02:10:2023 17:30 OBO-Edit 2.3.1 Version 012 terryh 1.2 mouse_ontology definition has_alternative_id database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym has_obo_format_version has_obo_namespace has_related_synonym mouse_ontology attached_to attached_to mouse_ontology develops_from develops_from mouse_ontology develops_in develops_in mouse_ontology ends_at ends_at mouse_ontology has_part has_part mouse_ontology is_a is_a mouse_ontology located_in located_in mouse_ontology part_of part_of mouse_ontology starts_at starts_at anatomical_structure EMAPA:0 Anatomical structure anatomical_structure 1st polar body EMAPA:16032 first polar body anatomical_structure 1-cell embryo fertilized egg one-cell embryo zygote EMAPA:16033 1-cell stage embryo EMAPA:16045 anatomical_structure 2nd polar body EMAPA:16034 second polar body EMAPA:16049 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16035 zona pellucida anatomical_structure 2-cell embryo two-cell embryo EMAPA:16036 2-cell stage embryo anatomical_structure 4-8 cell embryo four-to-eight cell embryo EMAPA:16037 4-8 cell stage embryo anatomical_structure EMAPA:16039 embryo anatomical_structure EMAPA:16040 compacted morula anatomical_structure EMAPA:16041 inner cell mass anatomical_structure EMAPA:16042 extraembryonic component anatomical_structure EMAPA:16043 extraembryonic cavity anatomical_structure blastocelic cavity EMAPA:16044 blastocoelic cavity true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16046 trophectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16047 mural trophectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16048 polar trophectoderm true anatomical_structure primitive ectoderm EMAPA:16050 epiblast EMAPA:16063 anatomical_structure hypoblast primary endoderm visceral endoderm EMAPA:16051 primitive endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16052 extraembryonic endoderm anatomical_structure distal endoderm EMAPA:16053 parietal endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16054 extraembryonic component cavity anatomical_structure EMAPA:16055 yolk sac cavity Cells with transitional morphology at boundary zone between embryonic and extraembryonic endoderm. (Kaufman, 1995; Plates 3 and 4). anatomical_structure EMAPA:16056 intermediate endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16057 Reichert's membrane anatomical_structure EMAPA:16058 extraembryonic visceral endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16059 ectoplacental cone anatomical_structure EMAPA:16060 body cavity or lining anatomical_structure EMAPA:16061 proamniotic cavity embryonic part anatomical_structure embryonic endoderm EMAPA:16062 embryo endoderm true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16064 proamniotic cavity extraembryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16065 extraembryonic ectoderm EMAPA:31874 primary trophoblastic giant cell anatomical_structure EMAPA:16066 primary trophoblast giant cell EMAPA:31869 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16067 cytotrophoblast anatomical_structure EMAPA:16068 syncytiotrophoblast anatomical_structure embryonic ectoderm EMAPA:16069 embryo ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16070 definitive endoderm anatomical_structure embryonic mesoderm EMAPA:16071 embryo mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16072 primitive streak anatomical_structure neurectoderm EMAPA:16073 neural ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16074 non-neural ectoderm anatomical_structure Henson's node EMAPA:16075 node anatomical_structure EMAPA:16076 amniotic fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16077 amniotic fold ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16078 amniotic fold mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16079 amniotic cavity anatomical_structure EMAPA:16080 ectoplacental cavity anatomical_structure extraembryonic coelomic cavity EMAPA:16081 exocoelomic cavity anatomical_structure EMAPA:16082 cavity within amniotic fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16085 yolk sac anatomical_structure EMAPA:16086 yolk sac endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16087 yolk sac mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16088 intraembryonic coelom EMAPA:16471 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16089 future brain anatomical_structure cephalic neural fold EMAPA:16090 future brain neural fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16091 future brain neural crest EMAPA:16525 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16092 future spinal cord true true EMAPA:16527 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16095 future spinal cord neural plate anatomical_structure surface epithelium EMAPA:16096 surface ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16097 mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16098 head mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16099 mesenchyme derived from head mesoderm true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16101 notochordal plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16102 notochordal process anatomical_structure EMAPA:16103 organ system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16104 cardiovascular system anatomical_structure cardium EMAPA:16105 heart anatomical_structure cardiac crescent heart rudiment myocardial plate EMAPA:16106 cardiogenic plate anatomical_structure allantoic bud EMAPA:16107 allantois anatomical_structure allantoic mesoderm EMAPA:16108 allantois mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16109 amnion anatomical_structure amnionic ectoderm EMAPA:16110 amnion ectoderm anatomical_structure amnionic mesoderm EMAPA:16111 amnion mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16112 chorion anatomical_structure chorionic ectoderm EMAPA:16113 chorion ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16114 chorion mesoderm EMAPA:16268 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16115 blood island anatomical_structure EMAPA:16116 primordial germ cell of yolk sac anatomical_structure pharyngeal arch visceral arch EMAPA:16117 branchial arch anatomical_structure first branchial arch mandibular arch EMAPA:16118 1st branchial arch anatomical_structure 1st branchial cleft EMAPA:16119 1st branchial groove anatomical_structure EMAPA:16120 1st branchial groove ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16121 1st branchial membrane anatomical_structure EMAPA:16122 1st branchial membrane ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16123 1st branchial membrane endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16124 1st branchial pouch anatomical_structure EMAPA:16125 1st branchial pouch endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16126 1st branchial arch ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16127 1st branchial arch endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16128 1st branchial arch mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16129 1st branchial arch mesenchyme derived from neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16130 1st branchial arch mesenchyme derived from head mesoderm EMAPA:18447 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16131 pericardial component EMAPA:18448 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16132 pericardial cavity EMAPA:17174 EMAPA:18449 pericardial mesothelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16133 