quality mobility speed age color color brightness color saturation fluorescence color pattern composition concentration of consistency direction distance frequency biological sex hardness intensity life span morphology shape occurrence spatial pattern sleep pattern pilosity amount response to rhythm quality amplitude persistence phase sensitivity toward size height length mass weight orientation closure position structure temperature texture threshold rate time viability balance behavioral quality coordination maturity fecundity fertility brood size female fertility male fertility arrested mobile immobile increased speed decreased speed black blue cyan green red white yellow low brightness low saturation blotchy irregular spatial pattern discolored spotted colored colorless increased distance decreased distance increased frequency decreased frequency male hard soft acute mild intensity moderate intensity severe intensity branched cleft coiled curled curved flat pinnate circular square unbranched recurrent sporadic regular spatial pattern glabrous normal absent inconspicuous present increased amount responsive to unresponsive to increased duration decreased duration advanced phase delayed arrhythmic rhythmic insensitive toward sensitive toward photosensitive decreased height increased height increased length decreased length increased weight decreased weight hypertrophic hypotrophic increased size decreased size vestigial increased thickness decreased thickness increased volume decreased volume decreased width increased width closed closure incomplete open disoriented oriented wholly anterioralized asymmetrical bent bilateral crowded wholly dorsalized erect exserted inserted into inverted lateralized localized mislocalised misrouted wholly posterioralized symmetrical unilateral unlocalised wholly ventralized apoptotic degenerate dysplastic fused with herniated hyperplastic hypoplastic malformed necrotic obstructed unfused from high brightness asynchronous continuous discontinuous heterochronic premature rough smooth increased threshold decreased threshold lethal (sensu genetics) viable unbalanced increased behavioural activity decreased behavioural activity paralysed coordinated uncoordinated female fertile male sterile male fertile female sterile decreased rate increased rate thickness volume width photosensitivity truncated disorganized organized vacuolated sharpness oblong elliptic grey brown orange fertile sterile opacity opaque transparent symmetry undulate dwarf-like permeability porosity permeable porous viscosity viscous latency physical quality mass density damage pressure efficiency flux elasticity force susceptibility toward resistance to acute angle to obtuse angle to susceptible toward elongated concentrated increased concentration decreased concentration dense damaged elastic resistant to larval pupal juvenile medial to hyperresponsive to lateral to hyporesponsive to proximal to ventral to linear T-shaped Y-shaped variant high saturation strength dorsal to distal to process quality physical object quality wavelength dark grey desaturated blue desaturated green desaturated red desaturated yellow red brown fluorescent electromagnetic (EM) radiation quality full-spectrum EM radiation quality radiation reflective quality luminous flux reflectivity optical quality chromatic property variability increased temperature decreased temperature duration right angle to straight angle to area bilateral symmetry radial symmetry amorphous temporally extended diameter hermaphrodite area density translucent convex pleomorphic umbonate rugose fragile spiny punctiform lobate erose refractivity ploidy polyploid triploid tetraploid aneuploid monosomy trisomy endopolyploid euploid cellular quality cellular potency self-renewal multipotent nucleate quality anucleate binucleate mononucleate spindle-shaped striated unstructured regular duration sharp buoyancy alive dead refractile adhesivity decayed growth quality of occurrent reproductive quality attachment quality tonicity wholeness broken disassembled whole calcified ossified cartilaginous edematous detached from sensitivity of a process membrane potential action potential electric potential monstrous curved rostral curved caudal curved dorsal curved ventral proportionality to decreased depth duplicated anteverted increased position decreased position retracted collapsed sloped prominent aplastic condensed senescent cellular motility heterochronic growth neotenous growth growth rate hypotrophic growth notched brood quality brood viability spherical tapered immature complexity separated from disrupted functionality functional non-functional punctate delaminated focus blurry cellular spatiotemporal quality behavioral quality of a process cellular adhesivity multi-colored motley dappled delayed phase flexibility flexible inflexible quality of a solid quality of a liquid increased sensitivity toward decreased sensitivity toward increased sensitivity of a process decreased sensitivity of a process has number of lacking processual parts having extra function having extra processual parts decreased mass increased mass extra or missing processual parts distributed undistributed having decreased processual parts dilated isometrical flow rate decreased pressure increased pressure increased permeability decreased permeability contractility increased contractility decreased contractility decreased variability increased variability conductivity variability of rate increased variability of rate decreased variability of rate overlap with curvature increased curvature decreased curvature arched depth increased depth everted protruding rotated posteriorly rotated anteriorly rotated distended increased life span decreased life span disheveled greasy matted patchy sparse variability of color increased variability of color decreased variability of color variant color deformed increased tonicity decreased tonicity turgor decreased turgor increased turgor atrophied decreased functionality increased functionality sufficiency insufficient aggregated dispersed anterior to posterior to stubby protruding into protruding out of circumference curved lateral increased resistance to decreased resistance to alignment aligned with misaligned with osmolarity decreased osmolarity increased osmolarity dorsally rotated ventrally rotated fragility attached to associated with increased susceptibility toward decreased susceptibility toward increased distribution decreased distribution cystic decreased efficiency inefficient efficient elevation increased elevation decreased elevation contractile non-contractile increased viscosity