complex. This is the same as GO molecular function gene product or complex activity molecular_function A molecular process that can be carried out by the action of a single macromolecular machine, usually via direct physical interactions with other molecular entities. Function in this sense denotes an action, or activity, that a gene product (or a complex) performs. GOC:pdt A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. NIF_Subcellular:sao1702920020 Wikipedia:Cell_nucleus cell nucleus horsetail nucleus GO:0005634 cell nucleus nucleus A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. GOC:go_curators horsetail nucleus GOC:al GOC:mah GOC:vw PMID:15030757 A biological process is the execution of a genetically-encoded biological module or program. It consists of all the steps required to achieve the specific biological objective of the module. A biological process is accomplished by a particular set of molecular functions carried out by specific gene products (or macromolecular complexes), often in a highly regulated manner and in a particular temporal sequence. A process that emerges from two or more causally-connected macromolecular activities and has evolved to achieve a biological objective. jl 2012-09-19T15:05:24Z Wikipedia:Biological_process biological process physiological process single organism process single-organism process GO:0008150 A biological process is an evolved process Note that, in addition to forming the root of the biological process ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose biological process is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the biological process of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code 'no data' (ND), is used to indicate this. biological process biological_process A biological process is the execution of a genetically-encoded biological module or program. It consists of all the steps required to achieve the specific biological objective of the module. A biological process is accomplished by a particular set of molecular functions carried out by specific gene products (or macromolecular complexes), often in a highly regulated manner and in a particular temporal sequence. GOC:pdt true Catalysis of the transfer of a phosphate group, usually from ATP, to a substrate molecule. Reactome:R-HSA-6788855 Reactome:R-HSA-6788867 phosphokinase activity GO:0016301 Note that this term encompasses all activities that transfer a single phosphate group; although ATP is by far the most common phosphate donor, reactions using other phosphate donors are included in this term. kinase activity Catalysis of the transfer of a phosphate group, usually from ATP, to a substrate molecule. ISBN:0198506732 Reactome:R-HSA-6788855 FN3KRP phosphorylates PsiAm, RibAm Reactome:R-HSA-6788867 FN3K phosphorylates ketosamines curation status specification The curation status of the term. The allowed values come from an enumerated list of predefined terms. See the specification of these instances for more detailed definitions of each enumerated value. Better to represent curation as a process with parts and then relate labels to that process (in IAO meeting) PERSON:Bill Bug GROUP:OBI:<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obi> OBI_0000266 curation status specification A dependent entity that inheres in a bearer by virtue of how the bearer is related to other entities PATO:0000001 quality A dependent entity that inheres in a bearer by virtue of how the bearer is related to other entities PATOC:GVG Biological entity that is either an individual member of a biological species or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of a biological species. AAO:0010841 AEO:0000000 BFO:0000004 BILA:0000000 BIRNLEX:6 CARO:0000000 EHDAA2:0002229 FMA:62955 HAO:0000000 MA:0000001 NCIT:C12219 TAO:0100000 TGMA:0001822 UMLS:C1515976 WBbt:0000100 XAO:0000000 ZFA:0100000 UBERON:0001062 anatomical entity Biological entity that is either an individual member of a biological species or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of a biological species. FMA:62955 http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9114-8737 UMLS:C1515976 ncithesaurus:Anatomic_Structure_System_or_Substance An anatomical entity of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. worm_anatomy WBbt:0000100 C. elegans anatomical entity An anatomical entity of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. WB:WBPerson2987 pedigree of nuclei, lineal descent from P0, the founder. WB:RYNL worm_anatomy WBbt:0000101 Lineage pedigree of nuclei, lineal descent from P0, the founder. WB:RYNL nucleus of pedigree P0 worm_anatomy WBbt:0000102 P0 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P0 WB:rynl nucleus of embryonic cell AB. worm_anatomy WBbt:0001001 AB nucleus nucleus of embryonic cell AB. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001002 ABa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABal worm_anatomy WBbt:0001003 ABal nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABala worm_anatomy WBbt:0001004 ABala nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABala WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001005 ABalaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001006 ABalaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001007 ABalaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaal worm_anatomy WBbt:0001008 ABalaaaal nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaala worm_anatomy WBbt:0001009 ABalaaaala nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaala WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaalar worm_anatomy WBbt:0001010 ABalaaaalar nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaalar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaalp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001011 ABalaaaalp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaalp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaalpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001012 ABalaaaalpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaalpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaar worm_anatomy WBbt:0001013 ABalaaaar nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarl worm_anatomy WBbt:0001014 ABalaaaarl nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarla worm_anatomy WBbt:0001015 ABalaaaarla nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarla WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarr worm_anatomy WBbt:0001016 ABalaaaarr nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarra worm_anatomy WBbt:0001017 ABalaaaarra nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarra WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001018 ABalaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001019 ABalaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapal worm_anatomy WBbt:0001020 ABalaaapal nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapar worm_anatomy WBbt:0001021 ABalaaapar nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaparl worm_anatomy WBbt:0001022 ABalaaaparl nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaparl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001023 ABalaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaappl worm_anatomy WBbt:0001024 ABalaaappl nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaappl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapplr worm_anatomy WBbt:0001025 ABalaaapplr nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapplr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaappr worm_anatomy WBbt:0001026 ABalaaappr nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaappr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001027 ABalaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001028 ABalaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001029 ABalaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001030 ABalaapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaaal worm_anatomy WBbt:0001031 ABalaapaaal nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaaal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001032 ABalaapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001033 ABalaapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001034 ABalaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001035 ABalaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001036 ABalaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001037 ABalaapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001038 ABalaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001039 ABalaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001040 ABalaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001041 ABalaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001042 ABalaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001043 ABalaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001044 ABalaapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001045 ABalaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001046 ABalaappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaappppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001047 ABalaappppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaappppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001048 ABalap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001049 ABalapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001050 ABalapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001051 ABalapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001052 ABalapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001053 ABalapaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001054 ABalapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001055 ABalapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001056 ABalapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001057 ABalapaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001058 ABalapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001059 ABalapaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001060 ABalapaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001061 ABalapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001062 ABalapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001063 ABalapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001064 ABalapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001065 ABalapapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001066 ABalapapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001067 ABalapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001068 ABalapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001069 ABalapappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001070 ABalapappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001071 ABalapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001072 ABalapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001073 ABalappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001074 ABalappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001075 ABalappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001076 ABalappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001077 ABalappaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001078 ABalappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001079 ABalappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001080 ABalappapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001081 ABalappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001082 ABalappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001083 ABalapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001084 ABalapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001085 ABalapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001086 ABalapppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001087 ABalapppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001088 ABalapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001089 ABalappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001090 ABalappppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001091 ABalappppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001092 ABalappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001093 ABalp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001094 ABalpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001095 ABalpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001096 ABalpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001097 ABalpaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001098 ABalpaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001099 ABalpaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001100 ABalpaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001101 ABalpaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001102 ABalpaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001103 ABalpaaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001104 ABalpaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001105 ABalpaaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001106 ABalpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001107 ABalpaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001108 ABalpaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001109 ABalpaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001110 ABalpaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001111 ABalpaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001112 ABalpaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001113 ABalpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001114 ABalpapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001115 ABalpapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001116 ABalpapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001117 ABalpapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001118 ABalpapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001119 ABalpapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001120 ABalpapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001121 ABalpapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001122 ABalpapapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001123 ABalpapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001124 ABalpapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001125 ABalpapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001126 ABalpappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001127 ABalpappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001128 ABalpappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001129 ABalpappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001130 ABalpappaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001131 ABalpappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001132 ABalpappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001133 ABalpapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001134 ABalpapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001135 ABalpapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001136 ABalpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001137 ABalppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001138 ABalppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001139 ABalppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001140 ABalppaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001141 ABalppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001142 ABalppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001143 ABalppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001144 ABalppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001145 ABalppaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001146 ABalppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001147 ABalppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001148 ABalppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001149 ABalppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001150 ABalppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001151 ABalppappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001152 ABalppappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001153 ABalppapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001154 ABalppapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001155 ABalppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001156 ABalpppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001157 ABalpppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001158 ABalpppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001159 ABalpppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaapv worm_anatomy WBbt:0001160 ABalpppaapv nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaapv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001161 ABalpppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001162 ABalpppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001163 ABalpppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001164 ABalpppappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001165 ABalpppappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001166 ABalpppapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001167 ABalpppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001168 ABalppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001169 ABalppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0001170 ABalppppaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001171 ABalppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001172 ABalppppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001173 ABalppppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001174 ABalppppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001175 ABalppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001176 ABalpppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001177 ABalpppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001178 ABalppppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001179 ABalppppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001180 ABalppppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABar worm_anatomy WBbt:0001181 ABar nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABara worm_anatomy WBbt:0001182 ABara nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABara WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001183 ABaraa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001184 ABaraaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001185 ABaraaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001186 ABaraaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001187 ABaraaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001188 ABaraaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001189 ABaraaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001190 ABaraaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001191 ABaraaaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001192 ABaraaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001193 ABaraaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001194 ABaraaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001195 ABaraaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001196 ABaraaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001197 ABaraaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001198 ABaraaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001199 ABaraaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001200 ABaraap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001201 ABaraapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001202 ABaraapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001203 ABaraapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001204 ABaraapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001205 ABaraapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001206 ABaraapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001207 ABaraapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0001208 ABaraapapaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001209 ABaraapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001210 ABaraapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001211 ABaraappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001212 ABaraappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001213 ABaraappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001214 ABaraappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001215 ABaraapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001216 ABaraapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0001217 ABaraapppaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001218 ABaraapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001219 ABarap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001220 ABarapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001221 ABarapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001222 ABarapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001223 ABarapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001224 ABarapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001225 ABarapaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001226 ABarapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001227 ABarapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001228 ABarapaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001229 ABarapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001230 ABarapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001231 ABarapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001232 ABarapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001233 ABarapapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001234 ABarapapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001235 ABarapapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001236 ABarapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001237 ABarapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001238 ABarapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001239 ABarapappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001240 ABarapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001241 ABarapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001242 ABarappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001243 ABarappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001244 ABarappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001245 ABarappaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001246 ABarappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001247 ABarappaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001248 ABarappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001249 ABarappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001250 ABarappapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001251 ABarappapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001252 ABarappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001253 ABarappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001254 ABarapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001255 ABarapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001256 ABarapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001257 ABarapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001258 ABarappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001259 ABarappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001260 ABarapppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001261 ABarapppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001262 ABarp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001263 ABarpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001264 ABarpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001265 ABarpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001266 ABarpaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001267 ABarpaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001268 ABarpaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001269 ABarpaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001270 ABarpaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001271 ABarpaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001272 ABarpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001273 ABarpaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001274 ABarpaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001275 ABarpaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001276 ABarpaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001277 ABarpaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001278 ABarpaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001279 ABarpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001280 ABarpapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001281 ABarpapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001282 ABarpapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001283 ABarpapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001284 ABarpapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001285 ABarpapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001286 ABarpapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001287 ABarpapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001288 ABarpapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001289 ABarpapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001290 ABarpapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001291 ABarpappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001292 ABarpappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001293 ABarpappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001294 ABarpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001295 ABarppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001296 ABarppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001297 ABarppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001298 ABarppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001299 ABarppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001300 ABarppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001301 ABarppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001302 ABarppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001303 ABarppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001304 ABarppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001305 ABarpppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001306 ABarpppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001307 ABarpppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001308 ABarpppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001309 ABarpppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001310 ABarpppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001311 ABarppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001312 ABarppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001313 ABp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpl worm_anatomy WBbt:0001314 ABpl nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpla worm_anatomy WBbt:0001315 ABpla nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpla WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001316 ABplaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001317 ABplaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001318 ABplaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001319 ABplaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001320 ABplaaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001321 ABplaaaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001322 ABplaaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001323 ABplaaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001324 ABplaaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001325 ABplaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001326 ABplaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001327 ABplaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001328 ABplaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001329 ABplaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001330 ABplaaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001331 ABplaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001332 ABplaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001333 ABplaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001334 ABplaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001335 ABplaapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001336 ABplaapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001337 ABplaapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001338 ABplaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001339 ABplaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001340 ABplaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001341 ABplaapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001342 ABplaapapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001343 ABplaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001344 ABplaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001345 ABplaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001346 ABplaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001347 ABplaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001348 ABplaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001349 ABplaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001350 ABplap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001351 ABplapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001352 ABplapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001353 ABplapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001354 ABplapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001355 ABplapaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001356 ABplapaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001357 ABplapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001358 ABplapaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001359 ABplapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001360 ABplapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001361 ABplapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001362 ABplapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001363 ABplapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001364 ABplapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001365 ABplapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001366 ABplapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001367 ABplapapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001368 ABplapapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001369 ABplapappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001370 ABplapappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001371 ABplapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001372 ABplappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001373 ABplappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001374 ABplappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001375 ABplappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001376 ABplappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001377 ABplappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001378 ABplappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001379 ABplapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001380 ABplapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001381 ABplapppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001382 ABplapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001383 ABplapppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001384 ABplapppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001385 ABplapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001386 ABplappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001387 ABplp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001388 ABplpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001389 ABplpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001390 ABplpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001391 ABplpaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001392 ABplpaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001393 ABplpaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001394 ABplpaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001395 ABplpaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001396 ABplpaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001397 ABplpaaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001398 ABplpaaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001399 ABplpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001400 ABplpaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001401 ABplpaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001402 ABplpaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001403 ABplpaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001404 ABplpaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001405 ABplpaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001406 ABplpaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001407 ABplpaappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001408 ABplpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001409 ABplpapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001410 ABplpapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001411 ABplpapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001412 ABplpapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001413 ABplpapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001414 ABplpapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001415 ABplpapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001416 ABplpapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001417 ABplpappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001418 ABplpappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001419 ABplpappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001420 ABplpappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001421 ABplpapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001422 ABplpapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001423 ABplpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001424 ABplppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001425 ABplppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001426 ABplppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001427 ABplppaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001428 ABplppaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001429 ABplppaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001430 ABplppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001431 ABplppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001432 ABplppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001433 ABplppaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001434 ABplppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001435 ABplppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001436 ABplppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001437 ABplppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001438 ABplppapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001439 ABplppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001440 ABplppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001441 ABplppappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001442 ABplppappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001443 ABplppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001444 ABplpppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001445 ABplpppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001446 ABplpppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001447 ABplpppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001448 ABplpppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001449 ABplpppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001450 ABplpppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001451 ABplpppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001452 ABplpppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001453 ABplpppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001454 ABplppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001455 ABplppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001456 ABplppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001457 ABplppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001458 ABplpppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001459 ABplpppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001460 ABplppppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpr worm_anatomy WBbt:0001461 ABpr nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpra worm_anatomy WBbt:0001462 ABpra nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpra WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001463 ABpraa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001464 ABpraaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001465 ABpraaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001466 ABpraaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001467 ABpraaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001468 ABpraaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaapv worm_anatomy WBbt:0001469 ABpraaaaapv nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaapv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001470 ABpraaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001471 ABpraaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001472 ABpraaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001473 ABpraaaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001474 ABpraaaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001475 ABpraaaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001476 ABpraaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001477 ABpraaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001478 ABpraaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0001479 ABpraaapaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001480 ABpraaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001481 ABpraaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001482 ABpraaapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001483 ABpraaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001484 ABpraaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001485 ABpraaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001486 ABpraaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001487 ABpraaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001488 ABpraaapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001489 ABpraaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001490 ABpraap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001491 ABpraapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001492 ABpraapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001493 ABpraapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001494 ABpraapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001495 ABpraapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001496 ABpraapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001497 ABpraapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001498 ABpraapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001499 ABpraapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001500 ABpraapapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001501 ABpraapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001502 ABpraappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001503 ABpraappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001504 ABpraappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001505 ABpraappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001506 ABpraapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001507 ABpraapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001508 ABprap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001509 ABprapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001510 ABprapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001511 ABprapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001512 ABprapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001513 ABprapaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001514 ABprapaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001515 ABprapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001516 ABprapaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001517 ABprapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001518 ABprapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001519 ABprapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001520 ABprapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001521 ABprapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001522 ABprapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001523 ABprapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001524 ABprapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001525 ABprapapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001526 ABprapapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001527 ABprapappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001528 ABprapappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001529 ABprapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001530 ABprappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001531 ABprappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprappaaa worm_anatomy P3/P4R nuleus WBbt:0001532 ABprappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001533 ABprappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001534 ABprappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001535 ABprappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001536 ABprappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001537 ABprapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001538 ABprapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001539 ABprapppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001540 ABprapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001541 ABprapppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001542 ABprapppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001543 ABprapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001544 ABprappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001545 ABprp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001546 ABprpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001547 ABprpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001548 ABprpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001549 ABprpaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001550 ABprpaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001551 ABprpaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001552 ABprpaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001553 ABprpaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001554 ABprpaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001555 ABprpaaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001556 ABprpaaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001557 ABprpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001558 ABprpaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001559 ABprpaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001560 ABprpaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001561 ABprpaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001562 ABprpaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001563 ABprpaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001564 ABprpaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001565 ABprpaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001566 ABprpaappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001567 ABprpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001568 ABprpapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001569 ABprpapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001570 ABprpapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001571 ABprpapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001572 ABprpapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001573 ABprpapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001574 ABprpapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001575 ABprpapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001576 ABprpappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001577 ABprpappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001578 ABprpappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001579 ABprpappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001580 ABprpapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001581 ABprpapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001582 ABprpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001583 ABprppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001584 ABprppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001585 ABprppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001586 ABprppaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001587 ABprppaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001588 ABprppaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001589 ABprppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001590 ABprppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001591 ABprppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001592 ABprppaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001593 ABprppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001594 ABprppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001595 ABprppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001596 ABprppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001597 ABprppapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001598 ABprppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001599 ABprppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001600 ABprppappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001601 ABprppappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001602 ABprppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001603 ABprpppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001604 ABprpppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001605 ABprpppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001606 ABprpppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001607 ABprpppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001608 ABprpppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001609 ABprpppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001610 ABprpppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001611 ABprpppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001612 ABprpppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001613 ABprppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001614 ABprppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001615 ABprppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001616 ABprppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001617 ABprpppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001618 ABprpppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001619 ABprpppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001620 ABprppppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001621 ABplapaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001622 ABprapaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001623 ABplapaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001624 ABprapaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001625 ABarppaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001626 ABarpppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2L.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001627 H2L.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2L.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2R.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001628 H2R.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2R.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001629 ABalpppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001630 ABpraaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0001631 ABalppppaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0001632 ABpraaapaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapav worm_anatomy WBbt:0001633 ABalpppapav nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapav worm_anatomy WBbt:0001634 ABpraaaapav nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001635 ABplppaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001636 ABprppaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001637 ABplaapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001638 ABpraapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001639 ABplpaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001640 ABprpaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaalal worm_anatomy WBbt:0001641 ABalaaaalal nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaalal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaaar worm_anatomy WBbt:0001642 ABalaapaaar nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaaar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001643 ABplpapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001644 ABprpapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaapav worm_anatomy WBbt:0001645 ABplapaaapav nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaapav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaapav worm_anatomy WBbt:0001646 ABprapaaapav nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaapav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001647 ABalapppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001648 ABarppaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001649 ABarpppappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapappppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001650 ABplapappppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapappppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapappppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001651 ABprapappppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapappppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001652 ABplaapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001653 ABpraapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001654 ABplpaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001655 ABprpaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QR.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001656 QR.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree QR.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001657 ABalpaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001658 ABaraaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001659 ABalpapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001660 ABaraaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001661 ABalpaapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001662 ABaraaapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001663 ABarapapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001664 ABalpaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001665 ABaraaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001666 P1.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001667 P2.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001668 P3.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001669 P4.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001670 P5.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001671 P6.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001672 P7.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001673 P8.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001674 P9.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001675 P10.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001676 P11.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001677 ABalppppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001678 ABpraaapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001679 ABplaapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001680 ABpraapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001681 ABplpaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001682 ABprpaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001683 ABplaapapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001684 ABpraapapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001685 ABalpppppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001686 ABpraaappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001687 ABalpppapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001688 ABpraaaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001689 ABalpppppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001690 ABpraaappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001691 ABalppaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001692 ABalaappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001693 ABplpaapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001694 ABprpaapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapalr worm_anatomy WBbt:0001695 ABalaaapalr nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapalr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapprl worm_anatomy WBbt:0001696 ABalaaapprl nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapprl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001697 ABalpppaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001698 ABpraaaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001699 ABprpapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001700 ABalapaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001701 ABalappapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001702 ABalapapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001703 ABalapppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001704 ABplpapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001705 ABprpapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001706 ABprpappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QR.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001707 QR.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree QR.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001708 ABplaapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001709 ABpraapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001710 ABalpppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001711 ABpraaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001712 ABplpaaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001713 ABprpaaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaaap WB:rynl true nucleus of pedigree B.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0001715 B.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.al worm_anatomy WBbt:0001716 B.al nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.al WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.ala worm_anatomy WBbt:0001717 B.ala nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.ala WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001718 B.alaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001719 B.alap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001720 B.alapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001721 B.alapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alapaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0001722 B.alapaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alapaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001723 B.alapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001724 B.alapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001725 B.alapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alappd worm_anatomy WBbt:0001726 B.alappd nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alappd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alappv worm_anatomy WBbt:0001727 B.alappv nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alappv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001728 B.alp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001729 B.alpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001730 B.alpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001731 B.alpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001732 B.alpapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alpapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.ar worm_anatomy WBbt:0001733 B.ar nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.ar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.ara worm_anatomy WBbt:0001734 B.ara nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.ara WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001735 B.arap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001736 B.arapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001737 B.arapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arapaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0001738 B.arapaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arapaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arapaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0001739 B.arapaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arapaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001740 B.arapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001741 B.arapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001742 B.arapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001743 B.arapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arappd worm_anatomy WBbt:0001744 B.arappd nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arappd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arappv worm_anatomy WBbt:0001745 B.arappv nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arappv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001746 B.arp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001747 B.arpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001748 B.arpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001749 B.arpapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arpapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0001750 B.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001751 B.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001752 B.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001753 B.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001754 B.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001755 B.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.ppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001756 B.ppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.ppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001757 B.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001758 B.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001759 B.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001760 B.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001761 ABalppappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001762 ABarappppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001763 ABarppaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001764 ABarpppappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_alpha.lv worm_anatomy WBbt:0001765 B_alpha.lv nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_alpha.lv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_alpha.rv worm_anatomy WBbt:0001766 B_alpha.rv nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_alpha.rv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta.l worm_anatomy WBbt:0001767 B_beta.l nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta.l WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta.ld worm_anatomy WBbt:0001768 B_beta.ld nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta.ld WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta.r worm_anatomy WBbt:0001769 B_beta.r nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta.r WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta.rd worm_anatomy WBbt:0001770 B_beta.rd nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta.rd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_delta.l worm_anatomy WBbt:0001771 B_delta.l nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_delta.l WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_delta.r worm_anatomy WBbt:0001772 B_delta.r nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_delta.r WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0001773 B_gamma.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.al worm_anatomy WBbt:0001774 B_gamma.al nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.al WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.ald worm_anatomy WBbt:0001775 B_gamma.ald nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.ald WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.alv worm_anatomy WBbt:0001776 B_gamma.alv nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.alv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.ar worm_anatomy WBbt:0001777 B_gamma.ar nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.ar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.ard worm_anatomy WBbt:0001778 B_gamma.ard nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.ard WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.arv worm_anatomy WBbt:0001779 B_gamma.arv nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.arv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0001780 B_gamma.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree C worm_anatomy WBbt:0001781 C nucleus nucleus of pedigree C WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ca worm_anatomy WBbt:0001782 Ca nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ca WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001783 Caa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001784 Caaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001785 Caaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001786 Caaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001787 Caaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001788 Caaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001789 Caaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001790 Caaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001791 Caap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001792 Caapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001793 Caapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001794 Caapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caappd worm_anatomy WBbt:0001795 Caappd nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caappd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001796 Cap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001797 Capa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001798 Capaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001799 Capaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001800 Capaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001801 Capaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001802 Capaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001803 Capaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001804 Capaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001805 Capap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001806 Capapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001807 Capapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001808 Capapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001809 Capapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001810 Capappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001811 Capappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001812 Capp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001813 Cappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001814 Cappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001815 Cappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001816 Cappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001817 Cappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001818 Cappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001819 Cappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001820 Cappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001821 Capppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001822 Capppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001823 Capppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Capppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001824 Capppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Capppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cappppd worm_anatomy WBbt:0001825 Cappppd nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cappppd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cappppv worm_anatomy WBbt:0001826 Cappppv nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cappppv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001827 Cp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001828 Cpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001829 Cpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001830 Cpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001831 Cpaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001832 Cpaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001833 Cpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001834 Cpaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001835 Cpaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001836 Cpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001837 Cpapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001838 Cpapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001839 Cpapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001840 Cpapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpappd worm_anatomy WBbt:0001841 Cpappd nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpappd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001842 Cpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001843 Cppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001844 Cppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001845 Cppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001846 Cppaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001847 Cppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001848 Cppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001849 Cppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001850 Cppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001851 Cppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001852 Cppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001853 Cppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001854 Cppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001855 Cppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001856 Cppappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001857 Cppappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001858 Cppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001859 Cpppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001860 Cpppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001861 Cpppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001862 Cpppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001863 Cpppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001864 Cpppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001865 Cpppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001866 Cpppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001867 Cppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001868 Cppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001869 Cppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001870 Cppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpppppd worm_anatomy WBbt:0001871 Cpppppd nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpppppd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpppppv worm_anatomy WBbt:0001872 Cpppppv nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpppppv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.aapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001873 P4.aapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.aapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.aapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001874 P5.aapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.aapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.aapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001875 P6.aapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.aapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.aapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001876 P7.aapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.aapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.aapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001877 P8.aapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.aapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.aapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001878 P9.aapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.aapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.aapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001879 P10.aapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.aapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.aapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001880 P11.aapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.aapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001881 ABalapaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001882 ABalappappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001883 MSapapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001884 MSppapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001885 MSapapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001886 MSppapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.pp worm_anatomy M.dlpappp nucleus WBbt:0001887 SM2L.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001888 ABplpaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001889 ABplaaaaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001890 ABarpapaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001891 ABarpaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001892 ABarpaaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001893 ABplpaaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001894 ABprpaaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001895 ABalapapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001896 ABalapppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001897 ABalppaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001898 ABalaapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001899 ABplpaappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001900 ABprpaappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.aapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001901 P4.aapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.aapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.aapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001902 P5.aapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.aapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.aapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001903 P6.aapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.aapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.aapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001904 P7.aapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.aapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.aapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001905 P8.aapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.aapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.aapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001906 P9.aapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.aapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.aapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001907 P10.aapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.aapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.aapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001908 P11.aapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.aapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree D worm_anatomy WBbt:0001909 D nucleus nucleus of pedigree D WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Da worm_anatomy WBbt:0001910 Da nucleus nucleus of pedigree Da WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Daa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001911 Daa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Daa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Daaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001912 Daaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Daaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Daaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001913 Daaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Daaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Daaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001914 Daaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Daaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Daap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001915 Daap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Daap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Daapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001916 Daapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Daapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Daapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001917 Daapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Daapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001918 Dap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001919 Dapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001920 Dapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001921 Dapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001922 Dapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001923 Dappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001924 Dappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001925 Dappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001926 Dappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001927 Dapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001928 Dapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001929 Dp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001930 Dpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001931 Dpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001932 Dpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001933 Dpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001934 Dpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001935 Dpapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001936 Dpapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001937 Dpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001938 Dppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001939 Dppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001940 Dppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001941 Dppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001942 Dpppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001943 Dpppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001944 Dpppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dpppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001945 Dpppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dpppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001946 Dppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Dppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001947 Dppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Dppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001948 ABprppapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001949 ABplppapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001950 ABprppapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001951 ABplppapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001952 ABprppapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001953 ABplpppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001954 ABprpppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001955 ABprpapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001956 ABplpppaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001957 ABplpaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001958 ABarappappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001959 ABprpaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001960 ABprpappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001961 ABplpapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001962 ABplppaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001963 ABprppaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001964 ABplppappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001965 ABprppappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001966 ABplppapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001967 ABprppapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001968 ABplppapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001969 ABprppapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001970 ABprppppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree K.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0001971 K.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree K.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001972 Caapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.ppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001973 B.ppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.ppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001974 B.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E worm_anatomy WBbt:0001975 E nucleus nucleus of pedigree E WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ea worm_anatomy WBbt:0001976 Ea nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ea WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eal worm_anatomy WBbt:0001977 Eal nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eala worm_anatomy WBbt:0001978 Eala nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eala WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ealaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001979 Ealaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ealaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ealp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001980 Ealp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ealp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ear worm_anatomy WBbt:0001981 Ear nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ear WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eara worm_anatomy WBbt:0001982 Eara nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eara WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Earaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001983 Earaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Earaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Earp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001984 Earp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Earp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ep worm_anatomy WBbt:0001985 Ep nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ep WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Epl worm_anatomy WBbt:0001986 Epl nucleus nucleus of pedigree Epl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Epla worm_anatomy WBbt:0001987 Epla nucleus nucleus of pedigree Epla WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eplp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001988 Eplp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eplp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eplpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001989 Eplpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eplpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Epr worm_anatomy WBbt:0001990 Epr nucleus nucleus of pedigree Epr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Epra worm_anatomy WBbt:0001991 Epra nucleus nucleus of pedigree Epra WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eprp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001992 Eprp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eprp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eprpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0001993 Eprpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eprpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001994 ABaraaaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001995 ABaraaaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001996 ABaraaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001997 ABalpaapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0001998 ABaraaapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0001999 ABalpappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002000 ABaraapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002001 ABalpaaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002002 ABarapaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree EMS worm_anatomy WBbt:0002003 EMS nucleus nucleus of pedigree EMS WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002004 ABplpappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002005 ABplpaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaapa WB:rynl true true nucleus of pedigree G2.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002008 G2.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree G2.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppppapp worm_anatomy F nucleus WBbt:0002009 ABplppppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.l worm_anatomy WBbt:0002010 F.l nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.l WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.ld worm_anatomy WBbt:0002011 F.ld nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.ld WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.lv worm_anatomy WBbt:0002012 F.lv nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.lv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.lvd worm_anatomy WBbt:0002013 F.lvd nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.lvd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.lvda worm_anatomy WBbt:0002014 F.lvda nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.lvda WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.lvdp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002015 F.lvdp nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.lvdp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.lvv worm_anatomy WBbt:0002016 F.lvv nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.lvv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.r worm_anatomy WBbt:0002017 F.r nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.r WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.rd worm_anatomy WBbt:0002018 F.rd nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.rd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.rv worm_anatomy WBbt:0002019 F.rv nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.rv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.rvd worm_anatomy WBbt:0002020 F.rvd nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.rvd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.rvda worm_anatomy WBbt:0002021 F.rvda nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.rvda WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.rvdp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002022 F.rvdp nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.rvdp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree F.rvv worm_anatomy WBbt:0002023 F.rvv nucleus nucleus of pedigree F.rvv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaapad worm_anatomy WBbt:0002024 ABplapaaapad nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaapad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaapad worm_anatomy WBbt:0002025 ABprapaaapad nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaapad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaapa worm_anatomy G1 nucleus WBbt:0002026 ABprpaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaapa WB:rynl true nucleus of pedigree MSpapaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002028 MSpapaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapaapaa WB:rynl true nucleus of pedigree ABplapaapa worm_anatomy G2 nucleus WBbt:0002030 ABplapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree G2.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002031 G2.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree G2.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002032 MSaapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002033 MSpapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaaal worm_anatomy WBbt:0002034 MSaaaaaal nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaaal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaaar worm_anatomy WBbt:0002035 MSaaaaaar nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaaar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapaaaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0002036 MSapaaaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapaaaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppaaaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0002037 MSppaaaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppaaaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapaaaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0002038 MSapaaaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapaaaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppaaaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0002039 MSppaaaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppaaaav WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0002040 obsolete Z1.ppp OR Z4.aaa true nucleus of pedigree Z1.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002041 Z1.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002042 Z4.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaappa worm_anatomy H0L nucleus WBbt:0002043 ABplaaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapppa worm_anatomy H0R nucleus WBbt:0002044 ABarpapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaappp worm_anatomy H1L nucleus WBbt:0002045 ABplaaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002046 H1L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1L.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002047 H1L.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1L.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1L.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002048 H1L.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1L.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1L.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002049 H1L.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1L.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1L.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0002050 H1L.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1L.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1L.appa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002051 H1L.appa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1L.appa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1L.appp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002052 H1L.appp nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1L.appp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002053 H1L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapppp worm_anatomy H1R nucleus WBbt:0002054 ABarpapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002055 H1R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1R.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002056 H1R.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1R.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1R.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002057 H1R.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1R.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1R.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002058 H1R.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1R.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1R.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0002059 H1R.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1R.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1R.appa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002060 H1R.appa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1R.appa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1R.appp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002061 H1R.appp nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1R.appp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H1R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002062 H1R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree H1R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppaaap worm_anatomy H2L nucleus WBbt:0002063 ABarppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002064 H2L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2L.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002065 H2L.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2L.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002066 H2L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002067 H2L.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2L.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002068 H2L.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2L.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2L.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002069 H2L.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2L.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002070 H2L.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2L.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2L.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002071 H2L.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2L.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002072 H2L.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2L.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppaap worm_anatomy H2R nucleus WBbt:0002073 ABarpppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002074 H2R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2R.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002075 H2R.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2R.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002076 H2R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002077 H2R.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2R.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002078 H2R.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2R.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2R.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002079 H2R.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2R.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002080 H2R.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2R.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2R.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002081 H2R.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2R.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree H2R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002082 H2R.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree H2R.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002083 MSappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002084 P10.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.ppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002085 P10.ppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.ppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002086 P10.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.ppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002087 P10.ppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.ppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapppappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002088 ABplapppappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapppappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapppappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002089 ABprapppappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapppappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002090 ABalpaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002091 ABaraaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002092 ABarappaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002093 ABalpaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002094 ABalpapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Cpappv worm_anatomy WBbt:0002095 Cpappv nucleus nucleus of pedigree Cpappv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002096 P12.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002097 ABalpapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002098 ABarapappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002099 ABalpappaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002100 ABarapapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002101 MSaaaaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002102 MSaaaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002103 ABarapapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002104 MSpaaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002105 ABalapappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002106 ABalappppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002107 ABalapaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaappppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002108 ABalaappppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaappppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002109 ABalppapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002110 ABarapppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002111 ABalapappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002112 ABalappppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002113 ABalapaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002114 ABalaappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002115 ABalppapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002116 ABarapppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaparr worm_anatomy WBbt:0002117 ABalaaaparr nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaparr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaappll worm_anatomy WBbt:0002118 ABalaaappll nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaappll WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaalpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002119 ABalaaaalpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaalpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002120 ABalaapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002121 ABalppapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002122 ABarapppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002123 ABplaapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002124 ABpraapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapall worm_anatomy WBbt:0002125 ABalaaapall nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapall WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapprr worm_anatomy WBbt:0002126 ABalaaapprr nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaapprr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002127 ABalppapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002128 ABarapppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ealaad worm_anatomy int1DL nucleus WBbt:0002129 Ealaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ealaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Earaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0002130 Earaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree Earaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ealaav worm_anatomy int1VL nucleus WBbt:0002131 Ealaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ealaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Earaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0002132 Earaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree Earaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Earpa worm_anatomy int2D nucleus WBbt:0002133 Earpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Earpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ealpa worm_anatomy int2D nucleus WBbt:0002134 Ealpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ealpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Earap worm_anatomy int3D nucleus WBbt:0002135 Earap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Earap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.arapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002136 E.arapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.arapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.arapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002137 E.arapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.arapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ealap worm_anatomy int3V nucleus WBbt:0002138 Ealap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ealap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.alapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002139 E.alapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.alapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.alapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002140 E.alapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.alapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Epraa worm_anatomy int4D nucleus WBbt:0002141 Epraa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Epraa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.praaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002142 E.praaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.praaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.praap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002143 E.praap nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.praap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eplaa worm_anatomy int4V nucleus WBbt:0002144 Eplaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eplaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.plaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002145 E.plaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.plaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.plaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002146 E.plaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.plaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Ealpp worm_anatomy int5L nucleus WBbt:0002147 Ealpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Ealpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.alppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002148 E.alppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.alppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.alppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002149 E.alppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.alppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Earpp worm_anatomy int5R nucleus WBbt:0002150 Earpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Earpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.arppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002151 E.arppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.arppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.arppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002152 E.arppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.arppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eplap worm_anatomy int6L nucleus WBbt:0002153 Eplap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eplap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.plapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002154 E.plapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.plapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.plapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002155 E.plapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.plapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eprap worm_anatomy int6R nucleus WBbt:0002156 Eprap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eprap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.prapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002157 E.prapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.prapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.prapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002158 E.prapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.prapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eplpa worm_anatomy int7L nucleus WBbt:0002159 Eplpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eplpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.plpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002160 E.plpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.plpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.plpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002161 E.plpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.plpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eprpa worm_anatomy int7R nucleus WBbt:0002162 Eprpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eprpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.prpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002163 E.prpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.prpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.prpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002164 E.prpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.prpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eplppa worm_anatomy int8L nucleus WBbt:0002165 Eplppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eplppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.plppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002166 E.plppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.plppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.plppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002167 E.plppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.plppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eprppa worm_anatomy int8R nucleus WBbt:0002168 Eprppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eprppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.prppaa worm_anatomy int8R.a nucleus WBbt:0002169 E.prppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.prppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.prppap worm_anatomy int8R.p nucleus WBbt:0002170 E.prppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.prppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eplppp worm_anatomy int9L nucleus WBbt:0002171 Eplppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eplppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.plpppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002172 E.plpppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.plpppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.plpppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002173 E.plpppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.plpppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Eprppp worm_anatomy int9R nucleus WBbt:0002174 Eprppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Eprppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.prpppa worm_anatomy int9R.a nucleus WBbt:0002175 E.prpppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.prpppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree E.prpppp worm_anatomy int9R.p nucleus WBbt:0002176 E.prpppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree E.prpppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapppaa worm_anatomy K nucleus WBbt:0002177 ABplpapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapppap worm_anatomy K' nucleus WBbt:0002178 ABplpapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002179 ABplpppaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002180 ABprpppaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapaapp worm_anatomy M nucleus WBbt:0002181 MSapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.d worm_anatomy WBbt:0002182 M.d nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.d WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dl worm_anatomy WBbt:0002183 M.dl nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dla worm_anatomy WBbt:0002184 M.dla nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dla WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dlaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002185 M.dlaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dlaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dlap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002186 M.dlap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dlap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dlp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002187 M.dlp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dlp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dlpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002188 M.dlpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dlpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dlpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002189 M.dlpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dlpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dr worm_anatomy WBbt:0002190 M.dr nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dra worm_anatomy WBbt:0002191 M.dra nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dra WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.draa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002192 M.draa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.draa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.drap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002193 M.drap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.drap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.drp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002194 M.drp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.drp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.drpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002195 M.drpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.drpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.drpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002196 M.drpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.drpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.v worm_anatomy WBbt:0002197 M.v nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.v WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vl worm_anatomy WBbt:0002198 M.vl nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vla worm_anatomy WBbt:0002199 M.vla nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vla WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002200 M.vlaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002201 M.vlap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002202 M.vlp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002203 M.vlpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002204 M.vlpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002205 M.vlpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002206 M.vlpaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002207 M.vlpaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002208 M.vlpaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002209 M.vlpaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002210 M.vlpaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002211 M.vlpaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002212 M.vlpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002213 M.vlpaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002214 M.vlpaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002215 M.vlpaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002216 M.vlpaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002217 M.vlpaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002218 M.vlpaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002219 M.vlpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002220 M.vlpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vlpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vr worm_anatomy WBbt:0002221 M.vr nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vra worm_anatomy WBbt:0002222 M.vra nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vra WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vraa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002223 M.vraa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vraa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002224 M.vrap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002225 M.vrp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002226 M.vrpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002227 M.vrpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002228 M.vrpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002229 M.vrpaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002230 M.vrpaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002231 M.vrpaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002232 M.vrpaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002233 M.vrpaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002234 M.vrpaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002235 M.vrpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002236 M.vrpaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002237 M.vrpaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002238 M.vrpaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002239 M.vrpaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002240 M.vrpaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002241 M.vrpaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002242 M.vrpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002243 M.vrpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.vrpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002244 MSpaapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002245 ABaraapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002246 ABaraappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002247 ABaraaaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002248 ABaraaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002249 ABalpaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002250 ABarapaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002251 ABaraapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002252 ABaraappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002253 ABalpaaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002254 ABaraapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002255 ABarapaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002256 ABaraappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002257 ABalpaaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002258 ABarapaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002259 MSaaapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002260 MSpaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002261 ABalpaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002262 ABaraapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002263 ABarapaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002264 ABaraappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002265 ABalpappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002266 ABarapapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002267 MSpaaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002268 MSaaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002269 MSpaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002270 MSaaapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002271 ABaraaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002272 MSaapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002273 MSpapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002274 MSpaaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002275 MSaaaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002276 MSpaaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002277 ABaraapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002278 ABaraapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002279 MSaapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002280 MSpapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002281 MSpaaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002282 MSaapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002283 MSpapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002284 MSaaaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002285 MSaapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002286 MSpapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002287 MSaaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002288 ABalpaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002289 ABaraaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002290 ABalpappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002291 ABaraapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002292 ABaraappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002293 ABarapapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002294 MSaaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002295 MSpaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002296 ABalpappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002297 ABalpaaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpaaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002298 ABarapaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002299 ABaraappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MS worm_anatomy WBbt:0002300 MS nucleus nucleus of pedigree MS WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002301 MSa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002302 MSaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002303 MSaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002304 MSaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002305 MSaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002306 MSaaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002307 MSaaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002308 MSaaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002309 MSaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002310 MSaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002311 MSaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002312 MSaaaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002313 MSaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002314 MSaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002315 MSaaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002316 MSaaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002317 MSaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002318 MSaaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002319 MSaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002320 MSaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002321 MSaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002322 MSaapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002323 MSaapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002324 MSaapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002325 MSaapaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002326 MSaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002327 MSaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002328 MSaapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002329 MSaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002330 MSaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002331 MSaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002332 MSaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002333 MSaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002334 MSaapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002335 MSaapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002336 MSaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002337 MSaappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002338 MSaappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002339 MSap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002340 MSapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002341 MSapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002342 MSapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002343 MSapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002344 MSapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002345 MSapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002346 MSapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002347 MSapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002348 MSapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002349 MSapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002350 MSapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002351 MSapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002352 MSapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002353 MSapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002354 MSapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002355 MSappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002356 MSappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002357 MSappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002358 MSappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002359 MSappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002360 MSappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002361 MSapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002362 MSapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002363 MSapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002364 MSapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002365 MSappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002366 MSappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002367 MSp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002368 MSpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002369 MSpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002370 MSpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002371 MSpaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002372 MSpaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002373 MSpaaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002374 MSpaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002375 MSpaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002376 MSpaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002377 MSpaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002378 MSpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002379 MSpaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002380 MSpaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002381 MSpaapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002382 MSpaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002383 MSpaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002384 MSpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002385 MSpapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002386 MSpapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002387 MSpapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002388 MSpapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002389 MSpapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002390 MSpapaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002391 MSpapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002392 MSpapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002393 MSpapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002394 MSpapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002395 MSpapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002396 MSpappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002397 MSpappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002398 MSpappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002399 MSpappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002400 MSpapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002401 MSpapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002402 MSpapppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002403 MSpapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002404 MSpappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002405 MSpappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002406 MSpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002407 MSppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002408 MSppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002409 MSppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002410 MSppaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002411 MSppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002412 MSppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002413 MSppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002414 MSppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002415 MSppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002416 MSppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002417 MSppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002418 MSppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002419 MSppappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002420 MSppappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002421 MSppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002422 MSpppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002423 MSpppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002424 MSpppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002425 MSpppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002426 MSpppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002427 MSpppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002428 MSpppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002429 MSppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002430 MSppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002431 MSppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002432 MSppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002433 MSpppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002434 MSpppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002435 ABplpppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002436 ABplpppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002437 MSppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002438 ABprpppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0002439 ABaraapapaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapapaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0002440 ABaraapppaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABaraapppaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002441 ABalppppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002442 ABpraaapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaapd worm_anatomy WBbt:0002443 ABalpppaapd nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaapd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaapd worm_anatomy WBbt:0002444 ABpraaaaapd nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaapd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002445 ABalapaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002446 ABalappappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002447 ABalapapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002448 ABalapppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002449 ABarpaaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002450 ABarpaaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002451 ABalpppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002452 ABpraaaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaaal worm_anatomy WBbt:0002453 ABarpaaaaal nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaaal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaaar worm_anatomy WBbt:0002454 ABarpaaaaar nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpaaaaar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002455 ABalppaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002456 ABalaappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002457 ABplpaaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002458 ABprpaaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of embryonic cell Psub1 worm_anatomy WBbt:0002459 Psub1 nucleus nucleus of embryonic cell Psub1 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002460 P1.