OBO-Edit 1.101 05:02:2021 13:48 human_stages_ontology 1.2 fbb EV XUO definition term replaced by Defines the start and end of a stage with a duration of 1 month, relative to either the time of fertilization or last menstrual period of the mother (to be clarified), counting from one, in terms of a reference model. Thus if month_of_gestation=3, then the stage is 2 month in. Wikipedia:Gestational_age human_stages_ontology month_of_gestation true month_of_gestation This is a shortcut annotation that can be expanded to an OWL axiom, or to a set of OWL axioms. The exact translation has yet to be determined, and may be application-dependent. month of gestation Count of number of days intervening between the end of the stage and the time of fertilization according to a reference model. Note that the first day of development has the value of 1 for this property. human_stages_ontology end_dpf true This is a shortcut annotation that can be expanded to an OWL axiom, or to a set of OWL axioms. The exact translation has yet to be determined, and may be application-dependent. end, days post fertilization Count of number of months intervening between the end of the stage and the time of birth according to a reference model. Note that the first month of post-birth development has the value of 1 for this property, and the period during which the child is one month old has the value 2 human_stages_ontology end_mpb true This is a shortcut annotation that can be expanded to an OWL axiom, or to a set of OWL axioms. The exact translation has yet to be determined, and may be application-dependent. end, months post birth Count of number of years intervening between the end of the stage and the time of birth according to a reference model. Note that the first year of post-birth development has the value of 1 for this property, and the period during which the child is one year old has the value 2 human_stages_ontology end_ypb true This is a shortcut annotation that can be expanded to an OWL axiom, or to a set of OWL axioms. The exact translation has yet to be determined, and may be application-dependent. end, years post birth Subset consisting of classes describing highly granular developmental stages (for instance, '23-year-old'). Such stages might be useful for annotation purpose, but might be folded into less granular parents for display purpose. human_stages_ontology has_end_time true has end time A relationship between a stage class and an anatomical structure or developmental process class, in which the stage is characterized by the appearance of the structure or the occurrence of the biological process human_stages_ontology has_stage_marker true This is a shortcut annotation that can be expanded to an OWL axiom, or to a set of OWL axioms. The exact translation has yet to be determined, and may be application-dependent. has stage marker human_stages_ontology has_start_time true has start time human_stages_ontology has_unit true Used to associate a measurement property (e.g. days post fertilization) with a unit (e.g. days) has unit Count of number of days intervening between the start of the stage and the time of fertilization according to a reference model. Note that the first day of development has the value of 0 for this property. human_stages_ontology start_dpf true This is a shortcut annotation that can be expanded to an OWL axiom, or to a set of OWL axioms. The exact translation has yet to be determined, and may be application-dependent. start, days post fertilization Count of number of months intervening between the start of the stage and the time of birth according to a reference model. Note that the first month of post-birth development has the value of 0 for this property, and the period during which the child is one month old has the value 1. human_stages_ontology start_mpb true This is a shortcut annotation that can be expanded to an OWL axiom, or to a set of OWL axioms. The exact translation has yet to be determined, and may be application-dependent. start, months post birth Count of number of years intervening between the start of the stage and the time of birth according to a reference model. Note that the first year of post-birth development has the value of 0 for this property, and the period during which the child is one year old has the value 1. human_stages_ontology start_ypb true This is a shortcut annotation that can be expanded to an OWL axiom, or to a set of OWL axioms. The exact translation has yet to be determined, and may be application-dependent. start, years post birth subset_property consider has_broad_synonym database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym has_narrow_synonym has_obo_format_version has_obo_namespace has_related_synonym in_subset shorthand treat-xrefs-as-equivalent BFO:0000050 human_stages_ontology part_of part_of part of X preceded_by Y iff: end(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with start(X) BFO:0000062 human_stages_ontology preceded_by preceded_by preceded_by X immediately_preceded_by Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y) RO:0002087 human_stages_ontology immediately_preceded_by immediately_preceded_by immediately_preceded_by A spatiotemporal region encompassing some part of the life cycle of an organism. UBERON:0000105 developmental stage stage human_stages_ontology HsapDv:0000000 life cycle stage A spatiotemporal region encompassing some part of the life cycle of an organism. UBERON:0000105 Temporal interval that defines human life from the prenatal stage until late adulthood. 0.0 UBERON:0000104 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000001 life cycle Temporal interval that defines human life from the prenatal stage until late adulthood. Bgee:curator Prenatal stage that starts with fertilization and ends with a fully formed embryo, before undergoing last development during the fetal stage. 56.0 0.0 EV:0300001 FMA:72652 HP:0011460 human_developmental_stage embryo stage first trimester HsapDv:0000002 By embryo we mean in the sense of up to the 8th week postfertilization (over 7 and under 8 weeks), we treat fetus as a separate stage. embryonic stage Prenatal stage that starts with fertilization and ends with a fully formed embryo, before undergoing last development during the fetal stage. Bgee:curator first trimester http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestational_age Embryonic stage defined by a fertilized oocyte and presence of pronuclei. 0.0 EHDAA2:CS01 FMA:295882 UBERON:0000106 XUO:0000130 CS01 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000003 Starts at day 1 post-fertilization, beginning of the first week. Carnegie stage 01 Embryonic stage defined by a fertilized oocyte and presence of pronuclei. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS01 EHDAA2:CS01 Early stage of Carnegie stage 02 consisting of division of cells in the early embryo. HsapDv:0000005 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000004 cleavage stage true Early stage of Carnegie stage 02 consisting of division of cells in the early embryo. Bgee:curator Embryonic stage during which cell division occurs with reduction in cytoplasmic volume, and formation of inner and outer cell mass. 2.5 cleavage stage EHDAA2:CS02 FMA:295884 UBERON:0000107 XUO:0000131 CS02 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000005 Usually starts between day 2 and day 3 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 02 Embryonic stage during which cell division occurs with reduction in cytoplasmic volume, and formation of inner and outer cell mass. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS02 EHDAA2:CS02 Embryonic stage that is an early stage of embryonic development in animals and is produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum, with formation of a central fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel. UBERON:0000108 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000006 The blastula follows the morula and precedes the gastrula in the developmental sequence. blastula stage Embryonic stage that is an early stage of embryonic development in animals and is produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum, with formation of a central fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel. UBERON:0000108 Blastula stage with the loss of the zona pellucida and the definition of a free blastocyst. 4.5 EHDAA2:CS03 FMA:295907 XUO:0000132 CS03 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000007 Usually starts between day 4 and day 5 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 03 Blastula stage with the loss of the zona pellucida and the definition of a free blastocyst. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS03 EHDAA2:CS03 Blastula stage during which the blastocyst becomes attached. Note that GO treats blastocyst attachment and implantation (CS05) as synonymous 5.5 EHDAA2:CS04 FMA:295908 XUO:0000133 CS04 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000008 Usually starts between day 5 and day 6 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 04 Blastula stage during which the blastocyst becomes attached. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS04 EHDAA2:CS04 Blastula stage during which implantation occurs. 7.0 FMA:295909 XUO:0000134 CS04 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000009 Usually starts between day 7 and day 12 post-fertilization, beginning of the second week. Carnegie stage 05 Blastula stage during which implantation occurs. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table Embryonic stage defined by a complex and coordinated series of cellular movements that occurs at the end of cleavage. UBERON:0000109 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000010 gastrula stage Embryonic stage defined by a complex and coordinated series of cellular movements that occurs at the end of cleavage. UBERON:0000109 Gastrula stage during which the extraembryonic mesoderm and primitive streak appear. 