decreased viscosity increased fecundity decreased fecundity decreased photosensitivity increased photosensitivity regular sleep pattern mature behavioural inactive behavioural active 1-D extent 2-D extent 3-D extent perimeter increased perimeter decreased perimeter increased diameter decreased diameter solid configuration dissociated from radiation quality paedomorphic growth postdisplaced growth peramorphic growth accelerated growth predisplaced growth electrical conductivity granular increased age decreased age semi-fertile semi-lethal (sensu genetics) positional polarity semi-viable surrounding dorsal-ventral polarity increased flexibility decreased flexibility increased strength decreased strength dystrophic irregular thickness increased intensity decreased intensity bifurcated splayed split rotational curvature increased mass density domed decreased mass density multi-localised left side of right side of coiling increased coiling decreased coiling kinked ruffled water composition decreased water composition loose phototoxic scaly flaky sensitivity to irradiation decreased sensitivity to irradiation increased sensitivity to irradiation tight wrinkled fatigability increased fatigability decreased fatigability progressive atretic imperforate wetness wet dry increased wetness decreased wetness pseudohermaphrodite male pseudohermaphrodite female pseudohermaphrodite decreased female fertility increased female fertility increased male fertility decreased male fertility decreased fertility increased fertility congested decreased fluid flow increased fluid flow remittent intensity acidity decreased acidity increased acidity irregular rhythm tangled constricted asymmetrically curved abrased scarred swollen dislocated hydrocephalic vertical horizontal concave partially paralysed increased coordination decreased coordination fasciculated chronic spheroid autofluorescence pathological crescent-shaped cuboid cylindrical discoid triangular dumbbell-shaped sigmoid U-shaped arrow-shaped clavate hydrophilicity hydrophilic scalloped tripartite ovate phenotypic sex unlumenized lumenized increased circumference decreased circumference circling direction has normal numbers of parts of type movement quality multinucleate folded circling physiological state ictal mislocalised dorsally mislocalised ventrally mislocalised anteriorly mislocalised posteriorly mislocalised laterally mislocalised medially surface feature shape increased fluorescence decreased fluorescence blistered variability of shape variant shape obtuse spatulate rhomboid gigantic yellow orange furrowed pointleted blunt whorled decussate cuneate variability of size decreased variability of size increased variability of size defasciculated in contact with brochidodromous cuspidate serration angular attenuate saccular quadrangular sinuous cellularity multicellular organismal quality decreased amount conspicuousness lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lacks all parts of type has fewer parts of type has extra parts of type concavity 2-D shape convex 3-D shape concave 3-D shape branchiness looseness neoplastic coating fasciculation structure, cavities magnitude increased magnitude decreased magnitude aplastic growth conical apical-basal polarity anterior-posterior polarity non-progressive osmolality decreased osmolality increased osmolality upturned undivided ipsilateral to degeneration non-degenerate biconcave biconvex anterior-posterior diameter decreased anterior-posterior diameter increased anterior-posterior diameter trapezoid dendritic adaxial to mosaicism lateral and rotional curvature normal amount increased occurrence decreased occurrence dorso-ventrally flattened increased fragility decreased fragility increased area decreased area physical quality of a process columnar star shaped stratification stratified unstratified affinity increased affinity decreased affinity movement behavioral quality stacked hollow broken into two pieces partially broken altered number of bullet-shaped polycystic ballooning basophilic neoplastic, non-malignant neoplastic, malignant neoplastic, metastatic differentiated undifferentiated proliferative infiltrative inflammatory hemorrhagic poorly differentiated peripheral well differentiated moderately well differentiated perforate fatty multiple trabecular mixed laminar nodular osseous neoplastic, invasive fibrillary delayed closure irregular density bracket sloped downward ivory splayed ventral medially rotated laterally rotated partially dislocated bicornuate high-arched herniated into curved medial drooping premature closure herniated out of displaced to split medially split bilaterally misaligned towards misaligned away from deviation deviation towards the lateral side deviation towards the medial side mislocalised radially mislocalised proximally straight displaced molecular quality quality of a substance neonatal bulbous slender falciform fan-shaped V-shaped semicircular far from teardrop-shaped velocity fluid flow rate increased force decreased force degree of pigmentation pigmented unpigmented increased pigmentation decreased pigmentation antero-posteriorly flattened flattened grooved multicuspidate pointed adjacent to located in phosphorylation organization quality behavioural activity 3-D shape edge shape centered accumulation increased accumulation decreased accumulation mottled articulated with broadly articulated with biscupidate increased mobility decreased mobility increased branchiness decreased branchiness increased elasticity decreased elasticity aplastic/hypoplastic agenesis transient decreased cellular motility increased cellular motility tubular increased quality decreased quality decreased process quality decreased object quality increased process quality increased object quality parallelogram superelliptic temporal distribution quality offset quality onset quality angle increased angle to decreased angle to adhesive increased adhesivity decreased adhesivity ridged broad shortened inflated uninflated mislocalized adaxially fusiform generalized spade-shaped perpendicular to subdermal mineralized oriented towards decondensed collagenous extends to extends beyond transformed to increased velocity decreased velocity neoplastic, spontaneous poorly ossified anterolateral orientation lateral orientation medial orientation nucleated keratinous confluent with cancellous ring shaped episodic incomplete structure irregularly shaped disconnected absence due to degeneration process efficacy decreased efficacy increased efficacy prominence anterioralized dorsalized posterioralized ventralized obsolete f1 sterile obsolete relaxational quality