* SPD:$sequence(7,0,9999999)$ OBO-Edit 2.3.1 28:11:2016 21:12 spider_anatomy 1.0 Martin Ramirez definition namespace-id-rule consider database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym has_obo_format_version has_obo_namespace has_related_synonym spider_anatomy adjacent_to adjacent to spider_anatomy part_of part of Biological entity that is either an individual member of a biological species or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of a biological species. CARO:0000000 spider_anatomy SPD:0000000 anatomical entity Biological entity that is either an individual member of a biological species or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of a biological species. SPDrf:CARO Anatomical structure that is an individual member of a species and consists of more than one cell. CARO:0000012 whole organism spider_anatomy SPD:0000001 multi-cellular organism Anatomical structure that is an individual member of a species and consists of more than one cell. SPD:Ramirez whole organism SPD:Ramirez The anterior division of the spider body. cephalothorax spider_anatomy SPD:0000002 prosoma The anterior division of the spider body. SPD:Michalik cephalothorax SPD:Michalik The posterior division of the spider body. abdomen spider_anatomy SPD:0000003 opisthosoma The posterior division of the spider body. SPD:Michalik abdomen SPD:Michalik The outer non-cellular layer of the integument formed by the epidermis. FBbt:00004970 spider_anatomy SPD:0000004 cuticle The outer non-cellular layer of the integument formed by the epidermis. SPD:Ramirez The sclerite that covers the prosoma dorsally. dorsal shield of the prosoma spider_anatomy SPD:0000005 carapace The sclerite that covers the prosoma dorsally. SPD:Ramirez dorsal shield of the prosoma SPD:Ramirez First opisthosomal segment, the narrowed connection between prosoma and opisthosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000006 pedicel First opisthosomal segment, the narrowed connection between prosoma and opisthosoma. SPD:Ramirez SPD:0000058 epigastric area spider_anatomy SPD:0000007 Obsolesced because this term was a mixture of (mostly) external and internal terms. 2nd opisthosomal segment (epigastrium) true epigastric area SPD:Ramirez Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body. CARO:0000004 spider_anatomy SPD:0000008 Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body. portion of organism substance Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body. SPDrf:CARO SPD:0000059 spider_anatomy SPD:0000009 Obsolesced because this term was a mixture of external and internal terms. 3rd opisthosomal segment (posterior booklungs and tracheae) true Finger-like or conical silk spinning appendages located at the posterior end of the opisthosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000010 spinneret Finger-like or conical silk spinning appendages located at the posterior end of the opisthosoma. SPD:Ramirez A small lobe posterior to the spinnerets which bears the anal opening. spider_anatomy SPD:0000011 anal tubercle A small lobe posterior to the spinnerets which bears the anal opening. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary A temporally defined period of development of an organism. spider_anatomy SPD:0000012 Obsoleted because it is already covered by organism. stage true A temporally defined period of development of an organism. SPD:Ramirez Any of the two main divisions of the whole organism formed from groups of segments. FBbt:00000002 spider_anatomy SPD:0000013 tagma Any of the two main divisions of the whole organism formed from groups of segments. SPD:Ramirez An anatomical structure that consists of organs and organ subclasses responsible for certain body functions. spider_anatomy SPD:0000014 A division of the whole organism into specialized systems. organ system true An anatomical structure that consists of organs and organ subclasses responsible for certain body functions. SPD:Ramirez Light sensing organ with a single lens. spider_anatomy SPD:0000015 eye Light sensing organ with a single lens. SPD:Ramirez The anterior portion of the carapace, bearing the eyes, sometimes delimited posteriorly by marked thoracic furrows. caput cephalon head pars cephalica spider_anatomy SPD:0000016 cephalic area The anterior portion of the carapace, bearing the eyes, sometimes delimited posteriorly by marked thoracic furrows. SPD:Ramirez caput SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary cephalon SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary head SPD:Ramirez pars cephalica SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The posterior portion of the carapace, sometimes delimited anteriorly by marked thoracic furrows. spider_anatomy SPD:0000017 thoracic area The posterior portion of the carapace, sometimes delimited anteriorly by marked thoracic furrows. SPD:Ramirez The central depression in the carapace representing the invagination of the carapace where the stomach muscles attach. dorsal groove furrow pit thoracic groove spider_anatomy SPD:0000018 thoracic fovea The central depression in the carapace representing the invagination of the carapace where the stomach muscles attach. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary dorsal groove SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary furrow SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary pit SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary thoracic groove SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The anterior appendage of a spider (the jaw) consisting of a large basal segment (paturon) and an apical fang. spider_anatomy SPD:0000019 chelicera The anterior appendage of a spider (the jaw) consisting of a large basal segment (paturon) and an apical fang. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The palp of the female. palpus pedipalp spider_anatomy SPD:0000020 female palp The palp of the female. SPD:Ramirez palpus SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary pedipalp SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary Appendage of prosoma, between the palp and leg 2. fore leg leg I spider_anatomy SPD:0000021 leg 1 Appendage of prosoma, between the palp and leg 2. SPD:Ramirez fore leg SPD:Ramirez leg I SPD:Ramirez Appendage of prosoma, between the leg 1 and leg 3. leg II spider_anatomy SPD:0000022 leg 2 Appendage of prosoma, between the leg 1 and leg 3. SPD:Ramirez leg II SPD:Ramirez Appendage of prosoma, between the leg 2 and leg 4. leg III spider_anatomy SPD:0000023 leg 3 Appendage of prosoma, between the leg 2 and leg 4. SPD:Ramirez leg III SPD:Ramirez Most posterior appendage of prosoma. hind leg leg IV spider_anatomy SPD:0000024 leg 4 Most posterior appendage of prosoma. SPD:Ramirez hind leg SPD:Ramirez leg IV SPD:Ramirez Ventral sclerite on the pedicel. spider_anatomy pedicel ventral sclerite SPD:0000025 pedicel sternite Ventral sclerite on the pedicel. SPD:Ramirez pedicel ventral sclerite SPD:Ramirez The dorsal sclerite on the pedicel, or lorum. In many spiders the lorum is transversally divided into lorum 1 and lorum 2. lorum spider_anatomy SPD:0000026 pedicel tergite The dorsal sclerite on the pedicel, or lorum. In many spiders the lorum is transversally divided into lorum 1 and lorum 2. SPD:Ramirez lorum SPD:Ramirez The booklung of the second opisthosomal segment. spider_anatomy SPD:0000027 anterior booklung The booklung of the second opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez An often sclerotized and well-defined area in the median epigastric area that contains the copulatory openings. epigynum spider_anatomy SPD:0000028 epigyne An often sclerotized and well-defined area in the median epigastric area that contains the copulatory openings. SPD:Michalik epigynum SPD:Michalik A collective term for the internal elements of the female genitalia. endogyne spider_anatomy SPD:0000029 vulva A collective term for the internal elements of the female genitalia. SPD:Michalik endogyne SPDrf:Mcheidze_1972 The area just anterior to the epigastric fold and between the booklungs in male spiders, often bearing epiandrous spigots. spider_anatomy SPD:0000030 epiandrum The area just anterior to the epigastric fold and between the booklungs in male spiders, often bearing epiandrous spigots. SPD:Ramirez The respiratory structure homologous to the posterior booklung, which may be present as a booklung developed in full or in diverse grades of reduction, or as a (lateral) trachea. spider_anatomy SPD:0000031 posterior lateral respiratory structure true The respiratory structure homologous to the posterior booklung, which may be present as a booklung developed in full or in diverse grades of reduction, or as a (lateral) trachea. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000032 median tracheae or entapophyses true The spiracle of the posterior tracheal system. spider_anatomy SPD:0000033 posterior tracheal spiracle The spiracle of the posterior tracheal system. SPD:Ramirez A transverse groove or fold across the anterior ventral part of the opisthosoma, delimiting the second and third opisthosomal segments. epigastric fold spider_anatomy SPD:0000034 epigastric furrow A transverse groove or fold across the anterior ventral part of the opisthosoma, delimiting the second and third opisthosomal segments. SPD:Ramirez epigastric fold SPD:Ramirez The anterior median opisthosomal appendage, which may be present as a spinneret in some Mesothelae, or reduced to the cribellum or colulus in Araneomorphae; it is absent in Mygalomorphae. SPD:0000081 spider_anatomy SPD:0000035 AMS-cribellum-colulus true The anterior median opisthosomal appendage, which may be present as a spinneret in some Mesothelae, or reduced to the cribellum or colulus in Araneomorphae; it is absent in Mygalomorphae. SPD:Ramirez The lateral spinneret of the fourth opisthosomal segment. ALS anterior spinneret spider_anatomy SPD:0000036 anterior lateral spinneret The lateral spinneret of the fourth opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez ALS SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary anterior spinneret SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The median spinneret of the fifth opisthosomal segment. PMS median spinneret spider_anatomy SPD:0000037 posterior median spinneret The median spinneret of the fifth opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez PMS SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary median spinneret SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The lateral spinneret of the fifth opisthosomal segment. PLS posterior spinneret spider_anatomy SPD:0000038 posterior lateral spinneret The lateral spinneret of the fifth opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez PLS SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary posterior spinneret SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary A small sclerite at the base of the chelicera, under the clypeus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000039 chilum A small sclerite at the base of the chelicera, under the clypeus. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The space between the anterior edge of the carapace and the anterior eyes. spider_anatomy SPD:0000040 clypeus The space between the anterior edge of the carapace and the anterior eyes. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The dorsal sclerite of the anal tubercle. spider_anatomy SPD:0000041 anal tubercle tergite The dorsal sclerite of the anal tubercle. SPD:Ramirez The ventral sclerite of the anal tubercle. spider_anatomy SPD:0000042 anal tubercle sternite The ventral sclerite of the anal tubercle. SPD:Ramirez The organ system of ectodermal origin consisting of cuticle and epidermis. It includes also sensory and glandular structures. FBbt:00004969 spider_anatomy SPD:0000043 The organ system that forms the covering layer of the animal. integument The organ system of ectodermal origin consisting of cuticle and epidermis. It includes also sensory and glandular structures. SPD:Ramirez The elements in the second and third segment of the opisthosoma of adult females, which are involved in copulation, sperm storage and fertilization. spider_anatomy SPD:0000044 female genitalia The elements in the second and third segment of the opisthosoma of adult females, which are involved in copulation, sperm storage and fertilization. SPD:Michalik The palp of the adult male, modified, with a copulatory organ attached to the tarsus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000045 male palp The palp of the adult male, modified, with a copulatory organ attached to the tarsus. SPD:Ramirez The movable body of the seta, articulated on the setal socket. spider_anatomy SPD:0000046 setal shaft The movable body of the seta, articulated on the setal socket. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000047 intestine true The median of the anterior row. AME primary eye spider_anatomy SPD:0000048 anterior median eye The median of the anterior row. SPD:Ramirez AME SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary primary eye SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The lateral eye of the anterior row. ALE spider_anatomy SPD:0000049 anterior lateral eye The lateral eye of the anterior row. SPD:Ramirez ALE SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The median eye of the posterior row. PME spider_anatomy SPD:0000050 posterior median eye The median eye of the posterior row. SPD:Ramirez PME SPD:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The lateral eye of the posterior row. PLE spider_anatomy SPD:0000051 posterior lateral eye The lateral eye of the posterior row. SPD:Ramirez PLE SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The posterior margin of the carapace on top of the pedicel. spider_anatomy SPD:0000052 carapace posterior margin The posterior margin of the carapace on top of the pedicel. SPD:Ramirez A cord of silk composed by more than one silk fiber. spider_anatomy SPD:0000053 silk cable A cord of silk composed by more than one silk fiber. SPD:Ramirez A single silk thread, produced by a single spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000054 silk fiber A single silk thread, produced by a single spigot. SPD:Ramirez A segment of the opisthosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000055 opisthosomal segment A segment of the opisthosoma. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000056 prosoma segment true spider_anatomy SPD:0000057 external opisthosoma true The ventral part of the second opisthosomal segment, between the pedicel and the epigastric furrow. epigastrium spider_anatomy SPD:0000058 epigastric area The ventral part of the second opisthosomal segment, between the pedicel and the epigastric furrow. SPD:Ramirez epigastrium SPD:Ramirez A tentative term for the ventral opisthosomal area between the epigastric fold and the spinnerets. It corresponds with the 3rd opisthosomal segment. spider_anatomy SPD:0000059 postepigastric area A tentative term for the ventral opisthosomal area between the epigastric fold and the spinnerets. It corresponds with the 3rd opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez The part of the respiratory system corresponding to the third segment of the opisthosoma, including the posterior booklungs, tracheae and its derivations. spider_anatomy SPD:0000060 posterior respiratory system The part of the respiratory system corresponding to the third segment of the opisthosoma, including the posterior booklungs, tracheae and its derivations. SPD:Ramirez The booklung of the third opisthosomal segment. spider_anatomy SPD:0000061 posterior booklung The booklung of the third opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez A depression on the clypeus with glandular tissue. spider_anatomy SPD:0000062 clypeal gland A depression on the clypeus with glandular tissue. SPDrf:Hormiga_1994 A depression on the side of the carapace, above the palp, with pores, presumable gland openings. spider_anatomy SPD:0000063 suprapalpal pit gland A depression on the side of the carapace, above the palp, with pores, presumable gland openings. SPD:Ramirez The paired respiratory structure homologous to the 3rd opisthosomal entapophysis, which may be present as a median trachea. spider_anatomy SPD:0000064 posterior median respiratory structure true The paired respiratory structure homologous to the 3rd opisthosomal entapophysis, which may be present as a median trachea. SPD:Ramirez A paired trachea arising between the two lateral respiratory structures. Median tracheae are derived from muscle apodemes (the 3rd opisthosomal entapophyses), and thus may retain a connection with the opisthosomal muscles at the tip. spider_anatomy SPD:0000065 median trachea A paired trachea arising between the two lateral respiratory structures. Median tracheae are derived from muscle apodemes (the 3rd opisthosomal entapophyses), and thus may retain a connection with the opisthosomal muscles at the tip. SPDrf:Purcell_1909 The entapophysis of the third opisthosomal segment. 3rd apodeme 3rd entapophysis spider_anatomy SPD:0000066 entapophysis 3 The entapophysis of the third opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez 3rd apodeme SPD:Ramirez 3rd entapophysis SPD:Ramirez The apical segment of a chelicera, bearing the opening of the venom gland. spider_anatomy SPD:0000067 fang The apical segment of a chelicera, bearing the opening of the venom gland. SPD:Ramirez The basal segment of the chelicera. spider_anatomy SPD:0000068 paturon The basal segment of the chelicera. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The spiracle of the posterior booklung. spider_anatomy SPD:0000069 posterior booklung spiracle The spiracle of the posterior booklung. SPD:Ramirez A leaf of the posterior booklung. spider_anatomy SPD:0000070 posterior booklung leaf A leaf of the posterior booklung. SPD:Ramirez A small sclerite on the posterior end of the intercheliceral articulation, usually matching a small concavity on each paturon. postchilum posterior chilum spider_anatomy SPD:0000071 intercheliceral sclerite A small sclerite on the posterior end of the intercheliceral articulation, usually matching a small concavity on each paturon. SPD:Ramirez postchilum SPD:Ramirez posterior chilum SPD:Ramirez The longitudinal joint between the two chelicerae. spider_anatomy SPD:0000072 intercheliceral articulation The longitudinal joint between the two chelicerae. SPD:Ramirez The basal, 1st segment of the female palp. It may be expanded in a lobe, and then is called endite. gnathobase gnathocoxa maxilla spider_anatomy endite SPD:0000073 female palpal coxa The basal, 1st segment of the female palp. It may be expanded in a lobe, and then is called endite. SPD:Ramirez gnathobase SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary gnathocoxa SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary maxilla SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary endite SPD:Ramirez The 2nd segment of the female palp, between coxa and femur. spider_anatomy SPD:0000074 female palpal trochanter The 2nd segment of the female palp, between coxa and femur. SPD:Ramirez The 3rd segment of the female palp, between trochanter and patella. spider_anatomy SPD:0000075 female palpal femur The 3rd segment of the female palp, between trochanter and patella. SPD:Ramirez The 4th segment of the female palp, between femur and tibia. spider_anatomy SPD:0000076 female palpal patella The 4th segment of the female palp, between femur and tibia. SPD:Ramirez The 5th segment of the female palp, between patella and tarsus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000077 female palpal tibia The 5th segment of the female palp, between patella and tarsus. SPD:Ramirez The 6th segment of the female palp, between tibia and pretarsus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000078 female palpal tarsus The 6th segment of the female palp, between tibia and pretarsus. SPD:Ramirez A claw on the palp. spider_anatomy SPD:0000079 palpal claw A claw on the palp. SPD:Ramirez A paired, slit-like opening in the heart wall through which the hemolymph can enter the lumen of the heart. spider_anatomy SPD:0000080 heart ostium A paired, slit-like opening in the heart wall through which the hemolymph can enter the lumen of the heart. SPDrf:Wirkner_and_Huckstorf_2013 The median spinneret of the fourth opisthosomal segment. They are present only in Mesothelae, and transformed in the cribellum or colulus in some Araneomorphae. AMS spider_anatomy SPD:0000081 anterior median spinneret The median spinneret of the fourth opisthosomal segment. They are present only in Mesothelae, and transformed in the cribellum or colulus in some Araneomorphae. SPD:Ramirez AMS SPD:Ramirez The coxa of the leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000082 coxa 1 The coxa of the leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The trochanter of leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000083 trochanter 1 The trochanter of leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The femur of leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000084 femur 1 The femur of leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The patella of leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000085 patella 1 The patella of leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The tibia of leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000086 tibia 1 The tibia of leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The metatarsus of leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000087 metatarsus 1 The metatarsus of leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The tarsus of leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000088 tarsus 1 The tarsus of leg 1. SPD:Ramirez A claw on the leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000089 claw 1 A claw on the leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The coxa of the leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000090 coxa 2 The coxa of the leg 2. SPD:Ramirez The trochanter of leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000091 trochanter 2 The trochanter of leg 2. SPD:Ramirez The femur of leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000092 femur 2 The femur of leg 2. SPD:Ramirez The patella of leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000093 patella 2 The patella of leg 2. SPD:Ramirez The tibia of leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000094 tibia 2 The tibia of leg 2. SPD:Ramirez The metatarsus of leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000095 metatarsus 2 The metatarsus of leg 2. SPD:Ramirez The tarsus of leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000096 tarsus 2 The tarsus of leg 2. SPD:Ramirez A claw on the leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000097 claw 2 A claw on the leg 2. SPD:Ramirez The coxa of the leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000098 coxa 3 The coxa of the leg 3. SPD:Ramirez The trochanter of leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000099 trochanter 3 The trochanter of leg 3. SPD:Ramirez The femur of leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000100 femur 3 The femur of leg 3. SPD:Ramirez The patella of leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000101 patella 3 The patella of leg 3. SPD:Ramirez The tibia of leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000102 tibia 3 The tibia of leg 3. SPD:Ramirez The metatarsus of leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000103 metatarsus 3 The metatarsus of leg 3. SPD:Ramirez The tarsus of leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000104 tarsus 3 The tarsus of leg 3. SPD:Ramirez A claw on the leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000105 claw 3 A claw on the leg 3. SPD:Ramirez The coxa of the leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000106 coxa 4 The coxa of the leg 4. SPD:Ramirez The trochanter of leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000107 trochanter 4 The trochanter of leg 4. SPD:Ramirez The femur of leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000108 femur 4 The femur of leg 4. SPD:Ramirez The patella of leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000109 patella 4 The patella of leg 4. SPD:Ramirez The tibia of leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000110 tibia 4 The tibia of leg 4. SPD:Ramirez The metatarsus of leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000111 metatarsus 4 The metatarsus of leg 4. SPD:Ramirez The tarsus of leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000112 tarsus 4 The tarsus of leg 4. SPD:Ramirez A claw on the leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000113 claw 4 A claw on the leg 4. SPD:Ramirez The anterior portion of the gut, of ectodermal origin and lined with cuticle. spider_anatomy SPD:0000114 foregut The anterior portion of the gut, of ectodermal origin and lined with cuticle. SPD:Ramirez A very short, flat field of spigots between the anterior lateral spinnerets. It is homologous to the anterior median spinnerets found in Mesothelae spiders. The cribellum may be median or paired. spider_anatomy SPD:0000115 cribellum A very short, flat field of spigots between the anterior lateral spinnerets. It is homologous to the anterior median spinnerets found in Mesothelae spiders. The cribellum may be median or paired. SPD:Ramirez Each of the prosomal excretory glands discharging on the leg coxae. spider_anatomy SPD:0000116 coxal gland Each of the prosomal excretory glands discharging on the leg coxae. SPD:Ramirez A raised sector of the cuticle bearing setae, between the anterior lateral spinnerets. It is a relic of the cribellum, found in some araneomorph spiders. The colulus may be median or bilobed. spider_anatomy SPD:0000117 colulus A raised sector of the cuticle bearing setae, between the anterior lateral spinnerets. It is a relic of the cribellum, found in some araneomorph spiders. The colulus may be median or bilobed. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000118 posterior booklung or lateral tracheae true A spigot on the anterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000119 spigot of anterior median spinneret A spigot on the anterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A lateral respiratory structure in form of tube. Lateral tracheae are homologous to the booklung atrium. spider_anatomy SPD:0000120 lateral trachea A lateral respiratory structure in form of tube. Lateral tracheae are homologous to the booklung atrium. SPDrf:Purcell_1909 The only article of posterior median spinneret, bearing the spinning field. spider_anatomy SPD:0000121 article of posterior median spinneret The only article of posterior median spinneret, bearing the spinning field. SPD:Ramirez The basal article of anterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000122 basal article of anterior lateral spinneret The basal article of anterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The median article of anterior lateral spinneret. intermediate article of anterior lateral spinneret spider_anatomy SPD:0000123 median article of anterior lateral spinneret The median article of anterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez intermediate article of anterior lateral spinneret SPD:Ramirez The most distal article of anterior lateral spinneret, bearing the spinning field. spider_anatomy SPD:0000124 distal article of anterior lateral spinneret The most distal article of anterior lateral spinneret, bearing the spinning field. SPD:Ramirez The spinning field of the anterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000125 spinning field of anterior lateral spinneret The spinning field of the anterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The spinning field of the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000126 spinning field of posterior median spinneret The spinning field of the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The basal article of the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000127 basal article of posterior lateral spinneret The basal article of the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The most distal article of posterior lateral spinneret, bearing the spinning field. spider_anatomy SPD:0000128 distal article of posterior lateral spinneret The most distal article of posterior lateral spinneret, bearing the spinning field. SPD:Ramirez The spinning field of the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000129 spinning field of posterior lateral spinneret The spinning field of the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The central pumping organ of the circulatory system, located dorso-medially in the anterior part of the opisthosoma within a pericardial sinus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000130 heart The central pumping organ of the circulatory system, located dorso-medially in the anterior part of the opisthosoma within a pericardial sinus. SPDrf:Wirkner_and_Huckstorf_2013 The portion of the midgut contained in the opisthosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000131 posterior midgut The portion of the midgut contained in the opisthosoma. SPD:Ramirez A pocket arising dorsally on the posterior part of the midgut where the excrements accumulate. It connects to the anus via the hindgut. cloacal chamber gut caecum spider_anatomy SPD:0000132 stercoral pocket A pocket arising dorsally on the posterior part of the midgut where the excrements accumulate. It connects to the anus via the hindgut. SPD:Ramirez cloacal chamber SPD:Ramirez gut caecum SPD:Ramirez Each of the lateral sclerotized plates on the epigyne, ectal to the epigynal fold. spider_anatomy SPD:0000133 lateral lobe Each of the lateral sclerotized plates on the epigyne, ectal to the epigynal fold. SPDrf:Sierwald_1989 The median sclerotized plate on the epigyne, between the epigynal folds. spider_anatomy SPD:0000134 median field The median sclerotized plate on the epigyne, between the epigynal folds. SPDrf:Sierwald_1989 A copulatory duct in the anterior section of the female genitalia. connecting ducts entrance ducts insemination ducts spermathecal ducts spider_anatomy SPD:0000135 anterior copulatory duct A copulatory duct in the anterior section of the female genitalia. SPD:Michalik connecting ducts SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary entrance ducts SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary insemination ducts SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary spermathecal ducts SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The orifice leading to the copulatory duct in entelegyne condition. copulatory pore epigynal openings spider_anatomy SPD:0000136 Certain exceptions might occur. One open case is Triaeris stenaspis described by Burger (2009, Inv. Biol. ). The females of this species have an opening on the posterior ventral scutum leading via a duct into a sac. According to the author the sac and duct is not connected to the uterus externus and also resemble a haplogyne condition. copulatory opening The orifice leading to the copulatory duct in entelegyne condition. SPDrf:Sierwald_1989 copulatory pore SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary epigynal openings SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The fertilization duct in the anterior section of the female genitalia, connecting with the uterus externus or bursa. spider_anatomy stalk SPD:0000137 In haplogyne condition the fertilization duct acts also as copulatory duct. anterior fertilization duct The fertilization duct in the anterior section of the female genitalia, connecting with the uterus externus or bursa. SPD:Michalik stalk SPD:Ramirez A hollow sclerotized structure of the female genitalia of entelegyne spiders, used for the storage of sperm. The spermatheca is connected to the copulatory and fertilization ducts. spider_anatomy seminal receptacle spermatheca SPD:0000138 primary spermatheca true A hollow sclerotized structure of the female genitalia of entelegyne spiders, used for the storage of sperm. The spermatheca is connected to the copulatory and fertilization ducts. SPD:Ramirez seminal receptacle SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary spermatheca SPD:Ramirez A delimited patch of glandular pores on the spermathecae of entelegyne spiders. dictynoid pore spider_anatomy SPD:0000139 Bennett's gland A delimited patch of glandular pores on the spermathecae of entelegyne spiders. SPDrf:Bennett_1992 dictynoid pore SPD:Ramirez A hollow, blind sclerotized structure of the female genitalia of entelegyne spiders, usually connected by a duct to the anterior copulatory duct. The accessory bulb has several gland pores with cuticular glandular ducts. In occasions the accessory bulb is reduced to the patch of gland pores, without its own lumen or duct. head of spermatheca spider_anatomy diverticle secondary spermatheca SPD:0000140 accessory bulb A hollow, blind sclerotized structure of the female genitalia of entelegyne spiders, usually connected by a duct to the anterior copulatory duct. The accessory bulb has several gland pores with cuticular glandular ducts. In occasions the accessory bulb is reduced to the patch of gland pores, without its own lumen or duct. SPD:Ramirez head of spermatheca SPDrf:Sierwald_1989 diverticle SPD:Ramirez secondary spermatheca SPDrf:Carico_and_Holt_1964 The segment of duct between the primary and secondary spermatheca. spider_anatomy SPD:0000141 stalk of spermatheca true The segment of duct between the primary and secondary spermatheca. SPDrf:Sierwald_1989 A nonfunctional, only partially formed, i.e. vestigial, spigot, either morphologically singular or multiple. spider_anatomy SPD:0000142 nubbin A nonfunctional, only partially formed, i.e. vestigial, spigot, either morphologically singular or multiple. SPDrf:Townley_and_Tillingast_2003 Small glands with a cuticular duct, discharging through a pore on the epigynal plate. spider_anatomy SPD:0000143 epigynal cuticular glands Small glands with a cuticular duct, discharging through a pore on the epigynal plate. SPD:Ramirez The basal, 1st segment of the male palp. spider_anatomy male palpal endite SPD:0000144 male palpal coxa The basal, 1st segment of the male palp. SPD:Ramirez male palpal endite SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000145 male serrula true spider_anatomy SPD:0000146 male maxillary gland true The base of a spigot, wider than the apical shaft. It is probably homologous with a setal socket. spider_anatomy SPD:0000147 spigot base The base of a spigot, wider than the apical shaft. It is probably homologous with a setal socket. SPDrf:Kovoor_and_Peters_1988 spider_anatomy SPD:0000148 male endite apical tuft seta true The 2nd segment of the male palp, between coxa and femur. spider_anatomy SPD:0000149 male palpal trochanter The 2nd segment of the male palp, between coxa and femur. SPD:Ramirez The 3rd segment of the male palp, between trochanter and patella. spider_anatomy SPD:0000150 male palpal femur The 3rd segment of the male palp, between trochanter and patella. SPD:Ramirez The 4th segment of the male palp, between femur and tibia. spider_anatomy SPD:0000151 male palpal patella The 4th segment of the male palp, between femur and tibia. SPD:Ramirez The 5th segment of the male palp, between patella and tarsus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000152 male palpal tibia The 5th segment of the male palp, between patella and tarsus. SPD:Ramirez The distal, elongate part of the spigot, with a orifice at the tip through which the silk is extruded. It is probably homologous with a setal shaft. spider_anatomy SPD:0000153 spigot shaft The distal, elongate part of the spigot, with a orifice at the tip through which the silk is extruded. It is probably homologous with a setal shaft. SPDrf:Kovoor_and_Peters_1988 A process on the dorsal surface of the male palpal tibia. spider_anatomy SPD:0000154 male palpal tibia dorsal process A process on the dorsal surface of the male palpal tibia. SPD:Ramirez A process on the prolateral surface of the male palpal tibia. spider_anatomy SPD:0000155 male palpal tibia prolateral process A process on the prolateral surface of the male palpal tibia. SPD:Ramirez A process on the retrolateral surface of the male palpal tibia. retrolateral tibial apophysis spider_anatomy SPD:0000156 male palpal tibia retrolateral apophysis A process on the retrolateral surface of the male palpal tibia. SPD:Ramirez retrolateral tibial apophysis SPD:Ramirez A process on the ventral surface of the male palpal tibia. spider_anatomy SPD:0000157 male palpal tibia ventral process A process on the ventral surface of the male palpal tibia. SPD:Ramirez The tarsus, 6th and last segment of the male palp connected with the tibia. The name cymbium is mostly used when modified as a spoon-shaped structure containing the copulatory bulb. spider_anatomy SPD:0000158 cymbium The tarsus, 6th and last segment of the male palp connected with the tibia. The name cymbium is mostly used when modified as a spoon-shaped structure containing the copulatory bulb. SPD:Ramirez The tarsal organ of the male palpal tarsus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000159 tarsal organ of cymbium The tarsal organ of the male palpal tarsus. SPD:Ramirez The base of major ampullate gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000160 base of major ampullate gland spigot The base of major ampullate gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez Each of the chemosensory setae on the male palpal tarsus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000161 cymbium dorsal chemosensory seta Each of the chemosensory setae on the male palpal tarsus. SPD:Ramirez Any of the apical setae on the male palpal cymbium. spider_anatomy SPD:0000162 cymbium apical seta Any of the apical setae on the male palpal cymbium. SPD:Ramirez The concave ventral surface of the male palpal cymbium, where the copulatory bulb is attached. spider_anatomy SPD:0000163 alveolus The concave ventral surface of the male palpal cymbium, where the copulatory bulb is attached. SPD:Ramirez The retrolateral margin of the alveolus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000164 alveolus retromargin The retrolateral margin of the alveolus. SPD:Ramirez The prolateral margin of the alveouls. spider_anatomy SPD:0000165 alveolus promargin The prolateral margin of the alveouls. SPD:Ramirez A process on the retrolateral-basal sector of the cymbium. It may be flexibly articulated through a movable membrane, or a rigid outgrowth. spider_anatomy paracymbial retrolateral-basal process SPD:0000166 paracymbium A process on the retrolateral-basal sector of the cymbium. It may be flexibly articulated through a movable membrane, or a rigid outgrowth. SPD:Ramirez paracymbial retrolateral-basal process SPD:Ramirez A process on the dorsal surface of the cymbium. spider_anatomy SPD:0000167 cymbial dorsal process A process on the dorsal surface of the cymbium. SPD:Ramirez The genital structure of the male spider containing the spermophor and attached to the palpal tarsus; rarely fused to the tarsus, as in some Oonopidae, from which it can be differentiated by lacking setae . bulbus genital bulb palpal organ spider_anatomy SPD:0000168 copulatory bulb The genital structure of the male spider containing the spermophor and attached to the palpal tarsus; rarely fused to the tarsus, as in some Oonopidae, from which it can be differentiated by lacking setae . SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary bulbus SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary genital bulb SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary palpal organ SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary A strongly sclerotized and thickened region within the wall of the basal hematodochal membrane. spider_anatomy SPD:0000169 petiolus A strongly sclerotized and thickened region within the wall of the basal hematodochal membrane. SPDrf:Sierwald_1990 The membrane connecting the genital bulb to the tarsus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000170 basal hematodocha The membrane connecting the genital bulb to the tarsus. SPDrf:Huber_2004 The basal sclerite of the bulb, connected to the cymbium by the basal hematodocha. It contains the fundus of the spermaphor. spider_anatomy SPD:0000171 subtegulum The basal sclerite of the bulb, connected to the cymbium by the basal hematodocha. It contains the fundus of the spermaphor. SPD:Ramirez The blind end of the spermophor in the subtegulum. spider_anatomy SPD:0000172 fundus The blind end of the spermophor in the subtegulum. SPD:Ramirez The middle sclerite of the male palp, that contains the spermophore and bears the embolus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000173 tegulum The middle sclerite of the male palp, that contains the spermophore and bears the embolus. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The membrane connecting the tegulum to the subtegulum. spider_anatomy SPD:0000174 median hematodocha The membrane connecting the tegulum to the subtegulum. SPD:Ramirez The division of the copulatory bulb distal to the median division, articulated to the tegulum by a terminal hematodocha. It contains the embolus, the sperm outlet, and may also have additional sclerites such as the radix. spider_anatomy SPD:0000175 embolic division The division of the copulatory bulb distal to the median division, articulated to the tegulum by a terminal hematodocha. It contains the embolus, the sperm outlet, and may also have additional sclerites such as the radix. SPD:Ramirez The intromittent sclerite of the male copulatory bulb, where the spermophor discharges. spider_anatomy SPD:0000176 embolus The intromittent sclerite of the male copulatory bulb, where the spermophor discharges. SPD:Ramirez The tube inside the copulatory bulb containing the sperm. It runs from the blind fundus in the subtegulum, to an opening in the embolus. It is often sclerotized and served by many glands. sperm duct spider_anatomy ejaculatory duct receptaculum seminis SPD:0000177 According to Comstock (1910), the spermophor (his receptaculum seminis) consists of three parts: the fundus, the reservoir, and the ejaculatory duct. These parts often do not have clear limits. spermophor The tube inside the copulatory bulb containing the sperm. It runs from the blind fundus in the subtegulum, to an opening in the embolus. It is often sclerotized and served by many glands. SPD:Ramirez sperm duct SPD:Ramirez ejaculatory duct SPDrf:Comstock_1910 receptaculum seminis SPDrf:Comstock_1910 A sclerite of the copulatory bulb arising from the tegulum. spider_anatomy SPD:0000178 median apophysis A sclerite of the copulatory bulb arising from the tegulum. SPD:Ramirez SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary A sclerite of the male palp inserted in the tegulum. It usually guides or fits part of the embolus; may be sclerotized or hyaline. spider_anatomy SPD:0000179 conductor A sclerite of the male palp inserted in the tegulum. It usually guides or fits part of the embolus; may be sclerotized or hyaline. SPD:Ramirez The membrane connecting the embolic division with the tegulum. spider_anatomy column SPD:0000180 terminal hematodocha The membrane connecting the embolic division with the tegulum. SPD:Ramirez column SPD:Ramirez A sclerotized piece inserted on another sclerotized structure of the copulatory bulb through a membranous joint. spider_anatomy SPD:0000181 sclerite of copulatory bulb true A sclerotized piece inserted on another sclerotized structure of the copulatory bulb through a membranous joint. PSD:Ramirez The shaft of major ampullate gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000182 shaft of major ampullate gland spigot The shaft of major ampullate gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The base of the piriform gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000183 base of piriform gland spigot The base of the piriform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez A large basal condyle on the ectal surface of the paturon, contacting with the margin of the carapace. spider_anatomy SPD:0000184 cheliceral boss A large basal condyle on the ectal surface of the paturon, contacting with the margin of the carapace. SPD:Ramirez The anterior margin of the cheliceral furrow in Araneomorphae (mesal margin in Mygalomorphae). spider_anatomy SPD:0000185 promargin The anterior margin of the cheliceral furrow in Araneomorphae (mesal margin in Mygalomorphae). SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The posterior margin of the cheliceral furrow in Araneomorphae (ectal margin in Mygalomorphae). spider_anatomy SPD:0000186 retromargin The posterior margin of the cheliceral furrow in Araneomorphae (ectal margin in Mygalomorphae). SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary A gland in the paturon of the chelicera, discharging secretion through a small field patch of pores on the fang furrow, opposing the venom outlet. spider_anatomy SPD:0000187 cheliceral gland A gland in the paturon of the chelicera, discharging secretion through a small field patch of pores on the fang furrow, opposing the venom outlet. SPD:Ramirez A file on the ectal side of the paturon, used in conjunction with palpal femoral thorns to produce stridulation. The file is usually made of a series of fine horizontal ridges, but it may be composed of large, well spaced ridges (in Scytodidae) or a scaly surface. spider_anatomy SPD:0000188 cheliceral stridulatory file A file on the ectal side of the paturon, used in conjunction with palpal femoral thorns to produce stridulation. The file is usually made of a series of fine horizontal ridges, but it may be composed of large, well spaced ridges (in Scytodidae) or a scaly surface. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of piriform gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000189 shaft of piriform gland spigot The shaft of piriform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of an aciniform gland spigot on the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000190 shaft of aciniform gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret The shaft of an aciniform gland spigot on the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The retina of the anterior median eye. spider_anatomy SPD:0000191 anterior median eye retina The retina of the anterior median eye. SPD:Ramirez The tapetum of the anterior lateral eye. spider_anatomy SPD:0000192 anterior lateral eye tapetum The tapetum of the anterior lateral eye. SPD:Ramirez The tapetum of the posterior median eye. spider_anatomy SPD:0000193 posterior median eye tapetum The tapetum of the posterior median eye. SPD:Ramirez The tapetum of the posterior lateral eye. spider_anatomy SPD:0000194 posterior lateral eye tapetum The tapetum of the posterior lateral eye. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000195 promarginal seta true spider_anatomy SPD:0000196 Obsoleted because it is unspecific. retromarginal seta true The orifice in the fang tip where the venom gland discharges. spider_anatomy SPD:0000197 venom outlet The orifice in the fang tip where the venom gland discharges. SPD:Ramirez A row of tiny teeth along the anterior edge of the endite. spider_anatomy SPD:0000198 serrula A row of tiny teeth along the anterior edge of the endite. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary A cluster of plumous, curved setae arising from the dorso-distal surface of the endite. spider_anatomy SPD:0000199 endite apical tuft seta A cluster of plumous, curved setae arising from the dorso-distal surface of the endite. SPD:Ramirez A gland in the maxilla, discharging secretion through a small field patch of pores, usually on the dorsal side of the endite, sometimes on its mesal surface. spider_anatomy gnathocoxal gland sieve plate SPD:0000200 maxillary gland A gland in the maxilla, discharging secretion through a small field patch of pores, usually on the dorsal side of the endite, sometimes on its mesal surface. SPD:Ramirez gnathocoxal gland SPD:Ramirez sieve plate SPD:Ramirez The base of an aciniform gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000201 base of aciniform gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret The base of an aciniform gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez Any of the ventral setae on the female palpal tarsus. SPD:0000359 spider_anatomy SPD:0000202 female palpal tarsus ventral seta true Any of the ventral setae on the female palpal tarsus. SPD:Ramirez Any of the apical setae on the female palpal tarsus. SPD:0000359 spider_anatomy SPD:0000203 female palpal tarsus apical seta true Any of the apical setae on the female palpal tarsus. SPD:Ramirez Each of the chemosensory setae on the female palpal tarsus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000204 female palpal tarsus dorsal chemosensory seta Each of the chemosensory setae on the female palpal tarsus. SPD:Ramirez The retrocoxal hymen of leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000205 retrocoxal hymen 1 The retrocoxal hymen of leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The base of a cylindrical gland spigot of the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000206 base of cylindrical gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret The base of a cylindrical gland spigot of the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of a cylindrical gland spigot of the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000207 shaft of cylindrical gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret The shaft of a cylindrical gland spigot of the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of a modified gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000208 shaft of modified gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret The shaft of a modified gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The base of the modified gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000209 base of modified gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret The base of the modified gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The base of a paracribellar gland spigot of the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000210 base of paracribellar gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret The base of a paracribellar gland spigot of the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of a paracribellar gland spigot of the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000211 shaft of paracribellar gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret The shaft of a paracribellar gland spigot of the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of a gland spigot on the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000212 shaft of gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret The shaft of a gland spigot on the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The base of a gland spigot on the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000213 base of gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret The base of a gland spigot on the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A flanking spigot in the triad of araneoid spiders. It extrudes a viscid silk used in the wet adhesive threads. spider_anatomy SPD:0000214 aggregate gland spigot A flanking spigot in the triad of araneoid spiders. It extrudes a viscid silk used in the wet adhesive threads. SPD:Ramirez SPD:0000214 spider_anatomy SPD:0000215 agg gland spigot true Any of the tactile hairs on the prosoma appendages. spider_anatomy SPD:0000216 tactile hair appendages prosoma true Any of the tactile hairs on the prosoma appendages. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000217 socket hair appendages prosoma true Small setae without innervation, bent in an obtuse angle just after the socket; can be of several shapes, including cylindrical, feathery, or flat. spider_anatomy SPD:0000218 scale appendages prosoma true Small setae without innervation, bent in an obtuse angle just after the socket; can be of several shapes, including cylindrical, feathery, or flat. SPD:Ramirez Tenent seta on ventral or lateral surfaces on appendages. spider_anatomy SPD:0000219 scopular seta Tenent seta on ventral or lateral surfaces on appendages. SPD:Ramirez The socket of the scopular seta. spider_anatomy SPD:0000220 socket of scopular seta The socket of the scopular seta. SPD:Ramirez Each of the barbs with expanded tips on the tenent surface of the scopular seta. spider_anatomy SPD:0000221 tenent barb of scopular seta Each of the barbs with expanded tips on the tenent surface of the scopular seta. SPD:Ramirez Each of the tenent setae composing the claw tuft. spider_anatomy SPD:0000222 claw tuft seta Each of the tenent setae composing the claw tuft. SPD:Ramirez The base of the claw tuft setal shaft, just above its insertion on the socket. spider_anatomy SPD:0000223 claw tuft shaft base The base of the claw tuft setal shaft, just above its insertion on the socket. SPD:Ramirez Each of the barbs with expanded tips on the tenent surface of the claw tuft seta. spider_anatomy SPD:0000224 tenent barb of claw tuft seta Each of the barbs with expanded tips on the tenent surface of the claw tuft seta. SPD:Ramirez A proclaw on leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000225 proclaw 1 A proclaw on leg 1. SPD:Ramirez A retroclaw on leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000226 retroclaw 1 A retroclaw on leg 1. SPD:Ramirez An inferior claw on leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000227 inferior claw 1 An inferior claw on leg 1. SPD:Ramirez A proclaw on leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000228 proclaw 2 A proclaw on leg 2. SPD:Ramirez A retroclaw on leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000229 retroclaw 2 A retroclaw on leg 2. SPD:Ramirez An inferior claw on leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000230 inferior claw 2 An inferior claw on leg 2. SPD:Ramirez A proclaw on leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000231 proclaw 3 A proclaw on leg 3. SPD:Ramirez A retroclaw on leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000232 retroclaw 3 A retroclaw on leg 3. SPD:Ramirez An inferior claw on leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000233 inferior claw 3 An inferior claw on leg 3. SPD:Ramirez A proclaw on leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000234 proclaw 4 A proclaw on leg 4. SPD:Ramirez A retroclaw on leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000235 retroclaw 4 A retroclaw on leg 4. SPD:Ramirez An inferior claw on leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000236 inferior claw 4 An inferior claw on leg 4. SPD:Ramirez A patch of curved thick setae, usually arranged in one or more rows, on the dorsal-retrolateral side along metatarsus IV of cribellate spiders. It is used for combing out silk from the cribellum. spider_anatomy SPD:0000237 calamistrum A patch of curved thick setae, usually arranged in one or more rows, on the dorsal-retrolateral side along metatarsus IV of cribellate spiders. It is used for combing out silk from the cribellum. SPD:Ramirez Each of the individual setae composing the calamistrum. spider_anatomy SPD:0000238 calamistrum seta Each of the individual setae composing the calamistrum. SPD:Ramirez An apical, ventral prolateral macroseta proximal to the membranous division at base of claws. spider_anatomy SPD:0000239 sustentaculum An apical, ventral prolateral macroseta proximal to the membranous division at base of claws. SPD:Ramirez A comb of thick setae on tarsus 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000240 tarsal setal comb 4 A comb of thick setae on tarsus 4. SPD:Ramirez A palpal femoral thorn on the female palp. spider_anatomy SPD:0000241 female palp femoral thorn A palpal femoral thorn on the female palp. SPD:Ramirez A cluster of thick setae on the side of the endite, the chelicera or the coxa I, used for stridulation. spider_anatomy SPD:0000242 lyra A cluster of thick setae on the side of the endite, the chelicera or the coxa I, used for stridulation. SPDrf:Raven_1985 The base of an aciniform gland spigot of posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000243 base of aciniform gland spigot of posterior median spinneret The base of an aciniform gland spigot of posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of an aciniform gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000244 shaft of aciniform gland spigot of posterior median spinneret The shaft of an aciniform gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The base of a cylindrical gland spigot of the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000245 base of cylindrical gland spigot of posterior median spinneret The base of a cylindrical gland spigot of the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The area of opisthosomal