<# .SYNOPSIS Downloads and installs opam from binaries distributed on GitHub. .DESCRIPTION Script is able to perform either a per-machine or per-user installation of opam for any version of opam after 2.2.0~beta2. By default it will install the latest released version. .LINK See https://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html for further information. #> param ( # Install the latest alpha, beta or rc [switch]$Dev, # Install this specific version of opam instead of the latest [string]$Version = "2.2.1", # Specify the installation directory for the opam binary [string]$OpamBinDir = $null ) $DevVersion = "2.2.1" $IsAdmin = (New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator) $DefaultBinDir = If ($IsAdmin) {"$Env:ProgramFiles\opam\bin"} Else {"$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\opam\bin"} $SHA512s = @{ "opam-2.2.0-beta2-x86_64-windows.exe" = "74f034ccc30ef0b2041283ff125be2eab565d4019e79f946b515046c4c290a698266003445f38b91321a9ef931093651f861360906ff06c076c24d18657e2aaf"; "opam-2.2.0-beta3-x86_64-windows.exe" = "f09337d94e06cedb379c5bf45a50a79cf2b2e529d7c2bb9b35c8a56d40902ff8c7e3f4de9c75fb5c8dd8272b87b2a2645b14e40ef965376ef0d19afd923acf3b"; "opam-2.2.0-rc1-x86_64-windows.exe" = "f2ec830a5706c45cb56a96713e296ef756c3f2904ca15f7c2ad0442916a9585fa1de8070208f2a6bb3a84dc74b677f946f5bc386c8ed1489da802b1d66a5e094"; "opam-2.2.0-x86_64-windows.exe" = "171b679c192801f7ec783de4c51d614055cff167d521d31c543b6bed14d9eb3d37a808be4d83ff9acfd0fc1d7008e6582dce245836a51109fc0cb8456528c473"; "opam-2.2.1-x86_64-windows.exe" = "7a6dd3012e5553ab85337411d0a145c5d26ceff30687c5e91aaff81d9bd48bbf1852ae37ca8992d57435838a025557512e6ac6958fba7123bacd21d9a8aba31a"; } Function DownloadAndCheck { param ( [string]$OpamBinUrl, [string]$OpamBinTmpLoc, [string]$OpamBinName ) if (-not $SHA512s.ContainsKey($OpamBinName)) { throw "no sha" } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($OpamBinUrl, $OpamBinTmpLoc) $Hash = (Get-FileHash -Path $OpamBinTmpLoc -Algorithm SHA512).Hash if ($Hash -ne "$($SHA512s[$OpamBinName])") { throw "Checksum mismatch, a problem occurred during download." } } if (-not [System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { throw "opam requires a 64-bit version of Windows" } if ($Dev.IsPresent) { $Version = $DevVersion } $Tag = $Version.Replace("~", "-") $Arch = "x86_64" $OS = "windows" $OpamBinUrlBase = "https://github.com/ocaml/opam/releases/download/" $OpamBinName = "opam-$Tag-$Arch-$OS.exe" $OpamBinUrl = "$OpamBinUrlBase$Tag/$OpamBinName" $OpamBinTmpLoc = "$Env:TEMP\$OpamBinName" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $OpamBinTmpLoc -IsValid)) { throw "Failed to determine a temporary path for downloading opam" } Write-Host "## Downloading opam $Version for Windows on x86_64" $esc = [char]27 if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OpamBinDir)) { $OpamBinDir = Read-Host "## Where should it be installed? [$esc[1m$DefaultBinDir$esc[0m]" if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OpamBinDir)) { $OpamBinDir = $DefaultBinDir } } if (-not (Test-Path -Path $OpamBinDir -IsValid) -or $OpamBinDir -contains ';') { throw "Destination given for installation is not a valid path" } # Check existing opam binaries $AllOpam = Get-Command -All -Name opam -CommandType Application -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object -MemberName Source foreach($OneOpam in $AllOpam) { if ($OneOpam -ne "$OpamBinDir\opam.exe") { throw "We detected another opam binary installed at '$OneOpam'. To ensure problems won't occur later, please uninstall it or remove it from the PATH" } } DownloadAndCheck -OpamBinUrl $OpamBinUrl -OpamBinTmpLoc $OpamBinTmpLoc -OpamBinName $OpamBinName # Install the binary if (-not (Test-Path -Path $OpamBinDir -PathType Container)) { [void](New-Item -Force -Path $OpamBinDir -Type Directory) } [void](Move-Item -Force -Path $OpamBinTmpLoc -Destination "$OpamBinDir\opam.exe") # Add the newly installed binary to PATH for this and future sessions $EnvTarget = If ($IsAdmin) {'MACHINE'} Else {'USER'} foreach ($loc in $EnvTarget, 'PROCESS') { $PATH = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $loc) if (-not ($PATH -split ';' -contains $OpamBinDir)) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', "$OpamBinDir;$PATH", $loc) if ($loc -ne 'PROCESS') { Write-Host "## opam has added $OpamBinDir to the $loc PATH for future sessions" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Please use the Environment Variables editor in Control Panel to remove" Write-Host "this entry if you subsequently decide to remove opam from your system" Write-Host "(it can be started by running $esc[1mrundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables$esc[0m)" } } } Write-Host "## opam $Version installed to $OpamBinDir"