pericardium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16134 pericardio-peritoneal component anatomical_structure EMAPA:16135 pericardio-peritoneal component cavity anatomical_structure EMAPA:16136 pericardio-peritoneal component mesothelium anatomical_structure lesser sac EMAPA:16137 peritoneal component anatomical_structure EMAPA:16138 peritoneal cavity EMAPA:18452 anatomical_structure peritoneal mesothelium EMAPA:16139 peritoneum EMAPA:16472 anatomical_structure future mesencephalon EMAPA:16140 future midbrain EMAPA:16473 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16141 future midbrain floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16142 future midbrain neural fold EMAPA:16476 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16143 future midbrain neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16144 future prosencephalon anatomical_structure EMAPA:16145 future prosencephalon floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16146 future prosencephalon neural fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16147 future prosencephalon neural crest EMAPA:16478 anatomical_structure future rhombencephalon EMAPA:16148 future hindbrain anatomical_structure pro-rhombomere A rhombomere A EMAPA:16149 anterior pro-rhombomere anatomical_structure EMAPA:16150 anterior pro-rhombomere floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16151 anterior pro-rhombomere neural fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16152 anterior pro-rhombomere neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16153 future hindbrain neural ectoderm EMAPA:32936 EMAPA:35363 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16154 future hindbrain floor plate EMAPA:32733 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16155 future hindbrain neural fold EMAPA:35365 EMAPA:35366 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16156 future hindbrain neural crest anatomical_structure pro-rhombomere B rhombomere B EMAPA:16157 posterior pro-rhombomere anatomical_structure EMAPA:16158 posterior pro-rhombomere floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16159 posterior pro-rhombomere neural fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16160 posterior pro-rhombomere neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16161 pre-otic sulcus EMAPA:16093 EMAPA:16528 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16162 future spinal cord neural fold EMAPA:16094 EMAPA:16529 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16163 future spinal cord neural crest EMAPA:16530 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16164 neural tube EMAPA:16531 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16165 neural tube floor plate EMAPA:16532 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16166 neural tube lateral wall EMAPA:16533 anatomical_structure future spinal canal EMAPA:16167 neural lumen EMAPA:16535 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16168 neural tube roof plate EMAPA:16100 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16169 head mesenchyme derived from neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16170 trigeminal neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16171 head paraxial mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16172 head somite anatomical_structure EMAPA:16173 somite 01 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16174 somite 02 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16175 somite 03 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16176 somite 04 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16177 trunk mesenchyme anatomical_structure intermediate mesoderm intermediate plate EMAPA:16178 intermediate mesenchyme anatomical_structure lateral plate mesenchyme EMAPA:16179 lateral plate mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16180 somatopleure anatomical_structure EMAPA:16181 splanchnopleure EMAPA:16321 EMAPA:16413 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16182 trunk mesenchyme derived from neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16183 trunk paraxial mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16184 trunk somite anatomical_structure EMAPA:16185 somite 05 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16186 somite 06 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16187 somite 07 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16188 somite 08 anatomical_structure trunk pre-somitic mesenchyme trunk presomitic mesenchyme EMAPA:16189 trunk unsegmented mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16190 primordial germ cell of trunk mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16191 notochord anatomical_structure EMAPA:16192 sensory organ system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16193 ear anatomical_structure EMAPA:16194 inner ear anatomical_structure EMAPA:16195 otic placode anatomical_structure EMAPA:16196 otic placode mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16197 otic placode epithelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16198 eye anatomical_structure optic evagination EMAPA:16199 optic sulcus anatomical_structure EMAPA:16200 optic sulcus neural ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16201 arterial system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16204 dorsal aorta anatomical_structure EMAPA:16205 left dorsal aorta anatomical_structure EMAPA:16206 right dorsal aorta anatomical_structure omphalomesenteric artery EMAPA:16207 vitelline artery true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16209 primitive heart tube cardiac jelly anatomical_structure EMAPA:16210 primitive heart tube endocardial tube anatomical_structure EMAPA:16211 primitive heart tube cardiac muscle anatomical_structure cardiac mesentery EMAPA:16212 heart mesentery anatomical_structure dorsal heart mesentery dorsal mesentery of heart EMAPA:16213 dorsal mesocardium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16214 transverse pericardial sinus EMAPA:16208 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16215 primitive heart tube true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16237 sinus venosus anatomical_structure EMAPA:16238 sinus venosus left horn anatomical_structure EMAPA:16239 sinus venosus right horn anatomical_structure EMAPA:16240 venous system EMAPA:16355 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16241 anterior cardinal vein anatomical_structure EMAPA:16242 primary head vein anatomical_structure EMAPA:16243 umbilical vein embryonic part anatomical_structure omphalomesenteric vein EMAPA:16244 vitelline vein embryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16245 visceral organ system anatomical_structure digestive system gastrointestinal system EMAPA:16246 alimentary system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16247 gut anatomical_structure foregut pocket EMAPA:16248 foregut diverticulum anatomical_structure EMAPA:16249 foregut diverticulum mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16250 foregut diverticulum endoderm anatomical_structure hindgut pocket EMAPA:16251 hindgut diverticulum anatomical_structure EMAPA:16252 hindgut diverticulum mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16253 hindgut diverticulum endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16254 primordial germ cell of hindgut EMAPA:17042 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16255 midgut EMAPA:17043 