13.0 FMA:295910 XUO:0000135 CS06 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000011 Usually starts between day 13 and day 15 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 06 Gastrula stage during which the extraembryonic mesoderm and primitive streak appear. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table Embryonic stage defined by the formation of a tube from the flat layer of ectodermal cells known as the neural plate. UBERON:0000110 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000012 This stage starts the emergence of the central nervous system. neurula stage Embryonic stage defined by the formation of a tube from the flat layer of ectodermal cells known as the neural plate. UBERON:0000110 Neurula stage during which the notochordal process appears, and gastrulation is continuing. 15.0 EHDAA2:CS07 FMA:295911 XUO:0000136 CS07 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000013 Usually starts between day 15 and day 17 post-fertilization, beginning of the third week. Carnegie stage 07 Neurula stage during which the notochordal process appears, and gastrulation is continuing. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS07 EHDAA2:CS07 Neurula stage during which the primitive pit and the notochordal canal appear. 17.0 EHDAA2:CS08 FMA:295912 XUO:0000137 CS08 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000014 Usually starts between day 17 and day 19 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 08 Neurula stage during which the primitive pit and the notochordal canal appear. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS08 EHDAA2:CS08 Embryonic stage at which the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm develop into the internal organs of the organism. UBERON:0000111 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000015 organogenesis stage Embryonic stage at which the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm develop into the internal organs of the organism. UBERON:0000111 Organogenesis stage during which somites 1-3 appear, and neural folds, cardiac primordium, and head fold are present. 19.0 EHDAA2:CS09 FMA:295913 XUO:0000138 CS09 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000016 Usually starts between day 19 and day 21 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 09 Organogenesis stage during which somites 1-3 appear, and neural folds, cardiac primordium, and head fold are present. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS09 EHDAA2:CS09 Organogenesis stage during which somites 4-12 appear, and the neural fold fuses. 22.0 EHDAA2:CS10 FMA:295914 XUO:0000139 CS10 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000017 Usually starts between day 22 and day 23 post-fertilization, beginning of the fourth week. Carnegie stage 10 Organogenesis stage during which somites 4-12 appear, and the neural fold fuses. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS10 EHDAA2:CS10 Organogenesis stage during which somites 13-20 appear, and the rostral neuropore closes. 23.0 EHDAA2:CS11 FMA:295915 XUO:0000140 CS11 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000018 Usually starts between day 23 and day 26 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 11 Organogenesis stage during which somites 13-20 appear, and the rostral neuropore closes. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS11 EHDAA2:CS11 Organogenesis stage during which somites 21-29 appear, and the caudal neuropore closes. 26.0 EHDAA2:CS12 FMA:295916 XUO:0000141 CS12 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000019 Usually starts between day 26 and day 30 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 12 Organogenesis stage during which somites 21-29 appear, and the caudal neuropore closes. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS12 EHDAA2:CS12 Organogenesis developmental stage during which somite 30 appears, and leg buds, lens placode, pharyngeal arches are present. 28.0 EHDAA2:CS13 FMA:295917 XUO:0000142 CS13 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000020 Usually starts between day 28 and day 32 post-fertilization, beginning of the fifth week. Carnegie stage 13 Organogenesis developmental stage during which somite 30 appears, and leg buds, lens placode, pharyngeal arches are present. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS13 EHDAA2:CS13 Organogenesis stage during which lens pit and optic cup appear. 31.0 EHDAA2:CS14 FMA:295918 XUO:0000143 CS14 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000021 Usually starts between day 31 and day 35 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 14 Organogenesis stage during which lens pit and optic cup appear. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS14 EHDAA2:CS14 Organogenesis stage during which lens vesicle, nasal pit, and hand plate appear. 35.0 EHDAA2:CS15 FMA:295928 XUO:0000144 CS15 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000022 Usually starts between day 35 and day 38 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 15 Organogenesis stage during which lens vesicle, nasal pit, and hand plate appear. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS15 EHDAA2:CS15 Organogenesis stage during which nasal pits moved ventrally, and features are auricular hillocks, and foot plate. 37.0 EHDAA2:CS16 FMA:295919 XUO:0000145 CS16 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000023 Usually starts between day 37 and day 42 post-fertilization, beginning of the sixth week. Carnegie stage 16 Organogenesis stage during which nasal pits moved ventrally, and features are auricular hillocks, and foot plate. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS16 EHDAA2:CS16 Organogenesis stage during which finger rays become visible. 42.0 EHDAA2:CS17 FMA:295920 XUO:0000146 CS17 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000024 Usually starts between day 42 and day 44 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 17 Organogenesis stage during which finger rays become visible. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS17 EHDAA2:CS17 Organogenesis stage during which ossification commences. 44.0 EHDAA2:CS18 FMA:295921 XUO:0000147 CS18 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000025 Usually starts between day 44 and day 48 post-fertilization, beginning of the seventh week. Carnegie stage 18 Organogenesis stage during which ossification commences. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS18 EHDAA2:CS18 Organogenesis stage during which the straightening of the trunk starts. 48.0 EHDAA2:CS19 FMA:295922 XUO:0000148 CS19 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000026 Usually starts between day 48 and day 51 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 19 Organogenesis stage during which the straightening of the trunk starts. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS19 EHDAA2:CS19 Organogenesis stage during which upper limbs are longer and bent at elbow. 51.0 EHDAA2:CS20 FMA:295923 XUO:0000149 CS20 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000027 Usually starts between day 51 and day 53 post-fertilization, beginning of the eighth week. Carnegie stage 20 Organogenesis stage during which upper limbs are longer and bent at elbow. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table CS20 EHDAA2:CS20 Organogenesis stage during which hands and feet turned inward. 53.0 FMA:295924 XUO:0000150 CS21 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000028 Usually starts between day 53 and day 54 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 21 Organogenesis stage during which hands and feet turned inward. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table Organogenesis stage during which eyelids and external ears appear. 54.0 FMA:295925 XUO:0000151 CS22 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000029 Usually starts between day 54 and day 56 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 22 Organogenesis stage during which eyelids and external ears appear. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table Organogenesis stage during which the head, the body, and the limbs are rounded structures. 56.0 FMA:295926 FMA:63631 XUO:0000152 CS23 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000030 Usually starts between day 56 and day 60 post-fertilization. Carnegie stage 23 Organogenesis stage during which the head, the body, and the limbs are rounded structures. http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Carnegie_stage_table Carnegie developmental stage 5 defined by a solid trophoblast. EHDAA2:CS05a FMA:296707 XUO:0000187 CS05a human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000031 Carnegie stage 05a Carnegie developmental stage 5 defined by a solid trophoblast. http://www.medicalmuseum.mil/assets/documents/collections/hdac/stage05.pdf CS05a EHDAA2:CS05a Carnegie developmental stage 5 defined by a trophoblastic lacunae. EHDAA2:CS05b FMA:296709 XUO:0000188 CS05b human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000032 Carnegie stage 05b Carnegie developmental stage 5 defined by a trophoblastic lacunae. http://www.medicalmuseum.mil/assets/documents/collections/hdac/stage05.pdf CS05b EHDAA2:CS05b Carnegie developmental stage 5 defined by a lacunar vascular circle. EHDAA2:CS05c FMA:296711 XUO:0000189 CS05c human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000033 Carnegie stage 05c Carnegie developmental stage 5 defined by a lacunar vascular circle. http://www.medicalmuseum.mil/assets/documents/collections/hdac/stage05.pdf CS05c EHDAA2:CS05c Carnegie developmental stage 6 during which chorionic villi appear. EHDAA2:CS06a XUO:0000190 CS06a human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000034 Carnegie stage 06a Carnegie developmental stage 6 during which chorionic villi appear. http://www.medicalmuseum.mil/assets/documents/collections/hdac/stage06.pdf CS06a EHDAA2:CS06a Carnegie developmental stage 6 during which the primitive streak appears. EHDAA2:CS06b XUO:0000191 CS06b human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000035 Carnegie stage 06b Carnegie developmental stage 6 during which the primitive streak appears. http://www.medicalmuseum.mil/assets/documents/collections/hdac/stage06.pdf CS06b EHDAA2:CS06b Prenatal stage that starts with the fully formed embryo and ends at birth. 