cuticle just ventral to the booklung, usually more sclerotized and with a different sculpture than the neighboring opisthosomal cuticle. spider_anatomy SPD:0000246 booklung cover The area of opisthosomal cuticle just ventral to the booklung, usually more sclerotized and with a different sculpture than the neighboring opisthosomal cuticle. SPD:Ramirez SPD:0000246 spider_anatomy SPD:0000247 booklung cover internal surface true A leaf of the anterior booklung. spider_anatomy SPD:0000248 anterior booklung leaf A leaf of the anterior booklung. SPD:Ramirez Each of the hollow cuticular columns arising from the ventral cuticle of the booklung leaf, which prevents the collapsing of the leaf. spider_anatomy SPD:0000249 booklung leaves internal spacer Each of the hollow cuticular columns arising from the ventral cuticle of the booklung leaf, which prevents the collapsing of the leaf. SPDrf:Foelix_1996 The shaft of a cylindrical gland spigot of the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000250 shaft of cylindrical gland spigot of posterior median spinneret The shaft of a cylindrical gland spigot of the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A spigot on the male epiandrum. spider_anatomy SPD:0000251 epiandric spigot A spigot on the male epiandrum. SPD:Ramirez SPD:0000505 spider_anatomy SPD:0000252 lateral tracheae internal structure true A spigot on the anterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000253 spigot of anterior lateral spinneret A spigot on the anterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez Each of the large spigots on the anterior lateral spinnerets, used for draglines and structural threads. spider_anatomy SPD:0000254 major ampullate gland spigot Each of the large spigots on the anterior lateral spinnerets, used for draglines and structural threads. SPD:Ramirez A partly sclerotized sector on the spinning field of the anterior lateral spinneret, bearing the major ampullate gland spigots and associated sensilla. Some of the relatively basal Araneomorphae (filistatids, eresids) have, in addition to a mesal marginal cluster, one or more major ampullate spigots mixed among the piriforms. spider_anatomy SPD:0000255 major ampullate field A partly sclerotized sector on the spinning field of the anterior lateral spinneret, bearing the major ampullate gland spigots and associated sensilla. Some of the relatively basal Araneomorphae (filistatids, eresids) have, in addition to a mesal marginal cluster, one or more major ampullate spigots mixed among the piriforms. SPD:Ramirez A cuticle strain sensor on the major ampullate field. These receptors are found at the base of the spigots of the major ampullate glands which produce the dragline used by the spider as a safety thread in various behavioral situations. They are likely to provide information on the forces pulling on the dragline and also on its orientation in space. A single sensillum consists of a hole in the cuticle covered by a thin cuticular membrane. It much resembles spider slit sensilla, which are known to detect strains in the exoskeleton. Each sensillum is supplied by two dendrites most likely belonging to two bipolar sensory cells. One of the dendrites ends at the covering membrane and the other more proximally. The sensilla are arranged with their long axes roughly parallel to the circumference of the spigots. External forces, transmitted by the dragline, result in deformation of the central part of the cuticular plate at the base of the spigots and thus in stimulation of the sensilla. Considering their morphology, topography, and electrophysiology, these mechanoreceptors are suggested to be important in the sensory control of dragline release by the spider. spider_anatomy SPD:0000256 sensillum of major ampullate field A cuticle strain sensor on the major ampullate field. These receptors are found at the base of the spigots of the major ampullate glands which produce the dragline used by the spider as a safety thread in various behavioral situations. They are likely to provide information on the forces pulling on the dragline and also on its orientation in space. A single sensillum consists of a hole in the cuticle covered by a thin cuticular membrane. It much resembles spider slit sensilla, which are known to detect strains in the exoskeleton. Each sensillum is supplied by two dendrites most likely belonging to two bipolar sensory cells. One of the dendrites ends at the covering membrane and the other more proximally. The sensilla are arranged with their long axes roughly parallel to the circumference of the spigots. External forces, transmitted by the dragline, result in deformation of the central part of the cuticular plate at the base of the spigots and thus in stimulation of the sensilla. Considering their morphology, topography, and electrophysiology, these mechanoreceptors are suggested to be important in the sensory control of dragline release by the spider. SPDrf:Gorb_and_Barth_1996 Each of the many spigots on the anterior lateral spinnerets, used to cement the attachment of ampullate threads to each other and to the substratum. The cemented attachment is known as attachment disk. pyriform gland spigot spider_anatomy SPD:0000257 piriform gland spigot Each of the many spigots on the anterior lateral spinnerets, used to cement the attachment of ampullate threads to each other and to the substratum. The cemented attachment is known as attachment disk. SPD:Ramirez pyriform gland spigot SPD:Ramirez A spigot on the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000258 spigot of posterior median spinneret A spigot on the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez An ampullate gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000259 minor ampullate gland spigot An ampullate gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A aciniform gland spigot located on a posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000260 aciniform gland spigot of posterior median spinneret A aciniform gland spigot located on a posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A cylindrical gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000261 cylindrical gland spigot of posterior median spinneret A cylindrical gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A aciniform gland spigot located on a posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000262 aciniform gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret A aciniform gland spigot located on a posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A cylindrical gland spigot on the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000263 cylindrical gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret A cylindrical gland spigot on the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A relatively large spigot, usually forming part of a triad in the posterior lateral spinnerets. spider_anatomy SPD:0000264 modified gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret A relatively large spigot, usually forming part of a triad in the posterior lateral spinnerets. SPD:Ramirez A paracribellar gland spigot located on the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000265 paracribellar gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret A paracribellar gland spigot located on the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A functional group of spigots on the posterior lateral spinneret, formed by one modified spigot flanked by two spigots. spider_anatomy SPD:0000266 triad of posterior lateral spinneret A functional group of spigots on the posterior lateral spinneret, formed by one modified spigot flanked by two spigots. SPDrf:Griswold_et_al_2005 A paracribellar gland spigot located on the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000267 paracribellar gland spigot of posterior median spinneret A paracribellar gland spigot located on the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The end of the embolus containing the sperm outlet. spider_anatomy SPD:0000268 embolus tip The end of the embolus containing the sperm outlet. SPD:Ramirez The orifice on the embolus tip where the spermophor discharges. spider_anatomy SPD:0000269 sperm outlet The orifice on the embolus tip where the spermophor discharges. SPD:Ramirez A palpal femoral thorn on the male palp. spider_anatomy SPD:0000270 male palpal femoral thorn A palpal femoral thorn on the male palp. SPD:Ramirez The socket of the palpal femoral thorn. spider_anatomy SPD:0000271 socket of male palpal femoral thorn The socket of the palpal femoral thorn. SPD:Ramirez The base of the minor ampullate gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000272 base of minor ampullate gland spigot The base of the minor ampullate gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of the minor ampullate gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000273 shaft of minor ampullate gland spigot of posterior median spinneret The shaft of the minor ampullate gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez Any of the setae on the prosoma appendages. spider_anatomy SPD:0000274 seta appendage prosoma true Any of the setae on the prosoma appendages. SPD:Ramirez SPD:0000505 spider_anatomy SPD:0000275 median trachea internal structure true Each of the many gland spigots on the cribellum. They produce an adhesive mat of very thin dry fibrils. spider_anatomy SPD:0000276 cribellar spigot Each of the many gland spigots on the cribellum. They produce an adhesive mat of very thin dry fibrils. SPD:Ramirez A spigot on the posterior lateral spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000277 spigot of posterior lateral spinneret A spigot on the posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A seta on the anal tubercle. spider_anatomy SPD:0000278 There are several specialized setae on the anal tubercle, not yet well characterized. seta anal tubercle A seta on the anal tubercle. SPD:Ramirez The base of a paracribellar gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000279 base of paracribellar gland spigot of posterior median spinneret The base of a paracribellar gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A generalized term for a pouch in the anterior section of the female genitalia, arising internally from the epigastric fold or uterus externus. bulge spider_anatomy SPD:0000280 bursa A generalized term for a pouch in the anterior section of the female genitalia, arising internally from the epigastric fold or uterus externus. SPD:Ramirez bulge SPD:Ramirez The shaft of a paracribellar gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000281 shaft of paracribellar gland spigot of posterior median spinneret The shaft of a paracribellar gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez An apodeme arising from the posterior wall of the epigastric furrow. These apodemes are usually placed on invaginations or folds of the cuticle. spider_anatomy SPD:0000282 epigastric furrow posterior apodeme An apodeme arising from the posterior wall of the epigastric furrow. These apodemes are usually placed on invaginations or folds of the cuticle. SPD:Ramirez A chitinized sac arising from the posterior wall of the uterus externus. posterior receptaculum spider_anatomy diverticulum SPD:0000283 Accoring to Cooke 1966. posterior diverticulum A chitinized sac arising from the posterior wall of the uterus externus. SPD:Ramirez posterior receptaculum SPD:Ramirez diverticulum SPD:Ramirez The distal part of the uterus, lined by cuticle and opening into the gonopore. spider_anatomy SPD:0000284 uterus externus The distal part of the uterus, lined by cuticle and opening into the gonopore. SPD:Ramirez A sclerotized process on the male palpal patella. spider_anatomy SPD:0000285 male palpal patellar process A sclerotized process on the male palpal patella. SPD:Ramirez A sensory seta with an open tip. They are usually inervated by 21 neurons, two of them mechanosensitive and restricted to the base, and 19 chemosensitive, with their dentrites extending into the shaft, and ending in the distal pore. spider_anatomy SPD:0000286 chemosensory seta A sensory seta with an open tip. They are usually inervated by 21 neurons, two of them mechanosensitive and restricted to the base, and 19 chemosensitive, with their dentrites extending into the shaft, and ending in the distal pore. SPDrf:Foelix_1996 A flat sclerite with a distal free end on the dorsal side of the labrum of araneomorph spiders (except Hypochilus). labral flap spider_anatomy labral sclerite SPD:0000287 labral tongue A flat sclerite with a distal free end on the dorsal side of the labrum of araneomorph spiders (except Hypochilus). SPD:Ramirez labral flap SPDrf:Lopardo_and_Hormiga_2008 labral sclerite SPDrf:Kropf_1990 The upper lip, usually covered by the chelicerae and not easily visible. rostrum spider_anatomy SPD:0000288 labrum The upper lip, usually covered by the chelicerae and not easily visible. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary rostrum SPDrf:Foelix_2011 The anterior median extension of the sternum, it may be articulated through a soft membrane. lip spider_anatomy SPD:0000289 labium The anterior median extension of the sternum, it may be articulated through a soft membrane. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary lip SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary A sigilla on the posterior lateral corner of the labium, where an extension of the endosternite attaches. spider_anatomy SPD:0000290 labial sigilla A sigilla on the posterior lateral corner of the labium, where an extension of the endosternite attaches. SPD:Ramirez The ventral sclerite of the prosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000291 sternum The ventral sclerite of the prosoma. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary A sigilla on the lateral of sternum, where an extension of the endosternite attaches. spider_anatomy SPD:0000292 sternal sigilla A sigilla on the lateral of sternum, where an extension of the endosternite attaches. SPD:Ramirez The base of a gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000293 base of gland spigot of posterior median spinneret The base of a gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of a gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. spider_anatomy SPD:0000294 shaft of gland spigot of posterior median spinneret The shaft of a gland spigot on the posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez Each of the triangular sclerotized extensions from the sternum, their tips pointing to the middle of the coxa bases. precoxal sclerite spider_anatomy SPD:0000295 precoxal triangle Each of the triangular sclerotized extensions from the sternum, their tips pointing to the middle of the coxa bases. SPD:Ramirez precoxal sclerite SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary Each of the triangular sclerotized extensions from the sternum, between the coxae. spider_anatomy SPD:0000296 intercoxal sclerite Each of the triangular sclerotized extensions from the sternum, between the coxae. SPD:Ramirez The base of the aggregate gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000297 base of aggregate gland spigot The base of the aggregate gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of the aggregate gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000298 shaft of aggregate gland spigot The shaft of the aggregate gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez A superior claw on leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000299 superior claw 1 A superior claw on leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The area between the carapace and the sternum, where the leg coxae articulate. spider_anatomy SPD:0000300 pleural area The area between the carapace and the sternum, where the leg coxae articulate. SPD:Ramirez A small horizontal sclerite on the pleural area that may occur between two coxae. spider_anatomy SPD:0000301 vertical intercoxal bar A small horizontal sclerite on the pleural area that may occur between two coxae. SPD:Ramirez Each of the small horizontal sclerites on the pleural area, between the coxae and the carapace. epimeric sclerite spider_anatomy supracoxal sclerite SPD:0000302 pleural bar Each of the small horizontal sclerites on the pleural area, between the coxae and the carapace. SPDrf:Bosselaers_and_Jocqu_2002:_247 epimeric sclerite SPD:Ramirez supracoxal sclerite SPD:Ramirez The portion of the midgut contained in the prosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000303 anterior midgut The portion of the midgut contained in the prosoma. SPD:Ramirez A finger-like extension of the anterior midgut, often extending into a leg coxa. spider_anatomy SPD:0000304 anterior midgut diverticle A finger-like extension of the anterior midgut, often extending into a leg coxa. SPD:Ramirez A seta on the opisthosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000305 opisthosomal seta true A seta on the opisthosoma. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000306 hair opisthosoma true A scale on the opisthosomal cuticle. spider_anatomy SPD:0000307 scale opisthosoma true A scale on the opisthosomal cuticle. SPD:Ramirez A cusple on the endites of some Mygalomorphae. spider_anatomy SPD:0000308 maxillary cusple A cusple on the endites of some Mygalomorphae. SPD:Ramirez The sigilla on the dorsum of the opisthosoma, where a dorso-ventral opisthosomal muscle inserts. spider_anatomy SPD:0000309 opisthosomal dorsal sigilla The sigilla on the dorsum of the opisthosoma, where a dorso-ventral opisthosomal muscle inserts. SPD:Ramirez A hygroreceptor and thermosensory organ situated on the dorsal side of the leg and palpal tarsi. spider_anatomy Blumenthal's tarsal organ SPD:0000310 tarsal organ A hygroreceptor and thermosensory organ situated on the dorsal side of the leg and palpal tarsi. SPDrf:Barth_2002 Blumenthal's tarsal organ SPDrf:Barth_2002 A group of tenent setae covering surfaces on appendages. Do not confuse with the generic use as a brush of unspecified setae. spider_anatomy SPD:0000311 scopula A group of tenent setae covering surfaces on appendages. Do not confuse with the generic use as a brush of unspecified setae. SPD:Ramirez A paired cluster of tenent setae on the feet of many vagrant spiders, which may arise from a patch solidly integrated with the surrounding cuticle or may be inserted on an articulate plate (the claw tuft plate). spider_anatomy false claw tuft SPD:0000312 claw tuft A paired cluster of tenent setae on the feet of many vagrant spiders, which may arise from a patch solidly integrated with the surrounding cuticle or may be inserted on an articulate plate (the claw tuft plate). SPD:Ramirez false claw tuft SPD:Raven_1986 A sensory seta on the dorsal surfaces of legs and palps, specialized in detecting air movement. The setal shaft is slender, perpendicular to the cuticle surface, usually curved backwards and longer than the neighboring setae. Trichobothria are typically disposed in longitudinal series of distally increasing length. spider_anatomy SPD:0000313 trichobothria A sensory seta on the dorsal surfaces of legs and palps, specialized in detecting air movement. The setal shaft is slender, perpendicular to the cuticle surface, usually curved backwards and longer than the neighboring setae. Trichobothria are typically disposed in longitudinal series of distally increasing length. SPD:Ramirez A superior claw on leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000314 superior claw 2 A superior claw on leg 2. SPD:Ramirez A large articulated seta, with thick and long shaft and robust socket. Macrosetae are inervated by three neurons and become erected when the hemolymph pressure increases. Nerve impulses are generated only during the erection phase. They occur mainly on appendages, but sometimes similar setae occur on the opisthosoma as well. spine spider_anatomy spinule SPD:0000315 macroseta A large articulated seta, with thick and long shaft and robust socket. Macrosetae are inervated by three neurons and become erected when the hemolymph pressure increases. Nerve impulses are generated only during the erection phase. They occur mainly on appendages, but sometimes similar setae occur on the opisthosoma as well. SPDrf:Foelix_1996 spine SPD:Ramirez spinule SPD:Ramirez A process on the retrolateral margin of the cymbium, midway between the base and the tip. spider_anatomy SPD:0000316 cymbial retrolateral-medial process A process on the retrolateral margin of the cymbium, midway between the base and the tip. SPD:Ramirez The outer layer of the egg, composed of non-cellular secretion, produced by the female genital tract. GO:0042600 spider_anatomy SPD:0000317 chorion The outer layer of the egg, composed of non-cellular secretion, produced by the female genital tract. SPD:Ramirez A structure made of silk fibers or glue. spider_anatomy SPD:0000318 silk structure A structure made of silk fibers or glue. SPD:Ramirez A complex silk structure composed by fibers from multiple gland spigot types: cribellar fibers, axial lines, and often a reserve wrap. spider_anatomy SPD:0000319 cribellate silk band A complex silk structure composed by fibers from multiple gland spigot types: cribellar fibers, axial lines, and often a reserve wrap. SPD:Ramirez A cribellar silk fiber composing the adhesive mat of the cribellate silk band. cribellate fibril spider_anatomy SPD:0000320 cribellate fiber A cribellar silk fiber composing the adhesive mat of the cribellate silk band. SPD:Ramirez cribellate fibril SPD:Ramirez A silk cable of major ampullate fibers. spider_anatomy SPD:0000321 dragline A silk cable of major ampullate fibers. SPD:Ramirez The patch of silk produced by the piriform gland spigots to attach the ampullate fibers to the substrate. spider_anatomy SPD:0000322 baseplate of attachment disk The patch of silk produced by the piriform gland spigots to attach the ampullate fibers to the substrate. SPDrf:Grawe_et_al_2104 A layer of silk fibers on the eggsac. spider_anatomy SPD:0000323 eggsac layer A layer of silk fibers on the eggsac. SPD:Ramirez The sticky line composed by dry axial fibers and a viscous glue as in the araneoid spiral. spider_anatomy SPD:0000324 sticky composed line The sticky line composed by dry axial fibers and a viscous glue as in the araneoid spiral. SPD:Ramirez A cuticular projection on the palpal trochanter of the postembryo, that helps piercing the chorion during eclosion. spider_anatomy SPD:0000325 trochanter eclosion tooth A cuticular projection on the palpal trochanter of the postembryo, that helps piercing the chorion during eclosion. SPD:Ramirez A network of piriform glue-coated fibres, which cement the dragline in the central part of the disc and are attached to the substrate in the lateral parts of the disc. spider_anatomy SPD:0000326 attachment disk A network of piriform glue-coated fibres, which cement the dragline in the central part of the disc and are attached to the substrate in the lateral parts of the disc. SPDrf:Grawe_et_al_2014 A female gamete where meiosis has progressed to metaphase II and is able to participate in fertilization. CL:0000025 spider_anatomy SPD:0000327 egg A female gamete where meiosis has progressed to metaphase II and is able to participate in fertilization. SPD:Michalik The spiracle of the anterior booklung. spider_anatomy SPD:0000328 anterior booklung spiracle The spiracle of the anterior booklung. SPD:Ramirez The gland on the chelicera or carapace that produced the venom injected through the fang. spider_anatomy SPD:0000329 venom gland The gland on the chelicera or carapace that produced the venom injected through the fang. SPD:Ramirez Circular impressions or dimples on the opisthosoma and sternum of some spiders representing points of muscle attachment and endoskeletal attachments. sigillum spider_anatomy SPD:0000330 sigilla Circular impressions or dimples on the opisthosoma and sternum of some spiders representing points of muscle attachment and endoskeletal attachments. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary sigillum SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary An appendage of the prosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000331 appendage of prosoma true An appendage of the prosoma. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000332 Replace this with pigment layers, cuticular pigment, or other more precise terms. Use characters as guide. whole organism color true A superior claw on leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000333 superior claw 3 A superior claw on leg 3. SPD:Ramirez A superior claw on leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000334 superior claw 4 A superior claw on leg 4. SPD:Ramirez Appendage of prosoma, between the chelicerae and leg I. spider_anatomy SPD:0000335 palp Appendage of prosoma, between the chelicerae and leg I. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000336 Replace this with pigment layers, cuticular pigment, or other more precise terms. Use characters as guide. prosoma color true spider_anatomy SPD:0000337 Replace this with pigment layers, cuticular pigment, or other more precise terms. Use characters as guide. opisthosomal color true spider_anatomy SPD:0000338 Replace this an anatomical term, like the complete setal vestiture. Use characters as guide. setae patterns true spider_anatomy SPD:0000339 prosoma cuticle true SPD:0000015 spider_anatomy SPD:0000340 eye proportions true SPD:0000015 spider_anatomy SPD:0000341 eye relative positions true An eye where the retina receives the light indirectly, reflected by the tapetum. Indirect eyes usually appear shiny. Most commonly all eyes except the anterior medians are indirect, but the tapetum is lost in several families, such as Salticidae. Philodromidae and Eresidae. spider_anatomy SPD:0000342 indirect eye An eye where the retina receives the light indirectly, reflected by the tapetum. Indirect eyes usually appear shiny. Most commonly all eyes except the anterior medians are indirect, but the tapetum is lost in several families, such as Salticidae. Philodromidae and Eresidae. SPD:Ramirez Light reflecting crystalline structure behind the retinal cells of the secondary eyes. spider_anatomy SPD:0000343 tapetum Light reflecting crystalline structure behind the retinal cells of the secondary eyes. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary A generic term for pre-hatching stages. spider_anatomy SPD:0000344 postembryo A generic term for pre-hatching stages. SPD:Ramirez The groove of the chelicera into which the fang closes. spider_anatomy SPD:0000345 fang furrow The groove of the chelicera into which the fang closes. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary Very short macroseta, often with a blunt tip. spider_anatomy SPD:0000346 cusple Very short macroseta, often with a blunt tip. SPD:Ramirez SPD:0000313 spider_anatomy SPD:0000347 trichobothrial patterns true The socket of the trichobothria. socket of trichobothria spider_anatomy SPD:0000348 bothrium The socket of the trichobothria. SPD:Ramirez socket of trichobothria SPD:Ramirez The shaft of the trichobothria. spider_anatomy SPD:0000349 trichobothria shaft The shaft of the trichobothria. SPD:Ramirez The socket of the macroseta. spider_anatomy SPD:0000350 socket of macroseta The socket of the macroseta. SPD:Ramirez SPD:0000315 spider_anatomy SPD:0000351 macrosetae patterns true The shaft of the macroseta. spider_anatomy SPD:0000352 macroseta shaft The shaft of the macroseta. SPD:Ramirez Each of the tiny cuticular projections on the setal shafts. spider_anatomy SPD:0000353 setal barb Each of the tiny cuticular projections on the setal shafts. SPD:Ramirez A gland located in the tibia of leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000354 The tibial gland was reported in e.g., Leptonetidae (Platnick 1986). tibial gland A gland located in the tibia of leg 1. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000355 Replace this with pigment layers, cuticular pigment, or other more precise terms. Use characters as guide. prosoma color true The cuticle of the opisthosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000356 opisthosomal cuticle true The cuticle of the opisthosoma. SPD:Ramirez The dorsal sclerite corresponding to a segment in the opisthosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000357 opisthosomal tergite The dorsal sclerite corresponding to a segment in the opisthosoma. SPD:Ramirez The ventral sclerite corresponding to a segment in the opisthosoma. spider_anatomy SPD:0000358 opisthosomal sternite The ventral sclerite corresponding to a segment in the opisthosoma. SPD:Ramirez An articulate cuticular outgrowth, often inervated to conform a mechanical or chemical sensillium. spider_anatomy SPD:0000359 seta An articulate cuticular outgrowth, often inervated to conform a mechanical or chemical sensillium. SPD:Ramirez The cuticular alveolus and surrounding rim where the setal shaft articulates. spider_anatomy SPD:0000360 setal socket The cuticular alveolus and surrounding rim where the setal shaft articulates. SPD:Ramirez A specialized seta of some Theraphosidae spiders, with a basal breakage zone. The detached setae are transported by air or by contact and urticate the mammal skin. spider_anatomy SPD:0000361 urticating hair A specialized seta of some Theraphosidae spiders, with a basal breakage zone. The detached setae are transported by air or by contact and urticate the mammal skin. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of a tactile hair on prosoma appendages. spider_anatomy SPD:0000362 tactile hair appendages prosoma shaft true The shaft of a tactile hair on prosoma appendages. SPD:Ramirez The membranous surface on the spinnerets bearing spigots. spider_anatomy SPD:0000363 spinning field The membranous surface on the spinnerets bearing spigots. SPD:Ramirez Tiny cylindrical extension of the spinnerets from which silk is extruded. spider_anatomy SPD:0000364 spigot Tiny cylindrical extension of the spinnerets from which silk is extruded. SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary Each of the small spigots on the posterior spinnerets. They extrude thin fibrils used to cover surfaces, such as the wrapping of preys, lining of silken cells, some layers in eggsacs. spider_anatomy SPD:0000365 aciniform gland spigot Each of the small spigots on the posterior spinnerets. They extrude thin fibrils used to cover surfaces, such as the wrapping of preys, lining of silken cells, some layers in eggsacs. SPD:Ramirez A spigot found in some Mygalomorphae, with a globose base with striae, as in a pumpkin. spider_anatomy SPD:0000366 pumpkiniform spigot A spigot found in some Mygalomorphae, with a globose base with striae, as in a pumpkin. SPD:Ramirez Each of the large spigots on the posterior spinnerets, occurring only in adult females. They extrude a silk used for some layers of the eggsac, probably used to regulate humidity. tubuliform gland spigot spider_anatomy SPD:0000367 cylindrical gland spigot Each of the large spigots on the posterior spinnerets, occurring only in adult females. They extrude a silk used for some layers of the eggsac, probably used to regulate humidity. SPDrf:Gheysens_et_al_2005 tubuliform gland spigot SPD:Ramirez A large spigot on the anterior lateral of posterior median spinnerets, extruding resistant fibers. spider_anatomy SPD:0000368 ampullate gland spigot A large spigot on the anterior lateral of posterior median spinnerets, extruding resistant fibers. SPD:Ramirez Each of the spigots on the posterior spinnerets of some cribellate spiders, with a shaft similar to those of cribellar spigots, strobilate except in Filistatidae. spider_anatomy SPD:0000369 paracribellar gland spigot Each of the spigots on the posterior spinnerets of some cribellate spiders, with a shaft similar to those of cribellar spigots, strobilate except in Filistatidae. SPD:Ramirez A cuticular scar, morphologically singular or multiple, that results, after ecdysis, from a collared opening forming in the exoskeleton during proecdysis; the opening accommodates a silk gland duct, allowing it to remain attached to a spigot on the old exoskeleton during proecdysis. spider_anatomy SPD:0000370 tartipore A cuticular scar, morphologically singular or multiple, that results, after ecdysis, from a collared opening forming in the exoskeleton during proecdysis; the opening accommodates a silk gland duct, allowing it to remain attached to a spigot on the old exoskeleton during proecdysis. SPDrf:Townley_and_Tillingast_2003 The shaft of a scopular seta. spider_anatomy SPD:0000371 scopular seta shaft The shaft of a scopular seta. SPD:Ramirez Any of the four appendages of prosoma, behind the palp. spider_anatomy SPD:0000372 leg Any of the four appendages of prosoma, behind the palp. SPD:Ramirez The basal, 1st segment of the leg. It articulates with the trochanter through a prolateral ball-socket articulation. spider_anatomy SPD:0000373 coxa The basal, 1st segment of the leg. It articulates with the trochanter through a prolateral ball-socket articulation. SPDrf:Parry_1957 Second segment of the leg, between the coxa and femur. It articulates with the femur through a pair of lateral condyles. spider_anatomy SPD:0000374 trochanter Second segment of the leg, between the coxa and femur. It articulates with the femur through a pair of lateral condyles. SPD:Ramirez The 3rd segment of the leg, between trochanter and patella. It articulates with the patella through a pair of dorsal-lateral condyles. spider_anatomy SPD:0000375 femur The 3rd segment of the leg, between trochanter and patella. It articulates with the patella through a pair of dorsal-lateral condyles. SPD:Ramirez The 4th segment of the leg, between femur and tibia. It articulates with the tibia through a medial dorsal condyle. spider_anatomy SPD:0000376 patella The 4th segment of the leg, between femur and tibia. It articulates with the tibia through a medial dorsal condyle. SPD:Ramirez The 5th segment of the leg, between patella and metatarsus. It articulates with the metatarsus through a pair of dorsal-lateral condyles. spider_anatomy SPD:0000377 tibia The 5th segment of the leg, between patella and metatarsus. It articulates with the metatarsus through a pair of dorsal-lateral condyles. SPDd:Ramirez The 6th segment of the leg, between tibia and tarsus. It articulates with the tarsus through free joint without condyles. basitarsus spider_anatomy SPD:0000378 metatarsus The 6th segment of the leg, between tibia and tarsus. It articulates with the tarsus through free joint without condyles. SPD:Ramirez basitarsus SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The 7th segment of the leg, between the metatarsus and the pretarsus. It articulates with the pretarsus through a pair of lateral condyles. distitarsus spider_anatomy SPD:0000379 tarsus The 7th segment of the leg, between the metatarsus and the pretarsus. It articulates with the pretarsus through a pair of lateral condyles. SPD:Ramirez distitarsus SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary The most apical pseudopodomere of the tarsus, delimited by a membrane in place of the foot slit suture. The membrane extends from each side to meet dorsally and thus forms an additional joint. Only some araneomorph spiders such as several Synspermiata or palpimanoids have an articulate podotarsite. spider_anatomy onychium SPD:0000380 podotarsite The most apical pseudopodomere of the tarsus, delimited by a membrane in place of the foot slit suture. The membrane extends from each side to meet dorsally and thus forms an additional joint. Only some araneomorph spiders such as several Synspermiata or palpimanoids have an articulate podotarsite. SPD:Ramirez onychium SPDrf:Simon_1892 A hook-shaped sclerotized structure arising from the leg or palpal pretarsus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000381 claw A hook-shaped sclerotized structure arising from the leg or palpal pretarsus. SPD:Ramirez Each of the paired leg tarsal claws. spider_anatomy SPD:0000382 superior claw Each of the paired leg tarsal claws. SPD:Ramirez The prolateral superior claw. spider_anatomy SPD:0000383 proclaw The prolateral superior claw. SPD:Ramirez The retrolateral superior claw. spider_anatomy SPD:0000384 retroclaw The retrolateral superior claw. SPD:Ramirez The median, unpaired claw located apically on the leg pretarsus. median claw unpaired claw spider_anatomy SPD:0000385 inferior claw The median, unpaired claw located apically on the leg pretarsus. SPD:Ramirez median claw SPDrf:Ubick_et_al_2005_glossary unpaired claw SPD:Ramirez The distal plate of the socket of trichobothria. spider_anatomy SPD:0000386 bothrium distal plate The distal plate of the socket of trichobothria. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000387 sensilla appendage prosoma true spider_anatomy SPD:0000388 Replace this with stage-specific anatomical terms. Use characters as guide. development true spider_anatomy SPD:0000389 cuticle legs and palp true A cuticular overhang that makes contact with an opposing step in the tarsus and prevents overflexion of the tarsus-metatarsus joint. The contact with the tarsal step triggers a signal from the vibration sense organ, a lyriform organ immediately behind the metatarsal stopper. spider_anatomy SPD:0000390 metatarsus dorsal stopper A cuticular overhang that makes contact with an opposing step in the tarsus and prevents overflexion of the tarsus-metatarsus joint. The contact with the tarsal step triggers a signal from the vibration sense organ, a lyriform organ immediately behind the metatarsal stopper. SPD:Ramirez The proximal plate of the socket of trichobothria. trichobothrial hood spider_anatomy SPD:0000391 bothrium proximal plate The proximal plate of the socket of trichobothria. SPD:Ramirez trichobothrial hood SPD:Ramirez An eye where the retina receives the light directly, as opposed to being reflected by a tapetum. spider_anatomy SPD:0000392 direct eye An eye where the retina receives the light directly, as opposed to being reflected by a tapetum. SPD:Ramirez The lens of the anterior median eye. spider_anatomy SPD:0000393 anterior median eye lens The lens of the anterior median eye. SPD:Ramirez The lens of the anterior lateral eye. spider_anatomy SPD:0000394 anterior lateral eye lens The lens of the anterior lateral eye. SPD:Ramirez The lens of the posterior lateral eye. spider_anatomy SPD:0000395 posterior lateral eye lens The lens of the posterior lateral eye. SPD:Ramirez The lens of the posterior lateral eye. spider_anatomy SPD:0000396 posterior median eye lens The lens of the posterior lateral eye. SPD:Ramirez The external, transparent cuticular structure of the eye. spider_anatomy SPD:0000397 eye lens The external, transparent cuticular structure of the eye. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000398 cuticle carapace true spider_anatomy SPD:0000399 hair carapace true A medium-sized seta with curved shaft, usually with barbs, inervated by three neurons. This is the most frequent and widespread kind of seta. spider_anatomy hair SPD:0000400 tactile hair A medium-sized seta with curved shaft, usually with barbs, inervated by three neurons. This is the most frequent and widespread kind of seta. SPDrf:Foelix_1996 hair SPDrf:Foelix_1996 A scale on the carapace cuticle. spider_anatomy SPD:0000401 scale carapace true A scale on the carapace cuticle. SPD:Ramirez A seta with a small socket, bent in angle immediately after its insertion, so that it lies parallel to the cuticular surface. Scales lack innervation. They can have a wide variety of shapes, including feathery, cylindrical, and flat. spider_anatomy feathery seta SPD:0000402 scale A seta with a small socket, bent in angle immediately after its insertion, so that it lies parallel to the cuticular surface. Scales lack innervation. They can have a wide variety of shapes, including feathery, cylindrical, and flat. SPDrf:Townsend_and_Felgenhauer_1998 feathery seta SPD:Ramirez A cusple on the labium of some Mygalomorphae. spider_anatomy SPD:0000403 labial cusple A cusple on the labium of some Mygalomorphae. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000404 seta carapace true spider_anatomy SPD:0000405 macroseta true A paired traight, thick silk fiber in the cribellate silk band. spider_anatomy SPD:0000406 cribellate band axial line A paired traight, thick silk fiber in the cribellate silk band. SPD:Ramirez A paired, highly curled and thick silk fiber in the cribellate silk band. spider_anatomy SPD:0000407 cribellate band reserve wrap A paired, highly curled and thick silk fiber in the cribellate silk band. SPD:Ramirez A silk fiber produced through an aciniform gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000408 Ac silk fiber A silk fiber produced through an aciniform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez A silk fiber produced through a major ampullate gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000409 maAmp silk fiber A silk fiber produced through a major ampullate gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez A silk fiber produced through a minor ampullate gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000410 miAmp silk fiber A silk fiber produced through a minor ampullate gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez A silk fiber produced through a paracribellar gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000411 PC silk fiber A silk fiber produced through a paracribellar gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez A silk fiber produced through a modified gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000412 MS silk fiber A silk fiber produced through a modified gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez A silk fiber produced through a cylindrical gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000413 Cy silk fiber A silk fiber produced through a cylindrical gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez A silk fiber with glue coating produced through a piriform gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000414 Pi silk fiber A silk fiber with glue coating produced through a piriform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez A silk fiber produced through a cribellar gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000415 cribellar silk fiber A silk fiber produced through a cribellar gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez A modified gland spigot in araneoids. coronate gland spigot spider_anatomy SPD:0000416 flagelliform gland spigot A modified gland spigot in araneoids. SPD:Ramirez coronate gland spigot SPD:Peters_1955 A modified gland spigot in deinopoids. spider_anatomy SPD:0000417 pseudoflagelliform gland spigot A modified gland spigot in deinopoids. SPD:Ramirez The base of the flagelliform gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000418 base of flagelliform gland spigot The base of the flagelliform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of the flagelliform gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000419 shaft of flagelliform gland spigot The shaft of the flagelliform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The base of the pseudoflagelliform gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000420 base of pseudoflagelliform gland spigot The base of the pseudoflagelliform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of the pseudoflagelliform gland spigot. spider_anatomy SPD:0000421 shaft of pseudoflagelliform gland spigot The shaft of the pseudoflagelliform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The opisthosomal segment between carapace and epigastrium. spider_anatomy SPD:0000422 opisthosomal segment 1 The opisthosomal segment between carapace and epigastrium. SPD:Ramirez The opisthosomal segment between the pedicel and the epigastric furrow. spider_anatomy SPD:0000423 opisthosomal segment 2 The opisthosomal segment between the pedicel and the epigastric furrow. SPD:Ramirez The opisthosomal segment between the epigastric furrow and the spinnerets. spider_anatomy SPD:0000424 opisthosomal segment 3 The opisthosomal segment between the epigastric furrow and the spinnerets. SPD:Ramirez The opisthosomal segment bearing the anterior spinnerets. spider_anatomy SPD:0000425 opisthosomal segment 4 The opisthosomal segment bearing the anterior spinnerets. SPD:Ramirez The opisthosomal segment bearing the posterior spinnerets. spider_anatomy SPD:0000426 opisthosomal segment 5 The opisthosomal segment bearing the posterior spinnerets. SPD:Ramirez The respiratory system lined by cuticle, composed by tracheae and booklungs. spider_anatomy SPD:0000427 tracheal system true The respiratory system lined by cuticle, composed by tracheae and booklungs. SPD:Ramirez A respiratory structure made of many hollow leaves lined by cuticle, connecting to the exterior by a spiracle. spider_anatomy SPD:0000428 booklung A respiratory structure made of many hollow leaves lined by cuticle, connecting to the exterior by a spiracle. SPD:Ramirez The external opening leading to the booklung atrium. lung slit spider_anatomy SPD:0000429 booklung spiracle The external opening leading to the booklung atrium. SPD:Ramirez lung slit SPDrf:Foelix_2011 Each of the cuticular lamella of the booklung. The lamella are filled with air, and their thin cuticle allows for gas exchange. spider_anatomy booklung lamella SPD:0000430 booklung leaf Each of the cuticular lamella of the booklung. The lamella are filled with air, and their thin cuticle allows for gas exchange. SPD:Ramirez booklung lamella SPD:Ramirez A space behind the booklung spiracle, where the booklung leaves arise. spider_anatomy SPD:0000431 booklung atrium A space behind the booklung spiracle, where the booklung leaves arise. SPD:Ramirez The atrium of the posterior booklung. spider_anatomy SPD:0000432 posterior booklung atrium The atrium of the posterior booklung. SPD:Ramirez The atrium of the anterior booklung. spider_anatomy SPD:0000433 anterior booklung atrium The atrium of the anterior booklung. SPD:Ramirez A tracheal structure with tubular shape. spider_anatomy SPD:0000434 trachea A tracheal structure with tubular shape. SPD:Ramirez The opening of a trachea to the exterior. spider_anatomy SPD:0000435 tracheal spiracle The opening of a trachea to the exterior. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000436 tracheal tube true A generalized tracheal structure on the 2nd or 3rd opisthosomal segment, may be represented as a lateral trachea or a booklung. spider_anatomy SPD:0000437 lateral respiratory structure true A generalized tracheal structure on the 2nd or 3rd opisthosomal segment, may be represented as a lateral trachea or a booklung. SPD:Ramirez A generalized tracheal structure on the 2nd or 3rd opisthosomal segment, may be represented as a trachea or an elongate apodeme. spider_anatomy SPD:0000438 median respiratory structure true A generalized tracheal structure on the 2nd or 3rd opisthosomal segment, may be represented as a trachea or an elongate apodeme. SPD:Ramirez A ventral paired apodeme on the posterior end of the opisthosomal segment. spider_anatomy SPD:0000439 opisthosomal entapophysis A ventral paired apodeme on the posterior end of the opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez The part of the respiratory system corresponding to the second segment of the opisthosoma, including the anterior booklungs and its derivations. spider_anatomy SPD:0000440 anterior respiratory system The part of the respiratory system corresponding to the second segment of the opisthosoma, including the anterior booklungs and its derivations. SPD:Ramirez spider_anatomy SPD:0000441 anterior lateral respiratory structure true spider_anatomy SPD:0000442 anterior median respiratory structure true A tracheal tube arising from the interpulmonary fold in the 2nd segment. spider_anatomy SPD:0000443 epigastric median trachea A tracheal tube arising from the interpulmonary fold in the 2nd segment. SPD:Ramirez The cuticle of leg articles. spider_anatomy SPD:0000444 leg cuticle true The cuticle of leg articles. SPD:Ramirez The basal part of the fang, between its insertion and the fang shaft. spider_anatomy SPD:0000445 fang base The basal part of the fang, between its insertion and the fang shaft. SPD:Ramirez The apical part of the fang, having the fang shaft serrula. spider_anatomy SPD:0000446 fang shaft The apical part of the fang, having the fang shaft serrula. SPD:Ramirez A line of denticles along the concave side of the fang. spider_anatomy SPD:0000447 fang shaft serrula A line of denticles along the concave side of the fang. SPD:Ramirez spider_behavior SPD:0000448 behavioral entity true The stereotyped movements used by cribellate spiders to card the band of cribellar fibrils using the calamistrum. It involves the movement of the carding leg IV of which the calamistrum is being used, and a contralateral leg to support the carding leg. carding behavior combing behavior spider_behavior SPD:0000449 cribellate silk carding behavior true The stereotyped movements used by cribellate spiders to card the band of cribellar fibrils using the calamistrum. It involves the movement of the carding leg IV of which the calamistrum is being used, and a contralateral leg to support the carding leg. SPD:Ramirez carding behavior SPD:Ramirez combing behavior SPD:Ramirez The 8th, most distal article of the leg, articulated with the tarsus and bearing the claws. spider_anatomy SPD:0000450 pretarsus The 8th, most distal article of the leg, articulated with the tarsus and bearing the claws. SPD:Ramirez Segment on the leg, connected to other articles or to prosoma by articulate joints. spider_anatomy SPD:0000451 leg article Segment on the leg, connected to other articles or to prosoma by articulate joints. SPD:Ramirez The pretarsus of leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000452 pretarsus 1 The pretarsus of leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The pretarsus of leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000453 pretarsus 2 The pretarsus of leg 2. SPD:Ramirez The pretarsus of leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000454 pretarsus 3 The pretarsus of leg 3. SPD:Ramirez The pretarsus of leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000455 pretarsus 4 The pretarsus of leg 4. SPD:Ramirez Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue. CARO:0000040 spider_anatomy SPD:0000456 acellular anatomical structure Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue. SPDrf:CARO A small sclerite on the fang articulation, where the fang flexor tendon inserts. spider_anatomy plagula articularis SPD:0000457 plagula ventralis A small sclerite on the fang articulation, where the fang flexor tendon inserts. SPD:Ramirez plagula articularis SPDrf:Simon_1892 The bulbous expansion on the trichobothrial shaft base, just above its insertion point. spider_anatomy SPD:0000458 basal expansion of trichobothria shaft The bulbous expansion on the trichobothrial shaft base, just above its insertion point. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of the claw tuft seta. spider_anatomy SPD:0000459 claw tuft seta shaft The shaft of the claw tuft seta. SPD:Ramirez The socket of the claw tuft seta. spider_anatomy SPD:0000460 socket of claw tuft seta The socket of the claw tuft seta. SPD:Ramirez In entelegyne spiders the tarsal organ is protected by a capsule with a small opening. spider_anatomy SPD:0000461 tarsal organ capsule In entelegyne spiders the tarsal organ is protected by a capsule with a small opening. SPD:Ramirez Each of the tarsal organ sensilla with rimmed pores, where the sensory dendrites end. spider_anatomy SPD:0000462 tarsal organ sensillum Each of the tarsal organ sensilla with rimmed pores, where the sensory dendrites end. SPD:Ramirez Each of the discrete cells in the cuticular sculpture of rigid surfaces in spiders such as some Araneoidea. spider_anatomy SPD:0000463 cuticle sculpture cell Each of the discrete cells in the cuticular sculpture of rigid surfaces in spiders such as some Araneoidea. SPD:Ramirez The sclerotized median piece on the pretarsus, where the two tendons controlling the movement of the claws are connected (pretarsus levator and pretarsus depressor). It articulates with the tarsus by two basal lateral condyles (struts). The superior claws articulate with the claw lever by a movable joint. When present, the inferior claw arises from the pretarsus. spider_anatomy SPD:0000464 claw lever The sclerotized median piece on the pretarsus, where the two tendons controlling the movement of the claws are connected (pretarsus levator and pretarsus depressor). It articulates with the tarsus by two basal lateral condyles (struts). The superior claws articulate with the claw lever by a movable joint. When present, the inferior claw arises from the pretarsus. SPD:Ramirez The claw lever of leg 1. spider_anatomy SPD:0000465 claw lever 1 The claw lever of leg 1. SPD:Ramirez The claw lever of leg 2. spider_anatomy SPD:0000466 claw lever 2 The claw lever of leg 2. SPD:Ramirez The claw lever of leg 3. spider_anatomy SPD:0000467 claw lever 3 The claw lever of leg 3. SPD:Ramirez The claw lever of leg 4. spider_anatomy SPD:0000468 claw lever 4 The claw lever of leg 4. SPD:Ramirez Each of the radial superficial markings on the carapace corresponding to the limits of the underlying leg muscles. spider_anatomy SPD:0000469 thoracic furrow Each of the radial superficial markings on the carapace corresponding to the limits of the underlying leg muscles. SPD:Ramirez The cheliceral escort seta on the promargin. spider_anatomy SPD:0000470 promarginal escort seta The cheliceral escort seta on the promargin. SPD:Ramirez The cheliceral escort seta on the retromargin. spider_anatomy SPD:0000471 retromarginal escort seta The cheliceral escort seta on the retromargin. SPD:Ramirez Each of the setae aligned on the cheliceral promargin in front of the fang base. They have the barbs disposed on longitudinal lines. spider_anatomy SPD:0000472 promarginal rake seta Each of the setae aligned on the cheliceral promargin in front of the fang base. They have the barbs disposed on longitudinal lines. SPD:Ramirez The 7th, most distal article of the female palp, articulated with the tarsus and containing the claw. spider_anatomy SPD:0000473 palpal pretarsus The 7th, most distal article of the female palp, articulated with the tarsus and containing the claw. SPD:Ramirez The claw lever of the palp. spider_anatomy SPD:0000474 palpal claw lever The claw lever of the palp. SPD:Ramirez A mechanoreceptor sensitive to strain on the cuticle. It has a linear shape with raised borders. Slit sensilla may occur in isolation or in groups of parallel sensilla, forming a lyriform organ. spider_anatomy SPD:0000475 slit sensillum A mechanoreceptor sensitive to strain on the cuticle. It has a linear shape with raised borders. Slit sensilla may occur in isolation or in groups of parallel sensilla, forming a lyriform organ. SPD:Ramirez Each of the sclerites forming a ring, where the coxal and trochanter muscles insert. Upon leg autospasy, the cleavage occurs across the sclerites, thus leaving the coxal muscles intact. spider_anatomy SPD:0000476 coxal muscle sclerite Each of the sclerites forming a ring, where the coxal and trochanter muscles insert. Upon leg autospasy, the cleavage occurs across the sclerites, thus leaving the coxal muscles intact. SPDrf:Parry_1957 An unsclerotized area from the retrolateral distal margin of the patella to the lyriform organs. The area of the retrolateral indentation is distorted by the movement. spider_anatomy SPD:0000477 patellar indentation An unsclerotized area from the retrolateral distal margin of the patella to the lyriform organs. The area of the retrolateral indentation is distorted by the movement. SPDrf:Parry_1957 A group of short propiosensory setae placed at the ventral basal corners of coxae. They are reflected by the folding of the pleural membrane. spider_anatomy SPD:0000478 coxal hair plate A group of short propiosensory setae placed at the ventral basal corners of coxae. They are reflected by the folding of the pleural membrane. SPDrf:Seyfarth_et_al_1985 A propiosensor made of a group of parallel slit sensilla. spider_anatomy SPD:0000479 lyriform organ A propiosensor made of a group of parallel slit sensilla. SPD:Ramirez A cuticular step or ridge that makes contact with the opposing metatarsus dorsal stopper and prevents overflexion of the tarsus-metatarsus joint. spider_anatomy SPD:0000480 tarsal dorsobasal step A cuticular step or ridge that makes contact with the opposing metatarsus dorsal stopper and prevents overflexion of the tarsus-metatarsus joint. SPD:Ramirez A lyriform organ placed just behind the metatarsus dorsal stopper, with slit sensilla perpendicular to the leg axis. spider_anatomy SPD:0000481 vibration sense organ A lyriform organ placed just behind the metatarsus dorsal stopper, with slit sensilla perpendicular to the leg axis. SPDrf:Barth_2002 Each of the small tooth forming the calamistrum seta comb. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-08T07:33:36Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000482 calamistrum seta tooth Each of the small tooth forming the calamistrum seta comb. SPD:Ramirez A paired plate on the feet, at the side of the pretarsus, bearing the insertions of the claw tuft setae. The claw tuft plate is articulated ventrally through a movable suture or membrane, the claw tuft suture. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-09T08:08:36Z tenent plate spider_anatomy SPD:0000483 claw tuft plate A paired plate on the feet, at the side of the pretarsus, bearing the insertions of the claw tuft setae. The claw tuft plate is articulated ventrally through a movable suture or membrane, the claw tuft suture. SPD:Ramirez tenent plate SPD:Hill_1977 A paired lateral-ventral slit sensilla at the tip of the tarsus, sensitive to vibrations. It delimits the foot. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-09T08:22:15Z claw slit pretarsal slit spider_anatomy SPD:0000484 foot slit A paired lateral-ventral slit sensilla at the tip of the tarsus, sensitive to vibrations. It delimits the foot. SPD:Ramirez claw slit SPDrf:Barth_&_Libera_1970 pretarsal slit SPDrf:Speck_&_Barth_1982 A ventral unsclerotized suture ventrally on the tarsus tip, uniting the foot slits from both sides. The suture seemingly provides room for cuticle deformation upon stress, and thus increased sensitivity on the slit sensilla. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-09T08:25:33Z claw slit suture spider_anatomy ventral articular membrane SPD:0000485 foot slit suture A ventral unsclerotized suture ventrally on the tarsus tip, uniting the foot slits from both sides. The suture seemingly provides room for cuticle deformation upon stress, and thus increased sensitivity on the slit sensilla. SPDrf:Barth_2002 claw slit suture SPDrf:Ramirez_2014 ventral articular membrane SPDrf:Speck_&_Barth_1982 A series of longitudinal ridges at each side on the claw lever. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-09T08:32:06Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000486 claw lever file A series of longitudinal ridges at each side on the claw lever. SPD:Ramirez Each of the several long, elongate setae, with strong socket and smooth shaft, occurring anteriorly on the opisthosoma around the pedicel. They are presumably propioceptors of the position of the opisthosoma relative to the prosoma. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-10T12:27:15Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000487 elongated pedicillate seta Each of the several long, elongate setae, with strong socket and smooth shaft, occurring anteriorly on the opisthosoma around the pedicel. They are presumably propioceptors of the position of the opisthosoma relative to the prosoma. SPDrf:Agnarsson_et_al_2008 The rigid cuticle of prosoma and its appendages. 2009-08-10T12:45:24Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000488 prosoma cuticle true The rigid cuticle of prosoma and its appendages. SPD:Ramirez A barb with expanded tip that makes contact with substratum and produces adherence through molecular forces. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-10T02:35:41Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000489 tenent barb A barb with expanded tip that makes contact with substratum and produces adherence through molecular forces. SPD:Ramirez An anatomically distinct cluster of setae, such as a field, patch, comb, etc. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-10T02:38:47Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000490 cluster of setae An anatomically distinct cluster of setae, such as a field, patch, comb, etc. SPD:Ramirez A seta with a defined patch of tenent barbs, such as those of the scopula or claw tuft. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-10T02:43:59Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000491 tenent seta A seta with a defined patch of tenent barbs, such as those of the scopula or claw tuft. SPD:Ramirez A patch of chemosensory setae apically on the dorsal surface of the female palpal tarsus. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-10T02:46:47Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000492 female palpal chemosensory patch A patch of chemosensory setae apically on the dorsal surface of the female palpal tarsus. SPD:Ramirez A patch of chemosensory setae apically on the dorsal surface of the male palpal tarsus (cymbium). It has been shown to be sensitive to the pheromones laid by females in draglines. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-10T02:49:17Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000493 cymbial chemosensory patch A patch of chemosensory setae apically on the dorsal surface of the male palpal tarsus (cymbium). It has been shown to be sensitive to the pheromones laid by females in draglines. SPD:Ramirez A seta with intermediate morphology between tenent and tactile hair, with acute tip and tenent barbs loosely organized on the contact side but usually not forming a pad. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-10T04:10:34Z proto-tenent seta spider_anatomy SPD:0000494 pseudotenent seta A seta with intermediate morphology between tenent and tactile hair, with acute tip and tenent barbs loosely organized on the contact side but usually not forming a pad. SPD:Ramirez proto-tenent seta SPD:Ramirez The shaft of a scale. 2009-08-11T06:43:47Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000495 scale shaft The shaft of a scale. SPD:Ramirez The socket of a scale. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-11T06:44:51Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000496 socket of scale The socket of a scale. SPD:Ramirez The apical pore in the chemosensory setal shaft, where the chemosensory dendrites end. 2009-08-11T02:05:53Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000497 apical pore of chemosensory seta The apical pore in the chemosensory setal shaft, where the chemosensory dendrites end. SPDrf:Barth_2002 The socket of the chemosensory seta. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-11T02:09:16Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000498 socket of chemosensory seta The socket of the chemosensory seta. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of the chemosensory seta. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-11T02:09:57Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000499 chemosensory seta shaft The shaft of the chemosensory seta. SPD:Ramirez The dorsal sclerite on the pedicel closer to the carapace. 2009-08-12T06:15:17Z pedicel dorsal anterior sclerite spider_anatomy SPD:0000500 lorum 1 The dorsal sclerite on the pedicel closer to the carapace. SPD:Ramirez pedicel dorsal anterior sclerite SPD:Ramirez The dorsal sclerite on the pedicel closer to the opisthosoma. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-12T06:17:28Z pedicel dorsal posterior sclerite spider_anatomy SPD:0000501 lorum 2 The dorsal sclerite on the pedicel closer to the opisthosoma. SPD:Ramirez pedicel dorsal posterior sclerite SPD:Ramirez A mesh of cuticular extensions lining the booklung atrium and the base of booklung leaves. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-12T05:51:33Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000502 booklung atrium mesh A mesh of cuticular extensions lining the booklung atrium and the base of booklung leaves. SPD:Ramirez A fold connecting the booklung atria from each side, lined by a mesh of cuticular extensions. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-12T06:46:15Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000503 interpulmonary fold A fold connecting the booklung atria from each side, lined by a mesh of cuticular extensions. SPD:Ramirez An internal prolongation of the cuticle where muscles insert. 2009-08-13T06:08:05Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000504 apodeme An internal prolongation of the cuticle where muscles insert. SPD:Ramirez A mesh of cuticular extensions lining the luminal side of the tracheal cuticle. 2009-08-14T04:29:06Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000505 tracheal mesh A mesh of cuticular extensions lining the luminal side of the tracheal cuticle. SPD:Ramirez A trachea of small diameter with single cuticular wall, without internal mesh. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-14T05:18:07Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000506 tracheole A trachea of small diameter with single cuticular wall, without internal mesh. SPD:Ramirez The thin cuticle of the trachea, across which the gas interchange occurs. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-14T05:22:10Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000507 tracheal cuticle The thin cuticle of the trachea, across which the gas interchange occurs. SPD:Ramirez The entapophysis of the second opisthosomal segment. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-15T07:34:30Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000508 entapophysis 2 The entapophysis of the second opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez The entapophysis of the fourth opisthosomal segment. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-15T07:36:59Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000509 entapophysis 4 The entapophysis of the fourth opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez The entapophysis of the fifth opisthosomal segment. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-15T07:37:35Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000510 entapophysis 5 The entapophysis of the fifth opisthosomal segment. SPD:Ramirez A sensillum whose dendrites end on a pore in the cuticle, sensitive to its deformations. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-16T07:37:36Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000511 strain sensillum of cuticle A sensillum whose dendrites end on a pore in the cuticle, sensitive to its deformations. SPD:Barth_2002 The two spigots of the triad at each side of the modified gland spigot. Depending on the taxonomic group, the flanking spigots may be aggregate, paracribellar, or a form not yet characterized of gland spigots. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-16T07:55:19Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000512 flanking spigots of triad The two spigots of the triad at each side of the modified gland spigot. Depending on the taxonomic group, the flanking spigots may be aggregate, paracribellar, or a form not yet characterized of gland spigots. SPDrf:Griswold_et_al_2005 The field of piriform gland spigots on the anterior lateral spinnerets. 2009-08-18T03:02:06Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000513 piriform field The field of piriform gland spigots on the anterior lateral spinnerets. SPD:Ramirez The distal pore of the spigot shaft from where the silk is extruded. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-18T06:08:49Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000514 pore of spigot shaft The distal pore of the spigot shaft from where the silk is extruded. SPD:Ramirez A flexible piece at the tip of the spigot shaft, delimiting the apical opening. It has been reported in the spigots of Polenecia producta (Uloboridae) but has a wider, scattered distribution in other taxa as well. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-19T06:23:12Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000515 spigot end piece A flexible piece at the tip of the spigot shaft, delimiting the apical opening. It has been reported in the spigots of Polenecia producta (Uloboridae) but has a wider, scattered distribution in other taxa as well. SPDrf:Kovoor_and_Peters_1988 The opisthosomal segment bearing the anal tubercle. 2009-08-21T03:04:01Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000516 opisthosomal segment 11 The opisthosomal segment bearing the anal tubercle. SPDrf:Millot_1936 An orifice on the anal tubercle where the stercoral pocket discharges. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-21T03:05:28Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000517 anus An orifice on the anal tubercle where the stercoral pocket discharges. SPD:Ramirez A internal cuticular tube inside the chemosensory seta shaft, enclosing the dentrites, extending from the apical pore to about 2/3 of the shaft length. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-21T03:45:31Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000518 cuticular sheet of chemosensory seta A internal cuticular tube inside the chemosensory seta shaft, enclosing the dentrites, extending from the apical pore to about 2/3 of the shaft length. SPDrf:Foelix_1970 Any membrane that allows or actively produces movement of the copulatory bulb or of parts of it. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-21T05:57:03Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000519 hematodocha Any membrane that allows or actively produces movement of the copulatory bulb or of parts of it. SPDrf:Huber_2002 Any of the main sections of the male copulatory bulb, delimited by hematodochae. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-21T06:50:39Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000520 division of copulatory bulb Any of the main sections of the male copulatory bulb, delimited by hematodochae. SPD:Ramirez The division of the copulatory bulb between the basal and median hematodochae, containing the subtegulum. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-21T06:52:33Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000521 basal division of copulatory bulb The division of the copulatory bulb between the basal and median hematodochae, containing the subtegulum. SPDrf:Coddington_1990 The division of the copulatory bulb between the median and terminal hematodochae, containing the tegulum, conductor and median apophysis. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-21T06:54:15Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000522 median division of copulatory bulb The division of the copulatory bulb between the median and terminal hematodochae, containing the tegulum, conductor and median apophysis. SPD:Ramirez A sclerite connecting the embolus with the tegulum through the terminal hematodocha, and containing the spermophor. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-21T06:58:22Z distal sclerotized tube spider_anatomy SPD:0000523 radix A sclerite connecting the embolus with the tegulum through the terminal hematodocha, and containing the spermophor. SPD:Ramirez distal sclerotized tube SPDrf:Sierwald_1990 Any of the sclerotized processes arising in the cymbium. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-21T07:00:42Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000524 process of cymbium Any of the sclerotized processes arising in the cymbium. SPD:Ramirez Any of the setae on the male palpal cymbium. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-21T07:02:29Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000525 seta of cymbium Any of the setae on the male palpal cymbium. SPD:Ramirez A sclerotized process on the male palpal tibia. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-21T07:04:27Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000526 male palpal tibial process A sclerotized process on the male palpal tibia. SPD:Ramirez A sclerotized process on the male palpal femur. 2009-08-22T06:58:57Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000527 male palpal femoral process A sclerotized process on the male palpal femur. SPD:Ramirez A process on the middle of the ventral surface of the male palpal femur. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:00:50Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000528 male palpal ventral-medial process A process on the middle of the ventral surface of the male palpal femur. SPD:Ramirez A process on the ventral surface of the male palpal femur near its base. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:01:21Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000529 male palpal ventral-basal process A process on the ventral surface of the male palpal femur near its base. SPD:Ramirez A process on the ventral surface of the male palpal femur near its distal end. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:01:37Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000530 male palpal ventral-apical process A process on the ventral surface of the male palpal femur near its distal end. SPD:Ramirez A process on the dorsal surface of the male palpal patella. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:06:38Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000531 male palpal patella dorsal process A process on the dorsal surface of the male palpal patella. SPD:Ramirez A process on the retrolateral surface of the male palpal patella. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:06:54Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000532 male palpal patella retrolateral process A process on the retrolateral surface of the male palpal patella. SPD:Ramirez A gland inside the male palpal tibia, discharging through a pore on a tibial process. Has been found in some Spartaeinae (Saliticidae) and Macrobuninae (Amaurobiidae). Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:08:46Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000533 gland of male palpal tibia A gland inside the male palpal tibia, discharging through a pore on a tibial process. Has been found in some Spartaeinae (Saliticidae) and Macrobuninae (Amaurobiidae). SPDrf:Compagnucci_and_Ramirez_2000 A elongate depression forming a canal on the surface of cymbium. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:14:47Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000534 groove of cymbium A elongate depression forming a canal on the surface of cymbium. SPD:Ramirez A ventral longitudinal groove on the tip of the cymbium. It occurs in Anyphaenidae. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:15:41Z cymbial conductor spider_anatomy SPD:0000535 apical cymbial groove A ventral longitudinal groove on the tip of the cymbium. It occurs in Anyphaenidae. SPD:Ramirez cymbial conductor SPD:Ramirez A longitudinal groove on the retrolateral surface of cymbium. It occurs in several Miturgidae. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:16:37Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000536 retrolateral cymbial groove A longitudinal groove on the retrolateral surface of cymbium. It occurs in several Miturgidae. SPD:Ramirez The cuticular wall of the spermophor. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:23:58Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000537 wall of spermophor The cuticular wall of the spermophor. SPD:Ramirez A sclerotized process on the embolus. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-22T07:28:06Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000538 embolar process A sclerotized process on the embolus. SPD:Ramirez A proximal process on the dorsal surface of the male palpal tibia. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-28T12:42:35Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000539 male palpal tibia dorsal basal process A proximal process on the dorsal surface of the male palpal tibia. SPD:Ramirez A distal process on the ventral surface of the male palpal tibia. Martin Ramirez 2009-08-28T12:48:08Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000540 male palpal tibia ventral apical process A distal process on the ventral surface of the male palpal tibia. SPD:Ramirez The cuticular duct of the epigynal cuticular gland. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T10:48:21Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000541 duct of epigynal cuticular gland The cuticular duct of the epigynal cuticular gland. SPD:Ramirez The pore on the epigynal plate where the epigynal cuticular gland discharges. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T10:49:23Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000542 pore of epigynal cuticular gland The pore on the epigynal plate where the epigynal cuticular gland discharges. SPD:Ramirez Each of the two folds on the epigyne, between the lateral lobes and the median field. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T10:58:48Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000543 epigynal fold Each of the two folds on the epigyne, between the lateral lobes and the median field. SPDrf:Sierwald_1989 A spermatheca on the anterior section of the female genitalia. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T11:58:44Z spider_anatomy receptacle receptaculum SPD:0000544 anterior spermatheca A spermatheca on the anterior section of the female genitalia. SPD:Ramirez receptacle SPD:Ramirez receptaculum SPD:Ramirez A sclerotized hollow tube connecting structures of the female genitalia, usually for the transit of sperm. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T12:06:11Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000545 Obsoleted because the concept is covered by integumentary tube. duct of female genitalia true A sclerotized hollow tube connecting structures of the female genitalia, usually for the transit of sperm. SPD:Ramirez The segment of duct connecting the accessory bulb to the copulatory duct, occasionally directly to the spermatheca. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T12:12:23Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000546 duct of accessory bulb The segment of duct connecting the accessory bulb to the copulatory duct, occasionally directly to the spermatheca. SPD:Ramirez A hardened plug obstructing the female copulatory opening(s). The copulatory plug is secreted by the male copulatory bulb, although it may have components secreted by the female as well. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T12:14:46Z copulatory plug spider_anatomy SPD:0000547 mating plug A hardened plug obstructing the female copulatory opening(s). The copulatory plug is secreted by the male copulatory bulb, although it may have components secreted by the female as well. SPD:Ramirez copulatory plug SPD:Ramirez A gland discharging secretion through pores in the posterior diverticulum. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T03:20:35Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000548 gland of posterior diverticulum A gland discharging secretion through pores in the posterior diverticulum. SPD:Ramirez A generic term for hollow cuticular structures in the female genitalia, whose presumed function is sperm storage. The term is used mainly in Dysderoidea, Palpimanoidea or Austrochiloidea, where the homology with the spermathecae as found in other spiders is not well defined. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T03:48:27Z spider_anatomy posterior receptacle receptaculum SPD:0000549 receptacle true A generic term for hollow cuticular structures in the female genitalia, whose presumed function is sperm storage. The term is used mainly in Dysderoidea, Palpimanoidea or Austrochiloidea, where the homology with the spermathecae as found in other spiders is not well defined. SPD:Ramirez posterior receptacle SPD:Ramirez receptaculum SPD:Ramirez A receptacle arising from the anterior wall of the epigastric furrow, anterior to the uterus externus. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T03:51:46Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000550 anterior receptacle true A receptacle arising from the anterior wall of the epigastric furrow, anterior to the uterus externus. SPD:Ramirez A gland with a cuticular duct discharging in the anterior receptacle. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-03T03:52:19Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000551 gland of anterior receptacle true A gland with a cuticular duct discharging in the anterior receptacle. SPD:Ramirez A small invagination, often sclerotized, just posterior to the anterior booklung spiracle. It is found in lamponids and some other spiders. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-04T03:36:21Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000552 postepigastric invagination A small invagination, often sclerotized, just posterior to the anterior booklung spiracle. It is found in lamponids and some other spiders. SPDrf:Platnick_2000 The section of the female genitalia anterior to the uterus externus. Most spiders only have genital structures in this section. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-04T04:03:49Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000553 This section may contain only solid or nearly solid cuticular elements as e.g. the t-shaped sclerite (=stalk + transversal apodeme) in Oonopidae. anterior section of female genitalia The section of the female genitalia anterior to the uterus externus. Most spiders only have genital structures in this section. SPD:Michalik The section of the female genitalia posterior to the uterus externus. Only some spider groups have genital structures in this section, for example most Dysderoidea. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-04T04:05:07Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000554 This section may contain only solid or nearly solid cuticular elements. posterior section of female genitalia The section of the female genitalia posterior to the uterus externus. Only some spider groups have genital structures in this section, for example most Dysderoidea. SPD:Michalik A pore on the accessory bulb where a gland duct is connected. 2009-09-09T11:52:44Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000555 gland pore of accessory bulb A pore on the accessory bulb where a gland duct is connected. SPD:Ramirez The cuticular duct connected to a pore on the accessory bulb. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-09T11:54:50Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000556 duct of gland of accessory bulb The cuticular duct connected to a pore on the accessory bulb. SPD:Ramirez A gland discharging secretion through pores on the spermathecal wall. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-09T02:17:21Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000557 gland of spermatheca A gland discharging secretion through pores on the spermathecal wall. SPD:Ramirez A generic term for glands discharging their products into female genital elements. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-09T03:01:37Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000558 female accessory gland A generic term for glands discharging their products into female genital elements. SPD:Ramirez A gland discharging through a pore on the accessory bulb. Martin Ramirez 2009-09-09T03:04:02Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000559 gland of accessory bulb A gland discharging through a pore on the accessory bulb. SPD:Ramirez The short basal article of the cribellum, visible as a sclerotized band bearing setae. 2010-02-11T07:12:58Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000560 cribellum base The short basal article of the cribellum, visible as a sclerotized band bearing setae. SPD:Ramirez The spinning field of the cribellum. Martin Ramirez 2010-02-11T07:14:12Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000561 spinning field of cribellum The spinning field of the cribellum. SPD:Ramirez A seta on the cheliceral paturon, densely covered by barbs as in a pipe cleaner, except at the base, which is smooth. 2010-02-20T07:25:17Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000562 cheliceral whisker seta A seta on the cheliceral paturon, densely covered by barbs as in a pipe cleaner, except at the base, which is smooth. SPD:Ramirez A cheliceral whisker seta arising near the articulation of the fang, bent near its base and accompanying the fang. Escort setae are usually longer than other more mesal whisker setae. Martin Ramirez 2010-02-20T07:30:25Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000563 cheliceral escort seta A cheliceral whisker seta arising near the articulation of the fang, bent near its base and accompanying the fang. Escort setae are usually longer than other more mesal whisker setae. SPD:Ramirez The internal layer of the eye containing the photosensitive visual cells and the pigment cells. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-04T01:06:29Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000564 retina The internal layer of the eye containing the photosensitive visual cells and the pigment cells. SPD:Ramirez The layer of transparent cells between the eye lens and the retina. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-04T01:07:24Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000565 vitreous body The layer of transparent cells between the eye lens and the retina. SPD:Ramirez The region of the cephalic area bearing the eyes. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-06T06:31:28Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000566 ocular area The region of the cephalic area bearing the eyes. SPD:Ramirez The globular or conical stucture including all internal elements of the eye. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-06T06:41:41Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000567 eye cup The globular or conical stucture including all internal elements of the eye. SPD:Ramirez The cup of the anterior median eye. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-06T06:45:52Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000568 anterior median eye cup The cup of the anterior median eye. SPD:Ramirez The cup of the anterior lateral eye. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-06T06:48:57Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000569 anterior lateral eye cup The cup of the anterior lateral eye. SPD:Ramirez An unsclerotized, often elevated patch, on the retrolateral surface of the coxa. It occurs almost exclusively on coxa I, only rarely as well on coxae II and III. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-11T12:23:55Z retrocoxal window spider_anatomy SPD:0000570 retrocoxal hymen An unsclerotized, often elevated patch, on the retrolateral surface of the coxa. It occurs almost exclusively on coxa I, only rarely as well on coxae II and III. SPD:Ramirez retrocoxal window SPD:Ramirez The shaft of the aciniform gland spigot. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-15T06:49:23Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000571 shaft of aciniform gland spigot The shaft of the aciniform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The base of the aciniform gland spigot. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-15T06:50:03Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000572 base of aciniform gland spigot The base of the aciniform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The base of a cylindrical gland spigot. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-15T03:43:16Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000573 base of cylindrical gland spigot The base of a cylindrical gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The shaft of a cylindrical gland spigot. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-15T03:44:01Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000574 shaft of cylindrical gland spigot The shaft of a cylindrical gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The opening of the gonads located between second and third segment of the opisthosoma. In most of the cases the gonopore is located inside the epigastric furrow. 2010-03-17T06:16:56Z spider_anatomy genital opening opening of uterus externus SPD:0000575 gonopore The opening of the gonads located between second and third segment of the opisthosoma. In most of the cases the gonopore is located inside the epigastric furrow. SPD:Michalik genital opening SPD:Ramirez opening of uterus externus SPD:Ramirez The silken sac made by the female to retain together the eggs. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-17T06:54:05Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000576 eggsac The silken sac made by the female to retain together the eggs. SPD:Ramirez The cup of the posterior lateral eye. 2010-03-17T11:22:31Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000577 posterior lateral eye cup The cup of the posterior lateral eye. SPD:Ramirez The cup of the posterior median eye. Martin Ramirez 2010-03-17T11:23:16Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000578 posterior median eye cup The cup of the posterior median eye. SPD:Ramirez The paired apodemes extending posteriorly from the lorum into the opisthosoma. When the lorum 2 is well defined, the posterior apodemes arise from it. Martin Ramirez 2012-05-18T03:47:15Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000579 lorum posterior apodeme The paired apodemes extending posteriorly from the lorum into the opisthosoma. When the lorum 2 is well defined, the posterior apodemes arise from it. SPD:Ramirez Each of the slit sensillum of the pedicel sensilla stripe. Martin Ramirez 2012-05-18T04:06:46Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000580 pedicel slit sensillum Each of the slit sensillum of the pedicel sensilla stripe. SPD:Ramirez The paired apodemes extending anteriorly from the lorum into the prosoma. When the lorum 1 is well defined, the apodemes arise from it. 2012-05-18T03:45:55Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000581 lorum anterior apodeme The paired apodemes extending anteriorly from the lorum into the prosoma. When the lorum 1 is well defined, the apodemes arise from it. SPD:Ramirez Each of the paired series of slit sensilla at the base of the lorum posterior apodeme. The stripes are placed on two lateral longitudinal series, each sensillum approximately perpendicular to the body axis. Most entelegynes have such stripe of sensilla, apparently on the base of the apodeme. When the lorum 2 is present, it bears the slit sensilla and the poserior apodemes as a single piece. Martin Ramirez 2012-06-06T03:41:22Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000582 pedicel sensilla stripe Each of the paired series of slit sensilla at the base of the lorum posterior apodeme. The stripes are placed on two lateral longitudinal series, each sensillum approximately perpendicular to the body axis. Most entelegynes have such stripe of sensilla, apparently on the base of the apodeme. When the lorum 2 is present, it bears the slit sensilla and the poserior apodemes as a single piece. SPD:Ramirez Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with reproduction. Martin Ramirez 2013-02-12T08:41:12Z UBERON:0000990 spider_anatomy SPD:0000583 reproductive system Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with reproduction. SPD:Michalik The reproductive system of the adult male. Martin Ramirez 2013-02-12T08:45:00Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000584 male reproductive system The reproductive system of the adult male. SPD:Michalik The reproductive system of the adult female. Martin Ramirez 2013-02-12T08:45:44Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000585 female reproductive system The reproductive system of the adult female. SPD:Michalik The modified area between uterus externus and uterus internus with interlocking ridges. Peter Michalik 2013-03-02T12:03:33Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000586 This structure is mainly described for Pholcidae. valve The modified area between uterus externus and uterus internus with interlocking ridges. SPD:Michalik The male gonad that produces and release sperm. Martin Ramirez 2013-02-12T08:57:59Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000587 testis The male gonad that produces and release sperm. SPD:Michalik The tube connected to the distal end of the testis and opens into the proximal part of the unpaired ejaculatory duct. Martin Ramirez 2013-02-12T08:58:34Z vas deferens spider_anatomy SPD:0000588 deferent duct The tube connected to the distal end of the testis and opens into the proximal part of the unpaired ejaculatory duct. SPD:Michalik vas deferens SPD:Michalik Unpaired region of the male reproductive system that connects the gonopore with the deferent duct. Sometimes, its proximal portion is enlarged, forming the seminal vesicle. Martin Ramirez 2013-02-12T08:59:06Z ductus ejaculatorius spider_anatomy SPD:0000589 ejaculatory duct Unpaired region of the male reproductive system that connects the gonopore with the deferent duct. Sometimes, its proximal portion is enlarged, forming the seminal vesicle. SPD:Michalik ductus ejaculatorius SPD:Michalik The unpaired duct connecting the ovaries with the gonopore. Martin Ramirez 2013-02-28T07:57:28Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000590 uterus The unpaired duct connecting the ovaries with the gonopore. SPD:Michalik The proximal part of the uterus, without a cuticular lining and continuing proximally into the oviduct. Martin Ramirez 2013-02-28T07:58:45Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000591 uterus internus The proximal part of the uterus, without a cuticular lining and continuing proximally into the oviduct. SPD:Michalik Is the part of the female reproductive system which consists of generative and somatic elements. Martin Ramirez 2013-02-28T08:35:21Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000592 ovary Is the part of the female reproductive system which consists of generative and somatic elements. SPD:Michalik The elements of the adult male palp which are involved into sperm transfer. Martin Ramirez 2013-02-28T08:44:35Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000593 male genitalia The elements of the adult male palp which are involved into sperm transfer. SPD:Michalik A spermatheca in the posterior section of the female genitalia. It is connected to the uterus externus or posterior diverticulum by a fertilization duct. Peter Michalik 2013-03-02T12:49:21Z spider_anatomy receptacle receptaculum SPD:0000594 posterior spermatheca A spermatheca in the posterior section of the female genitalia. It is connected to the uterus externus or posterior diverticulum by a fertilization duct. SPD:Michalik receptacle SPD:Ramirez receptaculum SPD:Ramirez The fertilization duct In the posterior section of the female genitalia, connecting with the uterus externus or posterior diverticulum. Peter Michalik 2013-03-02T01:04:26Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000595 In haplogyne condition the fertilization duct acts also as copulatory duct. posterior fertilization duct The fertilization duct In the posterior section of the female genitalia, connecting with the uterus externus or posterior diverticulum. SPD:Michalik A copulatory duct in the posterior section of the female genitalia. Peter Michalik 2013-03-02T01:05:11Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000596 posterior copulatory duct A copulatory duct in the posterior section of the female genitalia. SPD:Michalik A cuticular protrusion from the median field of the epigyne. Peter Michalik 2013-03-02T01:27:40Z scapus spider_anatomy SPD:0000597 epigynal scape A cuticular protrusion from the median field of the epigyne. SPD:Michalik scapus SPD:Ramirez A gland discharging secretion through pores in a copulatory duct. Peter Michalik 2013-03-02T01:35:57Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000598 gland of copulatory duct A gland discharging secretion through pores in a copulatory duct. SPD:Michalik A gland discharging secretion through pores in a fertilization duct. Peter Michalik 2013-03-02T01:37:10Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000599 gland of fertilization duct A gland discharging secretion through pores in a fertilization duct. SPD:Michalik A distinct area (e.g. pore plate) with an accumulation of glandular units. Peter Michalik 2013-03-02T01:48:46Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000600 cluster of glandular units A distinct area (e.g. pore plate) with an accumulation of glandular units. SPD:Michalik A short macroseta on the promargin or retromargin of the chelicerae, with blunt tip. Peg teeth occur most commonly in Palpimanoids. 2013-05-30T02:18:37Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000601 peg tooth A short macroseta on the promargin or retromargin of the chelicerae, with blunt tip. Peg teeth occur most commonly in Palpimanoids. SPD:Ramirez The endosternite of the opisthosomal segment 5, where the muscle dilator of the anus inserts. Martin Ramirez 2013-05-30T03:14:39Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000602 opisthosomal endosternite 5 The endosternite of the opisthosomal segment 5, where the muscle dilator of the anus inserts. SPD:Ramirez The first of the heart ostia. 2013-06-10T05:27:53Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000603 heart ostium 1 The first of the heart ostia. SPD:Ramirez The second of the heart ostia. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-10T05:29:40Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000604 heart ostium 2 The second of the heart ostia. SPD:Ramirez The third of the heart ostia. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-10T05:30:06Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000605 heart ostium 3 The third of the heart ostia. SPD:Ramirez The fourth of the heart ostia. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-10T05:30:26Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000606 heart ostium 4 The fourth of the heart ostia. SPD:Ramirez The fifth of the heart ostia. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-10T05:30:48Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000607 heart ostium 5 The fifth of the heart ostia. SPD:Ramirez A slik structure used to entangle preys. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-10T06:58:12Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000608 preying web A slik structure used to entangle preys. SPD:Ramirez A preying web with stereotyped architecture, composed of frame, radii and sticky spiral. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-10T07:00:44Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000609 orb web true A preying web with stereotyped architecture, composed of frame, radii and sticky spiral. SPD:Ramirez Organ system responsible for the food uptake and processing. 2013-06-14T10:29:46Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000610 digestive system Organ system responsible for the food uptake and processing. SPD:Michalik For Wirkner to do. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:30:25Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000611 circulatory system For Wirkner to do. SPD:Wirkner The part of the circulatory system that is composed of the central pumping organ, the heart, and arteries which emanate from it and open out into the hemolymph lacunar system. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:30:46Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000612 hemolymph vascular system The part of the circulatory system that is composed of the central pumping organ, the heart, and arteries which emanate from it and open out into the hemolymph lacunar system. SPDrf:Wirkner_and_Huckstorf_2013 The open part of the circulatory system, which irrigates the tissues. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:31:04Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000613 hemolymph lacunar system The open part of the circulatory system, which irrigates the tissues. SPDrf:Wirkner_and_Huckstorf_2013 For Wirkner to do. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:31:20Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000614 sinus For Wirkner to do. SPD:Wirkner For Wirkner to do. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:31:27Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000615 lacuna For Wirkner to do. SPD:Wirkner The unpaired vessel that emanates from the anterior end of the heart. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:33:01Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000616 anterior aorta The unpaired vessel that emanates from the anterior end of the heart. SPD:Michalik The unpaired vessel that emanates from the posterior end of the heart. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:33:54Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000617 posterior aorta The unpaired vessel that emanates from the posterior end of the heart. SPD:Ramirez A paired vessel that emanates from the heart. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:34:43Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000618 cardiac artery A paired vessel that emanates from the heart. SPDrf:Wirkner_and_Huckstorf_2013 The organ system used for gas exchange, lined by cuticle, composed by booklungs and tubular tracheae. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:36:29Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000619 respiratory system The organ system used for gas exchange, lined by cuticle, composed by booklungs and tubular tracheae. SPD:Ramirez Anatomical system that consists of neurons and its supporting tissues. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:38:42Z FBbt:00005093 spider_anatomy SPD:0000620 nervous system Anatomical system that consists of neurons and its supporting tissues. SPD:Ramirez The condensed ganglia in the prosoma. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:45:21Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000621 central nervous system The condensed ganglia in the prosoma. SPDrf:Foelix_2011 The nerves connecting the sensory and motor structures with the central nervous system. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:45:50Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000622 peripheral nervous system The nerves connecting the sensory and motor structures with the central nervous system. SPDrf:Foelix_2011 A brain is a cluster of neurons. It is part of a nervous system. It is the most prominent anterior condensation of neurons and may also include further types of cells, including glial cells and pigment cells. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:52:50Z supraesophageal ganglion spider_anatomy SPD:0000623 brain A brain is a cluster of neurons. It is part of a nervous system. It is the most prominent anterior condensation of neurons and may also include further types of cells, including glial cells and pigment cells. SPD:Michalik supraesophageal ganglion SPD:Ramirez An unpaired neuropil in the rear part of the brain. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:54:24Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000624 central body An unpaired neuropil in the rear part of the brain. SPDrf:Foelix_2011 A paired neuropil in the brain, mushroom-shaped. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:54:43Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000625 corpora pedunculata A paired neuropil in the brain, mushroom-shaped. SPDrf:Foelix_2011 The central body is an unpaired midline neuropil. It is a part of the central complex. It is composed of tangential and columnar neurons. These neurons form horizontal layers and provide a connection to the lateral accessory lobes and the protocerebral bridge. Subpopulations of the columnar neurons cross the midline of the syncerebrum within the central body or before entering the central body. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T10:55:09Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000626 subesophageal ganglion The central body is an unpaired midline neuropil. It is a part of the central complex. It is composed of tangential and columnar neurons. These neurons form horizontal layers and provide a connection to the lateral accessory lobes and the protocerebral bridge. Subpopulations of the columnar neurons cross the midline of the syncerebrum within the central body or before entering the central body. SPD:Michalik Epithelial tube with excretory and osmoregulatory roles connected, to at the junction of the midgut and hindgut. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:13:44Z FBbt:00005786 spider_anatomy Malphigian tube SPD:0000627 malpighian tubule Epithelial tube with excretory and osmoregulatory roles connected, to at the junction of the midgut and hindgut. SPD:Ramirez Malphigian tube SPD:Ramirez The median portion of the digestive tube, of mesodermal origin, not lined with cuticle, between the stomach and the stercoral pocket. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:16:38Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000628 midgut The median portion of the digestive tube, of mesodermal origin, not lined with cuticle, between the stomach and the stercoral pocket. SPD:Ramirez A narrow channel in the foregut, between the pharynx and the sucking stomach. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:16:54Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000629 esophagus A narrow channel in the foregut, between the pharynx and the sucking stomach. SPD:Ramirez The most posterior part of the foregut, the main pump for food intake. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:17:14Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000630 sucking stomach The most posterior part of the foregut, the main pump for food intake. SPDrf:Foelix_2011 A gland of the spinning aparatus, that produces silk. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:36:30Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000631 silk gland A gland of the spinning aparatus, that produces silk. SPD:Ramirez The organ system responsible for the removal of waste and excess material from the organism. Peter Michalik 2013-06-16T18:32:24Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000632 excretory system The organ system responsible for the removal of waste and excess material from the organism. SPD:Ramirez Organ system which is responsible for silk production and formation. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:25:36Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000633 spinning apparatus Organ system which is responsible for silk production and formation. SPD:Michalik The 3rd segment of the palp, between trochanter and patella. 2013-06-17T16:40:20Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000634 palpal femur true The 3rd segment of the palp, between trochanter and patella. SPD:Michalik A large silk gland with elongate lumen and long duct, discharging in a spigot on a anterior lateral spinneret. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:37:05Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000635 major ampullate gland A large silk gland with elongate lumen and long duct, discharging in a spigot on a anterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A small silk gland with globular lumen and short duct, discharging in a spigot on an anterior lateral spinneret. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:37:27Z pyriform gland spider_anatomy SPD:0000636 piriform gland A small silk gland with globular lumen and short duct, discharging in a spigot on an anterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez pyriform gland SPD:Ramirez A small silk gland with globular lumen and short duct, discharging in a spigot on a posterior median or lateral spinneret. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:37:51Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000637 aciniform gland A small silk gland with globular lumen and short duct, discharging in a spigot on a posterior median or lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A large silk gland with tubular elongate lumen, discharging in a spigot on a posterior median or posterior lateral spinneret of an adult female. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:38:03Z tubuliform gland spider_anatomy SPD:0000638 cylindrical gland A large silk gland with tubular elongate lumen, discharging in a spigot on a posterior median or posterior lateral spinneret of an adult female. SPD:Ramirez tubuliform gland SPD:Ramirez A large silk gland with complex lumen and long duct, discharging in a spigot on a posterior lateral spinneret. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:38:25Z coronate gland spider_anatomy SPD:0000639 Flagelliform glands are defined for ecribellate spiders only, and are probably homologous to the pseudoflagelliform glands of cribellate spiders. flagelliform gland A large silk gland with complex lumen and long duct, discharging in a spigot on a posterior lateral spinneret. SPDrf:Kovoor_1977 coronate gland SPD:Peters_1955 A large silk gland with complex ramidied lumen, discharging in a spigot on a posterior lateral spinneret. Peter Michalik 2013-06-14T13:39:19Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000640 aggregate gland A large silk gland with complex ramidied lumen, discharging in a spigot on a posterior lateral spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A short seta with raised base on the prolateral basal surface of the palpal femur, most often used for stridulation against opposing ridges on the chelicerae. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-20T18:07:29Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000641 palpal femoral thorn A short seta with raised base on the prolateral basal surface of the palpal femur, most often used for stridulation against opposing ridges on the chelicerae. SPD:Ramirez The 4th segment of the palp, between femur and tibia. Peter Michalik 2013-06-17T16:41:51Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000642 palpal patella true The 4th segment of the palp, between femur and tibia. SPD:Michalik The 6th segment of the palp, between tibia and pretarsus. Peter Michalik 2013-06-17T16:42:25Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000643 palpal tarsus true The 6th segment of the palp, between tibia and pretarsus. SPD:Michalik The 5th segment of the palp, between patella and tarsus. Peter Michalik 2013-06-17T16:43:02Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000644 palpal tibia true The 5th segment of the palp, between patella and tarsus. SPD:Michalik The 2nd segment of the palp, between coxa and femur. Peter Michalik 2013-06-17T16:43:38Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000645 palpal trochanter true The 2nd segment of the palp, between coxa and femur. SPD:Michalik A short seta with raised base on the prolateral basal surface of the palpal femur, most often used for stridulation against opposing ridges on the chelicerae. Peter Michalik 2013-06-17T17:24:00Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000646 palpal femoral thorn true A short seta with raised base on the prolateral basal surface of the palpal femur, most often used for stridulation against opposing ridges on the chelicerae. SPD:Ramirez The tube of the digestive system from the pharynx to the anus. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-20T19:54:36Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000647 gut The tube of the digestive system from the pharynx to the anus. SPD:Ramirez The most anterior part of the foregut, arising between the labium and labrum and leading into the esophagus. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-20T20:16:45Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000648 pharynx The most anterior part of the foregut, arising between the labium and labrum and leading into the esophagus. SPD:Ramirez A specialized seta at the tip of the tarsus, below the claws, with a ventral serrate side. They occur in araneoids, austrochilids, and other araneomorphs, and interact with the inferior claw to grasp a silk thread. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-21T16:13:21Z false claw spider_anatomy auxiliary claw SPD:0000649 serrate accessory claw seta A specialized seta at the tip of the tarsus, below the claws, with a ventral serrate side. They occur in araneoids, austrochilids, and other araneomorphs, and interact with the inferior claw to grasp a silk thread. SPD:Ramirez false claw SPDrf:Simon_1892 auxiliary claw SPDrf:Simon_1892 A sensory organ is a cluster of cells. It is part of a nervous system and consists of receptor cells, which form a multicellular unit that may include accessory cells, which serve as supportive structures, stimulus guiding structures or protective structures. Peter Michalik 2013-06-18T14:27:18Z sense organ spider_anatomy SPD:0000650 sensory organ A sensory organ is a cluster of cells. It is part of a nervous system and consists of receptor cells, which form a multicellular unit that may include accessory cells, which serve as supportive structures, stimulus guiding structures or protective structures. SPD:Michalik sense organ SPD:Ramirez An outgrow of the body with articles and muscles. Martin Ramirez 2013-06-21T17:44:09Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000651 appendage An outgrow of the body with articles and muscles. SPD:Ramirez A hook-like extension of the superior claws, grasping the folded base of a claw tuft seta. The clasper may be in one piece or composed by several claw teeth appressed together. Martin Ramirez 2013-07-07T16:19:30Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000652 claw tuft clasper A hook-like extension of the superior claws, grasping the folded base of a claw tuft seta. The clasper may be in one piece or composed by several claw teeth appressed together. SPD:Ramirez The folded base of a claw tuft seta, where the claw tuft clasper locks. Martin Ramirez 2013-07-07T16:35:48Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000653 claw tuft seta clasping fold The folded base of a claw tuft seta, where the claw tuft clasper locks. SPD:Ramirez A mechanism made of a claw tuft clasper in the superior claws and locking on the folded base of a claw tuft seta (the claw tuft seta clasping fold). Martin Ramirez 2013-07-07T16:36:59Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000654 claw tuft clasping mechanism A mechanism made of a claw tuft clasper in the superior claws and locking on the folded base of a claw tuft seta (the claw tuft seta clasping fold). SPD:Ramirez A comb of setae at the ventral tip of metatarsus III and IV. Martin Ramirez 2013-07-07T17:03:43Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000655 metatarsal preening comb A comb of setae at the ventral tip of metatarsus III and IV. SPD:Ramirez A cusple on the ventral surface of a leg. Martin Ramirez 2013-07-07T17:08:56Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000656 leg cusple A cusple on the ventral surface of a leg. SPD:Ramirez Each spherical or oval sclerotized sac connected by a thin duct to the bursa. The sacs occur in groups, sometimes in definite patches, on the bursa of palpimanoids. Each sac have several gland ducts discharging on them. Martin Ramirez 2013-07-08T19:21:18Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000657 bursal membranous sac Each spherical or oval sclerotized sac connected by a thin duct to the bursa. The sacs occur in groups, sometimes in definite patches, on the bursa of palpimanoids. Each sac have several gland ducts discharging on them. SPD:Ramirez The tarsal organ of the female palpal tarsus. Martin Ramirez 2013-07-12T18:49:32Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000658 tarsal organ of female palp The tarsal organ of the female palpal tarsus. SPD:Ramirez A comb made of small tooth aligned, on the calamistrun seta. The comb may have one to several lines of teeth. Martin Ramirez 2013-07-09T10:11:57Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000659 calamistrum seta comb A comb made of small tooth aligned, on the calamistrun seta. The comb may have one to several lines of teeth. SPD:Ramirez The tarsal organ on the leg tarsus. Martin Ramirez 2013-07-12T18:57:31Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000660 tarsal organ of leg The tarsal organ on the leg tarsus. SPD:Ramirez The part of the integument that is raised or projected and not articulated or delimited by conjunctiva. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-15T18:26:19Z apophysis spider_anatomy SPD:0000661 process The part of the integument that is raised or projected and not articulated or delimited by conjunctiva. SPD:Michalik apophysis SPD:Michalik The area of the integument that is weakly sclerotized, with thin exocuticle. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-15T18:35:08Z HAO:0000221 spider_anatomy SPD:0000662 conjunctiva The area of the integument that is weakly sclerotized, with thin exocuticle. SPD:Michalik The area of the integument that is strongly sclerotised, with thick exocuticle and is surrounded by conjunctivae. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-15T18:44:28Z HAO:0000909 spider_anatomy SPD:0000663 sclerite The area of the integument that is strongly sclerotised, with thick exocuticle and is surrounded by conjunctivae. SPD:Michalik An area of the integument that is indented. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-15T18:49:48Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000664 depression An area of the integument that is indented. SPD:Michalik A mature individual, with fully developed sexual organs. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T10:27:37Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000665 adult A mature individual, with fully developed sexual organs. SPD:Michalik Anatomical system that consists of muscles, tendons and apodemes. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T10:41:47Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000666 muscular system Anatomical system that consists of muscles, tendons and apodemes. SPD:Michalik The portion of tissue that is composed of contractile fibers. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T10:49:33Z ZFA:0005145 spider_anatomy SPD:0000667 muscle The portion of tissue that is composed of contractile fibers. SPD:Michalik A thin extension of cuticular tubes lined with epithelium, where a muscle inserts. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T10:59:12Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000668 tendon A thin extension of cuticular tubes lined with epithelium, where a muscle inserts. SPDrf:Foelix_2011 A section of an appendage, delimited from another article, or from its insertion on the body, by joints. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T13:35:04Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000669 article A section of an appendage, delimited from another article, or from its insertion on the body, by joints. SPD:Ramirez The anatomical cluster that makes a flexible articulation between articles of appendages, or their insertion on the body. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T13:48:31Z HAO:0001146 spider_anatomy SPD:0000670 joint The anatomical cluster that makes a flexible articulation between articles of appendages, or their insertion on the body. SPD:Ramirez The joint that is operated by muscles that insert on the rim of the distal article. Eudesmatic joints delimit podomeres. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T13:51:09Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000671 eudesmatic joint The joint that is operated by muscles that insert on the rim of the distal article. Eudesmatic joints delimit podomeres. SPDrf:Shutlz_1989 The joint that is operated by muscles that do not insert on the rim of the distal article. Adesmatic joints delimit pseudopodomeres. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T13:52:30Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000672 adesmatic joint The joint that is operated by muscles that do not insert on the rim of the distal article. Adesmatic joints delimit pseudopodomeres. SPDrf:Shultz_1989 The anatomical cluster that is composed of the chelicerae, labrum, labium, palpal coxae, and conjunctivae connecting them. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T14:18:37Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000673 mouthparts The anatomical cluster that is composed of the chelicerae, labrum, labium, palpal coxae, and conjunctivae connecting them. SPD:Ramirez Anatomical entity that has mass. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T15:09:12Z CARO:0000006 spider_anatomy SPD:0000674 material anatomical entity Anatomical entity that has mass. SPD:Ramirez Material anatomical entity that has inherent 3D shape and is generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T15:10:47Z CARO:0000003 spider_anatomy SPD:0000675 anatomical structure Material anatomical entity that has inherent 3D shape and is generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. SPD:Ramirez Anatomical structure consisting of at least two non-overlapping organs, multi-tissue aggregates or portion of tissues or cells of different types that does not constitute an organism, organ, multi-tissue aggregate, or portion of tissue. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T15:12:09Z CARO:0000054 spider_anatomy SPD:0000676 anatomical group Anatomical structure consisting of at least two non-overlapping organs, multi-tissue aggregates or portion of tissues or cells of different types that does not constitute an organism, organ, multi-tissue aggregate, or portion of tissue. SPD:Ramirez Anatomical group that has its parts adjacent to one another. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T15:13:01Z CARO:0000041 spider_anatomy SPD:0000677 anatomical cluster Anatomical group that has its parts adjacent to one another. SPD:Ramirez Anatomical group that has as its parts distinct anatomical structures interconnected by anatomical structures at a lower level of granularity. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T15:13:40Z CARO:0000011 spider_anatomy SPD:0000678 anatomical system Anatomical group that has as its parts distinct anatomical structures interconnected by anatomical structures at a lower level of granularity. SPD:Ramirez The anatomical cluster that is composed of epithelial cell(s) that secrete or excrete materials not related to their ordinary metabolic needs. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T15:44:49Z HAO:0000375 spider_anatomy SPD:0000679 gland The anatomical cluster that is composed of epithelial cell(s) that secrete or excrete materials not related to their ordinary metabolic needs. SPD:Michalik A gland that discharges its secretion into the spermophor. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T16:07:04Z spider_anatomy plug gland SPD:0000680 spermophor gland A gland that discharges its secretion into the spermophor. SPD:Michalik plug gland SPDrf:Uhl_et_al_2014 A gland on the copulatory bulb, not connected to the spermophor, that may be involved in the production of the mating plug. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T16:08:04Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000681 Found in Micaria sociabilis (Sentenska et al., in press) and Amaurobius (Suhm et al. 1996). bulb gland A gland on the copulatory bulb, not connected to the spermophor, that may be involved in the production of the mating plug. SPD:Michalik A more or less globular enlargement of the spermophor in the radix. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T16:32:21Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000682 According to Hormiga (1994) there is no evidence about the glandular nature of this structure. Fickert's gland A more or less globular enlargement of the spermophor in the radix. SPDrf:Hormiga_1994 The area of the integument that forms the opening of a book lung or trachea on the surface of the body. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T17:04:35Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000683 spiracle The area of the integument that forms the opening of a book lung or trachea on the surface of the body. SPD:Ramirez A cuticular structure made of a file and a plectrum, that produce acoustic or seismic vibrations. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T17:33:37Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000684 stridulatory organ A cuticular structure made of a file and a plectrum, that produce acoustic or seismic vibrations. SPD:Ramirez The part of the stridulatory organ that scrapes on the file to produce sound or vibrations. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T17:36:56Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000685 plectrum The part of the stridulatory organ that scrapes on the file to produce sound or vibrations. SPD:Ramirez The part of the stridulatory organ where the plectrum scrapes, to produce sound or vibrations. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T17:38:48Z stridulatory ridges spider_anatomy SPD:0000686 stridulatory file The part of the stridulatory organ where the plectrum scrapes, to produce sound or vibrations. SPD:Ramirez stridulatory ridges SPD:Ramirez One of the repeated divisions of the whole organism along the antero-posterior axis. The anatomical cluster that is connected to other segments via conjunctivae and muscles and is delimited by its sclerites. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T17:58:42Z TrOn:0000178 spider_anatomy SPD:0000687 segment One of the repeated divisions of the whole organism along the antero-posterior axis. The anatomical cluster that is connected to other segments via conjunctivae and muscles and is delimited by its sclerites. SPD:Ramirez Anatomical structure which is a primary subdivision of whole organism. The mereological sum of these is the whole organism. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T18:04:04Z CARO:0000032 spider_anatomy SPD:0000688 organism subdivision Anatomical structure which is a primary subdivision of whole organism. The mereological sum of these is the whole organism. SPD:Ramirez Anatomical structure, that consists of similar cells and intercellular matrix, aggregated according to genetically determined spatial relationships. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T18:09:00Z CARO:0000043 spider_anatomy SPD:0000689 portion of tissue Anatomical structure, that consists of similar cells and intercellular matrix, aggregated according to genetically determined spatial relationships. SPD:Ramirez Anatomical entity that has no mass. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T18:18:21Z CARO:0000007 spider_anatomy SPD:0000690 immaterial anatomical entity Anatomical entity that has no mass. SPD:Ramirez Non-material anatomical entity of three dimensions, that is generated by morphogenetic or other physiologic processes; is surrounded by one or more anatomical structures; contains one or more organism substances or anatomical structures. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-16T18:19:05Z CARO:0000005 spider_anatomy SPD:0000691 anatomical space Non-material anatomical entity of three dimensions, that is generated by morphogenetic or other physiologic processes; is surrounded by one or more anatomical structures; contains one or more organism substances or anatomical structures. SPD:Ramirez A wide space between chelicerae and endites. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-17T11:06:51Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000692 cheliceral diastema A wide space between chelicerae and endites. SPDrf:Griswold_et_al_2005 A partial or complete subdivision of the tarsus by conjunctiva. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-17T11:12:49Z tarsal pseudoarticle tarsal pseudopodomere spider_anatomy SPD:0000693 tarsal pseudosegment A partial or complete subdivision of the tarsus by conjunctiva. SPD:Ramirez tarsal pseudoarticle SPD:Ramirez tarsal pseudopodomere SPD:Ramirez A conical, sclerotized process on the promargin or retromargin of the chelicerae, sometimes also on the cheliceral furrow, as denticles. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-17T11:22:09Z spider_anatomy cheliceral denticle SPD:0000694 cheliceral tooth A conical, sclerotized process on the promargin or retromargin of the chelicerae, sometimes also on the cheliceral furrow, as denticles. SPD:Ramirez cheliceral denticle SPD:Ramirez A process on the mesal surface of the paturon, often keel shaped, extending distally, often meeting the fang tip to form a chela. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-17T11:32:38Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000695 cheliceral lamina A process on the mesal surface of the paturon, often keel shaped, extending distally, often meeting the fang tip to form a chela. SPD:Ramirez A cluster of thick macrosetae, sometimes located on a process, placed anteriorly near the base of the fang. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-17T11:40:29Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000696 rastellum A cluster of thick macrosetae, sometimes located on a process, placed anteriorly near the base of the fang. SPD:Ramirez The muscle that originates on the dorsal part of the palpal tarsus and attaches through a tendon on the basal part of the copulatory bulb. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T16:40:32Z M30 spider_anatomy SPD:0000697 palpal muscle M30 The muscle that originates on the dorsal part of the palpal tarsus and attaches through a tendon on the basal part of the copulatory bulb. SPDrf:Huber_2004 M30 SPDrf:Huber_2004 The muscle that originates in the palpal tibia and attaches through a tendon winding on the basal part of the copulatory bulb, or enters the bulb and attaches to the spermophore (in some Synspermiata). Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T16:49:58Z M29 spider_anatomy SPD:0000698 palpal muscle M29 The muscle that originates in the palpal tibia and attaches through a tendon winding on the basal part of the copulatory bulb, or enters the bulb and attaches to the spermophore (in some Synspermiata). SPDrf:Huber_2004 M29 SPDrf:Huber_2004 A hollow cuticular structure in the female genitalia, partly or completely surrounded by glandular tissue, that is used for sperm storage. It is connected to the uterus externus or bursa by the fertilization duct. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T17:03:20Z receptacle receptaculum spider_anatomy SPD:0000699 spermatheca A hollow cuticular structure in the female genitalia, partly or completely surrounded by glandular tissue, that is used for sperm storage. It is connected to the uterus externus or bursa by the fertilization duct. SPD:Michalik receptacle SPD:Michalik receptaculum SPD:Michalik The duct connecting the sperm storage site in the female genitalia with the uterus externus or posterior diverticulum. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T17:08:40Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000700 fertilization duct The duct connecting the sperm storage site in the female genitalia with the uterus externus or posterior diverticulum. SPD:Michalik A duct in the female genitalia connecting the copulatory opening to the sperm storage site. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T17:11:58Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000701 copulatory duct A duct in the female genitalia connecting the copulatory opening to the sperm storage site. SPD:Michalik A large, elaborate process on the retrolateral side of cymbium. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T17:23:05Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000702 The procursus is a synapomorphy of Pholcidae (Huber 2000). procursus A large, elaborate process on the retrolateral side of cymbium. SPDrf:Huber_2000 A part of the linyphiid tegulum that bears the column and through which the spermophor passes. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T17:31:44Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000703 suprategulum A part of the linyphiid tegulum that bears the column and through which the spermophor passes. SPDrf:Saaristo_1971 A process on the distal end of the distal sclerotized tube or radix. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T17:37:44Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000704 fulcrum A process on the distal end of the distal sclerotized tube or radix. SPDrf:Sierwald_1990 A sclerite connecting the embolus with the radix, and containing the spermophor. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T17:48:16Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000705 The stipes can be simply either a subdivision of the radix or the enlarged base of the embolus (Coddington 1990). stipes A sclerite connecting the embolus with the radix, and containing the spermophor. SPDrf:Comstock_1910 A loose membranous flap on the concave side of the embolus. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T18:03:12Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000706 pars pendula A loose membranous flap on the concave side of the embolus. SPDrf:Comstock_1910 A sclerite of the copulatory bulb arising from the tegulum, in addition to the median apophysis. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T18:05:25Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000707 paramedian apophysis A sclerite of the copulatory bulb arising from the tegulum, in addition to the median apophysis. SPD:Ramirez A transversal suture near the base of the male tibia. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T18:34:58Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000708 tibial crack A transversal suture near the base of the male tibia. SPDrf:Griswold_1993 A sclerotized plate in the opisthosoma. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T18:41:04Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000709 scutum A sclerotized plate in the opisthosoma. SPD:Ramirez A depression often associated with glands, near the ocular area. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-19T18:50:19Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000710 sulcus A depression often associated with glands, near the ocular area. SPDrf:Hormiga_1994 A large silk gland with elongate lumen and long duct, discharging in a spigot on a posterior median spinneret. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-29T10:31:46Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000711 minor ampullate gland A large silk gland with elongate lumen and long duct, discharging in a spigot on a posterior median spinneret. SPD:Ramirez A small silk gland with globular lumen and short duct, discharging in a spigot on a posterior median spinneret, rarely on a posterior lateral spinneret. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-29T10:43:13Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000712 paracribellar gland A small silk gland with globular lumen and short duct, discharging in a spigot on a posterior median spinneret, rarely on a posterior lateral spinneret. SPDrf:Kovoor_&_Peters_1988 A very small silk gland with globular lumen and short duct, discharging in a spigot on the cribellum. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-29T10:47:56Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000713 cribellar gland A very small silk gland with globular lumen and short duct, discharging in a spigot on the cribellum. SPD:Ramirez A large silk gland with complex lumen and long duct, discharging in a spigot on a posterior lateral spinneret. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-29T10:49:15Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000714 Pseudoflagelliform glands are defined for cribellate spiders only, and are probably homologous to the flagelliform glands of ecribellate spiders. pseudoflagelliform gland A large silk gland with complex lumen and long duct, discharging in a spigot on a posterior lateral spinneret. SPDrf:Kovoor_&_Peters_1988 A silk gland serving a pumpkiniform gland spigot. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-29T10:51:00Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000715 pumpkiniform gland A silk gland serving a pumpkiniform gland spigot. SPD:Ramirez The compound organ that makes gametes. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T15:20:54Z HAO:0000379 spider_anatomy SPD:0000716 gonad The compound organ that makes gametes. SPD:Michalik The anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more multi-tissue structures of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona fide boundaries from other distinct anatomical structures of different types. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T15:23:41Z CARO:0000024 spider_anatomy SPD:0000717 compound organ The anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more multi-tissue structures of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona fide boundaries from other distinct anatomical structures of different types. SPD:Michalik The portion of tissue consisting of sperm cells and secretion that is produced by the somatic cells of the male gonad and spermophor gland. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T15:26:13Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000718 seminal fluid The portion of tissue consisting of sperm cells and secretion that is produced by the somatic cells of the male gonad and spermophor gland. SPD:Michalik The anatomical structure that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T15:30:07Z CARO:0000013 spider_anatomy SPD:0000719 cell The anatomical structure that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane. SPD:Michalik The anatomical structure that is a direct part of the cell. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T15:32:51Z CARO:0000014 spider_anatomy SPD:0000720 cell component The anatomical structure that is a direct part of the cell. SPD:Michalik A mature male germ cell that develops from a spermatid. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T15:33:58Z CL:0000019 sperm cell spermatozoid spermatozoon spider_anatomy SPD:0000721 sperm A mature male germ cell that develops from a spermatid. SPD:Michalik sperm cell SPD:Michalik spermatozoid SPD:Michalik spermatozoon SPD:Michalik A male germ cell that develops from the haploid secondary spermatocytes. Without further division, spermatids undergo structural changes and give rise to spermatozoa. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T16:09:46Z CL:0000018 spider_anatomy SPD:0000722 spermatid A male germ cell that develops from the haploid secondary spermatocytes. Without further division, spermatids undergo structural changes and give rise to spermatozoa. SPD:Michalik A male germ cell that develops from spermatogonia. The euploid primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis and give rise to the haploid secondary spermatocytes which in turn give rise to spermatids. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T16:12:11Z CL:0000017 spider_anatomy SPD:0000723 spermatocyte A male germ cell that develops from spermatogonia. The euploid primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis and give rise to the haploid secondary spermatocytes which in turn give rise to spermatids. SPD:Michalik An euploid male germ cell of an early stage of spermatogenesis. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T16:13:08Z CL:0000020 spider_anatomy SPD:0000724 spermatogonium An euploid male germ cell of an early stage of spermatogenesis. SPD:Michalik A cell of an organism that does not pass on its genetic material to the organism's offspring (i.e. a non-germ line cell). Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T16:39:02Z CL:0002371 spider_anatomy SPD:0000725 somatic cell A cell of an organism that does not pass on its genetic material to the organism's offspring (i.e. a non-germ line cell). SPD:Michalik Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton, and prokaryotic structures such as anammoxosomes and pirellulosomes. Excludes the plasma membrane. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T16:45:58Z GO:0043226 spider_anatomy SPD:0000726 organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton, and prokaryotic structures such as anammoxosomes and pirellulosomes. Excludes the plasma membrane. SPD:Michalik Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a single or double lipid bilayer membrane. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, and vesicles. Excludes the plasma membrane. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T16:47:38Z GO:0043227 membrane-enclosed organelle spider_anatomy SPD:0000727 membrane-bounded organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a single or double lipid bilayer membrane. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, and vesicles. Excludes the plasma membrane. SPD:Michalik membrane-enclosed organelle GO:0043227 Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, not bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane. Includes ribosomes, the cytoskeleton and chromosomes. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T16:49:32Z GO:0043228 non-membrane-enclosed organelle spider_anatomy SPD:0000728 non-membrane-bounded organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, not bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane. Includes ribosomes, the cytoskeleton and chromosomes. SPD:Michalik non-membrane-enclosed organelle GO:0043228 A vesicle formed of membrane or protein, found in the cytoplasm of a cell. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T16:54:03Z GO:0031410 spider_anatomy SPD:0000729 cytoplasmic vesicle A vesicle formed of membrane or protein, found in the cytoplasm of a cell. SPD:Michalik All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T16:55:24Z GO:0005737 spider_anatomy SPD:0000730 cytoplasm All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. SPD:Michalik A small subcellular vesicle, surrounded by a membrane, that is formed from the Golgi apparatus and contains a highly concentrated protein destined for secretion. Secretory granules move towards the periphery of the cell and upon stimulation, their membranes fuse with the cell membrane, and their protein load is exteriorized. Processing of the contained protein may take place in secretory granules. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T17:20:40Z GO:0030141 secretory vesicle spider_anatomy SPD:0000731 secretory granule A small subcellular vesicle, surrounded by a membrane, that is formed from the Golgi apparatus and contains a highly concentrated protein destined for secretion. Secretory granules move towards the periphery of the cell and upon stimulation, their membranes fuse with the cell membrane, and their protein load is exteriorized. Processing of the contained protein may take place in secretory granules. SPD:Michalik secretory vesicle GO:0030141 A structure in the head of a spermatozoon that contains acid hydrolases, and is concerned with the breakdown of the outer membrane of the ovum during fertilization. It lies just beneath the plasma membrane and is derived from the lysosome. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T17:21:58Z GO:0001669 acrosomal vesicle acrosome spider_anatomy SPD:0000732 acrosomal vacuole A structure in the head of a spermatozoon that contains acid hydrolases, and is concerned with the breakdown of the outer membrane of the ovum during fertilization. It lies just beneath the plasma membrane and is derived from the lysosome. SPD:Michalik acrosomal vesicle SPD:Michalik acrosome SPD:Michalik Any small, fluid-filled, spherical organelle enclosed by membrane or protein. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T17:27:17Z GO:0031982 spider_anatomy SPD:0000733 vesicle Any small, fluid-filled, spherical organelle enclosed by membrane or protein. SPD:Michalik The anatomical space containing the acrosomal filament and is formed by posterior invagination of the acrosomal vacuole. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T17:32:18Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000734 subacrosomal space The anatomical space containing the acrosomal filament and is formed by posterior invagination of the acrosomal vacuole. SPD:Michalik A cellular complex consisting of acrosomal vacuole, acrosomal filament and subacrosomal space. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T17:35:49Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000735 acrosomal complex A cellular complex consisting of acrosomal vacuole, acrosomal filament and subacrosomal space. SPD:Michalik A germ cell is any biological cell that differentiates into the gametes of an organism that reproduces sexually. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T17:50:48Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000736 germ cell A germ cell is any biological cell that differentiates into the gametes of an organism that reproduces sexually. SPD:Michalik A filamentous structure consisting of actin fibrils, originating in the subacrosomal space and extending into the nuclear canal. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T17:59:50Z perforatorium spider_anatomy SPD:0000737 acrosomal filament A filamentous structure consisting of actin fibrils, originating in the subacrosomal space and extending into the nuclear canal. SPD:Michalik perforatorium SPD:Michalik Any of the various filamentous elements that form the internal framework of cells, and typically remain after treatment of the cells with mild detergent to remove membrane constituents and soluble components of the cytoplasm. The term embraces intermediate filaments, microfilaments, microtubules, the microtrabecular lattice, and other structures characterized by a polymeric filamentous nature and long-range order within the cell. The various elements of the cytoskeleton not only serve in the maintenance of cellular shape but also have roles in other cellular functions, including cellular movement, cell division, endocytosis, and movement of organelles. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:03:00Z GO:0005856 spider_anatomy SPD:0000738 cytoskeleton Any of the various filamentous elements that form the internal framework of cells, and typically remain after treatment of the cells with mild detergent to remove membrane constituents and soluble components of the cytoplasm. The term embraces intermediate filaments, microfilaments, microtubules, the microtrabecular lattice, and other structures characterized by a polymeric filamentous nature and long-range order within the cell. The various elements of the cytoskeleton not only serve in the maintenance of cellular shape but also have roles in other cellular functions, including cellular movement, cell division, endocytosis, and movement of organelles. SPD:Michalik Any constituent part of the cytoskeleton, a cellular scaffolding or skeleton that maintains cell shape, enables some cell motion (using structures such as flagella and cilia), and plays important roles in both intra-cellular transport (e.g. the movement of vesicles and organelles) and cellular division. Includes constituent parts of intermediate filaments, microfilaments, microtubules, and the microtrabecular lattice. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:04:49Z GO:0044430 spider_anatomy SPD:0000739 cytoskeletal part Any constituent part of the cytoskeleton, a cellular scaffolding or skeleton that maintains cell shape, enables some cell motion (using structures such as flagella and cilia), and plays important roles in both intra-cellular transport (e.g. the movement of vesicles and organelles) and cellular division. Includes constituent parts of intermediate filaments, microfilaments, microtubules, and the microtrabecular lattice. SPD:Michalik Cell that develops into or is itself a spermatozoon. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:25:02Z FBbt:00057011 spider_anatomy SPD:0000740 male germ cell Cell that develops into or is itself a spermatozoon. SPD:Michalik Cell that develops into or is itself an egg. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:27:23Z FBbt:00057012 spider_anatomy SPD:0000741 female germ cell Cell that develops into or is itself an egg. SPD:Michalik A mature germ cell containing a single set of chromosomes. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:28:58Z CL:0000300 spider_anatomy SPD:0000742 gamete A mature germ cell containing a single set of chromosomes. SPD:Michalik A mature contractile cell, commonly known as a myocyte. This cell has as part of its cytoplasm myofibrils organized in various patterns. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:33:24Z CL:0000187 spider_anatomy SPD:0000743 muscle cell A mature contractile cell, commonly known as a myocyte. This cell has as part of its cytoplasm myofibrils organized in various patterns. SPD:Michalik A non-germ cell in the testis. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:36:31Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000744 somatic cell of testis A non-germ cell in the testis. SPD:Michalik Blood cell of the circulating hemolymph that is involved in the cellular immune response. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:42:10Z FBbt:00005063 spider_anatomy SPD:0000745 hemocyte Blood cell of the circulating hemolymph that is involved in the cellular immune response. SPD:Michalik A multi-nucleate cell having no internal boundaries between nuclei. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:44:18Z FBbt:00007290 spider_anatomy SPD:0000746 syncytium A multi-nucleate cell having no internal boundaries between nuclei. SPD:Michalik The bundle of microtubules and associated proteins that forms the core of cilia (also called flagella) in eukaryotic cells and is responsible for their movements. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:48:44Z GO:0005930 spider_anatomy SPD:0000747 axoneme The bundle of microtubules and associated proteins that forms the core of cilia (also called flagella) in eukaryotic cells and is responsible for their movements. SPD:Michalik A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:53:54Z GO:0005739 spider_anatomy SPD:0000748 mitochondrion A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. SPD:Michalik A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T18:57:52Z GO:0005634 spider_anatomy SPD:0000749 nucleus A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. SPD:Michalik The nucleus of a spermatid or sperm. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:00:41Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000750 sperm nucleus The nucleus of a spermatid or sperm. SPD:Michalik An elongation of the nucleus posterior to the base of the axoneme, i.e. the centrioles. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:03:14Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000751 postcentriolar elongation of the nucleus An elongation of the nucleus posterior to the base of the axoneme, i.e. the centrioles. SPD:Michalik The part of the sperm nucleus anterior to the base of the axoneme, i.e. the centrioles. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:05:15Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000752 anterior part of the sperm nucleus The part of the sperm nucleus anterior to the base of the axoneme, i.e. the centrioles. SPD:Michalik The widen anatomical space at the anterior pole of the nucleus close to the acrosomal vacuole. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:08:09Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000753 anterior indentation of the sperm nucleus The widen anatomical space at the anterior pole of the nucleus close to the acrosomal vacuole. SPD:Michalik A cellular organelle, found close to the nucleus in many eukaryotic cells, consisting of a small cylinder with microtubular walls, 300-500 nm long and 150-250 nm in diameter. It contains nine short, parallel, peripheral microtubular fibrils, each fibril consisting of one complete microtubule fused to two incomplete microtubules. Cells usually have two centrioles, lying at right angles to each other. At division, each pair of centrioles generates another pair and the twin pairs form the pole of the mitotic spindle. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:13:22Z GO:0005814 spider_anatomy SPD:0000754 centriole A cellular organelle, found close to the nucleus in many eukaryotic cells, consisting of a small cylinder with microtubular walls, 300-500 nm long and 150-250 nm in diameter. It contains nine short, parallel, peripheral microtubular fibrils, each fibril consisting of one complete microtubule fused to two incomplete microtubules. Cells usually have two centrioles, lying at right angles to each other. At division, each pair of centrioles generates another pair and the twin pairs form the pole of the mitotic spindle. SPD:Michalik An array of microtubules that completely covers the nucleus of a spermatid. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:15:17Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000755 manchette of microtubules An array of microtubules that completely covers the nucleus of a spermatid. SPD:Michalik An array of mitochondria surrounding the most anterior part of the axoneme. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:18:31Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000756 midpiece An array of mitochondria surrounding the most anterior part of the axoneme. SPD:Michalik A narrow anatomical space of the nucleus that is invaginated from the anterior pole and usually located at the outer edge of nucleus extending until the end of the posterior elongation of the nucleus. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:19:53Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000757 nuclear canal A narrow anatomical space of the nucleus that is invaginated from the anterior pole and usually located at the outer edge of nucleus extending until the end of the posterior elongation of the nucleus. SPD:Michalik A compound membranous cytoplasmic organelle of eukaryotic cells, consisting of flattened, ribosome-free vesicles arranged in a more or less regular stack. The Golgi apparatus differs from the endoplasmic reticulum in often having slightly thicker membranes, appearing in sections as a characteristic shallow semicircle so that the convex side (cis or entry face) abuts the endoplasmic reticulum, secretory vesicles emerging from the concave side (trans or exit face). Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:24:12Z GO:0005794 dictyosome spider_anatomy SPD:0000758 Golgi apparatus A compound membranous cytoplasmic organelle of eukaryotic cells, consisting of flattened, ribosome-free vesicles arranged in a more or less regular stack. The Golgi apparatus differs from the endoplasmic reticulum in often having slightly thicker membranes, appearing in sections as a characteristic shallow semicircle so that the convex side (cis or entry face) abuts the endoplasmic reticulum, secretory vesicles emerging from the concave side (trans or exit face). SPD:Michalik dictyosome SPD:Michalik The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The ER takes two forms, rough (or granular), with ribosomes adhering to the outer surface, and smooth (with no ribosomes attached). Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:26:53Z GO:0005783 spider_anatomy SPD:0000759 endoplasmic reticulum The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The ER takes two forms, rough (or granular), with ribosomes adhering to the outer surface, and smooth (with no ribosomes attached). SPD:Michalik A cluster of multiple sperm joined together for motility and transport through the female reproductive tract before dissociation prior to fertilization. The conjugates are usually surrounded by a common secretion sheath. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:32:18Z sperm aggregate spider_anatomy SPD:0000760 sperm conjugate A cluster of multiple sperm joined together for motility and transport through the female reproductive tract before dissociation prior to fertilization. The conjugates are usually surrounded by a common secretion sheath. SPD:Michalik sperm aggregate SPD:Michalik An often spherical cluster of two or more individual sperm. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:33:40Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000761 coenospermium An often spherical cluster of two or more individual sperm. SPD:Michalik An orderly stack of sperm of variable number formed after spermiogenesis, including individualization, is complete. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:35:51Z "spermatophore" spider_anatomy SPD:0000762 rouleau An orderly stack of sperm of variable number formed after spermiogenesis, including individualization, is complete. SPD:Michalik "spermatophore" SPD:Michalik A conjugate derived from spermatogenic processes formed by the products of a single spermatogonium remaining grouped together following spermiogenesis. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:42:20Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000763 primary sperm conjugate A conjugate derived from spermatogenic processes formed by the products of a single spermatogonium remaining grouped together following spermiogenesis. SPD:Michalik A sperm conjugate arising through post-spermatogenic mechanisms such as biomechanical interactions, cell-surface interactions or membrane fusion. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:45:10Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000764 secondary sperm conjugate A sperm conjugate arising through post-spermatogenic mechanisms such as biomechanical interactions, cell-surface interactions or membrane fusion. SPD:Michalik Cluster of two or more fused or partly fused sperm cells originating from a single spermatogonium. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T19:51:04Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000765 synspermium Cluster of two or more fused or partly fused sperm cells originating from a single spermatogonium. SPD:Michalik Enlarged proximal region of the ejaculatory duct. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T20:02:44Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000766 Very evident in many theridiids (Michalik and Ramirez, 2014). seminal vesicle Enlarged proximal region of the ejaculatory duct. SPD:Michalik Any products (droplets and matrix) produced by the somatic cells of the male gonad and transferred into the female genitalia. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T20:22:20Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000767 seminal secretion Any products (droplets and matrix) produced by the somatic cells of the male gonad and transferred into the female genitalia. SPD:Michalik The state in which spider sperm cells are transferred into the female genitalia. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T20:25:48Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000768 sperm transfer form The state in which spider sperm cells are transferred into the female genitalia. SPD:Michalik Individual sperm cell surrounded by a secretion sheath. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T20:27:32Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000769 cleistospermium Individual sperm cell surrounded by a secretion sheath. SPD:Michalik A female germ cell that has entered meiosis. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T21:06:43Z CL:0000023 spider_anatomy SPD:0000770 oocyte A female germ cell that has entered meiosis. SPD:Michalik An undifferentiated germ cell that proliferates rapidly and gives rise to oocytes. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T21:09:04Z CL:0000024 spider_anatomy SPD:0000771 oogonial cell An undifferentiated germ cell that proliferates rapidly and gives rise to oocytes. SPD:Michalik The tube that connects the ovary with the uterus internus. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T21:10:48Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000772 oviduct The tube that connects the ovary with the uterus internus. SPD:Michalik The stalk connecting the bulge containing the oocyte in the ovarian epithelium with the lumen of the ovary. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T21:18:05Z funiculus spider_anatomy SPD:0000773 funicle The stalk connecting the bulge containing the oocyte in the ovarian epithelium with the lumen of the ovary. SPD:Michalik funiculus SPD:Michalik The posterior part of the digestive system derived from the ectoderm connecting the stercoral pocket with the anus. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T21:29:23Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000774 hindgut The posterior part of the digestive system derived from the ectoderm connecting the stercoral pocket with the anus. SPDrf:Foelix_2011 Portion of tissue, that consists of one or more layers of epithelial cells connected to each other by cell junctions and which is underlain by a basal lamina. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T21:45:34Z CARO:0000066 spider_anatomy SPD:0000775 epithelium Portion of tissue, that consists of one or more layers of epithelial cells connected to each other by cell junctions and which is underlain by a basal lamina. SPD:Michalik Any tube, opening or passage that connects two distinct anatomical spaces. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T21:50:44Z UBERON:0004111 spider_anatomy SPD:0000776 anatomical conduit Any tube, opening or passage that connects two distinct anatomical spaces. SPD:Michalik Any hollow cylindrical anatomical structure containing a lumen through which substances are transported. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T21:51:52Z UBERON:0000025 duct spider_anatomy SPD:0000777 tube Any hollow cylindrical anatomical structure containing a lumen through which substances are transported. SPD:Michalik duct SPD:Ramirez Epithelial tubes transport gases, liquids and cells from one site to another and form the basic structure of many organs and tissues. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T21:52:49Z UBERON:0003914 spider_anatomy SPD:0000778 epithelial tube Epithelial tubes transport gases, liquids and cells from one site to another and form the basic structure of many organs and tissues. SPD:Michalik The epidermis is the entire outer epithelial layer representing a single layer of epithelial cells that produces the cuticle. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T21:58:24Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000779 epidermis The epidermis is the entire outer epithelial layer representing a single layer of epithelial cells that produces the cuticle. SPD:Michalik The socket of a tactile hair. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-29T18:12:52Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000780 socket of tactile hair The socket of a tactile hair. SPD:Ramirez A tube formed by the integument, transporting gases, liquids and cells from one site to another. Martin Ramirez 2014-12-29T18:35:22Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000781 integumental tube A tube formed by the integument, transporting gases, liquids and cells from one site to another. SPD:Michalik The sum of all posterior midgut diverticles. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T23:00:22Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000782 midgut gland The sum of all posterior midgut diverticles. SPD:Michalik A branch of the posterior midgut consisting of digestive and secretory cells. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T23:04:54Z branches of the midgut spider_anatomy SPD:0000783 posterior midgut diverticle A branch of the posterior midgut consisting of digestive and secretory cells. SPDrf:Ludwig_et_al_1990 branches of the midgut SPD:Foelix_2011 A cell of the embryo. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T23:12:39Z CL:0002321 spider_anatomy SPD:0000784 embryonic cell A cell of the embryo. SPD:Michalik A cell found in the embryo before the formation of all the gem layers is complete. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T23:15:19Z CL:0000007 spider_anatomy SPD:0000785 early embryonic cell A cell found in the embryo before the formation of all the gem layers is complete. SPD:Michalik Diploid cell produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and egg. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T23:16:09Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000786 zygote Diploid cell produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and egg. SPD:Michalik Anatomical entity that comprises the organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T23:18:00Z UBERON:0000922 spider_anatomy SPD:0000787 embryo Anatomical entity that comprises the organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems. SPD:Michalik A generic term for stages from hatching to penultimate. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T23:19:24Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000788 immature A generic term for stages from hatching to penultimate. SPD:Ramirez A generic term for the life stage before maturity. Peter Michalik 2014-12-29T23:20:41Z subadult spider_anatomy SPD:0000789 penultimate A generic term for the life stage before maturity. SPD:Michalik subadult SPD:Michalik The posterior indentation of the sperm nucleus. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T21:22:54Z spider_anatomy SPD:0000790 implantation fossa The posterior indentation of the sperm nucleus. SPD:Michalik A structure composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins (e.g. histones) that carries hereditary information. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T21:29:02Z GO:0005694 spider_anatomy SPD:0000791 chromosome A structure composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins (e.g. histones) that carries hereditary information. SPD:Michalik Any constituent part of a chromosome, a structure composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins (e.g. histones) that carries hereditary information. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T21:32:23Z GO:0044427 spider_anatomy SPD:0000792 chromosomal part Any constituent part of a chromosome, a structure composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins (e.g. histones) that carries hereditary information. SPD:Michalik The ordered and organized complex of DNA, protein, and sometimes RNA, that forms the chromosome. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T21:33:07Z GO:0000785 spider_anatomy SPD:0000793 chromatin The ordered and organized complex of DNA, protein, and sometimes RNA, that forms the chromosome. SPD:Michalik Any of the long, generally straight, hollow tubes of internal diameter 12-15 nm and external diameter 24 nm found in a wide variety of eukaryotic cells; each consists (usually) of 13 protofilaments of polymeric tubulin, staggered in such a manner that the tubulin monomers are arranged in a helical pattern on the microtubular surface, and with the alpha/beta axes of the tubulin subunits parallel to the long axis of the tubule; exist in equilibrium with pool of tubulin monomers and can be rapidly assembled or disassembled in response to physiological stimuli; concerned with force generation, e.g. in the spindle. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T21:42:36Z GO:0005874 microtubulus spider_anatomy SPD:0000794 microtubule Any of the long, generally straight, hollow tubes of internal diameter 12-15 nm and external diameter 24 nm found in a wide variety of eukaryotic cells; each consists (usually) of 13 protofilaments of polymeric tubulin, staggered in such a manner that the tubulin monomers are arranged in a helical pattern on the microtubular surface, and with the alpha/beta axes of the tubulin subunits parallel to the long axis of the tubule; exist in equilibrium with pool of tubulin monomers and can be rapidly assembled or disassembled in response to physiological stimuli; concerned with force generation, e.g. in the spindle. SPD:Michalik microtubulus SPD:Michalik Any constituent part of the cytoplasm, all of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T21:53:28Z GO:0044444 cytoplasm component spider_anatomy SPD:0000795 cytoplasmic part Any constituent part of the cytoplasm, all of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. SPD:Michalik cytoplasm component SPD:Ramirez Cytoplasmic bead-like structures of animal cells, visible by electron microscope. Each granule is a functional unit with the biosynthesis and catabolism of glycogen being catalyzed by enzymes bound to the granule surface. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T21:57:53Z GO:0042587 glycogen particle spider_anatomy SPD:0000796 glycogen granule Cytoplasmic bead-like structures of animal cells, visible by electron microscope. Each granule is a functional unit with the biosynthesis and catabolism of glycogen being catalyzed by enzymes bound to the granule surface. SPD:Michalik glycogen particle SPD:Ramirez A cell that is part of the nervous system. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T22:18:03Z CL:0002319 spider_anatomy SPD:0000797 neural cell A cell that is part of the nervous system. SPD:Michalik The basic cellular unit of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the nervous system. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T22:19:32Z CL:0000540 spider_anatomy SPD:0000798 neuron The basic cellular unit of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the nervous system. SPD:Michalik A neuron which conveys sensory information centrally from the periphery. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T22:20:20Z CL:0000526 spider_anatomy SPD:0000799 afferent neuron A neuron which conveys sensory information centrally from the periphery. SPD:Michalik A neuron which sends impulses peripherally to activate muscles or secretory cells. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T22:21:38Z CL:0000527 spider_anatomy SPD:0000800 efferent neuron A neuron which sends impulses peripherally to activate muscles or secretory cells. SPD:Michalik Any neuron having a sensory function; an afferent neuron conveying sensory impulses. Peter Michalik 2014-12-30T22:22:54Z CL:0000101 spider_anatomy SPD:0000801 sensory neuron