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16256 midgut mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16257 midgut endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16258 mouth-foregut junction anatomical_structure EMAPA:16259 buccopharyngeal membrane anatomical_structure EMAPA:16260 buccopharyngeal membrane ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16261 buccopharyngeal membrane endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16262 oral region anatomical_structure mouth pit oral pit stomatodaeum stomodaeum stomodeum EMAPA:16263 stomatodeum anatomical_structure allantoic mesenchyme EMAPA:16264 allantois mesenchyme anatomical_structure amnionic mesenchyme EMAPA:16265 amnion mesenchyme anatomical_structure chorionic mesenchyme EMAPA:16266 chorion mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16267 yolk sac mesenchyme true anatomical_structure hyoid arch second branchial arch EMAPA:16272 2nd branchial arch anatomical_structure EMAPA:16273 2nd branchial membrane anatomical_structure EMAPA:16274 2nd branchial membrane endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16275 2nd branchial pouch anatomical_structure EMAPA:16276 2nd branchial pouch endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16277 2nd branchial arch ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16278 2nd branchial arch endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16279 2nd branchial arch mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16280 2nd branchial arch mesenchyme derived from head mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16281 2nd branchial arch mesenchyme derived from neural crest anatomical_structure pericardio-peritoneal channel EMAPA:16282 pericardio-peritoneal canal anatomical_structure EMAPA:16283 pericardio-peritoneal canal cavity anatomical_structure EMAPA:16284 pericardio-peritoneal canal mesothelium EMAPA:16477 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16285 future midbrain roof plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16286 future hindbrain posterior to rhombomere 5 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16287 future hindbrain posterior to rhombomere 5 floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16288 future hindbrain posterior to rhombomere 5 neural fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16289 future hindbrain posterior to rhombomere 5 neural crest EMAPA:16480 EMAPA:16918 EMAPA:17092 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16290 rhombomere 1 EMAPA:16481 EMAPA:16919 EMAPA:17093 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16291 rhombomere 1 floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16292 rhombomere 1 neural fold EMAPA:16484 EMAPA:16925 EMAPA:17099 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16293 rhombomere 2 EMAPA:16485 EMAPA:16926 EMAPA:17100 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16294 rhombomere 2 floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16295 rhombomere 2 neural fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16296 rhombomere 2 neural crest EMAPA:16488 EMAPA:16932 EMAPA:17106 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16297 rhombomere 3 EMAPA:16489 EMAPA:16933 EMAPA:17107 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16298 rhombomere 3 floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16299 rhombomere 3 neural fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16300 rhombomere 3 neural crest EMAPA:16492 EMAPA:16939 EMAPA:17113 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16301 rhombomere 4 EMAPA:16493 EMAPA:16940 EMAPA:17114 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16302 rhombomere 4 floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16303 rhombomere 4 neural fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16304 rhombomere 4 neural crest EMAPA:16496 EMAPA:16946 EMAPA:17120 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16305 rhombomere 5 EMAPA:16497 EMAPA:16947 EMAPA:17121 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16306 rhombomere 5 floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16307 rhombomere 5 neural fold anatomical_structure EMAPA:16308 rhombomere 5 neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16309 rhombomere 1 neural crest EMAPA:16534 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16310 neural luminal occlusion anatomical_structure EMAPA:16311 facial neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16312 facio-acoustic neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16313 somite 09 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16314 somite 10 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16315 somite 11 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16316 somite 12 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16317 somite 13 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16318 septum transversum anatomical_structure EMAPA:16319 septum transversum hepatic component anatomical_structure EMAPA:16320 septum transversum non-hepatic component true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16322 optic eminence true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16324 optic eminence mesenchyme anatomical_structure optic evagination EMAPA:16325 optic pit anatomical_structure EMAPA:16326 optic pit neural ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16327 common dorsal aorta EMAPA:18612 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16328 internal carotid artery anatomical_structure EMAPA:16329 left internal carotid artery anatomical_structure EMAPA:16330 right internal carotid artery anatomical_structure EMAPA:16331 umbilical artery embryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16332 blood EMAPA:16216 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16333 bulbus cordis EMAPA:16217 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16334 bulbus cordis caudal half EMAPA:16218 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16335 bulbus cordis caudal half cardiac jelly EMAPA:16219 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16336 bulbus cordis caudal half endocardial tube EMAPA:16220 anatomical_structure bulbus cordis caudal half myocardium EMAPA:16337 bulbus cordis caudal half cardiac muscle EMAPA:16221 anatomical_structure conotruncus outflow tract proximal part EMAPA:16338 bulbus cordis rostral half EMAPA:16222 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16339 bulbus cordis rostral half cardiac jelly EMAPA:16223 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16340 bulbus cordis rostral half endocardial tube EMAPA:16224 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16341 bulbus cordis rostral half cardiac muscle EMAPA:16225 EMAPA:16689 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16342 common atrial chamber EMAPA:16226 EMAPA:16690 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16343 common atrial chamber cardiac jelly EMAPA:16227 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16344 common atrial chamber endocardial tube EMAPA:16228 EMAPA:16692 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16345 common atrial chamber cardiac muscle EMAPA:16229 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16346 outflow tract EMAPA:16230 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16347 outflow tract cardiac jelly EMAPA:16231 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16348 outflow tract endocardial