266.0 56.0 EV:0300011 HP:0011461 UBERON:0007220 human_developmental_stage fetus stage foetus stage second and third trimester HsapDv:0000037 Prenatal development is a continuum, with no clear defining feature distinguishing an embryo from a fetus. The use of the term "fetus" generally implies that a mammalian embryo has developed to the point of being recognizable as belonging to its own species, though the point at which this occurs is subjective. [Wikipedia:Fetus] fetal stage Prenatal stage that starts with the fully formed embryo and ends at birth. Bgee:curator second and third trimester http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestational_age Prenatal stage that starts with fertilization and ends at birth. 266.0 0.0 0.0 HP:0030674 UBERON:0000068 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000045 prenatal stage Prenatal stage that starts with fertilization and ends at birth. UBERON:0000068 Fetal stage when the fetus is over 8 and under 9 weeks of development. 63.0 56.0 EV:0300012 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000046 External genitalia begin to distinguish themselves as either male or female. Eyelids are completely closed, and vocal ligaments appear (see http://ehd.org/resources_bpd_documentation_english.php). 9th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 8 and under 9 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 9 and under 10 weeks of development. 70.0 63.0 EV:0300013 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000047 The fingernails and toenails begin to develop and unique fingerprints appear. Ossification is underway in most bones (see http://ehd.org/resources_bpd_documentation_english.php). 10th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 9 and under 10 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 10 and under 11 weeks of development. 77.0 70.0 EV:0300030 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000048 The nose and lips are completely formed, and external genitalia can be distinguished as male or female (see http://ehd.org/resources_bpd_documentation_english.php). 11th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 10 and under 11 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 11 and under 12 weeks of development. 84.0 77.0 EV:0300014 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000049 Upper limb length has nearly reached its final proportion to body size (see http://ehd.org/resources_bpd_documentation_english.php). The assignation of this week to the fourth or third LMP month is debatable (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prenatal_development_table.svg). 12th week post-fertilization stage debatable Fetal stage when the fetus is over 11 and under 12 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 12 and under 13 weeks of development. 91.0 84.0 EV:0300015 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000050 13th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 12 and under 13 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 13 and under 14 weeks of development. 98.0 91.0 EV:0300016 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000051 14th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 13 and under 14 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 14 and under 15 weeks of development. 105.0 98.0 EV:0300031 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000052 15th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 14 and under 15 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 15 and under 16 weeks of development. 112.0 105.0 EV:0300017 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000053 The assignation of this week to the fifth or fourth LMP month is debatable (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prenatal_development_table.svg). 16th week post-fertilization stage debatable Fetal stage when the fetus is over 15 and under 16 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 16 and under 17 weeks of development. 119.0 112.0 EV:0300018 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000054 17th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 16 and under 17 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 17 and under 18 weeks of development. 126.0 119.0 EV:0300019 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000055 18th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 17 and under 18 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 18 and under 19 weeks of development. 133.0 126.0 EV:0300020 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000056 19th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 18 and under 19 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 19 and under 20 weeks of development. 140.0 133.0 EV:0300021 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000057 The cochlea has reached adult size within the fully developed inner ear (see http://ehd.org/resources_bpd_documentation_english.php). The assignation of this week to the sixth or fifth LMP month is debatable (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prenatal_development_table.svg). 20th week post-fertilization stage debatable Fetal stage when the fetus is over 19 and under 20 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 20 and under 21 weeks of development. 147.0 140.0 EV:0300029 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000058 The lungs gain some ability to breathe air. This stage is considered the age of viability because survival outside the womb becomes possible for some fetuses (see http://ehd.org/resources_bpd_documentation_english.php). 21st week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 20 and under 21 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 21 and under 22 weeks of development. 154.0 147.0 EV:0300022 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000059 22nd week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 21 and under 22 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 22 and under 23 weeks of development. 161.0 154.0 EV:0300023 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000060 23rd week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 22 and under 23 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 23 and under 24 weeks of development. 168.0 161.0 EV:0300024 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000061 The eyelids reopen (see http://ehd.org/resources_bpd_documentation_english.php). 24th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 23 and under 24 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 24 and under 25 weeks of development. 175.0 168.0 EV:0300032 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000062 The assignation of this week to the seventh or sixth LMP month is debatable (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prenatal_development_table.svg). 25th week post-fertilization stage debatable Fetal stage when the fetus is over 24 and under 25 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 25 and under 26 weeks of development. 182.0 175.0 EV:0300025 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000063 26th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 25 and under 26 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 26 and under 27 weeks of development. 189.0 182.0 EV:0300033 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000064 27th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 26 and under 27 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 27 and under 28 weeks of development. 196.0 189.0 EV:0300026 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000065 28th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 27 and under 28 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 28 and under 29 weeks of development. 203.0 196.0 EV:0300034 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000066 The assignation of this week to the eighth or seventh LMP month is debatable (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prenatal_development_table.svg). 29th week post-fertilization stage debatable Fetal stage when the fetus is over 28 and under 29 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 29 and under 30 weeks of development. 210.0 203.0 EV:0300035 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000067 30th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 29 and under 30 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 30 and under 31 weeks of development. 217.0 210.0 EV:0300036 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000068 31st week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 30 and under 31 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 31 and under 32 weeks of development. 224.0 217.0 EV:0300027 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000069 32nd week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 31 and under 32 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 32 and under 33 weeks of development. 231.0 224.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000070 The assignation of this week to the eighth or ninth LMP month is debatable (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prenatal_development_table.svg). 33rd week post-fertilization stage debatable Fetal stage when the fetus is over 32 and under 33 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 33 and under 34 weeks of development. 238.0 231.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000071 34th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 33 and under 34 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 34 and under 35 weeks of development. 245.0 238.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000072 35th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 34 and under 35 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 35 and under 36 weeks of development. 252.0 245.