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002461 P1.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002462 P1.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002463 P1.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002464 P1.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002465 P1.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002466 P1.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1.p WB:rynl nucleus of embryonic cell Psub2 worm_anatomy WBbt:0002467 Psub2 nucleus nucleus of embryonic cell Psub2 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002468 P2.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002469 P2.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002470 P2.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002471 P2.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002472 P2.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002473 P2.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2.p WB:rynl nucleus of embryonic cell Psub3 worm_anatomy WBbt:0002474 Psub3 nucleus nucleus of embryonic cell Psub3 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002475 P3.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002476 P3.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002477 P3.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002478 P3.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002479 P3.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002480 P3.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002481 P3.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002482 P3.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.pp WB:rynl nucleus of embryonic cell Psub4 worm_anatomy WBbt:0002483 Psub4 nucleus nucleus of embryonic cell Psub4 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002484 P4.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002485 P4.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002486 P4.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002487 P4.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.ap WB:rynl nucleus of post-embryonic pedigree P4.p. worm_anatomy WBbt:0002488 P4.p nucleus nucleus of post-embryonic pedigree P4.p. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002489 P4.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002490 P4.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002491 P5.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002492 P5.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002493 P5.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002494 P5.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002495 P5.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002496 P5.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002497 P5.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002498 P5.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.paaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002499 P5.paaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.paaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002500 P5.paap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.paap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002501 P5.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002502 P5.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002503 P5.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002504 P5.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002505 P5.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.ppal worm_anatomy WBbt:0002506 P5.ppal nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.ppal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.ppar worm_anatomy WBbt:0002507 P5.ppar nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.ppar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002508 P5.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002509 P6.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002510 P6.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002511 P6.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002512 P6.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002513 P6.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002514 P6.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002515 P6.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002516 P6.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.paal worm_anatomy WBbt:0002517 P6.paal nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.paal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.paar worm_anatomy WBbt:0002518 P6.paar nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.paar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002519 P6.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.papl worm_anatomy WBbt:0002520 P6.papl nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.papl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.papr worm_anatomy WBbt:0002521 P6.papr nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.papr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002522 P6.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002523 P6.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.ppal worm_anatomy WBbt:0002524 P6.ppal nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.ppal WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.ppar worm_anatomy WBbt:0002525 P6.ppar nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.ppar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002526 P6.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.pppl worm_anatomy WBbt:0002527 P6.pppl nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.pppl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.pppr worm_anatomy WBbt:0002528 P6.pppr nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.pppr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002529 P7.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002530 P7.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002531 P7.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002532 P7.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002533 P7.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002534 P7.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002535 P7.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002536 P7.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002537 P7.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.papl worm_anatomy WBbt:0002538 P7.papl nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.papl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.papr worm_anatomy WBbt:0002539 P7.papr nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.papr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002540 P7.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002541 P7.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.ppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002542 P7.ppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.ppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.ppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002543 P7.ppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.ppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002544 P7.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002545 P7.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002546 P7.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002547 P8.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002548 P8.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002549 P8.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002550 P8.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002551 P8.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002552 P8.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002553 P8.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002554 P8.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002555 P9.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002556 P9.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002557 P9.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002558 P9.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002559 P9.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002560 P9.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002561 P10.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002562 P10.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002563 P10.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002564 P10.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002565 P10.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002566 P10.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002567 P10.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002568 P10.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.paaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002569 P10.paaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.paaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002570 P10.paap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.paap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002571 P10.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002572 P10.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002573 P10.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002574 P10.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002575 P10.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002576 P10.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002577 P10.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002578 ABplapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002579 P11.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002580 P11.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002581 P11.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002582 P11.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002583 P11.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002584 P11.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002585 P11.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002586 ABprapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002587 P12.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002588 P12.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002589 P12.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002590 P12.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002591 P12.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002592 P12.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002593 P12.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002594 P12.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002595 B.arpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002596 B.alpaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alpaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002597 P12.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002598 P11.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.paaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002599 V5L.paaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.paaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.paaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002600 V5R.paaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.paaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002601 V5L.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002602 V5R.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002603 V5L.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002604 V5R.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002605 P11.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002606 ABplpppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002607 ABprpppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapppappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002608 ABplapppappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapppappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapppappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002609 ABprapppappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapppappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.pppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002610 TL.pppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.pppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.pppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002611 TR.pppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.pppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002612 ABplpppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002613 ABprpppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002614 TL.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002615 TR.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002616 TL.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002617 TR.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapappppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002618 ABplapappppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapappppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapappppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002619 ABprapappppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapappppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002620 TL.pppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.pppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002621 TR.pppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.pppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QL.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002622 QL.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree QL.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002623 ABplpppaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpppaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002624 ABprpppaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.paapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002625 V5L.paapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.paapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.paapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002626 V5R.paapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.paapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QL.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002627 QL.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree QL.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002628 TL.appp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002629 TR.appp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002630 ABplppppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002631 ABprppppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002632 ABplapppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002633 ABprapppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Caappv worm_anatomy WBbt:0002634 Caappv nucleus nucleus of pedigree Caappv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002635 ABplpappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.paaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002636 P11.paaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.paaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002637 TL.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002638 TR.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002639 P11.paap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.paap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002640 P10.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapapaaa worm_anatomy QL nucleus WBbt:0002641 ABplapapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QL.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002642 QL.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree QL.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QL.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002643 QL.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree QL.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QL.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002644 QL.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree QL.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QL.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002645 QL.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree QL.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QL.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002646 QL.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree QL.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapapaaa worm_anatomy QR nucleus WBbt:0002647 ABprapapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QR.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002648 QR.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree QR.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QR.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002649 QR.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree QR.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QR.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002650 QR.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree QR.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QR.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002651 QR.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree QR.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QR.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002652 QR.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree QR.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002653 V5L.pppppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002654 V5R.pppppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002655 V5L.pppppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002656 V5R.pppppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002657 V5L.pppppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002658 V5R.pppppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002659 V6L.papapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002660 V6R.papapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002661 V6L.papapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002662 V6R.papapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002663 V6L.papapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002664 V6R.papapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002665 V6L.papppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002666 V6R.papppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002667 V6L.papppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002668 V6R.papppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002669 V6L.papppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002670 V6R.papppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002671 V6L.pppapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002672 V6R.pppapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002673 V6L.pppapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002674 V6R.pppapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002675 V6L.pppapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002676 V6R.pppapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002677 V6L.pppppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002678 V6R.pppppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002679 V6L.pppppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002680 V6R.pppppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002681 V6L.pppppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002682 V6R.pppppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002683 V6L.ppppaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaaaa WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.pppppaaa WBbt:0002684 V6R.ppppaaaa nucleus Nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppaaa. WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002685 V6L.ppppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002686 V6R.ppppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002687 V6L.ppppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002688 V6R.ppppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002689 TL.apappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002690 TL.apappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002691 TL.apappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002692 TL.appaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002693 TL.appaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002694 TL.appaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002695 TL.appapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002696 TL.appapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002697 ABplpappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree K.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002698 K.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree K.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002699 ABplppppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002700 ABprppppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002701 ABalapaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002702 ABalaapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002703 ABplpaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002704 ABprpaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002705 ABplppaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002706 ABprppaaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalappaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002707 ABalappaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalappaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002708 ABplppapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002709 ABprppapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002710 ABplppappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002711 ABprppappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002712 ABprpappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002713 ABplppaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002714 ABprppaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002715 ABalpapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002716 ABarappaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002717 ABprpapppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002718 ABprpappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002719 ABplpaapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002720 ABprpaapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002721 ABalpapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002722 ABarappapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapad worm_anatomy WBbt:0002723 ABalpppapad nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpppapad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapad worm_anatomy WBbt:0002724 ABpraaaapad nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraaaapad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002725 ABalppapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002726 ABarapppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002727 ABalapppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarlp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002728 ABalaaaarlp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarlp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarrp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002729 ABalaaaarrp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalaaaarrp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002730 ABplpappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree G2.al worm_anatomy WBbt:0002731 G2.al nucleus nucleus of pedigree G2.al WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree G2.ar worm_anatomy WBbt:0002732 G2.ar nucleus nucleus of pedigree G2.ar WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002733 ABplapaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002734 ABprapaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree G1.l worm_anatomy WBbt:0002735 G1.l nucleus nucleus of pedigree G1.l WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree G1.r worm_anatomy WBbt:0002736 G1.r nucleus nucleus of pedigree G1.r WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002737 ABalppapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarapppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002738 ABarapppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarapppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002739 ABplpaaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002740 ABprpaaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002741 ABplppapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002742 ABplppapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002743 ABprppapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QL.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002744 QL.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree QL.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree QR.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002745 QR.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree QR.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002746 ABplpapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002747 ABprpapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002748 ABplpapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002749 ABprpapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002750 ABplppaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002751 ABprppaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002752 ABplpapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002753 ABprpapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dlpaa worm_anatomy SM1L nucleus WBbt:0002754 M.dlpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dlpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.a worm_anatomy M.dlpaaa nucleus WBbt:0002755 SM1L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.aa worm_anatomy M.dlpaaaa nucleus WBbt:0002756 SM1L.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.aaa worm_anatomy M.dlpaaaaa nucleus WBbt:0002757 SM1L.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.aap worm_anatomy M.dlpaaaap nucleus WBbt:0002758 SM1L.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.ap worm_anatomy M.dlpaaap nucleus WBbt:0002759 SM1L.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.apa worm_anatomy M.dlpaaapa nucleus WBbt:0002760 SM1L.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.app worm_anatomy M.dlpaaapp nucleus WBbt:0002761 SM1L.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.p worm_anatomy M.dlpaap nucleus WBbt:0002762 SM1L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.pa worm_anatomy M.dlpaapa nucleus WBbt:0002763 SM1L.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.paa worm_anatomy M.dlpaapaa nucleus WBbt:0002764 SM1L.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.pap worm_anatomy M.dlpaapap nucleus WBbt:0002765 SM1L.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.pp worm_anatomy M.dlpaapp nucleus WBbt:0002766 SM1L.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.ppa worm_anatomy M.dlpaappa nucleus WBbt:0002767 SM1L.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1L.ppp worm_anatomy M.dlpaappp nucleus WBbt:0002768 SM1L.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1L.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.drpaa worm_anatomy SM1R nucleus WBbt:0002769 M.drpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.drpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.a worm_anatomy M.drpaaa nucleus WBbt:0002770 SM1R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.aa worm_anatomy M.drpaaaa nucleus WBbt:0002771 SM1R.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.aaa worm_anatomy M.drpaaaaa nucleus WBbt:0002772 SM1R.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.aap worm_anatomy M.drpaaaap nucleus WBbt:0002773 SM1R.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.ap worm_anatomy M.drpaaap nucleus WBbt:0002774 SM1R.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.apa worm_anatomy M.drpaaapa nucleus WBbt:0002775 SM1R.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.app worm_anatomy M.drpaaapp nucleus WBbt:0002776 SM1R.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.p worm_anatomy M.drpaap nucleus WBbt:0002777 SM1R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.pa worm_anatomy M.drpaapa nucleus WBbt:0002778 SM1R.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.paa worm_anatomy M.drpaapaa nucleus WBbt:0002779 SM1R.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.pap worm_anatomy M.drpaapap nucleus WBbt:0002780 SM1R.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.pp worm_anatomy M.drpaapp nucleus WBbt:0002781 SM1R.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.ppa worm_anatomy M.drpaappa nucleus WBbt:0002782 SM1R.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM1R.ppp worm_anatomy M.drpaappp nucleus WBbt:0002783 SM1R.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM1R.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.dlpap worm_anatomy SM2L nucleus WBbt:0002784 M.dlpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.dlpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.a worm_anatomy M.dlpapa nucleus WBbt:0002785 SM2L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.aa worm_anatomy M.dlpapaa nucleus WBbt:0002786 SM2L.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.aaa worm_anatomy M.dlpapaaa nucleus WBbt:0002787 SM2L.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.aap worm_anatomy M.dlpapaap nucleus WBbt:0002788 SM2L.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.ap worm_anatomy M.dlpapap nucleus WBbt:0002789 SM2L.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.apa worm_anatomy M.dlpapapa nucleus WBbt:0002790 SM2L.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.app worm_anatomy M.dlpapapp nucleus WBbt:0002791 SM2L.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.p worm_anatomy M.dlpapp nucleus WBbt:0002792 SM2L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.pa worm_anatomy M.dlpappa nucleus WBbt:0002793 SM2L.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.paa worm_anatomy M.dlpappaa nucleus WBbt:0002794 SM2L.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2L.pap worm_anatomy M.dlpappap nucleus WBbt:0002795 SM2L.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2L.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.drpap worm_anatomy SM2R nucleus WBbt:0002796 M.drpap nucleus nucleus of pedigree M.drpap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.a worm_anatomy M.drpapa nucleus WBbt:0002797 SM2R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.aa worm_anatomy M.drpapaa nucleus WBbt:0002798 SM2R.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.aaa worm_anatomy M.drpapaaa nucleus WBbt:0002799 SM2R.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.aap worm_anatomy M.drpapaap nucleus WBbt:0002800 SM2R.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.ap worm_anatomy M.drpapap nucleus WBbt:0002801 SM2R.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.apa worm_anatomy M.drpapapa nucleus WBbt:0002802 SM2R.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.app worm_anatomy M.drpapapp nucleus WBbt:0002803 SM2R.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.p worm_anatomy M.drpapp nucleus WBbt:0002804 SM2R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.pa worm_anatomy M.drpappa nucleus WBbt:0002805 SM2R.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.paa worm_anatomy M.drpappaa nucleus WBbt:0002806 SM2R.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.pap worm_anatomy M.drpappap nucleus WBbt:0002807 SM2R.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM2R.pp worm_anatomy M.drpappp nucleus WBbt:0002808 SM2R.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM2R.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3L.a worm_anatomy M.vlpaaa nucleus male WBbt:0002809 SM3L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3L.aa worm_anatomy M.vlpaaaa nucleus male WBbt:0002810 SM3L.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3L.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3L.aaa worm_anatomy M.vlpaaaaa nucleus male WBbt:0002811 SM3L.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3L.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3L.aap worm_anatomy M.vlpaaaap nucleus male WBbt:0002812 SM3L.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3L.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3L.ap worm_anatomy M.vlpaaap nucleus male WBbt:0002813 SM3L.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3L.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3L.apa worm_anatomy M.vlpaaapa nucleus male WBbt:0002814 SM3L.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3L.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3L.app worm_anatomy M.vlpaaapp nucleus male WBbt:0002815 SM3L.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3L.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3L.p worm_anatomy M.vlpaap nucleus male WBbt:0002816 SM3L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3L.pa worm_anatomy M.vlpaapa nucleus male WBbt:0002817 SM3L.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3L.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3L.pp worm_anatomy M.vlpaapp nucleus male WBbt:0002818 SM3L.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3L.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3R.a worm_anatomy M.vrpaaa nucleus male WBbt:0002819 SM3R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3R.aa worm_anatomy M.vrpaaaa nucleus male WBbt:0002820 SM3R.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3R.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3R.aaa worm_anatomy M.vrpaaaaa nucleus male WBbt:0002821 SM3R.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3R.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3R.aap worm_anatomy M.vrpaaaap nucleus male WBbt:0002822 SM3R.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3R.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3R.ap worm_anatomy M.vrpaaap nucleus male WBbt:0002823 SM3R.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3R.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3R.apa worm_anatomy M.vrpaaapa nucleus male WBbt:0002824 SM3R.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3R.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3R.app worm_anatomy M.vrpaaapp nucleus male WBbt:0002825 SM3R.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3R.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3R.p worm_anatomy M.vrpaap nucleus male WBbt:0002826 SM3R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3R.pa worm_anatomy M.vrpaapa nucleus male WBbt:0002827 SM3R.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3R.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree SM3R.pp worm_anatomy M.vrpaapp nucleus male WBbt:0002828 SM3R.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree SM3R.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002829 ABalpapapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002830 ABarappapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalpapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002831 ABalpapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalpapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002832 ABarappappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002833 ABplpapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002834 ABprpapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalppappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002835 ABalppappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalppappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarappppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002836 ABarappppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarappppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002837 B.alpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002838 B.arpaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arpaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alpapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002839 B.alpapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alpapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arpapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002840 B.arpapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arpapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002841 ABprppppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002842 ABplppppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alpapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002843 B.alpapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alpapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arpapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002844 B.arpapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arpapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta.ldp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002845 B_beta.ldp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta.ldp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta.rdp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002846 B_beta.rdp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta.rdp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.pl worm_anatomy WBbt:0002847 B_gamma.pl nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.pl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.pr worm_anatomy WBbt:0002848 B_gamma.pr nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma.pr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_alpha.ld worm_anatomy WBbt:0002849 B_alpha.ld nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_alpha.ld WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_alpha.rd worm_anatomy WBbt:0002850 B_alpha.rd nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_alpha.rd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta.lv worm_anatomy WBbt:0002851 B_beta.lv nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta.lv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta.rv worm_anatomy WBbt:0002852 B_beta.rv nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta.rv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alpapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002853 B.alpapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alpapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta.lda worm_anatomy WBbt:0002854 B_beta.lda nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta.lda WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta.rda worm_anatomy WBbt:0002855 B_beta.rda nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta.rda WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplappppp worm_anatomy TL nucleus WBbt:0002856 ABplappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002857 TL.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002858 TL.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002859 TL.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002860 TL.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002861 TL.apaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002862 TL.apap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002863 TL.apapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002864 TL.apappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002865 TL.apappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002866 TL.apappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002867 TL.apappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002868 TL.apappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0002869 TL.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002870 TL.appa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002871 TL.appaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002872 TL.appaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002873 TL.appaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002874 TL.appaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002875 TL.appaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002876 TL.appaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002877 TL.appap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002878 TL.appapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002879 TL.appapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002880 TL.appapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002881 TL.appapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002882 TL.appapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002883 TL.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002884 TL.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002885 TL.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002886 TL.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002887 TL.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002888 TL.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprappppp worm_anatomy TR nucleus WBbt:0002889 ABprappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002890 TR.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002891 TR.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002892 TR.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002893 TR.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002894 TR.apaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002895 TR.apap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002896 TR.apappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0002897 TR.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002898 TR.appa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002899 TR.appaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002900 TR.appaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002901 TR.appaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002902 TR.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002903 TR.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002904 TR.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002905 TR.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002906 TR.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002907 TR.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplppppapa worm_anatomy U nucleus WBbt:0002908 ABplppppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplppppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree U.l worm_anatomy WBbt:0002909 U.l nucleus nucleus of pedigree U.l WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree U.la worm_anatomy WBbt:0002910 U.la nucleus nucleus of pedigree U.la WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree U.laa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002911 U.laa nucleus nucleus of pedigree U.laa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree U.lap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002912 U.lap nucleus nucleus of pedigree U.lap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree U.r worm_anatomy WBbt:0002913 U.r nucleus nucleus of pedigree U.r WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree U.ra worm_anatomy WBbt:0002914 U.ra nucleus nucleus of pedigree U.ra WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree U.raa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002915 U.raa nucleus nucleus of pedigree U.raa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree U.rap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002916 U.rap nucleus nucleus of pedigree U.rap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree U.rp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002917 U.rp nucleus nucleus of pedigree U.rp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002918 ABplaaaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002919 ABarpapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002920 ABplpaaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002921 ABprpaaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002922 ABplaapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002923 ABpraapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002924 ABplaaaaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaaaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002925 ABarpapaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpapaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002926 ABalapapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABalapppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002927 ABalapppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABalapppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002928 ABplpaaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplpaaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002929 ABprpaaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpaaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppapaa worm_anatomy V1L nucleus WBbt:0002930 ABarppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002931 V1L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002932 V1L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002933 V1L.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002934 V1L.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002935 V1L.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002936 V1L.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002937 V1L.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002938 V1L.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002939 V1L.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002940 V1L.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002941 V1L.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002942 V1L.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002943 V1L.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002944 V1L.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002945 V1L.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1L.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002946 V1L.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1L.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppppaa worm_anatomy V1R nucleus WBbt:0002947 ABarppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002948 V1R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002949 V1R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002950 V1R.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002951 V1R.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002952 V1R.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002953 V1R.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002954 V1R.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002955 V1R.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002956 V1R.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002957 V1R.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002958 V1R.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002959 V1R.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002960 V1R.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002961 V1R.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002962 V1R.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V1R.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002963 V1R.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V1R.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppapap worm_anatomy V2L nucleus WBbt:0002964 ABarppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002965 V2L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002966 V2L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002967 V2L.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002968 V2L.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002969 V2L.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002970 V2L.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002971 V2L.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002972 V2L.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002973 V2L.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002974 V2L.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002975 V2L.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002976 V2L.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002977 V2L.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002978 V2L.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002979 V2L.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2L.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002980 V2L.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2L.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppppap worm_anatomy V2R nucleus WBbt:0002981 ABarppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002982 V2R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0002983 V2R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002984 V2R.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002985 V2R.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0002986 V2R.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002987 V2R.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002988 V2R.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002989 V2R.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002990 V2R.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002991 V2R.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002992 V2R.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002993 V2R.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002994 V2R.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002995 V2R.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0002996 V2R.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V2R.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0002997 V2R.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V2R.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplappapa worm_anatomy V3L nucleus WBbt:0002998 ABplappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0002999 V3L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003000 V3L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003001 V3L.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003002 V3L.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003003 V3L.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003004 V3L.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003005 V3L.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003006 V3L.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003007 V3L.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003008 V3L.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003009 V3L.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003010 V3L.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003011 V3L.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003012 V3L.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003013 V3L.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3L.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003014 V3L.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3L.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprappapa worm_anatomy V3R nucleus WBbt:0003015 ABprappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0003016 V3R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003017 V3R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003018 V3R.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003019 V3R.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003020 V3R.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003021 V3R.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003022 V3R.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003023 V3R.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003024 V3R.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003025 V3R.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003026 V3R.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003027 V3R.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003028 V3R.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003029 V3R.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003030 V3R.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V3R.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003031 V3R.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V3R.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppappa worm_anatomy V4L nucleus WBbt:0003032 ABarppappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0003033 V4L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003034 V4L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003035 V4L.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003036 V4L.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003037 V4L.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003038 V4L.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003039 V4L.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003040 V4L.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003041 V4L.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003042 V4L.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003043 V4L.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003044 V4L.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003045 V4L.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003046 V4L.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003047 V4L.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4L.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003048 V4L.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4L.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppppa worm_anatomy V4R nucleus WBbt:0003049 ABarpppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0003050 V4R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003051 V4R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003052 V4R.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003053 V4R.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003054 V4R.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003055 V4R.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003056 V4R.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003057 V4R.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003058 V4R.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003059 V4R.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003060 V4R.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003061 V4R.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003062 V4R.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003063 V4R.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003064 V4R.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V4R.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003065 V4R.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V4R.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplapapaap worm_anatomy V5L nucleus WBbt:0003066 ABplapapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplapapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0003067 V5L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003068 V5L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003069 V5L.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003070 V5L.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003071 V5L.paap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.paap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.paapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003072 V5L.paapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.paapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003073 V5L.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003074 V5L.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003075 V5L.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003076 V5L.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003077 V5L.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003078 V5L.pppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003079 V5L.pppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003080 V5L.pppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003081 V5L.pppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003082 V5L.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003083 V5L.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003084 V5L.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003085 V5L.pppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003086 V5L.pppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003087 V5L.pppppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003088 V5L.pppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003089 V5L.pppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapapaap worm_anatomy V5R nucleus WBbt:0003090 ABprapapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0003091 V5R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003092 V5R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003093 V5R.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003094 V5R.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003095 V5R.paap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.paap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.paapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003096 V5R.paapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.paapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003097 V5R.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003098 V5R.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003099 V5R.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003100 V5R.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003101 V5R.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003102 V5R.pppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003103 V5R.pppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003104 V5R.pppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003105 V5R.pppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003106 V5R.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003107 V5R.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003108 V5R.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003109 V5R.pppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003110 V5R.pppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003111 V5R.pppppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003112 V5R.pppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003113 V5R.pppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarppappp worm_anatomy V6L nucleus WBbt:0003114 ABarppappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarppappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0003115 V6L.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003116 V6L.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003117 V6L.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003118 V6L.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003119 V6L.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003120 V6L.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003121 V6L.papaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003122 V6L.papap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003123 V6L.papapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003124 V6L.papapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003125 V6L.papapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003126 V6L.papapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003127 V6L.papapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003128 V6L.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003129 V6L.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003130 V6L.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003131 V6L.papppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003132 V6L.papppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003133 V6L.papppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003134 V6L.papppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003135 V6L.papppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.papppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003136 V6L.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003137 V6L.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003138 V6L.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003139 V6L.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003140 V6L.pppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003141 V6L.pppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003142 V6L.pppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003143 V6L.pppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003144 V6L.pppapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003145 V6L.pppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003146 V6L.pppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003147 V6L.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003148 V6L.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003149 V6L.ppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003150 V6L.ppppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003151 V6L.ppppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003152 V6L.ppppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003153 V6L.ppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003154 V6L.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003155 V6L.pppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003156 V6L.pppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003157 V6L.pppppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003158 V6L.pppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003159 V6L.pppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpppppp worm_anatomy V6R nucleus WBbt:0003160 ABarpppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0003161 V6R.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003162 V6R.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003163 V6R.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003164 V6R.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003165 V6R.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003166 V6R.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003167 V6R.papaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003168 V6R.papap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003169 V6R.papapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003170 V6R.papapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003171 V6R.papapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003172 V6R.papapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003173 V6R.papapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003174 V6R.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003175 V6R.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003176 V6R.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003177 V6R.papppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003178 V6R.papppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003179 V6R.papppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003180 V6R.papppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003181 V6R.papppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.papppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003182 V6R.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003183 V6R.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003184 V6R.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003185 V6R.pppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003186 V6R.pppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003187 V6R.pppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003188 V6R.pppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003189 V6R.pppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003190 V6R.pppapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003191 V6R.pppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003192 V6R.pppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003193 V6R.pppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003194 V6R.ppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003195 V6R.ppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003196 V6R.ppppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003197 V6R.ppppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003198 V6R.ppppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003199 V6R.ppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003200 V6R.ppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003201 V6R.pppppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003202 V6R.pppppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003203 V6R.pppppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003204 V6R.pppppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003205 V6R.pppppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree W.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003206 W.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree W.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003207 P2.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003208 P3.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003209 P4.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003210 P5.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003211 P6.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003212 P7.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003213 P8.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003214 P9.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003215 P10.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003216 P11.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003217 P12.aaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.aaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003218 P1.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree W.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003219 W.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree W.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003220 P2.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003221 P3.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003222 P4.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003223 P5.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003224 P6.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003225 P7.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003226 P8.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003227 P9.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003228 P10.aaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.aaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003229 P4.aap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree W.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003230 W.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree W.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003231 P1.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003232 P2.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003233 P3.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003234 P4.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003235 P5.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003236 P6.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003237 P7.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003238 P8.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003239 P9.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003240 P10.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003241 P11.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003242 P12.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpappppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003243 ABprpappppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpappppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprpappppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003244 ABprpappppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprpappppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003245 MSpaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003246 MSaapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003247 MSpapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003248 MSaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003249 MSaaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003250 MSaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprapaapa worm_anatomy W nucleus WBbt:0003251 ABprapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree W.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0003252 W.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree W.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree W.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003253 W.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree W.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree W.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003254 W.aaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree W.aaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree W.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003255 W.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree W.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree W.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003256 W.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree W.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABplaaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003257 ABplaaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABplaaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABarpappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003258 ABarpappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABarpappaa WB:rynl true true nucleus of pedigree Y.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003261 Y.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.pl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003262 Y.pl nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.pl WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.pla worm_anatomy WBbt:0003263 Y.pla nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.pla WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.plaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003264 Y.plaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.plaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.plap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003265 Y.plap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.plap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.plp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003266 Y.plp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.plp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.plpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003267 Y.plpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.plpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.plpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003268 Y.plpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.plpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.plppv worm_anatomy WBbt:0003269 Y.plppv nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.plppv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.pr worm_anatomy WBbt:0003270 Y.pr nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.pr WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.pra worm_anatomy WBbt:0003271 Y.pra nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.pra WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.praa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003272 Y.praa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.praa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.prap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003273 Y.prap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.prap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.prp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003274 Y.prp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.prp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.prpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003275 Y.prpa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.prpa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.prpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003276 Y.prpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.prpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.prppd worm_anatomy WBbt:0003277 Y.prppd nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.prppd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.prppv worm_anatomy WBbt:0003278 Y.prppv nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.prppv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSpppaap worm_anatomy Z1 nucleus WBbt:0003279 MSpppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSpppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.a in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003280 Z1.a nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree Z1.a in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003281 Z1.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003282 Z1.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003283 Z1.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.appa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003284 Z1.appa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.appa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.appaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003285 Z1.appaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.appaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.appaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003286 Z1.appaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.appaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.appaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003287 Z1.appaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.appaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.appap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003288 Z1.appap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.appap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.appapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003289 Z1.appapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.appapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.appapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003290 Z1.appapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.appapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.appp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003291 Z1.appp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.appp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003292 Z1.apppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003293 Z1.apppaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003294 Z1.apppaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003295 Z1.apppaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003296 Z1.apppaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003297 Z1.apppaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003298 Z1.apppaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003299 Z1.apppaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003300 Z1.apppap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003301 Z1.apppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003302 Z1.apppapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003303 Z1.apppapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003304 Z1.apppapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003305 Z1.apppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.apppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.appppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003306 Z1.appppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.appppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.appppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003307 Z1.appppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.appppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0003308 Z1.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003309 Z1.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003310 Z1.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paaa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003311 Z1.paaa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree Z1.paaa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003312 obsolete Z1.paaaaa true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003313 obsolete Z1.paaaaaa true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003314 obsolete Z1.paaaaap true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003315 obsolete Z1.paaaap true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003316 obsolete Z1.paaaapa true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003317 obsolete Z1.paaaapaa true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003318 obsolete Z1.paaaapap true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003319 obsolete Z1.paaaapp true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003320 obsolete Z1.paaaappa true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003321 obsolete Z1.paaaappaa true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003322 obsolete Z1.paaaappap true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003323 obsolete Z1.paaaappp true nucleus of pedigree Z1.paaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003324 Z1.paaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003325 Z1.paaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003326 Z1.paaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003327 Z1.paap nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree Z1.paap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003328 Z1.paapa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003329 Z1.paapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003330 Z1.paapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003331 Z1.paapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003332 Z1.paapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003333 Z1.paapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003334 Z1.paapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapp in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003335 Z1.paapp nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapp in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003336 Z1.paappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003337 Z1.paappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003338 Z1.paappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003339 Z1.paappaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003340 Z1.paappaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003341 Z1.paappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003342 Z1.paappaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003343 Z1.paappaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003344 Z1.paappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003345 Z1.paappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003346 Z1.paappapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003347 Z1.paappapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003348 Z1.paappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003349 Z1.paappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003350 Z1.paapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003351 Z1.paapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.paapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003352 Z1.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003353 Z1.papa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003354 Z1.papaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003355 Z1.papaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003356 Z1.papaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0003357 Z1.papaaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003358 Z1.papaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0003359 Z1.papaaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003360 Z1.papaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003361 Z1.papaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003362 Z1.papaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003363 Z1.papaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaapd worm_anatomy WBbt:0003364 Z1.papaapd nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaapd WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003365 obsolete Z1.papaappa true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003366 obsolete Z1.papaappaa true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003367 obsolete Z1.papaappap true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003368 obsolete Z1.papaappp true nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaapv worm_anatomy WBbt:0003369 Z1.papaapv nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papaapv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003370 Z1.papap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003371 Z1.papapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003372 Z1.papapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003373 Z1.papapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003374 Z1.papapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003375 Z1.papapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003376 Z1.papapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003377 Z1.papapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapp worm_anatomy DE4(Z1) nucleus WBbt:0003378 Z1.papapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapp WB:rynl DE4(Z1) nucleus WB:Paper00002608 nucleus of pedigree Z1.papappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003379 Z1.papappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003380 Z1.papappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003381 Z1.papappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003382 Z1.papappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapppa worm_anatomy DE4da left WBbt:0003383 Z1.papapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapppa WB:rynl DE4da left WB:Paper00002608 nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003384 Z1.papapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003385 Z1.papp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003386 Z1.pappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003387 Z1.pappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003388 Z1.pappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003389 Z1.pappaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003390 Z1.pappaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003391 Z1.pappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003392 Z1.pappaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003393 Z1.pappaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003394 Z1.pappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003395 Z1.pappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003396 Z1.pappapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003397 Z1.pappapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003398 Z1.pappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003399 Z1.pappappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003400 Z1.pappappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003401 Z1.pappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003402 Z1.papppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papppad worm_anatomy WBbt:0003403 Z1.papppad nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papppad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papppav worm_anatomy WBbt:0003404 Z1.papppav nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papppav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.papppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003405 Z1.papppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.papppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappppd worm_anatomy WBbt:0003406 Z1.pappppd nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappppd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappppv worm_anatomy WBbt:0003407 Z1.pappppv nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappppv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003408 Z1.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003409 Z1.ppa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003410 Z1.ppaa(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003411 Z1.ppaaa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003412 Z1.ppaaaa(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaaaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003413 Z1.ppaaaaa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaaaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaaap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003414 Z1.ppaaaap (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaaap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003415 Z1.ppaaap(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaapa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003416 Z1.ppaaapa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaapa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaapp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003417 Z1.ppaaapp (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaapp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003418 Z1.ppaap (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003419 Z1.ppaapa(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003420 Z1.ppaapaa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003421 Z1.ppaapap (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003422 Z1.ppaapp(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaappa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003423 Z1.ppaappa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaappa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaappp(5L) worm_anatomy Z1.ppaappd (5L) nucleus WBbt:0003424 Z1.ppaappp (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaappp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003425 Z1.ppap(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003426 Z1.ppapa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003427 Z1.ppapaa(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapaaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003428 Z1.ppapaaa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapaaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapaap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003429 Z1.ppapaap (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapaap(5L) WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003430 obsolete Z1.ppapad true nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003431 Z1.ppapap(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapapa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003432 Z1.ppapapa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapapa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapapp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003433 Z1.ppapapp (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapapp(5L) WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003434 obsolete Z1.ppapav true nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003435 Z1.ppapp (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppappd(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003436 Z1.ppappd (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppappd(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppappv(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003437 Z1.ppappv (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppappv(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003438 Z1.ppp (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003439 Z1.pppa(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003440 Z1.pppaa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppaa(5L) WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003441 obsolete Z1.pppaaaa true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003442 obsolete Z1.pppaaap true nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppaad(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003443 Z1.pppaad (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppaad(5L) WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003444 obsolete Z1.pppaap true nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppaav(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003445 Z1.pppaav (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppaav(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003446 Z1.pppap (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppapd(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003447 Z1.pppapd (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppapd(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppapv(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003448 Z1.pppapv (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppapv(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003449 Z1.pppp(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003450 Z1.ppppa(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppad(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003451 Z1.ppppad (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppad(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppav(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003452 Z1.ppppav (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppav(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003453 Z1.ppppp (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppppa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003454 Z1.pppppa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppppa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppppaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003455 Z1.pppppaa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppppaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppppap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003456 Z1.pppppap (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppppap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppppp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003457 Z1.pppppp(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.pppppp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppppa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003458 Z1.ppppppa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppppa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppppp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003459 Z1.ppppppp (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppppppp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Psub4.p worm_anatomy Z2 nucleus WBbt:0003460 Psub4.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree Psub4.p WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Psub4.a worm_anatomy Z3 nucleus WBbt:0003461 Psub4.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree Psub4.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree MSappaap worm_anatomy Z4 nucleus WBbt:0003462 MSappaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree MSappaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0003463 Z4.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003464 Z4.aa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003465 Z4.aaa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003466 Z4.aaaa(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003467 Z4.aaaaa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003468 Z4.aaaaaa(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa[a/v](5R) worm_anatomy Z4.aaaaaav (5R) nucleus WBbt:0003469 Z4.aaaaaaa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa[a/v](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa[p/d](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003470 Z4.aaaaaap (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa[p/d](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaap(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003471 Z4.aaaaap(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaap(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaap[a/v](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003472 Z4.aaaaapa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaap[a/v](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaap[p/d](5R) worm_anatomy VT3p right Z4.aaaaapd (5R) nucleus WBbt:0003473 WBPaper00002608 Z4.aaaaapp (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaaap[p/d](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaap(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003474 Z4.aaaap (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaap(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaapd(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003475 Z4.aaaapd (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaapd(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaapv(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003476 Z4.aaaapv (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaaapv(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaap(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003477 Z4.aaap(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaap(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaapa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003478 Z4.aaapa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaapa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaapad(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003479 Z4.aaapad (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaapad(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaapav(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003480 Z4.aaapav (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaapav(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaapp(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003481 Z4.aaapp (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaapp(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaappd(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003482 Z4.aaappd (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaappd(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaappv(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003483 Z4.aaappv (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaappv(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003484 Z4.aap (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003485 Z4.aapa(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]a(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003486 Z4.aapaa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]a(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]ad(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003487 Z4.aapaad (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]ad(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]av(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003488 Z4.aapaav (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]av(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]p(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003489 Z4.aapap (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]p(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003490 Z4.aapapa(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa[a/d](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003491 Z4.aapapaa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa[a/d](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa[p/v](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003492 Z4.aapapap (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa[p/v](5R) WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003493 obsolete Z4.aapapd true nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003494 Z4.aapapp(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp[a/d](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003495 Z4.aapappa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp[a/d](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp[p/v](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003496 Z4.aapappp (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp[p/v](5R) WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003497 obsolete Z4.aapapv true nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003498 Z4.aapp(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]a(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003499 Z4.aappa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]a(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003500 Z4.aappaa(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa[a/d](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003501 Z4.aappaaa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa[a/d](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa[p/v](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003502 Z4.aappaap (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa[p/v](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003503 Z4.aappap(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap[a/d](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003504 Z4.aappapa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap[a/d](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap[p/v](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003505 Z4.aappapp (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap[p/v](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003506 Z4.aappp (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003507 Z4.aapppa(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l]a(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003508 Z4.aapppaa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l]a(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l]p(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003509 Z4.aapppap (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l]p(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003510 Z4.aapppp(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r]a(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003511 Z4.aappppa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r]a(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r]p(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0003512 Z4.aappppp (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r]p(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003513 Z4.ap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.ap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003514 Z4.apa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003515 Z4.apaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003516 Z4.apaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003517 Z4.apaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0003518 Z4.apaaaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaaad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0003519 Z4.apaaaav nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaaav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003520 Z4.apaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaapd worm_anatomy WBbt:0003521 Z4.apaaapd nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaapd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaapv worm_anatomy WBbt:0003522 Z4.apaaapv nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaaapv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003523 Z4.apaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003524 Z4.apaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003525 Z4.apaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003526 Z4.apaapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003527 Z4.apaapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003528 Z4.apaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003529 Z4.apaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003530 Z4.apaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003531 Z4.apaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003532 Z4.apaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003533 Z4.apaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003534 Z4.apaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003535 Z4.apaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003536 Z4.apaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003537 Z4.apaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003538 Z4.apap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003539 Z4.apapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003540 Z4.apapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003541 Z4.apapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003542 Z4.apapaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003543 Z4.apapaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003544 Z4.apapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003545 Z4.apapaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003546 Z4.apapaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003547 Z4.apapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003548 Z4.apapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003549 Z4.apapapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003550 Z4.apapapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003551 Z4.apapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003552 Z4.apapappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003553 Z4.apapappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003554 Z4.apapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003555 Z4.apappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apappad worm_anatomy WBbt:0003556 Z4.apappad nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apappad WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apappav worm_anatomy WBbt:0003557 Z4.apappav nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apappav WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003558 Z4.apappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapppd worm_anatomy WBbt:0003559 Z4.apapppd nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapppd WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapppv worm_anatomy WBbt:0003560 Z4.apapppv nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.apapppv WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0003561 Z4.app nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.app WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003562 Z4.appa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003563 Z4.appaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003564 Z4.appaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaa WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaaa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003565 Z4.appaaaa nucleus Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaaa. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003566 Z4.appaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003567 Z4.appaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003568 Z4.appaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003569 Z4.appaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003570 Z4.appaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003571 Z4.appaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003572 Z4.appaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003573 Z4.appaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003574 Z4.appaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003575 Z4.appaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003576 Z4.appaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003577 Z4.appaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003578 Z4.appaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003579 Z4.appaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003580 Z4.appap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003581 Z4.appapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003582 Z4.appapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003583 Z4.appapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003584 Z4.appapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003585 Z4.appappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003586 Z4.appappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.appp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003587 Z4.appp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.appp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003588 obsolete Z4.apppa nucleus true nucleus of pedigree Z4.apppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003589 obsolete Z4.apppaa nucleus true nucleus of pedigree Z4.apppaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.apppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003590 obsolete Z4.apppaap nucleus true nucleus of pedigree Z4.apppaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.p in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003591 Z4.p nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree Z4.p in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003592 Z4.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003593 Z4.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003594 Z4.paaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003595 Z4.paaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003596 Z4.paaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003597 Z4.paaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003598 Z4.paaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003599 Z4.paaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003600 Z4.paaapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003601 Z4.paaapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003602 Z4.paaapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003603 Z4.paaapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003604 Z4.paaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003605 Z4.paaappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003606 Z4.paaappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003607 Z4.paaappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003608 Z4.paaappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003609 Z4.paaapppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003610 Z4.paaapppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paaapppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003611 Z4.paap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003612 Z4.paapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003613 Z4.paapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003614 Z4.paapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003615 Z4.paapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0003616 Z4.paappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.paappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0003617 Z4.paappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.paappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0003618 Z4.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y WBbt:0003259 worm_anatomy ABprpppaaaa nucleus WBbt:0003623 Y nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Y.a WBbt:0003260 worm_anatomy ABprpppaaaaa WBbt:0003626 Y.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree Y.a WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B WBbt:0001714 worm_anatomy ABprppppapa nucleus male WBbt:0003627 B nucleus nucleus of pedigree B WB:rynl pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer four, left subventral. worm_anatomy m4L-m4VL WBbt:0003628 pm4L-pm4VL pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer four, left subventral. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer three, right subventral. worm_anatomy m3R-m3VR WBbt:0003629 pm3R-pm3VR pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer three, right subventral. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer three, dorsal. worm_anatomy m3DL-m3DR pm3 dorsal WBbt:0003630 pm3DL-pm3DR pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer three, dorsal. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer three, left subventral. worm_anatomy m3L-m3VL WBbt:0003631 pm3L-pm3VL pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer three, left subventral. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer two, dorsal. worm_anatomy m2DL-m2DR WBbt:0003632 pm2DL-pm2DR pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer two, dorsal. WB:rynl pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer two, right subventral. worm_anatomy m2R-m2VR WBbt:0003633 pm2R-pm2VR pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer two, right subventral. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 Neuron class of two pharyngeal motor neurons. worm_anatomy M2 WBbt:0003634 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/M2frameset.html> M2 neuron Neuron class of two pharyngeal motor neurons. WB:rynl pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer two, left subventral. worm_anatomy m2L-m2VL WBbt:0003635 pm2L-pmVL pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer two, left subventral. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003637 obsolete NSMR true Neuron class of two marginal cell neuron of the pharynx. WBbt:0003651 worm_anatomy marginal cell neuron WBbt:0003638 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/MCframeset.html> MC neuron Neuron class of two marginal cell neuron of the pharynx. WB:Paper00000009 worm_anatomy WBbt:0003639 obsolete NSML true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003641 obsolete M3R true true true true Neuron class of two pharyngeal interneuron. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003645 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/I2frameset.html> I2 neuron Neuron class of two pharyngeal interneuron. WB:Paper00000009 true true true Neuron class of two pharyngeal interneuron. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003649 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/I1frameset.html> I1 neuron Neuron class of two pharyngeal interneuron. WB:Paper00000009 true true true true true true true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003658 obsolete M3L true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003659 obsolete M2R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003660 obsolete M2L true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003661 obsolete MCR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003662 obsolete MCL true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003663 obsolete I2R true Neuron class of one pharyngeal motor neuron/interneuron. WBbt:0003747 WBbt:0004459 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraappaaa pharyngeal motor-interneuron WBbt:0003664 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/MIframeset.html> MI neuron Neuron class of one pharyngeal motor neuron/interneuron. ISBN:0-87969-307-X worm_anatomy WBbt:0003665 obsolete I2L true Neuron class of two pharyngeal neurosecretory-motor neurons. WBbt:0003746 worm_anatomy neurosecretory-motor neuron WBbt:0003666 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/NSMframeset.html> NSM Neuron class of two pharyngeal neurosecretory-motor neurons. WB:Paper00000009 worm_anatomy WBbt:0003667 obsolete I1R true interneuron of the pharyngeal nervous system. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003668 pharyngeal interneuron interneuron of the pharyngeal nervous system. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003669 obsolete I1L true A variety of very different cell types which share cytoplasmic features (such as large membrane-bound granules) that suggest a role in secretion, thus termed gland cells. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003670 gland cell A variety of very different cell types which share cytoplasmic features (such as large membrane-bound granules) that suggest a role in secretion, thus termed gland cells. WBPaper:00038216 true cell of epithelium, the layer of cells that cover the external surface of an organism as well as forming an inner lining between the tissues and organs of that organism and the external environment. In C. elegans epithelial cells include epithelium of the alimentary tract, intestinal cells, hypodermis, interfacial cells and somatic gonad cells. worm_anatomy epithelium WBbt:0003672 epithelial cell cell of epithelium, the layer of cells that cover the external surface of an organism as well as forming an inner lining between the tissues and organs of that organism and the external environment. In C. elegans epithelial cells include epithelium of the alimentary tract, intestinal cells, hypodermis, interfacial cells and somatic gonad cells. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 a type of pharyngeal cell that connects basement membrane to the apices of triangle-shaped pharyngeal lumen. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003673 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/alimentary/alimentary1.htm#pharyngealmc> marginal cell a type of pharyngeal cell that connects basement membrane to the apices of triangle-shaped pharyngeal lumen. WB:rynl true Contractile cell that makes up muscle tissue. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003675 muscle cell Contractile cell that makes up muscle tissue. WB:rynl true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003677 pharyngeal motor neuron true Major cell type of nervous tissue, specialized for transmission of information in the form of patterns of impulses. WBbt:0005512 WBbt:0005516 worm_anatomy neurone WBbt:0003679 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/Neuronframeset.html> neuron Major cell type of nervous tissue, specialized for transmission of information in the form of patterns of impulses. ISBN:0140512888 true the feeding organ, a neuro-muscular pump in the head of the animal, used to ingest food, bacteria suspended in liquid, filter them out, grind them up and transport posteriorly into the instestine. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy esophagus WBbt:0003681 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/alimentary/alimentary1.htm#generalinfopharynx> pharynx the feeding organ, a neuro-muscular pump in the head of the animal, used to ingest food, bacteria suspended in liquid, filter them out, grind them up and transport posteriorly into the instestine. WB:rynl true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003683 obsolete g1AL-g1P true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true Pharyngeal epithelial cells WBbt:0004557 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraaaapap WBbt:0003701 e1D Pharyngeal epithelial cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X worm_anatomy WBbt:0003702 obsolete g2R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0003703 obsolete g2L true Nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaapap. WBbt:0002029 worm_anatomy g1P nucleus WBbt:0003704 MSaaaaapap nucleus Nucleus of pedigree MSaaaaapap. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0003705 obsolete g1AR true nucleus in g1 gland cell WBbt:0002027 worm_anatomy MSaapaapaa nucleus WBbt:0003706 g1AL nucleus nucleus in g1 gland cell WB:rynl marginal cell, type 3. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003707 mc3 marginal cell, type 3. WB:rynl marginal cell, type 2. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003708 mc2 marginal cell, type 2. WB:rynl marginal cell, type 1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003709 mc1 marginal cell, type 1. WB:rynl Pharyngeal gland cell 2. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003710 g2 Pharyngeal gland cell 2. WB:rynl posterior segment of pharyngeal corpus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003711 metacorpus posterior segment of pharyngeal corpus. WB:rynl Pharyngeal gland cell 1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003712 g1 Pharyngeal gland cell 1. WB:rynl anterior section of pharyngeal corpus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003713 procorpus anterior section of pharyngeal corpus. WB:rynl pharyngeal epithelial cell, type 3. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003714 e3 pharyngeal epithelial cell, type 3. WB:rynl true pharyngeal epithelial cell, type 2. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003716 e2 pharyngeal epithelial cell, type 2. WB:rynl true pharyngeal epithelial cell, type 1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003718 e1 pharyngeal epithelial cell, type 1. WB:rynl true true seventh pharyngeal muscle cell layer worm_anatomy m7 WBbt:0003721 pm7 seventh pharyngeal muscle cell layer WB:rynl true true sixth pharyngeal muscle cell layer worm_anatomy m6 WBbt:0003724 pm6 sixth pharyngeal muscle cell layer WB:rynl true true true true true true the last, posterior bulb of the pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003732 terminal bulb the last, posterior bulb of the pharynx. WB:rynl the first, anterior bulb of the pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003733 corpus the first, anterior bulb of the pharynx. WB:rynl a section of pharynx of which muscles contract with a peristaltic motion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0003734 isthmus a section of pharynx of which muscles contract with a peristaltic motion. WB:rynl pharyngeal muscle cell syncytium, layer five, right subventral. worm_anatomy m5R-m5VR WBbt:0003735 pm5R-pm5VR pharyngeal muscle cell syncytium, layer five, right subventral. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 pharyngeal muscle cell syncytium, layer five, dorsal. worm_anatomy m5DL-m5DR WBbt:0003736 pm5DL-pm5DR pharyngeal muscle cell syncytium, layer five, dorsal. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 fifth pharyngeal muscle cell layer worm_anatomy m5 WBbt:0003737 pm5 fifth pharyngeal muscle cell layer WB:rynl pharyngeal muscle cell syncytium, layer five, left subventral. worm_anatomy m5L-m5VL WBbt:0003738 pm5L-pm5VL pharyngeal muscle cell syncytium, layer five, left subventral. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 fourth pharyngeal muscle cell layer worm_anatomy m4 WBbt:0003739 pm4 fourth pharyngeal muscle cell layer WB:rynl third pharyngeal muscle cell layer worm_anatomy m3 WBbt:0003740 pm3 third pharyngeal muscle cell layer WB:rynl pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer four, right subventral. worm_anatomy m4R-m4VR WBbt:0003741 pm4R-pm4VR pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer four, right subventral. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 second layer pharyngeal muscle cell. worm_anatomy m2 WBbt:0003742 pm2 second layer pharyngeal muscle cell. WB:rynl pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer four, dorsal. worm_anatomy m4DL-m4DR WBbt:0003743 pm4DL-pm4DR pharyngeal muscle syncytium cell, layer four, dorsal. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 first layer pharyngeal muscle cell. worm_anatomy m1 WBbt:0003744 pm1 first layer pharyngeal muscle cell. WB:rynl true true true true true true true true true Neuron class of two pharyngeal motoneurons. WBbt:0005594 worm_anatomy M3 WBbt:0003754 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/M3frameset.html> M3 neuron Neuron class of two pharyngeal motoneurons. WB:rynl true true true true true a collection of cells or cell groups that collectively perform a function worm_anatomy WBbt:0003760 organ a collection of cells or cell groups that collectively perform a function WB:rynl Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aappppa (5R), a precursor of posterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aappppa WBbt:0003763 Z4.aappppa (5R) Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aappppa (5R), a precursor of posterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aapppaa (5L), a precursor of anterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapppaa WBbt:0003764 Z4.aapppaa (5L) Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aapppaa (5L), a precursor of anterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aappapp (5R), a precursor of posterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aappapp WBbt:0003765 Z4.aappapp (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aappapp (5R), a precursor of posterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aappapa (5L), a precursor of anterior ut3. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aappapa WBbt:0003766 Z4.aappapa (5L) Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aappapa (5L), a precursor of anterior ut3. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aappaap (5L), a precursor of anterior ut2. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aappaap WBbt:0003767 Z4.aappaap (5L) Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aappaap (5L), a precursor of anterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aappaaa (5R), a precursor of posterior ut1 syncytium. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aappaaa WBbt:0003768 Z4.aappaaa (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aappaaa (5R), a precursor of posterior ut1 syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapapv (5L), utse precursor. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapapv WBbt:0003769 Z4.aapapv (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapapv (5L), utse precursor. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapapd (5L). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapapd WBbt:0003770 Z4.aapapd (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapapd (5L). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapaav (5L), utse precursor. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapaav WBbt:0003771 Z4.aapaav (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapaav (5L), utse precursor. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapaad (5L), utse precursor. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapaad WBbt:0003772 Z4.aapaad (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapaad (5L), utse precursor. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppppppp (5L), a precursor of anterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppppppp WBbt:0003773 Z1.ppppppp (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppppppp (5L), a precursor of anterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppppppa (5L), a precursor of anterior ut3. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppppppa WBbt:0003774 Z1.ppppppa (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppppppa (5L), a precursor of anterior ut3. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pppppap (5L), a precursor of anterior ut2. WBbt:0007682 worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.pppppap WBbt:0003775 Z1.pppppap (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pppppap (5L), a precursor of anterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppppav (5L), utse precursor. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppppav WBbt:0003777 Z1.ppppav (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppppav (5L), utse precursor. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppppad (5L). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppppad WBbt:0003778 Z1.ppppad (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppppad (5L). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pppapv (5L), utse precursor worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.pppapv WBbt:0003779 Z1.pppapv (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pppapv (5L), utse precursor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pppapd (5L), utse precursor. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.pppapd WBbt:0003780 Z1.pppapd (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pppapd (5L), utse precursor. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pppaav (5L), utse precursor. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.pppaav WBbt:0003781 Z1.pppaav (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pppaav (5L), utse precursor. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pppaad (5L). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.pppaad WBbt:0003782 Z1.pppaad (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pppaad (5L). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Caudal longitudinal male muscle worm_anatomy cdlR lineage name: M.vrpaapp mu_male_long WBbt:0003783 caudal longitudinal muscle right Caudal longitudinal male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior inner longitudinal male muscle worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vrpaaapp mu_male_long pilR WBbt:0003784 posterior inner longitudinal muscle right Posterior inner longitudinal male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior inner longitudinal male muscle worm_anatomy ailR lineage name: M.vrpaaapa mu_male_long WBbt:0003785 anterior inner longitudinal muscle right Anterior inner longitudinal male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior outer longitudinal male muscle worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vrpaaaap mu_male_long polR WBbt:0003786 posterior outer longitudinal muscle right Posterior outer longitudinal male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior outer longitudinal male muscle worm_anatomy aolR lineage name: M.vrpaaaaa mu_male_long WBbt:0003787 anterior outer longitudinal muscle right Anterior outer longitudinal male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Caudal longitudinal male muscle worm_anatomy cdlL lineage name: M.vlpaapp mu_male_long WBbt:0003788 caudal longitudinal muscle left Caudal longitudinal male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior inner longitudinal male muscle worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vlpaaapp mu_male_long pilL WBbt:0003789 posterior inner longitudinal muscle left Posterior inner longitudinal male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior inner longitudinal male muscle worm_anatomy ailL lineage name: M.vlpaaapa mu_male_long WBbt:0003790 anterior inner longitudinal muscle left Anterior inner longitudinal male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior outer longitudinal male muscle worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vlpaaaap mu_male_long polL WBbt:0003791 posterior outer longitudinal muscle left Posterior outer longitudinal male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior outer longitudinal male muscle worm_anatomy aolL lineage name: M.vlpaaaaa mu_male_long WBbt:0003792 anterior outer longitudinal muscle left Anterior outer longitudinal male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Gubernaculum retractor worm_anatomy grtR lineage name: M.drpapapa mu_male_gub WBbt:0003793 gubernacular retractor muscle right Gubernaculum retractor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Gubernaculum retractor worm_anatomy grtL lineage name: M.dlpapapa mu_male_gub WBbt:0003794 gubernacular retractor muscle left Gubernaculum retractor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Gubernaculum erector worm_anatomy gecR lineage name: M.drpappap mu_male_gub WBbt:0003795 gubernacular erector right Gubernaculum erector ISBN:0-87969-307-X Gubernaculum erector worm_anatomy gecL lineage name: M.dlpappap mu_male_gub WBbt:0003796 gubernacular erector left Gubernaculum erector ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P9.aapa WBbt:0003803 CA7 Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P8.aapa WBbt:0003804 CA6 Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.aapa WBbt:0003805 CA5 Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.aapa WBbt:0003806 CA4 Male specific neuron, innervates dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cell, not reconstructed worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.aapa WBbt:0003807 CA3 Male specific cell, not reconstructed ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cell, not reconstructed worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.aapa WBbt:0003808 CA2 Male specific cell, not reconstructed ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cell, not reconstructed worm_anatomy lineage name: P3.aapa WBbt:0003809 CA1 Male specific cell, not reconstructed ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic founder cell worm_anatomy lineage name: P0.ppa WBbt:0003810 C Embryonic founder cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, process runs along excretory canal and into ring, unique darkly staining synaptic vesicles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpppappp WBbt:0003811 BDUR Neuron, process runs along excretory canal and into ring, unique darkly staining synaptic vesicles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, process runs along excretory canal and into ring, unique darkly staining synaptic vesicles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarppaappp WBbt:0003812 BDUL Neuron, process runs along excretory canal and into ring, unique darkly staining synaptic vesicles ISBN:0-87969-307-X right intestinal muscle cell, attach to intestine and body wall anterior to anus worm_anatomy lineage name: MSppaapp WBbt:0003822 mu_int_R right intestinal muscle cell, attach to intestine and body wall anterior to anus ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarappppap WBbt:0003823 BAGR Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppappap WBbt:0003824 BAGL Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso ISBN:0-87969-307-X Rectal cell, postembryonic blast cell in male worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppppapa WBbt:0003825 B cell Rectal cell, postembryonic blast cell in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaaaaap WBbt:0003826 AWCR Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaaaaap WBbt:0003827 AWCL Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaappap WBbt:0003828 AWBR Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpppppap WBbt:0003829 AWBL Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraapapaa WBbt:0003830 AWAR Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaapapaa WBbt:0003831 AWAL Amphid wing cells, neurons having ciliated sheet-like sensory endings closely associated with amphid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one sensory neuron, anterior ventral microtubule cell, touch receptor. worm_anatomy lineage name: QR.paa WBbt:0003832 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AVMframeset.html> AVM Neuron class of one sensory neuron, anterior ventral microtubule cell, touch receptor. ISBN:0-87969-307-X left intestinal muscle cell, attach to intestine and body wall anterior to anus worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpppppaa WBbt:0003833 mu_int_L left intestinal muscle cell, attach to intestine and body wall anterior to anus ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true true true true true Neuron class of one ring and ventral cord interneuron, few synapses. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpappaap WBbt:0003843 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AVLframeset.html> AVL Neuron class of one ring and ventral cord interneuron, few synapses. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring and ventral cord interneuron. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpapapap WBbt:0003844 AVKR Ring and ventral cord interneuron. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring and ventral cord interneuron. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpapapap WBbt:0003845 AVKL Ring and ventral cord interneuron. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, synapses like AVHL/R worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapppppa WBbt:0003846 AVJR Neuron, synapses like AVHL/R ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, synapses like AVHL/R worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapapppa WBbt:0003847 AVJL Neuron, synapses like AVHL/R ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, mainly postsynaptic in ventral cord and presynaptic in the ring worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalappapaa WBbt:0003848 AVHR Neuron, mainly postsynaptic in ventral cord and presynaptic in the ring ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, mainly postsynaptic in ventral cord and presynaptic in the ring worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapaaaaa WBbt:0003849 AVHL Neuron, mainly postsynaptic in ventral cord and presynaptic in the ring ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one ventral cord interneuron, few synapses. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpapppap WBbt:0003850 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AVGframeset.html> AVG Neuron class of one ventral cord interneuron, few synapses. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of two interneurons, processes in ventral cord and ring, few synapses. WBbt:0003852 WBbt:0006820 worm_anatomy AVFL/R lineage name: P1.aaaa lineage name: W.aaa WBbt:0003851 AVF Neuron class of two interneurons, processes in ventral cord and ring, few synapses. ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true true true true true true true Ventral cord interneuron, like AVD but outputs restricted to anterior cord. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaaaaaa WBbt:0003863 AVER Ventral cord interneuron, like AVD but outputs restricted to anterior cord. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord interneuron, like AVD but outputs restricted to anterior cord. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpppaaaa WBbt:0003864 AVEL Ventral cord interneuron, like AVD but outputs restricted to anterior cord. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, AS motorneurons; formerly called delta. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaaapprl WBbt:0003865 AVDR Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, AS motorneurons; formerly called delta. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, AS motorneurons; formerly called delta. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaaapalr WBbt:0003866 AVDL Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, AS motorneurons; formerly called delta. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VB and DB motor neurons; formerly called beta. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaapaap WBbt:0003867 AVBR Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VB and DB motor neurons; formerly called beta. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VB and DB motor neurons; formerly called beta. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaapaap WBbt:0003868 AVBL Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VB and DB motor neurons; formerly called beta. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, and AS motor neurons; formerly called alpha worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaappapa WBbt:0003869 AVAR Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, and AS motor neurons; formerly called alpha ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, and AS motor neurons; formerly called alpha worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppaaapa WBbt:0003870 AVAL Ventral cord interneuron, synapses onto VA, DA, and AS motor neurons; formerly called alpha ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, process runs with amphid processes but lacks cillialted ending worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaappppp WBbt:0003871 AUAR Neuron, process runs with amphid processes but lacks cillialted ending ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, process runs with amphid processes but lacks cillialted ending worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpppppppp WBbt:0003872 AUAL Neuron, process runs with amphid processes but lacks cillialted ending ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true true true true true true one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaaapppa WBbt:0003883 ASKR one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpppapppa WBbt:0003884 ASKL one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaappppa WBbt:0003885 ASJR one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpppppppa WBbt:0003886 ASJL one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraapapppa WBbt:0003887 ASIR one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X one member of amphid neurons, single ciliated ending, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaapapppa WBbt:0003888 ASIL one member of amphid neurons, single ciliated ending, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaappaa WBbt:0003889 ASHR one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaappaa WBbt:0003890 ASHL one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraapapap WBbt:0003891 ASGR one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaapapap WBbt:0003892 ASGL one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true true true true true true one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaapppaa WBbt:0003903 ASER one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppppppaa WBbt:0003904 ASEL one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.apa WBbt:0003905 AS11 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.apa WBbt:0003906 AS10 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P9.apa WBbt:0003907 AS9 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P8.apa WBbt:0003908 AS8 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.apa WBbt:0003909 AS7 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.apa WBbt:0003910 AS6 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.apa WBbt:0003911 AS5 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.apa WBbt:0003912 AS4 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true true true true true true Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P3.apa WBbt:0003923 AS3 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P2.apa WBbt:0003924 AS2 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart worm_anatomy lineage name: P1.apa WBbt:0003925 AS1 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscles, no ventral counterpart ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppaapap WBbt:0003926 RIML Ring motor neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one sensory neuron, basal body; not part of a sensillum, projects into ring. worm_anatomy lineage name: QR.ap WBbt:0003927 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AQRframeset.html> AQR Neuron class of one sensory neuron, basal body; not part of a sensillum, projects into ring. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one ring interneuron. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpappaaa WBbt:0003928 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RIHframeset.html> RIH Neuron class of one ring interneuron. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid socket cell, right worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaapapa WBbt:0003929 AMsoR Amphid socket cell, right ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppappaa WBbt:0003930 RIGR Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid socket cell, left worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaapapa WBbt:0003931 AMsoL Amphid socket cell, left ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppappaa WBbt:0003932 RIGL Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABpraapaapp, amphid sheath cell, right. WBbt:0007043 ABpraapaapp worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraapaapp WBbt:0003933 AMshR Embryonic cell of pedigree ABpraapaapp, amphid sheath cell, right. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppapaaap WBbt:0003934 RIFR Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaapaapp, amphid sheath cell, left. WBbt:0007042 ABplaapaapp worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaapaapp WBbt:0003935 AMshL Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaapaapp, amphid sheath cell, left. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppapaaap WBbt:0003936 RIFL Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron associated with ALM worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapappppap WBbt:0003937 ALNR Neuron associated with ALM ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one ring motoneuron, projects along dorsal cord, innervates dorsal body muscle. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalappaapa WBbt:0003938 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RIDframeset.html> RID Neuron class of one ring motoneuron, projects along dorsal cord, innervates dorsal body muscle. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000938 Neuron associated with ALM worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapappppap WBbt:0003939 ALNL Neuron associated with ALM ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppaaaapp WBbt:0003940 RICR Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppaaaapp WBbt:0003941 RICL Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaappap WBbt:0003942 RIBR Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true true true true true true Anterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpppappa WBbt:0003953 ALMR Anterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarppaappa WBbt:0003954 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ALMframeset.html> ALML Anterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one neuron, sends processes laterally and along dorsal cord. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapppaaa WBbt:0003955 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ALAframeset.html> ALA Neuron class of one neuron, sends processes laterally and along dorsal cord. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaappap WBbt:0003956 RIBL Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapaaapav WBbt:0003957 AIZR Amphid interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron, many synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaapppaa WBbt:0003958 RIAR Ring interneuron, many synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapaaapav WBbt:0003959 AIZL Amphid interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron, many synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapaapaa WBbt:0003960 RIAL Ring interneuron, many synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpapaaap WBbt:0003961 AIYR Amphid interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory rays, structural cell worm_anatomy R9R.app lineage name: TR.appapapp WBbt:0003962 R9stR Male sensory rays, structural cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpapaaap WBbt:0003963 AIYL Amphid interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007378 TL.appapapp worm_anatomy R9L.app lineage name: TL.appapapp WBbt:0003964 R9stL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaapaaar WBbt:0003965 AINR Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside worm_anatomy R9R.apa lineage name: TR.appapapa WBbt:0003966 R9BR Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaaaalal WBbt:0003967 AINL Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007377 TL.appapapa worm_anatomy R9L.apa lineage name: TL.appapapa WBbt:0003968 R9BL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaapppa WBbt:0003969 AIMR Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet worm_anatomy R9R.aaa lineage name: TR.appapaaa WBbt:0003970 R9AR Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet worm_anatomy R9L.aaa lineage name: TL.appapaaa WBbt:0003971 R9AL Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory rays, structural cell worm_anatomy R8R.app lineage name: TR.appaaapp WBbt:0003972 R8stR Male sensory rays, structural cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true true true true true true Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaapppa WBbt:0003983 AIML Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraapappa WBbt:0003984 AIBR Amphid interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaapappa WBbt:0003985 AIBL Amphid interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007371 TL.appaaapp worm_anatomy R8L.app lineage name: TL.appaaapp WBbt:0003986 R8stL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppaappa WBbt:0003987 AIAR Amphid interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside worm_anatomy R8R.apa lineage name: TR.appaaapa WBbt:0003988 R8BR Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppaappa WBbt:0003989 AIAL Amphid interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007370 TL.appaaapa worm_anatomy R8L.apa lineage name: TL.appaaapa WBbt:0003990 R8BL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid finger cell, neuron associated with amphid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaaapav WBbt:0003991 AFDR Amphid finger cell, neuron associated with amphid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet worm_anatomy R8R.aaa lineage name: TR.appaaaaa WBbt:0003992 R8AR Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid finger cell, neuron associated with amphid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpppapav WBbt:0003993 AFDL Amphid finger cell, neuron associated with amphid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007367 TL.appaaaaa worm_anatomy R8L.aaa lineage name: TL.appaaaaa WBbt:0003994 R8AL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaapaad WBbt:0003995 ADLR Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory rays, structural cell worm_anatomy R7R.app lineage name: TR.apappapp WBbt:0003996 R7stR Male sensory rays, structural cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppppaad WBbt:0003997 ADLL Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007363 TL.apappapp worm_anatomy R7L.app lineage name: TL.apappapp WBbt:0003998 R7stL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaappaa WBbt:0003999 ADFR Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside worm_anatomy R7R.apa lineage name: TR.apappapa WBbt:0004000 R7BR Male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007362 TL.apappapa worm_anatomy R7L.apa lineage name: TL.apappapa WBbt:0004001 R7BL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet worm_anatomy R7R.aaa lineage name: TR.apappaaa WBbt:0004002 R7AR Male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet ISBN:0-87969-307-X Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpppppaa WBbt:0004003 ADFL Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior deirid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpppaaa WBbt:0004004 ADEshR Anterior deirid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior deirid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarppaaaa WBbt:0004005 ADEshL Anterior deirid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007359 TL.apappaaa worm_anatomy R7L.aaa lineage name: TL.apappaaa WBbt:0004006 R7AL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior deirid, sensory neuron, dopaminergic worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapaaaapa WBbt:0004007 ADER Anterior deirid, sensory neuron, dopaminergic ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007567 V6R.pppppapp worm_anatomy R6R.app lineage name: V6R.pppppapp WBbt:0004008 R6stR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000462 Anterior deirid, sensory neuron, dopaminergic worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapaaaapa WBbt:0004009 ADEL Anterior deirid, sensory neuron, dopaminergic ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007523 V6L.pppppapp worm_anatomy R6L.app lineage name: V6L.pppppapp WBbt:0004010 R6stL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000462 Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapaaaapp WBbt:0004011 ADAR Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, not darkly staining nor open to outside. WBbt:0007566 V6R.pppppapa worm_anatomy R6R.apa lineage name: V6R.pppppapa WBbt:0004012 R6BR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, not darkly staining nor open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000462 Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapaaaapp WBbt:0004013 ADAL Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, not darkly staining nor open to outside. WBbt:0007522 V6L.pppppapa worm_anatomy R6L.apa lineage name: V6L.pppppapa WBbt:0004014 R6BL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, not darkly staining nor open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000462 Embryonic founder cell worm_anatomy AB blastomere lineage name: P0.a WBbt:0004015 AB Embryonic founder cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007563 V6R.pppppaaa worm_anatomy R6R.aaa lineage name: V6R.pppppaaa WBbt:0004016 R6AR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X a cellular object that consists of subcellular components, expresses genes or functions. WBbt:0003730 CL:0000000 worm_anatomy Cell type WBbt:0004017 Cell a cellular object that consists of subcellular components, expresses genes or functions. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007519 worm_anatomy R6L.aaa V6L.pppppaaa lineage name: V6L.pppppaaa WBbt:0004018 R6AL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007560 V6R.ppppaapp worm_anatomy R5R.app lineage name: V6R.ppppaapp WBbt:0004019 R5stR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000462 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007516 V6L.ppppaapp worm_anatomy R5L.app lineage name: V6L.ppppaapp WBbt:0004020 R5stL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000462 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007559 V6R.ppppaapa worm_anatomy R5R.apa lineage name: V6R.ppppaapa WBbt:0004021 R5BR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000462 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007515 V6L.ppppaapa worm_anatomy R5L.apa lineage name: V6L.ppppaapa WBbt:0004022 R5BL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000462 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007556 lineage name: V6R.ppppaaaa worm_anatomy R5R.aaa WBbt:0004023 R5AR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000462 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007512 worm_anatomy R5L.aaa V6L.ppppaaaa WBbt:0004024 R5AL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000462 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007552 V6R.pppapapp worm_anatomy R4R.app lineage name: V6R.pppapapp WBbt:0004025 R4stR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007508 V6L.pppapapp worm_anatomy R4L.app lineage name: V6L.pppapapp WBbt:0004026 R4stL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007551 V6R.pppapapa worm_anatomy R4R.apa lineage name: V6R.pppapapa WBbt:0004027 R4BR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007507 V6L.pppapapa worm_anatomy R4L.apa lineage name: V6L.pppapapa WBbt:0004028 R4BL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007548 V6R.pppapaaa worm_anatomy R4R.aaa lineage name: V6R.pppapaaa WBbt:0004029 R4AR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007504 V6L.pppapaaa worm_anatomy R4L.aaa lineage name: V6L.pppapaaa WBbt:0004030 R4AL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007542 V6R.papppapp worm_anatomy R3R.app lineage name: V6R.papppapp WBbt:0004031 R3stR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007498 V6L.papppapp worm_anatomy R3L.app lineage name: V6L.papppapp WBbt:0004032 R3stL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007541 V6R.papppapa worm_anatomy R3R.apa lineage name: V6R.papppapa WBbt:0004033 R3BR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007497 V6L.papppapa worm_anatomy R3L.apa lineage name: V6L.papppapa WBbt:0004034 R3BL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007538 V6R.papppaaa worm_anatomy R3R.aaa lineage name: V6R.papppaaa WBbt:0004035 R3AR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007494 V6L.papppaaa worm_anatomy lineage name: R3L.aaa lineage name: V6L.papppaaa WBbt:0004036 R3AL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007534 V6R.papapapp worm_anatomy R2R.app lineage name: V6R.papapapp WBbt:0004037 R2stR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007490 V6L.papapapp worm_anatomy R2L.app lineage name: V6L.papapapp WBbt:0004038 R2stL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007533 V6R.papapapa worm_anatomy R2R.apa lineage name: V6R.papapapa WBbt:0004039 R2BR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007489 V6L.papapapa worm_anatomy R2L.apa lineage name: V6L.papapapa WBbt:0004040 R2BL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007530 V6R.papapaaa worm_anatomy lineage name: R2R.aaa lineage name: V6R.papapaaa WBbt:0004041 R2AR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007486 V6L.papapaaa worm_anatomy lineage name: R2L.aaa lineage name: V6L.papapaaa WBbt:0004042 R2AL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007479 V5R.pppppapp worm_anatomy R1R.app lineage name: V5R.pppppapp WBbt:0004043 R1stR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. WBbt:0007462 V5L.pppppapp worm_anatomy R1L.app lineage name: V5L.pppppapp WBbt:0004044 R1stL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppapp, male sensory rays, structural cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppappd (5L). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppappd WBbt:0004045 Z1.ppappd (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppappd (5L). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007478 V5R.pppppapa worm_anatomy R1R.apa lineage name: V5R.pppppapa WBbt:0004046 R1BR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppapapp (5L), a precursor of posterior syncytium ut1. WBbt:0007662 worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppapapp WBbt:0004047 Z1.ppapapp (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppapapp (5L), a precursor of posterior syncytium ut1. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. WBbt:0007461 V5L.pppppapa worm_anatomy R1L.apa lineage name: V5L.pppppapa WBbt:0004048 R1BL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppapa, male sensory rays, neuron, darkly staining tip, open to outside. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppapapa (5L), a precursor of posterior ut2. WBbt:0007661 worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppapapa WBbt:0004049 Z1.ppapapa (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppapapa (5L), a precursor of posterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007475 V5R.pppppaaa worm_anatomy lineage name: R1R.aaa lineage name: V5R.pppppaaa WBbt:0004050 R1AR Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapaap (5L), a precursor of posterior ut3. WBbt:0007658 Z1.ppapaap worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppapaap WBbt:0004051 Z1.ppapaap (5L) Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapaap (5L), a precursor of posterior ut3. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. WBbt:0007458 V5L.pppppaaa worm_anatomy lineage name: R1L.aaa lineage name: V5L.pppppaaa WBbt:0004052 R1AL Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppaaa, male sensory rays, neuron, striated rootlet. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapaaa (5L), a precursor of posterior ut4. WBbt:0007657 Z1.ppapaaa worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppapaaa WBbt:0004053 Z1.ppapaaa (5L) Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapaaa (5L), a precursor of posterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic neuroblast, migrates anteriorly. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapapaaa WBbt:0004054 QR Postembryonic neuroblast, migrates anteriorly. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl true Postembryonic neuroblast, migrates posteriorly. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapapaaa WBbt:0004056 QL Postembryonic neuroblast, migrates posteriorly. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaappa (5L), a precursor of posterior ut2. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaappa WBbt:0004057 Z1.ppaappa (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaappa (5L), a precursor of posterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one male-specific motor neuron, cell body in ventral cord. worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.ppppa WBbt:0004058 PVZ Neuron class of one male-specific motor neuron, cell body in ventral cord. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapap (5R), a precursor of anterior ut3 syncytium. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaapap WBbt:0004059 Z1.ppaapap (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapap (5R), a precursor of anterior ut3 syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapaa (5L), a precursor of posterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaapaa WBbt:0004060 Z1.ppaapaa (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapaa (5L), a precursor of posterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapp (5L), a precursor of posterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaaapp WBbt:0004061 Z1.ppaaapp (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapp (5L), a precursor of posterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron. worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.paap WBbt:0004062 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PVYframeset.html> PVY Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron. WBPaper:00038216 Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron, postsynaptic in ring and ventral cord. worm_anatomy lineage name: P12.aap WBbt:0004063 PVX Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron, postsynaptic in ring and ventral cord. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interneuron, posterior ventral cord, few synapses. WBbt:0007009 TR.ppa worm_anatomy lineage name: TR.ppa WBbt:0004064 PVWR Interneuron, posterior ventral cord, few synapses. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaap (5L), a precursor of posterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaaaap WBbt:0004065 Z1.ppaaaap (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaap (5L), a precursor of posterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interneuron, posterior ventral cord, few synapses. WBbt:0007005 TL.ppa worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.ppa WBbt:0004066 PVWL Interneuron, posterior ventral cord, few synapses. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapappa, a precursor of posterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apapappa WBbt:0004067 Z4.apapappa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapappa, a precursor of posterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one male-specific motor neuron, ventral cord. worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.paaa WBbt:0004068 PVV Neuron class of one male-specific motor neuron, ventral cord. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapapap, a precursor of posterior ut3. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apapapap WBbt:0004069 Z4.apapapap Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapapap, a precursor of posterior ut3. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpappppa WBbt:0004070 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PVTframeset.html> PVT Neuron class of one interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapapaa, a precursor of posterior ut2. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apapapaa WBbt:0004071 Z4.apapapaa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapapaa, a precursor of posterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one asymmetric interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring, sends process into tail spike. worm_anatomy lineage name: Caappv WBbt:0004072 PVR Neuron class of one asymmetric interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring, sends process into tail spike. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapaapp. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apapaapp WBbt:0004073 Z4.apapaapp Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapaapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapppaaa WBbt:0004074 PVQR Interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapaapa. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apapaapa uv2 WBbt:0004075 Z4.apapaapa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapaapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapppaaa WBbt:0004076 PVQL Interneuron, projects along ventral cord to ring ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapaaap, a precursor of ut1 syncytium. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apapaaap WBbt:0004077 Z4.apapaaap Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapaaap, a precursor of ut1 syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, projects along ventral cord to nerve ring worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppppaaa WBbt:0004078 PVPR Interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, projects along ventral cord to nerve ring ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapaaaa, fuse to become dorsal unterine cell. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apapaaaa WBbt:0004079 Z4.apapaaaa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapaaaa, fuse to become dorsal unterine cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaapppp, fuse to become dorsal uterine cell. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apaapppp WBbt:0004080 Z4.apaapppp Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaapppp, fuse to become dorsal uterine cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaapppa, a precursor of ut1 syncytium. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apaapppa WBbt:0004081 Z4.apaapppa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaapppa, a precursor of ut1 syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, projects along ventral cord to nerve ring worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppppaaa WBbt:0004082 PVPL Interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, projects along ventral cord to nerve ring ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interneuron/motor neuron, posterior ventral cord, few synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: TR.appp WBbt:0004083 PVNR Interneuron/motor neuron, posterior ventral cord, few synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interneuron/motor neuron, posterior ventral cord, few synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.appp WBbt:0004084 PVNL Interneuron/motor neuron, posterior ventral cord, few synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaappap. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apaappap uv2 WBbt:0004085 Z4.apaappap Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaappap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one neuron, posterior ventral microtuble cell, touch receptor. worm_anatomy lineage name: QL.paa WBbt:0004086 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PVMframeset.html> PVM Neuron class of one neuron, posterior ventral microtuble cell, touch receptor. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaappaa. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apaappaa WBbt:0004087 Z4.apaappaa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaappaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, lateral process adjacent to excretory canal worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.paapa WBbt:0004088 PVDR Neuron, lateral process adjacent to excretory canal ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaapapp, precursor of anterior ut2. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apaapapp WBbt:0004089 Z4.apaapapp Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaapapp, precursor of anterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, lateral process adjacent to excretory canal worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.paapa WBbt:0004090 PVDL Neuron, lateral process adjacent to excretory canal ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapaap, a precursor of anterior ut3. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apaapapa WBbt:0004091 Z4.apaapapa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapaap, a precursor of anterior ut3. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, synapses onto VB and DB motor neurons, formerly called delta. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpppaapaa WBbt:0004092 PVCR Ventral cord interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, synapses onto VB and DB motor neurons, formerly called delta. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapaap, a precursor of anterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z4.apaapaap WBbt:0004093 Z4.apaapaap Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapaap, a precursor of anterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, synapses onto VB and DB motor neurons, formerly called delta. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpppaapaa WBbt:0004094 PVCL Ventral cord interneuron, cell body in lumbar ganglion, synapses onto VB and DB motor neurons, formerly called delta. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappappa, a precursor of posterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.pappappa WBbt:0004095 Z1.pappappa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappappa, a precursor of posterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one sensory neuron, basal body, not part of a sensillum, projects into preanal gangion. worm_anatomy lineage name: QL.ap WBbt:0004096 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PQRframeset.html> PQR Neuron class of one sensory neuron, basal body, not part of a sensillum, projects into preanal gangion. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappapap, a precursor of posterior ut3. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.pappapap WBbt:0004097 Z1.pappapap Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappapap, a precursor of posterior ut3. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interneuron, associated with PLM worm_anatomy lineage name: TR.pppap WBbt:0004098 PLNR Interneuron, associated with PLM ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappapaa, a precursor of posterior ut2. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.pappapaa WBbt:0004099 Z1.pappapaa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappapaa, a precursor of posterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappaapp. worm_anatomy DE5pp gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.pappaapp WBbt:0004100 Z1.pappaapp Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappaapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappaapa. worm_anatomy DE5pa gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.pappaapa uv2 WBbt:0004101 Z1.pappaapa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappaapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interneuron, associated with PLM worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.pppap WBbt:0004102 PLNL Interneuron, associated with PLM ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapappppaa WBbt:0004103 PLMR Posterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapappppaa WBbt:0004104 PLML Posterior lateral microtubule cell, touch receptor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; pedigree Z1.pappaaap cell to be fused to form ut1 syncytium. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.pappaaap WBbt:0004105 Z1.pappaaap Dorsal uterus; pedigree Z1.pappaaap cell to be fused to form ut1 syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.pap, phasmid sockets. WBbt:0007021 TR.pap worm_anatomy lineage name: TR.pap WBbt:0004106 PHso2R Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.pap, phasmid sockets. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappaaaa, fuse to become dorsal uterine cell. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.pappaaaa WBbt:0004107 Z1.pappaaaa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappaaaa, fuse to become dorsal uterine cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.pap, phasmid sockets. WBbt:0007020 TL.pap worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.pap WBbt:0004108 PHso2L Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.pap, phasmid sockets. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapppp, a precursor of dorsal unterine cell. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.papapppp WBbt:0004109 Z1.papapppp Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapppp, a precursor of dorsal unterine cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.paa. phasmid sockets. WBbt:0007008 TR.paa worm_anatomy lineage name: TR.paa WBbt:0004110 PHso1R Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.paa. phasmid sockets. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapppa, a precursor of syncytium ut1. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.papapppa WBbt:0004111 Z1.papapppa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapppa, a precursor of syncytium ut1. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.paa, phasmid sockets. WBbt:0007001 TL.paa worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.paa WBbt:0004112 PHso1L Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.paa, phasmid sockets. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papappap. worm_anatomy DE4vd gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.papappap uv2 WBbt:0004113 Z1.papappap Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papappap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00002608 Phasmid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpppapaa WBbt:0004114 PHshR Phasmid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papappaa. worm_anatomy DE4aa gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.papappaa uv3 WBbt:0004115 Z1.papappaa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papappaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Phasmid sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpppapaa WBbt:0004116 PHshL Phasmid sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapapp, a precursor of anterior ut2. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.papapapp WBbt:0004117 Z1.papapapp Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapapp, a precursor of anterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, striated rootlet in male, possibly sensory in tail spike worm_anatomy lineage name: TR.pppaa WBbt:0004118 PHCR Neuron, striated rootlet in male, possibly sensory in tail spike ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapapa, a precursor of anterior ut3. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.papapapa WBbt:0004119 Z1.papapapa Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapapa, a precursor of anterior ut3. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapaap, a precursor of anterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut lineage name: Z1.papapaap WBbt:0004120 Z1.papapaap Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papapaap, a precursor of anterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z4.aappppp (5R). worm_anatomy gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z4.aappppp WBbt:0004121 Z4.aappppp (5R) Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z4.aappppp (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z4.aapppap (5R). worm_anatomy gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z4.aapppap WBbt:0004122 Z4.aapppap (5R) Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z4.aapppap (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction worm_anatomy DE7d gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z4.apappad WBbt:0004123 Z4.apappad Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z4.apapappp. worm_anatomy DE6pp gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z4.apapappp WBbt:0004124 Z4.apapappp Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z4.apapappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.papppad. worm_anatomy DE7d gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z1.papppad WBbt:0004125 Z1.papppad Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.papppad. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.pappappp. worm_anatomy DE6pp gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z1.pappappp WBbt:0004126 Z1.pappappp Posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.pappappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z4.apaapaaa. worm_anatomy DE3aa gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z4.apaapaaa WBbt:0004127 Z4.apaapaaa Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z4.apaapaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z4.apaaapd. worm_anatomy DE2d gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z4.apaaapd WBbt:0004128 Z4.apaaapd Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z4.apaaapd. ISBN:0-87969-307-X posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapa (5L). worm_anatomy gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z1.ppaaapa WBbt:0004129 Z1.ppaaapa (5L) posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapa (5L). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaaa (5R). worm_anatomy VT1la gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z1.ppaaaaa WBbt:0004130 Z1.ppaaaaa (5R) Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaaa (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.papapaaa. worm_anatomy DE3aa gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z1.papapaaa WBbt:0004131 Z1.papapaaa Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.papapaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.papaapd. worm_anatomy DE2d gon_herm_sujn lineage name: Z1.papaapd WBbt:0004132 Z1.papaapd Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.papaapd. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005622 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z1.pappppv WBbt:0004133 Z1.pappppv Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005624 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z1.pappppd WBbt:0004134 Z1.pappppd Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005626 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z1.papppav WBbt:0004135 Z1.papppav Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005616 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.apapppv WBbt:0004136 Z4.apapppv Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005618 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.apapppd WBbt:0004137 Z4.apapppd Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005620 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.apappav WBbt:0004138 Z4.apappav Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005645 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.appaapppp WBbt:0004139 Z4.appaapppp Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005647 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.appaapppa WBbt:0004140 Z4.appaapppa Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005649 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.appaappap WBbt:0004141 Z4.appaappap Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005651 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.appaappaa WBbt:0004142 Z4.appaappaa Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005653 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.appaapapp WBbt:0004143 Z4.appaapapp Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005608 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.appaapapa WBbt:0004144 Z4.appaapapa Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior daughter cell of P8.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: P8.pp WBbt:0004145 P8.pp Posterior daughter cell of P8.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005609 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.appaapaa WBbt:0004146 Z4.appaapaa Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of P8.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: P8.pa WBbt:0004147 P8.pa Anterior daughter cell of P8.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005612 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.appaaap WBbt:0004148 Z4.appaaap hermaphrodite Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior daughter cell of P4.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.pp WBbt:0004149 P4.pp Posterior daughter cell of P4.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005614 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.appaaaa WBbt:0004150 Z4.appaaaa hermaphrodite Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of P4.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.pa WBbt:0004151 P4.pa Anterior daughter cell of P4.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005630 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.paaapppp WBbt:0004152 Z4.paaapppp Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior daughter cell of P3.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: P3.pp WBbt:0004153 P3.pp Posterior daughter cell of P3.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005631 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.paaapppa WBbt:0004154 Z4.paaapppa Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of P3.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: P3.pa WBbt:0004155 P3.pa Anterior daughter cell of P3.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005632 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.paaappap WBbt:0004156 Z4.paaappap Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005634 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.paaappaa WBbt:0004158 Z4.paaappaa Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005639 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.paaapapp WBbt:0004162 Z4.paaapapp Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005640 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.paaapapa WBbt:0004163 Z4.paaapapa Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005641 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.paaapaa WBbt:0004164 Z4.paaapaa Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005642 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.paaaap WBbt:0004166 Z4.paaaap Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of TR.apap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: TR.apapa WBbt:0004167 TR.apapa Anterior daughter cell of TR.apap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior spermathecae WBbt:0005643 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P lineage name: Z4.paaaaa WBbt:0004168 Z4.paaaaa Posterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of TR.apa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: TR.apaa WBbt:0004169 TR.apaa Anterior daughter cell of TR.apa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z4.apaaapv. WBbt:0005644 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z4.apaaapv WBbt:0004170 Z4.apaaapv Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z4.apaaapv. ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005650 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.papaapv WBbt:0004176 Z1.papaapv Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005652 worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.papaaav WBbt:0004178 Z1.papaaav Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of TL.apap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.apapa WBbt:0004179 TL.apapa Anterior daughter cell of TL.apap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of TL.a, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.aa WBbt:0004181 TL.aa male Anterior daughter cell of TL.a, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005654 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.papaaad WBbt:0004182 Z1.papaaad Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005610 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.paapppp WBbt:0004183 Z1.paapppp Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005611 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.paapppa WBbt:0004184 Z1.paapppa Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.paappapp. WBbt:0005613 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.paappapp WBbt:0004186 Z1.paappapp Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.paappapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V6R.pppa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.pppaa WBbt:0004187 V6R.pppaa Anterior daughter cell of V6R.pppa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.paappapap. WBbt:0005615 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.paappapap WBbt:0004188 Z1.paappapap Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.paappapap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V6R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004231 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.ppa WBbt:0004189 V6R.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V6R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.paappapaa. WBbt:0005617 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.paappapaa WBbt:0004190 Z1.paappapaa Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.paappapaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.paappaapp. WBbt:0005619 WB:rynl worm_anatomy Z1.paappaapp gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.paappaapp WBbt:0004192 Z1.paappaapp Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.paappaapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V6R.papa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.papaa WBbt:0004193 V6R.papaa Anterior daughter cell of V6R.papa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005621 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.paappaapa WBbt:0004194 Z1.paappaapa Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005623 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.paappaaap WBbt:0004196 Z1.paappaaap Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005625 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.paappaaaa WBbt:0004198 Z1.paappaaaa Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Anterior daughter cell of V6L.pppa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.pppaa WBbt:0004200 V6L.pppaa Anterior daughter cell of V6L.pppa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.appppp. WBbt:0005637 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.appppp WBbt:0004202 Z1.appppp Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.appppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005606 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.appppa WBbt:0004203 Z1.appppa Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.apppapp. WBbt:0005629 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.apppapp WBbt:0004204 Z1.apppapp Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z1.apppapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005636 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.apppapap WBbt:0004206 Z1.apppapap Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V6L.papa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.papaa WBbt:0004207 V6L.papaa Anterior daughter cell of V6L.papa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005605 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.apppapaa WBbt:0004208 Z1.apppapaa Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005628 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.apppaapp WBbt:0004210 Z1.apppaapp Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005635 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.apppaapa WBbt:0004212 Z1.apppaapa Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005655 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.apppaaap WBbt:0004214 Z1.apppaaap Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5R.pppap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.pppapa WBbt:0004215 V5R.pppapa Anterior daughter cell of V5R.pppap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior spermathecae WBbt:0005627 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z1.apppaaaa WBbt:0004216 Z1.apppaaaa Anterior spermathecae ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5R.pppa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.pppaa WBbt:0004217 V5R.pppaa Anterior daughter cell of V5R.pppa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.appappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.appappp WBbt:0004218 Z4.appappp hermaphrodite Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.appappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5L.pppap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.pppapa WBbt:0004222 V5L.pppapa Anterior daughter cell of V5L.pppap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5L.pppaa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.pppaa WBbt:0004223 V5L.pppaa Anterior daughter cell of V5L.pppaa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: TL.apap WBbt:0004226 TL.apap hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of TL.apa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004180 worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.apaa WBbt:0004227 TL.apaa Anterior daughter cell of TL.apa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of TL.a, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.aa WBbt:0004228 TL.aa hermaphrodite Anterior daughter cell of TL.a, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: V6R.ppppa WBbt:0004229 V6R.ppppa hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: V6R.pppa WBbt:0004230 V6R.pppa hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004191 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.pappa WBbt:0004232 V6R.pappa Anterior daughter cell of V5R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: V6R.papa WBbt:0004233 V6R.papa hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V6R.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004195 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.paa WBbt:0004234 V6R.paa Anterior daughter cell of V6R.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V6R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004197 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.a WBbt:0004235 V6R.a Anterior daughter cell of V6R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: V6L.ppppa WBbt:0004236 V6L.ppppa hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: V6L.pppa WBbt:0004237 V6L.pppa hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V6L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004201 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.ppa WBbt:0004238 V6L.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V6L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V6L.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004205 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.pappa WBbt:0004239 V6L.pappa Anterior daughter cell of V6L.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: V6L.papa WBbt:0004240 V6L.papa hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V6L.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004209 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.paa WBbt:0004241 V6L.paa Anterior daughter cell of V6L.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V6L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004211 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.a WBbt:0004242 V6L.a Anterior daughter cell of V6L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5R.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004213 worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.ppppa WBbt:0004243 V5R.ppppa Anterior daughter cell of V5R.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: V5R.pppa WBbt:0004244 V5R.pppa hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7 WBbt:0004219 worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.ppa WBbt:0004245 V5R.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V5R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004220 worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.a WBbt:0004246 V5R.a Anterior daughter cell of V5R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5Lpppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004221 worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.ppppa WBbt:0004247 V5L.ppppa Anterior daughter cell of V5Lpppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: V5L.pppa WBbt:0004248 V5L.pppa hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7 WBbt:0004224 worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.ppa WBbt:0004249 V5L.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V5L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V5L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004225 worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.a WBbt:0004250 V5L.a Anterior daughter cell of V5L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4R.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4R.ppppa WBbt:0004251 V4R.ppppa Anterior daughter cell of V4R.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4R.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4R.pppa WBbt:0004252 V4R.pppa Anterior daughter cell of V4R.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4R.ppa WBbt:0004253 V4R.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V4R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4R.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4R.pappa WBbt:0004254 V4R.pappa Anterior daughter cell of V4R.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4R.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4R.papa WBbt:0004255 V4R.papa Anterior daughter cell of V4R.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4R.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4R.paa WBbt:0004256 V4R.paa Anterior daughter cell of V4R.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4R.a WBbt:0004257 V4R.a Anterior daughter cell of V4R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4L.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4L.ppppa WBbt:0004258 V4L.ppppa Anterior daughter cell of V4L.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4L.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4L.pppa WBbt:0004259 V4L.pppa Anterior daughter cell of V4L.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4L.ppa WBbt:0004260 V4L.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V4L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4L.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4L.pappa WBbt:0004261 V4L.pappa Anterior daughter cell of V4L.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4L.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4L.papa WBbt:0004262 V4L.papa Anterior daughter cell of V4L.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4L.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4L.paa WBbt:0004263 V4L.paa Anterior daughter cell of V4L.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V4L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4L.a WBbt:0004264 V4L.a Anterior daughter cell of V4L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3R.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3R.ppppa WBbt:0004265 V3R.ppppa Anterior daughter cell of V3R.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3R.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3R.pppa WBbt:0004266 V3R.pppa Anterior daughter cell of V3R.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3R.ppa WBbt:0004267 V3R.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V3R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3R.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3R.pappa WBbt:0004268 V3R.pappa Anterior daughter cell of V3R.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3R.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3R.papa WBbt:0004269 V3R.papa Anterior daughter cell of V3R.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3R.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3R.paa WBbt:0004270 V3R.paa Anterior daughter cell of V3R.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3R.a WBbt:0004271 V3R.a Anterior daughter cell of V3R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3L.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3L.ppppa WBbt:0004272 V3L.ppppa Anterior daughter cell of V3L.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3L.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3L.pppa WBbt:0004273 V3L.pppa Anterior daughter cell of V3L.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3L.ppa WBbt:0004274 V3L.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V3L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3L.papp , fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3L.pappa WBbt:0004275 V3L.pappa Anterior daughter cell of V3L.papp , fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3L.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3L.papa WBbt:0004276 V3L.papa Anterior daughter cell of V3L.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V3L.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3L.paa WBbt:0004277 V3L.paa Anterior daughter cell of V3L.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X PostembrAnterior daughter cell of V3L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3L.a WBbt:0004278 V3L.a PostembrAnterior daughter cell of V3L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2R.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2R.ppppa WBbt:0004279 V2R.ppppa Anterior daughter cell of V2R.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2R.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2R.pppa WBbt:0004280 V2R.pppa Anterior daughter cell of V2R.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2R.ppa WBbt:0004281 V2R.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V2R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true true true true true true a single, H-shaped cell which lies just above the anus and connects the roof of the anal canal to the dorsal bodywall; its contractions act to increase the size of the anal opening by lifting the roof of the rectum and hence facilitate expulsion of intestinal contents. WBbt:0005802 worm_anatomy dilator muscle lineage name: ABplpppppap mu anal WBbt:0004292 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/mesodermal.htm/musclepartIII.htm#Adp> anal depressor muscle a single, H-shaped cell which lies just above the anus and connects the roof of the anal canal to the dorsal bodywall; its contractions act to increase the size of the anal opening by lifting the roof of the rectum and hence facilitate expulsion of intestinal contents. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WBPaper:00038216 Pharyngeal marginal cell WBbt:0003684 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpappapp WBbt:0004293 mc3V Pharyngeal marginal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal marginal cell WBbt:0003685 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpaapapa WBbt:0004294 mc3DR Pharyngeal marginal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal marginal cell WBbt:0003686 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaapapa WBbt:0004295 mc3DL Pharyngeal marginal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal marginal cell WBbt:0003687 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapapppa WBbt:0004296 mc2V Pharyngeal marginal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal marginal cell WBbt:0003688 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraappapp WBbt:0004297 mc2DR Pharyngeal marginal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal marginal cell WBbt:0003689 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraapaapp WBbt:0004298 mc2DL Pharyngeal marginal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal marginal cell WBbt:0003690 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpappppa WBbt:0004299 mc1V Pharyngeal marginal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal marginal cell WBbt:0003691 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraaapapa WBbt:0004300 mc1DR Pharyngeal marginal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal marginal cell WBbt:0003692 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpaapapa WBbt:0004301 mc1DL Pharyngeal marginal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X eighth pharyngeal muscle cell layer (single cell) WBbt:0003719 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaapapp m8 WBbt:0004302 pm8 eighth pharyngeal muscle cell layer (single cell) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003671 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpapaapp m7VR WBbt:0004303 pm7VR Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003715 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaapaapp m7VL WBbt:0004304 pm7VL Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003717 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaaappp m7D WBbt:0004305 pm7D Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003720 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpapappa m6VR WBbt:0004306 pm6VR Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003722 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaapappa m6VL WBbt:0004307 pm6VL Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003723 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpaaappp m6D WBbt:0004308 pm6D Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus WBbt:0003725 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpapaaap m5VR WBbt:0004309 pm5VR Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus WBbt:0003726 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaapaaap m5VL WBbt:0004310 pm5VL Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus WBbt:0003727 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraapppap m5R WBbt:0004311 pm5R Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus WBbt:0003728 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraapapap m5L WBbt:0004312 pm5L Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus WBbt:0003729 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpaaappa m5DR WBbt:0004313 pm5DR Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003745 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaaapap m5DL WBbt:0004314 pm5DL Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003748 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpapaaaa m4VR WBbt:0004315 pm4VR Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003750 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaapaaaa m4VL WBbt:0004316 pm4VL Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003752 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraaapapp m4R WBbt:0004317 pm4R Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus WBbt:0003753 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaapaap m4L WBbt:0004318 pm4L Pharyngeal muscle cell nucleus ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003755 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpaaaapp m4DR WBbt:0004319 pm4DR Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003756 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaaaapp m4DL WBbt:0004320 pm4DL Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003757 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapapppp m3VR WBbt:0004321 pm3VR Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003758 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpappppp m3VL WBbt:0004322 pm3VL Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003759 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapaappa m3R WBbt:0004323 pm3R Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003644 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpaapapp m3L WBbt:0004324 pm3L Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003646 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpaaaapa m3DR WBbt:0004325 pm3DR Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003648 worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaapaaa m3DL WBbt:0004326 pm3DL Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003650 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapaaaap m2VR WBbt:0004327 pm2VR Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003652 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpaaaaap m2VL WBbt:0004328 pm2VL Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003653 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapaapaa m2R WBbt:0004329 pm2R Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003654 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpaaapaa m2L WBbt:0004330 pm2L Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) WBbt:0003655 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraappapa m2DR WBbt:0004331 pm2DR Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus) ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus). WBbt:0003656 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraapaapa m2DL WBbt:0004332 pm2DL Pharyngeal muscle cell (nucleus). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarapaaapa, pharyngeal muscle cell. WBbt:0003657 WBbt:0007039 ABarapaaapa worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapaaapa m1VR WBbt:0004333 pm1VR Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarapaaapa, pharyngeal muscle cell. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003674 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpaaaapa m1VL WBbt:0004334 pm1VL Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003676 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraaaaapp m1R WBbt:0004335 pm1R Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003678 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraaaaaap m1L WBbt:0004336 pm1L Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003680 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraappaap m1DR WBbt:0004337 pm1DR Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal muscle cell WBbt:0003682 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraapaaap m1DL WBbt:0004338 pm1DL Pharyngeal muscle cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X One of these cells, sometimes fused with U.l/ra, phagocytoses the male linker cell worm_anatomy lineage name: U.lp or U.rp WBbt:0004339 linker_killer One of these cells, sometimes fused with U.l/ra, phagocytoses the male linker cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic intestinal cell nucleus, the posterior one from nuclear division of any of 10-14 cells in mid-section of intestine. worm_anatomy lineage name: In.p WBbt:0004340 In.p nucleus Postembryonic intestinal cell nucleus, the posterior one from nuclear division of any of 10-14 cells in mid-section of intestine. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Postembryonic intestinal cell nucleus, the anterior one from nuclear division of any of 10-14 cells in mid-section of intestine. worm_anatomy lineage name: In.a WBbt:0004341 In.a nucleus Postembryonic intestinal cell nucleus, the anterior one from nuclear division of any of 10-14 cells in mid-section of intestine. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Intestinal cell of the nineth intestinal ring, right side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Eprppp WBbt:0004342 int9R embryonic Intestinal cell of the nineth intestinal ring, right side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the eighth intestinal ring, right side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Eprppa WBbt:0004343 int8R embryonic Intestinal cell of the eighth intestinal ring, right side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the seventh intestinal ring, right side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Eprpa WBbt:0004344 int7R embryonic Intestinal cell of the seventh intestinal ring, right side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the sixth intestinal ring, right side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Eprap WBbt:0004345 int6R embryonic Intestinal cell of the sixth intestinal ring, right side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the fourth intestinal ring, dorsal side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Epraa WBbt:0004346 int4D embryonic Intestinal cell of the fourth intestinal ring, dorsal side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the nineth intestinal ring, left side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Eplppp WBbt:0004347 int9L embryonic Intestinal cell of the nineth intestinal ring, left side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the eighth intestinal ring, left side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Eplppa WBbt:0004348 int8L embryonic Intestinal cell of the eighth intestinal ring, left side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the seventh intestinal ring, left side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Eplpa WBbt:0004349 int7L embryonic Intestinal cell of the seventh intestinal ring, left side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the sixth intestinal ring, left side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Eplap WBbt:0004350 int6L embryonic Intestinal cell of the sixth intestinal ring, left side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the fouthth intestinal ring, ventral side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Eplaa WBbt:0004351 int4V embryonic Intestinal cell of the fouthth intestinal ring, ventral side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the fifth intestinal ring, right side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Earpp WBbt:0004352 int5R embryonic Intestinal cell of the fifth intestinal ring, right side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: Earpa WBbt:0004353 int2D Intestinal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the third intestinal ring, dorsal side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Earap WBbt:0004354 int3D embryonic Intestinal cell of the third intestinal ring, dorsal side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: Earaav WBbt:0004355 int1VR Intestinal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: Earaad WBbt:0004356 int1DR Intestinal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the fifth intestinal ring, left side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Ealpp WBbt:0004357 int5L embryonic Intestinal cell of the fifth intestinal ring, left side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: Ealpa WBbt:0004358 int2V Intestinal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell of the third intestinal ring, ventral side. worm_anatomy lineage name: Ealap WBbt:0004359 int3V embryonic Intestinal cell of the third intestinal ring, ventral side. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: Ealaav WBbt:0004360 int1VL Intestinal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestinal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: Ealaad WBbt:0004361 int1DL Intestinal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, striated rootlet in male, possibly sensory in tail spike worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.pppaa WBbt:0004362 PHCL Neuron, striated rootlet in male, possibly sensory in tail spike ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapppappp WBbt:0004364 PHBL Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory ISBN:0-87969-307-X Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpppaapp WBbt:0004365 PHAR Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory ISBN:0-87969-307-X Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpppaapp WBbt:0004366 PHAL Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron, cell body in preanal ganglion. worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.papp WBbt:0004367 PGA Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron, cell body in preanal ganglion. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of PDE worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.papa WBbt:0004368 PDEsoR Socket of PDE ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of PDE worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.papa WBbt:0004369 PDEsoL Socket of PDE ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sheath of PDE worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.papp WBbt:0004370 PDEshR Sheath of PDE ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sheath of PDE worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.papp WBbt:0004371 PDEshL Sheath of PDE ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hypodermis associated with hook sensillum of male, contains nucleus P11.ppp worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.ppp WBbt:0004372 P11.ppp Hypodermis associated with hook sensillum of male, contains nucleus P11.ppp ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Hypodermis associated with hook sensillum of male, contains nucleus P11.ppap worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.ppap WBbt:0004373 P11.ppap Hypodermis associated with hook sensillum of male, contains nucleus P11.ppap ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Hypodermis associated with hook sensillum of male, contains nucleus P11.ppaa worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.ppaa WBbt:0004374 P11.ppaa Hypodermis associated with hook sensillum of male, contains nucleus P11.ppaa ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Hook, contains nucleus P10.papp worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.papp WBbt:0004375 P10.papp Hook, contains nucleus P10.papp ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Preanal hypodermis worm_anatomy lineage name: P12.pa WBbt:0004376 hyp12 Preanal hypodermis ISBN:0-87969-307-X Tail dorsal hypodermis worm_anatomy lineage name: Cpappv WBbt:0004377 hyp11 Tail dorsal hypodermis ISBN:0-87969-307-X Tail ventral hypodermis WBbt:0004379 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppppppp lineage name: ABprppppppp WBbt:0004378 hyp10 Tail ventral hypodermis ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Tail ventral hypodermis, 9th hypodermis cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0004380 hyp9 Tail ventral hypodermis, 9th hypodermis cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Tail ventral hypodermis, 8th hypodermis cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0004381 hyp8 Tail ventral hypodermis, 8th hypodermis cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Neuron, dopaminergic of postderid sensillum worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.paaa WBbt:0004382 PDER Neuron, dopaminergic of postderid sensillum ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, dopaminergic of postderid sensillum worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.paaa WBbt:0004383 PDEL Neuron, dopaminergic of postderid sensillum ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron, cell body in preanal ganglion. worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.papa WBbt:0004384 PDC Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron, cell body in preanal ganglion. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one motor neuron, process in dorsal cord, cell body in pre-anal ganglion. worm_anatomy lineage name: P12.apa WBbt:0004385 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PDBframeset.html> PDB Neuron class of one motor neuron, process in dorsal cord, cell body in pre-anal ganglion. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one motor neuron, process in dorsal cord, same as Y cell in hermaphrodite, Y.a in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0004386 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PDAframeset.html> PDA Neuron class of one motor neuron, process in dorsal cord, same as Y cell in hermaphrodite, Y.a in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.prap WBbt:0004387 PCsoR Socket of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.plap WBbt:0004388 PCsoL Socket of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.prppv WBbt:0004389 PCshR Sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.plppv WBbt:0004390 PCshL Sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hypodermal cell of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.praa WBbt:0004391 PChR Hypodermal cell of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true true Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: P11.p WBbt:0004399 P11.p hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: P10.p WBbt:0004400 P10.p hermaphrodite Postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Hypodermal cell of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.plaa WBbt:0004402 PChL Hypodermal cell of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alpaaa WBbt:0004403 PCCR Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: B.arpaaa WBbt:0004404 PCCL Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, ending is sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.prpa WBbt:0004405 PCBR Neuron, ending is sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, ending is sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.plpa WBbt:0004406 PCBL Neuron, ending is sheath of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.prppd WBbt:0004407 PCAR Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.plppd WBbt:0004408 PCAL Sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapappa WBbt:0004409 P12 Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapappa WBbt:0004410 P11 Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of lineage ABprapapap, born in embryo, one of a group of postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WBbt:0006080 ABprapapap worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapapap WBbt:0004411 P9/10R Cell of lineage ABprapapap, born in embryo, one of a group of postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Cell of lineage ABplapapap, born in embryo, one of a group of postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WBbt:0006284 ABplapapap worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapapap WBbt:0004412 P9/10L Cell of lineage ABplapapap, born in embryo, one of a group of postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprappapp WBbt:0004413 P7/8R Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplappapp WBbt:0004414 P7/8L Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprappaap WBbt:0004415 P5/6R Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplappaap WBbt:0004416 P5/6L Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprappaaa WBbt:0004417 P3/4R Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplappaaa WBbt:0004418 P3/4L Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapaapp WBbt:0004419 P1/2R Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapaapp WBbt:0004420 P1/2L Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic founder cell of germ line worm_anatomy P4 P4' lineage name: P0.pppp WBbt:0004421 Psub4 Embryonic founder cell of germ line ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Single cell zygote worm_anatomy lineage name: Z WBbt:0004422 P0 Single cell zygote ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaappapp WBbt:0004423 OLQsoVR Quadrant outer labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppaaapp WBbt:0004424 OLQsoVL Quadrant outer labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpaaaaar WBbt:0004425 OLQsoDR Quadrant outer labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpaaaaal WBbt:0004426 OLQsoDL Quadrant outer labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaaaaap WBbt:0004427 OLQshVR Quadrant outer labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpppaaap WBbt:0004428 OLQshVL Quadrant outer labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpaaapaa WBbt:0004429 OLQshDR Quadrant outer labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpaaaapa WBbt:0004430 OLQshDL Quadrant outer labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaaappaa WBbt:0004431 OLQVR Quadrant outer labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior daughter cell of P7.ppp, fuses into hermaphrodite vulA syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.pppp WBbt:0004432 P7.pppp Posterior daughter cell of P7.ppp, fuses into hermaphrodite vulA syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of P7.ppp, fuses into hermaphrodite vulA syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.pppa WBbt:0004433 P7.pppa Anterior daughter cell of P7.ppp, fuses into hermaphrodite vulA syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hermaphrodite vulva worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.ppap WBbt:0004434 vulB1 posterior Hermaphrodite vulva ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hermaphrodite vulva worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.ppaa WBbt:0004435 vulB2 posterior Hermaphrodite vulva ISBN:0-87969-307-X Right daughter cell of P7.pap, fuses into hermaphrodite vulC syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.papr WBbt:0004436 P7.papr Right daughter cell of P7.pap, fuses into hermaphrodite vulC syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaaappaa WBbt:0004437 OLQVL Quadrant outer labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapppapaa WBbt:0004438 OLQDR Quadrant outer labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Quadrant outer labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapapapaa WBbt:0004439 OLQDL Quadrant outer labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Lateral outer labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalappappp WBbt:0004440 OLLsoR Lateral outer labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Lateral outer labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapaaapp WBbt:0004441 OLLsoL Lateral outer labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Lateral outer labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaaaapd WBbt:0004442 OLLshR Lateral outer labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Lateral outer labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpppaapd WBbt:0004443 OLLshL Lateral outer labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Lateral outer labial neurons worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaapapaa WBbt:0004444 OLLR Lateral outer labial neurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Lateral outer labial neurons worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppppapaa WBbt:0004445 OLLL Lateral outer labial neurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal neurosecretory motorneuron, contain serotonin worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraapppaav WBbt:0004446 NSMR Pharyngeal neurosecretory motorneuron, contain serotonin ISBN:0-87969-307-X Left daughter cell of P7.pap, fuses into hermaphrodite vulC syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.papl WBbt:0004447 P7.papl Left daughter cell of P7.pap, fuses into hermaphrodite vulC syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of P7.pa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulD syncytium. WBbt:0007812 worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.paa WBbt:0004448 P7.paa Anterior daughter cell of P7.pa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulD syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Right daughter cell of P6.ppp, fuses into hermaphrodite vulE syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.pppr WBbt:0004449 P6.pppr Right daughter cell of P6.ppp, fuses into hermaphrodite vulE syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Left daughter cell of P6.ppp, fuses into hermaphrodite vulE syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.pppl WBbt:0004450 P6.pppl Left daughter cell of P6.ppp, fuses into hermaphrodite vulE syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Right daughter cell of P6.ppa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulF syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.ppar WBbt:0004451 P6.ppar Right daughter cell of P6.ppa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulF syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Left daughter cell of P6.ppa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulF syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.ppal WBbt:0004452 P6.ppal Left daughter cell of P6.ppa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulF syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Right daughter cell of P6.pap, fuses into hermaphrodite vulF syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.papr WBbt:0004453 P6.papr Right daughter cell of P6.pap, fuses into hermaphrodite vulF syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Left daughter cell of P6.pap, fuses into hermaphrodite vulF syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.papl WBbt:0004454 P6.papl Left daughter cell of P6.pap, fuses into hermaphrodite vulF syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Right daughter cell of P6.paa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulE syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.paar WBbt:0004455 P6.paar Right daughter cell of P6.paa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulE syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Left daughter cell of P6.paa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulE syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.paal WBbt:0004456 P6.paal Left daughter cell of P6.paa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulE syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal neurosecretory motorneuron, contain serotonin worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraapapaav WBbt:0004457 NSML Pharyngeal neurosecretory motorneuron, contain serotonin ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic founder cell worm_anatomy lineage name: P0.paa WBbt:0004458 MS Embryonic founder cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.appappa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.appappa WBbt:0004460 Z4.appappa hermaprodite Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.appappa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal neurons that synapse onto marginal cells worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapaappp WBbt:0004461 MCR Pharyngeal neurons that synapse onto marginal cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.appapap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.appapap WBbt:0004462 Z4.appapap hermaphrodite Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.appapap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal neurons that synapse onto marginal cells worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpaaappp WBbt:0004463 MCL Pharyngeal neurons that synapse onto marginal cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.appapaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.appapaa WBbt:0004464 Z4.appapaa hermaphrodite Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.appapaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one pharyngeal motorneuron. WBbt:0003749 worm_anatomy M5 neuron lineage name: MSpaaapap WBbt:0004465 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/M5frameset.html> M5 neuron Neuron class of one pharyngeal motorneuron. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.paappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.paappp WBbt:0004466 Z4.paappp hermaphrodite Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.paappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one pharyngeal motorneuron. WBbt:0003751 worm_anatomy M4 neuron MSpaaaaaa lineage name: MSpaaaaaa WBbt:0004467 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/M4frameset.html> M4 neuron Neuron class of one pharyngeal motorneuron. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.paappa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.paappa WBbt:0004468 Z4.paappa hermaphrodite Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.paappa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal sensory-motorneurons worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraappppp WBbt:0004469 M3R Pharyngeal sensory-motorneurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.paapap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.paapap WBbt:0004470 Z4.paapap hermaphrodite Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.paapap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal sensory-motorneurons worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraapappp WBbt:0004471 M3L Pharyngeal sensory-motorneurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.paapaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.paapaa WBbt:0004472 Z4.paapaa hermaphrodite. Posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, and of pedigree Z4.paapaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal motorneurons worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraappppa WBbt:0004473 M2R Pharyngeal motorneurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.paapapp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paapapp WBbt:0004474 Z1.paapapp hermaphrodite Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.paapapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.paapapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paapapa WBbt:0004475 Z1.paapapa hermaphrodite Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.paapapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.paapaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paapaap WBbt:0004476 Z1.paapaap hermaphrodite Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.paapaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior daughter cell of P5.pp, fuses into hermaphrodite vulD syncytium. WBbt:0007811 worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.ppp WBbt:0004477 P5.ppp Posterior daughter cell of P5.pp, fuses into hermaphrodite vulD syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Right daughter cell of P5.ppa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulC syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.ppar WBbt:0004478 P5.ppar Right daughter cell of P5.ppa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulC syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Left daughter cell of P5.ppa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulC syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.ppal WBbt:0004479 P5.ppal Left daughter cell of P5.ppa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulC syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hermaphrodite vulva worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.papp WBbt:0004480 vulB2 anterior Hermaphrodite vulva ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hermaphrodite vulva worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.papa WBbt:0004481 vulB1 anterior Hermaphrodite vulva ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior daughter cell of P5.paa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulA syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.paap WBbt:0004482 P5.paap Posterior daughter cell of P5.paa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulA syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of P5.paa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulA syncytium. worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.paaa WBbt:0004483 P5.paaa Anterior daughter cell of P5.paa, fuses into hermaphrodite vulA syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngo-intestinal valve worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaappap WBbt:0004484 vpi3V Pharyngo-intestinal valve ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngo-intestinal valve worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaappp WBbt:0004485 vpi3D Pharyngo-intestinal valve ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngo-intestinal valve worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaappaa WBbt:0004486 vpi2V Pharyngo-intestinal valve ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal motorneurons worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraapappa WBbt:0004487 M2L Pharyngeal motorneurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one pharyngeal motorneuron. WBbt:0003636 worm_anatomy M1 neuron lineage name: MSpaapaaa WBbt:0004488 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/M1frameset.html> M1 neuron Neuron class of one pharyngeal motorneuron. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic mesoblast of pedigree MSapaapp. WBbt:0007204 MSapaapp worm_anatomy lineage name: MSapaapp WBbt:0004489 M cell Postembryonic mesoblast of pedigree MSapaapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.paapaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paapaaa WBbt:0004490 Z1.paapaaa hermaphrodite Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.paapaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interneuron, short process in posterior ventral cord worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpppaapap WBbt:0004491 LUAR Interneuron, short process in posterior ventral cord ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.appapp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.appapp WBbt:0004492 Z1.appapp hermaphrodite Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.appapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interneuron, short process in posterior ventral cord worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpppaapap WBbt:0004493 LUAL Interneuron, short process in posterior ventral cord ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.appapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.appapa WBbt:0004494 Z1.appapa hermaphrodite Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.appapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Rectal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: K.a rect_hyp WBbt:0004495 K.a Rectal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.appaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.appaap WBbt:0004496 Z1.appaap hermaphrodite Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.appaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Rectal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpapppap rect_hyp WBbt:0004497 K' cell Rectal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.appaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.appaaa WBbt:0004498 Z1.appaaa hermaphrodite Anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms, have muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.appaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Rectal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpapppaa WBbt:0004499 K cell Rectal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior epithelial sheath cell of distal arms, no muscle fibers, of pedigree Z4.appp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.appp WBbt:0004500 Z4.appp hermaphrodite Posterior epithelial sheath cell of distal arms, no muscle fibers, of pedigree Z4.appp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapppapp WBbt:0004501 ILsoVR Inner labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior epithelial sheath cell of distal arms, no muscle fibers, of pedigree Z4.pap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.pap WBbt:0004502 Z4.pap hermaphrodite Posterior epithelial sheath cell of distal arms, no muscle fibers, of pedigree Z4.pap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppapapp WBbt:0004503 ILsoVL Inner labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior epithelial sheath cell of hermaphrodite gonad distal arms, no muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.paaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paaa WBbt:0004504 Z1.paaa hermaphrodite Anterior epithelial sheath cell of hermaphrodite gonad distal arms, no muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.paaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior epithelial sheath cell of hermaphrodite gonad distal arms, no muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.apa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.apa WBbt:0004505 Z1.apa hermaphrodite Anterior epithelial sheath cell of hermaphrodite gonad distal arms, no muscle fibers, of pedigree Z1.apa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior distal tip cell, inhibit meiosis in neighbouring germ cells, lead gonad during morphogenesis, herm gonad worm_anatomy gon herm dtc P lineage name: Z4.pp WBbt:0004506 posterior distal tip cell Posterior distal tip cell, inhibit meiosis in neighbouring germ cells, lead gonad during morphogenesis, herm gonad ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngo-intestinal valve worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpapappp WBbt:0004507 vpi2DR Pharyngo-intestinal valve ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngo-intestinal valve worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaapappp WBbt:0004508 vpi2DL Pharyngo-intestinal valve ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngo-intestinal valve worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpaapapp WBbt:0004509 vpi1 Pharyngo-intestinal valve ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestino-rectal valve worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpappppa WBbt:0004510 virR Intestino-rectal valve ISBN:0-87969-307-X Intestino-rectal valve worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpappppp WBbt:0004511 virL Intestino-rectal valve ISBN:0-87969-307-X Used during embryogenesis to make tail spike, then die worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppppppa WBbt:0004512 spike precursor right Used during embryogenesis to make tail spike, then die ISBN:0-87969-307-X Used during embryogenesis to make tail spike, then die worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppppppa WBbt:0004513 spike precursor left Used during embryogenesis to make tail spike, then die ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true Inner labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaaapprr WBbt:0004517 ILsoR Inner labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaaapall WBbt:0004518 ILsoL Inner labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraapaaap WBbt:0004519 ILsoDR Inner labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior distal tip cell, inhibit meiosis in neighbouring germ cells, lead gonad during morphogenesis, herm gonad worm_anatomy gon herm dtc A lineage name: Z1.aa WBbt:0004520 anterior distal tip cell Anterior distal tip cell, inhibit meiosis in neighbouring germ cells, lead gonad during morphogenesis, herm gonad ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaapaaap WBbt:0004521 ILsoDL Inner labial socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X anchor cell, induces vulva, part of hermaphrodite gonad. worm_anatomy AC gon herm anch lineage name: Z1.ppp/Z4.aaa WBbt:0004522 anchor cell anchor cell, induces vulva, part of hermaphrodite gonad. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapppaap WBbt:0004523 ILshVR Inner labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal gland cell 2R. worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpapapaa WBbt:0004524 g2R Pharyngeal gland cell 2R. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppapaap WBbt:0004525 ILshVL Inner labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal gland cell 2L. worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaapapaa WBbt:0004526 g2L Pharyngeal gland cell 2L. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaapaapp WBbt:0004527 ILshR Inner labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal gland cell 1P, before fusion into g1ARP. worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaaaapap WBbt:0004528 g1P Pharyngeal gland cell 1P, before fusion into g1ARP. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaaaalpp WBbt:0004529 ILshL Inner labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal gland cell 1AR, before fusion into g1ARP. worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpapaapaa WBbt:0004530 g1AR Pharyngeal gland cell 1AR, before fusion into g1ARP. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaaappll WBbt:0004531 ILshDR Inner labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal gland cell 1AL. worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaapaapaa WBbt:0004532 g1AL Pharyngeal gland cell 1AL. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial sheath worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaaaparr WBbt:0004533 ILshDL Inner labial sheath ISBN:0-87969-307-X Excretory socket cell, links duct to hypodermis worm_anatomy exc socket excretory pore cell lineage name: G2.p WBbt:0004534 excretory socket cell Excretory socket cell, links duct to hypodermis ISBN:0-87969-307-X right nucleus of binuclear syncytium excretory glands, fused, send processes to ring,open into excretory duct. WBbt:0002007 worm_anatomy ABprpapapaa nucleus lineage name: ABprpapapaa WBbt:0004535 exc_gl_R nucleus right nucleus of binuclear syncytium excretory glands, fused, send processes to ring,open into excretory duct. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000596 WB:rynl left nucleus of binuclear syncytium excretory gland, fused, send processes to ring,open into excretory duct. WBbt:0002006 worm_anatomy ABplpapapaa nucleus lineage name: ABplpapapaa WBbt:0004536 exc_gl_L nucleus left nucleus of binuclear syncytium excretory gland, fused, send processes to ring,open into excretory duct. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapppppp WBbt:0004537 IL2VR Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppapppp WBbt:0004538 IL2VL Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaappppp WBbt:0004539 IL2R Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X cell that forms the duct of the excretory system. worm_anatomy exc duct lineage name: ABplpaaaapa WBbt:0004540 excretory duct cell cell that forms the duct of the excretory system. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapaappp WBbt:0004541 IL2L Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalappppap WBbt:0004543 IL2DR Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal epithelial cells WBbt:0003694 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapaaaaa WBbt:0004544 e3VR Pharyngeal epithelial cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapappap WBbt:0004545 IL2DL Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal epithelial cells WBbt:0003693 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpaaaaaa WBbt:0004546 e3VL Pharyngeal epithelial cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapppppaa WBbt:0004547 IL1VR Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal epithelial cells WBbt:0003695 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraapaaaa WBbt:0004548 e3D Pharyngeal epithelial cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppapppaa WBbt:0004549 IL1VL Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal epithelial cells WBbt:0003697 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpappapa WBbt:0004550 e2V Pharyngeal epithelial cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaappppaa WBbt:0004551 IL1R Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal epithelial cells WBbt:0003696 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraaapaap WBbt:0004552 e2DR Pharyngeal epithelial cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapaappaa WBbt:0004553 IL1L Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal epithelial cells WBbt:0003698 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpaapaap WBbt:0004554 e2DL Pharyngeal epithelial cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal epithelial cells WBbt:0003700 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraaaaapa WBbt:0004555 e1VR Pharyngeal epithelial cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal epithelial cells WBbt:0003699 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABaraaaaaaa WBbt:0004556 e1VL Pharyngeal epithelial cells ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Embryonic coelomocytes worm_anatomy lineage name: MSppapaap WBbt:0004558 ccPR Embryonic coelomocytes ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic coelomocytes worm_anatomy lineage name: MSapapaap WBbt:0004559 ccPL Embryonic coelomocytes ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic coelomocytes worm_anatomy lineage name: MSppapaaa WBbt:0004560 ccAR Embryonic coelomocytes ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic coelomocytes worm_anatomy lineage name: MSapapaaa WBbt:0004561 ccAL Embryonic coelomocytes ISBN:0-87969-307-X Single male postembryonic coelomocyte worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpappp WBbt:0004562 ccD Single male postembryonic coelomocyte ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic coelomocyte in hermaphrodite worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpa WBbt:0004563 ccDR Postembryonic coelomocyte in hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic coelomocyte in hermaphrodite worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpa WBbt:0004564 ccDL Postembryonic coelomocyte in hermaphrodite ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaappaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. WBbt:0007036 ABaraaappaa worm_anatomy arc_post_D lineage name: ABaraaappaa WBbt:0004565 arc post D Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaappaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaappap, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. WBbt:0007037 ABaraaappap worm_anatomy arc_post_VR lineage name: ABaraaappap WBbt:0004566 arc post VR Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaappap, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarapapapa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. WBbt:0007040 ABarapapapa worm_anatomy arc_post_V lineage name: ABarapapapa WBbt:0004567 arc post V Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarapapapa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpaappap, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. WBbt:0007033 ABalpaappap worm_anatomy arc_post_VL lineage name: ABalpaappap WBbt:0004568 arc post VL Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpaappap, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaapaaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. WBbt:0007035 ABaraaapaaa worm_anatomy arc_post_DR lineage name: ABaraaapaaa lineage name; ABaraaapaaa WBbt:0004569 arc post DR Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaapaaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpaapaaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. WBbt:0007031 worm_anatomy ABalpaapaaa arc_post_DL lineage name: ABalpaapaaa WBbt:0004570 arc post DL Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpaapaaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaapppa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. WBbt:0007038 ABaraaapppa worm_anatomy arc_ant_DR lineage name: ABaraaapppa WBbt:0004571 arc ant DR Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaapppa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpaappaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. WBbt:0007032 ABalpaappaa worm_anatomy arc_ant_DL lineage name: ABalpaappaa WBbt:0004572 arc ant DL Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpaappaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpapaapa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. WBbt:0007034 ABalpapaapa worm_anatomy arc_ant_V lineage name: ABalpapaapa WBbt:0004573 arc ant V Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpapaapa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Somatic gonad precursor cell worm_anatomy lineage name: MSappaap WBbt:0004574 Z4 Somatic gonad precursor cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Germ line precursor cell worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.a WBbt:0004575 Z3 Germ line precursor cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Germ line precursor cell worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.p WBbt:0004576 Z2 Germ line precursor cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Somatic gonad precursor cell worm_anatomy lineage name: MSpppaap WBbt:0004577 Z1 Somatic gonad precursor cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Rectal cell at hatching, becomes PDA in hermaphrodite, postembryonic blast cell in male worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpppaaaa postembryonic C cell WBbt:0004578 Y cell Rectal cell at hatching, becomes PDA in hermaphrodite, postembryonic blast cell in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic head hypodermal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpappaa WBbt:0004579 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/hypsupportother.htm#XXXcells> XXXR Embryonic head hypodermal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2R.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2R.pappa WBbt:0004580 V2R.pappa Anterior daughter cell of V2R.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic head hypodermal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaaapaa WBbt:0004581 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/hypsupportother.htm#XXXcells> XXXL Embryonic head hypodermal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2R.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2R.papa WBbt:0004582 V2R.papa Anterior daughter cell of V2R.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic neuroblast, analogous to Pn.a cells, also known as P0. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapaapa WBbt:0004583 W cell Postembryonic neuroblast, analogous to Pn.a cells, also known as P0. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WBpaper:00038216 Anterior daughter cell of V2R.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2R.paa WBbt:0004584 V2R.paa Anterior daughter cell of V2R.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P12.app WBbt:0004585 VD13 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2R.a WBbt:0004586 V2R.a Anterior daughter cell of V2R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.app WBbt:0004587 VD12 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2L.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2L.ppppa WBbt:0004588 V2L.ppppa Anterior daughter cell of V2L.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.app WBbt:0004589 VD11 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2L.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2L.pppa WBbt:0004590 V2L.pppa Anterior daughter cell of V2L.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P9.app WBbt:0004591 VD10 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2L.ppa WBbt:0004592 V2L.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V2L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P8.app WBbt:0004593 VD9 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2L.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2L.pappa WBbt:0004594 V2L.pappa Anterior daughter cell of V2L.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2L.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2L.papa WBbt:0004595 V2L.papa Anterior daughter cell of V2L.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2L.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2L.paa WBbt:0004596 V2L.paa Anterior daughter cell of V2L.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.app WBbt:0004597 VD8 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.app WBbt:0004598 VD7 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.app WBbt:0004599 VD6 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V2L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2L.a WBbt:0004600 V2L.a Anterior daughter cell of V2L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.app WBbt:0004601 VD5 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1R.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1R.ppppa WBbt:0004602 V1R.ppppa Anterior daughter cell of V1R.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P3.app WBbt:0004603 VD4 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1R.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1R.pppa WBbt:0004604 V1R.pppa Anterior daughter cell of V1R.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P2.app WBbt:0004605 VD3 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1R.ppa WBbt:0004606 V1R.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V1R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: P1.app WBbt:0004607 VD2 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1R.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1R.pappa WBbt:0004608 V1R.pappa Anterior daughter cell of V1R.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor worm_anatomy lineage name: W.pp WBbt:0004609 VD1 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, probably reciprocal inhibitor ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1R.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1R.papa WBbt:0004610 V1R.papa Anterior daughter cell of V1R.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P8.aap WBbt:0004611 VC6 Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1R.paa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1R.paa WBbt:0004612 V1R.paa Anterior daughter cell of V1R.paa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.aap WBbt:0004613 VC5 Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1R.a WBbt:0004614 V1R.a Anterior daughter cell of V1R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1L.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1L.ppppa WBbt:0004615 V1L.ppppa Anterior daughter cell of V1L.pppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1L.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1L.pppa WBbt:0004616 V1L.pppa Anterior daughter cell of V1L.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.aap WBbt:0004617 VC4 Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.aap WBbt:0004618 VC3 Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.aap WBbt:0004619 VC2 Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1L.ppa WBbt:0004620 V1L.ppa Anterior daughter cell of V1L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P3.aap WBbt:0004621 VC1 Hermaphrodite specific ventral cord motor neuron innervates vulval muscles and ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1L.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1L.pappa WBbt:0004622 V1L.pappa Anterior daughter cell of V1L.papp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.aaap WBbt:0004623 VB11 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1L.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1L.papa WBbt:0004624 V1L.papa Anterior daughter cell of V1L.pap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P9.aaap WBbt:0004625 VB10 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1L.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1L.paa WBbt:0004626 V1L.paa Anterior daughter cell of V1L.pa, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P8.aaap WBbt:0004627 VB9 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of V1L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1L.a WBbt:0004628 V1L.a Anterior daughter cell of V1L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.aaap WBbt:0004629 VB8 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of H2R.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H2R.pppa WBbt:0004630 H2R.pppa Anterior daughter cell of H2R.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.aaap WBbt:0004631 VB7 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of H2R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H2R.ppa WBbt:0004632 H2R.ppa Anterior daughter cell of H2R.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.aaap WBbt:0004633 VB6 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of H2R.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H2R.pa WBbt:0004634 H2R.pa Anterior daughter cell of H2R.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior daughter cell of H2R.a, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H2R.ap WBbt:0004635 H2R.ap Posterior daughter cell of H2R.a, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of H2L.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H2L.pppa WBbt:0004636 H2L.pppa Anterior daughter cell of H2L.ppp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.aaap WBbt:0004637 VB5 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P3.aaap WBbt:0004638 VB4 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P2.aaap WBbt:0004639 VB3 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of H2L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H2L.ppa WBbt:0004640 H2L.ppa Anterior daughter cell of H2L.pp, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: W.aap WBbt:0004641 VB2 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of H2L.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H2L.pa WBbt:0004642 H2L.pa Anterior daughter cell of H2L.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, also interneuron in ring worm_anatomy lineage name: P1.aaap WBbt:0004643 VB1 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, also interneuron in ring ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior daughter cell of H2L.a, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H2L.ap WBbt:0004644 H2L.ap Posterior daughter cell of H2L.a, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, but also interneuron in preanal ganglion worm_anatomy lineage name: P12.aaaa WBbt:0004645 VA12 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles, but also interneuron in preanal ganglion ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior daughter cell of H1R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H1R.p WBbt:0004646 H1R.p Posterior daughter cell of H1R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.aaaa WBbt:0004647 VA11 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of H1R.app, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H1R.appa WBbt:0004648 H1R.appa Anterior daughter cell of H1R.app, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.aaaa WBbt:0004649 VA10 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of H1R.ap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H1R.apa WBbt:0004650 H1R.apa Anterior daughter cell of H1R.ap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P9.aaaa WBbt:0004651 VA9 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior daughter cell of H1L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H1L.p WBbt:0004652 H1L.p Posterior daughter cell of H1L, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P8.aaaa WBbt:0004653 VA8 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of H1L.app, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H1L.appa WBbt:0004654 H1L.appa Anterior daughter cell of H1L.app, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior daughter cell of H1L.ap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. worm_anatomy lineage name: H1L.apa WBbt:0004655 H1L.apa Anterior daughter cell of H1L.ap, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplappppa, precursor of embryonic large hypodermal syncytium. WBbt:0006447 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplappppa WBbt:0004671 ABplappppa Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplappppa, precursor of embryonic large hypodermal syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl true true Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head WBbt:0004680 WBbt:0004681 WBbt:0004682 WBbt:0004683 WBbt:0004684 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpaapaa lineage name: ABarpapapp lineage name: ABplaaaapa lineage name: ABplaaaapp lineage name: ABplaappap lineage name: ABpraappap WBbt:0004679 hyp6 Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head WBbt:0004686 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpappap lineage name: ABplaaapap WBbt:0004685 hyp5 Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head WBbt:0004688 WBbt:0004689 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpapapa lineage name: ABplaappaa lineage name: ABpraappaa WBbt:0004687 hyp4 Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head WBbt:0004691 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaapaaaa lineage name: ABpraapaaaa WBbt:0004690 hyp3 Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head WBbt:0004693 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpaapppp lineage name: ABalpapaaap WBbt:0004692 hyp2 Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head WBbt:0004695 WBbt:0004696 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpaapppa lineage name: ABaraaapppp lineage name: ABarappaapa WBbt:0004694 hyp1 Cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true Head mesodermal cell, function unknown WBbt:0005783 worm_anatomy hmc lineage name: MSappaaa WBbt:0004697 head mesodermal cell Head mesodermal cell, function unknown ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paapa WBbt:0004698 Z1.paapa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaapp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paaapp WBbt:0004699 Z1.paaapp Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paaapa WBbt:0004700 Z1.paaapa Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paaaappp WBbt:0004701 Z1.paaaappp Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaappap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paaaappap WBbt:0004702 Z1.paaaappap Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaappap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaappaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paaaappaa WBbt:0004703 Z1.paaaappaa Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaappaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaapap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paaaapap WBbt:0004704 Z1.paaaapap Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaapap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaapaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paaaapaa WBbt:0004705 Z1.paaaapaa Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaapaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paaaaap WBbt:0004706 Z1.paaaaap Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.paaaaaa WBbt:0004707 Z1.paaaaaa Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.paaaaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aappa. worm_anatomy gon_male_vdef lineage name: Z4.aappa WBbt:0004708 Z4.aappa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aappa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapapp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aapapp WBbt:0004709 Z4.aapapp male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aapapa WBbt:0004710 Z4.aapapa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aapaappp WBbt:0004711 Z4.aapaappp male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaappap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aapaappap WBbt:0004712 Z4.aapaappap male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaappap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaappaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aapaappaa WBbt:0004713 Z4.aapaappaa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaappaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaapap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aapaapap WBbt:0004714 Z4.aapaapap male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaapap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaapaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aapaapaa WBbt:0004715 Z4.aapaapaa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaapaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aapaaap WBbt:0004716 Z4.aapaaap male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X true true true true true true true Male V5R.pppapp lineage cell, fuses into postembryonic seam hypodermal cells that makes alae. worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.pppapp WBbt:0004724 V5R.pppapp Male V5R.pppapp lineage cell, fuses into postembryonic seam hypodermal cells that makes alae. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male V5L.pppapp lineage cell, fuses into postembryonic seam hypodermal cells that makes alae. worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.pppapp WBbt:0004725 V5L.pppapp Male V5L.pppapp lineage cell, fuses into postembryonic seam hypodermal cells that makes alae. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree TR.appa. worm_anatomy lineage name: TR.appa se_herm WBbt:0004726 TR.appa hermaphrodite Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree TR.appa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree TL.appa. worm_anatomy lineage name: TL.appa se_herm WBbt:0004727 TL.appa hermaphrodite Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree TL.appa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae of pedigree V6R.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.ppppp se_herm WBbt:0004728 V6R.ppppp hermaphrodite Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae of pedigree V6R.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V6R.pappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.pappp se_herm WBbt:0004729 V6R.pappp hermaphrodite Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V6R.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V6L.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.ppppp se_herm WBbt:0004730 V6L.ppppp hermaphrodite Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V6L.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V6L.pappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.pappp se_herm WBbt:0004731 V6L.pappp hermaprhrodite Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V6L.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V5R.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.ppppp se_herm WBbt:0004732 V5R.ppppp hermaphrodite Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V5R.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V5L.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.ppppp se_herm WBbt:0004733 V5L.ppppp hermaphrodite Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V5L.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V4R.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4R.ppppp se WBbt:0004734 V4R.ppppp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V4R.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V4R.pappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4R.pappp se WBbt:0004735 V4R.pappp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V4R.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V4L.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4L.ppppp se WBbt:0004736 V4L.ppppp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V4L.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalappppaaa WBbt:0004737 IL1DR Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner labial neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapappaaa WBbt:0004738 IL1DL Inner labial neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one pharyngeal interneuron, posterior sensory. WBbt:0003640 worm_anatomy I6 lineage name: MSpaaapaa WBbt:0004739 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/I6frameset.html> I6 neuron Neuron class of one pharyngeal interneuron, posterior sensory. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one pharyngeal interneuron, posterior sensory. WBbt:0003642 worm_anatomy I5 lineage name: ABarapapapp WBbt:0004740 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/I5frameset.html> I5 neuron Neuron class of one pharyngeal interneuron, posterior sensory. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one pharyngeal interneuron. WBbt:0003643 worm_anatomy I4 lineage name: MSaaaapaa WBbt:0004741 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/I4frameset.html> I4 neuron Neuron class of one pharyngeal interneuron. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one pharyngeal interneuron, anterior sensory. WBbt:0003647 worm_anatomy I3 lineage name: MSaaaaapaa WBbt:0004742 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/I3frameset.html> I3 neuron Neuron class of one pharyngeal interneuron, anterior sensory. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal interneurons, ant sensory. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapapaapa WBbt:0004743 I2R Pharyngeal interneurons, ant sensory. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal interneurons, ant sensory. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpappaapa WBbt:0004744 I2L Pharyngeal interneurons, ant sensory. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal interneurons: ant sensory, input from RIP worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapappaa WBbt:0004745 I1R Pharyngeal interneurons: ant sensory, input from RIP ISBN:0-87969-307-X Pharyngeal interneurons: ant sensory, input from RIP worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpapppaa WBbt:0004746 I1L Pharyngeal interneurons: ant sensory, input from RIP ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V4L.pappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V4L.pappp se WBbt:0004747 V4L.pappp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V4L.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V3R.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3R.ppppp se WBbt:0004748 V3R.ppppp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V3R.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae, of pedigree V3R.pappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3R.pappp se WBbt:0004749 V3R.pappp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae, of pedigree V3R.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V3L.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3L.ppppp se WBbt:0004750 V3L.ppppp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V3L.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V3L.pappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V3L.pappp se WBbt:0004751 V3L.pappp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V3L.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V2R.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2R.ppppp se WBbt:0004752 V2R.ppppp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V2R.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V2R.pappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2R.pappp se WBbt:0004753 V2R.pappp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V2R.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V2L.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2L.ppppp se WBbt:0004754 V2L.ppppp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V2L.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V2L.pappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V2L.pappp se WBbt:0004755 V2L.pappp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V2L.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V1R.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1R.ppppp se WBbt:0004756 V1R.ppppp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V1R.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Herm. specific motor neurons (die in male embryo), innervate vulval muscles, serotonergic worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapppappa WBbt:0004757 HSNR Herm. specific motor neurons (die in male embryo), innervate vulval muscles, serotonergic ISBN:0-87969-307-X Herm. specific motor neurons (die in male embryo), innervate vulval muscles, serotonergic worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapppappa WBbt:0004758 HSNL Herm. specific motor neurons (die in male embryo), innervate vulval muscles, serotonergic ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.ppaa WBbt:0004759 HOso Socket of hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sheath of hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.ppppp WBbt:0004760 HOsh Sheath of hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one male-specific sensory neuron associated with hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.ppap WBbt:0004761 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/HOBframeset.html> HOB Neuron class of one male-specific sensory neuron associated with hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one male-specific sensory neuron associated with hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.pppa WBbt:0004762 HOA Neuron class of one male-specific sensory neuron associated with hook sensillum, receptor anterior to cloaca in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hyopdermal cell, postemb. blast cell, L1 deirid socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpppaap WBbt:0004763 H2R Seam hyopdermal cell, postemb. blast cell, L1 deirid socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hyopdermal cell, postemb. blast cell, L1 deirid socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarppaaap WBbt:0004764 H2L Seam hyopdermal cell, postemb. blast cell, L1 deirid socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpapppp WBbt:0004765 H1R Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaaappp WBbt:0004766 H1L Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V1R.pappp. worm_anatomy V1R.pappp lineage name: V1R.pappp WBbt:0004767 V1R.pappp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V1R.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; pf pedigree V1L.ppppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1L.ppppp se WBbt:0004768 V1L.ppppp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; pf pedigree V1L.ppppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V1L.pappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: V1L.pappp se WBbt:0004769 V1L.pappp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree V1L.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H2R.pppp worm_anatomy lineage name: H2R.pppp se WBbt:0004770 H2R.pppp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H2R.pppp ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H2L.pppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: H2L.pppp se WBbt:0004771 H2L.pppp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H2L.pppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H1R.appp. worm_anatomy lineage name: H1R.appp se WBbt:0004772 H1R.appp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H1R.appp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H1R.aa. worm_anatomy lineage name: H1R.aa se WBbt:0004773 H1R.aa Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H1R.aa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H1L.appp. worm_anatomy lineage name: H1L.appp se WBbt:0004774 H1L.appp Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H1L.appp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H1L.aa. worm_anatomy lineage name: H1L.aa se WBbt:0004775 H1L.aa Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae; of pedigree H1L.aa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Rectal epithelial cells, adjacent to intestino-rectal valve, have microvilli worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppppaap WBbt:0004776 rect_VR Rectal epithelial cells, adjacent to intestino-rectal valve, have microvilli ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpapppa WBbt:0004777 H0R Seam hypodermal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaaappa WBbt:0004778 H0L Seam hypodermal cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cell, excretory socket in L1, G2.p becomes socket later worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapaapa WBbt:0004779 G2 Postembryonic blast cell, excretory socket in L1, G2.p becomes socket later ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cell, excretory socket in embryo worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaaaapa WBbt:0004780 G1 Postembryonic blast cell, excretory socket in embryo ISBN:0-87969-307-X Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons worm_anatomy lineage name: MSppaaaav WBbt:0004781 GLRVR Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons worm_anatomy lineage name: MSapaaaav WBbt:0004782 GLRVL Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons worm_anatomy lineage name: MSppaaaad WBbt:0004783 GLRR Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons worm_anatomy lineage name: MSapaaaad WBbt:0004784 GLRL Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaaaaar WBbt:0004785 GLRDR Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons worm_anatomy lineage name: MSaaaaaal WBbt:0004786 GLRDL Set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons ISBN:0-87969-307-X Rectal epithelial cells, adjacent to intestino-rectal valve, have microvilli worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppppaap WBbt:0004787 rect_VL Rectal epithelial cells, adjacent to intestino-rectal valve, have microvilli ISBN:0-87969-307-X Rectal epithelial cells, adjacent to intestino-rectal valve, have microvilli worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpappppp WBbt:0004788 rect_D Rectal epithelial cells, adjacent to intestino-rectal valve, have microvilli ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory ray 9 hypodermal cell, fuses with hypodermal syncytium worm_anatomy lineage name: T.appapp, R9.p WBbt:0004789 R9_hyp Male sensory ray 9 hypodermal cell, fuses with hypodermal syncytium ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory ray 8 hypodermal cell, fuses with hypodermal syncytium worm_anatomy lineage name: T.appaap, R8.p WBbt:0004790 R8_hyp Male sensory ray 8 hypodermal cell, fuses with hypodermal syncytium ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory ray 7 hypodermal cell, fuses with hypodermal syncytium worm_anatomy lineage name: T.apappp, R7.p WBbt:0004791 R7_hyp Male sensory ray 7 hypodermal cell, fuses with hypodermal syncytium ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory ray 6 hypodermal cell, fuses with hypodermal syncytium worm_anatomy lineage name: V6.pppppp, R6.p WBbt:0004792 R6_hyp Male sensory ray 6 hypodermal cell, fuses with hypodermal syncytium ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory ray 5 hypodermal cell, fuses with other ray hypodermal cells to form the tail seam worm_anatomy lineage name: V6.ppppap, R5.p WBbt:0004793 R5_hyp Male sensory ray 5 hypodermal cell, fuses with other ray hypodermal cells to form the tail seam ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory ray 4 hypodermal cell, fuses with other ray hypodermal cells to form the tail seam worm_anatomy lineage name: V6.pppapp, R4.p WBbt:0004794 R4_hyp Male sensory ray 4 hypodermal cell, fuses with other ray hypodermal cells to form the tail seam ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male sensory ray 3 hypodermal cell, fuses with other ray hypodermal cells to form the tail seam worm_anatomy lineage name: V6.papppp, R3.p WBbt:0004795 R3_hyp Male sensory ray 3 hypodermal cell, fuses with other ray hypodermal cells to form the tail seam ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ray 2 hypodermal cell, fuses with other ray hypodermal cells to form the tail seam worm_anatomy lineage name: V6.papapp, R2.p WBbt:0004796 R2_hyp Ray 2 hypodermal cell, fuses with other ray hypodermal cells to form the tail seam ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapaaapad WBbt:0004797 FLPR Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapaaapad WBbt:0004798 FLPL Neuron, ciliated ending in head, no supporting cells, associated with ILso ISBN:0-87969-307-X Rectal cell, blast cell in male worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppppapp WBbt:0004799 F cell Rectal cell, blast cell in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.rap in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: U.rap WBbt:0004800 U.rap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.rap in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.lap in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: U.lap WBbt:0004801 U.lap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.lap in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.rvdp in male. WBbt:0007144 worm_anatomy lineage name: F.rvdp WBbt:0004802 F.rvdp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.rvdp in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.lvdp in male. WBbt:0007139 worm_anatomy lineage name: F.lvda WBbt:0004803 F.lvdp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.lvdp in male. WB:rynl Embryonic founder cell worm_anatomy lineage name: P0.pap WBbt:0004804 E Embryonic founder cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.raa in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: U.raa WBbt:0004805 U.raa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.raa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.laa in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: U.laa WBbt:0004806 U.laa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.laa in male. WB:rynl Ray 1 hypodermal cell, fuses with other ray hypodermal cells to form the tail seam. worm_anatomy lineage name: V5.pppppp, R1.p WBbt:0004807 R1_hyp Ray 1 hypodermal cell, fuses with other ray hypodermal cells to form the tail seam. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree F.rvv. worm_anatomy lineage name: F.rvv WBbt:0004808 F.rvv Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree F.rvv. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree F.lvv. worm_anatomy lineage name: F.lvv WBbt:0004809 F.lvv Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree F.lvv. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.pppa. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.pppa WBbt:0004810 B.pppa Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.pppa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.pap. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.pap WBbt:0004811 B.pap Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.pap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.paa. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.paa WBbt:0004812 B.paa Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.paa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.arappv. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.arappv WBbt:0004813 B.arappv Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.arappv. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.arapapp. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.arapapp WBbt:0004814 B.arapapp Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.arapapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.arapapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.arapapa WBbt:0004815 B.arapapa Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.arapapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.arapaad. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.arapaad WBbt:0004816 B.arapaad Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.arapaad. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Post-embrynonic cell of pedigree F.rvda in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: F.rvda WBbt:0004817 F.rvda Post-embrynonic cell of pedigree F.rvda in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.lvda in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: F.lvda WBbt:0004818 F.lvda Post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.lvda in male. WB:rynl Neuron class of one male-specific neuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.ppppa WBbt:0004819 DVF Neuron class of one male-specific neuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one male-specific neuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.ppap WBbt:0004820 DVE Neuron class of one male-specific neuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one ring interneuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion. worm_anatomy lineage name: Caapaa WBbt:0004821 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/DVCframeset.html> DVC Neuron class of one ring interneuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one ring interneuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion, inervates rectal muscles. worm_anatomy lineage name: K.p WBbt:0004822 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/DVBframeset.html> DVB Neuron class of one ring interneuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion, inervates rectal muscles. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one ring interneuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion, has a large vesicle-filled process in ring. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppppapp WBbt:0004823 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/DVAframeset.html> DVA Neuron class of one ring interneuron, cell body in dorsorectal ganglion, has a large vesicle-filled process in ring. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppapppp WBbt:0004824 DD6 Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppapppp WBbt:0004825 DD5 Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppapppa WBbt:0004826 DD4 Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B_delta.r. WBbt:0007094 B_delta.r worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alppr/B.arppr lineage name: B_delta.r WBbt:0004827 B_delta.r Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B_delta.r. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B_delta.l. WBbt:0007093 B_delta.l worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alppl/B.arppl lineage name: B_delta.l WBbt:0004828 B_delta.l Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B_delta.l. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B_gamma.arv. WBbt:0007101 B_gamma.arv worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alpparv/B.arpparv lineage name: B_gamma.arv WBbt:0004829 B_gamma.arv Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B_gamma.arv. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic of pedigree B_gamma.ald. WBbt:0007097 B_gamma.ald worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alppald/B.arppald lineage name: B_gamma.ald WBbt:0004830 B_gamma.ald Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic of pedigree B_gamma.ald. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B_gamma.alv. WBbt:0007098 B_gamma.alv worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alppalv/B.arppalv lineage name: B_gamma.alv WBbt:0004831 B_gamma.alv Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B_gamma.alv. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.alappv. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alappv WBbt:0004832 B.alappv Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.alappv. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.alapapp. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alapapp WBbt:0004833 B.alapapp Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.alapapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.alapapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alapapa WBbt:0004834 B.alapapa Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.alapapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.alapaad. worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alapaad WBbt:0004835 B.alapaad Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.alapaad. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_alpha.rv. WBbt:0007082 B_alpha.rv worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alaarv/B.araarv lineage name: B_alpha.rv WBbt:0004836 B_alpha.rv Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_alpha.rv. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppapppa WBbt:0004837 DD3 Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppappap WBbt:0004838 DD2 Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppappap WBbt:0004839 DD1 Ventral cord motor neurons, reciprocal inhibitors, chnage synaptic pattern during postembryonic development ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppaappp WBbt:0004840 DB7 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppaappp WBbt:0004841 DB6 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpapappp WBbt:0004842 DB5 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpappapp WBbt:0004843 DB4 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaaaapp WBbt:0004844 DB3 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarappappa WBbt:0004845 DB2 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaaaapp WBbt:0004846 DB1 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B_alpha.lv. WBbt:0007080 B_alpha.lv worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alaalv/B.araalv lineage name: B_alpha.lv WBbt:0004847 B_alpha.lv Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B_alpha.lv. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Vulval muscle 2, of lineage M.vrpaapap. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vrpaapap WBbt:0004848 M.vrpaapap Vulval muscle 2, of lineage M.vrpaapap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vulval muscle 1, of lineage M.vrpaapaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vrpaapaa WBbt:0004849 M.vrpaapaa Vulval muscle 1, of lineage M.vrpaapaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vulval muscle 1, of lineage M.vrpaaapp. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vrpaaapp WBbt:0004850 M.vrpaaapp Vulval muscle 1, of lineage M.vrpaaapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vulval muscle 2, of lineage M.vrpaaapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vrpaaapa WBbt:0004851 M.vrpaaapa Vulval muscle 2, of lineage M.vrpaaapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vulval muscle 2, of lineage M.vlpaapap. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vlpaapap WBbt:0004852 M.vlpaapap Vulval muscle 2, of lineage M.vlpaapap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vulval muscle 1, of lineage M.vlpaapaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vlpaapaa WBbt:0004853 M.vlpaapaa Vulval muscle 1, of lineage M.vlpaapaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vulval muscle 1, of lineage M.vlpaaapp. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vlpaaapp WBbt:0004854 M.vlpaaapp Vulval muscle 1, of lineage M.vlpaaapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vulval muscle 2, of lineage M.vlpaaapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vlpaaapa WBbt:0004855 M.vlpaaapa Vulval muscle 2, of lineage M.vlpaaapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Uterine muscle 2, of lineage M.vrpaappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vrpaappp WBbt:0004856 M.vrpaappp Uterine muscle 2, of lineage M.vrpaappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpppaaaa WBbt:0004857 DA9 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpapappp WBbt:0004858 DA8 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpppaaap WBbt:0004859 DA7 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.aaaa WBbt:0004860 VA7 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpppaaap WBbt:0004861 DA6 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.aaaa WBbt:0004862 VA6 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppapapp WBbt:0004863 DA5 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.aaaa WBbt:0004864 VA5 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppapapp WBbt:0004865 DA4 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.aaaa WBbt:0004866 VA4 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppapapa WBbt:0004867 DA3 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P3.aaaa WBbt:0004868 VA3 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppapapa WBbt:0004869 DA2 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: P2.aaaa WBbt:0004870 VA2 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppapaap WBbt:0004871 DA1 Ventral cord motor neurons, innervate dorsal muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles worm_anatomy lineage name: W.pa WBbt:0004872 VA1 Ventral cord motor neuron, innervates ventral body muscles ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic founder cell worm_anatomy lineage name: P0.pppa WBbt:0004873 D Embryonic founder cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpppppp WBbt:0004874 V6R Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarppappp WBbt:0004875 V6L Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapapaap WBbt:0004876 V5R Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Uterine muscle 1, of lineage M.vrpaappa. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vrpaappa WBbt:0004877 M.vrpaappa Uterine muscle 1, of lineage M.vrpaappa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Uterine muscle 1, of lineage M.vrpaaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vrpaaaap WBbt:0004878 M.vrpaaaap Uterine muscle 1, of lineage M.vrpaaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Uterine muscle 2, of lineage M.vrpaaaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vrpaaaaa WBbt:0004879 M.vrpaaaaa Uterine muscle 2, of lineage M.vrpaaaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Uterine muscle 2, of lineage M.vlpaappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vlpaappp WBbt:0004880 M.vlpaappp Uterine muscle 2, of lineage M.vlpaappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Uterine muscle 1, of lineage M.vlpaappa. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vlpaappa WBbt:0004881 M.vlpaappa Uterine muscle 1, of lineage M.vlpaappa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Uterine muscle 1, of lineage M.vlpaaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vlpaaaap WBbt:0004882 M.vlpaaaap Uterine muscle 1, of lineage M.vlpaaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Uterine muscle 2, of lineage M.vlpaaaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: M.vlpaaaaa WBbt:0004883 M.vlpaaaaa Uterine muscle 2, of lineage M.vlpaaaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Dorsal spicule protractor, male worm_anatomy dspR lineage name: M.vrpaapa mu_male_spic WBbt:0004885 dorsal spicule protractor right Dorsal spicule protractor, male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal spicule protractor, male worm_anatomy dspL lineage name: M.vlpaapa mu_male_spic WBbt:0004886 dorsal spicule protractor left Dorsal spicule protractor, male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific interneuron, project into preanal ganglion worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.aapp WBbt:0004887 CP9 Male specific interneuron, project into preanal ganglion ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific interneuron, project into preanal ganglion worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.aapp WBbt:0004888 CP8 Male specific interneuron, project into preanal ganglion ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord worm_anatomy lineage name: P9.aapp WBbt:0004889 CP7 Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapapaap WBbt:0004890 V5L Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord worm_anatomy lineage name: P8.aapp WBbt:0004891 CP6 Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpppppa WBbt:0004892 V4R Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord worm_anatomy lineage name: P7.aapp WBbt:0004893 CP5 Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarppappa WBbt:0004894 V4L Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord worm_anatomy lineage name: P6.aapp WBbt:0004895 CP4 Male specific motor neuron in ventral cord ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprappapa WBbt:0004896 V3R Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed worm_anatomy lineage name: P5.aapp WBbt:0004897 CP3 Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplappapa WBbt:0004898 V3L Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed worm_anatomy lineage name: P4.aapp WBbt:0004899 CP2 Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarppppap WBbt:0004900 V2R Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed worm_anatomy lineage name: P3.aapp WBbt:0004901 CP1 Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarppapap WBbt:0004902 V2L Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed worm_anatomy lineage name: P2.aap WBbt:0004903 CP0 Male specific cell in ventral cord, not reconstructed ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarppppaa WBbt:0004904 V1R Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarppapaa WBbt:0004905 V1L Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaaappp WBbt:0004906 URYVR Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal spicule retractor, male worm_anatomy dsrR lineage name: M.drpappaa mu_male_spic WBbt:0004907 dorsal spicule retractor muscle right Dorsal spicule retractor, male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral spicule retractor, male worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpaappp mu_male_spic vsrR WBbt:0004908 ventral spicule retractor muscle right Ventral spicule retractor, male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral spicule protractor, male worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpaaaaa mu_male_spic vspR WBbt:0004909 ventral spicule protrctor muscle right Ventral spicule protractor, male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Dorsal spicule retractor, male worm_anatomy dsrL lineage name: M.dlpaappp mu_male_spic WBbt:0004910 dorsal spicule retractor muscle left Dorsal spicule retractor, male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral spicule retractor, male worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpaappa mu_male_spic vsrL WBbt:0004911 ventral spicule retractor muscle left Ventral spicule retractor, male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral spicule protractor, male worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpaaaaa mu_male_spic vspL WBbt:0004912 ventral spicule protractor muscle left Ventral spicule protractor, male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior oblique male muscle worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpappap mu_male_obliq pobR WBbt:0004913 posterior oblique muscle right Posterior oblique male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior oblique male muscle worm_anatomy aobR lineage name: M.drpapapp mu_male_obliq WBbt:0004914 anterior oblique muscle right Anterior oblique male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior oblique male muscle worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpappaa mu_male_obliq pobL WBbt:0004915 posterior oblique muscle left Posterior oblique male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior oblique male muscle worm_anatomy aobL lineage name: M.dlpapapp mu_male_obliq WBbt:0004916 anterior oblique muscle left Anterior oblique male muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaapappp WBbt:0004917 CEPsoVR Cephalic socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppaappp WBbt:0004918 CEPsoVL Cephalic socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapppppp WBbt:0004919 CEPsoDR Cephalic socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaaappp WBbt:0004920 URYVL Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic socket worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapapppp WBbt:0004921 CEPsoDL Cephalic socket ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapppapp WBbt:0004922 URYDR Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaaapap WBbt:0004923 CEPshVR Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapapapp WBbt:0004924 URYDL Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaaapap WBbt:0004925 CEPshVL Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpapaappp WBbt:0004926 URXR Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpaaapap WBbt:0004927 CEPshDR Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaaaaappp WBbt:0004928 URXL Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpaaaapp WBbt:0004929 CEPshDL Cephalic sheath, sheet-like processes envelop meuropil of the ring and part of ventral ganglion ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraapaapa WBbt:0004930 URBR Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaappppa WBbt:0004931 CEPVR Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaapaapa WBbt:0004932 URBL Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaappppa WBbt:0004933 CEPVL Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaaapaa WBbt:0004934 URAVR Ring motor neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaaapaa WBbt:0004935 URAVL Ring motor neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpapaaaa WBbt:0004936 URADR Ring motor neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpapaappa WBbt:0004937 CEPDR Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaaaaappa WBbt:0004938 CEPDL Cephalic neurons, contain dopamine ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaapapp WBbt:0004939 CEMVR Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaaaaaaa WBbt:0004940 URADL Ring motor neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaapapp WBbt:0004941 CEMVL Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Rectal cell, postembryonic blast cell in male worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppppapa postembryonic E cell WBbt:0004942 U cell Rectal cell, postembryonic blast cell in male ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpapaaap WBbt:0004943 CEMDR Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Tail seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell, functions as phasmid socket in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprappppp WBbt:0004944 TR Tail seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell, functions as phasmid socket in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaaaaaap WBbt:0004945 CEMDL Male specific cephalic neurons (programmed cell death in hermaphrodite embryo) open to outside, possible function in male chemotaxis toward hermaphrodite. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Tail seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell, functions as phasmid socket in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplappppp WBbt:0004946 TL Tail seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell, functions as phasmid socket in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Process runs along excretory canal, no synapses, essential for survival worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalappappa WBbt:0004947 CANR Process runs along excretory canal, no synapses, essential for survival ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of male copulatory spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.arpapp WBbt:0004948 SPso4R Socket of male copulatory spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Process runs along excretory canal, no synapses, essential for survival worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapaaapa WBbt:0004949 CANL Process runs along excretory canal, no synapses, essential for survival ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of male copulatory spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alpapp WBbt:0004950 SPso4L Socket of male copulatory spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cell in ventral cord, neuron-like but lacks synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.aapa WBbt:0004951 obsolete CA9 true Male specific cell in ventral cord, neuron-like but lacks synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of male copulatory spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.al/raarv WBbt:0004952 SPso3R Socket of male copulatory spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cell in ventral cord, neuron-like but lacks synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.aapa WBbt:0004953 obsolete CA8 true Male specific cell in ventral cord, neuron-like but lacks synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of male copulatory spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.al/raalv WBbt:0004954 SPso3L Socket of male copulatory spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of male copulatory spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.al/raard WBbt:0004955 SPso2R Socket of male copulatory spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Socket of male copulatory spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.al/raald WBbt:0004956 SPso2L Socket of male copulatory spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Cell of socket of male copulatory spicule, post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.pr. WBbt:0007104 B_gamma.pr worm_anatomy lineage name: B.al/rpppr WBbt:0004957 SPso1R Cell of socket of male copulatory spicule, post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.pr. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Cell of socket of male copulatory spicule, post-embryonic pedigree B_gamma.pl. WBbt:0007103 B_gamma.pl worm_anatomy lineage name: B.al/rpppl WBbt:0004958 SPso1L Cell of socket of male copulatory spicule, post-embryonic pedigree B_gamma.pl. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Sheath of male copulatory spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.al/raarda WBbt:0004959 SpshVR Sheath of male copulatory spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sheath of male copulatory spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.al/raaldp WBbt:0004960 SPshVL Sheath of male copulatory spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sheath of male copulatory spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.arpapap WBbt:0004961 SPshDR Sheath of male copulatory spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sheath of male copulatory spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alpapap WBbt:0004962 SPshDL Sheath of male copulatory spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule, of pedigree B_beta.rda. WBbt:0007090 B_beta.rda worm_anatomy lineage name: B.al/raarda lineage name: B_beta.rda WBbt:0004963 SPVR Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule, of pedigree B_beta.rda. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.al/raalda lineage name: B_beta.lda WBbt:0004964 SPVL Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.arpapaa WBbt:0004965 SPDR Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alpapaa WBbt:0004966 SPDL Sensory neuron of copulatory spicle in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific sensory /motor neuron, innervates spicule protractor muscle worm_anatomy lineage name: B.arpaap WBbt:0004967 SPCR Male specific sensory /motor neuron, innervates spicule protractor muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific sensory /motor neuron, innervates spicule protractor muscle worm_anatomy lineage name: B.alpaap WBbt:0004968 SPCL Male specific sensory /motor neuron, innervates spicule protractor muscle ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarappppaa WBbt:0004969 SMDVR Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppappaa WBbt:0004970 SMDVL Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpapaaaa WBbt:0004971 SMDDR Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpapaaaa WBbt:0004972 SMDDL Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarappappp WBbt:0004973 SMBVR Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpapappp WBbt:0004974 SMBVL Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarappapapp WBbt:0004975 SMBDR Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpapapapp WBbt:0004976 SMBDL Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpapaapp WBbt:0004977 SIBVR Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpapaapp WBbt:0004978 SIBVL Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppaaaaa WBbt:0004979 SIBDR Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aapaaaa WBbt:0004980 Z4.aapaaaa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aapaaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppaaaaa WBbt:0004981 SIBDL Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaapa. WBbt:0008343 worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aaapa WBbt:0004982 Z4.aaapa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpapappa WBbt:0004983 SIAVR Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aaaapp WBbt:0004984 Z4.aaaapp male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpapappa WBbt:0004985 SIAVL Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aaaapa WBbt:0004986 Z4.aaaapa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpapaapa WBbt:0004987 SIADR Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aaaaappp cell of pedigree . WBbt:0004988 Z4.aaaaappp male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpapaapa WBbt:0004989 SIADL Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaappap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aaaaappap WBbt:0004990 Z4.aaaaappap male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaappap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ant. lateral interneuron, process projects into ring worm_anatomy lineage name: QR.pap WBbt:0004991 SDQR Ant. lateral interneuron, process projects into ring ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaappaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aaaaappaa WBbt:0004992 Z4.aaaaappaa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaappaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Posterior lateral interneuron, process projects into ring worm_anatomy lineage name: QL.pap WBbt:0004993 SDQL Posterior lateral interneuron, process projects into ring ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaapap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aaaaapap WBbt:0004994 Z4.aaaaapap male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaapap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaapaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aaaaapaa WBbt:0004995 Z4.aaaaapaa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaapaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aaaaaap WBbt:0004996 Z4.aaaaaap male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally, synapses to anterior body muscles in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppapaaaa WBbt:0004997 SABVR Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally, synapses to anterior body muscles in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally, synapses to anterior body muscles in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppapaaaa WBbt:0004998 SABVL Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally, synapses to anterior body muscles in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally, synapses to anterior body muscles in L1 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplppapaap WBbt:0004999 SABD Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally, synapses to anterior body muscles in L1 ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.aaaaaaa WBbt:0005000 Z4.aaaaaaa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaaaaaa WBbt:0005001 SAAVR Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.pappa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.pappa WBbt:0005002 Z1.pappa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.pappa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaaaaaa WBbt:0005003 SAAVL Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papapp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.papapp WBbt:0005004 Z1.papapp male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papapp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapppapa WBbt:0005005 SAADR Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papapa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.papapa WBbt:0005006 Z1.papapa male Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papapa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppapapa WBbt:0005007 SAADL Ring interneuron, anteriorly projecting process that runs sublaterally ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.papaappp WBbt:0005008 Z1.papaappp Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: G1.r WBbt:0005009 RMHR Ring motor neuron/interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaappap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.papaappap WBbt:0005010 Z1.papaappap Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaappap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: G1.l WBbt:0005011 RMHL Ring motor neuron/interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaappaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.papaappaa WBbt:0005012 Z1.papaappaa Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaappaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprapaaapp WBbt:0005013 RMGR Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaapap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.papaapap WBbt:0005014 Z1.papaapap Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaapap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaapaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.papaapaa WBbt:0005015 Z1.papaapaa Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaapaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.papaaap WBbt:0005016 Z1.papaaap Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplapaaapp WBbt:0005017 RMGL Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: G2.ar WBbt:0005018 RMFR Ring motor neuron/interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: G2.al WBbt:0005019 RMFL Ring motor neuron/interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.papaaaa WBbt:0005020 Z1.papaaaa Vas deferens cell of pedigree Z1.papaaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpappaaa WBbt:0005021 RMEV Ring motor neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seminal vesicle, outer; cell of pedigree Z1.paapp in male. worm_anatomy gon_male_sves lineage name: Z1.paapp WBbt:0005022 alternative nucleus Z4.aaapp male nucleus Z1.paapp male Seminal vesicle, outer; cell of pedigree Z1.paapp in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaaaarrp WBbt:0005023 RMER Ring motor neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.appap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.appp WBbt:0005024 Z4.appp male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.appap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalaaaarlp WBbt:0005025 RMEL Ring motor neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.appap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.appap WBbt:0005026 Z4.appap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.appap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalapppaap WBbt:0005027 RMED Ring motor neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.appaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.appaap WBbt:0005028 Z4.appaap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.appaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarapppaaa WBbt:0005029 RMDVR Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.appaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.appaaap WBbt:0005030 Z4.appaaap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.appaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalppapaaa WBbt:0005031 RMDVL Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.appaaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.appaaaa WBbt:0005032 Z4.appaaaa male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.appaaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: ABpraaaapad WBbt:0005033 RMDR Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.apap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.apap WBbt:0005034 Z4.apap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.apap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.apaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.apaap WBbt:0005035 Z4.apaap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.apaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.apaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.apaaap WBbt:0005036 Z4.apaaap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.apaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpppapad WBbt:0005037 RMDL Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarappapaa WBbt:0005038 RMDDR Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpapapaa WBbt:0005039 RMDDL Ring motor neuron/interneuron, many synapses ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.apaaaap WBbt:0005040 Z4.apaaaap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpaapaaa WBbt:0005041 RIVR Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.apaaaaa WBbt:0005042 Z4.apaaaaa male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring interneuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplpaapaaa WBbt:0005043 RIVL Ring interneuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seminal vesicle, outer; cell of pedigree Z4.aappp in male. worm_anatomy gon_male_sves lineage name: Z4.aappp WBbt:0005044 Z4.aappp male Seminal vesicle, outer; cell of pedigree Z4.aappp in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Neuron class of one ring interneuron. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpappapa WBbt:0005045 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RISframeset.html> RIS Neuron class of one ring interneuron. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seminal vesicle, outer; cell of pedigree Z4.aaapp in male. worm_anatomy gon_male_sves lineage name: Z4.aaapp WBbt:0005046 alternative nucleus Z1paapp nucleus male Z4.aaapp male Seminal vesicle, outer; cell of pedigree Z4.aaapp in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of one ring interneuron. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpapppaa WBbt:0005047 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RIRframeset.html> RIR Neuron class of one ring interneuron. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Outer seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.pappp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.pappp WBbt:0005048 Z1.pappp male Outer seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.pappp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarappaaaa, ring/pharynx interneuron, only direct connection between pharynx and ring. WBbt:0007041 ABarappaaaa worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarappaaaa WBbt:0005049 RIPR Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarappaaaa, ring/pharynx interneuron, only direct connection between pharynx and ring. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.pppp. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.pppp WBbt:0005050 Z1.pppp male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.pppp. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ring/pharynx interneuron, only direct connection between pharynx and ring worm_anatomy lineage name: ABalpapaaaa WBbt:0005051 RIPL Ring/pharynx interneuron, only direct connection between pharynx and ring ISBN:0-87969-307-X Seminal vesicle, inner; cell of pedigree Z1.pppap in male. worm_anatomy gon_male_sves lineage name: Z1.pppap WBbt:0005052 Z1.pppap male Seminal vesicle, inner; cell of pedigree Z1.pppap in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Ring motor neuron worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppaapap WBbt:0005053 RIMR Ring motor neuron ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.pppaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.pppaap WBbt:0005054 Z1.pppaap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.pppaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.pppaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.pppaaap WBbt:0005055 Z1.pppaaap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.pppaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.pppaaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.pppaaaa WBbt:0005056 Z1.pppaaaa male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.pppaaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.ppap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.ppap WBbt:0005057 Z1.ppap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.ppap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.ppaaap WBbt:0005059 Z1.ppaaap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaap. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.ppaaaap WBbt:0005060 Z1.ppaaaap male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaaa. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.ppaaaaa WBbt:0005061 Z1.ppaaaaa male Inner seminal vesicle cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X male gonad cell, leads gonad during morphogenesis and initiates union with cloaca worm_anatomy gon_male_link lineage name: Z1.paa/Z4.aaa WBbt:0005062 linker cell male gonad cell, leads gonad during morphogenesis and initiates union with cloaca ISBN:0-87969-307-X Distal tip cell, inhibits meiosis in nearby germ cells, posterior. worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.p WBbt:0005063 gon_male_dtc posterior Distal tip cell, inhibits meiosis in nearby germ cells, posterior. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Distal tip cell, inhibits meiosis in nearby germ cells, anterior worm_anatomy lineage name: Z1.a WBbt:0005064 gon_male_dtc anterior Distal tip cell, inhibits meiosis in nearby germ cells, anterior ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapppap (5L). worm_anatomy VT1r gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapppap WBbt:0005065 Z4.aapppap (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapppap (5L). ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00002608 Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aapppaa (5R), a precursor of posterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapppaa WBbt:0005066 Z4.aapppaa (5R) Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aapppaa (5R), a precursor of posterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aappppp (5L). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aappppp sujn WBbt:0005067 Z4.aappppp (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aappppp (5L). ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00002608 Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aappppa (5L), a precursor of anterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aappppa WBbt:0005068 Z4.aappppa (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aappppa (5L), a precursor of anterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus worm_anatomy lineage name: Z4.apppaap WBbt:0005069 obsolete gon_herm_vut true Ventral uterus ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aappaaa (5L), a precursor of ut1 syncytium. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aappaaa WBbt:0005070 Z4.aappaaa (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aappaaa (5L), a precursor of ut1 syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aapappp (5R), a precursor of posterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapappp WBbt:0005071 Z4.aapappp (5R) Ventral uterus, cell of pedigree Z4.aapappp (5R), a precursor of posterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapappa (5R), a precursor of posterior ut3. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapappa WBbt:0005072 Z4.aapappa (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapappa (5R), a precursor of posterior ut3. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapapap (5R), a precursor of posterior ut2. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapapap WBbt:0005073 Z4.aapapap (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapapap (5R), a precursor of posterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapapaa (5R), a precursor of posterior ut1. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapapaa WBbt:0005074 Z4.aapapaa (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapapaa (5R), a precursor of posterior ut1. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapaav (5R). worm_anatomy VT8l gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapaav WBbt:0005075 Z4.aapaav (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapaav (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapaad (5R). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aapaad utse precursor WBbt:0005076 Z4.aapaad (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aapaad (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaappd (5R). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aaappd utse precursor WBbt:0005077 Z4.aaappd (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaappd (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaappv (5R). worm_anatomy VT8r gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aaappv WBbt:0005078 Z4.aaappv (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaappv (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaapav (5R). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aaapav utse precursor WBbt:0005079 Z4.aaapav (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaapav (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaapad (5R). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aaapad utse precursor WBbt:0005080 Z4.aaapad (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaapad (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapv (5R). worm_anatomy VT4r gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aaaapv WBbt:0005081 Z4.aaaapv (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapv (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapd (5R). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aaaapd utse precursor WBbt:0005082 Z4.aaaapd (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapd (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaapp (5R), a precursor of anterior ut2. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aaaaapp WBbt:0005083 Z4.aaaaapp (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaapp (5R), a precursor of anterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaapa (5R), a precursor of anterior ut2. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aaaaapa WBbt:0005084 Z4.aaaaapa (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaapa (5R), a precursor of anterior ut2. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaap (5R), a precursor of anterior ut3. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aaaaaap WBbt:0005085 Z4.aaaaaap (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaap (5R), a precursor of anterior ut3. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaaa (5R), a precursor of anterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z4.aaaaaaa WBbt:0005086 Z4.aaaaaaa (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaaa (5R), a precursor of anterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppappv (5L), utse precursor. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppappv utse precursor WBbt:0005087 Z1.ppappv (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppappv (5L), utse precursor. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppappd (5R). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppappd utse precursor WBbt:0005088 Z1.ppappd (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppappd (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapav (5R). WBbt:0007663 Z1.ppapav worm_anatomy VT4l gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppapav WBbt:0005089 Z1.ppapav (5R) Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapav (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapad (5R). WBbt:0007659 Z1.ppapad worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppapad utse precursor WBbt:0005090 Z1.ppapad (5R) Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapad (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaappp (5L), a precursor of posterior ut1 syncytium. WBbt:0007653 worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaappp WBbt:0005091 Z1.ppaappp (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaappp (5L), a precursor of posterior ut1 syncytium. ISBN:0-87969-307-X true Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapap (5L), a precursor of posterior ut3. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaapap WBbt:0005093 Z1.ppaapap (5L) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapap (5L), a precursor of posterior ut3. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapaa (5R), a precursor of anterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaapaa WBbt:0005094 Z1.ppaapaa (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapaa (5R), a precursor of anterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapp (5R), a precursor of anterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaaapp WBbt:0005095 Z1.ppaaapp (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapp (5R), a precursor of anterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaap (5R), a precursor of anterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaaaap WBbt:0005096 Z1.ppaaaap (5R) Ventral uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaap (5R), a precursor of anterior ut4. ISBN:0-87969-307-X neuron of lumbar ganglion, left. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005097 lumbar left ganglion neuron neuron of lumbar ganglion, left. WB:rynl lumbar ganglion, left side. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005098 lumbar ganglion left lumbar ganglion, left side. WB:rynl true neuron type, cell body located in right lateral ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005100 lateral ganglion right neuron neuron type, cell body located in right lateral ganglion. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 lateral ganglion on the right side. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005101 lateral ganglion right lateral ganglion on the right side. WB:rynl neuron type, cell body located in left lateral ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005102 lateral ganglion left neuron neuron type, cell body located in left lateral ganglion. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 lateral ganglion on the left side. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005103 lateral ganglion left lateral ganglion on the left side. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005104 obsolete lateral hypodermis true The left and right lateral ganglia lie beside the nerve ring in the head. They each contain about (30) neuron cell bodies and send their neuronal processes into the ring at its posterior margin either laterally or ventrally via the amphid commissures and ventral ganglion, but form no local neuropil separate from the nerve ring. The lateral ganglia are in close contact with the lateral hypodermal cords. WB:rynl worm_anatomy lateral ganglia WBbt:0005105 lateral ganglion The left and right lateral ganglia lie beside the nerve ring in the head. They each contain about (30) neuron cell bodies and send their neuronal processes into the ring at its posterior margin either laterally or ventrally via the amphid commissures and ventral ganglion, but form no local neuropil separate from the nerve ring. The lateral ganglia are in close contact with the lateral hypodermal cords. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005106 obsolete lateral epidermal blast cells true sensillum of inner or outer labial. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005107 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/IL.OLimagegallery.htm> labial sensillum sensillum of inner or outer labial. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005108 obsolete int_post true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005109 obsolete int_emb true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005110 obsolete intestino-rectal valve true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005111 obsolete intestine true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005112 obsolete intestinal true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005113 interneuron worm_anatomy WBbt:0005114 obsolete interfacial cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005115 obsolete int-5 true sensory organ of the inner labial. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005116 inner labial sensillum sensory organ of the inner labial. WB:rynl neuron type, member of a set of 12 neurons of the inner labial sensilla. worm_anatomy IL neuron WBbt:0005117 inner labial neuron neuron type, member of a set of 12 neurons of the inner labial sensilla. WB:rynl Neuron class of six ciliated neurons, each of which is one of the two component neurons of the six inner labial sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005118 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/IL2frameset.html> IL2 neuron Neuron class of six ciliated neurons, each of which is one of the two component neurons of the six inner labial sensilla. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of six ciliated neurons with striated rootlets, each of which is one of two component neurons of the inner labial sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005119 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/IL1frameset.html> IL1 neuron Neuron class of six ciliated neurons with striated rootlets, each of which is one of two component neurons of the inner labial sensilla. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005120 IL sensillum ventral right worm_anatomy WBbt:0005121 IL sensillum ventral left worm_anatomy WBbt:0005122 IL sensillum right worm_anatomy WBbt:0005123 IL sensillum left worm_anatomy WBbt:0005124 IL sensillum dorsal right worm_anatomy WBbt:0005125 obsolete head_DML true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005126 IL sensillum dorsal left worm_anatomy WBbt:0005127 obsolete head_DLR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005128 obsolete hyp_hook true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005129 obsolete head_DLL true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005130 obsolete head sensory neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005131 obsolete head sensilla true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005132 obsolete head neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005133 obsolete head neuronal precursors true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005134 obsolete head hypodermis true ganglion in the head. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005135 head ganglion ganglion in the head. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005136 obsolete head body wall muscle true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005137 obsolete hypodermis true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005138 obsolete hypodermal seam cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005139 obsolete hypodermal ridge true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005140 obsolete hypodermal true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005141 obsolete hyp10 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005142 obsolete hyp9 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005143 obsolete hyp8/9 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005144 obsolete hyp8 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005145 obsolete head true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005146 obsolete hyp7 post-embryonic male true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005147 obsolete gut true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005148 obsolete hyp7 post-embryonic herm true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005149 obsolete gubernaculum true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005150 obsolete gon_male_vdef true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005151 obsolete gon_male_sves true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005152 obsolete gon_male_dtc true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005153 obsolete gon_male true ventral uterine syncytia precursor cell; generates uterus, spermatheca and spermatheca-uterine valve cells. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut WBbt:0005154 ventral uterine precursor cell ventral uterine syncytia precursor cell; generates uterus, spermatheca and spermatheca-uterine valve cells. WB:Paper00004052 WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005155 obsolete gon_herm_sujn_P true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005156 obsolete gon_herm_sujn_A true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005157 obsolete hyp7 post-embryonic true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005158 obsolete hyp7 embryonic true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005159 obsolete hyp7 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005160 obsolete hyp6 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005161 obsolete hyp5 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005162 obsolete hyp4 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005163 obsolete hyp3 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005164 obsolete hyp2 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005165 obsolete gon_herm_spth_P true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005166 obsolete hyp1 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005167 obsolete gon_herm_spth_A true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005168 obsolete hook sensillum true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005169 obsolete gon_herm_prsh_P true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005170 obsolete gon_herm_prsh_A true dorsal uterine precursor cell; generates uterus, spermatheca and spermatheca-uterine valve cells. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dut WBbt:0005171 dorsal uterine precursor cell dorsal uterine precursor cell; generates uterus, spermatheca and spermatheca-uterine valve cells. WB:Paper00004052 WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005172 obsolete gon_herm_dtc true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005173 obsolete gon_herm_dish_P true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005174 obsolete gon_herm_dish_A true organ producing either sperm or ova. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005175 gonad organ producing either sperm or ova. ISBN:0140512888 set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons, might be glial cells WBbt:0005387 WBbt:0005782 worm_anatomy GLR scaffold cell anomalous_pharynx_cells (TreeNode) WBbt:0005176 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/mesodermal.htm/glr.htm> GLR set of six cells that form a thin cylindrical sheet between pharynx and ring neuropile; no chemical synapses, but gap junctions with muscle arms and RME motor neurons, might be glial cells WB:rynl Hook sensory neurons. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005177 HO neuron Hook sensory neurons. WB:rynl organ in hermaphrodite animal that produces both ova and sperm. worm_anatomy ovotestis WBbt:0005178 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/reproductivesystem/reproductivesystem1.htm> hermaphrodite gonad organ in hermaphrodite animal that produces both ova and sperm. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005179 obsolete herm-specific true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005180 obsolete herm reproductive system true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005181 obsolete herm pseudocoelom true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005182 obsolete head_VMR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005183 obsolete head_VML true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005184 obsolete head_VLR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005185 obsolete germ-line cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005186 obsolete head_VLL true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005187 obsolete germ cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005188 obsolete head_DMR true A cluster of nerve cells and associated glial cells (nuclear location). WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005189 ganglion A cluster of nerve cells and associated glial cells (nuclear location). WB:rynl neuron that uses GABA as a vesicular neurotransmitter. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005190 GABAergic neuron neuron that uses GABA as a vesicular neurotransmitter. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005191 obsolete g2 gland cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005192 obsolete g1 gland cell true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005193 obsolete excretory system true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005194 obsolete excretory pore true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005195 obsolete excretory interface true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005196 obsolete excretory gland true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005197 obsolete excretory true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005198 obsolete excitatory neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005199 obsolete EMS lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005200 obsolete embryos true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005201 obsolete embryonic_founder_cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005202 obsolete embryonic_death true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005203 obsolete embryonic pre-founder cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005205 obsolete e3 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005206 obsolete e2 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005207 obsolete e1 true A cell that is the E blast cell or is a lineal descendant of E. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005208 E lineage cell A cell that is the E blast cell or is a lineal descendant of E. WB:rynl true the ganglion that lies above and behind the rectum in the tail, in close continuity with the anal hypodermal ridge. It contains 3 neuron cell bodies (DVA, DVB and DVC) that send their neuronal processes into the ventral nerve cord via dorso-rectal commissures that encircle the anus. The ganglion contains no local neuropil in the hermaphrodite. In the adult male tail, this ganglion gains additional neurons and some local neuropil. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005212 dorso-rectal ganglion the ganglion that lies above and behind the rectum in the tail, in close continuity with the anal hypodermal ridge. It contains 3 neuron cell bodies (DVA, DVB and DVC) that send their neuronal processes into the ventral nerve cord via dorso-rectal commissures that encircle the anus. The ganglion contains no local neuropil in the hermaphrodite. In the adult male tail, this ganglion gains additional neurons and some local neuropil. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005213 obsolete dorsal stripes true ganglion that lies beside the nerve ring in the head. It contains neuron cell bodies that send their neuronal processes into the ring and longitudinal nerves, but form no local neuropil separate from the nerve ring. The dorsal ganglion is in close contact with the dorsal hypodermal cord. WBbt:0005228 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005214 dorsal ganglion ganglion that lies beside the nerve ring in the head. It contains neuron cell bodies that send their neuronal processes into the ring and longitudinal nerves, but form no local neuropil separate from the nerve ring. The dorsal ganglion is in close contact with the dorsal hypodermal cord. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005215 obsolete dorsal nerve cord true a group of cells that have shared characteristics worm_anatomy WBbt:0005216 obsolete Cell_group true a group of cells that have shared characteristics WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005217 obsolete dorsal hypodermis true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005218 obsolete zygote true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005219 obsolete Z4 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005220 obsolete Z1 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005221 obsolete vulval muscle true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005222 obsolete vulval interface true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005223 obsolete vulval epithelial cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005224 obsolete vulvaF true Neuron class of four ring motoneuron, non-ciliated endings in head, associated with OLQ in embryo. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005225 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/URAframeset.html> URA Neuron class of four ring motoneuron, non-ciliated endings in head, associated with OLQ in embryo. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005226 obsolete vulvaE true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005227 obsolete unspecified position true true worm_anatomy anatace:unc-86-expressing WBbt:0005229 obsolete UNC-86-expressing cell true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005230 obsolete dopaminergic neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005231 obsolete um2 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005232 obsolete distal tip cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005233 obsolete um1 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005234 obsolete deirid sensilla true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005236 obsolete deirid right true neurons that sense body touch, have specialized microtubules in processes. WBbt:0005235 WBbt:0005239 worm_anatomy microtubule cell touch cell touch receptor WBbt:0005237 touch receptor neuron neurons that sense body touch, have specialized microtubules in processes. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005238 obsolete deirid neurons true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005240 obsolete deirid left true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005241 obsolete testis sheath true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005242 obsolete death_in_males true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005243 obsolete testis postmitotic cells true Neuron class of four neurons associated with cephalic sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005244 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/CEPframeset.html> CEP Neuron class of four neurons associated with cephalic sensilla. WB:sdm worm_anatomy WBbt:0005245 obsolete death_in_herms true Neuron class of four male-specific neurons associated with cephalic sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005246 CEM Neuron class of four male-specific neurons associated with cephalic sensilla. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005247 obsolete death_in_both_sexes true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005248 obsolete cells_that_die true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005249 obsolete CA.8-9 neuron true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005250 obsolete CA.1-7 neuron true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005251 obsolete CA neuron true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005252 obsolete C.xxp true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005253 obsolete C lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005254 obsolete buccal interface true cuticle-lined lumenal region surrounded by pharyngeal epithelium, situated at the anterior end of pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005255 buccal cavity cuticle-lined lumenal region surrounded by pharyngeal epithelium, situated at the anterior end of pharynx. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005256 obsolete vulvaD true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005257 obsolete vulvaC true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005258 obsolete vulvaB true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005259 obsolete vulvaA true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005260 obsolete vulva true six vulval precursor cells in early L3 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005261 obsolete VPC true six vulval precursor cells in early L3 WB:sdm worm_anatomy WBbt:0005262 obsolete vm2 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005263 obsolete vm1 true ventral ganglion, posterior part. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005264 ventral ganglion (post) ventral ganglion, posterior part. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005265 obsolete testis mitotic cells true ventral ganglion, anterior part. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005266 ventral ganglion (ant) ventral ganglion, anterior part. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005267 obsolete testis true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005268 obsolete DD.2-5 neuron true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005269 obsolete tail spike true Neuron class of six motoneurons, with cell bodies in the ventral cord, which innervate dorsal muscles. Each cell has a short, posteriorly directed and a longer, anteriorly directed process emanating from its cell body. The anterior process has a branch, which leaves the ventral cord as a commissure and runs round to the dorsal cord. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005270 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/DDframeset.html> DD neuron Neuron class of six motoneurons, with cell bodies in the ventral cord, which innervate dorsal muscles. Each cell has a short, posteriorly directed and a longer, anteriorly directed process emanating from its cell body. The anterior process has a branch, which leaves the ventral cord as a commissure and runs round to the dorsal cord. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005271 obsolete tail sensory neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005272 obsolete DB.3-7 neuron true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005273 obsolete tail neurons true Neuron class of seven motoneurons that innervate dorsal muscles and have cell bodies in the ventral cord. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005274 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/DBframeset.html> DB neuron Neuron class of seven motoneurons that innervate dorsal muscles and have cell bodies in the ventral cord. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005275 obsolete tail neuronal precursors true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005276 obsolete DA.2-7 neuron true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005277 obsolete tail hypodermis true Neuron class of nine ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscle. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005278 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/DAframeset.html> DA neuron Neuron class of nine ventral cord motor neuron, innervates dorsal muscle. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005279 obsolete tail ganglia true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005280 obsolete D lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005281 obsolete tail true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005282 obsolete CP.8-9 neuron true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005283 obsolete syncytial hypoderm true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005284 obsolete body_VR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005285 obsolete CP.4-7 neuron true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005286 obsolete body_VMR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005287 obsolete CP.0-7 neuron true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005288 obsolete body_VML true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005289 obsolete body_VLR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005290 obsolete body_VLL true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005291 obsolete body_VL true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005292 obsolete body_DR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005293 obsolete body_DMR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005294 obsolete body_DML true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005295 obsolete body_DLR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005296 obsolete ventral neuronal precursors true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005297 obsolete ventral nerve cord true ganglion lies beside the nerve ring in the head, just anterior of the retrovesicular ganglion. It contains about 20 interneuron and motorneuron cell bodies that all send their neuronal processes into the ring. The cell bodies are divided into two groups by the intrusion of the excretory duct and canal. The cells are bounded by a basal lamina which physically separates them from the lateral ganglion even though they are adjacent to one another. WB:rynl worm_anatomy ventral ganglia WBbt:0005298 ventral ganglion ganglion lies beside the nerve ring in the head, just anterior of the retrovesicular ganglion. It contains about 20 interneuron and motorneuron cell bodies that all send their neuronal processes into the ring. The cell bodies are divided into two groups by the intrusion of the excretory duct and canal. The cells are bounded by a basal lamina which physically separates them from the lateral ganglion even though they are adjacent to one another. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005299 obsolete ventral epidermal blast cells true neuron with cell body associated with the ventral nerve cord. worm_anatomy ventral cord motoneuron WBbt:0005300 ventral cord neuron neuron with cell body associated with the ventral nerve cord. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005301 obsolete ventral cord motor neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005302 obsolete VD.3-11 neuron true Neuron class of thirteen motoneurons, with cell bodies in the ventral cord, which innervate ventral muscles. Each cell has an anteriorly directed process emanating from its cell body. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005303 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/VDframeset.html> VD neuron Neuron class of thirteen motoneurons, with cell bodies in the ventral cord, which innervate ventral muscles. Each cell has an anteriorly directed process emanating from its cell body. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of six motoneurons in the ventral cord, which innervate ventral body muscles and the vm2 muscles of the vulva. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005304 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/VCframeset.html> VC neuron Neuron class of six motoneurons in the ventral cord, which innervate ventral body muscles and the vm2 muscles of the vulva. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005305 obsolete subventral head neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005306 obsolete VB.3-11 neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005307 obsolete sublateral head neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005308 obsolete CP.0-3 neuron true socket cell of male spicule. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005309 spicule socket cell socket cell of male spicule. WB:rynl Neuron class of nine male-specific neurons with cell body in ventral cord and preanal ganglion worm_anatomy WBbt:0005310 CP neuron Neuron class of nine male-specific neurons with cell body in ventral cord and preanal ganglion WB:rynl WB:sdm sheath cell of male copulatory spicule. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005311 spicule sheath cell sheath cell of male copulatory spicule. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005312 copulatory spicule worm_anatomy WBbt:0005313 obsolete spermatocytes true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005314 copulatory spicule right worm_anatomy WBbt:0005315 obsolete spermatids true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005316 copulatory spicule left true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005318 obsolete coelomocytes post-embryonic male true an accordion-like tube that contains sperm and is the site of oocyte fertilization. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005319 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/reproductivesystem/reproductivesystem1.htm#Thespermatheca> spermatheca an accordion-like tube that contains sperm and is the site of oocyte fertilization. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005320 obsolete coelomocytes post-embryonic herm true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005321 obsolete sperm true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005322 obsolete coelomocytes post-embryonic true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005324 obsolete body_DLL true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005325 obsolete coelomocytes embryonic true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005326 obsolete body_DL true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005327 obsolete coelomocytes true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005328 obsolete body wall muscle precursors true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005329 obsolete body neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005330 obsolete body muscle true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005331 obsolete body hypodermis true ganglion in the trunk of the body. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005332 body ganglion ganglion in the trunk of the body. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005333 obsolete AS.2-10 neuron true Neuron class of eleven motoneurons, with cell bodies in the ventral cord, which innervate dorsal muscles. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005334 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/asframeset.html> AS neuron Neuron class of eleven motoneurons, with cell bodies in the ventral cord, which innervate dorsal muscles. WB:cgc938 true Neuron class of eleven motoneurons, distributed along the ventral cord, which innervate ventral body muscles. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005336 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/VBframeset.html> VB neuron Neuron class of eleven motoneurons, distributed along the ventral cord, which innervate ventral body muscles. WB:Paper00000938 That portion of the male reproductive tract, through which sperm are delivered to the proctodeum and then the cloaca in the tail. Thus that portion which is distal to the testis, made of a total of 30 cells. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy gon_male_vdef sperm duct WBbt:0005337 vas deferens That portion of the male reproductive tract, through which sperm are delivered to the proctodeum and then the cloaca in the tail. Thus that portion which is distal to the testis, made of a total of 30 cells. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005338 obsolete VA.2-11 neuron true Neuron class of twelve motoneurons, distributed along the ventral cord, which innervate ventral body muscles. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005339 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/VAframeset.html> VA neuron Neuron class of twelve motoneurons, distributed along the ventral cord, which innervate ventral body muscles. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005340 obsolete V lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005341 obsolete uterus true muscle lining of the uterine wall. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005342 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/mesodermal.htm/musclepartIII.htm#um> uterine muscle muscle lining of the uterine wall. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005343 obsolete uterine true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005344 obsolete ut2_toroidal_cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005345 obsolete somatic gonad precursors true Neuron class of four neurons with cell bodies situated anterior to the nerve ring. presynaptic in ring, non-ciliated endings in head, associated with OLQ in embryo worm_anatomy WBbt:0005346 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/URYframeset.html> URY Neuron class of four neurons with cell bodies situated anterior to the nerve ring. presynaptic in ring, non-ciliated endings in head, associated with OLQ in embryo WB:Paper00000938 WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005347 obsolete somatic gonad true A pair of neuronal ganglia in the adult male tail, lying on either side of the proctodeum, but not found in the hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005348 cloacal ganglion A pair of neuronal ganglia in the adult male tail, lying on either side of the proctodeum, but not found in the hermaphrodite. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005349 obsolete somatic cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005350 obsolete cloaca true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005351 obsolete socket_cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005352 obsolete circumpharyngeal nerve ring neurons true Neuron class of four motoneurons, which innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring and also send processes posteriorly down the sub-lateral cords. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005353 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/SMDframeset.html> SMD Neuron class of four motoneurons, which innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring and also send processes posteriorly down the sub-lateral cords. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005354 obsolete circumpharyngeal nerve ring true Neuron class of four motoneurons, which innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring and also send processes posteriorly down the sub-lateral cords. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005355 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/SMBframeset.html> SMB Neuron class of four motoneurons, which innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring and also send processes posteriorly down the sub-lateral cords. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005356 obsolete cephalic sensillum ventral right true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005357 obsolete SM lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005358 obsolete cephalic sensillum ventral left true Neuron class of four interneurons, which send processes posteriorly down the sub-lateral cords. SIBV has cell bodies, in the ventral ganglion, which send processes that run right round the nerve ring and return to the neuropile of the ventral ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005359 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/SIBframeset.html> SIB Neuron class of four interneurons, which send processes posteriorly down the sub-lateral cords. SIBV has cell bodies, in the ventral ganglion, which send processes that run right round the nerve ring and return to the neuropile of the ventral ganglion. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005360 obsolete cephalic sensillum dorsal right true Neuron class of four interneurons, which send processes posteriorly down the sub-lateral cords. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005361 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/SIAframeset.html> SIA Neuron class of four interneurons, which send processes posteriorly down the sub-lateral cords. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005362 obsolete cephalic sensillum dorsal left true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005363 obsolete sheath cell true openning of the rectum WBbt:0005335 WB:rynl worm_anatomy anus interface WBbt:0005364 anus openning of the rectum WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005365 obsolete cephalic sensilla true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005366 obsolete anterior ventral cord neuron true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005367 obsolete cephalic neurons true spermatheca in anterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A WBbt:0005368 anterior spermatheca spermatheca in anterior gonad arm. WB:rynl sheath cell with nucleus anterior to metacorpus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005369 obsolete anterior sheath cell true sheath cell with nucleus anterior to metacorpus. WB:rynl undefined worm_anatomy WBbt:0005370 obsolete anterior pharynx true undefined Wb:rynl portion of anterior ganglion of somatic nervous system that is near or posteior to the metacorpus of pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005371 anterior ganglion (post) portion of anterior ganglion of somatic nervous system that is near or posteior to the metacorpus of pharynx. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000938 portion of anterior ganglion of somatic nervous system that is anterior to the metacorpus of pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005372 anterior ganglion (ant) portion of anterior ganglion of somatic nervous system that is anterior to the metacorpus of pharynx. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000938 cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in the head, including hyp1-hyp6 worm_anatomy head hypodermis WBbt:0005373 anterior hypodermis cylindrical hypodermal syncytium in the head, including hyp1-hyp6 WB:rynl WB:sdm Anterior lobe of the bi-lobbed hermaphrodite gonad. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005374 anterior gonad arm Anterior lobe of the bi-lobbed hermaphrodite gonad. WB:rynl ganglion anterior to the nerve ring WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005375 anterior ganglion ganglion anterior to the nerve ring WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005376 obsolete se_male true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005377 obsolete se_herm true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005378 obsolete set true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005380 obsolete sensilla true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005381 obsolete sense organs true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005382 obsolete seminal vesicle true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005383 obsolete seam cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005384 obsolete seam true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005385 obsolete scattered neurons true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005388 obsolete anal muscle true true Bilaterally symmetric chemosensory specializations located on the two lateral lips in the head involving a large hole in the anterior cuticle. worm_anatomy amphid WBbt:0005391 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/Amphidimagegallery.htm> amphid sensillum Bilaterally symmetric chemosensory specializations located on the two lateral lips in the head involving a large hole in the anterior cuticle. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005392 amphid right sensillum Neuronal process of an amphid neuron. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005393 amphid process Neuronal process of an amphid neuron. WB:rynl neuron of the amphid sensillum WBbt:0005390 worm_anatomy amphid sensory neuron WBbt:0005394 amphid neuron neuron of the amphid sensillum WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005395 amphid left sensillum Neuron class of three interneurons, which send processes anteriorly up the sub-lateral cords in the head. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005396 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/SABframeset.html> SAB Neuron class of three interneurons, which send processes anteriorly up the sub-lateral cords in the head. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of four interneurons that send processes anteriorly up the sub-lateral cords in the head. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005397 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/SAAframeset.html> SAA Neuron class of four interneurons that send processes anteriorly up the sub-lateral cords in the head. WB:Paper00000938 true Neuron class of four motoneurons, with NMJs in the nerve ring, which innervate head muscles. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005399 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RMEframeset.html> RME Neuron class of four motoneurons, with NMJs in the nerve ring, which innervate head muscles. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of six major motoneurons, which innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005400 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RMDframeset.html> RMD Neuron class of six major motoneurons, which innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005401 obsolete ring neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005402 obsolete ring interneuron true neuron whose cell body is in the retrovesicular ganglion. WBbt:0005398 WBbt:0005404 worm_anatomy RVG neuron retrovesicular ganglion WBbt:0005403 retrovesicular ganglion neuron neuron whose cell body is in the retrovesicular ganglion. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005405 obsolete rectum_L1 true Neuron class of two anterior sensory neurons that transduce touch stimuli. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005406 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ALMframeset.html> ALM Neuron class of two anterior sensory neurons that transduce touch stimuli. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005407 obsolete somatic cell true neuron making synapse on an effector (muscle, gland). worm_anatomy motoneuron WBbt:0005409 motor neuron neuron making synapse on an effector (muscle, gland). WB:rynl Neuron class of two interneurons, is one of the main classes of integrating neuron for the receptors of the amphid sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005413 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AIYframeset.html> AIY Neuron class of two interneurons, is one of the main classes of integrating neuron for the receptors of the amphid sensilla. WB:cgc938 Neuron class of two sensory neurons of anterior deirids, sensory receptors in lateral alae, contain dopamine. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005415 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ADEframeset.html> ADE Neuron class of two sensory neurons of anterior deirids, sensory receptors in lateral alae, contain dopamine. WB:sdm worm_anatomy WBbt:0005416 obsolete rectum_adult_male true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005417 obsolete rectum_adult_herm true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005418 obsolete rectum true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005419 obsolete rectal muscles true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005420 obsolete rectal gland true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005421 obsolete rectal epithelium true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005422 obsolete ray neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005423 obsolete ray cell precursors true bilateral sensory organ in the tail, similar to the amphid in the head. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005425 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/Phasmidimagegallery.htm> phasmid sensillum bilateral sensory organ in the tail, similar to the amphid in the head. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005426 obsolete Q lineage true the right one of a pair of phasmid sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005427 phasmid right sensillum the right one of a pair of phasmid sensilla. WB:rynl collection of specific banches of the AB.p lineage worm_anatomy WBbt:0005428 obsolete ABpxppxx true collection of specific banches of the AB.p lineage WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005429 obsolete phasmid neurons true cells in the AB.p lineage worm_anatomy WBbt:0005430 obsolete AB.p lineage true cells in the AB.p lineage WB:rynl the left one in the pair of phasmid sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005431 phasmid left sensillum the left one in the pair of phasmid sensilla. WB:rynl cells in the AB.a lineage worm_anatomy WBbt:0005432 obsolete AB.a lineage true cells in the AB.a lineage WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005433 obsolete pharynx true WBbt:0005436 worm_anatomy AB cells WBbt:0005434 obsolete AB lineage true true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005437 pharyngeal nerve process neuron of the pharyngeal nervous system. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005439 pharyngeal neuron neuron of the pharyngeal nervous system. WB:rynl The pharyngeal nervous system is composed of 20 pharyngeal neurons which lie completely within the pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005440 pharyngeal nervous system The pharyngeal nervous system is composed of 20 pharyngeal neurons which lie completely within the pharynx. WBPaper:00038216 A set of three longitudinal nerves (I1L, NSML and M2L) running along the anterior/posterior axis within the pharynx, each lying within a narrow groove created between syncytial pairs of muscles. One nerve lies dorsally, in close apposition to the dorsal gland duct, while the other two nerves lie subventrally. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005441 pharyngeal nerve A set of three longitudinal nerves (I1L, NSML and M2L) running along the anterior/posterior axis within the pharynx, each lying within a narrow groove created between syncytial pairs of muscles. One nerve lies dorsally, in close apposition to the dorsal gland duct, while the other two nerves lie subventrally. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005444 obsolete pseudocoelom true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005445 obsolete proctodeum true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005446 obsolete proctodeal cells true neuron with cell body in the preanal ganglion. WB:rynl worm_anatomy preanal ganglion neurons WBbt:0005447 preanal ganglion neuron neuron with cell body in the preanal ganglion. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000938 ganglion anterior to the anus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005448 preanal ganglion ganglion anterior to the anus. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005449 obsolete post_embryonic_death true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005450 obsolete posterior ventral neuronal precursors true type of cells that make up muscle layers in the pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005451 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/alimentary/alimentary1.htm#pharyngealmuscle> pharyngeal muscle cell type of cells that make up muscle layers in the pharynx. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005452 obsolete posterior ventral body wall muscle true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005453 obsolete pharyngeal motor neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005454 obsolete pharyngeal marginal cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005455 obsolete pharyngeal isthmus true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005456 obsolete pharyngeal interneurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005457 obsolete pharyngeal gland cell true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005458 obsolete Pharyngeal gland cell true cell that makes up epithelium in pharynx. worm_anatomy pharyngeal epithelium WBbt:0005459 pharyngeal epithelial cell cell that makes up epithelium in pharynx. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005460 pharyngeal cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005461 obsolete pharyneal marginal cell true spermatheca in posterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_P WBbt:0005462 posterior spermatheca spermatheca in posterior gonad arm. WB:rynl posterior lateral ganglion, right side. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005463 posterior lateral right ganglion posterior lateral ganglion, right side. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000938 posterior lateral ganglion, left side. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005464 posterior lateral left ganglion posterior lateral ganglion, left side. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000938 ganglion on the lateral side, in postior portion of the body, associated with posterior deirid. WB:rynl worm_anatomy posterior lateral ganglia WBbt:0005465 posterior lateral ganglion ganglion on the lateral side, in postior portion of the body, associated with posterior deirid. WB:rynl Posterior lobe of the bi-lobbed hermaphrodite gonad. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005466 posterior gonad arm Posterior lobe of the bi-lobbed hermaphrodite gonad. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005467 obsolete posterior dorsal body wall muscle true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005468 obsolete posterior buccal cavity true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005469 obsolete posterior body wall muscle true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005470 obsolete postdeirids true posterior deirid sensillum. contains dopamine. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005471 postdeirid sensillum posterior deirid sensillum. contains dopamine. WB:sdm WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005472 obsolete postdeirid sensilla true Male-specific neuron of the post-cloacal sensillum. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005473 PC neuron Male-specific neuron of the post-cloacal sensillum. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005474 obsolete P12 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005475 obsolete P11 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005476 obsolete P10 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005477 obsolete P9 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005478 obsolete P8 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005479 obsolete P7 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005480 obsolete P6 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005481 obsolete P5 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005482 obsolete postdeirid right true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005483 obsolete postdeirid neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005484 obsolete postdeirid left true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005485 postcloacal sensillum right worm_anatomy WBbt:0005486 postcloacal sensillum left a bilateral pair of sensilla immediately posterior of the cloaca. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005487 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/maleHandbook/EpithelialMalePartII_PCS.htm> postcloacal sensillum a bilateral pair of sensilla immediately posterior of the cloaca. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005488 obsolete post-embryonic blast cell male true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005489 obsolete post-embryonic blast cell true Neuron class of two posterior sensory neurons that transduce touch stimuli. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005490 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PLMframeset.html> PLM Neuron class of two posterior sensory neurons that transduce touch stimuli. WB:Paper00000938 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005491 obsolete P4 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005493 obsolete P3 lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005494 obsolete P lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005495 obsolete oviduct posterior true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005496 obsolete oviduct anterior true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005497 obsolete ovary posterior true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005498 obsolete ovary anterior true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005499 obsolete ovarian postmitotic cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005500 obsolete ovarian mitotic cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005501 outer labial sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0005502 outer labial quadrant sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0005503 outer labial lateral sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0005504 obsolete oocytes true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005505 OL quadrant ventral right sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0005506 OL quadrant ventral left sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0005507 OL quadrant dorsal right sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0005508 OL quadrant dorsal left sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0005509 OL lateral right sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0005510 OL lateral left sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0005511 obsolete non-pharyngeal muscle true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005513 obsolete neuronal precursors true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005514 obsolete neuronal (amphid sensory neurons) true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005515 obsolete neuronal true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005517 obsolete neuroblasts true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005518 obsolete neural true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005519 obsolete nervous system true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005520 obsolete nerve ring true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005521 obsolete neck_VMR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005522 obsolete neck_VML true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005523 obsolete neck_VLR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005524 obsolete neck_VLL true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005525 obsolete neck_DMR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005526 obsolete neck_DML true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005527 obsolete neck_DLR true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005528 obsolete neck_DLL true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005529 obsolete neck body wall muscle true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005530 obsolete mu_male_spic true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005531 obsolete male_sens_ray.6 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005532 obsolete mu_male_obl true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005533 obsolete male_sens_ray.5R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005534 obsolete male_sens_ray.5L true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005535 obsolete male_sens_ray.5 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005536 obsolete male_sens_ray.4R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005537 obsolete male_sens_ray.4L true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005538 obsolete male_sens_ray.4 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005539 obsolete male_sens_ray.3R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005540 obsolete male_sens_ray.3L true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005541 obsolete male_sens_ray.3 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005542 obsolete mu_male_long true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005543 obsolete mu_male_gub true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005544 obsolete mu_male_diag true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005545 obsolete mu_int true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005546 obsolete mu_herm_vul true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005547 obsolete mu_herm_ut true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005548 obsolete mu_bod true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005549 obsolete muscle true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005550 obsolete MS lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005551 obsolete male_sens_ray.2R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005552 obsolete mouth true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005553 obsolete male_sens_ray.2L true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005554 obsolete male_sens_ray.2 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005555 obsolete male_sens_ray.1R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005556 obsolete male_sens_ray.1L true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005557 obsolete male_sens_ray.1 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005558 obsolete male tail hypodermis true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005559 obsolete male specific neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005560 obsolete male specific muscles true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005561 obsolete male sex-specific muscle true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005563 obsolete metacorpus true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005564 obsolete mesendoderm true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005565 obsolete mechanosensory neurons true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005566 obsolete mechanoreceptors true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005567 obsolete mc3 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005568 obsolete mc2 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005569 obsolete mc1 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005570 obsolete male sensory rays true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005571 obsolete male_specific true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005572 obsolete male sense organs true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005573 obsolete male_sens_ray.9R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005574 obsolete male reproductive system true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005575 obsolete male pseudocoelom true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005576 obsolete male nervous system true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005577 obsolete male gonad true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005578 obsolete male germ cells true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005579 obsolete m8 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005580 obsolete m7 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005581 obsolete m6 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005582 obsolete male_sens_ray.9L true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005583 obsolete male_sens_ray.9 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005584 obsolete male_sens_ray.8R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005585 obsolete male_sens_ray.8L true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005586 obsolete male_sens_ray.8 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005587 obsolete male_sens_ray.7R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005588 obsolete male_sens_ray.7L true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005589 obsolete male_sens_ray.7 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005590 obsolete m5 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005591 obsolete male_sens_ray.6R true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005592 obsolete m4 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005593 obsolete male_sens_ray.6L true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005595 obsolete m3 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005596 obsolete m2 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005597 obsolete m1 true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005598 obsolete M lineage true worm_anatomy WBbt:0005599 obsolete lumbar neurons true neuron of lumbar ganglion, right. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005600 lumbar right ganglion neuron neuron of lumbar ganglion, right. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000938 lumbar ganglion, right side. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005601 lumbar ganglion right lumbar ganglion, right side. WB:rynl Anterior deirid socket, left worm_anatomy lineage name: H2L.aa WBbt:0005602 ADEsoL Anterior deirid socket, left ISBN:0-87969-307-X Anterior deirid socket, right worm_anatomy lineage name: H2R.aa WBbt:0005603 ADEsoR Anterior deirid socket, right ISBN:0-87969-307-X terms and relations no longer supported. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005604 obsolete obsolete true terms and relations no longer supported. WB:rynl true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaav. WBbt:0004172 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z4.apaaaav WBbt:0005646 Z4.apaaaav Anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaav. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl true cell in hermaphrodite anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaad. WBbt:0004174 WB:rynl worm_anatomy gon_herm_spth_A lineage name: Z4.apaaaad WBbt:0005648 Z4.apaaaad cell in hermaphrodite anterior spermathecae; cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaad. WB:rynl true true true true true true true Ganglion that lies at the anterior limit of the ventral nerve cord, near the ventral ganglion and nerve ring in the head posterior to the excretory pore. It is open and continuous with the region containing the motoneurons of the ventral cord. In the early L1 this ganglion holds 12 neuron cell bodies plus one neuroblast (Sulston and Horvitz, 1977; White et al., 1986). In the adult animal, the ganglion holds 20 neuron cell bodies. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005656 retrovesicular ganglion Ganglion that lies at the anterior limit of the ventral nerve cord, near the ventral ganglion and nerve ring in the head posterior to the excretory pore. It is open and continuous with the region containing the motoneurons of the ventral cord. In the early L1 this ganglion holds 12 neuron cell bodies plus one neuroblast (Sulston and Horvitz, 1977; White et al., 1986). In the adult animal, the ganglion holds 20 neuron cell bodies. WBPaper:00038216 Interneuron, processes in ventral cord and ring, few synapses, left side WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005657 AVFL Interneuron, processes in ventral cord and ring, few synapses, left side WB:rynl Interneuron, processes in ventral cord and ring, few synapses, right side WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005658 AVFR Interneuron, processes in ventral cord and ring, few synapses, right side WB:rynl Phasmid neuron, probably chemosensory WBbt:0004363 ISBN:0-87969-307-X worm_anatomy PHRB lineage name: ABprapppappp WBbt:0005659 PHBR Phasmid neuron, probably chemosensory ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of two neurons that have dual ciliated endings in the amphid sensillum. The endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. Processes from lateral cell bodies enter the ventral cord via the amphidial commissures and turn anteriorly to enter the nerve ring. The processes of ADF run near the outside surface and posterior face of the ring, in close association with those of AIZ. They meet at the dorsal mid-line and terminate; there is a gap junction at the point or contact. The main synaptic output is to RIA and AIZ; there are also synapses to SMB, AUA and RIR, usually in dyadic combinations with RIA or AIZ. AWB synapses onto ADF in several places, and there are gap junctions to RIH, ADA and AIA. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005660 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ADFframeset.html> ADF Neuron class of two neurons that have dual ciliated endings in the amphid sensillum. The endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. Processes from lateral cell bodies enter the ventral cord via the amphidial commissures and turn anteriorly to enter the nerve ring. The processes of ADF run near the outside surface and posterior face of the ring, in close association with those of AIZ. They meet at the dorsal mid-line and terminate; there is a gap junction at the point or contact. The main synaptic output is to RIA and AIZ; there are also synapses to SMB, AUA and RIR, usually in dyadic combinations with RIA or AIZ. AWB synapses onto ADF in several places, and there are gap junctions to RIH, ADA and AIA. WB:cgc938 Neuron class of two neurons that have dual ciliated endings in the amphid sensillum; the endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005661 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ADLframeset.html> ADL Neuron class of two neurons that have dual ciliated endings in the amphid sensillum; the endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensillum; the endings of AFD have numerous villi, which poke into the amphid sheath cells. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005662 AFD neuron sense CO2 [WBpaper00038260] AFD Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensillum; the endings of AFD have numerous villi, which poke into the amphid sheath cells. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla; the endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside worm_anatomy WBbt:0005663 ASE neuron sense CO2 [WBpaper00038260] ASE Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla; the endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla; the endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005664 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ASGframeset.html> ASG Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla; the endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla; the endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005665 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ASHframeset.html> ASH Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla; the endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla; the endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005666 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ASIframeset.html> ASI Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla; the endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla. The endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005667 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ASJframeset.html> ASJ Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla. The endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla. The endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005668 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ASKframeset.html> ASK Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are part of the amphid sensilla. The endings are in the amphid channel, which is open to the outside. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are associated with the sheath cells of the amphid sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005670 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AWAframeset.html> AWA Neuron class of two ciliated neurons that are associated with the sheath cells of the amphid sensilla. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two ciliated neurons with flattened, sheet-like endings that are associated with the sheath cells of the amphid sensilla worm_anatomy WBbt:0005671 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AWBframeset.html> AWB Neuron class of two ciliated neurons with flattened, sheet-like endings that are associated with the sheath cells of the amphid sensilla WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two ciliated neurons with large, flattened, sheet-like endings that are associated with the sheath cells of the amphid sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005672 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AWCframeset.html> AWC Neuron class of two ciliated neurons with large, flattened, sheet-like endings that are associated with the sheath cells of the amphid sensilla. WB:Paper00000938 nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005673 Z1.ppa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppp(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005674 Z1.ppp (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppp(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005675 Z1.ppaa(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005676 Z1.ppaaa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005677 Z1.ppaaa[a/l](5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l]a(5R) worm_anatomy Z1.ppaaala (5R) nucleus WBbt:0005678 Z1.ppaaaaa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l]a(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l]p(5R) worm_anatomy Z1.ppaaalp (5R) nucleus WBbt:0005679 Z1.ppaaaap (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l]p(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r](5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005680 Z1.ppaaa[p/r](5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r]a(5R) worm_anatomy Z1.ppaaara (5R) nucleus WBbt:0005681 Z1.ppaaapa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r]a(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r]p(5R) worm_anatomy Z1.ppaaarp (5R) nucleus WBbt:0005682 Z1.ppaaapp (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r]p(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaap(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005683 Z1.ppaap (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaap(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005684 Z1.ppaapa(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapp(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005685 Z1.ppaapp(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapp(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapa[a/v](5R) worm_anatomy Z1.ppaapav (5R) nucleus WBbt:0005686 Z1.ppaapaa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapa[a/v](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapa[p/d](5R) worm_anatomy Z1.ppaapad (5R) nucleus WBbt:0005687 Z1.ppaapap (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapa[p/d](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapp[a/v](5R) worm_anatomy Z1.ppaappv (5R) nucleus WBbt:0005688 Z1.ppaappa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapp[a/v](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapp[p/d](5R) worm_anatomy VT3p left Z1.ppaappd (5R) nucleus WBbt:0005689 WBPaper00002608 Z1.ppaappp (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppaapp[p/d](5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppap(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005690 Z1.ppap(5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppap(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapa(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005691 Z1.ppapa (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapa(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapad(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005692 Z1.ppapad (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapad(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapav(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005693 Z1.ppapav (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapav(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapp(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005694 Z1.ppapp (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppapp(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppappd(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005695 Z1.ppappd (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppappd(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppappv(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005696 Z1.ppappv (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppappv(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0005697 Z1.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0005698 Z1.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppx/Z4.aax in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005699 Z1.ppx or Z4.aax nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppx/Z4.aax in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppx/Z4.aax(5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005700 Z1.ppx/Z4.aax (5R) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppx/Z4.aax(5R) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppx/Z4.aax(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005701 Z1.ppx/Z4.aax (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppx/Z4.aax(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005702 Z4.aaa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005703 Z4.aap (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005704 Z4.aapa(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005705 Z4.aapp(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005706 Z4.aapaa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005707 Z4.aapap (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapaad(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005708 Z4.aapaad (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapaad(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapaav(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005709 Z4.aapaav (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapaav(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapapd(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005710 Z4.aapapd (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapapd(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapapv(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005711 Z4.aapapv (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapapv(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005712 Z4.aappa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappp(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005713 Z4.aappp (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappaa(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005714 Z4.aappaa(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappap(5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0005715 Z4.aappap(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappaaa(5L) worm_anatomy Z4.aappaad nucleus WBbt:0005716 Z4.aappaaa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappaaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappaap(5L) worm_anatomy Z4.aappaav (5L) nucleus WBbt:0005717 Z4.aappaap (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappaap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappapp(5L) worm_anatomy Z4.aappapv (5L) nucleus WBbt:0005718 Z4.aappapp (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappapp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappapa(5L) worm_anatomy Z4.aappapd nucleus WBbt:0005719 Z4.aappapa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappapa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapppp(5L) worm_anatomy Z4.aapppr(5L) nucleus WBbt:0005720 Z4.aapppp(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapppp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapppa(5L) worm_anatomy Z4.aapppl(5L) nucleus WBbt:0005721 Z4.aapppa(5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapppa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapppap(5L) worm_anatomy Z4.aappplp(5L) nucleus WBbt:0005722 Z4.aapppap (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapppap(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapppaa(5L) worm_anatomy Z4.aapppla (5L) nucleus WBbt:0005723 Z4.aapppaa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapppaa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappppp(5L) worm_anatomy VT1l Z4.aappprp(5L) nucleus WBbt:0005724 Z4.aappppp (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappppp(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappppa(5L) worm_anatomy Z4.aapppra (5L) nucleus WBbt:0005725 Z4.aappppa (5L) nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.aappppa(5L) WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0005726 Z4.aap nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree Z4.aap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0005727 Z4.aaa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaa WB:rynl Nucleus of the anchor cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005728 AC nucleus Nucleus of the anchor cell. WB:rynl Association of cells with a common embryological origin or pathway and similar structure and function. Usually, cells of a tissue are contiguous at cell membranes and may be of one or more types. Tissues aggregate to form organs. CARO:0000043 ISBN:0-14-051288-8 WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005729 Tissue Association of cells with a common embryological origin or pathway and similar structure and function. Usually, cells of a tissue are contiguous at cell membranes and may be of one or more types. Tissues aggregate to form organs. ISBN:0-14-051288-8 WB:rynl lies within the body wall, in close relation to nervous system and excretory system. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005730 epithelial system lies within the body wall, in close relation to nervous system and excretory system. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005731 rectal lumen Anatomical structures that exist outside of cells; non-cellular. CARO:0000040 WB:pws worm_anatomy WBbt:0005732 extracellular component Anatomical structures that exist outside of cells; non-cellular. WB:rynl Epidermal layer. CARO:0000066 WB:pws worm_anatomy epidermis WBbt:0005733 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/hypodermis.htm> hypodermis Epidermal layer. WB:pws entire syncytium of hyp7 WB:pws worm_anatomy hyp7 WBbt:0005734 hyp7 syncytium entire syncytium of hyp7 WB:pws Complement of nervous tissue (neurones, nerves, receptors and support cells) serving to detect, relay and coordinate information about an animal's internal and external environments and to initiate and integrate its effector responses and activities. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005735 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/MoW_built0.92/nervous_system.html> nervous system Complement of nervous tissue (neurones, nerves, receptors and support cells) serving to detect, relay and coordinate information about an animal's internal and external environments and to initiate and integrate its effector responses and activities. ISBN:0-14-051288-8 WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005736 excretory system the organ system that allows the animal move, includes all muscles. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005737 muscular system the organ system that allows the animal move, includes all muscles. WB:rynl region of the body by which tissues, cells or cell parts are classified worm_anatomy WBbt:0005738 body region region of the body by which tissues, cells or cell parts are classified WBPaper:00038216 anterior-most body region containing the pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005739 head anterior-most body region containing the pharynx. WB:rynl body region posterior to the head and anterior to the tail worm_anatomy WBbt:0005740 midbody body region posterior to the head and anterior to the tail WB:rynl posterior region, from rectum to the end worm_anatomy WBbt:0005741 tail posterior region, from rectum to the end WB:rynl exterior tube of two concentric tubes that make up the body, includes the epidermal cells and the attached neurons and muscles. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005742 body wall exterior tube of two concentric tubes that make up the body, includes the epidermal cells and the attached neurons and muscles. WB:Paper00000978 WB:rynl inner tube of two concentric tubes that make up the body worm_anatomy WBbt:0005743 digestive tract inner tube of two concentric tubes that make up the body WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005744 reproductive tract A fluid-filled space enclosed on the outside by the basal laminae of the bodywall tissues, principally those of the bodywall muscles and the hypodermis. Within this space the digestive tract and reproductive tract lie separately, each enclosed by its own basal lamina. Intercellular signals, nutrients and waste products can travel between all tissues bordering this space. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy body cavity WBbt:0005745 pseudocoelom A fluid-filled space enclosed on the outside by the basal laminae of the bodywall tissues, principally those of the bodywall muscles and the hypodermis. Within this space the digestive tract and reproductive tract lie separately, each enclosed by its own basal lamina. Intercellular signals, nutrients and waste products can travel between all tissues bordering this space. WBPaper:00038216 intergrated group of organs, performing one or more unified functions. ISBN:0-14-051288-8 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005746 Organ system intergrated group of organs, performing one or more unified functions. ISBN:0-14-051288-8 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005747 reproductive system worm_anatomy WBbt:0005748 alimentary system worm_anatomy WBbt:0005749 coelomic system An interfacial epithelial cell which forms a distal cap on a sheath cell to bind the sheath of a sensillum to the neighboring hypodermis, via adherens junctions. There is often a narrow opening through the socket from the exterior into the sheath channel, allowing ciliated dendrites to be exposed to the external environment. The socket cell functions similarly to a glial cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005750 socket cell An interfacial epithelial cell which forms a distal cap on a sheath cell to bind the sheath of a sensillum to the neighboring hypodermis, via adherens junctions. There is often a narrow opening through the socket from the exterior into the sheath channel, allowing ciliated dendrites to be exposed to the external environment. The socket cell functions similarly to a glial cell. WBPaper:00038216 A free-floating spherical cell lying in the pseudocoelomic cavity of larvae and adult C. elegans which can endocytose many compounds, possibly for immune surveillance. There are six coelomocytes in adult hermaphrodites, and they display prominent cytoplasmic inclusions and vacuoles. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005751 coelomocyte A free-floating spherical cell lying in the pseudocoelomic cavity of larvae and adult C. elegans which can endocytose many compounds, possibly for immune surveillance. There are six coelomocytes in adult hermaphrodites, and they display prominent cytoplasmic inclusions and vacuoles. WBPaper:00038216 anatomical or cell objects that exist in only one, male or hermaphrodite, sex. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005752 Sex specific entity anatomical or cell objects that exist in only one, male or hermaphrodite, sex. WB:rynl a group of hypodermal cells that lie along the apical midline of the hypodermis, at the extreme left and right sides between nose and tail worm_anatomy lateral hypodermis WBbt:0005753 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/hypsupportseam.htm> seam cell a group of hypodermal cells that lie along the apical midline of the hypodermis, at the extreme left and right sides between nose and tail WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 an epithelial cell that serves either to bridge two neighboring epithelial tissues or to form an opening in the epithelium. worm_anatomy interfacial cell interfacial epithelium transitional epithelium WBbt:0005754 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/hypsupportother.htm> interfacial epithelial cell an epithelial cell that serves either to bridge two neighboring epithelial tissues or to form an opening in the epithelium. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 a rigid external coating which is secreted by the hypodermis, seam and some transitional epithelial cells which covers the outer body, the major openings into the body cavity from the exterior, and two large sensory bristles, the male spicules. The cuticle of the spicules, the hook, and of some portions of the spicule channels is especially rigid and is probably sclerotized. Similar sclerotic features are occasionally noted in the ventral surface of the male tail fan. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy exoskeleton WBbt:0005755 cuticle a rigid external coating which is secreted by the hypodermis, seam and some transitional epithelial cells which covers the outer body, the major openings into the body cavity from the exterior, and two large sensory bristles, the male spicules. The cuticle of the spicules, the hook, and of some portions of the spicule channels is especially rigid and is probably sclerotized. Similar sclerotic features are occasionally noted in the ventral surface of the male tail fan. WBPaper:00038216 WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy ECM basement membrane extracellular matrix lamina WBbt:0005756 basal lamina cells or anatomical parts specific to the male sex worm_anatomy WBbt:0005757 male-specific anatomical entity cells or anatomical parts specific to the male sex WB:rynl cells or anatomical parts specific to the hermaphrodite sex worm_anatomy WBbt:0005758 hermaphrodite-specific anatomical entity cells or anatomical parts specific to the hermaphrodite sex WB:rynl neuron that senses external stimuli and transduce them to signals internal to the organism. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005759 WormAtlas NeuroTABLE 1 classification used. sensory neuron neuron that senses external stimuli and transduce them to signals internal to the organism. WB:rynl Part of the nervous system that lies completely outside the pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005760 somatic nervous system Part of the nervous system that lies completely outside the pharynx. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005761 obsolete pharyngeal nervous system true cells that support sensory neurons, similar to glial cells in vertebrates. A category which collectively refers to socket cells, sheath cells, and structural cells, or their processes. All of these cells extend long processes which serve a supporting role, rather like glia, to form a protective environment around sensory neuron endings. In addition, some of these cells extend broad thin processes from their somata which wrap around neuronal ganglia, again in a glia-like fashion WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy support cell WBbt:0005762 accessory cell cells that support sensory neurons, similar to glial cells in vertebrates. A category which collectively refers to socket cells, sheath cells, and structural cells, or their processes. All of these cells extend long processes which serve a supporting role, rather like glia, to form a protective environment around sensory neuron endings. In addition, some of these cells extend broad thin processes from their somata which wrap around neuronal ganglia, again in a glia-like fashion WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 concerns with functional aspects of cells and anatomical parts worm_anatomy WBbt:0005763 Functional system concerns with functional aspects of cells and anatomical parts WB:rynl true concerns with temporal aspects of cells and anatomical parts, e.g. development worm_anatomy WBbt:0005765 Time concerns with temporal aspects of cells and anatomical parts, e.g. development WB:rynl entity of anatomical origin that is either entirely acellular or is a collection of cells and acellular parts. WBbt:0005764 worm_anatomy anatomical structure WBbt:0005766 Anatomy entity of anatomical origin that is either entirely acellular or is a collection of cells and acellular parts. WB:rynl A group of six equivalent cells forms a tightly constructed 'valve' that links the posterior bulb of the pharynx to the anterior four cells of the intestine. These six cells comprise a small epithelial channel with a cuticular lining in continuity with the pharyngeal cuticle and link the lumen of the pharynx to the large lumen of the anterior intestine. WBbt:0005435 WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy cardia esophago-intestinal valve pharyngeal valve pharyngo-intestinal valve WBbt:0005767 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/alimentary/alimentary1.htm#vip> pharyngeal-intestinal valve A group of six equivalent cells forms a tightly constructed 'valve' that links the posterior bulb of the pharynx to the anterior four cells of the intestine. These six cells comprise a small epithelial channel with a cuticular lining in continuity with the pharyngeal cuticle and link the lumen of the pharynx to the large lumen of the anterior intestine. WBPaper:00038216 spatial axis worm_anatomy WBbt:0005768 axis spatial axis WB:rynl anteria-posterior axis worm_anatomy WBbt:0005769 anterior-posterior anteria-posterior axis WB:rynl dorsal-ventral axis worm_anatomy WBbt:0005770 dorsal-ventral dorsal-ventral axis WB:rynl left-right axis worm_anatomy WBbt:0005771 left-right left-right axis WB:rynl A chain of very large cuboidal cells forming a wide central lumen in which food arrives from the posterior pharynx, is digested, and from which waste products proceed to the rectum. Intestinal rings form in groups of two and four cells surrounding the common lumen; thus the epithelium is only one cell deep at any point, with neighboring cells firmly secured to their neighbors by apical adherens junctions. These cells have very large nuclei and many large vacuoles, yolk granules, and other inclusions; the latter increase in number and electron density as the animal ages. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy gut mesenteron WBbt:0005772 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/alimentary/alimentary2.htm> intestine A chain of very large cuboidal cells forming a wide central lumen in which food arrives from the posterior pharynx, is digested, and from which waste products proceed to the rectum. Intestinal rings form in groups of two and four cells surrounding the common lumen; thus the epithelium is only one cell deep at any point, with neighboring cells firmly secured to their neighbors by apical adherens junctions. These cells have very large nuclei and many large vacuoles, yolk granules, and other inclusions; the latter increase in number and electron density as the animal ages. WBPaper:00038216 The passageway in the hindgut between the posterior intestine, the rectal valve and the opening to the exterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005773 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/alimentary/alimentary3.htm> rectum The passageway in the hindgut between the posterior intestine, the rectal valve and the opening to the exterior. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 a feature of the male tail, caudal to the proctodeum, where the vas deferens and the intestine open out jointly near the tail tip to discharge their contents. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005774 cloaca a feature of the male tail, caudal to the proctodeum, where the vas deferens and the intestine open out jointly near the tail tip to discharge their contents. WBPaper:00038216 Four processes (canals) of the excretory canal cell each contain a central collecting lumen which feeds to a central lumenal canal in the cell body; the central canal forms a specialized membrane to release fluids into the excretory duct. These five canals form a continuous H-shaped channel which extends almost the full length of the body, generally in contact with the lateral hypodermis and the pseudocoelom. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy canal WBbt:0005775 excretory canal Four processes (canals) of the excretory canal cell each contain a central collecting lumen which feeds to a central lumenal canal in the cell body; the central canal forms a specialized membrane to release fluids into the excretory duct. These five canals form a continuous H-shaped channel which extends almost the full length of the body, generally in contact with the lateral hypodermis and the pseudocoelom. WBPaper:00038216 gland cell of the secretory-excretory system, sends processes to ring, opens into excretory duct. worm_anatomy exc gl WBbt:0005776 excretory gland cell gland cell of the secretory-excretory system, sends processes to ring, opens into excretory duct. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl The extracellular sinus formed by the excretory duct and pore cells. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005777 excretory duct The extracellular sinus formed by the excretory duct and pore cells. WBPaper:00038216 The outlet of the excretory sinus to the exterior environment through the cuticle, on the ventral side of the head, just behind the nerve ring. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy pore WBbt:0005778 excretory pore The outlet of the excretory sinus to the exterior environment through the cuticle, on the ventral side of the head, just behind the nerve ring. WBPaper:00038216 A multiple sarcomere muscle cell in which the thin and thick filaments adopt highly ordered patterns, with the thin filaments anchored at dense bodies. striated muscle cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005779 striated muscle A multiple sarcomere muscle cell in which the thin and thick filaments adopt highly ordered patterns, with the thin filaments anchored at dense bodies. WB:Paper00001807 Muscle cell that has either one or a few well-structured sarcomeres or myofilament networks that are less well organized. non-striated muscle cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005780 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<https://www.wormatlas.org/hermaphrodite/musclenonstriated/mainframe.htm> non-striated muscle Muscle cell that has either one or a few well-structured sarcomeres or myofilament networks that are less well organized. WB:Paper00001807 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005781 smooth muscle true true cell line which early in development becomes differentiated from the remaining somatic cell line, and alone has the potential to undergo meiosis and form gametes. worm_anatomy germline WBbt:0005784 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/reproductivesystem/reproductivesystem2.htm> germ line cell line which early in development becomes differentiated from the remaining somatic cell line, and alone has the potential to undergo meiosis and form gametes. ISBN:0140512888 The components of the gonad that are separate from the germline proper. In hermaphrodite, these include five tissues which are all derived from the somatic primordium : the distal tip cells, the gonadal sheath, the spermatheca, the spermatheca-uterine valve (sp-ut) and the uterus. worm_anatomy somatic germline WBbt:0005785 somatic gonad The components of the gonad that are separate from the germline proper. In hermaphrodite, these include five tissues which are all derived from the somatic primordium : the distal tip cells, the gonadal sheath, the spermatheca, the spermatheca-uterine valve (sp-ut) and the uterus. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005786 muscle of the reproductive system worm_anatomy WBbt:0005787 obsolete neuron of the preproductive system true Secretory gland cell of the pharynx worm_anatomy WBbt:0005788 pharyngeal gland cell Secretory gland cell of the pharynx WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005789 pharyngeal segment the space in the center of pharynx which allows the passage of food. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005790 pharyngeal lumen the space in the center of pharynx which allows the passage of food. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005791 intestinal lumen any of 20 large epithelial cells which form a tube and are mostly situated as bilaterally symmetric pairs around the tubular lumen. Each of these cell pairs forms an intestinal ring ( II-IX int rings). The most anterior intestinal ring (int ring I), however, is made of four cells. Intestinal cells contain large nuclei with large nucleoli and numerous autofluorescent granules in their cytoplasm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005792 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/alimentary/alimentary2.htm#intcelllist> intestinal cell any of 20 large epithelial cells which form a tube and are mostly situated as bilaterally symmetric pairs around the tubular lumen. Each of these cell pairs forms an intestinal ring ( II-IX int rings). The most anterior intestinal ring (int ring I), however, is made of four cells. Intestinal cells contain large nuclei with large nucleoli and numerous autofluorescent granules in their cytoplasm. WBPaper:00038216 Interfacial (hypodermal) cells which connect the hypodermal epithelium of the lips to the pharyngeal epithelium, firmly binding the inner tissue (the pharynx) to the outer bodywall (the hypodermis). worm_anatomy WBbt:0005793 arcade cell Interfacial (hypodermal) cells which connect the hypodermal epithelium of the lips to the pharyngeal epithelium, firmly binding the inner tissue (the pharynx) to the outer bodywall (the hypodermis). WBPaper:00038216 Interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. worm_anatomy arc ant WBbt:0005794 anterior arcade cell Interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. worm_anatomy arc post WBbt:0005795 posterior arcade cell Interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. ISBN:0-87969-307-X intestinal muscle cell, attach to intestine and body wall anterior to anus worm_anatomy stomato-intestinal muscle WBbt:0005796 intestinal muscle intestinal muscle cell, attach to intestine and body wall anterior to anus WB:Paper00000653 cell that forms intestinal-rectal valve. worm_anatomy intestinal-rectal valve cell WBbt:0005797 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/alimentary/alimentary3.htm#rectvalve> rectal valve cell cell that forms intestinal-rectal valve. WB:rynl a saddle-shaped muscle cell that encircles the intestinal-rectal valve WBbt:0004884 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpppppap mu sph WBbt:0005798 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/mesodermal.htm/musclepartIII.htm#Asphs> anal sphincter muscle a saddle-shaped muscle cell that encircles the intestinal-rectal valve WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005799 rectal gland cell epithelium connecting intestine and anus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005800 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/alimentary/alimentary3.htm#rectepith> rectal epithelium epithelium connecting intestine and anus. WB:rynl neuron whose cell body is in the dorsal-rectal ganglion. WBbt:0005211 worm_anatomy dorso-rectal ganglion neuron WBbt:0005801 dorsal-rectal ganglion neuron neuron whose cell body is in the dorsal-rectal ganglion. WB:rynl true muscle that controls hermaphrodite rectal opening. anal muscle worm_anatomy WBbt:0005803 rectal muscle muscle that controls hermaphrodite rectal opening. WB:rynl anal muscle WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005804 cloacal rectal valve cell sphincter muscle of male cloaca. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005805 cloacal sphincter muscle sphincter muscle of male cloaca. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005806 cloacal rectal gland cell Male-specific neuron whose cell body is in the cloacal ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005807 cloacal neuron Male-specific neuron whose cell body is in the cloacal ganglion. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005808 cloacal epithelium worm_anatomy WBbt:0005809 cloacal muscle worm_anatomy WBbt:0005810 cloacal dilator muscle a structural (glial) cell which forms an specialized environment surrounding the sensory ending(s) of one or more neurons; sometimes accompanied by a more distal socket cell. In early development of the sensory nerves and of the nerve ring some sheath cells (cephalics and labials) may also provide a substrate for axon guidance WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy pocket cell WBbt:0005811 neuronal sheath cell a structural (glial) cell which forms an specialized environment surrounding the sensory ending(s) of one or more neurons; sometimes accompanied by a more distal socket cell. In early development of the sensory nerves and of the nerve ring some sheath cells (cephalics and labials) may also provide a substrate for axon guidance WBPaper:00038216 H-shaped cell associated with the excretory system, largest cell in C. elegans. WBbt:0004542 worm_anatomy exc_cell excretory canal cell lineage name: ABplpappaap WBbt:0005812 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/excretory.htm#exccanalcell> excretory cell H-shaped cell associated with the excretory system, largest cell in C. elegans. WB:rynl Longitudinal bands of muscle cells surrounding animal body, with one band running in each quadrant of the body, regulated contraction and relaxation of these muscles cause locomotion. worm_anatomy body muscle WBbt:0005813 body wall musculature Longitudinal bands of muscle cells surrounding animal body, with one band running in each quadrant of the body, regulated contraction and relaxation of these muscles cause locomotion. ISBN:0-87969-433-5 true specialized muscle in the male. WBbt:0006907 worm_anatomy dgl male tail diagonal muscle mu_male_diag WBbt:0005815 diagonal muscle specialized muscle in the male. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005816 dorsal left quadrant body wall muscle worm_anatomy WBbt:0005817 dorsal right quadrant body wall muscle body wall muscle of vental left quadrant, formed by a row of body wall muscle cell, (23 mature, 19 at hatching). worm_anatomy WBbt:0005818 ventral left quadrant body wall muscle body wall muscle of vental left quadrant, formed by a row of body wall muscle cell, (23 mature, 19 at hatching). WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005819 ventral right quadrant body wall muscle muscle of the alimentary organ system. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005820 alimentary muscle muscle of the alimentary organ system. WB:rynl muscle associated with hermaphrodite vulva. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005821 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/mesodermal.htm/musclepartIII.htm#vm> vulval muscle muscle associated with hermaphrodite vulva. WB:rynl specialized muscle in the male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005822 anterior oblique muscle specialized muscle in the male. WB:rynl specialized muscle in the male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005823 posterior oblique muscle specialized muscle in the male. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005824 gubernacular erector muscle worm_anatomy WBbt:0005825 gubernacular retractor muscle worm_anatomy WBbt:0005826 spicule protractor muscle worm_anatomy WBbt:0005827 spicule retractor muscle five pairs of thin gonadal sheath cells form a single layer covering the germ line component of each arm, each pair occupying a stereotyped position along the gonad proximal-distal axis. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005828 gonadal sheath cell five pairs of thin gonadal sheath cells form a single layer covering the germ line component of each arm, each pair occupying a stereotyped position along the gonad proximal-distal axis. WBPaper:00038216 a large process bundle that runs along the vental mid-line extending from the ventral region of the nerve ring. worm_anatomy ventral cord WBbt:0005829 ventral nerve cord a large process bundle that runs along the vental mid-line extending from the ventral region of the nerve ring. WB:Paper00000938 ventral cord WB:Paper00000938 The left and right lumbar ganglia lie behind the pre-anal ganglion in the tail, in lateral positions. Each contains 12 neuron cell bodies that send most of their neuronal processes into the ventral nerve cord via lumbar commissures and the pre-anal ganglion. There is no local neuropil in these ganglia in the hermaphrodite, instead they form most synapses in the pre-anal ganglion. Most lumbar neurons have sensory functions. In the adult male tail, these two ganglia gain many additional neurons and have some local neuropil. The lumbar neurons lie in close association with the lateral hypodermis, and most are posterior to the anus. WBbt:0005099 WB:rynl worm_anatomy lumbar lateral ganglia lumbar lateral ganglion WBbt:0005830 lumbar ganglion The left and right lumbar ganglia lie behind the pre-anal ganglion in the tail, in lateral positions. Each contains 12 neuron cell bodies that send most of their neuronal processes into the ventral nerve cord via lumbar commissures and the pre-anal ganglion. There is no local neuropil in these ganglia in the hermaphrodite, instead they form most synapses in the pre-anal ganglion. Most lumbar neurons have sensory functions. In the adult male tail, these two ganglia gain many additional neurons and have some local neuropil. The lumbar neurons lie in close association with the lateral hypodermis, and most are posterior to the anus. WBPaper:00038216 Sensory neuron of copulatory spicule in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule. WBbt:0005323 worm_anatomy SP neuron WBbt:0005831 spicule neuron Sensory neuron of copulatory spicule in male, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule. ISBN:0-87969-307-X one of the two AWC neurons, stochastically determined, in which the str-2 promoter is active WB:cgc3760 WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0005832 AWC-ON one of the two AWC neurons, stochastically determined, in which the str-2 promoter is active WB:cgc3760 WB:rynl one of the two AWC neurons, stochastically determined, in which the str-2 promoter is inactive worm_anatomy WBbt:0005833 AWC-OFF one of the two AWC neurons, stochastically determined, in which the str-2 promoter is inactive WB:cgc3760 WB:rynl Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies in the lateral ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005834 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RIBframeset.html> RIB Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies in the lateral ganglia. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneuron motoneurons that innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005835 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RIMframeset.html> RIM Neuron class of two interneuron motoneurons that innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia, one of the main classes of integrating neuron for the receptors of the amphid sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005836 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AIZframeset.html> AIZ Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia, one of the main classes of integrating neuron for the receptors of the amphid sensilla. WB:Paper00000938 neuron that senses soluable chemicals worm_anatomy WBbt:0005837 chemosensory neuron neuron that senses soluable chemicals WB:rynl neuron that senses temperature worm_anatomy WBbt:0005838 thermosensory neuron neuron that senses temperature WB:rynl neuron that senses volatile odorants worm_anatomy WBbt:0005839 odorsensory neuron neuron that senses volatile odorants Wb:rynl Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005840 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PVCframeset.html> PVC Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglia. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005841 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AVBframeset.html> AVB Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia adjacent to the neuropile of the nerve ring. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005842 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AVAframeset.html> AVA Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia adjacent to the neuropile of the nerve ring. WB:Paper00000938 The shell or external calcareous covering of an egg worm_anatomy WBbt:0005843 eggshell The shell or external calcareous covering of an egg ISBN:0198611862 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005844 ABarpaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005845 ABplaaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005846 ABalppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005847 ABprpappp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppapap. WBbt:0003841 worm_anatomy VR2 lineage name: MSppapap mu_bod WBbt:0005848 MSppapap Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppapap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005849 ABplapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005850 ABalpaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005851 ABprpppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005852 ABprpapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005853 ABaraapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005854 Eplpp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005855 ABarapppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005856 ABalapaappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005857 MSapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dpppaa. WBbt:0003895 worm_anatomy DR7 lineage name: Dpppaa mu_bod WBbt:0005858 Dpppaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Dpppaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005859 ABarppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005860 ABarapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005861 ABaraaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005862 ABpraapappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005863 ABalapappa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppapap. WBbt:0003950 worm_anatomy DR18 lineage name: Cppapap mu_bod WBbt:0005864 Cppapap Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppapap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005865 ABalp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005866 ABplaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005867 ABarpapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005868 ABprpaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005869 ABplppappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005870 Dapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005871 ABarappapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005872 ABpraapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapppap. WBbt:0003861 worm_anatomy DL6 lineage name: MSapppap mu_bod WBbt:0005873 MSapppap Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapppap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Embryonic cell of pedigree Daaap. WBbt:0003918 worm_anatomy DL8 lineage name: Daaap mu_bod WBbt:0005874 Daaap Embryonic cell of pedigree Daaap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005875 ABprpaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005876 ABprppapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005877 ABplpaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005878 MSpaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005879 ABplapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005880 ABprapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005881 MSapapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005882 ABplpaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005883 Capppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Capapaa. WBbt:0004286 worm_anatomy DL14 lineage name: Capapaa mu_bod WBbt:0005884 Capapaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Capapaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005885 ABaraapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage Cpaapa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004660 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005886 Cpaapa Embryonic cell of lineage Cpaapa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005887 ABplaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005888 ABpraapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005889 ABprapapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppppv. WBbt:0003920 worm_anatomy VR24 lineage name: Cpppppv mu_bod WBbt:0005890 Cpppppv Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppppv. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005891 ABarappaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005892 MSaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005893 ABplpaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005894 MSaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005895 ABpraaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005896 ABplaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005897 Cpapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005898 MSapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005899 Caaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005900 ABalaappppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005901 Ealaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005902 MSaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005903 ABarap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005904 ABaraaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005905 ABplaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005906 ABa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005907 ABalaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005908 ABplpapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005909 ABprapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005910 ABalapapap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaaapap, precursor of hyp5 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005911 ABplaaapap Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaaapap, precursor of hyp5 syncytium. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005912 MSp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005913 MSppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005914 MSpaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005915 ABprpa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005916 ABalppaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005917 ABpraaaaapv embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005918 MSaaaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005919 ABplppppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005920 ABalaapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005921 Caap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005922 ABprap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005923 ABalapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005924 ABalpappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005925 MSppaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppaapa. WBbt:0003973 worm_anatomy VR14 lineage name: Cppaapa mu_bod WBbt:0005926 Cppaapa Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppaapa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005927 ABplappaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005928 MSapaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005929 ABprppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005930 ABalpppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005931 ABpraaapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005932 ABarapapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005933 MSpaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005934 ABalpaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005935 ABplapppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005936 ABplapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005937 ABprapppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005938 ABalppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage ABarpaappa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004677 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005939 ABarpaappa Embryonic cell of lineage ABarpaappa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005940 ABprpaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005941 ABprppaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005942 ABalpppapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005943 ABprpppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005944 ABalppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005945 ABalaaaarl embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005946 ABalapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005947 ABplpaappppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005948 ABplaappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005949 ABalpap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005950 ABplpa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005951 MSpppaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005952 ABalppppppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005953 ABprappaap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Capaaaa. WBbt:0004290 worm_anatomy VL10 lineage name: Capaaaa mu_bod WBbt:0005954 Capaaaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Capaaaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005955 ABplpapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005956 Cappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005957 ABarpaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005958 ABplpppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005959 Earaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005960 ABplpppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005961 ABprapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005962 Cpapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005963 ABalappaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005964 Cppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005965 MSaapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005966 ABalaaaala embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005967 ABplapaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005968 MSpapap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaaaapa, precursor of hyp6 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005969 ABplaaaapa Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaaaapa, precursor of hyp6 syncytium. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005970 ABplapppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005971 ABaraaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005972 ABprpapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005973 ABarapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005974 ABpraaapaav embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005975 ABalppappa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappaap. WBbt:0003982 worm_anatomy DL17 lineage name: Cappaap mu_bod WBbt:0005976 Cappaap Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappaap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005977 ABprapaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005978 ABaraappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005979 MSpapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005980 Ca embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005981 ABalapaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005982 ABalaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005983 ABprppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005984 ABprppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005985 ABalaapaaal embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpapppap. WBbt:0003855 worm_anatomy VR9 lineage name: MSpapppap mu_bod WBbt:0005986 MSpapppap Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpapppap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005987 MSpapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005988 ABpraaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dppap. WBbt:0003896 worm_anatomy DR10 lineage name: Dppap mu_bod WBbt:0005989 Dppap Embryonic cell of pedigree Dppap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppppaa. WBbt:0003837 worm_anatomy VR4 lineage name: MSppppaa mu_bod WBbt:0005990 MSppppaa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppppaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Embryonic cell of lineage Caappd fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004663 worm_anatomy WBbt:0005991 Caappd Embryonic cell of lineage Caappd fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell, dies in hermaphrodite, becomes CEMDR in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0005992 ABarpapaaap embryonic cell, dies in hermaphrodite, becomes CEMDR in male. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005993 MSaapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005994 ABp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005995 ABalaaaalar embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005996 MSaapapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005997 ABprppaaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005998 ABplppaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0005999 ABaraapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006000 Epl embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006001 ABarapapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006002 ABalapaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006003 ABalappapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006004 Dapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006005 ABarappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006006 ABaraapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006007 ABpraa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006008 ABarpa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006009 ABpraaapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006010 ABprpapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppaaa. WBbt:0003947 worm_anatomy DR12 lineage name: Cpppaaa mu_bod WBbt:0006011 Cpppaaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppaaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006012 ABpraaaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006013 ABprpap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppaapp. WBbt:0003952 worm_anatomy VR16 lineage name: Cppaapp mu_bod WBbt:0006014 Cppaapp Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppaapp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006015 ABalapppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006016 MSppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy QV5L WBbt:0006017 ABplapapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006018 ABpraaapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006019 ABplpapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006020 ABalppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006021 ABprapapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpappppp. WBbt:0003853 worm_anatomy VR13 lineage name: MSpappppp mu_bod WBbt:0006022 MSpappppp Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpappppp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006023 ABalpapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006024 Cpppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006025 ABplpppaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006026 ABalaapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006027 ABprpaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006028 ABplppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006029 ABalaaappr embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006030 MSpaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006031 ABaraa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006032 MSpaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006033 ABalaaaparl embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006034 MSpap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006035 ABpraappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006036 MSapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006037 ABalaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006038 MSaapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006039 ABalaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Capaapp. WBbt:0004287 worm_anatomy VL16 lineage name: Capaapp mu_bod WBbt:0006040 Capaapp Embryonic cell of pedigree Capaapp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006041 ABarpppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006042 MSapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006043 Capppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006044 ABprpppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006045 Dpa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006046 ABarpp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006047 ABprpaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006048 ABalppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dppppp. WBbt:0003882 worm_anatomy DR13 lineage name: Dppppp mu_bod WBbt:0006049 Dppppp Embryonic cell of pedigree Dppppp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006050 ABalppppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006051 ABalpappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006052 ABalpppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006053 ABarppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006054 Dpap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006055 ABprppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006056 ABprapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006057 ABalppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006058 ABplppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006059 Cpppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006060 ABarappapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006061 ABplapaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006062 ABpraapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006063 ABprpppaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006064 ABaraappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006065 ABalaappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006066 Daaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006067 ABplappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006068 ABalpappaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006069 ABplaapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage ABarpaappp fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004676 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006070 ABarpaappp Embryonic cell of lineage ABarpaappp fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006071 ABarapaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006072 MSapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006073 MSppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006074 ABarapppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006075 ABarpapaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage Caaaaa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004667 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006076 Caaaaa Embryonic cell of lineage Caaaaa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006077 ABplpaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006078 MSaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006079 ABprppaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl true embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006081 Dappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006082 Cppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006083 ABalpa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dappaa. WBbt:0003915 worm_anatomy DL7 lineage name: Dappaa mu_bod WBbt:0006084 Dappaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Dappaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarpappap, precursor of hyp5 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006085 ABarpappap Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarpappap, precursor of hyp5 syncytium. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006086 MSa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006087 ABplpapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006088 ABprpappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006089 ABalpppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006090 ABalapapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006091 ABplppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006092 ABprppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006093 ABplpaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006094 ABarappppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006095 ABplappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006096 ABplap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006097 ABprppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006098 Capp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006099 ABplpaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage Cpappd fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004656 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006100 Cpappd Embryonic cell of lineage Cpappd fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006101 ABalap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006102 MSaaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006103 ABarappaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006104 Eala embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006105 ABprpaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006106 Dppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006107 MSapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006108 ABpraapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006109 ABplppppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006110 ABal embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006111 ABaraaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006112 ABalppap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppppd. WBbt:0003921 worm_anatomy DR23 lineage name: Cpppppd mu_bod WBbt:0006113 Cpppppd Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppppd. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006114 ABpraaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006115 ABplpaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006116 Capapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006117 Cp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006118 ABalpapppap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarpaapaa, precursor of hyp6 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006119 ABarpaapaa Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarpaapaa, precursor of hyp6 syncytium. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006120 ABplaapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006121 ABplaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006122 MSpaaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006123 Caapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006124 MSppaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006125 MSappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006126 Capaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006127 ABaraapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dpapa. WBbt:0003899 worm_anatomy VR3 lineage name: Dpapa mu_bod WBbt:0006128 Dpapa Embryonic cell of pedigree Dpapa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006129 ABalppaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006130 ABalaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006131 ABalpaaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006132 ABalapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006133 ABalappppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006134 ABprapaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006135 ABaraaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006136 ABplaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006137 ABalaapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABprpppppaa. WBbt:0004291 worm_anatomy VR19 lineage name: ABprpppppaa mu_bod WBbt:0006138 ABprpppppaa Embryonic cell of pedigree ABprpppppaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006139 ABalapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006140 ABplppappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006141 ABpraaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006142 MSpa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006143 MSaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006144 ABprapppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006145 MSpaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Daaaa. WBbt:0003919 worm_anatomy VL6 lineage name: Daaaa mu_bod WBbt:0006146 Daaaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Daaaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006147 ABarapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppapaa. WBbt:0003951 worm_anatomy DR14 lineage name: Cppapaa mu_bod WBbt:0006148 Cppapaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppapaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006149 ABprpaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006150 MSpappa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage Cpaaaa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004662 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006151 Cpaaaa Embryonic cell of lineage Cpaaaa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006152 ABplpap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006153 ABaraapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006154 MSppaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006155 ABalaaaar embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006156 ABalpppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006157 ABalappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006158 ABprppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006159 ABplaapapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006160 MSaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006161 Eara embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006162 ABara embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006163 ABprapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006164 ABalappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006165 ABalpppaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006166 ABalppppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006167 ABprpaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006168 Cppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006169 MSaapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006170 ABplppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006171 ABalpaappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006172 ABplaaaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSaappppa. WBbt:0003879 worm_anatomy VL11 lineage name: MSaappppa mu_bod WBbt:0006173 MSaappppa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSaappppa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006174 MSpppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006175 ABplapaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006176 ABpraaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006177 ABplpapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006178 ABarappaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006179 ABprpppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage ABarppaapa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004675 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006180 ABarppaapa Embryonic cell of lineage ABarppaapa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006181 ABalpaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappaaa. WBbt:0004282 worm_anatomy DL12 lineage name: Cappaaa mu_bod WBbt:0006182 Cappaaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappaaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006183 MSaaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006184 ABprapaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006185 Cappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006186 ABarppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppaap. WBbt:0003946 worm_anatomy DR17 lineage name: Cpppaap mu_bod WBbt:0006187 Cpppaap Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppaap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006188 ABalppapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006189 ABaraaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaaaapp, hyp6 syncytium precursor. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006190 ABplaaaapp Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaaaapp, hyp6 syncytium precursor. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006191 MSpapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006192 ABarapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006193 ABarapaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006194 ABpraaappp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSaapppaa. WBbt:0003881 worm_anatomy VL7 lineage name: MSaapppaa mu_bod WBbt:0006195 MSaapppaa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSaapppaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006196 ABalapaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006197 ABplpppapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006198 ABalpaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006199 Dpp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006200 MSaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006201 MSpapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006202 MSaaaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006203 ABarapppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006204 MSpaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006205 ABplppaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006206 ABalaapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006207 ABarpapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006208 ABplapppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006209 ABplapapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006210 Dap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006211 ABprpapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006212 Cpaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Capaaap. WBbt:0004289 worm_anatomy VL12 lineage name: Capaaap mu_bod WBbt:0006213 Capaaap Embryonic cell of pedigree Capaaap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006214 ABalpapapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006215 ABpraaapapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006216 ABalaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006217 ABalapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006218 MSppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006219 ABarapapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006220 ABprappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006221 ABplapaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006222 ABplpppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006223 ABaraapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006224 ABalaaaarra embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006225 ABplpapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage ABprappppa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004668 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006226 ABprappppa Embryonic cell of lineage ABprappppa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006227 ABalapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006228 ABpraaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006229 Cap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006230 ABarappapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage Cpapaa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004658 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006231 Cpapaa Embryonic cell of lineage Cpapaa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006232 ABplpappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006233 Dpaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006234 ABprapppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapappp. WBbt:0003874 worm_anatomy DL1 lineage name: MSapappp mu_bod WBbt:0006235 MSapappp Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapappp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 DL1 Per Zeynep Altun and Bob Waterston (20190530 email). embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006236 MSapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006237 ABprpppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006238 ABalpapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006239 MSapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006240 ABarppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006241 MSpaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006242 ABalappp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaappap, precursor of hyp6 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006243 ABplaappap Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaappap, precursor of hyp6 syncytium. WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage ABpraapppa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004670 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006244 ABpraapppa Embryonic cell of lineage ABpraapppa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006245 ABaraapapaad embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006246 ABarpaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006247 ABpraaaappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006248 ABalaaapar embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006249 MSappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006250 ABarppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006251 ABarpppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006252 ABarpaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006253 ABprpaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006254 ABalppapppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006255 MSpp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006256 ABprppppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006257 ABalpapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006258 Dppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006259 ABprpapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006260 MSpappp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpppppa. WBbt:0003835 worm_anatomy DR3 lineage name: MSpppppa mu_bod WBbt:0006261 MSpppppa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpppppa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006262 ABalpaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006263 Cppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006264 ABalaaapplr embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dppppa. WBbt:0003893 worm_anatomy DR11 lineage name: Dppppa mu_bod WBbt:0006265 Dppppa Embryonic cell of pedigree Dppppa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006266 ABalaapppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006267 Caaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006268 Cppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006269 ABprappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006270 ABpraappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006271 ABplppppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006272 ABaraap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006273 ABarpappa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dapppa. WBbt:0003913 worm_anatomy DL11 lineage name: Dapppa mu_bod WBbt:0006274 Dapppa Embryonic cell of pedigree Dapppa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006275 ABalppppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006276 ABarpaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006277 Eprpp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006278 ABprpaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006279 ABplp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006280 ABprpaappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006281 Cpa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy QV5R WBbt:0006282 ABprapapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006283 ABprppaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl true Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaapaaaa, precursor of hyp3 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006285 ABplaapaaaa Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaapaaaa, precursor of hyp3 syncytium. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006286 ABaraappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006287 ABalaappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006288 ABalpapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006289 Daa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006290 ABprapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006291 ABplpaaappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006292 ABprpaapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006293 ABalppaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006294 ABplpaapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006295 ABalappppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006296 MSaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dapppp. WBbt:0003902 worm_anatomy DL13 lineage name: Dapppp mu_bod WBbt:0006297 Dapppp Embryonic cell of pedigree Dapppp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006298 Capapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarpapapp, precursor of hyp6 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006299 ABarpapapp Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarpapapp, precursor of hyp6 syncytium. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006300 ABarppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppaaap. WBbt:0003974 worm_anatomy VR12 lineage name: Cppaaap mu_bod WBbt:0006301 Cppaaap Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppaaap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006302 ABpraapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006303 ABalppppaav embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006304 ABarpaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006305 ABarpappp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapaaap. WBbt:0003877 worm_anatomy DL2 lineage name: MSapaaap mu_bod WBbt:0006306 MSapaaap Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapaaap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006307 Capap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006308 MSpapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006309 ABarapappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006310 ABplppapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006311 ABaraaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006312 MSaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006313 ABplpaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006314 ABalapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006315 ABplpaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006316 ABalppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006317 ABplapaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppappa. WBbt:0003840 worm_anatomy DR4 lineage name: MSppappa mu_bod WBbt:0006318 MSppappa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppappa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 DR4 Per Zeynep Altun and Bob Waterston (20190530 email). Embryonic cell of lineage Caaaap fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004666 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006319 Caaaap Embryonic cell of lineage Caaaap fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dappap. WBbt:0003914 worm_anatomy DL9 lineage name: Dappap mu_bod WBbt:0006320 Dappap Embryonic cell of pedigree Dappap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006321 Epra embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006322 ABaraapppaad embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006323 MSaapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006324 ABplappapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006325 ABarapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006326 Cppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006327 ABalpappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006328 ABarapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006329 Dpppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006330 ABplaaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006331 ABpraaaapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006332 ABalppaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Capappp. WBbt:0004283 worm_anatomy VL22 lineage name: Capappp mu_bod WBbt:0006333 Capappp Embryonic cell of pedigree Capappp. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006334 ABarapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006335 ABpraapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006336 ABplpaapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappppv. WBbt:0003976 worm_anatomy VL23 lineage name: Cappppv mu_bod WBbt:0006337 Cappppv Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappppv. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006338 ABalpaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006339 ABalapppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006340 Caapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006341 ABpla embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppaaap. WBbt:0003842 worm_anatomy DR2 lineage name: MSppaaap mu_bod WBbt:0006342 MSppaaap Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppaaap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006343 ABplpppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dapaa. WBbt:0008035 worm_anatomy VL8 lineage name: Dapaa mu_bod WBbt:0006344 Dapaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Dapaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006345 ABarpapaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006346 ABprppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006347 ABprpp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006348 ABplaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006349 MSaaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006350 ABprappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006351 MSpapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006352 ABplppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006353 ABplpp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpapppaa WBbt:0003856 worm_anatomy VR7 lineage name: MSpapppaa mu_bod WBbt:0006354 MSpapppaa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpapppaa WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006355 ABprpappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006356 ABplppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage Cpaaap fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004661 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006357 Cpaaap Embryonic cell of lineage Cpaaap fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006358 Caa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006359 ABaraaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006360 ABaraaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006361 ABprapppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSappppa. WBbt:0003860 worm_anatomy DL3 lineage name: MSappppa mu_bod WBbt:0006362 MSappppa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSappppa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006363 MSpaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006364 ABprppapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006365 ABalapapapap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigreeDpapp . WBbt:0003898 worm_anatomy VR5 lineage name: Dpapp mu_bod WBbt:0006366 Dpapp Embryonic cell of pedigreeDpapp . WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006367 ABprapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006368 ABalaaaalpa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006369 ABarappapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006370 Ear embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006371 ABplappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006372 ABalapappaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006373 ABpraapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage Cpapap fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004657 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006374 Cpapap Embryonic cell of lineage Cpapap fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage ABarpaapap fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004678 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABarpaapap WBbt:0006375 ABarpaapap Embryonic cell of lineage ABarpaapap fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006376 ABpraaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006377 ABarapaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppappa. WBbt:0003949 worm_anatomy VR20 lineage name: Cppappa mu_bod WBbt:0006378 Cppappa Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppappa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006379 ABprapaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006380 ABalappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Daapa. WBbt:0003917 worm_anatomy VL3 lineage name: Daapa mu_bod WBbt:0006381 Daapa Embryonic cell of pedigree Daapa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006382 ABalaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006383 MSppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006384 ABalpppappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006385 ABarpapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006386 ABalpapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006387 ABplaapappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006388 ABprppappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006389 ABarpap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006390 ABplpappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006391 MSaaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006392 ABarapaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006393 ABarppaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006394 ABalpppaapv embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006395 Cpppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006396 ABalpppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSaappppp. WBbt:0003878 worm_anatomy VL13 lineage name: MSaappppp mu_bod WBbt:0006397 MSaappppp Embryonic cell of pedigree MSaappppp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006398 ABarpaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage Cpaapp fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004659 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006399 Cpaapp Embryonic cell of lineage Cpaapp fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006400 ABalpppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006401 ABalaapaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006402 ABarapapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006403 ABplpapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006404 ABpraaapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006405 ABalpaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappapp. WBbt:0003980 worm_anatomy DL24 lineage name: Cappapp mu_bod WBbt:0006406 Cappapp Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappapp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006407 ABarapppppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006408 ABprppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006409 MSpppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006410 ABplaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006411 ABar embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006412 ABalappapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006413 ABplapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006414 ABplppaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006415 MSpapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006416 Cpp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006417 ABalaapappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006418 MSpapaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppappp. WBbt:0003948 worm_anatomy VR21 lineage name: Cppappp mu_bod WBbt:0006419 Cppappp Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppappp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006420 ABplpapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006421 ABplpaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006422 ABpr embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006423 ABplpppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006424 ABplapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006425 MSaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpappap. WBbt:0003857 worm_anatomy VR15 lineage name: MSpappap mu_bod WBbt:0006426 In Sulston et al., 1983, probably this cell is referred to as MSpappar. In the movie published by Richards, et al., 2013, it appears that the anterior daughter of MSpappa (MSpappaa) ends up on the left of MSpappap. MSpappap Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpappap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006427 ABalaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006428 ABplaaaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Capppap. WBbt:0003978 worm_anatomy DL21 lineage name: Capppap mu_bod WBbt:0006429 Capppap Embryonic cell of pedigree Capppap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006430 ABprpppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006431 ABalpappaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006432 ABalpaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage ABarpppapa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004674 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006433 ABarpppapa Embryonic cell of lineage ABarpppapa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006434 ABplapppap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Daapp. WBbt:0003916 worm_anatomy VL5 lineage name: Daapp mu_bod WBbt:0006435 Daapp Embryonic cell of pedigree Daapp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006436 ABalpaaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006437 ABaraaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006438 MSaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006439 ABprppppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006440 ABarappaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006441 Eal embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006442 ABpraaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006443 ABplppaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006444 Capa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006445 ABaraapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006446 ABprpapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl true embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006448 ABaraaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpppppp. WBbt:0003834 worm_anatomy DR5 lineage name: MSpppppp mu_bod WBbt:0006449 MSpppppp Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpppppp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppappp. WBbt:0003839 worm_anatomy DR1 lineage name: MSppappp mu_bod WBbt:0006450 MSppappp Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppappp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 DR1 Per Zeynep Altun and Bob Waterston (20190530 email). embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006451 ABprp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppppaa. WBbt:0003943 worm_anatomy DR19 lineage name: Cppppaa mu_bod WBbt:0006452 Cppppaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppppaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006453 ABplppaaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006454 Capaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006455 ABaraapapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006456 ABalpapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006457 ABplapappppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006458 MSppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006459 ABalpappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006460 ABprappapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006461 ABalaapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006462 ABalppppapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006463 ABalppapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006464 ABprpaaappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006465 ABarppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006466 ABplaappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006467 ABalaaappl embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006468 MSpaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSappapp. WBbt:0003873 worm_anatomy VL1 lineage name: MSappapp mu_bod WBbt:0006469 MSappapp Embryonic cell of pedigree MSappapp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006470 ABplappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006471 ABalpaaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006472 ABplapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006473 ABalaaapal embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006474 MSpaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006475 MSapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006476 ABalapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaapppp, precursor of embryonic large hypodermal syncytium. WBbt:0004672 hyp7 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaapppp WBbt:0006477 ABplaapppp Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaapppp, precursor of embryonic large hypodermal syncytium. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006478 ABplaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006479 MSpppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006480 ABarapappp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dpaaa. WBbt:0003901 worm_anatomy VR6 lineage name: Dpaaa mu_bod WBbt:0006481 Dpaaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Dpaaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006482 Dpppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006483 ABpraaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006484 ABprpppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006485 MSaaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006486 ABalpp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006487 ABprpapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006488 ABplpppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006489 ABalappaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006490 ABprpaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006491 Cppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006492 MSapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006493 ABalapaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006494 MSaapaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapappa. WBbt:0003875 worm_anatomy DL4 lineage name: MSapappa mu_bod WBbt:0006495 MSapappa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapappa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 DL4 Per Zeynep Altun and Bob Waterston (20190530 email). embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006496 Eplp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006497 MSpppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSaapppap. WBbt:0003880 worm_anatomy VL9 lineage name: MSaapppap mu_bod WBbt:0006498 MSaapppap Embryonic cell of pedigree MSaapppap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006499 ABarpaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006500 ABalaaaarr embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006501 ABarppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage Caaapa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004665 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006502 Caaapa Embryonic cell of lineage Caaapa fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006503 ABplpppaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006504 ABalapaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006505 ABprppaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006506 ABalppaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006507 Eprp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006508 ABprpaapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006509 MSappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006510 ABprapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppaaaa. WBbt:0003975 worm_anatomy VR10 lineage name: Cppaaaa mu_bod WBbt:0006511 Cppaaaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppaaaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006512 Da embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006513 ABalappppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006514 ABarpapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006515 ABarapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006516 Cpaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006517 ABarpaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006518 ABplaapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006519 ABplaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006520 Dappp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage Caaapp fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004664 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006521 Caaapp Embryonic cell of lineage Caaapp fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006522 ABalappppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapppaa. WBbt:0003862 worm_anatomy VL4 lineage name: MSapppaa mu_bod WBbt:0006523 MSapppaa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapppaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006524 ABarappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006525 Daap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006526 ABalppppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABpraappap, precursor of hyp6 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006527 ABpraappap Embryonic cell of pedigree ABpraappap, precursor of hyp6 syncytium. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006528 ABplpaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006529 ABarppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006530 ABpraapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006531 MSppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006532 ABarpppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006533 MSaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006534 ABpraaap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dapap. WBbt:0008036 worm_anatomy DL10 lineage name: Dapap mu_bod WBbt:0006535 Dapap Embryonic cell of pedigree Dapap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006536 MSaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappppd. WBbt:0003977 worm_anatomy DL23 lineage name: Cappppd mu_bod WBbt:0006537 Cappppd Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappppd. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Embryonic cell of pedigree Capappa. WBbt:0004284 worm_anatomy VL19 lineage name: Capappa mu_bod WBbt:0006538 Capappa Embryonic cell of pedigree Capappa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006539 MSppapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006540 MSapaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell, dies in hermaphrodite but comes a cephalic neuron in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006541 ABplaaaaaap embryonic cell, dies in hermaphrodite but comes a cephalic neuron in male. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006542 ABalapappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006543 ABalppapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABpraapaaaa, precursor of hyp3 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006544 ABpraapaaaa Embryonic cell of pedigree ABpraapaaaa, precursor of hyp3 syncytium. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006545 ABarpapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006546 Ealp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006547 Epr embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006548 ABpraap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006549 ABprpppaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006550 ABplppapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006551 ABplpappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006552 ABprpppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006553 ABalaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006554 MSpaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppppap. WBbt:0003922 worm_anatomy DR21 lineage name: Cppppap mu_bod WBbt:0006555 Cppppap Embryonic cell of pedigree Cppppap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006556 ABplpaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006557 ABalpaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006558 ABaraaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Capapap. WBbt:0004285 worm_anatomy DL18 lineage name: Capapap mu_bod WBbt:0006559 Capapap Embryonic cell of pedigree Capapap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006560 ABalaappppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006561 ABprpappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006562 ABalapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006563 Caaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006564 ABarapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dpppap. WBbt:0003894 worm_anatomy DR9 lineage name: Dpppap mu_bod WBbt:0006565 Dpppap Embryonic cell of pedigree Dpppap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006566 ABaraapppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006567 ABpraapapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006568 ABplpaappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006569 ABarappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006570 ABplppapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006571 ABpl embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006572 ABarpppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006573 ABalpapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006574 ABplppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006575 ABalapapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006576 ABalppaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006577 ABplappaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006578 ABalapppapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006579 ABplppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006580 ABprpaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006581 ABpra embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006582 ABalpapapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006583 ABprppaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006584 ABplaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006585 ABaraaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006586 ABplaapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006587 ABprapappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006588 ABprpapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006589 ABarapaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006590 ABalpaaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006591 MSpapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006592 ABplapaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006593 ABplapapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006594 Cpaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006595 MSaaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSappppp. WBbt:0003859 worm_anatomy DL5 lineage name: MSappppp mu_bod WBbt:0006596 MSappppp Embryonic cell of pedigree MSappppp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006597 ABprappaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006598 MSpaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006599 ABalppppppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006600 ABplpaaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006601 ABalaaaarla embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006602 ABarapapaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006603 ABarpapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006604 Cappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006605 ABprpaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006606 ABalpaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006607 ABalpapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of lineage ABpraapppp fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004669 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006608 ABpraapppp Embryonic cell of lineage ABpraapppp fuses into embryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006609 MSaaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006610 ABprppapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006611 MSppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006612 Ep embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006613 ABalaaaalp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006614 Cppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006615 ABplapappppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006616 ABalapappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006617 ABprppappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006618 ABalpaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006619 ABplaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006620 ABarpaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006621 ABplpappap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006622 MSpapapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006623 ABalpppappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006624 ABprapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006625 ABplaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006626 ABalaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006627 MSpapaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006628 Cpap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006629 ABpraaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006630 ABplapappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006631 ABpraaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006632 ABalpapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006633 ABprapaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dpaap. WBbt:0003900 worm_anatomy DR8 lineage name: Dpaap mu_bod WBbt:0006634 Dpaap Embryonic cell of pedigree Dpaap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006635 MSaapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006636 ABaraappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpappaa. WBbt:0003858 worm_anatomy MSpappal VL15 lineage name: MSpappaa mu_bod WBbt:0006637 In Sulston et al., 1983, probably this cell is referred to as MSpappal. In the movie published by Richards, et al., 2013, it appears that the anterior daughter of MSpappa (MSpappaa) ends up on the left of MSpappap. MSpappaa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpappaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006638 ABalpppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006639 MSaapaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006640 ABarpaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006641 ABalpppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006642 ABprppppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006643 ABplpaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006644 ABarapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006645 Cpppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006646 Earp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006647 ABplpppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006648 ABprapaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006649 ABalpppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006650 ABplppaaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006651 ABprpapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006652 ABalapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006653 ABarp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006654 ABaraapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006655 ABaraaappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006656 ABplapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006657 ABpraaapppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006658 ABprpapppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppppap. WBbt:0003836 worm_anatomy DR6 lineage name: MSppppap mu_bod WBbt:0006659 MSppppap Embryonic cell of pedigree MSppppap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppapp. WBbt:0003944 worm_anatomy DR24 lineage name: Cpppapp mu_bod WBbt:0006660 Cpppapp Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppapp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006661 Epla embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006662 ABarappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006663 ABprpppppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006664 Cappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006665 ABplpppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006666 ABprppaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpppapp. WBbt:0003838 worm_anatomy VR1 lineage name: MSpppapp mu_bod WBbt:0006667 MSpppapp Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpppapp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006668 Capaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006669 ABplppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006670 ABplpaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006671 ABplapppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006672 MSpapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006673 ABplppaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006674 ABarpapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006675 ABalappapap embryonic cell WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0006676 obsolete Cell true embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006677 ABplapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006678 ABprapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006679 ABplpapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006680 ABplaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappapa. WBbt:0003981 worm_anatomy DL20 lineage name: Cappapa mu_bod WBbt:0006681 Cappapa Embryonic cell of pedigree Cappapa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Embryonic cell of pedigree Capppaa. WBbt:0003979 worm_anatomy DL19 lineage name: Capppaa mu_bod WBbt:0006682 Capppaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Capppaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006683 ABalaappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006684 ABprppaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapapap. WBbt:0003876 worm_anatomy VL2 lineage name: MSapapap mu_bod WBbt:0006685 MSapapap Embryonic cell of pedigree MSapapap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006686 ABprpppapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006687 ABarappppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006688 ABalaaapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006689 ABarpppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006690 ABpraaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006691 ABaraaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006692 MSpaapaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006693 ABplpapapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006694 ABalppappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006695 ABprpaaappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006696 ABplppaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006697 ABplapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006698 MSappapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006699 MSaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006700 Cppap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006701 ABalpapppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006702 ABprappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006703 ABalapppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Dppaa. WBbt:0003897 worm_anatomy VR8 lineage name: Dppaa mu_bod WBbt:0006704 Dppaa Embryonic cell of pedigree Dppaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006705 ABalppppapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006706 ABalaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006707 ABala embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006708 ABalpaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006709 ABprpaappppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006710 MSppp embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Capaapa. WBbt:0004288 worm_anatomy VL14 lineage name: Capaapa mu_bod WBbt:0006711 Capaapa Embryonic cell of pedigree Capaapa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006712 ABaraapapa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006713 ABprapappppa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006714 MSaappp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006715 ABalpapappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006716 ABpraaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006717 MSappa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006718 Dp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006719 ABaraaaapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006720 ABpraappaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006721 ABprpaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006722 Caapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006723 ABplpppaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006724 ABalpappaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006725 ABalaaaal embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006726 ABalapaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006727 ABalappaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006728 ABalpaaaap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006729 Cppaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006730 ABplapaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006731 ABprapappppp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006732 ABalaapaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006733 Ea embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006734 MSpppaa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaapppa, precursor of embryonic large hypodermal syncytium. WBbt:0004673 hyp7 worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplaapppa WBbt:0006735 ABplaapppa Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaapppa, precursor of embryonic large hypodermal syncytium. WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006736 ABarppaaa embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006737 ABarapaaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006738 ABalapaapap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006739 ABarapappap embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppapa. WBbt:0003945 worm_anatomy DR20 lineage name: Cpppapa mu_bod WBbt:0006740 Cpppapa Embryonic cell of pedigree Cpppapa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006741 ABalppa embryonic cell WB:rynl Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpappppa. WBbt:0003854 worm_anatomy VR11 lineage name: MSpappppa mu_bod WBbt:0006742 MSpappppa Embryonic cell of pedigree MSpappppa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006743 ABprapppapp embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006744 MSap embryonic cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006745 ABalpapaapp embryonic cell WB:rynl Neuron that uses dopamine (DA) as a neurotransmitter. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006746 dopaminergic neuron Neuron that uses dopamine (DA) as a neurotransmitter. WB:rynl Neuron class of two neurons with ciliated endings in the posterior deirid sensilla. WB:rynl worm_anatomy postdeirid neuron WBbt:0006747 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PDEframeset.html> PDE Neuron class of two neurons with ciliated endings in the posterior deirid sensilla. WB:Paper00000938 WB:rynl postdeirid neuron WB:rynl female genital. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006748 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/reproductivesystem/reproductivesystem3a.htm#Thevulva> vulva female genital. WB:rynl the most extensive region of neuropil in the animal, consists of a large toroidal bundle of processes. worm_anatomy circumpharyngeal nerve ring WBbt:0006749 nerve ring the most extensive region of neuropil in the animal, consists of a large toroidal bundle of processes. WB:Paper00000938 circumpharyngeal nerve ring WB:Paper00000938 a bundle of nerve processes that runs along the dorsal mid-line of the animal. worm_anatomy dorsal cord WBbt:0006750 dorsal nerve cord a bundle of nerve processes that runs along the dorsal mid-line of the animal. WB:Paper00000938 dorsal cord WB:Paper00000938 neuron with its cell body situated in the head, excluding the pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006751 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/MoW_built0.92/art/intro_figs/figure2ann.jpg> head neuron neuron with its cell body situated in the head, excluding the pharynx. WB:rynl neuron of the somatic nervous system. WB:rynl worm_anatomy body neuron WBbt:0006752 somatic neuron neuron of the somatic nervous system. WB:rynl WB:rynl body neuron WB:rynl neuron of phasmid sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0006753 phasmid neuron neuron of phasmid sensillum WB:rynl sheath cell of amphid sensillum. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006754 amphid sheath cell sheath cell of amphid sensillum. WB:rynl sheath cell of phasmid sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0006755 phasmid sheath cell sheath cell of phasmid sensillum WB:rynl A valve tissue that connects the spermatheca and the uterus of a hermaphrodite gonad. WBbt:0005317 spermatheca-uterus valve worm_anatomy sp-ut valve spermathecal valve WBbt:0006756 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/reproductivesystem/reproductivesystem1.htm#Thespermatheca-uterinevalve> spermathecal-uterine junction A valve tissue that connects the spermatheca and the uterus of a hermaphrodite gonad. WB:rynl spermathecal-uterine junction of the anterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy gon_herm_sujn_A WBbt:0006757 anterior spermathecal-uterine junction spermathecal-uterine junction of the anterior gonad arm. WB:wjc spermathecal-uterine junction of the posterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy gon_herm_sujn_P WBbt:0006758 posterior spermathecal-uterine junction spermathecal-uterine junction of the posterior gonad arm. WB:wjc neuron with its cell body situated in the tail, posterior to rectum. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006759 tail neuron neuron with its cell body situated in the tail, posterior to rectum. WB:rynl The organ in which the eggs are developed and protected until laid. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006760 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/reproductivesystem/reproductivesystem3a.htm#Theuterus> uterus The organ in which the eggs are developed and protected until laid. ISBN:0198611862 WB:rynl body wall muscle in the head, including first eight cells of each muscle quadrants which are innervated by nerve ring neurons. worm_anatomy head body wall muscle WBbt:0006761 head muscle body wall muscle in the head, including first eight cells of each muscle quadrants which are innervated by nerve ring neurons. WB:Paper00001594 WB:rynl adult vulval toroid cell, A, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P5.paaa, P5.paap, P7.pppa and P7.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0006762 vulA adult vulval toroid cell, A, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P5.paaa, P5.paap, P7.pppa and P7.pppp Wb:wjc adult vulval toroid cell, B1, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P5.papa and P7.ppap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006763 vulB1 adult vulval toroid cell, B1, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P5.papa and P7.ppap. WB:wjc adult vulval toroid cell, B2. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006764 vulB2 adult vulval toroid cell, B2. WB:rynl adult vulval toroid cell, C, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P5.ppal, P5.ppar, P7.papl and P7.papr. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006765 vulC adult vulval toroid cell, C, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P5.ppal, P5.ppar, P7.papl and P7.papr. WB:wjc adult vulval toroid cell, D, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P5.ppp and P7.paa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006766 vulD adult vulval toroid cell, D, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P5.ppp and P7.paa. WB:wjc adult vulval toroid cell, E, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P6.paal, P6.paar, P6.pppl and P6.pppr. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006767 vulE adult vulval toroid cell, E, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P6.paal, P6.paar, P6.pppl and P6.pppr. WB:wjc adult vulval toroid cell, F, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P6.papl, P6.papr, P6.ppal and P6.ppar. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006768 vulF adult vulval toroid cell, F, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P6.papl, P6.papr, P6.ppal and P6.ppar. WB:wjc nerve cord positioned at the lateral flanks of the animal, consists of processes of the neuron classes BDU, CAN, PVD and ALA. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006769 lateral nerve cord nerve cord positioned at the lateral flanks of the animal, consists of processes of the neuron classes BDU, CAN, PVD and ALA. WB:rynl The first (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WBbt:0007206 P1 post-embryonic blast cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006770 P1 The first (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl The second (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006771 P2 The second (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WB:rynl The third (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006772 P3 The third (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WB:rynl The fourth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006773 P4 The fourth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WB:rynl The fifth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006774 P5 The fifth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WB:rynl The sixth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006775 P6 The sixth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WB:rynl The seventh (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006776 P7 The seventh (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WB:rynl The eighth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006777 P8 The eighth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WB:rynl The ninth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006778 P9 The ninth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WB:rynl The tenth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006779 P10 The tenth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. WB:rynl Ventral Uterine precursor cell. worm_anatomy VU WBbt:0006780 ventral uterine precursor Ventral Uterine precursor cell. WB:Paper00002608 Dorsal Uterine precursor cell. worm_anatomy DU WBbt:0006781 dorsal uterine precursor Dorsal Uterine precursor cell. WB:Paper00002608 cell forming dorsal epithelium in central region of the uterus; formed by fusion of four cells. worm_anatomy du cell WBbt:0006782 dorsal uterine cell cell forming dorsal epithelium in central region of the uterus; formed by fusion of four cells. WB:Paper00002608 du cell WB:Paper00002608 precursor cell destined to divide some time after hatching. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006783 blast cell precursor cell destined to divide some time after hatching. WB:rynl toroidal epithelial cell that make up the bulk of the uterus, four cells anterior and four cells posterior to the vulva. worm_anatomy ut cell uterine toroid WBbt:0006784 uterine toroidal epithelial cell toroidal epithelial cell that make up the bulk of the uterus, four cells anterior and four cells posterior to the vulva. WB:Paper00002608 uterine toroidal epithelial cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006785 ut1 uterine toroidal epithelial cell. WB:Paper00002608 uterine toroidal epithelial cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006786 ut2 uterine toroidal epithelial cell. WB:Paper00002608 uterine toroidal epithelial cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006787 ut3 uterine toroidal epithelial cell. WB:Paper00002608 uterine toroidal epithelial cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006788 ut4 uterine toroidal epithelial cell. WB:Paper00002608 membranous cell attaches the uterus to the lateral epidermis (seam) and forms a thin laminar process dorsal to the vulva. formed by fusion of eight pi cell progeny and AC. worm_anatomy utse WBbt:0006789 uterine seam cell membranous cell attaches the uterus to the lateral epidermis (seam) and forms a thin laminar process dorsal to the vulva. formed by fusion of eight pi cell progeny and AC. WB:Paper00002608 monoucleate interfacial cell between the uterus and vulva (uv1-uv3), four sets total (L/R, A/P) worm_anatomy uv cell WBbt:0006790 uterine-vulval cell monoucleate interfacial cell between the uterus and vulva (uv1-uv3), four sets total (L/R, A/P) WB:Paper00002608 WB:rynl uterine-vulval cell proximal to the vulva. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006791 uv1 uterine-vulval cell proximal to the vulva. WB:Paper00002608 uterine-vulval cell, medial position of three ut cells. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006792 uv2 uterine-vulval cell, medial position of three ut cells. WB:Paper00002608 uterine-vulva cell, distal (of three ut cells) to the vulva. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006793 uv3 uterine-vulva cell, distal (of three ut cells) to the vulva. WB:Paper00002608 gonad of a male animal, produces sperm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006794 male gonad gonad of a male animal, produces sperm. WB:wjc Essensially a modified rectum, junction between the alimentary and genital tracts in the male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006795 proctodeum Essensially a modified rectum, junction between the alimentary and genital tracts in the male. WB:Paper00000462 WBPaper:00038216 a cell, of either sex, directly concerned in the production of a new organism. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006796 germ cell a cell, of either sex, directly concerned in the production of a new organism. WB:rynl a female haploid germ cell. worm_anatomy ovum WBbt:0006797 oocyte a female haploid germ cell. WB:wjc Male haploid germ cell. worm_anatomy spermatozoa spermatozoon WBbt:0006798 sperm Male haploid germ cell. WB:rynl A cell which gives rise to spermatids by meiosis. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006799 spermatocyte A cell which gives rise to spermatids by meiosis. ISBN:0198611862 An immature sperm cell which undergoes morphogenesis to form mature, amoeboid sperm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006800 spermatid An immature sperm cell which undergoes morphogenesis to form mature, amoeboid sperm. WB:wjc neuron type, set of six neurons in the outer labial sensillum. worm_anatomy OL neuron WBbt:0006801 outer labial neuron neuron type, set of six neurons in the outer labial sensillum. WB:wjc neuron in lumbar ganglion. worm_anatomy lumbar ganglion neuron WBbt:0006802 lumbar neuron neuron in lumbar ganglion. WB:wjc lumbar ganglion neuron WB:rynl cell nucleus with a defined lineage. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006803 Nucleus cell nucleus with a defined lineage. WB:rynl type of 95 cells that make up muscles of the body wall. worm_anatomy body muscle cell body wall muscle bodywall muscle mu_bod WBbt:0006804 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/mesodermal.htm/musclepartII.htm#CelllistBWM> body wall muscle cell type of 95 cells that make up muscles of the body wall. WB:rynl embryonic body wall muscle cell derived from AB lineage. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006805 body wall muscle cell from AB lineage embryonic body wall muscle cell derived from AB lineage. WB:rynl embryonic body wall muscle cell derived from C lineage. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006806 body wall muscle cell from C lineage embryonic body wall muscle cell derived from C lineage. WB:rynl embryonic body wall muscle cell derived from D lineage. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006807 body wall muscle cell from D lineage embryonic body wall muscle cell derived from D lineage. WB:rynl embryonic body wall muscle cell derived from MS lineage. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006808 body wall muscle cell from MS lineage embryonic body wall muscle cell derived from MS lineage. WB:rynl seam syncytium on the left flank of an adult animal. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006809 adult seam cell left seam syncytium on the left flank of an adult animal. WB:rynl seam syncytium on the right flank of an adult animal. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006810 adult seam cell right seam syncytium on the right flank of an adult animal. WB:rynl Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated laterally at the level of the second bulb of the pharynx. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006811 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ADAframeset.html> ADA Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated laterally at the level of the second bulb of the pharynx. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the ventral ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006812 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AIAframeset.html> AIA Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the ventral ganglion. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006813 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AIBframeset.html> AIB Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies in the ventral ganglion behind the excretory duct. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006814 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AIMframeset.html> AIM Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies in the ventral ganglion behind the excretory duct. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006815 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/aiframeset.html> AIN Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia. WB:Paper00000938 neuron type, neurons that have ciliated nerve endings. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006816 URX is ciliated. ciliated neuron neuron type, neurons that have ciliated nerve endings. WB:rynl URX is ciliated. WBPaper00060177 Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006817 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AUAframeset.html> AUA Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006818 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AVDframeset.html> AVD Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglion close to the ring neuropile. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006819 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AVEframeset.html> AVE Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglion close to the ring neuropile. WB:Paper00000938 true Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies in the lateral ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006821 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AVHframeset.html> AVH Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies in the lateral ganglia. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies in the lateral ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006822 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AVJframeset.html> AVJ Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies in the lateral ganglion. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the ventral ganglion behind the excretory duct. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006823 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/AVKframeset.html> AVK Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the ventral ganglion behind the excretory duct. WB:Paper00000938 neuron that have dual motor- and inter-neuron characteristics. worm_anatomy interneuron motoneuron WBbt:0006824 obsolete motoneuron interneuron true neuron that have dual motor- and inter-neuron characteristics. WB:rynl Neuron class of two neurons with ciliated endings, in the head, with elliptical, closed, sheet-like processes near the cilium, which envelop a piece of hypodermis. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006825 BAG neuron sense CO2 [WBpaper00038260] BAG Neuron class of two neurons with ciliated endings, in the head, with elliptical, closed, sheet-like processes near the cilium, which envelop a piece of hypodermis. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated laterally in the anterior body. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006826 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/BDUframeset.html> BDU Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated laterally in the anterior body. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two neurons that are closely associated with the excretory canal. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006827 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/caframeset.html> CAN Neuron class of two neurons that are closely associated with the excretory canal. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two neurons, which have ciliated endings situated immediately dorsal to the lateral inner labial sensilla in the head but have no associated sheath or socket cells; they have flattened processes in this region of the cilium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006828 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/FLPframeset.html> FLP Neuron class of two neurons, which have ciliated endings situated immediately dorsal to the lateral inner labial sensilla in the head but have no associated sheath or socket cells; they have flattened processes in this region of the cilium. WB:Paper00000938 neuron that uses glutamate as a vesicular neurotransmitter. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006829 glutamatergic neuron neuron that uses glutamate as a vesicular neurotransmitter. WB:rynl Neuron class of two motoneurons that innervate vulval muscles in the hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy hermaphrodite specific neuron WBbt:0006830 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/hsframeset.html> HSN Neuron class of two motoneurons that innervate vulval muscles in the hermaphrodite. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated laterally in the posterior body. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006831 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PVDframeset.html> PVD Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated laterally in the posterior body. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the pre-anal ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006832 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PVPframeset.html> PVP Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the pre-anal ganglion. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two prominent interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia, adjacent to the neuropile of the nerve ring. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006833 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RIAframeset.html> RIA Neuron class of two prominent interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lateral ganglia, adjacent to the neuropile of the nerve ring. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the posterior regions of the lateral ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006834 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RICframeset.html> RIC Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the posterior regions of the lateral ganglia. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the retro-vesicular ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006835 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RIFframeset.html> RIF Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the retro-vesicular ganglion. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the retro-vesicular ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006836 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RIGframeset.html> RIG Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the retro-vesicular ganglion. WB:Paper00000938 neuron that uses serotonin as a vesicular neurotransmitter. worm_anatomy 5-HT neuron WBbt:0006837 serotonergic neuron neuron that uses serotonin as a vesicular neurotransmitter. WB:rynl Neuron class of two interneurons mediate the only direct interconnections between the pharyngeal and the central nervous systems. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006838 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RIPframeset.html> RIP Neuron class of two interneurons mediate the only direct interconnections between the pharyngeal and the central nervous systems. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons/motoneurons with cell bodies situated sub-dorsally in the lateral ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006839 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RIVframeset.html> RIV Neuron class of two interneurons/motoneurons with cell bodies situated sub-dorsally in the lateral ganglion. WB:Paper00000938 neuron that uses vesicular acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter. worm_anatomy ACh neuron WBbt:0006840 cholinergic neuron neuron that uses vesicular acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter. WB:rynl Neuron class of two motoneurons, which innervate head muscles via NMJs in the nerve ring. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006841 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RMFframeset.html> RMF Neuron class of two motoneurons, which innervate head muscles via NMJs in the nerve ring. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two motoneurons, which innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006842 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RMGframeset.html> RMG Neuron class of two motoneurons, which innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two motoneurons which innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006843 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/RMHframeset.html> RMH Neuron class of two motoneurons which innervate muscles in the head via NMJs in the nerve ring. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with laterally located cell bodies. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006844 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/SDQframeset.html> SDQ Neuron class of two interneurons with laterally located cell bodies. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated laterally, anteriorly to the nerve ring. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006845 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/URBframeset.html> URB Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated laterally, anteriorly to the nerve ring. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies that are situated sub-dorsally in the pseudocoelomic cavity just posterior to the ring neuropile. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006846 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/URXframeset.html> URX Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies that are situated sub-dorsally in the pseudocoelomic cavity just posterior to the ring neuropile. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two neurons with ciliated endings in the lateral outer labial sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006847 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/OLLframeset.html> OLL Neuron class of two neurons with ciliated endings in the lateral outer labial sensilla. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of four neurons with ciliated endings and striated rootlets in the dorsal and ventral outer labial sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006848 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/OLQframeset.html> OLQ Neuron class of four neurons with ciliated endings and striated rootlets in the dorsal and ventral outer labial sensilla. WB:Paper00000938 member of a set of two cells that generate exclusively sperm and ovum. worm_anatomy PGC primordial germ cell WBbt:0006849 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/reproductivesystem/reproductivesystem2.htm#germlinedevelopment> germline precursor cell member of a set of two cells that generate exclusively sperm and ovum. WB:rynl An organ system consists of the excretory system and associated glands. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006850 excretory secretory system An organ system consists of the excretory system and associated glands. WB:Paper00000536 WB:rynl Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglion, send processes anteriorly, which eventually enter the nerve ring; they also have posteriorly directed processes that run into the tailspike. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006851 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/ALNframeset.html> ALN Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglion, send processes anteriorly, which eventually enter the nerve ring; they also have posteriorly directed processes that run into the tailspike. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of nine male-specific neurons, innervate dorsal muscles. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006852 CA neuron Neuron class of nine male-specific neurons, innervate dorsal muscles. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cell in ventral cord, neuron-like but lacks synapses. worm_anatomy lineage name: P10.aapa WBbt:0006853 CA8 Male specific cell in ventral cord, neuron-like but lacks synapses. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific cells in ventral cord, neuron-like but lack synapses. worm_anatomy lineage name: P11.aapa WBbt:0006854 CA9 Male specific cells in ventral cord, neuron-like but lack synapses. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglion. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006855 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/plframeset.html> PLN Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglion. WB:Paper00000938 Neuron class of two male-specific neurons that are associated with fifth male sensory ray, A neuron type. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006856 R5A Neuron class of two male-specific neurons that are associated with fifth male sensory ray, A neuron type. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific neurons that are associated with seventh male sensory ray, A neuron type. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006857 R7A Neuron class of two male-specific neurons that are associated with seventh male sensory ray, A neuron type. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific neurons that are associated with ninth male sensory ray, A neuron type. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006858 R9A Neuron class of two male-specific neurons that are associated with ninth male sensory ray, A neuron type. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific post cloacal sensilla neuron type B. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006859 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PCBframeset.html> PCB Neuron class of two male-specific post cloacal sensilla neuron type B. WB:Paper00005027 WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific post cloacal sensilla neuron type C. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006860 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PCCframeset.html> PCC Neuron class of two male-specific post cloacal sensilla neuron type C. WB:Paper00005027 WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific spicule neuron type C. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006861 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/SPCframeset.html> SPC Neuron class of two male-specific spicule neuron type C. WB:Paper00005027 WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific neurons that innervate male spicule. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006862 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/SPVframeset.html> SPV Neuron class of two male-specific neurons that innervate male spicule. WB:rynl somatic gonad cell that situates at the distal tip of the hermaphrodite gonad. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006863 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/reproductivesystem/reproductivesystem1.htm#Thedistaltipcell> hermaphrodite distal tip cell somatic gonad cell that situates at the distal tip of the hermaphrodite gonad. WB:rynl one of a pair of cells, situates at the distal tip of the male gonad. worm_anatomy gon_male_dtc WBbt:0006864 male distal tip cell one of a pair of cells, situates at the distal tip of the male gonad. WB:rynl somatic cell that situates at the tip of a gonad arm. worm_anatomy DTC WBbt:0006865 distal tip cell somatic cell that situates at the tip of a gonad arm. WB:rynl Valve made of a single syncytium cell of four nuclei, connecting spermatheca and uterine of anterior arm of hermaphrodite gonad. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006866 anterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell Valve made of a single syncytium cell of four nuclei, connecting spermatheca and uterine of anterior arm of hermaphrodite gonad. WB:rynl valve made of a single syncytium cell connecting spermatheca and uterine of posterior arm of hermaphrodite gonad. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006867 posterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell valve made of a single syncytium cell connecting spermatheca and uterine of posterior arm of hermaphrodite gonad. WB:rynl A syncytium cell that forms a plug in maturing spemathecal-uterine valve of anterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy sujc WBbt:0006868 anterior spermathecal-uterine core cell A syncytium cell that forms a plug in maturing spemathecal-uterine valve of anterior gonad arm. WB:rynl sujc WB:Paper00002608 a syncytium cell that forms a plug in maturing spemathecal-uterine valve of posterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006869 posterior spermathecal-uterine core cell a syncytium cell that forms a plug in maturing spemathecal-uterine valve of posterior gonad arm. WB:rynl part of male gonad that holds mature sperm, made of a total of 12 nuclei. worm_anatomy gon_male_sves WBbt:0006870 seminal vesicle part of male gonad that holds mature sperm, made of a total of 12 nuclei. WB:Paper00000193 WB:rynl any of sheath cells of the anterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006871 anterior gonadal sheath cell any of sheath cells of the anterior gonad arm. WB:rynl sheath cell of the posterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006872 posterior gonadal sheath cell sheath cell of the posterior gonad arm. WB:rynl embryonic founder cell worm_anatomy P2 P2' lineage name: P0.pp WBbt:0006873 Psub2 embryonic founder cell WB:rynl embryonic founder cell worm_anatomy P1 P1' lineage name: P0.p WBbt:0006874 Psub1 embryonic founder cell WB:rynl embryonic founder cell worm_anatomy P3 P3' lineage name: P0.ppp WBbt:0006875 Psub3 embryonic founder cell WB:rynl embryonic cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0006876 EMS embryonic cell WB:rynl descendent cell of P1, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006877 P1.a descendent cell of P1, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P2, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006878 P2.a descendent cell of P2, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P3, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006879 P3.a descendent cell of P3, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P4, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006880 P4.a descendent cell of P4, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P5, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006881 P5.a descendent cell of P5, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P6, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006882 P6.a descendent cell of P6, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P7, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006883 P7.a descendent cell of P7, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P8, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006884 P8.a descendent cell of P8, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P9, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006885 P9.a descendent cell of P9, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P10, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006886 P10.a descendent cell of P10, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P11, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006887 P11.a descendent cell of P11, anterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P12, anterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006888 P12.a descendent cell of P12, anterior WB:rynl Posterior descendent cell of P1 fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004159 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006889 P1.p Posterior descendent cell of P1 fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl Posterior descendent cell of P2 fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004157 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006890 P2.p Posterior descendent cell of P2 fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P3, posterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006891 P3.p descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P3, posterior WB:rynl descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P4, posterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006892 P4.p descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P4, posterior. WB:rynl descendent cell of P5, posterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006893 P5.p descendent cell of P5, posterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P6, posterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006894 P6.p descendent cell of P6, posterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P7, posterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006895 P7.p descendent cell of P7, posterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P8, posterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006896 P8.p descendent cell of P8, posterior WB:rynl Posterior descendent cell of P9 fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004392 worm_anatomy WBbt:0006897 P9.p Posterior descendent cell of P9 fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl descendent cell of P10, posterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006898 P10.p descendent cell of P10, posterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P11, posterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006899 P11.p descendent cell of P11, posterior WB:rynl descendent cell of P12, posterior worm_anatomy WBbt:0006900 P12.p descendent cell of P12, posterior WB:rynl epithelial sheath cell at distal end of the anterior gonad arm, no muscle fibers, of hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy gon_herm_dish_A WBbt:0006901 anterior epithelial sheath cell of distal gonad arms epithelial sheath cell at distal end of the anterior gonad arm, no muscle fibers, of hermaphrodite. WB:rynl any of two posterior epithelial sheaths of distal arms, no muscle fibers, herm gonad worm_anatomy gon herm dish P WBbt:0006902 posterior epithelial sheath cell of distal gonadal arms any of two posterior epithelial sheaths of distal arms, no muscle fibers, herm gonad WB:rynl immature gonadal structure of hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006903 developing hermaphrodite gonad immature gonadal structure of hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Hermaphrodite anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms. worm_anatomy gon_herm_prsh_A WBbt:0006904 anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal gonadal arms Hermaphrodite anterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms. WB:rynl Hermaphrodite posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms. worm_anatomy gon herm prsh P gon_herm_prsh_P WBbt:0006905 posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal gonadal arms Hermaphrodite posterior epithelial sheath cell of proximal arms. WB:rynl hypodermis of the male hook. worm_anatomy hyp_hook WBbt:0006906 hook hypodermis hypodermis of the male hook. WB:rynl true specialized muscle type in male sex organ. worm_anatomy mu_male_gub WBbt:0006908 gubernacular muscle specialized muscle type in male sex organ. WB:rynl specialized muscle type in the posterior of adult male. WBbt:0005814 worm_anatomy mu_male_long ventral longitudinal muscle WBbt:0006909 longitudinal male muscle specialized muscle type in the posterior of adult male. WB:rynl specialized muscle type in the male. worm_anatomy mu_male_obliq WBbt:0006910 oblique male muscle specialized muscle type in the male. WB:rynl specialized musle type of the male spicule. worm_anatomy mu_male_spic WBbt:0006911 spicule muscle specialized musle type of the male spicule. WB:rynl seam cell in male tail; does not fuse with main seam, does not make alae. worm_anatomy male posterior seam set WBbt:0006912 male tail seam cell seam cell in male tail; does not fuse with main seam, does not make alae. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl post-embryonic seam cells that make alae, hermaphrodite. WBbt:0008157 worm_anatomy se_herm WBbt:0006913 hermaphrodite alae seam cell post-embryonic seam cells that make alae, hermaphrodite. WB:rynl post-embryonic seam cells that make alae in the male. worm_anatomy male alae seam cell WBbt:0006914 se_male post-embryonic seam cells that make alae in the male. WB:rynl Set one type of uterine muscle. worm_anatomy uterine muscle, type 1 WBbt:0006915 um1 Set one type of uterine muscle. WB:rynl Set two type of uterine muscle. worm_anatomy uterine muscle, type 2 WBbt:0006916 um2 Set two type of uterine muscle. WB:rynl Set one type of vulval muscle. worm_anatomy vulval muscle, type 1 WBbt:0006917 vm1 Set one type of vulval muscle. WB:rynl Set two type of vulval muscle. worm_anatomy vulval muscle, type 2 WBbt:0006918 vm2 Set two type of vulval muscle. WB:rynl body region surrounding the anus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006919 anal region body region surrounding the anus. WB:rynl sensillum in the head, each with a CEP receptor neuron. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006920 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/CEPimage%20gallery.htm> cephalic sensillum sensillum in the head, each with a CEP receptor neuron. WB:rynl cephalic sensillum in dorsal left quadrant of worm head. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006921 cephalic sensillum dorsal left cephalic sensillum in dorsal left quadrant of worm head. WB:rynl cephalic sensillum in dorsal right quadrant of worm head. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006922 cephalic sensillum dorsal right cephalic sensillum in dorsal right quadrant of worm head. WB:rynl cephalic sensillum in ventral right quadrant of worm head. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006923 cephalic sensillum ventral right cephalic sensillum in ventral right quadrant of worm head. WB:rynl cephalic sensillum in ventral left quadrant of worm head. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006924 cephalic sensillum ventral left cephalic sensillum in ventral left quadrant of worm head. WB:rynl cell destined to die by apoptosis (programmed cell death, PCD). worm_anatomy WBbt:0006925 apoptotic cell cell destined to die by apoptosis (programmed cell death, PCD). WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0006926 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/deiridimagegallery.htm> deirid sensillum worm_anatomy WBbt:0006927 anterior deirid sensillum neuron of anterior and post- deirid sensillum. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006928 deirid neuron neuron of anterior and post- deirid sensillum. WB:rynl sensory organ, consists of sensory neurons and supporting cells. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006929 sensillum sensory organ, consists of sensory neurons and supporting cells. WB:rynl sensory organ of male hook. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006930 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/male/hook/mainframe.htm> hook sensillum sensory organ of male hook. WB:rynl Precursor cell of the male sensory ray (R1-R9). worm_anatomy WBbt:0006931 ray precursor cell Precursor cell of the male sensory ray (R1-R9). WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006932 R1 Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 1. WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 2. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006933 R2 Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 2. WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 3. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006934 R3 Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 3. WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 4. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006935 R4 Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 4. WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 5. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006936 R5 Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 5. WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 6. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006937 R6 Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 6. WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 7. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006938 R7 Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 7. WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 8. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006939 R8 Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 8. WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 9. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006940 R9 Precursor of cells that form male sensory ray 9. WB:Paper00000462 WB:rynl male sensory organ; nine bilateral pairs of finger-like rays (numbered 1 to 9, Left/Right) radiate from the tail and are embedded in a cuticlar fan. worm_anatomy male sensory ray WBbt:0006941 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/maleHandbook/EpithelialMalePartII_Rays.htm> ray male sensory organ; nine bilateral pairs of finger-like rays (numbered 1 to 9, Left/Right) radiate from the tail and are embedded in a cuticlar fan. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 male sensory organ, most anterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006942 ray 1 male sensory organ, most anterior. WB:rynl male sensory organ, most anterior, right side worm_anatomy WBbt:0006943 ray 1 right male sensory organ, most anterior, right side WB:rynl male sensory organ, most anterior, left side worm_anatomy WBbt:0006944 ray 1 left male sensory organ, most anterior, left side WB:rynl male sensory organ, second from most anterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006945 ray 2 male sensory organ, second from most anterior. WB:rynl male sensory organ, second from most anterior, left side. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006946 ray 2 left male sensory organ, second from most anterior, left side. WB:rynl male sensory organ, second from most anterior, right side. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006947 ray 2 right male sensory organ, second from most anterior, right side. WB:rynl male sensory organ, third from most anterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006948 ray 3 male sensory organ, third from most anterior. WB:rynl male sensory organ, fourth from most anterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006949 ray 4 male sensory organ, fourth from most anterior. WB:rynl male sensory organ, fifth from most anterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006950 ray 5 male sensory organ, fifth from most anterior. WB:rynl male sensory organ, sixth from most anterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006951 ray 6 male sensory organ, sixth from most anterior. WB:rynl male sensory organ, seventh from most anterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006952 ray 7 male sensory organ, seventh from most anterior. WB:rynl male sensory organ, eighth from most anterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006953 ray 8 male sensory organ, eighth from most anterior. WB:rynl male sensory organ, most posterior. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006954 ray 9 male sensory organ, most posterior. WB:rynl male sensory organ, third from most anterior, left side. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006955 ray 3 left male sensory organ, third from most anterior, left side. WB:rynl male sensory organ, third from most anterior, right side. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006956 ray 3 right male sensory organ, third from most anterior, right side. WB:rynl male sensory organ, fourth from most anterior, left. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006957 ray 4 left male sensory organ, fourth from most anterior, left. WB:rynl male sensory organ, fourth from most anterior, right. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006958 ray 4 right male sensory organ, fourth from most anterior, right. WB:rynl male sensory organ, fifth from most anterior, left. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006959 ray 5 left male sensory organ, fifth from most anterior, left. WB:rynl male sensory organ, fifth from most anterior, right. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006960 ray 5 right male sensory organ, fifth from most anterior, right. WB:rynl male sensory organ, sixth from most anterior, left. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006961 ray 6 left male sensory organ, sixth from most anterior, left. WB:rynl male sensory organ, sixth from most anterior, right. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006962 ray 6 right male sensory organ, sixth from most anterior, right. WB:rynl male sensory organ, seventh from most anterior, left. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006963 ray 7 left male sensory organ, seventh from most anterior, left. WB:rynl male sensory organ, seventh from most anterior, right. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006964 ray 7 right male sensory organ, seventh from most anterior, right. WB:rynl male sensory organ, eighth from most anterior, left. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006965 ray 8 left male sensory organ, eighth from most anterior, left. WB:rynl male sensory organ, eighth from most anterior, right. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006966 ray 8 right male sensory organ, eighth from most anterior, right. WB:rynl male sensory organ, most posterior, left. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006967 ray 9 left male sensory organ, most posterior, left. WB:rynl male sensory organ, most posterior, right. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006968 ray 9 right male sensory organ, most posterior, right. WB:rynl postdeirid sensillum, left. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006969 postdeirid sensillum left postdeirid sensillum, left. WB:rynl postdeirid sensillum, right. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006970 postdeirid sensillum right postdeirid sensillum, right. WB:rynl neuron in the male ray. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006971 ray neuron neuron in the male ray. WB:rynl type A neuron in male sensory ray. worm_anatomy RnA WBbt:0006972 ray neuron type A type A neuron in male sensory ray. WB:rynl type B neuron in male sensory ray. worm_anatomy RnB WBbt:0006973 ray neuron type B type B neuron in male sensory ray. WB:rynl neuron that has neural processes in the nerve ring. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006974 nerve ring neuron neuron that has neural processes in the nerve ring. WB:rynl interneuron that has processes in the nerve ring. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006975 obsolete ring interneuron true interneuron that has processes in the nerve ring. WB:rynl Neuron class of two interneurons, cell bodies in lumber ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006976 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/neurons/Individual%20Neurons/PVQframeset.html> PVQ Neuron class of two interneurons, cell bodies in lumber ganglia. WB:rynl ganglion in the tail region (posterior to rectum). worm_anatomy WBbt:0006977 tail ganglion ganglion in the tail region (posterior to rectum). WB:rynl hypodermis making up the tail. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006978 tail hypodermis hypodermis making up the tail. WB:rynl An acellular thin cuticle whip formed at the very end of the tail during embryogenesis. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006979 LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/hypsupportother.htm#tailspikecells> tail spike An acellular thin cuticle whip formed at the very end of the tail during embryogenesis. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 a lineage-defined nucleus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006980 obsolete B.alaalda true a lineage-defined nucleus. WB:rynl a lineage-defined nucleus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006981 obsolete B.alaarda true a lineage-defined nucleus. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alapaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0006982 B.alapaad nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alapaad WB:rynl cell, anterior descendent of P7.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0006983 P7.pa cell, anterior descendent of P7.p WB:rynl cell, posterior descendent of P7.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0006984 P7.pp cell, posterior descendent of P7.p WB:rynl cell, anterior daughter of B cell in male worm_anatomy WBbt:0006985 B.a cell, anterior daughter of B cell in male WB:rynl cell, posterior daughter of B cell in male worm_anatomy WBbt:0006986 B.p cell, posterior daughter of B cell in male WB:rynl cell, anterior daughter of P6.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0006987 P6.pa cell, anterior daughter of P6.p WB:rynl cell, posteior daughter of P6.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0006988 P6.pp cell, posteior daughter of P6.p WB:rynl cell, anterior daughter of P6.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0006989 P6.paa cell, anterior daughter of P6.pa WB:rynl cell, posterior daughter of P6.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0006990 P6.pap cell, posterior daughter of P6.pa WB:rynl cell, anterior daughter of P6.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0006991 P6.ppa cell, anterior daughter of P6.pp WB:rynl cell, posterior daughter of P6.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0006992 obsolete P6.ppp true cell, posterior daughter of P6.pp WB:rynl cell, posterior daughter of P6.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0006993 obsolete P6.pppp true cell, posterior daughter of P6.ppp WB:rynl cell, which is the anterior descendent of TL. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006994 TL.a cell, which is the anterior descendent of TL. WB:rynl cell, which is the anterior descendent of TR. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006995 TR.a cell, which is the anterior descendent of TR. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006996 TL.p cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006997 TR.p cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR. WB:rynl Anterior daughter cell of TL.a, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006998 TL.aa Anterior daughter cell of TL.a, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium. WB:rynl cell, which is the anterior descendent of TL.aa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0006999 obsolete TL.aaa true cell, which is the anterior descendent of TL.aa. WB:rynl cell, which is the anterior descendent of TL.p. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007000 TL.pa cell, which is the anterior descendent of TL.p. WB:rynl true Anterior descendent cell of TR.a fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. WBbt:0004171 worm_anatomy WBbt:0007002 TR.aa Anterior descendent cell of TR.a fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:rynl cell, which is the anterior descendent of TR.aa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007003 obsolete TR.aaa true cell, which is the anterior descendent of TR.aa. WB:rynl cell, which is the anterior descendent of TL.ap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007004 TL.apa cell, which is the anterior descendent of TL.ap. WB:rynl true cell, which is the anterior descendent of TR.ap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007006 TR.apa cell, which is the anterior descendent of TR.ap. WB:rynl cell, which is the anterior descendent of TR.p. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007007 TR.pa cell, which is the anterior descendent of TR.p. WB:rynl true true cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL.a. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007010 TL.ap cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL.a. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL.ap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007011 TL.app cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL.ap. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL.p. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007012 TL.pp cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL.p. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL.pp. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007013 TL.ppp cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL.pp. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR.a. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007014 TR.ap cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR.a. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR.ap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007015 TR.app cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR.ap. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR.p. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007016 TR.pp cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR.p. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR.pp. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007017 TR.ppp cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR.pp. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL.aa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007018 obsolete TL.aap true cell, which is the posterior descendent of TL.aa. WB:rynl cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR.aa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007019 obsolete TR.aap true cell, which is the posterior descendent of TR.aa. WB:rynl true true cell, anterior descendent of Z1, in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007022 Z1.a hermaphrodite cell, anterior descendent of Z1, in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl cell, posterior descendent of Z1. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007023 Z1.p cell, posterior descendent of Z1. WB:rynl cell, posterior descendent of Z4, in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007024 Z4.p hermaphrodite cell, posterior descendent of Z4, in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl cell, anterior descendent of Z4. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007025 Z4.a cell, anterior descendent of Z4. WB:rynl cell, anterior descendent of Z1.a. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007026 Z1.aa cell, anterior descendent of Z1.a. WB:rynl cell, posterior descendent of Z1.a. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007027 Z1.ap cell, posterior descendent of Z1.a. WB:rynl cell that exists in and is part of an embryo. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007028 embryonic cell cell that exists in and is part of an embryo. WB:rynl precursor cell of hyp7 postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: TR.apap WBbt:0007029 TR.apap hermaphrodite precursor cell of hyp7 postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium, hermaphrodite. WB:rynl a cell that is born in a worm after hatching. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007030 post-embryonic cell a cell that is born in a worm after hatching. WB:rynl true true true true true true true true true true true true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.al worm_anatomy WBbt:0007044 B.al post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.al WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ala worm_anatomy WBbt:0007045 B.ala post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ala WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007046 B.alaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007047 B.alap post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007048 B.alapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007049 B.alapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alapaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alapaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0007050 B.alapaav post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alapaav WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007051 B.alapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alapap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007052 B.alapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alappd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007053 B.alappd post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alappd WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007054 B.alp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007055 B.alpa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alpa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007056 B.alpaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alpaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007057 B.alpap post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alpap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007058 B.alpapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alpapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ar worm_anatomy WBbt:0007059 B.ar post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ar WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ara worm_anatomy WBbt:0007060 B.ara post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ara WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007061 B.arap post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007062 B.arapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007063 B.arapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arapaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arapaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0007064 B.arapaav post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arapaav WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007065 B.arapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arapap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007066 B.arapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arappd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007067 B.arappd post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arappd WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007068 B.arp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007069 B.arpa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arpa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007070 B.arpap post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arpap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arpapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007071 B.arpapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arpapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007072 B.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007073 B.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007074 B.ppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007075 B.ppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ppaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007076 B.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007077 B.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007078 B.ppppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ppppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_alpha.ld worm_anatomy WBbt:0007079 B_alpha.ld post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_alpha.ld WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_alpha.rd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007081 B_alpha.rd post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_alpha.rd WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.l worm_anatomy WBbt:0007083 B_beta.l post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.l WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.ld worm_anatomy WBbt:0007084 B_beta.ld post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.ld WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.lda worm_anatomy WBbt:0007085 B_beta.lda post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.lda WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.ldp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007086 B_beta.ldp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.ldp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.lv worm_anatomy WBbt:0007087 B_beta.lv post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.lv WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.r worm_anatomy WBbt:0007088 B_beta.r post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.r WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.rd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007089 B_beta.rd post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.rd WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.rdp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007091 B_beta.rdp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.rdp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.rv worm_anatomy WBbt:0007092 B_beta.rv post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_beta.rv WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007095 B_gamma.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.al worm_anatomy WBbt:0007096 B_gamma.al post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.al WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.ar worm_anatomy WBbt:0007099 B_gamma.ar post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.ar WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.ard worm_anatomy WBbt:0007100 B_gamma.ard post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.ard WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007102 B_gamma.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma.p WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree Caappv worm_anatomy WBbt:0007105 Caappv post-embryonic cell of pedigree Caappv WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Cpappv worm_anatomy WBbt:0007106 Cpappv post-embryonic cell of pedigree Cpappv WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.alapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007107 E.alapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.alapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.alapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007108 E.alapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.alapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.alppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007109 E.alppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.alppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.alppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007110 E.alppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.alppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.arapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007111 E.arapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.arapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.arapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007112 E.arapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.arapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.arppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007113 E.arppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.arppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.arppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007114 E.arppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.arppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007115 E.plaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007116 E.plaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007117 E.plapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007118 E.plapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007119 E.plpaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plpaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007120 E.plpap post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plpap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007121 E.plppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plppaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007122 E.plppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plppap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plpppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007123 E.plpppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plpppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plpppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007124 E.plpppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.plpppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.praaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007125 E.praaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.praaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.praap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007126 E.praap post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.praap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007127 E.prapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007128 E.prapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007129 E.prpaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prpaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prpap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007130 E.prpap post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prpap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007131 E.prppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prppaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007132 E.prppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prppap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prpppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007133 E.prpppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prpppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prpppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007134 E.prpppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree E.prpppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.l worm_anatomy WBbt:0007135 F.l post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.l WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.ld worm_anatomy WBbt:0007136 F.ld post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.ld WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.lv worm_anatomy WBbt:0007137 F.lv post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.lv WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.lvd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007138 F.lvd post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.lvd WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.r worm_anatomy WBbt:0007140 F.r post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.r WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.rd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007141 F.rd post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.rd WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.rv worm_anatomy WBbt:0007142 F.rv post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.rv WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.rvd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007143 F.rvd post-embryonic cell of pedigree F.rvd WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree G2.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007145 G2.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree G2.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007146 H1L.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1L.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1L.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007147 H1L.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1L.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1L.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0007148 H1L.app post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1L.app WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007149 H1R.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1R.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1R.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007150 H1R.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1R.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1R.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0007151 H1R.app post-embryonic cell of pedigree H1R.app WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007152 H2L.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2L.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007153 H2L.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2L.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007154 H2L.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2L.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007155 H2L.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2L.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007156 H2R.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2R.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007157 H2R.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2R.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007158 H2R.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2R.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007159 H2R.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree H2R.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.d worm_anatomy WBbt:0007160 M.d post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.d WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dl worm_anatomy WBbt:0007161 M.dl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dl WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dla worm_anatomy WBbt:0007162 M.dla post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dla WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlaa. worm_anatomy DL15 mu_bod WBbt:0007163 M.dlaa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlap. worm_anatomy DL16 mu_bod WBbt:0007164 M.dlap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007165 M.dlp post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlpaa, only present in male. worm_anatomy SM1L left SM1 WBbt:0007166 M.dlpaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlpaa, only present in male. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlpap, only present in male. worm_anatomy SM2L left SM2 WBbt:0007167 M.dlpap post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlpap, only present in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlpp. worm_anatomy DL22 mu_bod WBbt:0007168 M.dlpp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dlpp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dr worm_anatomy WBbt:0007169 M.dr post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dr WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dra worm_anatomy WBbt:0007170 M.dra post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.dra WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.draa. worm_anatomy DR15 mu_bod WBbt:0007171 M.draa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.draa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.drap. worm_anatomy DR16 mu_bod WBbt:0007172 M.drap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.drap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.drp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007173 M.drp post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.drp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.drpaa, only present in male. worm_anatomy SM1R right SM1 WBbt:0007174 M.drpaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.drpaa, only present in male. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.drpap, only present in male. worm_anatomy SM2R right SM2 WBbt:0007175 M.drpap post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.drpap, only present in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.drpp. worm_anatomy DR22 mu_bod WBbt:0007176 M.drpp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.drpp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.v worm_anatomy WBbt:0007177 M.v post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.v WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vl worm_anatomy WBbt:0007178 M.vl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vl WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vla worm_anatomy WBbt:0007179 M.vla post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vla WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlaa. worm_anatomy VL17 mu_bod WBbt:0007180 M.vlaa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlaa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlap. worm_anatomy VL18 mu_bod WBbt:0007181 M.vlap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007182 M.vlp post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007183 M.vlpa post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007184 M.vlpaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007185 M.vlpaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007186 M.vlpaaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007187 M.vlpaaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007188 M.vlpaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaap WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpap. worm_anatomy VL20 mu_bod WBbt:0007189 M.vlpap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpp. worm_anatomy VL21 mu_bod WBbt:0007190 M.vlpp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpp. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vr worm_anatomy WBbt:0007191 M.vr post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vr WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vra worm_anatomy WBbt:0007192 M.vra post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vra WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vraa. worm_anatomy VR17 mu_bod WBbt:0007193 M.vraa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vraa. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrap. worm_anatomy VR18 mu_bod WBbt:0007194 M.vrap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007195 M.vrp post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007196 M.vrpa post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007197 M.vrpaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007198 M.vrpaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007199 M.vrpaaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007200 M.vrpaaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007201 M.vrpaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaap WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpap. worm_anatomy VR22 mu_bod WBbt:0007202 M.vrpap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpap. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpp. worm_anatomy VR23 mu_bod WBbt:0007203 M.vrpp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpp. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 true post-embryonic cell of pedigree MSpapaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007205 MSpapaaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree MSpapaaaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree P1.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007207 P1.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P1.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P1.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007208 P1.aaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P1.aaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P1.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007209 P1.aap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P1.aap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P1.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007210 P1.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P1.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007211 P10.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007212 P10.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007213 P10.aap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.aap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007214 P10.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007215 P10.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007216 P10.paa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.paa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.paaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007217 P10.paaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.paaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007218 P10.paap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.paap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007219 P10.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007220 P10.papa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.papa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007221 P10.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007222 P10.ppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.ppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007223 P10.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007224 P10.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007225 P11.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007226 P11.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007227 P11.aaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007228 P11.aap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007229 P11.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P12.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007230 P12.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P12.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P12.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007231 P12.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P12.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P12.aaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007232 P12.aaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P12.aaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P12.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007233 P12.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P12.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P12.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007234 P12.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree P12.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P2' worm_anatomy WBbt:0007235 obsolete P2' true post-embryonic cell of pedigree P2' WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P2.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007236 P2.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P2.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P2.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007237 P2.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P2.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P2.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007238 P2.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P2.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P3' worm_anatomy WBbt:0007239 obsolete P3' true post-embryonic cell of pedigree P3' WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P3.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007240 P3.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P3.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P3.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007241 P3.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P3.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P3.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007242 P3.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P3.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4' worm_anatomy WBbt:0007243 obsolete P4' true post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4' WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4'.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007244 obsolete P4'.a true post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4'.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4'.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007245 obsolete P4'.p true post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4'.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007246 P4.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007247 P4.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007248 P4.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P4.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007249 P5.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007250 P5.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007251 P5.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007252 P5.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007253 P5.paa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.paa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007254 P5.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007255 P5.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007256 P5.ppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P5.ppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P6.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007257 P6.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P6.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P6.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007258 P6.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P6.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P6.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007259 P6.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P6.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P6.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007260 P6.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree P6.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007261 P7.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007262 P7.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007263 P7.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007264 P7.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007265 P7.ppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.ppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007266 P7.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P8.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007267 P8.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P8.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P8.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007268 P8.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P8.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P8.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007269 P8.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P8.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007270 P9.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007271 P9.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007272 P9.aap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.aap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007273 P9.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007274 QL.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007275 QL.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007276 QL.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007277 QL.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007278 QL.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree QR.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007279 QR.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree QR.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree QR.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007280 QR.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree QR.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree QR.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007281 QR.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree QR.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree QR.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007282 QR.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree QR.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree QR.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007283 QR.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree QR.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007284 SM1L.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007285 SM1L.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007286 SM1L.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.aaa WB:rynl Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1L.aap. WBbt:0003821 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpaaaap WBbt:0007287 SM1L.aap Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1L.aap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007288 SM1L.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.ap WB:rynl Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1L.apa. WBbt:0003820 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpaaapa WBbt:0007289 SM1L.apa Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1L.apa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1L.app. WBbt:0003819 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpaaapp WBbt:0007290 SM1L.app Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1L.app. ISBN:0-87969-307-X post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007291 SM1L.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007292 SM1L.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.pa WB:rynl Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1L.paa. WBbt:0003818 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpaapaa WBbt:0007293 SM1L.paa Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1L.paa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1L.pap. WBbt:0003817 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpaapap WBbt:0007294 SM1L.pap Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1L.pap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007295 SM1L.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007296 SM1L.ppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.ppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007297 SM1L.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1L.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007298 SM1R.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007299 SM1R.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007300 SM1R.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.aaa WB:rynl Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.aap. WBbt:0003814 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpaaaap WBbt:0007301 SM1R.aap Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.aap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007302 SM1R.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.ap WB:rynl Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.apa. WBbt:0003813 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpaaapa WBbt:0007303 SM1R.apa Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.apa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.app. WBbt:0003802 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpaaapp WBbt:0007304 SM1R.app Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.app. ISBN:0-87969-307-X post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007305 SM1R.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007306 SM1R.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.pa WB:rynl Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.paa. WBbt:0003801 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpaapaa WBbt:0007307 SM1R.paa Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.paa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.pap. WBbt:0003799 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpaapap WBbt:0007308 SM1R.pap Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.pap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007309 SM1R.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.pp WB:rynl Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.ppa. WBbt:0003800 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpaappa WBbt:0007310 SM1R.ppa Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM1R.ppa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007311 SM1R.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM1R.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007312 SM2L.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007313 SM2L.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.aa WB:rynl Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM2L.aaa. WBbt:0003816 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpapaaa WBbt:0007314 SM2L.aaa Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM2L.aaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM2L.aap. WBbt:0003815 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.dlpapaap WBbt:0007315 SM2L.aap Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM2L.aap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007316 SM2L.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007317 SM2L.apa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.apa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0007318 SM2L.app post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.app WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007319 SM2L.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007320 SM2L.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007321 SM2L.paa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.paa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007322 SM2L.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007323 SM2L.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2L.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007324 SM2R.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007325 SM2R.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.aa WB:rynl Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM2R.aaa. WBbt:0003798 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpapaaa WBbt:0007326 SM2R.aaa Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM2R.aaa. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM2R.aap. WBbt:0003797 worm_anatomy lineage name: M.drpapaap WBbt:0007327 SM2R.aap Diagonal tail muscle cell of pedigree SM2R.aap. ISBN:0-87969-307-X post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007328 SM2R.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007329 SM2R.apa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.apa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0007330 SM2R.app post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.app WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007331 SM2R.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007332 SM2R.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007333 SM2R.paa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.paa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007334 SM2R.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007335 SM2R.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM2R.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007336 SM3L.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007337 SM3L.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007338 SM3L.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007339 SM3L.aap post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.aap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007340 SM3L.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007341 SM3L.apa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.apa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0007342 SM3L.app post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.app WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007343 SM3L.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007344 SM3L.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007345 SM3L.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3L.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007346 SM3R.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007347 SM3R.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007348 SM3R.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.aap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007349 SM3R.aap post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.aap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007350 SM3R.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.apa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007351 SM3R.apa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.apa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0007352 SM3R.app post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.app WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007353 SM3R.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007354 SM3R.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007355 SM3R.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree SM3R.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007356 TL.apapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007357 TL.apappa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007358 TL.apappaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007360 TL.apappaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007361 TL.apappap post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.apappap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007364 TL.appaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007365 TL.appaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007366 TL.appaaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007368 TL.appaaaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007369 TL.appaaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appaaap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007372 TL.appap post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007373 TL.appapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007374 TL.appapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007375 TL.appapaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007376 TL.appapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.appapap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007379 TL.pppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.pppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007380 TL.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007381 TR.apappaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apappaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.appaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007382 TR.appaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.appaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.appaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007383 TR.appaaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.appaaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007384 TR.pppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.pppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007385 TR.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.l worm_anatomy WBbt:0007386 U.l post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.l WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.la worm_anatomy WBbt:0007387 U.la post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.la WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.r worm_anatomy WBbt:0007388 U.r post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.r WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.ra worm_anatomy WBbt:0007389 U.ra post-embryonic cell of pedigree U.ra WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007390 V1L.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007391 V1L.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007392 V1L.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007393 V1L.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007394 V1L.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007395 V1L.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007396 V1L.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1L.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007397 V1R.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007398 V1R.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007399 V1R.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007400 V1R.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007401 V1R.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007402 V1R.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007403 V1R.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V1R.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007404 V2L.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007405 V2L.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007406 V2L.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007407 V2L.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007408 V2L.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007409 V2L.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007410 V2L.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2L.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007411 V2R.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007412 V2R.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007413 V2R.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007414 V2R.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007415 V2R.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007416 V2R.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007417 V2R.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V2R.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007418 V3L.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007419 V3L.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007420 V3L.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007421 V3L.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007422 V3L.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007423 V3L.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007424 V3L.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3L.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007425 V3R.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007426 V3R.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007427 V3R.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007428 V3R.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007429 V3R.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007430 V3R.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007431 V3R.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V3R.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007432 V4L.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007433 V4L.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007434 V4L.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007435 V4L.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007436 V4L.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007437 V4L.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007438 V4L.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4L.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007439 V4R.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007440 V4R.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007441 V4R.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007442 V4R.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007443 V4R.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007444 V4R.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007445 V4R.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V4R.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007446 V5L.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007447 V5L.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007448 V5L.paa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.paa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007449 V5L.paap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.paap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.paapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007450 V5L.paapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.paapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007451 V5L.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007452 V5L.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007453 V5L.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007454 V5L.pppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007455 V5L.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007456 V5L.pppppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007457 V5L.pppppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007459 V5L.pppppaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007460 V5L.pppppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.pppppap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007463 V5R.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007464 V5R.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007465 V5R.paa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.paa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007466 V5R.paap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.paap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.paapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007467 V5R.paapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.paapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007468 V5R.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007469 V5R.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007470 V5R.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007471 V5R.pppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007472 V5R.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007473 V5R.pppppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007474 V5R.pppppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007476 V5R.pppppaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007477 V5R.pppppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.pppppap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007480 V6L.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007481 V6L.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007482 V6L.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pap WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007483 V6L.papap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papap. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007484 V6L.papapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007485 V6L.papapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007487 V6L.papapaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007488 V6L.papapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papapap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007491 V6L.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007492 V6L.papppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007493 V6L.papppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007495 V6L.papppaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007496 V6L.papppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.papppap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007499 V6L.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007500 V6L.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007501 V6L.pppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007502 V6L.pppapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007503 V6L.pppapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007505 V6L.pppapaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007506 V6L.pppapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppapap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007509 V6L.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007510 V6L.ppppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007511 V6L.ppppaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007513 V6L.ppppaaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007514 V6L.ppppaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.ppppaap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007517 V6L.pppppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007518 V6L.pppppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007520 V6L.pppppaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007521 V6L.pppppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pppppap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007524 V6R.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007525 V6R.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007526 V6R.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007527 V6R.papap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007528 V6R.papapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007529 V6R.papapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007531 V6R.papapaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007532 V6R.papapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papapap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007535 V6R.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007536 V6R.papppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007537 V6R.papppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007539 V6R.papppaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007540 V6R.papppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papppap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007543 V6R.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007544 V6R.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007545 V6R.pppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007546 V6R.pppapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007547 V6R.pppapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007549 V6R.pppapaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007550 V6R.pppapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppapap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007553 V6R.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007554 V6R.ppppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007555 V6R.ppppaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007557 V6R.ppppaaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007558 V6R.ppppaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppaap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007561 V6R.pppppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007562 V6R.pppppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppaa WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007564 V6R.pppppaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007565 V6R.pppppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppppap WB:rynl true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree W.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007568 W.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree W.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree W.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007569 W.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree W.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree W.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007570 W.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree W.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree W.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007571 W.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree W.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007572 Y.a post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007573 Y.p post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.pl worm_anatomy WBbt:0007574 Y.pl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.pl WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.pla worm_anatomy WBbt:0007575 Y.pla post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.pla WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.plp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007576 Y.plp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.plp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.plpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007577 Y.plpp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.plpp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.pr worm_anatomy WBbt:0007578 Y.pr post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.pr WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.pra worm_anatomy WBbt:0007579 Y.pra post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.pra WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.prp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007580 Y.prp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.prp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.prpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007581 Y.prpp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Y.prpp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0007582 Z1.app post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.app WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.appa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007583 Z1.appa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.appa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.appaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007584 Z1.appaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.appaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.appap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007585 Z1.appap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.appap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.appp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007586 Z1.appp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.appp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007587 Z1.apppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007588 Z1.apppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007589 Z1.apppaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007590 Z1.apppaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007591 Z1.apppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007592 Z1.apppapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007593 Z1.apppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.apppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007594 Z1.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007595 Z1.paa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007596 Z1.paaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007597 Z1.paap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007598 Z1.paapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paapaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007599 Z1.paapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paapap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007600 Z1.paappa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007601 Z1.paappaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007602 Z1.paappaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007603 Z1.paappaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007604 Z1.paappap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007605 Z1.paappapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007606 Z1.paappp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paappp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy DU cell dorsal unterine precursor cell WBbt:0007607 Z1.pap hermaphrodite post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007608 Z1.papa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007609 Z1.papaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007610 Z1.papaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaaa WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007611 Z1.papaap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaap. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007612 Z1.papaapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007613 Z1.papap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007614 Z1.papapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papapaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007615 Z1.papapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papapap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007616 Z1.papappa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papappa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007617 Z1.papappp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papappp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007618 Z1.papp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007619 Z1.pappaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007620 Z1.pappaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007621 Z1.pappaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007622 Z1.pappap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007623 Z1.pappapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007624 Z1.pappapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pappapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007625 Z1.papppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007626 Z1.papppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007627 Z1.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007628 Z1.ppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007629 Z1.ppaa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaa. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007630 Z1.ppaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007631 Z1.ppaaa[a/l] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l]a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007632 Z1.ppaaa[a/l]a post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l]a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l]p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007633 Z1.ppaaa[a/l]p post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[a/l]p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007634 Z1.ppaaa[p/r] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r]a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007635 Z1.ppaaa[p/r]a post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r]a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r]p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007636 Z1.ppaaa[p/r]p post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa[p/r]p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007637 Z1.ppaaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007638 Z1.ppaaaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007639 Z1.ppaaaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaap WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaap, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007640 Z1.ppaaap (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaap, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007641 Z1.ppaaapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007642 Z1.ppaaapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007643 Z1.ppaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007644 Z1.ppaapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapa[a/v] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007645 Z1.ppaapa[a/v] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapa[a/v] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapa[p/d] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007646 Z1.ppaapa[p/d] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapa[p/d] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007647 Z1.ppaapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007648 Z1.ppaapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007649 Z1.ppaapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapp[a/v] (5R), a precursor of anterior ut2 syncytium. WBbt:0005092 worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaappa WBbt:0007650 Z1.ppaappa (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapp[a/v] (5R), a precursor of anterior ut2 syncytium. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapp[p/d], 5R configuration, a precursor of syncytium ut1. WBbt:0004055 worm_anatomy Z1.ppaappd (5R) gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.ppaappp WBbt:0007651 Z1.ppaappp (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapp[p/d], 5R configuration, a precursor of syncytium ut1. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007652 Z1.ppaappa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaappa WB:rynl true Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007654 Z1.ppap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppap. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007655 Z1.ppapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007656 Z1.ppapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapaa WB:rynl true true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007660 Z1.ppapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapap WB:rynl true true true post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007664 Z1.ppapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppappd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007665 Z1.ppappd post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppappd WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppappv(5R). worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut utse precursor WBbt:0007666 Z1.ppappv (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppappv(5R). WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007667 Z1.ppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007668 Z1.pppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007669 Z1.pppaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppaad worm_anatomy WBbt:0007670 Z1.pppaad post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppaad WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0007671 Z1.pppaav post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppaav WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007672 Z1.pppap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppapd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007673 Z1.pppapd post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppapd WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppapv worm_anatomy WBbt:0007674 Z1.pppapv post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppapv WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007675 Z1.pppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007676 Z1.ppppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppad worm_anatomy WBbt:0007677 Z1.ppppad post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppad WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppav worm_anatomy WBbt:0007678 Z1.ppppav post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppav WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007679 Z1.ppppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007680 Z1.pppppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppppaa; a precursor of ut1 syncytium. WBbt:0003776 worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut lineage name: Z1.pppppaa WBbt:0007681 Z1.pppppaa (5L) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppppaa; a precursor of ut1 syncytium. WB:rynl true post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007683 Z1.pppppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppppp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007684 Z1.ppppppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007685 Z1.ppppppp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppppppp WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa, Z1.ppp, Z4.aaa, or Z4.aap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007686 Z1.ppx/Z4.aax Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa, Z1.ppp, Z4.aaa, or Z4.aap. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007687 Z4.aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007688 Z4.aaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007689 Z4.aaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007690 Z4.aaaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaa WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007691 Z4.aaaaaa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa[a/v] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007692 Z4.aaaaaa[a/v] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa[a/v] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa[p/d] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007693 Z4.aaaaaa[p/d] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa[p/d] WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007694 Z4.aaaaap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaap. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaap[a/v] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007695 Z4.aaaaap[a/v] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaap[a/v] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaap[p/d] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007696 Z4.aaaaap[p/d] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaap[p/d] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007697 Z4.aaaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007698 Z4.aaaapd post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapd WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapv worm_anatomy WBbt:0007699 Z4.aaaapv post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaapv WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007700 Z4.aaap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaap. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007701 Z4.aaapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaapad worm_anatomy WBbt:0007702 Z4.aaapad post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaapad WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaapav worm_anatomy WBbt:0007703 Z4.aaapav post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaapav WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007704 Z4.aaapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaappd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007705 Z4.aaappd post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaappd WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaappv worm_anatomy WBbt:0007706 Z4.aaappv post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaappv WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap worm_anatomy VU WBbt:0007707 Z4.aap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007708 Z4.aap[a/l] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007709 Z4.aap[a/l]a post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]ad worm_anatomy WBbt:0007710 Z4.aap[a/l]ad post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]ad WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]av worm_anatomy WBbt:0007711 Z4.aap[a/l]av post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]av WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007712 Z4.aap[a/l]p post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007713 Z4.aap[a/l]pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa[a/d] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007714 Z4.aap[a/l]pa[a/d] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa[a/d] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa[p/v] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007715 Z4.aap[a/l]pa[p/v] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pa[p/v] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007716 Z4.aap[a/l]pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp[a/d] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007717 Z4.aap[a/l]pp[a/d] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp[a/d] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp[p/v] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007718 Z4.aap[a/l]pp[p/v] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[a/l]pp[p/v] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007719 Z4.aap[p/r] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007720 Z4.aap[p/r]a post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007721 Z4.aap[p/r]aa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa[a/d] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007722 Z4.aap[p/r]aa[a/d] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa[a/d] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa[p/v] (5R), a precursor of posterior ut2. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut WBbt:0007723 Z4.aappaap (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]aa[p/v] (5R), a precursor of posterior ut2. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007724 Z4.aap[p/r]ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap[a/d] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007725 Z4.aap[p/r]ap[a/d] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap[a/d] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap[p/v] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007726 Z4.aap[p/r]ap[p/v] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]ap[p/v] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007727 Z4.aap[p/r]p post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007728 Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l]a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007729 Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l]a post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l]a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l]p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007730 Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l]p post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[a/l]p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007731 Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r]a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007732 Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r]a post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r]a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r]p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007733 Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r]p post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap[p/r]p[p/r]p WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007734 Z4.aapa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapa. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007735 Z4.aapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaa WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaad. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007736 Z4.aapaad Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaad. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaav worm_anatomy WBbt:0007737 Z4.aapaav post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaav WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007738 Z4.aapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapapd worm_anatomy WBbt:0007739 Z4.aapapd post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapapd WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapapv worm_anatomy WBbt:0007740 Z4.aapapv post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapapv WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapp. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007741 Z4.aapp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapp. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007742 Z4.aappa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappa WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappaa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007743 Z4.aappaa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappaa. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappaa[a/d] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007744 Z4.aappaa[a/d] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappaa[a/d] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappaa[p/v] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007745 Z4.aappaa[p/v] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappaa[p/v] WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007746 Z4.aappap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappap. WB:rynl Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappap[a/d] (5R), a precursor of posterior ut3. worm_anatomy Z4.aappapd (5R) gon_herm_vut WBbt:0007747 Z4.aappapa (5R) Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappap[a/d] (5R), a precursor of posterior ut3. WB:rynl Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappap[p/v] (5L), a precursor of anterior ut4. worm_anatomy gon_herm_vut WBbt:0007748 Z4.aappapp (5L) Ventral uterus; post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappap[p/v] (5L), a precursor of anterior ut4. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007749 Z4.aappp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[a/l] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007750 Z4.aappp[a/l] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[a/l] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[a/l]a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007751 Z4.aappp[a/l]a post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[a/l]a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[a/l]p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007752 Z4.aappp[a/l]p post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[a/l]p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[p/r] worm_anatomy WBbt:0007753 Z4.aappp[p/r] post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[p/r] WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[p/r]a worm_anatomy WBbt:0007754 Z4.aappp[p/r]a post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[p/r]a WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[p/r]p worm_anatomy WBbt:0007755 Z4.aappp[p/r]p post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappp[p/r]p WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.ap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007756 Z4.ap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.ap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apa worm_anatomy DU dorsal uterine precursor cell WBbt:0007757 Z4.apa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007758 Z4.apaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007759 Z4.apaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaaa WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007760 Z4.apaaaa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaa. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007761 Z4.apaapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007762 Z4.apaapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaapaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007763 Z4.apaapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaapap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007764 Z4.apaapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007765 Z4.apaappa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaappa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007766 Z4.apaappp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaappp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007767 Z4.apapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007768 Z4.apapaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007769 Z4.apapaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007770 Z4.apapaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007771 Z4.apapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007772 Z4.apapapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007773 Z4.apapapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007774 Z4.apapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007775 Z4.apappa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apappa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007776 Z4.apappp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apappp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.app worm_anatomy WBbt:0007777 Z4.app post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.app WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007778 Z4.appa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007779 Z4.appaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007780 Z4.appaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007781 Z4.appaapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007782 Z4.appaapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaapap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007783 Z4.appaapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007784 Z4.appaappa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaappa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007785 Z4.appaappp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appaappp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007786 Z4.appapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007787 Z4.appapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.appapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007788 obsolete Z4.apppa true post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apppa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apppaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007789 obsolete Z4.apppaa true post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apppaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007790 Z4.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.pa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007791 Z4.paa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007792 Z4.paaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007793 Z4.paaaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaaa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007794 Z4.paaap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007795 Z4.paaapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007796 Z4.paaapap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaapap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007797 Z4.paaapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaapp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007798 Z4.paaappa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaappa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007799 Z4.paaappp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paaappp WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007800 Z4.paap post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paap WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007801 Z4.paapa post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paapa WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007802 Z4.paapp post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.paapp WB:rynl cell that engulfs a cell undergoing programmed cell death (PCD, apoptosis). worm_anatomy WBbt:0007803 engulfing cell cell that engulfs a cell undergoing programmed cell death (PCD, apoptosis). WB:rynl a type of interneurons whose synaptic output represent a “final common pathway” to motor neurons. The synaptic activities of command interneurons lead directly to the control of locomotion. worm_anatomy command neuron WBbt:0007804 command interneuron a type of interneurons whose synaptic output represent a “final common pathway” to motor neurons. The synaptic activities of command interneurons lead directly to the control of locomotion. WBPaper:00038216 Neuron class of two male-specific sensory neuron associated with copulatory spicules, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007805 SPD Neuron class of two male-specific sensory neuron associated with copulatory spicules, cilliated, open to outside at tip of spicule. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of two male-specific sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007806 PCA Neuron class of two male-specific sensory neuron of postcloacal sensilla. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Neuron class of two phasmid neurons, type A. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007807 PHA Neuron class of two phasmid neurons, type A. WB:rynl Neuron class of two phasmid neurons, type B. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007808 PHB Neuron class of two phasmid neurons, type B. WB:rynl cell that has the potential to form structural part of a vulva. worm_anatomy VPC vulval precursor WBbt:0007809 vulval precursor cell cell that has the potential to form structural part of a vulva. WB:rynl Any muscle cell that is not pharyngeal. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007810 body muscle cell Any muscle cell that is not pharyngeal. WB:Paper00001807 any of six ventral uterine intermediate precursor cells that are adjacent to the anchor cell and whose progeny are fated to become uv1 and utse cells. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007813 uterine pi cell any of six ventral uterine intermediate precursor cells that are adjacent to the anchor cell and whose progeny are fated to become uv1 and utse cells. WB:Paper00002608 any of six ventral uterine intermediate precursor cells that are not directly adjacent to the anchor cell and whose progeny are fated to become uterine cells other than uv1 and utse cells. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007814 uterine rho cell any of six ventral uterine intermediate precursor cells that are not directly adjacent to the anchor cell and whose progeny are fated to become uterine cells other than uv1 and utse cells. WB:Paper00002608 somatic (not germline) cell of the hermaphrodite gonad. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007815 hermaphrodite somatic gonadal cell somatic (not germline) cell of the hermaphrodite gonad. WB:rynl cell of the hermaphrodite spermatheca. worm_anatomy gon herm spth WBbt:0007816 spermathecal cell cell of the hermaphrodite spermatheca. WB:rynl male-specific sex myoblast, third, left, of pedigree M.vlpaa. worm_anatomy left SM3 WBbt:0007817 SM3L male-specific sex myoblast, third, left, of pedigree M.vlpaa. WB:rynl male-specific sex myoblast, third, right, of pedigree M.vrpaa. worm_anatomy right SM3 WBbt:0007818 SM3R male-specific sex myoblast, third, right, of pedigree M.vrpaa. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.pa, only present in male animals. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007819 P11.pa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.pa, only present in male animals. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.paa, only present in male animals. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007820 P11.paa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.paa, only present in male animals. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.pap, only present in male animals. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007821 P11.pap post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.pap, only present in male animals. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.pp, only present in male animals. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007822 P11.pp post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.pp, only present in male animals. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.ppa, only present in male animals. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007823 P11.ppa post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.ppa, only present in male animals. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of the pedigree M.dlpa, in male animals. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007824 M.dlpa male post-embryonic cell of the pedigree M.dlpa, in male animals. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of the pedigree M.drpa, in male animals. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007825 M.drpa male post-embryonic cell of the pedigree M.drpa, in male animals. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alpp, only present in males. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007826 B.alpp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.alpp, only present in males. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arpp, only present in males. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007827 B.arpp post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arpp, only present in males. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.araa, only present in males. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007828 B.araa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.araa, only present in males. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arpaa, only present in males. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007829 B.arpaa post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.arpaa, only present in males. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007830 B_gamma post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_gamma. WB:rynl Constituent cell of a hermaphrodite vulva. vulval epithelial cell worm_anatomy WBbt:0007831 vulval cell Constituent cell of a hermaphrodite vulva. WB:rynl Small linear ridges running along the lateral lines of the cuticle, lengthwise along the body; these thickenings lie in register with the seam cells which likely produce them and are present in the cuticle of the L1, dauer and adult stages, but not in other larval stages. The alae are suspected to provide better traction when the animal generates a bodywave. Since the animal usually lies on its side, the alae are in perfect position to catch against the substrate. worm_anatomy alae WBbt:0007832 cuticular ala Small linear ridges running along the lateral lines of the cuticle, lengthwise along the body; these thickenings lie in register with the seam cells which likely produce them and are present in the cuticle of the L1, dauer and adult stages, but not in other larval stages. The alae are suspected to provide better traction when the animal generates a bodywave. Since the animal usually lies on its side, the alae are in perfect position to catch against the substrate. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Anatomical structure that is an individual member of a species and consists of more than one cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007833 XREF::CARO:0000012 organism Anatomical structure that is an individual member of a species and consists of more than one cell. WB:rynl Neuron class of four male-specific interneurons, darkly staining cell bodies in preanal ganglion, processes penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007834 DX neuron Neuron class of four male-specific interneurons, darkly staining cell bodies in preanal ganglion, processes penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles. WBPaper:00038216 Neuron class of four large, male-specific interneurons with cell bodies in preanal ganglion. They receive synaptic inputs from ray neurons. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007835 EF neuron Neuron class of four large, male-specific interneurons with cell bodies in preanal ganglion. They receive synaptic inputs from ray neurons. WBPaper:00038216 Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron, called PVPL in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy PVPL WBbt:0007836 PVU Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron, called PVPL in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron, called PVPR in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy PVPR WBbt:0007837 PVS Neuron class of one male-specific interneuron, called PVPR in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons, class one. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007838 EF1 Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons, class one. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons, class two. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007839 EF2 Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons, class two. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons, class three. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007840 EF3 Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons, class three. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons, class four. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007841 EF4 Male specific neuron, large cell body in preanal ganglion, synaptic inputs from ray neurons, class four. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles, class one. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007842 DX1 Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles, class one. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles, class two. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007843 DX2 Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles, class two. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles, class three. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007844 DX3 Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles, class three. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles, class four. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007845 DX4 Male specific neuron, darkly staining cell body in pre- anal ganglion, process penetrate basement membrane and contact muscles, class four. ISBN:0-87969-307-X primary cell type that forms the hypodermis. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007846 hypodermal cell primary cell type that forms the hypodermis. WB:rynl hypodermal cell that makes up the male hook. worm_anatomy hyp_hook WBbt:0007847 hook hypodermal cell hypodermal cell that makes up the male hook. WB:rynl cell that makes up the pharyngeal-intestinal valve. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007848 pharyngeal-intestinal valve cell cell that makes up the pharyngeal-intestinal valve. WB:rynl Multi-cellular organism that can produce both male and female gametes. CARO:0000029 worm_anatomy hermaphroditic organism WBbt:0007849 hermaphrodite Multi-cellular organism that can produce both male and female gametes. CARO:0000029 Gonochoristic organism that can produce male gametes. CARO:0000027 worm_anatomy male organism WBbt:0007850 male Gonochoristic organism that can produce male gametes. CARO:0000027 spicule socket cell, left. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007851 SPsoL spicule socket cell, left. WB:rynl spicule socket cell, right. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007852 SPsoR spicule socket cell, right. WB:rynl male-specific, bi-nucleated hypodermal cell formed by the sisters of T. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABplappppa lineage name: ABprappppa WBbt:0007853 hyp13 male-specific, bi-nucleated hypodermal cell formed by the sisters of T. WBPaper:00038216 any of two cells that generate all somatic tissues of the gonad proper (i.e. ovary or testis ) and genital ducts (e.g. uterus, vas deferens). worm_anatomy SGP somatic gonadal precursor cell WBbt:0007854 somatic gonad precursor any of two cells that generate all somatic tissues of the gonad proper (i.e. ovary or testis ) and genital ducts (e.g. uterus, vas deferens). WB:Paper00006002 Two embryonic hypodermal cells (XXXL, XXXR) that may provide a scaffold for the early organization of ventral bodywall muscles and the various socket cells in the lateral and ventral lips. Their cell bodies soon crawl posteriorly, and their processes separate the amphid nerve from the mechanosensory nerves in the late embryo. The XXX processes later retract, and the XXX cell bodies remain in the ventrolateral bodywall near the cell bodies of the posterior arcade and some socket cells where they perform a neurohumoral function, as they retain short processes bordering the pseudocoelom and contain some secretory vesicles. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007855 XXX cell Two embryonic hypodermal cells (XXXL, XXXR) that may provide a scaffold for the early organization of ventral bodywall muscles and the various socket cells in the lateral and ventral lips. Their cell bodies soon crawl posteriorly, and their processes separate the amphid nerve from the mechanosensory nerves in the late embryo. The XXX processes later retract, and the XXX cell bodies remain in the ventrolateral bodywall near the cell bodies of the posterior arcade and some socket cells where they perform a neurohumoral function, as they retain short processes bordering the pseudocoelom and contain some secretory vesicles. WBPaper:00038216 nucleus of pedigree B.arpaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007856 B.arpaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arpaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007857 B.alpp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.araa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007858 B.araa nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.araa WB:rynl nueleus of pedigree B.arpp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007859 B.arpp nucleus nueleus of pedigree B.arpp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.arpapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007860 B.arpapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.arpapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B.alapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007861 B.alapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree B.alapapp WB:rynl Nucleus which adopts either the developmental fate of pedigree B_alpha or B_beta. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007862 obsolete B_alpha or B_beta nucleus true Nucleus which adopts either the developmental fate of pedigree B_alpha or B_beta. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_alpha worm_anatomy WBbt:0007863 B_alpha nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_alpha WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_beta worm_anatomy WBbt:0007864 B_beta nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_beta WB:rynl nucleus of lineage B_alpha.l worm_anatomy WBbt:0007865 B_alpha.l nucleus nucleus of lineage B_alpha.l WB:rynl nucleus of lineage B_alpha.r worm_anatomy WBbt:0007866 B_alpha.r nucleus nucleus of lineage B_alpha.r WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_delta worm_anatomy WBbt:0007867 B_delta nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_delta WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree B_gamma worm_anatomy WBbt:0007868 B_gamma nucleus nucleus of pedigree B_gamma WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree U.lp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007869 U.lp nucleus nucleus of pedigree U.lp WB:rynl nucleus of lineage M.dlpa in male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007870 M.dlpa nucleus male nucleus of lineage M.dlpa in male WB:rynl nucleus of lineage M.dlpa in hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0007871 M.dlpa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of lineage M.dlpa in hermaphrodite WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.drpa in male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007872 M.drpa nucleus male nucleus of pedigree M.drpa in male WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.drpa in hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0007873 M.drpa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree M.drpa in hermaphrodite WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaa in male worm_anatomy SM3L nucleus WBbt:0007874 M.vlpaa nucleus male nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaa in male WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaa in hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0007875 M.vlpaa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree M.vlpaa in hermaphrodite WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaa in male worm_anatomy SM3R nucleus WBbt:0007876 M.vrpaa nucleus male nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaa in male WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaa in hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0007877 M.vrpaa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree M.vrpaa in hermaphrodite WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1 or P2 worm_anatomy WBbt:0007878 obsolete P1 or P2 nucleus true nucleus of pedigree P1 or P2 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P1, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007879 P1 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P1, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P2, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007880 P2 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P2, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3 or P4 worm_anatomy WBbt:0007881 obsolete P3 or P4 nucleus true nucleus of pedigree P3 or P4 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007882 P3 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P4, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007883 P4 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P4, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.aapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007884 P3.aapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.aapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.aapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007885 P3.aapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P3.aapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5 or P6 worm_anatomy WBbt:0007886 obsolete P5 or P6 nucleus true nucleus of pedigree P5 or P6 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P5, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007887 P5 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P5, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P6, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007888 P6 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P6, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7 or P8 worm_anatomy WBbt:0007889 obsolete P7 or P8 nucleus true nucleus of pedigree P7 or P8 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P7, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007890 P7 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P7, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P8, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007891 P8 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P8, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9 or P10 worm_anatomy WBbt:0007892 obsolete P9 or P10 nucleus true nucleus of pedigree P9 or P10 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007893 P9 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P9, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007894 P10 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P10, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11 or P12 worm_anatomy WBbt:0007895 obsolete P11 or P12 nucleus true nucleus of pedigree P11 or P12 WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007896 P11 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P12, post-embryonic worm_anatomy WBbt:0007897 P12 nucleus nucleus of pedigree P12, post-embryonic WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.pa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007898 P11.pa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.pa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.pp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007899 P11.pp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.pp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.paa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007900 P11.paa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.paa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.pap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007901 P11.pap nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.pap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.ppa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007902 P11.ppa nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.ppa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.ppp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007903 P11.ppp nucleus nucleus of pedigree P11.ppp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007904 TL.apapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.apapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.appapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007905 TL.appapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TL.appapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007906 TR.apapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007907 TR.apapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apappa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007908 TR.apappa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apappa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apappp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007909 TR.apappp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apappp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apappaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007910 TR.apappaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apappaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apappap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007911 TR.apappap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apappap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apappaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007912 TR.apappaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apappaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apappapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007913 TR.apappapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apappapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apappapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007914 TR.apappapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.apappapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007915 TR.appaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007916 TR.appap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007917 TR.appaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007918 TR.appaaaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007919 TR.appaaaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007920 TR.appaaapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007921 TR.appaaapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appaaapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007922 TR.appapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007923 TR.appapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appapp WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appapaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007924 TR.appapaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appapaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appapap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007925 TR.appapap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appapap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appapaaa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007926 TR.appapaaa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appapaaa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appapapa worm_anatomy WBbt:0007927 TR.appapapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appapapa WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appapaap worm_anatomy WBbt:0007928 TR.appapaap nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appapaap WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.appapapp worm_anatomy WBbt:0007929 TR.appapapp nucleus nucleus of pedigree TR.appapapp WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0007930 Z1.paa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007931 Z1.paa nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0007932 Z1.paaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007933 Z1.paap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007934 Z1.paaaa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007935 Z1.paaaaa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007936 Z1.paaaap nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007937 Z1.paaaaaa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007938 Z1.paaaaap nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007939 Z1.paaaapa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007940 Z1.paaaapp nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007941 Z1.paaaapaa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007942 Z1.paaaapap nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007943 Z1.paaaappp nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007944 Z1.paaaappa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007945 Z1.paaaappap nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007946 Z1.paaaappaa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007947 Z1.paapa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007948 Z1.paapp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007949 Z1.papaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007950 Z1.papaaa nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0007951 Z1.papaapp nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007952 Z1.papaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007953 Z1.papaap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0007954 Z1.papaappp nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007955 Z1.papaappa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007956 Z1.papaappaa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007957 Z1.papaappap nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007958 Z1.ppa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007959 Z1.ppa nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0007960 Z1.ppaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007961 Z1.ppap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007962 Z1.ppaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007963 Z1.ppaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007964 Z1.ppaaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007965 Z1.ppaaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007966 Z1.ppaaaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007967 Z1.ppaaaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007968 Z1.ppp nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0007969 Z1.ppp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007970 Z1.pppp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007971 Z1.pppa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007972 Z1.pppaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007973 Z1.pppap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007974 Z1.pppaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007975 Z1.pppaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007976 Z1.pppaaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007977 Z1.pppaaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007978 Z4.aaa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007979 Z4.aap nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0007980 Z4.aaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007981 Z4.aap nucleus male nucleus of pedigree Z1.paa, terminally divided in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007982 Z1.paa nucleus male terminal nucleus of pedigree Z1.paa, terminally divided in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.paa, not terminally divided in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007983 Z1.paa nucleus male non-terminal nucleus of pedigree Z1.paa, not terminally divided in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaa, terminally divided in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007984 Z4.aaa nucleus male terminal nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaa, terminally divided in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaa, not terminally divided in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0007985 Z4.aaa nucleus male non-terminal nucleus of pedigree Z4.aaa, not terminally divided in male. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0007986 Z4.aaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007987 Z4.aaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007988 Z4.aaapa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007989 Z4.aaapp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007990 Z4.aaaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007991 Z4.aaaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007992 Z4.aaaapa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007993 Z4.aaaapp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007994 Z4.aaaaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007995 Z4.aaaaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007996 Z4.aaaaaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007997 Z4.aaaaaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007998 Z4.aaaaapa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0007999 Z4.aaaaapp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008000 Z4.aaaaapaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008001 Z4.aaaaapap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008002 Z4.aaaaappa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008003 Z4.aaaaappp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008004 Z4.aaaaappap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008005 Z4.aaaaappaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008006 Z4.aapa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008007 Z4.aapp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008008 Z4.aappa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008009 Z4.aappp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008010 Z4.aapaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008011 Z4.aapap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008012 Z4.aapapa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008013 Z4.aapapp nucleus male Nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapaaa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008014 Z4.aapaaa nucleus male Nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapaaa in male. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapaap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008015 Z4.aapaap nucleus male Nucleus of pedigree Z4.aapaap in male. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008016 Z4.aapaaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008017 Z4.aapaaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008018 Z4.aapaapa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008019 Z4.aapaapp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008020 Z4.aapaapaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008021 Z4.aapaapap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008022 Z4.aapaappa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008023 Z4.aapaappp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008024 Z4.aapaappaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008025 Z4.aapaappap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008026 Z4.apaaaa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008027 Z4.apaaaa nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008028 Z4.apaaaaa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0008029 Z4.apaaaap nucleus Nucleus which adopts either the developmental pedigree B_gamma or B_delta. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008030 obsolete B_delta or B_gamma nucleus true Nucleus which adopts either the developmental pedigree B_gamma or B_delta. WB:rynl Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008031 LUA Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglia. WB:Paper00000938 nucleus of hyp8 or hyp9 cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008032 obsolete hyp8 or hyp9 nucleus true nucleus of hyp8 or hyp9 cell. WB:rynl nucleus of hyp8 cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008033 hyp8 nucleus nucleus of hyp8 cell. WB:rynl nucleus of hyp9 cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008034 hyp9 nucleus nucleus of hyp9 cell. WB:rynl true true worm_anatomy WBbt:0008037 P11.ppaa nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0008038 P11.ppap nucleus worm_anatomy WBbt:0008039 Y.plppd nucleus PDA neuron in male. worm_anatomy lineage name: Y.a WBbt:0008040 PDA male PDA neuron in male. WB:rynl PDA neuron in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprpppaaaa WBbt:0008041 PDA hermaphrodite PDA neuron in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Nucleus of cell AVFL or AVFR. worm_anatomy AVFL/R nucleus WBbt:0008042 obsolete AVFL or AVFR nucleus true Nucleus of cell AVFL or AVFR. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R1 left. WBbt:0004723 worm_anatomy lineage name: V5L.pppppp set WBbt:0008043 R1L_hyp male tail seam cell, R1 left. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R1 right. WBbt:0004722 worm_anatomy lineage name: V5R.pppppp set WBbt:0008044 R1R_hyp male tail seam cell, R1 right. WB:rynl male tail seam, R2 left. WBbt:0004721 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.papapp set WBbt:0008045 R2L_hyp male tail seam, R2 left. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R2 right. WBbt:0004717 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.papapp set WBbt:0008046 R2R_hyp male tail seam cell, R2 right. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R3 left. WBbt:0004720 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.papppp set WBbt:0008047 R3L_hyp male tail seam cell, R3 left. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R3 right. WBbt:0004516 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.papppp set WBbt:0008048 R3R_hyp male tail seam cell, R3 right. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R4 left. WBbt:0004719 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.pppapp set WBbt:0008049 R4L_hyp male tail seam cell, R4 left. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R4 right. WBbt:0004515 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.pppapp set WBbt:0008050 R4R_hyp male tail seam cell, R4 right. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R5 left. WBbt:0004199 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6L.ppppap set WBbt:0008051 R5L_hyp male tail seam cell, R5 left. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R5 right. WBbt:0004185 worm_anatomy lineage name: V6R.ppppap set WBbt:0008052 R5R_hyp male tail seam cell, R5 right. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R6 left. WBbt:0004718 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: V6L.pppppp WBbt:0008053 R6L_hyp male tail seam cell, R6 left. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R6 right. WBbt:0004514 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: V6R.pppppp WBbt:0008054 R6R_hyp male tail seam cell, R6 right. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R7 left. WBbt:0004177 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: TL.apappp WBbt:0008055 R7L_hyp male tail seam cell, R7 left. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R7 right. WBbt:0004165 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: TR.apappp WBbt:0008056 R7R_hyp male tail seam cell, R7 right. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R8 left. WBbt:0004175 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: TL.appaap WBbt:0008057 R8L_hyp male tail seam cell, R8 left. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R8 right. WBbt:0004161 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: TR.appaap WBbt:0008058 R8R_hyp male tail seam cell, R8 right. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R9 left. WBbt:0004173 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: TL.appapp WBbt:0008059 R9L_hyp male tail seam cell, R9 left. WB:rynl male tail seam cell, R9 right. WBbt:0004160 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: TR.appapp WBbt:0008060 R9R_hyp male tail seam cell, R9 right. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppapa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008061 ABprppppapa nucleus nucleus of pedigree ABprppppapa. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree ABprppppapa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008062 ABprppppapa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree ABprppppapa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl a rectal epithelial cell in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy lineage name: ABprppppapa WBbt:0008063 B cell hermaphrodite a rectal epithelial cell in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl a post-embryonic blast cell in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008064 B cell male a post-embryonic blast cell in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.p. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008065 Z4.p nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z4.p. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z4.p in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008066 Z4.p nucleus male nucleus of pedigree Z4.p in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.a. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008067 Z1.a nucleus nucleus of pedigree Z1.a. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree Z1.a in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008068 Z1.a nucleus male nucleus of pedigree Z1.a in male. WB:rynl cell destined to become or fuse with multinuclear hyp7 hypodermal cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008069 hyp7 precursor cell cell destined to become or fuse with multinuclear hyp7 hypodermal cell. WB:rynl hyp7 syncytium in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008070 142 nuclei: partslist 138 (+3 P10) + hyp12 hyp7 syncytium male hyp7 syncytium in male. WB:rynl hyp7 syncytium in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008071 139 nuclei: partslist 132 hyp7 + 6 hyp6 + 1 hyp12 hyp7 syncytium hermaphrodite hyp7 syncytium in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl a binuclear syncytium, used during embryogenesis to make tail spike, then die. worm_anatomy tail spike cell WBbt:0008072 spike a binuclear syncytium, used during embryogenesis to make tail spike, then die. WB:rynl cell that is mononuclear and has a strong potential to fuse with other cell(s) to form a multinucleated cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008073 syncytium precursor cell that is mononuclear and has a strong potential to fuse with other cell(s) to form a multinucleated cell. WB:rynl cell that has more than one nucleus. worm_anatomy syncitium syncycia syncytial cell WBbt:0008074 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syncytium syncytium cell that has more than one nucleus. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.p in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008075 P10.p nucleus male nucleus of pedigree P10.p in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.p in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008076 P10.p nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree P10.p in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.p in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008077 P11.p nucleus male nucleus of pedigree P11.p in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.p in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008078 P11.p nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree P11.p in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008079 TL.apap nucleus male nucleus of pedigree TL.apap in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TL.apap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008080 TL.apap nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree TL.apap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008081 TR.apap nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree TR.apap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree TR.apap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008082 TR.apap nucleus male nucleus of pedigree TR.apap in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008083 V5L.pppa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008084 V5L.pppa nucleus male nucleus of pedigree V5L.pppa in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008085 V5R.pppa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree V5R.pppa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nuelceus of pedigree V5R.pppa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008086 V5R.pppa nucleus male nuelceus of pedigree V5R.pppa in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008087 V6L.papa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree V6L.papa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.papa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008088 V6L.papa nucleus male nucleus of pedigree V6L.papa in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008089 V6L.pppa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008090 V6L.pppa nucleus male nucleus of pedigree V6L.pppa in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008091 V6L.ppppa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008092 V6L.ppppa nucleus male nucleus of pedigree V6L.ppppa in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008093 V6R.papa nucleus male nucleus of pedigree V6R.papa in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.papa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008094 V6R.papa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree V6R.papa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008095 V6R.pppa nucleus male nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppa in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008096 V6R.pppa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree V6R.pppa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008097 V6R.ppppa nucleus male nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppa in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008098 V6R.ppppa nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree V6R.ppppa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.aap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008099 P10.aap male post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.aap in male. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.aap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008100 P10.aap hermaphrodite post-embryonic cell of pedigree P10.aap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.aap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008101 P10.aap nucleus male nucleus of pedigree P10.aap in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P10.aap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008102 P10.aap nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree P10.aap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.aap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008103 P9.aap male post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.aap in male. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.aap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008104 P9.aap hermaphrodite post-embryonic cell of pedigree P9.aap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.aap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008105 P9.aap nucleus male nucleus of pedigree P9.aap in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P9.aap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008106 P9.aap nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree P9.aap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008107 P11.aap male post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aap in male. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008108 P11.aap hermaphrodite post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.aap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.aap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008109 P11.aap nucleus male nucleus of pedigree P11.aap in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P11.aap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008110 P11.aap nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree P11.aap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P3, posterior in male. WBbt:0004398 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: P3.p WBbt:0008111 P3.p male descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P3, posterior in male. WB:rynl descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P3, posterior in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008112 P3.p hermaphrodite descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P3, posterior in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.p in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008113 P3.p nucleus male nucleus of pedigree P3.p in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree P3.p in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008114 P3.p nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree P3.p in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Blast cell lying ventrolaterally in the late embryo and L1 larval stage which divides during the late L1 larva in stereotypical reiterated fashion to give rise to many motor neurons which begin function in the ventral cord and preanal ganglion of the early L2 larva, as well as hypodermal cells (which fuse into hyp7) and a series of programmed cell deaths. In addition, the Pn.p daughters of P3 through P8 lineages persist without fusing into the hyp7 syncytium until mid L3 stage when they can be induced to divide further to produce vulval epithelial cells (vulA - vulF) or more hyp7 cells. P0 is also known as W. worm_anatomy P cell WBbt:0008115 ventral cord blast cell Blast cell lying ventrolaterally in the late embryo and L1 larval stage which divides during the late L1 larva in stereotypical reiterated fashion to give rise to many motor neurons which begin function in the ventral cord and preanal ganglion of the early L2 larva, as well as hypodermal cells (which fuse into hyp7) and a series of programmed cell deaths. In addition, the Pn.p daughters of P3 through P8 lineages persist without fusing into the hyp7 syncytium until mid L3 stage when they can be induced to divide further to produce vulval epithelial cells (vulA - vulF) or more hyp7 cells. P0 is also known as W. WB:rynl WBpaper:00038216 descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P4, posterior, in male. WBbt:0004397 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: P4.p WBbt:0008116 P4.p male descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P4, posterior, in male. WB:rynl descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P4, posterior, in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008117 P4.p hermaphrodite descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P4, posterior, in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl nucleus of post-embryonic pedigree P4.p in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008118 P4.p nucleus male nucleus of post-embryonic pedigree P4.p in male. WB:rynl nucleus of post-embryonic pedigree P4.p in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008119 P4.p nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of post-embryonic pedigree P4.p in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl descendent cell of P5, posterior, in male. WBbt:0004396 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: P5.p WBbt:0008120 P5.p male descendent cell of P5, posterior, in male. WB:rynl descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P5, posterior, in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008121 P5.p hermaphrodite descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P5, posterior, in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008122 P5.p nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008123 P5.p nucleus hermaphrodite WBbt:0004395 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: P6.p WBbt:0008124 P6.p male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008125 P6.p hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008126 P6.p nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008127 P6.p nucleus hermaphrodite WBbt:0004394 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: P7.p WBbt:0008128 P7.p male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008129 P7.p hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008130 P7.p nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008131 P7.p nucleus hermaphrodite WBbt:0004393 worm_anatomy hyp7 lineage name: P8.p WBbt:0008132 P8.p male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008133 P8.p hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008134 P8.p nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008135 P8.p nucleus hermaphrodite seam syncytium on the left flank of an adult male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008136 adult seam cell left male seam syncytium on the left flank of an adult male. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008137 adult seam cell left hermaphrodite seam syncytium on the right flank of an adult male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008138 adult seam cell right male seam syncytium on the right flank of an adult male. WB:rynl seam syncytium on the right flank of an adult hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008139 adult seam cell right hermaphrodite seam syncytium on the right flank of an adult hermaphrodite. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008140 V5R.ppppp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008141 V5R.ppppp nucleus hermaphrodite Nucleus of pedigree V6L.pappp male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008142 V6L.pappp nucleus male Nucleus of pedigree V6L.pappp male. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008143 V6L.pappp nucleus hermaphrodite Nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppppp in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008144 V5L.ppppp nucleus male Nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppppp in male. WB:rynl nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppppp in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008145 V5L.ppppp nucleus hermaphrodite nucleus of pedigree V5L.ppppp in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008146 TL.appa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008147 TL.appa nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008148 V6R.ppppp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008149 V6R.ppppp nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008150 TR.appa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008151 TR.appa nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008152 V6L.ppppp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008153 V6L.ppppp nucleus hermaphrodite Nucleus of pedigree V6R.pappp male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008154 V6R.pappp nucleus male Nucleus of pedigree V6R.pappp male. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008155 V6R.pappp nucleus hermaphrodite Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae, found in both male and hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy se WBbt:0008156 se seam cell Postembryonic seam hypodermal cells, make alae, found in both male and hermaphrodite. WB:rynl true ut1 of anterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008158 ut1 anterior ut1 of anterior gonad arm. WB:rynl ut1 of posterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008159 ut1 posterior ut1 of posterior gonad arm. WB:rynl ut2 of posterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008160 ut2 posterior ut2 of posterior gonad arm. WB:rynl ut2 of anterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008161 ut2 anterior ut2 of anterior gonad arm. WB:rynl ut3 of anterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008162 ut3 anterior ut3 of anterior gonad arm. WB:rynl ut3 of posterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008163 ut3 posterior ut3 of posterior gonad arm. WB:rynl ut4 of anterior gonad arm. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008164 ut4 anterior ut4 of anterior gonad arm. WB:rynl ut4 cell of posterior uterus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008165 ut4 posterior ut4 cell of posterior uterus. WB:rynl anterior ut1 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008166 ut1 anterior 5R anterior ut1 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl anterior ut1 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008167 ut1 anterior 5L anterior ut1 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl posterior ut1 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008168 ut1 posterior 5L posterior ut1 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl posterior ut1 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008169 ut1 posterior 5R posterior ut1 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl anterior ut2 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008170 ut2 anterior 5R anterior ut2 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl anterior ut2 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008171 ut2 anterior 5L anterior ut2 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl posterior ut2 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008172 ut2 posterior 5L posterior ut2 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl posterior ut2 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008173 ut2 posterior 5R posterior ut2 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl anterior ut3 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008174 ut3 anterior 5L anterior ut3 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl anterior ut3 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008175 ut3 anterior 5R anterior ut3 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl anterior ut4 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008176 ut4 anterior 5L anterior ut4 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl anterior ut4 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008177 ut4 anterior 5R anterior ut4 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl posterior ut3 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008178 ut3 posterior 5L posterior ut3 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl posterior ut3 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008179 ut3 posterior 5R posterior ut3 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl posterior ut4 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008180 ut4 posterior 5L posterior ut4 cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl posterior ut4 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008181 ut4 posterior 5R posterior ut4 cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl These cells include: B, F, Y, U, K' and K. All rectal epithelial cells contain secretory membrane stacks along this region facing the lumenal cuticle and produce some portion of the cuticular lining of the rectum. These are interfacial cells that connect the alimentary system to the main body syncytium. worm_anatomy rectal epithelium WBbt:0008182 rectal epithelial cell These cells include: B, F, Y, U, K' and K. All rectal epithelial cells contain secretory membrane stacks along this region facing the lumenal cuticle and produce some portion of the cuticular lining of the rectum. These are interfacial cells that connect the alimentary system to the main body syncytium. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0008183 ABplppppapp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008184 ABplppppapp nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008185 Y nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008186 Y nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy ABplppppapa nucleus male WBbt:0008187 U nucleus male worm_anatomy ABplppppapa nucleus hermaphrodite WBbt:0008188 U nucleus hermaphrodite seminal vesicle cell of male gonad. worm_anatomy gon male sves gon_male_sves WBbt:0008189 23 cells in each animal, one cell has alternate fate. seminal vesical cell seminal vesicle cell of male gonad. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008190 Z4.apaaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008191 Z4.apaaap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008192 Z4.apap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008193 Z4.apap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008194 Z4.apaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008195 Z4.apaap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008196 Z4.appap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008197 Z4.appap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008198 Z4.appaap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008199 Z4.appaap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008200 Z1.pappp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008201 Z1.pappp nucleus hermaphrodite cell of vas deferens of male gonad. worm_anatomy gon male vdef gon_male_vdef WBbt:0008202 a total of 40 cells in each animal. ves deferens cell cell of vas deferens of male gonad. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008203 Z1.papapp nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008204 Z1.papapp nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008205 Z1.papapa nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008206 Z1.papapa nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008207 Z1.pappa nucleus male Nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008208 Z1.pappa nucleus hermaphrodite Nucleus of pedigree Z1.pappa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl cell of male gonad. worm_anatomy male somatic gonadal cell WBbt:0008209 male gonadal cell cell of male gonad. WB:rynl precursor cell of hermaphrodite spermathecal uterine valve syncytium and uterine core syncytium. worm_anatomy gon herm sujn WBbt:0008210 spermethecal uterine junction precursor cell precursor cell of hermaphrodite spermathecal uterine valve syncytium and uterine core syncytium. WB:rynl anterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008211 anterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell 5L anterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl anterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008212 anterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell 5R anterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapa (5R). worm_anatomy VT1ra gon_herm_sujn WBbt:0008213 Z1.ppaaapa (5R) Anterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapa (5R). ISBN:0-87969-307-X posterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008214 posterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell 5L posterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell whose nuclei followed the 5L lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl posterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008215 posterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell 5R posterior spermathecal-uterine valve cell whose nuclei followed the 5R lineage configuration during development. WB:rynl posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapa (5L). worm_anatomy gon_herm_sujn WBbt:0008216 Z1.ppaaaaa (5L) posterior spermathecal-uterine junction; cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaapa (5L). ISBN:0-87969-307-X A single syncytium cell of four nuclei makes a valve, connecting spermatheca and uterus of hermaphrodite gonad. worm_anatomy sp-ut cell WBbt:0008217 spermathecal-uterine valve cell A single syncytium cell of four nuclei makes a valve, connecting spermatheca and uterus of hermaphrodite gonad. WB:rynl a syncytium cell that forms a plug in a maturing spemathecal-uterine valve. worm_anatomy sujc WBbt:0008218 spermathecal-uterine core cell a syncytium cell that forms a plug in a maturing spemathecal-uterine valve. WB:rynl utse whose nuclei followed lineage configuration 5L in development. worm_anatomy utse 5L WBbt:0008219 uterine seam cell 5L utse whose nuclei followed lineage configuration 5L in development. WB:Paper00002608 WB:rynl utse whose nuclei followed lineage configuration 5R in development. worm_anatomy utse 5R WBbt:0008220 uterine seam cell 5R utse whose nuclei followed lineage configuration 5R in development. WB:Paper00002608 WB:rynl uv1 cell that follows 5L lineage configuration in development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008221 uv1 5L uv1 cell that follows 5L lineage configuration in development. WB:rynl uv1 cell that follows 5R lineage configuration in development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008222 uv1 5R uv1 cell that follows 5R lineage configuration in development. WB:rynl cell of pedigree ABplapppappa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008223 ABplapppappa male cell of pedigree ABplapppappa in male. WB:rynl cell of pedigree ABprapppappa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008224 ABprapppappa male cell of pedigree ABprapppappa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int3D. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008225 int3D post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int3D. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int3V. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008226 int3V post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int3V. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int4D. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008227 int4D post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int4D. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int4V. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008228 int4V post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int4V. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int5L. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008229 int5L post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int5L. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int5R. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008230 int5R post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int5R. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int6L. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008231 int6L post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int6L. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int6R. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008232 int6R post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int6R. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int7L. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008233 int7L post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int7L. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int7R. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008234 int7R post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int7R. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int8L. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008235 int8L post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int8L. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int8R. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008236 int8R post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int8R. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int9L. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008237 int9L post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int9L. WB:rynl Post-embryonic, binucleated int9R. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008238 int9R post-embryonic Post-embryonic, binucleated int9R. WB:rynl linker cell of the pedigree Z1.paa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008239 linker cell Z1 linker cell of the pedigree Z1.paa. WB:rynl linker cell of the pedigree Z4.aaa. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008240 linker cell Z4 linker cell of the pedigree Z4.aaa. WB:rynl cell of pedigree U.lp. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008241 U.lp cell of pedigree U.lp. WB:rynl cell of pedigree U.rp. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008242 U.rp cell of pedigree U.rp. WB:rynl Rectal epithelial cell in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008243 F cell hermaphrodite Rectal epithelial cell in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008244 F cell male Rectal epithelial cell in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008245 U cell hermaphrodite Rectal epithelial cell in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008246 U cell male Rectal epithelial cell in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008247 Y cell hermaphrodite Rectal epithelial cell in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008248 Y cell male seminal vesicle, outer; cell of the pedigree Z1.paapp or Z4.aaapp. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008249 gon_male_sves Z1 or Z4 seminal vesicle, outer; cell of the pedigree Z1.paapp or Z4.aaapp. WB:rynl nuclei of pedigree Z1.paa or Z4.aaa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008250 Z1.paa or Z4.aaa nucleus male nuclei of pedigree Z1.paa or Z4.aaa in male. WB:rynl pair of nuclei Z1.paa and Z4.aaa in male of which Z1.paa will become the nucleus for the linker cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008251 Z1.paa/Z4.aaa (1L) male pair of nuclei Z1.paa and Z4.aaa in male of which Z1.paa will become the nucleus for the linker cell. WB:rynl pair of nuclei Z1.paa and Z4.aaa in male of which Z4.aaa will become the nucleus for the linker cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008252 Z1.paa/Z4.aaa (4L) male pair of nuclei Z1.paa and Z4.aaa in male of which Z4.aaa will become the nucleus for the linker cell. WB:rynl cell of vas deferens that followed the 1L lineage configuration (Z1.paa becomes the linker cell) of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008253 gon male vdef 1L cell of vas deferens that followed the 1L lineage configuration (Z1.paa becomes the linker cell) of development. WB:rynl cell of vas deferens that followed the 4L lineage configuration (Z4.aaa becomes the linker cell) of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008254 gon male vdef 4L cell of vas deferens that followed the 4L lineage configuration (Z4.aaa becomes the linker cell) of development. WB:rynl Body wall muscle of ventral left lateral position. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008255 VLL muscle Body wall muscle of ventral left lateral position. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Body wall muscle of ventral left medial position. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008256 VML muscle Body wall muscle of ventral left medial position. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 ventral left quadrant muscle of body wall. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008257 VL muscle ventral left quadrant muscle of body wall. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 post-embryonic body wall muscle cell derived from M lineage. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008258 body wall muscle cell from M lineage post-embryonic body wall muscle cell derived from M lineage. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 ventral right quadrant muscle of body wall. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008259 VR muscle ventral right quadrant muscle of body wall. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 dorsal left quadrant muscle of body wall. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008260 DL muscle dorsal left quadrant muscle of body wall. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 dorsal right quadrant muscle of body wall. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008261 DR muscle dorsal right quadrant muscle of body wall. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 logitudinal quadrant of body wall muscle. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008262 body wall muscle quadrant logitudinal quadrant of body wall muscle. WB:rynl Body wall muscle of dorsal right quadrant lateral row. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008263 DLR muscle Body wall muscle of dorsal right quadrant lateral row. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Body wall muscle of dorsal right quadrant medial row. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008264 DMR muscle Body wall muscle of dorsal right quadrant medial row. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Body wall muscle of ventral right quadrant lateral row. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008265 VLR Body wall muscle of ventral right quadrant lateral row. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Body wall muscle of ventral right quadrant medial row. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008266 VMR Body wall muscle of ventral right quadrant medial row. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 body wall muscle of dorsal left quadrant lateral row. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008267 DLL muscle body wall muscle of dorsal left quadrant lateral row. WB:rynl Body wall muscle of dorsal left quadrant medial row. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008268 DML muscle Body wall muscle of dorsal left quadrant medial row. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 precursor cell of pm1 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008269 pm1 precursor precursor cell of pm1 syncytium. WB:rynl precursor cell of pm2 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008270 pm2 precursor precursor cell of pm2 syncytium. WB:rynl precursor cell of pm3. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008271 pm3 precursor precursor cell of pm3. WB:rynl precursor cell of pm4. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008272 pm4 precursor precursor cell of pm4. WB:rynl precursor cell of pm5 syncytium. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008273 pm5 precursor precursor cell of pm5 syncytium. WB:rynl cell of the protodeum. worm_anatomy proct WBbt:0008274 proctodeal cell cell of the protodeum. WB:rynl Neuron class of two interneuron/motor neurons, posterior ventral cord, few synapses. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008275 PVN Neuron class of two interneuron/motor neurons, posterior ventral cord, few synapses. ISBN:0-87969-307-X hypodermal support cell that form a tube surrounding ray neuron dendrites. worm_anatomy Rnst WBbt:0008276 ray structural cell hypodermal support cell that form a tube surrounding ray neuron dendrites. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0008277 P3.aap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008278 P3.aap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008279 P4.aap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008280 P4.aap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008281 P5.aap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008282 P5.aap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008283 P6.aap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008284 P6.aap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008285 P7.aap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008286 P7.aap nucleus male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008287 P8.aap nucleus hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008288 P8.aap nucleus male precursor cell of, before fusion to form vulval syncytia vulA(4), vulC(4), vulD(2), vulE(4) and vulF(4). worm_anatomy WBbt:0008289 vulval syncytia precursor precursor cell of, before fusion to form vulval syncytia vulA(4), vulC(4), vulD(2), vulE(4) and vulF(4). WB:rynl ventral uterine precursor cell in the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008290 VU (5R) ventral uterine precursor cell in the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl ventral uterine precursor cell in the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008291 VU (5L) ventral uterine precursor cell in the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008292 Z1.ppa male post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa in male. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy VU WBbt:0008293 Z1.ppa hermaphrodite post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy VU WBbt:0008294 Z4.aaa hermaphrodite post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008295 Z4.aaa male post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa in male. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy VU WBbt:0008296 Z4.aap hermaphrodite post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008297 Z4.aap male post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap in male. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008298 Z1.ppa (5L) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008299 Z1.ppa (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5L configuration of development; anchor cell and utse precursor worm_anatomy WBbt:0008300 Z4.aaa (5L) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5L configuration of development; anchor cell and utse precursor WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008301 Z4.aaa (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008302 Z4.aap (5L) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008303 Z4.aap (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aap in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppp in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008304 Z1.ppp male post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppp in male. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppp in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008305 Z1.ppp hermaphrodite post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppp in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppp in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008306 Z1.ppp (5L) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppp in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppp in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5R configuration of development; anchor cell and utse precursor. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008307 Z1.ppp (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppp in hermaphrodite that will follow the 5R configuration of development; anchor cell and utse precursor. WB:rynl uterine pi cell that follows the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008308 uterine pi cell (5L) uterine pi cell that follows the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl uterine pi cell that follows the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008309 uterine pi cell (5R) uterine pi cell that follows the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl uterine rho cell that follows the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008310 uterine rho cell (5L) uterine rho cell that follows the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl uterine rho cell that follows the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008311 uterine rho cell (5R) uterine rho cell that follows the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapa that follows the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008312 Z1.ppapa (5L) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapa that follows the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapa that follows the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008313 Z1.ppapa (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapa that follows the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapp that follows the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008314 Z1.ppapp (5L) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapp that follows the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapp that follows the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008315 Z1.ppapp (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapp that follows the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008316 Z1.ppaaa male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008317 Z1.ppaaa hermaphrodite post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa that follows the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008318 Z1.ppaaa (5L) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaa that follows the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapa that follows the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008319 Z1.ppaaa (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppapa that follows the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008320 Z1.ppaap hermaphrodite Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Seminal vesicle, inner; cell of pedigree Z1.pppaap in male. WBbt:0005058 worm_anatomy gon_male_sves lineage name: Z1.ppaap WBbt:0008321 Z1.ppaap male Seminal vesicle, inner; cell of pedigree Z1.pppaap in male. ISBN:0-87969-307-X WB:Paper00000193 WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaap that follows the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008322 Z1.ppaap (5L) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaap that follows the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaap that follows the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008323 Z1.ppaap (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaap that follows the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008324 Z4.aapaa hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008325 Z4.aapaa male post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaa that follows the 5R configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008326 Z4.aapaa (5R) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaa that follows the 5R configuration of development. WB:rynl post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaa that follows the 5L configuration of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008327 Z4.aapaa (5L) post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaa that follows the 5L configuration of development. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008328 Z4.aapap hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008329 Z4.aapap male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008330 Z4.aapap (5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0008331 Z4.aapap (5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0008332 Z4.aappa hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008333 Z4.aappa (5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0008334 Z4.aappa (5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0008335 Z4.aappp hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008336 Z4.aappp (5L) worm_anatomy WBbt:0008337 Z4.aappp (5R) worm_anatomy WBbt:0008338 Z4.aaaaa male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008339 Z4.aaaaa hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008340 Z4.aaaap hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008341 Z4.aaaap male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008342 Z4.aaapa hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008344 Z4.aaapp hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008345 Z1.pppap hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008346 Z1.pppaa hermaphrodite worm_anatomy WBbt:0008347 Z1.pppaa male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008348 P10.p male precursor cell of syncytial mc3. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008349 mc3 precursor precursor cell of syncytial mc3. WB:rynl Syncytial g1 gland cell, formed by fusion between g1AR and g1P cells. worm_anatomy g1AR g1P WBbt:0008350 g1ARP Syncytial g1 gland cell, formed by fusion between g1AR and g1P cells. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000653 syncytial seam cell in male tail, left. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008351 set left syncytial seam cell in male tail, left. WB:rynl syncytial seam cell in male tail, right. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008352 set right syncytial seam cell in male tail, right. WB:rynl precursor cell of male tail seam syncytia. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008353 set precursor precursor cell of male tail seam syncytia. WB:rynl syncytial hypodermal cell of the tip of male tail; migrates anteiorly during male tail morphogenesis. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008354 male tail tip cell syncytial hypodermal cell of the tip of male tail; migrates anteiorly during male tail morphogenesis. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 nucleus of cell AVFL. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008355 AVFL nucleus nucleus of cell AVFL. WB:rynl nucleus of cell AVFR. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008356 AVFR nucleus nucleus of cell AVFR. WB:rynl blast cell that divides to become mostly vas deferens cells (and a few seminal vesicle cells). worm_anatomy WBbt:0008357 vas deferens precursor blast cell that divides to become mostly vas deferens cells (and a few seminal vesicle cells). WB:rynl vas deferens precursor that follows the 1L configuration (Z1.paa becomes the linker cell) of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008358 vas deferens precursor 1L vas deferens precursor that follows the 1L configuration (Z1.paa becomes the linker cell) of development. WB:rynl vas deferens precursor that follows the 4L configuration (Z4.aaa becomes the linker cell) of development. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008359 vas deferens precursor 4L vas deferens precursor that follows the 4L configuration (Z4.aaa becomes the linker cell) of development. WB:rynl cell of pedigree Z1.pap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008360 Z1.pap male cell of pedigree Z1.pap in male. WB:rynl cell of pedigree Z1.pap. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008361 Z1.pap cell of pedigree Z1.pap. WB:rynl cell of pedigree Z4.aaa that follows the 1L configuration (Z1.paa becomes the linker cell) of development in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008362 Z4.aaa male 1L cell of pedigree Z4.aaa that follows the 1L configuration (Z1.paa becomes the linker cell) of development in male. WB:rynl cell of pedigree Z1.paa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008363 Z1.paa hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.paa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl cell of pedigree Z1.paa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008364 Z1.paa male cell of pedigree Z1.paa in male. WB:rynl cell of pedigree Z1.paa that follows the 4L configuration (Z4.aaa becomes the linker cell) of development in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008365 Z1.paa male 4L cell of pedigree Z1.paa that follows the 4L configuration (Z4.aaa becomes the linker cell) of development in male. WB:rynl a region around premature germline, consists of cells of pedigree Z1 and Z4, which develops to become the somatic gonad. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008366 gonadal primordium a region around premature germline, consists of cells of pedigree Z1 and Z4, which develops to become the somatic gonad. WB:rynl gonadal primordium in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008367 gonadal primordium male gonadal primordium in male. WB:rynl gonadal primordium in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008368 gonadal primordium hermaphrodite gonadal primordium in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl cell born in embryo that dies in hermaphrodite but counterpart becomes CEMDR in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008369 ABarpapaaap hermaphrodite cell born in embryo that dies in hermaphrodite but counterpart becomes CEMDR in male. WB:rynl cell that is born in embryo, dies in hermaphrodite but counter part becomes CDMDL in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008370 ABplaaaaaap hermaphrodite cell that is born in embryo, dies in hermaphrodite but counter part becomes CDMDL in male. WB:rynl cell that is born in embryo, dies in hermaphrodite, but counterpart becomes CEMVL in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008371 ABplpaapapp hermaphrodite cell that is born in embryo, dies in hermaphrodite, but counterpart becomes CEMVL in male. WB:rynl cell that is born in embryo, dies in hermaphrodite, but counterpart becomes CEMVR in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008372 ABprpaapapp hermaphrodite cell that is born in embryo, dies in hermaphrodite, but counterpart becomes CEMVR in male. WB:rynl Blast cell which divides to product sex-specific muscle cells. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008373 sex myoblast Blast cell which divides to product sex-specific muscle cells. WB:rynl Portion of the digestive tract between the oral opening and the definitely tri-radiate beginning of the esophagus (pharynx). worm_anatomy WBbt:0008374 stoma Portion of the digestive tract between the oral opening and the definitely tri-radiate beginning of the esophagus (pharynx). ISBN:0-8391-0697-1 cytoplamic ring that surrounds the anterior of the buccal cavity. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008375 arcade ring cytoplamic ring that surrounds the anterior of the buccal cavity. WBPaper:00038216 worm_anatomy WBbt:0008376 anterior arcade ring worm_anatomy WBbt:0008377 posterior arcade ring Nucleated cell which has a diploid set of chromosomes. FMA:72300 worm_anatomy WBbt:0008378 somatic cell Nucleated cell which has a diploid set of chromosomes. WB:rynl epithelial support cell of the amphid sensilla. worm_anatomy AMso WBbt:0008379 amphid socket cell epithelial support cell of the amphid sensilla. WB:rynl male diagonal muscle on the right side. worm_anatomy dglR WBbt:0008380 diagonal muscle right male diagonal muscle on the right side. WB:rynl male diagonal muscle on the left side. worm_anatomy dglL WBbt:0008381 diagonal muscle left male diagonal muscle on the left side. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008382 outer logitudinal muscle worm_anatomy WBbt:0008383 inner longitudinal muscle worm_anatomy cdl WBbt:0008384 caudal longitudinal muscle Anal depressor muscle of a male animal. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008385 anal depressor muscle male Anal depressor muscle of a male animal. WB:rynl Anal depressor muscle of a hermaphrodite animal. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008386 anal depressor muscle hermaphrodite Anal depressor muscle of a hermaphrodite animal. WB:rynl worm_anatomy WBbt:0008387 anal sphincter muscle male worm_anatomy WBbt:0008388 anal sphincter muscle hermaphrodite body wall muscle cell on the dorsal side of animal. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008389 dorsal body wall muscle body wall muscle cell on the dorsal side of animal. WB:rynl body wall muscle cell on the ventral side of animal. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008390 ventral body wall muscle body wall muscle cell on the ventral side of animal. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray one. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008391 R1A Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray one. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray two. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008392 R2A Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray two. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray three. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008393 R3A Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray three. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray four. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008394 R4A Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray four. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray six. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008395 R6A Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray six. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray eight. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008396 R8A Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type A of ray eight. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray one. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008397 R1B Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray one. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray two. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008398 R2B Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray two. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray three. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008399 R3B Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray three. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray four. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008400 R4B Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray four. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray five. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008401 R5B Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray five. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray six. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008402 R6B Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray six. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray seven. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008403 R7B Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray seven. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray eight. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008404 R8B Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray eight. WB:rynl Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray nine. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008405 R9B Neuron class of two male-specific sensory ray neurons type B of ray nine. WB:rynl sheath cell of the cephalic sensilla. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008406 cephalic sheath cell sheath cell of the cephalic sensilla. WB:rynl cell of lineage ABaraappaaa, normally becomes MI pharyngeal neuron. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008407 ABaraappaaa cell of lineage ABaraappaaa, normally becomes MI pharyngeal neuron. WB:rynl a structure surrounds the lumen of pharyngeal terminal bulb that is formed by folded cuticles and serves the function of grinding up food, bacteria. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008408 grinder a structure surrounds the lumen of pharyngeal terminal bulb that is formed by folded cuticles and serves the function of grinding up food, bacteria. WB:rynl Tail lateral ectoblasts that give rise to neurons, hypodermis and glial lineages. While initially identical, after the L2 lethargus the T cell lineages become markedly different between males and hermaphrodites helping to provide the sexually dimorphic tail structures found in males. worm_anatomy T cell WBbt:0008409 tail precursor cell Tail lateral ectoblasts that give rise to neurons, hypodermis and glial lineages. While initially identical, after the L2 lethargus the T cell lineages become markedly different between males and hermaphrodites helping to provide the sexually dimorphic tail structures found in males. WBPaper:00038216 Hypodermal socket cell of the phasmid sensillum. worm_anatomy Phso WBbt:0008410 phasmid socket cell Hypodermal socket cell of the phasmid sensillum. WB:rynl anterior deirid sheath cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008411 ADE sheath cell anterior deirid sheath cell. WB:Paper00038216 inner labial sheath cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008412 IL sheath cell inner labial sheath cell. WB:rynl outer labial sheath cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008413 OL sheath cell outer labial sheath cell. WB:rynl postcloacal sheath cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008414 PC sheath cell postcloacal sheath cell. WB:rynl posterior deirid sheath cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008415 PDE sheath cell posterior deirid sheath cell. WB:rynl anterior deirid socket cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008416 ADE socket cell anterior deirid socket cell. WB:rynl cephalic socket cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008417 CEP socket cell cephalic socket cell. WB:rynl inner labial socket cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008418 IL socket cell inner labial socket cell. WB:rynl outer labial socket cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008419 OL socket cell outer labial socket cell. WB:rynl postcloacal socket cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008420 PC socket cell postcloacal socket cell. WB:rynl post-deirid socket cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008421 PDE socket cell post-deirid socket cell. WB:rynl anatomical part of the body which is involved in sexual reproduction and constitutes the reproductive system. worm_anatomy genitalia WBbt:0008422 Term definition modified from wikipedia entry. sex organ anatomical part of the body which is involved in sexual reproduction and constitutes the reproductive system. WB:rynl antomical structure of the male involved in sexual reproduction. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008423 male genital antomical structure of the male involved in sexual reproduction. WB:rynl A sclerotized cuticular structure at the base of the male tail fan which houses the retracted spicules and guides the eversion of the spicules through the anus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008424 gubernaculum A sclerotized cuticular structure at the base of the male tail fan which houses the retracted spicules and guides the eversion of the spicules through the anus. WB:Paper00038216 A small lump on the gubernaculum of the male tail. This structure lies on the ventral surface just anterior and central to the base of the spicule openings and contains a sensory structure called the hook sensillum. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008425 hook A small lump on the gubernaculum of the male tail. This structure lies on the ventral surface just anterior and central to the base of the spicule openings and contains a sensory structure called the hook sensillum. WB:Paper00038216 The extreme anterior portion of the body. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008426 nose The extreme anterior portion of the body. WB:Paper00038216 The fluid-filled compartment inside the developing embryo at the onset of gastrulation, surrounded by the early blastomeres, into which some cells begin to migrate at gastrulation to create a multi-layered embryo. This internal space later is converted into the pseudocoelom as the embryo develops. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008427 blastocoel The fluid-filled compartment inside the developing embryo at the onset of gastrulation, surrounded by the early blastomeres, into which some cells begin to migrate at gastrulation to create a multi-layered embryo. This internal space later is converted into the pseudocoelom as the embryo develops. WB:Paper00038216 A hole in the ventral/posterior side of the embryo caused by the inward flow of cells during gastrulation. worm_anatomy gastrulation pore WBbt:0008428 blastopore A hole in the ventral/posterior side of the embryo caused by the inward flow of cells during gastrulation. WB:Paper00038216 One of two small cells produced, each during one of the two meiotic cell divisions, which are then discarded in the creation of the haploid germ cell. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008429 polar body One of two small cells produced, each during one of the two meiotic cell divisions, which are then discarded in the creation of the haploid germ cell. WB:Paper00038216 neuron that senses changes of CO2 concentration in the environment. worm_anatomy CO2 sensory neuron WBbt:0008430 REF: WBPaper00038260 carbon dioxide sensory neuron neuron that senses changes of CO2 concentration in the environment. WB:rynl neuron that senses and responds to mechanical stimuli, such as touch. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008431 mechanosensory neuron neuron that senses and responds to mechanical stimuli, such as touch. WB:rynl Neuron that senses and responds to oxygen. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008432 oxygen sensory neuron Neuron that senses and responds to oxygen. WB:rynl neuron that senses and responds to changes in osmolarity in the environment. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008433 osmosensory neuron neuron that senses and responds to changes in osmolarity in the environment. WB:rynl neuron that senses pain. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008434 nociceptor neuron neuron that senses pain. WB:rynl cell of the epithelia of uterus. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008435 uterine epithelial cell cell of the epithelia of uterus. WB:rynl ventral uterine precursor cell derived from the 5L developmental configuration. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008436 gon herm vut (5L) ventral uterine precursor cell derived from the 5L developmental configuration. WB:rynl ventral uterine precursor cell derived from the 5R developmental configuration. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008437 gon herm vut (5R) ventral uterine precursor cell derived from the 5R developmental configuration. WB:rynl Neuron class of two interneuron in posterior ventral cord. raymond 2011-11-30T02:09:53Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008438 PVW Neuron class of two interneuron in posterior ventral cord. WB:rynl A cell that is the M blast cell or is a lineal descendant of M. raymond 2012-01-26T02:48:40Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008439 M lineage cell A cell that is the M blast cell or is a lineal descendant of M. WB:rynl An anatomical region of the male vas deferens that is adjacent to the seminal vesicle. raymond 2012-01-31T02:30:37Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008440 vas deferens valve region An anatomical region of the male vas deferens that is adjacent to the seminal vesicle. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 Cell of the vas deferens valve region. raymond 2012-01-31T02:41:39Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008441 vas deferens valve cell Cell of the vas deferens valve region. WB:rynl a region of vas deferens, positioned posterior to the valve and anterior to the elongated cell region, formed by cells of cuboidal morphology. raymond 2012-02-01T09:46:37Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008442 vas deferens cuboidal cell region a region of vas deferens, positioned posterior to the valve and anterior to the elongated cell region, formed by cells of cuboidal morphology. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 a region of vas deferens, positioned posterior to the cuboidal cell region, formed by cells of elongated morphology. raymond 2012-02-01T09:51:24Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008443 vas deferens elongated cell region a region of vas deferens, positioned posterior to the cuboidal cell region, formed by cells of elongated morphology. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 cell of cuboidal morphology in male vas deferens. raymond 2012-02-01T09:54:51Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008444 vas deferens cuboidal cell cell of cuboidal morphology in male vas deferens. WB:rynl WBPaper:00038216 cell of elongated morphology in male vas deferens. raymond 2012-02-01T09:54:51Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008445 vas deferens elongated cell cell of elongated morphology in male vas deferens. WBPaper:00038216 wB:rynl Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglia. Posteriorly directed processes run from the cell bodies into the tails pike running alongside the processes of PLM and PLN. The disposition of these processes suggests that they may be sensory dendrites. raymond 2012-02-10T11:26:54Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008446 PHC Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglia. Posteriorly directed processes run from the cell bodies into the tails pike running alongside the processes of PLM and PLN. The disposition of these processes suggests that they may be sensory dendrites. WB:Paper00000938 Embryonic cell which descends from the same parent cell as a germline blastomere. raymond 2012-03-05T10:59:36Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008447 somatic blastomere Embryonic cell which descends from the same parent cell as a germline blastomere. WB:Paper00003633 WB:rynl Embryonic cell that has the developmental potential to generate a germ cell. raymond 2012-03-05T11:05:10Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008448 germline blastomere Embryonic cell that has the developmental potential to generate a germ cell. WB:Paper00003633 WB:rynl Cell of pedigree V5R.pppa. Fate diverges in male and hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-04-19T02:34:50Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008449 V5R.pppa Cell of pedigree V5R.pppa. Fate diverges in male and hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Cell of pedigree V5L.pppa. Fate diverges in male and hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-04-19T02:41:20Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008450 V5L.pppa Cell of pedigree V5L.pppa. Fate diverges in male and hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Cell of pedigree B_delta, post-embryonic blast cell in the male. raymond 2012-04-19T02:57:46Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008451 B_delta Cell of pedigree B_delta, post-embryonic blast cell in the male. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree W.aaa or P1.aaaa, to become either AVFL or AVFR nucleus. raymond 2012-04-20T10:36:21Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008452 W.aaa or P1.aaaa nucleus Nucleus of pedigree W.aaa or P1.aaaa, to become either AVFL or AVFR nucleus. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree ABplapaapp or ABprapaapp. raymond 2012-04-20T02:12:46Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008453 ABplapaapp or ABprapaapp nucleus Nucleus of pedigree ABplapaapp or ABprapaapp. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree W.aaa. raymond 2012-04-20T03:03:15Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008454 W.aaa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree W.aaa. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree ABprappaaa or ABplappaaa. raymond 2012-04-20T03:09:38Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008455 ABprappaaa or ABplappaaa nucleus Nucleus of pedigree ABprappaaa or ABplappaaa. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree ABprappaap or ABplappaap. raymond 2012-04-20T03:23:43Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008456 ABprappaap or ABplappaap nucleus Nucleus of pedigree ABprappaap or ABplappaap. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree ABprappapp or ABplappapp. raymond 2012-04-20T03:28:03Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008457 ABprappapp or ABplappapp nucleus Nucleus of pedigree ABprappapp or ABplappapp. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree ABprapapap or ABplapapap. raymond 2012-04-20T03:31:58Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008458 ABprapapap or ABplapapap nucleus Nucleus of pedigree ABprapapap or ABplapapap. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree B.alaa or B.araa. raymond 2012-04-20T03:38:36Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008459 B.alaa or B.araa nucleus Nucleus of pedigree B.alaa or B.araa. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree B.alpp or B.arpp. raymond 2012-04-20T03:59:00Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008460 B.alpp or B.arpp nucleus Nucleus of pedigree B.alpp or B.arpp. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree ABplpppapap or ABprpppapap. raymond 2012-04-23T10:04:27Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008461 ABplpppapap or ABprpppapap nucleus Nucleus of pedigree ABplpppapap or ABprpppapap. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree ABplapappa or ABprapappa. raymond 2012-04-23T11:18:02Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008462 ABplapappa or ABprapappa nucleus Nucleus of pedigree ABplapappa or ABprapappa. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppp (5R) or Z4.aaa (5L). raymond 2012-04-23T02:44:36Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008463 Z1.ppp (5R) or Z4.aaa (5L) nucleus Nucleus of pedigree Z1.ppp (5R) or Z4.aaa (5L). WB:rynl Post-embryonic male cell of pedigree Z1.paaaapa. raymond 2012-05-23T03:24:43Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008464 Z1.paaaapa Post-embryonic male cell of pedigree Z1.paaaapa. WB:rynl Postembryonic male cell of pedigree Z1.pppaaa. raymond 2012-05-23T03:30:04Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008465 Z1.pppaaa male Postembryonic male cell of pedigree Z1.pppaaa. WB:rynl Post-embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.papapa. raymond 2012-05-23T03:36:02Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008466 Z1.papapa hermaphrodite Post-embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.papapa. WB:rynl Post-embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.paapa. raymond 2012-05-23T03:39:05Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008467 Z1.paapa hermaphrodite Post-embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.paapa. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaaaa. raymond 2012-05-23T03:43:03Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008468 Z1.paaaaa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaaaa. WB:rynl Embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.pappp. raymond 2012-05-23T03:46:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008469 Z1.pappp hermaphrodite Embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.pappp. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaaapp. raymond 2012-05-23T03:51:12Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008470 Z1.paaaapp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaaapp. WB:rynl Post-embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.pappa. raymond 2012-05-23T04:00:50Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008471 Z1.pappa hermaphrodite Post-embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.pappa. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaapp. raymond 2012-05-23T04:04:04Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008472 Z1.papaapp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaapp. WB:rynl Post-embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.paapp. raymond 2012-05-23T04:06:55Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008473 Z1.paapp hermaphrodite Post-embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.paapp. WB:rynl Post-embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.papapp. raymond 2012-05-23T04:09:51Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008474 Z1.papapp hermaphrodite Post-embryonic hermaphrodite cell of pedigree Z1.papapp. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaappa. raymond 2012-05-23T04:12:32Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008475 Z1.papaappa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaappa. WB:rynl Post-embryonic male cell of pedigree Z1.paaa. raymond 2012-05-23T04:16:05Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008476 Z1.paaa male Post-embryonic male cell of pedigree Z1.paaa. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaaappa. raymond 2012-05-23T04:18:11Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008477 Z1.paaaappa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaaappa. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaaap. raymond 2012-05-23T04:20:20Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008478 Z1.paaaap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaaap. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaaa. raymond 2012-05-23T04:22:29Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008479 Z1.paaaa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paaaa. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.ppppp in male. raymond 2012-05-29T01:06:38Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008480 V5R.ppppp male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.ppppp in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapppp, 5R configuration. raymond 2012-05-29T01:16:30Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008481 Z4.aapppp(5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapppp, 5R configuration. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapppp, 5L configuration. raymond 2012-05-29T01:17:42Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008482 Z4.aapppp(5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapppp, 5L configuration. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapppa, 5L configuration. raymond 2012-05-29T01:26:31Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008483 Z4.aapppa(5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapppa, 5L configuration. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapppa, 5R configuration. raymond 2012-05-29T01:27:35Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008484 Z4.aapppa(5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapppa, 5R configuration. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaapa, in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-05-29T01:35:44Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008485 M.vlpaapa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaapa, in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.p in male. raymond 2012-05-29T01:45:01Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008486 P11.p male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree P11.p in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaap in male. raymond 2012-05-29T01:50:44Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008487 Z4.aapaap male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaap in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaaa in male. raymond 2012-05-29T01:59:14Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008488 Z4.aapaaa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapaaa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apap in male. raymond 2012-05-29T02:06:20Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008489 TR.apap male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apap in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apapp in male. raymond 2012-05-29T02:09:33Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008490 TR.apapp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apapp in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apappa in male. raymond 2012-05-29T02:12:55Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008491 TR.apappa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apappa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apappaa in male. raymond 2012-05-29T02:16:27Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008492 TR.apappaa Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apappaa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apappap in male. raymond 2012-05-29T02:16:27Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008493 TR.apappap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree TR.apappap in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papa in male. raymond 2012-05-29T02:22:01Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008494 V6R.papa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.papa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaa in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-05-29T02:44:35Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008495 M.vrpaa hermaphrodite Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vrpaa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaa in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-05-29T02:50:14Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008496 M.vlpaa hermaphrodite Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_alpha.l in male. raymond 2012-05-29T02:59:33Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008497 B_alpha.l Post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_alpha.l in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_alpha.r in male. raymond 2012-05-29T02:59:33Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008498 B_alpha.r Post-embryonic cell of pedigree B_alpha.r in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree P6.aap in male. raymond 2012-05-29T03:04:20Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008499 P6.aap male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree P6.aap in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapapa, 5R configuration. raymond 2012-05-29T03:09:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008500 Z4.aapapa(5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapapa, 5R configuration. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapapp, 5R configuration. raymond 2012-05-29T03:09:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008501 Z4.aapapp(5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapapp, 5R configuration. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppa in male. raymond 2012-05-29T03:16:55Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008502 V6R.ppppa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.ppppa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaapp in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-05-29T03:41:37Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008503 M.vlpaapp Post-embryonic cell of pedigree M.vlpaapp in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppa in male. raymond 2012-05-29T03:43:59Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008504 V6R.pppa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pppa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.aap in male. raymond 2012-05-29T03:46:38Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008505 P7.aap male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.aap in male. WB:rynl raymond 2012-05-29T04:11:46Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008506 B_alpha raymond 2012-05-29T04:11:46Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008507 B_beta raymond 2012-05-29T04:16:13Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008508 TR.appapaa raymond 2012-05-29T04:16:13Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008509 TR.appapap raymond 2012-05-29T04:18:57Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008510 TL.apap male raymond 2012-05-29T04:22:02Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008511 P1.aaa raymond 2012-05-29T04:24:18Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008512 Z4.appaap hermaphrodite raymond 2012-05-30T09:10:15Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008513 P8.aap male raymond 2012-05-30T09:12:19Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008514 Z4.appap hermaphrodite raymond 2012-05-30T09:14:39Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008515 P3.aap male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008516 V6L.ppppa male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008517 M.vrpaapp raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008518 V6R.ppppp male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008519 Z4.apap hermaphrodite raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008520 Z4.aaaaapp male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008521 V6L.papa male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008522 Z4.apaap hermaphrodite raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008523 Z4.aapaapa male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008524 TR.appap raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008525 V6L.pppa male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008526 TR.appa male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008527 Z4.aapaappa male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008528 V5L.pppa male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008529 Z4.aapaapp male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008530 V5R.pppa male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008531 TL.appa male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008532 M.vrpaapa raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008533 Z4.apaaap hermaphrodite raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008534 V6L.ppppp male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008535 P4.aap male raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008536 Z4.aaaaappa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.ppppp in male. raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008537 V5L.ppppp male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5L.ppppp in male. WB:rynl raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008538 TR.appapa raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008539 TR.appaa raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008540 TR.appaaap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pappp male. raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008541 V6R.pappp male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6R.pappp male. WB:rynl raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008542 P5.aap male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pappp male. raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008543 V6L.pappp male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree V6L.pappp male. WB:rynl raymond 2012-05-30T09:39:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008544 Z4.aaaaapa male raymond 2012-05-30T01:47:53Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008545 TR.appapaap raymond 2012-05-30T01:50:49Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008546 TR.appaaaap Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaa in male. raymond 2012-07-11T01:09:20Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008547 Z1.ppaaaa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-11T01:11:58Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008548 Z1.ppaaaa (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaaaa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-11T01:31:04Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008549 Z1.ppaapa (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapa, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-11T01:32:31Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008550 Z1.ppaapa (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapa, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapp, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-11T01:35:17Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008551 Z1.ppaapp (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapp, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapp, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-11T01:35:17Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008552 Z1.ppaapp (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaapp, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paap in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-11T01:41:08Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008553 Z1.paap hermaphrodite Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paap in male. raymond 2012-07-11T01:42:21Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008554 Z1.paap male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.paap in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaaa in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-11T01:53:22Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008555 Z1.papaaa hermaphrodite Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaaa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaaa in male. raymond 2012-07-11T01:53:22Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008556 Z1.papaaa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaaa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaap in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-11T01:56:54Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008557 Z1.papaap hermaphrodite Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaap in male. raymond 2012-07-11T01:56:54Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008558 Z1.papaap male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.papaap in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-11T02:01:49Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008559 Z1.ppaa (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaa in male. raymond 2012-07-11T02:01:49Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008560 Z1.ppaa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaa, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-13T03:59:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008561 Z1.ppaa (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppaa, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppap, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-13T04:11:44Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008562 Z1.ppap (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppap, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppap, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-13T04:11:44Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008563 Z1.ppap (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppap, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-13T04:16:36Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008564 Z1.pppa (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppa in male. raymond 2012-07-13T04:16:36Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008565 Z1.pppa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppp, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-13T04:22:44Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008566 Z1.pppp (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.pppp, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaa, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-13T04:25:43Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008567 Z4.aaaa (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaa, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaa in male. raymond 2012-07-13T04:25:43Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008568 Z4.aaaa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa. 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-13T04:34:01Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008569 Z4.aaaaaa (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa. 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa in male. raymond 2012-07-13T04:34:01Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008570 Z4.aaaaaa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaaa in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaap, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-13T04:37:36Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008571 Z4.aaaaap (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaap, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaap in male. raymond 2012-07-13T04:37:36Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008572 Z4.aaaaap male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaaaap in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaap, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-16T09:52:10Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008573 Z4.aaap (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaap, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaap, in male. raymond 2012-07-16T09:52:10Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008574 Z4.aaap male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaap, in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-16T09:55:33Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008575 Z4.aapa (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapa, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-16T09:55:33Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008576 Z4.aapa (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapa, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapa, in male. raymond 2012-07-16T09:55:33Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008577 Z4.aapa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapa, in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapp, in male. raymond 2012-07-16T10:07:25Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008578 Z4.aapp male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapp, in male. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapp, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-16T10:07:25Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008579 Z4.aapp (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapp, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapp, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-16T10:07:25Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008580 Z4.aapp (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aapp, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappaa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-16T10:11:04Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008581 Z4.aappaa (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappaa, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappaa, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-16T10:11:04Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008582 Z4.aappaa (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappaa, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappap, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-16T10:14:28Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008583 Z4.aappap (5L) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappap, 5L configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappap, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-16T10:14:28Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008584 Z4.aappap (5R) Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aappap, 5R configuration in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaa in hermaphrodite. raymond 2012-07-16T10:21:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008585 Z4.apaaaa hermaphrodite Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaa in male. raymond 2012-07-16T10:21:45Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008586 Z4.apaaaa male Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.apaaaa in male. WB:rynl An apparatus for laying eggs of the hermaphrodite reproductive system, consists of the uterus, the uterine muscles, the vulva, the vulval muscles, and a local neuropil formed by the egg-laying neurons. raymond 2012-10-30T12:29:21Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008587 egg-laying apparatus An apparatus for laying eggs of the hermaphrodite reproductive system, consists of the uterus, the uterine muscles, the vulva, the vulval muscles, and a local neuropil formed by the egg-laying neurons. WB:Paper00038216 WB:rynl A cell that is the C blast cell or is a lineal descendant of C. raymond 2013-03-15T08:44:18Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008588 C lineage cell A cell that is the C blast cell or is a lineal descendant of C. WB:rynl A cell that is the D blast cell or is a lineal descendant of D. raymond 2013-03-15T08:44:18Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008589 D lineage cell A cell that is the D blast cell or is a lineal descendant of D. WB:rynl A cell that is the P embryonic blast cell or is a lineal descendant of P. raymond 2013-03-15T08:44:18Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008590 P lineage cell A cell that is the P embryonic blast cell or is a lineal descendant of P. WB:rynl A diploid immature germ cell which forms in the gonad when a spermatogonial stem cell buds off from the rachis to form a single cell that quickly enters metaphase I and divides to form secondary spermatocytes attached to a residual body. raymond 2013-04-17T09:54:03Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008591 primary spermatocyte A diploid immature germ cell which forms in the gonad when a spermatogonial stem cell buds off from the rachis to form a single cell that quickly enters metaphase I and divides to form secondary spermatocytes attached to a residual body. WBPaper:00038216 A haploid immature germ cell which forms in the gonad by the division of a diploid primary spermatocyte. It undergoes a second meiotic division to complete meiosis, at which time the daughter cells detach from the residual body to become spermatids. raymond 2013-04-17T09:54:03Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008592 secondary spermatocyte A haploid immature germ cell which forms in the gonad by the division of a diploid primary spermatocyte. It undergoes a second meiotic division to complete meiosis, at which time the daughter cells detach from the residual body to become spermatids. WBPaper:00038216 A cell that is QL or QR blast cell or is a lineal descendant of QL or QR. raymond 2013-09-10T10:21:50Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008593 Q lineage cell A cell that is QL or QR blast cell or is a lineal descendant of QL or QR. WB:rynl A blast cell from which a neuron develops. raymond 2013-10-17T03:51:19Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008594 neuroblast A blast cell from which a neuron develops. WB:rynl Gonochoristic organism that can produce female gametes. raymond 2013-11-11T10:03:43Z CARO:0000028 worm_anatomy WBbt:0008595 female Gonochoristic organism that can produce female gametes. CARO:0000028 Head lateral ectoblast which gives rise to hypodermal cells in the head. raymond 2013-12-02T03:03:09Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008596 H cell Head lateral ectoblast which gives rise to hypodermal cells in the head. WB:rynl WBpaper:00038216 Ventrolateral ectoblast of the body that gives rise to neurons, hypodermis and seam cells. raymond 2013-12-02T03:10:16Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008597 V cell Ventrolateral ectoblast of the body that gives rise to neurons, hypodermis and seam cells. WB:rynl WBpaper:00038216 One of a pair of lateral neuroblasts that migrate separately within the body cavity during larval stages to produce a variety of cell types. raymond 2013-12-02T03:27:57Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008598 Q cell One of a pair of lateral neuroblasts that migrate separately within the body cavity during larval stages to produce a variety of cell types. WB:rynl WBpaper:00038216 Ventral ganglion neuroblasts present at hatching, located near the excretory pore. raymond 2013-12-02T03:30:08Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008599 G cell Ventral ganglion neuroblasts present at hatching, located near the excretory pore. WBpaper:00038216 Muscle cell of the alimentary canal, excluding the pharynx. raymond 2014-01-23T02:01:20Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008600 enteric muscle Muscle cell of the alimentary canal, excluding the pharynx. WB:rynl A cell that is a sex myoblast or is a lineal descendant of a sex myoblast. raymond 2014-03-20T03:36:22Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008601 SM lineage cell A cell that is a sex myoblast or is a lineal descendant of a sex myoblast. WB:rynl An SM lineage cell in a male animal. raymond 2014-03-20T03:39:07Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008602 SM lineage cell male An SM lineage cell in a male animal. WB:rynl An SM lineage cell in a hermaphrodite animal. raymond 2014-03-20T03:40:25Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008603 SM lineage cell hermaphrodite An SM lineage cell in a hermaphrodite animal. WB:rynl Male-specific blast cell which divides to product muscle cell. raymond 2014-03-20T03:48:36Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008604 male sex myoblast Male-specific blast cell which divides to product muscle cell. WB:rynl Hermaphrodite-specific blast cell which divides to product muscle cell. raymond 2014-03-20T03:56:15Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008605 hermaphrodite sex myoblast Hermaphrodite-specific blast cell which divides to product muscle cell. WB:rynl Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. raymond 2014-09-10T01:15:00Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008606 P11/12L Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. ISBN:0-87969-307-X Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. raymond 2014-09-10T01:15:00Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008607 P11/12R Postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. ISBN:0-87969-307-X A cell that is the B post-embryonic blast cell or is a lineal descendant of B, in male. raymond 2014-11-10T03:11:46Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008608 B lineage cell A cell that is the B post-embryonic blast cell or is a lineal descendant of B, in male. WB:rynl The remnant the midbody from the first embryonic cell division, eventually becomes absorbed by the EMS blastomere. raymond 2015-03-20T03:02:28Z GO:0030496 worm_anatomy WBbt:0008609 midbody remnant The remnant the midbody from the first embryonic cell division, eventually becomes absorbed by the EMS blastomere. WBPaper:00044848 Motor neuron that controls the movement of the head and the neck. raymond 2015-04-03T08:40:21Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008610 head motor neuron Motor neuron that controls the movement of the head and the neck. WB:rynl WBPaper:00000983 WBPaper:00038216 A cell that is the AB blast cell or is a lineal descendant of AB. raymond 2015-05-27T01:48:04Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008611 AB lineage cell A cell that is the AB blast cell or is a lineal descendant of AB. WB:rynl Neuron class of male specific interneurons (mystery cells of the male) that are born at the early L4 stage, when the male undergoes sexual maturation. raymond 2015-09-22T01:17:56Z worm_anatomy mystery cells of the male WBbt:0008612 MCM Neuron class of male specific interneurons (mystery cells of the male) that are born at the early L4 stage, when the male undergoes sexual maturation. WB:Paper00038216 Left cell of MCM neuron class. raymond 2015-09-22T01:29:29Z worm_anatomy lineage name: AB.plpaapapap WBbt:0008613 MCML Left cell of MCM neuron class. WB:rynl Right cell of MCM neuron class. raymond 2015-09-22T01:29:29Z worm_anatomy lineage name: AB.prpaapapap WBbt:0008614 MCMR Right cell of MCM neuron class. WB:rynl Nucleus of the pedigree ABplpaapapaa. raymond 2015-09-23T08:25:50Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008615 ABplpaapapaa nucleus Nucleus of the pedigree ABplpaapapaa. WB:rynl Nucleus of the pedigree ABplpaapapap. raymond 2015-09-23T08:25:50Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008616 ABplpaapapap nucleus Nucleus of the pedigree ABplpaapapap. WB:rynl Nucleus of the pedigree ABprpaapapap. raymond 2015-09-23T08:28:03Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008617 ABprpaapapap nucleus Nucleus of the pedigree ABprpaapapap. WB:rynl Nucleus of the pedigree ABprpaapapaa. raymond 2015-09-23T08:28:03Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008618 ABprpaapapaa nucleus Nucleus of the pedigree ABprpaapapaa. WB:rynl AMsoL cell in hermaphrodite animal. raymond 2015-09-23T09:11:56Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008619 AMsoL hermaphrodite AMsoL cell in hermaphrodite animal. WB:rynl AMsoL cell in male animal. raymond 2015-09-23T09:11:56Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008620 AMsoL male AMsoL cell in male animal. WB:rynl AMsoR cell in hermaphrodite animal. raymond 2015-09-23T09:12:27Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008621 AMsoR hermaphrodite AMsoR cell in hermaphrodite animal. WB:rynl AMsoR cell in male animal. raymond 2015-09-23T09:12:27Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008622 AMsoR male AMsoR cell in male animal. WB:rynl AMsoL cell in male prior to cell division in L4. raymond 2015-09-23T09:41:56Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008623 AMsoL male early AMsoL cell in male prior to cell division in L4. WB:rynl AMsoL cell in male formed after AMsoL early cell divides in L4. raymond 2015-09-23T09:41:56Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008624 AMsoL male late AMsoL cell in male formed after AMsoL early cell divides in L4. WB:rynl AMsoR cell in male prior to cell division in L4. raymond 2015-09-23T09:49:31Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008625 AMsoR male early AMsoR cell in male prior to cell division in L4. WB:rynl AMsoR cell in male formed after AMsoR early cell divides in L4. raymond 2015-09-23T09:49:31Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008626 AMsoR male late AMsoR cell in male formed after AMsoR early cell divides in L4. WB:rynl A cell that is the MS blast cell or is a lineal descendant of MS. raymond 2016-01-08T08:26:06Z worm_anatomy WBbt:0008627 MS lineage cell A cell that is the MS blast cell or is a lineal descendant of MS. WB:rynl Anatomical structure that is a direct part of the cell. raymond 2016-05-09T04:15:06Z CARO:0000014 worm_anatomy WBbt:0008628 cell component Anatomical structure that is a direct part of the cell. CARO:MAH A lobe of the gonad. In a monodelphic gonad, there is one arm, whereas in a didelphic gonad, there are two arms. gonad arm A lobe of the gonad. In a monodelphic gonad, there is one arm, whereas in a didelphic gonad, there are two arms. WB:rynl A neuron belonging to a class of 2 bilateral, cholinergic, peptidergic, male-specific, ciliated neurons generated by transdifferentiation from a male PHso1 glial cell in the late L4 larval stage of a male C. elegans animal. Phasmid D neuron worm_anatomy WBbt:0008630 PHD A neuron belonging to a class of 2 bilateral, cholinergic, peptidergic, male-specific, ciliated neurons generated by transdifferentiation from a male PHso1 glial cell in the late L4 larval stage of a male C. elegans animal. WB:WBPerson2987 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2019/05/01/285320.full.pdf The left PHD neuron of the pair of bilateral PHD neurons in a male C. elegans animal. Phasmid D neuron left worm_anatomy WBbt:0008631 PHDL The left PHD neuron of the pair of bilateral PHD neurons in a male C. elegans animal. WB:WBPerson2987 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2019/05/01/285320.full.pdf The right PHD neuron of the pair of bilateral PHD neurons in a male C. elegans animal. Phasmid D neuron right worm_anatomy WBbt:0008632 PHDR The right PHD neuron of the pair of bilateral PHD neurons in a male C. elegans animal. WB:WBPerson2987 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2019/05/01/285320.full.pdf The adult male tail including the the lateral fan and rays. [WormAtlas] adult male tail worm_anatomy WBbt:0008633 bursa The adult male tail including the the lateral fan and rays. [WormAtlas] WB:WBPerson2987 https://www.wormatlas.org/glossary/bglossary.htm#bursa Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appp in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008634 Z4.appp nucleus male Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appp in male. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appp in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008635 Z4.appp nucleus hermaphprodite Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appp in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaap in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008637 Z4.appaaap nucleus male Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaap in male. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaap in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008638 Z4.appaaap nucleus hermaphrodite Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaap in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaaa in hermaphrodite. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008639 Z4.appaaaa nucleus hermaphrodite Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaaa in hermaphrodite. WB:rynl Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaaa in male. worm_anatomy WBbt:0008640 Z4.appaaaa nucleus male Nucleus of pedigree Z4.appaaaa in male. WB:rynl example to be eventually removed example to be eventually removed metadata complete Class has all its metadata, but is either not guaranteed to be in its final location in the asserted IS_A hierarchy or refers to another class that is not complete. metadata complete organizational term Term created to ease viewing/sort terms for development purpose, and will not be included in a release organizational term ready for release Class has undergone final review, is ready for use, and will be included in the next release. Any class lacking "ready_for_release" should be considered likely to change place in hierarchy, have its definition refined, or be obsoleted in the next release. Those classes deemed "ready_for_release" will also derived from a chain of ancestor classes that are also "ready_for_release." ready for release metadata incomplete Class is being worked on; however, the metadata (including definition) are not complete or sufficiently clear to the branch editors. metadata incomplete uncurated Nothing done yet beyond assigning a unique class ID and proposing a preferred term. uncurated pending final vetting All definitions, placement in the asserted IS_A hierarchy and required minimal metadata are complete. The class is awaiting a final review by someone other than the term editor. pending final vetting to be replaced with external ontology term Terms with this status should eventually replaced with a term from another ontology. Alan Ruttenberg group:OBI to be replaced with external ontology term requires discussion A term that is metadata complete, has been reviewed, and problems have been identified that require discussion before release. Such a term requires editor note(s) to identify the outstanding issues. Alan Ruttenberg group:OBI requires discussion WB:rynl true MF(X)-directly_regulates->MF(Y)-enabled_by->GP(Z) => MF(Y)-has_input->GP(Y) e.g. if 'protein kinase activity'(X) directly_regulates 'protein binding activity (Y)and this is enabled by GP(Z) then X has_input Z infer input from direct reg GP(X)-enables->MF(Y)-has_part->MF(Z) => GP(X) enables MF(Z), e.g. if GP X enables ATPase coupled transporter activity' and 'ATPase coupled transporter activity' has_part 'ATPase activity' then GP(X) enables 'ATPase activity' enabling an MF enables its parts true GP(X)-enables->MF(Y)-part_of->BP(Z) => GP(X) involved_in BP(Z) e.g. if X enables 'protein kinase activity' and Y 'part of' 'signal tranduction' then X involved in 'signal transduction' involved in BP If a molecular function (X) has a regulatory subfunction, then any gene product which is an input to that subfunction has an activity that directly_regulates X. Note: this is intended for cases where the regaultory subfunction is protein binding, so it could be tightened with an additional clause to specify this. inferring direct reg edge from input to regulatory subfunction inferring direct neg reg edge from input to regulatory subfunction inferring direct positive reg edge from input to regulatory subfunction effector input is compound function input Input of effector is input of its parent MF if effector directly regulates X, its parent MF directly regulates X if effector directly positively regulates X, its parent MF directly positively regulates X if effector directly negatively regulates X, its parent MF directly negatively regulates X 'causally downstream of' and 'overlaps' should be disjoint properties (a SWRL rule is required because these are non-simple properties). 'causally upstream of' and 'overlaps' should be disjoint properties (a SWRL rule is required because these are non-simple properties).