tube EMAPA:16232 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16349 outflow tract mesenchyme EMAPA:16233 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16350 primitive ventricle EMAPA:16234 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16351 primitive ventricle cardiac jelly EMAPA:16235 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16352 primitive ventricle endocardial tube EMAPA:16236 anatomical_structure primitive ventricle myocardium EMAPA:16353 primitive ventricle cardiac muscle anatomical_structure EMAPA:16354 cardinal vein true anatomical_structure Duct of Cuvier future coronary sinus EMAPA:16356 common cardinal vein anatomical_structure EMAPA:16357 posterior cardinal vein anatomical_structure EMAPA:16358 left umbilical vein embryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16359 right umbilical vein embryonic part true EMAPA:16558 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16361 thyroid primordium EMAPA:16559 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16362 thyroid primordium mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16363 foregut-midgut junction anatomical_structure EMAPA:16364 foregut-midgut junction mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16365 foregut-midgut junction mesentery anatomical_structure EMAPA:16366 foregut-midgut junction dorsal mesentery anatomical_structure urogenital system EMAPA:16367 genitourinary system anatomical_structure nephric cord EMAPA:16368 nephrogenic cord anatomical_structure Wolffian duct EMAPA:16369 presumptive nephric duct anatomical_structure EMAPA:16370 extraembryonic vascular system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16371 extraembryonic arterial system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16372 umbilical artery extraembryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16373 common umbilical artery anatomical_structure EMAPA:16374 extraembryonic venous system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16375 umbilical vein extraembryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16376 common umbilical vein anatomical_structure EMAPA:16377 left umbilical vein extraembryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16378 right umbilical vein extraembryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16379 vitelline vein extraembryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16380 left vitelline vein extraembryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16381 right vitelline vein extraembryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16382 1st branchial arch mandibular component anatomical_structure EMAPA:16383 1st branchial arch mandibular component ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16384 1st branchial arch mandibular component endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16385 1st branchial arch mandibular component mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16386 1st branchial arch mandibular component mesenchyme derived from head mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16387 1st branchial arch mandibular component mesenchyme derived from neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16388 1st branchial arch maxillary component anatomical_structure EMAPA:16389 1st branchial arch maxillary component ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16390 1st branchial arch maxillary component endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16391 1st branchial arch maxillary component mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16392 1st branchial arch maxillary component mesenchyme derived from head mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16393 1st branchial arch maxillary component mesenchyme derived from neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16394 1st branchial arch maxillary-mandibular groove anatomical_structure EMAPA:16395 1st branchial arch maxillary-mandibular groove ectoderm anatomical_structure 2nd branchial cleft EMAPA:16396 2nd branchial groove anatomical_structure EMAPA:16397 2nd branchial groove ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16398 2nd branchial membrane ectoderm anatomical_structure third branchial arch EMAPA:16399 3rd branchial arch anatomical_structure EMAPA:16400 3rd branchial arch ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16401 3rd branchial arch endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16402 3rd branchial arch mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16403 3rd branchial arch mesenchyme derived from head mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16404 3rd branchial arch mesenchyme derived from neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16405 limb anatomical_structure EMAPA:16406 forelimb bud anatomical_structure EMAPA:16407 forelimb bud ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16408 forelimb bud mesenchyme anatomical_structure lateral plate mesenchyme EMAPA:16409 mesenchyme derived from lateral plate EMAPA:16598 anatomical_structure somatic mesenchyme EMAPA:16410 mesenchyme derived from somatopleure EMAPA:16599 anatomical_structure splanchnic mesenchyme EMAPA:16411 mesenchyme derived from splanchnopleure true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16414 somite 05 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16415 somite 05 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16416 somite 05 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16417 somite 06 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16418 somite 06 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16419 somite 06 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16420 somite 07 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16421 somite 07 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16422 somite 07 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16423 somite 08 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16424 somite 08 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16425 somite 08 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16426 somite 09 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16427 somite 09 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16428 somite 09 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16429 somite 10 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16430 somite 10 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16431 somite 10 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16432 somite 11 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16433 somite 11 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16434 somite 11 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16435 somite 12 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16436 somite 12 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16437 somite 12 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16438 somite 13 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16439 somite 13 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16440 somite 13 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16441 somite 14 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16442 somite 14 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16443 somite 14 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16444 somite 14 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16445 somite 15 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16446 somite 