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000073 36th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 35 and under 36 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 36 and under 37 weeks of development. 259.0 252.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000074 37th week post-fertilization stage Fetal stage when the fetus is over 36 and under 37 weeks of development. Bgee:curator Fetal stage when the fetus is over 37 weeks of development and until birth. 266.0 259.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000075 The assignation of this week to the ninth or tenth LMP month is debatable (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prenatal_development_table.svg). 38th week post-fertilization and over stage debatable Fetal stage when the fetus is over 37 weeks of development and until birth. Bgee:curator Human developmental stage that covers the period from birth until 12 years old. 13.0 0.0 HsapDv:0000264 0-12 years human_developmental_stage child HsapDv:0000080 immature stage true Human developmental stage that covers the period from birth until 12 years old. Bgee:curator Immature stage that refers to child who is over 2 and under 13 years old. 13.0 2.0 HsapDv:0000264 HsapDv:0000265 2-12 years human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000081 child stage true Immature stage that refers to child who is over 2 and under 13 years old. Bgee:curator Immature stage that refers to a newborn who is under 32 days old. 1.0 0.083 0.0 0.0 HsapDv:0000262 0-1 month human_developmental_stage neonatal stage neonate HsapDv:0000082 newborn stage true Immature stage that refers to a newborn who is under 32 days old. Bgee:curator Immature stage that refers to an infant who is over 31 days and is under 24 months old. 24.0 2.0 1.0 0.083 HsapDv:0000261 1-23 months infantile stage human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000083 infant stage true Immature stage that refers to an infant who is over 31 days and is under 24 months old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 24 months and under 6 years old. 6.0 2.0 HsapDv:0000099 HsapDv:0000270 human_developmental_stage preschool child HsapDv:0000084 2-5 year-old child stage true Child stage that refers to a child who is over 24 months and under 6 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 6 and under 13 years old. 13.0 6.0 HsapDv:0000271 human_developmental_stage prepubescent HsapDv:0000085 6-12 year-old child stage true Child stage that refers to a child who is over 6 and under 13 years old. Bgee:curator Mature stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 13 and under 19 years old. 19.0 13.0 HsapDv:0000268 13-18 years human_developmental_stage teen teenager HsapDv:0000086 adolescent stage true Mature stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 13 and under 19 years old. Bgee:curator Human developmental stage that refers to an adult who is over 19. 19.0 HsapDv:0000226 HsapDv:0000258 19+ years human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000087 adult stage true Human developmental stage that refers to an adult who is over 19. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is under 45. 45.0 19.0 HsapDv:0000266 HsapDv:0000267 19-44 years human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000088 early adulthood stage true Adult stage that refers to an adult who is under 45. Bgee:curator Early adulthood that refers to an adult who is under 25. 25.0 19.0 HsapDv:0000266 19-24 years human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000089 young adult stage true Early adulthood that refers to an adult who is under 25. Bgee:curator Early adulthood that refers to an adult who is over 25 and under 45. 45.0 25.0 HsapDv:0000237 HsapDv:0000238 HsapDv:0000239 HsapDv:0000266 HsapDv:0000267 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000090 25-44 year-old stage true Early adulthood that refers to an adult who is over 25 and under 45. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 45. 45.0 HsapDv:0000227 HsapDv:0000267 45+ years human_developmental_stage Middle Aged + Aged HsapDv:0000091 late adulthood stage true Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 45. Bgee:curator Late adulthood that refers to an adult who is over 45 and under 65. 65.0 45.0 HsapDv:0000227 HsapDv:0000267 45-64 years human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000092 middle aged stage true Late adulthood that refers to an adult who is over 45 and under 65. Bgee:curator Late adulthood that refers to an adult who is over 65. 65.0 HsapDv:0000227 65+ years human_developmental_stage elderly HsapDv:0000093 aged stage true Late adulthood that refers to an adult who is over 65. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is under 80. 80.0 65.0 HsapDv:0000272 human_developmental_stage elderly HsapDv:0000094 65-79 year-old stage true Aged stage that refers to an adult who is under 80. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 80 years old. 80.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000095 80 year-old and over stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 80 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 2 and under 3 years old. 3.0 2.0 EV:0300053 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000096 2-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 2 and under 3 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 3 and under 4 years old. 4.0 3.0 EV:0300054 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000097 3-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 3 and under 4 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 4 and under 5 years old. 5.0 4.0 EV:0300055 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000098 4-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 4 and under 5 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 5 and under 6 years old. 6.0 5.0 EV:0300056 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000099 5-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 5 and under 6 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 6 and under 7 years old. 7.0 6.0 EV:0300057 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000100 6-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 6 and under 7 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 7 and under 8 years old. 8.0 7.0 EV:0300058 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000101 7-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 7 and under 8 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 8 and under 9 years old. 9.0 8.0 EV:0300059 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000102 8-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 8 and under 9 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 9 and under 10 years old. 10.0 9.0 EV:0300060 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000103 9-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 9 and under 10 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 10 and under 11 years old. 11.0 10.0 EV:0300061 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000104 10-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 10 and under 11 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 11 and under 12 years old. 12.0 11.0 EV:0300062 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000105 11-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 11 and under 12 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 12 and under 13 years old. 13.0 12.0 EV:0300063 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000106 12-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 12 and under 13 years old. Bgee:curator Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 13 and under 14 years old. 14.0 13.0 EV:0300065 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000107 13-year-old stage Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 13 and under 14 years old. Bgee:curator Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 14 and under 15 years old. 15.0 14.0 EV:0300066 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000108 14-year-old stage Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 14 and under 15 years old. Bgee:curator Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 15 and under 16 years old. 16.0 15.0 EV:0300067 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000109 15-year-old stage Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 15 and under 16 years old. Bgee:curator Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 16 and under 17 years old. 17.0 16.0 EV:0300068 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000110 16-year-old stage Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 16 and under 17 years old. Bgee:curator Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 17 and under 18 years old. 18.0 17.0 EV:0300069 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000111 17-year-old stage Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 17 and under 18 years old. Bgee:curator Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 18 and under 19 years old. 19.0 18.0 EV:0300071 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000112 18-year-old stage Adolescent stage that refers to an adolescent who is over 18 and under 19 years old. Bgee:curator Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 19 and under 20 years old. 20.0 19.0 EV:0300072 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000113 19-year-old stage Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 19 and under 20 years old. Bgee:curator Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 20 and under 21 years old. 21.0 20.0 EV:0300073 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000114 20-year-old stage Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 20 and under 21 years old. Bgee:curator Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 21 and under 22 years old. 22.0 21.0 EV:0300074 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000115 21-year-old stage Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 