opam-version: "1.2" name: "frama-c" synopsis: "Platform dedicated to the analysis of source code written in C" version: "20181101" maintainer: "francois.bobot@cea.fr" authors: [ "Michele Alberti" "Thibaud Antignac" "Gergö Barany" "Patrick Baudin" "Lionel Blatter" "François Bobot" "Richard Bonichon" "Quentin Bouillaguet" "David Bühler" "Zakaria Chihani" "Loïc Correnson" "Julien Crétin" "Pascal Cuoq" "Zaynah Dargaye" "Jean-Christophe Filliâtre" "Philippe Herrmann" "Maxime Jacquemin" "Florent Kirchner" "Tristan Le Gall" "Jean-Christophe Léchenet" "Matthieu Lemerre" "David Maison" "Claude Marché" "André Maroneze" "Melody Méaulle" "Benjamin Monate" "Yannick Moy" "Anne Pacalet" "Valentin Perrelle" "Guillaume Petiot" "Virgile Prevosto" "Armand Puccetti" "Muriel Roger" "Julien Signoles" "Kostyantyn Vorobyov" "Boris Yakobowski" ] homepage: "http://frama-c.com/" license: "GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1" dev-repo: "https://github.com/Frama-C/Frama-C-snapshot.git#latest" doc: "http://frama-c.com/download/user-manual-18.0-Argon.pdf" bug-reports: "https://bts.frama-c.com/" tags: [ "deductive" "program verification" "formal specification" "automated theorem prover" "interactive theorem prover" "C" "plugins" "abstract interpretation" "slicing" "weakest precondition" "ACSL" "dataflow analysis" "runtime verification" ] build: [ ["autoconf"] {pinned} ["./configure" "--prefix" prefix "--disable-gui" { !conf-gtksourceview:installed | !conf-gnomecanvas:installed } "--mandir=%{man}%" ] [make "-j%{jobs}%"] ] install: [ [make "install"] ] remove: [ ["./configure" "--prefix" prefix "--disable-gui" { !conf-gtksourceview:installed | !conf-gnomecanvas:installed } ] [make "uninstall"] ["rm" "-rf" doc] ] build-doc: [ [make "-C" "doc" "download"] [make "-C" "doc" "install"] ] depends: [ "ocamlgraph" { >= "1.8.8" & < "1.9~" } "ocamlfind" # needed beyond build stage, used by -load-module "zarith" "conf-autoconf" { build } "lablgtk" { >= "2.18.2" } #for ocaml >= 4.02.1 "conf-gtksourceview" "conf-gnomecanvas" "alt-ergo" "conf-graphviz" { post } ] depopts: [ "yojson" { build } "coq" { build } "why3" { build } # "altgr-ergo" { build } no more an optional dependency since the tool is now included into "alt-ergo" package (> "1.30") "mlgmpidl" { build } "apron" { build } ] messages: [ "Yojson enables kernel option -json-compilation-database" { !yojson:installed } "Why3 can be used by the WP plug-in for running additional automatic solvers" { !why3:installed } "Coq can be used with the WP plug-in for proving interactively proof obligations" { !coq:installed } "Alt-Ergo Graphical Interface can be used by the WP plug-in" { !altgr-ergo:installed & alt-ergo <= "1.30" } "Note: the package altgr-ergo could prevent the installation of newer versions of Alt-Ergo" { !altgr-ergo:installed & alt-ergo <= "1.30" & ocaml >= "4.04.0" } "Note: the installed package altgr-ergo could prevent the installation of newer versions of Alt-Ergo" { altgr-ergo:installed & ocaml >= "4.04.0" } ] conflicts: [ "why3-base" { < "0.88" >= "1.0.0" } #for WP plug-in "coq" { < "8.4.6" } #for WP plug-in "lablgtk" { < "2.18.2" } #for ocaml >= 4.02.1 "frama-c-e-acsl" #avoid mixing old releases of E-ACSL, it is already #distributed with this version of Frama-C "frama-c-base" #avoid mixing old releases of Frama-C, now that only the #'frama-c' package exists ] available: [ ocaml-version >= "4.02.3" ]