15 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16447 somite 15 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16448 somite 15 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16449 somite 16 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16450 somite 16 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16451 somite 16 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16452 somite 16 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16453 somite 17 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16454 somite 17 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16455 somite 17 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16456 somite 17 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16457 somite 18 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16458 somite 18 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16459 somite 18 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16460 somite 18 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16461 somite 19 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16462 somite 19 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16463 somite 19 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16464 somite 19 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16465 somite 20 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16466 somite 20 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16467 somite 20 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16468 somite 20 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16469 nervous system anatomical_structure CNS neural tube EMAPA:16470 central nervous system true true true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16474 future midbrain lateral wall true true true true true true true EMAPA:16920 EMAPA:17094 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16482 rhombomere 1 lateral wall EMAPA:16924 EMAPA:17098 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16483 rhombomere 1 roof plate true true EMAPA:16927 EMAPA:17101 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16486 rhombomere 2 lateral wall EMAPA:16931 EMAPA:17105 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16487 rhombomere 2 roof plate true true EMAPA:16934 EMAPA:17108 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16490 rhombomere 3 lateral wall EMAPA:16938 EMAPA:17112 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16491 rhombomere 3 roof plate true true EMAPA:16941 EMAPA:17115 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16494 rhombomere 4 lateral wall EMAPA:16945 EMAPA:17119 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16495 rhombomere 4 roof plate true true EMAPA:16948 EMAPA:17122 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16498 rhombomere 5 lateral wall EMAPA:16952 EMAPA:17126 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16499 rhombomere 5 roof plate EMAPA:16953 EMAPA:17127 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16500 rhombomere 6 EMAPA:16954 EMAPA:17128 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16501 rhombomere 6 floor plate EMAPA:16955 EMAPA:17129 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16502 rhombomere 6 lateral wall EMAPA:16959 EMAPA:17133 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16503 rhombomere 6 roof plate EMAPA:16960 EMAPA:17134 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16504 rhombomere 7 EMAPA:16961 EMAPA:17135 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16505 rhombomere 7 floor plate EMAPA:16962 EMAPA:17136 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16506 rhombomere 7 lateral wall EMAPA:16966 EMAPA:17140 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16507 rhombomere 7 roof plate EMAPA:16967 EMAPA:17141 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16508 rhombomere 8 EMAPA:16968 EMAPA:17142 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16509 rhombomere 8 floor plate EMAPA:16969 EMAPA:17143 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16510 rhombomere 8 lateral wall EMAPA:16973 EMAPA:17147 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16511 rhombomere 8 roof plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16512 prosencephalon anatomical_structure EMAPA:16513 prosencephalon floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16514 future diencephalon true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16516 future diencephalon floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16517 future diencephalon lateral wall anatomical_structure EMAPA:16518 future diencephalon neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16519 future diencephalon roof plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16520 prosencephalon lateral wall anatomical_structure EMAPA:16521 prosencephalic vesicle anatomical_structure EMAPA:16522 prosencephalon roof plate anatomical_structure anterior neuropore EMAPA:16523 rostral neuropore anatomical_structure EMAPA:16524 prosencephalon neural crest true anatomical_structure posterior neuropore EMAPA:16526 caudal neuropore true true true true true true true true true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16536 otic pit anatomical_structure EMAPA:16537 otic pit mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16538 otic pit epithelium EMAPA:16323 optic eminence ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16539 optic eminence surface ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16540 optic vesicle anatomical_structure EMAPA:16541 optic vesicle neural ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16542 nose anatomical_structure nasal placode EMAPA:16543 olfactory placode anatomical_structure EMAPA:16544 left umbilical artery anatomical_structure EMAPA:16545 right umbilical artery anatomical_structure atrio-ventricular canal ependymal canal EMAPA:16546 atrioventricular canal anatomical_structure EMAPA:16547 vessels connecting internal carotid artery to primary head veins EMAPA:16553 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16548 foregut anatomical_structure EMAPA:16549 pharyngeal region anatomical_structure EMAPA:16550 pharyngeal region mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16551 pharyngeal region epithelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16552 pharyngeal region vascular element true true true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16556 foregut vascular element anatomical_structure EMAPA:16557 foregut gland true true true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16561 biliary bud anatomical_structure EMAPA:16562 biliary bud extrahepatic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16563 biliary bud intrahepatic part EMAPA:27019 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16564 foregut-midgut junction epithelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16566 foregut-midgut junction vascular element anatomical_structure EMAPA:16567 hindgut diverticulum epithelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16568 hindgut diverticulum vascular element EMAPA:17044 EMAPA:27145 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16569 midgut epithelium EMAPA:17047 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16570 midgut vascular element anatomical_structure EMAPA:16572 stomatodeum gland true true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16575 stomatodeum ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16576 genitourinary system