21 and under 22 years old. Bgee:curator Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 22 and under 23 years old. 23.0 22.0 EV:0300075 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000116 22-year-old stage Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 22 and under 23 years old. Bgee:curator Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 23 and under 24 years old. 24.0 23.0 EV:0300076 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000117 23-year-old stage Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 23 and under 24 years old. Bgee:curator Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 24 and under 25 years old. 25.0 24.0 EV:0300077 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000118 24-year-old stage Young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 24 and under 25 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 25 and under 26 years old. 26.0 25.0 EV:0300078 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000119 25-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 25 and under 26 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adultwho is over 26 and under 27 years old. 27.0 26.0 EV:0300079 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000120 26-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adultwho is over 26 and under 27 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 27 and under 28 years old. 28.0 27.0 EV:0300080 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000121 27-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 27 and under 28 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 28 and under 29 years old. 29.0 28.0 EV:0300081 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000122 28-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 28 and under 29 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 29 and under 30 years old. 30.0 29.0 EV:0300082 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000123 29-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 29 and under 30 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 30 and under 31 years old. 31.0 30.0 EV:0300083 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000124 30-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 30 and under 31 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 31 and under 32 years old. 32.0 31.0 EV:0300084 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000125 31-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 31 and under 32 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 32 and under 33 years old. 33.0 32.0 EV:0300085 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000126 32-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 32 and under 33 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 33 and under 34 years old. 34.0 33.0 EV:0300086 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000127 33-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 33 and under 34 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 34 and under 35 years old. 35.0 34.0 EV:0300087 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000128 34-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 34 and under 35 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 35 and under 36 years old. 36.0 35.0 EV:0300088 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000129 35-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 35 and under 36 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 36 and under 37 years old. 37.0 36.0 EV:0300089 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000130 36-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 36 and under 37 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 37 and under 38 years old. 38.0 37.0 EV:0300090 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000131 37-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 37 and under 38 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 38 and under 39 years old. 39.0 38.0 EV:0300091 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000132 38-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 38 and under 39 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 39 and under 40 years old. 40.0 39.0 EV:0300092 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000133 39-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 39 and under 40 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 40 and under 41 years old. 41.0 40.0 EV:0300093 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000134 40-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 40 and under 41 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 41 and under 42 years old. 42.0 41.0 EV:0300094 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000135 41-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 41 and under 42 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 42 and under 43 years old. 43.0 42.0 EV:0300095 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000136 42-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 42 and under 43 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 43 and under 44 years old. 44.0 43.0 EV:0300096 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000137 43-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 43 and under 44 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 44 and under 45 years old. 45.0 44.0 EV:0300097 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000138 44-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 44 and under 45 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 45 and under 46 years old. 46.0 45.0 EV:0300098 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000139 45-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 45 and under 46 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 46 and under 47 years old. 47.0 46.0 EV:0300099 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000140 46-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 46 and under 47 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 47 and under 48 years old. 48.0 47.0 EV:0300100 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000141 47-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 47 and under 48 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 48 and under 49 years old. 49.0 48.0 EV:0300101 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000142 48-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 48 and under 49 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 49 and under 50 years old. 50.0 49.0 EV:0300102 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000143 49-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 49 and under 50 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 50 and under 51 years old. 51.0 50.0 EV:0300103 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000144 50-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 50 and under 51 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 51 and under 52 years old. 52.0 51.0 EV:0300104 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000145 51-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 51 and under 52 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 52 and under 53 years old. 53.0 52.0 EV:0300105 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000146 52-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 52 and under 53 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 53 and under 54 years old. 54.0 53.0 EV:0300106 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000147 53-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 53 and under 54 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 54 and under 55 years old. 55.0 54.0 EV:0300107 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000148 54-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 54 and under 55 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 55 and under 56 years old. 56.0 55.0 EV:0300108 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000149 55-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 55 and under 56 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 56 and under 57 years old. 57.0 56.0 EV:0300109 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000150 56-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 56 and under 57 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 57 and under 58 years old. 58.0 57.0 EV:0300110 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000151 57-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 57 and under 58 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 58 and under 59 years old. 59.0 58.0 EV:0300111 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000152 58-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 58 and under 59 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 59 and under 60 years old. 60.0 59.0 EV:0300112 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000153 59-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 59 and under 60 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 60 and under 61 years old. 61.0 60.0 EV:0300113 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000154 60-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 60 and under 61 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 61 and under 62 years old. 62.0 61.0 EV:0300114 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000155 61-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 61 and under 62 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 62 and under 63 years old. 63.0 62.0 EV:0300115 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000156 62-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 62 and under 63 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 63 and under 64 years old. 64.0 63.0 EV:0300116 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000157 63-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 63 and under 64 years old. Bgee:curator Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 