opam-version: "2.0" synopsis: "A trustworthy parser for POSIX shell" description: """ Morbig is a parser for shell scripts written in the POSIX shell script language. It parses the scripts statically, that is without executing them, and constructs a concrete syntax tree for each of them. The concrete syntax trees are built using constructors according to the shell grammar of the POSIX standard. """ maintainer: "Nicolas Jeannerod " authors: [ "Yann RĂ©gis-Gianas " "Ralf Treinen " "Nicolas Jeannerod " ] license: "GPL-3.0-only" homepage: "https://github.com/colis-anr/morbig" bug-reports: "https://github.com/colis-anr/morbig/issues" dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/colis-anr/morbig.git" depends: [ "dune" {>= "2.5.0"} "menhir" {>= "20200211"} "ocaml" {>= "4.11"} "odoc" {with-doc} "ppx_deriving_yojson" "visitors" {>= "20200207"} "yojson" {>= "1.6.0"} "conf-jq" {with-test} ] build: [make "build"] run-test: [make "check"] url { src: "https://github.com/colis-anr/morbig/archive/v0.11.0.tar.gz" checksum: [ "md5=8829a7d682d7182c3d066b9ee42dec40" "sha512=ed3fc21e6e9840a1a11f57cc34e9cd7f767227281c5822dd324f4b583a6ed126a22c9b79f3b3cf7b0dbdf6ff9c065e2ca25984e56aff9bd7f6ca41ec393525f9" ] }