mesenchyme The nephric duct (nd) (syn: mesonephric duct, Wolffian duct) (TS:14-TS:24). Paired epithelial ducts which develop early in development (TS:14) in the cranial/anterior intermediate mesoderm and extend caudally down the rostro-caudal axis of the embryo to terminate at the cloaca. The nephric duct is subdivided along its anterior-posterior length, into the pronephric portion, mesonephric portion (part of the mesonephros) (located in mesonephros, anterior), metanephric portion (adjacent to the metanephros) and common nephric duct (posterior portion below the metanephros). These regions are stage-dependant, with the pronephric portion present at TS:14 in the pronephros, the mesonpehric portion from TS:15 in the mesonephros and posterior to these, the metanerphric portion from TS:17. The regions are part of either the urinary or reproductive system. After the urogenital sinus extends from the cloaca, the nephric duct connects to the dorsal side of the caudal urogenital sinus at the urogenital sinus ridge. The ducts are marked by Cdh1 and Hoxb7. As the ontology becomes gender-specific, the nephric duct becomes the nephric duct of male/female (from TS:20). EMAPA:28425 EMAPA:28429 anatomical_structure Wolffian duct mesonephric duct EMAPA:16577 nephric duct The nephric duct (nd) (syn: mesonephric duct, Wolffian duct) (TS:14-TS:24). Paired epithelial ducts which develop early in development (TS:14) in the cranial/anterior intermediate mesoderm and extend caudally down the rostro-caudal axis of the embryo to terminate at the cloaca. The nephric duct is subdivided along its anterior-posterior length, into the pronephric portion, mesonephric portion (part of the mesonephros) (located in mesonephros, anterior), metanephric portion (adjacent to the metanephros) and common nephric duct (posterior portion below the metanephros). These regions are stage-dependant, with the pronephric portion present at TS:14 in the pronephros, the mesonpehric portion from TS:15 in the mesonephros and posterior to these, the metanerphric portion from TS:17. The regions are part of either the urinary or reproductive system. After the urogenital sinus extends from the cloaca, the nephric duct connects to the dorsal side of the caudal urogenital sinus at the urogenital sinus ridge. The ducts are marked by Cdh1 and Hoxb7. As the ontology becomes gender-specific, the nephric duct becomes the nephric duct of male/female (from TS:20). PMID:25968320 EMAPA:16859 EMAPA:17386 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16578 primordial germ cell of gonad anatomical_structure EMAPA:16579 pronephros anatomical_structure EMAPA:16580 tail bud anatomical_structure 3rd branchial cleft EMAPA:16581 3rd branchial groove anatomical_structure EMAPA:16582 3rd branchial groove ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16583 3rd branchial membrane anatomical_structure EMAPA:16584 3rd branchial membrane ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16585 3rd branchial membrane endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16586 3rd branchial pouch anatomical_structure EMAPA:16587 3rd branchial pouch endoderm EMAPA:17175 EMAPA:18450 pericardium parietal mesothelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16588 parietal pericardium EMAPA:17176 EMAPA:18451 anatomical_structure epicardium pericardium visceral mesothelium EMAPA:16589 visceral pericardium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16590 pericardio-peritoneal canal parietal mesothelium anatomical_structure parietal peritoneum EMAPA:16591 peritoneum parietal mesothelium anatomical_structure visceral peritoneum EMAPA:16592 peritoneum visceral mesothelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16593 hindlimb ridge anatomical_structure EMAPA:16594 hindlimb ridge ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16595 hindlimb ridge mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16596 trunk mesenchyme derived from neural crest lateral migration pathway anatomical_structure EMAPA:16597 trunk mesenchyme derived from neural crest medial migration pathway true true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16600 somite 21 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16601 somite 21 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16602 somite 21 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16603 somite 21 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16604 somite 22 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16605 somite 22 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16606 somite 22 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16607 somite 22 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16608 somite 23 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16609 somite 23 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16610 somite 23 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16611 somite 23 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16612 somite 24 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16613 somite 24 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16614 somite 24 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16615 somite 24 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16616 somite 25 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16617 somite 25 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16618 somite 25 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16619 somite 25 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16620 somite 26 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16621 somite 26 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16622 somite 26 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16623 somite 26 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16624 somite 27 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16625 somite 27 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16626 somite 27 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16627 somite 27 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16628 somite 28 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16629 somite 28 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16630 somite 28 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16631 somite 28 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16632 somite 29 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16633 somite 29 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16634 somite 29 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16635 somite 29 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16636 somite 30 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16637 somite 30 dermomyotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16638 somite 30 myocoele anatomical_structure EMAPA:16639 somite 30 sclerotome anatomical_structure EMAPA:16640 future forebrain true true true true true true EMAPA:16898 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16647 future neurohypophysis true true true true true anatomical_structure future lateral ventricle EMAPA:16653 telencephalic vesicle true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16655 telencephalon floor plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16656 telencephalon lateral wall anatomical_structure EMAPA:16657 telencephalon roof plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16658 central nervous system ganglion anatomical_structure cranial nerve ganglion