64 and under 65 years old. 65.0 64.0 EV:0300117 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000158 64-year-old stage Middle aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 64 and under 65 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 65 and under 66 years old. 66.0 65.0 EV:0300118 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000159 65-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 65 and under 66 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 66 and under 67 years old. 67.0 66.0 EV:0300119 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000160 66-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 66 and under 67 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 67 and under 68 years old. 68.0 67.0 EV:0300120 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000161 67-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 67 and under 68 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 68 and under 69 years old. 69.0 68.0 EV:0300121 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000162 68-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 68 and under 69 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 69 and under 70 years old. 70.0 69.0 EV:0300122 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000163 69-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 69 and under 70 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 70 and under 71 years old. 71.0 70.0 EV:0300124 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000164 70-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 70 and under 71 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 71 and under 72 years old. 72.0 71.0 EV:0300125 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000165 71-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 71 and under 72 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 72 and under 73 years old. 73.0 72.0 EV:0300126 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000166 72-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 72 and under 73 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 73 and under 74 years old. 74.0 73.0 EV:0300127 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000167 73-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 73 and under 74 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 74 and under 75 years old. 75.0 74.0 EV:0300128 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000168 74-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 74 and under 75 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 75 and under 76 years old. 76.0 75.0 EV:0300129 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000169 75-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 75 and under 76 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 76 and under 77 years old. 77.0 76.0 EV:0300130 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000170 76-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 76 and under 77 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 77 and under 78 years old. 78.0 77.0 EV:0300131 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000171 77-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 77 and under 78 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 78 and under 79 years old. 79.0 78.0 EV:0300132 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000172 78-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 78 and under 79 years old. Bgee:curator Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 79 and under 80 years old. 80.0 79.0 EV:0300133 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000173 79-year-old stage Adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 79 and under 80 years old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 1 and under 2 months old. 2.0 1.0 HsapDv:0000273 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000174 1-month-old stage true Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 1 and under 2 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 2 and under 3 months old. 3.0 2.0 EV:0300040 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000175 2-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 2 and under 3 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 3 and under 4 months old. 4.0 3.0 EV:0300041 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000176 3-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 3 and under 4 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 4 and under 5 months old. 5.0 4.0 EV:0300042 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000177 4-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 4 and under 5 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 5 and under 6 months old. 6.0 5.0 EV:0300043 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000178 5-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 5 and under 6 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 6 and under 7 months old. 7.0 6.0 EV:0300044 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000179 6-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 6 and under 7 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 7 and under 8 months old. 8.0 7.0 EV:0300045 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000180 7-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 7 and under 8 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 8 and under 9 months old. 9.0 8.0 EV:0300046 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000181 8-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 8 and under 9 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 9 and under 10 months old. 10.0 9.0 EV:0300047 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000182 9-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 9 and under 10 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 10 and under 11 months old. 11.0 10.0 EV:0300048 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000183 10-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 10 and under 11 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 11 and under 12 months old. 12.0 11.0 EV:0300049 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000184 11-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 11 and under 12 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 12 and under 13 months old. 13.0 12.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000185 12-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 12 and under 13 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 13 and under 14 months old. 14.0 13.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000186 13-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 13 and under 14 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 14 and under 15 months old. 15.0 14.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000187 14-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 14 and under 15 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 15 and under 16 months old. 16.0 15.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000188 15-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 15 and under 16 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 16 and under 17 months old. 17.0 16.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000189 16-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 16 and under 17 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 17 and under 18 months old. 18.0 17.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000190 17-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 17 and under 18 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 18 and under 19 months old. 19.0 18.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000191 18-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 18 and under 19 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 19 and under 20 months old. 20.0 19.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000192 19-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 19 and under 20 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 20 and under 21 months old. 21.0 20.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000193 20-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 20 and under 21 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 21 and under 22 months old. 22.0 21.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000194 21-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 21 and under 22 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 22 and under 23 months old. 23.0 22.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000195 22-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 22 and under 23 months old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 23 and under 24 months old. 24.0 2.0 23.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000196 23-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 23 and under 24 months old. Bgee:curator Fetal stage that refers to the third month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). 3.0 77.0 56.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000197 third LMP month stage Fetal stage that refers to the third month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). Bgee:curator Fetal stage that refers to the fourth month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). 4.0 105.0 77.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000198 fourth LMP month stage Fetal stage that refers to the fourth month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). Bgee:curator Fetal stage that refers to the fifth month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). 5.0 133.0 105.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000199 fifth LMP month stage Fetal stage that refers to the fifth month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). Bgee:curator Fetal stage that refers to the sixth month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). 6.0 168.0 133.