ganglion of cranial nerve EMAPA:16659 cranial ganglion anatomical_structure facio-acoustic VII-VIII preganglion complex EMAPA:16660 facio-acoustic preganglion complex anatomical_structure glossopharyngeal IX preganglion EMAPA:16661 glossopharyngeal preganglion anatomical_structure glossopharyngeal-vagus IX-X preganglion complex EMAPA:16662 glossopharyngeal-vagus preganglion complex anatomical_structure trigeminal V preganglion EMAPA:16663 trigeminal preganglion anatomical_structure vagus V preganglion EMAPA:16664 vagus preganglion anatomical_structure PNS EMAPA:16665 peripheral nervous system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16666 spinal component of peripheral nervous system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16667 spinal ganglion anatomical_structure DRG posterior root ganglion EMAPA:16668 dorsal root ganglion anatomical_structure otic vesicle EMAPA:16669 otocyst anatomical_structure EMAPA:16670 otocyst mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16671 otocyst epithelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16672 lens placode anatomical_structure EMAPA:16673 eye mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16674 optic cup anatomical_structure future neural epithelium future neural layer EMAPA:16675 optic cup inner layer anatomical_structure optic cup intra-retinal space EMAPA:16676 optic cup intraretinal space anatomical_structure future pigmented layer future pigmented retinal epithelium EMAPA:16677 optic cup outer layer anatomical_structure EMAPA:16678 optic stalk anatomical_structure EMAPA:16679 naso-lacrimal groove anatomical_structure nasal prominence EMAPA:16680 nasal process anatomical_structure EMAPA:16681 fronto-nasal process anatomical_structure EMAPA:16682 fronto-nasal process ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16683 fronto-nasal process mesenchyme anatomical_structure aortic arch artery pharyngeal arch artery EMAPA:16684 branchial arch artery anatomical_structure 1st aortic arch artery 1st branchial arch artery 1st pharyngeal arch artery first arch artery EMAPA:16685 1st arch artery anatomical_structure 2nd aortic arch artery 2nd branchial arch artery 2nd pharyngeal arch artery EMAPA:16686 2nd arch artery anatomical_structure 3rd aortic arch artery 3rd branchial arch artery 3rd pharyngeal arch artery EMAPA:16687 3rd arch artery anatomical_structure cardiac atrium EMAPA:16688 heart atrium true true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16691 common atrial chamber endocardial lining true anatomical_structure bulbo-ventricular groove bulbo-ventricular sulcus ependymal groove ependymal sulcus EMAPA:16693 bulboventricular groove anatomical_structure EMAPA:16694 bulbus cordis caudal half endocardial lining anatomical_structure EMAPA:16695 bulbus cordis rostral half endocardial lining anatomical_structure EMAPA:16696 endocardial cushion anatomical_structure EMAPA:16697 primitive ventricle endocardial lining anatomical_structure EMAPA:16698 left vitelline vein embryonic part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16699 right vitelline vein embryonic part anatomical_structure esophagus region EMAPA:16700 esophageal region anatomical_structure EMAPA:16701 esophageal region mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16702 esophageal region epithelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16703 esophageal region mesentery EMAPA:16837 EMAPA:18865 anatomical_structure dorsal meso-oesophagus EMAPA:16704 dorsal meso-esophagus anatomical_structure EMAPA:16705 esophageal region vascular element EMAPA:18838 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16706 pharynx EMAPA:35685 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16707 pharynx mesenchyme EMAPA:18868 EMAPA:26961 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16708 pharynx epithelium EMAPA:18888 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16709 pharynx vascular element anatomical_structure EMAPA:16710 foregut mesentery anatomical_structure EMAPA:16711 foregut dorsal mesentery anatomical_structure EMAPA:16712 foregut ventral mesentery EMAPA:16842 anatomical_structure cystic primordium EMAPA:16713 gallbladder primordium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16714 foregut-midgut junction ventral mesentery EMAPA:17900 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16715 hindgut EMAPA:17901 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16716 hindgut mesenchyme EMAPA:17902 EMAPA:27075 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16717 hindgut epithelium EMAPA:17903 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16718 hindgut mesentery EMAPA:17904 anatomical_structure dorsal mesocolon dorsal mesorectum EMAPA:16719 hindgut dorsal mesentery EMAPA:17905 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16720 hindgut vascular element EMAPA:17045 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16721 midgut mesentery EMAPA:17046 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16722 midgut dorsal mesentery anatomical_structure EMAPA:16723 oral region gland EMAPA:16573 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16724 future adenohypophysis EMAPA:16574 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16725 Rathke's pouch anatomical_structure EMAPA:16726 oral region ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16727 respiratory system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16728 lung anatomical_structure EMAPA:16729 left lung rudiment anatomical_structure EMAPA:16730 left lung rudiment mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16731 left lung rudiment epithelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16732 left lung rudiment vascular element anatomical_structure EMAPA:16733 right lung rudiment anatomical_structure EMAPA:16734 right lung rudiment mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16735 right lung rudiment epithelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16736 right lung rudiment vascular element anatomical_structure EMAPA:16737 respiratory tract anatomical_structure EMAPA:16738 lower respiratory tract anatomical_structure EMAPA:16739 laryngo-tracheal groove anatomical_structure EMAPA:16740 tracheal diverticulum anatomical_structure EMAPA:16741 tracheal diverticulum mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16742 tracheal diverticulum epithelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16743 tracheal diverticulum vascular element EMAPA:27644 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16744 mesonephros EMAPA:16746 EMAPA:27585 EMAPA:27661 EMAPA:35563 EMAPA:35564 EMAPA:35565 mesonephric mesenchyme anatomical_structure mesonephros non-tubular part EMAPA:16745 mesonephros mesenchyme true EMAPA:27588 EMAPA:27659 EMAPA:35566 anatomical_structure mesonephros tubule EMAPA:16747 mesonephric tubule anatomical_structure EMAPA:16748 tail anatomical_structure EMAPA:16749 tail mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16750 tail mesenchyme derived from neural crest anatomical_structure EMAPA:16751 tail paraxial mesenchyme anatomical_structure tail pre-somitic mesenchyme tail presomitic mesenchyme EMAPA:16752 tail unsegmented mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16753 tail nervous system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16754 tail central nervous system anatomical_structure EMAPA:16755 tail future spinal cord anatomical_structure EMAPA:16756 tail neural plate anatomical_structure