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000200 sixth LMP month stage Fetal stage that refers to the sixth month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). Bgee:curator Fetal stage that refers to the seventh month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). 7.0 196.0 168.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000201 seventh LMP month stage Fetal stage that refers to the seventh month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). Bgee:curator Fetal stage that refers to the eighth month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). 8.0 231.0 196.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000202 eighth LMP month stage Fetal stage that refers to the eighth month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). Bgee:curator Fetal stage that refers to the ninth month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). 9.0 266.0 231.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000203 ninth LMP month stage Fetal stage that refers to the ninth month of gestation starting from the last menstrual period (LMP). Bgee:curator Human developmental stage that refers to a sexually mature human. 13.0 HsapDv:0000258 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000204 mature stage true Human developmental stage that refers to a sexually mature human. Bgee:curator The morula stage is the later part of Carnegie stage 02 when the cells have coalesced into a mass but the blastocystic cavity has not formed. Formation of the cavity marks the beginning of Carnegie stage 03. human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000205 morula stage The morula stage is the later part of Carnegie stage 02 when the cells have coalesced into a mass but the blastocystic cavity has not formed. Formation of the cavity marks the beginning of Carnegie stage 03. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 80 and under 81 years old. 81.0 80.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000206 80-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 80 and under 81 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 81 and under 82 years old. 82.0 81.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000207 81-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 81 and under 82 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 82 and under 83 years old. 83.0 82.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000208 82-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 82 and under 83 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 83 and under 84 years old. 84.0 83.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000209 83-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 83 and under 84 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 84 and under 85 years old. 85.0 84.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000210 84-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 84 and under 85 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 85 and under 86 years old. 86.0 85.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000211 85-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 85 and under 86 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 86 and under 87 years old. 87.0 86.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000212 86-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 86 and under 87 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 87 and under 88 years old. 88.0 87.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000213 87-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 87 and under 88 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 88 and under 89 years old. 89.0 88.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000214 88-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 88 and under 89 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 89 and under 90 years old. 90.0 89.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000215 89-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 89 and under 90 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 90 and under 91 years old. 91.0 90.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000216 90-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 90 and under 91 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 91 and under 92 years old. 92.0 91.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000217 91-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 91 and under 92 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 92 and under 93 years old. 93.0 92.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000218 92-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 92 and under 93 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 93 and under 94 years old. 94.0 93.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000219 93-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 93 and under 94 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 94 and under 95 years old. 95.0 94.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000220 94-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 94 and under 95 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 95 and under 96 years old. 96.0 95.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000221 95-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 95 and under 96 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 96 and under 97 years old. 97.0 96.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000222 96-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 96 and under 97 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 97 and under 98 yers old. 98.0 97.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000223 97-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 97 and under 98 yers old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 98 and under 99. 99.0 98.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000224 98-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 98 and under 99. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 99 and under 100 years old. 100.0 99.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000225 99-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 99 and under 100 years old. Bgee:curator A life cycle stage that starts at sexual maturity of the human adult, and ends before senescence. 60.0 15.0 UBERON:0018241 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000226 We start this stage at 15 years to follow the Human Phenotype Ontology defintion of adult onset (HP:0003581), and we ends the stage at 60 years, the start of late onset in HPO (HP:0003584). prime adult stage A life cycle stage that starts at sexual maturity of the human adult, and ends before senescence. Bgee:curator Late adult stage that refers to an individu who is over 60 and starts to have some age-related impairments. 60.0 HP:0003584 UBERON:0007222 60+ years human_developmental_stage elderly HsapDv:0000227 Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) is one of the most common conditions affecting older and elderly adults(see https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/age-related-hearing-loss#1). We follow Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) late onset definition (HP:0003584) to start this stage at 60 years. late adult stage Late adult stage that refers to an individu who is over 60 and starts to have some age-related impairments. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 100 and under 101 years old. 101.0 100.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000228 100-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 100 and under 101 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 101 and under 102 years old. 102.0 101.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000229 101-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 101 and under 102 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 102 and under 103 years old. 103.0 102.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000230 102-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 102 and under 103 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 103 and under 104 years old. 104.0 103.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000231 103-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 103 and under 104 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 104 and under 105 years old. 105.0 104.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000232 104-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 104 and under 105 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 105 and under 106 years old. 106.0 105.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000233 105-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 105 and under 106 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 106 and under 107 years old. 107.0 106.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000234 106-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 106 and under 107 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 0 and under 10 years old. 10.0 0.0 HsapDv:0000260 HsapDv:0000265 HsapDv:0000271 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000235 first decade stage true Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 0 and under 10 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 10 and under 20 years old. 20.0 10.0 HsapDv:0000268 HsapDv:0000271 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000236 second decade stage true Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 10 and under 20 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 20 and under 30 years old. 30.0 20.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000237 third decade stage Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 20 and under 30 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 30 and under 40 years old. 40.0 30.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000238 fourth decade stage Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 30 and under 40 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 40 and under 50 years old. 50.0 40.