EMAPA:16757 tail neural tube anatomical_structure EMAPA:16758 3rd branchial pouch dorsal endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16759 3rd branchial pouch ventral endoderm anatomical_structure fourth branchial arch EMAPA:16760 4th branchial arch anatomical_structure 4th branchial cleft EMAPA:16761 4th branchial groove anatomical_structure EMAPA:16762 4th branchial groove ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16763 4th branchial membrane anatomical_structure EMAPA:16764 4th branchial membrane ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16765 4th branchial membrane endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16766 4th branchial pouch anatomical_structure EMAPA:16767 4th branchial pouch endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16768 4th branchial arch ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16769 4th branchial arch endoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16770 4th branchial arch mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16771 4th branchial arch mesenchyme derived from head mesoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16772 4th branchial arch mesenchyme derived from neural crest EMAPA:18462 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16773 pleural component EMAPA:18731 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16774 pleural cavity EMAPA:18463 pleural mesothelium anatomical_structure lung mesothelium EMAPA:16775 pleura EMAPA:18464 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16776 parietal pleura EMAPA:18465 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16777 visceral pleura anatomical_structure forelimb bud AER EMAPA:16778 forelimb bud apical ectodermal ridge anatomical_structure EMAPA:16779 hindlimb bud anatomical_structure EMAPA:16780 hindlimb bud ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16781 hindlimb bud mesenchyme true true anatomical_structure EMAPA:16785 future midbrain ventricular layer EMAPA:16923 EMAPA:17097 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16786 rhombomere 1 ventricular layer EMAPA:16930 EMAPA:17104 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16787 rhombomere 2 ventricular layer EMAPA:16937 EMAPA:17111 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16788 rhombomere 3 ventricular layer EMAPA:16944 EMAPA:17118 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16789 rhombomere 4 ventricular layer EMAPA:16951 EMAPA:17125 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16790 rhombomere 5 ventricular layer EMAPA:16958 EMAPA:17132 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16791 rhombomere 6 ventricular layer EMAPA:16965 EMAPA:17139 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16792 rhombomere 7 ventricular layer EMAPA:16972 EMAPA:17146 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16793 rhombomere 8 ventricular layer anatomical_structure facio-acoustic VII-VIII ganglion complex EMAPA:16794 facio-acoustic ganglion complex anatomical_structure glossopharyngeal IX ganglion EMAPA:16795 glossopharyngeal ganglion anatomical_structure glossopharyngeal-vagus IX-X ganglion complex EMAPA:16796 glossopharyngeal-vagus ganglion complex anatomical_structure Gasserian ganglion cranial ganglion V ganglion of 5th cranial nerve ganglion of cranial nerve V ganglion of trigeminal nerve semilunar ganglion trigeminal V ganglion EMAPA:16797 trigeminal ganglion anatomical_structure vagal ganglion vagus X ganglion EMAPA:16798 vagus ganglion anatomical_structure EMAPA:16799 lens pit anatomical_structure olfactory pit EMAPA:16800 nasal pit anatomical_structure EMAPA:16801 nasal pit epithelium anatomical_structure EMAPA:16802 frontal process anatomical_structure EMAPA:16803 frontal process ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16804 frontal process mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16805 latero-nasal process anatomical_structure EMAPA:16806 latero-nasal process ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16807 latero-nasal process mesenchyme anatomical_structure EMAPA:16808 medial-nasal process anatomical_structure EMAPA:16809 medial-nasal process ectoderm anatomical_structure EMAPA:16810 medial-nasal process mesenchyme anatomical_structure 7th cervical intersegmental artery axial artery of forelimb EMAPA:16811 principal artery to forelimb anatomical_structure 5th lumbar intersegmental artery axial artery of hindlimb EMAPA:16812 principal artery to hindlimb anatomical_structure EMAPA:16813 common atrial chamber left part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16814 common atrial chamber left part cardiac jelly anatomical_structure EMAPA:16815 common atrial chamber left part endocardial lining anatomical_structure EMAPA:16816 left auricular region anatomical_structure EMAPA:16817 left auricular region endocardial lining anatomical_structure EMAPA:16818 left auricular region cardiac muscle anatomical_structure EMAPA:16819 common atrial chamber left part cardiac muscle anatomical_structure EMAPA:16820 common atrial chamber right part anatomical_structure EMAPA:16821 common atrial chamber right part cardiac jelly anatomical_structure EMAPA:16822 common atrial chamber right part endocardial lining anatomical_structure EMAPA:16823 common atrial chamber right part cardiac muscle anatomical_structure EMAPA:16824 right auricular region anatomical_structure EMAPA:16825 right auricular region endocardial lining anatomical_structure EMAPA:16826 right auricular region cardiac muscle anatomical_structure EMAPA:16827 aortico-pulmonary spiral septum anatomical_structure EMAPA:16828 inter-subcardinal venous anastomosis anatomical_structure EMAPA:16829 subcardinal vein anatomical_structure EMAPA:16830 supracardinal vein anatomical_structure EMAPA:16831 anal region The cloacal membrane (clmem) (TS:16-TS:20) is the part of the cloaca where the two different epithelia of the surface ectoderm (of the embryo) and cloacal epithelium are in direct contact with each other. Comprised of cloacal epithelium of cloacal membrane and surface ectoderm of cloacal membrane. Fgf8 marks the cloacal epithelium component. (Note: the cloacal membrane is distinct to the urogenital membrane, which is comprised of the regions of surface ectoderm and urethral plate epithelium in contact with each other and part of the genital tubercle). anatomical_structure EMAPA:16832 cloacal membrane The cloacal membrane (clmem) (TS:16-TS:20) is the part of the cloaca where the two different epithelia of the surface ectoderm (of the embryo) and cloacal epithelium are in direct contact with each other. Comprised of cloacal epithelium of cloacal membrane and surface ectoderm of cloacal membrane. Fgf8 marks the cloacal epithelium component. (Note: the cloacal membrane is distinct to the urogenital membrane, which is comprised of the regions of surface ectoderm and urethral plate epithelium in contact with each other and part of the genital tubercle). PMID:25968320 EMAPA:18860 anatomical_structure oesophagus EMAPA:16833 esophagus EMAPA:35606 anatomical_structure esophageal mesenchyme EMAPA:16834 esophagus mesenchyme EMAPA:18862 EMAPA:26985 anatomical_structure esophageal epithelium EMAPA:16835 esophagus epithelium EMAPA:18864 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16836 esophagus mesentery true EMAPA:18866 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16838 esophagus vascular element EMAPA:35200 anatomical_structure EMAPA:16839 oral region epithelium