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000239 fifth decade stage Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 40 and under 50 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 50 and under 60 years old. 60.0 50.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000240 sixth decade stage Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 50 and under 60 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 60 and under 70 years old. 70.0 60.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000241 seventh decade stage Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 60 and under 70 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 70 and under 80 years old. 80.0 70.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000242 eighth decade stage Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 70 and under 80 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 80 and under 90 years old. 90.0 80.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000243 ninth decade stage Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 80 and under 90 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 90 and under 100 years old. 100.0 90.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000244 tenth decade stage Human stage that refers to an individual who is over 90 and under 100 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to a human who is over 100 and under 110 years old. 110.0 100.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000245 eleventh decade stage Human stage that refers to a human who is over 100 and under 110 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 12 and under 24 months old. 24.0 2.0 12.0 1.0 12-23 months human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000246 1-year-old stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 12 and under 24 months old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 100 years old. 101.0 100.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000247 centenarian stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 100 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 107 and under 108 years old. 108.0 107.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000248 107-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 107 and under 108 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 108 and under 109 years old. 109.0 108.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000249 108-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 108 and under 109 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 109 and under 110 years old. 110.0 109.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000250 109-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 109 and under 110 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 110 and under 111 years old. 111.0 110.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000251 110-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 110 and under 111 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 111 and under 112 years old. 112.0 111.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000252 111-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 111 and under 112 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 112 and under 113 years old. 113.0 112.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000253 112-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 112 and under 113 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 113 and under 114 years old. 114.0 113.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000254 113-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 113 and under 114 years old. Bgee:curator Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 114 and under 115 years old. 115.0 114.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000255 114-year-old stage Aged stage that refers to an adult who is over 114 and under 115 years old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 31 days and is under 12 months old. 24.0 1.0 1.0 0.083 HsapDv:0000261 1-11 months human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000256 under-1-year-old stage true Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 31 days and is under 12 months old. Bgee:curator Human developmental stage that refers to a sexually mature human. 15.0 HP:0003581 UBERON:0000113 mature stage human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000258 HPO (Human Phenotype Ontology) considers HP:0003581 (adult onset) as 'at the age of 16 years or later', but this adult stage directly follows the pediatric onset (HP:0410280) defined 'as before the age of 15 years' (see https://github.com/obophenotype/human-phenotype-ontology/issues/6099). To be consistent, we consider adult stage as starting at 15 years. adult stage Human developmental stage that refers to a sexually mature human. Bgee:curator Human developmental stage that covers the first period from birth, with breast feeding and/or bottled substitute, and that stops at language acquisition. 1.0 0.0 UBERON:0018685 under 1 year old human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000260 The definition of an age for human weaning is difficult to define due to individual and cultural variations. The natural age of weaning in humans could be 2.5 years, with maximum 7.0 years (see https://www.health-e-learning.com/articles/A_Natural_Age_of_Weaning.pdf), but we decide to stop this period at 1 year-old, before usually language acquisition. nursing stage (0-11 months) Human developmental stage that covers the first period from birth, with breast feeding and/or bottled substitute, and that stops at language acquisition. Bgee:curator Immature stage that refers to an infant who is over 28 days and is under 12 months old. 12.0 1.0 0.92 0.077 HP:0003593 UBERON:0034920 infantile stage under-1-year-old stage human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000261 We consider that this pediatric stage refers to an infant who is over 28 days and under 12 months old, to follow HPO (Human Phenotype Ontology) which considers infant as between 28 days to one year of life, based on the ethymology of the word (infant), meaning not speaking, see HP:0003593 (Infantile onset) and see Peter Robinson's comment [[HPO:probinson] at https://github.com/obophenotype/human-phenotype-ontology/issues/5119#issuecomment-578882539. infant stage Immature stage that refers to an infant who is over 28 days and is under 12 months old. Bgee:curator Immature stage that refers to a human newborn within the first 28 days of life. 0.92 0.077 0.0 0.0 HP:0003623 UBERON:0007221 human_developmental_stage neonatal stage neonate HsapDv:0000262 We follow HPO (Human Phenotype Ontology) definition for neonatal period, see HP:0003623 (Neonatal onset) Onset of signs or symptoms of disease within the first 28 days of life.. newborn stage (0-28 days) Immature stage that refers to a human newborn within the first 28 days of life. Bgee:curator Human developmental stage that covers the period from newborn stage and until 14 years old. 15.0 0.0 UBERON:0000112 immature stage human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000264 We created this class to map the pediatric onset as defined by HPO (Human Phenotype Ontology). pediatric stage Human developmental stage that covers the period from newborn stage and until 14 years old. Bgee:curator Human stage that refers to a child who is over 12 months and under 5 years old. 5.0 1.0 HP:0011463 human_developmental_stage childhood stage preschool child HsapDv:0000265 We follow HPO (Human Phenotype Ontology) definition for child period, see HP:0011463 (Childhood onset). child stage (1-4 yo) Human stage that refers to a child who is over 12 months and under 5 years old. Bgee:curator A prime adult stage that refers to an adult who is under 40 years old. 40.0 15.0 HP:0011462 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000266 young adult stage A prime adult stage that refers to an adult who is under 40 years old. Bgee:curator Late adulthood that refers to an adult who is over 40 and under 60 years old. 60.0 40.0 HP:0003596 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000267 middle aged stage Late adulthood that refers to an adult who is over 40 and under 60 years old. Bgee:curator A young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 15 and under 20 years old. 20.0 15.0 human_developmental_stage adolescent HsapDv:0000268 15-19 year-old A young adult stage that refers to an adult who is over 15 and under 20 years old. Bgee:curator Child stage that refers to a child who is over 2 and under 5 years old. 5.0 2.0 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000270 We define here a child who is over 2 years and less than 5 years, and weaned. 2-4 year-old child stage Child stage that refers to a child who is over 2 and under 5 years old. Bgee:curator Pediatric stage that refers to a human who is over 5 and under 15 years old. 15.0 5.0 HP:0003621 UBERON:0034919 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000271 juvenile stage (5-14 yo) Pediatric stage that refers to a human who is over 5 and under 15 years old. Bgee:curator Late adult stage that refers to an adult who is under 80 years old. 80.0 60.0 human_developmental_stage elderly HsapDv:0000272 60-79 year-old stage Late adult stage that refers to an adult who is under 80 years old. Bgee:curator Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 28 days and under 2 months old. 2.0 0.92 EV:0300039 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0000273 1-month-old stage Infant stage that refers to an infant who is over 28 days and under 2 months old. Bgee:curator Human developmental stage that covers the whole of human life post birth. 0.0 dos UBERON:0000066 human_developmental_stage HsapDv:0010000 postnatal stage Human developmental stage that covers the whole of human life post birth. GOC:dos https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/56